Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    , TBE DAILY 13LE-OM1it1ATIIUItSllAY. NOVEIZBEIi , 22 , 1883. 11 '
fl T8 ) o ) Sin Is I3AD.
13AD in ifs c ctls on the disfiosifiat.
The man who can't comfortably
digest hisdinner is not a delightful
JIAD in ils c eels on the housei olfi
Itsetspeople at variancewitheach
other and makes them irregular
anti unreasonable.
BAD ira ifs e/ccfs on the fncrsc.
A dyspeptic business man can't
manage hsafl ) rs as 1 Iros I ) crousl Y
as one with a healthy stomach.
Brown's Iron Bitters Is GOOD.
GOOD in ils cfccis on fhc d's/irc. '
It gives him a sound t igestian ,
an enables him to enjoy the food
he swallows.
GOOD in ifs cfccls on fl c family.
It drives dyspepsia out , and with
it the whole company of little dc.
mons that make home unhappy.
GOOD in ils c ccfs on i usblcss ,
With a sown digestion a man can
Lace and overcome worries and
troubles which would wreck a dys
Try Ba0WN's ' InoN Brrrtns :
Eealt h is Wealth
niay arlAltt
, CWt' S '
Dr , E. 0. We + t e Nerve and 'IIraln Tremont ,
yneronrodepacio ! for Iiyttorie , Dlulnnu'Oonvnl
shine , Fiti , Nervotu Neunlgla , Venancio , } orvom
Prostration causel bx the tun of alcohol or tobtooo ,
WakefulnceA llcntal DeprceMon , enftcning of tar
Drain , rcruiting In lnsanlty and leading to mitory ,
decay and doMb , Premturo Old Ago , IIarrenneae
I Wee of power In either sex , lnYoluntArp Loaw
1 8parmMorrhmn mused by uvor exertlone 7f
brimelt abuaeorover Iodu1 once Each
tune one mnnth'e treatment. @ 1,00 o box , or
, boxes for @b,00. ont by mall prepaid on rooclpl
pnO 6
To etne any mac. With each order rocelved by °
for t1 b4ixc ecoompanled with @ 9.00 , wowilloend th
. stwrlnroguamntaeWrefundthomone p
18a ti ti 4 IItlttrnotafect a cure. Ouarantet a
fuedonly ny 0. F , GOODMAN
mkewi Drur lit Omaha Nab
1ln.1VI7 I
This remedy being lnlectod dlroctlp to the scat
fho dlecaao , rfx1ulrcr no than o of diet or naueoue
mcrourlal or , tobo taken Intom
soy. When racl ae a provmtlva , by either eox , It I e
impossible to contract anp private dtsoaeo ; but In th °
eueof those alroodyunfortunately aRlctodwoguar (
intce three boua to curd , or w'o will refund th
m00oy. Price by mall , poetago paid , 82 per Los , o ,
( brae bozos for $5. n . .
noel by elf authorized agcntr.
Dr.FelixLeBrun&C Q
R F. Ooodmw , Druggist , 8ole Agent , for Omah a
Nab , m&o wit'
J 9TUa aAIx1N N5ALN , alu. atox. e60.
Tun rtlad , Brno , Ace hu'ludr
24011 . , . FANMFf'O OOALE $
Thu .q , I l . GI
: VU OTIIfllt alr + l& Il.dne.d l'Illt11 LIAT VLIC
i ar8T 1 unux nano tOR s.i ir , 5lana , tr
d lb. ,41I W Brad IU tor'ruola. as a
brain bare aai 1..A . , e , a.nt e11 ) .L , .
Dlowera. , IVaa. Vlraa . 01her Armcl
. , a AT Wt l ItU'g8 , tYIWLaaLLx a 101U
It MEOPAT flio "
r { s ECI
HORSEB.CATT . , f 1I iDOGS.11008 i
pumjin yiti' IoM
alhicVclerlnarp 8prclflce i 1 b
rarmcrs , Rtock JJre'dare L vrrv Ntnblenn
furrmrn , hone Itnllroni. ! itrtadarturare
Coal Mlno Compnnles , I'rny a Illnpodrnm
end Menalgerke. and othcra tu1IU1U eta !
v1Ih perfect iulxrxe.
Ilumpllreye' Vcterlnnry Manuel. (1. P 1'
sent rrro by , nnli on recclpt of price , m some
pIrPnmphIeta ecnL free tntappllmtlnn
109 Vultou Strcct , Ncw Yortt.
Vital Weakncre and Pro '
BUMPHfli trntton trout ovcr woik 'r
lndlscreUon , UflM EDPAT P ie rndlcatl
etndpromptp F4 curedbyl
IkanInuio3aycan le tae mateuauae , pECI o 2 8
fulremMykaown. Pr roelpervaor , vfalaan
large vial or powder for $ S..rnt puit frau on
' t
21Iu.caiwoauutr , .
t I ssm r a
, .
i I m.3 as "
All the. , .1. . tree , , iRU.I , ur.Ibtreiutu i
t _ .i. bia.rrM , I.whldrd , phydc.f r dr.In.J , and iu.bli
perferw Ilru. . . , .
dqtiro pr.I.dr nu IN eal.lay u4 'vta
wetly ev.d , oltR.t Wnirzh , . , .
onlunnndot.rl b declo
ali4t.n.n4 it. ateo Tie M.Ucal IruiIv.ri , ITbt mf
IiicO..tlnr krvaa.n.hllll 1 h I , ulbocnT .ti
whop , . III el.IIWI . , ' .
{ YMf.NtMbr 1 % iN IIII.Ux h.
hipeleuca. . . n.urnl.r rownlbm i. run ind
race rinllueJ , blepIt , triil. , , .Lirt. "
tertr .ibl , PeuIr.l.e , phpAi { n. .
t''P'nt ' ' II , m u. . n
r ' I 4tr. l
3 ' .7
'r . d d
t . ;
7J1 , 1 ra'l ill '
I be + I' I
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+ e
irl Lrir
' j. .
S't' ' t'
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p 1 , .p
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' '
+ !
, )
11 I
you ALL
House Cleaning PurpoBos.
Il'1NDOWS , La.
- Ole AL1 , lUND9 ;
1Vyonting ,
Tao 1 cglelnbtro moots on rho eta of .Tnn
unrq ,
' rho diatdct tellVrnph has renclrod Chop
IVynming ie ( till of note railroad and mining
schemes ,
The town ° f Buffalo has ono dozen naloone
and no dmrdra + ,
The IVynming Moat Co'e , packing houses
arc randy fur lnuincee.
The now Gmgro + gatinnnl church at Choy
nano sill m + t 91G,0/0 , ( / without trluuningn.
A street railway ccmpany Iran boon organ
izoll at Chayouneu Ith a capital of 8150,000.
' fits tang printers of Cheyenne will give n
mruked hall on the avmdng of Thnnkeglving.
Cheyenne azwctA ] to secure a revenue of
; L6,000 ( coin 111' ' avatar works iha present your.
A twenty nuro deoxit ] of anlphato of sad n
JIM beau Laken up iii the old ] 'art Cooper
region ,
T he Laramie Electric Light , I'awor and
gleam heating Co „ in the latest baby cur ,
] t scams to bo the dotertninntlon of the
Nortlwrn Pacific to bnlld tlw llnranlofinrtl i
[ 'ark rand thin aviator , In unlur to Apcodll
Dijo n up the lArga coal fields ! n the perk , ram
hand off tau Burlington company , which
xoem + to have tloaigne uu the - [
A pmweition ] ha + been rondo to the imrn
info county commsiealonore whereat the Unwt h
1'adfio p1eJgoe IGolf , to erect a doper at Choy '
onn ° that will ast $30,000 and to build ( II IC
milc + of road during plo onnutn R
poor. ThoploJgc + nronmdonnd the bullJiu R
will be Jmro lit cmlAldcrntlon of the fieunuc
to t he rood of the bands od $100,000 that th u
pearl furfcitod by runenn of tire unn bnlldiu g
of the Northern mad before the first of Nu
t ombar ,
A well hex been sunk at the Warren reecho /
five miles xoethonat uE Otto , mid about four.
Icon idles from Choyenno. Ata depth of 18 7
tent , thlrtp tsvu feet of water was obtained '
Thu dintnatur v [ the well ix four ( nchex , and
wind mill will h ° nand t , hoist the water. II
xhaduq the wall rho drill etnck n ' 'vein" u t
cha rcoal tiutt wtu , two tout thick. The char
coral wait capped by n cement ruck and fa o ! °
goes quality.
Yaukton 1lne 1,11'1 achool children.
The. lTnamlc tmnplo ntSloux , 1'ullx Is non r
ing cumplotiml.
Black legis carrying off cattle 1n the vicinl
ty u [ Altautont ,
R'Iloat sells for 82 cent + at Fargo and 7 G
cout. + at Jamcetutvu ,
' rite oloctria light machinery hag nls a
poached Deadwood.
' rho bnlhllug season at Iliamnrck wntinu oe
righe along dexpita the cold weather.
1)nknta fnrnore got eight dollars per tint fv
bufLdu beans and are gathering largo utnuun
of them.
' The military tolegrnph liana botsvomt Ter
Sully and Doudwuvd will lua reopened at at
early dap.
Tarr townahlpe have boon purchaeod non r
CnrringGm for n colony to be located flop °
ne xt xpring ,
Mitchell give + a block of Tote and $2,000 a +
n bonox far tau erection of a ] 00 barrel a du y
9vudug milk
Codineton county f ° rmcra have onjnycl n
bnuutihd harvest , tau yield ( rum n quarto r
eocton [ nveragleg 4,000 hualncls ,
It is estimated that there are between , i00 ,
000 and 800,000 cnttlu oil the Black ] lili S
coigns and nut leas thin 35,000 hnrsoa.
The Fargo Southern has just received it s
firatmnglnn. While genii weather hots th u
cungnuny aspect ju lay two miles of trod uk
each say ,
Crow Dog who oecapoa from the Tondwov d
jell and wan i w ulor sentence of death l S
said to bu out uu n hunt with n band of Sri s
own people
Peter Dlckenn , a prneporous farmer o f
Burws county , hen fallen hair to about 5'10 ,
by the death of nu uncle m Scotland , and h
gone across the ocean to claim it.
Thu I.Ixbon gold excitement love subside d
sumowhut , but tire gold pincers ao thorn u n
quostlonnhly , 'l9wro is still n qucAtlun as to
tau rfchuoss of the gull bcnrfaq north and th fa
b to be totted nndeettled this winter ,
arogldfngbetween ( l'iorro and the ] 11ac k
] BRs ! n mun ° active aurinK the present moat I
then at any then bofurothlssoaeou , the rvngv
trails forming n proconslon which axteualfrut :
rho Dlisenurt river to the foot hills ,
The Chlcinnatt exponitiunawardod to aoutl
am Dakota the veld medal fur the finrat dI Hn H :
plop o [ agricultural , ItducG + . Yankton cou n ,
ty'a chief contribution to the alslny ] war e
throe loaves of tobacco which are sold to hat' o
ozcolloa to Nlzo and quality avorythinq ova r
beheld in tips tobacco line by iavcrybody t n
J , If , Graham , editor of the Dakota Cit y
A rgue , committed sulcW u rocoatlg. Ilb o z ,
plulnea the amiss in the following paragrnp ] n
otldetarowoll letter "This la my Isar du y
spun mirth , tor I hnso madu up buy maul the t
I will by far more useful to mother earth b y
ucuupying Nlx by two tout uudarnoatlh hit r
allACO than if I rtnualn n pernmbnlatG tg
drunkard vu Gp , "
Colurutin ,
There ix not n vrtcuut raeldanLa In either 1)i
rnugu or Mlinuw City ,
The tWiOII8otl valuation of
Colorado for ti to
poor 1883 la $ Ih,000UOD. )
"Don" lidqga has opened n fly bunko dl YD
near the Uuluu duput , llatvor.
The oil craze has xclzed llvnvor. Cvnatn rat
oxcltrmont + urn nuLeexury to hnup the pro 1's '
u nder t110 Lout , .
The tut d ehplnonts ( of charcoal , lumber al Id
t hither irour'J'unuoxxoo pass are usthnatod tit
110 cam tier awntiL
I'ltkln tuns paver in a mars hoalthhd coed t
flan time at prvlunt , liuahnces of ell khula is
gtwd , while the output of tau miens ss t4A nuv or
Aulreat ,
Thu Standloy nrtoalnn well near Coldon IN
sown 3W feet. The drill la paexin them , gh
nn huwcnso dcuoilt of lira cloy , Il iturcum oA
t o witldu 100 tout vE the aurtucu.
An nnthraclto coal vain , eighteen Inch 013
filch , boa heel attack within tun mflcs ut
] luounVlsta , ' 1'hocoal ia
o unl , nppurontl y ,
hl quality to 11fu Lunt Crested ] lotto coal ,
littyftvo private rexidoncoa , outny of the , a
very fine Anus , have been oractod in Dural gu
dudug tau pest euahun , nod eovural others a ro
g oing rot tut ntpldly tie the nark amt be del te ,
Iolta county has already three Nurghu m
mltla , and tlw cultlvntiuu of rho coin nod itA
cxlverilun trltu syrup ' ) to become n
1rnJing pod profitable Industry la that port ut
t he state
Several prominent reeidenta
of Durango are
m aturing n achento to pmxpvct for pnbnlm nn
i n the Hurons talley , near Dnnmgo. lho ell
indicutlonN era avid to bognltu a + prontldur as
at Conan City.
A now evedicate of mineblOrutore is hoi ug
formed ( u Ylrcckouridgu with
u also to land ° g
and working propartlw w hlchnru known to r
vuluablobuthunlmine cauro are not 1x 1
worked. Thuy are now nrguttatlng for a pro to
Idng property wblclh two yours ago was a v at.
uabie nldppcr but rust' life
Custer couatyb uxnrsentant ffwt.x rap $4,91 7 ,
There are seventy patients In the terrlty rJnl
Twenty thousand Mnerican dllzens ha M en.
roan hay prvpcrty taxes ,
Mlas Iiffy Corann the ITenghrr coo my
shepherdess , in celled the Sheep Queen ,
Thu Fluthrna ] ndlms are nplwied to tl rely
removal t the ' ' '
° 1'obnao 1'lalns country.
Hen 1llver t allay dnime an average ytol d of
four bundraa burhrla , of p"tatuv + per acre ,
heudquarterof thu } eoue la Gist b the
1 1 and tatty of f tin , trr
ritory ,
'fhrre nro ( n Ifelena fartvfuur aao one
wllrhnay county Ilceubes
eggrcgatintic A'
; '
terhy 82.1I ( .
The ] 'irran Tndinns in ltfontana have c MI
plrtely ( nllyd as farnen , and tire in a wru td
racnJltG'n. '
Ruwrintemdaeit ] Slrmnnra , of the Comet , rr
gatinual camp ) In Dekrtu anti Dluntana It
vrguprh'g ( ' u church in Glendivo ,
A lienvrilraed wuutt' grail crop n ! IG , ( i6 !
biahele frog tlueahod at the rate of 400 bus hub
per hoer. The boat tlay'e run wee 3,200 ,
bushels ,
] ! is nnld the pnq roll n ( the a n o
d fia from its western rennin Iona
smmmts to over S 100,000 per month ,
Two Wlmisand Chinnmon are AAIa to ho at
work between llolonn and Afleaenln ( rnprov
lag the road bed of the Northern 1'acifia
T he oralration travel to Montana and the
westbn + became so popular that rho Nnrtharn
Pa cific hna boon compelled to enlarge its
equipment for that class of travel.
Track laying on the Iiolona anti Jefferson
Cnnnty rnllrvul to progressing fnrorablq.
fla ils ore dawn ft far amdh no Clancy , and the
work to advancing at tile rata of one silo lwr
lilies City , the medal town of Montane ,
now rant oho IruL : hod n dozen of her saloons
licked tip by the firoy lianas , wants n Young
ifeu'n Christian aanouatimr { organized to our
pan + nro for their hoes.
The erection nf the unA + engor depot n0 ( tar-
neo n has cammeuccd and strorkisbeing pnihod
along rapidly. Large qusuttiea ] ut matorlnl
-dnwber , calla , etc , are being forwarded
over rho U , k N , dully.
The mein building of Ute Anaconda cam '
puny at the smelter alto is 393 foot in length ,
and ha + throe largo stacks. Cutnparod to 1
Im mense proIxvtlnnA , tau largest Atruchtros i n
Iuntnnasink ( lnGtnaigtdficatco ,
T he shipment. of beef from the Yollosvston e
val ley has nvoraltcd 75 cat-loads per day to r
the pant Aiz wank + , and the tnllrontl company
are taxed to their utmost to fnrdeh cure t °
supply Limo increasing demand.
Mr. Oakes , vice.presldent of the Northo r"
Pa cific railroad , thinks thorn would ho pro dii
Oculty in raising n quarter of n million doll
( e New York for the pnrpeao of erecting a
sm elter in St , Paul to rohtco Montana arcs ,
Tim Granite Mouutnhl mite near thooldes t
I tHlo artz croup in Iautaln , 1'hhlpeburg , is nl 1
t rage jest now , having anda , the luost lu
h1 aniline aver Ahosvu rap lu rho territory.
ran of 010 Gins of era hw prUlhlCCll bullion tl
Nw value of 8125,000 , nod since the lot ° f
Juno $1011,000 ts nrth hex boon extracted free t
1,610 , GnN ut are , or nearly $100 to the ton ,
The arteeluc well fever seems to he all tlh 0
rage ou ! ho Cmmdlnn Pacific as well Haon tin °
Northern 1'ncilie rood , An R00 feat well nro l
n LDO foot rocs have been bored near liodlciu
Iat , but without meeting rho aqueous flub
In any quarltlty. A tounfeot vehr ut con ]
was struck iii one tvoll at n depth of 252 feat
It Is anla to be rho linnet anal yet round ht th a
California ,
T11e Los Angeles cotton mill is tq try crud °
putruleum oil furfuoh
The Control 1'ncifio has AOttiOa ( L + taxes ii
Sh asta county for 91(1,014,01 ( and elevate
rowdy warrants nmazinglp.
Work on rile prowsed ] cotton mills in Ias t
Onlglnnd will not begin until spring. Tin
amnchhrory has been ordered.
'Pao number of through passengers over ! h ©
Ce ntral l'acifiorailroad furthomouth bofUcG ,
bar Inat woe 10,507 , ut whom 8,653 , want ogw t
pits a it l1'w'OAt.
The Control II'acffa railroad company ha +
paid the 9300uuD , compromise taxes over tl
dun lnmuin ] county , nod that amount lex s
S7fi,000 paid to rho ] awyore , fe now ht th o
county treasury ,
The rival Chinese societies of Sacramen
and n bloody fight rho ether day resulting it
killing two nod wounding several. ( loth fan
floes were tally united and ours papler ranch °
hohuotx and lung protecWre.
National City is the most southweeterl
town in the United States , It is situated u
Sun 1)irgu hay , nod hex one of tau moat ro
marknbin climates ht the world , nlferinv over y
indncmnont to Invalids tvithits equability an d
dr yness.
The Bonanza IIng enino , in San Bornardin
county , has GlMted out Ihl + your up to dot u
$512,0(111 ( Iii bullion , and it is expected that th °
uutpnt far thin year will ranch 8700,000. Tai a
la nwoudorful prahtct with a tau atanlp dry
cru shing null.
'l'ance Is a marked lnllingaQ ; in both the pr °
anctrnt { of and dclnatd fur qnckaflvor { on th
auaah A tow years nqv , whoa the gold nn t l
silver mhos were producing aztauaivaly , tier n
wax n heavy dmunnd fur the article , but th o
fe lling vIT to the mining business hwnnturall : y
lossollofl the cell for quinhsllvor. It i + Rui a
th at there is fully 530,000,000 , capital rope °
snares In rho quicksilver mines In this Stnt ° '
Corlstookminers are socking employnto rat
( a rho miens of Utah ,
} Vhont to enma of the snuthorn counties ° f
the territory is soiling at 60 costa n hookah
One of the antall nines or Tintfo has take n
out 9100W0 worth aE high grade ore this men
The Interest ht the flowing wells still coo ,
tinueA and nlnrgn mm bor tvlll ho souk thl s
tvitttor in Salt Lake Yulloy ,
Curdolln Stoker Lrolobratatl her 1000h blrtt t
day in Southern Utah , n few days since. Sit o
was surrounded by 60 nieces and nephews nn d
numburaa her descendants at 212.
The output of bullion in Utah this year wl
ha about 91,000OW1'more taint for 1885 , A
larger number nf uduax have been tvorkln
and the outlook far the coining year 1s mar e
oncuurugingthnnovorbefaro ,
The charter granting tic li ajor ] irb and h is
asxrwlntua rho right to cmnatMtct and operate isn
cable tramway on Tribune avoalo passed tl l 0
city council Init night without a dlssontin
yutco. The cabin coal ought to be n gro rat
cenvonlouco and n great success , and its it , ,
trnductlmr will bu one more advance lairds h y
Salt ] .aka City.
Now Mexico.
'Cho fnunaatiuu of the publlu hall at IVlii t °
UukN is enugdatad ,
According Gl old liaalaau pmgrlnsUcntur x ,
t he cooling winter will be n Novoro into.
The proiitA of rho Ltdiau solo tradaraldp ii t
Sat Carlos are sntd to be 550,000 u year.
All the Incline xeoute in the territory hat 'e
loon aixcharqua , and no nivro will bu waietc d , ,
] tnnohuleu rot the Glln
am digging wells t : n
WINfr ranges , and urn procuring at abmtaan 00
of water ,
Another rich ) bias been
pfckat struck in ti 1 °
Old Iuu mine , Grout county , The nth er
s trike yiudod ] $10,000.
Sams very line i"chnons of native coPp or
h ave lately boon dckod rap over the mouth of
' '
'urGlitn canon , ugal muuntnhl ,
, Too Fowler , tan well hnoun tatclnnan of (
$ nOtlrMl county avid bx { cattle null much pro
arty the other ftiay for nluvut 830,000.
fl rich airlko of galena ore has boon inn ao
by Alhuquunrue ] parties at Lcrdllus , Thu °
is rich in dh ur and the pnrhturs have a re nl
Albuquerque capital to doing n great de nl
Gnvnrd developing the Gulden moles , II ur
In , ! atop dlgSings aria anoug the must vnlunb l0
rho territory ,
The Uultoll Illtlore of NasvDioxicv
, an nee °
e lation orgadxad ht Santa Ito in , hdy last , h
agctG + at work pu.hing its eubarliuata clu Le
i ii every county hh rho turlitory ,
I111srollanrous ,
Thorn were 17GG0 tuns at caul aldppoa it om
Seattle , \V. T „ durhlg QcWber ,
Four hundred and dxtyonu ngdla arts na
t he publloaclrnols at IVullu 11'ullalV'r ,
] ! very child horn at Caldwell , I. 'J' , D O
tweet May 16th and Juno 111 , 1884 , will Dbe
given a town lot.
The 1Voinan suffrage lull ! lies passed be th
hmisca vt rho LeglAluturo of WnshiugGn'1' cr
ritory rnd awaits the approval of the Gov ar
nor ,
Sierra Nevada is ts'oll heeled financial 1y.
hneMtt a rnah balance of S60OIO.1G iii t
treasury , Novomtwr let , The monthly to.
nenea + average about $11,000
The Sierra ] inttes uthw bias pall $11,000 hI
1lrldeuls the , ) resent year , nod lhu I'luln , a ,
Eureka $10,62r , . ( loth ) rwrtlea ] are in N o
vada , and belting to 1 ugIiNh armpauive.
Dunng the hiz tnnpthe soled Nosenlwr lot
v,1f15,100 , hounds at Imbibe have boon slop ] Toll
prom the 1Ytxd ltrur ( tnluea , Idaho. Dar hlg
tan ' enuoe purlal $1,6c0 000 worth of ore h as
'won shipped from the nano region.
Olthn ) Island of Snntn Catalina there err
inpoaacd ] Gt be about 17,0410 ahrep , trt dw
.hnut " 4,000 wild gnats. On the TNlntnf s f Sa ,
"lenrettr , cane by , nro alwnt 1D(10 Nht , ap
ant hero been tort and raised on the iNI a nd
xithout Imvipg tasted water ,
" Yankee rnierprha takes credit tor th nia ;
"hlluminm bus been connected with tat + Ul lit i
1 , ) litntus about and
ayear , during that ti : p
Wore urucbluary [ or ndulug , for agdcult nro
aua [ 0r mandacttuaug lies been weals ea
tiers Wtnn oxlnEcd to all northern Mexico bo
St now appears that former estimates of the
sur plus of Oregon wheat for export for the
resent season have boon considerably ezng
gerntetl. Eatlmnloe wino made early to the
season that the total aurrlus ] of eastern Ore.
en and Wnahngton ( Territory would be. 12,5
tioo tons , Tao estimate will probably foul
100,000 , tone short ,
An Excellent Iteport ,
Iron. Joe , G. ( Joodridgo , of Iirnuklyn N ,
Y , , writes this : " Cannot express myself in
nnlfidontly ' , rniaownrthy terms. lduryluck
! ldood hitters have Anotl for the pent two years ;
keep my stomach ( n splendid trim. "
The 1Vnahhlgunl nonuutout up 11.13
hilulr as rho Spire of Saint
51'nehington le'lcr L1ereland l.cadcr ,
T he 1Va + hington motnlmett is to-day
four hundred fret light , and it will conch
the height of St. Peter's at ltamo beEaro
tau work elope this year. Colonel Casey ,
rho chief engineer , tells mo it will b ° fin.
Iehed by this onto next year and that tit o
work is being dints na rapidly as possible.
On e c , hnuot appreciate the etzo of the
mo nument at n distance although it can
Already be soon lnilee away in all of th o
country surrounding Washington. It ie ,
however , roily whmt you gut clean to i t
th at you upprcctata Ito grandeur , At five
hu ndred yards it is n grant tall whit °
shaft , which place in 0110 solid columt I
from the ground and seems to rest against
th e bate sky at its back. The Potomac
below it almost crashes its foot , and i t
stands guard over iha Naito house , the
Capitol , and the nktionnl city. As you
take n atop nearer you see n great net
etrotchod around tire top , and crcahlrc s
wa lking on its edge no larger then tin °
little midgets who tied Culhver to th 0
earth with strings. These Lilliputian
ar e , however , full grown men , and the
net is theca to catch them } f they los o
their balance and fall over. It line al
ready saved many n life , and vary oftol t
th e men working on the mouumout ful l
into it. The atones of the outside art
measured with rho eye to ace whothe r
Choy Uo oven with those below , and i n
steeping over to do this ono fa very np nt
to become dizzy. One day a cat fuss take n
to rho top of rho monument. She ran nl l
Around , and finally jumped off. Sh
lig hted , and for a moment was stunned
lion reviving , she ran sway and has no t l
been soon since. No other anima ] cool d
ha ve survived such a fall.
Go another hundred foot closer to th I
mo nument now , and you notice that ft ii
not all of onoblock , but that it is n1Ad o
of hundreds of squares laid as evenly as a
M osaic floor , antd you can readily see b Y
rho difference of color whore the of I
workanda and the now work begins ; the t
Wont the bottom for one hundred and lift Y
six feet is of n dingy , dreary gray , wail
joilrod to tlria above rho poet plans of a n
sanest dazzling whiteness. The loon r
third of the mouumetiiseemato havobeu n
tends of stone of many value , and ties o
ha ve Como out with age so that this par t
seems as mottled and streaked as thmtgl a
some second-class painter had tried hi s
graining brushes upon it. Go still close r
aci d you eon this much more plainly , au d
yo u also sea that rho whole of this part o t
th e monument. is
whore the stones join , and that littl o
pieces of steno are broken oft as thong h
tlaoy hall boon cut with a chisel Th °
trouble is that the edges of the atop , oe
w ere not chumferred whets the menu
tuns built and tire weight is so heavy o n
tau corners of these atones that it cause a
them to break oil. This will not , it is
theughtimpafr the stretgtll of rho men u
meet , but it gives its lower part an u n
si ghtly look. Several of those blocks a re
eracltod through , but the most of rho m
merely at the adgca , and rate crnckin g
will bo nvmaod in the now part by cu t
ring o(1 ( ; the edges unto n groove where th o
stories loin. Of course
is n queatiea that only titan can tell. I
lied a talk with Louis Smithmyer , th o
man who is to build the nosy nation al
lib rary , if Congress over passes the bi Il
far its appropriation. ] 3o says you ca n
toll nothing about it. The oxporimon t
has never boon tried before and th o
atones cannot be tooted. You may tee t
them ne to whether they will stand th o
weight now to ho put upon them , bu I ;
ltett' can you toll what will ho their nbilit V
to stand the anmu weight when they hay o
be en exposed to the seventies of th
weather for fftyycara4 In that Limo tltai r
very COIIBtt1Iti011 ] may be changed , a d
they will not ho able to bear what the y
will otv with cASO. Nothing but tire o
can toll and time alone will toll tvhotho
th e Washington monument is to outlAs t
th e pyramids.
Tim monument now weights nearly on a
lnmdroll thousand tons. It i3 so mnssiv 0
lint it can hardly 1)0 described. Thes e
1'locke l hnvo been speaking of are marl Y
ae large na rot ordinary library table at d
it s SfRlla are e.9 thick Aa a good sized par
for is wide. Each aide is at the bee o
fftyOt o ( cot long , having n fronL'Ig o
Iuto } As big na two largo houses , and at
fire to ) they will be thin fit o ( cot wi do
or fifteen ( lt wider than rho houses i :
Wm average dwelling hotteo black. Thin It
of a steno dmlUlo house big enough to
l ava a flat of four rooms , enchfttoet foe t
and a lien toot hell running through th a
center , mrd you can imagine Ute atria o f
th e 1Vnghinglou monument five hundre d
cot above tbo ground.
IlU9fAN Ilroou-Un the Purity octet v I
hcnltL of the bland dolfeud the t irror rot d
of the whole s atom. Disease of
various kinds is often only the sign flu tt
n ature is trying to remove ho dislurbin o
canon. A coinedy that gives lifu nu
rigor to the blood , eradicates ecrofu a
ac id other impurities from it , ne hood a
Sarsaparilla undoubtedly dose , roust b °
t he moms of provettiug many disease a ]
th at would occur Without its use. Su ld
by dealers ,
The Truc Anwrlonn ,
Uoston Tnnicrlpt.
1'l ty does that gentleman rise from Ii ts
Because ho gets cut at rho next at A
lint fro have not got near rho next at A
t101a y0t ,
I Log your pardon , Front rot Amoric hn
point of slow we are very near it. It Is
Ices than n mile away ,
t , Ito rU911UB wildly toward tau do or ;
rind now ho is ou the platform. la ho m : ot
u1 danger ? '
'rho only dagger ho upends is f he
donger of losing ouo unrtorof a soar 1ll
Alt wo are ulntest at the slat fait
now , 11'ill he not trait llnfil the c Ar9
No , ironed ; that would ho a waste of
precious tints
There ho goes. Good hentmlel ho 1 bas
f allout 'rho ears lIAYO rnu over hint ,
Yea , such things frequently happen l tl
, lntorbut , yet know , whom one u t ai
is killed , half a dozen join'lall'auccesef ' al ,
Il , lho chmlccs rat death are only 0110
n six or thureabatlis ,
Jlluyhnto picked ! riot up , Ale ii p9
move. lie is epeAking ,
Yes , ho says : I die a true American I , "
A Well Known Gontlcman'a Plillaa.
tlrropy , anti the Cotntnntlntt
Caused by Ono 01' Ills
Let Iora.
Itochaster Domocrnt amid Chiromuiclo.
IVs published in our local columns pa + tor
day tnornlug n significant loiter from a gentle ,
mnn known poreonnlly or by reputation to
nea rly every lloreon In the land. We have
recets od n number of letters protesting against
the uao of our columns for such "pnlpnblo
fra uds and ncieropresontatlone ; " therefore , to
confirm beyond a doubt rho authenticity of
the letter and the genuineness ut its senti
innate , n reporter of tale paper was cotmuls-
eioned to ascertain all the ] wselblo ( acre in the
nrnttar. Accordingly ho visited Clifton
Spr ings , sew the author of rho letter , anti with
the tullnsvhg result
llr , Ilmuy Foster , the gentleman in guns ,
Lie n , is h3 or fit yenta utag o and has au ox'
tremolycanltnl mmtnor , 1upreAides [ as simper.
lutoudant over rho celebrated sanitarium
which ncconuuodntes over 600 q1toots and is
un questionably the lending health resort of
the country , Several years ego this benevolent
lent roan wisely dotenulned tube ] deow n oza
mtGr ; end , therefore tanned over this mng
ullicent property worth $900,000 , as n ttroo
gift to n board of trustees , representing the
principal evangelical tlommulnatlone , Among
th e trustees are lliahu t A , C , Ooze,1'roteAta t
Ep iscopal Bulfnlo ; ] ) Isles ) llathaw Shuneon ,
1'hllnllolp lla , llothndiet f ] , isrupal ; President
Id. B. Anderson , of tire University of ltuchoa
ter ; ] rev , Ur. Clark , Secretary of the A , 11 ,
C. F , M. , Boston. The benevolent purpoe
of rho institution is tire ouo : lot-of the
ev angelical tniAeiunnrloe and their families
whose health bias been brokml in Choi r
work , 2nd.-of ndnlstare , ut any deuomlua
floe , in good standing , 9rd-of matchers o E
nay church , who otherwise would ho unnblot °
secure such cars and treatment 'rue current
expenses of the institution urn rest by the r °
ccipt truln tire huntlroas of distinguished an d
wunlthy people who every your crowd its rat
must capacity. hero come man and women )
who were once in perfect health but neglected
od rho first symptuns of disease. The uncap
thin pains they felt at first score overlvuko a
until their health became unpaired. The 3
realized the danger baforu therm , anchor v
ala rming oven trilling ailments might rove
Th ey constitute ell clnssas , hmlading ntiuix
tors nod bishops , lawyers , judges , nhstoewen
mllllminiroa , juurnnlihta , college professors an
officials ( rota all parts of the lend.
Drawing the morning Democrat and Clvdn
tale from his pocket , rife reporter remarked
'D octor , flint letter of yours lies creates n
go od deal of talk nod minty of our troado re
[ 1I4r0 questioned Its authenticity. "
" 'iv what do you rotor , " remarked the floc
" Ifaro you not seen the vapor ? "
"Yea , tact have not lied titan to read i t
ye t. "
'Pao reporter thereupon Nhmved hire the letter
tor , tvlriclr was ne lvlluwre :
Curios . 'L'IIISnB , $ ANITAri1UJf Co. ,
' GL170YS1'Itr50a , N , Y , Oct. 1183 , }
DEAit Sin-I our ueinglYliruur'a Safe Cum '
nod I regard It as the boat rolttelly for even o
fornlx of kidney disease that we havo. I a
watching a'ithgront earn swan cages I inn not
treating ruffle it , and I hupu for favorable ro '
1 wish you might come down yourself ; na I
ovoid 11ko very much to talk with you Whoa t
Your sterling ronwdy eta show you over ou tr
mstltutlml. Yours truly ,
[ Signed ] IIENItY FOSTER , M. D ,
I do not see why nuybody Rhvuhl be shop
tla'll concerning that ] otter , remarked tli °
doctor ,
"Isn't Et unusual for a physician of yet lr
etaiding and inilnanco to commend a propri o
tarty preparation
I don't know how it may be with others
but in this institution we allow no person t
dictate tuns want sea shall use. Our purpos o
is to cure rho sick , and for that work we us
an ything we know to be valuable. Becaus e
I know Warner's Safe Cure is a very taluabl o
preparntmt ( I command it. As its power i a
Innuifeated under my use , No shell I add to th °
co mpleteness of m } commendation. "
"havo you over analyzed it , doctor ? "
"We ahvngx nnalyzo before we try nn y
Pr eparation of which we do not know the co yn
ntituonts. But analysis , you know , only give
thoalementR ; it does not give the all import
not proportions. The remarkublo power of
W arner's Safe Cure undoubtedly consists E u
th e proportions according to which its of
moots are mixed. While thorn may be
thottennd rannediua made of the aitmooleman t3 ;
wilozs they are put together h4'roper ' ) propo
flans they are worthless as kldaoy and live r
proparalions ,
1 hope some day to meet Mr. Warner pe r
eonAll } , and extend faller congratulations t
him on tire excellence of his preparations. I
ha ve beard Imtch of hhn as the founder o f
W arner observatory , and as a roan o [ ] erg °
be nevolence. The reputed high character a F
th e man himaolE gave assurance to too in th
first place that ho wouhl not putareined :
upon the market flint one not trustworthy
and it ts a + n source of ngooa deal of gratific a '
time to ma to find out by actual oxperimeu at
that the remedy itself sustained my impr oa
stuns ,
The conclusion reached by Dr. Foster i 8
pr ecisely rho 541110 tones by Dr. Die Lewis 8i
D r. Robert A. , Gunn , ox Surgomt Goner a i
Gallagher and others , and proves beyond ah
doubt the great efficacy of the remony whit h
1169 awakened so much attention in the lend
and rescued so nlmty men , u'mnen and chi ' :
drew from disease and death.
.1 nary mnchiua far Repnrnting gold fret
ennfl without the ofd of water is reported t n
ha ve been discovered. A wliool rive feet i n
dinmetar throws eatul by centrifugal fore na
against a moving surface of maroury , whit
numlgmmatr'xthegold , walla nu air blast blow
away the Rnn
Allen DUs To gay
T hat n good deal of the suffering in this tvnrl d
can be avoided by purchasing 1)r. Panels ds
F'clrrh ic Oil , and using it as per directions. I t
is nn fuEnltblu ( taro for all aches , Apralua , an ta
pains ,
_ _
'Fiore is further tnikut luuildinv n road from :
DilluniL'fto Ialena and Ifeuon. Th °
ilea is said to be nu ultinmto cmmection oft h
tau Canualan 1'achic. Thu Northern 1'acili hc ,
rower nays , will quietly footer the mos cuteu t .
Trstcd by 'rltlto. For Throat Diaoase
Colds , and Coughx. Bnott'N'x liuoxculA su
Titoellrx hnvo unused their efficacy by n to a t
of runny yonre , 1'rico 25 cis ,
' 1')10 ) tatt'n let bI1A11109H hr tau Ilnilroad a ,
dttimn to ITolnna is llouriahing , frost moat
about 810,0110 worth of lots trace aod ] by th
Nnrtbom 1'ncliio's Ilolonn ) end utlico , and u 1
ready this month aloof halt that nwount h 1ae
bcon disposed of ,
' 'ltlr0 1rItl' QIIOIL0 ,
You can be wank nervous , debilitated , rap
despnudont , Jlagnnilliod for work of bend f
uuld , or you can enjoy n fair share of henlt h
onn ponce of mind , lJuMlock hlua ! 1)ifdrra wl
alloviaW your underp and do y un a world At
good ii you will but have fnitl1 to try.
A short time aeo the Northern Pacific tt n
tlmwd eight carloads of wfwa at Bonito to le
haudylor Ihadhlg on ; , itiea Thorn worn h vo
caunw of Chluamen there , std they want od
ncxl , Thep foot quietly teak hold rat to
w alked ol [ w th rinse right oarlr4nds.
Epu ° neY ,
EVER FAILS. af I Con vul
alone , 1 'ailf nd
Stckuas , St. Vlt U s
Dance , dI
ism , Opium 1' : a tr
T iE GREAT 1pG,5yPAtftt e'
Scrofula , litn 9s
F.e41 , ugly Bloc 9so
I N E R DlRenaea r DU iAp'
ate , Ncrs'oulne
OONQU E R O R Sfel ; Iletutae
Ithoulnnt ie
A'rrooua 1reakrtesa , Brain Worry , Jibe ; S.n
Biliousness , L'wtil9uaa , Nervous 1'rostratia
A dray Twittdeaantd lrrv teritlca. $1.60.
Nn nl ' .
„ Samaritan n'Ine is doing wo. . "
llr. J. 0,11irLemoin , Alexander City , A
"Iicullt m dot to recommrndlt :
Br , Ii. . F. Laughlin , C)1de ) , Iant e.6
Acv. J , A.1die , Bearer , Pa
/lnrrcepwdonce / freely unawcrad. ' 40
} u Icrilmoolalurddreulare lend trump.
The 1k. S.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Joreph , M 4
SolJbyallDnurebla ; ( tT )
Furniture ! ]
Have just received a large quantity of
a iisl .r6iaaa.'ZAil/s/1. . i .
' / / 9.r1 + 4.7J ) err .dHn .114. rti.Yr y
To All 'loor i 00,1208 nd 1210 , NEB Farnam , St
s c
a".t t
+ lzlr ; .
C arriaae , a
, 1919 and 1320 Darney Street and'I03 S.18h Street , - . -
ntrated Catalogue furnished ira ° upon opplicAtlnn , StreetOMAHA 1 NEB
s : iicD L1 1 L" ' -
ASI { YOUR 011.00505 rout TIIE
. Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Bop Yeast Cd' ' '
tioNr. r:3 :
Particular attention Sven to re atria Satlaact'cn'oaranaedi
Gran ite Ironware.
FOR s13otLNa , EAXII + Tt }
9 . ; Two P ' The Best Ware Made for the Kitchen.
y/rfipe '
for a v a tone ai' ' arP , a .OCSe thrI1IS 1IOY Pla PrS.
L uMber , Latli , Sh a , Poket ! ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
sooth's 'Ova' rand
D. B , BIEDIER , AgontUtnaha ,
I r ® ra
a' s a e anac r o . '
108015'a.r3unm , f3troftt. Om a7h. .
fw3 ,
; r . ' \ rv v ; k1ga
: + Ir e and Bottfed Geer
a g +
This Excolont ] Bcor s1 > eAks Ear iront } ,
I m.
sr.t ul5hlo. Promptly Shipped ,
j ' ' , L' ! i SCHLIEF
' Sulo Agent for Omaha and ills West.
Cor , OtlL Street ettd Capitol Avonud ,