Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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    T - : iT.I : 7 L Id : : , : zL - 9 -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
i : . - - THE DA1L1 BEE-OMAllA , SATUIWAi , iOVEMBM 17 1883. j
Real .
. , ' :
4 ' . .1 . . Estate
: -iN-
: , City , Suburban and Farm Property.
; f
: i : : ; We have aPiue Traot Bargain. near Oonter of Oit Which is a
i : :
2.15O-FuI lot with 5 room houo on 15th St. ,
betwcen Center iud Iorcas. Good ceflar. bani ,
coal houo , cistern , eUcwaIhs shrubbery , etc.
3tOO-BonutItut lot with 4 room houo , good
ee1Ir , largo ctqscts , etc. Sightly location.
118 $3OO-Lot 97x132 , with 7 room cottage on Sher.
Iflftfl avenuebctwcen Sherman and Clark Btrccts.
Good proncrty.
- 120 $2,300-Two bcautlful lots in Mccormick's addi-
f tlon , on Farnarn etrect.
no $3SO-ltecoc l'lace , I'ark avenue , full lot. now
two4tory houao , 7 rooms , good collar and coal
.ods , city water , trees and nfl 1mpro'ement.s.
] 3argaln.
121 $ l,2OCnh-Lot S6x138 on 11th S , in Kountzo'e
4th addItion. House 4 large roont , lot boautl.
fully locacd and i really worth muc1 more ,
lieaon for selling , must have money.
in $ lL5O-Each three beautiful ot In Reese Place ,
l'arkavonuo on easy terms.
124 $1,800-half lot cii Saunders street. Good house
4 rooms. good doect , poultry , .t.ablo , well , cl.
torn porch tronI and rear. Price $1,300 , two.
thIrds rmu. This Is a bargain. Uuis be sold by
the 2tb or will bo withdrawn fromsalo.
Improved Property.
3rOO-12 room house , car. 13th nnd CahlfornL
ttrct8 , 0 closets , caller , city water , outhouscg ,
E2Too-6 roomhouse , orN , 13tstx et , lo5etB ,
collAr , clztcrnwoll , etc. BSDEORD & houaie.
V31003-Good sl room house ozrDayonort , bet.
u3d and 24th , two story coseta , pantry cellar
cistern , well , nit ant hrubbcry , amt
$3100-Full stzo lot on McCandllshu place , . lth
two frame cottages , one room , ono 3 coon' .
' Porealooroxciwugo.
2IOO-Good two and a ha3f acrolo wtjhllvo
roomoottac , brick collar , well , tru1tros , dtc.
' '
One of the best three o'brIckbblie'eab ,
on Farnam street. Term private. , , ,
3,2OO-Now 7 cocoa hone on hf. 18th striet. ' A.
modern bnprovomnto. Oood' loeatlou'Chcap
a CtSOO-Neui two story hotis'u'On Ann Btyle.
. Altinodorn Improvemonte , city water , lot lOOz
100. . .
- Two lull rots St. Mary'a cnno nd Oth , wIth S
houces. W1fl'bo. first class bualnesa property.
Tcrm easy. .
t4,7&O-I.ot 8X9 , wit ) . two'housee. Cbcap.
0 $2,5O-Two houses In Nelson s addition , on Con'
icr street. Outnousee , ci.tern , fruit trocs , etc.
Bnsness house and lot on Douglas street , bet.
. 1tn and 15th. Terms easy.
- ' 4Nc3r 8 room houseonChicago. bet. 24thand 25th.
. v AlUmprovetnents.
- , , t Two new houses , one lx and ocher 8 room&
Pirst.e1As and modern Improvements. Terms
' - 55 $2700-Lot 100z132 , College Street , ILodlok'e
t .ulxllvlson ! , new 5 room house. Vehl Improved.
S P2,500-Lot 501150 , Convent street , C room cot.
" tage , large basement cultablo for rooms. barn
% . etc.
vSoQ-o 'oom house Thornehl'e addition. barn ,
well , clsLzn , good Improvements , $500 cash ,
: . , l , SOO en long time.
e-4,200-7 room house on Davenport , bet. lCth
45 Lot 175x500 on Sherunuui , large house , barn aucl
; . other Improvements , Lot without Improve.
I ' ments Is worth the money we ask for It.
7 Two new houses and two full also lots on Pock
avenue. Hot and cold water , and a modern
rt claa8 Improvements. houses would cost
what we ask for whole. Extra good bargaIn.
48 tOOO-Lot 82x150 , ocr. 17th and Center , bouso
4 rooms , barn , water , trees , outbuIldings.
4 $ 2,000-Fivo room house , 1Sti bet. CalifornIa &
Webster. Nbc propsrty. Terms easy.
60 l,5O-Lot 9 , block 8 , ilhlnn's 2d addition. One
and a half story house. Turin. easy.
. 52 3OOO-OOOd I room house onShuerman. Modern
Improvements , stable , well , cistern. A bargaIn ,
53 8XO-Fuill lot , one 8 room and ono 5 room
' house , new , 5 blocks from the opera bouao. Very
p cheap.
02 elt&oo-Splendldloton flodgencarltth. Chea
C3 $8,000-Lance house and email cottage. luce
honuilon full ' , Ize hat Davenport fleer 10th.
85 $4,600-LOt OOx'220 , good room house , modern
enprovements. near business , on Sherman ave.
92 $ ltOO-Tho lots , 126x140 , with house stable etc.
Barker's ub4IvlsIon.
3 51,600-Lot and a ball , good house , Rcdlck sub.
divIsion , ( corner. )
a 05 Lot with 7 room house , Chicago , bet. 15th and
- 01 1,500-Lot and 5 room house. hiorbach's addi.
' ; . lion , well , cietern , etc. Everything In good to-
* par ,
. I O2 $050-Lot and 4room bouso , lzard , ber. 16th and
' ' ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Unimproved Property
2 81,000-Lot 60a121 , IndIana and DIvisIon.
8 $700 each-Two lots 65x132 each , on 11th. Cheap ,
and 2 lots 60x132 each on 10th.
11 8260 each-7 lots In 'Vnte & liod's additIon.
23 7,2OO-12 full .lo lots , ilanscom l'lacc , one
block west of I'ark nu enue.
etso oachu-'rwo lots on I'ork avenue. . Bargains.
Huishileas Iota on Dodge , between 11th and 12th.
81 UoO-Lot In Shinu's addition , on 8ward treot.
33 $3,000-Full 1t , lteed'slst addition , on 25th and
45 $5,000-SIx good lots In lianscona Placo. Bar
St $3,000-Lot tOalto , on Farnam , near.20th. Ye
59 Four cocos Inwost Omaha.
60 $560-Lot In Isaacs & Solden's addition.
03 el,000-Fino lot 1t.oddick's addition , Park ave.
84 5400-52 feet of Lhock M. Shinn addition. Fine
8 $2,200-Lot 44xOon 15th. Business property
worth twIce the price nsketL
04 $3,500-Full aIrs graded lot on Chicago , .bet.
13th and 14th.
OS 5300-Good lot , hlghlocation , south 10th.
100 S.0OO-33xi32 on 10th , bet. Ilarney suet how.
103 V5O oath-Two extra good lot In 1lanaome
addition. Coodhiurh locauon.
Brgains in Farms & Lands
10 t17 or acre-ISO acre Improved farm , near Ores.
ten , Iowa , 10 acres woodland , 45 earea corn , 25
semi Timothy and Clover.
18 4,0OO-4O acres 3-4 of a mile west of Ft. Omaha
two hou.cs , two barn , , granary , corn crib , two
wells , . .OO bearing fruit trees , 300 grape vines.
Will sell or orchange.
14 $7,000-200 acres , half info N. W. Elkhorn , 140
acres In cultivation , balance pasture. Four room
house , stable. etc. Terms easy.
01 20dO-iO acres good land , 4 1. miles from Bur.
hington , Coffee county , 1ansas. Will exchaugt
for Omaha property.
61 53,400-240 acres adjoining city of Wilbor , Saline
county. All under fence and uvoll Improved. I
This property Ischeap at $10,000.
Co $20 per acro-400 acres , 3 nudes from Waterloo , ;
Douglas county. Part in cultivation balance
meadow , all good land. Vll sell or will arrange
with cattle man for oo.partnershlp , or wIll con
tract to feed 300 or 400 head of cattle.
70 to 82-10 000 acres In Merrlck county. Good tdl
able land , and will be sold from 8 to $0 per
iu $ Pr acre-Will buy ISO acres in Cedaz Co.
06 $15. per ocro-30 aces 2 mIles from Hamburg
Iowa. I
07 815. peracre-lmproved near Logan Iowa.
104 Several hundred acres In Coming Co. Neb.
105 Six thousand acres in Stanton Co. Neb.
107 $ I0'pcracro-2200 acres tlmberoi land in P.ay
( io.Mo. three sinallfarms ontnis land , balance
good cottonwood timber , which will more than
pay far Investment. For sale or exchange
Omaha property.
108 2,20O-LOt 2t322O , ocr. 17th and Bellview St. ,
south Omaha , hear Ilascall's Park , brick house ,
fourrooni3 , well , citorn stable , cellar. AU lo
good conuition andnearly new.
0 $25 per acro-i00 acroi In Washulne-ton county , C
miles south of Blair , on line of 0. hut. P. H. & 0.
railroad. Station at corner of this land Good
stream runubip water. 100 acres In cultivation ,
80 acres grass , 1St ) acres timber-oak , hickory
walnut "ulelm. Small house , good fruit and
shun anoi uf grapes. Is partly fenced. One of
the cot I irms in the county. II purchaser
, viil sell homestead adjelnin good
herd of cattle.
1&Ca11 and examine other property not lated.
, 21 5. 24th. bet. ' arnanu and Douglas
I .
, , . ;
l4oth in ftis addition nra Sellihig rapidly , and prices ivill ho again
advanced Ill a few anys. These are without a doubt the most desirable
lots n Oiiinlia , and will cvrtainly double in prio before spriiig. All who
liavci $0011 tlzeni iti't , vel1 1ileased and pronounce them cheap.
.t , . BEDFORD & SOUER ,
, . . ; Real Estate Aoocy
4 : :
. "u . .
i : . jVi Stre S &D.ou1an.
- I
There extss ( a IIICIIIIS of securing -
curing a soft 111111 lI'IIIillhhf )
COIh)1)1OIOfl , 110 IllhhitOl' how
uooI , IL illay llflthtl'ahly be.
1ngan's [ 31n ° 'iioliit Biiliit is a
delkato ait Jiarniless arti-
do , which ittSllhlLtly removes
Freckles , Titit Redness ,
ROUglIlIeSS , ErupIoits , Viii-
gar )3hisliiiigs ) , etc. , etc. So
dolleato aiitt natural nrc 1t
elfecls flint its use Is not
siispeclctl bv' niiyboily.
No lady hits Ilie i'l1it fo
present il tlisllirured litco Ill
society wlieii JLO MilgUol I a
Baltit Is sold by nil druggists
for 75 cents.
To nil Wlncr is hero to
Slay ,
'Brisk lflOl'IlillgI" ' 'RAther chilly ! "
' 'Right wntiy ) ! ' ' ' 'Gosh , niii't it coldl"
and. lIIIlldrOdb of other like remarks from
itllflOSt everybody ) 'OU chaiico to occost
these dnye , is sulliciezit proof to thu Blind
of the casual observer that the season of
autumn IOAVO3 itIld beautiful colors is
011CC 111O1'O numbered flflIOhI tim things of
tIto lmst , acid ill its steati comes the
searching blasts and pollotratilig frosts of
winter. The weather of the iaSt few
days hAS not been bitter cold whiun
tneaured by tim lularks lipOll the thor.
Inonletor , but following , as it did , so close
upon the trahll of the beautiful and 1)10
ant weather which we have becit permit.
ted to enjoy , zlIld for which we are duly
tllallkfuh , it fluids its way ( lirect to the
bones and nuarrow of the wannest blood.
etI , 1o matter how plcntiful the clothing.
\Vil are prepared , however , to accept al.
most anything ut the shape of cold woathi-
er , rovidod we could be spared this
storni of abolnitlablo dust which lisa been
swept ill torrelits , as the rushiings of a
mighty river , nil day , and in fact all the
week into the face and eyes of every-
With this cold snap comes the infinite
pleasure of putting up winter stoves and
trying to put togethorjoints of stove pipe
which iiover were intended togo together ,
until ill thee agony of despair , with lingers
bruised anti blackened and the perspiration -
tion starting from every pore , you dash
it to tile floor and exclaim , "Dod rot tile
Johiovally gosh darned tililig anyhow , I
wish 1 lead clever seen. Buchi a thing as a
stove pipe. " This is putting it a little
mild , fir as a usual thing the language is
of a much more forcible and eiressivc
To the young people tim visions of ice
poncho , sleigh rides , balls , parties , and a
hundred other ainuscnicnts which tlioap.
ve.rauico of winter suggests , is a bright
0113 and many are the plaius being laid to
[ ) ILSS away the long willter evenings winch
arc already hero.
To the poor wayfaring tramp these
cold winds mean business. They mean
hardships , hunger , ( and we sometimes
think it luigilt be a good thing for the
country iii general if it meant a little
moro death for this class ) , and no doubt
CaUses them to wiahi they had bettor
nnproved the soft and balmy weather of
i'o the rich , winter moans comfort and
plenty eus they lounge in their comfortable -
able and luxurious homes , or rest in
gilded counting. rooms , while to many
familieuit Inoalis privations and sufferings -
ings of which people who have beau more
favored by the fickle goddess of fortune
know noticing. such and honest
sufferers should have the sympathy alld
help of all.
To iatiy families , rich , poor , and in
moderate circumstances , this sudden
change brings dee1 , sorrow , for on its
wings is borne the breath of death , aIld
many little ones wile have beeii in feeble
health have bceii carried away from the
sight of loved ones. The death record
among cllildren has been unusually
large during the past few days , and the
white hearse lens Colno to be a very coin-
111011 sight. But lot us hope for the best
and take life cue it comes , for we are but
human , and utterly iuou'cricss to in any
way change the weather one particle.
A BaItlht lI IiIIKtCl',4 , lxperleuic ,
" 1 run a Baptist minister , and before I aver
thought of beliug a clergynuan I gradiatcil , In
iiiodicIno , but left a lucrative practIce fur iiiy
rtuuz 1)rofcosloii forty years ago. I was for
lenny years a tuirerer froni itilnsy. 2'/wvua ?
Ecicetric Oil cured me. I was also troubled
with Itonreences , 1011(1 'J'hOmu' Jfcledk Oil : il.
vayK relieved cue. l'dy ' wife ziid ch'ihtl hind
diphtheria , iintl 2'/onaa' , I electric uji vuro
tlieiui , and II tiken In time it vill cure ovczi
tlU2eii OUt of iou , I nue confidant It Is a cure
fortho most obsitlnato cohil or cpugli and if
any one Will take a small teaspoon and half
fill It with , thu Oil , and then iilaco the end of
the spoon Iii , iui iiostili and draw the 011 out :
of the ) ( ) ( ) IlitO the heal , , by nlfling as liani
to , they can , until the (111 falbi over into tim
thioat , anti iractlco It twice a wpok , I iloi't
care how ofhonsivo thick head may ho , It will
cleati it out and cure their citarrh. For ( leaf-
flOM5 and iuaracho it ban claim wonlen i.e my
certaIn knowledge. It ii the only inetliclicu
dubbed Pateilt medicine that I have over felt
likerecoininoiintng and I am very anxious to
see it In every ilaco , for I tell you that I
would net be without IL In my house for any
consiIerntlon. I am nou suffering with a vain
like riieuiuiatlsne In iiiy right hinl , , and uiotli'
Ing relIeves rae like 2'/wuuia' .A'clcdric Oil. "
lr , J. F. Crane , IJorrv , l'a.
- -
heat clz-apcH br a Hniali J'Jacc ,
Corr , Rural New Yorker.
A village lot affords little room for
doubtful experiments ; therefore it is
desirable for such 11011105 to have well.
tried v'irieties , likely i.e succeed with
moderate care , unless , hiideed , the owner
is export as a viiio'drcasor. hence I
would say , ( rain my experience , for one
vine plant Concord ; for three 'iiios , add
Lady , white , aliti Iirington , red. hi'or
Nix VlIIC8 , add to the above Early Victor ,
black , \Torgeililos , red , tuiitl J'rontisa ,
white , or , in l)11iC0 of these last , take
Wordoii , black , ( iatswba , red , aiiul I'ock'
hihIgtOli , white.
Of all these EarlyVictoristhie earliest ,
and it is hnrdy , prolific , azi.l good.Tor -
don is nu hardy : uid sure as Concord , It
is a little sweeter and a larger berry , lut
tile cluster is zitit quite so perfect. tirigli.
toti has a beautiful cluster , often double.
shouldered ; berry of medium slw ; qua.
lit. ) ; best ; but. It needs more care and
butter cUlture thazi iuoL of the above.
, ! .ifrani.thf t * " , ' ' .4.
a1tl ; Brighton , it does not lcep well.
VergollIloS 5 hardy , vigorous , productive ,
halnisonlo , of' air qunhit' , auth an excel-
loUt keeper. So is the I'ocklinglon , The
Catawba jg only lit for a southern cx-
PUO ill Now .Ioraey and New York ,
atiel it yields a limited ) ) there ; but
\Vlthl good culture a miipcrb fruit is rniseAl
that with care will keep till Easter , The
l'roiitisa arel Pockhiiigton both tl1en
about with the Concord , and can be kept
tlltth winter.
W'lthi the above list Of grapes Ilhider
good culture , a fanilly iuiny have grapes
from August 20 \Vaalungton's Birth.
(1113' , or later , provided the requisite onto
is giroll ill growing Shill keeping.
hilt the Chioo UIwauco a St.
Paul Wilt \lhth'aw \ ! fi'oin ih
IOYIR 1oo1 ,
And That a 1)lsneIe'oIt9 Preiglit ' .Vau'
'ill 1hlo' .
Ait adjourned niecting of the Iowa
Trunk-Line atsociation was hold
at comlulasionor Midgicy's office ,
in Chicago oii W'edhle.tdny , tvttli a full
ropresohltatioll. The 0111) ' IlIatter tofuro
the lneethlg was the lUIBIIUM 1uOLWCOII
the Milwa'ukoo ItIItI St ( 'tuil ititil the
oIlier Inombors of the associntioii. Seine
v.iry wariii disetisudoll was indulged. The
Milwaukee zuiitl St. Palhl insisted that it.
was lint tilIder lIlly obhigatlolls I. ay the
ahilOulit tleiuatidott tO oiuahize the
ions of busilwss. Thu ( utiler lilies asserted -
od as strongly that. it vas ill duty
boulul to rio so , and Iliunily it was dodd.
Ccl to give St. . P11111 tllitil l'iIolalay to to.
cede from its poaitioii. There can be
but 0110 rcstilt of its toftIsal to do so.
'l'hio l1ilWitlikCO niitl St. , Puutil will withdraw -
draw front the pool mid a iiioatdioastrous
freight war will follow. It. is an 01)011
secret. that the St. l'atIl is dismUslied
with its percohitago , 811(1 , for this loasull ,
would be more thint vilhiug to break up
thu 1)001 in the 1101)0 ofreceiving a larger
award 1'l1ol1 matters \'oro again fixed up.
A Proillillont railroad 111511 , who speaks
front an entirely ( lisilltcrstcd stsndoint ,
threw a little lihit upon the situntioll in
conversation with a reporter. lie wits
traveling iii the \Vcst last aullilnor , Ivhlell ,
falling into the onpzuiy of some stock-
111011 , lie lonriicil seine facts concerning
the live-stock deal , which is the principle
bone of contolltioll between the Iowa
roads ; The stocknien of Mouthnn , Da.
kota , and Nebraska had formed a coiui
1JaCt to ship all their stock overtlie Mil.
waukee ai1d St. Paul , aiict WIleIt its Ca-
iacit.y was full over the Rock Island.
"Mr. Clark , " said 0110 , CaI1 have whatever -
ever lie asks at cur hands , and lie is going -
ing to have our business. W'liy , do you
kllouv that when ho was superIntendent
of the Union Pacilic ho would mix with
us follows an freely as we do withi each
otherl Many a time Iie has sat on a rail
fence , whittling and telling sthrics bytho
hour , and we look UOfl hilu as onof tue
best frii iids we have. "
The facts in the case would scent to
corrcborato the stockinan's version. When
the decision was nmde to ship the stock
over the St. . Paul , its umnagosnont. ape.
cially requested Commissioner Midgley
te divert it. , so that an OVOII ( liVisiOII
lmght be made. The colnmissionor iuiadu
the attolnlt , but the atockineii would iiot
have it , iiisisting that they would ship
over the St. Paul or siot at all. Ilavitig
the business thrust Upon theni ill such a
manner , it. is hot strange that the St. Paul
people dislike to ay $38,000 , the pmuta !
derived front it into the troastlry of other
hues in the pool. It is more than likely
that iio arrangonient can be made satia.
factory to the St. Paul , and that it will
withdraw from the lool Monday. If it
does , a lively time will be the result.
What. a Womeus Can Do.
From the l'hiiIa.helphia Call.
She CaIi say "No"andstick to it for all
She CaII also say ' 5No , " in such a low ,
soft voice that it 10011115 "Yes. "
She can sharpen a load pencil if you
give her IlOitY of time and plenty of
She can dance all night in a pair of
shoes two sizes too small forier ] and enjoy
every minute of the tilne.
She call pass a display window of a dry
goods store without. Btopping-if ahic is
running to catch a train.
She can walk half the night with a
colicky baby iii her anus without once
expressing a desire to murder the in
( ant.
ant.She can ltllrCCiitO a kiss fromlior 11,15.
band seventy-live years after the lnarriago
ceremony has taken ilaco.
Situ can suirur abuse and neglect for
years , which one touch of kindiless or
considoratiun will drivufroimihor recollec.
She can go to thio theater every ovesi-
ing and tile Iuintilico OIl Vcdnesday and
Saturday and still possesses sulticient
strength to attend a Sunday iiighit sacred
She can go to church anti afterward
tell you wlutt every woman iii the con.
gregatiomi had oii , and in sone rare instances -
stances cai give a faiiit ideit of what the
text was.
She can look her huslalld square iii tile
oyu when lie tells her sonic coclC.all(1.
hull story about boillg ' 'detaimicd itt ; the
'flio , without. betraying iii time least
tilat. she knows him to oe a colossal
Slis can rumple up $17,000 worth of
dress goods and buy a spool of thread ,
with an order to have it. delivered four
julius away , iii a style that will transfix
the proprietor of the eatablislnnont. with
admiration ,
She can-but what's the 1150 ? A woman
can do anything or ovorythiiug , and do it
well. Site cait do inure iii a midmiuto tItan
a man cami do in an hour , and do it bet. . .
Let. Site cali utako the alleged lords of
creation bow down to her owmt sweet
vihl , amid they will hover know it.
Yes , a woman can do everything , with
but one exception , she caui not. climb a
Dr. 'ramicier's HIOmBhlOhi ,
Dr. Tanner certainly haui a great stormutch-
great because of Its .trtngthi and onclurimmico.
We may err iii saying that thu doctor uses
Iiurdock jJoooi J1iIer ( , hut If Ice liee his di'
gostivu powers are e.iaily accoumuited ft.r. . Jiur'
dud JJboo4 11111cr , being a standard Ihiedlelnu
are iiolil by all iruggleti.
it ? 'llhl " , S'iiuter.
fndianapo' I. NeWt.
Meeting an old hullter vhmo has boon
out. iii time foul a grcatdeal this soasomi :
' 'Nice weather we're harIg , said lie.
"Yos-Indimimi suimtnier , Reckon it will
turn cold Pretty 800113"
' 'i'hiimk noL't
" ' "
' 1 believe wo will have an open winter ,
I hiayo great faith Ill the prognostieating .
h- " 1 a .U
feet highi. The wittIer following proved
intolIsely cold , Tlui year they haven't
built 11(118 itt &l. A mild winter is thoro.
fore sure. i've watched their habits many
years amid lmvo llover kiiown thclui to
IllakIt a mistake. Boiloa , the sqtirols , are
1101. laying in winter supuiies. loll cami
depetimi oil thteao sigmus every time , "
Triamumning l'vult l'iccM.
iea' Xngland l'armer.
Thu tr'Imlnillg OmIt. of the ovor.dcitse
tops imu work that murty be comlumnelmcel at.
any timun , nut ! Cohitiltulo thtt'vllghi the vimt
ter , as lolMitO is foummd. in thmiltluing out.
it vill be better to hike out many sinai !
hinba by several cumta thmaim to reitiovo
large ones by cutting mice only. Large
WotIluls do not. utah na readily , ititti ( ak-
ing out. 'large linubs leaves the tico less
vcll balanced. Time niimm muitomuhl tue to iii.
mninislm the munuber of fruit. bmuls by timitu.
luilig out. the 5111511 twigs. lilr. ii ilnuall ,
of mIarlborn' , vhmtu Immu great siuccess vitIt
lila tt'ccsctits back quite freely with light.
pruiummg almeard , titus necomuplisiming his
tbjtict without. Imlaking ammy large wouinds.
i'V 'to cleanse thin skit ,
' 't'i' I ic'aI1 atith Blood of
. , l , , htchittir , Scaly lImply ,
. , . . - j : _ Scru'iuIous , ltmlmcrlted ,
.i ? . : ' ' . nttl comitaglouis lltminor ,
- ' ; . ; _ ; -,4 . ' hhloo.I 1'tIsott , Ulcers ,
1' I-t. . . . . :1. , ' . Alscces , toni limfaittilo
' 1' ikltt 'orturcs , lImo CmmtI.
, .d . . )
4) .
dim licimmeilci ceo imifal.
it'i 4:4 hiblo. CuUcura Itcanlue.
, imucnt lImo new Plood
' i . _ . _ _ 7 l'miriiler , liureilo amid
Al.criemmt , epel
thtim renuivo the cauicc. Cutleuirn , the great Skin
Cure , Imietuttly all 13 s htcliliigamnl Iiiilanumiuatloim , ricarri
time Shlti tuimil .ralp , hcaI Ulsers ntii , i4orco , metomrs
time Coimm1ho'doi , . Cmitlcumra Soap , en cxluiitito iklmt
licautitier nail 'l'olict Itequislie , Is Iti.Ilspetmsihle In
trcatlmigslcIiidiuaes tumuit for mmighivhia.vMlorgrcas )
etlit , black heads , I.loi . chio no.1 lialir htinnors ; Cuit
ultra llcmiciics , nrc time emily inlalliblo blood liurlileri
atid sklmu tenutlflert.
Cita , . lIouglitumi 14.1. . , litwrer,2SbUttu . .ticct , lbs.
toil , reports it case of imalt ifimeitmit nuder hii otmccr.
vatlomi for ten u ears. uu ldchi rio ureti thu i.atleiit' .
to.l' nmuiI Ilintie , nuil to uulich , mull Isiiou ii moetlmotl , of
trt'attmrit had l'om , all.llol % filiotit lioticilt , u lilcht
gradually cured Imium , tiiitil he me now as fair as itim )
Mr. stud Mrs. Euerett Stobldum , , lelcliertouvlIq , , . ,
uurlte : Our llttloioy ons terrIbly ntliicte.l a liii ikrof.
tula , Salt htlienmn , ntm1 lryslpelas : euer , .lnoo ) me
% ft. , hot ii , cliii imothumig an c'omlI giro hitit ) telle.l hmitim
until w u tekil Cutleura lienuetiles , uu hInt gradually
cured lilimi , untIl lie Is how an fair any child.
II. l. Carpenter , lienilcrsoim , N. V. , cured of Poor.
laels or Lerouy , of twenty ycnr. stattillimp , bymtI. .
coca Ilenmeilies. The hun,1 uueIerfmml curuomi record.
A ( lumtpai ! lull of sciics fell trot , , 1ilmt ilalIr. 111)51.
cian amid his friends thiouglit luo titmiet the. Cure
sworn to before a justice of the hence aim. ! liender.
Molt' , , nest priimnmicutt % itlzout' , .
lioti. 11th. rae lot. health CommIssIoner lboton
pays : After three , uionthis' use of Cuticutra Ilcmimcdleo
and tuclue years of as cunotammtsuitcrliig front Scrol
uilous liunior of time face mieck atmil soui , no was ever
endured , I cam , say that I nun cured , and iirottounce
low en'o thin tiunet rcinarliable Oim retord.
Nolit Ii ) ' all druggists. Ctttlcura , t.O edits ; Ibcooi.
vent , 41 ; iloalu , 25cents Porren Dnvu . ( i.I. ) Cmtem.
CAL Co. : lloston , 5ia , .
Senil for "how to Cure Skiu llsnsos. "
C TJTICtiltA MOAi' . Alisolutele Pure , highly
, neiilcltiai , Imidorseil 117 l.l,3siclamle. , lire.
ft'rred be the elIte. Bales tiimrlmmg 1821 tutU 18d2 , I , .
000.000 entes Soul eucrywhiero.
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D.,9
Qau.litnot LLac1. .ILriut ,
14t4 Farnamn Sircet , opposite l'axton Hotel , Otuta
li Nd , .
Railway Time Table.
. . U. 1' . It it. , 1.fAJN LINE.
'acIflo Expresa.12:03 : i en Atlantlo Exprees7:25 : a
lTostornEx.rcos 5:00 : \'etotiF.xlumess.8:20j : , In
1. loIantiI'as . . . . . . . ° i' to 0. island I'oes , 11:40 : a flu
' .iucoin F.x..12hiOpm : Lincoln Ex..12:55pm :
LeaueOiumahta : 7:10 : , 8:00,11:00 : , 10:00 : , 11:00 : a : in. ,
tC0 , 2 00 , BCC , 4:00 : , 11:00 : , 0:00. : 10:10 : p. m. Ott Sun.
lays : 7:10 , 0.O 11:00 : U. In ; 2:00 : , 4:0) : , 0:00 : , 10:10 : 1' .
0. Arrhe ateranaferdepot2o mnimutttslater ; Broad'
way depotCouncil Bluffs , 80 ttiIituitc later.
hoMe Coumncll Bluffs , Brotdway depot , 8:00 : , 0:00 : ,
10:00 , 11:00 : a. mu. ; 1:00 : , 2CO : , 3:00. : 4:00 : , 5:00. : 0:15 : ,
10:40 p. in. On fiumIsys : 8:00. : 10:00 a. in. ; 1:00 : , 3:00 : ,
1:00 : , 8:55. : 10:40 : p. 1mm. ArrIve Transfer depot , 10 iuuin.
utes Icier ,
Leave Council Bluffs Transfer depot : 8:25 : , 1I25 ; ,
10:25,11:25 : : 1:25 : , 2:25,3:51 : : , 4:25 : , 6:25 : , 0:25,0:50 : : ,
10:55 : p. in. Arrive Omaha 20 ituiitute later.
Pus No. 2. . .7:55 : a m Pass. No , 0. . . 7:2am :
, , No. 10..5:45 : , m " No. 15..iISO : am
8 No. 4..S.6011m " No SLi:23am :
I' No. 8..8:50am : " No. 1. . . . 136 p in
'I N. . C..0:15 : a in
C. , H. & St. P. 11. J.-U. P DEPOT.
fail & Er..7:50 : a in I'ociflo lix..0:45 : 5 in
tiantioha..5:50 : 1 , Mall k lix..7:10 p in
'tnaha..7:50am ' : Omaha..11:20am :
I , 3:50pm : " . . . . . . . . . 5:20pm :
C. , B & Q II. 11.-U 1' . DEPOT.
thu . . . . . .7:50am : Eapreas..9:45am :
. . . . . . . . . . p In . . . . . . . . . . . ; p in
0. , Ii. V & 1' . lb. IL-U. 1' . DEI'OT.
Supress..7:50 : . a en flail..0:45 : a in
thu..50 p m Express..7:10 : 1 '
( I. & N. % V. it. IL-U. F ' ) Ei'OT.
itch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50ain Exr.res. . , . . . . .9:45am :
. . . . . . . . . . . . i , in Mci. . . . . . . . . . . .7:10 : 1' in
13. C. & I' . IL. 11.-U. 1' . DEi'Oi.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Exlureas..9.45 a in
' . . . . . . . . : p um . . . . . . . . . . . . . : p in
.xIireso . . .7:00 : a in I Express..0:46 : p cm'
1. , ST. I'AUL , H. it 0. Ii. IL-IEl'OT N. I Tl1 ST
' . ' . . . . . . . . . . : : No , ! ' , . , . . . . . . . . .flOpm
o , 4' . . . . . . 1:0011 : in No II' . . . . . . . .11:1am :
jioijx CITY & PACIFIC-DhiI'OT N. 15th Street.
toave Onialia for Valentinu via St. l'aul Line
fo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
5.rrlvofromVaiontino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:50pm :
) cnver Express. . .S:15 : a in Atlaritlo , , , . . . 6SOp mu
PacifIc Ezprete',0:35 : I , in , Ienvcrlixpresa'O:40 : a mu
K. C. , ST. JOlt iii 0. U. It. 11.-Il. & Si , DEl'o'r.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ic in Express..0:00 : am
Sapreusa..7:20pm Mall. . . . . . . . , . , .0Sopmn :
'Sundays excepted ,
Opening ana Closing of Mails ,
goon. eras. , , , ( wits.
Lin , p.10. . . .ia. p.m.
0 &N.W.O.lI.I.&l'C. II.
4 : Q. St. l'amil & Sioux Ctty.h1:00 : 0:00 : 5:40 : 0:15 :
C. , JifirtI.i'I 0. & l. Iii Iowa 9:00 : 5:40 :
Ws.iiush FehIrCSO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2:50 : 5:15 :
tValaht local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 6:40 :
mc ci. , iii. Joo&fJ , B. . . . . . . . . (1:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 0:50 :
Missouri l'aclflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:110 : 5:40 :
( I. , St. I' . ai. & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:20 :
Union l'acitic , ovorlatid. . . . . . 8:00 : 11:35 :
lJnIott ladS ; Ienvrr Er , , 4:00 : 7:30
0. 8 : Ibe1iublkati % 'ailvy. 3210 11:15 :
II. tie II. Express. . . . . . . . . . . . 700 7:40 :
Ii. & II. for l'lattatnoutli , 5.
Bend , Ashland andlAmtcoln.ll:0O : 40
Omoo open Sundays from 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p. mu.
C. K. ( IOIJTANI' l'ostmnast
S have secured the agency of
W'm. T. Wood & Co. ,
To sell their tools. They are making the best Ice
Tool. , and ore ihu oldtst finn In thu Unitt'tI Statei
/fly lea ConhIi&Iiy edhimmg to buy tools wIll receive
theiromcptvo ( attentIon by ddresslng
F , W. Ilt.USiVit ,
1517 Sherman Aenuc , Otuahia , Nub.
Iomoo.athio Phyioian.
lkurs-At ibesldeimce , No. 1443 5. 10th Street , till
10 a. In. , tend aib r S I' , iii. 1Iours-At olilce , No. 103
nd 105 5. 1511 * 51. , Itooma 7 fromum 10 a. in. , to S p. in.
Nlb-'rmiu'rape % Vurnu tsbl be romnoted , without
danger , lit tlmo of train 2 In 3 hour.
dlfc TI1T I"flP
- - -
Lush ltxy. An
5Ii ; :
sind all
that follow as a
. & Poqulence of Self.
' '
. : .
.sriiRE TAXIItO.sall..wltmu.loi'aln AlTER TAMNO ,
t'I : hIck , Dimness of Vision , l'ronuatmro Old Ago ,
t many ( mthiCtll.eaw. , that le.I toinsamulty orCon.
I Irruption Mmii a l'rumatttmo OrMe ,
BawAmes of 5.ivcrtlotncnt , to refund money , when
dauggists from , hem this une.llcjmuo it luouighit do tuot :
re'l.tit , hut refer yomu to the tuamiufacturer , , s.iiuI the
teqtmircumucnte are uchu that they are oel.fiun , if t'r
Oonui'IiOd with. 8 theirwcittetgujcenioo , , A trial
of clue alaglo CkagO of flra)5 Si'coltIc uulil cotuolnoc
the muout skeptIcal of Its uval 1OCT11. ,
On aceomnut of onumuteafeltero , uo have i4ptei time
ow Vraplwr : the only genuine.
ttrI'ull iti ouui lflmlllulet , uvhtch o , lo.
ire to sOuth frco II ) ' mimail to cu eu Dime. ttffle 5p.
ciflo tiellciiio is sold Imy all mlnmggiats at 51 mcr hack.
fl4O , Or sIc lckages for t5 , or uvill be emmt free ly
inall tin tlmo riCCtl.t of the money , by adilresutig
TIIII GIIAY llEDlCiNiiCO. , ijuifalo , N. V.
Suiil littu fmmftha by ( I no2mnsuJ. , _ .j. . tnubnn.s
"liddoher5 eertijj that los itmperriu tms a , .
rint:7eetta : for nfl Monthly attil Senl.Airmuat
DrtuIliUs 4f the Iotsian , ( Slots Lottcrji Ci'a'Y
adih unperson , iianage nmf coitri the Irawin' ,
tienueIves , niiI tAat tht' tcus8 are coulttetcd wffA
8oneofyfartteu. hInd in goomf/.iftA toward oH par
ties , and sue ait.torixe fA. conpatp to use f/ifs ceo
UfiAlte , tL'itAfao4muitea ( 4f our iignaturei aUacleed
11 sf4 ad cc rt.serncnfg , "
. Cosutiesrosaas.
U Over half a Million Distributed ,
Lonisialla StatQ Lottery Collipily ,
Incorporated in 1883 for 25 years by the logielatur'
be educational nut ! chmaritatde PtCPOIcO-w ith a cap
tO ofI 000,030-to ulmlcit a renerto Immnd of over
$550,000 has sluice lice , , added.
By tot oeru lwhituliug l1PttlaT vote its friuncluis ,
was ituvilo it Inn of tliO Pr.oflt etato OonitttuUoi
adopted December Od , A. 3) . 1870 ,
Its grant ! single nmnbor drawings tnkt
place utonthily.
It tudor , icnlcs or postpones. look at the fallow.
1114. dlstuihummtloii :
16)l ) Grand Monthly
ANO 11111
PJtraardillarv Sn1lli-Annll1 Drawiii
.vm NllvOltInANIJTIJIn : ' 'Al , lmCCIIHCR : is , 'si.
Ilituler the iwrsoiiai smmpcru'llon tutu iimnagcinont of
Cell. C. ' 1' . BEAUItEOAILD , of Louis.
imlilit , niul 0011. .IUBAL A. EARLY , of
Capital Prize , $150,000.
tlrNotice-.Tlckets are Ton Dollars only. Ualvc ,
VI. Fifths , $2. Tenth , . , $ l.
1.1ST 0 ! ' FltI'/.IS.
1 CAPITAL t'itIZIi OF lS0,0O0 . , . . 5120,00 (
1 GlIANi ) l' OF 60,000 . . . . 50O00
I OlLANi ) l'itlzi : OF 20,000 . . . . 20,000
2 LA1101 l'ltl/.ES OS' 10,000 . . . , 20,000
4 LAltlli i'ltlZEd OF 5.000 . . . . 20,000
20 1'lll'/.ES OF 1,000 . . . . 20,000
so " too . . . . 25000
100 " : ioo. . . . s000i
200 " 200. . . . 40000
13)0 " 100 . . . . 00000
.070 " 1,0 . . . . t0000
100 Apyrexlnuatloti l'rizc of $200 . . . . $20,000
100 " " 100 . . . . 10000
lob ) " " 75 . . . . 7,500
i'rIzes Amounting to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application for rates to clubs should be toads onh
ct the olllco of the Company In New Orleans.
For further Information write clearly giving full
iddrcse. Make 1' . 0. Money Orders PaYable an
iddreu Itegletered Letters to
New 0rican , f. .
Postal Notes and orhlnary letters by Mall or lOx
srocs ( all sumitue of $5 arid uipwarile by Express at oui
expense ) to
or 3 ! . A. DAUPHIN New OrIoan , 1 * .
soi Seventh St. , Ysehlngton , B. C
617 St. C/lanes St. , Sf , Louis , Mo.
A REGULAR OltABUATEof two meilkal colegei !
t5 lix. 1cen engaged longer in tIme treatment of
CliltONlO , NEII\0L3S , 81(110 AND 111.001) Dlseasee
thaim oilier phtylciai , lii fIt. 1.ouIsascltyhuapereehmos
and all old residents know , Consultation treem. )
Invltcii. When it islncoruvenlenl to islt time cltyt ,
treatment , medicines can ho sent by miuxil or oxiuros
evorywlucro. Curable cases giiarantiuedwhero ; doubt
exists it ie frankly stated. Call or wrlto.
Nervousprostratlon , Debility , Mental and Phyeic
Weakness , Mercurial cmiii other teflectiotis of 'throat ,
looti hinpuritiLs arid Blood l'olsou
IngIhklm' Affections , Old Sores amid Ulcers , linpedl
mouSe to niarriago , itheumnatlmttti , l'iloa. Special at.
tontlolito oases froth overworked brain. SURGICAL
OASES receive euclaI attontluti. liseases aIalng
from Imprudence , rxcessrs ; , mnilulgenccs.
c-v-xi. marrywho inaynot.
why , cause. , colusoijuemuces and cure , Bailed for Ode ;
linotato or elamnmis. sept 20dawlv
530,000 torI 52.
hogular Monthly Drawing will talus piano
3 time J.iauuulo lint ] , "lmairnlo temple BuIld
D ing , in Louisville , Ky.
Thursday , November 29Th , 1883.
A Lawfu1'Lottery and FaIr Drawings
chamfered by the legisiattirtuef iCy. , and twice declar
oil legal by the highest court lii the State. Bond
glvemi to henry County fri time smun of $100,000 for tin
proituilt luaIzmcnt of till PrIZOS soIl.
tiriverv : ticket holler hihiown iitipervlot , Cami oaIl
omit the number on iii. ticket ariil see the norruopormi
ing imutinber aim the tag it , tito wheel In Jilt
i.ruietmco. Three drawitigs will occur om , ho lxiii
Thursday of every rimittli. head time mnagrulOceot
November flohomo.
1 PrIze..5 1O,0L (
2 l'rlzes , $2,500eacli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S I'rize'i , l,000each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,001
20 I'rlee , 600 cxcii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,004
100 irircs , 300 cacti , , . . , . . . . , , , . , . , , , , . , , 10,001
too l'rlcci' , DI cccli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io,00c
1.00 lrinee , 20 cccli . . . . . . . . , 10,004
1000 irlztni , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,004
0 l'rlzeo , 84)0 ) each Impproxlunation l'rhrce 2,704
0 l'rlws , 200 nachi " " 3,5(4
0 l'rhzee , 100 oath " " ely
1,051 l'rlrce.
Whole Tickets , 82. half Tickets , 51.
27 T1okot,5dO. ObTickota , $100 ,
ikuiuIt inoricy or Batik Draft , i Letter or send hi
II lOST OFFICE 01101211 , until further notice , Or
Cr. of $5 auth umluward by exjireeo , cati be s'ut it oum
xItotmu. Amidrumsi ill orders to J , J. DOUOLAS ,
LouievilloK > ' , Sw mu
. . . . . . . . . , . , .
_ .t21 ' , nA a I H. I .t..t .i , vie. &
. . . . . icr I. . .ia.i , . ' : % i'l ' , , t 1. , .
At.- . "irilL . I , : , .
4)u. IC3ELTJ
) r it p ii ri
( I FOH \ il Ivrttaaunv
k ' cf s It , , , , , o Ii t ul it i
ti I ' - ' ' ' the. . .III , 11uci , ii. i. 'I ,
M Joi'i
4 . , . . ; . . . . . 1 , if , , miijI. , . .i. r , . . i , ,
'i'amt of timi
huutiuau liody emibirgeti , mum nopet and atrtigtheited
etc. , fi an interesting adyortistituetit long rimil lii etc
loller , III reply to iutquirles Wi , SIil say that tiier Ii
110 cyldence of Iumnnbug mthmottt thIs. Oil time coutrer ) '
time advertisers arc ucry highly ciiiorseul. Iutvroste. .
iersmiu Itixy gut sealed clrculars giving all lucrtlcu
laro by xildressluiy Erie i'iedlcal ( Jo , , 1' . 0. b'c 31
liuffitlo , N. Y.-lTiilein hiseuuing liiaao. uiulI.1v
Cure withoutmumed
A P0 P&t4ifltcdOO
S t ;
box No. I iIl cure any cuBe 1mm four iIas or lees. No '
2 wIll cure thu most obotluctu case cc matter of limo
long standing.
6/Ian's Soleiblo Medicated Bougios
No xmr.uceouo doses of , ubobp , eciusbls , or oU of care
dii ) wpod , that ar ' . . .miim to produce lysIiepeIa bj .
dcstroylmmg the cuatingiof the stomach. I'rlca * I.St
$ eid by cl1 druggists , or inatled cmii mecuh $ . of pu'lci
iirtt.ttlMuXtlnmil&r $ .an.l In.
Ifas long been acknowledged and more so at this day
ths.namtyolluer. The vast SeLl of medical cienco Is
ever IncreasIng , and its miumnuornums hirancheS aye
brought hearer anti tearcr to pCrfCtlon , arid
no mo loan can any longer grasp them al
lkneo tIme necessIty for ulhiding the labor. Auid It is
true luo3ontl all doubt that ullqemmyc , aSecting the germ.
to.urlutry organs need shu00ial study more than any.
hlng cisc , If we would Utidorstand and know bow
rent thun PrOPtl1' .
lilt , It. W'AONiR : Is fully swam that there are
many physlelano , and some , enll.lo People , whowili
cotuilenu , htini for making this class of diseases a 5P °
clalty , limit iuoum.huspty to know that with moot per'
stuns of ceflumonmcumt muil IntellIgence a insro enlIghten.
oil uowio tiuleti of the .ulmjcct , and that SIte PhYsic.
an luo devotes imiutuseht to rehlovitug ( ho aflhiCtcd and
ftuin4. thictuu Iron , noise luau ileiuthi , is tue lcs.s a PItl
cntiuroplt atmil hionefactor to liii taco thuiuti the stir.
genii or lulIYsicIau rein , my close apoilcation ceceli In
att3 other hiriutuehu of hml hurOfOSClOli , And fortutnatel
or iumutuMihty , tIme day Ii , lawnlmug a lion the false ph .
auutlurophmy that coideimuieui Site vlctmm of folly or t
ctliuuo , like limo lelCr5 luntler time des lob hiw , to die . . 0
uncareth for lice Pod away. . .
A Few Reasons
Why 30I % ahoulti try the celebrated Dr. It. Vogner's
tnetltol of cure : .
1. "Dr. II. Wagmuor Is a natural lth'PIClafl. " :
0. 5. Fowaxa , : :
'the Orcatest Living l'Imrcmiologlst.
"Few ezctu excel ) 'otm as a doctor. "
But. 3. Stint , ,
The \Voehd'e Greatest l'hyslognomist.
. "You arc wtimm.lcrfuiiy Proficient. lnyour know )
edge of uilt.eum.vo until mmiohidiics. "
flit. J. IIArritxws.
1. ' 'Time amleteul fluid lit
ready teilct ) Ouir 'rcs-
thee. " lIlt. J. Slims. .
11. "lr. It. Wagner Is a regular grdmiato from
Ilellerue hospital , New York clt' ; has haul very ax.
totslo itospitiul limetice , and is thoroughly P041ed cia
shl bmttcimeo of his beloved celenco , cepechahly on
clurotmlc dlonMc. "
Dice. 1iaowiuLL & liwusa.
0. "lr. It. W'agncr has lumunorthhlzeil hulnusoll Lm
his uontlerfimldhoc'uuery of specific renwdlee for pr -
tudo chh oxuma1 City Clmromiiclo. I
7. "flmotuoamtils of lnualld flock to eve 1.lmn.-San
l'tnmIoco Clirotmlrdo. . .
S. " 'Die Jiocior's long experience as a rpcciallot
luould retider hihumu ucry succexsful.-itoeky lioun-
laIn None.
Plain Facts Plainly Spokeii
At otto tltuto it , liocuusaiou , of the secret vice was en.
tlrcl tuxiikkd hy ( Ito lurof080ion and nuetilcal workof .
but a few 3 ears ego u mild hard1) ' nuetitlout It. tue phmyic1j , Is of a , iifTcretui.oiilnion ; ho-is , .
an are that. IL Is lute , hmuty-.1ls.tgmecablo though It
uuiaybo.-to hiammdlo 11th , ituatter without glove , anti
cak Phahuily rchiout It. and Intelligent varclmte mmii
guanlimume vlil tliai.k . hufitu for doing so.
Tim , ) restuhis attomiditmg this ilestruetlvo lce wore for.
BeTh ) ' hut umu.icrstood , or tint luroicri3' estluuuated mud
Ito lunportatico bcimmgttttacluci.1 to it subject tiuIch by
liii ttttttre ulocit hot. intitu close liuveotigatloim , It ' .vas
' 5 ihlltigly igimotOil.
Vito lialuit l generally contracted by the young
utlillo tnttotuihlng school ; oliler eomnhuuttuiolts through
tlmiuir camutupho , uuift ) be responslhilu for It , or II uuay ho '
acquired throtighi necidruit. Time ocltemnouut once cx'
perltmeod , the l.ractlce will be ryucatrd again and
umgahui , nimUl at last tlto hisbit becomes firma aut'.l corn.
1.lctehy eumelaves the utctltn. Sfrtttal end nervous of
Ifletlimmis lure usually the primary results of self.a'ju.mso. '
.tlmuong the Injurlon , curds nift ) ' be mentioned lassi.
tilde , dejection or irrasclbihlty of temper and general . .1 c
uleimllity. 'limo boy scehus seclusion , nuid rarely joins
lit tIuo sport , of his companiouts. If Ito be a young . . .
ntatu ito will be little found in cenupany vIth tIme other '
sex and lx trouhileil uithm cxcediumg and mumnoying . Iii their preectice. I.aodIouis dreams , I 4
entlsloui and eruptiotis Out the taco , etc. , are also
luroluuhIrttt tyumuIit.luie. ; .
I f the i.cactlco Is ' . loletitly PCiniStrl In , more serious
dfsturlnuicoe take Place. Great jlpItatIoli of time 4
heart , or elullelitlo conutmheiotus , are experienced , anti
tiuo suflerer may tall bite a complete stab of Idiocy be-
tome , finally , uloathu relieves him. . I
To all thuoso cngagrih Iii timid ( langerous , pracUco , I
would say , first of all , stop It at once ; make every
POCbiblO etfort to ilo so ; but it tail , If your nervous
system Is alreaily too much shattered , autit conse.
quontly , your willpower broken , take some tmeno
tonic to gtl.l you In your citort. Imavlmug freed yourself
front tue liahiit , I vonld ftmrthmrr ceutteel you to go
timroughm a regular c.nmri.o of treatumient , for It Is a great ' ' .
inluut.ake to euiupoo that city one may , for some tIme , .
be I over ) ' so little give hiluut.elf up to this fascinating . .4
hut dangerous excitement without suffering from Its
evil COIibLIUCt1CCO at rOute future time. The tiUmmther
of yommuig nicum uhuo are lutcutuadateul to fill time duties j
etijirtiucil by weihlock Is alarmitmgl' large , arid ium mesa
of such cases this unforttmruato condition of tlmilmfA calm
be traced to the Iunctlco of , clf'abuso , ut Imlch itrum been
ahiatuiloimed years ago. lmmdertl , a tow miuotmtim , lurmoIlco
of thIs habit Iii tuitflclcitl to Iniluco SPCUt0rhrm I
later yearn , amid I linus Ilmalty of such cases under treat
mental tltelircsont tla3' . ; . .iI .
, . '
Young Meil . :
ISito may hue sultering from the effects of youthful -
follies or iuidlecretlons will do well toavail theomsclyci , , .
of tmW. ! thu greatest booti ever laid at the altar of end.
furlmig lnmnuumity. Da. YAONKme will guarantee to for. .
felt $500 for every ease of eemmulnttl weakness or lri'tO :
disease of any Slant anti cbaracterwhlclm hounder.
tudoc , tontmdfailsto cure.
Middle Aged. Men , ' . .
'There ' arormany at the age of 80 to 00 uhuo axe .
troullcd with too frwltlrumt ovacuatlott of the had.
Ocr , oftcum accoumuleumled by a slIght smartlmg or burn.
lug sciucation , stud a woaketihtug of limo system in a
tnaimnertimo hatIeIitrmmriotncounttor. On exanmln.
hg the urinary ileposits a roim , sedhinerut wiU olten be
fouimil , anti soumuotlmnes somali artlches of albumen sill :
appear , or tIme color utill ho of thin mnllkhsh hue , again
cimuuuglitg to a dark andtorpld appearance. There are
molly mommy uneti vimo dlt of tlil illilleulty , Ignorant of , b
thu cause , uhich Is thmo.iecomlstago of sminal.wcak.
ties. . Dr. IV. will guarantee a horfLct ctmro lit till cases
and a Imealtimy restoration of the genito.urbiary or-
galls. 11
Coutsultatlorm free. Thorough exarnitiation and ad-
All commuiifcatlotms should ho addre.scdDr.IIetmry j
henry SVagtier , P. 0. 2380 , Deimuer , Colorado.
The Young Sian's i'ocket Coiuij.aumiorm , by Dr. II
Wagner I. worth its weight iii gold to young mcmi. . ,
I'mice $1,2t. Sent by nail to any adthoos , . '
Let Your Light Shine ,
Dr. Vagimer the celebrated specialist of Denver ,
Cub , , 543 l.iurhtuer strrot , believes Iii lotttug ( thioworlti
know uiiat in cmii tIn , nuid is ilolmug for timow.aimti of
hI followttuemt. III. , trcatnment for loot mamihood Is
U re to n lii him it elaine flint posterity u ill blesim. Tori
itimumiil testlitmonials train all over time United Slatee
rout thiosom lie has cured , Is Pro ° f 1Itive that inudoes
tire time worst case. of those dhe.ases. Thta afflicted
toni chmrotiho anti sexual dhoeaees of oucry kind will
tici lilmum their beotfrlertd. Read hlsathcrtisemnermtln
all our city lalwrsattd call omm liiiim for advice , aewo . . ,
ktiowyou uill corroborate us fim saying Ito is the cut ]
toter's tub trletid-llockyMouimrudn Newal
. ;
Relief to the Afflicted. :
Iii maudicinea , Os iii rclermco , limo arcoallsts are the .
otieut wiiii always conmeo to time. front and cc'eomphlili
great rieult. 11iI renmark is especially ai'phlcebio tote
to Fr , If. Wagner , of Ptl city. Ito sImids at the top
of hi'Cl'OfeUiOuI , mid the cures lie perfornus for the .
utfcrtuiatom , would scout wonderful If riot vrolerly
vlcvu.I lit thohlgimtot acletitiflo acqulreotente. 110 is . :
eumuioretl by the nmost etmulument of time muiedical faculty. . . J
liii. oillco at 343 Laratulr street , where lie will sjeill.
thy effect a cure for the suttumriutg of either sex , ho mat. .
icr imow e.oumupllcatetl theIr couimlIaimiL-I'omncroya 4
Dtimccrat. _ _ _ _ ; i
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
I'crsonsat a dIstance wbo whit tobe treated by Dr. t
Wpgiicr need tmot feel backward beciuoo aS iticlihity
to hut hint. If they utlil w to the ifoctot lie wIll
send a list of questions w tmablo limo to send :
nudichiutus , counsel mmd to tiioUcriiid ho h.m ,
never tech. lie lots p In every city , towu and .
ebmUon Iii Colorado wellas emUover time Vimlted
Stubs. flee his ku 1bls .advertlsement.-leo'
cr Tribune.
Shall We Reform ?
Sj.mcIll0 . remedlos for all diseases Is thu theory
. irIlce at murisouit of elUcatt.d anti eixlerkmico .
, ihiyslcIarmP amid tim all large comumutuitlus City babe '
, their ,1.pdt.itlos. to excel lit wlmich , ' they diretS thIr
r studies practice. Dr. 'sgimer'ts a succomaful U. c
, lutzatlen ol thiI modern school oh , I.wltto& and his '
I urmirucodented success In the treatment Ct private
I diseases ii as wonderful as it is flatteriimt.-PrOf. J.
'lliou Pinfl5 who need medical ellef for the most
ddlicato of disoaaes nllhtinii an acoommuphlshtmd iuud cue. '
. cumoful libYciau Iii thuo renon of Br. Vgnm'r No.
513 Larimmier otre t , uvimo is highly recoimnuntied bytimo
niutllca ) prfussIumu at home . .nd sboard.-I'omorors .
Democrat. Bigotry and Ignorm.mmco must giye way to
wisdom an. ! the tube iloctian beltut Iii Ictihag hid
light shiuc for time glory of hIs fellow imucu. Prlmmtvt
ink Is the torch Ito can boot use to guide lb. weary
and sick one 1.0 thm Loutitalmi of health , 11 thi , uxho5m ,
uluimld be lastrumeutal s a "I'ORCIILIOIIV sot up. '
. on S idlI to guide cullorhig humanity to 3 1 * l..axlac.r
. tztotDcnvur Colon4o5i5Iii auwcr lice 3.miGeo -
) folwhic.h IS sl.s written. Addr. . ' ' - -