t ii ] 1'IC DAILY BI .L---CGUNClri BLUFFS , TIIURRllt11 , N ( V1t iGli 22 , 18tsd. I - LEE DAILY BEE. OUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Mornine , Nov. 22r SUnscnIrr1oN RATES D OITk - - - - - - - 20 ecnb per week Uy . Ycxr blol - - - - - - - - 810.00 per IOPPtE : No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Droadway. MINOR MENTION , See Joseph ltoitor's fall goods. Additional local on sos onth pngo , Cheap Railroad Tickets at Buslinc l'n. Straps for ladies' arm bags at Sen t11n11'A , Itobort Wade is to npponr hero Thankn giving night. Ton coopers wanted by Joseph Rosa , upper Broadway. Routombor the mail carriora dance next Wednesday ovoning. Itov , J. J. Lemon is to talk on f ° "Spiritualiam" next Saturday evening. Justice Vaughan JIM made Marvin White and Elizabeth A , Dykes husband and wifo. Notarial seals-Boat solid metal base $3,00 , Novelty Works , Fourteenth Btroot , Omaha , The now buildings on Main sLroot south of the court house are being pushed righUt long. A , TL Bennett arrested for getting drunk and alarming his wife , has had his case continued until Monday next , President Harris , of Rod Oak , has called a mooting of the state firomnn'a association to bo held in Des Moines , December 10. , The fuuoral of James Sadowaki , who was killed at the Union Pacific yards Monday , took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of Third avenue Mrs. Sadowaki , whose husband was killed by the cars Monday , and who is in $ a delicate condition herself , is reported as rallying faster than wan expected. The postoflico building is undergoing some minor itnprovemonts , but , by thesta way , isn't Council Bluffs to have its now government building pretty soon ? . The police have received notice to be on fo the lookout for a pair of mules stolen front Joe Smith in Andrew county , Mo. , and when mat hoard of headed far Conn cif Bluffs , 1' Marshal Jackson has been filing infer ] nations against the delinquent saloon keepers , and bringing them to time. The extra costs are about $4 for not paying for license promptly , Justice Abbott was yesterday busy in htoaring the case of David Rat'ilo ' , in a whose house it is claimed that some of the lumber stolen from the hail school 1 , building was found , There was n quiet 1 tlo wedding at the parlors of Kiol's hotel yesterday , the con ! i tractinfS parties being Mr. K , C. Mass and Mrs , Dora Hock , both of Silver I Crock , Justice Vaughan officiated. . The public library is growing. About 1 seventy lvo books wore added last month P and the directors are already talking of getting larger rooms , the number of vfei- tors being also on the increase , V A , G , Brown , an emPloYo of the gna company , while at work on Washington . avenue yesterday , was some way struck by a horse and received some severe in. juries , mainly to one of his loge. Isn't it about time that tire Union Pacific fulfilled some of the promises tondo when it got the city council to give up Union avenue ? Where are the iralf- hour trains , the double track , the troight s house , etc , ? $ , . 0. B , Birk and John Shiverly were arrested yesterday for disorderly cou t duct , in having the night before kicked over some bo a and oyster curs in front of Louio's roaTaurants and making night hideous generally. A number of the ladies who are inter. t Dated in the girls' sowing school , which i , meets every Saturday afternoon in the parlors of the Congregational church , ore preparing , to give the girls a big Thanks. I giving dinner , and the plait is receiving 11 liberal and hearty support. Elizabeth Whitney has commenced suit against the city claiming $5,000 damages , bocaueo of injuries received by falling on a defective sidewalk on Sov oath street , between the crook and a Mynstcr street , Her injuries wore a j , broken collar bono and some bruises , k + , . The board of trade is to hold a moot. .4 ing next Monday night , There should y : t ho a waking up of the business own and sw enthusiastic rally at these meetings. The least that the business men can d e is to spare enough Limo and thought t ° spend an evening occasionally in dIa cussing the interest of the city , D. L , Boyer lots commenced an action against the Wabash railroad , claimin g $360 damages , on account of Bono hay burned , as ho claims , by falling spark s from a passing locomotive. Ilia attor n os are Wright & Baldwin rather s. 1 1 unusual side of the case for them to take , i as the firm is generally retained by rat ! way companies , Bernard Cooper has conmorcod sui t against the Chicago , Milwaukee an td St. Paul company claiming $10,000 damages. 11 vaa on the employ of tit o road , and Nhdo on a Ilmldear between Noola and Underwood , another hnndes r rut into the one on which ho wse riding nod by the collision ho was injured : hi s jaw being broken and his ankle sprained There are a number of places o 1 Broadway where the etrcot railway corn e parry bmdug out the earth tilled in b y contractors , and charged up to the ad jaeont property , the compnny using tli dirt to GII its trucks and bring theta up to the grade. Over a year ago the quce Lion as to whether the company had t ° pay for raising its tracks , or whether the adjacent property had to pay , w as brought up in connection with the work on Main street , and City AttornoyW' yn n and Ge0rgo 1 , ! Bight the attorney o f tP r - n . w .TI. . . . .r.r . . . . . . - + . . .w. - . Limo company , woto to submit an agreed c ase , but nothing floe como of it. The Union Pacific owns the shoot rnilway suss , and as that company inn received s eine largo donations from the city , it seems as it in equity the contpanv should at least maintain its own tracks , but if not , it should not dig out tlwdlrtnlrendy filled in , and ! onto grant bolos in Broad slay , fA be filled up again. Thom are enough holes nlroady. The lecture to ho given this evening by Limo Rev. T , S , Mackay , rector of St , Isul's Episcopal church , will doubtless b e n ! rent , and Dohnny's hall should ho crowded. It need not be said that Mr. Dlnckoy is one of the finest public aponkers who over lived hero , and nddi ! foul ultorcat will ba added to the lee taro by its bong illustrated by n largo number of pictures thrown apmt canvas fi fteen toots onto by moans of Limo aloro o ticon , which will bo operated by Mr. Berko. Ono of the strong points urged for giv ing the Union Pacific n $10,000 nvmuto , was that ft would be so much more cou vanient for merchants to deliver freight a t the corner of Broadway told Union a venue than to ] mil it clear to the Ernus far , and persons wonting to cross from oleo city to iho other in n carriage could drivoolEo n "terry" car and go right , through , The "terry" cam do not run through , and limo only direct way iodrivo to or ( rota limo transfer tins bean gobbled u p. It looks as if iho Union Pacific was n little nbaont minded shout its promises so readily givon. Where are the freight. fa cilities , too ? Karson and Eniorson , the young men w hose cases have attracted' considerable attention hero , worn before Judge Aylca w orth yesterday. It will be remembered that ihoy wore arrested for stealing n ra ilway ticket from the Chicago and Rock Island office and that when arrested Kas. Bo il had a gold watch which had beau talon from Dire. HGrton's house whore ho had boon bonrdiug. It was shown that Emerson sold Limo , ticket , but that ha dill Po for Ktnesort and believed that it was all right. IIo was therefore dis ch rgcd , while Iiasson was hold under $3 00 hall t0 answer to the grand jury. On the charge of the lurcolsy of the watch , ho was also bound over , the bail be ing fired at $200 Being unnblc to fu rnish boil Ipaean went back to 'nib H o is taloned to prominent man in this sta te , but his fatally and friends loom to ha ve lost faith in lm and Been disposed no w t0 lot him s0 1119 way and look out r himaolt , The slowness of the city in replacing the bridges swept. away by iho floods of last spring , spooks very badly for the ou torptiso of the town. In almost any other city wider the sun , the damages do ne by such n flood would have been repaired at onto , avow if oatrpordittnry nroanures had to be resorted to. Every stranger visiting the city has before him this striking illustration of alto luck of of ontarpriso , nttd business , ton , is affected by it. For instance , there are hart tare as forgo and excellent flouring trills as can be taultd anywhere in this part of the country , but ( armors coin- pl ain that in bringing in grain , they cannot not conveniently visit more than one of th ese , the nbaowa of bridges forcing thorn to ] sake a roundabout journey in order to resell both. Farnnors gat the idea , naturally if not justly , that they are thus deprived of competition , and srhoth er this so or not , they want the privilege which ovary ono wont , , of gutting prices fr om more titan ono place , before buy- in g or culling. The mty cannot afford to lot public nnprovomouta drag slung. In m oney innttore the city is showing foot c growth but fu bridge matters tiara fa n bad lack of "zip. " An Unwrltteii Story , Lecture at Dohnny's Opera House , T hursday evening by Rev , ' 1' ' . J , Dlncltny , illustrated by oxyhydrogun etercopticor. A dmission only 25 come , Reserved eats GO coots. For sale at Bushnell aC Brackett' , , . .a home at Last , Tnn Ban , a few dnya ago , chronicled he foot of an old lady arriving hero from Grogan , in search of her son , Coorge L. . Dyer , and foiling to find hint , the old lady was cared for nt the benne of the iriondloss. It now appears that the old lady , who is so advanced in years that she 110.8 lost ranch use of her memory , was aunt through from Oregon , antd was to be mot hero by her aoii.in-iaw , Mr. J V , Bishop , of Spriugvillo , Ions , who w an to escort her to bar eon , who lives in D avenport. Dir. ] iiehop was taken ill , and was unable to come horn. IIo ne cordiugly telegraphed. to Mr. Jones , who ! funs hero , and who married a grand. daughter of the old lady. Jonoa was at the transfer when the old lady arrived , but as ha nor his srifa lord over soon h er , they missed her , and iho old lady wandered about tire city , while Jones telegrnphod Bishop that she hod not como. Tllero was coteidurublo ialo graplting done between Oregon and the Iowa rolhtivos and in the moantimu Limy old lady was easily , ca rid for hero in floe Noma for the friendless , Site being traced to this city , her son enmo of horn a nd has now taken the old lady to bin home in liavoti Tort , It is probably the Inst tti r the tooblo old lady will tnku until she goes to that home from which 1 no traveler returns. Sbo will doubtless spend her declining da s at her son's hone. If thorn had not seen such an in atientlon in Council Bluws as the home For the frlondloea the situation of the of lady hero mould indeed have blot pit ' fable , Out rates to all points at MoABistor's ticket olllco , 505 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Tllo following deeds were filed for record cord In the recorder's office , Nove ibo r 21 , reported for the Bee by P , J , Mc. Mahon , real estate agent : D , W. DlcCdttloy to Ilvnry Bolliar , , cis 0 and 10 , block 1 , Voorhis' add ; $1,000 , J , P , Caaidy to L , S. Hatoll , sw j , ne , township 10 , section 77 , range 93 ; $500 , S , F , Covolt to W S , Covalt , part to t 45 , original plat ; $200. County treasurer to Mary ltaum , par t an } , awl , township 25 , section 70 , range 44 ; $4,95 , Total sales $2,204.85. COOI'ERS WANTED , Joro h Rosa , on upper Broadway r 1 tot good cooitore at once. A MUDDY POOL It Is Difficult Jest Now to Sec the Dolloml More l'rcdluttonn of a hallway % Vnr. The railway talk in now mainly centered tered on the topic of the threatened with. drownl of tie Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul from the loess pooh The Chicago Tines Eonns tie nffnir n fiasco , and give , t he fallowing details and prediction ; The adjourned meeting of the Iowa T runk-Line association , which erns to ! once boon hold yratordny at Cmnmis eiouor Dlidgoly w o0ice , wag rendered un nesasry by the withdrawal of iho Dlil- u nukeo a ; St. Paul rand from the association ciation and. nit indoliuito poatponoutent is announced by the comlulaslonor. The situation does not loco its gravity , and all of the lines interested are golfing toady for a fight , Tim Burlington , hock IAlnnd , and Northwestern are all in oz cohort positions , not only to defend their Council Bluff , biomass , but also to nuke ft exceedingly whim for their cen potitor on St. Paul business Thu N orthwestern has an exclusive line direct to St. Paul , but the Burlington d hack Island witl have to work together over th e enmo lino. Each of the toads owns o ne-half interest in iho BurliugionCedar Rapids , C Northern , which runs direct. trout Burlington to St , Paul. Tim Rock Is land tharo has n [ urthor advantage in n traffic arrangement over the Albert Loa route , running from Liberty City teSt St , Paul If matters are not fixed up before the azpiratietl of the thirty days' ' notice , tim e Iowa pool will necossarllygo to pieces , an d in its downfall will be carted the Central and Northwcateru TrnOic nseo cintion , , These are merely traffic ngroo InotGl to maintain rates , and when the pool collapses there will ho no occasion lo ulnintain rote , in'tbeso aesociatione. The 5outhsvestoru Railway association can atlly be affected by mt extended war , it is thought. It oxlsted long before ml Io wa A890CIat1011 was dreamed of and has weathered several stormy season , among its northern neighbors , The cutting of rates to the Missouri river will naturally affect through western business , and the result of such a war as this promises to be would be n gonersl demoralization of great nulgnitudu. Some are inclined to regard the actions of the Milwaukee & St , PAUL as a more bluff , but the gall. oral fooling is tint serious business is in- te nded by the dissatisfied line , 0 TIIE NE\V DYEW OItKS. F. R. Hurlburt has opened , at No , 3.4 Pearl street , n steam dying and French dry cleaning works. Plumes and tips , velvata , silks , satins , gent's clothing , morchant'a shelf wont gouda , all undo as good as now. B USINESS BL 'hOlil + . 1'LEASUIiE. Ti m rlromml of Iowa are Invited to n Practical Consultation , Time following call for a meeting of the IOWA Firemen's aA90C1At10ri 18 unique , in that strikes at ono of the chief defects in the usual gatherings , that of too much sport and too little business : To the Firemen of Iowa : During our Juno mooting at Waterloo , many of the beat fireman aE the state e xpressed themselves as diseatisficd with the work of the association ; claiming t hat they were deriving no benefits from its meetings ; that the one itonjof speed was the only one receiving attention ; that the hundreds of other things , equal- ly as important , ware never mentioned. During the last two months we have re- eived many ! utter , from iirenan all over the state urging the culling of n mooting of the association , and otter duo consultation with iho board of control , have decided to call a mooting of the association at Des Moines , December 10 and 20 , 1883 , during which limo we desire to hold five nroutings ; One at 10 n , lit. ; one at 2 p. m. , and Duo at 730 ; p , in. the 10th , and one at 0:30 : a , nr , and ° p , ul , , the 20th. The meetings are designed for onrnoet , practical work. Junketing , eighbaeomg and speech-making pro do- si re to dolor until tournament time , in .luau. Think up rind note down every- th ing boforahand there will be of inter- o at and profit to your brother firemen. N o too of any kind will be required 1 front those 1lOW members of tl1U n3BUClA iior , 'I'hoso joiniug the association at this mooting well have no dues to pay at our J une mooting , Arrangements have boon made with the railroad companies to return dulo gates for mlo tlurd faro , making rowed trip equal two cotta per mile each way. Every fironan le invited to be present , For further information , address any ono of the present board of control. E. A , IIARIIIS , Press , Iowa Firemen's Association , Ilandsolno 1'Ieturo Cards , Messrs , 0 , B , Jacquomin & Co , , are distributing eomo of the handaemost stool pinto engraved picture cards pub liehod , 'Phu bettor part is the notice at- I nched by which they infonnjthu public of the reduction ill the price , of their goods , and as the holiday season is np preaching it will pay'sl ' ! to give thorn a call , - _ . _ . - _ Rev. Oliver Emerson diott on the 17tht foot , , at his hamu in Miles , Jackson coulttyoE Bri ht'e ' dieonaongod 71 years. 1o was the ploleer preacher of that euc ttonbavingcomo to Iowa as a missionary in 18.10 , preaching his first sermon iii Davenport , Broken henna and funeral expenses clay be avoided in ovary caeo of di ththo tin by using Dr1'houna Jdl'rica Couu- CII lilullir Iowa ) I IrOYelltll'e alll curs. Send for it at once. No phyalcimt required quired , SPECIAL NOTICES , No'r1UE.-eporhl ad vrtiscwcnta , such u Last , yound , To Lean , For solo , To ! lout , Want. , Uoan1. Ing , etc „ will be brrorud lu fhb column et the low nto of TEN CENTS I'Ell IdNE for iho Urot Inaertlon and FIVU Ci"tu 1'Elt LINIs for each euluwqucnt in. eertlon. Date adterbementa of our odla , No , 7 I'sul Street. near Ilroallw'gv WANTS , JANTBU-Etcry Ixwr > ntCnuudlUluaeto lake ) TIICUCL ncIIYerud by esrricrat only twenty c ents a weak , 1\TANTUD-A boy , wIUrtronytodellrerTuanra , B IGUAItOAIN-Anyonuwanting a set of John. D sons i ncy clu1 + e + lla eight toluwea , canget a Lay Bahr by pallbrg at Tux sea oaleu ADINET i'N01O5-83 by the dozen at the omeh atorgallery , le nahr e'reet , Couat 11 Ululta Dinner and dumna faro lath ways to Omaha cum tumrri ca omen 181 , and upwards _ RUBBERS I Our speech is abort , but to Limo point , dent Chicago discounts ovary day in th e year on Robber Boots Shoes AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY in Limo market. They nro made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE Coe We have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots nail Shoes fn all sizes , randy to ship on receipt of orders. LG 77 a 7 Or second quality Boots we nro introlncinu are bettor Lhnu tunny so-called first quality , and we give a largo EXTRA discount on thorn , za Ta LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Counoil 131ufs , Iowa. f YNE & 'PA.L1 ER DEALEi1s IN Hard and Soft Coal , H ULK 'AND DA1nllL : LIME , LOUISVILLE AND 1'01iTTAND 0J:3lENT : , 3fICI1l0AN PLASTER , nAt R AND SEWER PPE. , N o , 679 Droadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SMITH & TOLLER , 1 a . , I 1 ICI 1 , ' . 4 1 e t , + D w ' 1 O ° 1 f'e K - - - - H .01 w Merchant Tailors. ) 7 and 9 Main Street , I ZR C7TORY , 70VNgIL L4TZ' > L'A , Zd , . JOHN W BAIRD ATTOIINEY AT LAW. MANAGEII OF 1'OTTAWATTA3liK COUN . , TV COLLECTION AGENCY. Utmco corner Droadway and baln street. JOHN BENO & CO GENERAL 3IERCIIANDi9E. , t 18lgin street and 17I'earl , treat. MAX MOHN , CIIESTO't hotel I , 217 and 210 btoln , treat , DR , , F , WHITE , Carney 3faln and Fifth up etatrs. OFFICE Rostdence , , 809 willow avenue. N , SO IIURZ , Olmco ator American Exp ess. S S. WAGNER LiVERYAND FEED , , , will contract tor funorala at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M , S tP , JOHN & COeCASH BUYERS , lvh lo ! butter Nit. Ship eggs , taus. poll. Draftby return malt. 146 Brollwav. JACOB LOCH SIERCJIANT TAILOR , , Black Complete. Suits mode at reaemrsble ptlces No , 606 3faln 8t. G F S M ITH CONTIIAOToa AND BUILDER , , . , Garner 7th and Droadway. Plans and epoclacatlane furnlehed , W VP SHERMAN DEALER IN FINEhARNFSS. , , 1 have the vnrety that brings pxtronago. 124 Moan etreot. b1ERCIIANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY , AdlstlotYorkandreasonable charga5. 872 Broadway. HOWE SON FURNITURE STOVES , , SuppllciFURNITURE and Dousehold Suppllci ep9 Broadway , LINDT BART AT7'ORNBYS AT LAW , , James Block Pmctlce In state and federal courts. t SANITARIUM Add bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. 4 8orarclgn , Prop. P. J. Mont. gomery , Df. D. Physician. JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE , EDWIN J ABBOTT , , Notary Public and General Cenveynnoor. Olt Broadway. SMITH k NORTON , REVERE HOUSE r , Drnsdwnv nnp lte New Opera house. ( leaned $1 , $1.50 war v HAIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS , Sold a e owes rice IN TIIE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED , At MRS. D , A. BENEDICT , 3371V. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Iimbll ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) VIONEY TO f Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in ( ho Comity. Model Steam aun , dry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , N , A , CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietar , has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee goo d w ork , Please give ale n trial. PREMIUM POPTAITS -Z1 T- 1 Cololls f , Solar Camera Enlnrgement for the trade at reasonable rates , Orders oy moil promptly filled , C. D , Lt1It'OCi ' { , 143 Broadway. Council Bluffs , . GROSVENOR & GUNK MANUFACTIJRERS OF 9 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa , LANSU ( On City and Farm Property. F7 CO. . I1 „ j . , 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Town , 11111 r u hJI4S tPavr'ns ' Our line of Stoves is the moss complete in no city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Lato3t Improvements I We have hammered the prices down na thin as they will stand without breaking , and you are invited to call mid 8u0 h(11Y thick t1lU atOl'l'6 are 111 comparison. PECML DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , eligllily tarnished , at a reduction of $5.00 each. DIT' T X.a 'wRZGt wr , 504 Broaawa } and 10 and 12 Maul Sf „ Council Bluffs. , a 1 l f _ f _ r Empsu e Hardware Co ; q' , , P,1 } 1 1 t ' a I'f i Hnrdwaro , E1 , type G , to , . . ' 1 / j 1A y Il ' 100 and 111 S , 1lmu Strout , L , b f COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , v : I % ® c 11EL A..lL ] ri p , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , C4P BUCI GLOVES , 342 and 314 Broadway , . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS Bought tt > 1e 15o1d. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished 1" O' . MoMd 3ZON No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , BUCKEYE FEED GRINDER - - , > c WILL SHELL AND GRIND AT TEE SAME TIME A complete Horse Power. The best Feed bill in existence. Costs but little more than a common grinder. Write for circ'Jlars to SHUGART , WAITS & WIES , Council Bluffs , Iowa , General Agents for leVestern Iowa and Nebraska , ' , i MRS. D. A. BENEDICT i DEALER IN a Lathes' Pu1'lli1li11g 1 NOTIONS . , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W. Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA M. CALLACHER. - ' ' t c 'y } e Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. "Y { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LO1CatBfBID AY. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers . 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; NI ! BEUIITELE'S European I The only only hotel run on the European plan in this city. Now building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BEW1 TELE ! PROPRIETOR , Nos , 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , PAWNBROKER 3 a3 SALE OZ' Unredeemed Goods. CREAT ARCAU1S In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in Indies' and gents' solid ( ; old and and silver watches and chains , and a full litre of sot and plain gold rings , 0 man's and ! )0 ) boy's overcoats. All these articles must 1 > 0 , old. Money lank ml ALL KINDS of porsollll property. D. GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite city building. Council BluO's , - ] N- WARE 1 , 1 Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc , , cull on , S. HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St , , Council Bluffs. w. Rc VAUCHAW. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , heal estate and eollocttona rency , n Odd Fellowre lock , over saviors Bank , Jan9i/ ' JACOD Sills. E. I'CADWELL , SIMS do CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA OMco , Malt , Street , poems 1 and shngatt & SIo 3lallou's Uluck , Will practice in State and edr 4 courts DR. C.1N.PANGLE . , . . 1 ItEAD1 R O1' MAN ! ilmuenyears''ogrcrleneo. Eclectic , 3tagneliopnd lierbalbt 1'hyatcian , hooter of the loiluwlnr db eases : Catarrh , Nervous PebWty , 3lculal Ucpresi Ion , Apoplexy , Fits , Iseav of 3fanlioess Cancers Removed with outthe Knife , Drop- By Cured Without Tapping , Liver Complaint , hidsi y e , noiaint , lrutetes , Itheu mattm , t'aralysta , White Swclliug , Erysipelas , St , Yttur Dauce. Woman and liar Diseases Treated With the happiest Results. Special attcntiou giien to primate and venereal dblases Located NualOllroadway , Room 9 , ( up. stain ) , Council Ubdis. Iowa , A Correct Diagnosis Given Iwithont any Explanation from the Patient. ti'Comuttattoa tree at okec 11105. OrriCaa , Ii. Y. rrur , OFFICER & PUSE ALYKERS. , Council UIuSs Is. , Establishea - - 1858 Dealenti Foreign and Dowestic Exehauge and liou.e Seeuhee Re Rice a i1e or other tumors removal withouttho CANCERS 1 knife or drawing of blood , .a tr' ' CHRONIC DISEASES knlb , a epeciaity. Over thirty years practral eaperence. Otaco No , e Pearl rtreet , Council Uluns , t JrCnonltatlmr free PILES. piles and Falling of the Rectum for radical andpenrsneot cure , , u 110111 two to four weeks. Operations palulcs. Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty , DR. A. J. COOK , + 11 dtw item Counci Muffs , owa Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter Fupply of Missouri Hard Woos. ! AND iJARU AND 801T -WIT"- I , OYERTON , 505 First Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iowa , And securu the best article aril full measure at the very looetprce. Stotuwood dellteredtoanypar of thaotty JOS1vP1I GAGN GA1 ' . HERD 'WOOD AND --COAL-- - - - - Corner ham n atrettand Eighth atenuo , Camel Ilium : . . trrl.uxeet rates and prompt dcllvery. Mi's ' H J Hilton M D , , , , , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 432 Broadway , CaunoU B1afa , l