. - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I THE DAILY BEE'-'OMAIIA , MONDAY , NOVEMBER 19 , loS3. TJIEDAILY BEE. O1IAUA. Monday Morning , Nov. 1O TitoWoattlier. For tha upper 7titssipp and Missouri ricer vn1oyR , fr weather in Mis8ourI , Iowa , 1flfl8M and NobraskapatLly colder 'wcatlior in Miniicaoti nu'l ' ouhorn Ia. with ocasioiia1 Rlight , uww , fioutli. ci4ly to westerly winds , falling to nsilig ) romotcr , iMng temperature during . 4y , 1ightly cooler weather by Ttlc3day l inormug. LOOAL BREVITIES . _ _ -Two of Iiirop& ; inot ioot dv1nc , 1ro L ] 1yniittlio iind Mgr. ( t4lCl , will vl.lt Ojimlia th1 vlnLor. -About flOOfl each day the sttlownlk at j xnt between IEnrnoy nod howard t.root , on roiirtanth troot , bi flcil vUi liorc. . Tue food able located nt that place han Its watorItir trough located iio tito wa'ks ' , nut ! It. Is ) & ) for any otto to unless they step out In the stroot. It ts a nuisance , nnd soinn tnoJO sIvnultl bo inado toward Its jbateniont. -Thn workuf gradIng on Jackson ustreot , iotwcen Shteontb anti EIghteenth strcots , WM 1srOecutcs ! wIth great etloct. yestorday. -Trinity Cathedral van Illicit to overflow. ngyotorday nisrolug.VhIo ! a Iatgorovenno Iii tierivod from the renting of pews In thIs church , yet this. ( eatuira Is not wltliou.t Its , lravbneks , nuts ! ono of the most serious ones ft. thin fact that strangerit attending the sersIce.s jro compelled to stanil untIl ( lie pow ront&s Juavo all been seated , ulion they are poats , .rot1ed . there n.e isuy loft. -The isafii force kotl yesterday and jnaila consIderable progrc. -Tue board of public works hold a t.hiorL nioat.lng 3atuirJity oveniog. Tim vrluuciial S bitsituest. traiisactd was the conshicratfoit of jslans and s4ecllicaLfouis for cleaning thin iaved streets witloliosoand machinery. Jikis fothuo grading tfVc.st Fariiam street from 'rsvousty. ninth to tisocltylirnits will bo advertIsed for ¶ liuo roinainlorf the cranIng was GcciIpfod - with routine bnsInosu. -The nfterjioon U. P. tralui from tIm west , duo at a:20 : , was an hour Into yesterday. The delay vn caused by vnittng for a train at ortht Platte. --Tue U. S. Iit.li comudsalon cnr , which ar rived in Omaha lMt FrIby , left for the west with tim itooti trahui yesterday. During Sat urday anti yesterday morning It was ' .IsILod by niany people. The car was greatly auI iniroti , and the ro3t fish exhibit was a stur PriBO to many. The car goes to Choyourno. Cu the route tishwill be idacod In the Elk. born and Platte rivers. -\v. It. Kent , coroner elect , wa.s Nworn in Saturday to fill the vacancy caused by the rocignation ctf 1)r. O'Rourko. The doctor re , dgns after holding thu offlee a uunthi an the successor of thu late .Toltn ( L Tacobs , and vil1 go west. Mr. 1oiit'ss tern. of siuilco to which Ito was elected wIll begin January 1. lIe tOkthO oat ) . , promIsing to suiIJIort the state .cougtituitioit , nit. ! to [ tuft the obligations of the j office. sIr. Kouit willusako an efficient of fucer. -The Eoard of Education v1li hold a moot. fur this evening. -Tue ropriotoni of the Union wore arrest. r1 ; cii Saturday afternoon UItfl a charge of ccliii. - Iuiai libel , at the Instance of Dr. Gros.uiiaui , of ! I this city. 'lho libel chargosi is In this , pub. licatlon of is sonontiouni story conceruting the doctor's domestic affairs. The men arrested - went. to the pollco court and gave ball in the , j stun of 5OQ for their altlseiIruuitce before the Grand Jury , . -The Bears ! of Trade ho1d an luriportant meeting this evening. Thu briihgo bill , a market house , and tim matter onfureluig the ' ) Jaw to prevent stok ( ruin running at large. Other matterd , of both local ami ituitlonni liii. 1rnco , vill also come before tins meeting. .A large attendance of the board Is desires ! . -Two itettns were arrestoti and locked up for druniceutnetos , at an early lioum last uvon t ing. One of thorn Is an old mnnui , witose face aims ! clotltiutg was eoyorod with bloosi-tho of. lect of having Iushieu. on the jsavcuitouit. -W'ork has lice. . . commenced ulpoul the tinver of the new English Tmuthiorau. chuuichi , . srner af Ifernoy and Sixteenth streets. S -Thto nspozIrance of the large vhtlto foci jrint cit several business streets I3aturday inorniiig Itu conclusive proof that Matt Chair must have loapoti into ii whitewash Pout1 FrI. t slay and then started put on isis misual rounds. Jtt atumy rate If It wasn't l'slutt.t it mnubt have hocus a very near relation. . - -Time IJnlon Pacific base bail itark , on St. Nary'ts aveumuo , Is being converted Into a skating rink. The ground is being covered with coinont , and If the wentitor Is Propitious the gates vlIi be thrown open to the isuiblio about Thauiksglrluug. -A. stranger who hunt. been on a four days' sirco WM run In Saturday inornluig. When Ito started Jut ho was the possessor of8l25 In gold , but when hum cashed up in th city Jail tltis morning ho hind tan cent in cash and seven W&tethi vchies ) ! hi vliea1icst uak , TIio ! no Jtrclo Club gM'O ' their second monthly bail at Masonic ball Friday voutng , . 'rite club is composed of about seventy ci : Omaha's tiimst.cluss young mcii , anti very our 3oyabio itartics are given. Thom ) rogA1nlnc t lest ebeuuliug consisted of eighteen of the lats dances. Tito tousle ives furnished by Irvine' . I orchestra , with 0. Mathord as itroinlter ) , ans I aul usual , first class. -One of those dispicablo characters kuiuwr . : M tramps was run into jtuIl Saturday morn tuie' , lie has been hero several tunes , and ji - eomns Impossible to got old of bun , A moors ) dirty and filthy siteciunon of humanity coult notwell be lututgined than Is this cute. Thi S orndn sure crawling ever him In zoyrlas I forces , audjyct ho lives and breatlues ni natturs f asazmybody. j -Another party of olilIers pwssod throug I . here Saturday frouut Coluunbu , Olulo , forth' ' I trlbutlun mutnong the westeru. . posts. Tue : , t , wore In charge of Sergeant Clias. . % . Covet I . L conmpany 13 , Columbus. -Thero arc to be couttlizuous zumcotings lid in the Baptist hur b , afternoon and evnin by 11evS' . IL Jirowut , of Chlcigo , III , , v ) Las also a teacher wiflu hint to taico charge ) the s1zigium . -Among the ziumereus iihiy1eiaus late I uiuzzng to Ounahus Is Dr. Armstrong , ocuhl zund awist. The doctor spent two years wi l bOiflU of the best oouhlsts In this country itt . , was Induced by the enterprise of our city 4 Joayo a lucrative vractlco in Iowa iuud cm . here to pratIoe Ids spocislty. We arc glad : istate that the docbir Is doing excee4lngly i' for the fpw mouths lie has been here nun ) ) S alrudy won au eiiIablo reputation. We o a Mteutlon to his card In another coluitni , ; . . : : i'f _ _ _ - - A GOOD MAN GONE. Death of Jolill B. Betwilor , an O1 lies- ! dllI au Bnsiness 1ill , Oniaha lj0504 Oumo ( ) ffs ; Best Citizens. -II Is. Career atuti Isloumtity vIUu Oio Citys. Intercath. Tim poole of this dty will ho shocked to learn of tire death of Mr. lohn It Dotwiler , whichi occurred at huisresitlenco , 211 ( California street , at half past five o'clock ycsteudny morning. Mr. DcLsi. let's death nut cuutiroly unexpected , ainco the recant change for tim worse in his. condition. Ills illness was a long ono. About five weeks ago lie bcgaim to inifl'er froumu nut attack which developed iult ( ) umalignant ruoro throat.9th this. ho was for a Limo in critical condition and then bocanmo better. Ho wits. rapidly - ly rccovorhumg from the affccfAoui of the throat , but buit Wodiucaday ati attack of lulmouuuuoumia sot iii. Front that Limo lie failed raiddly. lIe also suffered from 1)10351 poisoning. For thio past two days hiiudatli 1mM been almost hourly expect- Cd. 'Yesterday morning at half past live ho exjired. Of Mr. Dotwilor'a health it may ho gaid that ho lutum beau faUingsince last . /tiigusL During the uunuuinor ho matlo a tflf ) to the Omaha reservation. Oui this trip Ito aufrored great exposure , amid it. is thought. that at that time lie con- tractud a fever-the boginiuiimg of a long amid finally fatal illumese. , Johuuz 1 ! . Dotwilor was born in what is now Cohlegovihlo , Montgoinory courtLy , l'n. , October 20 , 1816 , end at tire Limo of his. death wits thiere1o'o Jittlo more titan thirty-eight years of age. Most of Imis early hifo , after ho was twelve years old , was spoilt in Wheeling , VV' . Va. . Frun Wheeling Ito voimt to Iowa. lIe was married in Wheeling , September 26 , 1866 , to Miss Matilda A. immumnor. lie removed to Omaha the saute year and oimgngcd in mnorcaumlilo business , The busiuzess of dealer in carpets and tip- Izoistory , 'which lie was in at the tune of his ( bath , liocominouuccd in 1868. Ho loaves. a wife , one son amid two daughters. The oldest child is aged fif- Loon years , and the others tvrulvo and 111110 , rospoctivoly. The family iii their loss of time husband and father have the nyunpatluy of all who know them , Of the deceased no eulogy is mmccossarr. Ho was hiouiorablo amid fair-dealing in buehuices mnattorn , and iii his home life syim kind and gemiorous. his business career was a long nun useful omie. lie served but little in pub- lie life , but iii that time his affltirs vero attended to with the samno pronmtnoss amid fidelity to the trust placed iii hum that marked his business relations. lie was at one time a mnombor of the board of education ott this city. More rocomitly lie was appointed an one of the coniunissionors to appraise the Ore. aba reservation. Ho was a vroniiuiont momiubor of time English Lutheran church. lie also bolongcd to Covert Lodge No. 11 , A. F. & A , M. , and to Mt. Cavalry Commandory , Knights Temnplar. Of these orders ho was a respected brother in high standing. As has boon said , Mr. Dotwilor's death will be a shook to the people of this city. Not on accoun of its auddomiosts , for his demise has boon almost hourly expected for two or three days past ; but because of the removal of a citizen vhio had been so bug identified with the city's boat interests torests , Mv , Detwilor was well known in social , business and civic circles , and , as has been stated , for a tinmo served in public capacity. In all those lie stood high. ills persoumal character vM beyond reproach. lie was a kind husband and father. lie was a good and valuable citizen. In business he was not only capable but honorable. lie was great iii nil these qualities that make a good ntmd useful man. In hus death all circles iii title city , where ho hua't moved , have suuilercd a great loss. The funeral aminouncemnomit will be made hereafter. Mr. Frauik imnunor , brother of 1rs. Dotwikr , is expected to arrive on Tuesday front Wheeling , 'tV. Va. AuuiioiuticeuiOuItN. ' [ 'lie mimounbors of Covert Lodge , No. 11 , A. F. & /t. itt. are requested to muicet. this ( Mouiday ) cvomiimig at 7:30 : o'clock , for the PUtI)80 of uurrauigiui" for the funeral of our deceased bi'otlicr , J. B. Dotwilor , By order of the W , M. 11. r4. LEONAIII ) , Soc'y. Time mactubers of Mt. Calvary Comn. mnandery No. 1 , KuiiglmtsTouumlar arc requested to assemble at tluq Asylum this ( Monday ) ovenimug to arrange for the funeral of our haLo Frater S1r John B. Dotwilor. ) 'y order of the Comnmamler. lit t. llT1LMYY , Rccofdcr , . - - - 4. btLrtILttg Iflscovory. Physicians are often startleti by romnam1caUu dlaco'orIes. 'fizo fact that Dr. ICing's Now llscovory for Consuummptloti anti all throat amid lummg diseases is daily curlumg lmatlents that the IuavegIvoit up to die , is startlIng them to rca - lao titnir souiso of duty , amud oxuuntino into the mncritis of this wonderful thlscovery resultIng in luumm.lrcti. of our best citizens using It in their PractIco. Trial bottles free at C. F. Gooduumau'sdnugstoro. Regular elco 1.OO. A HOTEL BEAT. - p Ito Represomutis lJinaoltaB a Ihloittoti L flontiliolelor , unit "Dooms Up" One r Our Jronuinont hotels. , A few days siumco a finely dressed am i nicely Ltppoftriflg yoummg ziiamm , front Clii . cage , struck this city aunt registered a one of our utmost prominent hotels , Hi , represented himself as a capitalist , an' ' i stated that Ito wa lucre for the PUPO5 tl of buying or building a largo liver stable and shiowluig thmo li00Pb0 in the cit f of Omaha how a model livery busines should ho ruxu , ' lb soft.soapud the clerk , who , thiiui1 : ) .t hug of course that lie mutuaL ho all right It allowed him to run a bill of $42. II d also pulled the wool over time eyes of to hack driver , who hauled him around thi L no city tiurco difhitrouut mmighti withiot receiving nimy compensation for ti 1 samno , U ll The "nobby" young chap spent lii i mnon y freely as long as it lasted , mmmi when it wu gone ho came up mnlesin ho wu absent for a dutyor so , but final returned , and on Fri 'ny ' night the bite driver tritcked Imim to a Twelfth street thou and dropped in upon his. "nobs , " and compelled hum to accompany him to the hotel , whuoro the proprietors. forced him to put tilt his diams.nd pin and a suit of clothes as security for lila board , whuilo tire hack driver was again left out 'In the cold , The 'bhooded" bent atillelaims to have a wealthy father , amid says that ho has telopraplied huitim for money which will be forthconsimugm a few days. fluckicut's. Armutna 3n1vo. The greatest meshlcal wonder of the WOII3. 'tVa.rrnntod Lo speedily cure Burns , Cimb. UI. ceI.R Salt ithoum , Favor Sores Cancers i'Iles , CIiihlains ( , Corns Totter , dappmi lmnnis , and all skin eriipdons , guaranteed to cure In every Instance , or mnonoy refunded. 25 cents Sr box - - - Tiucrirs Many a. Blip. The following from Limo Cedar It.apids ( In. ) ltopuWcau , tolls of how an Omaha ollicial didui'tiot a lrisozior , or rather , how lie didn't keep one that hio got : ttAui Omaha official , Mr. Snnrn.oral by imainc , cattle to oolar lbmpids , Lud by meaums of a roquinit.iomi obtained from the city authorities Limo pocsson of a pria. otter nanied .Jaclc Facklor , who waa want- oil about iOOU worth in Omaha. After Facklor was given over to the Nobraeka olhicial hue turuied lila persuasive powers loose and fiuually secured the consent. of tr. Sirnmnoral to allow imiumi to spomid the utighit at hiium home on the \Vcst. Side. Yesterday afternoon the officer was still wattimmg for the prisomior to put iii an ap. pearanco , and hits face bore a sort of be. traycd confidence look which wan jiati- fiud by the facts in Limo case. Any maim who will comimo 800 znies for a prisoner , amid tizon give hiluut aim oportunity ; to ca- cape should not "kick ' when lie gets left. . " The Mr. Sinmnmeral referred to ItlOVO is. not the attorney , E W. , but. iii brother. TJieno are 85)11)1 Facts. . The host lihi iti purifier amid synteimm rogmulat- aver , l'eced within the roach of simlrorimm timimanit truly it. ElectrIc lHtthrs. hmuactlv y of thto liver , Jhiilousncss , lanndice , Consti. pation , Weak Klsluioys , or any .hieeaso of the tuilnary orgauiss , or whioovo ! requires an appetizer - tizer , tonic or mnild stimulant , will always finti Electric Bitters the be.st and only certain cure lcuiotvn. They act surely and quickly , o.vcry bottle guarautceti to give omutiro satisfac t'on or mooney . mofummileul. Sold at tiO coats a Bottle by 0. Ii. . ( loodtnan. Standard Tiummo Chumuigca. The Missouri Pacific has adopted part of Limo mmciv time system known as time Central Diviaiomm , which is twenty-four minutes faster than Omaha thne , or nine inimmutes slower than Chicago tune. Anew now tune card for this road wont into efFect yesterday by which time passenger train will arrive anti. depart fourteen nmiumtmtcs carlior than heretoforo. Central - tral timno was also adopted yesterday by LImo 0 , , B. & Q. and Rock Island roads. Time St. Paul arid the Northiwestoin will adopt central tinme umoxt Sunday. Omaha will continue to use time present city tiuumo standard. It is said , however , that thuo mountain division tiummo , thmirty.tlmreo mn'umitites slower tItan time present tiuno , may boad.opted. in the spring. 1'EUSONAIi. Ed. It. ( mmthrlo , of Lincoiui , regletorcul mit the Millard yesterday. .Tolin 13. White , of l'aplllion , arrived at the Millard yesterday. \Smn. Saunders , of l'apllhiomi , was at the Mihlarl yesterday. Wun. SImoingtomm , \Vnkofioid , was a Sumt ( lay arrival at the Nillard. K S. Thither of Nellghm , is at thto Paxtomu , Treasurer Whltmnoro , of lloyd's Opera house , heft for Lincoln b'aturd8y evening , to romnmmiii over Sunday. II , J , L wIs , of Lincolum , was at the Paxtomu yesterday. , Tutdson Craves , of Nohighi , is at the l'axtou. H. ] ho.stwlck , wife tutu ! sister , of ilastimigs , too at tim Paxtout. , r. H. Itoymiolds , ssf 'tV'yntoro , is nmnotmg the arrivuils itt the l'axtoim. -A larty of hastings people , mnamiy of wltuun two here to attoiitl time li'cdcral court , arrived at tin , Paxton yesterday , as follows : John M , Hogan , C. II. Dietrichi , Miss Kittie SInker , Bert l'orlege. 0. Stevens , it. It. Mor. loge , Ismiac LuDioyt , C. 11. Ilurd , .1. R. litmrssclu , E. \Vtmmuiple , Cltrtst. l'nnllc , 11. F. Situitli , 0. .r. Iilwortli. ] . Eddy and iife , of Denver , are at the Millard. 0. II. Shuci'mtman , of Plattenmouth , is at ttto IIlliirtI. Mrs. 11. K. Ihurkot , wife of the uiew funeral director , arrived irm Limo city Saturday. Air. l'rod Nye , editor of The Republican , left Ssttirdtuy for \Vlsconsiu to attend the wedding of ltls , bristlier. Mr. J4aivtoui , who lots for twelve years been a lostal clerk out the Union l'acitic , has. so- coptod the irnsitiomm of chief ckrk of time Ounahmum postoflico , anti luau commueumcotl work ium huts now field of labor. Ccl. Frauuk N , Scott , sitocitul reisresentativim hf II. E. .r , Miles , the Cincinnati theatrical manager , Is iii the city makiumg arramigenuotuts for the tsppoar.imice of tire .Iosephuuie Ruiloy company. Jr , s ! mc lmo lesuro tn.i : , of unQttinii Fzuuk . 1id1 , urcctt'r of the Omaha Glee ( ttmh. lie taught Mr. Smnitum uuutuslo twelve years ago iii Ciuminummti , when Mr' Soottwas director of the filculian glee club , of which Mr. SmIth was anmounbor. Mr. Scott hits itromutised to remain In town until mu ftor the Omaha ? lee club concert , whiclm takes jilacu next Luestlay evening. MtRitiED , BOWYER-MAISIIA.N 11.-At time pamaon- age of the First lii. E church , by 11ev. 0. W. Savage , Newonibor 17 Mr. WIlliam Ilowyor to Miss Annie Malsliarmt , 1)1FD. lfA.YNES-Vriday , November 10 , at OBC P. M. , tit time corner of OUm amud lavomupoul streets. the Infant daughter of Clarion amm Eliza Ilaynes , aged five iuionths , IOSlNZWElG-Jolini { Friday , Noveummbv 10 , aged f3 years 11 mnonthma amid 21 days. 1 Funeral from residence , litl7 , Jiucksom - street , Sunday aftermucon itt o'clock. t 0AMPflll4L-ium this city , November if 1883 , Charles. son of Mr. amid Mrs. Citarlo 0 Campbell , aged I year ant ! H mnonthm. . i The futmersi was held Suurmolay at 2 p. itt. Irou e the ftuummlly rsitieimce , corner ci Foumrteeimt hr au.d Leavsmnwortlu streets. ! t'he intormnec y took itlaco iii St. Muery'scouumetery. S -1bogm.s & 11111 have tiled km time clerk's a flee the vaoer for a miew addition to Oioahi - It is located Just north of Shlnim's additiou I amid from there caum be hid aim oxcellsnt yies 0 of the city , atm , ! iii consequeumco of this It imttmfled Omaha View , a U -Timoinas liruuunau , of Ireland , late Secrs it tary of the Irish Luuth League , who Is no engaged lii delivering lectures thirougim th. 0eoummtry for this benefit of the National I4nmm League , will i1ieak In this city Tlmursdsy eve' ' s log , November 4 % under the mmu51)ieod of tl 4 two branches of the League hero , 10TH ESCAPED UNHURT. Two llcmrkab1e Instailcos of Uoo Luck for Tu ? CFSCIIS , Ono a WOflIftfl lVIuo Foil fromum a Train atid time Other a Wouulul-bo ha. rgiar. The account of two remarkable escapes - capes from injury is given to Tin' Bun reporter. The first. is that of a woman who foil or jumped from a railroad traimu , which wait going at the rate of thirty-five mites aim hour , It was Saturday oromuitw and ( lie train was thmo west-bound U. P. The train was going down the steep gm-ado the other muido of time Sumniitabout. four unilca west of the city , and was making a high rate of speed. IL was at. this time that ; a womnami passenger was seomm to jump or fall from time iilatforin of otmo of time cars. Time operator at Sum. uitit wan hinmuiediatoly informncd , He at ommco telegraphed to hmoadsimmrtcra for lii- structiouis , aumd was ordorodto inveaUgato and learn if thuo woniami was , injured or killed. lie took a lantern mmd made a thorough search of time spot where she left time train , limit fouumd nothing to iumdi- cato a casualty. A look over the grouzud by daylight does imot reveal anything ad. ditional as to what became of the flying passemiger. It is claimumed that. thucro iii ho mistake about her gottimmg ofi time traumi in tito mnimumior reported. Who time woman - man is , or whither she was going is not knowmi What has become of her is a nmatthr of equal uncortaimmty. She mimust Imave niigimtcd unhurt , as there ii no report - port of an injured person imaviumg been found. She probably became frightened , at time high rate of speed time traiim was making , and thiimkimmg that thmoro was greater safety on time solid ground , took desperate chances and muado a jump , and miraculously aliglmtcd unhurt. Time othior lucky escape diflers front time first in that time principal is a milan and tlmat lime luck consisted in the bad nmarkunan- ship of another man who was firing at hmini with a 1mistol. For three or four days past a tramp has boon hmammging around time vicinity of Nineteenth street beyond St. Mary's avenue , much to the annoyance of people in the neighbor- hood. Last evening ime was seen to approach - preach a residence amid peep through tire blind. Ills manner of mnoveimicnt mdi. catod thmat burglary was Imis intent. The mutt of time house saw 1dm and wont after him. Time follow mu up an alley , and as imo disappeared in the darkness the mnan fired three shots after hint. A police. man being scat for , camno and looked around time promisee and the neighborhood - hood , but could fluid miothing of time fol- low. Whether or miot Ito was hit could not. be learned , but there is nothing to indicate that any of the shots took ellect. At any rate , thcro is ito danger that time fellow will be back again soon. n making the nsscrtiomi that I'OZZofli S Mesi icatesi Comumpiexion l'rnvdcr its entirely free front itijuirious or deadly poisons we do It up. elm the authority of a thorough ciienuical analy. isis. It its one of tim oldest face ovoie in tIme American mmmrket , afli it. useti lit the families of sonmo of our imioust iromirieuit medical mnen who Iowa perisoimaily nckmmowledged to the ilrietor tltat they miot emily commsidor it liamni- bios , but eotcenied it highly beiioficial imi over respect , imot only for the use of 15(110.5 and clii - damn , but for tlto "lord of creation" himself. Sold by till druggists. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. A Look Into thc 1atter of Electric Light In Omaha. What is. Being Done In That Dirco- then , anti Its Future Pros.pccta. Time subject of electricity is one of great importance to time people of this land , and rapid strides arc being inado in the way of its subjection daily. Mcmi of great minds are constantly experimenting amid trying newsclicmea by which to bring thiizi mighty force to do thieirbidding , axmd time smiccoss which crowns their efforts is A matter ot world.wido continent. Time electric light , although it 1mm been iii use for several years , lisa constantly been imn1irovcd until it scents that ilto climax of success in that direction must have boon reached , and yet , in nil proba. bility , it is but in its infancy. Speaking of electric light , Omaha has it , and not a bettor syatoni of lights is operated iii any city in the country thamm that iii use lucre. Friday , in commipany ivithm ox-Oov- ornor Furnace and J. T. Clarke , general manager of time Northmwestorn Electric Light company in this city , a Bun ropor. tor was permitted to fathom , tome mo extent , time electric light bus. moss in tltis city. The first l)15C0 visited was the "plant" itt Limo corner of Farnam and Tenth streets , wlmoro time finest. and latest improved machinery is in position under time suporvisiomi of competent mmmcmi. It is a sight of an evening of itself , but we were pcrumiittod to go farther. Mr. Clarke had in w.dtiug a carriage , amid iii company with hiiunsol ( ex.Oovernor Fur- mice aumol aRopubhican reporter , we wore driven to time Willow Spriumgs distillery , I wlmoro time Immeandeacemit syatcumi of higlmt is used , amid wore shown tlmrouglm tire estab. I hiaimnmouit. Time immcandescont 'ight is do. signed principally for couumtimig roomims , r private resitloncos , etc. it is a more steady light , mmmiii far ummoro pleasant anc less sovorO upomm time eyes. There two the distillery buildings sovoumteemm lights , and the mmtacliimmo wliiclm generates timu S electricity is placed imi time engine roon and i propelled by the satire eimgin it which tunis time other mnachuimmery , ani Ii the cost of liglitimmg Limo works is so sinai It that It is not coumitcd. 'l'Imo Northwestern coampany have niad arraumgomnonta witim time Oimmalma Natiomu I. bank people , and iii time course of a fe I. WeekS that building will all bo highite i , with time iumcammdescouit light. Time Nt , Y braska National bank is also conaidorium Is time queslioum of lighting their buLk ui1 ; with 'imo ' sitinG light , auid , km all proh ability , whomm time iumcandescent light t , put in use in time Omaha National baumt w whore it can easiiy be soon , many wit I , know little or nothmiiig of its won III irigs , ivill become enamored of it ammd m 1- Once follow suit amid have their places me buaimmeu lighted w'mththosauno. Auiotiu point In fayor of the umcandescommt high - is its choapimess , costing , as it does. , from one to three dollars loss per light per month than does thoarchight , iloivovor , time rates of time arc light in this city arc from 20 to 25 per cent , less timan in lCan. SM City , Salt Lake and other western cities , and equally as low as in ouzatcrmm cities. The establishing of electric light in Omaha imas. been a losing investnmoumt from Limo start , until quite rccommtly , when it reached a paying basis. We are pleased to imoto tlmat it is daily growing moro mmii Imioro popular , amid tue coin- pahiy are conatatmtly cztoiidhimg their lilies , arid tito strenuous efForts mnado to please are being appreciated. however , time gomuticinoum coumiposing time conipauuy , aniomig whiiclm Mr. II. 'P. ( Jhmrko and Mr. I 1' . 0. Ihiniebaugimaro tIme mmmostpromimmomit , are abutmdanmtly able amid eloterunhmiod. to ummako it a success iii point. of good light , wluetlmer fimmancially or not. Tim l'a'ctomm hotel hum recently placed two lights in their spacious dimming roomim to batter show Limo elegant work which has just beau completed there , and it certainly does add mnucii to time drooL. The patroums of time compammy are , witlmout an exception , emmtiroly satialied with time working of time highit amid with the liberal niauunmgounemmt imm geimeral of time comimpaimy amid now lammipa arc cozmstaimtly being pincod in position. Tue services of cimo of the best eloc- triciamma iim time country lmas boon secured and Ito will be imm time city iii a few days to take charge of thmo inechmaumical part of time busimioss , and any little irregularity svhuclm umiay have occurred heretofore will be obviated. Tlio Nortlmwcstern compamiy iiavo utmndo coumtractmu witim parties jim several nijoixm. iimg cities to 1)utt. in a systomim of lights , iuaviuig control , iii timis State , of time arc amid mumcnmidcscont systems. It is to bo hoped timat at ito distant day time city council may see lit to place dcc- trio light upon the uumalum streets mid timer. ougimfares of time city. After talking over time electirc light buminess for two hours Mr. Clarke , with the two scribes , were driven to Higgins' restaurant , whore an elegant. lummcim was disposed of , after wimichi we higlmtcd a couple of i'trr. Clarke's cigars with a couple of our iiiatehos and' took our do. partdre , mentally resolving that Mr. J. T _ Clarke is a princoof good fellows and a royal ontortauiior while time electric light is cite of Onmaha's greatest improve. I iflCitt8. - - - Ptlllih , Speakers anl Htngers fluid mm. ii. Douglas & Sons' CaIOICutiI congit 1)rops a sure remedy for Itoarmeness. THE "BUSTED" POOL. The Chicago , TyIiIsaiikce & St. Pani Raa ¶ i1lli'aws Frail ! tile Iowa Peal , Prolftblti Ad.iustuimctmt of time 1)ior- enecs Without time Sliethtlirug of illood. The anuiouncenmont that tlmo Chicago , Milwaukee A St. I'nul railroad compaimy : hiai given mmotico of its withdrawal from time Iowa pool comnbiumation caused quito a little flutter of excitement in .railroad circles iii this city Saturday. It has , however , boon expected that matters would assume time shape which they have and it. was a matter of imo great surprise to those who were iii position to keep posted on the mnovomenta of the both- pany. The St. l'atd folks hmavo boomi dissatis- fled with their percentage of time earnings and have been comistantiy "kickiig" for mom , and have at last resorto to this method to gain their ends. Under time agreement made by all time roads entering time pool , thirty days' notice - tico must be givoui prior to withdrawal from time isool , and conaequeimtly matters will romnain quiet for thirty days. At the expiration of that time time peroemmt age of the Cimicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road will be settled in a satisfactory inammner to thioni or Limo bail vih1 open in right good shape. Time probabilities are flint time differences will Ire settled satisfactorily - factorily to mill parties coimcermmed , and timings will utiovo right along as if there had boon ito trouble. A Buii : reporter visited several of time ticket ofhices iii this city to ascertain how the representatives of time various roads felt in regard to time move- mauL of time St. Paul folks , and they all withm ono ace' rd declared it a bid from that road for a higher percentage of time Pool earnings , and were each equally as confident that time matter would bo fixed UI ) before time expiration of time thirty days , amid do mmot anticipate any ramlroad war between time Iowa trummk hues. ; : # ; ' ' : 4mM POWDER Absolutely Pure Thu. pOtter never ysrics. A marvel of Purl y , m rtrenglm sail uhoIeornenes. More economical ttmr the odiii&ry kinds , sod cannot tte sold In cotuutitioi 0 wtthth.unultltudo of iow test , short cmght , alum ci ii otohato t.oAder. . Soul oniy to ran. . itoysi bak II i"r Powit. , ( ii. 105 w.u Wsw York. 0 SPEOIAL NOTICES. ml trspoclais will l'ostttvely not bo tasertec I unless talut in advance. ) TO LOAN-Money. g ONEY TO LOAN In lutes of eoo , or more oi I. .is : long thue st 01 ron cent per aunuin 1y mt. C , . Latterson &Ce. , 34U Earnaun St. 7C4.lino Is _ 1 , ONE LOANKU-On chattel security. C. Ii , .L , 1AYN & CU , izoc ) 'sxuani 8t. OUuno $ 0 tiNny ye WAN.-Thu Insest rates of lutere. C. Lii. IIsntIs Loan J.ency , 15th & bougtaa. 3-tf it ONEY TO LOAN-5aH &t law oSlo. of D. I ) f lvi Tho&nLI , coma 0 , Critghtoo iliock. in 4ONKY TO LOAN-J. . stty cttttc it ivi proicdy , 215 South 1th 5t sept16 , - - - - - _ _ . 4trt tfltflt : - * ' lnfants and Children Without Morphine or Nnroothio. 1iat gives our Children rosy cheeks , t. Vlitmt cures their fevers , uuma1es them sleep. * -a. 'Tiss ( . , storin. Vhcn flahies fret , fluid cry by turns , I What cures their colic , kOls their worms .4. , , Imiut Cnst.rln. - I What quickly cimre.q Constipation , hour Stomncn , Oolds , Indigestlomm r 5. . , lint ( astorIn. Farewell then to MorliIno Syniupe , CastorOileund l'aregunio , aunt auntllvll ! Castorin. Centaur Liniment.-Ab. . solute euro for Rheumatism , Sprains , Burns , GaTh. , &c. , anti an instantaneous Pnln.rollevor. . - -3 IISLI' WANTIW. IVANTED-Two men olgisad addrastoohi goods , ' to private fatul1e , Ituiti ) euuiployumiont , call 421 I ouith meth. 811-101 1ITNTuD-Tvcnty laborers. 11.31ANNWEl- V I LEn , 11th near Farnam. S2 20 % TANTE1)-A girl to ashtin general linus , work , S Y must utislet'stjuuoI cooking ; good wages. . Call itt 607 north 17th St. 8i3.l7 utootr s.tuuuts-Tro ! flrt c1am wo : kmon wan. B ted at Ona.a , Urooun Work , , 15th an ) Paciflo St , 826.20' rANTEi-A zi'l for gcuarah here work in a ! S small fatally. Ah'l11) 52 uiortli lOut St. 811 171 T.tNm"FEIijoutinu to do general houses orc 1' ' \T.tNm"FEI- coloteti Ircierrod lIlt Fauutain St. N. N. Ell. WARD. 815-10' ' X7ANTEIJ.laultor , forlied'ck ' h'ock. V 810. 17 l'.ULSEi' & CO. % 7ANTED-Cookaumd chamber mild , utages $1.00 S Y per week. .Fply 2t18 Chicago St. Sii.211 1TANtu1)-A good girl for gencral houework. T I APPlY at lStS Chicago St. 812.19 , T.NTID-A good tlacksnilth on general Jobbitig of horse shoeing at Mttldoon's shop , 18th amid Leai onwoeth. 808.10 ! A Young utiunarrieti lady wantcl fertho ith at Buckeye Stoat Market , to , logcncral housework , corner of 10th autO Mason , 769-tf 1TANTED-A good slicitor onenequninted with S Y the teriut book trade. To nt ry , 1anas. Itooni C aol 7 lrtruts bock , Couocii 1IIiuft In 78521 iaTANvmn-e.od cook inniediately at tmio Carey V Y houSe N. W. corner mitt. and Ilaicuport. 786tt X7 ANTEI-A good timing room girl imnictllntcly V at Occidental ilotci. 770-tf 7ANTEi-I.ocat agents iii Ncbrnka to represent our inirsory stock For terms asidresm H. 0. PALMER , Icansa.q City , 3m. , orluioommuigton , ilL nov 14.ml.21 21 \TANTmLJ-UIri for general housework , at 1620 V V 1)ougias street. 745-ti 1iTANTmiD-0iri for general housework , at 162' ' ) V 5' flouglas street. 745-tt 1TA1i0-Sa1esmaui for each county iii the U. y , S. SiLt and expenses. Good's , oid by sautipla. Senti stamp. LA BELLE 11O CO , , Chicago , Ii i. 600.lot cod , % ATANTmiD-000ct tnan to chop out trees out of 50 S S acres of groundoncumingut. , insldocity limits 13F.MIS , Agent 15th anti Douglas St. 578.tf 1 ? ANTEI-0000 girls br good tamulloL Best T V wages. Apply imniediately at employment bureau 2i7 N. 16th St. No. office foe. 622-ti SITUATIONS WAIITED. 1'TANTmiD-fly a middle aged lady a place to deV V S common housework. Addres "S. S. J. " lice otilce. .807.101 1ATATiiD-Poit1on as nurse Ia a goad family by I V a lady. Address 'P. 5. " Bee otilco. 781.17 ! 5IIBUBLLANi1OUs WANTb. 17ANTED-$1503on lonmi time on real estate se- V S curit : Address " .1. " Bee otlico and state terutis. 788-lit U7 ANTED-l'nrtner in a flrst.elass paying business V V orofits large and a good trade established , only a.ntalt aniount of motucy required. Addrcsm 'SW. V. . 13. " Bee otilce. 777.178 'XTANTBD-A partner iith at leaqt $3,000 to go y V litto a good paying business. A nmaclilnist preferable - ferablo For partiuiars. address .IOIIN F. IIOOY. Eli , Spritigachi , Sarpy Co. , Nob. 718.20' iX&NTED-OirL Enquire at 1808 Davenport St. , v 71118 IXTANT1iD-'lo eXchange , deirabio city rcsidenc V V for farmin eastern Nobraka. Appiy toJ. W. LOUNS1IUIIY , ltoalcstato agent , 15th and maruianm. 68tf roit RBNT-.Rnuses antI Lots. ltuNT-mlott.o auiti large barr , No. 1020 N. Foil St.and Itotusi aiiI barn corner 28th and 11owa-ttSt. Win. 1. . . ilonroeitiisnd Dougas : St. 836.23' . -L.toR RUNT-Five nicely furulm'aed : onti at II. _ J . Spiegel's furniture s.ore , opsio iii lard Ilotel. Olt nuNr-Nicclyfuruilsuel room 1034 Farnam ritreet. 837.2o -ro1t ; huNT-Two furnished roonvs S. Vt. corner .1 10th and Farnn'n 833-231 jOit 1IENT-Two furnished rooms 262 $ Coming _ U St. . 830.101 FOIL IIENT-tIousoNo. 7228. 10hSroct. Inq'iir. , at H. Jonason's Jerolr , store , corner of Ilarusy and lrtmt St. 822-200 RENT-Ti roe now rooms cellar anti eistsrn , 1 67cc iwr month. iuisiuuirs at Slit and Dosilas St. , south.wcst corner. 824.2.8 lute itl-NT-itotse , ci tour rooms emit kitchen. . _ lmuuieoof .t.Murpby , 42" south lithSt. 756421 tO1t RENt-A new , neatly furnllwd cottace uuith I use of Piano , good clstcrncucr thing conuoulent , itt ) . and St. Mary's aveuuo. itent ucry clieat. $16 per , , moith. Inquire of I. I ) . iturnctt , at ' . Poiack's. clothI g utoro , biG Iarauii street , nt-ar m4th. 52i.tl . 01 ° . ILEN8-A la'ge and small room with firet. F ' claesboardai lOut Dodge street. 822.23 RUNT-A 0 or S room brck house , N. It. cor. Felt 16th and Davonhtoot Call on PTcuiilE. 821.23 ! 'out ItaNT-mimisail store including lIve rooms , No. - I ( 415 lOut. St. tieteeu. liarney and ltuwarti. 831. iwr utienth. S. LI-11MAN. 821.tf T IISNT-Pleaaant rooms , flee block. froui thu l'ot 0111cc. Information giseu. at 1010 lodgu Street. 810.22 * Foil 1IENT-A nicely fnriil.hed room at l7l2Caii. forniabetusoen lilt. ntI3bth St. 803 22 ! oft IIEST-Ftirnlaheil rooms 1610 Furnoui. F 804.101 VOlt 1tENT-A three story brick distilling huse trir om , , huh room , fuuusacu. hot a. ti cost itifer , No 1812 Iodsu St Api' y to John isicOor. uitick cooler 1)odgo and 18th Slreet. 818108 ' ) OOUS and otitces lot rent hi itedick' . block. ti 817.17 i'AULS)2N ) & CO. . .souL ItEN'F-Yurnlstitd room N. E. corner 0 Douglas antI 16th street. 8U2-171 ltt2NT-Nicely fuirislahed rooms at 13i4 Jack. Felt son St. between 11th stat 1411. . 776.201 4 ott muNT-Nioc new cottage of live rooms on : Ida'uoStreet , bait block north of Cunting St. I ltiiiUire at iolhoini t nrici.son. 765-ti : RENTN1cely furnished larlor. Also alcove room , with hay window , suutu ) frontage , with ! boil room"en tuite , slitter isithout board. N. W cor. lStti and Farnaui etroets. 758tf . 5 Ii.olt imcz'rr-uood house sod bar , . on utorti. 16th . I street , suitable for jtarty utiiig a number of I team. . iul'lUlrU ' of 11. Kuuutza , 1st NotIonal Bank. 727.22 : . 1tINT-Furntstiod roolo with uoaxd. gas auij .J _ ' bath room , 34o t718 lodgstt-eet. 735171 - ) Iui.Nr-To rooms , one fiirjmiehesi and one : L I uiuufurtiished , 1617 Chime street. 782-ti . FOttlml1NTThreu new cotbiges , 6 room , useli and cistern , felt lot , , etc. , each $ tO per month. 670.11 U. 1. . IlIOSiAS. 1I'Ott 1ItINT-tottngem ne.r2dd and Clark streets1 .J _ 810 ier mouth , T. J. Ittziuorrls , 642 8. litit St. - I. TOit ImEN r-lmoomi in Nebrasha National itsutli - .1. . nuudlng. Most de.lrsbl , ethos. lii the city. ii Supplied with hydusutic notate ; and bested b ) guam. Apply it Bank. 02611 - - 71cLes . - . s.:1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the Sumsn body enlerged , developed and , . , 1. so Interesting advertisement long run in OCT ' . In replY to Inquiries we ssiU say that ( hero Is no ovittenec of hunmbtig abont this. On the contract , the sdvertlsor , are very hlhly eodorsl. Intere't&I OCtsOiiS mt3- get belt ! c4rcuulare giuluig Ill Ilarucu Inc. hr al IresslnR Erie Medical tin.5 1' . 0. boa St Iluffafo , N. t'-Toied'i Evening Illano. mmt.ly R&T uleroax. Arnie , r88Crmto VOLT.ito ar.r.r , ni ether . .j ArpitoScsq. iVo wilt sent on Thirty 1)ayt' TrIel , TO StSN , YOUol out om. , .ho au-c Suits-tint from Srnous tflonui.mty , Xtisi VITALITY. anti thos , , .1leaset. of a IItILSONAh NATVTIC resetting from MiUsr.s andOnusaCacaLs , Spemly t-ctIfnntconi. plots retoratlon to IICALTII. iloorl , in.t 0taiaioo floanuorpueo. frost , Address YOLTAIC BELT Co. , 1AIISIIALL , TIdll. DUFREME & iF45/DELSS1I7Ii , RCH .1 iJ . ? A 1aati aRFMOVED TO Oil/si A ) A31fl.Al It Is pen nEr-'rwo Iumtshi'd rooms itt 83.oo and 810 ref month. Each room largo enough for two ecuipants. momi Wobetcr street. 562.tf I -I , Ott 1tF.NT-Pleannt rooms , furntshel or utot , as tieqircil , four block. from opera houte. Aptly 1503 Farnain. 75.u F01' IIENT-Furuisuuod front room , 1124 Dotigia 570-U 1 4 III2NT-Ncw Store in TofC , block on Saim- . tIe. troet. tlood location for grocery store , ltitlcr , , iiop etC. inituiro at I'oOpIes Bank , Dodge St. . . 2o1.u JORflENTltesldences &nti , 'torobutlding. . 13n ) ) . FORD & SOBER , lter.i Estate Agency.9 It east silo 14th trect , between Fainain antI Dottt. etrcots , 71St ' ' 011 1U4.NT-Fnrnlshed rooms on t1.O northwest cor. 13it andCapitoiaicnuo. 139.U I 4 Oit LEASE-Four choice iotiq on 20th Sb , long time , 217 N , lath St. 3. L. Marble. 62541 FOR SALE. F OIl 13.tTmi-100 to 75) cords of lrnrsi wood , now being choppoti on "Lasso larm" ott Cumiuig St. . half julie isest of aiilitnry bridge. Will only be o1sl to one miurchaser. IJF.SllS , Agent , 18th aunt Douglas streets. 883-ti F01t SaLE-Hoarding house , price $3'D. 829-101 ii. 5lANNWl1I.E1L roll SAL1-Lst.o and furniture of boardinhouso -I cheap. Address"ll. i ' tee 0111cc. 840-20f SALU-D .rbgr ihnp doing good busIness scsi T 4 in goosi location. Addr. iswtth full natime , "hit. her , " thu office. . 811.201 Foil SALE-liou'o 24x43 7 rooms , lot OJx CO fl ar Ilansscni Park , low price easy ternis ii. ii. iituv & Co. , real estate agents , S.V. . corner lit ) . and l'nuyatii. , 53-1fl I 4 , 011 8AL11-A good Millinery and Fancy Oood biIties E.stahii.hed flue years , hating the St-it Irade in the town. Situated In lis , leau'tftit town of Seward , Nob. Atidress " 3.lillincry , " flex 165 Sen. ard , Nob. 884.17f Fort SALmi-5.000 acres of I'luio land iii Missouri. 4 liauidsomo residences In tiandu.ky Ohio. A hue farm in Kansa , , and one hi Dakota , to c. change for Ottiaha , eal estate. SIitlVEit Si 01)0051Cc i'ost , Ofliec. 803.22 Oil SttL'-Fartn : iztilics 3. W. of city. Inquiru F of Sirs. Ircyor 623 N. 16th St. 811.ltiii F I Cit SALE-Gun , breach moattugshotgun , Iii mice- foot order and a goctt shooter. l'ricc 7.50 in quira at Falcoust's drygools stora 810 17 * F Cli SALU-Two stOry house , six room , , closetp , liauitri , cellar , cIstern , n-oil. shrubbery stable , arid out-houses. S1ilcndld iociutinn , $3,10O Lar.ro lot , with nice house , barn and other iiiiprovcmentv , Ott Shornian , very cheap. Another iarge lot , ltii 7 room cottage on Sherman nienue , $3,300. Nearly new house ciii a lot 225x22O , not f.ir out. A great. biugain at tile mince akel. , $2,200. 708-ti 0. FL MAYNII .k 00. , 1100 Farnaw. on SALU-An elegant house of 14 rooms bit F room , closet , , well anti cistern. Large Ic Heiniebaugh i'aco , on Mt. I'Ieamant ave. , one block west of car line. A bargaln Call Immoulately on ItcoAchun , opposite Post Oltico. 702.25 Oil SALE-SI acres iv 111 house sod other lni F provements . .ery cheap. 708-if 0. 5. MAThIO. A CO.l0C0 Farnatn. F 011 SALmi-l3o. wilt buy a gooi 4 room house .talie. isell , ci.tern gnu all to good order , cii half lot cn street car line. 704-it C. ii mIAYNE & CC. , 1500 Farnam. F Oil SALE-Good 5 room house , ceilir. barn , coal Souse. cistern , shrubbery &c. Full lot , good location , 83,250 , a bargain. 70.tf (2. mi. MAYNE & CO. , 1500 Farnarn. Fort SALE-St acres ' good howe , shade trees large orcba , good'location , will bu soil great sacrifice for caih. 703 tf 0. K MAYN & CO. . 1509 Farmiam F OIC SALi-SCO doun , ba'ance on long tIme. Nice U room house , barn and other improucinents. $2,300. Cheap. 800-ti C , F SIAYNFi & CO. , 1500 Fiurnauii. H OTETJ iCR SALE-A neatly furnished hotel con- slAing of 26 rooms for sale In one of the niost thris-Inmi towns in Easter , , Nebrask. . Terms neaon- able. reaotm for selling. j.oor health. InquIre V , J. HAmu.:8 : , I'roprietor lla2is0i , Nob. 701.27 OIl SALI-A tiice , clean stock of harduvaro at a F bargain. No. ill north IGLIt ttrect , next to Crouiisos block. 750-101 i AICE CffANOll-We dOer for sale at s bargain R to 0 thousand acres of iamt to a body. with nmke a flue stock raiich Six uiilles from County Scat of Bono county. Terms easy. OF.DAVIS&CO , 717-tf l5 3 Farnaum street. OItS.tL.l--Merchant Tailoring business , wcii cit. F 4 tablisheit nimil laYiII' . ( boil reasons for selilur. Adjust. "C. ( ) . ' lice otiire 633 tf SALll-'armns In eastern Nobrska , 1. W , F I LOUNSIIUIW , Real Estate Agent , 15th and Far. nan'- 631-u SALII-Vacant half bbs near city. Also soy. Foil improved half lots at a bargaIn. 1. W. LOUNSBURY. 11th and Farnaun. 692.tf SALfl-Lotm 15 and 18 b ock S ilanscoun MOlt on Park are. , oniy $030. each , 0l7-tf McIJAOUB , oppoiits P. 0 , - well established Brick business with J3OitSALll-A routi ds. 514-ti SlcOAOhifl , oslpositu P. 0. sALu-'rwoiots N. V. corner of Sidli and rolL St. Inquire of Edholni and Erickson. 417-If SALIS-Conmer lot in Stilun's audition. pelt f.10-tf SlcCAOUli , opposite P. 0. SAL1I-Noiv cottage in good location , $3O0Q. F011 512-ti MeCAGUE , opposite 1' . 0. Olt SALE-A first clasit second hand top F at 1819 liarnov Btreek 97ff BALII-ltealdenco and business J'rolrty In FOR narts of Omaha , and Firm land. hm alt parts of the state. . IJI2DFOICI ) t SOUER , 793-If 213 8. 14th St. bet. Farnamn and Douglas. SALE-A number of mortgages , flrstclaas se. FOit . MOCAGUII , opposite 1' . 0. 650-ti 01t SALn-Two portisoo oou.ers 10 torso power I 4 Aj.ply &t I D. ulL'Zl'ATIIICK , 668-ti siB South hIlt Street. sALml-liouso and comes io coo Foil card at $1,700. si3.ti llceAouEopposite P. 0. SAL1I-120Qd bustusiss chanocs at 2t7 N. 16th I 4 street. J. 1. . 51ARIJIE. 530-U E1OR SALtS-At abargafo , a , maliiiiler , IJahnuan ii r and 0os fire proof safe. Inquire st tide oDre.ti ti 'l TANTEI-To buy Omaha heal Estate for hue. . tors Call cii SIcCAGUE , opposIte 1' . Ii.610U 610-U 'O1t SALE-Ole newspapers in argo an small I quantities it this attica. if SAi,1-lhrooor four residence lets ( corters ) Foil best locatIon In clIi. 611-ti S1cCAGUB , oppoelto P. 0. MISCELLANEOUS. ) t.ntl loslglcmc * l.Ou ) mier nemic at Ilisi I lariry I _ ) St. teslitorauit- 842-ttuol t'AliLOltS" McOSImu DIIVi4SIIAK1NO ' JISaUS Slal.Ing a specIalty. N. 12. cur. ioutIa. antI 1611. street. 635-2 8 ADlSii des-hint tnttritlioii , In ( .trunan will find J .4 5 competent teacher 53' applyIng at 1613 l > Olge St. 782-216 EDWARD KUERL , IZAQISTER OF PALMYSTIIRY AND OONDlTIO' ALI1IT , 803 Tooth street , tietweuc Fares-rn and 11 usy , will , with lb. sIul of guardian spirits. 051st-i 503 one S iaaoo of lb pest sod peusot , sad errt&hn conditions in the Suture. hot. and e ins to ocder. Perfect atWacUon guaranterti.