- - - - - - - - - - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - : _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ; 7I-------- : c . : : rIE DAILY BE1.N'OMaAMONDAY _ , jVEMBIIR 19 , 183. 3 _ - . - - ' The Nebraska National Bank. 'S\ ? . & 14 7p CaItaI . . ' Burplua Funa tilay 2,18$8 ; ft. JOflSON1 PreInt , c 8te1 , , 3ohnt i ! Cc A. r. . TOUZAtI1 , V I'tekIent , of floetcn. w. V. ! OflSE , of W V ( ORS1 & Co. JoIl S. COLLUi , of 0. 11. COLLINS. 8 ! . wOOtWOIT11 , CouneUor & Attorney it Lw. . S. mcD : , f flyron KcoI & Co. 11 , SY. YATESCMlilcrfor many yrg Oahter of lbs uIrt Nt1onsI l3an of Om.sh. The I3nk opcncd for bsisnc'sAprll 27 , 182 TIU DIItF.ClOItS AD STQCK1IOLtflRS &r . ' InIofl ; the tcadlti bulnc men of Oltrnbft , and U tUIIHM 15 conttuctcd with cspccII rcfcrcnco to the bct P.UI1 lnerc3sng tutercstsofLthmCrCMttIO tronft COLLWTIONS tc'cctvo prompt Attcntlou and ehargee lowcet obtahiablo hero or ctsanhro. IbI1Ws1' alowctt ! on time dcioet upon tAor iblo tenu ; Anti upon noootint ot t'nke and banker , FOREIGN FXC1IANGt , Govrnnunt Honda am ) County anti Ctt 8ocurttIc tOucb anti ) d. Council Bluff3 Loan. and. Trust Ooinany. First Mortgo hoan Ncotlatcd. Conitnercial r.ir sni sit flood ccrlttci dci1t In. S l'carl etroot , anit 506 } 'Irst nrcnue , Council B1ufT. FINANCE AND COMERCEI NEv YORK , Noroinbr 17. ' . ? ) fOflOy-1Z.4y ( St lAI2 per cent ; closed - % _ 4 nt 2 per cent. Prlino Fa'or-b@fl lcr cent , Icltaiig ] 3ll-1)ulI at 4.S2 ; demand , 4 ( overzimontsStrong. . The announcement that the MUwaukeo ntl St Paul had gk'on formal iiotko of its withdrawal from tim Iowa iool exerted an unfavorable influence on tlio stock market to. Iay. Manitola declineti 34 icr cent to U7. TIits stock was also nifectod by the reports that larttOs interetctl in the St. Pasl road vcro bttiidtIg ) ItS its territory istid that tim Ianitoba had ) OtiliCd the compnny in qucs. tion if tim building did not cease it vonId to. taliato by extending their hues iitts the St. Paul territory. in the fuel sale8 the improve. mont WLUI lost. AH compared with last night tli closing prices are ( lown © 1 13cr ccitt for the general list and per ccitt for Manitoba. ( The bears inatlo bnt little impression on Lisa ' UfliOls Pacific to.tlay , which closed 1)Ct cent lower at 87g. The locia1ties , tue Now Yoric 011(1 ( i'.ortlionstorii , atvancesl from 82 to 37 . on the appointment of a comsnjttco of capital. igt , including Jay Gould , for the Imroso of selecting 5 % HOW 1)onr(1 of directors for the ( 'O1i1)5fl7. Time Clovolatid , Columbus , Cm. ciminati and Indianapolis , after declining iser cent to 66L rose to t3ScG7. The net carning4 of the Union F.icific company for the . ' ten mouths of this year are obunt S1S0,000 less than the corresponding persoil of tim vro. viims year. The earnings of tiio Denver 00(1 lb Craudo railway for the pecond week of November were 32OOO , en increase over time mamne weak of 1882. The cnrning of the MIl vaukeo and St. 1''nml road for the second week of November Were 4b'OOO , an inorcaso of TO,51O , the Northwestermi $533,400 , an in cr05150 of $01,600 , St. Patti and Omaha $131 , . A" J ( ) ) , sot increase of $8,100. ouu-ro K1 a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 4 'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Pacific C's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130. srowcs o thDe. k 1 American Expros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 huts , Cedar 1taiid & Northern. . . 84 . Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17 ( Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 do do Jf(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 S Chi , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 \ Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 S do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 ' . Fort Wnyno &Citkago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 e .5 Hannibal & St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. ' 5 (10 do do phi. . . . . . . . . . . 82 Ililnots Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 , md. , Bloom. & . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Kansas & Tcxis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1232 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 100 . Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 - NInnoix'lia & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 do do do phi . . . . . . . 41 sflssouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do Old. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15 Northwcstcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Ill ) 11d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i45 Now Yosk Cemitrel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 ohio & LllssLoipjd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 p do do 1)fLl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Peoria Decetnr & Evniisvhllo. . . . . . . . 1toec island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. raul & Milwonkeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . 117k St. 1su1 Mhmsis. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 08 St. l'aul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3FJ do (10 jdtl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas rilie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 Wabash , , St. lj. & l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . 21. - do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . $3 . , - Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . GILAIN ? s.NI ) PROVISlONL CHICAGO. CIueAoo , November -Flour-Dull asisl unchanged ; coinnion to cholco 8Jrillg ) wheat , 315c ; Minnesota , 3 ( I.c : bakers , . 452c , 1).ttauts ) , 6@7c ; winter wheat flour . Southern and Missouri , 4115c ! , Michigan , 4@5c. t . WTlmeat - 1)siIl woaic an(1 lower ; trading chiefly local ; oJ)0110(1 ) a shudo lower nitil de 4 chiiiod jc below oisomiimg figures anil closed ( 5(11J1c lower than yestermissy. SaleM ranged : Nuvemnir 04gQvJ5c. closed at.OPtc ; 1)ccezn. . bar , 05@9c , closed 'J3e ; .Tnniiary lf9Tgc ) , closed nt 9le ; Falrlmary. 'JTi.98c , closed at O7gc ; May , SI Ol@l 01 , closed nt $1. Oj ; No. 2 c1oed at tlAc ; No. 3 spring , 82R3c ( ; No. f rod wintor. 1 00@l 05. . .G1 I Cozis1)uhI , weak 00(1 lower 1cIiig mile. 'e , cocci ! by the sveaknems in other sisisricets ; Prices declined oust closed lower than yesterday. Sales , cash , lSt@ 18c. clocd at ' 18A@48.jc ; November 48@ lllc , closed at $ ; 1)ocemnber and year 47@ 18c , closoil Ut 17c ; Jisnuary , 4T(47c , closed at 47c ; May , 5O5lc , closed at roc , I . Oats-Dull and drooping with very little miolmig , Sales , cash 28c ; Novomnber 27@,27c ; ] ) eeemnber 282(1ij2lle , closed at 282c ; .lnniiary , 2f@29c ; May , 332c , closed at 32432c. ltyo-Dtiil at SIlo. Barley-Quiet and atendy at 62c. Fla'c SOOl.StASflIy at I 30. Pork-Fsir demnatid but weak and lever ; declined iSo and ciood steady at Ineimlo 1rccs. Cash 10 8fl@10 145 for old , and 12 20 U (12 25 for slew ; Noventher and 1)occmber ] 0 80u1t ) 85 ; year 10 77Ql10 80 ; February 11. 70(11l 82k , cchoeotl at 11 75lfl1 77k ; Ma 12 15cJ12 30 , ClO5O(1 at 12 22l2 215. Lard-In fair mlemnaumi and oa..ler ; declined r,1oo but closemi steamly at medium figures. halos , cash,7 5t(7 ) 115 , closed at 7 S2m@7 ti5 ovemnber , 7 477 SO. closed at 7 t'0@7 ! l2 (11j7 55 ; 1)eccmnbor,7 42@7 5Ocloscd 7 47 ; for the ycar , 7 42lJ7 47k , .lusod at 7 .15 ; , fanu. tiryt 7 527 (12 ( , closed at 7 S5(7 ( 57 ; Veb J ° ® 70 , closed at 7 07k ; May , 7 'J7 7 13ti1k Meats-In fair demand ; shoulders , . S 00 ; short ribs , (1 25 : short deu. : U 150. Butter-In gOfl demand at full vrices ; 4 croamnemies , 30J30a ; ( l.slry , 9lCc. Eg-Jn f.mlrdemanml at 2S@2Ilc. . , \ % hieky-Steady zmtiml unchanged. - I - " Freigliti-Osrim to 1i'Iif.Slo ' 3Jc , 1 . CImuese-1arket st.asly with only mnoml'rato ( csifeximmgs ; choIce lull creammi clseddars,12(12c ( ; choice full cream thsts , 12(3121c ( ? ; good nart bklrn clseddara and flats , 7j8c ; hard skims , hides - Market unchanged ; green salt cured light , c ; green salt damnaeml , lie ; green salt heavy , Cc ; green salt ca'f , lie ; dry salt. lie , dry calf , lSc. 'rallow-Uuclsangod1 No. 1 Crc ; No 2 , 0o ; cake , 7c. WILWADKr. MIg.W.1xml , Noycimbe ; 17-Wheat-Mar. L - - - - kot wctslc' Ole for November ; 0o for Do. comber ; 0o for January. Corn-Malkot quiet ami unchanged ; No. 2 , Oats-Finn ; No. 2 , 28cc. ] lyo-Woakor ; No. 2 , SSo. Barley-Stronger ; extra , S1c. CNCIN.T1. ( ClNonAn , Novoinbor 17.-Wheat-Mar. kot weaker at 1 OSliji 0i3 , Corn-Market Irregular and weaker at toe. Oats-Quiet at 30.38o. ltyo-1)uhl amiti ea.'ier sit S8@UC. l'ork-Nnrnlnal 11 & 0@i1 715. LarsNiootl tiemnatid at 7 4157 47k , hulk immeats lii gomRl ilenmanti. Whisky-Steady at 1 13. TOLEIO. ToaRno , November 17-Wheat-Market (1(111 ; No. 2 i-nd cash omit ! Novrnnbr , I 02. Corn-Dull ; No. 2 cash amid November at 152c. 152c.OatsDull rsn(1.nommnah ; No. 2 c.sh amid November , $02c. NRW OItI.iIMS. NRw OrjjANi. November 17-Corn- O(1 ( ( lomuamil ; yellow oust inlxusl , ( lie' white , G2c. Oats-1nster ist 87(3k. Corn Mcal-1)sill ) and caslcr at 2 2 150. 150.PorkSteady aiitl geol demand at 11 75. 1.ard-llrmn ; tkrco , 8 00 ; keg , 8 G2. Hr. LOI'IB I'flO1HCi. Sr. Lotna , November -\Vlioat---Lower ; 011(1 mhisv ; No. 2 re(1 , $1. 00'1 01 for cii ; 1 00@1 0l bid for November ; 1 02 for Do. comber ; ! 31 03@1 03 for .Tanuary. Corn-1)uhl at 43@13o for cash ; 41c for November ; 42c for December ; l2.J42o for .Taniiary. . for cash 2Co bid O.its-'Slow at 25,2Ilc ; for 1)cccmnber ; 25c for the year ; 27.c for .Iati. nary. ] tyo-152@rdc bid. Barldy-fJc. Ihitter-Steamly ; creamery , 25c30c ; dairy , 1Sl25e. 1ggs-11ig1ior at 23c. Flat Seesl-1 45. I lay-Unchmangini. Corn MeaI-2 152 20. PEORIA I'ItOIt'C. Poni : * , Nnvenilmr 17.-Corn-Virus ; high mixed , l1)l ) l1c ( ; No. 2 mnlxod , ' 18@4S'c Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 ss'hito , 30e. Whisky-Firma at $1 15. rEw Tours. Naw YouR , November 1 7.-Wheat-Cash , c ; dull and lower ; options opened © 1c lower , closing with a recovery of ; ic : ungriulod rcd , Oic@1 10 ; No. 3 rod stoanier , Ole ; No. 2 reti , 1 1O'5J1 14. Corn-hash , ? m@C lower ; options opened @e lower , closingwitis a recovery of I@c ; ungraded. li3Il0c ; No. 2 , G01@Glc. Oata-I@c. lower and fairly active ; itmixed wctcrn , 35aJ7c ; white , 38@43c. liggs-\Vcstcrzs fresh , firisi and in good do. simand , 28(31c. ( Pork-Quiet aisti firm. Lard-Quiet and firm ; prime Stoani , 7 95@ S 00. 00.BetterFirm Better-Firm ; good demand for choice. LxvEnrooL. LivEnrooL , November 17.-Brendstuffs - Dull and easier. Wheat-Winter , Ss Cd@Oa Id ; spring , 8s@8 , Gd. Corn-Se 3d. llAL'rIonE November . : , 17.-Wheat-West. cr11 , lower amid active , closing weak. No. 2 western winter rod , cash 1 071 07. Corn-V,7cstern. easier amid neglected ; mixed , cash , S7l57c. ; Oats-Easier ; western white , 30@40c ; uii ad 37@38c. iyo-Quiet at 15G@SSc. Butter-Firm ; western packed 1023c ; creamery , 25@33c. Eggs-Firm at 20@SOc. Whisky-Steady at 1 18@1 18k. KANSAM ( flT1. KANSAS Citv , Novcinncr 17.-Wheat- Weaker at 83c for cash ; 8le for December ; 8tic bid for .January. Corn-Weaker ; 36 bid , 37c asked for cash ; 3Gb for November. Oats-Lower at 22c. . LIVE STOCIt. B ? . LOUIS LIVE BTOOK. Sr. Louis Nov. 17.-Cattle-Supply too aiiall to inaice a imiarkot : only local trade. Sheep-No supply. Nothing done. KANSAS CITY LIVE RTOOK. KANSA3 CITY , November 17.-The Daily In. dicator reports : Cattle-Market steady for all except feed. orswhick are quiet ; native steors,5 GO ; stodc. ers and feeders , :1 : GOcTaJ4 1o ; coumsnon 2 75 c3 40 ; Colorado hall-breeds , 3 S051J4 50 ; rexas steers , 8 30C3 80. hogs-Market barely stoaily , 4 25@4 (10. Sheep-Steady for good natives , 2 10(3 150. CHICAGO. CmncAno , November 17.-TIme Drovers' Jour. nal roportatisis afternoon as follows : hogs-Steady and low grades weak ; lCk. big. 4 10@4 to ; ; paclcing coil shipping , 4 60@i150 ; light , 4 25@4 ( iS ; sldj ; 3 00axl 00. Cnttlo-3larkct. strong exports. C 2kj7 00 ; good to choice shipping , 5 G015Il 10 ; coin- mon to medium , 4 255 215 ; inferior to fair covas , 2 25@3 00 ; meihinmn to good , 3 00 ® 3 00 ; stoclcers , 8 00153 (10 ( ; feeders , 3 7 © 4 40 : range cattle , strong ; gmasm Texans , 3 (10 ( @ .l ' 10 ; Anmericaims , 4 150@5 (10. Sheep-Stronger ; inferior to fnir,2 253 00 PCr cwt. ; medium to good , 3 003 50 ; cboico to extra , : ; 45@3 7. T1tAFFIC. FLOUR AND oIrAfl. CalOAGO , November 17.-ilocoipta and ship. isionts of flour and grain for tim vast 24 hours have becim as follows : ] lecciptg. f3imip'IM. Floir , hhiln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 12.000 Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 83,000 14,000 Cern , bwthioln. . . . . . . . . . . . 1(10,000 312,000 Oats , lusiieis. . . . . . . . . . . . 158,000 130,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 11,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 55,000 41,000 ICANHAS CITY , November 17.-ltecoipts auth shipments of grain for the past 21 hours have boon as follows' Receipts. . Shlp't.a. Wheat , . . . . . . . . . . . , 25,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 31,000 10,000 NEW YCEK , November 17.-Bocoipta and SfmijI000thof flOur amid grain for the 1)t : 21 hours have lscmm mis follows Receipts Ship't.4. Wheat , bu.shmols. . . . . . . . . . 178000 81,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .000 01,000 Oats , busimols. . . . . . . . . . . . 101,700 122 LIVE STOOL OlnoAGo , Novomnbor 1T.-tocolptss ] and ship. monti. of live stock for the vast 21 hours have boon as follows ; Receipts. LIiip'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooo , hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $00 Sr. Louis , November l7.-Ilocolpts and ship. ments of liva stock for the Past 24 hours have been as follows : Itecelpts. Bhuip'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $09 700 Slmecp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 IcAN'IAII CITY , November 18.-Ilocelptsu auth shmipuncnta of live stock for time I1at 24 hours have been as follows : Itocelpts. . ShIp'ts. Ire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000 Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,40) ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - OM4UIIt oiititici'r. Wholesale Prices , O1'YIOE OF 'l'iiE OSAUA BEE. Saturday ! voumimg , November 17. Tue following prices are charged retaIlra 1)7' jobbers , whiolosaicrs and comnumuleslun soot. cliaumts , with the exception of rain , wiiei } tiuntod at the PrIco4furutisiiedbY the eiqyntors smith oUter local buyers ; VnnT-Cash No. 2 , 7tle No. 3 , GSa. IIAISLEY-Cwihi No. 2. dSc , ILVS-Cashm No. 3 Coun-Ne. 2 , thm-No. 2 , 27c. Live Sitick. FAT STZEIES-Qnlot itt 3 503 50 , PAT Cows-3 Ooa 35. Ilous-3 $5l4 15. iui'-Firm : : at 3 003 50 , _ - : - _ - - - 0ALV15-VAir quality 4 S0Q1S 00 ; goodbutch' are' stock , 6 00. linus' nniIMl1ltufT. WINTP.nVILEATliOst quality , t'atsnt , sit 3403t'o , SFcoHn QVALrTT00t3 40 , Sm : rn Wu-13est qual Ity , patent , ' at 3 bOt'dji GO. SEOOfl ) QCAI.nT-2 3O@3 to. IIRAN-t.5C huor owL. Ciorrr.n ; l'zEu-i'er 100 lbs. $ Sc. C0UN MEAI-I. 0OSj1 10 Pr cwt ScnEaNiNa-(1O70o Pot OW Gcnri'reh I'i'tstluoc , I1UTTEa . - Fancy ercamery 203lc ; cold StrfiO creamery , 215f27c ; choirs tiatry , o © 21c ; best country , ohlil Inekod , 100120c ; best country , roll , 1S20. ; liufouior grades , 1014e hiecoituts etiutititmn large auth quality 155cr. otiouusauut1 for nuuyt.hing ueept strictly fancy butter. ] tutus-Markct atlvaumciuug ; sales tn.day at tile ; market vIhl trthuRhml ) } ' htolsi at. tlmI hutice. Aii't.nss-Vnuiey .Itiiatlmnuis , $1 5015. 1 00 ; fatmey lieu 1)a is , $3 00514 00 ; fancy .1 emset , 3 ( ) : to ; fiutcy'ihInvsburg , $3 2I153 75. lenuaumtl good , Conmnc-Now Vork State full creseus , Into Sopteuumiter uuialco , lie ; Now Ynuk Stust'i full creauuu 10 huntuim lisis , 13e ; do ( mull cream , (10 ( htooji ts , 13c ; tie 'u.siguumt snake , iSo ; do 10 hiotuli lists , .Aui'st snake , 12e ; do 50 hoop lots , 12cVletsutslui ; , full crousuum , 2 iii box1 l3Ic ; Voting Americas strictly full ereauum , l8'c ; full ereaumi , 12c ; fuil creauus tO hoop lots , II .c ; full croauus flats , 12.c ; full orenuum flats , lila ; fancy brick cheese , 301) ) lb cases , lSlc ; 1iimi. hunger 13c ; gcunulum tush Swiss , lIle. 1'OTAI'OKS-lteCCiptA large auti Prices declining. Couusiguummiouuts iii strictly choice large 517.011 , straight lbtt0H are selling froui $0 to 82c ; iu0vnul cars 2(1. ( to 2e nuid lghit ; tleuuunuud ; iuoaclihmlows , , 5 to 40e. L3\vx1' ; l'orvroias-Chtofco yellrov , 23c. ONIUN-lcceipts { larger ; clinics large rod \Vetlmorsfuold sclliuug ut 40 to SOc. No ticunand. OAIII1tar.-Markct for choice stock $5 00iJ 0 00 ror hnuusdretl , 1)euuauuui good. 1IE.Na-11auItl picJotl uuavies , $2 15S3 00 ; hiaumul ifielcoil nuculiuuuums , 2 002 25. Ito. coihuts fair ; douuiand gooui , ( iAMi-Pratrio chickens , per doz. , $3 00 to 3 iSO ; quail $1 75 to 2 (10 ; suuipe , $1 ISO to 1 711 ; ducks , Slnilartl , lcr ulux , 2 0051j2 150 ; mnixeul , $1 SO ttu 2 01 ; deer iuatlttie , 111 to 12lc ; oust. CIWS , P to be ; antelope satltlloi , 11 to i2c ; car coast 8 to Je. 1)atnammui gootl.Vtnilui advise liberal coussigumumionts. lb careful that your ganuo coumies to muuarknt in uuico eontlitunuu. Fiinsic Ovsimts-Solects , .15c ; staistlards , 'hOe : itmotlluuuis , 80c. CKr.Emtv-150. l'oun'rnv-Livo clilckns dax 2 - , per , 150J full drosseul clmte.keums , pm r lb. , 11Gl13e ; tur. keys , huer lb. , 11SJ1Ile ; eur"s , 14@I5 ; gorse , 15lIle. Luniosa-Extra famucy bar leunots , $8 00 ; fancy Slessliua heinous , imr box , $7 S ; 5 box lots , 5fcusinzs Iciuuoius , $7 00 ; 10 bo lots do. , $1 ; 75 ; tulalaga leunouus , fancy , $5 00 ; do 5 1uo 10(44 , $1 50. Dt'rEs-11lnck Arcublamu , ver lb. , 8Ua ; quarter crates , lOc. } 'tos-25 lb. lcegui , uor lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box , layer , per lb. , ilic ; small ovals ior lb. , ISo. CocosNum-ExLrn fine , per 100 , 8 00. Cimuco-Puuro macoct cider , 22 gal keg , $000 ; Sr. & 1' . clarified , 22 gal keg , $0 00 ; M. & 1' . clarified , 32 gal keg , S 00. ] 'icuuu FIs'T : , .1'miti'i , ETC.-Pigs feet , 15 lb kits , $1 15' pigs 10 lb qr bhl $2 25 ; uigus foot , 80 lb lislf : bbl , $1 00 ; tripe , Is lb hits , $1 111 ; tripe , 40 lb ru. bhul , 225' tripe , SO 11. ' half bbl , .1 00 ; pigs touiguues , 15 lb kits , $2 50 ; pigs tongsuos , 40 lb r bbi $6 00. Launb.s' touugiues , ' 15 lb kits , 82 1km ; 40 lb cir bbl , $0 25. 51scn ME.tT-4ttuior&us , lSlb lusuckct.s ( lmuckets 25c ) JOe ; 37lb buckets ( bucket 40c ) , 10. ; 10011. , kegs , lOc ; half barrels lOc. AssouTlcIJmry-2.hl ) st.oumojars ; 12 incase , pcr do ; $2 25 ; tuuunblor. pr doz , $1 05 ; schoomcr : , iter titizen , $3 10 ; 1.lb tin camus , 4 tloz. iii enso , $1 .10 ; 2.1l.u tin calls , 2 doz In acute , $2 10. BULK .TETrIES-Currnnt , 30-lb wood paiis , per lb. Sic ; strawberry , 30.lb wood hails hOt lu Sic ; raspberry , 30-lb wood jsail ior ib , Sic ; blackb'crry 30-lb wood pails 11cr ib , 8c ; crab apple , 30.lL wood pails isor lb , 8c. AI'I'LE ] lurricus-35.lb woodcut hails , pOt Is , $8 00 ; 5.15 wooden isalls , 6 in case , per case , $3 50. PEAcu Burrxn-2n.Ib s'oodon pails POt 15 , $11 00 ; 5.lb wooden iiaIl , 6 iii case , per case , $4 25. l'nEsEuvlcs-In ( 20-lb wooden 1uaiis-fl.lu- ) berry , $15 00 ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ; poachm , $1.1 00 ; cherry. 814 00 ; tounatoes , $14 00 ; lIUIfl , $11 00 ; a.sStrtOd , 11-lb wooden buckets , 6 In case , imar case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 uloz iuu case , iucr case , $3 211. NEnASKA Costa hoNEY-i-lb Irauuucs , 21.lb cases , oar Ib , iSe. Onisoics-Louisianas P ° ° bbl , $9 00 : do. , box. 50O IIANANAS-Chiolco , er bunch , $3 001 00. CnANOEIuIIES-Fauucy Capo Cod , high color , $14 00 ; bell and bugles ; $12 00 ; boll and cherry , 811 00. Spccitl prices on large lots. hAY-Baled , 8 0O10 00 ver ton ; iii bulk , a oo@o so par ton. Grocers List. O.&xNxn Goons-Oyatnrs ( Standard ) , er cct.so , 3 70(5)3 ( 1)0 ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib , par case , 2 10 ; rutpbarrioa , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett pears , ; uer e.'tRo , 2 40 ; vhiortloborriesu , per case , 9 80 ; egg plums , 2 lb , per CWtO , 2 00 ; green gages , 2 Ib , 15CC C5SO , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 Iii , pot a.21. ; 4 50 ; pine apples , 2 15 , par case , 4 80 ® 1tor-Bisai , inch anti larger , 10.o , inch , 1O.c ; mdui , 11c. O.sncns-11oxes , 40 Iba , lOs , iSo ; 8s , We ; boxes 40 Ibs , 1(1 oz , Cs , We. MATcIIEtS-l'er caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SIJGAUS-I'OWdCrCd , bc ; cut loaf , bc ; granulated , Uje ; confectioners' A , 82c ; Stand. urti extra 0 , 8c ; extra 0 , 7c ; medium ye1. low , 7c ; dan : yellow , 71c. CoF1'asu-Ortliuiary grades , 1212c ; fair 13 @l3c ; good , lic ; Iusimo , 15@15c ; choice 13fiuj14c ; fancygroen and yoIlow,1101e ( ; old govcrIlsuent Java , 20@20c ; Lovorimmg's roaatoul. 14 c ; Aubuucklo's roatutotl , ISle ; Mc1aughu1in's xxxx roasted , 184e ; Imitation Java , 1G lticE-l4osuisiana prune to choIce , 7c ; fair Ole ; Fatnia , 63t : . J"isr-No. : I unackorol , half Sm-Is. , 8 00 ; No. 1 macherd , .cit.ut , 1 15 ; funnily maelcerol , half brls. , 0 00 ; fcsrnlly mnmckerol kits , 'J5c ; No. 1 white fish , half bris. , 7 00 ; o , I kits 1 05. Syuui'-St.'nitlnrti : Coin. , SSr , heist ; 3tussmdartl tie , -l gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do1 gallon kegs , 1 (10. E301)A-1n lb I1nlOrs , 3 30 pot case ; kegpor Ib , 2c. ] Yzcgcicu-Meuiimunu , In barrels , 7 00 ; ( Jo Iii half baurois , .J 00 ; emmuuil In barrels , 8 00 ; mb In half barrels , 4 711 ; glmorknsinbarreLu , 900 ; do in half bantuls , 5 00. 'I'EAmS-C nuupowdor , gotid , 4 r@s5c ; choice GO (1117tc ( ; good luumluorinl , 40@13c ; choice , GOG15c ; Young Ilymson , good , $0150c ; choke , rc1 00 ; .Jruuan : uatuurui ; loaf , BSc ; Japan , choice , GOj75c ; oitumug , good , 35l0e ; Oolong , choice , 40SSc ; Souchong , good , S5 © tOo ; choice , 3545c. WooIr.uss'AItE-Two hooii pails , 1 85 ; three hisuuiju pails 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; l'io- near wiuuiilamrtis , 1 811 ; Double Crown 2 00 ; Wollhucket.n 3 85. SoAI's-ldrhc'n Savon Irusporial , S 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 (10 ; Kirk's standcu-ul , 3 75 ; lark's white Ituuusian , S 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's l'rstlrio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 'tOo ; Kirk's macuuolia , dot. boa'AsiI-l'ennsylvanla cans , 4 case , In case , 3 315 ; Bcibhitts bail 2 dot , liscaso , 1 0OAnclsor ; ball , 2 midst. in case , I 150. OAny-Freumciu muuixeul , in 30 15 , pails , 18c ; Asuioricauu mixed. in so lb jialls , 15c ; Brilliant rniscotl iii 3C lb pails , lie ; Noliiiy muuixed , in 10 lb pails , 13oCounpotition mnixod , in 30 lb Pails , l2c ; IxcclsIur stick , 30 lb i'nlls , 13o ; ulouhulo rofiumod , 30 lb jualls , l3c ; Crystal unixacl , 3(1 ( lb vailn t5o ; Old rhtuue nuixod , 30 lb halls , 11e ; 'I'll ) ' 1 miii , irmixed , 30 lb Iunil , ISc ; Filrt , solsod , 30 lb polls , 1Ic ; Flirt , stick , 30 lb iails , 11 Ic ; 'l'ip 'rmi1i , stick , 80 Il , tualls , 12c. VINEGAU-NUW urknpplo lOc ; Ohio ni'- 1mb. lJr. SAL't-Drny loads , lt bid , 180 ; Aebton , lii sacks , , 3 50 ; luhils dairy ( .0. 5 , 3 30. HTAltcn-I'earl , 4.c ; Silvur Gloss , Sc ; Corn St.arhu , tic ; Bxcehsulur ( iloums 7e ; Cormi , Sc. 8l'oEH-l'ojuper , bVe ; aiplrs , ISle ; cloves 215c ; ccssaia , 100. 11Tic-Aumiorican 3 40 ; ( lreonwlch , 8 40 ; Western , 2 71i ; tiorthi Star , 2 ( JO ; LewIs' lye 4 615 ; Jowull lye , 2 711 Dry Geode , BROWN CO'rrON5-Atlantue A , 8c ; Apnlo' ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; hoot FF c , Buckeye ITj , 4.1 , 7c : Cabot W , lie ; Cliltt.o. nusrugo A 0Jc Great Falls B , 8o ; horsier , Ilc' 1onoLidtfi , 8c ; Jiudlaus head A , Sc ; Indian Standard A Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7c J4awrenco LL , tlo ; Mystlo River , lie ; l'equot , L - _ - - p - - - - - - - - - - - - A , 8c ; Utica C tic ; Wachusott B , 7cc ; do A 8o do B 48 , i2c. FINI libowN ( orra-Allonmhnlo 4.4 7 , AllIgator 3-1 , $ c ; Argyle 4.-I , 7c Atfaustic flIc ; Ibtdgeu hltat.o \ 4-IGlc : ilonnington 0 4..1 , (19c ; Buckeye S 4.4 , Gc ; ImnlimsuuOrchartl Aj' 98 , 8c ; Iaconisi 0 30 , SIc ; 1.ohigli B 4.4 9c ; I'epperehl N SO , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; tin ii 3t1 7cc ; do B 30 , 8c ; l'oeaseet 0 1.1 , 7c ; \Vatnsutt. 4.4 , iSo. BLs&CIIED COflOa-Anu1roseegIn T. .1.1 0c ; Blackatoumo AA imperial 8c ; tin thu Iual bloachcsl tc ; Cabot 4-I , Sic ; Fidelity , 9c ; Fruit ci tim Loomsi th cambric -1.1 12J : tIn \Vntor 'rsvist , ibc ; ( Iroat Fails Q , tb hiutilaut I loath simruuiik 4. , l2e ; l.onsdaio , I Go 0 camnlus ho 37 , 12o ; I' . York Stills , 12.10 l'equot. \ , lOc' I'OlupCrOl , N (1 Twills , 1'4o l'occshiont.cuu .i.4 , tc ; ] 'oc..uxsot ri , 8 ; Utics lIe : \Vnmsuttn 0 X X , 12io 1)vcKs ( tJsuluured-1Uhamly ) r l'ros'uu , Sc ; tin 0 , dm1 , 1 Ic ; tIn XX stripes ausd plaitis , 12 1.2e ; u.s brown auni tIrtu , stuilles and Idaitis , 12 1.2c ; Arllugtous fancy , lOc ; Bnumusnick lursuwn , S 1.2c ; ( hiarit fancy , 12 14k ; the cx. tea lmavv ' , 20e ; Full Ihiverliunwn , otrahmocsvy , ii 1.2c ; 'Indiana A botuwum , iso ; Noponsot A brown , itle , 'rcEINns-Aumsrslcg ; A C A 32 , hOe ; do XX blues 3'2 18 1.2c ; Arrewamuum , lb I.2c ; ( 'late unomut IIt 15 l.t.c ; Ctuucstoga , Oxtra , 17 t.2c ; I iuiuuiltsumt 1) , 11 1.2c ; 1.owistous A $0 , ISo ; muehuaha 4.1 , 20c ; Omega , super extra 4.1 , 2. I'onrl Iliver 32 , 16 1-ic ; l'nturnuiu XX 1111)0 stripe , 12c ' Shetuucket 5 , 10 1.2c ; do 53 , 12c ; Yeoman's 'bhuo 21) Pc. DcssIa-Auususicoat. tihue ausd hrowuu,1 (1 ( 1.2c ; Antlover 1)1) luhuto , 15 l4.h Arlington X lulon Scotch , 18 I-t2c : Cencorti 000 , Iultuo antI browii , 12 1.2c ; do .AAA , do tiut , 13 1.2 ; do XX b do ulu , , 14 1.2c ; hiayuusakctr's Slime aumd brown 9 1.20 ; Mystic livcrilstripo { , I6I.2c ; l'oarl ulcer , hum amid buown , IGe ; Unciuuviiho , Shun nuid lurowiu , ii 1.2c. OAsmmncs-Barnarml , 15c ; E'hIVSt4)nO lining , Oh inch double face , S&cthurner ; 21. glared , SIc ; lutauhattan glove imnislu , SIc : Nnsviort t1o.il&e' do glazed , ( i.c ; l'equot do , tue ; Loclcuuou kiti iinisiu , 60. Coitsrr JEANS-Asnory , Ausmlrnscoggimi sattornu , 8c ; Ciareunlous 02c : Ctunostoggms etat. teens , 7.10 ; Ifailowoll , Sc ; hiuuliaui Orchard , 7c ; Nusrragusuisctt , umeuprevod , 8Ic ; 1'OhuIlOtill sat. tossi , tile ; ] iockiswt , Go. 1'UINTh-4tlklIR , Ge ; Amncuscauu , Ole ; 4rnluiu , Ills Iborwick12c Cuchmutot ' 0e ; , ; , 'Couuosutoga , ; Iaukirk , ( Ic ; 1)iunnohl , ( 'ulOjIuc ; itluI3'stouuo , (2e ( ; Gloucester , 61c 1larmuuouuy , 15c ; Ruickerhocker , Ole ; Slenluumo i ) , To ; Mystic , SIc ; Sprusgiuns , Ge ; i3otuthmbrluigo , ( ho ; tb Giuuglmuuns , Vc ; SinrI. bomo , 52c ; Okuut.'sl , SIc. (1INUIIAMd-AuntPslong , 0c ; Argyle , Sc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Ctumbcrbnud , 7u' ; highland , TIc ; lCeuuilworth , 'Je ; 1'Inumktt , 'JIc ; itusstjx , Sc. CorroNADOs-Abbcrvillc , l.c : ; ; Agate , 20c ; Aunomicauu , lid Artiutian , 20c ; Calni 1) amid ¶ 1' , iSle ; Clarion I ) anti T , 17.lc ; Jocaui Co. stripes 1) and T , 16ev koyst.ouue , 181c ; Nai' tuckot , lOtr Nonpareil , 160 ; ( iconus 1) umutl 9. ' , DIe ; loyal , Ide ; Stussox , 12c ; 'l'iogaraclutI. . tvstt shuirting chocks , 12c ; mb Nnuukiu l2lcem york , luinin Nankin , 12'c ; do checks , stripes urnd fauucy , 1'21c ; do S ox , 20c. SIIEETiNOS-A1)lrOt3C5'gifl ( 10- 1 271c ; do 0-1 , 23c ' tb 31 , 82o : letuitleuciutusi C 42. lIe ; Fruit ; of'tlso Looun 10-4 ; 271c ; Now York mis list 93. SSc ; tb 78 , 3oo ; (10 58 , 221c ; I'einbroko I0-.1 , 215c ; Poquot 10.4 , 2Slc : do TI , lOc the -It ) , ilic ; l'oppoaehl 90 , 29c ; tie 07 , 21c : tb 7 , lSc ; Utica 00 , SOc ; do 158 , 2'4e ; tIn 48 , lic. P.tlnto , OLIn and Tarnluulies. Ots1lO ° carion , Per gallon , lSc ; 150 ° luoasdlight , pe galloum , ISa ; 175 ° hteuuullight , lieu , gallomu , 20c ; iso ° water white , I Pc ; lbs seed , raw , ; tsr gallouu,55c ; liussocul , boiled , ; ser gallon , SSo barth , winter uutr'd , per ; 'allomu , hOc : No. 1 , TOcNo. ; 2 , hOc ; castor , XXk , luer gal' lou , 1 50 ; No , 3 , 1 30- sweet , vcr gallon 811c ; eluormnV.B. . , par galoum , 1 60 ; fish , \V. B. , mcrgusllon , lilIc : ne.-itsfuotextra , tier giuliomu , POe ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , 11cr gutllouu , 30o ; summer , iSa ; goldomi nuachuimso , No. 1 , ior gal- Ion , SIc ; No. , 211c ; aupeun , signal , POt gallon , soc ; turlueuutino , per gallouu , toe ; nuiptha , 71 ° , iigalbon , iSa. 1'Amc'rs IN Oia-WlmLto lead , Omaha 1' . P. Ge ; white bead , St. Louis luIro , ( J.c ; Marseilles groan 1 to 5 It , cauls , 21bc ! ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , roil seal , lIe ; 1"reuuclm zinc , in Varni8h asat , 20e : Fiemuch zimuc. Iii oil cuest , ISo ; rcnv and burnt tinilier , 1 lb cotta , bc ; raw and burnt Sienna , bc ; vandyke brovn ISa ; refined lampblaclc , 12c ; coach black , and ivory black , iGe ; drop black , lIla ; b'russiau bluuo , SOc ; ultramarhmo hilno , 18c ; chrome green r. sr. A : D. , lIla ; blind and abutter groeus , Ii St. & 1) . , lIla ; 1'ari green , iSo ; Indian rod , iSa ; Venetian roil Pa ; fuscea red , 22c ; Amen- can Vermililon f. & P. , iSo ; chrome yellow I. . . 3L , 0. & 1) , 0. , ISo ; yellow oem-c , tic ; golden ochm-o , 1Cc , patemit dryer , Sc ; gu-aining colonj , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chmtasut and ash , iSo. " "V puInts. % Vhuito load , Sc ; 1"rouuch zinc , bOo ; Paris whiting , 2Ic ; whiting glIders , 12c ; whiting com'l 1e ; iamnplslaclc , G onuuuauutswu , 1'lc ; latniubback , orlinus-y , bc ; Pru.quuiau blue , 55c ; ultramarine , l8c ; vaumdyko , brawn , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; unubor. i-nw , 4c ; etioOna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , s-nw , Ic ; l'aris green , genuine , 25o ; Paris green , commumulonr2Oc ; chrouno green , , 20e ; chrouno green , is. . , 12c ; vornullious , Bog. , 70c ; verunillkmu , Aniem-ican , 18c ; Immdiiui rod , 1otOSO ; islmk , lie ; Vomuotlan red , Cokusoss , 22c ; Venotlaus i-ed , American Ie ; rod lead , 7.lc ; chrome yellow , genuine , tOc ! ; chromuso yol. low , IC. , 12c oclire , rochelle Sc ; ocliru , Freuuch , 2c ; ochno , As'ienicatu , 2cVimmtor'su ; nineral , 21c ; lehigh brourn , 21c ; Siuauiluuiu browsi , 21c ; Prince's mumiumoral , Sc. VAuNIMILaS-Bam-rels pr gallon : Fiurni. tore , extra , $1 10 ; fturnhuro , No. 1 , l ; coach , extra , $1 ' 10 ; coutclm , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damnar , extra , $1 75Japaiu ; , 70oauqdialtum , extra , SSe ; shellac , $3 SO ; hard oil finish : , $1 50 , Loather. solo , 38e to 42c ; hemlock solo28c to $ Sc ; cub t , kili , 800 tti 1 00 ; runner G5o t , ) 860 ; rio o calf , SSe Lu ) 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23c tu , 21k ; oak tipper , 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to S 150 ; calf kid , 32@.35 : ( bmolson kid , 2 iSO to 2 115 ; oak hip , SOo to 1 00 : omIt calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French hip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; Fu-oxuchu calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rums. sets , 5 so to 7 so ; linings , (1 ( 00 to 10 150 ; top. uingt 9 00 ti ) 10 (0 ( ; B. li. Morocco , SOc to sic ; isobbie 0. b ) . Morocco , SSc ; utlmnon , 2 50 to 300. JfAn.'czni-No. 1 ettar oak , 12c ; Na 2 tIe , SOc ; No. I Club , oak , SSc ; No. 2 do , SSc ; No. I Milwaukee 37c : No. 2 do SIC , .i4umelrer. wilocEsAca. \Ve quote husunlier , ltsthu amid shiuugleus on nun-s at Omaha mit the following In-Ices : . ( oKT : ASI ) h'cANrLrnu-iG ft. nod unuler 2200 ; 18 ft , 23 50. 'l'ismsmrics-lG , foot and under , 22 00. 'rmuiieit ANI ) .Iornr-18 IL , 23 fiG ; 20 ft,23 50 ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 21 ft , 2050. FmNcmzo-No. 1 , 4 and 6 its , , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00 , SIIKmtnI4G-NO. I (2tl ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No , 2 , 18 00. 14in-1'cr barrel , 1 215 ; bulk Itor hmslmel' SSc ; cement , hid , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster libl , 2 50 ; haIr Pot' Iii , . roe : L'arrd felt , 1O0 SO ; straw hearth , 3 tO. HItics. 1)uuhl ) stud woalt ; groan butchers , Ge ; green salbol , 7I@7c ; dry flint , 12(13c ( ; dry salt , 1Ol4llc ( ; dtunagod hides , two-thirds icrico , TALI.OW-G0. Siiiri' ; Fm-25c1 00. WooI4 Merino sunwauthiod , light 14I0c ; ' heavy , 1ssillr ; snetiiuimn mnwashmoul , light , 18Q20c ; wahmod , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub micid washed , 28c ; hurry , black and catted wool , 2@JGo tmess , heavy JIaz-lWarO List. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; jslow steel fll)0ClItl cast , 7c' crucible , Sc ; etlocluml or Cornuaru , Ge ; cast toot ( It ) , 1S20 wusoum spokes , sot , 2 25.3 00 ; hubs I' ° r set , 1 25 ; folluuets sawetl dry' , 1 40 ; tougtuos : , each , 7Ol6Sa ; axles each , , 75o ; somiaro suits imr his , 7llc ; wasehorut , or ll $ 'l18c ' ; rivets , 11cr lIt , lie ; coil chmalo oar lb , ' ® l2o ; : nallcahlo , Sc Iron woulgos , Ge : crowbars , tic ; hmarrow tooth Ic ; muprimg : 11-sd , 78c ; Burden's horumuhwes , SI 25 biunmloiu'cu Ii&ulO.ilUCII ) , 6215 , IhAmIuunVmimclmu : car lots , Sc vet 100 , NAIItt-Ilates , 1(1 ( to 00 , 3 20. Sony-Shunt , 1 85 ; hiuck muhuot , 2 10 ; orlontcsi powmier , Icogs , 6 40 ; do. , half kegs , S 48 ; do. , tI1n- ' kegs , 1 88 ; blastIng , kegs , 8 35 ; fuse , 11cr 100 feet , & c. Lr.t-Bar , 1 615 , -Cuumnberlauud blackuenith , 10 1)0 ) : Sfor. tie tutu 1hlosluurg , 10 00 ; 'uViultobracutt loin ; , , Ii 00 ; SVhtitobreast nut , 15 00 ; Josva lump , OO Iowa mnut. 5 0 ; Rock Spnitug , 7 00 ; .imithiro. cite , 11 ti5@11 50 ; Canon City , 7 IX ) , l&or ton , 1iljuot. Ar.costoi.-IR3 ; ti.suf , 2 25 i'cr wino gallon extra Ciulhfornia slelrits , 188 proof. 1 211 , or uronf gallon ; triple roiineuI spirits , 187 juroof , 1 23 pot l1r0f gallon ; re-distilled whiskies , 1 OO1 SO ; fine bltuuutlod , 1 t5O@2 50' ICon' tucky luusurhorus , 2 0O(7 00 ; ICentuefcy ammil I'oausylvammia ryes , 2 OO@7 00 , 1lszmi-1mnported , 000@I000 ; domestic 1 40 4 00 , p. atas-Imnportotl , 4 t'oO ' 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300. ItsmMs-lInponLeti , 4 &O@6 00 ; Now F.nghsntl , 2 0O4 00 ; tlnnuestie , I ttO3 50. I'siAcn ANI ) Au'rmac ] IRANnT--1 714 00 , CmnAepAuNrs-Iuus1s'rted huer case 22 CO ® 31 00 ; Auno1cauu , Or case , 12 OO11Jl0 bo. ThflCI4. Psci TonArcoCllmunvt , tOc ; Bullion 1560 ; Ilos-soshmno , tOe' Star , ( SOc ; Ihud.l ) ' , 'lila ; 11cr. soy's , 48c : Iilcwlc , 8854Co. 1'Nui ; Ctrr-Commuuon , 20jS60 : goCti , 45I ( "Go ; lituso 1caf , 760 : l'roumuluum , ( i5 , ; Diamanuitl Crown , ( uSCI Sweet i4ixkomu , 47c. SIoKlHf-O , S.121cSlenrsclursmemn ; , 2So ; in- . hm.'uuus , 8 met , , rs , ; 1)iunliaun , .1 ( St. STe ; lsrluustn ) , , 2 ttt. , b5c Seal of North Canufitsa , 8 tsr. , ( (1'5 SitI of North Cainhimsa , 4 ox. ( 'To ; Seal uj North Cmnuhlema , 2 om. , 0Cc ; 0. k , 1)nurhuasui , 4 07I 2c ; 0. IC. lurluur , 2 07. . , SOc ; Uncle Ned , . 'ut , 2tuc ; 'riumus antI bcrry , 28C. b- 1)INV10lt 5i41tlIT. Cunon 5tATmI ) AND 1Atmfl-1l'alultI lfl(7i1fl.c ( ; breakfast brucomi , llGfilSle ( ; emnukoul etutlos , 01 'SlilUc ' ; salt , dubs , 8l5itc ) ; lnrd , le. ( ) (1 ICE4 ) Vinr .Nm ) l'msoiwcn - I otAtsos , tOJ ( 71km tuer 100 poumnule ; uuist.cstocs , sss'oot , leon 100 1.soimutl . , 2 2,5J12 : , 711 ; onions , ir I 00 letenlutIs , -t 5OCjJ2 00 ; toinit.s.i tor lituind , 2IGJ3o ; tmnuuliu , lInt hi , len ( ioloradu , cuslelungo , now , tcr 100 , SSeOjI 00 ; hiso t'Imtekouus , old l'r tier , . I ( O ® I 211iuratHo ; chiekone per , , $ 0OiJS SO ; eggs , fueslu , , er t1z , , 2851j81e : butter , fair quest. ity cre.uunory , litiost ItOt his , 8111btl : CttlIutOr ) ' , gnetl , l'r lit , 23 Ic ; Knumsat nuuul Nebraska ulairy , Po his , 23a)21c : cooking , 85(11th' ; cliesso , full crotun , 11cr II , , 1Ihil7c ) ; niti'les isor bhl , nastermu , SI 75G 110 ; grauos ; , lr lb. 5 (1c ; Casliformla , te.srs , lint bus' 8 211 m3 ; 55 ; l'l'mmns ' , 20 lb box , 2 ( ) O@2 tI ; les. tumults Ieumnuuq , extra , 15cr Luix , 7 ( ) O15m8 00 ; Cuito. rutn : wheat , lIOt 1X ) IS , $1 80n ) 1 88 ; ( lout , Cot. turatits l'r 100 his , $2 ( R)5j2 ' 211 ; ( hotur , patotut , $2 1Oi3 00 ; ( hour , Kesetens , ; , nr 100 11 , , 82 7Oc1) 3 00 ; flour , Uumsluiun , , per 100 lEt , $2 tO2 ( ISO ; flour , rye , tuor 100 lb h2 t'OG9 70 ; liner , tumuck- vhst : , lC' huh si t 1)00)12 ) ) 150 ; ennui mural , cr 10(1 ( lbs. $1 ( " 5cb1 85 ; oem-n , itet lot ) 11s , , $1. 2 @ 1 : mo COtI ) cluuti' , Per 100 il's $1 so@i 8s ; muos' oats , ; ucr 100 lIti , t a scot ; .Is : oats , i\olraskis , , Iudxtl , , POt 100 Ib , $1 3O0l 40 ; oats , Nohrcwka , , sldto , t'i100 his , $1 8515JflIt ) ; nests , Ctlnrtsbo , , , 1or : 100 hut , $1 250311 315 ; barks' 'ni' 100 Ilus , 'l 50I 75 ; mmdxcii cimo ; , l'rr l0) ) lisa , $1 SSCOJ I 40 ; brauu , ltor tuu , , $17 0051)11) ) ) 00 ; huusy , hu'u'o , ; mr ton $12 OOlI'e 0(1 ; baleti seconul iottnmui , , $10 ( X.)11i2 ) (50 ; balial uiulnt1 ; , $1 I OOSIJ17 (1(1 ( ( ; clover , per toim , $20 ( Xi ; straw , per hem , $8 (8) ( ) 5t ) 00. ' oiaao so.&z o , . t'L : I s ins u u.tr uctI.r , iii' . s mu , pm , ' ' - k5k-.a4 . _ . 'I'lI * 5titi , it-tiuii im , , 5.u-iuu'mL , 4a..e 24011).E15UMLR'fl (3CALELi _ J5 , . _ Th , , "IIetlo t"Onctt % ' ' , ' II tur. t.i'u. , SI , . Li. : ni IlEti hizus. : &INIe4 Situ'S List race. s PORG3 , TOOLS &c. S ! tP nrT 1 uIietc , it sex EHIl i.ueit r n unit , * un ttI Iii. A civil , , iti ISIs , , t'I'uI. . , f5J Us l.r. , . . PP tu. . , , , l , . . . .ns. uSI j's Z . HIosvm'r. 'mm114. % Iti' .e ( ) uimi'r Au-titles - - At I ( It ) ST lull' 58. it IRl.ESALi 5. III.TLIL FOR SALE. x1,3 xRr1 : . 4 Rai'e.t'Iance fop Print/iy , Offices 1a 11550 for eeOc several Iarnt4 , of is fist , iutihlty ) of ; rimutImg liuk. HcImu uuuslo for nie on uuaIIer , , r slaver ; iressc tl.smu sue are now tamE , 5t ) ttill etell the atutue etA h retuts per lunnimi free on ioarI cars at Ounaits. Will geusratitco It to gh 0 goo.I satlifscthoiu on smuunhler nuiI uneuhlum to urcses. ' 1111.1 IIICI I'i'liI,1i411 ' ING CO Catarrh At this seMen of tiuo year uver3body has a cold mud souse sury 1atI , ouuos , hly frcpuent oxuures ; the muctuibratuesol the nose liceomo cry etsualtis n , auml ratarrh amI , luulhiucozas are chulduuilo. Itehief imusy be obtaluicul by ( ho USIS ci hIooi's 8arshuarIli For inmm years hi , , uocesplon , I'egImImuu ' , , , an fr back I loum t rcucuuInr , , us lieu , I hiatt titt tatarrim In mny Icad. , It C0UItelh of ii coimtluual lionfromn cny luoso. luoso.nflying atiti Bursting Noises In uit' hcad. Bouutetlunes tIm ) , earlng In say loll ow wasatTecteul. ltso cusrs ago abotut tIult scetson of ( lie year , I luegauu to use IIootI'it $ artnpttrllla. I wise IoIpett , right ive-isy. lunt I ceuutlueil , tu tuo It tmtII , I felt toy myself cusc1.-Hr. iSirn ( I. CsuIflvlI , , , Lowell , Mass. Jorouno Urowutehl mncrclsant and cxtctushvo mIller at Victors , Ontarts couumty , N. V. , writes : "I huyo umed hood's Sarsapa4IhIa for ny Calaurl , , , umd Ilhuise hclpcJ mo cOueldor lIosl's 5arstai3Ii ; 'me of the best i-onuedlos for hlood tilsoaso to ho obtalumel , - 1OODoscs , OneJ IDol/ar , "I bane beau troumlded tnlthm that .Iiutrcsslg , , o ) nt. plaint , catnrrh , null have boomu uutluig Hood's Esieta- parlula , msimI It one , ) f the hurst rommmeuIk I ii uvo oser take , , , My trouble huts laitol toim t.arut , in , , ! , , over could get in ) ' relief iuuitli I couatiieilced to use nood's Barsalarhlhs-MmtrtIum 8IIId , , Cidcago , 111. 'Dange ' froinCatai'rh ) Dopenuls ennui the anuotitet semi extent of limo Scrofum- Iou. ifectlomm. , Umumestlouiitlrly , ; muua"y tlsatlis frou , citipui1tIoit , cmi to trucesl to negImcte,1 , catarrlm. lucia Is is violent mlItrcs , lroStriste.I amI , couguhg , spell , , the eyes wee ; , , tutu muisu tilseluargos ooIIeusiy , suit thu heat scotia tu , slut. Imu stud , cases heel's Sarsaparlila norrects time mu- tarh i'y Its uhirect actioti Lii IIeciuarIrg the poIson fronu the bitoI truutEI ) , tiaturo's great , , uutctet ! , so that lucaltity , , uoulud blood rcaclio Ito utucumiurusus stud Is 'uholesemo. lloous : Sarsap ar//la Sold by ilrmmggsts ! , si ; eli for t , i'repsmo'I by C. 1 , 11001) &Cl ) , , Aiotiicariep.l.owgII Maw , , WHITTIER , 617 St. C/arles St. , Sf , Louis , Mo. A IIEOULAI ! OIIADUA'I'Ilof two tncllcal coleget I t _ lurnu teen , cgauoi , Iongcr Iii the treatniunt 01 CIlItONIC , NIut'OU8 ; , CHIN AND mIieOD IIscace ) tIttm other 1iywklam , Iii HI. Lottie , a , tlty ; aers ; 5)50w ) au ! mdl id ! robliuSts know. Coussuiltattoim frets u lmvlteul.S'lem , , , It Is Iucoveslunt , , , to vIsit the cIty o treatment , Istedleuulce can be waist by , , ! or oxi'rus 05013 where. Curaiocssso , guiarautcedwiiore , ; tIou oxlst it Is frrukly , wtatcI , Call or write. Ncrvitis , I'ccttratloDuiilllts' , . Metal , mind I'tuysica 0t.'alcmows.ircuirTaTarsI , oUter utffectlws , of 'Iluromit , 100,1 mnupudticum mumidItImul i'OIeit $ simuI Ulcers , , , nnexstabunnssrrhugo , ilhmsutitstismm , , , I'Iie , , Spet Ia ! nt tUTtuwe ( mmml ovorwrlctsl lrsl , , , . 8(1110 10A14 CA8Ii recoiva , ucchul ; mittacutlo , , . ISisemiecs turfslg , train Imp ii eTc net' , lusul , , gcmuccw. G.l-t7X. , , why , causes , t'ieimscquclces , an , ! curo. MniieI fur 2o ; iotaSe or stnnns . , , tt "P.iewI GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1870 cr B&KER'S BrokfllI OodoEI. . , J'1j. , . ' - Warranted mbsostciy jicurS Cocoa , front which tim creeps ci j j iss , best , r'nuuveu1. It lint. f/lu-ed / ( /1t1C 1/15 sIru-nf/e , , t Cocoa mIxed ' tsltlm Stin-cI , , isrrowroot or Sugar , 'I nisul Is lliurcr'rs , far issoro ccc nouni. I S cal , It Is dehicloui , nourishing , , 1) ) strengtimenlng.ccisily digested , and , admirably tsdu1ted for Invalids as yelI as for persons In health. ? ! oId Ity Grocers eyerywhero. U , BAKER & CO Borchcstcr4 Mast 1B T LII it. , . . is reu ir4l.m.lIwu. . i c..t It cuSp , tauwpi Sr. .5,5 , uareI , tow ,1irIIwd , i'biirsIy dlied , s.d .r.t.I. IS 1mr.r , , lIfr' . .Jtlc. , irw.07 , , ci , (4 Crtt&IIl7 5.4 ; .rms. s.SIty l5.t .to'.S me4lria nu : I. , w I LpIoclorI. ,1ut.r , ii iu. uo. , Ta , Af.ltc.I 5stl i. , , Tb. 0)1 ) ui. . ctrstIwg re , rt u" . Ii.iIi , ) ' I'i , ) .1,1 ICr , .uy .5 0. . , I , omit , Lip4 r,4J li 'tiC 1 as .UtwIut ImteIIbi , ' ) , ee heptt. Pu..ur,4 .5 ml , nra' roll. , , 10 511 .w5 rr' ( . , i ldl4I0U ( , Sail' , 1ctIt. SraII $ , , , , ( , Used e'r u.o I. , tJqtiwII , , 1 . 5 0 , sve.mt''o" , .0 Set 5' P .1. 'H. V. Y . , - YE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D.U Qcsirst iu cl I-s.Lr1t , 1 104 I'arimstri bIsect , oivulto ) l'axton liettI , ( jms , , ha , Nd , , . . , - , , l , II 4 I , , , _ : : ' . I. Ii , ' - - ( - ; : . 'smI -u ) I f- : m t' u' , 0 t , nue : ciJcsciEci ) FOfl iIu.mul , lip iwii ( U S \.i4 , , . it. , , , , IIa-m , , t' . , . ' . , al " ( : 'Js . / Cl 1101 , iS. ir4 , Meio' , , 1 I I Ii. ' ( I ! . r : ptelo ( , , , , imi , 0' 'II' til.i. uuI , , ulewtIu , , , , 'lir.w tls'v' : , ' .Il't.Ili " ( 'I ! Iu. , Ltd. 5' , 'DI.t"Utcu ct , , 'Lie ' , , , t 0. M. LEICIIITON. 11. P. CLAflKE. LEIGHTON & CLAEKE , ( SUCCr.SsOns TO ) tENNAflD 311108. & CO. ) Wholesale Druggists I -DEALERS IN- Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class. OMAHA , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. "BURLINGTON ROUTE" ( ChIco , UurIinton & Qulnoy flQIIrond. ) L ; kXIa 5 _ _ _ . - - . . I - ' - . - . " 5 . . S . % p. . ' . ' " ' , .1'J. . . t& & . 0 SS:1 : " . , , . t. , S J. 7 ; - . : : - . . , -S0' ' ( p" _ _ z-7 .as'- ' . , . _ " 't n p : ica t ; , L. . ' ' . - - , . . .4 I * ' . , . . P3 . . . , ' . _ .0 ' - _ 4e , . 'V. I. rlsr : ' 'tlB' ' ' . ' e . , . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rr g ti - _ . _ , - COidC ! EAST AND WIST. COItIC IIORTI'I AND SOUTH. Ele rout Iay ) Coaches , Parlor Cars , w Itlu IleclIn Sollil Tm-nine of ilegant ituy ) Coaclues and l'ufl lug ( aIrs ( ; 'stat free ) , SnnokInu Cars. with Ito- man I'alaeo SIct'Idng Cars or. ' u-ito daily to an , ) volninug ChuaIs , l'ulltnanu I'aIn'o , bmeepliug ( Sirs anti rrnuus St LouIs , Is lisunnlbal , ( , tincy , , tZeokuk , , tIm Iauuuotis ( j. I ; , .c Q , iIning CAt-ut tUIS daUyto anti 1I'rIingnon. Cedar Rapids atud AlLcrt Lea to St tromum Chicago . ' Kamusas City , Clukago .t Council 1'atul and MInneapolis ; l'arlorCarswlUi Itechinto. ' IIIuuIT , CIuIemgo & i > tis Moines Chicago , Sb Jo- ChaIrs to ausut from St Louis and I'cotlaanttt I c'phm , , AtclIetnu , , ' To , ek Only through limuo iso- and ( rein St 1ouuls not ! Ottumwa. Only oc I ttvt'ci Chicago , 1.Imueo\uu \ . ' lonvor. Through citrus cimnmcgn of cars between St. Louts anS iizj letwotut IImIauapouls , , / Coumneil lihiffs via l'eorla MoIrs-s Iowa , Lincoln , ebraslca , and , All , 'munectlns , , tuuaIt , Iuu UnIon 1k' ott. It Is Coloriulo. DenCC1/ / known at , the ; ; reatTIlItOUtlli CAll LINL. It Is uu1vcrsaUyadaulthd to So the Flnnct Equipped Railroad in tim World for all Citissos of TrnvOI. , 'P. 3. t'O riCll , 3d Vico-1'res't aunt ( ice' ) Itanacer. il0RC1V.J , LOtVJJfJa. sIre. Pus. Ag'e. Chi.i - S 9y. MANUFACTUIIHIt O1S aIvoiied IrooCornics idov CapiFiiaIsc $ Bkyllgsts&a ) Tiiirtcenth SLiest Nab PPOTIO1 IN , Heating and Baking Is only attained by using , -CHARTER OAi : , , 3tovcs and. Ranges , - ilTII lE llE O [ IIOO ' ' Fot''aby ' MILTONROGERS&.SON OMAHA. C. F. GOODMAN , . Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN Pllts Oils Yarilislies and ¶ thdo Glass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER 50F \Vall \ Paper all illffO Sliaffes0 E/1STERA' PRICES DUPLC/ITEDI 1118 FARNA3T STREET , . . OMAHA NED. SPEOJAL NOTICE TO Erower of Live Stock and Others S WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Oa1w Cround O Cakr ciI itithobcrt mile ! cheapest fond for itocit of any hslrd. , One ioured Is equal to three pounds of ( IR tuck f , ! witim OrouiuI , CII Cake lum the Fail mud 5'iutcr , Iri.tad of ruunuuming down.wiiI iuereaso In uclfh aumI ho Iii good nusrktstallo conditIon Iii tiso ( Islrymnau ) , as tuoli as others , svia , tuso It can tortily Its uuuurils. Try it mind judge for ) ' . IprlISj(1 2fOO ; cr tom , : no charge for stchs Addrces -cOd-mno SVUOIIIAN LISHI3) OIL CO3J1'A2Y Omaha d IT Oii Lonj Time--Small Payments. Af1.11IiIEIollui'o1s [ F1'iOOS. A. lloso Jr Si 1115 1)031-SE 8TIIX Am. . : IDAIIjlErr , I.ANUFACTIJIIZIL OF FINE S Buggies Carraffos ! aud Sb11ll aOliS & . My Itepository Is oooetantly itcd wIth a select stock. heat Wortiaseship guaranties ! . Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Gina ! a ) M. HELLIVIAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiersl I' 1301 AND 1303 FA/Th'54M ' STREE7J CUR. 13TH , OMAHA. . . NEBRASV . .4 cu'.rnbletaflon of l'a'o' . ) ; 'cuto.cIfeuf1rosm,1'cs'uvins ; Jarhauu11'hussjJsurmssn. Is 7tatt,14&lo fort : ! . .1'or 2)rbULt , Josm of 4ij- fsfc.Ps0.sfi.21106 ef j'ifat ) 'ovT fsiais4sciaa- _ _ Sic , IL1xiorwdl- PV.3.L.tlQWN1It : , Alter ti. thoroUffli trial of the . ; ; : rIL , " aairsI . IRON IONIC , I taico , "Iconslderit in otat.ing that I P1ea7 urcat.v benefited by ; , C Z1Csit Ot5Cl1eflt rcnaody om n's" , fiuIutors and 1'ub _ _ _ _ a. _ the tichilttatcdvlalrorces. ito Snealcorn will 1uid it of the gremateat vulue where a Tonic in ziecco. sary. I rooornmcnmj it } isa a reliable s'omneciiat agent , poeseneiug .iu. ' doubtoci ztutnltivo castt / : jestorativo Les'aili. , properties , , . , , , Wy os.z usa - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , r DTTflZD kIA11IR MEDIOICO.513liL1S.ii.LCUW. . ' ' . - ' ' . ' . . , - . , . . " -.4W _ . . . . . - -