Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1883, Image 5

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Real .
- - -
. Oily , Suburban and. Farm Property.
We have aFine Tract near Center of City Which i a
; . Bargain ,
itO-Fnh1 tot Ith 5 room houo on 15th St. ,
Center and Dorca , . Good cellar , barn ,
. oo1 house , c1tcrn , BldcwaIks , , hrubbery ,
. C8GOo-13ca1tItI1 ! ot 4 wont hou,3 , good
'eIlr , IArg.3 cIoset , etc. Sightly location.
115 , OiP-hot.O7xt32 , with 7 room cotthgo
loan yenuobetwecu Shonnan and Clark etrect , .
Cool pronerty.
o e2soo-T ; o beauUlul lot , In IdcOormkk'5 altIl.
tin , , , on Fariiain , , troet.
119 43cO-Roco Pbccc , [ 'crk avemic , full lot. now
tWO-btOry laouo , 7 rootn , goo.l oolltr and oci. !
shed.i , city water , truce and all improvurncnb. .
121 1,2OCh-Lot 36llS on 11th St , in ltountrc'.i
4th , llltIon. lh'uo 4 larco room , , lot beauti.
fully Iccatod and l really florth much more.
ltuaon for Bclil.1 , muct have monoy.
tf2 l,5O-Each three beautiful ot in ltoee l'Iacc
Park nvcntio on ca..y terms.
124 $ IOO-I1alf lot oi t3aundertrcot. Oood hou.o
4 rooms , good clootg , pantry , st.ible , well , cli.
: tern , porch front and roar. Frb4 $1,300 , two- ca311. 'ThI Ii a b.ratn. lust be sold by
the Oth or cfllbo withdrawn fromsale.
. Improved l'roperty.
, tOO-12 room honse , cot. 13th and Cailfornia
tret , C eloiet , cellar , city ator , onthousc ,
2.7OO-6 room house on N. lSth etreet , cloecta ,
coUar , cistern , well , etc. Bcoio.w & Sza.
} O3O-Go.l six room boue on Davenport , bet
Sd end tl. , two story c oeet , pantry. cellar
. cistern , wIJ , silt ant shrubbery , stable
t,1OO-Fnll size lot on 1OOIIIIeb place , itb
two frane cottogo. one room , one 2 rooir.
For sale or exchange.
$2,100-Good two and a halt acre lot with five
room cottage , brlk collar , well , fruit trees , etc.
p One of the best three cry brick b.iainces ho
. - on Farnam strect. Terme
ki : , oo-Now7 room house on N. 15th street. A.
't ; ; modem improvcment& Good location. Cheep
, , ; , SOO-NeW two story house Queen Ann style.
. All modern improvement , , city water , lot bOx
: . 100.
, : - Tao full lots St. Ilaxy's avenue and 20th , with S
1 boueos. Will be first the , buatnee , property.
' . .
4 * 4,750-Lot 63x9fl. wiLl , two houeo& Cheep.
- U 2t0O-Two houses In Nelaon a addition , on Cn-
. . ter street Outnousee , clatern , fruit trees , etc.
' , Businesa houee end lob on flouglac street , bet.
. . 14th and 15th. Term , easy.
. - 4 New8rOOml1oUOoflCWO3O.b5t24th5.fld2th
. . Two new hone , on. six &nd ocher B rooms.
Ffrst.cIaa and modern improvement.s. erma
. B $2,700-Lot 100x132 , College fitreet , Redlck'a
, . gubdlvflon , new 5 room house. % Vell improved.
. 18 * 2,000-LOt 60x150 , Convent street , 0 reom cot.
- ( age , large basement ultablo for rooms , barn
. . l,3OO-4 'oom hone , Thornelle addition. barn ,
well , clst.jn , good lxnprovements , 000 cash ,
* ls00 on long flow.
: Q1,200-7 room honeo on baenport , bet. 16th
. 4 , , sod 17th.
. . - It Lot 175x&0O on8herman , large house , barn and
other Improvements. Lot 1thout improi-e.
.e , ment8 Is worth the money we ask for it.
7 Two new housc end two full size lots on Park
avenue. blot snd cold water , nd a Imodorn
Ant clase Improvements. lIouse would cost
what we ask for whole. Extra good bargain.
.S ? 2,600-Lot 82x150 , ocr. 11th and Center , house
4 rooms , barn , water , tree , . outbuildings.
g 2,60O-Flse room house , 181.i bet. California &
Webeter. Nice propart. Terms easy.
LO HtoO-Lot 9 , block S. bhlnn Zd eddlUcn. One
end a halfatory house. Tuims easy.
2 B3.000-Uood7 roomhoueoonShcrman. Modem
improvements , stable , wellciatern. A bargain.
bl d,000-Fuil lot , one 8 room and one room
house , nea , 6 blocks from the opera house. Very
62 1boo-SpIendidIot on Dodge , near 15th. Chea
68 8O0O-Lerge house and ma1l cottage. Eace
location foil , Iz ht Davenport near both.
65 4,6iXi-LOt 60z260. good 6 room house , modem
mprotementa. fleer business , on Sherman eve.
. 2 lt00-.Two lots , 126x140 , with house etabl etc.
Barkea , ub4ivialon
00 1,6OO-Lot and a half , good house , Reiilck' sub.
dis-lalori , ( corner. )
91 Lot with 1 room house , Chicago , bet. 18th end
01 1,500-Lot and 6 rooni house. lborbech'a a4di
. tlozi , waS , cistern , tto. Everything In good re
ice $000-Lot end aroom house , Izard. be , . 16th end
Unimproved Property
2 1OOO-LOt 8O1fl , Indiana end DI.leion.
8 p700 each-Two lots 03xi32 each , on 11th. Oheep ,
cod 2 lots 66x182 oath oii 10th.
11 00 each- ? Iota in Vatui & fleode addition.
23 tc7OO12 lull izo lote , Itanacotu I'Iace , cue
block west of I'ak arenno.
s5o each-Two lots on Park avenue. Bargain. .
fluilnoo , lot , on Dodge , heteou 11th and lth ,
Ill 4OO-Lot in 8hlnn'a additlou , on Seward street.
83 Zl,00O-1'uli lot , lleedslat addition , on 25th and
40 E.5,000-Sz ! good lot , In lianecom l'laoo. Br
gain , .
t4 d,0-Lot f0xlO , on Farnam , nearoth. Vo
to Fournere , inWoet Omaha.
00 tO-Lot in Isaacs & Selden' , addition.
Cl 1,600-Fino lot liodilick's ad&tlon , L'ask eve.
84 .1OO-2 feet of Idock 31. lildun. addition. Fine
S $2.200-Lot4lxOOnt 16th. l3uslnesa property
worth twice the priro asked.
04 3tOO-Full size graded lot on Chicago , bet.
13th and 14th.
91 $100-Good lot , high location , south 10th.
10' ) 6d.000-31al82 on bOth , bet. blarney and blow.
103 VfO ea.h-Two etra good lot In Uenaom e
adilitlon. Coed hich loonUon.
Bargains in Farms & Lands
10 7 per &cve-160 euro tm.novod farm , near Cree.
ton , lows , 10 acres woodl'and , 45 acme corn , 6
acres Timothy anti Clover.
18 4uO0-1O acre. , 3-4 of a mIle west of Ft. Omaha
two houei , two barns , granary , corn crib , two
Webb , . .0O bearing fruit trees , 800 grape tuoa
will soil or exchange.
14 V,000-200 acres , half mile N. W. Elkhorn , 140
acree in cultivation , balance pasture. Four room
house , stable. etc. Terms easy.
61 91O-1C0 acre. good land , 4 1-ll miles from Bur.
lliigton , Colfee county , Kansa , . Will okchange
foc Omaha property.
61 8,4OO-240 acre , adjoining city of Wilber , Saline
county. All tinder fence and wuU inrovd.
ThIs lroperty I , cheep at 610,000.
66 2o per ecre-400 acre , , 8 miles from Waterloo ,
Douglas county. Part in cultivation balanoc
meadow , all good land. Will sell or will arrange
with cattle man for co-partnership , or will con
tract to feed 600 or 400 head di cattle.
70 to 82-10 000 acres In Merrlck county. Good till
able lam ! , and will be soIl from 6 to $9 per
89 1 per acre-Will buy 100 acres in Cedar Co.
06 616. iwe acre -320 acras 2 mIle , from hamburg
97 $15. peracro-improTod near Logan Iowa.
101 Several hunired acres In Coming Co. Neb.
105 SIx thousand acres in btanton Co. Neb.
buy b0per eero-2200 acre , timbered lanil In Ray
Co.Mo. three mallfarrns on tnls land , balance
good oottonwood timber , which will more than
pey faririyestment. For sale or exchange
Omaha property.
103 2,200-LOt 219x2O , c.jr 17th end llellvlew fit ,
south Omaha , near Unseal ! ' . l'ark , brick house ,
fourroom. wet ! , cistern , .table , ccUar. All in
good cormkion and nearly new.
0 t25 per acro-400 acres In Waehlnton county , 6
miles south o l3lalr , in. line of C. ht. V. 61. & O
railroad. fitatton at corner of this land Good
stream running water. 100 acree In cultivation ,
80 acres gra * , ISO acrc timber-oak , hickory ,
walnut and elm. fiuiiall liuo , goOd fruit and
abundance of grapes. Je PnrtlY frilcu. ! . One of
the beet frmi In the county. If purchaser
wiehe. . uill sell homestead adjInIn good
herd of cattle.
4Oali and caaintno other property not Isted.
. .
1 ii. ieth. bet. ernam end 1Jo.aglas
. . ' ,
e : ' . , ! :
; 1
lJOtS in this adilition IiIe 3e11il3g rapidly , and pticBR wiir ho again
. - advanced 111 a few days. These are without a doubt the rnost desirable
tots a Omaha , and will ceriuii1y double in price before spritig , . . All who
: . hnveiseeiithern are welipleased and pronouncothepi cheap.
' .
; 1r .
. .
; :
Real Estate Agency ,
, 14th Street , bet. Fnam and Douglas.
. ,
- -
. .
- - -
blow many l0Plc hUm over week , anti how few
undetetand that it Is a wealnai of the kidnc1 that
Inluevethie liuml.ln.oecr or lamense. in the beck
A medicine that will cure tUscace , of thokUneys ltl
alinoet alea3 e cute lanie back , and Iltiritock iblood
BItters a. a remedy for lame lick.
p1c Rg-KDAaIIE
1. curcd usually liy ii iiwJklno that will trengthci
the Ollwtltt , hltl tlhc'tloii , keep the thee ctivo anl
the boceta open. liimlock lili'otl flitters arc aguar.
anteed cure forick headache.
Thu . i thu cry coiiiiuonost complaint. .
Thioti'MIti of PeoPle gnint hiutilo tint know ihatr.lls
them. 'lhiey are ticitlirreick nor i.cll , et they euffer
all the time. To such we strongly i ocomnund ,
lbnriocic fllood i3Itter , 0110 or two tottie , of h.Icl ,
will beget a good OkietitO , votiiit sleep , ant tict ( tie
gcneral debility sufferer of liii iter cUincIH niid tie.-
Pollilont vbnte of mind. There 1 , crvtainly iiottiiiig
quIte to Ittinincit lioo.t ; ilttter. for tli tiouble.
oksJlPTl-t ! ; :
Ilurdoek illootliittCN ttlli not cure conutnptlon ,
but by l.eepliig tlio blood strong atid tree frona liii.
Pu ritlet. they s ill ti1 0 off coiieiuuptloii. A person
tieliig this med lclnu , incanu hue tia lug regerd to the
conhtlioll Jaws of health , ticed nc or dIe ith cotistimp.
lion. Sold 10- all lrtigghte. ) iOSTllb , IIILBUI1S
& CO. , l roptt , linlTaloN , V.
\VIiat SpeciaL Agent fllCkltVl'tt Iii
% Ci4tigatt1)it 1)b.uloee8.
Siteda1 to the 3t. Loitt.t 1epubllcnn.
.1 % strong uflirt to tiiuontl thu ltl1d
IMVS liIatel'laIly Will be hIndu ill cgress
this winter. it vi1I take ehulito ill IL
IbIOVeliiollt to ropeni thu ) rc.onlptioIl ILLW
nlld a IbbOditiCatiOll of tIio tiinbnr culture
net. At. tile last nce3iofl tito Iioiiao by it
large iirnjority inborted ii cinusu iii the
suIltiry ciril-sorvico bill iotca1hig the
procuiption law , but. the chtueo wa.i
stricken out iii the senate. it. i probable
that the eecretary of the interior viII
0P1)OVO the recoininondatioti of the c. in
Iltiesiolber of the general Iiuid. oflico
erning tile repeal of the law rcferroo
\Viieii tile subject. COillibil up iii coiig , l
the IlulLi ofliec Will furaisli it gi o
deal of
' 111cr.
Tile practica' ' VOtkU1g of the pro-ciup.
( loll 1n' and the timber culture act line
1)11011 iltVcfltigntctl during the last few
Ilboiltils by special ngentii 01 tiio interior
departineiit. SPecial Agent Bickford ,
who han been on duty III the Bisinaick
huid district , in Dakota , ( luring the
six iitOnths , Itas roturited iloro. In Coil-
vcratioii lie spenilfi freely of the coudi-
tieti of ho bid ollkm in Dakota. lie
says , that probably one-half of the public -
lic lands dispobod of ill itli One year are
irregularly takeii. i'ho lands tinis oh-
tamed eventually fall into the hands of
the settlers , but they are obliged to py
'awoat money" iii order to get thorn ,
and this puts the poor mall at a disativall.
tago and retards fiettlelileilt.
" 1 have found most everywhere , " says
Mr.Bickford , "surprising laxity III meeting -
ing the conditions required of settlers ,
and this neomned to be largoy due to misinformation -
information amid. bad advice front attor-
110375. So little regard is paid to tlio Ic-
gal requirements that in toy belief a
large portion of the towushipe in the
Bismnarcic district , winch according to
land ollico plate , nrc fully settled , but
tvhoro the Iaimds 1maY11 hot passed out of
first hands have , on the average , not cx-
Thin remark applies to totvnshiitms within
railroad liniits. I have found a township
in which all time available land had beeti
taken , and whore nfl time claims , or
nearly all , wore freni six nionthma to two
years old , and thus subject to cancolla.
tioii for nolt-reidonco , mu which there
wore only four inhabitable hiouseit. in
50010 places perjury is almost universal.
After six umontima' continuous resideimec a
maim nmay prove up a Iro-onmptioIt claim
and obtain title upon aymi1ent of $400 ,
if the land is withint railroad limits. To
prove it residence ho briug Imiti own
aflidavit and the aflidavits of other per-
Sons. Iii Juno I took front tIme books of
the Bjsnlarck land oflice a record of
thirty-nine claims upon which 'fluial
vroofs' were to be immediately tiled ,
each claimant being prepared wmth two
witnesses to swear , that lie had lived oh
1mm claim continuously during the preceding -
ceding six montlits. I had
To suspect that such was not time case ,
but I found , as 1 recollect , not more
than teit ] mabitable housei on the ehitiro
thirty-nine claims.
"Time honest settlers bemoan the con-
stamit evasions of the law wliiclm throw
adjoimming Iammds imto time hands of nonresident -
resident speculators , hinder settlement
tend retard the development of time
country. The boima tide settler wamits
neighbors , schools , churcimee , bridges and
tIme comforts aiid Oi1Ve13fCiieen of dviii-
zation , wimicli lie caiiiiot have-if all time
lands iii a township are held by a ecoro
of imidividuala , half of wimomu ale non.
rcsident8. I 5ilP080 iii time Bisinarck
land district there are about as ninny
lawyers nfl there aio real farmers. A
clmange is taking place in public scimti-
mont there , hiowcvez- , and the people
generally have begun to see that what
they imemi Li farmers. "
\Vhon opiates failtlmcn try cS'hnmarlln
NCYViflC. It's a certain cure for all ncr-
vous ailmoimtc.
Major 11. V. Hines , Boston , wrtca :
"Sanzr1ait .Vert'Inc cured mu of fits. "
$1.50 , Druggists.
-"Cornbuittion" lssubject of a lecture
to 1)0 delIvered U114 oveiilng nt Crcliitou eel.
loge by 11cr. A. A. Lamobort , . J.
There cx1s18 a mcaii of securing -
curing a soft and. brilliant
CoulpioxiOll , 110 matter how
irnor IL iltty naturally he.
Jitigan's Magnollit Jialni J a
delicate aiid liarniless arti-
do , which Izistaiitly roniove
Froekiou , 'l'itii ltednosg ,
1toughnesi , Erupilolhs , Yul-
gar FIusliing , etc. , etc. th
delicate and natural are It
4hlrecfH flint Its ilso Ii not
Bu8itecIel by nitybody.
No Jady liiis tlio rlfht to
present ft disfigured lace in
society ivlieii the Mngnolhi
Jittliii Is sold by nil drttggLte
for 75 ceiits.
s- -i _ _ _
A Shrew an ncccssfu1 Collfiene
Ull1e Is Brout to a QOII
TorfflthtiUu ,
A Hogmis Retciitie % geut Arresteil for
rabin l'rctciises nitil Vrtigery.
A nmnmi niuned C. W'Vnlkor , traveling -
ing tinder limo name of David Toppan ,
tvlte brought into Omaha yesterday froiii
llubroii , Nebraska , by a United States
deitity II1P.rshitil mm the chmrtrgo of obtitin-
big Immomloy under false Pretohloe by rep.
mesentimig himself as a special United
States rovelmflo ngemit1 and his case will
go at omico before time grand jury now in
Thu slmeritr at Ilobron , Thayer county ,
was time unit 111th to ' 'get omito" the
racket , anti ho at once arrested him nimd
ttirued Itimmi over to Deputy UiitittlStnten
I'Iarshmnl hastings , tie telegraphed to
Omaha for iltstrtlCtiOims. Deputy Ahlim
on Sunday accordingly seimt a man to
bring time lrirmoner loire.
W'alkor has beemi ilnying quito au
tciisivo coimticlonco gnmme \Vestermm e-
brntka and ICanaM iii the disguise of a
slecial revenue agent. Among his thocu-
hmbelIts Was found a tltmlscriptioii Paper.
tendimig about its follows : ' ' \'imorcae ,
'ye are called tilmohl for lichim fr-out tim
stortim-stricken districts of Western Kami-
sac and Nobratka , te feel comupelleil to
call upon time brewers , alooil-kcov-
era , &c , of 1aiiame : to help
ilmout ill their iiiitne&lirtte wants.
1111(1. 'hntr3vor you give will ho
timitnkfully received by CL W.Vai -
hem' , of Atchison , aitecial rovoimmie
azent of lnimsae , itmiti mIt rcturmt we its
olhiciai will give you all we caim. " This
is eigtmol by a lot of forged lotmes of svell
known otlicials amid other persomme , with
time amounts alleged to have boon
dolintod. Among these forged sub.
scriptions vero the following : E. L.
Biorbowor , U. S. Marshal. $10.00 , Paid ;
A. J. Wrigimt , $5.00 , Imaid ; 1) . (1. ( Cuip ,
$5.00 , Iaid.
' .Ulmcit followed the hlailles of a lot of
brewers and saloon keepers , vhio Y.aad nc-
tuahly signed time docunmemmt illmd paiti
riotis amoumitim , time total being quite a
comfortable 811111.
There wits also found in his 1)OssCssion
ft lot of subpcenas , to tvhicii ime imas forgot !
the imanica ofJudgo Duimdy , of timis State ,
itiid .Tudgo Foster , of Kaimsamm , Judge Mc-
Crary , U. S. Circuit Judge , and 1) . 0.
hull , zitustor in chancery. By means of
timeso aubpmnas imo has obtauled money
front rarioun parties , nIh ! they lowe also
aided him in carrying out imis false repro-
sentations. lie also iiitd a book in which
ill ) hind kept au account of tIme moimoys ho
had received , but Ito had toni out the
leaves and erased his name as special
agemit , etc. , before the oflicera could got
hold of it. lie will be indicted for forgery -
gory as well its false pretenses.
Scitorui& . A lnctmcimme that destroys
time germs of Scrofula amid has tim power
to root it out is appreciated by time af-
flictod. .fhio reniamknble cures of menwo-
111011 and children as described by testi-
inoimjaht , 1ve 1100(1'S Salsapariiha a reliable -
able niedic4Ile cont.uniiig remedial agents
which eradicate Scrofula front tim blood.
100 doMes $1.00. Sold by all (1001018. 0.
I. Hood & Co. Lowell Mass.
Carhlslc'mt Canvmtcot.
Washington Special to The Cimicago 'names.
' \TA8lIINOTON , November 11.-In reply
to a Jotter froinMr. Morrison , Mr. Carlisle -
lisle line writtonImitn asking that he come
oil hmero as early a convenient. As Mr.
Morrisomi has indicated a willingness to
collie at any tiimio it i expected that lie
will be hero the latter partof tue week.
Mr. Morrison will establish a
Carlisle branch office at Willard's ,
and Phil Tlmompaoii , ' of Kentucky ,
will represent Carlisle at the
National , whmero Mr. Itaimdahl's hmoadquar-
ters will be. Mr. Carlisle Iiiinaelfthoughi
living at time Riggs , will have his headquarters -
quarters at. the Metropolitan , partly be.
causa down-town ioeatiomm will be more
convenient , and partly because lie will
thus be in close proxiimiity to his rival.
Mr. Carlisle figures out for himself 83
votes oii the first ballot Whion time coim-
test iii reduced to hmilnachi
1111(1 Mg. Raimdnhi , as lie thinks it
will ho on time accond ballot , lie fig-
urea out his election by 11 majority. lie
is understood to imavo gained one vote
front SVest Virginia within a day or two ,
amid his frieimds arc confident that the
moore time fmphmt. is imarrowtjd dowlm to Join-
self anl Randall time iiore lie t'ihl gaiim.
Aim a political manager , Mr. Itamidahl had
all the prestige at first , but time itboro time
imiatimeimmatics of time contest is studied the
more difilcult it ; ut ecen to be for hmini to
got. 65 votes out of the tohtt 1110 , in
round miuinbere , ( roam the tvest mend south , .
8OIII ) of. tlii Hug ( Jrsaxlmg F'bnhIH
IiCIIHOII 1&'oiii the ( Jhcyeisits
I , mid Ai-aIahoe , .
St. Louis Jlrpublican , Nov. 13 ,
Cal. 11. II. Duimmaim of Wasulingtolm ,
D. C. , was mu limo city yesterday , having
just returmmed froimi the lnditi Territory.
Coh. Doimman gave a Itepubtienmi reporter
at ; time l'hmumters' aim 2ntercsting statulilehlt
( If allitirms in the Chcyoimmmo aimd Arnpahmoo
agencies. Col. Deiminaim says tim Cimoy-
( , nImo and Arapaiioe Cattle oompany , of
! .miclm Mayor Cooper , of New York , is
piosidorit , nimd lie , oI. Dolmman , one of
the executive coiuniittoo , ha'o leased
100,000 acres of laud for ton ysams from
thu Cheyenne and Arapaimoc lmmdiaims.
They icase it at two comits tom acre
ver almmiurn , Time tract covers aei.area of
43 miles square , tiidiig immboth flioCamia.
diatm amid Vaaiiita rivers , which flows
through it. Thmo turnouts antelope billie ,
wimoro ( iou. Simorimlami gained a ictory
OVc31 time muted tribes of Kiowai , amid
Chkoya11e8 , 15 included in the lease. Thu
company is oraimjud cii Limo basis of
$4,000,000 capital. It ; is intomidod to
1)111CC fXl,000 Imeati of cattlt , emi tIme loiuted
tract. A wire fence is now 1)011mg con.
strtmctod a.roud the emmtiro tract , makiimg
172 mimilee jf fciicu , Col. Denmnan has
just passed over aimd i1181octod Lime entire
track , mmd tIiihks IL is one of time Inmost
cattle ramigea Ill Iortlm America , commmblmi-
11mg as it does time three great e&seimtials ,
to wit : Varieties of thumno4 ImUtritious
s-jul grass'gcod running vator iacattcrcd
IVCr time entire tract aimI lUiiild shelter 1
hid protectioim furiisimtid t , the stock
Imy time hroakmi ahith canytme Of Limo
rivers , Ifoll , Abrammi H. Jfowitt of
Nets , rk , mmd It , 0. Koromis , of St.
Fouis , nrc interested 1mm timis ontoyprmso.
on time miortim of this tract lies time ( Ylmero-
lIce strip , as It is called , comprising six
lmhiliiefl of acres. It has also beoxm Ieat'sd
l1 tim Cimomohoc miatiomi to cattle conipit.
11105 , Theme are about f11000 Auipalmocs
alit ! Cheyenne Immdianeocatednoar ) } 'ort
ltomio , at their agency on tlmo reservation ,
These Imutiamis hmnvo hoMed to different
cApital companies cmtotiglt of timoir
muds to yield tilolfl $713,000 pot
alliltmni , wiiicit is pale ! to
timotim P ° eMlita Timis gosor-ntion
hi blot at all adaptec ! to agricuittiral mtit.
popes niitl heretofore bins been wholly mmmi.
protluctive. it is piiro' a grnzhbg cOUhi-
try , for which putose it in time way to
utilize it for time bommofit of time itidiana.
Timia niny lie m'egitmkd as fortunate for
those himdiamma , because of the fact timnt
the tmeaty atipulatlilna git'iiig tiitiiti ciotim-
lug , blankets nut ! oilier dry goods amIno-
all ) ' iittvo expired. They are , imweyor ,
still ftmrimiahed beef and fiotmr by the guy.
Thin Atlantic amiti l'ncitic railroad ; bftescs
ceiitrnhiy timrotigim this region , vimicit lies
ahoiit lti ( ) miles vcst of time prt'eoimt ter.
0111015 at Item ! Fork , cmi the At'knlisas ,
1111(1 wimeim exteimiled will immalce tim trade
of timis immtiiiehio teiritory tributary to
St. l.otmis. Col , Deumnami adds tim fol.
lowing ParticUiar : Oim tile 10th day of
October the iesaeos of time Clmeyonile
apt ! Arapaimeo reservation paid to time
Iiiiliana time solui.mulmmual reimt aimmount-
big to about $8,000. Timis is d10 floCoIld
aenii-aiinual 1ma'liiemit whicim line been
iiimide utmdor timomme lenses.
- . _
. c.Iklw.
Niw : Onl.11.tNi , Oct. 18 , 1S81.
Tim undersigneil certht'moe that Ito hold for
collection , For aecouimt of Tlmotimae Mattorfeco ,
12'cet 'I'wntity.tbird street , Now X'ork , oimo-
fiftim of ticket No. 33,89th , SIngle Xummmlor ,
CIties IC , tim thin 1.otilelana State Lottrrywimklm
drew the lint Capital P117.0 of SflV1N'1'V-
FlVl 'rIlousANi ) DOl.1.AhhS , on 'I'mies.
iiay , oct. 0 , 18S3.
for n'.eommnt ( if L. A. I lover , fttr Mn. M. P.
flayer , New Voile , oimo.tftim ! of Lickct No. 33-
59t ) , Sitiglo Nntimbcr , ClIMM IC , lit time 1.ouk.
IRtili State Lottery , which dmow tim Firnt Cal-
Itni i'ilzo of Sh''El'V.Fl\'B'l'hlOljS.Nj )
JOl.i4AilS cii Ttmestlmtv , Oct. 0 , 1&'iJ
ti.80 ,
for ttc&'ouimt of 1. C. ? .lltcimoll , 3105 M etm cot ,
N. 'IV. , ahmttigtuim , 1) . 0. , . , no.lmltim of ticket
No. 21U.I ! , Shiglo Ntmimmbor , Chute IC , in tint
Loimielamia State Lottery , which drew time Sec.
on,1 Capital Prfo of ' 1'WEN'l'-PlV1
TJIOUS/LN1) lOLLAUS , on Tuesday , Octo-
liar 11 , 1883.
for accoimmit of 'i1r. r. . WToolcry , PlIilThtleilmhmImm ,
l'im. , otto-fifth of ticket No. 24,4it , Sitighit
Nuinbor , Class K , tim tint Lnuielaima State Lot.
tcry , tviiichi draw tit Second Capital i'm-ire of
on Tute'dny , October 9 , 1883.
- ALSO ,
for imcount of 1 , M. Flack , ltopkinevlhio ,
Ky. , .ino-flfthm of tielcet No. 1,11,199 , , Stogie
Number , Cmii K , In time Lomistaiiik , State Lot.
tory , which throw time Timiril CapItal l'rlzo of
TEN TIIOUSIIND 1)OId..US , omm Tuosdey ,
October 9 , 18.33. '
for accmmimt. of Wmn. Lowery , 124 West Modi-
Mcii street , Chicago , lhl.oime-Iifth of ticket No.
flB,409 , Simirlu Number , Class K , in time i.ouls.
lana State Lottery , which drew time Third
CapIt.zthl.'rizo of TEN THOUSAND DUb-
LA1IS , on Tuculny , Oct. ' 3 , 1883.
for account of .1. .1. . .fediiigVashmiiigton , U.
C : ' . oime.tiftim of ticket No. 59,409 , Single Numn.
ber , Climes K , In the Louisiana Stats rottor' ,
which threw time Third Capital Prize of TEN
'l'IIOUSAND l)0b14A118 , on 'ruodny , Oct.
0 , isst : , said tickets haviog cost time suni of
one dollar oncli , nut1 that thin amnouimt. wore
PromPtlY Paid by chechcs cii the Now Oricaims
National Batik , on Iresontatitmn of time ticicoti
at time oflires of the company.
Agcmmt Sotithiern , Texas , mmnd Wells , Fargo &
Co. 1x liroRs Comnpamites , Now Orleans , La.
To Farnamim Street Piomerty Owimermi.
A mmieetiug of Farminmn street property
owners tvill be hold at the First National
baiik parlors ott Thursday , Novommibor
ifithi , at 7:30 : j. iii. , for time purpose of
discussing the advisability of paving said
Btroet iioxt seasoli. AU pirties owning
property on said street are earnestly in-
uited to attend time meeting.
FAILNAM SmEar Pitoi'nitry OwNxhms.
Sanford's Radical Cure I
Thu GreAt llalamlo lietlllatlon of VItcl , hazel ,
Amerlcati : i'mne , ( 'analian Fir , b'harbgomd ,
Cloier hil.soiii , Etc. ,
h'or the immediate relict putt enannt cure of every
turin ci Catarrti , from a sitnl.iu ljtjail or hub.
coca to the Loss of l4uiwth , 'Vate , ei.i , lleartngCough ,
hironchitle , aint fitciphetut C4itusuiuIptloii. lbulmef In five
nubiute4 iii sit ) and carry case. othlrig like It.
( iratiflil fragrant , tehmuleseittu. Cure begins train
tbr..t &up1.fieatloII. iui.t Ii rspi.l. , udbcud , pcritmzwtmt , and
lust er
One bottle hta.licalCtirC , One 1hom.Qutaarbuul fiolteimi
sub Hanford'H inhaler , &n1 hi one uaekago , foonluug a
eouiiphete trtatiiier1t , 4 alt druggists for 11. Ask for
hanford's lts.tIcal Cure. Potter Drug and ChetnJ
Co. , flortoui.
br the relief anti prevention
'I 'OI.TAfC of mthouuiatlsin , Neuralgia , Setat.
\ \ I I //teaCougtis , Colds , Weak Bach , ,
\1V\t Stomach arid lionel. , Shootina
' . / ; . l'als , Numbness hlIiterII , Fe.
- . , - IZII1Q lab , , . , l'ahpllation , lyspep.
-SI etiLlmorConiplalnt , BillIons fre.
- ' . . . er MalarIa and opldomic , nec
/i , , . . ( ) Oi.LINR' l'LAIITEIWan ELEC.
I ( , LCTN\'Ygn I LI , iiA'fllllY COMBINED
L A ith a I orous 1 laster ) anti laugh
, i I OSlo 'n. servwhar. .
eu'1 ' II1UullCO AOlil
1LEi'Jtit3hiWfl :
Pluzinti Assurance Co. , 01 L.cndon , Ceth
ete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . .
Wc'wtchutcr , , N. V. , Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000,000.00
The Merchants , of Newark , N , J. , Capital 3,275,000.00
Girard Fire l'liiladshptd& , CapItal , , , . , , 1,200,000.06
Firemen's bunJ , Capital , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,23,9lb.00
Ok'YlCE-Boom : 10. Omaha NeUcital Meek BaUd
tiur. T.l4Dbone No. 176
J1EGULAIt G.ltlfAN }
Iomeoathio Phyaioian.
WO.ftiN , ClhifhJIEN &ChhltO'iO DISEASE. ' .
hEours-At iUsbdenoe , No. 1443 5. 10th Street , tIlt
0 a. ci. . end elttr S ma. JIoure-Atotlboe No. 103
sod 105 8. fIt. , Ib.Ooin 7 from 10 a. iii. , to S ii. in.
N.iL-ThoTaj.e Yogn ttlmi be removed , mdhout
danger , Izu time of from 2 to 8 tioure.
218 14Th STREET , BET , F4RNA
-p -
OIAY NPvlv'iu mums.ta.
Use itmiy. An
uiifailiriR cure for
-'a Seminal Weak-
I , r1 , . fW lie. . , fipermatorr.
, _ y Inca , 1tnr'eteney ,
Avtl aol all bleesaco
that follow as
4 Peqitenec of Self .
. . , Abuse ; a , ho , , of
1tcnio , tiniver
-i'3RE ' TAKI1IO.ait.mlttittei'ieit 1TLR TAKINa ,
t.'i . fleck , llmnes of VisIon , Premature old Ago ,
laxity other , liqrevs that lead to Insanity or Cen.
I 3m1'tlttn tnl it 1'ieniattmre Crate.
liliwAsle of adsertl.ement to refund money , ehon
dniggi.t. front % Jtoimi the medicine t houaht do tuof
UfUn. ? , limit refor3omi to ( ho mittmufaetircrs , , n.h the
reqtulreinciuls are .uch that they arc eWoni , Cf . 'tvr
setuilshic.l n lIlt. 8cc thcIrwritteii guarantee , A kid
of one shile Iviekiw. , of Ors3's i'Iflc will coitsinc.
the enact Ste1.tteal of Its seal inCrits.
On ecemitit 01 cotintemfeiter. , we hate s.loptcil the
I \trappcr ; the nnl % genuinc' .
.trruhl ertkulers in our ttiiphlCt , tshlc'h Wa tin.
sire to see free by mail tO emy one. LirIho fipo-
cAne MedicIne me sohl by UI druggists at 81 Pr i'aclC'
lee , , ) r six p.sckegei for ffl , or sOIl be .ciit free by on ( tie rtc'clt of thr mooney' , by a.iltv..tng
'ii I 11 GRAy 5tlDlCJNi C. 0. , isuIlabo , N. V.
StId In Otuti hty (3 ( kr.lman. 1t iPni&oo.e
: ± ?
'Iltor's Coil-Liver Oil noel lilmimo.-
l'crsoim wlmo have boon taking ( 'etl.l.tvcr Oil
trIll ho lon.eoul to leant timnt Dr. 'VIllor ha ,
simeceotleil. from 'hlrections of several proteq.
sttitial goimtlemncii , tim etmitibituitig thin lire Oil
antI Limo I ii siicim a mnaimimor that It I s ph'aaiit
14) tlitt taste , amid its , ttrect. tim I.tmimg coiimidalimt ,
are truly womitiemfumi. Very moiety lmr.oiue
wimitsu cases vcro hrmimimicetl lmoptmlcs , atiti
timi hmntl takeim the cheat ( HI for a iimg time
wIthout innrketl cirect , lmao been cimtirelv
cmimeul by ttslng tlmi&i imieparatloim , lie sure nmil
Cu time gonimimmo. ' .tnimtiuictttrod , , uiily 1,3. , % .
B.'hlltOll , Chueuiiet , Itostoti. Soiti by all
lmi chrouuIodysq.e.
, , .tit aitul liver cciii
Itiahflt and in chronIc
CII CC RAT ciiimet blatboli It ii ii
other otitlnate dl , .
eases ilostetter' ,
e Iltoinacti Hitters I ,
beyond all coinliarl.
. i.oil ( Ito Itest retnel3
that c.i.a be takcnA
. : a nit'auiC of reetorluig
. the strength and ti
. t.h energy of person
: " tin mere , inh.Ing tIn
t der tlmo ietillltatbng
b F cffect of pahuuftil 'ii. .
. nrdgi tlulsstamhard
tget.nhie liii Igoraiit
is COiifCRSiXli ) ' un
STOMAC equehled.
tor sale by
DnirgIts and Deal.
cc , cnuieily.
$30,000 tori 52.
3 Regu.iar Monthly Drawlngullltnh.e , har ,
D in the Maconto Ihall , Masonic Tuinpbo JiulkI.
big , In LouIsville , hly. -
Thursday , Novonber 201/i , 1883.
A Lawful Lottery and Fair Draw1na ,
chartered by the hegltlaturoof My. , titt twice decmar
oti legal ho ( tie hIghest court In the State. Bond
givoit to livery Coinity in the suumi of 100,000 for the
ProtuiPt it3yineiut of cli 11rzes sold.
4rEvcrv ticket holder hub.omvn , iipertaor , cxii call
out tlikt out his ticket nail see thu corre.pon.l
lag inuiuiber on the beg pkcoed In the wheel In liii
nreveiicc. These drauluig , wili occur on the last
'tliuretlay of every nmoiutlu. Reed the manlflccnt
November Scheme.
1 PrIze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so,0
1 Plw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00C
1 l'rize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 PrInt' , V.200 Gach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,00 (
5 l'rlzc , , 1,000 cxcii. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,001
20 l'rlze , t0O cccli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00t.
100 prIzes , 100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ootx
i0o i'rlzes , ho each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
500 Priie , 20 ewh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
1000 i'rizos , 10 eadi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,001
0 Prizei , 600 erich Ajiproxiun.Lhon i'rlxce 2,701
0 Prlze , 200 each 1,800
0 l'xkcs , IOU each " "
1SfllPrlze8. 6110,400
Wbobe Tickets , $2 Half Tickets , 51.
27 Tickotim. $50. 55 TIckets. 5100
Retail mono or flank Draft n Letter , or send b
IL i'OSl' OFFICF.OIIDEJI , until further notice. Or
era of 5 and upward by express , cali be sent at oem
spouse. Address all orders to 1. 3. ZIOUGL&fJ ,
LoWsvtlIeliy , Sw em
J. P. WEBER & CO. ,
Pliysiemil Deforinitieit ,
lip and Spinal Discars ,
Climb Feet , Still' KmleeH ,
Bow Legs , Kitocic ICncetm , &c.
of the hwst ituako hept nit tituul. Truesci repaired ,
Crutches inauh to oriher. Small jobi of all lluitl
iloimo iii Steel , Iron aimut % ' , Pood.
4ftb ihe.alr'g 4.1 till kinds d no mcat , client , and
i1rinIL } irL cremlimiti glmen our work at the No
hurneka State Fair of 1883.
803 Switi , Tenth Sf , , Onala. ,
I _ ; Cure l'IIYSICAI. & DbIIIt
. GiotiTan LOSS
. . . OF MANLY VIGOR , Bpcrmnatorr
. tuwa , etc. , wheum all other ernie
s. . . dies fall A cure ewaraiiteed
. . / $1.10 a bottle , large bottle , tout
_ ' the quantity , 65. liv cc
, to any edJrrsii. Sold bi
alldruggist. . ENUI.lHll MEuif
CAL JNSTITU'TEI Proprietors , 118 Omlvo Street , St.
t.oulsMo. -
'Il hate .ebl She Astley Cooper's Vital Itestorativ.
ci. years. Every customer speaks highly of it. I
mumlmoelt&tlnglyezmdorao it as a reimmetly of true merit
"C. F. GooDMAn , lrugglmt.
Oui&bs Feb. 1 1833.
xi'J'rw xb.Tx : .
A Raret'/sance for Printing Offices
IV.i hate ( or sale $ leirroin of a fir 8
qimailmy of printIng let. Being iuitdim for we
on , onaller or si.iserIroests titan we are , iow using ,
we will soil the Sante at b cents m'tr pouuimil free on
boarJcgri at Omaha. Will guaramitee It to give good
ati.ficUoi ii snuxil , mini , tiodlu'n nrcsea.
I III iIii.i , , l to J.ori.
. , - . In , m. si.nJt . . , i I. , ,
, I I , ctIn e.I , i.i 1,15. , , , , III
: ' . , , r ii , , , yu. . , aim , , , otmeane
; ciktti : .i ii , , , . m. tin flulSak. , about
, km. I 1st ruin.-tut , I he eel , .
tIt'iICUi ci i tatii , r 111.110-
I-- roR9 Till I IirgI , I' trY , m l , rail tIlmteaUng I lii , , ,
It vi..tI. ii , . Sri I , , lebe ,
hi 10 $
II , , . , lmt , 11it'ljj Is.'t ,
l ' . otiY . . 'lscmmrn 1. , ruin.
I io.i fleil I I' l * It me to ,
, ml , , o 11 sicIi , .
II. ri . , I , , tu iiiLe J'emL ' , i 'e im ei I' ' , ' . Ul s.l. . iithirmuiathuii . . . . , , e 4. iedlsej. . _ , , . itiro.e I 3vevej ;
ON tYauuN I4COLE , Cii , . U ov , , ao.
4'Iois KIM ) , Ii.uii Iiu Jitciteded.
Tu4CmM ' fInlm
uvliv . , 14 ox. to 2
300 DrilLs 510 5 , 11d.e.J PiZitli nlmrsnIs.
. 'OBU-E , TOOLS &c ,
seal. I'wueK Dt&iJi 11,11 LItlir vunc. sin
, gI , HI. .i nail ituid JtluurTuuI.zu
1.n.u5aie iim5e.Ju..r , toIC5dl
Blower. . . timII. . Ioa a other Articmoe
.l LMITLST liii' mee , ti imuLast 4. kETch ! .
1613 Dodge Street , Aet1 16th aQd 11th ,
OdebourrSrc'mlftW Ila. am. sad frcnmfto41i.
, n.
Ifashongbeen acknowledged anti morn so at this day
thanenyother. Thoianfl.llof medical sclonca I.
eve ? IncreasIng , arid it. luInorouq branche. are
brought nearer stid flOdrer to perfection , and
Ito OilO man can any longer grasp theta ah
lime. , the necessity for tlivkhltig the labor. And It Is
Into beyond all , totilt that dIsease , afleettng the gee.
tOlitii.ary organs ticed special sLimly' more thati any
hing else , If we wotibil tiiiderstand and know how
teat them Prc'pcrhV.
1)11. ) , Ii. w.tONIlt : I , hilly aware that thcro aru
slat ) ) 11113 lcl&ti , , eiideojpo eneIhle l'toPlo , vhu , will
cOtmileniui hIm for mAl.Tiig tlI. class of diieacq a spe.
elalty ktmt hiel.hnjpy to 11mw that with inot per.
son. , if rcfltitnmcit aol limlelllgenee a nm-re enlighten.
ott vie Ii taktn of the subject , and that thin phyebc
an Who , lCvotc , hlnii'clf to ruhiocleg the elliletel * nti
acing them from worse thueti , leath , ii no loss a phil.
nnthuripist anti benefactor to his race than the snr
grout or Ithtysician ti ho by close apalleathon excels In
Cii3 ntber tiraitch othls Profession. Mmii fortimnatel
or tiunmanity , the , ha' I , daamtiiig when the false i'h
dtitbirtphiy that coiideiuinctl tluo % ictlm of folly , ) r
crime , 1mb the lepers untler thus JeiIsh law , to tIle
Uncrii for hai iai.ei ausy.
A Few Reasons
SThy you shoalti try the clebrted Dr. hi. Wagner's
nmethio.hi , of curd
1. "Dr. IL Wagner Is a natural physician. "
0. 8. Fowiu ,
The Greatest Living PhrenologIst.
"Few can excel you as a doctur. "
lbs. .1. SIMMS ,
_ The World's Greatest Physiogiiomlst.
' ohi cr5 ivoit.lctfttIby lirolichetut Inynur lumowl
edge ci disease nod medicInes. "
IHe. J. hiAvettaws.
4 , ° 1ho nflllcted flint ready telief iii your pree.
euice. " Ba. 1. 8isq ,
5. "Dr. It. Wagner I. a regular graduate from
Ihthlcviiti hlosiltnh , Now York city ; he's had very ox-
ten-lye lmospllmml practIce , tuid li thoroughly liostnt on
.11 l'r.timcliei ci lii. bclose..l science , especially on
cliroiii illae.mscs. "
1)55. 1iRflWELT. & Ewivo.
6. "hr. 11 , 'S'agiior hiss inmniort.elbol himself ii
hi. wondtfnl 'liscomery of specific rcnmedlos for pr
Vale rtiI , scatud .Ilscnscs.-VIwlila , City Churomuiclo.
7. "ThiOii'lattiI ci ixmvailtls hock to ceo himim.-San Chronicle.
8. "limo Ioctor' ) , long experience as a specIalist
shoubil rcn.lcr luimu " .
vamy siicecustmml.-linchcy Ilouui.
tehit Nov I.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one ( line a tbl.siiloti of the secret itee ties en-
t.hely avoided by the profesebon and medical ttorkuf
htmL a few ears ago stould hiaruhf ) ' ineuitloim IL
To-slay the 11113 slelan Is of a different. Oliluiioui' he Li
aware that It 13 liii tltmty--dleagreealIo though ft
eta ) ' bc--to buaiuttbo thi , iimattcr ititbimit gloves and
itlicak ilaliml.v about it. aii,1 , littelhigetit parents ouuti
guartlinuts mull thank tuba for tloliig so.
The results ntteimdliig this deetnicthe tIce were for.
wetly not titmdervtoo.l , or hOt ProPerly teUinafed and
nIt iiumport.mneti h'ehiiguettnclie.i t.m a subject ishidi by
its ulahtiro .11)04 nut liii itt ) (1020 mt cetigittloit , it. ' .105
.iilliigly lgticre.i.
Thu habit I , generally cnmmtracted by thue young
ti kilo attutiihlng school ; oIler conipanlons througlm ,
Citric vainhbo , may hc reepotislblti for It , or It may 1,0
acquired through aecilciut. The oxcitenictit once cx-
i'erletueoh , time iriactlco ' .lll be repeated agaIn anti
agalnuiutll atist tlmlrnblt lecomee firm and onto'
detcIy eiusi.nes ( lie lctltn. bictital auth nervous af
iictioui are usually the rrlmar' results of seIf-abuso.
Among the injurious effect. may be mentioned las'tl-
ttiile. dejectIon or Irrasclblilty of temper ned general
debility. limo boy seeks seclusion , aim,1 rarely loins
iii time sports of Iii eoinpaimlouis. If ho ho a young
luau Ito ' Ill be lIttle foimuii In compauiy u itli the other
, c and is tronlIeI , .ILlu exceeding aul aiiumoying
bahfuhtiet in their orccnco. I.achloui dreams ,
enilesbon , . stmL cmuitloum , on the taco , etc. , are also
pronmlnent 83milltoin5.
If the pritetico li s tobently persisted In , more ecrions
disturbances t.tko lac. Uroat palpitatloui of thu
heart , or ellIlt'lb.lC ruiivullons , ant experlemicod , and
Cia sufferer may ftil hun a coini.betc ainto of idIocy be.
fore , Ililnily , ticatlu rdbo' es lOin.
To all tlioeo oimgago.i iii thI. , , Iaumgerou , , practice , I
would say , tirat. of all , , tt'm It at once : make every
posiibl elfort to do so ; but if you fall , if your nervous
e3stcin ii already to. ) itiuch , , liatterc.l , cml coimso-
qliclitl3' , your vdll.power brokcii , take some nerve
tonIc to all you iii our cliort. blat ing freed yourself
fromtmtho lialIt , I would further cmitl , you to go
tbroutm a regular course of treatnietit , for it is a great
nIt.tku to suppose that any one amy , for some tlm ,
be t every so iltUe , give himself up to tide fascluiatlng
but .taimgerous cieltenient t ithout suffering from it
5 % II COiisCltlOflCCC at sonic future tiiiuo. The muumiher
of yotuilgmneil tsliu ate ItucaI.aclnteti to fill the dutboi
enjolnemi by wc.llock Is alarmingly large , and In moss
of such ca'.ol this unfortunate condltloii of thihiugs can
ho traced to time liractice of self-abu.e , which ha. ! been
nbjandoietl years ago. himilced , afewnionth& practIce
of tlii habit Is sufliclent to Induce slwrmatonhmtxa a
later y caramid I ha' ii um'.any of .uclm cases tmmmder treat
ilient at the prc'eut tisy. , , ,
Young Me
Who may be suffering from thu citecta of youthful
follies or Iuidlecretions sl1l .10 itch to avail themselves
of thIs , the greatest booii over laid at the altar of sail-
fering humanity. Ba. VAosEa a' Ill guarantee to for-
felt 50O for every case of semitial eakncss or iirivato
disease of any kind and characterwhIch beunder-
takes to and fIl to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There arc nanny at the ago of 50 to 60 asho ate
troubled wIth too frequent evacuations of the bind. '
tier , often mccconmpanled by a slIght smartIng or burn.
leg sensation , aimS a wcakeimltg of the system In a
niaminer time Patient cannot account for , On examin. ropy .edlnmcntMili often ho
found , altO sometimes simiall partIcles of albumen whO
appear , or the color .tlll be of thIn inilkish tmue , again
changIng to a dark and torpId apeaemiCe. There are
many nietty men who die of tliI dIfficulty , ignorant of
the cause , which Is the second stage of senibnal-weak.
ness. Dr. IV. ti ill guarantee mm lrfect cure him all cases
and a healthy restoratIon 01 thu geiilto.uxhmary or-
gall , .
ConsultatIon free. Thorough examination and ad.
vice , $5.
Au comxnunlcatlotms should be muldreasedDr. bleary t
lfelmry Wagiier , 1' . 0. 20511 ' Deimvcr , Colorado.
Tue Young Ilnit's Poc'ket Companion , by Dr. II
Wagner , is worth Its steight In gold to young moo.
L'rictm 1W. Sent by mmmii to soy
Let Your Light Shine ,
Dr. Wagner the celebrated specIalIst of Denver.
CoIn. , 313 Larmmcr street , believes in letting tlmeworld
know what he comm .10 , amid i doimig for thousands of
tmisfeblomvim. lii. treatment for lost inaidmood in
Ut , ) tcj tvImi hIm a haute that posterIty will bless. Ten
hiousand testimoniaL , froth all over the United States
rouli those he hai cured , ii jtroof jicelfivu that imodoes
nrc the worst eases of these diseases. 'Duo afillcteL !
from chronio aimul sexual dlseacs of every kind will
61)11 ) Imlun ttelr beat frlcuil. Head hmI advertiwmentin
all our city , laierd , and call ott huini for advice , as Ito
kumOWyOU adhh corroborate us In saying ho is the sail
furor's tmu friemid.-ItochyMourmralu News.
Relief to the Afflicted ,
lii medlohire , as iii science , the specialists are tha ) (
cites who always conies to the front and accompltst
great rt-sults. Thuti remark is edhmodally applicable to
to Br , II. % t'egnor , of thl city. lie stands at the to
of ti'apaifemsiosi , azmii the cures he performs for time
unfrttiiate would seeni wommderfui if not properly
tl'.su i in timullghtof scientific acqulrenents. flu Is
eiidorse.l by the limoet etmiliuctit of thu medical faculty.
lii. office at 3-13 Laramir &roct , where Ii , , tall spocdl.
Ily shoots cure for the aulbcuhlig of either sex , no inst.
ter how Coumpllomited their comulll4liit.l'omueroyg
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Perns at a distance ashao wish tobe treated liv Di.
Waener mired hot feel bach'.wamtl because of Inability
I' ) imlin. If they will w to the doctor ho will
scud a list of questIons w ttuhIe hIm to sen4
medIcInes , coimiteel mumd to thousand. be bias
rioter seen. lie line In every cIty , town armS
station In Coborailo ccii as ellover Ute Wilted
Heths See liii ad Lh ddlCrUIelflemit.-DU.
ver 'Tribune.
Shall We Reform 7
Specific cemedbus for all dierases I. the theory
practice at rresemmt of edimiatod amud cxIerlcumce
F)1y8dd1i5 ) , smith In all largo communlilas they iii' .
thi specialties , to excel Iii it hmlth they direct iliel ,
tuUta amid 'raztle. Dr. Wagner I. ii Muocosiful I. ! .
luatratlon oh Ilmi. mimodermi school of .peche.1Is. sod hi. ,
numprecedenteil smiccas. Iii time treaumcmt of tirhiate
discaei i M ttondcrfui as it is llatterlmmg..j'go. 1.
'IlioltS persona who need niedhesI relief for the moat
delicate of disease , wilItind an OOcomIUI1IC.J and sue-
coasfui ) btmyblriufl iii time lcraon of Dr. Wagner , No.
ALl Larirner Street , who I. hIghly t000ummcndutj by the
medical professlozi at imomumu mind aboard.-pomy' I
Democrat. BIgotry antI lgimomnoe must give way to
wisdom , and the a' lee lmhYmilcian believes In Iettlnz hIs
llhiit thuim Soc tint glory of his fellow men. Fi1nTez'
hit is the torch ho can best use to gimkie the ateary
sod sick one to time fountain oh health if this tbcio
should be Inakutuental as a "TOnCljLbehlv' t up.
on ehull to guIde auUerlng humanity toflI3 1erlUkt
stseet , ienyer , Colorado , II will atmwc , the puzpoeo
for whIch It Maawrlttcn , Address
DR. flElbny WAGNER ,
F. 0. box 233 , or moO at 313 Lartmer Street ,
a-Rasdhtbo column headed "The N.Va1kSOtLe