THE DAL BEEm.OMAHA MONDAiOVEMBM1941883. 6 /\Real . / \ : : , Estate BARGAgNS -IN- 8ity , Suburban andFarm Property. We hav aPino Traot near Oantor of City Which is a , _ _ I,4 Bargain. SPECIAL. tlro-Pufl lot % ; lth 5 room house on 16th St. , between Center ud torca. Good cellar , barn , coat houo , cItirn , bidewa1k , hnibbery , ek. Oreat llrga1n. , &Ou-I3ernitfiiI lot with 4 room house , good , ceIkt , ) rgo eJoot , etc. Sightly tocatlon , 11.3 00-Lot 97xR32 , WIth 7 room cottage onThor. titan avcnucbetweci. Shemian aivl Clark stret. Good property. tie $ 2SOO-Tvo beautiful Iota In flcCorinlck3 addi. . t1oji , on Farnarn , treet. I : 119 3SO-Reo Place , Park avenue , full lot. new two 8tory houae , 7 rooms , good cellar and coal .hcth , city atcr , trees end alt trnproemCfltS. Bargain. 11 $ l,2OCasli-Tht 30x138 on 11th St , In Kountzo' 4th additIon. lfou.o 4 large roonis , lot beatiti. tollS located and is really worth much more. IteoMon for selling , must bate money. . 12 tl,250-Eacli three beautiful oto In Itceec 1lace , Park at .nuo on ea.y tenn. t $1,500-Half lot ott Sanndorat'treot. flood house 4 rooms , goo4closots , pantry , , tablc , wcU , cl terti , porch font and rear. Price 1,3OQ , two. . thlrd cash. TItI. 18 a bargain. Must be .old by the tIi or % tIUbO withdrawn Irom.alo. Improved Property. 3,5OO-i2 room house , ccc. 13th and CalIfornia etreets , 6 closets. cellar , city water , outhotios , 2,7OO-6 room house on N. 13th .trcct , closet. , cellar , cistern , well , etc. BCDeORD & SO P.R. 531000.-000d . ! x room houto on Davenport , bet. SSd and 24th , two .tory coact , , pantry cellar cleborn , well , tilt ehrubbery. Btaltltt Mid outhou-908. - 31OO-FulI size lot on McCandllsb place. with two fraMe cottages. ono 5 room , on 3 roolr. For .ale or oxchango. 2,1Oo-Good two and a halt acre tot with five room cottage , brick oeUar , well , fruit trees , etc. Ono ot the beet three ory brick busines , ho on Faruam .trect. Terms pnvatu. 3,2OO-New7 room houeo.on N. 15th street. A. modem lmprovemcnts. Good location. Cli eap - $5OO-New two story house , Queen Ann style. ,1L modern improvements , city water , lot 1001 , t , ! Two full lots St. Mary' . avenue and 20th , with S i houses. Will be first class business property. Terms easy. Q ' p1,750-Lot COxPO , with two houses. Cheap. p2,500-Two houses in Nelson s addition , on Cen. , tee street. Outnonses , cistern , lrl< trees , eta. . Business house and lot on Douglas streat , bet. 14th and 15th. Terms east' . New 8 room house on Chicago. bet. 24th sad Sdth. AU improvements. * Two new house , , ono .lx and ocher 8 rooms. Flrst.claas and modern Improvements. Terms V.asv 4 .85 2 700-Lot 100x132 , College Street , Itadick's .y ' 'k- ' .nhdivlsion , new S room house. Veli improved. " 3s 52,500-Lot SOxilO , Convent street , C reom cot. \ tago , large basement suitable for rooms , barn \et. . D2t0Omom house. Thornell's a4dltlon. barn , well , ctst..n , good improvouient , $500 cash , 21,800 on long timo. tii0o-7 room house on Davenport , bet. 18th and 17th. 6 Lot 175x500 on Sherman , large house , barn and other improvements. Lot without lmprovo. , mont. L tt orth the money we ask for it. 7 Two now houses and two full .Lzo lots on Park avenue. Hot and colit water , anti a modern first class Improvements. Itousce would cost I what 'so ask for whole. Extra good bargain. r & 3 2,6Oo-Lot 82x150 , cor. 17th and Center , house p 4 rooms. barn , water , trees , outbuildings. ; 2 2,6O0-Fite room house , lStn bet. California & Webster. Nice proporty. Terms citsy. ' to $ l,5o0-Lot 0 , block S , SIilnn's 2d addition. One and a haifatory house , Terms easy. 62 $3,000-000d 7 room house onSherman. Modern improvements , stable , well , cistern. A bargain , 63 O,000-Full lot , one 8 room and one 5 room house , now , 5 blocks from the opera beuse. Very cheap. 82 $13bCO-Splendldiotori Dodgencarltth. Chea 63 (8,000-LarRo house and small oottage. Eeoc location full dcc bt Davenport near 19th , L 8 4C00-Lot 80x260 , coed S room house , modern . mprovcmenta. near bueines , on Sherman are. 92 $ ltOO-'I'wo lots , 123x140 , with house st.eblo etc. ) Barker's sub.dlvlsion. I : 3 Q1,800-LOt ind a haU , good house , Rodiok' eub. , division , ( corner. ) , 95 Lot with 7 room house , Chicago , bet. 19th and 14th. . 01 l,0O-Lot and 5 room house. florbach's add ! . . - tton , troll , cistern , etc. Everything In good re' pair. 102 8950-LOt and 4 room house , Ivird , her. lOUt and . 17th t Unimproved Property FOR SALE BY flEDFOl1DISOUEfl. 2 Sl,000-Lot 60127 , Indiana atid Division. 8 $700 oath-Two lots 081132 each , on 11th. Cheap , and ! Iota 6Oct32 each on 10th. It $250 oaeh-7 lots in Yates & ltel' addition. 23 1200-12 liii ! elee lots , lianscom l'isoc , one block west ot t'ark avenue. lots I'ark . . . 50 each-Two on avenue. Bargain. Business lots on Dodge , betaeen 11th and 12th. Ill i00-Lot in Slilnu's addition , on Scward , street. 83 $3,000-FuU lot , ltoed'elet addition , on 25th and Chicago. 46 $5,000-SIx good lots in lianscom Ptsoo. Bar gain. . 54 3,0O0-Lot 10x120 , onFarnam , neav,2Oth. Va cheap. 89 F'ourncrofl inWet Omaha. 60 5&O-Lot lii Isaac. & Seldon's addiSon. c $1,000-Fino lot , ltoddiok' . addition , l'ark ave. 54 4o0-t2 feet of block It , Shinu' . addition. Fine view. Sd $2,200-Lot4lx0000 18th. Business property worth take the price nakod. 04 $3,600-Full size graded lot on Chicago , , bot. 13th and 14th. OS esoo-Uood lot , high location , south 10th. 100 $8.OcXl-33xl12 on lath , bet. Barney and 110w. Md. 103 V1O each-Two citra good lot in 1tansoin. addition. COOdhbh location. Bargains in Farms & Lands ; 527 per acro.-180 acre impraved farm , near Ores. ton , Iowa , 10 acres woodland , 45 acres corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. IS 1,0oo40 acre , S4 of a mb west of Ft. Omaha two hou'o , , two bar. , . , granary , corn crib , two welle , 00 bearing fruit trees , 900 grape rinea Vill soil or exchange. 14 7,00o-200 acres , ball mIle N. W. Elkhorn , 140 acres It. cultIvation , balance pasture. Four room house , stable , etc. Terms easy. 51 28O-10 acres good land , 4 1. miles from Bur. llngton , Coffee county , Kansas. Will. exchange for Omaha property. e 11 9,40O-24O acres adjoining city of Wilber , Saline county. All under fence and well improved. _ ThIs property is cheap at $10,000. 05 820 per acro-400 acres , S miles from Waterloo , Douglas county. Part in cultivation balance meadow , all good land. Will sell or wifi arrange with cattle man for co.partnorship , or will con tract to iced 800 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 acres in Morrick county. Coed till able iand , and wilt ho sold from O to O per acre. 89 7 'or core-Will buy 100 acres in Cedar Co. g 8111. ior acre-bail acres 2 mlles from Hamburg Iowa. 97 816. peracro-Improvod near Logan Iowa. 101 Sovaral hundred acres In Cuming Co. Neb. 101 Six thousand acre. in Btanton Co. Nob. 107 $ iO'peraero-2200 acres timbered land in Ray Co.Mo , thrco sinailfarma ontni land , balance good cottonwood timber , which will more than pay far investment. For sale or exchange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 108 2,200-Lot 219x20 , nor. 17th and Bdflt'low St. , south Omaha , near IIareaIl's Park , brick house , fourrooms , well , cistern , stable , cellar. AU In good nonuition antinearly now. o9 825 per acro-400 acres in SVa.hlngton county , 6 miles south of llIatr on 1mb of C. bt. P. 11. It 0. railroad. Station at corner of thIs land Good stream running vater. 100 acres in cultivation , 80 acres grass , ISO acres timber-oak , hickory wanu e'l elm , Small house , good fruit abun coos of grapoc. lapartly fenced. Ono of the eat farms in the county. If purchaser wislie , . , eill sell homestead adjclnln good herd of cattle. Call and examine other property not letad. BEDFORD & SOUER , . 21 8. hUe. bet. ' arnam and 1)OUgI&f i. L : KIRK WOOD. . Lots in this addition nro soiling rapidly , and prices will be again advanced in a few days , Those are withOut a doubt the most desirabl Lots ii Omaha , and will cilrhunly double in price before spritig. ' All whc havel seen them are well vieased and pronounce them cheitp. . BEDFORD & SOUER , 'ReaI I Estate Ageocy , , I l4th Street , bet , Farnam and Douglas. _ . f . I - - - C j5 OVN IFCUTOLt. A Vot.ktmwii ) Getitlcnsan'ts Pli1An. tt'flIli ) ' nuit tlitt ( 'otiiutotitni ORIIHCC1 Iiy Otto ml 1II IaoItcrH. Boltiaster 1)oinocrnt antI Chronicle. We lUbllCliOtl Ill our local commits yeMor. ii ty morning a cignificant letter front a oiitlo inait knowit lCrsOtu1l3' or by teputatlon to near'y ' every itorot1 In the laini.e have roach-ott a nuintier of letters 1ttitsttng tigattist the use of our columns for sticli ' 'palpabo fratida cud tulsropresontatlttiis' " therefore , to confirm licyonit n iloubt the suitlienticlty of tIm lettcr atiti the geittilnotices uf u.s eoiiti. nioiit.a. a reIortor of this iiaicr was coininla sloned to ascortaiti ai the lwc1I1lo facts In the itiatter , ecr(1ItigIy Ito lelted CIiFbni Springs , saw tim author of the letter , nnt with the loilowing result lie , Iloitry l"uetttr , tim gontlonutn in quo. . tioti , Is 63 ( , r 61 years of e.go anti has 'n o tremolycordiat inaititce , I Lopreshles as super. ititoniletit over the cokbratod tuutlt.arlutn which ncconuno(1ateF4 over IS ® guests cud Is unquestionably the lemlitig lictaltli resort of the cousitry , iovcrnl years ago Liii bezievo. lent man wisely iloteritiliteti to ho lii. own oo. cuter ; and , therefore turned over this hag. nillceiit ProPertY worth $300,000 , as n ( free gift to a board of trusteon , representIng the Pr'tnClhIal % 'aiigehIca1 ilonomlnatione , Among tlio trustee. are lilshop A. 0. Coxo , Protestant 1l1lKC0It1 , 1lttfTnlo 1115)101. ) Mathew Simpson , lIot1totlIst ' . 1'reiitleiit Philadelphia , 1'.plecomal ; ; II. Antiersoim , of tIme tTmmtenlty of Jovhe.i. ter : 1(0 % ' . Pr. Clark , Socretnr3' of the A. ii. C. I' . itt. , Boston. The benutolent lburl'oso of the Institution I. the care : 1st-of the evangelIcal imilsetumiaries am ! their famIlies v1titso health has lit'i'ti broken in their work. 2nd-of mulnistori. , of any ilenomimlna. 540cm , In gtod statimilug , 8iL-of cimoimilicra of molly church , vhmo ( ) thmurn lye roitld ho mutable to secure sticli care timid trentimiont. Thu current expenses of the instltutloti are met by the to ccl t Irotit thu hniiitlreds of distInguished tout wealthy tOPh(3 ) ( ttlto every year crowd Its ott. most capacIty. hero comimo muon cml % fl3fl vlto trove once in perfect Imo.dtli , hut neglect. cii thin first HymultOiI4 ( if ' .L'liu tuicor. taut tta'tis they bit at fitt were oocrhmkrnl tuitil their health became hupalrett. They little realized the tlonger before tlietn , nor how olarnol og oven ti illitig nllmnent. . mighit pro , 1 hey constitute nIl cltissea , including itilnls. ters timid bislmopa , laovyorii , judges , i.tatesiiicn in'ihlloimalrcs , joiirnalhts , college lirfossora ntul ulliclals front all harts of thi lmnul , 1)rawhtmg tim morning 1)emuocrat mmmiii Cliron lola from uk Itockot , tIm reporter teniarked : "ioctor , that lttor of yourm lia created n good tieni of talk anti ilmally of our readers liavu questiomioti Its mmtlioiiticity. " ' "j'o what do you refer , " remarked tito dtc tor. tor.91xi 91xi _ c VOl.1 cHit seen tli lmaPeI'l" ' , but have not 1usd thuc to ronil It yet. " a,1iI 'rite reporter thereupon iliowed litmit thin let. ter , which o'as a.s fo11ootm : Cr.nloN li'ltNC. . q.t1TAlttt'l Co. , CI.l1'TO SPIUNGM , N.tV. . , Oct. 11. ' 83 , $ Dmc&mt Siom-1 : am usingW'nrner's Solo Cure , UIII1 I regard it us the best reitiedy for iommmo forms of kidney disease that vu havo. I miii. watclilmig with great care sonic I nut now treating with it , and 1 hope for favorable ro gulls. I wish 3.flfl mk'lit come dowit yomirsoif ; as I would like very much to talk with you mbout your sterling reiriedy amiti idmooc you over our institution. Yotors trimly , SignedJ IlliNitY 1'OSTEII , M. D. "I do tint ace why anybody idiotild ho skop. tical concerning that letter , " roniarkoci the doctor. ' 'Jsii't it unusual for a pliy..Iciatm . of your statitlimig amid influence to comnmimemid a proprie. tary Prolarat'lonl" ' 'l ( lOIt't know how It may lie with othere , hut iii this institution we allow no veraoii to dictate to us what we lim1l use. Our inmrpsn is tocuro time sick , aimmi for that work we use anythutig we Jcnow to be valuable. Because .1 know \\'armIorm. Safe Cure is is ocry valtILmblc preparation , I commend it. As its power is mnanifostetl uniter city use , .o shall 1 add to the coumplemiecs of n.y . comnniendation. " "have you ever analyzed it , tloctor" "Vo nlways analyza before t'o try ammy pro. parmotion ofwhich wo do not know the coit stittierits , Bitt analysis , you know , nitty gives tIme elements ; it does not give time nil import ant troiorLIoii. The remarkable power of \Vnrncr a Safe Cure undoubtedly cousistg iii the proportions according to which its elo merits are mixed. " While there may bo a thousand remedies rnmodeof the samnoelomonta , uimlocs they moro Volt together in proper Iroor ! tions , they are worthless n.e kidney and liver lreparations. 'I hope some day to meet Mr. Warner persotmally , and extentl fuller congratulations to him on time oxcolletico of his preparations. I have heard mnuehOf hIm as the founder of Warner observatory , and as a man of large liunovolence. The reputed high character of the man himself gave a. ° suraiico to moo in tIm first place that ho would neb lmt a remedy upon tim market that was not trustworthy ; and it was a source of a good deal of gratili. cation to inn to find out by actual o'cjioritnent stone. that the , , remncdy itself sustained my imprcs. The conclusion reached by 1)r. Foster is precisely the eaten found by Dr. Iio Lewis , Ur. Robert A. Gimnim , ex-Surgeomi.Gonormd Gallagher and others , and vrovea beyond doubt the great oUlcacy of the remedy which has awakemicil to much attention in the land and rescued so mnmuiy muon , women rind chili. dremi from disease and death. . _ PROM TUE UPPER ELKUOJIN. Time Last of tIme Election Ituttirns Correspondence of Tiis Br.r. O'NIii1L CITY , Nob. , November 16- James 'mV. Savage , for Judge of Simprorni Court , received 834 votes , amid N. B , rteemmo 940. ThoRopimblicmin rogont8 goi about 150 mnajority. Thomas O'Day ' , fc. I Judge of the Ninth district , received SW . votes ; F. B. Tiffany , 'Ji3. ( Mr. Randall . f District Attorney , 80.1 ; Ed , Itt. Cut liii , 91'3. The Democrats olcc t1loi cleric , i\I \ , 1) . Long , by a large majority Ito receiving 1,016 votes , while John W Wortz , Republican , received 760. 'J'hi hiatt Wortz is the light weight scribe o 'limo Frontier , being local editor and alsi deputy poBtlnastor. Mathews made a smi porhutnan oltor to sas'o him , but to iii purposo. Poker Doc is from $300 ti $500 short iii bets on Wertz's election Thu ] ) ernocrath also elected their judge B. F. Roberts , by 11 imiaority , Tile bat fl11C0 of the Republican county ticket i I OlCCtCl by from 100 to 150 majority I There was a very heavy vote cast , aggro gating arout 1800. With efliciemit or ! I gaui7.ation otis county is Democratic 'I'lio veto this year surprised everybody The Republicans have four nowsjmpor blowing for them ; the Duniocrats llavi lut one , and that but recently ntaried Time Democracy vas demoralized and al gone to PIOCCS when the campaigm opened. The Republicans counted oii majority ranging from 250 to 500. Pete Boo tins betaken himself \Vaahington to solacohia dear \al , and toexplait. boy Mike got there without his consent , Thi judge , of course , will expect Doo. to dis gorge and divide up oulinial loot for see vices rendered III the interest of linemen' and efforts immado to defeat IotIg. Don' ' take any stock in the judge. lie I generally regarded hero us a nimcum coop , i weak.mindod nonentity , imbue. . with strong prejudices , and Imossossed o no stability , Ilolt county will protect herself hoec after from the ravages of such vermin ii l'oker ] ) oc. and the imbecile judge.I'zx I'zx , V.tI.SNT1B , Neb , , November 16.- There wc'o 171 votes cast. foe Supreni Judge , J. W , Savage received 102 ; t1 B , itoede , 119 , (1 , A. PAXTOW , County Clerk , - - - _ _ _ li _ _ _ _ _ , SALT LAKE CITY. Thc Diffect of1h Cat Rai1oa Ratcs on the Utah 'rraLfl. Laying in Heavy Stook3 on a Drooping Market. . Ox.TraInM to Compote Vht1L tile Ore. gen Short Tihtie. S.ti.v L.tiit , November 14.-Thto aver. ago : tmiorcltant nppcars , just. imow , to be omigageol iii bilyilig emiougit goods to last until the mnillenitimu , The 51) Cilllt Cmi I. rate has had such an effect that every. body seetims engaged ill stocking imi ) . nihimero is quito a chance of the timing be. ilig overdone , as those low rates not Clii ) ' bring ill emuttorn lmterChltitttlisO , but fist ) Nebraska gralim , interfering with ( ho agr'i. cuiturist's home market and consequent. I ) ' decreasing his purchasing liowom ; trhich , of course , lilemolts stagiiatioit to busitiess , more or loss , as the great tmtilk of the populatiomi are directly or imidirect. 131 ttsaociatctl witit the culture of the soil ; so if the mnerchants of Otuttima nlul Coun. cii Bitilis have , iii 501110 cases , to wait. a little longer for their imionoy titan time timno expressed on their iltVOIOCS they imimist not be surprised , mior , for tile flint. ter of that , iittich nimorimiod , without soimme gigalmtic chutIlges IWO inado by Congress iii our political ctiiittitioii , nfll then , thotmgit this is a land of prolllCCY , I shiotiitl miot like to iiat'.trd a conjecture omt titti reStllt bntj udg'imtg froimi the Edmunds law timid ltd OIJCittliLB all but the LflOSt reckless i'ihl weatimer the gale. The building trade continues brisk iii Salt Lake. Ogden is dull-very dtmli. In Logan business tmiattors ate brightening it little , but the heavy railroad discrimniiia' tion milimiost vmtralyzes Northern Utah and Southern Irlaitti. There is talk of goitmg back to ox-trains for the local trallic its cheaper and giving etiiploymmmemi ( to more of those float keenly ititorostod. A nummiber of British ' 'big bugs" intro lately boon doing our city. Among ( bout the Earls of Onslow and aork , and Vis. cotitit Dummgarvon. The heavy interests of Etighislinren in Colorado and \Vyomning enterprises are bringimmg a largo nmmbor of her capitalists \Vest , and most of thorn drift ( brought the City of ( ho Saints em. their way to see ( ho muarvels of Califor- tim. Wiiso. . FOUIL 1IEtUTJFUL CAlttS. Now tleoigns never before published. \\'ill please nmiy person. Sent free on to- dept of 2c staimip to every reader of the O1tuI.t Bnmi. Address Samuel Carter , 3r. . Park Place , NoivYork. me&w4f EMIiWAY NOTES. Time Northwestern road is not belmind any of its neighbors in point of anything which adds to the comfort of its patrolms. The latest imiovo of this company is time placing of four now and elegant Wagner sleepers upon their trunk hino through. . Iowa , viz : time ' 'i'tanlmattmtmi , " ' 'Picquot , " "Saranac" and "Occola. " They are models of neatness , coiivoiiiotiCO mid elegatice. The woodwork is all of imiahog. any inlaid with woods of different colors. The mirrors are all of boyolhcd plate glassthio seats upholstered with brocadud plush of a lovely tint , and curtaimis to match ; thin floor is covered with finoTur. kish carpet , and in short time entire got imp is on thin most elaborate and itixurious SLYIC. The Baker heater is ucd , of course , and it also furnishes warni watom for washing , an agreeable innovation. The ceiling of time car is of inlaid woods , of various ciora and it , as well as the bunks. is ornamented with Japaimese de- sigila. Front it are suspended in thobody of the car four two light chandeliers au. ! three candle brackets , all of silver and lovely designs. Thin drawing room is unusuahhy large , and contains rut tipper amidiowor berth amid a sofa. Tim smoking - ing comnpai'trnoiit is iuiuch larger thami comnrnoii amid vilI contain six gemitlemneum at once. It is highitd by a double chmnmm. dehier , tmo that one may read time fmust vrimit by night. ( , ; kAJ1 TIlE NEW TThII1 SeltEftUtil. On Thursday last thu imow time card took effect on tim Idaho divisinmi of time , Oregon Short Limie , and close connec- tiomis are now made at Garrison , Momita- nit , with the Nortiiermi l'aciuio. Thrtittgls - time froimi Omaha to l'ortland , via Gree. icy and Garrison , is made the salmio nit I from St. l'atml to Portlamid direct by the , Northiermi L Now time cards intro beemi adopted for r ( \Vyomning division of time Union Pu. clime , to take offeetomi thu iWthm inst. ; also , for time Kansas division , to take effect on , time .18th , and for the St. Joe and West. . em division for thin same elate. r No importamit change will l'o niado in the ruminiimg Limo of through trains at , Omaha , except No. 1 , which will arrivi' . at Ogden at 5 P. r. instead of iir ; , 1' . B simoromiing tIm time an hour and. ii f uluartor aiid mntiking it time best traiii fem Salt Lake , ) Three sleepers of the latest , patton : . were sent out yesterday to time Oregon a SimM 141110 , to run between ( irmumgcr and ) hlaiioy. Timis will compieto the iltipi. 11008 of the citizoims in that section of tiit ' country , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StOne entirely now reumlm.Iscencei of Chmrsrie S Iickwms lmrivo bean wmlttctm by his dmtmighter1 . MIss ! tlntulo rIckens , for thin } 'omil/m'a ( .uiiumjiu.i son , - Itoal Estate ' 1 ramislor . The following deoda were filed fem S record in the county clerk's office No i vomnber 10th , roporthtl for Tim Usa ; Ames' real estate agency : ( oo. H. Boggi et al to Jos , Kirnor , i 1 d , iota 10 , 11 , 12 , block 4 , Omaha View $800. Thos. S. M. Murray anti wife to 0 McClteano ot mu , V ti , w of lots 10 ant Li block 1 , lltinry . Shelton's add , $3,000. : E. lloyd and wife to J. McCor mick , w d , blocks 4 and 16 , Boyd's add. $2,000. ' , Aaron Itoot to Alvin Saunders , q c 't . undiv of socozmd 22 feeL of it end of o I of lot 8 , block 11 , Omaha , $1. f W , Itoynolds mmd wife to It. 11 , Rob ert.imon et at , q C , lID .1 of no .j sec 13 , tp 1i r11'J2ii , Cimas. Liclitezi amid wife to Jolt11 Reid it w d , ii ! : of no . sec3ltp 10 , r 10 , $1 ,00C Board ol' Trade , - A Ineotimig of thin Iloard will ho lid r onMondayovoiiiug , November 10 , at o'clock , at whsith importatit matters WE lie tIicussed , Thu great acimioyerncntt . - lViug and other linprovemmients which tim Hoard ha , nusdo a corLmitnty for the City being accoimiphislied , it is lirososet1 to resurrect the Bridge b'mll wim'icit hie tiormalit in Congress , discuss the foaM. btiity of a market imouse , also time matter 01 enforciumg time law to hsrevont stock rumtnilmg at. large in omit' city , niul otimor subjects which Imimoy be jirosomitoti Il ) ' till ) ' member of alia lionid , ' [ 'lie American Chamber of Coumumierco deshrs time Hoard to scud tvo delegates to a ctmmiveiitioii \Vasimitlgtoli to discuss time following Mttmjects A National litiik. rupt Law ; Sflver Ooilmal e ; Prado loiimors ; National Batik Circulation ami'.l ' [ 'axatloim' TmoriIT Cli Immiports , Aliohitiolt of I litormmni Taxu ; lnter.stato Coimmrnerco ; Railroad Coummniissiolia ; Ciovermimnetit Tolegraplms ; Potnl Saving llalli(5 Itednctiotm of l'oat. ago iii Cities 'l'axmotioum tif Oommiinerc'ual Travelers ; A National Bureau of Labor St.'ttistics ; time Commtlic. ( of State Laws , etc. , etc. A large ntteimdatteo of tim hoard is tie' aired. 'i'ltos.iilmsoN' , Secretary , trulm3' ( setters , lcaytm of abtiiico for one imiontit IS mraimtcd Second l1ieutonnlit E , II. lirowtie , 1"tmuitim iumfmuitry , Vtmrt Niobrara , Nob. Corporal hoIst ) ' Fr'it.cis , coimtpan' 11 , Seventh infantry , is relinreti frommi ( lilt ) ' at 1"ort. Fred. Steele , \\'yo. , as hospital stoit'ard , third class , mititi will roturii to Fort , LarnimiioV'o. . , rcporUiig for duty w'itii imis comnpammy. Itecritits , ) ohmi hunts , Arthur Dttsomi. bet' ) ' mmd , Jntnes 1oster , elilifsteti at Fort Omaha , Neb , , are nssiguetl time Fotlrtii infmoiitry. Recruits 'Fllmlnas 1)zsvis , Chuatiesa \\TCi5S atiti William A. McCurdy , eumhistod at Fort 1)mnmglas , Utah , are assigtmed to trool ) 0 , Fifth cavalry ; tile ) ' will be somit to time statioii of their troop on time first favorabie opporthuilt Y. - Saratoga lleuuts. hto' . F , S. Blarney , of time North I'res. hytoriaii ciiurcim , addressed the Union Sunday School yestortlay at 8 o'clock. All mtmo cordially invited to attend. lion. , lammmns II. Ilymmer camno iii frommi the vcst yesterday to be at imolne a few days.Your Your correspondent was so forttiimate , hmtt eo'elmiflg as to be a inemmibor of a iartY Wilt ) atteiitlctl tiio social of time ' 'home Circle" at Masommie hull. It was a select Olin umitil a iiighly enjoyable alhitir. Mrs. D. P. Bcckimmmi oimtortiumietl ajol. ly party of Saratogimummi 'l'iiursdity oven- 11mg. As a iiiatter of course they had a grand timmio. Time mnusic wits fromn time 4th imifamitry orciiestrn. Regular muicoting of lyceum ( lila Cmli- imig. Cooxoo. - - -Time examutimmm.tiui. iii ttmmiciiera will not take vlaee ( mit Friday anti Sattmrmhm.y following 'I'haumksgiving , mu. hind been bated by mnmmmmy di. ecetly interested partio. 1SI&htiIeL , IUI'hlH , BL't.TON , VITItt. , Novomnlmr 18-'l'huo scimedulo of time immaolveuit wimohesalo paper htoimse of hlimimminim , ? mtsrndy & Co. aimowit time lialtlitieS to be $180,000 amid assets $81,000 , 'l1lieadoroNiteiiudttor of Sammipoim. prava , a radical orgam. , arrested for coimi- phicity in time robeiliomi , died yesterday iii tim Beigravo fortress. lie had ye- fused food since thin first day of iii 1111- prisomimeiit. - - \Villiarmm Stuift , of Fairfield , I. .umhfoming front a broken and badly Incoratod leg whIch lii. heavily loaned waron imossoul over , TUTT'S PILL $ TORPID bOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA. From these sources arise ibteolounilie of the diseases of the humuman rime. 'Ilmoso a5'mptomus Indicate thoirexthteimoe : Lee. of Appetite , MoYe1U costive , Sick head- aciio fuhlliesS after catiiig , averlion to cxei4IOil of body or jiiiiui , htructation of toed , Irrite.1IlIty of tcsiipcr , Low spirits , A feolimig ot Jmnvlzmg neglected sonme duty , JlzzismeaN , Fluttering at the XJtartbntu before time eyes , lmlglslycol- Orcil tlrlmic , CONSTWATION , and do. niand lImo imso era romnemlythat nets direOti ( in the Liver , JuinLivermcdicinoTUTT' I'ILLS liavtt iso ticjmlitl. Their action 0mm time lchlnvymtitimtl Skin lii also lmroumPt ; removIng all impurities through these tlurco " seas'- cupvm or the .yitein , " producing Itlipo. tttuasouul dIgestion , rcgmmhmtr RtOO1ttLit dour sktnamuiuivigoroualiotty. ' 1U'fT'M i'ILLM cause rio niumsee. oc mIping mini Interfere with daily work aimi iit'ti it perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. t3oldnverytvliere,250. Otllt'.4t Mirray8t..N.Y. , TUTT's HAIR DYE. GlOAT JLIIt OR % ViuismceIts clmammgoml In. sttumtlv to it GrossY IiL.tC1C by a sitiglo up. pliemetlori of Ilmis 1)Ym1. Sold py Irugglsts , or sent. by express Ott rectillitof I. Oflien , d4ldimrrny fitroet , 1'.rw York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFULRECEPT3 FREE. CREATENCLISH REMEDY. Cuies'llebIII1 ' 1w . ,4OFMANLY V100RHpormnaton : "itt . ; : ; , . ' times the quantity , 5. fly iii CAL INSTITUTE , I'ruprletore , 718 ClIme Street , St t.ouIe , Mo. - " 1 have soIl SIr Aetley Coojwr'e Vital liostoratmy , or years. Ivory customcr speaks hIghly of It. unhoslt&tli.glyendorto . it as mm remedy of true merIt " 0. F. 0000MAI , 1)rugglst. Omehma Volt. 1 1913 , .TREAT TIlE IIUImIAN I4ACRINE OnNTLY , NllTIltut : ; CONHTil'AT1O , CllP ) , PtAltltlltIA I ) i'INTlIt' , ' , oh si'ii I Il1 in ov ii : t ' ( SM l'IA I 'I ' 4 ( IA N lih ( 't'liII ) mis' .t Ist1suINtl 'El I I l)11.I CATI I ! ACIl I NI liv ( SF' 'I I I 1 i'VMTlti IVI'i I I Ii flt ItIJm 1'11115 ! A'i'l vI:4 : : vi i n lIl4 I' A i 1) II A YES I' it 13l i : ii Y . l'Al'IjL'UldtIllY Ni' 'rmns hlitSN ( , Its t SI'OtNl'Ltl ) , ( ti' TARRANTS 8ELTZ1t APER lENT , TAI(17i' IN A ( lhhi4 el' iVt'I'Elt , t'iIlcI % t'm i.l (1 INIIY It ut.i mvi : : , ivil m t.m : 'r IN i iii ii lIliAI.INU 'liii : ihtIil'i.t'IEl ) I a'lIN'I'Ii. Imported Beei IN BOTTLES , , Erlaiiger , . . ' ' . , . , . I 1 , Culinbaclher , . . . . . . , . , , Bavariii ? Pilsner. . . , , , , , ' , , , . . .IioilOflljtIll ICitIser. . . , , . . . . . . , ' . , , . U , ljroinexi : , DOMESTIC , L Ilutiweiser , . , , , , . . , , . _ . . . , SL Lotui : Artitituser , , . , , . . , . , ' , . . .St.Iioui Best's. . , . , . . , , , I I .iI.ilvmtiikei SaIl1it'-Pilsner . . . . . . . , Milvntikei a ICrug'e . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . a , . .Oinnlii 8 Ale , Porter , ioingtie atiti Itimin l Wine , ED , MAUIt1i1t , if 1214 FarillUhl , Thmo PoPio of JommlsvIIIe suit ! olcitilty lmi.vo boor. all excltemmmomit over time mysterious this. tmtltnsranco of Mr , i\p : % Core , aimfghly respect. oil citizen Of llglmt Mile ( irovo precinct , liv. Ing shout six mullet sommLhmast of LouIsville. 3ir , Onto ) mti hmetm unfortunate Is. tim lnml. heat of stock dealing amid farmnimig , tvhicim iimhisbiy led to tlomnctmtia mmii iiorimais to emil. vLde ,1. (1 , 1(1(1101. ( , of hastings lots imlno toos. Ito .1roipeuI . a micee of thnlor mm tlm tenth the tither ( Is ) ' iliicIm roimmoi'd It , CAIARRH Sanford.'s ' Baclica'l Otn'o , 1kat Cohi' , i'atery ld'rhtff' , , frum the Nee 5,1.1 IUe. ltiniltmg Neteci Ii , the Itesul , Nervtjmm , livid. ache smut Fet , r Inm.t.mtitly rclk't-l , Chmokng ( tume'ms ' , Il'ltitbyett , tmleHilr5tmtm and healni , Irvattm , sacttet , , nmiehh , tA'te aiil , Iiatlmg , restorul , atmd cavageirmeekt'.t. ) Ititviis , lip.elmitte , lrolping.t liut.i the Throat ' i'miliilii time ( 'hey , lel'CI.t'il , ti'Rstliig of Strength' iiii.I Flesh , 1.oe of Sleet' , eta. , cureil , Ommo bottle ltmt.tlcm'h ditre , titie to Cataryimal Sd. tetit fltmtl coo Dr. Saimforti's lnhiher , In one of all dnmgglits , for l. ? . .k for S 'ooam , ' it Auras , ( : t'as , a Itmro IiIt lllatl..n of VItel hard , . ' .nm. l'Iime , ( 'It. l'tr , Marlgm1.I , Clot cr hilosoimit , etc. t'viiui lute. , .4 'iii t.II , iin' ti , eo. , llotu , . per the relict mind lireveidion , C OLIN ! , thu INS'l'ANT IT IS Ai'L'tlt.'l ) , u of lihimmiiiit Igimi , Nutiruolgla , Selat. ' , YIn' , C.nmghe , ( ioI.i , , % 'eak Rock , , -S.- 5tmmic1m amid Item , vie , Shuiitlg ' _ ' _ . : : : " l'ali. , , Nittmhnvwm hysteria , pa. s. . imiaio i'alns , Pal dl'mtlon , ' : " pus , T.lier oimmpLint , lmllllous Fe , 0 yr Malaria nml , e .Ilemlce , ow '' I'IASTEkq ttm /t:4c'ili\'rit : a IIAI'TIiItV CflhiI1lNKt ) p LASTE S ' lthm um. l'rotis l'laetsr ) anti lamugi t'sltm ' 'e. atnrvw - - _ _ WILBOIVS COMPOUND OF OD LIVER ND LIME. " . 'hiImme's Cod-Idvr'r OIl mmmiii Imimimo.- l'crsomis Win ) htmito bocim taking Cod-1.lver Oil 00111 be ilomised ti , timd lrVllbor hits succoemled , ft'oimt tifrectiomu. of several 1.rofes. slommnl gommticmmu'mt , itt eoumlihimltmg time litmro OIl amid I.Iuumn Iii sun i ii mmmmmmmmmvr timat I I Is ploe.satmt tim tlmo taste , nmmd Its etteets In l.mmmmg comumpimiluita are tnmil ) wouiiirfmml. Very Immmmmmy wimouto cases were mmtmmtiticd hmoi.elosat , iiimml whim hail titheum time clear Oil for mm bug timime oo'itlmnut immarkoil tittoct , hma'o he.itm entirely emmrotl by imeltig thIs iirojmnrmttlon , Ito sure and ge.t. tue ieuumItuo. ? slnmumfnctmmred ommiy by A. \Vui.tmIl , Ciucuimlat. , lkiittoim. Hoiml by nil drmmgghst.s. Eealth is Wealth "cv , nnttrA IWJ Dr. it. e. Wuat ' 4 flervo and Brain Treatment , l'ntro cod ipocill for Ilyster a , tIgztniwOonvu gluna , FIts , acne me Neuralgia , headache , kcrvou "robrattoam c..t. . u.1 ImI tl.o . use of alcohol or tolaoco Vakofulnes , , Memmtai DepressIon , Softvimtimg of tlm , drain , resmiltlng 1mm Immaimtty arid IoadItmg to mlser3 locay and deatlm , l'n'mnaturo Old Age , Harmon. . . . 4)10 of I.oor lim either sex , lnvoiuntmmr Lone ' 11.crmathrrlmomm eatisutl by oor exordoime al rain , , olf.abusoom ovor.Iimdtilgcmico. Ecli un. eme iimoitth's treatimient , 11.00 5 be. , or nx , . tor 15.00. emit by mail prepimld on recoII ; irIcc . WE GUAItAN'1RS SIX BOXES 1.0 cure rumy case. Ith each. euler rocehed by us 'or six boxes accompmonle.i with p5.00 , ooolhleend lb. urclmaer our written guarantee to rctmmndtl.om0000l . t tIm treatment dooe not aScot a cure. Ouamatmtoe. uodoumlyby C. F. GOOflAN mn&o wi flytit' 1.1 Omaha Neb DR , FELIX LE BRUfd'S PI1EVFNTIVE AND CURL . ? ' 'R EITHER SEX. This remedy being injected directly to the goat tie dlteaso , req'ulro. u.n clmsngo of diet or siamisceol , nercurial or pomaenou. umiudlclmmes to ho tat.omm Intern' mlly. Wlmen teoti as a Provontlie by oitlmer sex , It I. ntposelhilo to contract any lirivato disease ; limit iii th. 550 of tIm000 shready uimfortuumately atllicted we guar. mistee three boxes to cure , or we will refund lb. nonoy , l'rlce 1w maIl , paId , 2 imox , o , three boxes for 5 : ; wltirrui OUAIIAh'TEES . uetied by all authorIzed agent. . Or.Felix Le Brim &Co SOLE PROPhtiIfOh1S. C. F. Qoo.hnium , Druggi.t , Sole Agent , for Onmaha 'Jeb. m&o wIy , , UMPHREYS OME0TA LsPEcIFICS FOR Tilt' CURE OPtI.T. . DISCASF.S OF umtSlsvt'rrLSi ( ShhRl'flUGS , 110G8 , l'UIJL'l'II'k , msm.l 1,011 TWNTV YEAB$3 hfsimu.hir.'s'u' . Ihoimson. flu ImIc 't'l orlii cry hpi'elllra lilovu. I.'I , IIln'mi i.y . , , , , . ' Stntli , html mirimt'rH , Slit'Jl It rvl'r.1 livery' I'mrli't , , , . I Iii ran II i , II r..uH. . Sin milulimel ii r'rs , 4jtj I Ill hut Coi iniI'e , 'l'riv'U I I I t.Jtil , mu , . ' . nnl Plintc'rIce. multi , jilmerii lmmmmmuliug giuck , jyliji .ert.i slIrt''te. II.uiIircv , . , , , ' % 'rlcthuinry IfltmnmI. (55) ( ) l.p 5m'umt trio by i..all . on rrc'lI.I of prie. as remiSs gir VnimiIii'tM soul 1r'ti omm mqpIicIitiOui hhlTlt'hIIIhiVi4 II(1a1I1l'vl'Jii ( ' ItlEfl.CO. 109 l1ultoim Street , tetv urIt. , NERVOUS DEBILITY Vital SVeakneie situ l'rol- : IIIJMPHR trattoli over work ur lnduscrtion , I ; rniltt'milI anti prutuOtty EO ATUIfl I I covet by ii. Been in tie. 51 ycmmr.1 . . , ' SIECIFIC N ° -Ii Ste m.'i flmect'ee ful rcmc.lyknowJI. i'rio , 3m po' vlaior. , a tammm.i large vim. ! ( It powdvr rue 50 , situ post freoomrmr , eIpt . . hI.iuhreyn' . , iloiir , , . 1tI4 , to , ot3.rIre. tuu4 LU ! ) l'iaIItsti bi , . It. Y. . 3. P. WEBER & CO. , MANITFACTI'JE1tS ( OF BRACES ! : 1'Olt Tilt ; coIiItIc1'liN' : 01' Physiciti Deformities , Ill1) aiid Spinal Disonsos , CihIb Fees , Still' Kiieos , Bow LegH , Kiiock kihees , &c ; TRUSSES Of the hitat immako hme1.t ciii ) iaui.i. . Teliesci repalre Crutches made to , .rdur , SomalI jobs of sit kind done In Steel , Iromi imuiti iPood. zsritejalriu.g of mill busts it no neat , clieaii an I. 'iruummjit. FIrs eremlun , glivu. our work at tIme hd. . brash , . State Fair if lmilt3 , : 803 Sow/i Toni/s SI , , OmaIa. I , : Ape siri'Ti ! Clue iclumu. without i'atezmt..d time 0 , tuber lii , ' 78. 1) ) , box No , 1 will once our casain four day , or Iva ? ' 2 ii III cure the moat o'bctliiatu case no inatterof lo long stamidltig. . . Allan's Soluble Medicated Bouglo , , ' No naimecomu. doact us nbot. , copabta , or oil of sal " . dal wood , ( list are r".Ii , to h.roduee dy.pv1'sia I i. doatcoIimg tIiuc.atIngsof the stomarhi. I'rico l.l Sell 1y all druggists , or mailed cii receIpt of l'ri 0 For further PrticUrC send for circular. l'o. hex 1Ui3. Je 0. ALLAN co.k CURE bll Jehu Street , ew V . . . - . THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER hI&longbecn acknoocledgeci niI more co at this day than any otler. , The o art fiel.i of medical ecienos I. amer increasing , aimi Its miumneromus tranclies Are brought nearer an,1 nearer to perfectIon , anti no nun tuRn van any longer grasp them a ) hence the necessity for dlshltng the ibor. AntI it Is tnm boyomni all , Ioutt tlmtt ilisoise , ffectlng the gum. to.mmrInary organs nee.i special . Snore thmtn , any. hlng cite , if we would mmnrlcretmul , toil know Imow meat. theta properly , lIlt. Ii. SV.tt1NEt ) it fmmhly Aware that timvro are nisny ' phiyelcIsume , nd sonmo sensillo vopte , whomsItl oond'omnn Iulnm for making tImI ( lo"s c , llse.ei a spa. dAli ) ' , bitt holelmappy t , know that olth mnnst m.or. soils of rcflmsctmment a.h . Itmtelllgeneo a moire celImilm'tm , . cii ilaw Ittaketi of ( ha smml.jevt , anti that the physic- miii talmo .lns'otcs ImImsehi to rohletiuig the aifllctoti and at lug these from worse t Iman , leotl , , I , no les ii ; hI. atithmroh.lct ani lenefaetor to ) ml mare thai , the stir. grout em I.hijilciatm omhio l.y close aImt.hlCatlon cecele i any ether l.rimcli of his h.rofrsaIon. An.l hortimipotely I1F hunmanity , the ihoy is .hawi.lng trIton the false phi. anthrophr that COtldemtmtei thu tictitmime of folly i.e crlnme , like the lepers SlimIer the _ Jewlsh i.omi , to dIe tiumeared for list l"se.t away , A Pew Reasons % 'hy you slotml&t try tIme eelcl.ratul Dr. \Vagncr'l ti.ettmo.Is of circ I , "hr. Ii. Si'agumer I. itimatmmral 0. S. , The ( Ireatest Lit lug I'imremolc'gjst , "Few catm etcei ycim as a doctor. " Ibm. .1. Suits , . TIItI World's Greatest I'ls1ugimOiimlt. , 'I' arc wonierflI , Puflelctit 153 our kimoitl edge of dh.ease 511,1 mimeillelties , " his. .1. MATTISRWmI. 4. "The , oflhlctcol flit ecady relief ii. tour t'ros' estee. " lht. 1. SuOlimit. A , "Hr. 11. W' . Is a remilar graduate troni ll'llevmio hospital , Nine \'ork vito ; hashmid very ex. taiiptto imo'pttal pntIeo , aI , , Is tmor.itighi3' ) I"tOd ott nil britchirs , uf his bi-lotumi sdoicc ! , especIally ott cimroimlo dIet-moses , lists. lisowsitti. & L'wuce. 6. "lr. 11 , agnvr has Immmmuoriahizc.i ltlmsvIf 1 , hi. mmonlerfnl , ller'imcrv of 'peclilo renctks , , for tr mate mmii soonal , lIse's.'e&-\'IrgitmIa CIty Cl.rommicle. . 7. " of iimvall.hs flock to ore hltmt.-Samm I'rmumc'lseo Chrotitelo. 8. "limo loctor's long eoperhemvo as a eperlolIst simotult reniler blot very stmwssfmh.-ltocky 510mm- talmm Nets. 4' Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tltimo is , tlsrtisston of time secret oice was en. firmly msvol.ei ! by thic i.mfe.ks , ami i.wikal . 'a ork. of but ii few years ago omol.i , Imarilfi' inetitiomm IL 'I'o-tha' time Phi , .Iclan Is ml is tliilrrvuit opinion ; ho 1s 0 , satire 6iat It Is liii dnty-dli.mogreeat.hi though it. Stay be.-to hmnimilo thil ttmtttcr mm Itimoitt glut us aumt 4 SIcak i.hoitb' , l.otmt . It' and Imiteiligent jmreumta remit giar.liaiis om ill timmuik liii. , fur tiotmig so. 'lime tetmht mittetmilltig thmI , litrmmctlme tico orcm'ofor. nmcrly not mttieretoo.l , , em mmiii hrol.crh3 cetlimiateil : mind lit , InI.ortatico beitir attaclm..h to a smmt.ject emlmleim by its , iatnrt , tliit'i tiOt iuiIio close iii'.tigatloui , It tm-as imilllmigly Igtm.'icd. . ' Time lialilt is gemicrioily commtracted ho' the yrmun" 0 ; hue , tttctiIImg , ic-imool ; tililer cotmipatilotme throtmgl their oaniple , mmmmoy I.e . resp.mualblo , for It , cit It mimay b ae.miml , cI timrotmgl , aeci.leimt. TIme eocitemiient once cx I.t'rivtmccil , Ilium .ravtlce mm Ill to reiieate.l tigaiu , amid snAIl , , tmmitll at last Sun habit 1.ceommmes . firm atid corn' p1eteh ctmm.limes thu mIctinm , Siommtuti nml imervotis at ullctlom , , are ttsmmally time l.rImm.ary i-mull , of eclf.aimtito. Amimommg time imJmmri.nms , . effects mmiay lie immentioume.1 heal- timic , , luJectii.n or irrasrildilty of tumlwr , ntmti gemmerat dulility. The i.ov seeks ecelimoloim , aimd rarely joImme iii the elicits of lmf eommmlvvmloims. I f lie be a young Ills , . lmo it in bu little P.tmii , In . , mi-ith tIme other sex and I. troulmht-.i wIll. coceetlinig animi ammioiuig , bisimlmmltmees Pm theIr lieovimce. l.aecitiomma tireamne. eltmlwilOuls tutu enmitlomu. on tIme face , etc. , ammo alec i.ronmmimcnmt 5i3 tml.totmls. I f time imractlce Is m lolenithy perolste.1 in , niece serious dlstmmrbaimcvs thitni lilaco. Urcat. IillmltatIo1i of tim lmcart , or e1.ile1itio . cmiimidomi , more cmperlctmcud , amid time sufferer mna3' tall lute a complete state of Idiocy ht- tore , itirnlly , dc4tIm relletee 1mm , . 'i'o mill those etigmigeim lii this ihangerotis , practice , I womili amA ) ' , Slot of all , tdOl it. at omieo mmmil. . , every posaltilo cOurt to tim ) MO limit if ( lit fail , it your tierm ous sstL'ni I. already to. , mouth shattered , amid conic. qtmriifly , 1 otmr mmill.pouer broken , take somimo umerto tonmlo tim clii yomi in your ellort. . ilavlnmg freed yourself fruit. tIme habit , I miould further counsel you to go iliroughi a regular course of treatimmmit , for It Is a great .imlatahu . to su.pnso that muiy on ii fitS ) ' , for somno ttnie , lie t 0 little , gho lmimmmself up to (1mb. fmmsclmmatinmr butlatigerotme cxeitenmeumt mm ltl.otmt . , .mmfforlng from its em ii cous'quenccs , mit seine future ( line. limo umumnimer of yommm.g . immenu whomiro Inimpaciatod to liii fine dutie. etijijimmoil by meedlock Is almirtimmnigly large , ammd mm mimoss of tmcIi cases tIiI umifortimimato conmiltlonm of things COM Isi traced to tIme l.rmctIoc of , melt'aiuae , mm hicim Imami tieca a1amid.nmr'I years ago. iniIeeml , a fmv mimotmths' PraCilco ( If tImt habit Is sutiteletmt to induce spcrnmtorrimca'oi m biter 3 tmarsatmd I bmame muahmy of uclm macs under treat mmmi at the imreoemmt (13) ' . ll Young Mer. 1mo pity he pmmtterlumg from time effects of youthful follies orimtilecretlonswill , lowell tomwail thiemselmel ( if this , tIm gmcatest boon ever laid at the altar of aid. forlmig lmunmumuilty. Hum. VAmntea mmiii guaraumteo to for. felt 5iOO ! for U' , cry aiso of semInal weakness or vrlvato discaso of atty kltut and clmaractcrulmlch tmoummdcr. tm.kLs toanildolisto euro. Middle Aged Men. There aro'rnany at time ago of SO to 60 5)10 ) SZ troublui wit ! . too fre.immommt oracimatlona of tIme blail. Icr , often. acconmipamileti by a umllglmt imnuorting or burn. log sensation , and a wcalmumilnmg of tIm syatcue In a mimaumsier tiio Imatletit canmimot account for , 0mm oxammmln. h.p the urtmary , deposits a roi' > ' , otiiimmcimt maul ottemm lie found , and eounetimnmussrnall particle , of mtlbumnen otiS appear , or tIme color will ho of tlmlni rnilklsli line , again clmmomginig to a dark no.1 torpid mmppearatmco. Thom are many iimeiiy nimel , mm Ito dIe of title dllilculty , ignorant of the coos. , mm hmlchm I. . . tIme soconitl stage of emmilimal.wcak- moss. lr. Y. mviil guarmuitco a itertect ctmro it eli case. and a healtlmy restormitiomi of thu gcimlto.urlnary ox. lane. Corm.tiltatlonm trec. Thoromnglm canmlimation and ad. vice , 5. All coinummumhcmitloiis , shiouhi be adtircee.l , Dr. Ilcumry henry Vmogimer , l' 0 2&S9 , Denver , Colorado. Time Yomitig Slaum' l'ockct Conmpanmiou , , by Dr. H Wagner , Is miortli Its wolglmt In gold to outig inca. L'rlco tt,2f. Scumt by immall to any address. Lot your Light Shine. Jr. Wagner he celebrated specialIst of Pomimer , Solo. , 543 Lartmmmer strot't , hicli smms in Ictttnig tlmetoild kmita' mm list Ito call do , stud Is .lolng for tliomiimanmds of lii. followimmem , . ill's ' tr.imitiumeumt . for lost tmiammood ) is mu me (0 iS it. Iiliui ii Hattie limit ioiterltY mm-Ill lucas , 'I'eu Imousatmil tcctlmm.mlals , fiotim all over the ( limited Statc ronmu tImoi , Ito tints cured , I , Iroof imoeltiwo that imedoe tire lImo worst cases of these dlamsos. 'lime atiilctod run ehromlo , mmml stommal Ilseasea of every klimd islU liii Imlnm their best friend. Iteami hmI aiim ertlsonmcnmtln all our cIty papem , nnmd call on Imlunt for advIce. as wo know yoni si-ill corroliorato mm. iii , .mi Iii" ho I. tIme auf ferer' , true frfond.-llocliy Ziloummrmmiu cu Relief to the Afflicted , itt medIcInes , a. in sclenmco , time .poemaIists are thu one , . tmlio alisay. ( aflumee to the front anmil w'cempllati great reemmiti. . 'Otis reumimirk Is umpcclimlly applIcable tote to Pr. It. Wmmgnmer , of this cIty. lie .tamd mit tlmutop of lm15IofocJIoI. . , atmmi time ctmr. Ito lerforuni for thmo umfcihtm'iatu wotilil seem woumterfui If not lltolerIy , ilesed In tliollglmtof erleimtiile ecqulreineumis. lie Is ci.Iorseti , by time , , , ut emmilnitimit of thu medical facuity. iii. olilco mit 813 Larammmlr strett , wlmero Ito wtU speed ! . ily olimicta cure for tIme .uiiTerItiit' of iittmer sex , no moat. ter hoW roummlllicated their uoun.IaIimt.-1'omeroyq licimmccrat , Ohronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. Permumm9 lit S ( iletfltiCO Mite wish tobo treated by Dr. Wagmier tmeO'i not foci backward bomuee of Itmimbillty Ic ) titilt hilom. if they will my to tIme doctor lie will ctmd a lint of questionme w tumbles hIm to .end umiodlchimes , oouumsel anti to timoumatitis ho has never cccii. 110 haiti H , every city , loan , and atatiosm In Colorado well mu. all over the United Sistams. SoohIo4 this umthortlmucment.-Veo' . mer'Irlbuno. Shall We Reform ? Spociflo rumnetilo. for alldmseamea Is the tIcory practIce at hrCsemit of cmiimcat4xl aum,1 OXINICICHOS I , physIcIans anti iii all large cornmuumltics they have La their .0d5iti5 , to excel in which they direct their , ttplia wmd uiractko , Br , Wagmer is a smmccescful ii. d iustratiomi of tlmi inctierum school of specialties. and Imi , uzmireceilolitui simetesa In thu treatincmt of , rIvoto disuasea 1.4 55 wondetiuI as it is liatterIg-t rot. J , peranis wtmo need medical relief for the nocet - deliostcm'of diceast's mmlillimmd mm accomimpllshed and site. I. essalui mlyk1an Iu Umo ' of Pr. Yr.gumer , No , lIES LsuIumtt street , who Is highly recounuiemidcd by the is 0 , .miiaileal imrfesbIoti at humus Mmli aboartb-i'om roy'e 0 1huaocrmet , lilgotry ati Ignmurmiumee umust gIt' way to % s ti Isdomtm thu bibS 1hjslcIai , I slleve ii , luttiog hi. il'mit chums for tIme glory vi lila fellow imicts. I'riuiler's bit is the Leech. Ito vat. beat use to guide 11mm , omeary .5 ROIl sIck eta to time fumuitaIri of Imesith II tImL articlu houidbo histrumnumtai a , mm "TOltUhiL.lUlfl"ot up. Ii , elm a lull ii guide suffering humanity to 513 Laxlme * 8tohDommrt'vior3tltm.itwlUuswcr theo ; , o D1t.RIINF.YAQNER , , , , box 2259 ,