Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1883, Image 1

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. . . TH lla I ; OMAHA ' DAILY BEE.
1- , t , , , . .n. , i.i. . .
Sclsattonal Report That it lad Boon
Stolou ,
The Statement of the Custodian
of the Tombs ,
Tito Story of the Attempted Stealing
of time Itcmnlua.
A SENSATI01'AI. IL1:1'o1lT.
SPRINaFILLf , Ill. , Novontbor 15.-A
eonsational dispatch from , this city in ro-
.lation to Abraham Lincoln's body ap
Ipoar3 in a Chicago paper of this dato.
Its statomonta nro eomo of thorn positive.
+ ly untrue , many of thorn unauthorized by
any one having knowledge of the facts ,
, and the whole article is therefore calcu
iatod to mislead people into believing
, , , . . . . , thpt the remains of Abraham Lincoln had
° ; . removed from the massive and
grand structure in which they are popularly -
larly supposed to rest. The State Regis-
for of this city some time ago , in ro-
spmtso to the question , "Whore are the
tomaina of Mr. Lincoln deposited at
presout , and are they turning
to stonol" published the following answer
ever the signature of J C. Powers , ctis-
c todian of the monument :
"A few days previous to the dodica-
tionof the nionumont , October 15 , 1874 ,
the body of Mr. Lincoln was take : frnm
an iron Collin , put in a load one phd
soldered perfectly air-tight , then into a
waoai.n one made of rat rv strips' of
rod 'edar and all put in the marble sar-
.copliaus in the catacomb of 'tho monu-
ment. When the would 'lo robbers
: , visited it on the evening of November 7 ,
6 1870 , they romoded the lid and end piece
" # of the sarcophagus next the door
' and drew the wood and load
+ cofnswith the body enclosed , partly out
, when they wore disturbed by the oflicors
oLtho"United States secret service , who
them but the
\ ; attotnptcd to capture
thieves escaped. Everything / oniainod
-as they leftit until the afternoon of the
second day , when every screw in the
wooden colims was examined , and the
creases in them { vero found , ono and all ,
to be filled with rust , proving beyond
a doubt that neither the
wood nor load coffins hind
been opened. All were then
pushed back into the sarcophagus and it
was cemented perfectly tight as it had
been before their visit. The remains
have navor'beon removed from that to
the present time and all is absolutely
safe.As to indications of petrification the
idea of any substance in an airtight
lead enclosure turning to stone , no matter -
ter where it may bo placed , is too absur d
for a moments serious thought. Very
respectfully yours. J. C Powim ,
This atatoment ought to sot at rest
. all doubts as to Mr. Lincoln's body
resting in the tomb prepared for it by a n
admiring people and a grateful nation
Those who gaze upon the noble menu '
moat that twers toward heaven , in Oak '
rideo cematry , can rest assured that th °
walls contain all that is left of the graa t
' emancipator. An Associated Press reporter '
ter called on Mr. Powers this evening t
ask nim if lie had any reply to make t I
the sensational dispatch , referred t 0
above. Ho } aid that his card publishe dd
by Tlo State Register embrace d
the facts as the public
was entitled to know then and that h °
had but these words to say in addition +
in reply to the statement in the dispatc ]
that the flesh had fallen from the bones
No part of the remains of Abraha sn
Lincoln have been s mcn by mortal eye a
81:100 they were soldered up m the lea c
October 9 , 187'1 , two years befor
the attempt of the thieves to steal th
body. As I have already said they ar a
absolutely safe just as they were place
in the coflin many years ago.
WASIIINOTON , November 15.-Senate
Vest , Congressman Carlisio and Case
Young called , with Commissioner Go n
oral Morohoad today , on the Austria
minister , with n view to suturing throug ]
this Austrian Government the transfer
the late Vienna electric exposition to tl
World's exposition in New Orleans nee tt
year. The Austriani minister evinced ti :
greatest iiitarest , and romnised to use h
best endeavors to further the plan.
visit to time Department of State was al s
lade , whore it was learned that the fu r
f j sign affairs of the World's oxpositiom I
which , under act of Congress ) are f
charge of this departmmit , are in a mo
satisfactory and encouraging shape. TI :
department has received a laigo numb
of lottom from various foreign countrf
evincing the utmost interest , and deli
'nil ' to make exhibits at the Now Orlea m
Secretary Teller has rendered at inC
portaut deemtan in reply to a question C
the Commissioner of Tensions asking f
a proper and uniform construction of ti
revised statutes concerning peusiens
dependent mnotmers , Thu Secreta
maintains that if time sni was a min
the father was entitled to his service ,
if not living time mother was so entitle d
and therefore dependent , the father
mother should be allowed time pension ,
Brlghtoir Ikach Bacos.
Nav YOlnr , November 15 , - At
Brightou Benoi today the mile race w
won by Tea Rose , Riddle second , Co n
Tad Ote third. Time 1:47 : + 4 ,
The mile and three eighths Evasit '
woe , Laura Gloss second , Haledon thtr d
r Time , 2:27k- : .
The rile amid a quarter Brutswic
won , Arammie second , Pilot third. Tim 0
2:12 :
2:12The Snilo and a furlong Mike's Pri dd
won , Lighten second , Caremal thir d
Tinme,1:58k. :
it Wliolcsalu I'urolrasc.
CluoAao , November 15.-It is a n
nounced today that the wholesale d
goods firm of Cleveland , Cummings
Woodrufrhtd solditsbusineas to Colunb
lit. Cunnuin s , who says he was a very
heavy creditor and under necessity of
buying the stock , Tim consideration is
not stated , Dlr. Cununings said ho paid
full value after a careful invoice nud will
close it out to the trade as rapidly as
possible. It is understood that time
stock , notes and accounts are worth be.
tweet } $100,000 nud $500,000. The
liabilities of the firm nro not knowim.
TILE NR' : TICKET scmilIrt.
Nrw YOnK , Novommbor 15.-The order
of Trunk Liuo Commissioner Fink , calling -
ing upon the various railways to stop the
sale of first and socotd class tickets to
points west of Chicago , that ] nave boon
issued by some Northwestern railroads ,
wont into elroot tits morning , mid , In
nearly all oflicos in town the tickets wore
turned to limo wall. Tlmv cause that led
to time issuaico of time order is understood
to have boon the extent to which the
"scalping" business is being carried on ,
amid the high commissions being paid
agents by western roads. The move is
made , it is said , iii time hope of compel-
hug tlmeso roads to co operate with the
pool , ,
SrnixaFlrtu , Iii. , November 15-A
cotnniittee of bondholders of the Danville -
ville , Ohuoy + C Ohio River railroad , whichm
has been in the hands of a rllf eiver for
smuo time , has just completed a tour of
inspection over the line , accompanied by
A. \Yortiiingtoi , general superintend-
omit of the Fort Wayne , Cinciumati .C
Louisville road , acting for the counitteo
as an export. The conmitteo state that
the exmnination was very thorough , that
the property was found to be in good
condition , that the mauagenient of Receiver -
ceiver Howard was commended , that the
deficit of earnings over operating ax-
pmises was loss than they had expected
to find It considering tlmo condition of time
property when the receiver was appointed -
ed , and that time mauagemont during the
past nine months was fully endorsed.
The committee returned to Boston to-
, ,
ChlxUXco November 15.-Time Trans'
cnnthiadtal Railway association passmi
gor department , met again , to day and
considered manor details of Pacific coast
rates. These were concurred in by the
passenger agents of Chicago roads. It
is now believed the matter will be finally
eottled on a firm basis. George W Ris-
tine , the new pool commissioner , left this
evening for St , Louis , Hewill gothonco
to San Francisco , and will spend thirty
days in the West , familiarizing himself
with the details of the business , when he
will return to Chicago and outer upon
the discharge of his duty by calling a
meeting to perfect the orgamzatinn of
Cnloaoo , November 15.-Tho Chicago
and Kansas City roads met hero to-day
for the purpose of considering tai °
troubles mm passenger rates. The Rock
Island road complained that tickets of
tune Kansas City , St. Joseph & : Council
Bluffs and New Orleans & Denver road a
had been brought into Kansas City an ad
sold at cut rates , whereupon the Rbc j
Island made a cut to $10. It was agree d
to discipline the offending roads unles s
time solo of cut r'ato tickets was stopped
andtho meeting then agreed to rester o
the mountain rates between Chicago an d
Kansas City.
A Terrible Fail.
KaoxuK , November 15.-A scaffold
' on Copeland's ice ] House fell to-day , fn
juring H. Copeland , Martin Fnrahar
James Hanilton , W. H. Smith , John
Wilson and C Jpergle. Farahor fatally ,
and Copeland was badly hurt by a fall of
t twcutyfve feet.
A saoooo slur ,
DETCoir , November 15-Dr. Franl i
B. Smith , of this city , has begun a $50 ,
e 000 suit in time United States Disteic L
a Court against Dr. John H. Roucli , sccre
tary of the Illinois Board of health
whose name , lie alleges , was signed to
circular revoking his ( Smith's ) license fo
uuprofcssioual conduct.
I'cmmsyA anla Leglslatiuc ,
r HAItIUs11URn , Pa. , November 15.-Tb
House tonight recoimsidered the resole
y lion to adjourn December 5th , amid lci
' ft over far ilo present. The balance o
n the session was devoted to consideratio ,
i of the bill making an appropriation fo
of the pay of members during the presen
session of time Legislature. Time bill Eva
1e amended and passed. Time reconsider
lion of the adjournnneut resolution i
o said to be caused by rumors that time Seu
is eta would concur tomorrow and reins
A to lass the appropriation bill.
o A Novel Present.
HAimrvowConn , , November 15.-Tw
, machine guns have just been complete
In by Pratt it Wlmitnoy's Works for Goner :
Grant as presents to tlmoVicoroy of Cliiil
et and the Difliado of Japan. The guns a
e Pratt iC Whitney's improvement over tl
r gun once known as time Gardiner gut °
U The guns of the model after whicht limo
rare made have -government record
a 554 shots a minute , and have boon fire
at time rate of 700 shots a minute , andfi
thousand shots in 13 Minutes and
1 seconds.
- +
or Shuttling Down The Mills.
to mo GLEYEL.1Nm , 0 , , Nov. 15.-Time Cloy :
land rclltng mill company , steel won
of twill shut down for repairs about Decor
obr 1st which will necessitate time eiosil :
or of time rail mills and banking tl
r blast furnaces. Time wironulls { vill r o
omate in operation , The unproitab
state of trade explains time urgent umood
repairs which will not ho finished unt
time market' improves. President Ciii
llolmn said to-day : " 1Yo'vo corcludod tt
as continue to make rails at n loss , "
Other iron works hero will follow ti :
example of the Cleveland Rolling Mi
'o company , and either shut down or larg
, ly reduce limo force of omployes mm a
count of time depressed market.
k - - - - ' - - - -
+ An Opposition Line ,
SAN FIIANCISCO , November 15.-It
e announced that Claus Spreckels , the q
gar capitalist viii order time constnncti o
ut the east of two steamers to run in U
China trade in opposition to time Paci
Mail Steamsluip company. Inquiry con
firms tlmo report.
- - - -
ik Time American bishops suggest that pap
us numelos ho appointed inn the United Stites ,
Terrible Tortaro of all Old htaa by
Rcbbcrs at Dcnrcr ,
A Gang of Twelve Tramps and
the Soaro They Made.
Time Mexican ltnttsvny Itoblucry amid
Other Cruises.
milt' .
KANSAS CITY , Novmnbor 15-Further
particulars of time Mexicnum train robbery
nro to time effect that the Anericau cm-
ton : officer had boarded the tratu at
Jonta , time last station passed , amid inl-
mediately after time train was wrecked ho
started back on foot and brought his
guards to time rescue. Time telegraph
wires had boos : cut , and time train (155-
Patchier reported suspicious of foul piny.
Su perintendeut Lester ordered a special
train sent out with 100 Mexican soldiers.
Investigation showed tlmat mules
had been kept in the
thicket time night before , when
$15,000 in silver was ship red from DIom-
teroY mid Saltilla to Laredo , but forth-
nately time train was ten hours late and
passed time spot in the day time , mml was
tins saved. None of the passengers were
Sobbed , as the : ( delayed so
long n with time safe mud bullion V.
O. King mud wife , of Sam Antonio ,
and It. S. Vivian , of Kansas
City , were among the passengers.
They say time robbers were
all Mexicans except time loader , who is ml
Amorican. Time passengers furmishod a
detailed escriptiom of time loader to time
autiloriti s , who think he is a wehikown
characta , amid it is believed that lie can-
iiot asca' ue capture. Engineer Madden
saved tht3 lives of paasmtgors by prompt
applicatipn of the air brakes.
FRIOUTF\L'D ImY Tiuatrs.
G.tLviisTON , November 15.-A News
Sour Lakespecial says twelve tranmps were
noticed I about time depot last uigi t and
the agent suspecting that they intended
to rob atoning train wired the superb-
tondent , f who ordered a posse of twenty
m cmi abbard at Liberty. As the train
ptlllo3 into Sour Lake the tramps rushed
for time oxress car , but were halted b
a score ofllVincllestrs. Time passengers ,
especiallym the ladies , were almost hanio
strickeim cold valuables wore hurriedly
secreted pr thrown away , but time gang
being mmarmcd were arrested. They
said they only wished to steal a ride.
n1WTAL lvomiK nY RO1mfEL9.
DENvEn , Col. , November 15.-Ono of
the most brutal robberies that ever oc
curred in Colorado was enacted a
Petersburg Grove , seven miles from thi s
city , last night. In that place resides a °
old bachelor , Peter Olson , who usually
kept small sums of money hid about time
premises. Last uight four disguised mo n
went to the house , knocked as customary
in time country , and time farmer asked tin
visitors to come in , d s soon as all war
inside they seized Olsen , threw hi m
on time floor and held him
They then demanded to kno
where sus money was. Ho replied the
ho had none. After thoroughly search
ing the house to no purpose , Olsen stil
refusing to toll where his money was hid
the robbers got willow switches an (
whipped his bare feet and legs until the y
wore covered with blood. Ho atilt re
fusing they built a large fire in tune betel
- yard , carried Olsen out and proceeded to
execute a threat to toast him alive
' They placed his feet iii time fire and literally
orally roasted them. Even this torrib ]
treatment would net open his mouth
Time old mil was thou compelled to wail
back to the house where a scuffle ensued
during whichm the stove was overturned
disclosing a money box containing $000
which the robbers took and decnmpcd
There is no clue. 01seit will probabl
A nIS31ISSAL a101'EI ) ,
a DENvIn : , Col. , Novenibor 15.Tim
r trial of Martini and Coffin , charged wit ]
complicity iii time Grand Lake assassin a
time last July , was called at Golden thi
morning. Time prosecution moved to dim
0 miss the case , on the ground of insufl
cient evidence to convict.
I ; Souse I'apora Oil Drninngo ;
aDrnmolr s , November 15.-At today ,
session of time Amorieat Public IIealt
0 association a largo number of paper
were read , but there wore so many lh
servo wore read by title and will appe
0 ill the published volume of reports. Did
d liudolplm Ilening , of Now York , read on
i on the removal of decomposable matte
a from hnuseimeids. Ho advocated time sy s
r0 tern now practiced by time Now Yor
10 board of imealth for complete t °
' moval of all gasses from
houses. Dr. Wily Oldrlg'ht , of Ontari o
f read a paper on overhead ventilations
d sowera + roeonrnemdiniS the erection
20 separate pipes from time sewer to an
above the roof of the house. Dr. J o
mph H. Raymond , of Brooklyn , road
a paper of Limo care of households d
vul imu methods of disposing of felt
tilatacumulatesIniloueos. Dr. Osc
ka O ; DeWolf , of Chicago , gave a vary' i n
i. teresting description of the dramag
g system of Pullman , Ill , , who
mo time coutcnts of lime sewers
time town are pumped up mm
to taken away by pipes t
of be used as fertilizing material on a lar
it tarn : seine mites away. This oxperimui
s is claimed to be a success financially
of well an in every other respect. ' 1'hmo e x
port , Professor W. Vanbmbber , of Bait
o more , read an interesting paper on U
Il problem of the drainage of level lands.
v A resolutimi was passed calling up
a Congress to re-enact the law which o
pined its 1882 , giving time National Boar
of Health funds for the prosecution
time general work of sanitatiom threugl
is out time country.
ANatiomai Stock Association ,
so Cinoaoo , November 15.-About 2 (
IC stock man assembled hero this morni
n Pursuant to call , for time purpose of o
gauizin g a National Stock associatio m
it ; was decided to effect a permanent o
al t 'auization and limo association dedg
itself to nmaku an effort to have time N
tional Govornnlout to take nctlmt to pro'
vent the spread of amtngious disoasc a
mnm cattle. The National ' Swine
Iireemlera' association , after a short net.
Stou this foremsoomindjourned to uncut inn
this city' in November , 1884 ,
Time following ornmitent officers wore
elected ; J. S , Williams of Keumtuck '
resident' 0 , L. Morrow of Illinois'
Alfred Ihittors of Colorado' E. A , Pow- -
ens of Now York , M , Ii. Cochrano of
Canada , vice.prosidesmts ; Thos. 8turgiss
of Wyonming , E. B Emory of Mary.
land , socrotaries. Professor James Lair ,
of Connell University , read a paper on
contagious diseases of animmals and the
mcaus of suppressing and oxtiuguiobing
tlmoui , lie treated on Texas fever ,
{ vhome spread could wily be prevented by
controlling time niovoment of cattle
northward or timberbulosts , which
exists to nit alarming extent iii NoivYork
mil 1mgcholera , which causes a loss of
$20,00& amuially. All these diseases it
was next to inupnssiblo to atamp out em : . .
tlroly. Tnno lung plague ninong eattlb
wns time easiest of eradication. Southern
cattle altould not be milowod to curio
north , pad calves oho ld be inoculated
will : sterilized virus.
Dr. Salmon , of time Bureau of Agricul
turn , covered practiaallytho sauo ground
is a paper or "Prevention of contagious
diseases among msimnls of America.
,1 , H. Sanders , of the : United States
treasury , cattle connnissioner , Spoke flit
the same subject. Ho said ho was antis.
fled that on thu Atlantic coast cattle were
more or less affected by pleura pnomno
min , but it dill not ooist n : the woat.
'rime whole subject should be vigorously
handled by the GovcrunomiL
Prof. Jnmos D. Hopkins , of Wyoniug
Territory , formerly cattle inspector in
Now York , read a paper urging time neeos-
sity of action by the Govornment.
LortuoN , November 15-Time libel stilt
of time Central News nsaociittiorm against
Time Sportamau , time latter charging the
association with issuing bogus news , hiM
born dismissod. Time suit wasbased upon
an article in The Sportsmnn of September -
ber 28. Tnno article alluded to time eau. .
faeturo and dissemination of news timnit ,
had mother foundation than time inmag't t :
nation of time conmpiler. The plaintiffs
maintained that this referred to The
Central News , mid evidence was given
that time association gave a Toroto
dispatch which : related to the ox-
citonuont there consequent upon the
rumor that Lord Lansdowne wets to be
assassiunated to Time Electric News ,
which published it. Counsel for time do-
fease sa'd it was highly improbable that
any jury would convict time dofeudaat.
He contended drat after the rovo1ations
in time suit against m'Judy-a mnngistrato
could have no sympathy with : tlmoae who
hind brought thus charge , aid that they ,
should no b r encouraged in such p o to
cutiona. These ill-advised procecdn
had revealed haw telegraums wore manti
facturcd , and Limo qucstiom now wad i
would we believe that so-called telegram
wo daily read were transmitted by 'aura
) ABUsI1a alt , s'OCKEmt.
LONUoN , November 15.-Dr : Stookc
r was announced to speak at Moumoria
t hall to-night on 'Christian Socialisum. '
Aitlmough admission was by ticket a larg
1 uunbor of socialists took possession an
created great disorder. They hooted
i Dr. Stocker amid unfurled a rod flag
The Marsaillea was sung mid time p1i
. form clovered amid cheers for time next
i "revolution. " Dr. Stocker was fmall y
obliged to retire and the meeting after
wards dispersed.
° PAitIS , November 15.-Premier Ferr y
has written a letter to the French deput y
in time IVost Indies , stating that tl : o
+ French : Cimar ed'AfairesatPortamiPrinc e
+ is instructed to insist u oit the pay
+ sent of time indemnity b tire Haytie
o crmmiont to Frenchen who sullbrc
Y ioss during the revolt , and to take step
to ascertain time extent which propeiL
has boom : damaged. Time French cruise
o Minerve , { rill visit Port au Prince an d
i Cape IIaytion , and do its utmost to pro
tect Frenclune : in Ilayti.
a A RIOT ,
' ST. PETuusnuna , November 15.- A
4 ' riot is reported m mmig the worliin
classy The muiilary restored order.
BERLIN , November 15.Time Cerma
consul at Tanuutavo , Madagascar , hn
boron instructed to hoist time German Iln
over lets conaulato is tint city.
a OEmrtx mitIClls'AO.
h VEINNA : , Novmnbor 15.-Itoiclmsing ha
8 beau suuunosed to meet time lth
at Decommber. It is reported that a grant t
build 54 torpedo boats will be asked.
0 BImtuN , November 15-Tine tone
r the French press commeistimg upom tam
projected visit of the Crowe l'rinco
sk 1imu Alfonso has made a very bad iiu 1
k P reseion in Borlim.
, , BELauAuE , Novmnbor 15.-Tiro Rnya 1
of rat troops are everywhere victono :
of against the insurgelta. don. Nicosia 1n
d subjected all places amid declared theism i
- a state of siege.
a FEiExcrt NOTES.
I' PAEns , November 15.-The Marquis
ii Taeimg will meet l'reniorFurry oi'I'hu is'
ar day for time reason ; it is believed , that is'e
a Marquis is most desirous of averting
war whit Franco , but not prepared
0 sacrilico the tenor aid httoroata of Chin
to tint mud ,
go LoxuoN , Nov. 15-John Alfred Bu
mt gat , late numager of time Unimm liauk
as Birmingham , who was convicted of fort
ing hula of exchange and falsifying a
1 counts Imas boom sentenced to 15 yen
m0 ilnpl'isotmlllet , ,
onx A Ilujlo' , Explosion.
d GAI.vntro ' , November 15-Time Now
of Moscow special says : Thu boiler
I. Smaliey & lfarlN saw : mill exploded t :
day. 1) , Cooper was billed , J. A. Jon :
wainjured fatally , and two others { vo
da6 geroualY wovndod.
ng 1n Uucnntlrrncd Itcpurt.
r CLEYELANn , 0. , Noycnibe 14.-Dil
u gent inquiry fails to conlirni time repo
rtliat a imam Murdered lima fmuily no
ad Canal Dovcr , but au absolute demi
a cones from time neareat telegraph oSlc
J :
h Rccord of Destractiou Dlsastcr and
Bcath ,
Maiuo Tlmbor Lands Ruino by a
Great Gale ,
Iteporus Ftom time Ilaliorm , Bhi.zavsi
nntl Blazes.
' wATemuNa a-e a wnscKa .tNn nolira. ,
GnANU 1tAPi1)sr. Miclm , , Novmnbor 15.
-A Ilollmnd specl d stays that no todius
or wreckage from the Ackloy have yet
been cast mil ) there. Thovind hums abated
and is blowing in ahoss. Time sop is very
high. Captaimi O'pt'ion ' and men , of
Grand Ilaven , { vero hero patrolling time
beach all day but will ge to Sngmttuck in
'tImenonniugif notimiug cauos ashore. it
is snowing hard amid tlis snow is twenty
The Donoernt'a Satmgntsck special says
a body , supposed to be 5h it of Captain
Stmtcn ; of time Ackley , was cast ashore
this aftermoomi. It vies dressed in a dark
blue suit , with a life preserver attached.
A large wave carried it oil again , mud
met are mm shore waitim > ; far it , as it cm :
be soon tossing in the breakers.
A black 20 foot cylinder boat was also
cast up. Time { wind is blawimi g a gale
front time west , and snow is falling amid
STILL msLovxMO ,
NUS ) EU.tN , Micas. , November 15.-
The gale still continues at Muskegnu.
No vessels have arrived or cleared. No
wrecks are reported.
BUFPALO , Noveuber 151-There has
been cusidermble higlm wind in this section -
tion to-day. At noon a blizzard with :
snow and rant lasted half alt hour. No
serious damage to vessels isropmted.
, Geonluum , Out. , November , - .
other heavy gale prevails to niglmt on
Lake llurou , It is feared time result
wilt be disastrous to shipping.
A Great Gabo ism MmUnc.
BANamm , November 15.-Time first no-
ports of time damage by the gale gave bu t
a slight idea of time havoc wrought.
Manydocalitics are yet unheard from , bu t
onougli is known to donwnstrato a calam-
it of rent magnitude.
YThoro are great stretches of commtr T
where forests are leveled to time group ( I
and mtlliona upon n lliol ° of feet of val.
uablo timber destroyed. Whole town .
ships in some iualuices are said to ti a
nearly flat , and well lnmewn lumber f nmem
estimate the total damage throughout tam e
State nt a round ntillimn.
LnwlsTnN , November 15.-The sever e
ale which has been prevailing in this
vicinity 1as done mucdamage to tintbo
lands. Sonmo lots t time Aimdrosco i
I and otlmor rivers andstroans have boon
1 destroyed. In Kingflcld 200 acres ar
l Tlmo Five Record.
ClmIceao , Novontbor 115.-A fire brok
out this nftermoon fn the heavy h hard
ware and carriage and wagon stock ware
liouso of S. D. Kisnb'ark Ss Co , , Nos. 8 2
and 84 Michigan avenue , adjoining tai
Illinois Central railway general offices
Time third amid fourth stories , contalnlm g
all tub lighter portions of the stock wor
destroyed. Goods in time basement be
longtimg to Reid , Murdoch , C Fischer
wimolesalo grocers , were danagod to a
unknown extent by water. Time Illinof
Central offices were saved by a fire wall
The loss ell stock is $200,000 ; om build
ing $05,000 ; insurance on stock $25,000
m : building $45,000.
n MUSKEOON , Mich , , November 14-
1 Two im mdred thousand feet of lumber a
s Davies Bros. null was bused today. I
y was fully covered by insuranco. Tim
discovered at 'J . . an
L fire fire was a. m. ,
burned all day , but is fully mmder cam
tral now (830 ( ; p. nn , ) . Time lubor wa
owned by time Itoscoammnmm Luumbur coin
parry , ll. C Aciiey , of Grand haven
_ president ,
Osuliosu , Wis. , Novontbor 15-A fir
g which : for a time threatened great (10
situction and caused telegrams for aid t
be aeut to Fond Du Lao , Ncoimh men
n Milwaukee , although fierce for ivohour
during a terrillh gale , was finally net
g tared aftara hard fight. The fire brok o
out in time lurnboryards of Statholber
Co , about noon , and altltoug
it worked down atromu towards otho
of S yards , mills amid other factories slowly
burmin over a large territory aid com
° summing a largo amm ount of lusubor , fC f
was checked at the leeward extremity C
G , 1Y. Pratt's lumbar yard , ins mill be
of log saved. Had' it got into time 1umba
yard and sash aid door facto iy
0 of Radford Brothers just b o
, yond , thor is no tolliu
to what extent it night have gor
dwellings of omployyos were burned , an
about thirty fanilica were forced torso
because of the proximnity of the fire di
tnict , The lmeaviest loss is o : G. 1 aY
as Pratt , whose entire iunthoryard was cot
n sunned , Loss , $75,000 ; insurance , $20
000 ; Stanholber & Co's loss , $20,00C
fully covered by insurance' Time amnal l o
of losses are various
ltmttTex. , November 15-Fire t
e - day destroyed all time buildiuga on ti :
a west aide of time public square. Lo
t0 $00,000 ; inauranco $40,000.
a C1n0Aoo , November 15.-A fire occu
rod at midnight im time upper floor
Mandee Brothers' store , ono of tl
largest retail dry goods stores in timocit
ref Loss m : stock , clmiefly by water , $25,00
of ( m building $5,000 , both fully uisure
Oglothorpe barracks , Savanuall , Ca „ we
sold by time gnvoruaeut at auction for $0,7
to a maw fiotuf comilpany.
llumitarian headquarters are to be ostabli
a , od lit liostun , $150,000 having bent aubsemib
if for the purpuao ,
C ennasv will smmd a spoctal envoy to 1's'
to exert Lis fstluouco In behalf of u ponce
s' solmtlon : of the'1'ouquitm affair.
ro Iilawamck umhily desires todiscuss witim
( Tors , Ji usinn Foreign Dlhdster , time state
affitirs hm Bulgarlu.
i , A Sudden Death.
rt TEUIu : IIAUTE , Ind , , November 15 ,
ar Clsarles D , 7'honpson , a sot of the
al Secretary of time navydied hero to'day
o , ilaralysi of time brain. Ho was fotumd
td bath roan this morning in rt stupor
from which ho newt recovered , lie
wn I10 years old ,
Lullottmre'nts In lima TJnlted Stales
Cotna-Polico Court Matters ,
U , s. ° ou11T.
In the Ui teil States courtyestorday , ,
Harry Piillipsr , the young pestal clerk
who was iuhctml time day before , emitored
n plea of guilty on time indictmmtcnt for
delaying mud dotrsintng the mnifb and a
plea of not guilty' , to time clinrgo of elm-
ibevlimig niorcismplrso passing through
the mile.
Dndlctiuonta wore' ' raturod ycsteday
aysbtst 1V. A. IIull aud John B. Sweet
for rending unlpwful circulars tlmrough
time mails , Those cirmulata purported' to
giro Information as to stow amid by { vlmnt
neaum conception could be urev ° nt ° d.
The indictmmtt also. charges tlmat
they were davisttmg a aohouio
and artifice to defraud mttl
that tlmsy were using the maths for this ,
purpose Sweet mil 1Iull are residents'
of Lincoln , and were arrested several
memths ago. 'Phay ' gave bond pmmding
time action of time United States grand'
jury' ,
1'onmcs : COUIu'C.
Mary Newark , a servant girl at a
boarding house em upper Fanaui street ,
mmdu complaint is time police court
ngaimist a mat boarding at time placo.
Slno claims that lie struck her. Time trout-
blo grow out of Sono words over a cup.
of rodeo.
Complaint was made yesterday afternoon -
noon ngainst.folutVillimus , Ivumg n :
south Onmaia , for keeping a fierce mrdb
daugorotma dog , greatly to the terror mad
animaYm ice of his not 6 gmbors ,
TILE REPO1t'L'EIItonfhlitY. .
Time Exinoss Company Lastya l'ack'-
age of."Pnpors , but No Moncy ,
Quite a. amrsatiou was caused yos.
torday by time circnlntio : of a rumor
that au express messenger hind boon
robbed fns Council Blue's. The mumouut
lost by Limo alleged robUory was variously
stated. Reports made it range from
$45000 ; to $00,000. IIour by hour it
grow , until it scorned that the express
r eonpany nnust have been bankrupted at
a siuglo stroke , From time firsh tlmo story
hind a sensational appearance , There
was too much of it to be entirely true.
In the afternoon a Onu reporteratarted
out to.look up time mmttur. Believing
that time poraois reported to have boon
I robbed ought to know something about
it , time reporter made imiquiries at the express -
press office concnntng the matter.
Front Dlr. Mprsemmr , tlto manager of
time PaciOo company , it was learned that
r soma last'luesday a messenger from
: that office hind lost apackago , of way-bills
1 aimd other a fora. Thera was no mote
a in the package and timers is no less to
time con than the temporary
immconvenience , Time package is nt yet t
found ,
o A visit was made to time America : of
- flee to learn if that company hind los t
- nuything or had heard of pay one who
hind bees robbed. Time Amorrcan coin-
) pany hind lost nothing , nor did the maim-
. agor liuow of airy other ofltoa timat hind.
So there has beet : no great express
a robbery at Council Bluffs , and time reported -
. ported one is ontireiy wihoutfomidntion.
Win. Barr , of Lincoln , arrived yesterday
and entered upon his ditties as a jurymuam fa
time if. S. Court ,
A , B , Ideson , of IIastbigs , Is at time 1'nx'
ton ,
I F. D [ . ] 'annoy , of Iincolu , is at time Pax-
3 Lois.
1 V , S,1Lmy , of Fronont , is stepphI iy1 thin
' PaxLWI ,
1Y. I' . ilitcbie mil wife , of Blair , are at time
I ] . C ' Crawford , of West 1'ulut , is registers a
u at the Paxton ,
T , D [ . Curtin , of Lincoln , Is ntoppluv at time
a I'axtou ,
s Ion , Coe , I [ . lluugd fey , of Pawnor , Is n
k the l'axtol.
w. L. Baker , agent for C , I , hood .L Co. ,
. Is in the city ,
1i Cao A. Wedgwood , of Idncolu , is at th
v Chas , S , Burr , of Sbonandoalm , Iowa , I
t stopping at the Dullard.
f 1 , . D , ' elow , of Blair , is mnmmg the ra
e ria „ is t tw : .Milord ,
1" . 1V , Mulubor , of West 1'ulut , la regiuturo
, at tlsa Millard.
2 Smiley 1Vnllisr , agent of time Joscphln
to Reiloy Slmkeperian company , soon to appea
in this city , arrived at time Dullard last eves :
vv mpg ,
1'.J , McSlmano loft for Dmrv ° r over time B ,
n : br. Waduesday , lie will be ab.enttltrce wool
, - in Colorado and Now Mexico ,
; ' Mahone
Altrnult N'rANIN ' Ii ? 11131 ,
o WAsmIIINOTON , Novmnbor 14. - Tim
e Evening Star nmbliales time followin
as A ltc nubhcmt wio called u Ton Presidvn
Arthur within the past flow days wft
I. . regard fA rat aIlpoilltnent in h
of was interested told a Star reporter tis
me time convorsatiomi included time Virgins
election , Ile president , said tau
0 , Star ifornmamt , attributed time den : °
d , cratio victory to time Danville allmr ,
" 1Yiii he stick to Muhoe1 asked tl
"Yes , I think lea will , " was time ropl
38 mi\Vhily ho did : t smy : ho would , I it
( erred from his remarks that lie noals
sustain Mmliono , though he lies aba '
ab ed oed all hope of rapubliean success nom
year in omiy of limo southent states , 11
kbi said that nmclm , but as to Malmono ; iiC
ful tvill have to stand by hbn lie cat E C
a t tliig else and I suppose Maho
10 will flow cast oil' IIis disguise and go wit
10of time Ito1publicmt 1HartY , '
Iowa Falls has rocoutly given $50 , 00
to secure two mmciv railroads , Of tam
- $30,000 was voted to tire Burlftsgto
ex. Cedar Itarids { mid Northman and $20,0 (
of subscribed to a road time Northwestern
km building north trout Eldoru , ;
: mho Deseret Ncwa Bxcitcd Oyer the
C1eycland hIcclicg ,
It Thinks Persecution is Spread-i
lug the Doctrine1
Evidantly time Tone pt' Pabliu Smmtl
mnent Alnrnss time Mormon
IIfern rulmy ,
A 1tOWf.7RA)1 TILE nusnum9 Nltws.
SALT L.utmr Utah , November 15'-Tho
orgautzntton of secret mti-potyqamy so.
cietmoa has causnl Time DosaretNews time
Donnom churuh organ , to any : "Tito
strougth of time feeling msptring these
wino have ontcrud ujwn a worm'of darkness -
ness is ueamrallly indicated byy h1 > e readiness -
iness with which they subscribe funds for
the nccomplishntnmt of tlmeh pur-
nose. Tan thousand dollars
is a couskbrrollu sum , to
begin : operatiomsa , 'l'ime ituportatutt vital
character of time Clmrch of Jesus' hrist
of the Latter Day Sainta is nlmostrd.m
onstrated by widespread and comprahen-
atvo oppositions. Tlsis mooting , opscial
and unjuatly discrinminating legislation ,
sclmoolsl clutrchos , ilolitical and ether or-
ganiznttolma are all ntusimig their
slmnfta with vindictive tlmruat and
deadly isurpose. Tits warfare has- boon
betlm opus : and secret , but aplimes to
stab ism time back. This modus opontndi
is likely to ho largely iii preponderance ,
judging fromm the untiatory undorgiomul
orgauzatiom established in Cloveim nt
Such : m voummmis , being commeotedusith
a aubjectof public interest , have a ptopo
gattvo toudocy , mid world occasion , no
special surprise if the oxmuplo of Glove-
land amid the Mormon secret antagonists
'would be followed by amen of similar
/burnt / iii otlmur ctties tlmroughout the land.
Titus time trying situation of p ° opla sock-
fug to carry out their honest convictions -
victions of riglmt is oxliibited , ,
while time corresponding manifestation -
tion of time absence of any semitvnont
of magtanmity in Limo bmaats of he gea-
orality of time pee imp oL time cousatry at
hinge , who either bolt u on time s ecta
do iv itlapathy on oxultatlotcan.Eutcul-
minate inliemovmnent which : will
cause distress attd destruction. Similar
societies are fonui"g in SaitLako , and
ovary Gentile mining camp in Utah pad
Idaho , to be extended to other Pacific
States amid Territories.
Tim "SveIl4lcatl , ' "
A disease called "swoll.head" has
boom : discovered among cattle at time
Chicago stock yards and is said to afflict
both : men and animals. Tito cause is a
fungus which is supposed to first grow
upon a vegetable. It is Eaton with the
food of time minimal and obtains root in
time bone tlrougl : cavities in the tooth.
The plant is a vegetable rclativo of time
"hnildow" which : grows cm : jollies and on
) nos whore there are no children. It
r inas only beeh known to investigators six'
Y ea ? r 'nd'was ' , ' discovered asaaoPa . . , ate , .
Plant in Germany. What is wor'6t abouiti °
this very bad umttor is that lmmau be.
lags aroe likely to eat this plant , and ,
should its cagor roots remain ahivv in
either blood or bono , a disease seta up
which is as bad as cancer mmd platbiais ,
aid may be mistalron for eitlmoT. Tha.
doctors call the plant actinpmSCoa'
limo disease aotinomycosis , Dr , ' Lt1Oold.
in a lengthy report of his fnrestigatimn
of the Chicago caso5 say's that tlmirty
cases in human beings Nava already boom
reported by Germrat observora , and
adds :
In inn time diseasa presents a soma-
'mvlsnt ' different aspect than that .observed
m cattle. In many oases it begins as a
swelling of the law , and it has been dom.
oustrated that in time human animnl at
] east time parasite gains entrance to time
body through Limo cavities of carious
teeth , In other cases time tumor appears
pot upon time face , but upon the hand or
arum-in fact , a scratclm aywiloro uponan
exposed surface of the body soma a pos.
sible beginning for the disease n : tlmoso
wlmo are compelled to handle ittle or
In tuna the disease does not : ; emain
localized , as is often the case in cattle ,
but rapidly spreads to time iutormal
orgmma of tbo chest mad abdotnmt ; in
t many cauos time spinal colunm is also in-
vadcd by time parasites , IIomice time synip-
torus presented by the patient vary extremely -
tromely and often sunulate those of oilier
diseases , In nearly all cases thus fare
' affection has been
e reportod'tle supposed
to be blood-poisoning ( pymniia ) , pleurisy ,
inflammation of the bowels , Potts' ' disease
s of time spine , vte. , the true nature of time
cmnplaint having boon rocogmiized only
' + y a pont nmortyui examination. Hence
it is highly probable timat the F
d disease frequently attacks human
beings resident in Infected districts
but la not recognized , and is called by
e some other memo. Human boinga soon
r to afford a more favorable soil than cattle -
- tlo for time grswtlt of tine plant , since in
mm n time disease is invariably fatal. It
k Is , of course , possible timat if the nature
of tlmo coinplaumt be recognized arld treat-
' promptly adopted , time disease
might be just as curable in man as in cat-
The disease is contagious among cattle ,
but { vim ° tlmor it can be communicated to
0 men by coitact is still a matter to be
gt denomstrated , though it is highly proba
ble. Pity ncdtcal fratornit have ] morn a
I t : told for ivesti'ation and study that
° should arouse tuna r greatest enthsiasm
ut and accordin + , Dr , Bhfield duo raiao fern
n ] sis own work it is but the o cumin up
° of tiusubjectwith , its niostiateresfn
' atnd ins portamt features to be anal zed ,
Time discaso amid cause mire known , and
10 now , gontieuwn of t1SO scalpel , it is for
, y ou to prepare for its speedy cure and
r. . , dlscoyer a preymrtativo ,
t. rr
to Time 1'mtJlllo health Assnciatlon ,
I , DETnovr , Noy eiabor 15.-At to day's
t session of the American Public Health
e assoctat101m , time follotviug ofliccra were
o elected for the mmsufng year : President ,
p Dr. Albert L. Gibson , of lYasisinglemi ,
me nodical director of the United States
it navy ; first vice president , Dr , Jausea Ei
Reeves , of Wlmeoluug , West Virgiuittt
and vice 1 ) resident , Ilomt , Etas'asBruokN : ,
0 of New aecretM Dr , Irvin A.
Is Watson , of Con'ord , 'Ir y ' , 1 i „ 't r easurer ,
n , Dr , J , jl'tel , of Nushvillo , Te
0 fly hnIintlan of the h 1' i ° eo.
i ; St. Louis , the as heal
" , .
nnuual of
m , .era aL i a nc . . .t
in lba
, ran
' i'