i" / , $ I r-r T r Drunb ; l ' if jjJflp S oh &b BLUFFS - - - w IOWA. COUNCIL „ - - , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSM TIIlS IS A OUT OF Tlli : a N. C. TIIOMPSON . 1 'L ' 1 1Vhich haq been through a goad many stw 1 , , . , seasons , nod hasIt ahvnys given entire \ . - 1 0 1 ' satisfaction , Is ono of thl first - , stnik cutters ever put on the nuance ( , ' . y . . ' w. AAIM.I and to-doY there is 1iono superior. The ' I t1 . 'sa . . . 'l , Double Ro Stalk Ye 4 Cutter\ \ . .1 13114 Nell kuowll as this , 1Ve would dealers to lace their order. ' - ' ' 'ill us earl l' ns the demand for stalk r vill be larger than ever before , -z 4 t ' AMONG OUR GOODS ARE THE FOLLOWING : ' 1 y' . Plows Cultivators Mowers ' , Reapers , , , I Hay Rakes , arrows , a Tedder , Stalk Cutter New Tongueless Cultivator. r rte , . r-ra..t . , . t ( ' o TIlIS IS A CUT OP THE N. C. THOMPSON CIIbTIYATOR s , 4 r - , , _ Which gave such universal satlsfnettoR . last season. Vo offer you this Cultivator i : 1 ' again and are still confident that it is uenrel - _ _ ' ; - -I ; perfection than any similar cultivator o f . , . r r - -fi - - ; Ot11CP lllR1vCs. The record which it has - _ - p R made in the past bears us out in the above ' - = belief. _ . - . , WE HAVE ALSO A FULL LINE OF n , e - r"i - Forkg , &e. . ' ' a 4 t- ; THE CHALLENGE PLANTER , c 1'1-J { r j : -ALL SOLD BY- 1 I ' _ , , lt .r 1 . Thompson&Oo. } { i 4 g' To our former patrons ad to , those who may in the future , be our patrons , we will say that wa are again v Ii permitted to oiler you the \ , 1 l N C TH aMPsoN \ Kay Rake 11 ' uTT- : r for the coming year. The success of , . this Rake is so well known that comment - ment is unnecessary , It hay lugller " ! , _ . ' ° wheels than any other and for rakui . . , i . ms's l : * a u t Y v stalks , as well as hay , it cannot ba L ' - _ - , , e mew . . .t n'n Yt t _ : ; rr _ _ _ ' -i WE ARE PROUD TO SAY THAT WE IIAVE T1I1 + 7 1i'INE3T ASSOIt'I'ME ST OF . .r Carriages , Buggies 1 Spring To be found in the Went , at corresponding low pricol. You should inve itigate this before buYD elsewhere I ; a I _ _ _ _ _ Did 3011 ever see ale of these ma i climes work ? Its the faunicst thin P i you ever saw. It is the - " ' ' Ne C. THOMPSON 1 ' 1 I' ' - r- loud will the more lvoi k turning hay tha 1 - twenty allot can 110 in the saine tiI e [ ° \Ve \ desire your trade , and in return we will furnish you with good goods , CO. , ' . , Nos. 10 , 12 and 1.1 Fourtll Street , l rilacil 131nffe , Jo vu , . 1 i . ' : ; ' ( F&44O - - . . - . - - . . . - , . . one a a ii'h JI on uewor Anti twanged her > oarldnlnldgtdtar , And softlp Pang , "Oh haste , the hour That bdngii mydarling from nfi rt" Tlio nodding 111k. tlmod ( ho tore , The knowing stare wlnkotl nt ( ho moon , Slro honrtl a roao fall at her foot , And then a tvhdepored "I , my suoot , " And then--hor honvon tuns complotol Ifo'd clhnod ( ho fence and tort his clotlros , But did not thlnk-tlo not suppose Ito cared n coot for " Bich its thoso"- No , no , oh , not n thousand twee , . -a. Front the Iinnro lino. Now came ( ho chilly nntumn breezes Thtt , Pttt ( ho roquimn of the sununor ; Tim onsona coming fast that doates 'rho wood std coal man nnt1 ( ho i hunber , No meta WO skilt with anlmntinn 'rhrougb ntoadows a vcot with .Como ] clover ; liatot ll we've got tbls eini olallou : thebaeo ball aoaaon'eover. -Somerville Journal , MY PLAIN LOVER. By R , M. L , I was a coquottO. Many a lover's heart I had lncerntcd by refusing tliir ofl'ars of marriage , for 1 had lured thorn on to a "daclaration , " Ity last victim's unnlo was James Frazer , lie was n tall , jpwkwnrd homely and ungainly ran , but his heart was ns true ns steel , l re8pocted him highly , and I felt pained , when I wititessed 'his anguish at my rejection of him , But thu fact was I had myself fallen in love with Elliott Tracy , n city gallant , who hnd boon unremitting in his devotions to mo. Jamul Frnzor warned mu against Elliott , but 1 charged him with jealousy , and took his warning as an insult. Inn a few days after Elliott nod I wore engaged , and my droa i of romantic love scorned to be in a fairway of roalint Lion , I had n week of happiness. Many have not se nnueh in a lifetime. Many awake from the bright , short dream to find thenselvos in lifo leng darkness and bondage from which there is no escape. Thank God I was not to bo so miserable as tlleyl There was an equestrian party winding through our grand old woods and quiet country roads , Elliott and I led the cavalcade. I rode my own beautiful Brownt Bess , Elliott was mounted on the hansomo black horse that had beam sent mina from the city. Followingps was a bevy of merry girls and their cavaliers - iers , amid among thorn , tall , awkward and silent ; rode James Frazer , His pro- sauce had marred all the pleasure of my ride , and I was glad to be in advance - vance of them all that I might not sou him. him.And And so we rode on overtho soft , sandy road that echoed trot the tramp of our horses' hoofs , andl listened wall ilensetl to the low bt animated words of Elliott Tracy , who wished himself a knight and me a fair laydo of the olden time , that li3 might go forth to do battle for mite , and compel all men to recognize time claims of his peerless love. Very clo- quently ho spoke of the inspiration of love , of ( ho bravo deeds and perilous ox- it had prompted , wihing again and again that ho might thus proclaim and maintaiui his love before the world. It pleased Inc to listen to this , and to believe it sineoro , though I surely had no wish to put my lover to such a test. A shot rang though the still woods , and a wounded bird , darting past , hut- toted and fell at the feet of Brown Bass , Withn a bound and a spring , that nearl y unseated me , she was off. Struggling to regain my scat , I had n o power to restrain her , and oven as eh o flow time fear and madness of the molnen t grow upon her. I could only chin tg breathless to time nano and bridle an d wonder helplessly where this mad gallo dp was to end. She swerved front the pass fag wngon , and turned in to a cart track drat led to the river. In the sudden moveniont the rains had been torn from my hands , and I could not regain them. I clung to the mane and closed my eyes that 1 might not behold the fate that awaited mo. Ilowswect was life in those precious moments that I thought m Y last ! how all its joys , is affections , i last crowning love rose up before mot Id thought of the pang that would ren d Elliott's heart an lie raw me lying man and dead , and then the though t would como if he were pursuing and t ry to save isle , oven , no he had sand , at th c risk of life and limb. I remembered no more. I felt a and den shock , a fearful rushing through tii e air , and know no more until days afterward - ward , I woke to a faint , weak semblanc I of life , in may roam at hone , I never saw Elliot Tracy again. Th last words I over heard from his lip n were tlmoso of knightly daring. The Ins t act of his life , in connection with mine , was to follow in time train of frightened youths wino rode after nee , to cantunm plau time disaster from afar , and as soon as he saw ono lifted from the shallow bed of tlio river into whichm I had been thrown when my frightened hIorso stopped aud- daily on its bank , to ride hastily back to the village. That evening hie aemit to make inquiries , and learning that I was severely but , it was hoped , not fntilly injured - jured , he thenceforth contented. himself ith uch tidings of m condition and inn roveinent as could be gained from vi ] ago rumor. At last it was known that I woul d never recover entirely from time effects o 1 my injury , and that very day Elliot t Tracy departed suddenly from time vii logo. Ito made no attempt to see me ' nor sent moo nay farewell. When 1 win i onto more abroad , and beginning , though with much alloyed bitterness , to loan ( lie lesson of patience and resiguatio n that awaited ma , I received a letter fron him , in which lee inoraly- said that h I presumed my own judgement had taugim Imo that , iii my altered circumstancea ' our engagemmnt must be at an end , bu to satisfy his own souse of honor ( hi honor ? ) he wrote to say that , while en tertaining the highest respect for mo , hit - desired a formal renunciation of m claim. r Writing at the bottom of this letter "Lot it be as you wish , " I retuned it tof him it once , and thus ended my brie dream of ii ronantio love. I had hoard era this of Elliott Tracy' cowardly conduct an that day , and no I first bethought moo to inquire who h AI rescued me from iiunuinont death. And then 1 iearnwl that James Fr a zer , his anti already broken by the jar aIc with which Brown Mess tore away fro bins an ho caught at liar bridle , had rid damn after mu and hoer time first to li f Inc front limo water , Many times daily 1n madam inquiries fpr me. His hind boo , ( ho Band that sent tlio rare flowers , an decked may room. his wore the books road in the lingering days of convalo s cenco , and liia now was the aria that sup po tail ate as slowly and paimifully 1 p a ed the gardort walks , I have boon hfa wife for Inany a year I have forgotten that lie is mot haidsomn I or rather ho ha beautiful to use , because see his grand and lovely spirit .hinin through his plain fenturos and anlrnafin ft. I' ti fMdo , as utterly untona lo , my pot theory , that beautiful spirits dwell ; only in lovely bodies. It may be a providen tial compensation that , in denying physical - cal , the soul is not dwarfed or rcd but hines the brighter that it is not marred b7 potty vanity or love of trale. the world's 1 . ExtronioTlrcd Fecling. A lady tolls us " ( Ito first bottle has unite m y daughter a great dent of good , her foot does not distress her now , nor does she suffer from ( lint extreme tired feeling ; which sitedid before taking hood s Sarsaparilln , A second bottle cll'octed a cure. No other proparntion contains sucltt coucenhntion of vitalizing , enriching , pnnfying ail invigorating pnrporlies its llood's ' Snranpnrilln , WOOLLEN 1'AVIyAIENfS how They Wear In RansnH City Keous City Journal , "Gout wood blocks , " is the last dodge of the wood lavemeut , fellows in SL Louis , with which they propene to pave Cass nvenlo. We lord "hems d'aro blocks , " sung in uric ears in Kaitsas City until ( ho ring got the pooila asleep , and then they put the cedar blocks. The street com says , however , that aunt block paving to St Louis as they have it on " 80111of the down town sreets is about played out. " But these follows nro like. wise cute about ill and propose to put in concrete foundation , That argument scouts to catch the unthinking , JuJt let us look at it for a umomont from time standpoint of ennuuon sense. The first requisite of a roadway of any hunt isthat it should bo water proof. Co erete nit- ( her a wood pavement nmkes it water Proof at the bottomu instend of at the top ; or a concrete foundation is a basin to catch the water for to stand iii , aboorb and rot. Agniu a roadway should be elastic to rrovont too rapid wear. The concrete is a solid rock under wood , amid any conoussioti that commies front heat' or rapid tratai by wagons or horses feet is felt b' time yielding aterial orueolie ( wood ma wormi faster w concrete under than by tie old miiotled as anybody eaa see whoa ono of our so constructed wood pavontonts is taken up , Sixth street only a year down , has to be repaired al- ready. Time facts arc ( lint we build thorn to catch water to help rot than out fast , and we put them whore theY cannot 1'ieid , to be battered out by trnfic. That is just what we are doing in the way of wood pavonionh iii I aimsas City. But as all time hungry can't got cedar block contracts - tracts , we suggest ( lint sons follow start "gum blocks , ' That sounds now and will catch on , as the boys say. \Vhcn opiates failthe n try Saularllml heroine , It's a certain cure for all vous ailments. Major H , W. Ilirtos , Boston , writes : "Samaritan Ncrulnc cured me of fits" $1.110 , Druggists. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , heal Estate Translbrs , The following deeds were filed for record - cord ire tlie recorder's office , November 10 , reported for tlio BEE by P. J. Mo Mammon , real estate agent : John F. Farmer to H. S. Gallagher , part of nw , } of nw,11 , 75 , 43 ; $225 , S , 1V. Brgga to Perry C. Bucknor , sw } , sot , 20 , 74 , 30 ; $1,200 , Eli Jonas to Herman Berch , a of aw. , 4 , 76 , 41 ; $2,200. C , , It. I. d P , R. R. Co , to T , J. Simonton , sw - sf no } , 26 , 77 , 41 ; $440. Total sales , $4,005 , A "wild bolloo , an escaped maniac , is haunting 1Vest Troy , N , Y. , and koepimug the Trojans in a condition of ndnd about the safety of their children. Time wild man lies boon soon to take a chicken , strip the feathers front its body , and then ravenously partake of the raw flesh of the fowl , i COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL nLUrrs llAilxirT. Wheat-No , 2 sprhig , TOe ; No , 3 , GOc ; to. ' joctod , 50c ; good demand , Corn-Dealers are paying 25c for old corn and 20c for now. Oats-In good demand at 20c. Hay-4 00 a 6 00 per ton ; GOc per bale. Rye-40c ; lfglit supply. Corn Meal-125 per 100 pounds , { Wood-Good supply ; prices at yards , 5 Oo © c oo , Coat-Delivered , hard , 1150 per ton ; soft , G 00 poi ton. ] Sutter-1'Icnty and in fair demand at 250 ; creamery 93c. Eggs-lteady sale at 20c imer dozen. Lard-Fnlrhank'swholesaling at lie. l'onltry-Finn ; dealers are paying for chiclceums 1Gc ; live , 2 50 per dozen , Vegetables-'otatnos , rOe ; mlons1 tOe' calm. bagos , : t040o per duzmr ; apples , J U0 13 50 POr barrel r Flour-City flour , 160@3 40. lircoais-2 003 00 Or doz , mavz Hrocx. Cattlo-3 003 50 ; calves , 5 007 50 , ] fogs-Markot for hogslulet , mmi the pack. ing hnuscs are closed ; shlpporu are paying 9 25 (1114110 , FOUND IN A BOX. dlr. John lllnsrnsn , of Augusta , Ifo. , w rltot , May 10 , 1883 , as follow. : "I have been aallctod for some year , w/tli / asevere kldneytrouble , amid lmaviignotleud as articluln one o/ our pipers of thu wonderful eurce Ifunt'N ltemedyhad performed in mauycasosof drop. sy , budder and kldnoylroublcs , amid Ihiding a bottle In a box of , k w packing , l concluded I would try It , and comtnenced to take It , when , to surprke , I tmuil that time Srt battle bcnentcd nie so Dnmch that I de' cide I that I would couanno It , time , and I kept an taking it until I hal used In ell six bottlce , and my appallo ! bgoodallialus In the back ammd solo disap i pearcd , anA farono of ray } roan sun now 90 ycate out ) L arm nblo to attend to may budaeei , and am strong and vigorous , as many of my friends and i nulghlara can tuitify that know mo well , I Leg to state also , that balmy of our lmelghbon llavo used 111unB , Remedy with equally am good roult , , and one , of my frluidswhohasJustpurchasedmmbottle ofGup t py , IUnsiun & Aldan , of I'ortlandsayt ho'would nee t e ho without ! t. at any prlwl TIIE BARER'S WAY. y Mr. Alfred Nadean , No. 82 Lincoln street Lewiston Me , wrilue usMay 21 , 19831 " 1 IIavS beer , wverel 9 ; attllctolforalong time with hidigestlomi and flue , cwnuplalnt , old at three all that 1 ate a dltresuct 1 f tnolhatIcould not boar time ! ghtof food. i I ' tried agoal miy dilfetent remodke for my ccni s plaid , and they all failed , uutll moo day Mr. Martel w. one of our dmggGls In Lowtston , recommendoi IIwA'd Itcnedy , as ho know of so many who had ue o it hero with great successfor kiduoy , liver , and ur ( nary troubles , as well as hidlgestion , and upon ht Ic reoomnniendatlon I finally concludud to try a bottle amdeommmmced taldmg , with very little faithn lmi It i Thaflntbattlehelpedmosonumchthatipurchaim of ofof Iwo "uoru , ail It hasdoee mime a wonderful amount of t kmmcl , and coral 100 of ludtgentlon. 1 can cat a e tlnds of read now , and tin truly reamnmund ] lust Ii Itumcdy asa sure cure furhllgetlun , liver amid kl nay disease , . " 1 -r PRACTIUALIEXPERIENOE. I- Mr , Oeo , D , Batesof No. at Cottage Street , Law t , ' ton , ifs , a reliable and proninont clttreu , union . the following Infunnatlon , May 11 , iss3- .4 "lfavinglcaraalolthoualuablqualitiesufllunt ' , Itcnwdy ht a practical manner , I beg to state that I coriIderltarumely ofsreat merit , and can mire et g cheerfully reeommaend It to say oae troubled wit g kidney or liver disease. " rF 1111. CHEAPEST 4- P LACE IN OMAHA TO BUY , . ' . 'i F ll l" nit l 1" _ -IB AT- Did iii & STONE'S They nlwaga Love q the largest and beat stock , j NO STAIRS TO OLIMBJ ELEGANT PASSENGER E LEVATO&gT0 , THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. The Use of the term "Shot Lino" Irv connection with the S H 0 RI corporate name cf n greatroad , coiveys an Idea of met what ralulrrd by limo traveling tub- Ile- Short tlno , Qnlck Time N E I I and the heat of accommoda tlous-all of which are turn l.hod by the greatcut railway ht America. C HICAG0 ILWAUKEE And Sfi. Paul. Itowns and ol > emtca over 1rOO mtlesof rout a Northern flllnols , 1Vlscanein , Mtnneaota , Iowa and Dakota ; and ail to mahr ilncs , brauchos mad connoa tions roach all the Freat buehmeas ccntrc of tht Northuestmint Far w cot , It naturnily answers the dncrlptlon of Short Idne , and lleat ltonto between Chlcago , Milwaukee , St. lout mid Illnnoapolls. ChlcagoMllunukee , In Crnsso and 1Vhmuma. Chicago , illwaukee , Aberdeen aid FSlendnla Chlcago , Milwaukee , Knit Claire mind Stlliwntor' Chlcago , MltwnnkroVnusau rand Verrill' Chlcago , Mllenukee , ( leaver 1)01n and Oshkosh , Chlcago , Mile uil.eV01ukesha mud Octnanowoc. Chicago , Mllunukcu , Madlaon 01111 I'rnlrlodu Chian Chlcago , Milwaukee , Onotanuaand Fnlrlbault , Chla.go , llololt , Janoavlllo and Mineral l'olnt. . Chlcago , EIgIn , lloekforl nut 1)ubugue. ) Chicago , Clinton , flock island mud Cedar rapids' Chlcago , Council IlluCs and Omaha Chlcago , Sioux City , Sioux Fa11e and Yankton CldcagoIlllwaukoeMitchellamidChambcrlaln. ] took Island , Dubuque , S11'nul nail Mlnncnpcalla Itaucnpurt , Calmar , St. l'autl cord Illnneapolts. I'uilmmi Sleepers and the 1'Inoet DlnlngCare to world mire our on time mnlnllnes of thoCH tCACQ MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL Rp ILWAr suit every attmrtton le Imld to paueigen by court. ous employes of the company. S. 13. IIERI1iLL , A. V. U. CARPENTER , OonTManager , Oemm'l l'aee. Agent. J. T.OLAIIK , CEO Ii. IIEAFFOIID , Con'I Sup't. Aas't Uen'I fans. Ag'I. of tiwcontinued use et m ercmry and potash for the treatment of flood and Skln dlseaecs-they never cure , nil iearly always Injure or totally ruin the general health. : A WELL-KNOWN DRUGGIST. My drug store wins tire ! trot to nd1 swift's SpecIOrL n was then put up in qunrt bottlce which enld for 8i.tweach , I haw seen n great nearly cases cured , aorta of treat. menu. In fact , I hate hover known It to fail svhon taken properly. I echo largo quanllty of It , aid fur all diseases that are duperder.t on blood t olsomm or sklrl humor. It cures i Imli'Lxa AND IILOTCIIaa ON TImNIN , and makes the complexion fair nail rosy. As for blood taint , there le no such word as fail. It cures caeca that Nava long withstood otlior sorts of treat. wont , and without arty of thoeo recurring troublus that generally follow tncrcurlal and other so-called cure. , T , L. MASSENUUIIO , Macon , Ga. DRY TETTER , For years I was aallcted with Dry Totter of ( lie most obstinate type , 1Vae trended bymany of nor beetphyalclenstookcuantities ; of mercury , potash and arsenicIwhlch , instead of curlng ( he letter , crippled mo up with minors ! polon and thcumatlem. The Totter c ntinued to grow worse , and the itching almoetmadomoocrazy. In tfds cnnditlon I was In. tinned to take Swift's Speelfa awl the rooult was tie astonishing as It was grattfying. In a few mouths time ratter we , entirely w ull , time Mercurial 1'oieouing all out of isy systenand I was a wcll man-and duo only toinnitVsHeclae. ; All hue sufferers should take It. JAMES DUNNINU , Louisville , fly. What a Physician Bays. Cii RIuis Rwur.MoNnos Co.Ans. , July 23,1SS3. I lave a bright little daughter who will Lo we' year. old next ninth. She has keen troubled nearly ever since her birth with a skln dtecase , which I llrst diagnosed chtcktiopox , but Iota found It to be soma sort of eczema ; mit any rate It resisted very stubbornly nil time dlUeront treahuouts , I procured mho hultIe of HwinSpcclfo and gave it to her In small doses three times a day , and to a ahortwhllo hail the eatls faction to see that she was entlrely well. I am so well pleased with Its effect on her that i shall not mdyuse Itin my prnctlce , lint 1 shell alndnieter rt to my other children and take it wyselt lv. I : IIn0NTN , M. D. Our treatise mn illool and Sktn Dlsuamce mailed tree to applltants. applltants.Teti Teti slv1FT HIuOir'IC : CO. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta Oa. I IRON AND SLATE iIOOFINO , Cs SPECHT , PROP , 1111 Dpuglas St. ' Omaha , Ncb. MANUFAOTUJIKR OP Galvanfzea Iron Cornices t-nonner windows , Flntale Tin , iron and Slat ) Reeling Hpccht' , Patent Metafllo Slmillght , Patent adjuoto l hatchet fist and Bracket Shelrlig. 1 am ho geni tal agent far the mibovu line of goods. Iron onoing , Cruting. , Ilahmralos , Verandas , Iron hank Itlln'le Collar thlarde' olio general shunge , Whilow ' , tilt fur Pcersonhi Ilili stoat Indl ie Dlind ST , LOUIS PAPRWAREIIOUSE ) ; , rham / Pa er Coe1 217 and 210 North Ifmin St. , St. IouIs. wIIOT.iSALE DEALT IIS IN DOOK , } PAPERSWHAl11No { NE1VH , r , ENVELOPES , CARD U0AIW AND ERS' STOCK t5 Cneh ; ud I or ( tags and Papo Stolebcrap Ire n and Ilctsla ALMA E. KCSTW DEALER IN ins ifiner ' IlAlll GOODS , WAVES , BANGS , ETC. . Stock Entirely Fresh and Neir l051i.thBtroot Opp , Postofice , Dexter L. Thomas & P' eaI Estate eaIers LOAN MoNEY , GENT 1ffuana , EXAMIN E . TlT'LE , ETU. CIIEIIITON IILOUK . is , OMAItA , NE , JAS , 8. PEABODY hI , D , l PHYSICIAN & SURGEO N h lioslde'we , No. 1107 Jones St. OICe , Na 1601 F rmm strut. Offu ' hour. , 18 w. to 1 'p > n. , and B I lamH6 "a' , 2'elephon. tor orntx , titItraldeac l United Otate2 Depository : , e ; -Uf ! OMAUA- Q Cox. 13th and Farnam Sts. . 1 The Oldest Banking Establishment fn Omnlla , SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. Organised In 1808. Organized as a Natio al Batik in , CAPITAL - $00,000 SUItPLUS AND PROFITS $150,000 omcsxs maacross. UIRUAN Komerxa , Presldont. JOAN A. CREIOlrON , Vice Presldont. A ousrus IIouNTra , 2d Vice rrostdonl. A , J , IbrrLSroN. F , II. DAvie , Cashltr , W II. Msaamsg , Assistant Cashlcr. Transacts a genera banking bustnesa Issues time certlacateshearlnl nterest. Draws drafts on San Francisco amid' rincipal clues In the United states , Also London , Dublin , Fdlnburgli and the prlnalea " . . I clues or the tentinent of Enro a UNITED STATES Nalioual Bau 2. : OF OMAHA. Capital$100000.00 0. W. HAMILTON , Proe't , frJ M. T. BARLOW , Cashlor. ' u Accounts solloltod and kept sub- loct to sight chock. Cortlfloatoe of Dopoolt Issued pny- eblo in 3 , G and 12 months , bearing Interest , or on demand without In'- torost. , Advances made to customers on approvodsocuritiosatmarket rate ofintorost. The Intorosta of Cuatomors are closely guarded and every facil tv oompatlbjo with principles of f sound banking freely oxtondod. DrawslghtdraftsonEnglandl eland land , Scotland , and nil parts of Eu- rope. Soil European Passage Tlokots. Collections Promptl Maoe. ' Ii. H. MARHUF > - II ' 9. i 1 1 fY5rr - PI 111111 VIA . 3 11111 I , 4.f t ; rfin' ' ' ' 9t'Iiiit ' 'il'NIII6JIIIMIIIIII'JPIIII < ' MANUFACTURER . , WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Millard H iteut Dlr'ck , OMAHA. . - - NEB. . .r A. L. T'ITCI & CO. ' ; DEALEItB IN GENERAL 1 o ' HOUSE FURtUSIUNC JY a } ® ® 1 t 3I 7 CONSISTING OF Fu ! ' t U F r , Cookieg at Neati , , Stows. .i I CROCKERY / GLASSY , M j , ? i4fE t I.amns , Bab } Carwa , ; m , CUTLERY , ETC. , Er C 1Yocanfurnlshnnthlrg ; Inlhb t Irltxe. , iilfli.fllncLawat 'r A. L. Flrr 12th St. , betweor 4-CIt t& Opposut .1'ntnxlMfilDodilu , _ , Nebraska ' - - - NaColfhi 1Ttul.y Nebra . . .see Cornic " -A1CD- r _ 1 . I. / arANuFAcrmnl m oP , ALVANIIED . IflON CO RNICES- r aDolrtmor I VIindowa FINIALS , WiNDow CAPS , E' TAN , IRON AND SLATERO OFING , " ' ' PATENT MirrAu0 BKYIJOIIT , Ir on Cenci n 1 , Creatln e , D + duetrW os , Yetarrdaa , Oldlco flal ug. , SvlndewandCullayGmmtda 0011 D auk ar N , w , COIL. P NINTH AND JON EB BTIi . wM. GAISEI1 , htauager. ( r , . e