r:1 : : * -I i : : IiiII-I : _ _ T 1IIiI-IIi J-TiLi : LJiL . . . . ' , THE DAILYBEEOM.UASAFURDAY _ , VIMiPR 17 , 18,3. . - _ - = rv - : : . The Nebraska National Bank. , CPO1AI1AN&tfl. SLId 7p Cttpltal $2WOOO Lurpina Fiini1 MaT 1flSU 3l.OOO ' pntcc7rofl2 ft. JOUNSO , Prch1nt , of Stooto , Johng . A , E. ' "T.AT.tN , Vio' J1eSdOflt , of Boston. sv. V. MORSE , of SY. V. ) AOItSi & Co. : ; oin ; S. COLLtNS1 of 0. 1 ! . , It. WOOLWOItTIT , Counsellor AUornoy a Law. ' S. BBED , of Byron Rood Co. a W YATIS , CsbIer , for ni.wy zeus C&h1or of the First Netlonel flank of Omhe. Thu Benk opcncd for busfncsApil 27 , 1882 i , , . TUB innEctons AND STOCKROLDJW.3 are . &nlonz the leading business men of Omz.h , and It. t . UU51nC93 le conducted with espocl&I reference to the . best anti IncrcaIng Intcroetsotttamorc.ntilo p&trooe. COLLECT1O18 reoetvo prompt attention and . charge. Iowcst obtathablo hero or elsewhere. - . INTEREST allowed on time deposit. upon favor. &bfe term. and non iccounte of banke end bankers. FOItEIGN EXChANGE , Ooernmont Bonds and t . . . County and City Securities bought and eold. , ( Council 1uff Loan. and. Tut Company. : ' 1rst Mortgage Lani NegoLlatod. Commercial I'aper end all flood Securities dealt fn. 39 Pearl street , and 606 First uenue , Council lllufts. ? ( , . . FINANCE AND COMMERCE. : . ( FINANCIAL . . Naw Yon , Novoinbor 16. Money-Easy at 2@2 per cent ; closed tt 2 per cent. Prime Pa'or-55 per cent. A Exchange BtUa-Strong at 4.82 ; doxnnnd , ' .481. - Goverinnents-Fraction lower. . , I ' ; Stocksoponod firm and advanced ver tent. Feature wore Northwesterrt iroforred . . frw oregon Transcontinental and Lackawanna. . . . This was followed by a fractional reaction , but after 1 p. in. the market was strong again $ nd prices were at tim best of the day for ) juahIy shares. In the ] at hour business room ' traders were free sellers , and prices fell off to 1 per cent. CUUI'ONtI S's 1oo t 4'8 Coupons . 114 I 4' . . 122 jL Thc1flo 6' . of ' 95 13 ( ' I STOOKB ANI ) r American ExBross . 91 Burt , Codn tapIds & Northern 81 Central Pacific . 67 Chtcago&Alton 1t3 do do pfd 145 j Clii , Burl. & Quincy . 127 irio 29 ' dopfd . 76 Port Wayne &Chlcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 hannibal & St. Joseph . 38 . , do do do I3fd 1-88 i - Illinois Central 133 Thd. , Bloom. & ( estorn . 122k . Kansas & Texas 124 Lake Shore & Michigan So . 111 I 1IchIgan Central . 924 , 1'llnneanelis & St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 do do do pfd . 41 MissourlPadfio . Northern Pacific . . 29 do do pfd _ . . . . . . . 63 torthwthrn 126 ; do Pfd . 146 .NewYork Central . 116 'Ohio &MisIsaippi . . . . . . : . . . . . . ; . . . 27 do do pd . , 80 Peoria Decatur & Lvauavlilo . . 16 Bock island . . . . . 122 & . St. Paul Milwaukee . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 982 p. do do do pfd . 117 -4 ' st. PauL Mba. & Manitoba . . . . . . . 100k 2 St.Pau&Omaha 37 p , do do pfd. . . . . . . ; . . 99 Taxas l'acific. 22 1 Uni nPacif1o. . . 87 1' ' WabashTSt. L. &FacIf1c- . - . . . . . . . . . 21 t do. do do pfd . 4 WesternV lon Telegraph . 79 . tMkod - : H-- IE WEEK iN CRIOtGO. . . : Sjefa1 tflspatch to Tim BEE. C11zcAo , November 16.-The leading grain - . ' 'markotshavc been rather sluggish during the ; 1Z,3t A number of causes , among others S , ' : theecoi ± business failures herii and 0180. - - . where , tie steady increase of the grain supply and the ziactivity of foreign market. , have t - coinblnel to produce this ofToct. There are T , .otlll a 'vst majority of country trade and specu1ars in the east who believe wheat . . . ' .choap el the presint figtres. It is notlconblo . - that atovery symptom of liminess , they send in theI orders to buy. Local tradcrB are ovonlyilvided in opinion os to TIrE FUTUIIE O1 VIIE.1T. ' Fron the bestsoures it cannot be learned c , that ary-oi thorn are either long or short , and nU npjmr to be contented to await a better deman' ' ntd the news of a decrease 4n the . thirty Id millions of wheat in store , before adoptir such methods as are gencra"y opor. ated to1nako the markota active. Corn hiw 1. been rahor mar-a finn than wheat , and the 1 bulk oflpoculation 1satracted to ft. Receipts conInr very free , tin prcsont Jtavorablo weathelbeing to blame for tim average of , -400 carseceivod daily. Much of THE NEW cOR - ' coining 4 graes ] low. There ore rumors of a I deal in ho December a : tto , but beyond the ; . fact thafthero is a heavy long Interest In this p r option , tero Is no foundation for the report. 1 : \ Heavy tders talk 135 cents ( or May cornand a ) iredkt tfradvance will be rehl under way : : before , l'z-ovislons I Ckistmas voro dull. . ¶ iI I TIlE HECEII'T.4 OP UOGH I ( -'i ' are enorifrns , and packers , it I. said , are on. I deavorln to dopresH i'rlccs. ' but In reality they he1io in the bull side. How IrO ducts tanged within narrow limits , . and aractetl only a moderate , attentioz % The jobbing trade is somewhat smsett1cd Failures In the hide and dry goods hostess have had a bad effect on those . lines , esfciahly the former. There is a greater aIIint of vigilance exercised by the banks thiuot sonic time. Your correspond. . . eat was infmet1 by a leading financier that smveral 1tR IIEAV YAILUflI4 aught ho 1od for within sixty days. The woolen trude depressed , mill are shutting -down all ovez10 country , the retail trade is dull , groeerie0 fairly active , notions , mu. linery and tI trade reports a good holiday business. SEmnent.a of iurrency to the country ire , - _ - F OItAID - : OHIOAUO , Cmimoao , 1ember -Flour-Dull ( and unchanged ; minnon to choice sprin8 .f , , wheat 35c ; 4nnesota , 3J4jc bakers 45o , laten@7c ; winter. wheat flour I Southern and ouri , 4&5jo , Michigan , 4tc. Wheat - Tiegu. , fair demand nmmcl . caster ; declined rallied gcc , due partly to advance iroieions. Later doclin- oil o , and closed mimtder yesterday. Sales - ranged , Novemnhier@IJ9 ? ; closed tJc ; Do. ceInber ® ed 0uc ; January 07c 981c , closed at February , t180'JLo close.I at 98o ; Mm j 0@1 05k , closed $1 012 ; No. _ Clrifli@96o ; closed at 9c : ; No. 3 sir1ng , 82@o ; No. 2 red winter , 1 00@h 0s , dependlmi location. 1 Corn-Steady Wlthrdeijand , jrices flue- . - tuated within r'ngo .i ® , ; closed ? @jv lower than yesterday , , cash 4th49je. cioseti 494t1Ac ; iNovs.r 49@49c , closed , at dOe ; Deembe : , closed at 481@ . 482ci for the 4ti4c . ' year o , mos a .4c ; 47Fm8ccl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * . t _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47@47c , closed at 47c ; bray , 51@51c ! , closed st Mac. Oat.i-Finn good sample triulovery ; little speculation. halos , cash and November , 282c ; December and .Ttnunry , 29@2910 , closed at 2'Je May , 82a@32 , closed at 32c. llyo-Dnhl at 5Cc. Barley-Fair demnatul and firm at 62@G2c. Flax Seed-Firmer at 1 39. l'ork-Demand nctlvc , ospocishly In longer deliveries ; opened firm and a sliado higher , but with liberal offerings , advance lst , limt later bocamno stronger , 1.Cj200 lost ; settled back to medium figures and closed steady. Sales , cash $10 90@11 00 , closed $11 90j 11 9 November anti year nominal , 11 90 ( ) 11 93 : January , 11 57@11 80 , closeil at 11 67@11 70 : Felruary 11 72@i1 02 , closed at 11 8061J11 82 ; May , 12 256J12 35 , closed at 12 30. Lard-In good demand : demand chiefly for speculation firmer , and advanced 5@Tc , receded to 2@5c , closed 81.00(17. Sales , cash , 7 b57 60 , closed at 7 L .5@7 7 : November , 7 f2@7G0 closed at 7 527 to December , 7 L'0@7 57. closed 7 t,0@7 52 ; for the year , 7 50@7 55 , closed at 7 & 07 52 ; Tanuary , 7 60bJT ( b7. close1 at 7 6067 fl2 ; February , 7 72@7 80 , closoil at 7 72 ; May , 8 10. Bulk Moats-In fair demandl shoulders , 5 00 short ribs , 6 35 ; short cloarO 70. Butter-Quiet ; creameries , 2t31c ) ; diary , 21@SGc. Eggs-Quiet at 24@25c. On call sales of regularwhost were 1,050,000 bus. corn 520,000 bus. , oats 70,000 bus. , iork ooo6 bble. , larti 12,000 tiercos. Cheese-Market steady and firm choice full cream cheddare , 112@12c ; choice full cream hats , l2@l2.le ; good part skim cheddara and flats 76j8c ; hard skims , 2@ Ic. Hides-Market steady ; moderate inquiry ; groan salt cured light , 8c ; green salt data. aged , Cc ; green salt heavy Ge ; green salt calf , lie : dry salts lie , dry cal' ' , iSo. Tallow-Unchanged ; No. 1 , 62c ; No 2 , 610 ; cake , 7c. OALt. BoAnn.-Whoat - December antI Fobrunry dochinod * c ; May advanced Ac. Corn-Quiet ; advanced Ac for January and iray. Oats-December advanced Ac. Pork-December and year closed at 10 80 , January 11 65@11 67k , February 11 8511 8Th , May 12 32@12 Lard-November , January antI February advanced 2c. ST. LOUIS I'IODUCfl , ST. Louts , November 16.-Wheat-Lower and slow ; No. 2 rod , $1 00@l 01 for coali ; $1 ooa bid for November am ! the year ; $1 02A for December ; $1 0A@1 05 for January. Corn-Lower at 4444c for cash 44c for November ; 422c for December ; 422t-12c for the year ; 42A@ 12o for January. Onts-1irmnor at 26@26o for cash and Dc. comber ; 274@27c for January. 1lyo-I.onIna1. Barley-SOc. Butter-Easier ; dairy , 21@28c ; creamery , 3O(3Gc. 1ggs-21c. Flaxsoed-1 35. hay-Firm ; Prairie , 10 OO11 00 ; tImothy , 11 00c5J15 00. . Jorn Meal-$2 152 30. CLoSINO Bo.tni-Vheat closed quiet at 1 00 bid for November ; 1 01@l 02 for Dc. comber ; 1 OIA@1 01 for January. Corn-Dull at 42t42o for the year. Oats-Nothing done. rEonrA rnotnjcE. PanamA , November 16.-Corn firm ; big mixed , 5Cc ; No. 2 mixed , 48c. Oats-Firma ; No. 2 whIte , 3Oac. Whiskey-Firma at $1 15. NEW TOUK. NEW YonK , November 16.-eatCosh hlrher ; options opened @c bettor , docilned © 2c , closing dull ; ungraded rod , TOe ® ! 12 ; No. 3 red 1 05 ; No. 2 rod , 1 lOj@1 1O. Corn- ash , quiet and steady ; options opened a shade bettor , declined closing dull ; ungraded , f3@60c ; No. 2 , 6Oqj61c. Oats-Opened a shade better closed with the advance partly lost ; mixed western , 35 ® 27c ; white 38@43c. Eggs-ostern fresh , finn and in good do. thand. Pork-Firm and. fairly active ; now moss , 12 00@12 50. Lard-Higher ; prime steam , 7 957 97k. ' LIVEnPOOL. LIVERPOOL , November 16.-Breadstuffs- Steady. . Wheat-Winter , Se 6d@Ds id ; spring , 8s@88 , 6d. Corn-Ss 3d. BALTIBORE. BALTIMORE , November 16.-Wheat-West. em higher , closing easier anti dull ; No. 2 win. tor redcash and N veniber , 1 08@1 081. Corn-Western , about steady but dull ; mixed , cash , STh@572c. Oats-Higher and quiet ; western white , 39 41c ; mixed , 37@39c. Rye-Quiet and firm at G568c. Butter-Firm ; western packed 10@24c ; creamery 27@33c. Eggs-1iher at 29@30c. WhIsky-toady at 1 18@1 18k. KANSAS rnrr , KANSAS Ccrr , November 16.-Wheat--- Steady ; 83gc hid for cash ; 83842o for Do. comber ; 83c hid for tIme year. Corn-Weaker 3T@37o for cash ; 36c for November ; 351c for the year. Oats-Steady at 23o. MILWAUKEE. : MLWAUKEE , Iovomnber ilL-Wheat-Dull and lower ; 'JSu for November ; 9Gb for Do. comber ; 9Tgc for January. Corn-Un8ottledd ; No. 2 , SOc. Oats-Nominally unchangol ; No. 2 , 27jc. Rye-Nominally unchanged ; No. 2 , 55c. Barley-Stronger ; No. 2 Glc.j ! CIEOINNATI. CINOIENATI. November 16. - Wheat - Stronger at 1 OG@1 07 cash. Corn-Finn at 50e. Oats-Easier at 3U@30c. ltyo-.Dnll at SOc. . Lard-Good demand at 7 5Ot7 55. I Bulk meats-Uimlanr'ed. Whisky-Steady at 1 13. TOLEDO. ToLEDo , November 111.-Wheat-Dull and lower ; No. 2 red cash , 1 03.l@1 07. Corn-Duji and drooping ; No , 2 cash , 521 Oats-Quiet and steady ; No. 2 cash and November , 30c. NEW OIILEAMS. Nzw ORLIrAMB , November 16.-Corn-In good : demand ; yellow anti mixed , 61c ; white , n2c. Oats-Easier at 37t33c. orn Meal-Quiet and steady at 2 45 © 0 Pork-Steady and good demand at 11 75. Lard-Firmn tierce , 8 00 ; keg , 8 62k. TItAFFIC. vr.oun AND OUAIN. CncAao , November 16.-Receipts and ship. monte of flour and grain for the 1)ast 24 boom-s have been as follows : Receipts. ShIp't.s. Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 12,000 Vhioat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 103,000 27 000 Ctrn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 191,000 316,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 117,000 Rye. busiwle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 3 000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 86,000 28,000 1C&NsA8 CI , November 16.-Receipts and shmipznonUi of grain for time past 24 hours have boon as follows Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Wheat , bushels , . . . . . . . . , 3-1,000 14,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 13ooo 13,000 NEW Yon , November 16.-Receipts and sfii1)mnenot ) Itotiraud grain for the past2l hours have been as follows : Receipts Shilp't.s. Wheat , bushels , , , . . . . , . , 51,000 32,000 Corn , buslmls. ; . . , . , , . . , . 72.000 200 Oats , bushels , , , , . . . . . . . . 52,000 180 LIVE STOCK. CilloAco , November 16.-Receipts and ship. moats of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Receipt. . . BhI1'ts. I logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 52,000 Cattle. . . . . . . . 38000 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200 Si. Louis , November 16.-Receipts and ship. meats of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon es follows ; : 116001918. Ship'ts. C attle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , iroo isoo Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 1,200 KANSAS CITI , November 16.-ReceIpts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follow , ; Receipt. . Sb ! C attlo.t ( . . . . . . . . 200 : : : : . - _ i _ _ _ _ _ - LLVE STOCK. n-c. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. Sr. LOUIS , Nov. 16.-Cattio---Scarco anti stmng , boat grades tending tip ; exports , 6 SO ® 6 tiC ; good to choice shipping , , S 4O6 00 ; inetlimm to fair , 8 ( ' 5@ 2o ; common , 4 OO ® 4 50 ; stocko anti feotiors , 3 t'O@4 25 ; Texans - ans 3 25@ I 10 ; ItalIans5 404 25. Seep-Stcndy tonI 1mm-tn for best : fair to good , 3 25@3 60 ; Prinie to fancy , 3 75@ I 25 ; Texans , 2 t.O@3 ( ' 0. IAMSAS CITY LIVE STOCK , ICANSAM CIYT , November 16.-Time 1)aily in. dicator reJmrm Cattlo-Narket fairly active strung and sum. chmnngotl imative steers S OOS6 00 ; stoeksrs end footers , 8 r'O@4lo ; Texas steers , 8 75 @ 3 80 ; Coloralo , half-breeds stoors,8 10 ® I SO. lIoga-lIarket o1onoti bruit anti higher , closed easier ; sales at 4 304 55. Sheep-Markot quiet ; natives , 2 10. oItICAOO. CmnoAco , November 16.-TIme Drovers' Jour- nai reports this afternoon as foilowam hogs-Brisk antI isrice lO15c htiglmor ; packing , 4 1S@4 SO ; isacking and shipping , 4 ( ; 0@r , 10 ; light , 4 254 65 ; skips 3 0OTg)4 ) 00. Cattle-Market strung antI active , iOi5c higher ; experts , 6 207 00 ; gootl to choice shlpphsg , 5 0O6 10 ; common to inedisun , 4 255 SO ; Inferior to fair cows , 2 20@3 00 ; unothiuni to good 3 2@3 (50 ( ; stockers , 3 OOSJ 3 60 ; feeders , ! i 9O@4 35 : ranges , strong ; grass Texans , 1OiSc higher at 3 70@4 35 ; Aniericans 4 405 CO. Shoep-teatly ; Inferior to fair , 2 O0t3 00 per cwt. ; mneslium to good , 3 253 711 ; choIce to extra , 4 OO4 65 ; Texas ehmoop , 2 5O@3 SO. OMAHA MABK.ETS. Wholesale rriccs , Orricx or Tin OMAKA Bus. Friday Evening , November 16. Tht following prices are charged retailer. by jobbers , wholesalers and commission moe- chants , with the exception of grain , which quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Grain. Wn.&T-Cash No. 2 , 75e ; INo. 3 , 6Cc. ] IATILEY-CLtMII No. 2 48c , lIvE-Cash No. 3 39c. Cott-No. 2 , 33o. OArs-No. 2. 27Ac. Live Stock. FAT SrKmm-Quiot at 3 OO@3 40. FAT Cows-2 75t3 25. Hoas-4 OO4 15. SnEEr-Firm at 3 OO@3 50. OALVES-Fairquollty4 5O5 OOfgoodbutch- el-si stock , 6 00. FIour and MtllstutTh. WIb-rER WUEAT-BOSt quality , patontat 3 403 50. SEcoND QUALITT-3 OO@3 40. SrmNoV1ueTBost quality , patentat 350360. SKOOND QUALFrT-2 30@3 SO. BRAN-SOC ImOr cwt. CliorrEn FEEn-Per 1 00 lbs. 85c. ConE MEAL-i OO1 10 per cwt SCnEENwQ-GO@70c POmCW General Produce. BUTTER - Fancy creamery 29@31c ; cold storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20 ® 24c ; boat country , . solid packed , 16@20c ; best country , roll , 18@20c ; inferior grades , 10@14c. Receipts continue Ito-go and quality poor. No demand for anything except strictly fancy butter. Enas-Market advancing ; sales to-day at 27c ; market will probably hold at this irico. APPLES-Fancy Jonathan. , $4 SO@5 00 ; fad'cy Ben Davis , $3 604 00 ; fancy Jonet , $3 OO@3 50 ; fancy Wiilowaburg , 3 253 75. Demand good. CuIEmsE-NowYork State full cream , late Soptomnber snake , ide ; New York State full cream 10 hoop lots , 13c ; do full cream , 50 hoop lots , 131c ; do August make , iSo ; do 10 hoop lots , Auvust make , 12c ; do 50 hoop lat. , 121c ; Wisconsin , full cream , 2 In box , 131c ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 132c ; full cream , 12c ; full cretan 10 hoop lotim , 11c ; full cream fiat , , 12c ; full cream Ilata , 11c ; fancy brick cheese , 100 lb cses , 15c ; Lint. burger 13c ; gnuino old Swiss , lOc. POTATOKS-lt000ipts large and prices declining. Consignment. of strictly choice , large sized , stz-aJht potatoes are sellin from SOtoS2c ; mixed cars 25 to 28o an i ht demand ; poncliblows , 35 to 40c. Swxrr PorAToits-Choico yellow , 2@3e. ' ONIoNS-Receipts larger ; choice large red Wethersfleld selling at 40 to SOc. No demand. OABBAOE-Market for choice stock 5 CO ® 6 00 per hundred. Demand good. BEAMS-hand picked navies , 82 753 00 ; hand picked mediums 82 O02 25. Re. coipt. fair demand GAME-l7rairio chickens , per doz. 83 00 to 3 50 ; quaIl , 1 75 to 2 00 ; snipo,1 bo to i. 75 ; ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 009J2 50 ; mixed , 81 50 to 2 00 ; doer saddles 11 to 12c ; cat- cass , 0 tojOc ; antelope saddles , 11 to 12c ; car- cars , 8 to Dc. Demand good. Would advise liberal consignments. Be careful that your game comes to market In nice condition. FilEs ! ; OrsTEan-Selocts , 4Cc ; standards , 4Oc mediums , SOc. PouLTity-Livo chickens , per doz , 2 SO ® full dressed chickens , ior lb. , 1113c ; tur. keys , per lb. , 1416e ; duck , , 1415 ; geese , 11516c. LESIoNS-Extra fancy bar lemons , $8 00 ; fancy Messina lemons , par box , $7 25 ; Ii box lots , Messiima lemon. , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. , $6 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , 85 00 ; do 5 box lots , $4 SO. DATES-Black Arabian , per lb. , 8@JOc ; quarter crate , , lOc. Fiamm-25 lb. keg , , per lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box , layer , per lb. , We ; small oval , per lb. , iSo. CocoANirrs-Extra fine , per 100 , 8 00. CInEa-Pure sweet cider , 22 gal kcnr , $6 00 ; N : . & 1' . clarified , 22 gal keg , 6 00 ; 'M. & P. clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00. J'zas FErr , ritIt E , ETC.-Pigs foot , 15 lb kits , 81 15 i'lgd 40 lb qr bbl , 82 25 pigs feet , 80 lb half IbI , t4 00 ; triyo , 15 lb Icils , $1 15 ; tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , $2 2o ; tripe , 80 lb half bId , $4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb ldts , 2 150 ; pig. tongues , 40 lb qr bid $6 00. Lambs' tongues , 15 lb kits , $2 6. ; 40 lb qr bbl , $6 25. MINCE MEAT-Atmoro's , iSlb buckets ( buckets 25c ) 0c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) , lOc. ; 100th kegs , lOc ; half barrels ilk. ASiS0IITEIIEL.Ly-2-lb stoziojars 12 in case , per dos , 82 25 ; tumbler. ier oz , $1 95 ; schooner , er dozeui , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin can. , 4 dox. in case , 1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in co , 2 10. BULK , IELLIES-Ctlrrant , 30-lb wood pail. , per lb , 8c ; strawberry , 30-lb wood pails per ib , 8c ; raspberry , 3tJ.lb wood pails per ib , 8c blackberry 30-lb wood pail , per lb , 8c ; cral , apple 80-lb wood pails per lb , 8c. AI'rLE ] hurrEut-35-lb woomlon pails , ier Ib , e8 00 ; 5-lb wooden pails , 6 in case , ver case , $350. - PEACH BunEn-20.lb wooslen laIls per Ib , sit 00 ; 5.lb wooden pail , , 0 in case , pet- case , $4 25. Pinessnvum-Iu ( 2O.Ib wooden pails-R..sp. ) berry , 815 00 ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ; 1)011011 , 8i4 OOchorry. ; $1 00 ; tomatoes 814 00 ; plum , $14 00 ; assorted , 5-lb wooden ( , uckot. . , 6 In case , per case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2.lb tin car ; . , 2 ioz in case , nor case , $3 25. NEnILASKA Coima hoNEy-i-lb frames , 2 f-lb cases , iser Ib , 18c. OImANGIa-Louisianns tier bbl , 89 OO do. , box. $5 ( K ) BANANAH-Chofa , per bunch , $3 OO@-1 00. CISANImERIuIm-Fauoy Capo Cod , high color , 814 00 ; boll and bugles ; $12 00 ; bell and cherry , 811 00. Special urices on large lots. ILsy-Ilalod , 8 000j1O 00 pom- ton ; in bulk , 6 0O@0 SO ton. Grocers List. CANNEn Goons-Oyster. ( lltandard ) , per case , 3 703 ( JO ; strawberries , 2 lb. per case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett p ears , per case , 2 40 ; witortlebom-ries , per case , 2 80 ; e g plums , 2 lb per case , 2 00 ; gm-eon gages , Ib , er case 2 96 ; tb choice , S Ib , yer 4 50 ; pine aplfea , 2 lb , per case , 4 81@ ROPE-Sisal ; inch aria larger1 lOla , 1Oc ; I inch , lila. OAMILES-Boxes , 40 11)0 , 16 , , iSo ; 88 , iSo ; boxes 40 lb. , 16 at. , Os , ISo. MATCILES-Per caddie , 3Cc ; round , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. Buaans-Powderod , IOu ; cut loaf , lOc ; granulated , 91 ° ; confectioners' A , SIc ; Stand. ard extra 0 , Sc ; extra 0 , ' ( ic ; mudiuni yellow - low , 7c ; dark yellow , Tic. CotYEln3-Ordlnary grades , 12@12e ; fair 13 ® l3c ; good , 14c ; IcinG , IS15c ; choice 1q14c ; fancygroen and yellow 1ti16o ; old covernment Java , 2026c ; Levering. roasted. f4c1 Arbucklo' . roasted , iSle ; i1cLaugb1n' , ronate , 18e1xndtaUoujaya ; _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . - - - p - - - UTcR-Louislanm prime to choioo , 7c ; fair 0c' l'atma , 6c. Fi-Nn. 1 mackarol , half brie. 8 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , .cits , 1 15 ; famIly mzmekerel , half urIs. , 6 00 ; fatally mackerel kit. ' DOe ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , , 7 ( tO ; o. 1 'kits I 05. Srnup-St.andard Cons. , 8Cc , huh. ; 3tandan1 do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard doI gallon kegs , 1 60. SonA-In lb ispomS SO Poe case ; keg Per ib , 2o. PmcKt.nu-Methinm , Ii ; barrels , 7 00 ; mm In hail barols , 4 00 ; small In iumrntts , 8 00 ; do in half barrels 75 ; ghiorkiisj in barrels , LI 00 ; tb in hail barrels , S 00. 'l'EAS-GtmpoiVdCr , pod , 45SSc ; choice 60 . 7Cc ; good imperial , 4013c ; choice , ( .456Se ; ' 05111K ilyanui , good , 8m3SOo : choice , Ck'SCi 00 ; .lalnsn natural loaf SSe ; Jms1san , choice , 13075c ; olong , good , 3.i4Oc ; Oolong , choice , 4O ® ° ; Souchoug , good , 8S40o ; choice , S545 ° . WoonatvAuB-Tivo hoop 1)5118 , 1 85 thu-co boon Dalls 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; i'm. noer wn.'hboiiri , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Welibuckots 8 85. SoArs-drk's Seven Imperial , B 45 ; Kirk' , satinet , 8 60 ; Kirk's stantiani , 3 75 ; lUrk's white lturslan , 5 25 ; Kirk's entoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's l'rairlo Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40e ; Kirk' , magnolia , tier. l'orAsn-Ponnsylvanis cans , 4 case , in case , 3 35 ; Babbltts ball 2 tier , in case , 1 90 ; Anchor ball , 2 deL in ca-se , 1 50. CANny-Ft-ouch mixed , in SO lb. vail. , ISo ; American mixed. in SO lb jtaiis , lIe ; Brilliant mlxetl In SO II ) pails , i4c ; Nobby mixed , in SO lb isails iSo' Comnimet-Ititiui inixoil , In 30 lb iails. 1e ; Excolslor stick , 30 lb pails ISo ; double retined , 80 lb pail , , 13c Crystal iimxed , 30 lb nails , iSo ; Ohti Time mixed , 80 lb i'aIls , i-Ic ; Tip Top , ntixetl , 30 lb isalis , ISo ; Flirt , mixed 30 lb isails , 11c ; Flirt , stick , 30 lb pails , i1c ; 'rip Top , stick , 30 lb isails 12c. VINKOAU-New York apple Ilk ; ditio l' plo , iso. SALr-Dray loatis , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashton , ii ; sacks S SO ; bbl. dairy 60 , Ss , 3 30. SrAucn-l'earl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corn Start.h , Oc ; Excelsior Gloss 7Ac ; Corn , 8c. Srmcas-l'opper , 170 01159iCe , 1Cc ; cloves 25c ; cassia , iSo. LYE-American 8 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; worth Star , 2 00 ; Leeds' lye 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75. Dry Goode. BnowK Co-rroNs-Atlantio A 8c ; Apple ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; i3oot FF 8c , Buckeye liii , 4-4 , 7c Cabot 'mY , 71 ° ; ddtto. nango A 61c Greatallsi SIc ; lloosier,6c ; Hoiest\,9dtf , So ; Indian head A , Sc ; Indian Stnntiau-d A , Sc ; Imulien Orchard , d. iv. , 72c ; Lawrence Lii , 6c ; Mystic River , 7c ; l'equot A , 82c ; Utica C , 5cVaclmusott ; B , 72 ° ; do A 810 tioE48l2Ac. FtNE BuowN COrIONS-Allendalo 44 7o , AllIgator 3.4 , 3o. Argyle 4--I , 72c Atfantic LL , 61c ; Badger tate X 4.4 , 6e ; 1onnington C 44 , 6c ; Buckeye S I-4 , GAo ; Indian Orchard AA 11-S 8o ; Laconla 0 39 , 8c ; Lehigh B 4-4 Ole ; Poppem-ell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do iL si. 72c ; do B 39 , 8c ; Pocassot C 4-i , 72c ; Wamsutta 4-I. 13g. Bacimnn CorroNe-Androscoggin L 4-I Oc ; Blackstone .A.A imperici 82c ; do do halt blenched 4.4 Pc Cabot 4-4 4-4 ; - , 82c ; Fidelity - , 0o ; Fm-tilt o the Loom , 9lc ; do cambric 4-4 121 do Water Twist , i0c ; Great ] all. Q , Do InJian Head shrunk 4.4 , 12c ; Lon.dalo , lOc' 0 cambric 37 , Bile ; New York Mills , i2o Pequot A , 100 ; l'epperel , N G Twi1l , , 1210 Pocahontas 4.4 , 9c : l'ocasset 5-4 , 82 ; UtIca , lie ; Wanisutta 0 X N ' 12o DUCKS ( Colorod-Al'bany ) B brown , 8c do 0 , drab lie ; do XX stripes and plaids , 12 I.2c ; do XXk brown and drab , stripes ami llaids , 12 1.20 ; Arlington fancy , ilk ; Brunswick brown , 8 1-2c ; chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; do ex tat heavy , 20c ; Fall Rivom-brown , extraheavy , 11 1.2c ; Indiana A brown , iSo ; Noponset A brown , iSo , TI0INOS-Amoskoag A C A 32 , ilk ; do XX blue 32 18 i.2c ; Arrowanna , 9 i-2c ; Clara mont B 15 i-2c ; Cono.toga , extra , 17 1.2c ; Hamilton i. ) , 11 1-2c ; Lewiston A 30 , iSo ; ? n nehaha 4.4 , 20c- Omega , stper extra ' 1-4 , 2 ; Pearl River 3 , 16 1-Ic ; 1 utnam X. bl510 .tripe , i2c Shetucket 5 , 10 l.2c ; do 58 , 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , Dc. DENIMS-Amoskoag , blue and brown,16 1.2c ; Andover Dl ) blue , 15 1-2c ; Arlimgton ; X blue Scotch , 18 1-2o Concord 000 , blue and brown , 12 1-2c ; so AAA , do do , 13 1-2 ; do XX to do do , 14 1-2c ; Haymaker's blue and brown 9 1-2c Mystic River DD stripe , 16 i-2c ; Pearl Itiver , Llue.and brown , 1Cc ; Uncesylhlo blue and brown , 14 1-2c. OAnnnIcs-Barziard , SAc ; Eddy.tono lining , 24 inch double face , 8o ; Garner A glazed , bc ; Maiihattan glove finish , 5o ; Newport do. &c do glazed , 5c ; Pequot do , So ; Lockwood cid finish , Go. Consmn JEANB-AiflC 17 Androscoggiu satt.een , 82c ; Clarendon CJIIOStOggn sat. teens , 74c ; Hallowell , Sc ; Iurian Orchard , 7c ; Narragansett , improved , 8c ; Fepperill sat- . teen , 9c ; Rockport , Go. I'niurs-Allen , , Cc ; American , 6o ; Arnido , 6c ; Berwick , 49o ; Cocbooo , G Conestoga , 68c ; JYankirlc , 6c Dunnehl , G@7c ; kddytono , 6c ; Gloucester , ( flc- Harmony , Wjc ; Knickerbocker , 6c ; Merrimnac b , c ; tmIystk , 5c ; Spraguos Cc ; Southbi-idge , 1k ; do GInghams , Tc ; Marl. born , 520 ; Oriental , SIc , GINOIr.um-Amoslceag. 0c ; Argyle , Sc ; Atlantic , 8o ; Cuinhcrland , 7o ; highland , 71c ; Kenilworth , DIe ; Plunkstt , 01c Sussex , Sc. CQn0NADES-Abborvillo , ISle ; Agate , 2Oct American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; tkiiro 1) and T , 131c ; Clarion 1) and T , 171c ; Decan Co. stripe. D and T , 16cr Keyitono , iSle ; Nan tucket ' lOc' Nonpareil , iCc ; Ocean 1) antI T , 131c ; i'toyaf , lGIc'Sussox , 12c ; ' .l'ioga , Wachu. eott shirtimig chiocfcs , l2lc ; do Nanldn i2Ic , York , plain Nankin , 121c ; do checks , stripes vnd fancy 121c ; do 8 oz , 20o. SnucutrlKos-Ansiroscoggin 10.4 271c ; do 9.4 23c' do 3--i 22c Continental . , - , : 0 .12. lIc ; Fruit ot the Loom 10-4 ; 27cNew ; Yorkmn II. 08. 3Cc ; do 78 , 31k ; do 55 , 2210 ; l'olnbroke 10-4 , 2Cc ; Pequot 10-4 , 281c ; do 74 , iDe ; do10 , 1Cc ; 1'opcaeJl 90 , 20c ; tin 67 , 21c ; do 7 , 18c ; Utica 90 , 3Cc ; do 58 , 22ic ; do 48 , iyc , PalntsOIls and Varnishes. Oas-liO ° carbon , nor gallon , ISo ; 150 ° headlight , vor gallon , iSa ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , 20c ; 150 ° vnter white , IDe ; lin seed , raw , ; 1r gallon,55o ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , SSaLartI , winter str'd , ) OF gtilhui , hOc : o. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , COo ; caster , X , her gal. lou , 1 50' No. 3 , 1 30 sweet , per gallon 85o ; BlsOrzfl % sT.B. , gallim , 1 60 ; fish "m'i. B. , pergailon , 65c : neat-slootextra , nor gafioli , DOc ; No. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 3Oc ; summer , iSo ; golden machine , No. 1 , per ral. Ion , 3Cc ; No. , 2Cc ; epcnn , signal , vor gallon , 800 . ; turpentIne , per gallon , 5Cc ; naptha , 74 ° , 9 ° ' gallon , ISo. PAZEx-is IN Ozt.-White load. Omaha F , P. Ge ; white lead , St. Louis i''m-e ' , Ojo ; Marseilles green 1 to 5 lb cans , 260 ; French ; zinc green coal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; i'rcnc1m zinc , In varnish nest , 20c ; Fiench zinc. In oil MimI , iSo ; raw antI bum-nt umber , 1 lb caims , bc ; raw and bum-nt Sietmna , IOo ; vandyke brown 1303 efinod hmunpblaclc , 12c ; coach ; black , and ivory black , iSo ; drop black , 1Cc ; l'ressian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , ISo ; cliromno gm-coil L. M. & B. 1Cc ; bhlfid anti shutter groan , I , Si. & B. , 6o.i'nr1e ; green5 ISo' Indiami red , iSo ; Vonotint red Oc ; ! .Pwmcan rotf , 22c ; Amen. can Vcrmniflou 1. & p. l8o ; chrome yellow Ij. M. , 0. & 1) , 0. , 1c ; yellow edo-c , Do ; goltlen echos , 6o , patent ilryor , Fe ; gralning colors. light oak , dat-k oak , walnut , ch taut and ash , iSo. flry l'v1nfa. White lead , Sc ; French zinc , ilk ; Paris whiting , 21c ; whIting giltiers , l&c ; whiting corn' ! 14c ; lainpblaclc , ( iormant.own , . 1.Ic ; lamphlack , ordinary , JOe ; l'numsian blue , 5Cc ; ultrsuuirine , iSo ; vaudyko , brown , So ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , Ic ; sienna , bum-nt , do ; sienna , raw , do ; l'anis gm-cell , genulno 25c ; l1at i. greouu , comnnioui 2Oc ; chrome green , kY , , 2Cc ; ohtromno groeuu IL , 12c ; vermlihioui , Bug. , TOo ; vom-nilllion , Itmnonican , iSo ; Inliun , rod , iOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cqu.os. , 22c ; Venetian roti , American ljc ! red load , 7c ; chromne yellow , genuine , .Oc ; cimnome yel. low , IC. , i2c-oclmro , nochellu 3cochtw : , itnouchu , 2c ; echo-c , Asrierican , 2crIiiter ; mineral , 2jo , ; lelmigh browim , 2ic ; l3Pamuishi browit , 21e ; 1 rtsmce's mineral Sc. VAnNusmtts-iarre1s ver , gahlonm Furniture - turo , extra , 81. 10 ; furnIture , iso. 1 , 81 ; coach ; , extra , 81 4O coach , No. 1 , 8i 20 ; Damum- , extra , $1 711Japaui ; , TOcwq'haltumn ; ' , extra , SSo ; shellac , $3 SO ; hard oil fiutisli , $1 504 Lent her. ado , 38o to 42c hemlock soo28e ! to Sflc ; IcIi ) , si kl [ ) , SOc IA ) i 00 ; runner 650 to 800 ; 0(18 (1 calf , 8Cc to 1 20 ; huenilock uipor , 23c to 200 oak umnor 21c ; alligator 4 00 to S ( tO ; call kid , 323. d1i801j kid , 2 tO to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French ki1' , 1 10 I.e 1 55 ; French ; calf , I. 25 to 2 00 ; ru.- sets , t ; rio to 7 ftC ; linings , 6 00 to 10 ( tO ; toji. sting. , 9 00 to 10 50 ; 13. li Morocco , SOc to 35o ; 94bble 0 , D , Morocco , 3Cc ; simon 2 ( tO to 300. llAitnaies-No. 1 etar oak , d01 No 2 do , SUc - ; No. 1 OhIo . Qak. 88cm No , sin Mn' - - - - - - flldoq. Dull and ivcak gi-ron butchers , Go ; green salted , Th@Tic ; dry flint , 12lBc ; dry salt , iOSjlllc ; damnagoti huitios , two.thiirds i'm-ice. TAttow-Oc. SimEe Pz-s-23e1 00.1 -1 Wool.j Mnrhio unwesliomi , light , lIrc ; heavy , 13ijlr.c ; niemlituit sumiis'nshietl , light , lSflJ'2Oo ; ivashotl , choice , 32o ; fair , 800 ; tub auth wwmhctl , DSc ; bum-my , block amid coIled vool , 26O hum rer. Wl'otE-'iALr. ' \Vo quote lumber lath ; amid shimtglcs on oars at Omaha at the following prices ; .bois ANn SCANTL1NO-iG ft. anti statler 2200 ; 181t,231t0. PlMnEuts-16 foot and smiler , 2200. TInnER AND ,1oui'-i8 ft , 23 50 ; 20 fI , 23 50 ; 22ft , 20t.Os2I ; it , 26 50. Fr.czNa-No. 1 , .1 and 6 1 ; ; , , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SuErrnrn-No. 1 (2d'commoui ( beam-il. ) , 20 00 ; No.2,1800. lathtEPer barrel , I 23 ; bulk ior bushel' 8Cc ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; lwa , imlastor bbl , 2 50 ; hair Per ha. (001 Ton-ed felt , LOO lts , a 50 ; strait board,3 ISO , llemvry Hardware List. Iron , rates , 2 GO ; plow steel special cast , 7c crucible , So ; special or German , Ge- cast ton ! do , 1520 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 oo lush. Per sot. 1 25 ; felines saweti tiny , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70SSc ; r.xles each , TISe' square nut. icr II , , 7llo' ivashmors , en lb 8JjlSo ; rivets , von lb , 110 ; coil chain , per It' , ? @J12e ; nuslloablts , So Iron wedge. , Go : crowbars Ge ; luwrmsw teeth do ; spring tool , 78o ; Iiuren'a hiorsohioce , 5 25 Burtlen' , uituicshmoes , 6 25 , BAnnED \Vins-lu car lots , So von 100. NAI.s-ltustes , 10 to 60 , 3 20. SHOT-shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 iO oriental powmier , kegs , 0 40 ; do. , half kegs , i 48 ; do. , qtiarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; mao , . I' ' ° ' 100 foot , tOo. LEAI-Bar , 1 65. CoAa-Cmnbcrlaml hlackiuunith , 10 00 : Mor- rls nut Illossburg , 10 \Vhitebrenst ; lump , I ; \Viitobi-onst ; mint , S 00 ; Iowa lamp , 5 00 ; Iowa tint , 5 00 ; flock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthma. cite , 11 2511 50 ; Cnsoii City , 7 00 , per ton , Liquors , ALcouoa-188 Isrommi , 2 25 r'r wino gallon extra Califorutia sisinits , l81 ; rdnl , 1 25 per im- ° ° f gallon ; triple reline-i .u1t. , 187 proof , 1 23 von proof gallon ; zs dtstihletl vhiiskies , I 0O5IJ1 50 ; fine blentlod , 1 LS02 ISO' Ken. Lucky bourbons , 2 OO7 00 ; Kentucfcy and Ponuisylvania ryes , 2 OO7 00. BUNIIES-lInport.ed ; , 6 0Ob6 00 ; domnostlo 1 dO-I 00. GINS-Imported , 4 SO6 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 3 00. Itusus-Imuportod , 4 5Ofl 00 ; New England , 2 0O@4 00 ; domestIc , 1 503 50. l'zAdn AN ; ) ArrLE BnANar-i 74 00. CumAturAuNucs-Importod vor case 28 CO ® 31 00 ; Aunoticiui , ver case , 12 O0i6 o. Tobaccos , PLea TonAccoClimax , tOo' Bullion tOo ; Horseshoe , ( tOo' Star toe ; ilumidy , 4Cc ; Her. soy's , 'ISo ; Bliscfc , 3SSh4Oc. 1'ZNR Ctrr-Comuuion , 2030o ; good , 45 ® GOc ; Itoso I4oaf , TOo ; l'remuiumn , 6Cc ; Diamond Crown , SSe ; Sweet iilxtoen , 47c. SsoKlNo-O. S. , Die ; Meerscliaum , 28c ; Dun- 1mm , S or. , bSo ; Dam-hiatt , 4 or. 57c ; Durham , 2 or. , 5So Seal of Not-tb Carolina , 8 or. , SSc Seal of orthi Carolina , 4 or. 570 ; Seal North Carolina , 2 ox. , GOc ; 0. IC. Dnrhatn , 4 or. , 28c ; 0. K. Durhmnir , 2 ox. , BOo ; Uncle Nod , 1" , 200 ; Tom anti Jerry , 23o. DENVER MA1UCET Cunna MEATS AND LARn-Ilains 16@162c breakfast bee-u ; , 15ItSIc ; smoked aides , U @ 11k ; salt sides , SI@lOc ; lard , lob. GlUtEN FRUIT AND1'IIODUOK-VotatoeS , SO ® 750 per iOO pound , ; notatoes , sweet , ItCI 100 rounds , 2 2b2 75 ; onIon. , per 100 pounds , l 5O2 00 ; tomatoes per pound , 213o ; turnips , ver lb , be' dolorado cabbage , new , per 100 , 85cL 00 ; ilve chickens , old per do ; $4 0051J4 25prairle ; chickens imr doz , $ 0O(3 ISO ; eggs , fresh , per doz , 2851J31c ; butter , fair qual. ity creamery , finest per Ib , 35@&i ; creamery , mood , per Ib , 28@34c ; lCnnsas and Nebraska dairy , per lb , 23@24c ; cooking , 8@bOc ; chiesso , full crczun , er lb l6I17c ; apples per bbl , eastern , 8.1 75@6 (10 ; grapes , per lb. IS@6c ; California pears , vr box 325 c3 55 ; vlums , 20 lb box 2 002 So ; Messina - sina lemons , extra , per box 7 0O@8 00 ; Cole. rado wheat , per 100 lb $1 O1 38 ; flour , Cal. nm-ado vor 100 lb , $2 O@2 25 ; flour , patent , 82 OO(3 00 ; flour , Kansas , per 100 lb 32 70@ 3 00 ; flour , Graham , Iter 100 ib , $2 OO2 50 ; flour , rye , lion 100 lb $2 50@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat - wheat , per bbl $11 10l2 50 ; cam-n meal , ver 100 lbs , $1 65t1 85 ; cot-n , ver 100 lb. , 81 27 ® 1 30 ; cam-mi chop , per iOOlbs $1 3O@1 33 ; now oats , per 100 lbs $1 3Sl 'Is ; oatsNebraskn , mixed , vor iOO lb. Si 3O@i 40 ; oats , Nebraska , white , per iOO Ibs , 81 35@i 45 ; oats , Colorado , per 100 lbs $1 251 :35 : ; barley , Jier 100 lb. , $1 5O@l 7d ; mixed chop , ver 100 lb. , $1 33 © 1 40 ; brais , von ton , 817 OO@l9 00 ; hay , loose , ner ton $12 00(5Jl6 ( 00 ; baled second bottom , $10 0Oc12 00 ; baled upland , $14 OO17 OO clover , von ton , $20 00 ; straw , ver ton , $8 o6 @ 900. . r3 tI ' VI r tJl Jkri c ri - ' _ _ _ b1 ii - ! . . 2 Ii UMPF1REYS n OMT'NAI ' y1 V EsPECIfIC FOR TI11 CURB OP ALL DISIABE8 Oil' hUGS , TOll Twr\rY 'YEAIUI hfumzhirevi" hloro. inIliIO Vnirrinhify 3ieciItc. ; 1.1150 hecO mi.cd ly % lrer. , $ lmt-it Jjrrcders LIvt'ry Hut coma F , , r111 , . ' IIorjn'IIuIIrU''Je , , sInmeciIIn6rM , iio tipaiifr , 'Irea mm- stud , , . and utbers Ztnwiu1u etuct , ' : , ! cnImunrv lnanI , ( D pp Stilt ( ri-u liy , , , ali oil r-ecl ; of ; .nicc. Ut elitS g'1'snplik'I. , cciii free onai.llattlOli ; IIV"Il'IIIIliS'H iiOMEOi'ATliiJ SiltiCO , IOU l'uitou bleed , 1ew Yurb. NERVOUS DEBILITY iuuisinuIIflrID' vital Wckne1 $ and Pros. pIlI'rflnr i tratlon from oyersork . or .11 : ; SatlI.cretion , 8 n . antli.rotflPtlr m.urc lisen In use years , I'i t - -tatb.nostbUCcOU- UI C iulrmnedkDOWfl. I'm-less pony a _ , ( Jare vlsi of powder ( or $1. -a.- - : 'W'1 0 , M. LEIGHTON. ir. T , Orfl LEIGHTON & CLARKE , 7 ! 4 ( SUCCESSORS TO KF.NNA8D BROS. Ii CO. ) Wholesale Driiggiste I -DEALERS IN- . . Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class Q OMAhA , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. GBURUNGTON 1-FOUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington . & Qulnoy Railroad. ) - - - - o & & ti A- ' ; _ _ _ _ x - f 0 0 . . 'I' . . 4. _ \ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ 0 : _ - : - - _ , _ --Q . _ 0 _ _ _ - 'I. , - SI y - at x si 'jh : .o. , - COINC EAST AND WEST. I COINC NOITH AND SOU1. ' Elegant Day Coaches , Parlor Caiw. with Bechin I Solid Train. of Elegant Da Coaches aa Pull- lug Chairs ( kau ; free ) , ansoklnr Care , wiLls 150' I man Palace Sleeping Cars are rut ; daily 4o and relying Chairs Pullman l'ahieo sfe'ping car. anti I tm-ama St Lows. via Hannibal , lii , , tamest , C. Ii. . Q. Dining Cars run daily to and I llurlington Cedar ltitpkls and % From Chicago 1t Kansas City , Chkiago ,5 Council Paul anti isitnneapoiis ; I'arlorCau-.wlth Itecllnirns fl oltirts , Cltfcsgo & Des Moines Chicago , IlL Jo- . Chairs to and from St. Louis and Poem-Ia nnt1tm , sepi ; , Atchison .t Tonekms , Only through line be. I antI from fit Louis and OttumwL Only otw t tweeti Chicago , UneoTh .t Denver. ThrouIu ens-s I change of cars between St. I.ouls and Dj - between Itittlanispoti. . Council Illume via Lconia , I Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Mi connecUons tactic in Union Icnots. It li Colorodo. DelvCLj known . as the groatTlIIt000iL CAR LfNE. I it t universally admitd to bo the Fhnrnt Equipped RsIlrond in the World for nil Chisson of TravOI. " ' . P. 3 , I'OrIER. &t Vlco-Vres' & and Gout Manager. PU1CEVAL LOWIIL.L- . Pose. Am't. Chi&m. - - - - - - - - - - - - -t , j II' . . IJIIcxEjgD : , MA2U1'AOTU1tEIt OF , - _ t Calvaoiied IroCornics , Niodo CapSIFiD1aI 1 ! SkvIlghteo Thirteenth Street Neb ii . , A 9 - - - - 4 ; PRPOTIO1 , A ' - IN I - . 1 . . . tIc : Heating and Bainng -J . 1J v G' Is only attalmictl by using . . - - - - CHARTER - - - OAK - ' . S StovesandRanges , . 9' 4 . ' YITH IHE AU1E OYR [ DOOhS ' I ' MILTONROG1RS&SON8 Fotr'oby OMAHA- : V M. EELLMAN - . CO. , V - . . - V V a.'W'1 4'j Wholesale Clothiers ! V . t \ ' 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE7 COR. 13711 , V OMAhA , . I . . NE131tASWV ; 1V Double and $ inqlo Acting Power and Hand V 1 : PUMPS , STBAM PUMPS , V : V _ : : 9 Engine Trimmings , tIining MachiinoryIBulting , fore , Brass and Iron Fittings Steam Packilig at wholesale and romail. HALLADA WIND-MILLS , CIJUILOB AND SCHOOL BELLS. V Corner 10th Parnam St. , Omaha Web. : V. - , . : V t HENRY LEHMANN V . - JOBBER 0F a I S a11 Paper au Sliaffes1 , V V V V + V ( I V EASTEM PRI ES DUPLiCATED ) V V ' 1118 FARNAM STREET , . . OIIAflA NEB.V V ISPECIAL NOTICE TO V : t' .Grower of Live Stock aiid Others.V k WE CALL YOUR ATTEITIOJ O V V VV V - - : Our Ground Oil Cake. : ) It I. the hOSt and cheapest food for clock of any kind , One Iound I. equal to three pound , of oc a took ted with Oround Oil Cake in the iiII and Yinter , Instead of runtmln down , will Increase In weigh ; end be in good mzrkotabio cordltlou ; in time eprIn. Dairymen , as well as others , who use it. can testily V its . merits. . Try it and Judge for your.olycs.1 r oe 25.oo cr Semi ; no charge for sacks. Address o4.ood.me O01)IAN UNSEID : OIL COMPANY Omaha VV'i C. F. GOODMAN , V Wholesale Druggist I . . V V 9V ANDDEALERIN Puts Oils Yarilisiles aild ¶ illdO ifiass 'OMAHA , NEIIRAS/A. a VV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fO.ijte dtcuitbir.aUoOfl'tO- otJrcoi , J'c'uniars V , , . 1Iti'j 84t4t1'lluspfvruiftI V Cs pcsialablo ( us-W , .F'or . . XhfZily , Loss 'if 4ppo. _ _ _ _ fIWJ'rowfrrztiutsof . 'eei . V Jmoiit Sic , s ivitljspensa. ILEV.A,11OflB Writes- : V' ' IIION After TONIC a thoronih , I tuna trial of the pjj Induatry , aa7s- : ' . . - - in etatirn : that : i : have bean V greatly benetlt.od by its . oat cxoolient roracdy . , use. ttintatore and 1'ub. ' ob11itatut1v1talforce. r 110 SPOLSkOrU will fInd It of the greatest vsiuo : where Tonlola necea Lary. . I recommend I i , ; - .t reliable z-emadla avant , yosaosuinrc S . - . aoubte tora nutritive anc - VV 0 . - V