TiiE DAILY BLL LIIUItSDdUVEI13L lt 15 , ia8i. 7 I IM GREETINGTOTHETRADEJ I I EXTEND THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP TO YOU AND ASIZ FOR A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE IN HOUdayGOOdS ' Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs , Music and Music Books , I have I ' laid ill a 1 . : x . : L ( , 9 „ Musical - Offering You the Choice Selections of . r , . .8 DIFFERENT LARGE iMPORTING HOUSESI i 1 Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my a r ' ii ASORTMENT $ TOYS L up and selected by myself ; the assortments have heretofore been all made u p in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; the ' result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments are h made up as follows : . . . - Ag , , . 100.00 assortment over 200 different articles. . \ 50,00 ( < < 1 150 tfi tt ' 35.00 tt tt 125 tit tt tt t < ft ! 25.00 100 . + tt tt tt tt 15.00 75 showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get. I have also made up a number of $5.00 Cases of 5 and lOc , goods , and also $10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for the Holiday Trade. . { [ 1 l l Birthday Cai'ds. J K E r I - _ I Ce1RtY [ ALSO A FINE LINE OI ? , n , p ALBUMS1 r ill Toilet Sets Purses and Pocketbooks LEATHER [ 1 , l 1 shell and. VTa $ Floworl u'ndor Glass. And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with samples - ples on the road ; one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my sam- pies and layout will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make your own selection , I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with the right man always will do , , R. ® ectfull , , I 3- . MTTE DIJ ] i No. I 03 South Main Street , Council Bluffs , I owe. . - - - FARM MATTERS , NOrnakit Akrleulturnl Item. . . ; yf.uTSov COUNTY. In'ttrravoling over the county mine forcibly ilnprosset with the Improve. monts that have occurred within the past few years. Largo tracts of barroh prairies rios of five years ago , are now dotted with farut houses , and thrifty groves meet tin eye in nil directions , l Imo sod house amid ydug omfortablo given vin' for the nont amid cotta c ! stir. I nundcd by groves of shade trees , orchnxis nd nrdens. In eau g d nccs good fences have boon put up nround the residences , while omuo of the more prosperous farmers 11nve fenced in large tracts of land with wire fences , 1t1go and conunodious barns have taken time place of pole atables covered with straw or slough grass , mud general thrift and prosperity mlteot the eye in all dircc tiomis. ( ; nod substantial bridges age ho in g built over the streams ant "draws " and i in sono districistho roads are worked and turnpikod. The pries of real estate iii the county has more that doubled within the past two years , amid present indications are that the raise in prices has but just counuonced1i tadlson Chronicle. SOCCOTO 411 , IL 1V. Clover , living two miles south. wvost of Utica thrashed lnst week fromdb acres 1,500 bushels of wheat and oats mixed , whliCht is 40 bushels to the nerd. IIe estimates that fully ono hnlf of this grain is wheat , which is a good crop of wheat , and fully a half of oats , lie calls this nmixturo "soccotosh , " and the object of it is to protect the wheat from ravages of the chinch bug. Ile claims that the oats can be thoroughly and rmulily sop. prated front time wheat with the improved fanning mills that we have now. This is n matter worth the consideration of aver' fanner. Besides the above grain he has tlnatshod 300 bushels of rye , and he has also raised a good crop of corn-Utica [ Record. soMn TUiLNil'S. 'Pilo ' Lincoln pnpors make a big blow about a1 11 ] )01111(1 turnip raison hoar Waverly , this State. We are prepared to 1rot'that this is no turnip at all. Avn out eli the banks of the latte in Hall count , lives a lprosperous farmer b the name of Hen Schoicic who raised a crop of turnips , a fair samlplo we have , that weighs 16pounds. . Mr. Sheick in. formed us that ninny of the largest ones had boon takes away by parties from other States , to show what the "Croat American Desert" will prodnco , one of which weighed just 10 pommda and 0 ounces , Besides Mr. S. raised 600 bush. els of late Rose poLateos front 24 acres of ground , which were the largest in average - age we have over soon. They wore purchased - chased by Messrs. Powell and Wherry , of this city , and will be on sale next week.-Fells City Journal. WIIIAT : Y1rLlS ) , A North Platte mar railed 200 bushels of wheat on Oh acres , and challenges any" body to boat it. J. 0. McClay , of Norton Fork precinct , tops over the North Platte man n little , ] laving 111 bushels on four acres.-11 ilbor Opposition. NEimItASKA TAKUS TIIC C.thi : , Nebraska takes the premium for lam'go apples. About fifteen years ago Mr. Perry Walker , of Cass county , raised and ezlmibitod at the Statofair , then hold at Nebraska City , an apple weighing twen tyoight ounces. After iho fair it was placed in the Smithonian institute at Washington. This h said to be the largest - est over raised in time United States. The second largest is not an oxhibitiol nttho Commercial hotel in Lincoln , and was raised near Bonnet by N. J. Fellerloy , -Elk Creek Echo , JOIiNSON COUNTY CORN. The corn is not yet fit to crib. It was hover before so green at this time of tire year as 110W. It is bettor to plow now and hush time corn later. Time farmers , however , need no advice in this dircc Lion.-Tecumsolt [ Chieftain , 0th , 5P1tiNO WHEAT , Fromu 14 acres of ground on which Mr. Sawyer sowed 20 btmsimols of Sea Island aprin wheat lie harvested 421 bushels , macl11ne measure , and would have had perhaps 16 bushels more , bat a part of the field was harvested after the July hail storm. Air. S. says that ho did even bettor that Lids two pears ago with 65 acres of grass wheat on which ho sowed 44 bushels of seed and harvested therefrom 1,130 bushels of grain , Mr. Watt front 10 acres of oats threshed 405 busltols and from 8' ' acres of wheat 208 bushels. This crop was put in on stalk ground with a elltivator and drag. This fs an item to bring thoattentiou of path. ) le who contend twat this is not n coon- try far small grain.-Guido ] trek Signal , A CIIANthhT OF VENUE. Time Croat Auioricam desert is taking a change of venue this year. We have had a superabuntarco of rain thus year at seasonable times and in first-class shape. Tlaro is quito a noted charge in the way it rains. While it used to come down , ton or twelve years ago , in torrents - rents , daumaging ermips and am tiring else it noW comes down slow easy , thereby urging forward our crops , instead - stead of domolishiug thorn. T'un years heree will show that Nebraska has no equal as an agricultural amid suck raising region-Alma [ Itorald. SSEII CORN. 'Cite question of the selection of seed corn for next year's planting is au impor taut 4)110 just now , std an exchange gives time folknvinvg Imillts front experience ; 1. I'ick time oars that sot nearest to the ground , 2 , 'Those COTS laving a short foot stalk , ; t. From stalks having time moat earn. Generally but one ear on a stalk is proper for feed , and that initially the secomid ear. If the first oar iii good Lake tlmnt , 4. A 'et 'or take from a stalk having but one earif stalks can ho found having two or more ears , 6. Always take cars that are filled out full to the end and that run boy.imid time husks if such can be land , h , Lay up four or live times Aa IIIIICII as ell1 probably be want. o , " I. Wi5n1 You coma to plants before shelling , break every ear amid mice if time pith of the cob is dried up red hollow , for if it is not , time COeh is not fully ripo. Then shell of the butt and tip till you come to the long grains. - - - + - - Tells limo Truth , "This mnedlcino 1 can highly recrmmumend hum cluck 11(0(4llfffrrw are time best blood purl- tier We havn over used. " Chart , A , Burt , 16 Court St. , ) hnflalu , N , Y. A Womuthu m lhl Iledsleud , A wordoiful bedstead lately finished in Paris for al Indian imrhrco is described as follows ; It is partly made of real eil vol. , aid coat many thousand pounds sterling. At each corner stands a beau. tifully meddled female figure ( life slzo ) holding a dolieately constructed fan and wearing it wig of real hair. 't'his is to be regularly dressed by the court barber once a week. On tire great ] iotuimtats gutting into bed Qe woi it of hits body gofs certtiiii nlachinory hl Motion , tito e0ect of which is that , so long as his Royal highness enjoys hfa horizontal ro- freahment , the silver maidens gently fan the aleoper. If limo figures nt the foot of time bed are required to exert thenlsoves in a like manner this can be accomplished b' the aid of a clock-like apparatus. Moreover ahould limo dusk ' owner of time bed wish to bo lulled V time dulcet soards of soft nmuaic , this camn be done by touching n spring , ' 'Iloboltout of time bed contains a large rnisical box , which is so arranged that the tunes can be louder or soft , as desired. llorafn d's r1ihil ; l'hosphnto As a Nerve Food , Dr. J , 'my. Smith , ll'ehhin gtou , 0 , , says ; " ] n impaired imorvoua 61111plY [ i have used it to adramtnfio , " IOWA ITI ; ItS. 'l'ucre ' are cloven church buildings in 1Pright county , Time Sibley school board will issue $2- 000 in school bomida , l eokuk pork packers expect to kill 100,000 hogs this w rntor. The oat mill in Cedar Rapids wants about 160 buahel of oats per day. The total taxable valuation of Buena Vista county , less oxonmplitications , is $2 , 182,200 , The Electric Liglmt. and Power eonlpa fly , of lhmrlingtoi , capital $80,000 , iota been incorporated. Time eorsunyptioll of w"indow" glass in Cedar Rapids reachosabout twontyaovon car loads annually. Twemtyaii11u iudiJtmienta were found against the saloon-keepers of liu liugtoh for selling whisky , The Davemport city council hits voted that time saloons of that city shall hereafter tor be closed om Sundmy. Nearly four Miles of tholieokuk ; street railway arc nnv completed. Seven cars for time road have arrived , 'l'hc ' qucstiou of introducing rnusie as n regular study in time public schools is be. ingdiscussed in Dubuquc , 3rauy of tie now busimiosa buildings erected in Dos aloiues this year have one large store window , with the doe' to one aide , nistoad of in the canter. houses are in donahd in Arisauuri Vmtl lay , notwithstanding over $100,000 have been expeimderl there this year iii d5t provomonts. The new Catholic clnmrclm at Clermont approaches completion. It is 60 by JO feet on time ground amid will have one of the liuost auditoriums in the State , Ilona. C. It. Webb will represent time Iowa State Agricultural society ism the convention called by Dr. Loring to moot' ' it Chicago oil time 16th amid Milli of this umontll , Ran , E , IL Stiles has conumemced writing up time "History at time Early Bench and Bar of Iowa , " the material for wlricir he has been collecting time past two years. Inn time past tun mouths $200,000 have bcemi expended in improvements at llnrion , Liun county. Time population is said to have increased 1,600 sineo time Census of 1580 The Bock Itapids Review thinks there will be two churches , Catholic and Episcopal - copal , and a creamery built there iii the spring. A project forams oil , mill , to cost $40.000 + is being discussed. Cedar Rapids lags a hoatimmg debt of $36,000. Warrants soil at 90 cents , The taxes to be paid by Cedar Rapids lax payerstimisycar are : 10 mills city tax , 16 mills school tax , 10 spills county and state tax , or 44 mills in all. Chariton has a Chinaman. Ile got there last week and hung out his "waahoe' ; shingle. In a fey days he was lodged in time fine now jail for attempting - tempting to kill a colored boy nmuned Toni far tolling him that rata wore plenty in Chariton. COMMERCIAL , COUNCIL BLUrrs erA1uKBT , 1V1ioat-Nn , 2 aping , We ; No. 3 , C0 ; go. jcctod , floc ; good demand. Gun-Dealers pro pnying 25e for old cunt and lee foe' mina' , Oats-In good deumand at 20c. IIny-.l 0O06 00 par Gm ; LOc per halo. Ityo-IOc ; light mupply. Corn Meal-125 pet" 100 isnmds , Wo + ul-Uoodsimpply ; priese at ymd,500 ® 0 00. 00.CoalDelivered , hard , ii LO per tmr ; soft , O 00 per ton , Bettor-l'lemrty old in fair dmnand tit 2tc ; creanmory 35c. ] ; ggs-handy sale at 20e per dnzon. Lrtrrl-l'alrbatmiCN , wllnlcsnhng at lie. l'rmltry-Finn ; dealer. am payhug for Cidckeris lOc ; lk'e , 2 Ml per dawn , tirugotnblo-1'utnGtox , 60c ; ouimisf IOc ; cab. Lagos , 30 u l0c tier clown ; apple , , .1 O0fp3 ; kO per barrel Flour-City finer , l 003 d0 , Brooms -2 001 ; W or doz , rlvht STOCK. Cattlo-3 0O3 so ; calve. , r 00@7 lit , ] fogs-Market far ho'S , qulot , a , the potek- bIg houhes pro cloned ; shippers are paying 3 25 ® 400. 'rouND IN A BOX. Dlr , Juhu Elmnam , of Augusta , Mc. , mites , May 10ISS3nfollow"lbau : keeiiallliGrl for emno ) cane xitll a W rcmu kidneytronbcaud ( , lavmngnollcca an articletnmw of our papura of thu wonderful cures lisud'a Ilunalyhad performed ho manycawsof drop' NY , lluldcr amid kitineytnnmhlce , and Ilnding a hsdllo hi a lies of straw packing , I wmicluded I would try it , ctrl cmnn + eced to take it , w hon , to surprise , I fougd that the lirst bottle benufted me ea ouch that I do. coded that i wotuid asotluuo Its use , and 1 kept mm taking it until 1 had umsd hm mill sir Lollies , and my appall , h good , all pales Iu the back and solo dleap. geared , and forma of my years ( I om glow 50 years old ) i an ablu to attend to my bu.hme.s , and an strmig coal vigorol. , as mnuyof my frleudswtd nulghbore can teathy that know mo well , 1 Leg testate state also , that many if Our neighbor , have used limn'Itenely u'bthoqually as good result , , and one of my friend , who has ju.t purchased ai.ottie of ( Jul. PY , Klnsman b Alden , of 1'ortlandw1) ) B 1o'.vmdd not lie ulthout it at any price. ' " TILE BAKER'S WAY. hr. Alfred Nalean , Nat : Lincoln btrcet Lewliton , Me „ a rltes n.May 24 , 1853 ; "l bale Leon severely anOcled for s lung time with bndlgostioa nail i1v.r eomplalnt , amsl at thnoe all that I ate Bo dlytrussed m aOlst I could not bear time , Bight of loci , I had hied a good many dlUerent runiedlcs log my con. phint , and they all faliol , umitll ma day Mr. Martcl , one of our druggluts In LowWmm , recmmnendcd flat's Renmedy , ae he knowof uomi.aq'wl.ohad used It here with great success for kldnoy , Iii rg , unit mir. hurv trouble , , as ncil as hndigedion , soil upon Ids gucanuieldatlon 1 Smelly concluded to try a bottle , audcomunmiced taliog , mirth very little faith in it. 'Thu Brtt Isttle Iwlped Inc so inudu that 1 purclmscd two Inure , and ht hasdono miw a wondupd a noumit of good , amid cured moo of Ilullgostiomb 1 ran cat all kinds of food mica' , and cami Only recounmunti hunt's ltentdyteaSslime cure furhmdlgellunlbor and kld mitts' IIItluIrcY" . PRACTICAL ( EXPERIENCE , Mr , Ore , Li , Inlcof No. 3y'uttagu Slrttt , Levels. ton , 31u. , a Iellablo and prunmlmient citlccu , hnpats the folluaing Infornmatiog , Ma ) I I,15W- : "llsmlog louzed of the m alual 1. qualities of Hunt's Rcsnet1y hit a pmcttal immrmer , l lag to state that i mm.iderlt a mem.dy of great malt , mud ca. unost chuorlullytecoroumond It to tay one troubled rfllu kidney oybicrdhseaiu. " FURNITUREI -TllE- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture , E -Ig AT- DEWEY & STONE'S i They always have 'ItLe largest and beat stock , NO STAIRS TO OLIMB5 ELEGANT PASSENGER " ELEVATOR'TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. Granite Ironware. FOR nnoimxo noutro , ptcrssavfNa nnxtfro , n 1S WIiOL90NL LIGHT. IIAND90ME , DURABLE , 2 EIC Best ICItCIICIIe Y- Y ONiYBY TI'EC ' ST. LOUIS STAMPING COMPANY , SL LOUIS , Foil 5alr liv all S1oor , Hardarare , slid Hoasrthrlii liin. DralPrs. The time of thoterm "Shoe Lino" In caunecllun with tht 11 U 11 I cogwrato flagon of a greatroad ronreys ml Itica of lt + t what miulrotl by the tratclhmg pub. L I N E tic-a Short Llue , Qnlck Tim. and the bent of acemmmnals i hone-ail of whICII 5CC turn ! shod by the greaten railway In Amnedea. C HICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It ovine and opernke oiler ( Jos mllem of road e Northers 1111uo1 , , Wlseonmin , Minnesota , lawn and Ilakota ; alit aci is mmahm linen , branches anti conoec Lions rroch all the great Lueluelw centres of the Northnestanti Far West , It naturally anworm the description of Short Line and Ucet Route letweon Chicago , Dlllaaukee , St. Paul anti Mlnneapolla Chicago , Milwaukee , Ta e'rosmo and } Vienna. Chicago , MllanukoeAberdeen and Ellcndalo Chleq0 , Mllaaukoo , Ew Claim and Stliiwnter' Chicago , Dlllaaukca , } Vatsnu and MerrIll. Chicago , Dlllwaukpe , ncaver Dane and Oehkosb. Chicagn. Milwaukee , waukcsba and Oconomowoc. Ci.lcngo . , Dlllwankeo , Jladleon amid l'rairtodu Chlon , Chimgo , Milwaukee , Owatmuma and Faigltault. Chicago , llclott , Jmlomvtls and MluerslPoint. Cidcagn , Elgin Rockford and Duhuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island anti Cedar Itaplda Chicago , Council liluas and Omaha. Chicago , Siotmx City , Sioue Fall , and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell amid Cilnnberlatn. Rock Inland , ilubuque , St. I'aul anti Minneapolis. Dameuport , Calmar , Nt. Paul and Minneapolis. Tullman Sleepers cold time Finest Illntng Care in world ego nu. on thenainllucsofnloCH CAC MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY tiof tthe tt V e by courte oyCS cuuq aue cmpl C of he + aly' . . 5. MiJUULL , A. 1 . N. CARPENTER , Ocn'l Manager. Oum'l Pass. Agent. J , T.CLA1tE , GEO1.IICAFFOitD , Oen'b Suht. Aem't Uc'l Pe.mm. Ag'L of the continued use. of mercury and potash for the trcahnent of Bloodand Skin dluascs-they never cure , and nearly ah'nye imiJure or totem ! } ruin the general health , , A WELL-KNOWN DRUGGIST , [ I My drug sure was the ar5t to mdl Swift's Spechac. It nam then put up iu quart bottlehlclm multi for e.oo : tacit. I hnru seen a great ninny cares mired by Its ureanti 50110 who linim tried all sorts of treat. ment. lu fact , l hoe ncrcr knoum it to fall when taken prnpcrly. I sell a large quantity of It , and for all dlsease , that are dependent on blood poison or mkiu humor. It cures rlul'LEY Axn laorrlm.a oS rlrl : sII ) , and makes the eempiaxlms fair and ro.y. As for blood taint , there is no such cord a , fail. It cure , caCC that have long Nltlstood other sort , of treat. n.emit , and mIthout any of thee recurring trouble , that gefcndty'follow nmercurlal and other mmcalicd curee. T 1.3IA53ENIIUItr , Macon , Oa , DRY TETTER , Igor years I nam afflctcd wltll Dry Totter of the nint obsunate typo , as treated by " .any of the LCrti.hysiciamm ; took quautitlcs of murcur } , ) otath letter and arsenic , } mhlch , inmtuad of curing the , crippled me up with m'.ncral p0l.mmamid rhetminatlmm. Time Totter continued to grow worse , and the itching almost made mu craty. ! n tlda cmldhtlml 1 was In. duccd to take Strlft's Specific and the result was am nlmnimhing am It was gratifying In a few mouths the rotter war entirely well , the Mercurial Poimorlmg { oil . .t.t of III ) ' syetenammd I was a well eau-and duo ordy to LYwlft'm'Speclk. All like snaerersshould tnlo it. JAMES IIUNNINI , Iunlsvillo , Ky. What a Physician Says. L'1 emir , limier , Moenos Cu , , Aux. , July 2.1 , hiE. 1liamuaheight little dauighter wl.o will bo we years old next nmonth. oho ham ban troubled , .uarly ever since her birth with a xkhn dlcaae , which ! ilrmt dlagrlumol cluckcu pox , limit lcter found It to ho sound sort of eczema at any rate it roslited norS atnbboruly all the dlaorunt troatmeutm. 1 pnoural one hottlo of Swift' . Spcdto and gore It to her fu small doses tlireuthueaday and hl aehortwhilehadthesatle faCnom to men that mho was , direly well , 1 con so well pleased with its cifect on slur that ! , hail mint only awe It In uq praetlcebut ] , hall adu.hmister'it Gs my othorchhldren , and lalno It myself. w , I. Hiusxrn , M. T ) . Our treatimo on Ihiood ail Skin Blsuaru , utaRel free to applicants , TILE SWIFT SPEOIF 1c ! C0. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta Us. Nstero Con ice-Norks 1 II1ON AND SLATE ROOFINU , , C PECHT PROP , 1111 Ikmuglas st . . Omaha , Neh , 1IANUFACWRER OP Calvanfrea Iron Cornices jrhJormerWlndoms , l'inlais , Tin Iron and Slate IToanmig Spccbt's patent DIeta111o Sllyli'ht { , I'stent adjusted Itatebet liar and Uracket Shehtng , I sin lie gcorral agent for the gbpve line of goods. Iron dicing , Crethngs , Ualnstrale , , Verandas , Iron Bank inn6' , , Window Ilminds , Cellsr Oaanls ; also general cut for l'ecrsun& 11111 anent inildo Blind , DUFREINE & MENDELSSOHN , RCHITE OTS tXBEMOVED TO OMAHA NATIONALSLD ST. LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham [ Paper Co , 217 and 210 North Male. St. , St. tools WIIOLESALE DEALERS IN NEWS H , , } PAPERS ' .l WRITING ENVELOPES , CARD BOARI ) AND PRINTERS' STOCK , tFCMh paid or Rage end rape StotkScrsp Iron and Metals . . , t _ . Nebraska Cornice -AND- ] Of ! DiANVFAC ! JREIt3 OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES" aQrsnor'VU indo' ' t , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATEROOF/N0 , PATENT METALIO SKYLIOiIT , Iron Fencing ! Crestonge , Balmstradem , Verandas , Office and Lank Railings , Window and CollarGuarde , Eta. N. W. COLT , NINTH AND JONES STS. WM. GAISER , Manager , DR. WIIITTIER 1 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A REGULAR GRADUATE of two medical colleges ! 1 bas been engaqed longer in the treatment of CililON10 , NERVOUS , SKIN AND BLOOD Diseases than other phydctan luSt. , Looms , am city papers show amid all old residents know. Consultation free amid Inv Itatl. when It le lncouvcuknt to visit limo city for treatment , medicines cam , bo soul by mail or express everywhere. thimble cases gnarantoodwheredoubt ; vxlti it Is frankly stated. Vail or write , Nen-oussProstratlon , Debility , Mental and Phyeicn \VeaknesSlercemrlalamid other allocttonsof Throat 1000 s and Blood Poison Imig , SAe Aacction simpurltles Uleera . manta to marriage , lthcmnaltsul , l'lles. Special at. gale ffront owrworlred bra n. SUIt01CAL CASES receive epeciat attentla. . DScases anti log fromn Inrprndenco , Excesses , Indulgcuces. ARR AGE starywdllold.MnOy AOpngcm thewholo mcalpts who may c v = aa. , shy , cause , , consequences and cure. Mulled for 2&c ; postmen or stains. sept 2e dawly GOLD MEDAL , PAIt19 , 1578 , BAKER'S BrOIkilIE COdllI. ! 'a . Warranted absolutely per ? Cocoa , from which time excess o + Ullhnsbeenremoved , It haethrre tunes the strength of Cocoa mixed witl. Starch , Arrowmutor Sugar , Iti end Is therefore far more economl cal. 1t Is delicious , uourfmhing , eticuglledng , , easily digested , and ndmlrablyadnpied for Imnllds as well as fur persons In health. Sold byGroecrs esorynllere. L BARER & CO. , Dorchostorl Mass. DR HENDERSON A regular graduate medicine. Oven elxteen COaandSOSWandottoSt. yearn practice-twelve In KANSAS CITY , MO. Chicago. Authorized by the state to teem , Ohronle , Nervouaand Prlvate diseaeee , AethtnaEpilopey , Rheumatism Puce , . Tape Worm , Urinary amid Skin Dix- easesSeminalWeaknoeetnlghtloeeee , Sexual Debllltypoesnfsexual poweel , I c. e ) rem guaranteed or mousy refunded. Charges low. Thousands of cases cured. No Injurious instil. dnoefurnished even to patients at adlstance. Con ntltation tree and eontldentlnl-call or wilt , ago and experience are Important. A HOOK for both ) Boxes- Ilusteated-and circulate of other thinsre sent eeei'd of we3cent etampe. FDIfiEMUSEUM ° I coed od.w -THE bIILD POWER CUBES- UMPHREVS' , OMIi0Pit. TUIC--- SPECIFICS : TnuseMyoars-Eaclmnumber special pre' mcript/un of at nwhelt ploshcian ; The only Nlmph' , Nn femi.i Sure lhcdlctucs for the p opio LIST iIucmm'AL NU5. CUmt)2 , rmcx. 1. 1'seers. Cnulgastionlnnnuratfas , , , . , ; t6 2 , Worms , WarntI"everWonncuito , . .2S : i , l1 yhxolleorTeelhingoChirsute ' 2S t. Ilnrrhea ) of Lldldretm or.dints. . . , , , . 2S a , Iy.cnlar' , (1rlplngIlllllousColhe , . . IDS em. ( 'holrra Slnrbns , Voul/ling" / , , . , , ,21 Z. t'ouiluCuid.UroSldllm , . , , , . , , , , , , , 2S N , Naimrnltla , Toothache Faceaeto , , , , 2' 0. Ilondnchc. , bock headaches , Vertigo ; 2S ID Ilyspnli.ln , Iplillmim rtomnch , , . , „ ,28 1 I , Nq p irewed or Palapal 1' , rinds. , . , ; : S 12 , N Mites , too l'rofaao 1'crlotls , . . „ ; : S Ie ; dine , , Cough , Dlnicuit Hrentllnu,2S , . 14 , NqI1 pleas , , , ErdpeiaeEruptlui , , ,2S I5 Illmi'unal'au ltlmwmattol'almi , , . , .2S del peeormi5Ago. Chltl.ieverlights , .all 17 , Inra. , Imnn + tortleeding , , , . . . , .Su /5 , Inlarrhnmeeorehronlem ImIiuenia , 60 31) , tVhnnplo Cough , violent oo"Bh. „ aU 21 , ( e' ' ern ! debility , i'bysleai tVeakmedi.all . 27. 'tId'l.ey Dl.qn + , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , nu 2 i Nerrues Ieblllty. . . . . . . .g. . 1.15) : IO , tlrluary 1Vrnknosg. W ; iting the bed ,50 :12. : Itleoman ofllrellenrl , i1l' , mmntl011 , 1.110 yobm bY drugglst. ureeit by the l'ae orsht alit Vial , rrcn of charge on reeel c oft prier. Sind for . , , liem" . . U41 , , liem"I.TLIr' , [ . , ' Ird telna Co „ 109 Fultn Street. are York. A POSITIVECurs . without mnd . tober 10 , 7B. One box No.Iwillcnronny caselnfour dayeorloss , No. 2 wIlcure the imostobstinate case nomatter of bow bong sknding , Allan's Soluble Medicafcd Bougies No nauseous doeee of nmbebs , capable , neaR of man" dal wood , that ars n'Almm to produce dyepelula by deetroyinp'time euatlnaoftheetomach , Trice Ii.t0 Sold by all druggts ( , or malted on receipt of price For further particulars sesd for clrenlnr , 1',0 , box 1,613. J. C. ALLAN Co. , CURE , hI John Street , New 1 of k , Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Brlau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cu11111Dacher , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BRYarla. Pilsner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohemian. Iraiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .firemen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Loliy Anhauser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St.Louis. Best's , . B , . . , lmWUtilt& . , Schlitz-Pilsner . . . . Milwaukt e , Iru { . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Porter , Domestic and Rhino Wine. ED. MAURER , 1214 Farna'n , . _ J