.i.a..a _ . . . . . . , . . , . . . . l'J'.i.T Z 3 diJ 'Y'- . - _ . . . - - - - - - - - WAND IF , II youAro fulieTing trompoor henllh 'orlanguUhing on a bed of elckneas , 'tako cheer , if you are dmply ailing , 'or It you teol week and dlsptdted , alth 'met deity knoWtng why , hop Rlttcre 'wf1 surely tire you. " "It you Me , minhtcr , end hare overtaxed } ' 'bell with your pa'torl duties , or a Mother , worr 'slut rnro and work. era man of business or 1nt 'wc' k ned hytho etraln of your crerday duck 'a ' man of Totten , t.ling over your midnight a 'Hop Iltteu will sorely strengthen } ou " "It 3011 MO eufferln 'from orcr cating or 'ltlnung , any Indoere 'Uon or ill Ipallon , Or 'aro young end growing 'too fast. ae b often the 'toss , " " 0T U you are in the workshop , on mho tarns , at lhr desk , anyahore , and feel that your erdem needs cteaneing , tom log orotlmulattng , without lnloxkating , . ) ou are otd , bloat thin and Impure , 'ptdao ( ceUc , Demo unetealy , facwlmq 'waning , ITop Bitters Is ehnt woo need to 'to glvo you new life , ho tth ands , or. " H you are cosnlo or dyspeptic , or .ufiefngromany , other of the numcr oasdist1tses of the etc mech or bowcta , It Is your own butt If you remxln ! IL' If you are wasting away With any form of Nbiney dlc ' , o , stop tempting death this moment , and lure fora cure to flop flitter , . It you are sick with that tcrriblo eickneai Nervousness , you will find a'ZMImhi Olload' in flop flilters. It you are n frequenter , or n resldcnt of a mlamatlc district , baerlmdo your system agnlnet the scourge of all coun tries-malaria , epidemic , bilious and Intannlltent fotcre-by the use of Ikp' flitter , , If you halo rough , pimply , or sallow sktr breath , hop Hitters Will give you fair skin , blood , the ewrotest breath , and health. 8 tot v pall for a vvco they will not cure or help , Thatpoor , balridden Imnlld wife , slstor , mi or daughter , can le 1natle the 'icturo of hoaltbi tow botlke of flop Hitters costing but atrl0o. pn chronlod ee and Ilsc r iflSTUTE plAlnt andbtd OUIIIATID , constipation other obetliiat oases lfosti Stomach Butte beondall con I sonIto lest rc that can ie tat ; _ ir a Inoalis of rest lhostrcnglli nu ( al eicrgyol u who are elnkin t ? . ' der the dubllll oaccts of paint orders thlssta vcgota1lo Inv1g is confessedly DTOMACH oquollcd. For sale 11 1 Itq llruggleu and crs generally. I BEWARE OF COUNTERFI An excellent appetlrln'tor ; eTgnlelto anvoq uow hoed ovt J whole world , Litres Dyspt ; 'r : DlardtceaFevcrncdA nca. , f dlsordcrsoltttc 111gcstlvo Or ; : A fewstrut's ' fm part a dell - - . fiavortongnenu clmmlpnmi ; thinks. ' l to all summer l'ry - & : bowaraufcountereito. Ask , grocer or druggist fur these r atmclo tnanefncnmd by a ( l. Ii. bIEOItltP di BOND. J , ? I. YIIIPPENI R1I , Solo R errto J. W.lta.roi , P ° r"a arr ° 0 Gl 13rosulwav. N. -m 1 U _ T , i h 11 : . i . qj _ e . _ : _ , i i t r . . . - ; _ 9.tL _ Y THE CREAT SUCCE t DB cileI A/feRO' ' , I e PERFE ' ' 1 ' ' ' SUPPO I AOSOIUT I , ' UNBREAIt , Q REWARD _ OF is olfored for every pale of Dr. t1'1'ltU TADIVICO In which a Tampico ntey bream Patrot Triple Beck pnnate buk aehs , spiad In and allied dtseaseal secures a uniform tootle a roundtlsobodyprotrctlaglang. ande laeao nary to health in eUcllmatu , [ OF IMiT Buy only Dr. STRONG'd TAM Corset. ThobeiteyerrutAllodfort SOLI Lx LYADIQ LuucuAara CVCSTwUC J , L FITEPATRICK kt CO. , fd'rRs , NEW i SETTER Atli OHEAPERTMAN S . FOR ALL IIouao"Cleaning Pnrpoa 5Yr WILL CLEAN PAINT , 3iAHDLE , OJL CLOTltS , TUBS , CAOCKEItr , IIITCIIEti UTI : tf1NDOw8 , d0. IT WILL rOLISH TIKBUAfdCOPPEUA\D 6TEEL\1 0 ? ALL 1UaDS. I NOW BY SAINT PAUL. The Chico , 1llitwaukce & Omaha withdraw from the Iowa Pool , Probability that the Oombinat : Will go to Pieces in 30 Dayf The Western Roads Likely Give Oommissionor Pierson Trouble , The Mlitvaukeo & SI , Pnul's Not ka Withdrawal. Chicago Tribune , Thirty claya from data the Iowa Tru Line Association will 'coaso ' to oxiot , leas in tlto meantime bettor cuunsols rail and n saUsfactory nottloment of dilIicuILlcB regarding the evening u live stock percentages us mado. Chicago , Milwaukee eC St Paul gave that nicb estorda ' of its wittlidra from the Iowa pool , to tnko efrcc thirty da e , Linder oxiatii of reinett ' ie requi n thirty da s' notice before a membr of the association withdraw. Although ofr'urte will in mcantmo bo made to prevent sa di ; trous ml outcome of the present di01t tics regarding tito division of mho ii stock buaiucss betwoun the roads in pool , yet the presmtt indications are t the pool wilt virtually cease to axis the appointed. Lino. Stith tlro Milwnu nC St 'ail outside the oil it will not possible for thu other Iowa roads naintait the n roomont on the ra Biter on lh'o sduck or other classct freight. The other roads may stick gather and inako a common light agni the Milwnukco & Et. Paul , but this t tot prevent a rata war , as thu combi , roads will ho compelled to moat rates ttu Milwnukco & St , 1'nul r inako. At the mooting of Iotva Trunk Line association hold in city last Tuesday for tire purpose of cuasui' too cunt licationn and to cfrot settlement if ossibla Mr. S. S , Mcr , general mnna or of the Chico ro Milu animated kea & St , Paul , after an heated tiiscusiin , asked Limo until N day to consider whether ho would t over to do 1)001 Clio 1$38,000 pr no which his company had tamed dun the last month in excess of its allol porcmthlges , or not. As Mr. Murrill tilled Commissioner Midgloy yestar that his road had decided not to pay c the amount to the lool ; , and simu noualy gave notice of its withdrawal is evident that the Milwaukee tC St. I had gone into title fight e'ithita eyes u o poll , and that it is dotorn ned to in bin its position to the arid , no ma what tirresult may be. While i tutus clear ) settledthat the t does not menu t to make any concossi ro ardin" this nmttor , it is equally tan that the other roads will nsisu their demand that the surplus earned the Milwaukee and St. Paul from its stock business must bo pxid into time p be the result what it nay. That ut such cucumstculccs it will be imposs t0 yet settle time trouble before thu th . days' notice of withdrawal expires n bon parott to everybody. Thu trouble which now cuiiniuatee disastrously to the low'a pool has b brewing-for gone tuna past , but no thought it would and in tllo Milwat nud lit. l'aul's withdrawal and a co : quant war in rates. Only yestar I afternoon several of the nianagori roads in tlm pool umphntically deck I that the diflicuitica ryquld be amic , adjusted , and that time Milwaukee ( St , I'aul would eventually agree toile ilo the balance rather tat reci i Iowa lines a war of rates between the Tim trouble in the first place origint front a diflbronco of opinion regarding prov'lsion of the pooling agreement the oroning up of live stock porcmnh on oasf , bomtd business from Omaha Council Bluffs , The Milwaukee and Paul claintad that under the agrooc 1 the balances had to bo ueluahized by I diversion of tonnage , and if the com : sionor failed to accomplish this dui i the mouth the earnings derived from surplus of business belonged to the c pany wliiclt carried it. The other ri ill the associon claimed that the eai taken by the Milwaukee .C St. Paul tltia mater wits untemunUe ; that the tent of the agreement is to equalize business by diversion of tonnage , if siblo and , if such equalization old be made he roads having carried excess muat pay over tire earnings rived from that business to the r that have run short. They say flint the present case do commtssio ur not able to equalize the busincas diversion of tonnage because neitlem skippera tier tie Milwaukee & St. would permit such diversion , If Milwaueo & St. Paul had intended the business should be diverted , t - railroad olticials say , it would have I acrtcd a clause in the clutract with patrons ; that if they desired to take vantage of the regular through r. they must oritit the business to be I tine over any the commissioner n 1 direct. Ravin , failed to do this wits itivo proof , they missortr , that the Mil kec & St. Paul dtd not moat to have tonnage diverted , That the ( took Ii . has properly understood the nicanin the agroonont regarding the equnlin of time pcrcuntaga , they say , is shuns the fast that it has promptly paid tie pool the earnings derived from , exceaa business it carried-the 1 I road , together with the Milwnukco , - Pant , loving earned tto bulk of the stock business during the lust la months , and being , m fact , thu a e roads that Intro run almond of their l II. tar percentages. 1 , What makes this matter more so than it looks cu time aurfaco is , tl war among time Iowa pool lines is ca to cause much trouble in the Southa urn hallway aesociatlol told the Cob Trafficasseclation. Tle ( armor cr well maintaimt limo rates from liansas Leavenworth , Atchison mid St Jo if the rates are cut from Ommaha Council Bluffs , mid whatever ratol macho by the Iowa lines must notes be followed by the Southwestern as. . . Lion lines , or else the bulk of the i nose would go by time way of Omaha Council BIuUIi. The Milwaukee i Paul In not a nlombor of the South Ill em pool , and the conviction , no d that the Southwestern pool lines suffer as severely as the Iowa purl P ( rota a war on rates is what iuspirt Milwaukee & St. Paul with the hop the other roads , all of which oxcop Chicago & Norlhwoatom are mmoucb the Southwestern associatepn , will Il matolY accede to Its demands. 5- si A Galveston StroutHoeno , 9Jtostc i News : b Tito tuna was midnight. Thu ma fearfully and wonderfully full. walked up to the ire alarm signal box . .t placed a nickel in it. Then ho sat de onthecurb. "Why don't tire car start ? He received no answer , " \Vhy don't time car start ? " Still to answer. "Gimmo back my faro , then. " It was not returned. Titan ho jumped up , grabbed the egraplu polo around the waist , and temptedl to trip it up. There wn s pirated tugging for several seconds , glen ho umado n tel-rile kick at "feed" of his adversary , and limo re was that ho kicked himself over on own head , As Ito oxocutivized himself he me ulr , saying ; "Yor a sniartor condo than 1 thought par wuz , but 1 believe i that I'd a threwed yor if yer coat ha come oiL , The Burlington Hawkeye publish most ludicrous aketch about the g totglumoaa of the invincible mule , 1v. II. Sturtovant , of Now York , It over , knows a stiff , lame mule wj tougliness yielded to the ponotra force of St. Jacob's Oil , completely storing the flexibility of ovary mus and the powerful playfulnosa of time t foot. , It,1ILItOAI ) ETIZUEPTI : , . iioY to Ilohavo In a I'ullmnn I'ar Car. fly an Old Trarelier. Do not rush it and grab the first I you soo. Enter leisurely and quietl ; you would if tlreparlor wore nototwhe how pleasantly to the porter and give a quarter lie not ever particular about seats , hill indicate that you do not travel of Say lamgtlidly , "Oh , anywhuro on shady side , " and hand tire porter h a della , He will give you mc good s dopotd upon it. tiuless an oxporimmeed traveler , disposition of your extra wraps , bagg etc. , may bother you if you attempt t it yourself , besides exhibiting ignorance to a twhoho carload. No the { porter in a familiar sort of way , u dollar into his hand , and in n jiffj will have evorythingout of your reach securely fastened on , in and anomi aorta of contrivances which you hind coon observed. If you are so tlnfortunato no to r the presence of n cuspador do not hunting around the car for one. 7 is oxceedinjly vulgar. Contrive to d a Lwo dollnr bill into the port pocket and the euspador will ho fit coming. In all probability the carwill ho as as an equatorial conservatory. It gone ly is. If you attempt to lift n wmi' ' the chances are that you will fail , as are trot familiar with the secret sp : which holds it. Recline ] ndly on y chair and watch the porter until catch his eye , when , with a slight ml mont of your little finger , you make your wants known. Enforce sign with n rapid flight of a 1 dollar bill from your pocket to ltia , ill a fosv seconds you will ho onjoyit delightful breeze free from dust and dam. dam.Should you become thirsty you cut to the water cooler and take a little w out extra charge. When nearing your journey's end porter will kindly remind you of I fact , and stand before you brush in hr Accompany him to an alcove and ac low bills to his purse , if he can room for thou. The vigor of brushing you receive willdopond onti on the determinations of tlm bills. It is no longer considered necessar back out of a parlor car in order to offend time porter. Hand your pocket-book and ho will imp ately take your baggage and pros you to the platform , and moat lit will bow politely to you as the t moves off. r-- A Quick Itocovery , It gives us great pleasnro to state tha' ' mercant who was reported being at the } of deaths from an attack of Pneumonia entirely recovered by the osa of DR. 1 IIAGIS BALSA111 FOR T1Ih I,11D Naturally ho fools grateful for tire benefit riwod front muting this remedy , for the 1 cord throat ; nud ha giving publiclty tc atatoment we arc actuated by mnotivco of 110 bonofactioi , trusting that others uma benofittod in a similar mmannor. On en all Druggls An Incident OV Gettysburg. Dotou Journal. "Hero's ' where I cane to grief , " an Twelfth ltoginmemit titan , as ho stood t Seminary Ridge. "How did it Kapp was naked.Voll , " said he , ' 'if you I'll toll you , but 1 fear I may be by soma. J alwny's hind the unonviabl { nttation of talki6 too much , and on 11st day of July , 1803 , my ptoponsit Ito too loquacious came very tear au uny career. You ace they brought ute I to thu brow of this hill on the duc quck , and we found we lead a beau , cbancu to got a cross fire on a brigs Johnnios that lay dove theta it o1)ot field.Vo peppered thong aw and thou our boys began to shout' wardi' and 'Clmrgol' I don't think L under came through the regularly atituted channels. It was a sot ' spontaneous tutd voluntary nmovouier the part of the teen who Wuro brie ' of fight en this occasion , T'ho Co f n u both tried to find out ave that orderl' but all we know n it was that evorybod in the roginun shouting 'Forwadi The advance ' inoritablo sit our olicers laced t J solves in our front trod away we wont r a whirl wlud. \\TO had captured driven in all but about twon' or t ' of the robs , after a alight resistance , r lru euit' to talk was so strong r me Ithat couldn't m I het telling 'Jolmios' that were hen rim + Uohin about our rood treatment of priso a etc , ud thus I didn't notice whop reglu wont back to its old push 1S'hmoi I cane to my sotisea I found alone. 1 concluded I would go back 0 t so Informed then , but they very on , titianortlorod Eno to ronmfn , Nw ' tldn yhuad to be done , so 1 quickly c tl mined to take my chances of in death ruhor titan perish by the al 0 method of disease and stnrvattou , r y , , mformod theta in nut very elegant t I modes of exiiression I do not uou d that they miglmt go straight to a warns country. Then I ran , ant t , faster the billets cane the faster 1 till after a wlmilo a shot front oil I li right cane and struck mime Jn this groin , and down 1 wont Ohm , you nc is laugh ; limo bullet struck nnu in front I0 it happy to say , and I've uuvor rogretc decision I made in suclia hurry. " " Jf 0 became of you afterward ? " was a 1 , " \Sroll , I lay there , mnablo to mart nearly dark , and had a good char review the robolarmnyasumost of it over mice. Artillery wheels and It foot cameo unc.nmtortably near , 1 escaped death-pmvidomtialhy , it a is seemed to mu. About sunset tie' Iu nibs' carried IBU bAclt to thu Venmmsr -I College , but it would ma k e too long - story to toll you all my experiences tit I will only say tmat from that point , ing near an open door , I could sea m ; of the movementa of time rebel army , eluding time formation and advance I'sekott's division , and could hour yell of the robs as they swept forty and then Elmo glad hurrahs of our b when tits charge was repulsed. Tt were ffteon of us wouuaed moo at College-the other ; 00 were robs wo cheered , too , when our boys did , u the robs threatened to kill us if we dot stop. I shall hover forgot the four ruble days I Passed there-days of al nate hcpo and fear-nor tlmo joy I felt that morning when gray coats went at and blue coaa'a p care Bht1"n oil back into m ' old habit. of talking much. Please excuse mu. I'm n6 thi ( ergot myself witoh thinking of clays. " ! hod's Sarsaparilla is rondo of ro herbs mil barks. It gives totmo to stonloclm mud makes time weak strc Sell by druggists. T1I1 ; MAltltlAaI OP TILE clad All dHlluultkeNAdjusted autl time A0 Will Como OR as Advcr- tised. C1n ImallCmnmlreisitisratie. Plrrsnunu , I'a. , November 10.-1 diflicuitica which thrcnlonod to prov the marriage of the giants , who are 1 on exhibition at Harris' Museum. in I city , lmavo boon adjusted. Mr. Pat. liren , tlio Irish ) giant , who is a Cathu desired to have the wedding Perform iii accordance with his faith , Miss An Duux , time Gurman giantess , was ecIul determined to have no one but a Ludo clergyman o0iciato. A compromise been eff icted , which meets with fn from both Parties , and conciliates friends of each giant They will ho married at the Garr Ckurcli on Smithfield street at o'cluck next Tuesday morning. Adi stmt to time clinrch will be by card it tuition only. Manager Starr is besieged applications from those who desire U jtresant. Tic brides dresawillbo of white as Seventy yards were found necessary , the trimmings wcro purchased in win sale quantities. No doves could found large enou h and a a mocial ox has been sent to Now York for th 11cr alippena are in course of malufaci hove std look like a river flatboat as a from the summit of Mt. Washing ) Mr. O'Brien will appear in full dr Time ring , which is also being made this city , is the largest wedding ring e constructed. It wiltt also be time first u riago of giants that line taken his America. Captain Bates and w though born in timis country , were uni in matrimuony in London. Angostura IHttere do not only di , guisli thotuselves by their ihavor nud acorn odor above nil others generally used , but t are also n euro proventiwo for all diseases t hinting from time digestive organs. Bowan counterfolta. Ask your grocer or druggiei the genuine article , iumaaufncturcd by Dr G. Ih Siegert ds Sons. Plctnrcaquo Snw MIII Relics Malice. Ilostou Tmnsetipt , Many of time old mills are gone , now and timon ono is yet to be met Y on time bank of sonic rapid stream , fnllou to ruin , however. It is cornmc off time travelled road a littloand time m wlioro it stands acorns all the more lot from the tokens it bears of the b scolo it line boon. The way that once down to time stream is most likely grow up to buslmcs. . le mill , itaolf was mantled years ago , and you will wheels and other parts of machiucry it lug aguiust time walls , where they I stood so long that they have grown b and niossy as the ranito boulders wi su ort them. It is a Peculiarity of to pwho have such tht t hover throw away r osto an t1 service altho which has ouco bon of no ono knows batter than they know for nil coming time these objects umust main utterly worthless. The true 1 barman will never be found convor llfa worth out yokes and sleds to any o1 purpose , nor using thorn for fuel. T uvo acquired in his eyes n sacrodl fromn their associations ; and ice leans tl - , many sayuga the walls which flank hfa house om roadsideamd there they willl rest so ] as ho lives , with thu 1101)0 on his that no ono will come after him to Curb their repose. Scattered along path to thonull oie will sou lying on ground beams amid plnuka whelp had 1 brought so far in their purposeless rer al and there abandouod. The mill will bear marks of long beet. Beards are gene from its w leaving Lice frame exposed as a akelo The roof is broke , and a portion o flag fallen froac Limo weight of snow wlmick it was loaded in winter. T9t0 ti dations huve washed away on one r and the old frano loans out over water. Braces have fallen at one and lmang swinging by a single pin. water-wimeel lmas broken loose froth elite of time null , and fallen into tie c' f nol of the stream. Thorn it lies , its half tilled with sand , its fltats , gouu , I I the joints opoi from alternate ahrin i and strolling , and warping in tutu Lower down the strewn lmugo boaml y I lodged among tmo rocks. These smarts of the foundationa of time ; t MUd aRs tlmoy mna have boon , laid bedded into timid 1111111) ' round to susain the weight and jal I movement of the mcilbgear resting thorn , Now time water amid weatlmor I rounded off their corners and worn surface smooth. Knots , if there I nuy , protrude iii rounded knobs. S ; I I amid nails are loft promfnoct , nud coated thick with rust. Thu worn taco of flit wood has a silken ht . whore the losomed fibers , bleached most to wldtemcasl show time aheom 1 satin fmnisla. The rings of annual tre , as they were cut tlmrougln in holwnj ; moor in layers along thee of time J bar , and those show how slowly and E gonlo tlio forces of nature are open to take apart and to acattor , anon r 1 atomic , the fabrio mho sunbeams ii rc ages mod ages before. , V Rorsnrnl's Ache I'hnaphato U As a Nerve food. Dr. J. W. Smith , Wollimgton , 0. , V "in impaired nervous su1mP1Y I have t it to advantage. " t - - - n Nine prisoners wore sort from ll 0 goniery couuty Lilo other Clay to it penitentiary , among tlmo number a I. amid wife , convicted Aunumosa' ti . ll woman ad to g o to ' , m 0 o were souL to 1' ort Madison . . . " . It - " -.v a' Tim glory uk a man as his strength. 1 mire weakened down tlarougim excessive I or by early In , locrotion , Allen'd Brain s alit punnaueutlyraatt mall los : w kgot 1 etrongtlccmt alt time nuueles of l.ratn ; and In ; tillfurt5-111ttrupt bt.t Mi sc hi evous M a la r ia . To say that inalarhi is lniscidez' ' is to put it very mildly. It is nil t and more. , It is cunning , rieccit trcachcromlui , 51y , and underhand It does its work in the dark , nut ? Shell a sly way that nlucli of the n chief is done before it is discover It saps the foundations of a hcalt system. It robs tmblood ofits vii ity , demoralizes the liver , cenfour the stomach , and makes the vice wish lie were in his grave. It ism tosce peoplesit clown in their mist content to betlie victims of mischi Cue malaria , and thinking that no ing can be done for then. The pot of lhrtowN's IRON 1ilTTERS over mischiefs of malaria has been so a ply proved that there is no ream why anybody who can procure bottle o this Prince of Tonics s1 suffer. Great is the power of team and great arc its disastrous chic But greater far is the beneficent ( iucnce of BnowN's IRe r BITTE The preparation ofiron in this fav ite family remedy 'call be tal without ruining the teeth or prod ing constipation and headache. l ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREIIOUSE Graham Paper C 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis vlzoLESATE Un tiElm IN meow NEWS , , I PAPERS 7 1 WRAPI ENVELOPES , CARDSOADD AND PRIN'TERS' ST00 tlfCah paid or nags and Papo StonkScrap and Jfetala. 1 } II .11t'ilIP . ' 1 > s „ ill ttet. lt 14 , ilw : trfrt ; 4 s ; i. ! d ; } ) ; - wi - ! ql , t , , , f h I ' ,1'o ' r'1aJn- ' „ ciSC al tell f 7 ( , t ( p t P " The ruse of the term " ! Llo" in connection Nit S H OR" ! corporate name of ii great conveys an Idea of uct w required h } the traveling lie-a Shirt Liuo , Quick I I N E and tluo best of oceanic 11 tions-ail of which are Ishol by the gruatcot railway in America. C HIOA.GO , MiwAuK St . Paul. It owns and oleratrs over IrOO milts of to Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , fhnncsota , lows Dakota ; and not is main huts , brancitce and col tlons reach all the great business centres of Northwest and Far Wcst , it natumhy answcrt dcecriptlon of Short Idne , and Best Route betw Chicago , Milwaukee. St. Paul and Mhulcapollr Chicago , lllmoaukco , Im Crossomid Winona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and © lendalo Chicago , MIlwaukee , Eau Claire attd Stlliwatol Chicago , Mnwaukeo , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , MlhvaukeeBeaver Dam and Oshkos Chicago. Milwaukee , Waukeslm and Oconomo Chicago , Hllwaulea , Madison and 1'ralriodu C Chicago , ) lilwaukeo , Owatonna and Fairlbaull Chicago , Dololt , JanesDlo mid Mhiemll'olnt. Chicago , FJgIn , Rockford mid Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Rapl Chicago , Council slums and Omaha. Chicago , Sloux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Slim ankeelitchellandChamberlair Itock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Mlnnenpc Davenport , Calmat. St. Paul and fllnncapolla Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Care I world are nm on the main 11nut or lbu C H I CA MILWAUKEE &S3 PAUL RAILN and every attention is pal to passengers by cc cue onployee of the company. S. it. MERRILT. , A. V. II. CARPENTER Oen'1 Manager. Oen'I Pass A J. T , CLARK , OEOIf.IIEAFP'OItD , Coal Supt. Asdt Ocna PAss. of ( lie continued too rd mercury ind iota ! i a treatmnent of nlooland Skirt dbeases-they cure , and nearly always injure or tutnlly rte : general health. A WELL-KNOWN DRUCOIST. My drlrg at ire wa. tire first to sell Ss ift's Fp It was thou put tit in quart tottlox tthtch s l tw.00caeln. Ili to rite , a great ninny cases by iti u.eandsomu whin had tried all sorts u1 meet. Iii fact , ihavoouter kownlt to fail taken properly. I sella largogtmntity of it , an nil dicnses that ate delienduCt nit blood lots hkhi humor. It cures r'IwrLEi At. D IrtATCIIY.4 Oi Tint Bgii , and makes limo complexion fair ant n'sv. ' blood taintOteruIs oosuch word as fall. It cases ttmthatolong Ngtlh loaioilier , arts u ( must , and without any of those recurring trc that geaeraliy follow mercurial and other so. cures. 'r. r. Mtd nsicuieu ; , Macon , DRY TETTER. For years 1 was amtlleted wlth Dry Totter t most obhtimato type , lwss trtattel ty litany i bostphlslelans ; took ( unnllties of mercury , r and anodewhich , Iiuteeil of curing the t crippled mo up withn , enal p.Jsonand . nccutu : 1he'reucr cmnllnucd to grew w'nrcu , and thu tt almost madomice , racy. ht this cnndttlort l w'i dead to tnku tlwlft's 8peclne and the result t astunlshing as It is a , gmntylog. In a few a 11wrcttcrNaacntlrclywotltheitercurlal Pots all ( Kit of my sten nud 1 was a well , man-an only to FYoh1Cs Spacjfe. All Ipso sufferers , aka it. JAMEJ DUNNI ii , l.aulswalo , What a Physician Says , Cvntx slhotwfroanorCo.dam m July 2a , 1x5,1. , I 1 have a bright little daughter Nlro will b year old nuxt month. Shu too been troubled ever since lilt birth ii lilt a.kln disease , which I dlrynonil chlcken lor , but liter found It to ) c ' sort of ccuuw ; at any rata it resisted t eryatnh' all lhedlaurenttrapnunts. I procured one . a of Swift. . Speclao . Ylil , gout it to her in shall , threw thanes a day. , and in a shortwhllohal the faction to see that she Nas entirely w,11 1 well pleased with Its ceuct nn her that I chi only use it lit my praellei , but 1 ehsll adodnl to mvother cl"tdren amid take It rnyseif. SY. I : . Usoate , ' I Ourtrcatlso or Blood mid Skin Disease. 1' free TRIswlrr SPECIFIC ci t Drawur C. Atlaah MANHOOD RESTORI Avictim ofeerlrimprudsnrq anulnaarnone .17 , premature deep etc. , haviag tnsd to yam , . clawslenioay a dleeotircd a i mpte mean. Lre.wblchhewltisand PltiCEtohistatiow.aua 1 Address. H. UEIWIiS. m IL Now nil regular grade , uuNDERSON mc lklaa Oror t I eoeandSOSW audottcSt years' praeUoo-tN U KANSAS CITY , M0 , OMesga Authoriud by the date ti Li Chronic , IAtn ous acd Private dl 0 Asthma , Ephe'pay , llheumatlau s Tape dorm , Urinary unit St aeeitteminal , Wakneuolght ( Sexual Dubtiliy pow nfuxuai Itt I , Curs gtiutc teed or mousy refmcded. tt low , ThouaeytLofaseeourod. Noloutlea ; duos fur , ' aa ) ut oa to atlentt at a dletuoo f i aultatlmm arse sad oonadeatlal-tall or ante i ( expsrl'oa are Important. A fl00E for both . I llurlatad-aud ciroulara of other things saol I. . at we R cent ttsrape. fUZ bZU61tUS o . . . ° ----wwrrrr ua + flu C HAFILES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! . : . rl.Ja Have just received a large quantity o $ new . ' / , * : - . .O , AND AM OI''FFttINO ' THEM AT VERY LO P&SSENGER ELEV .TOR CHASI VERICKI 12001208 and 1210Famam St . To .AI11 P1oors _ OMAHA , NEB. h T 9 tr y1 MANUFACTURER OF OF STIUCILY FifiST CLAfS ' Carraae ! , Bugie5RoadVaolls \ AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , 1s10 and 1320 Ramey Street andf Jo3 S.13th . Street , 03YI11l iA NEB f ntratcd Catalogue furnished frco upon apDlicatlan. II L1 p r = ,191 { YOUR OItUCElt3 1'Ult THL , _ OMAHA DRY HOP YEAST c c WARItANTED NEVEIt TO FAIL. , , Manufactured b the Omaha Dr hop Yeast 0a 2715 DURT STItEET. OMAHA. NEB Granite fronwar i : BROILING. IiATCIiiG Ff lbBOILING , PRESERVING , t..1 Ix , PpTerir rS WIIOL1SOME DURA BLE. Gr 4/ The Hest lYutc ; Made for time ] itchel . f iRO ' MANUFACTURED ONLY DY THE Sri LOUIS STAMPING COMPANY , Ta . l0I' a C V 1 ' tQe , Q1'wR rc , ali ORSO lICRIS IRS Boa 1g. J.H. CIRSON1 CAR1IIABE AIB ¶ AO UFACTOllY . CORNER TWELFTH AND ROWARD f7RBETs. l OM A.S i - - - - - - i1T13 Particular attention No to ro alrin Sateact'co'guaranteod : 3e Ae WAKEFIELD , IWROLESALE AND RLTAIL DFALEa IN , f Shua1e ! , Pickets , SASH , DOQRS BLINDS Ir1OULDINGS LIME , CEMENT PLASTER &C' TATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE EMENT COMPANY Near ! union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB ' 9 Booth's AND FRESH FISH AT WHOLESALE. D. B. BEEMER. AgontOmaha. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Qe 0 1 FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF ' SAFES , VAULTSLOCKS&c. 102Dz'arsaam 151rocta. 'axe uh. V I Antleulselr-Busch u r e d BRE1NG ASSOCIATION o Ot A/q ' . td t.t' . . ' - d , ta . . t I Jot 'r , CELEBRATED 'sl ' Ke ' and Bottled B ear I 4 § This Excellemit Boor speaks f.r itself. q - - W' s. t- - III I f G AS . . . ORDERS "FROM ANY PART , OF T1iR L . ER ( BVSCU R EIS . . ' OIt THI ? .TI1tE WEST , s > t 1 MO. Promptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS .ARE MADE TO THE ST ANDARD , \ 1. . c . + w c t ; . r r i ] " . 3. s e e r t eld Fe SCHLIEF ! > d Ek ee Soko Acnt for Omaha'pud ( tae Wcit. - ii Cor. Dth Street and Capitol Avenue ;