Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . -
F ii 'i ivviiirniririi'LTLr-r
. .
. TilE DAILY BEE-OM .JA FRIDAY , iSoVEMB1k 16 , 18 3. 3
Tue &braska National Bank.
Cr OflA1Ti ,
$ \h(1 UP CMltai . $2tfl.OOO
j1us FtuiU , tay 1,1883
TL JOI1SON Prc.Itnt , of Skdo , John Co
A , 1. TOUZALIN , S'IO4 LTftIdCflt if Boetori.
JOflN S. COttIMz3 , of a. II , COLL1N3.
M. vOOLWOItTI ! , Counsellor & Attornet t LLW ,
. S. It'ED ) , of Ilyron fleod & C.
HV. YATF.SChkrfor lnny ycan ChIu of
tiNt NAtIoflf Lhnl of Omth.
Thia Iink opntxI for buInc Aprt 7 ,
1non the IOAtIlfl tit18fflC8 CI ) of Onirha , nd tt
le eonthictcd with epccW reference to th
bMt a181 fncrosItig Intoret.eof itgmcreantllo trons.
COLLECTIONS rocclvo prompt ttootIon od
.e argc Iovcat obtafnbIo Inro or eIewhore.
.ITEItI'T &Ilowcd on tfmo depoelte upon favo ? .
, ItI6 ) tofln p.nd upon ocottntg of fftIk , and baikot $ .
1OflKION IXtIIANaE1 Goycnnnen lioude
: 4.o9inty nt1 CIty 8ocunUc brnirfit flI oIt.
: f CDunoil Eluff3 Loan and.
: Tiut Company.
' P1rt Morto Loans Nogotftof.
rir find r1I Uood 8ocurItIe ilealt In. 80
dIk.oot , Mid f,00 Iir3 avcntle , Council l3ltifTh.
, w
. Niw Yorn , November 1I.
Moitoy-Eay t 23 per cent ; closed
. . .u. . per cent.
, - 'Pmo Fnor-.G per cent.
, . , . Exchange. IMUi-Strongor at 4.82 ; demand ,
. , Ciovointnor.tStrong. .
f . The general niarkot was firmer , tuut
'd' majority of the active sk ksslow reactionni
gaiiia over the closing prices of last nfght.
. , The attempts made yefitorday nod to
. donross the market have rostiltod In a consider.
lo increase of the outstanding short Intorwt
. New York Central , Lake Shore , Michigan
Central , Deinwaro & Lackawanna , and Union
. Facifi. Otherwise thati this there has been
. no changoof Importance in the general itna.
The Evening Post says : "Thoro is itilI
talk of trouble In the Iowa pool , but it is not
generally behaved that there will be serious
ComPlications. ffflcers of the Union Pacific
railway coInpniy state that the decrease in L
the gross earnings in September and October
together vi1I not be greater than 8200,000 its I
.compared with the Balno months last year. At
the same rate the operating eXpelISO. , as crnn
pared with last year , show a reduction of 4
vc cent. This would imply a decrease of
$ l2o , the net eaming for two mouths.
2 BUt zt is velI understood that there has beer I
' Borne cutting of rates In cor.petiLioii. ThoUnioii I
.t Pacific and also the Denver & Rio Grandc I
hove beoii building and operating considerabic
slow mileage , which may have increased tlic
proportion of operating expenses to what tlie r
wore iii 1881 , viz : 51.45 vo cent. If thic
was the case during the two months Urn decrease .
crease iii gross earnings and increase in opor .
oting excenses together would iimlco an op .
c proximate decrease of ay $260,000 in the nd b
' oarnlngs for two months. "
3..s' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 :
iiCoupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 ! !
J4ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 : t
Pacific G'd of ' 05. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13O
sTocs AND
4 AmerIcan Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01
BurL , Cedar itapido & Northern 81
l . Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Cbieago & itlt n. . . . . . . . 133
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Ch. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 :
f Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
i Fnrt\Vayno &Chlr.ngp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
hannibal & St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 188
1inois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134U
1ncbBloom. & fostern. . . . . . . . . . . . 122 S U
1Cans's& Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124L
Lake Shorn & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 112 L
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 I
, , Minucapelis & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
rio dO do lfd. . . . . . . . 41
MIssuriPacifie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 i 1
. Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 .
do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 .4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ? ?
Now Yoric Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
( ID do Pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Pooch. Decatur 1vaiurviIlo. . . . . . . . 16
Rock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
St. 15ul & Milwitukoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
do (10 do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 117
St. l'aiil Ninu. & ; Manitoba. . . . . . . . 100
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
do do 1)Id. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tJ
Toxaii Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88I
% Vabash , St. L. & PiicitIc. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 I
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 33
Weatorn Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 7Q
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
CilrcAoo , Noocber 19. -11our-tt 11
ncl unchanged ; coiinwn : to choice * priii g
. wheat , 35c ; Mhuioota , © ; baker
45c ! , 1iatoci , 6 j7e ; winter wheat Sot ir
Southern and Missouii , 4@5c , Micicigni ;
l Wiceat-Ilegular , moderately active an d
' IlIgbMr ; feeling itendIer n'id the fluctuatldr is
S confined within smaller range ; for Ni D.
veinbor ; 97o for December ; OBo for Jacitiar ;
I to for February ; 1 O5o fore May No. 2
iqicicig , 'J:1@9i : : c ; No. 3 spring , 82@83 r ;
No. 2 red winter , 1 00iJl 05.
( "ri-3lathor quiet acid stronger and do 5.
hIgher than tins close yesterday ; 41 10
for cash ; 49@49o for November ; 48. ' & f ) r
Ioeember . 48o for the year ; 48c for Jaut .
itr ) ; MAo for May.
Oat.i-Firm and i shade higher with in .
tiroved demand ; 2Sa mc caBh 28o for Ni .
vumber ; 29o for December ; the year Inacth 0
itsiti nominal : 29Lc for January ; Z32cfor Mo .
Jtyo-Weakor at SOc.
] larley-DuII at 61c.
Flac Soed-flrcn at I 36 ,
Pork-In fair demand , tradIng being eoi 1
Sued ulniostexcluslroly to .January and Fol .
ruarv ; JO 80@10 85 for November : 10 80C ?
10 85 for December ; 10 80@1O & ' for tI
year ; 11 57@11 60 for January ; 11 72 (
Ii 75 for February ; 12 20 for May. ,
Lard- fair demand , unsettlodanil irrogi Li.
lrn ; opened a hade lower hut Bubsequentl ly
advanced ; 7 477 ! i2& for cash ; 7 0 fi ) r
November ; 7 47@7 ( ' 0 for Decarnbor 7 IS
® 7 4Th for the year ; 7 © oG for Ja , R.
ucry ; 7 67@7 70 for February ; 7 92 S it
Bulk Moats-In fair demand ; 8houldor S ,
S 00 ; short ribs. 6 30 ; short cloar,6 70
1lutter-St.eady creameries , 29@31c ; diar ; ,
1gs-1i& fair demand at 24le25.
Whisky-Steady acid unchaigcd.
Visible atiiply of gralci November 10. -
'iSThoat ' 30,77OO0 ho. . corn 9,031,000 , oa ts
5,516,000 , rye 2,442,000 , baroy ] 2,457,000.
On all sales of regularwhoat Were 1,3t0 0 DO
bu , orIi G'iOOOO , bus. , oats 30,000 bun. , PO rk
: , o bbl. , lard 10,250 tlerces.
, . Clieeso.Market brisk unil firm ; choice fL ill
; : . earn elieddars , 1112c ; choIce full croa in
flats , 12a121c ; good part akiiii lioddars or ul
-1 itt.i. 78c ; fiord skims. 2@4c.
llidos-ifarlcet steady and uncliange Ii ;
reen salt cured light , 8c ; green salt dar U.
ed , Oc ; green salt heavy. Ge ; green a1t c .f ,
Ic ; dry salt , lic , dry calf , 15c.
Nicw You ; November 15.-Whoat-Cas Ii ,
shade easier ; options opened iilfglitly Iowc
( ( , closing staady ; ungraded ro
c1 17 o. 3 rod , 1 05.1l 05 No. 2 ro ii ,
111 1I.
Corn-dash , &c lower ; options open nI
i.sler , advanced SiiAc. closlug quiet iii
ea1y ; ungradod , S2t6tc ; No. 2 , 6OGOJ
Oti-A shade eaSIer ; mixed western , 3 '
csvhlte ; , 3&.4Sc.
1ga-Vosthrn fresh firm rind fairly active.
1'ork-Firin nntl active ; now niess , 12 00.
Lard-Strong ; PrimO steam , 7 00.
Ilutter-Demniul fair and market firrir ,
PgontA , November 15.-Corn-FIrm ; high
lfl lXOl , Sire ; No. 2 rnlxed,49o
Oati-Qiiiot ; No. 2 white , 30@301c ,
Whiky-F1rm at $1 18.
aT. i.ovia 1'Itonrc1.
Sr. Loots , November
a nd slow No. 2 rod , 1 00t 01 ! for cash ;
1 00 ? btf for November ; 1 02 for December ;
$ 1 0l. for .lanuary.
Corn-1)ull at 1l.cjl5c for eMil ; 43c for
Ij eccuilier ; t2o for the year ; 4'2Ac for .Ioniiary.
Oats--Better at 25a2Oo for cash ; 2Oebhtl
f or 1)ecornher ; 26o fpr the year ; 27o for Jan.
n ary.
Jtyo-Sl@.52u bid ,
Butter-Steady ; creamery , 25@30c ; ilafry ,
1 S6i25c.
1gs-lIfghior at 28c.
Flac Seed-i 35.
I I ay-Ltnchnngcd.
Corir Moal-2 l5@2 tO.
Cr.osixu flo.ini.Vheatcliised firm at 1 00
bh itt for November nnl year ; 1 O2 br lceoin
br er ; 1 Ol@1 O1 for January ; 1 OCi for FobSd
r unty.
Corn arid oats nothing done ; bids the satrio
It s closing orices this afternoon ,
IIILWAUKE , ovembor lr-Whent-Quiot
ai tti steady ; 'J5.Ic for November ; POgo for Do.
c ember ; 97c for , Tnnuary.
Corn-Finn ; No. 2 , 52c.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , 28c.
Ityo-IJnll ; No. 2 , 55c. !
Barley-Stronger ; Ole for November.
ToLEDo , November 15.-Vboat-OooiI do.
in and and higher ; No. 2 roil cash , 1 Ol1 O.
Corn-lnll aIiIl lower ; high mixed , bSc ;
N o. 2 cash , 52@r.3c.
Oats-Quiet unit steady ; I'.o. 2 cash arid
N ovember , 30c.
CINCINNATS , November 15. - Wheat -
l ! irin at 1 051 07 cash.
Corn-Stronger at Sic.
Oats-Firm at 30c.
) tvo-Qulot at 59o.
Wldsky-Activo and firm at 1 13.
Livicoroot , November 15.-BrcndttdTs--
F irm.
Wheat-Winter , Ss & 1@Ds id ; fijiring ,
S s@R5 , ( iii.
Corn-Ss 3tl5 Id.
] 3ALTI MO11 , November 15.-Wheat--West.
a m inrictivo and easier ; No. 2 wInter [ red ,
c ash,1 O7SJ1 07g.
Corn-ViTestern , neglected ; noiiihmi ni1zed ,
c ash aiid.Noveinbcr , 57@.5Sc.
Oats-Qniet and firm ; wosteru whuto , 38
4 0c : mixed , 3G@88c.
ltyo-Quiet at 63OOc.
Butter-Firm ; western jiacked 1O@23c ;
c reamery , 2157J37c.
Eggs-Finn at 2829c.
Wldsky-Steady and quiet at 1 18.@J1 1071.
KANBM3 CitY. Novernoer 15.-Wheat-
S teady anti nominal : No. 2 , red 83c bid f or
.c ash ; 81Jc bid for December S3jc bid for tim
y ear.
CornWoaker No. inixoti , 37c for cash ;
3 GC blil for oveznber ; 35@355e for Jati.
u ury.
Oats-Stronger itt 2323A.
ar. Loam LIVE STOCK.
Sr. Louis , Nov. 15.-Cattle-Quiet ; only
m oderate demand ; exports , 6 60 ; good to :
c hoice shipping , 5 40@6 00 ; medium to fair ,
1 7S15 25 ; itockers and fecder , 3 50@1 25 ; ;
n ative butchering stuff , 3 O0@J4 25 ; Texans ,
3 254 10 ; IndIans , 3 40@4 25.
Sheep-Stonily ; only geM grades wanted ;
f air to good muttons , 3 25@3 60 ; jriino , 3 75
4 00 ; otra ho.vy , 4 25.
KANSAS Crc ; November 15.-The ] ) aliy In .
dicator reports :
Cattlo-Marketfirm ; demand good for feed ;
ors ; natives steers , 5 0O@6 00 ; stockers anc
f eeders , 3 50@1 40 ; Texas steers , 3 7S3 80 ,
Colorado hiaif.brceds , steers , 8 40@4 50.
Hogs-Market weaker arid lower ; closet I
s tronger ; sales at 4 1S@4 55.
SIeop-Markot iliiot ; good natives , 3 IO.
ChICAGo , November 15.-The Drovor' Jour
oat reportsthis afternoon as follows :
. Hogs-SSUOc ( lower ; all sold ; packing , 4 0 ( )
@ 4 40 ; pacling and shilping , 4 455 QO ; light ,
4 1O4 45 ; skIps , 3 O0@4 00.
Cattle-Market brisk and firm ; exports ,
6 25@7 00 ; good to choice Bhpiing , S 60
6 10 ; common to medium , 4 1O5 10 ; inforio :
to fpir cow.i , 2 1O@3 00 ; medIum to good , 3 O ( c
@ 3 75 ; stockers , active at 3 O0@3 60 ; feeders
3 7O@4 3O rangas , 5@lOc higher ; grass 'l'ox :
ans , 360@4 30 ; Americans , 4 5O@5 60.
Shoop-Stea'1y ; Interior to fair , 2 2S3 2 ( )
percwt. ; hiedluin to good , 3 40@3 75 ; choici
to extra , 3 8O4 25 ; 'roas sheep , 2 253 50 .
Ciiio&eo , November 15.-lioceftits tnd ship : .
month of floiirbnd grain for Uio 1)ast 21 hour 8
have boon as follows ;
' ' : Ileceipte. Sbrlp'ts I.
Flour , Jbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 26,00 3
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 05,000 106,00 0
Cct ii , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 252,000 179,00 0
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 131,000 129,00 0
Rye , inishiols. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 6,00 0
Barley , bitshuls. . . . . . . . . . 51,000 32,00 0
ICAHSAS QiryNuvornber 15.-Receipts ani :1 :
shipuients of grain for the 1iaiit 24 hums hay 0
been as follows
. . ilecoipts. 811i9'ti I ,
Wheat , bushieln. . . . . . . . . . 18OOO 28,00 0
corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 , 6,50 0
NEw You ; November ] S.-Rocolpts an il
6h1Pmfb0f floth and gridri for the past 24 hour a
have been as follows :
Receipts ShIp'U I.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 51,000 58,031 I
Corn , buhhels. . . . . . . . . . . . 53,000 13,00 0
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . 53,000 1,00 0
ChicAGo , November 15.-Itecoipta and shI [ I.
ments of live stock for the past 21 hours hay 0
boon as follow. : .
ReceIpts. BhIp't ,
Uog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,000 ,
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 ,
Si. IMUIS , o'ombor 15.-Receipts and shE
meuts of live stock for the pest 24 hour. hay 0
boon as follows :
. . IleceIpta. Sblii'ti I.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300
Shioep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2,200 , . .
IcAn'IAS CITY , November 'lS.-Itocoipt. air U
shipments of live stock for the Iast 24 hour .5
have boon irs follow. :
Receipts. Shlp'ti I.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . ,
hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 , ,
' . ; . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . , .
3 44
S _ _ _ _ _
Vhioleado 1'rlce ,
. Oyvicx or Tiis OscAIIA I3Er :
'fhur.doy Evening , November 15.
The followIng juices are charged rotallas
by jobbers , wholesalers and comm1sion mar , .
chants , with : the orcoltfon of scram , which
quoted at the ldCeS furnished by tiiooloyatox , . a
and other local buyers ;
, Grain , ;
\VIIEATCOSh No. 2 , 75c ; " No. 8 65c.
BAflLEYOMh No. 2. 48e ,
Ityir-Cashi No.,3 3971c. r
Court-No. 2 , 33c.
O&YSN0. 2 , 2771c.
- -
Tilyn Htonk.
yj. f3rzcn-Quiet at 3 OO@3 40 ,
FAT Cowa-2 753 25 ,
hfoai-4 OO1 15.
Sicr-FIrin at S OO@3 so.
OALVIOS-ifalr quahlty.I r'o5 OOfgoodbutc1 4.
Cr11 stock , 6 00 ,
Flour anti 'fIIIstuff .
WINTER WHhf4T-iO.t quality , patent r1 :4 :
3 4Oj3 ( rio ,
8aoon QUAI.irr-3 O03 40.
s I8O Wus.&r-3est quality , vatont'r it
SWOiDQt1ALIfl-2 go@.J so.
hl1cA-S5 per cwt.
- . . Ls.U-LLiLuI 220
Cuorren FKrn-l'or 100 lbs. BSc.
Conu MSAs-1 OO(3J1 10 tr cwt
ScntImINo-6Oj70o per ew
General l'rotlaico.
UCYTEIt - Fancy creamery 29@31e ; cold
st onigo creamery , 25(27c ; h0i0 dairy , o
@ 240 ; boat country , ohIl , liackoil , 1C42Oc ;
bo at country , roil , lS2Os ; Inferior grades ,
1O @ 1 Ic. 1eccipts { continue large ann quality
PO Or. Notloiiiaiiil for anything uce1it strictly
fa ncy butter ,
Eons-Market adsancirig ; sales to.dny at
27 c ; market will iirolnihly hiohul at thilzu lrIcO ,
4ri'.is-Fauicy : .Tmiathians , $ I 50a , , 00 ;
fa ncy lieu 1)avis , $3 60@4 00 ; fancy , lerrot ,
t3 QI3j3 50 ; fasicyVfllowsburg , 3 255I3 75.
1) ernand gooul.
CIIEEOS-NOtV YOrk State full cream , Into
S eptember make , 14c ; Now \ork Stat"u frill
cr 0310 10 hoop lotuu , 1371c ; do frill creaur , SO
h oop 'ots ' , 13c ; do 'tuguist make , 13c ; iho 10
h oop loLi , Aurust make , 1271c ; tin 50 hoop lots ,
l2 .c ; 'V1scoiisin , frill creaurl , 2 hi box , 131c ;
\ odiiIg 4IIIericas stricti ) ' ( tilt cream , : ; ;
fu ll crealir , 12c ; ftil croarir 10 hoop lots , I I 71c ;
fur l ! croatir liati , 1271c ; frill cicairi 11:514 : , 1 lIe ;
fa ncy brick chiedio , 300 lb eases , lSe ; 1tin.
b urger l3c ; genuine old Swiss , lOc.
1'OTATOXtS-lCCeIiitA { large arid prices
d eclining. Conslgiruriotits of stdctly choice ,
la rge idzoul , straight potatoes are selling
fr ont $0 to 32c ; ririxed cars 25 to 28o
i glit demand ; iioacirilos , zr to 4Ot.
StvRKT 1'OTAT0)CiIOlCO yellow , 2c8c ,
ONIOiit-ltecOlpL5 larger ; hiolo hargo rest
' , Vetliersfiold soiling at 40 to SOc. Xci ulemiurd ,
CAUDAIUI-Markot for choice stock $5 OO ®
C 00 ier hutisired. Demand good.
IIsAHS-hiandl vlckcd navies , $2 7@3 00 ;
h and 1iickoil iiiettltiins 1:2 OO2 25 , lb.
co iIt8 fair demand good.
( , ASIK-l'ralrie chickens , per doz. $3 00 to
3 50 ; quail I 75 to 2 00 ; snIpe , $1 tO to I 75 ;
d ucks , ? ulaihtrd , tier doz , 2 0(1 a 2 50 ; iiilxoil ,
$ 1 SO to 2 00 ; deer saddles 11 to 12c ; cor
e Ms , 9 to lOc ; antelope iuauldios , ii to 12c ; car.
c ars , 8 to Pc. 1)einand good.Vould aulsiso
li beral consigiriruonts. lie carofust that your
g ame comes to market Iii ritco condItion.
Fitinuit OYsTxns-Solccts , ISe ; standards ,
l Oc' mediums , Oa
d ELnnv-15c.
1'OULTIIY-LivO chickens , 10r iloz , 2 SO ®
fu ll dressed chickens , iior lb. , 1161113c ; tnt.
k eys , vet lb. , ll@160 ; chicks , 14@15 ; geei.o ,
l tilCc ,
Luos-Extra fancy bar lemons , $8 00 ;
fa ncy irc.qsiiia lemons , p.'r box , 87 25 ; 5 box
lo ts , Mc'sIna lemons , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. ,
S O 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , S 00 ; do 5 box
lo ts , 84 50.
1)ATES-Black Arabian , per lb. , 8@Oc ;
q uarter crates , lOc.
Fc.a-25 lb. Icegs , pe lb. , 1271c ; 10 lb. box ,
la yer , ier lb. , hOc ; small ovals per lb. , 18c.
CocoANum-1xtra hue , per 100 , 8 00.
Crinni-Pirro sweet cider , 22 gal ceg , ( ' . 00 ;
M . I' . clarified , 22 gal keg , 0 00 ; M. & P.
el nilfied , 32 gal keg , $8 00.
l'1014 Fr.FT , riiii'i , Erc.-Pigs feet , 15 lb
ld ts , SI 15 ; pigs 40 lb qr bbi , $2 25 ; pIgs feet ,
8 0 lb half bbl , $1 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , Si 111 ;
t rii > o , 40 lb q bbl , 82 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half huh ,
$ 4 00 ; pigs tongues , 1l' lii kita , $9 SO ; pigs
t ongues , 40 lb qr bbl $0 00. Lambs' tongues ,
i s lb kits , $2 65 ; 40 h rjr bid , $0 25.
MiNcE Mrvr-Atrnoro's , I 81b buckets
( buckets 25c ) JOc ; 3711) buckets ( bucket 40c ) ,
l Oc. ; lOOlb kegs , 100 ; half barrels be.
AasonTxn : stone jars ; 12 in case ,
P Ot doz , $2 25 ; tmnbler , per doz , 1 95 ;
s chooner , let ( torch , $3 10 ; tin cosis , 4
d oz. in case , $1 40 ; tin cans , 2 doz in case ,
$ 2 10.
Butic JOLT.tES-Curraflt , 30-lb wood jialls ,
p er lb. 8c ; strawberry , wood pails par
l b. 8)ic ) ; raspberry. 30-lb wood pails per Ib ,
8 71c ; blackberry 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 83c ;
c rab 01)1)10 , 30.lh wood pails per lb. 871c.
Arrar : 13u'rrr.n-35-lb wooden jrails , 11 , ,
$ 8 00 ; 5-lb wooden units , 6 In case , rer case ,
l'icAcII Burrim-2o.ll , wooden pails POt lb.
$ 11 00 ; S-lb wooden vails , 6 In case , IOt case ,
$ 425.
Pnispjrv.'s-Iu ( 20-lb wooden pails-flsp. ) ,
b erry , $15 ( JO ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ; ;
p each , $14 00 ; cherry. $14 00 ; toinatoos , $14 00 ; ;
p lum , $14 00 ; asserted , S-lb wooden buckets ,
6c in case , per case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin
c ans , 2 doz in case , per case , $3 25.
NmUASIA Coins lloNuY-1-lb frames , 24-ft I
c ases , PCt ib , 18c.
OnANaES-Loulslanas P ° ' bbl , $9 00 : do. ,
b ox. $500
BAANAs-ChoIco , P ° ' bunch , $3 0O4 00
Citnnituis-1aucy Colic Cod , hi8h color . ,
$14 00 ; boll and buglcs$12 ; 00bell and cherry ,
$11 00. Special Prices Ofl large lots.
HAY-Baled , 8 0O1O 00 tier ton ; In bulk ,
6 00@GSOper ton.
. Grocers List.
. CANNEl ) GOODS-Oysters ( Standard ) , . pa r
3 7O@3 90 ; strawberrlos , 2 Ib , per case I ,
2 10 ; raspborrios2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; BartletI I ;
pears , per ease , 2 40 ; whortloberrles , par case I ,
2 80 ; og plums , 2 .lb per case , 2 90 ; grool
gages , 2 lb. nor case 2 Odfdo choice , 3 groolr
SO ; puo appfes 2 lb , per case , 1 80c
Rorx-Sisal , Jr iuc and larger , 10c , : ,
1 O'c ; luch , llIc.
CANDLEa-BOxOS , 40 lb. , 16. , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; ;
boxes 40 ibs , 16 oz. , Os , lSc.
MATCuES-Per caddie , 35c ; roind , case I ,
1 55 ; square Cases , 1 7th
SUGAnS-Powdored , lOc ; cut loaf , lOc S
graiiuliited , Pta ; confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand 1.
ard extra C , Sc ; extra 9 , 7c ; medium yeJ I.
low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c.
Coviir.s-Ordinary grades , 1O@11c ; fair 1 4) -
® 1271c ; good , 1113c ; prime , 121271c ; choIce I ,
1314cfnncygroiiand ; yellow , 14@l5c ; uI d
governiiiont .Javu , 20@26c ; Levering's roiit'c1
I4c Arbucklo's roasted , 17e ; McLaughlin1 , q
xxkx roasted , l7gd ; Irnltatthn Java , 16 71
® l8je.
IIIcE-Louisliina IflimO to choice , 7c ; fair
6c ; l'atma , 6c.
Fisit-No I mackerel , half brig. , 8 00 ; N
mackerel , .dibd 1 15 ; family hiaekcrol ha ] Ii
brhui , 6 00 ; faniify niackerol kits , OSe ; No , 1
white Silt , hiztlf brIg. , 7 00 ; o. 1 kits 1 05.
Srnur-Staulard Corn. , 35c , bolut ; htandar d
do , 471 gahlou kegs 1 85 ; Standard dci , 1 gahlo ii
SOI.t-In lb 3 30 vercaso ; kcgper It
PIcKL8-ModIlirn , in barrels , 7 00 ; (1 0
In half barrels , 4 00 ; small , In barrels , 8 00 ; d
liahibarrols , 4 75 ; ghicrk1nainbarreIs , .101 ;
do In half harrehs , 5 00.
TKAS-GunpOWdCr , gooil , 4555c ; choice C 0
@ 7 ° ; good IiddjOilfll , 40@J43c ; choice , COGS : ;
Young hlyson , good , .Aj@tiOc ; chioiu ) ,
6tc ; ; 1 00 ; , Jnpan natural loaf , BSc ; .Tnpai I ,
choice , 6O75c ; olong , good , 3S40c ; Ooloni S
choice , 4055c ; Bouchong , good , 3540u 'I
choice , 3545c.
WoommwAIc-Two hoop pails , 1 8 ] 5 ;
three hoop judis 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Ph ) .
near washiboari71s , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 91 I ;
Wallbuckots 3 85.
HoAra-ldrk'as Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; KIrk ' 5
satlnot , 3 60 ; KIrk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk 'a
white 1tusIan , S 25 ; JCirlc's eutoca , 2 11 I ;
Kirk's l'rairie Queen , (100 ( ealtes , ) 40c ; Kirk 8
magnolia , doz. .
Pomrnc-I'onnsylvana cane , 4 case , In cain 3 , -
3 35 ; BabhItts ball , 2 cloz. irtcase , 1 IJO-Anchic
bal,2doz.Incaae,1SO. ]
OANIfl'-Frepth zuixed , in 30 Ibindlz 1St : ;
AmerIcan mixed , irs 30 lb jntlls. , i'c' 11th han t
inked In $0 b paiIs , lie ; , NoIby pth'ed , Is 3 3
lb iaik , 13c ( Jonipetition mixed , In 30 1
1)tlIa , 12o ; lixcoistor ttck , 30 lb pall. , 1St . ' .
double refined , 30 lb pails , 13c ; Crystal mixec' 1' ,
30 IlpaIls ' iSo ; Old Time mixed , 30 lb pal it ,
140 ; TIp T'opiiilxticl 30 lb pails , 13c ; FUrl , ,
inlxed3Q lb pall. , l1d ; FlIrt , stick , SO 1 b
paIls , 1171c ; Tfi ; Top , stick , $0 lb units , 12o.
VINEGML-NOW Y ork apple 1Cc ; OhIo a
pie. 1St : ,
SALT-Dray l9ads , per bid , I 80 ; Ashton , I RI
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , Sit , 3 30.
Smucir-l'earl , 471c ; Sliver Gloss , Pc' Cot U
tarb , tIc ; Excelsior Gloss , 7o ; Corn , e.
i3i'zcrs-1'ej'per , lie ; athpice , 15c ; clovei S
25t : ; cassla , iSo.
Lys-Amorican 3 40 ; flroenwich , 3 .II ) ,
Western , 2 75 'IortI Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lyt 3
4 65 ; Jowoll lye. 2 75.
Dry Goods. .
BICOWN Corrosa-Atlautfo A 8cf AImS s _
ton XX , 7c ; , Atlanta A , Sc ; iioot 1'F' t C ,
Buckeye I4jJ 4.4 , 70 : Cabot W , 7c ; ChItt 0.
nango A , f1c Great FishI B 8c ; hoosier 671 : o ;
Honest wiuitfi , s Indian I lead A , Sc ; mdlii n
Standard A Sc ; IndIan Orchard , 1. w , , 7j : c ;
Lawrence Li : , , oc Mystlo lItter 7e J'oquu it
A , 8C ? Utica 'C , 571c'huroLt ii , 7o ; i to
A , 8o do E .18 , 12c ,
FiNE IhiowN CorroHs-Allendao 44 71 0
Mllgator 3.4 , 1k ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ; Atlant ii ;
J41 , 6c ; Badger State . .1.4 , 671e ; Beiiitirigh ci
(1 4.1lic ; Buckeye S 'l.IGc ; ludianOrelsar d
AA 9.13 , 871c ; Iaconla 0 33 , 871c ; Lehigh 11 4. 'I ,
971c ; Popporoll N So , 7c ; thu 0 32 , 71 ° ; do It
85 , 7c ; do 11 39 , 871o ; l'oeasoet 0 4.1 , 7 o ;
Wamsutta 1-4 , iSo.
Baxcrrm , Corrows-Androsooggin I , 4-
971c ; lllackstoxio Alt. imperial 8c ; do do his Ii
ldegdtoui I-I , ftc ; Onhot 1-I , 8o ; Fidelity 4. 1 ,
la1RA4 - ' --p , '
- -
Ol e ; FnrIt of the Loom P'c ; di ) cambria 4.4 ,
lI 1 : do'ator Twist , i6c ( Ire-st Falls Q , to
I ndian hiensi shrsuik 4.4 , 12c ; I.onsdrslo , 100
0 canihurlo 37 , 1'2c ; Now Yotk Mills , l2ko
l'P eipiot A , lOc l'elipCrOl , N 0 Tirills , 1220
P ocahontas 4.-i , 0c : l'ocassot 5-4 , R ; UUcrs ,
hl c : Wainsutta 0 X X , i271o
1)ccas ( Colored- ) Albany 1 brown , 8c ; do
C , uirrsh I he ; do XX stripes anti 1lidts % , 12 i-2c ;
d o XXC brinvir anti drab , stripes anti
12 i.2c ; Arlington fancy , lDc ; liruriawick
br own , S 11c ! ; Chuuiot fancy , 12 11c ] do ox.
tm hiersys' , 20c ; Fall lbLverhirovn , ntrahieavy ,
11 1.2c ; 'hiiihltnri A brnvn , iSe ; Noisrirset A
br own , lSe ,
TLcKln'-Auioshong AC A82 , lOc ; do XX
hil tro 32 18 14c ] ; Arrowtuma , P i.2c ; Clara ,
iii otrt fIB IS 1.2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l-2c ;
h amilton 1) , Ii 1.2e ; ] , uwiston ASO , 1&c 1t'II
ti ehalni .1.4 , 20c ; Ornegri , sulIi3r ovtr s- ! ' - '
l' eui lilver 82 , 16 i.Ie ; 1. , ritnarti 'sthi1110
st ripe , l2c ' Shotucket. 3 , 10 1.2c ; do SS , 12c ;
Y otirnari' . 'bliur'29 , Pc.
1)sNius-Airieske.'tg , huliro anti brownIGI.2c.
A inlover lD lucre , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X bum
S cotch , 18 1.2c ; Ctiimcord 000 , blue and
li rnni , 12 l.2c ; do 4tAA , do ului , 13 1-2 ; do
X \ to (10 lui , 1I 1.2c ; lioymaker's hum aint
li rown P 1-2c ; Mystic hbisorD1)stripo,161.2c ;
P earl lilver , blue airul lrtmwn , 1Cc ; Uncaivillo ,
hu ltmo and'brnwn , ii 1.2c.
qAsumultIes-inriiarsl , 5c ; Euldystono linIng ,
2 1 Inch double face , 871c ; Ursrimor A glrtzesl , 571o ;
lu' taiihmatt.ui loto OutsIt , 571c ; Newport do. Stc
d o glazed , t.c ; Pequot di , , Sc ; Lockwood kid
fi nIsh , Cc.
Comisar JicA.9-Amory , Audroseoggln
s attoen , 8cc ; Clarandon ( i.c ; Conostogga sat. .
te ens , 7c ; Hallow-eli , Sc ; Indian Orchard , 7c ;
N nrraguumsctt , unproved , tS71c ; I'cpportll sat.
te en , 071c ; Ibockisurt , Cc.
l'ldtNm-Allons , CcAtnericnn , 671cArnhio ; ,
6 71c ; ] JorwlckUse ; Cochuno , 671 'Coirostoga , Ole ;
l Jankirk , Cc : Iunnohl , 61@7c ; lddystoimo , 6c ;
( I loucestor , 671c I [ at-runny , 571c ; Knickerbocker ,
6 71c ; Merrhnao : 1) , 7c ; MystIc , 571e ; Spragues ,
C c ; Southmbrhlgo , Cc ; do Glugliarnut , 7o ; i'slarl.
b ere , Sc ; Oriental , 8o ,
( IINGIIASIS-Amoskeag 071o ; Argyle , Sc ;
A tlantIc , 8c ; Cmmiribcrlismnl 771o ; highland , 7c ;
K ottlIwarthi , ( ic ; Pluii1tl , 071c ; Sussex , Sc.
COTTOA1)nS-Abborvillo ) , 13&c' ; Agate , 2Cc ;
A merican , lie ; Artislnn , 2Cc ; L'alro 1) and ¶ 1' ,
1 371c ; Clarion 1) antI T , 1771c ; 1)ecan Co.
st ripes 1) and T , ICc' Keystone , l3jc ; Nan
tu cket , lOc Ncinpareif , 1Cc ; Ocean 1) and T ,
1 371c ; 1boyn , 1071e : Sussex , 12c ; 'l'iogs , Wnchu.
so tt ahiliting checles , 1271c ; tin Nanklri 1271es
Y ork , i'ialit Nanldn , 1271c ; do checks , stripes
v iiti fancy , 1271c ; do 8 oz , 2Cc.
SIIicaTINos-Amiilnrscsiggirm 10-4 2771c ; do
9 -1 , 23e ' tb 3-4 , 32c : Continental 0 42. lIe ;
F init ot' the Tosiii 10.4 ; 27cNow ; York in his
9 3. 8.'c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 2271e ; l'omnbroko
1 0-4 , 25c ; l' qmiot 10.1 , 2871c : do 71 , lUc : do ' 19 ,
i Ce ; l'oppeaoll 06 , 21k ; do 67 , 2lc ; do T , lb'c ;
U tica iki , 3Cc ; do 58 , 2271e ; d 48 , lTc.
PaiimtisOIhs arisE Varnishes ,
Orr.uu-llO ° cambum , gallon , iSo ; 1500
h eadlight , icr gallon , iSc ; 175 ° headlIght ,
ii er gallon , 20c ; 150 ° water white 190 ; liii
s eed , raw , ; ir galloiiSSc ; linseed , hiollod , Po
g allen , 118c Lard , winter str'tI , per gallon , SOc :
N o , 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , COo ; castor , XXX , per gal
hi m , 1 SO No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , uier gallon 850 ]
sl mrill v.B. ; , per gallon , 1 60 ; fishI IB. . ,
p orgaihon , OSe : noatsinotextra , nor galoim , tOc ) ;
N o , 1 , iSo ; lubricating , zero , POt gallon , SOc ;
at mininor , iSe ; golden niachino , No. 1 , oar gal.
IoS n , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; 1' ° ° . signal , per gallon ,
S Oc ; turpentine , per gnhloii , SOc ; naptha , 74 ° ,
p er gallon , l5e.
I'AITfl IN Oir.-WIiIto load , Omaha P. P.
C c ; vIaito lead , St. Louis , pure , 6cMarsoihlos ;
g reen I to S lb canr , 20c : 1"rcrich zInc green
i aah , 12c Frenchi zinc , red seal , lie ; i'rench
z inc , iii varnish nast , 2Cc : Fionch zinc. in oil
ai st , iSo ; raw runt burnt umber , 1 lb cans , lOc ;
r aw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyhco brown
1 : Ic ; refimiod ] ampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
I very lilachc , 1Cc ; drop black , 1Cc ; l'rnsslan
b lue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , lSc ; clironro green
L . M. & D. , 1Cc ; llifld and abutter green , L
z u : . . & 1) . , iCc ; Paris green , iSe ; Indian red ,
1 Cc ; VenetIan i-ed , tic ; mmscan red , 22c ; Amen. :
c an Vermnillion , L & F. , .lSc ; chmroino yellow
I i. M. , 0. k D. 0 , , 18c ; yellow ochre , Dc ; i
g olden edit-c , lOt' , patent dryer , Sc ; grainini
c olors. light oitk , dark oak , walnut , chetnul
a nd ash , 1St :
Width lead , Sc ; French zinc , lOc ; ParS S
whiting , 271c ; whiting glIders , 171c : vhItIn
com'l 1c ; lamnpbhack , Germantown , 14e
l ampblack , ordluht-y , lOc ; l'russian blue , Silo
ultrainru-irmo , 18c ; varidyko , brawn , Sc ; umber
burnt , 4c ; umber. raw , 'Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c
sienna , raw , 4c ; ParIs green , genuine , 25c
Paris groan5 common 20e ; chiromo green , N.Y.
20c ; chrome green , 1k , , 12c ; vermillion , Eng ,
70o ; vermillion , Ainonicaii , 18c ; Incllium roil
bc ; rose pink , lic ; Venetian red , Cohcusoss I
2c ; Venetian red , Aumonicaim 1c red load
7c ; chmronio yellow , genuine , ? .0c ; cmnomno yel :
low , IC , 12coclii-o , roehoilo Scochtro , French
2.c ; ochre , American , 2cVintor'a mineral
2jo ; lehigh bowmm , 271c ; Spauishm brown , 271c
Prliico'i , mninoral , Sc.
VAmusIinis-Barro1s par gallomi : Fmnid
ttire , extra $1 10 ; furnturo , No. 1 , $1 ; conch
extra , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar
extra , $1 75 ; , Tapan , TOe ; auuphmaltumn1 extra , 85c
shidlac , $3 50 ; hard oItfiulh , $1 ( $0.1
dole , 38o to 42o hemlock sole28c to Silo :
tiOlit 0 hip , 80o to I 00 ; runner' GSa to SOc
item o calf , Silo to LO ; hemlock upper , 23 :
to 2Cc ; oak mmpIer1 21c ; alligator 4 00 to 5 50
calf kid , 32@.35 : Grelsen kid , 2 fO to 2 75 ; oal
kip , 80c to 1 00 ; oak cahf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Freud
hip , 110 to 1 55 ; FrancIs calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nu
sets , 5 50 to 7 50 ; liiiirgs , Ii 00 to 10 50 ; tot : k
Q to 10 50 ; B. L. MuroccoSOu to Silt : ;
pohiiilo 0. ft Morocco , Silc ; simon , 2 tiC to 3 fIt
I1AmiE5S-NO , 1 star oak , -12c ; No 2 do
SOc : No. 1 Ohio oalc , SBc ; No. 2 do , Silo ; Nc
1 ISUiwaukea STc : No , 2 do Sic' .
lildeg ,
Dull and vaak : grooms butchers , Ce ; gren
salted , 7717c ; dry flint , 12Ifc : ; dry sail I
lOSSlIc ; damaged Irtdc , two-thirds price.
TALaow-Oc ,
Sititar 1'ELTh-25cl 00 ,
'wooh ,
Nenino unwashed , . light 1l@lCc ; , hoavl p ,
1S@lSc ; medium uimvashicti , light , . 18@20 : ;
washed , chmleo , 82c ; fair , SOc ; tub arid wrushioc I ,
280 ; ' hurry , black and cotted wool , 2Oo 1oiii 1.
Vo quote lumber lath and shingles on oar s
at Omaha at thio folotvlirg Itnicesu
, Tos arm So.tNTLINO-1O ft. and nurk it
22 00 ; 18 It , 23 50.
'l'isrvrncs-lO feet and under , 22 00.
Timinica AND .Toi'r-jIt ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft. 23 St ) , .
22ft , 2650 ; 24ft , 2650.
Fxcuco-No , 1 , 4 and 6 in , , 21 00 ; No. 1 'I )
SIrErc'rIno-No , 1 (2d'comrnorm ( boards ) , 20 01 I. ,
No. 2 , 1&O0.
Liii-1'er barrel , 1 25 ; bulk vet bushel' 35i . ' .
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa m1astcr IJbI , 2 50 ; hia ] r' r
per bu. SOc ; Piu-ru4 felt , 19O his , i &o ; stra' w
noartl , 3 ( c'
fleavy hlurthvaro List.
Ian , rates , ' 2 60 ; plow stool special cant , 7 , .
crucible , Sc ; 5PCIaI or German , Cc' cast tot II
ao , 15o ; wagon spokes , iuot,2 2r. ( $ 00 ; limit nil
per set , i,25 ; fetlocs sawed dry , 1 ' 10 ; tommguoi 5 ,
each , 7OQ85c ; azles each , We ; square muita pc ur
flu , 7llc ; rushers , Cr lb. S18c ; rivets , vc it
lb. lie ; coil chair , . per Ib , 612o ; malleable , S
iron wedges , Cc : crowbars Cc ; harrow toot'I. . .
4c ; spring tool , 7Se ; llurdon'ithsom-sohioes , 1 $ 2 .1 I.
Burden's mimleshora ' 0 21 , , .
Buimixo WIRE-J'ii Cam- lots , So paz101 .4 ,
NAlas-h1atos , 10 to ( $0 $ , 8 20 ,
ShoT-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; .n-Icntr U
powder , kegs , 610 ; tIe , , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , ,
cluarter hogs , 1 88 ; blastIng , kegs , S 35 ; fun I ,
per 100 feet , SOc.
LEAD-lIar , 1 65 ,
Co&o-Cumrtberlanj hilacksinith , 10 00 : Mo : r
rift i-trim Blosusbumig , 10 \Vliltefreiust ; luni 1 ,
5 00 ; 'iVlritohiroast nut , S 00 ; lewis liuuip , SI 01 I. S
Iowa nut , (1 03 ; itock Si > rliig , 7 00 ; Anthri a
cite , 11 0O5J1l 25 ; Canon City , 7 00 , liar to : ii
IJidJmiiN ,
Aaooiroa-188 proof , 2 25 per wino gallo n
extra California 5lIrIt , 188 proof , 1 25 1" 1
proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187' proo ( p
1 23 ler lrtf ) gnhlcrr , ; ro.citstllIed whilsklo it ,
i 01I@1 SO ; litre bleimuloul , 1 S02 50 ; ICor 1-
tuciry liourhuiis , 2 00447 00 ; Kertucky an ' ii
l'ennsylvcuds ywn , 2 OOC7 00.
hiRMIiro-Iruportud , ( I 0Ol600 ; domc.tI 0
I 40@4 00.
GIHS-Importod , 4 SO@6 00 ; domestic , 1 to
® 0O.
llt1&1S-TIflpOrtCdh , 4 5OO 00 ; New Eriglarmi 1 ,
2 O04 00 ; tlomnraitI , 1 03 SO.
l'n.tcji ci' Ai''ai llirAnny-I 7&I 00 ,
Ci1Ari'MIUI3-hmrqiortsid er case 28 001 ? S
31 ( Xl ; ArnosIcirn , c'r caO , 1. , O0i0 & 1 ,
Pit To1.t00 ClImax , 5Cc ; liulUon ( SO c ;
_ l 45u. 4 " 9UV4l't5)QU .WAu"i 15151
lE orscahroo , tOe' Star SOe ; hbuddy , 4r'c ; liar.
so y's , 48c ; 1iIac , ] I8 ( ICc.
Piss : CLrr-Commnnnn , 2030C : ge'r'sl , 4r ®
CO c ; Ihiwo 1caf , 7Cc ; l'iwmhmm , f'Tio ; Thamnoncl
C nns n , Nsc ; Sweet ] ixteon , 47c.
Sscoaim-O. S. , 21c ; Meenchiiumni , 28cThmr.
Ima iui , S cii. . , ( Silo ; 1)iirhinra 07. . t'Tc ; ] ) Imrant ,
2 oz , ( do' Seal of North Cisndimma , 8 on. , itSe'
Se al of orthm Carolina , 1 ox. 57c ; Seal
i's orthi Carolina , 2 or. , COo ; 0. IC , limrhmamn
0 ? . , 2lo ; 0. K. 1)nrlramr , 2 ox. , SIlo ; Uncle
ic esu , i's , 25e ; ! ! ! . ,
1)FN'Ilt MzLt1i- . .
Crnan ,1EAro , tiu LAIII-jbp.flms lfl71Si1OVc :
b reakfast lusesum , ltgqlFic ; timnoked shIes , 1171
( iji ltIc ; mit sIdes , 871h1.1)c ) ; lord , I0e.
(1 km : , : hrmuiT .INI ) l'icOiWCE-l OIAIAC'S , tO ®
75 c liar 100 pounds ; , sutatoo.s , unyret , 1' ' ' 100
is mumitils , 2 25)2 ) 75 ; onIons , luor 101) Isimmndis ,
$1 t.O/9 / ( JO ; tommiatsiCs Per voiumcl , 271cSo ;
tuI rtlilsI , P ° il' ' , 1cm tolsmraslu cabbage , now ,
tie r lou ) , ttilcl 00 ; live chickens , imlul , pcr ulox ,
i.s I 001 ? t ] 25sraIrio ; chIckens ; uer doz$3 0O5JI3 SO ;
eg gs , freshi , er ultit , 28jt3lc ; butter , lair iiimOi.
it y creitnusry , firmest per 11 , , : ; SSiiafl' cinmamnery ,
gi sod , h ' lb , 28@8Ic ; liiusai arid Nebraska
d airy , i' ' ° r ib , 252 Ii' Cosu'kIlIg , $ ( SllOc ; chaise ,
fu ll cream , POt lit , 116517c ; aiplt's 'er hunl ,
ea stern , $1 75tC (10 ; grahios , POr lii ,
St : Cc : California POitr , per lxix ii 25
E ; 3 SO ; liluimis , 'O lb box 2 0)532 t4f ; Mes.
su m lamnomms , ottrrs , bi , 0O@8 00 ; Colt' ' .
ta ilis vhmeat , fiOt lOOlli $1 305i$1 $ 38 ; flour , GuI.
or aIo , sr 100 Ib , 2 4IO2 25 ; flour , patorit ,
$ 9 0tKd. ; 00 ; flOUr , Rmumsaq , Pot 10(1 ( lii , $2
3 00 ; flour , Graham , jtcr 100 lb. $2 O1'2 ] SO ;
fl our , rye , ir 100 lb 2 : 'O@9 7O flour , bucic-
w heat , hr bid , $11 bOl9 SO ; corn miusal , rar
10 0 Ibs , $1 6S@l 85 ; corn , liar 100 his , 31 2 , ®
1 30 ; cent chroi ; , Pr IflOllis $1 305111 3i imow
oa ts , per lOt ) lbs $1 : : ' , ® .i5 oats , Nebraska ,
iit Ied , ier 100 ii , , $1 ilO1 40oats ; , Nobraika ,
w hite , tier 100 Itus , $1 81lrsont.s ; , Ccsioninlsi ,
fi er 100 11w , $1 250111 35 ; barley , 'rz 100 Ibs ,
$ 1 t'Osiji 75 ; riiixociehui , l' ° 100 lieu , $1 33 ®
1 40 ; unarm uer bimi , $ li OOSiJlD 00 ; hmn' , loose ,
lia r tori $12 0O@lC 00 ; baled second bottom ,
l 0 OOCJI12 00 ; tusled : upland , $14 0017 00 ;
cl over , vr tori , $20 00 ; strMv , 11cr ton , $3 00
® 000.
C apital , - - $250,000.
JAS It. I1F.AIITWIl.t , rreshfcnt.
A. L. CLAIIEE , 'leo-l'rslilcnt.
i : ci. yElnI'EILrrcasmirer ,
C. \VEIIS1Elt. . Craliler.
lfllLECTOltS :
p .intmcl Mexauidor , ( ) samhl O0scr
pt I Clarke , H. C , Ycli.ter ,
'I to. IL irsti , Jrs. II. lIi'arlwetl ,
D. 21. 1tcl.I11Inrroy.I
5 irst Mortgage Loans a pooia1tv
I ' I 'SI , , . I I ' . ' ii I ' tttit
i I'd , , I'i ' .1 . ' ' Iusimoil2tti
I I hrsi'ct cim Ii ruttl1el : i
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L& ht
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i'Ii \ , . . . . -
_ :
RailwayTime Table.
, p iL. , MAIN LINE.
LIIAV ir. Amutrrr.
Pac1l1o lIxprvsal2:05 : p mu Atlantic Exprcsa7:25 : a r r
Western Ernrcr 8:00 : pm S'cteriiExpross. a:20p : I
0. Isladl'aus , . , . ,4eop : or 0. Island I'asa. 11:20 : 0
Lincoln : ' in Lincoln Ex..12C5 : p1
Leavu0naia ) : 7:10 : , R:0O.tiQO : : , lO0O , 11:00 : a : mo
1:00 : , 2.00 , &U' . 400. 5:00 : , 0:0) : , 10:10 : 1' . Iii. Oii Sur
sf5) . : 7:10 , 0(0 11:00 : Ii , ill ' 2:00 : , 4:0) : , 0:00 : , 10:10 : g
ii , , Arriso at rra'umlcr itupot 20 rnliuutnslitter ; Droa
way deput , Couiictl I0ifTs , , 30 tubuLe. later.
Lento ( 'oundll liIIdT.4 , Ilromdwuiy depot , 8:00 : , 0:01 :
1Q:0o : , 1IOO a. rim. ; 1out ; , 2O : , 8:00 : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : , 0H : 1 ,
10:40 : p. mu , . On Slilida ) s : 8:011 : , 10:00 : a. In. ; i :00 : , 0:0 : ) ,
1:00 : , 0J : , 10:40 : ii , in. Arrtio 'I'ransfer tli'ot , lUnil ;
utni fater ,
Leave Council I1lufYs , Transfer de1iot : 8:5 : , 021 ;
10:25,11:25 : : n.m. ' 1:25 : , 2:25,3i'O : : , 4:21 : , & :25 : , 0:2,0tl : : :
10:15 : p. ni. Arrive Omaha O uiminuLe later.
casys oauuis. assys ouwucu. sr.trrvs.
lisa. No. 2. , . ,7t5 : is m I'ass , No. 0 , . , 1:25 : 5 I
'I No. 10 , , . . ,1. ,4it " No. 15.II&Oa : I
I , No 4 .85Ojm " No L&meoaI :
' 4 No. S..8Loamn ; " No , 1. . , , ; ' '
a , , 21. & St. P. It. R.-U , P lJlfl'OD.
UalUc Hz..7bOam : ' , . , , . . , : mm
ItlantloEx.0 . Iii hall lIx..7:10 : p1 rum
3niaha..7:10am : Omaha F
I' 8:00 : p am " . . . , S. . . , 5:20 : p i
a. , n & Q it. 1L-U P. DF.I'01T , :
& ' . . . . . . . . : a in lixpeess.:5 : I
IZIfS5d. . . . . . . . af.0 : I , in ' . . . . . . . . . . . : p En
C. , 11. II t 1' . It. 11.-LI , i' DIWOT.
: lislI. . . . . . . . . . . . in
. . . . . . . . . . . . : p in . . . . . . . . . : ' :
, N. W. It. 11.-U , P tEPOT.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : rim : . . . . . . . . : a I ;
. . . . .8:50pm : Mall' . . . . . . , . ,7lopI :
S. 0. r 1' . II. 31.-U. I' . DEP&t.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Ilipress , . . . , , , , . 0:45 : . 01
: , In . , . . . . . . . . . : p in
Iliprcsui , , .7OQ : A Zn EXXWd5 , , . , , , , , , 6:45 : p : in
0 , , ST. l'AUL , it. .t 0 , It. IL-UEL'OT N. UTII t IT
No.2 . . . . . . . . . . 7:50am : No.1' . . . . . . . . . .
4' , , , 1:00 : p In No ' . . . . . . . . . . : :
0rnsli for ValentIne vIz , St. Vaul Un , ,
to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : in
ArrIvofrom Ytontlime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
) rnyor Eiprou. , .8:10 : a in I Atlantlo . , , , , , 0IOp : I
I'M:1lIc : Exproiis,0Ii : mu. f flonyorExjirots.'D:40 : a
g , a , , r jog & ti , ira , it.-ii. & ii. PEI'OT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hiireii . . . . . . Iii
ICetiross , . . . , , , . , 1:20 : ii in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p i
'SUimilayl oxcejitOil.
OpenIng and Closing of Idaho. :
icons. OrN , , . , "IICLOiII.
sui. am. fl.II
fI N , IV. , 0. , II. I. & I' . , 0. 11.
8t. t'aiit & Sour thtyII00 ; 0:001 : 0:40 : 3 : ] 15
0. , 11AS.l'H C. & I' . lit Joina 9:00 : 5:43 :
SVaIiatl Express , . , , , . . , , , . , , , , , 12:80 : :1 : II
Walaslilocal , , . , , . , , , . , . . , , , 0:0' : ) 5:40 :
LI. ( .1 , 141. Jou 4 : ( .1 , 11 . . . , , . , , , 0)0 0:00 : 5:40 : 6:1 :
hllssoirl Paclilo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7no : 5:40 :
7cO : :
unIon l'aelllc , ot uslatid. . . . . . 8:00 : 11:33 :
Uhitfll Icttto , Iuiier ) 6z , . , 4:00 : 1 : ]
. .t Itepublicait S'atley. , . 1:00 : 11:05 :
l. & 81. Uxj'rcss. . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 7:10 :
ii. & M , for 1'Iattsmoiith , 8.
lIcuid , Ahlami4 sitU L.liicolim.l1OO ; t ,
0111cc open Sunlay. from 12:00 : am. to 1:00 : p. or.
C. K. ( kUtFANI Po4iiiast
Employment Ageni : ; ,
AU klud ( if help .uij.I1od jirompUy. Rallros I ,
SotdcrEid ( lradlri liciji
17 N 16th Street , . . . OILUI.t , NE Ii.
- U s
? 5fl 1 a- - ? S - , . .
' - - - - - - - - -
: : : : :
- - .
INI-c ) Ec.ALr ; :
On Long Time--Small Paymonts.
A t IFllIllOtlI1O11S [ Fi'cos1 ! A. llouo Jr
ISis 9090K 1'flO
_ _ n M
ll hiio [ rres ! d rill 11oll
1IyRepos1tory Li oonrtsntly Oiled slth s sele.ctletock. Ikst Wekmamishifp guaraitced.
O lfico and Factory S. W Cornn' 161/ , and Capitol ,4&'cnuo , limo ! a
" 1
( Chlcaflo , flurllngton & Qulnoy iaIlrQnd , )
_ - . . .
- '
- - -
' - .
I' , , . ' , S : riLr
, .
s-- _ . , _
- "p4
_ i a. . , %
- :
EIegnt Pa ) Coaches , 1'anlor Cans. with Itochtn SoOti TraIns of 1fegimnt In' ) Conches anti Pull
od. i e ; frye ) , Hinolcing Cars , myltit . Palace Sleiplng Cars ai nun 'Jolly to and1
d. o ring Clot Sicats Palace N eeplumg cara and trauui St 1411115 , vIa Ilmtinlb.t.h. 1mIlnc .
tIfr m fairmoiss C. h. . , Illuming tisrs run daily to anil Ilurlinglon , Costar 110111415 antI Al art ) ' Eec1ctik.1
fr om Chicago t Kamis.ts City , ChIcago . 'a Council I'iuml anti Minricapolims : 1'arloi'farswItla IiecltnLo
Il liltrus , Chicago .t tics Moines Chicago , dl. Jo. ChaIrs to and Cmiii SI I.omiti and l'eorta anct
IO 2IiIi , Atclilriou , t ro c.ka. Only tlmmcmgh litre Lo , and ( room St Louts and Ottuniwa. Only o'
t ut'cn Chicago , Idnro Ii .t Ii'mvrr. 'through cars change of cars between EL. LOUIS an 13Z.
tIa 'twct'n Itmillaimumpolls & ( ] ouricll lItcilts via 'curia. MoInes lows , Lincoln , NebraGka , and Den.I '
M I cormmmecUori initilo In Unln Iennts. it is Colomiulo. (
k nown as tim 1rcat'ru1wuaIL CAll NE. It is wmlversalty atImltc1 to tic the
Fincat Equipped Ruliroad In the World for nil C111s603 of TraVOf.
T . J. I'OVIBIt. 3d Vico-1'ros'tarntGou'l Macmicron. IIULCIIV. ¼ L E.OYII1T..tin , Vias. M't. . Chicai. .
- -
'Pm ITrIIrnaD ,
C aIviid IroCorDics ; Nk1dO Caps1FiDiaIs
Bkvllrhti&o Tltrt.eontlr , Street Neb
I' 1r4Z
- hJN
. Heating and Baldng
: .I only attaimieti by smaing
t _ Stoves and Ranges ,
'r _ _ s _ _ _ _ Fet r 'o by
. - OMAHA-
'Fl , , , Flour Ii made at Salem , lUchardson Cot , Nebraska. lii the Cor..nlne,1 flohlor Stone System. W
gIve KXC'LUSIVS .alo of our flour to one firm in a pisoc. Wo lmava 1snmod a branch at 1618 CapItol av000
Omaha. Write for L'rfce. . Atidroas eIther
Salem or Oninlia. arch
tELb1i12ecI ill
I 4 * II !
I ,
: ,
p-- ; :
1LO ) 1111(1 1411 f.olgo Street ,
_ .t > *
OMAHA , - - - - - - NEBRASKA.
VVII11 PCX llllViuffo \ Sliatles. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ .4 I
Croweiu of Live stock and Others. '
Our Cround Oil Cake.
It Is ti , . best od cheapest food for stock of any kitid. One pound to equal to three pounds of oem
Lock hal wIt ) , Orouo.l CII Cake Jim the Fall ssnil WInter , Iliatead of running down , wIll Increase In weigh ,
and ho In good markot.aljlo coitthitlon In Lie sprlnI. 1)LtIrylflOii , as Well as other. , who use It can testIfy
liii . merits. . Try It anti Judge for yourselve& . 1' : co t2. per ton ; no charge for sack. . Addrcs woo ; ) AN LIh'SEHI ) OIL COMI'ANY Omaha
Wholesale ' Druggist I
Pllts Oils Yars1ies aild V1illdO ifiass
4 : j' ProW.
tctsiiio vf.ti-on , 2'craivia :
Jtar1 tcod 1'/sospjiorui its.
Cs pufutaiila form. 1"oa'
J'iLitj , of 4iu. .
ett , , j'JSttUtjQU of ) ' tat
.L'oictrij ft is , .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ste. 4rtUsoi3ti.
.ILV.AUOflhJ3 Wnitea- : 111W. 3. L. TOWNEP. ,
Attor a thorourix trial of the /
IRON TOIJiC , I taio ploanuro xli. : aayaIi
In otatliag that I have boon ' Ic0.AIdOTIt
l.roat berietltod .by it a iiio t' excellent rcmody io'
LUte. iniatcu-a anti 'ttb , , . 1ftho doih1tated vital forces.
Ito Snaakoro will lirul It
of thu greatot
where ft Tonjo in
onry , I
gla ix relIable ro
aKent , , ounoai
doubtc zautriti
, yontorativo Li',4tJDdt4Aj , , pro ( k
. LAlZDilZ Dt. IIARER MEDWINE CO. . 223t1. U4.11C..C.LQh9 ,
. - - - - '
- - - ' ' ----n : ;
: : : . ,
- - _ _ _ . _ _ _ , - '