- - - - - - _ - - - _ THE - * _ . _ _ _ - Real / \ \ . . . , , ' Estate BAkIRrGAINS . -IN- . . . 4. City , uhuraii and Farm . Property. I. we : . have aiFiuo ! . Tract - Bargain. near Oontev of City . Whioja . is a . . fPECIAL. . . . el.150-FulI lot wth b rcom house on 15th St. betweefl Ccnter ttiI 1)orcM. Goott ccUar , barti , . . coal house , cistern , eklowalkg , hrubbur' , etc. Orcntflargalti. $3OO-Jcautttu1 lot with 4 room liouo , good. cellar , large c1osct , etc. Sightly lotmtlon. 118 ? 3,300-Lot 97x132 , With 7 rooni cottage on Shot. man avcnuobetwecii Shonnan nod C1atktrcets. Good pronerty. - Io P2,300-Two beautiful loth In McCornilek'a add ! . ton ! , on Farnarn Btrcet. . 119 3StO-1tecsc IIaco , Park avenue , full. lot. now , tWo stoy house , 7 rooms , good collar and coat heds , city water , t0003 and all ! mprovcmonto. , . HaraIn. . . . : 121 $12.OCO.thLOt 6X18S On 11th St , In tCountzo'i . 4t1& athiltion. House 4 largo roorn , lot bca tl. tuUy Iocatcd and Ii really worth much more. 1tenon for 8e1tIi , inttt have money. 122 $ l,2.Q-ach three beautiful ot In itooso Place , l'ark avenue on easy terms r . 121 $1,500-half lob on Saund.rs street. Ocoil house 4 rooms , good closets , patitry , stable , vel1 , ei tern porch front and rear. Price $1,300 , two. tIitrd 11 , ! Is a bargain. Must be sold by the ! Oth or will be withdrawn froinaale. - . Improved Property. ' ,5G3-12 room house , cor. lBth 80(1 CatUornla btrccts , C closets , cellar , city water , outhousce , etc. . ,7Oa-8 room hous on N. 18th etrcct , closets , cellar , ciotern , wcll , etc. DooroaD & Soesic. ettOdO-Oood six room huso on Davenport , bet. 8d and 24th , two story o oct , ! ) antry collar cistern , well , ult aui shrubbery , statto anti outhouses. . 3.2OO-Fall size lot on l.feCandlteh place , WIth two trcue cotLao , one S moth , ona. 3 roorr. . For sate or oxchno. 2,1OO-Good two and is half acre lot with the room cottage , brtck.ccllar , ell , fruttree , etc. 0cc of the best three or brlckbntthcss ho . on Farnam strect. Terms private. 3OO-New7 room houco on N. 16th 8troct. A. modern iniprovemcnts. Good location. Oh cap 9 $5.300-Ncw two story house Quocu An etlb. A ! ! modern Improvements , city water lot box 100. 2 Two full tote St. Mary's evenue and 20th , wIth S ( houses. Will be first class busIness property. Terms easy. ' 4,70O-Lot fdx00 , wit ! . two houtes. Cheap. 0 e2,000-Two houses In Nelson a addition , on Ceo. tee street. Outnouses , cistern , fruit trees , etc. Business house and lot oil vou1ai slices , Ucu . . 14th and 15th. Terms ecey. - - 4 Now 8 room houseonChlcago. bet. 24thand 25th. AU improvements. . - . elx &nd other 8 . Two new houses , one & rooms. . First.class and modern improvements. Terms 4 : Easy . - - . 56 2 700-Lot 100x132. College Street , ItedIcle' . enjidivision , new S room house. Well improved. , 65 $2,500-Lot bOxlOO , Convent street , reom cot. \ . . . tago , large basement uitabIe for rooms. barn , t. ste. . 2SO0-8 4nom house , Thornell'e addition. barn , . ' \ . well , cisLen , good improvements , 500 cash , l 800 on long time. . . - e4,200-7 room house on Davenport , bet. 1th . . - indl7th. vi . 45 Lot 175x500 onherman , large house. barn and t . _ ether Improvements. Lot without improvo. - , . . . mentsisworththoinoneyWoosktOrit. . 47 Two now houses and two full Bite lots on Park , . . . . . avenuo. blot and cold water , antS a ! .niodern ' : flrstclaSs initwovoments. Ilousoe wbuld cost . . what wo asIc for whole. Extra good bargain. , - 48 f2,600-LOt 82x100 , cor. 17th and Center , house . . 4 rooms , barn , water , trees , outbuildings. 41 t2,000-Five room house , l8tia bet. California , . Webster. Nice property. Terms easy. o l,5o0-Lot 0 , block S. hlnn's 2d addition. One and a halfetory house. Terms easy. 62 3,000-Oood 7 room house onShorinan. . ! odern improvements , stable , Well , cistern. A bargain. 53 6U0O-Full lot , one 8 room and one 5 room . house , now , 5 blocks from the opera house. Very r , . cheap. . C2 a13,500-Splendldtot on fledge , near 15th. Chea . . . 63 8,000-Largo house and smal cottage. Exoc. , - . location full size lot Davenport near 10th. E5 ,60O-Lot 6OxtCO , good 0 room house , modern . nsprovcments , near business on Sherman aye. . 2 fl,500-Two lots , 126x140 , with house etable etc. llarkcr'a Bub4ivialon. . . . 03 el,000-Lot and a half , good house , Itedlck'a sub. , - . - t1Ilon ! , ( corner. ) , 05 Lot with 1' room houst , Chicago , bet. 13th and . 14th. . . , 01 1,500-LOt and 5 room house. Iforbach's adil. 't . tion , well , cistern , etc. Everything fu cool ro. 0. , ear. , ; . . , 102 950-Lut and4roonahouse.lzard , bet. 10th and , . . . 17th , ' - . Unimproved Property FOR SALE DY 11IDFOR.tSOUE11. No. 2 S1ooo-Lt 60x127 , Indiana and Dlson. ! . 8 7OO cacli-To lotsOOxi32 each , on 11th. Cheap , anti 2 lots OOxlS2 each on 10th. 11 2ti0 each- ? lots In Yates & ltccds addition. 23 p7,200-12 full Ire lots , llt.useom 1lac , one block vest of l'aek avenue. ebOo each-Two lots on l'aek avenue. Bargains. Iluelness lots on Dodge. between title and 12th. 81 4OO-Lot In Shlnn' allition , on S ward trect. 83 $3,000-Full lot , Itced's 1st addll ian , on 25th and Chicago. 40 c5,0OU-dx good Iota In llanscorn 1'laoe. liar gains. 54 * d,000-Lot 50x120 , on Farnam , near 20th. Vo cheap. 50 Four acres loWest Omaha. ho $100-Lot it Issacs & Scldcns addition. 00 81,000-Fine lot Iteddick's addition , L'arlc aye. 84 1OO-52 feet of Idoche 11 , Shihnn' addition. Fins 'Iow. so ? 2,200-Lot dixCOun 10th. Business property worth twice the price asked. 01 $3,000-Full size graded lob on Chicago. .bat. 13th and 14th. 03 fdOO-000d lot , high location , south 10th. 100 5O00-33x1S2 on 10th , bat. Ilarney and 110w. aid. 103 $750 each-Two extra good lot In flaneoms addition. Coolbigh locatiot. Bargains in Farms & Lands NO. 10 $27 perrtcre-100 acre improve. ! farm , near Cres. ton , Iowa , 10 acres woodland , 45 acres corn , 26 acres Timothy and Clover. 111 e4,000-4o acres 3 4 of a mile west of Ft. Omaha two houses , two barns , gronary , corn crib , two wolhs , . .00 bearing fruit trees , 800 grape luos. Will sell or exchange. 14 $7,000-200 acres , hahf mile N. W. Elkhiorn , 140 acrcsln cultivation , balance isturo. Four room house , stable , etc. Tories easy. 61 $ oco-ieo acres good land , 4 1.i miles from blur. hlngton , Coffco county , liansas. Will exchange for Omaha property. 61 $8,400-240 acres adjoining city of Wilber , S.1lne county. All Under fence and well improycd. This property Is cheap 810,000. 00 u p . .4w0400 acres , 8 mIles from Waterloo , Douglas ceunto. Past in rnltlvaunn bainnon meadow , all good land. Wl ! sell or will arrange % slth cattle man for co.partnershilp. or will con tract to feel 200 or 400 head of cattle. TO to 82-10.000 acres in Merrichc county. Good till able land , and will be eohd from 8 to $9 per acre. 80 7 per acre-Will buy 160 acres in Cedai Co. 0 $15. per acro-820 acres 2 mllcs from hamburg Iowa. 97 815. per acro-Improvcd near Logan Iowa. 10 $ Several hundrch acres in Cuming Co. Nob. 105 Six thousatid acres in Stanton Co. Nob. 107 t'bOper acre-2200 acres timbered but in Ray Co.Mo. three smallfarins ontnls land , balance good cottonwood timber , which will more than itay far investment. For sate or exchange Omaha property. - SPECIAL. 108 2,2O0-Lot 211x220 , our. 17th and bchiview St. , south Omaha , near iiascahl' lark , brick house , fourrooms well , cibtorn , stable , collar. All in good cojinition and nearly iiow. 0g 25 Per acre-400 acres in Washinrton county , 0 miles south of Blair , on line of 0. bt. V.11. & 0. railroad. Station at corner of this land Good stream running water. 100 acres in cultivation , 60 acres grass , iSO acres timber-oak , hickory walnut nudehin. Sinai ! house , good fruit an ahun ano of Is partly fenced. One of the I os frice in Cite county. If purchaser wihc , , will sell liomosteatI adjeln1n good herd of cattle. tfCahl and examine other property not isted , ' SOUER , . . ' . . 4 , ? ! 1t314tn. bet , arpthand Pougiaa - . - pIi ; . . , . . . t , f , r' , ,1 ( f' , - . g . . . . . . - - - f KIRKWOOD ; -H ' . . . . . ; r 'J. . . : . : ' ' 1- ! . , , . , . . , S . Lot.s iiiths n4ditiou nre pelting rapidly , aniI prices viI1 be , again ' Rdv n ed lfl 11 few days ' , flnsearo ivihoht a doubt'ilie thost ; 'desirable ' 'lots n 'OrnaIln aiitl cviii certainly double in ric beforosHug , Al1 * ho La2-di seii ; them. re..we11 pleased and pronounc&them cleti. . ; . .yf _ I4 , ; , ; i. 6A'1 5.-- : i 5 , i. fht1' ' , , . ' . BEDFORD & ' , SOUEIt , : . - _ _ ' I 't 4 I , . p , T . ReaT Estate Agency , , . ' .5. &iR . , Street , bet. Ftrnarn andDouglu . . a-- * Iarlng Trnln flobbery. Special to tim Kansas City Journal , LAICF.flO , Tax , , November 14.-One of the TIlOSt elating train robberies 011 record vas periielratcd itt 7 o'c'ock ' yesterday evening on ( ho Mexican Natiolifel road about tivo kilometers from tim towit of Lt Jarita. Just tta the train reached tlio POil1 abos'o irntnod the ohlg'lllor discoor. eel , that a rail lend been removed , atid that. tito ohitiro triiti with its living friegliL would bo dashed to distruction. 1Io reversed the oligino , but the discor. cry was 1115(10 too late and his action was of no avail for the train had acquired a terrific inoinotituni in its wild dash clown tito grade at that poilit , anti quicker tush thought tlio ollgillo situ cars were piled Ill ) ill ft confused mass , anti thu crashing of timbers , the hilts of oscaling steani , slid tim shrieks of the fr'ilitoiiecl iiasson gers , told in laliguage more 1)otehIt 111511 words the terrible ( lestruction that had boon wrought. 4t the asiiio hllOhllOhtt FORTY MASgIIU ItODilnitit arinod to tim tooth , entorgod front the shadows and began their i'ork of rapine. Presenting revolvers at the frighitoii1cl 1assengors they relieved theni of their jewels slid money , at the satiio titito till. ing the express and 111511 cars. They secured $8,000 ill silver front the express car , slId a large ahliothIlt of money aiicl valuables from the palsengers , The bandits inonutcd their horses and ( hi6tipcnt'ed as stulilenly as thtoy hiatt CollIe , before alyoiie hiatt fully roatkoi what had hiitlIellCl , Pursuit was out of the question , slid all busied theulsolves lii ftSCOrtdilling whether 0l13'Olle had been killed or WotIlIdeti in the wreck. Strailge to say it was found tIlat 110110 of thu passollgers wore severely hitIrt , although 111111cr tue circuinstilnees their escape Scouts hihiraculolls , r11110 fireniaii , however - over , was killed instantly , Illiti the Ohl giiwer . seriously VOUl1ded. AI1MJ4I ) l'ond ; are iii pur&ttt of the robbers , nIlci if they iwo OVOrtZtleehi a bloody battle will ontte. Judging fF0111 the meager fcta at hand jtlst at present the robbery was llahtllOd ivith an utter disregard of cohisequel1cis Silliest Ullprcccdeiltecl , Ilistoad of oo heeling souse isolated Statiohi or siding and stopping the train by the red light or oIlier sigihals the robbers coolly planiteel a dohiberato wholesale border , for the sake of plundering thin bodies of their uhifortunato victims , slid ruling thio express press aiicl baggage cars , That 1115h1 of the passengers were isot kihlod is a misdo its the train was mitost thoroughly wreck- ed. Time ngine situ first two Cars were simiashicci to splinters , mid the oIlier cars arc in scarcely bolter condition. Soiiio of the passengers say there were fully forty of the robbers , all armed and hflaskcd. Their statolnont lflay be mouth- lied soinuivhat after the ixcitcimtciit wears away. All is confusion just miow , rued there are contradictory stories oven as to the manner ill which the train was de- mailed , some ColitehidilIg that there was tub obstrttctioa on thu track instead of rails being removed. The amount of booty obtained from the express car is correctly atatod above according to the niesseligor. FUltrIllill. FACT4. Interviews vitht passengers and train men substmntiato the main particulars of the t.raiii robbery , wired this morning , slid 301110 additional facts that have beau learned. The train , a paasongor and ex lress , 011 the Mexican National frorui Saltillo to this city , was attacked when about eighteen miles from Laredo , and ilear the stition of La .Jnrita , at 7 o'clock last evening. There vcro fully forty armed masked mcii in the attacking party , all well mounted. They had REMOVED A nAIL fj'oni ( ho + raOlo .ntl 14o booiiuu roa die- covered by the engineer too Into to avert an accident. The entire traimi was thrown from tim track , thio engine aiitl first two cars being badly wrecked but the others not seriously damaged. The fireman fell beneath the engine rued was crushed to death , but the engineer os- capccI with slight wounds. The robbers secured AHOIJT $8,000 is SILVEhI and a sneahl amount of money from the conductor. Contrary to the report first telegraphed , thee pcngors wore notino- looted , the robbers not even entering the coaches , The passengers were thrown lueto the wildest excitement by the sudden - ' don stop and ter4blo crash , but did not realize until it.yas till over that a daUb- orate attempt had been made to lnurder , them at wholesale for them sake of booty. \Vhion informed of tile full extent of the crctastrophuo maay were thio expressions of gratitude at , the marvelous escape , The roasou the robbers ( lid not enter the coaches was that one of the traiii men turtcd instantly to LaJierita for aid , olid they were afraid to renmain longer Illan iis absolutely necessary ill order to ccuro thu $8,000. The robbers had lre'iously CUT TIlE TI1LEGIIAI'II Wihius to provolit any .cohnnihnicatiehe with Laredo. Them is great ozciLcieout learn , as it is the first tralie robbery over corn- mitted on this hue. It ii thought that the robbers irnlnodiatohy crossed tIle Rio Grande river into the Uxiicd States territory. Soicia. of thiern spoke good English itnd the leader informed tile conductor , that unless Ito opunod the safe quickly , alid without resist.ahlce err r monstrance , hue would kill every Alum- erican on thio train. No icon's has yet been rcctived , from the pursuing party. - _ Ihw Salizuon Eggt are Obtjeiruetl. * . About the 25th of Oci9bertlp work of atriping is begun amid &iiitinued till the whole number of fiahs lens beau attended to The fish when wanted are taken from thowater in a 1ip not , and their c nditt9rt readily auucortaiiied by gently pressIng the abdomen just back of the pectoral fin , If the ova arc ripe they wilt bofolt like so many peas beneath thee skin , uuu4 a , ligItt pressure will cause thieni t s hodepositeci in a p611 placed for that. ' purpbse , Jftho dva are not ripe , Or the fish is not dIs1uOSOd to yield them , heq ia otizrnecI tho. 'vathr fpr a low days 'longer. .Acto ! theo ova leave b'een ΒΆ dopoIteU4le milt.is obtained ( torn thee male lii the mIne manner , and immediately - diately after falling upon thee ova it dIfFuses itsehfamong thom , causing thorn 1.9 at once lfldiVldUaljzqahed grow heardor , till wiLhi two hours they wil ho as hard as unripe poz arid perfectly globu. hat in form. At once after this fertihiz. log process . tjm oya er&washied several timed iucol water , antlthen set away In coldwator for a couple of heourri , that all impurities may , ho removed. 'rico hiUlflbCL' of eggsobtaincd from each fish varies from ,0CO to 20,000 the latter number'haviug been obtained lids season from a 41 mdi salmon estimated to be a dozen or caere years old , and about as 914 as ariy am ever obtained for spawn. ing purposes1 as the ago of such lisle sum ostirnaten to ho froiui four to fourt eii years. At ties expiration of theo two hours lfl2JlthOhLed bovo thee ova cro pro. pared for flee henlehiixmg troughs by baing placed upon into rCIIS With piihiea 4 ' ' ' 4 . ' 1 yj.I rs . , . . , " "Ce , - - - - - about an eighth of an lathe square , Those screens are enclosed ite frames a foot SIltraro , and thIck enough to allow a hiatt inch of water to flow beneath each onoto Ms'lst which Pelt eighth of an hide is to. moved from thmo liottom of each of the four sides for threo.fourthes of their length. Ton of theoso hatching friunes are then placed above creche other in a skeleton frame to forum a hhnestl suet the WhOle thou deposited in the ) rntchflmg trotthes of a clopihe 511(1 widthl just sufl'io'i. out to contain a rove of those uest.s , after whekit tiuo vator is turned 011 and a steady fiowina'lntalnel thlrough thuo trouche till the latter of lanUary , when lice ova will have developed as much as it. is safe to allow before distribution alelong the sevcrel States , ilhitlor vhoso care they are filially hiatCiled amid disposed of as dosirod.-lhioston Journal ( Mo. ) Cot- roapondoncem. - - ThIlOb1)IS1'JtOttl i tMlltlOt Oki Teerlc , tleo'tVoiitlerztretl I'ensluner at lUctumicotict County , Nov York Thtuics , old Turk , the Cqniine Pohlalouler of Rtchinoiitl county , tiht lives ictiti occupies a stall in the larn at Staten Ishined's alicia heociso , lIe is the oldest horse iii Now York State , or in America ice all proba bihity , rca Ida ago can be reliably lixod at .12 years , and ox-Coulety Troastcror Jaimies It , flobiieson , 110W 73 years old , th.:1. : ! ] lt reliably trace helice back for 4r ) years. The 51111051 is a ctlrios'Lty , earticularly to VCtOi'illarlalis , who are anxious to see how long thee vat- erait will hiveaeetl thetIs settle the Iluestion of equine longo'it. Ocigiiually irole- gray iii color , Old Lurk's coat is now snow-whiitu , lie is toothless and has to le fed oit ' 'aoft. food. " Mr. Robinson 3a3s lee klieW Old Turk 9i years ngo , Whole lee ve'as a t1crack" trotter , oiveictl , lie believed by Calit. Jacob II. Viuciler- bill , and lelloivhl Its ( lIly Scuytis. lIe was ohio of thee wohedoric of Lieu old Now- 1)orp isce course , and was purchased by \rahitlerbilt front .1 tIdge Clausall , who lived on thuo old Itich- 111011(1 road , uicar New-lorp 15110 , A proposition , 1115(10 801110 years ago to sell Old Turk , and thects mvii expeueso to the couecty , created quito a aehisation , aced os'oked lively newspaper colueiueohlt. Nearly 0110 whole day was devoted to a discussioii of Old Turk's case by tluo hoard ofSupcrvisors , and his mucuca also figtlrcs 011 the rccords of the Suporileten- dents of thee Poor , who talked omica or twice of sollinghelin. ThoemmasMcCoriuick , keeper of tico alms-house , says that im'lioie Iajor Barnolt , Suporintohedent of thee l'oor , proposed to sell hiiei a number of citizolls clubbed together slut agreed to liurchease leini amid pay for his keeping - ing rather ' than allowheini to be dispoBed of , lie 'lead ( lone good service to LIeu county , slId it was finally decided to icomi- sion him , Since that tune he lens done 110 more work tleamt was necessary to keep him in condition. In his life of judo- lotico lee will probably continue until his tlcmuiiso , of which there is ceo iniucediate syluptonl. tr. McCormick knows of thee animal leaving been ome the farm for 12 years , alil lila predecessor as keeper , Mr. Miller , told him theathee Ilad watched Old Turk for 20 years previous to this , knowing leien to be at least ton years old whoa leo caino to the poor farm. This would make 1dm at least 40 years old , Mr. Robinson , who says several eIew- mcii leave tried to purchease him , is writ- imeg a history of the anineal for inclosuro 111 the box to be opened ut Staten Island's t.ri.ceiitocenial iii 1083. , Ir. Rohinsoec ofirod to pay for a sot of false tootle for Old Turk , but no 0110 could iciako a cast for the suction plate , and so Old Turk less to food eu "pap. " When tleo poor farm barn waD burned last witer , Old Turk managed to make his escape unas. aistod and uninjured. - - ANIMALS AS MEDICINE , Tile Nasty iSfedlahncos of Lizards , flats , anti Dogs That Our Forefathers - fathers To < , lc Cincinnati Enquirer , "Did you over know that animals will cure disease ? " "No ; but they'll often produce them. To say nothing of a dog's bite in August causing hydrophobia , a good slice of beef oil' thee slop fed ahliluials at ttmo slaugleter- ing-pena , where hogs have absesso as big as a baby's head , surety ought to start up consimniptioue rigluc lively ; or at least iceip on a comesuinptivo riglet fast to lila grave. " Medical muomi formerly hold , and seine old crannies still believe , that anhnilaha still IIOSSCSS curative powers equal to anything ill thee voeLablo kingdoln. You have a sore ; if licked by a dog , how speedily it gets well ! Every hioreehulnme slid coaclenmahl khlowa that if eis leorso gets a cut above the hoof or near thee fat- lock , heow i1iiClClY thee conchs clog leenle it by lickiiug But this is noticing to 110010 of thee old tinco ntmiirunl remedies. Wilon dlhildreme ill Scotlazed werotroubled s'ith worms , it c'as lice custone to catch a quantity of gordon worms , tie them up ill a cotton bag , and roast them over a slow fire. Ticeic thee do- comimosod remains vcro lhlade into a salvo , which was spread on the stomach of the child. In various harts of the south are found Iflahi ) ' 1)001)10 who swallow - low cobweb pills as a sovereign cure for aguu , and that cobwebs are efficient to staummch the flow of blood frohel a wocemud , ahnost everyone knows , butin Yorkshire , ] nuglamcd , theoy swallowspidcra for criunps , anct.it , is not umlcomnmoie to l'mnucl York- shmirornen s'jUe a little pill.box full of thioui3 ' which they carry around iii expectation of thio cramps as regularly as does tue native of Indiana or Missouri take his rations of quinine and whisky before breakfast , These YorkshIre WOlflOfl pretend to cure sore throat iii a cheild by holding a frog in its nioutle so that the reptile should imbibe thee ailment. 'Wluoopimcg.cougle tiecy cure by feeding roast Jecdga.heog , and at other tunes by passing the sufFerers umedor theo belly of a piebald horse , or compelling them to wear a live caterpillar about theeir miocks. 'J.'iio peopho ivheo lived ta few Icumedred ycarul ago mncust have had very powerful stonuuaclis , judgLnmg fOlfl 80010 of theo pm- scriptions theat thee great ihuysiciaums of the day loft behind them , 'l'leoro was Sir Tleoodoro Do Mayorno , who was the doe. tor of Charles I. anti II aced Janue 1 , , and leo left lehimid a lot of nostrumm-ms theat , if given t.o.day , would indict a nimaic for manslaugleter. lie prescribed pulverized human 11010111 1fl great ciuantities. Ho head a gout powder which was fatuous , it was mniado of ' 'tIme ' raspimega of a leumnaic skull unburied. " Oio of Ida sweetest mieedicimeos was "bat hahsonu , " composed of adders , bats , suck. keg wieclps , cartl worms , hog's grease , thee marrow of a stag , need thee thcighe.bonc of sic ox , \\'Iecuu I'opo amid Addison wrote ire Queene Annie's day they used I.e give weak chuldronu such a drink as this : " me ounce of rhubarb , 300 wood lice , into - to sir quarts of areihI ale. " 'J'lds was ii i'pring and fall ( lriIhlf , uocd something as biItor ar how , t. 5 , . ' 5. , , . 0 - s. . 'S .SjUj 4 IUS iZsn ! ' - - p. One proscription of thco hMt century read nec follows : "Tak a pock of hat-go 1eell 5115115 , hay thconi on a hearth before the fire , lot thconi lie till they leave don'i hissing and spitting , tteoui Vipo fromtheonm the froth and break tIeomn Ill S mortar ; have a ttmart of earthworms slit , anti scoured clean , aitci take every 1153' just before eating. " 'Thea ' right. forefoot of a hare worn in thee pocket wan thought to be ehT'ctivo against thee pacegs of "rhen- inatiz. " \earilIg about thee porsomi lice Protolla of a sheceic or hinub , called theo ' 'cralflh.bohlo , " i a sovereign rehmiedy rcaItmsI. the craceep. Three fried lflico are geven in 801110 Parts of Ungiacul to cure whcoopimug.coughc , a reRead ) ' that one ivotcitl dishilco as nuechc rca the halo I4Orei , lOhlhe Russell dId a certain patent mcdi. chile wleicie its owner seict to Sir iohime ic'ithc thee rcquost that Ito rcecenneietl it for the gout , ' ' .D-n youc' atull'l" ho said , ' 'I'd rather ICM'o tile gotit than svnllow it. " lii somno Ph1' of South America time tongue of time igualmre1 If Iclucked out. while time mimmilehal is alive , is ticocighit. by thee natives to be a cure for colestemup- tioii. 'l'heo fat. of a lizard called thee haters whecum extermimilly applied imc a Ctlro for skill diseases , but. when taken immtor- daily is rank 1ofson. Thee Cheineso attache womidorful curative powers to uchi parts of 1-leo tiger's 1cod' , ated the Cihecorkics of thee ilimnalsyn district imohievo third tiger fat is a cure for rlcoutecatisiem , Stags' hones , especially thee right or dr learn , aru thought. by hueetara to 11055055 ireat heed. icimeal virtues1 amid aiieoeeg thee Turconcalls tue horns need leoofa of tim goat. are bcce'ii. ad to asleos inca aicpt-t tzi ! gll"l. or sore spots ole their esemmehe , Thee iimiercbltiaces of Sw ltzerlaced be- flare timat , a 'few chops of thea blood of the atcitebok into a glass of wino , and takeec befaro going to bed , lcroltice a violocct pecpiratiolh , acid cure all sosts of diseases. Cod liver oil hits to this day ill thue regcclar faculty , leledicimeal ProPerties haul t.o ho clhlcaciotc.m iii PIll- memoleary cofleplMlits. Thee livers frolee 11cc lIsle are taken perfectly fresh and white , acid , being wrtslernl , are thrown into a csldron herded by steam , whore they arc dmasolvcl iceto oil , wleichi is dipped out wheen hot aced strained theroughe conical felt bags , antI thewc ticrotcihi three of vheito enoleskimi , fromec wheiche it rumma ptcre. TUTTS PLLS - - - - TORPID BOWELS , DSORDERD LgVER , and IVALARIA. , From tlecse sources rulso throc.hourthea of the diseases oC tim Jiuniucu nice. Thceeun svrncmtomnsllulteato thoie'cxtstdlicu : Loss of Appetite , flowele costive , tictz ! Ilonil- nelic , 4'iLIlliCaS after outing , reversion to ciertlofl of body sir muinut , IbritcttttiOfl of ( nail , IrrltalilltF o tcmnjcr , Lusv apirite , it fooling ottirtviItf neglected collie duty , JizzuicssFltittci'hitgat the IIcrU't 1)00.0 bororo Lice eycshljhuyco1 oreil brine , cortir'iTII'4sTIOiv , mind tic. ieucnd time Use eta rolfleiytlillt meets dirt'cil on the LIver. AsaLtvornedtBdilenTUTP' I'ILLS leave mo equal. Ticoir notionoce tico IitiiiuyS riled Skin Is also Proccint ; reinoviieg mlii Iiiitui'ltloa through tlmcso tlerco " .caY- clmgor oC lice system , " pe'oduoing itppo. tin , sounl digestion , regular stools , a clear sleiaandnvigorousbOtly. TIJTT'M 1'ILLfJ cause nO nausea or 'e'Iptmrg nor Iietcrfero with ( laLl3r worle and cue a imorrect A1TIDOTE TO MALARIA. hoiieverywhiere,250. thiieo.14 liliirrayHtN.Y. T1TiH DYE ; UIIAY ham one i'flmlaltm:1u3 chiiumgctt One. stnntlv toitGrMsBY BLACK l'3rtLRlllglo ' tip. phlcatloti of this IY. Sold by' Druggists , oracutby express on rocoiptot $1. Ofilco , 4dltiurriey Street , New York. TInT'S MANUM. OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREL United States ' Depository. First Nadll BanK , -Oil OMAflA- aor. 13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Esfablishmen ! In Ompha , SUCCESSOItS TO ICOUNTZE BROThERS. Organtse In 1808. Organized as a National J3amik ire CAPITAL - - - - - - - $200,001 SU1LPLUS AND P1tO1'1TS - O1tS0O0O orllcltRs ammescroas. flsaifAN K0VNTrII , l'rcsidont. Joroc A. Casrailros , Vice Presidcnt. A erases Kotncrzn , 24 VIce , I'resdcnl. ! A. J , t'oi'rritroif. F. 11. Davis , Camlioi iv 1-i , hfmeaeuisR , Assistant Cochlcr. Transacts a genera banking business. Issues time certltlcatos'bearlnt ntorot. . lirates drafts on Han Francisco coil lirhitchlal cities in the United States Also Lonlou mitiblin , h'hinbi2thi antI the nriricos ! chloe of the c.Jntlncnt of Euro o , . UNITED 3TATES Natiolial Bailk 01 ? OMAIIA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. 'i. HAMILTON , Pros't. UI. T. UAILOW , Czcohlor , Aooountti&ohIOltocl ani kept sub- loot to sIght chock , Certificates of Deposit Issued psy- able In 3 , 0 and 2 menthe , bearIng lntorostoron demand without In- torost. Advances madoto ouistomoro on approvodeocuritloscit market rate of intoroct. The interests of Oustomors arc olosoty uardod and every facll tv compatlblo with principles o' 8ound banking freely oxtoridod. Draw sIghtdrafts on EnglnndI e' land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu' rope. Soil European Poosago Thokoto. Collections Prarnpt4 Maoe. - Steam Dye-Works ! 200 11th Street , tot. l'ariraia arid lipugias , D. B. W.&UaII & CO. . 'l'lIOl'htlETOltS , Lslies' and ( lents' Clothing clciiet1 , dyeil reid re. 'airi. . Pluiiies aol tI , ilcaited. and curleth. Ladies' Sicits , In Silk , Haths until YeIt , chtanctl by the French tiry clcaiting voeosa. jajA llrat tiaaj tailor siio1 , Iii c0000cti ) , , , ALL. VOICK IWAIUIANTJn : , J.A.IcELLEYM. U. C. A iViIiuON , 11. U Itceidciice , hloeidcneo , 600 5. 16th Street 2117 hlavenpoct St 1CFll4I4LY & WILSON , Phyioian anti Surgeon , OFFICE : Boyd's Opera house , 9inalin , Neb - - - THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , ifaslong been ackncraloeigcd anti more so at thi , itay than fl1) othier , The sast foil of medical science is over increasing , anti its miulnorous branches are brought mlc'arvr ntl nearer to perfection , aniul no oils liinn cati any longer grass , them ad hence the necesty ! for dividing idle labor , And it is trim ieyoiid all uloubt that diqeast , afTecting the gemi. to'cirinarynrgans no I smueclal itnitlymore thati any. hitiug cite , if uo wool ilnudoretahul and know hiow rest thtln properly. 1)15. ii. SVAliNfmt is tulle aware thst there mere many physician , , and Poino snsdble penIle , % ' . tiu t'ifl Cnnuieinn him for Iniukilig lhii class of tdliee..q a cladty , hut hoishispiuy' to know that itli most per. sills of rcfltutnteiit nut intelligence it am ire enlighten. eel low I , takeni el the suituject , anti that ibm physic. men who .dct otos huiriuccif to rehlevlnig the fluiated and at lug thicin from t'ura timni uheitli , is run less a phi' anthuropist auth 1ucnefctor to his race thiani the sur. goon or ; duylclaii % vhio huy eloqo Aipilcation excels In ally tutluer iwanichi of his h'rofc"ioti. , tmuh foetturiatel or IuunaluIt3' , the .lav I il5wmulng vhien the false 1dm antluro1uhiy that ( ' ( ) lItiCliltlOl the 'u Irtlins of folly' cB crime , like the helter , tinder the iowdsh law , to die cincarcud for has laseui an ac' . A Few Reasons iYhy y'oca shumeled try the celebrated Dr. I ! . Wsgnce' * niothiols of Curd 2. "Br , 11. Wagner is a mrnturai physiclani , " 0. 5. l'osl.s , The Gr5test thing i'hronodogist. "Few can , excel you as a thoctor , " dn. , l , Smneis , The i % ordud's Greatest t'h'u oiogitoinist. , ' ' 'otc are me oliulerfulhhy hruflClCIlt 'In your Lnoo I edge of elItesa Situ enedicliiea" bln.J , IlAnmicas. 4 , "The afiticteel fuel neatly relict in 'our cures .i5G. " the , , Smss. a. "Pr. 1 ! . wgner Is a reguhw g'atduunln iroin flehdctio hospital , Now York cilyl has dial very ox. tcnslt'o hiu'Iuit5i practice , amuut is tmioroughuhy' tooled on all lrmeniche Sf his beloved science , especially on chronic tiie.ie , . " lies. IlnowseLi. k Ewiso. 6. "hr. \Vagiier lime. iniiiiortaihrcul himself b hul' woieidej'fnel udiseoc cry of sjieelflo remedies for In rota auth seiial ullsons.'s.-'lrgluia ! City Chiroiuiclut. 7. " 'l'huou.uds , of ituvatlis flock to sea huim.-San Friuiclsc'o Chronicle. 8. "ilto hoetor's long expcrkneo a , a specialist shotihut rcunicr lihiuc ery .ucccnfctl.-flocky Moon' taiti Z'ot , . Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tinie ti discussion of the secret vice umes en. tirchy let ohulel dy tim drofowioll nitud nteulkal work. of but a few , i''ari ago would itarify iuuciitioi , it. 1'.j.ula. , ' the l'l' ' slelani is of a different o1inionl ho ii tvmero dcii. it k his tluty'-dtcsgreemeilo though it inayhue--to motto tlil iutattcr uitliutiL glosce anti 1ucak iitliulr adout it anti iuitcdhhgcuet Inrulita and gunl'ltauis dii thuatuk huiuu * fur elohiug so , 'l'iio results nttenuiluig thui destructive ice mvero for. inerly lit Uluuleru3tooI . or lint properly cllinateud' and tin ituiportautcu being uitlachuel to a subject u mdcli dy II. nature uloet muot iiIto dose Ito estigatlori , it stan 5' ilhiuugly ignoi'vui. Thut , iualilt is getuernily roritractul by the young sehihe nttonuullmug eiiuoi ; chlcr colilpaluhons through their catuuulk' , rimy do rcsiuonsilulu fur it , or it lutay Cue ae,1uired thruogh accident. 'Ilitu exciteritcut once cx' wrICllCCul , thin turnetico still be repeated again and again , iiiitti lit last tue Iudiit beconie. firma and corn ihetci ) ' cuuskit'eu. thuo 'u idiom. Bi iital alit ncrsoua is ! fhiction , mere usually the primary results of , chf.isbuso , Amnorug tiuc iuiJuritaus effects missy' be incutioiietl hauisi. tuule dejection or irrascidildlty of tenquer alit geuurrai ulciditty. The tuo' ec1c iweluaioii , isiud , rarely johics in the sport. of Ii1 eninpaluictits. I I Ito do a yotniig ball ho still ho little Itielia ! iii conptuiy 55 itl t ho other , ox antI is trouddcd ss 1db oxcecuilug ruid melullut'ing luaslifuhlics , iii thUr jun etcuico. l.asehioues dreams , etitiasion , until enliutiulus on the face , etc. , mere also luronuhilelit syluutoiuis. If thu hu'actIco is violently dersisteti iii , more sorioem ilisturbaiuces take lulace. Great PnlPlttloll of the heart , or cplleptlo constelslorie , mere exporleneed , mend the sufferer iiusy fish iiuto a colnpleto state of idiocy be. fore , miiuall' , ileatli relieves litiui. To isli those engaged iii thIs idangerons , practice , I tyondil say ' unit of all , stop it itt. ( lice ; make every luossillo el'furt to thu so ; but if yuiti fall , if your llervOU system Is slimily ( co mnuicli shattered , alit conse. ultiellUg , your sdIl.losvcr ) duroken , take seine nerve tonic to all you in yoter ellort. having freed yoursehl frouue tue habit I seoul ! further counsel you to go through , me regular course of treatment , for it is is great mistake to 5011050 tInt ally' one may , for solijo tinmo , bo t c cry sohittle give luiinclf up to this fascittisting but dtuugcrous exctcment without .uffarmiig froliC its osli coluoquollecs lit 501110 future tiiuie. The miulnoer ( uf young uteri ss ho are iiucapaclatcd to JUl the dot Ic. cujoltiod by wedlock is alarinhilgly large , and in nicer of such cases this ulifortnelusto condition of things can be traced to tluo rmctico of sclf.usdtiu'e , ssldch lint been abandonel years ago. indocul , a few liiontlis' practice of this habit is suillelent to inluco spcrinntorrhnms I later ycttrsanul I hiavti litany of such caec mulct treat inch ! . at the present day. Young Mei i'ho may be sutberlng from the eflocts of youthful follies or iidiscrcttonsavill tie s'cli to avail thiemsc1ve of tiii. , the greatest lcdon user laid at the altar of sot' feriiig humanity. lime , iVAusr.R will guarantee to for. felt 60O for every case of seminal weakness or Privat disease of niiy kind and character Awbich ho under. takes to and fall. to cure , Middle Aged Men. Thorn are many at the ago of 80 to 60 who axe troubled wit ! , too frequent ovacuatloni of the blat ! . icr , citerl ttccoiuptuilcd by asliglut snmartlng or burn' log scnsatioii , antI ii weakening of the systcnm In a 10500cr the iuatlellt cannot account for. On exainin. hg the urinary deposits a ruuluy euiiiuioiit will often ho found , antI uinotiiiies small particles of aibunien will appear , or thin color will Ito of thin nuilkish hue , again ciiangiilg to a clark aniltorplil alulucaruolco. There are many nieny mcli who die of this uiilticulty , Igiioratit of the collie , sijlch Is the aecoitul stage of seinhrinl.wealc. nest , . 1)r. ) W. still guarantee a heifuCt euro iii all cases and a healthy restoration of thu gcrilto.urinary or' galls. Consultation free , ! l'Iiorough examination and ad. vice , 5. All ccuinrnunlcations should ho addressed , Dr. henry ilelury Wagner , I' . 0.2380 , flciivor , Colorado , The Yoiiutg Mali'S l'ockct Coliqaillon , by Dr. II SVagnrr , is surth& Its weight In gold to young into. [ 'rice I,26. Hunt by iiiahl to any attire , , , Let Your Light Shine , Dr. Wagner thee celebrated specialIst ot Denver Cob. , 840 JAsrlllIor street , heiiet'e , lii iettuig ( Cite w'orlul icriuw sshat lie can , Io , anul Is doing for tCuousaiitl of his fciioaineui. Ills treatnicuit tot loot inaniiootl is uro to alt , hiiii a , uaiiio that lIocteritY still hio , , Ten ilolleliRl tu.'stlitioniitl. froul nil user the Uiuitetl Htate * roll , thosu Ito luas cureui , ii , Proof lt0iti'O that liedue , tIre thiui svoret cases of these udlseases. The nimlictcd Foul chronic au ! sexual dIseases of every kind hli ill idol their het friend. heath his s.lycrtiseiumeritfu all our rity patters , antI call cii hiirui for advice , as we kllowyohl seili corroborate us In sayiiig Ito Is the suf terer' . true frieiid.-ltocley Mounrahe News. Relief to the Afflicted. lii medicine. , as in scIence , the spoemhists are the 01105 sthoalwa' . celtics 1.0 the front iiuI. acconuphish great resiIts 11i18 reiimrk is especially aplulicablu tote to lit. If. Wogner , of this city. lie stands at the top of Itspofcnioui , aiiii the cures Ito lcrforrlls for the trnfcrtuiato would ser'in wonderful If not irOporl , vlctsoi lii thiohlgiitof dentitlo rtciulrdniellts. lie i. eriduruwi luy' the jucost eminent of the ritudictil fault Ills 0111cc at 843 Lariimlr street , seliero lit , trill speech ily ffccta Cure for the suflurliig of cliheriox , no mat. Lt.r how r'.oioiiicated their colnhlahit.-i'orla'rol'r L1mocrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. l'crOni at a ditanco who wish toho troatu'ud by B : . Vagirr iteth not fotI liuseliward lcc'ausu of inabihlti to tisit hum. if they will tv to the doctor ho will 1(11,1 1 1106 of questions sy nuables him to eiid iiwdlciiits , couruisel wit ! to thousaiiuls he has utorer seen. ifo has i' Iii cicry cIty , town and .tatloui iii Co1ordo st'oll . allover tue Uriitul States. Hen his nil , ! l. adiettlseintrmt-hJen' ' me : 'l'eibuiu : , Shall We Reform ? Specific comedies for alldiscases i. the theory lraxtl'e at lrOslJL of xiucated and oxirlcreco l'hI'SiCIaflI , and In iii ! largo coinimiiiitie thc havi their spedalUes , to excel iii which , they diruc ( thou stealies anti PraxUcO. lirYrtgiier Is is successful II lustratlon of thIs modern school ci specialties. IIJI4 hit unprecedented BIICCCStI iii the tratrncnt of pris'at thiseases I as wonderful It is ' as flatteririg.-1'rof , J Simile , , 'i'hote pron who need nmcdical relief for the inosi ' delicate of diseasis stihifirid an aceonedishod aitil sue cesaful phyalci&ui : in the iuerson of lir , Wagner , No , p Lnrmumer street , who is l.igily : recolnuwodeti bytlo ineidical lrOlcasiOIi at baltic and aboard.-l'onicroy'i liemocrat. Digotrymeiad igiioranceniust give Wily tu . wiseloin , meet the w lee ihiyalrian Idles CS Iti Letting hL light 51:010 : fOr the glory of his fellow iiien , i'rlntcr'i ' Ink I. this torch hu can best use to gielulu the wean auth lck one U , the ountaii , of tics ! ! ) , II liii artirl : , , hculI be iustrunierth.1 a a "TOltCliL.lCilL'F'i.st up WI ahutilto guide auSerbug humanity toilS Lailme : itreet , Deliver , Colorado , It will answer the vurpou horssblth It wa.sstnitteu , Addrcsi u DR. UPJ4RY WAUNEE , 1' , 0. box 23f9 , or auii at 813 Lanluier Street Denver , Coo. 4''Jtesdtbeco1umnbe&dld "The Necessity r th 81iad . . ; : . 'p : . : -T'- CHEAPEST Lots IN TW CITY OF ( Very linnay to'U. P. ' Shops1 Post- office , etc. ) FOR SALE -IN- COLLEGE PLACE ( Now ( tIlliliOIl of 234 b's. ) PROSPECT PLACE , ( Oiiiy 58 rotsreIhiaiiii1ig unsold ) TOWiS' FIRST & SECOND ADDITIONS ( Noaily : all sold in these 2 ndcliti3us. ) -AND- Shinn's ' Third Addition1 (8 ( Beftutiful Lots left. . ) On the following Streets : -CArdFORN IA , -1313 RT- . I , --IZARD1- --NIOIIOLAS- OALDWEJ1L , -PAUL- _ llAT11LTON , OIIA.RLES , -SEWARD- PR&NICLIN , DEOATU1t , -PARKER- - , - -BLONDO- ANDON -29th , 30111- -31st , $2d , 33t1- , 34th,351h end 36th -Streets.- ALL INSIDE C1'IY LIMITS-BEAUTIFULLY LO- STREET CARS I Vil1 run out Cuniing Street , Early Spring LME AVEN11E ANII ThE AESRVOIA1 [ -AND TilE- B - RAIL ROAD ! will be r'unnltig next year within a block or two of thene lots. All located ss'itidr , five minutes walk of MUTARYBRDCE ANO rim TURN TAIILE OF TlUi Red Street Car Line , On Saunu1cr 6trctt , and all within fIve minutes stalk of the $2',00O SOJIOOL HOUSE , 0 : : Delaware and King street , Iii l'arker's addi. tiori. $150 UP Wit RDS. Only 5 er cent down and 5 per cent per mouth. blouses , Lots aimil all other kinds of Iteal Eatato for 'silo In any and every Omaha. locatIon ire and ablut , NEM MAPS OF OMIHA $10 EACH. CALL AND GET : Plats andFull Particularq : AT C BE1VII $ I lle Estate Oce , 1 FIFTEENTH & DOUGLAS STS , , 1 ' I , . . ' ' ' ( ; ' 3 1. 'I , " & * ' -