Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , Nov. 16
Attcnd tlL auction ro nt Emigrant
itabo , at 10 a. In. , Thuiiday , on Cuming
ttroet , near M1Itary liridgo.
. -Tho Omahi GIoo Club , arn rohering
every nibt for their concert tmit Tueed.
-Edllo ( Van Dorn , the runaway boy ,
tound at l'aelfic Junctlonand h now at homo.
-TIia city council will moot next Tucay
n a boaid of cquallzatlon. An ndjuurned
vnetIng wlU be hohi to.morrow ovonlng.
-Two ol the artillery dCsoltMr. from Fort
Onmha haio been nrrostotl and turned over to
Iho authoriLln at the ForL. Policeman
) oughu4 and Lane will receive a rewartl of 3O
on each man for the arrct.
-At the nnnu1 inorting of the MhouH
ValloyTurnboz.lrk , of St. 1no , on Iurnlay
lMt , It wa. decided to hold the next Ttirnfo.L .
in Omaha in the .ummer . of 1RSI. Mor. .
Ynoliauf and Andre. , rojreontei1 the Omaha
Turnvoroln at the 13t. Joe meeting.
-The conccratton of Trinity Cathedral ,
svhlch take 1aco at 11 o'clock to-morrow
ntornlng , I. an event of unuuaI Importance
Ititho ] iiscopa1 cnurch of NobrMka. Soy oral
* iotablo clergymen from abroad will be In nt
tendanco to participate In the coromonlo , ,
which will be of a very IntoroitIng character.
The ndmlaalon to the cathedral on thl occa.
alon will be by ticketii , which have boon givct %
out to the full capacity of the church.
- Omaha Chapter No. 1 , Royal Arch Ma.
.On8 , will moot thi. evening wi pnat znater' .
] , y order of the H. P.
-Famam atreot 1)r.perty holilcia will hold
a meeting at the First National Bank parlors
to-loot-row evening to dicu.s the pavirg quo-
-The county clerk wa busy making
out the warrant. . for the judge and clorkii of
tl.o . late county election. The number of
otichcm 13 105.
-A communication from Port Dmaha
t.ates that two drunken soldlora robbed on 01(1
man of a iunall amount of money in that
ickdty Ia.t Saturday evening.
-The inembera of the city council vill
moot to-morrow morning at the mayor's office ,
and from thora i.rooaed In a body to Trinity
cathedral to witnou the o3nocration ervicos.
-Nine innocent prisoners occupy coihi in
the city jail. The prisoner. in question ore
tame pigeon. . found in the colored voiuan' .
( Mrs. Davis ) house thil. morning.
L -The ladle. of the Froabyterlan church are ;
going to have one of the best fain. and supper.
on Thursday evening that they over. had ,
Come ( Lfll oat nod buy seine nice things.
-w. F. Erdinan Is not going to Now York
to hiaro hi cigars niadu , but will have thorn
ma nufactured in Omaha , and show that he
can sell Omaha goal. in Now York.
-A correspondent from Oolumbui. 8flH that
the Siocumb high license saloon law In that
town i not strictly enforced , there being two
saloon. that are running witliouthiceno. The
other sahon.keepera Will probably kick when
they learn thi. fact , and eoe that the law is
1 enforced.
-By the accidental discharge of a gun load.
: ed with birdahot , thi8 afternoon , consld rablo
4 damage was done to the glass front of the
Palace billiard hall. A man was handling the
: guu , when it went off. A hanD of glass In the
door was badly shattered and mie of the yin
dow. broken In several Jlacos. The damage
L will probably amount to $100. Fortunately
lb Quo was hurt , but It was a close call.
-As the council has not yet taken any
1 definite notion toward oppointing a sucossor
to Policeman Jhlaclc , resigned , the acuncy yet
; Tomains unfilled.
: -CouutyJuclgo Chadwick performed the
marrisge ceremony for five couples Inst Tucs.
day. The matrimonial bualnesi is atynys
lirisk at this season , but ( ho Judge .ays that
:1 : this is no unu.ual record for one day , Ho
doesn't remember anytldng like It In his
' -In the matter of the Braah nsguinont !
C05C , the filing of claim. In the coutity court
elosed on Monday , The amount of claims
% ' .m made up Tuesday. Yesterday the decree
of disstibutionlwn.s entered. The amount of
claims to be unto In fit ! ! I. 81,243 10. The
tntount of gener.d claims is $ l2,731.S. Of
thDMJ the amount of $1,714.92 s objecLed to
; by the creditors. This will be settled at some
future time. The court has declared a dlvi.
dent ! of 55 vor cent to this credItors. This is
the first case In Doughy. county tinder thii' .
now aablgnmcnt law ) flOi last winter.
-Christina Nilison , this singer , is again in
Omaha and Is going to rumdu with Mr. NiIl.
, .on , a inochnnio of the U. I' . shop. . She
made her alJpuaanco the 12th inst. , and
weighs ton pounds. in sixteen years we may
cxICet to hoar from her on the stage , Both
: ; mother and daughter are doing cehl.
-Upward. of thirty couple. of LIi. Ado
Vhites1dee' young friend , giwo her a very
i.lcant suritriso on Tuesday evening , at her
home on Ninth and Howard , the occaalon
being her sIxteenth birthday. Sbme of the
lresent.s Were Very nice and valuable. After
ft few' minutes of rett and vlcauant chatting ,
1lM Ada retireti with her guests to a ball on
Thirteenth street , where dancing was begun
at once. About midnight rofreshmentit were
served , after which dancing Wa. resumed and
kept up until a late hour of the night.
-Juhiui Festner , of whose unoiplainable
movements there ha. been snuck said o late ,
: i reported to have returned to OmahL It ii
said that be .vas seen to get oil a train youtor
; . day , but disappeared boon , and lnco then has
not been beard of. Whether Julius has corns
U back thu time to stay , or whether ho ha. come
bach at all , are at this time matters .f con.
t jecture.A woman going about the street. with a
aonaU iii4ol was noticed by the police last
' evening. She was taken to the city Jail , and
being questioned , said thiat she was looking to.
her daughter , who was ceoping company not
approved cit by tint mother. A ohiceman
wont after and found the girl. alto and he.
mothu wore cent home , and eaco wa ro.
stored. It is supposed that the woman car ,
tied the IlstOl t41 ( tighten the girl , and net
vIth Intent to do bee any injury.
Juc'ge M cCrary , if Xeoku , Iowa , arrirtd
* t noon yeatorday , nd Is occupying Ih bench
a iho IJnt4 $ Iatas Oour % blIh Judge
Eugene Schultz , agent of the "Spanish Stu.
dents _ , " a concert company , is In the city.
f3 P , iak'weh ! , of Edar1 wrote hi. name
in the MUlazd register ycstsrdzsy ,
t. Gearal E4abrook baa returned frecn Chi.
csgo where b hs been spoiuling a month. via.
. . . . .
. ' . - ; - ( -
r -
The I1iIIeII Branch of the B. &
Opeli aii Daily Tris
Rouuin. .
TIio C. , St. P. . M. & 0. to l.tentl a
iiIno-Bottnd for Cahifornin- .
General Ntte4.
VIE IIiIE { 3J1I.tU ) & orrx. :
Nearly every day Nebraakh opens up n
new railroad. The most recent internal
improvement of thtl kind lit the completion -
tion of the 13 : M. branch. from Hecto-
saw to 1'IifldOfl. It , is finished , and the
first train paseed over yesterday. it waa
a mixed train , and went from linatings
to Minden , This ( rain hi now a regular
0710k Rfld will run from iliu.tiuga to Miii-
don , and return , oacli day. The time
table is ILS follows : Leave hasting. , 5
) . m. , and arrive at Minden at 7:45 : p. iii.
1ioturni.ig it will leave Minden at 4h80
a. in. , and arrive at ilasUtigs at t.1O ) : a.
m. It connoota with the through traiti
onch way.
The stationa on the hue are Jlaatings ,
.Tuniat.a , Konesaw , Ifariwohi and Mindcn.
IJeetwohi is a iiew town.
This flno is known as tim 11. & 1.l.
'tcnt of ! " . It begins at Kencaaw und
will be extended in a southwesterly dir.
octioti to sotito point on tim main line iii
the Republican valley. Its entire length
is fifty-five miles , or a saving of thirty
utile. by the present Red Cloud route.
Work is pushing ahead from Minden
towarl the Itopublican valley. The road
is now graded to tim south hincf Pholpa
county , to the town of iloldredgo. The
place at which it will strike tim mainline
in the valley is itot yet , know. , , although
two or Lhiroo towns are quite cortaiii of
being the junction point.
Iii a day or two or more , another litto
of railroad will be put into operation iii
this State. The Chicago , St. P.iul , Miii-
ilonpolis t Omaha hue viII coinmouco to.
morrow to run trait. . between Wakefield
and Ilartington. This latter place , a
hoW town , will be the terminus for thio
prcnonL A traiii each day will make
daily connection at Wakefield for both
Sioux City end Omaha. Tints Ornahiti
trade is extended furUier into the grow-
ingnortheantern portion of the State.
HO't Sherman , traveling agent of the
U. I' . railroad , arrived yesterday with a
party of thirty-five people , mon , women
and children , on route to Colton , Cull-
forum. These poopie are from Ovrat.ornia ,
Minn. , and are going to California to secure -
cure lcrmanont location and make homes.
They loft for thin West last evening in a
special emigrant car.
Tim greater part of through travel is
now in a wostery dircotian. As a rule ,
the tralusgoing east are light.
Live stock , grain anl freight receipts
and shipments at the U. P. yards show a
gocd average business these days.
Mr. James McCabe , superintendent of
the 0. , St. P. , M. 0. , loft yesterday
for Sioux City and will take a general
tel1 , over Iho line.
Reports received at the U. P. telegraph -
graph oflico say that at 7 o'clock yesterday -
day morning time weather along the line
as far as Ogden was clear and cold. A
cold wave passed over the morning be.
hire , but there wa. . no snow.
The 0. , St. P. , M. & 0. is now building -
ing awintor bridge across the Missouri
at Siouic City , which will be fiuilahod by
the time that naviriation closes. it may
be well to say to the uninformed that a
winter bridge is a temporary structure ,
built upon piling a few foot above the
water , anti is to bo used during the
season after. the river has cl2sed until
navigation 01)0119 in the sprihig. The
transfer boat is thou used.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The greatott medical vender of thu. wozal.
Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Cute UI.
oem , Salt Itheum , Fovcr Sores Caticor. i'Ilcat ,
Ohihiblaina , Corns ' Totter , dhtappod hands ,
sail all skin Oiujti'OiuJ , guaranteed to cure In
every Instance , or money refunded , 25 ceute
or bor ,
- _
JIiittjiiiitit , .
Mr. 1) . ircAtuley'o now comedy , "Thu
Jormuoyniau , " was producoi at Boyd's last
evening , to a fair-air.etl. audience. Tim
comedy element in thik play is left ni.
ntost ontir&y to the star , and the fun is
almost continuous. Mr. NcAuley'a act-
lug maken "Oilderoy N. 0. Punk" a ro-
snaricablo character , and especiehly excellent -
cellont , iii its exhibition of Yankee
shrowtlmieaii. Mr. MeAuhoy's support
was good anti guwo him able assistance.
To.uiqht Mr. ! ttoutuley closes his vrea-
out CIgagememil ) II I Imuuchn , and will op.
pearas "FalstalriuI1enry 1' ! ,
A Startling Iisoovery.
Physielans are often stiu'tlod by ronuarkablu
( hlicoyClieS. The fact that Dr. ICing's New
Dlsoovory for Consumption and all throat and
lung diseases is daily curing pntint. that they
havogivon tip to tile , is startling them to real.
lie their sense of ditty , and ex.unlno . into the
merits of this wonderful discovery ; resulting
in hundred , of our boat citizens using It in
their incctlco. Trial bottle. free at 0 , P.
Goodman' , drci r store liegular tzo 81.00.
i'nvl..g . t'Juces.
The frost of Tuesday considerably in.
torforod with the work of grading cm the
streets tobo paved. On Fifteenthistreot ,
between Douglas anti Dodge streets , the
earth was frozen to the depth of several
Inches , and made digging somewhat to.
dious. If fine weather continues that
street vi1I be paved at 01100.
: The paving on tim west aide of Fit.
t4iOnth street as far as Parnato street has
booii completed arid. is now open for
I travel ,
Thu steam roller is uow at work on
SIxteenth circuit niul that thoroughfare
vihi be open to time Public in a few days.
The paving ivull continue just as king
as the weather vih1 permiL
- -
I'oiico L'oIuId.
In po1ice court yesterday thicrm wcrc
four cases for diaturbing the licaco. Iii
three of theta tile i'artice were each aa.
sessed a fine of 5 and trimmings. Out
of them cashed up and tim oilier two wore I
committed , while the case of the fourth I
one was continued.
. COiflpWltt was mutado against the twc I
Utile "cobus" who wor. arrested ycater. ,
. . - - . -r - . . s.-
day , charging them with h.riimg assaulted
a farmer with stones. The houo of a
colored woman , by the name of Mrs.
Davis , where the "kids" have boon hang.
ing out , was searcimedand sovert pgon
which the 1oys hind killed with shitigahota ,
were found and Idotitifled by Charley
Fleck as belonging to him. Several
other misdenteammors hove boomi reported
and charged to time account of those two
urchins , amid .Tudiw itonoko hold them.
After a lmeariimg they vil1 probably be
rent. to time reform school.
] iusincss was unusually tiulet in police
circles last IilglIt.
In the police court yesterday afternoon
complaint. was sworn out iLgailist , bohiii
( ' , orinali by Nick O'Byrno , chnrmng lmiimi
with making threats of s'molenco to
O'iiyrno'a ( ormnan was not icr-
rested yesterday , amid the case will ct'imio
UI , hereafter.
Engono Schimrz , advanoongotut of the "Sian.
isht Student. , " is at the Coezoims.
lion. A. .1. Weaver , Oungroasiasim from the
I'in.t ihishict , mmmadoa plenastit call at the liEs
offiso last oonlng.
ir. and Mr. , Juhian Metcalf , of Nebraska
City , are at time Paxton.
.1. C. Watson , of Nebraska City , is at the
l'at t n.
.1. 0. Iosworthi , iii 1)euver ) , h among the
.trrlvals at the l'nxton.
Ii. If. ] ) ori.oy , of Wahoo , I. registered at
the i'axton.
( ieo. 'iY lioplior , of 1'nli1IIii , arrived at
the Fatomm last evening.
Church. . li.wo , of Atmhnirn , is at the Puixton.
.1. E. hluunrnonuh , of hfatuburg , Iowa , is
stopping at. the J'natou.
, Toimn CL Gasmami , of Crow Crook Jtgcncy ,
Dakota , arrived at tlm i'axtMli yesterday
Colonel ' .V. 1'r. Shair , maasamiger agent of the
Indianaimolis , Bloomington & Western rail.
road , and wife , are in time city and atosflgat
this Imlhlartl. !
A. Schoemuhelt , of Fails City , Is at the Nil.
1m.V. . Amemit and son , of lItmrvard , are
at the Millard.
11ev. Geurge : it. Vhii1i11io , of Faribault ,
? mtitmn. , Ii itt thin ? mlillnrti.
Hoc' . , Tame , Dobbin' of Fnribccilt , Niun. ,
lii itoplIlng at the Millard.
Mr. . ] . W. Timonuts and Mrs. L. ' .1' . hIm.
ineireich , of Falls City , are at the Millard.
0. F. Waithor , of Falls City , ii stopping at
time Millard. - .
Wm. Most , of Fnhl City , I. among the
anivaim. at the Millard.
Win. i'arker , of Ff113 City , Is at. time Nil.
1 : . D. Gould aciti wife , of F'tmllortomm , arc at
the Millard.
0. 0. Burr , a Lincoinito , is at time l'axton.
.1. Ii. lieu , of Aurora , is at the l'axton.
Jait. Ware , of Ogahiahmi , hi at time i'axton.
1' . Fowler , of 1Eastingi , Is at the l'axton.
( JeorgoJewort has returned from Arizona.
Gee.V. . i'ost , of York , is at the Millard. I
ii. Zlhiliiiann , of irobron , is at the i'axton.
Sam , 0. Ohmic , of Arlington , Is at time Nil.
Ahlcu Stalle , of Northl'lntto , is at the Pat.
CongressmnanWeavor is at the Millard
M. "iv.Veiss , cit ilubron , Id a guest at tliti
Ifon. John I. iledick has returned fromic
V. S. Hay , of Freuiont , is quartered at time
F. A. L'Ile , of Lincoln , is registered at the
A. L. r4cmdslcoy , of Scitton , took dinner at
the l'ucxton.
; r. w. ] , of North l'latte , hi regiaterod
at the i'axton.
F. J. ilotidershot , of hlubron , Is registered
at the I'uuiton.
H. if. Dot-soy , of Wahoo , i. quartered at
time l'axtAin.
Judge Hilton , of J.itmcolum , lu registered at
time 1'mxt.on.
tsG. . anti 1' . 0 , Cohen , of Oakland , are at
the Patton.
11. .1. Gregory , of Fremnont , ( ii quartered at
tim Miiiat-ti.
It. A , ] foumtomi , of'ustorm , Is quartered at
time lillilarti.
1 : . K Mcllimtio , \Vilbsr , is quartered uct
time , IillartI ,
Ooo. VI. hopper , ( if l'impiihion , is atOplng
at thtt , Paxtoim.
( leorgo E , Steven onil wife ham returned
frommi California.
Col. William Woodruff , of Milvaulcoe , is at
time Millard lintel ,
ihisimop Clarksoim anti Moc. Ciarkson have cc-
turimod froni time Emist.
Joimic ii. ihlootmi , of I.iberty , we'i itt time Nil.
lard last nIght.
iS : . i.
i Nebraska City , i tiller-
terod at tile l'attomm.
( icmmormcl and Mrs. Tompkins , of the U. S.
A. , aront thoNihlani.
\V. A. iiurgstarsaou , of Nelson , hi in time
city , and stops at time Paxt.on ,
H. F , ( Iraut , of } Jgar , was anmoug the
Millard's gucet. yesterday.
Mr. T.V. . Ballantine , of Lincoln , is in tico
city , quartered itt the l'axtomm ,
J , T , itecimt , of Wahoo , rgisterod at thmo
MIllard yesterday afternoon.
\Y. H , Dickonson
, of Vahoo , occupied a
wont at time Millard last nlm'ht.
Mr. J , Dommneiiy , of Plmmttsmnouth , Id enjoy.
itig time hmO.ilbltnhity of time i'atton.
sy. E. Johnston , of Valentine , hi in the
city and km stepping at the l'axton.
1x-Sonator Cmtldwell , of ICaimsas , Is In the
city , lie is president of the CaidwehiVagon
Company and also of the Idaho mmd Oregon
Imnprovomnommt Company.
Bernard 1)lamm , one of Linoolu'tm citizens ,
cras in the city last mmlglmt and stopped at time
Millard ,
\mt % , Ash mcmi wife , cii \\'ct Umclttn , Iowa ,
illll siientl time icititer in this city clith tlwlr
ilsughtor , liIrs , Jeisit I'luctz. Mr. Ash I. coo
of time ulticateottlers of West Union ,
Mr. . A , i : . Andrew. , of Upper Samululicy ,
Ohio , 1. Ia tilti city , and ivili remain a few
days , the bmest of Will Young , at tile reel-
thence of liar , ( I. F. Stehiiiig.
1ihiop ! Uar-rott , of Nortimern Texas , lies ar.
rived in time city to Palticlilate 1cm the conscera.
thin scribes of 'i'minlty catIlolim-al , of which
he was formerly the dean. Ito Is the guest of
lien. J. M , Woolworth , chancellor of the die.
case. The Lord hllehoji of Toronto and Bl.hmop
Rurgese , of Qulmiry , arrived hero thM
evening , and they mmb. vttl be Mr.Vnol. .
wozth's guceL. .
- ' -rs- ' - - . - ' ' -
! -4r , : .
An Iowa Uranor F11s a Victim 10 a
Slirc Gainc PIyo Y
A 'orced Trade of a I'OOI' Team of
Iforseis for a Cooci 81'ILfl 01
) [ ulccs.
Yesterday an Iowa farmer , who I
calico Imlt ( ) time city with a load of onions ,
was made time victim of a very clover
confidence game at llonmaii'tm atablo ,
wherolimo had put up his outfit , Ho was
approached by a horse-trader , who offer.
ed to trade bun a team of horses for lila
span of mules , Wimilo they were talk.
ing tim imiattor over , a third party stop-
1icd Uj ) and said to time farmer : "If you
niako tim trade I'll buy your outfit-tue
team of horses , wagon : nnd lmmcrimoss-for
$250 cash , " Thmo farmer agreed to do it ,
and time third partygavo Imimit $10 to bind
time bargain , and said that hmo wouid. go
over to Council Bluffs and got time mooney
amid return as soon as possible. lie then
disappeared , amid a few minutes afterwards -
wards another maim took time farmer aside
amid told himmi that a swimmdlo wits being
ltLL up on him , and that lie hind better
; o amid see thu police. This occurred
nnmnodiatiy after lie had refused to ox-
cimamigo teams until lie received time full
amoumit agreed upon. The farmer proceeded -
coodod up town and meeting the sheriff
related tim circummintammcoi to him and
vaukd tIm parties arrested for
attempted swindling. lie was imiformed
that no stops could be takeim , as no swiic-
die had yet boon perpetrated. Upon returning -
turning to the stable' lie foumid the team
of horses in the stall that hmad beemi occupied -
pied by his mules , amid the mimics were
gone. The lierso trader was there , and
upon being called upomi for an oxplana.
tion coolly said that ho had exchanged
time teams android the mummies ; that it was
a square deal , as $10 had
boozi 1)aid to bind the bargaimi
as to the $250 transaction , amid
210w that lie had got time horses , he would
have to look to the oIlier party who had ,
given iiiiii the $10 , 011(1 viio agreed to
giro him $250 for lila tiutfmt provided tim
exchange . was made.
The result is that the fanner has got a
I ) ° ' . teammi of horses on iii. hmamids , and
his loss mviii amount to the diffcronco be.
tcveemi time value of the mules and horses.
p1ua the $10. It is a question whotimor
Ito hau a remedy undorthic circumstances.
Time deal was ciocrly fixed up , and. the
persons emigaged in it are no doubt exPOrts -
POrts in that kind of business , amid know
just how to ilo it without entangling
thmonisolves in the meshes of the law.
Since writing the above , it is learned
Lhtit ; time trade was miot such a bad one for
the fumier after all. When he learned
of tim game that had been played upon
hmimmi , ho secured an otlicer who at once
began looking for the monies. About six
o'clock Inst evening , thin missing team
was returned to him , with tim request
that no questions be asked. The farmer
now line his mouThs and is ahead the $10
which was given to bind the bargain.
Thosft : arc Sothi Facts.
The beet blo xi purifier and system reguiat-
over iFicod within time reach of sutforin
umnammit truly is Electric Bitters. Imiactir
y of tim liver , Bihiousiiee Janmmdico , Conati-
vation , Weak Kldtioy , or any disease of the
urinary orgatis , or whoever requires an nppo-
tizor , tonic or mild stimulant , will always
timid Electric Bitters the bostaud only certain
cure known. They act surely and quickly ,
every bottle guaranteed to ivo entire satisfac-
t on or monoyrofummdod. hold at 10 ceuth a
Bottle by C , F. Goodman.
The A11ce Laii Frau ili tic Rioll
01' Ilic Uorifcroas Name.
No Investigation by time IJnltecl States
Grand Jury.
Imi his stotemnont to the United States
grand. jtmry relative to their duties , the
District Attorney , Homi. G. M. Lambert-
soil , said that they would probably ho
called upon to invoatigato curtaimi alleged
land frauds in the western part of the
state. Although no ziamas were mmiemi-
tioned , many 1eron concluded that he
proposed to lmvo Congressman Laird and
the Stimikimig 'mVato transactions investi-
A reproscntative of Tim Bsii , flOfl
mootimmg Mr. Lamnbrtsom. called pou
liitii to oxphmdn amid be a little more
duflnite iii hut statement relative to land
"The investigations to which I referred -
ferred , " replied Mr. Lamberteomi , "uvore
the alleged frauds in Custer county. I
did not intend to have anybodyimifer that
I lied in nilmid the StinlcingVLltor bust.
fleas. I umiderstand , however , that cut
investigatlomi of time so-called Stinking
\Vnter land business had been imiado , or
was about to be made , by special agents
of time Land Department , and until they
muucko their report on the case imo action
vmll be tnkenby me. "
Miss Amy Simerwin to be the I'alnma
Time Onmahma Ghee Club concert of next
Tuesday , the 2OLim , is the third annual
concert given by this popular orgamiiza-
tiomu. Their comicerts hmmsve always been
eucceasful. The club lute giveli antiafac-
tion not only in itsowmm singing but also iii
that of the mutmaicians it has engaged to
assist , The club will outdo all former
eflbrts in their coming concert. They
have ommgmigod ii primmumi domuia who stamids
in the front ranks of the worhi's great
s'mners ; who line woo tritimulims in opera
end oratorio iii Paris , Londomi amid oilier
great cities of Europe. Miss May Slier.
vimm oomimca , to Oniaha by special engage-
nmeimt with Limo Glee Cjtibniid will appear
but thii once iii the West-nt thin club
colicert on imett Tueilucy. Situ will slug
three numbers.
- - - - -
Jlari'y Pldiiljuu Indicted ,
Usiry I'hulllips , time boy hmehi to nimewer
to tim u'mrgo of pilfering from time U , S.
malls , was indicted by the Grand Jury
yesterday : Phillips is emily aixteozi or
sovemiteon years old. For somnutimmue Past
ho lisa been a pceta1elerk on the ] h , & N.
from ( 'rote west on tim Wyraoro brauchi ,
Articles passing through the mallmi had
bccn missing anti upiv1on fell tipomi
. _ . ' -
- - - ,
* *
Phillips. Major Fitray took the case in
hand anti l'hih1ip was soon ( letoctod ,
About ten days ago Ito 'u-as arrested rind
confessed thatliolmad been taking the or-
articles. Time articles taken were mostly
femenino wearing apparel , such as false
hair rind ribbons. These Ito iuul been
usiimg to attoiid mnaaquerade parties. lie
cah-cd examniumation and gave bail imi time
auth of $ fiOO to appear at time present
tormim of time U. S. court Vesterday ho
was indicted as hiss boemi stated ,
" ( loMli All Ilemniocic , univ it Blows. "
Time Iilealaumt sunsimimmo and eahmmm weatit.
or of proveul rimi agreeable change
from Tuesday , during which time Nobras-
ha blizzard was abroad in time iaumtl , It
was : i cold , wimitry , windy , 110(1 horribly
dusty da3' , but Oniauma is not time emily
place tiumct has such weather , as will be
80011 frommi the following from Time Olmicago
News , wlmicii viil be found equally op.
1)iicablo to Ornaiiaamu1 will be generally
Ooidm all hemlock , how it biowsi
Iltiw the tInat in vohtmimiec goo.i
Cavorting madly up the strcct.i ,
Blinding every one it nmoet.s-
Filling eyes , mmmiii care , anti nose !
how , time wintry wirnis give battle
, i _ ( , time rusty sigims that rattle
4t5 It blow. ,
Blows , blows blows , blow. , blows ,
( lush nil lmemmmfock , how it blows'
Ammd tIme imoso-whiat , ,1 time linac
of the ladies , when it blows ?
\Vo camm see them plimlic or atmlieml ,
On each buxom female biped ,
W'lmotm it blows :
.Ii4 she trips across the gutter ,
\Vlthi her Wrappings in a flutter ,
She is iii 0. dreadful putter
\Vhmoii it blows ;
Aiid she glows
1ike a rose ,
For she knows
That the mnfolkM , at the cormmsc-
have their uiiumc.ltty oyoa tipoim her
And lmir 1ii-
hole , Imoso hose , hose. hose-
Gosh a'iniglity , 110W it hilows !
Amid time plumber--aim , time phifmnlier ,
Who has kept indoors mcii mamnitner ,
lioar the wild , tumultuous bloviii
As it blows ;
Amid Imo wonders if it's snowimig ,
And if watcrpies mu. ) going
To Ito froze ;
Anti ime goes ,
As it blows ,
To time wiimdow , mind keeps peering
From behind tIm curtain , leerir'g
At the WOeS
Of his follow-crcatimres .
- , noaring--
Anti imu crows-yes , Ito .xows-
iemnoniacaiiy crows
Asit blows ,
Blows , blows , blows , bhovs , blows-
Gosh a'mnighityi girih all hemlock ! how it
blows !
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength arni Iio1esomotiess. ! , ! OrO economical tharm
the ordlmiary Ijnds , and cannot be sold Izmcompotitiori
' Ith the muititudo of low test , .lmort weight , mihmm em
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal liak
ttrl'owilnr ( ' 0 1(143 % ValI New York.
flr5poolaln will Positively not be Inserted
unless patti in auyanco.
TO LOAN-Money.
' , ONEY to LOAN In autims of tiOO , or more on
j i long time At III tier cent pt.r anhiumu ly U , C ,
l'gttcron Co. , 1401 Farimam 141. 7(4-inmo
ONEY LOANII-On chattel ecurity. C' , N ,
I MAYNR & 00 , 1100 Feroato St. Osi-irumol
-/I-oNFv : To LOAN-Tiuo lowesl races of intero
hi flemni. ' bonn Agency , 15th & DoimgtM. 234-tt
1 % ONRY TO LOAN-Call at Law otOco ci B. L.
.15 rlmonma , , room 8 , Creighton Block ,
ONRY LOANND-On cmmttem morigrigo , room 1
1i. Nebruka Natlonam BankflmmUdlm . 181. 1.1
ONEY TO LOAN-J. T. floatty osris on ciattel
Lu propmrty , 213 South 14th lIt. .epti6
W TANTED-h'od liauutumkous , at 51 , iiypIuisld' , ,
21UTsel th St. , hear lariuaun. 781-151
" 7 ANTNI-Agoo.l tlluuttug room girl imimnmcu1Iatel
V't atOccldermtJii hotel. 770-tI
YT/NTFiI-Oool cosk at B. V. corner irirumoy &
' 10th lit , 775151
' ( ITANTEU-.t steauly reliable Inium for geumeral
S V work abotmi house lncIttdmuug care of cows , imu
Iiorse. Iumqulre S. . cv , corner 11.01. ) and 10th ,
J,7JiN1F.fl-1tutcuerauid ) sauuuago maker at John
vy I , . iIiIl'snieat nmarkut4tiS.
TANTRD-Sucrat good btrong oinen at the
, V i'aktot , Hotel imi omies. Inujutreforthusteiard ,
1fANTRI-1ocsl agent. In Nebraike. to repreceimt
I S our Iluiracry .tock For term. auluirees 14. (1.
L'ALliiCmt , ) ( atmec City , Ito. , orlimoomnirmgtou , ilL
nov 11.17.9124
, jANiRi-OfrIftr general tmou.esork , at 1020
S 1 1)ougia. atrett. 745-If
7ANTEI-OitI for general housework , at 1eo
! I notmgAe ! atreeL 74i-tf
' \TAKrNU-Aml tiorgetic loan titIm mnaII capital ,
mumeehenlo lirtcrrd. Call at floar.t of 'iraulo
HoonmL ii. L. IlAittils ,
1T.N'IE1e.nutent girl for general lmoui.u.
, V 'urk , 1310 Ilarmuj-ott. SiooI wagra , 703-If
1TANTED-Salesman for each county It. the U.
V S 8. 170 and Qg5f , aol-I l.y auuuple.
Semiti stalniu. l.t imILi. iru co , , ( Imingo , 311.
eM-lot sod ,
% ITAN7EU-uIrI far general heuei eric. Apply
V V Ifulturcd Iortu.uin's btore , ocr. il'h sod
Jackson. 710.34
% -TAN-rn1)-A good , faithful wan , nc.utotmu..l to
1 1 carl g for auat , iriilim tsaai Iamu aoquclnte , ,
lth the city atmd iitim lii the neubniioud ! ) of
lh'n'las a' , , , 25th neil 2Itii steests. Iwpmlre at Oma.
ha trot , SI cdi , . 136-If
% 1j.tNTF.1)-Aemmts , ladle. er s' Ikana for all
a s btanllard ori. . tszutiy IlliJee sic. ( 'all or a4.
droai J , J. 1t2ley Ocvldctital hotel Onmatma Nib.
4.ANTF.O-A thorotvtdy cumteumt girt for ceo-
, S tral hou-ework , ttcruian Wutrn. Inriulit i.t
No. 2810 Doulaestrot , SIRS. W , It. CIJLIIIC ,
UrAz4rutiifiau s , t-hoi' out treat out of 0
I I Lcw of toun'luuVtmuuIrg5L , timelutelly llmit
11thIt2 , .trnt , tttm rutl Lisigiss bi. TS.U
. .
- - - - - -
1 -
lnfants and Children
Without Morphine or Narcotino.
What gives esmr Children mqy cheeks ,
l What cures their totem , maskea timer. , sleep ;
. 'TI. ( iiqtorIue.
When flabies fret , anti cry liv
' Viuit cons their colic , kills ihelr worms
p. , 11,11 Cmvltorla.
Vhiat quickly ctmres Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , COIdR , Indigestion :
b. Iltit ( astnrM.
Fiu'ivwell then to Morphine Syrupa , , ,
Castor Oil and l'aregorie , niul
Centaur L.Inimpnt.-Ab.
solute cure for Rheumatism ,
Sprains , Burns , Galls , ste. , anti sin
J.n3tftntaneou PaIn..x-oliovor.
United tate Depository.
Fast Naoll Baiik , d
Cor , 13th and Farnam ii.
Tue O/desl Banking EsabIthmen (
In Omtiha ,
strccssota TO IIOIJNZ11 7iROfltis.
Organised lii 1808 ,
Organized as a National Ihcumk in
CAPITAL . - . . . . . SiOoOo
omcns arascroas.
njaMAs Rourmezza , President.
.Joaa A. Cucoitros , Vice PresldcnL
A ecsnra ) Cotntras , Sd VIes Prei4en $ ,
A. J. i'orrtITOS.
p _ Ii. DAvis , CubIst.
v ii , fweicina , Assistant Osahier.
Tr&ns&ct a gent ra banking tamsiacea lasuni limo. .
certificate. bearint at rest. Draws draita on Sari
FrancIscoanit prIncipal cities in the United Stat *
Also London , bubhIn. F4tnbtmrgh and the priucios
litIoof t.bewnlinentot } uZo &
L _ a
The Product of' American Industry
Full assortment constantly on IIanl and for sale by
IIENRY PUHRMAN. Pj'itmont , Neb.
1TANTND-Lady agents ti sell the best selling
y Ito , . of Ladle , , umumd Clulhlrem , ' . goods ever oiler-
oil. Sale. made In every hou'.o r fast as agents can
ehow tlme goOds. Agents aru mnoktng $100 a month.
Address , with stamp , t. . U M. Ca , 9 South May St. ,
gi' ! ° . Ill. SOS-im
lU ANTJi-Uool gtri , br gourl mamuimmtes. Host
, V wages. APPlY lmmnedmtely at eniploytnemmt
bureatm 217 N. 16th St. No. 0111cc foe. 622-tI
IXTANTIU-A situation hya youuig lady as cook In
vy a rrlvatu fanmlmy. ttkiross 'iL B. " floe chico
1TANTEI-Shtuatlon ascmerklo general mumeiclian.
V V , llsa store by a young moan talking Uermnau , 110-
hemlan and EnglLslu inquire I' . .L Ninmlck Planters
house. 771-lit
\yAl4rED-Sumuation by young mat , In grocery
atorr. Ipcrieumce m years , best of references
furnlshed Address "A' this oilier. 76i-111
\ TANTED-Sltuatl.n 1y yommimg flint , whhIImmg to
take hot I of any kInd 'if iork , accustomed to
handling borsc. Address " 13. " thIs oilier. 703-lit
' 7ANTED-1ly a colored nan of hahdts , a
V situatIon as a janitor of a railroad ohilo or
church , orpotter in a flrst-class store. Can ghe the
host of roferencea Address " 0. M. " 79 S. 17th St
ANTED-Sltuatlou In a wholesale or retail uutorr.
References given. mini oxpermeruco In book-
keepIng. Addros "A. it. " lire chico. 747-157
1TANTED-By ayoung man froir. the F.a.t , tine
1' V mietlmat and accoutant , a po.ltlouu 1mm a bamuhiltug
or Insmramico otilco. Testlnmoiials gi sum. Address
' , w _ n. ' oiuo day only , liii. 015cc. 701-141
yAN'rxD-By a yommiug roan 22 year. old , a clerk-
Shill ) In an 051cc , baumic or whiolesalohousr. Good
references. Salary tue Object. Atidre 'C. A. G"
Omaha P. 0. 751-111
7A NTED-Situation es housekeeper. inquulro S.
S N. corner 12th , amid Dodge. 723-141
- - a llret.classpiyimig buslreos
' \7ANIED-Partnorlu
lurotiti largo tool a good trade estalliIieil. oulv ,
asmahl aniount of money requircd. Address "W M.
, ,
B. flee oftlce 777.171
yANTED-A partner clth at least $3,000 to go
into a good payluig business. A ummachlnlt preferable -
ferablo Nor parth'-tmhmre , addros JOUN r. IIOOV.
Nit , Springfield , Sarpy Co. , N1i. 716-20
1yANTD-Oirl. Enquime at 1SOS 3)aveuiport St.
V 71i16
- oxetange , deIrable city residence
for formic eastern Neboiska. Apply toJ. W.
LOUNSIJUIIY , Roaloetato agent , 11th arid } 'armmam.
volt RENT--Itcmiisos and Lots.
IltENT-A nicely furuiislitd eotte. new itii
- lice uS piano , eser , liiuig consenlent. Romut ery
cheap , 816.00 month. muutuiro of I. . 1) . Burnett
at A , i'OLtCJiH cothlrig mitoro lll8Farnamn St. near
14th St. 771-ti
fiurnIhe.h atm3illack-
OR 115N1-Nkely rooms -
F eon St. bctsccuu 11th amid 14th. 775.203
utuN'r-.i roonim kltcluetm and c'.o.ete. cIo * to
I 11. P. Stuoi.s , 510. i'lieriiiuu : am. , , 1131. 772-161
IIIST-Slco new cottage ci live roomc , on
FOIL Street , hell block north of Cunulny lIt.
InquIre at F.iiholmn& Nrichison.
7101 ! ItIINT-Nlceiv furnished front room , bed
room and closet , 512 N. 11th street. 711141
TO1t RENT-A 151,70 and Imlcely furnished frormt
i room , 11105 F.arnham stract 742-10
OP. flEt.'I-Lrtrge tiumfutaishod fromut ant Side
F room , 1015 Fsrmiamn street. 743-Ill
Felt ltl-NT-North fist , .iecanih atory , Lnrerizens
nea lumiluling , 11th anl lmoward SuIte of two
front roonms alttu iiiatitle , and cite single room un.
riirulhisul. htalb , hot arid Cold water , tii.ectui , etc.
Very sl.Irahle. lcferenee. ( Ciii at room 2i , Omaha
Natlonsl 8.umk fluhidluug. 71015'
1tEiT-NIccly furnished varlor. Also Slcoo
room , 'ultii hay slrdow , a.nmtl , frontege , WIth
hod "en suits , " ithor sitimotmt beamut N. W.
car. lSIli and } 'ariiaiu trcet. 759-ti
riolt htRN'0-lfouo .1010 8. 23d' , iIth six
1 moms , cellar and kitchen , $10 a month , 707.141
Foil htF..NT-NIcely furuIeiued roan , , 3001 Farna.n
atroit , 717-15'
ltEcr-lcoteoe of I ur rooms and kltciien
Inquire of A. 'iiurpluy , I 10sotmth , lltatreet. )
F 011 lttNT-Nlcely 1mmnmhhut,1 trout roouil
11110 Davenport street , 730-141
ltRNf-Oood house and barn on north lOuh
street , tmItahlo for uftrty using a number of
teani. IlilittIlul of if. Kouritio , let Natloal Dank
' ltl-hi'-Ftirni..iieil - aIth and
1'uR - i-oem ooatd , gums
.1. bath room , No ills 1)ogcatreet. 731171
Foil muNr-Tso : rooml , one furnished arid one
urmfurmiiohcd , lOll ChIcago street. 782-tI
RENT-A firruWieut flnuso full of nerecre and
boardcrmi , In I emmtrnl locatIon , aini furniture for
.alo Clisal' . Address 'd. H , " lice 0111cc. 071-11
FOR IIENT-Thrtiu flew cotteass , a 5rOOmO , * U
tiuI cistern , luhliets , etc. , each i0 pt-c UU.ntlh
C70-tf _ _ _ _ 1' . 1. . ' 131011/04.
I ear23I and ( lark streets ,
tin ur month. 'I. J. fr'itzumorrfe. 042 5. 37th 51.
ltli.F-Rootn. In Nebrastum Kutloaal il-ink
Fomt . Most , ieir1ilo ohlces Its the cIty.
Stlpmhktl mlth Idrnu1lc , elevator arid ikatul ey
Steami , . % . at licaik. COG-It
iuoii 11151'--'i\vo furnlshui-tt rooms at and
I flO I Cr fuoumtlL Each coon , 1aro euou1i for tau
occupai.t ± _ ll4lrb.tet street.
juolu IIENT-I'lcumsant roruza , , furnicirat or not , as
I deirs.t , four blocks train opt-rn house. Aptly
i0O11'ernam. . _ 170ff
rI'umj LET-4'aruiarod ruc'mn. witCtaiar I ' .elt Call.
a bird. St. 474-1 moo.
I ? ° IdV.h1-iurIshie4 front rec to , 2724 1)oul
I. 57011
iom5 store In Tell's bl ck or Suun.
.I _ tiers street , ( lood locatIon for grocery store ,
I tmtcher hmsp etc. Inqutsu 14 Fev1'ie. , Itiak , bodro
icell 1IlYr-1t.c.3Ueaes. and etocetuU4itj. 51.0.
.1. FORD & , ikal Eta. Aemsy. Oit.
4iiI aide 14th tret , betwOOs 7Jy3 .a2 Doqrlt.
1-loll I1NNT-Furnlhed mont. on the nerthwest
_ U cur. 13'h amid Cajultohavonue , 111-it
1 ult LtAaS-l'our choice lots out 20th 51. , bug
time , 217 N , 10th St. J. L llarbic. 025-tt
roIl SALE.
OTEL FOR S ILE-A neatly ftmrnlslme.l hotel cot-
susthig of 20 roomums forsalo In one of the most
thrhlng towns Iii Eastern Nebraska , Terms reason.
able. reason for selling , roor huesith Inqumec W .1 ,
BAum , Proprietor Madison Neb. 701.27
F SALE-A nIce , denim stock of hardware at a
bargaIn , No. 111 north 10th btreet , , , ext to
Crounso's block , 750-lal
F OR SALE , T1tAC Oil II1ASN-Foimr story brick
hotel , 50 rooms , all furnished. doing a good
tualness mm , cIty of 45Co0 PeoPle. Address "tL 11.
Jackson"thlsoiflco. 751217
1 011 SALE-Tlurty.thros feet front on 10th street
hear homey , elOttt 1'AULSIN & CC' ,
703-li 12'OD Farimarn St.
flAilS CRANCE-We offer forsalo at a bargaIn ,
two thousand acres of land in a body. iim
make a flume stock rruuch Six nilies from County
Scat of Boone county , Terms easy.
0. P. DAVIS & CO. ,
717-tI j&r Iarmam , street.
- ' VI : iii gh e excliii e sale at and near Omaha of
a very popular brand at hour , easIly sold , large
nmargaln , ton risponslblo uloaler therewho um hush
It. FIIM4NLIN MILLS ( 'O. , 33 Clark Street , Chloe-
NO , Ill 714-Stood
TOR SAlE-Good buslncs anti stock goods for
.i : ' sale In iiourlshitigNob , It. Il. town ; sl11erchaago
for Omaha real estate ,
Lots north Omaha on monthly payments.
715-14 'IllilVER
1uutt SALt-Two ten ace , , tract : easy termot.
_ L Two howea and corner lot 10th St
Two lots , east front near i'ark.
Cottage ( ' 11 GeorgIa are.
Two story 1iouo on i'ark are.
691-14 SlIItiYElt& BNLt.l5th St.oppPo.
Foil SALE-Full lot on 17th , near Leavenworth 1'
ruirect , east front. wlthm tlureo new see , ,000 ( -
762-14 I'ArLSEN& CO. , 151 cream St. s1
L'OR SAI.F.-160 acre , of first class farm land thrce
J _ milea from Colmtmlus , I'latte County , l'rico 81 5.
on acra ALVIN SAUIIDERS & CO. , opposIte the
l'axton. ego-la
12'on ' SALII-Wci't 55 feet of mot 17t Millard nod
_ l. Caidwell' , addition , thl a er- desirable lot a
its full length is cii Shernian avenue anti is a corner
lot. L'rice 1 OOO. ALVIN SAUNDERS & CO. , oppo.
alto the l'axton 097-15
SALR-Twenty errs. joIning west Omaha ,
I ItIJa.e house , buIldIng and muachlnery come-
liloto forjtacmdng ourposes.
5761.l4 PAUL-RN le CO. , 0501) Farnam St.
uoic SAIE-1ot 5 tlockX. Shirun'saPII ion. I'm-Ice
_ I _ 6700 bum nionthly payniermt. of 610. ALVIN
SAUNIJEIIS & CO. , opos1to tlio l'atiMu. 795 5
Foil SALE-Tno fulilote sltlmnewlmouqe Nanscont
place , a great hargulzm , C. N. tie & Co. jOY. )
Famam. 707-ti
mmmms\LS-1mereltarit lahhtrlrig business , well cc.
talihisliod anti o7ing , Oocd reasons for achj3n.
Atidtm-ss " 0. ( h. ' flee 0111cc. 633sf
Foil S/uLO-Fs-imi , , In ert.ermi jiobrslza. .3. W.
LOuNsnUlta , Roil Estate Agent , 15th and Far.
rmani 001-ti
G'On SALN-S'acerrt half I iti near dty. Also as , .
.1. cial luuilroy4 half lots at a Largaitu. .1 , W
LOUNSBURY , 12th anti Faruiarc , Coo-ti
'OR IL&Lli-Lot , IS and 16 Ii ock 8 Haticcn.
place on Park ace. , otuly $050. each.
SIT-ti SIOCAGUE , oppoelts P. 0.
F ORSAI.E-A ctcfl establlltod HrIck business c' . lIla
mnachlneryand grounii.u ? 'icOAGITE , ctdpoite P. 0.
21011 SAI.E-gIght- , , cot-half mile I coin
lterteinvtrn addition. zmigwy lmltroved , $1,50o ,
70 .11 I'AULStN&CO. , IltO Farriani St.
Tj'OIt S/tI.E-Toolots N W , corner 01
.5. . Cltlcogu St. Iumqulre of Edhohmn arid 1m-Ickson.
-IJ'C1t SALE-Corner l t in Shina' . addition.
.1. 510-ti SICOACUN , opptIto P. 0.
FOR SALE-Now cottage In gocil locatIon , Q3.oo- .
012-ti iIcsAGUE , OltO5htO 1' . 0.
I1omt SALIS-A tired class second SantO top bug
ii Call at 1310 Earner trect. rtl
T0R SALE-Residence and buslumese properlymn
P all part. of Omaha , and Facto Lanul , In all park
of the State , BEDFORD iS SOIJRR ,
151-ti 213 s. 14th St. bet. Farnana and Douglas.
A 0l SALN-A number of mortgage , , fiNtc3as , so.
Curity. 3IcOAGUE , opivsfts 1' . 0.
-ri-toll SALl-Two portable boilers , 10 hoots
.L1 Apply at D. F1TZi'A7i ( ' ,
668-If 218 South 16th btret.
0ltHAbSilouseand corner lot one
Street cars at m.7ou.
Sintf MeCAOUEop1ojfe P.O.
' [ Wlt 8.Il.l'-llest bargaluus Is , ) iiiiit
.1 on l'lerce tPsl , letweer , 10th , and 21st , ltii too
firet-dass large hotis.84.Oeo , lull easy tvnni ,
705-mi inc 8trit ,
-a- .
Li'uuIt OALII-Uood hioleses ohanco. at 217 - N. - 11th
_ j _ street. J. L. MAIIIIIJI.
.TJuo1t ltAtS-/ut a b-si-gaIn , a anlail aioaier , Hahitiaun
_ L1 anul Cu's fire proef SOlO. Inquho at this oilIer.
WAh"If'I-l-o bumInmaha 1itjt4 3tto toe
I tori. Call coa icC.tGtji : , 1' , 0.
_ _ _ _ 010-ti
1O1I ht&lIt-Ine oslesiaperd in arge so
.1. qvammtitie , it this dIce. tt
iOmt HAi.E-TLm-eor ic'umtOidflOO lots ( cw , )
.1 ii , t4-t lOciitioti in city.
Ill-ti SIrCAGUE , O1.II1e 7' . ( \
M18l)0f4A5lmlj ; , ,
A Yewug tirnralrkci Inly oatt-i forttislh at
iluc.e'u liujit .IIroIc I , to ilogtncrah hoti.eucurk ,
corner cf lUtli amI limsuimi , 7(0-ti
i. ; Iclurilay imlghmu , Nov. Itt ) , , a li tesuc. bib
itlm small 511Cc 00 f-tehtsul , 16 hmaumtla hii ) , cite a
horse and hut. OlbIr mm iuaye A rew-ird af cite litirm-
des-I delar-e : s et Is imd to car mom-'ou iho III tied
them. Ii1.lhl JFLINE1 ,
70-8-10-s it Crete , 'eb.
ALOft. loll Teatha utrost , bcJ.cceea Fanuim an5 liar
nil , 1U , scith the aId cit mzrdb.n spirits , fti
Sri ) one a giau'e of lb past amm,1 , and oo
certatim cctimdJttcn hi th , ftturs. 11019 intl alioci
n&t'.e ccder. g'pat1etsctk Iat4btt.t4.
- i.- -