Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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! F1Nt DAILY - 13L. . UBII t 1liU1tbUA1 iVV Vi ! M1i.G14 10 , woo ) .
Ribll.htd a ( i T n.rnlnR , extept Sende7 , the
eat ) uoodaybaornkgd&llr.
t RRae Rr wan.
. . . . . . . '
tl..1 L 1.00
T11RMAMlfiA/n ,
Oat t' . . . . , . . . . . . three3ronthe. . . . . . . $ fA
nIRrontht. . . . . . . . . 1,00 Ono 1Onth. . u. ' m
Aererlcan Noaa ( knapan ) , Solo ] Agontcwede&l
aft to the Unltet States.
t cou MrovaLRc ! . :
A WmmnnlccllorrcIAtingtoNeaeandrdllorlnl
it/ten ehoukt bo RLdrea9od to the 1 i roR or tiw
' rcemxrss LITTRrL
Alt Dilnose Letters and ltomlttancel .honld he
.ddreuedLoTnefR I'rALlenxo OoarAxr , OnAfA. .
Dratta , Uhecke and 1'netoNce ordore to be the le pay.
.hlo to the order 01 the rongmny.
] i. ROSSWATaa , Editor.
Thank ° glvlng 1'ruelnntatitnm ,
'In furtherance of the cu. tom of the people
at the clos1ti n [ oacls year , to engage upon a
Clay act apart fur that purpo9o In s1)OVIRI feet.
c al of pralso to the Cher of all Goedtborofero ,
' 1 , Clmostor A. Arthur , l'raddontefthoUnitml
Statoe , do hereby deslgnato Thursday , the 29th
day of November next , as a day of national
thuikaglving , for the year that le drawing to
au mid itae boon replete with
the evidence of ( Iivino goodnoeA , the
praveilauco of health , tire fn1IneYa of
tlso liarvc9t , time stability of ) Owen coil order ,
the growth of fratonial feelings , the eproad of
Intelligence mid Ieandng , tlno continued on.
joyanmmt of civil and rollganus liberty-all
these and conntlose other biessnge { amo cause
for reverent rejoicing. I do , therefore , mean.
mood that en the day al.ovo n ipolntod
the peoploroat from their accuetoumod labnrn ,
ntnl meeting in tlieiraevernltacos of worshl ) ,
express thou dovnut gratitude to God that
Imse dealt bonnttfnlly with thin action cud
pray that lima grace coil favor abide with it
uruvor , CIIaeTiw A. AfT1lUa ,
lfy lrniw. T. FIIEtiN0IIUr8i ,
Becrctnry of Stato.
. 11rr.LV 1SIAUoNE eays time toad j untoraworo
leatol by intimidation and fraud. So
Billy ie mad , bucauso uucltcrod by lima
o vn gano.
' 15niu was a ItopubIIcau gaui of 10-
000 votes iii Nebraska laat Tuesday.-
Chfcalo llcralrl.
\Vhero did they gain Uiom ?
'J'ar crops iii Nebraska this year , as
' shown by the United Statc ° atatistiaal reporter
porter , give the best of reasons fur the
tide of immigration into the State.
Tun City Council may take up from
dusk to midnight in wrangling over some
crosswalk or culvcrtbut it takoslcas than
tot minutes to pass an ordinance that
. gives awnymilea of atreots and alloys to a
Tin bogus Slado who has recently
stirred the "spirit circles" of Omaha to
N their innermost depth has fohlod life lout
7 „ and silently stolen away. In duo time
soma other great medium will impose on
rho credulous.
Tim cliiof of police of Buffalo defines
n suspicious person as "a man standing
on the street corner with his hands in his
pocket. " There are a good ninny very
suspiciouspereons in Omaha. They coy
gregato chiefly near the corner of Fif
tecnth and Farlam.
CIv1L service rule 8 has been alnendett
l so that political or religious affiliations
j are prohitited In making appointmonta
in any department , Postoffit a or custom
house. As amended the into sounds well ,
but like all such rubs , it is full of sound
and fury signifying nothing.
OsttuA has a preferred candidate for
t the Presidency , and his name is George
4 Crook. As yet nobody outafdo of Omaha
loss seen fit to consider his claims , but we
, should not be surprised if ho was brough t
out in the fro distant future na a "dark
Tun extras sosaion Legislature of Penn
sylvania , it is grimly suggested , ough t
to have been in session in the MRJisol h
capitol building. The gas of such a bed y
would } taco kept the roof front falling o
probably , though the iron cylhulcr
were not strong enough.
JAY COULD paid $21,600 taxes in Now
fork , and W. ] f. Vanderbilt $18,600
Theo figures indicate that Jay Goul d
can swear to an assessment bh * with
his eyes closed while Vanderbilt with hi °
t fifty millions of untaxablu s overnntun
bonds chokes at a gnat and swallows a
trvtatAL organs are new publish in g
tables giving the possible division of tit og
electoral veto next year. Each of thea e
wleoaccs reserves a few Statosne "doubt
ftd" just to bring the balance oithorigh
aide of their political lodger. Earl
chickens often succumb , to the frost , an
a perfect blizzard is liable to strike tinoe
little bantlings before they are ready fn
serving up.
Tnn eubeidizod railroad organ , with
Republican lsbol , asks Anti Monopol Y
Iiopublicane to "reason together" abou
the relief which is promised at to hand
of the Legislature that will convene a
Lincoln in 1885. This is like handing
bill of faro to a hungry man , with the iii
junction that ho should pick the diehe
, that will ho served up to iim with )
twelve months ,
ADMIII.tL Nwuot v , a sea Iluu nnknow
to fame outside of the "Navy ltegistor ,
who Is just now thu Sheridan of th
Ainoricannavy , lnakoq sohnulimolysugg 0 °
tiota In his annual report to theSocreta ry
of the Navy. Our naval force at prooo °
consists of 0,040 enlisted man , oxaluei
of boys , At the close of the fiscal yea
1,130 boys weroin the servioe , 047 entraining the
training ships and 48D on board recruit
fug vowels. It is recommended that tit
law ho modified so its to authorize the o n
listment of 1,000 boya annually. Th
udmiral also sensibly remarks that he d ne
get behove ht abutting up aavyyarda an
ruhling material-In other words , ho doe
not think it wisdom to frog awpya do
lar in the ofort to save a ulcxel.
. . .
. 'te > N 'tY v x- - - I µ , q
„ ' °
The city council has granted the right
of way through certain Rtroole antl alleys
to rho Omaha Belt Railroad. There is
grave suspicion that ; his so called bolt
railroad is a project concocted in Union
I'acifio headquarters to monopolize the
thoroughfares through which other rail.
roads that may be In rivalry with thlo
Union Pacific ail its brallchtec , are
obliged to pans. The fact that the in.
corporators of the Bolt Railroad nro
nearly all oficers or employes of the
Union Pacific significant.
\\'hcn it is further borne in mind that
the mmagors of limo Belt road project al
ready act up a' claim iii Court that the
sidetracks laid down by time Union Pacific
across Sixteenth street amid through the
alloy that leads to the Woodman Oil
\Vorka is Part of its main hue , it is cl
most conclusive that thin Bolt road is
only another Union I'aciio nnilcondn
around the body of Onaba.
\Vhon the Council was naked by the
Woodman Company only n few months
ago to grant the right to constrict a side
track from time Union Pacific shops to
their works they worn assured that this
side track was never to be used for any
thing but switching ( cars loaded with oil
products to mid from the main line.
Ilea did this little switch become n main
lice of a railroad system this ! . circles or
inthur proposes to girdle Omaha ?
1Sither time ordinance that confers time
right of way through this alloy was fraud.
uluntly procured under false proteimsea or
the Council have -knowingly betrayed
their trust by playing into the hands of a
nut of impostors.
Whatever bouelts Omaha may dorivd
from a Bolt railroad 'alto camnot afford to
alhw leer thoroughfares to be blochadod
against cmupoting hues of railrotd ,
\Yo [ have always eomitonded that time
streets of Ommaha and every highway lead.
ing into tlmis city should be accessible to
all railroads that desire to compete fur
our traffic. When the U P sought to
keep the B , tC M. road from time river
front we entered au earnest protest
against it. Shall mho nnaconda railroad
b0 allowed to obstruct the passage ofn
other lines of railway into Omaha from n
the North ail WestVill ? the men who
have a vital interest in the future growth
of Omaha remain silent whoa schemes
nro put through the Council that are do.
signed to cripple this city and would
leave it at the mercy of ono great corpo
ration ?
But oven if the Bolt railroad Tvas pro.
jotted with no other design than to build
up suburban homes for our people , the
Council had no business to grant ita right
of way through thu streeto aid alleys
without exacting sore return for the tax.
layera. The right of way to a street rail.
road Ls virtually a franchise and a fran
chine in a growing city like Omaha has n
value that can hardly be computed. In
other cities street railroad companies are
compelled to pay large bonuses besides
sharing part of their -earnings with the
muncipaltios. (
In thoCity of Clovelanda horse oar company -
pany that recently asked the right of way
through Scovillo avenue , ono of the least
travelled of Cleveland's thoroughfares ,
was compelled as a bonus to pave time
whole avenue with granite. Tlie corn.
pity accepted this condition amid tm.e
property owners on Scovillo avenue have
tlioih' pavement without paying out a
It strikes us the time has comae for call.
lug a halt to all grauo to street railroads
which do nut insure to our citizens share
of the profits derived from such gratis ,
DAKOTA will not be the only Territory
knocking for admission into the Union at
the halls of Congress this wintor. The
Territory of Montana is getting ready to
apply for the honors of Statehood. A
Constitutional Comivontion is to moot in
I Helen in January next to draft n Cou
atitution to be submitted to Coigressaud
a determined eilbrt will be made at time
' coming session or the next to have the
Territory admittod. Montana lima made
great strides in the past three years , ow-
I ing to the eostruetioi and completion of
the Norlhotn Pacific Itaihvny and the
t steady development of her mining ro
sources. Time census of 1880 gave
the Terrtory 10,000 population , but
that is , mo doubt , more than
doubled now. Ono town alone ,
Butte City , lion over 25,000 puoplo. The
people at'e taking great interest in time
t coaling convemitioh , and tune disposition is
strong to have ht composed solely of rep.
d Y renentativo non , elected without regard
to party affiliations. Governor J , Sclmuy
for Crosby has written a stirring hotter tow
the Helena 1It't rdd , urging ulmon the pea
1110 to solid to the cowoitiot oily such
non as are capable of drafting aconstitu-
Lion free from political bias , mud one tha t
t will moot the ready Iudorsomont of a re
vising Congress. Ho urges that the col
atitution to be framed shah l bo fur th a
bonoflt of the whole p0oplo , and to that
end none but time wisest , strongest , pur
cat and most patriotic mnoii of all partio s
should ho allowed to frame it ,
Gavonnor Crosby's advice is sound , bu
we fear the poolile of Moitama will waet o
both find and money in Constitution a
„ making. Thin is no time for the admis
Biel of now States. A
Mouse and Republican Senate will neve r
agree upon any bill that will Inereas 0
the electoral vote of the eve of a Presl
dential election.
W - -
r 'Pun Republicans of time Iowa Logiela
turn kayo decided to drop pmhibitiot
and try high license , They say publi
o sentiment is such that prohibition coul d
not be enforced , while good high Iloene
o laws bear good fruits , The lepublican
e of the Iowa legislature will exhibit goo il
d sere If they eubatitute high lioonso fo
s prohmibhtiomi. The Kansas expori
le nieut .ought to satisfy ai
raUonel mind that proldbiUo n
does not prohibit wliero It i ° not sun-
tainod by public sentimont. On the
contrary highi license can bo made effective
tivo as a chock to the worst evils of the
liquor traffic. It reduces the number of
saloons and tends to confine the traffic
among the more reputable clue of deal.
ors , and the revenue from high license
compensates time community fur time loan
incurred through dramshops ,
biriJJi TllliY DISJJ4ND ?
'l'ho Amiti Monopoly party was called
into life last year to emphasize tim pro.
test of the producers of this State against
corporate abuses. As far back an 1875
the people hind ncloptcd a constitution
that expressly obligated the legistatureto
enact laws to prohibit extortion and din.
crimination by public carriers , but the
mnandnto of time , constitution remained
and still continues a dead ) otter. Login.
lature after Legislature has moot ,
and ham adjourned without panning
a railroad bill , and the feeble effort
embodied in time much derided Doane
tub law. , afforded little or no relief to
producer or shippers. Nearly over ata-
tioi nod railroad town had become the
centre of a traffic monopoly-in coal and
grain and the favored few wore growing
rich at time expmino of the despoiled and
impovorislmerl mans ,
'these grain and fuel mmonopolistleho-
camue political factors whose influence
undo itaolf fall in every caucus and coi
vontioh in conjunction with trained hire.
Bugs cud tappers of the railroads. Time
imnmmmso Itopublieah miajorities made a
miominatioh by that party equivalent to
alt election and the party machine being
entirely in till hmnmids of Limo railroad
rang , only time abject tools of monopoly
were able to achiuvu political ominemce.
And when , porehanee , n State cmtvmt
tiom did assemble thet was mint wholly
under monopoly control , money , passes
and pntromgo were freely used to buy
up enough delegates to insure time nomination -
nation of time candidates that had beemi ,
cliosoi by the railway mnnagors for Comi-
gressionnl lmouors and State offices.
At last time Farmer's Alliance was
organized and a contorted effort was
mcdo to put a stop to outrages and
abuses that had mmm do this State a mere
prbvimico of Jay Gould. A sentiment of
resistance to corporate tyranny and misrule -
rule was aroused among all classes and
as a last resort the anti Mommopoly party
was created to stain the tide amid put a
atop to legalized ( highway robbery and
tax shirking. At the outset too do.
maids of the anti-Monopolists were apt
with sneers ahd jeers. But when the
canpaign grow warm and it beramo manifest -
ifost that the , producers were in earnest
time Republican leaders became alarmed
and pledged themselves and their party
to ovary just measure which anti.
Monopolists were urging. They promised
to enact lawn to regulate railroad
tolls , pledged the party to enforce
an impartial assessment of cor
poratu property , and promised they
would forever stop the system of wholesale -
sale bribery by railroad passes ,
How have those pledges been kept ?
How has the dominant party lived up to
the promises inado by its loaders ?
Texan , Georgia and oven Kansas have
limited the Basseigor rate to tree cents
a mile. Nebraska still pays four cents a
mile because no law has boon enacted to
prohibit the exaction. Other States have
omactod wholesome laws to prevent extortion -
tortion by tramsportatiet monopolies ,
This State still remainn a prey to their
rapacity. Millions upon millions
of railroad property goes untaxed
in Nebraska , while the tax gatherer
levies upon the bedstead the poor widow
sleeps on , and the stove on which she
prepares the scanty steal for liar clhil
In time face of these facts , the Anti-
Monopolists are naked to disband. Profuse -
fuse promiiaea are made by railroadorgamia
of relief through the next legislature.
They arc politely invited to reason toy
getlior and draft bills which they wish to
becomte laws jmi Limo year of our Lord
1885 ,
This is decidedly rofrealtiug. Are tire
Anti-Monopolists vvlio braved the taunts
and threats of the subsidized press , wily
ling toaurremider all they have fought for
during thin past two years , on time gimpy
promise of redress twenty months homed ?
\Vill they disband now and beg pardon
for having rebelled against wrong and
robbery ?
AtTEIL citing the fact that Congress
will whet it convenes finch a surplus of
$130,000,000 fn the treasury , Lho Now
York Star tells the Denmocratie House to
reduce expenses , put its foot on all
sidy sclenmee , vote not a dollar which is
not absolutely required , or fully justified :
"hat the people epeid their own money
and adopt a policy which will make it
posaiblO for them to earn money to
spend , "
Time order wan passed along the line of
the U. P , road oil last Monday evening
that all section bosses must votfor Sai
Savimhie for District Judge or take "theme
tine , and to returns showw that all rail-
ro ad emplo es in this county voted as di-
roetod b owNEns , "This is free
country , it is said b y tunny , yet we can
eeo but little difleronLw botweoh bull.
dozing black slaves in South Carolina or
white slaves in Nnbraeka.-Kearney (
1'rcaa ,
But time railroads have gone out of poly
Mica , haven't to Y1
Tun United Stator grand jury hat boon
charged to investigate the Stinking R'ator
e claIm jumpl're.Ve must confess we
have no faith fn our United States grande
o juries , They have pretended to invest ! .
S gate a good many frauds witlun Limo past
ton yoaes , and it ) ivory instance where
r proinineut public men were involved
' they have simply whitewashed the rogues.
Evtmycs that the Demo.Antimenop
ovaning shoot of Omaha is without a par.
title of influence was most forcibly
onetrated in tluo 1m e olcctiun-lc1nrb-
Fifteen hundred and thirty-two majority -
jority for Savage in Douglas county ,
wlmero the moep RCpublcafl ? claims to
have some intluonco amid where Boss
Stout paid $ i00 into the Itopublican
county campaign Gaul.
'they1'ero Dlvart ed.
] snr. N troL1 $ , INn.-Tho Scntblcl says :
A Kenluckimi writes of how lie , massed
iron misery to lmn1mPnuns.Ve'd ) boon
together elovmi years , and we never were
what you may call congenial. I nican
rheumatiz and nmyself. 1 orally it got to
be altogether too lively for yours truly ,
amid I Iustinvoked the power of St. Jacobs
Oil , That's how mo and my pain trine
to be divorced , "
. .
+ - - -
Clf,1NG1:9 Ol' A. CENTU1LY ,
Sonto of the Itentarkable Events
} hitch have Transpired iur.
Ing a SlmigloLlfimtlmito.
London Titnes.
It i + inevitable , says Time London
Times , tlmat tllu first thou$1it of ahyorio
who sees or speaks with Sir Moses Mon.
tefioro should botlmo thought of his im
incline ago. Lvomm iowtlioughhummmi life
seems to be really lengtlmimig , centenari-
ails are rare enough to make thuum imitor-
estimi ; wo oxtuud the torln , perhaps
hardly legitimately , to Sir Moses Momta
fibre , who is 9J-but when a mini in a
promiumit positiei li aa to that ago , rho
thought of what ho line seen and done , of
the chaimgoa through which time world has
passed during his time , becomes over-
powering. Sir ! loses hia nemi time great
work of his life crowned with auccess in
very ninny countries , and tliia thought ,
min doubt , ms that on wimieli lie and ] na
, Tuxisit friends will dwell with the great.
eat satisfaction to ntorrow . But outside
observers will reflect with almost greater
interest do the ummi that ho has nami iii
this long life of his , rot the eplecs
through which ho has passed , and on time
contrasts which time world of today lire.
EouLs to the world in which Sir Moses
Montefiore spent his youth. Born in
1784 , ho may possibly ronmenmber time Lk
ing of time ] iastile , amid lac will certainly
recolect time execution of Louis \VI , and
time fall of Itobespierro , lie car probab
ly rata ] time sensation caused by eacli of
lv'elosn's victories , amid will rom ember
accurately the feelings awakened in England -
land by the events of time Peninsular war.
When time mews of 1Vntorlco came to his
brother-in-law , Mr. N , lf. Iiotltschild ,
Mouofioro , who was with him in busi
fleas probably shared with him time advantages -
vantages to be gained from the exclusive
information. He was past 40 vvlmei Catho-
lie emancipation amid the reform bill were
carried , and had arrived at full ago whin
Queen Victoria ascended time throne , Yet
it is since that date that le has done the
greater part of the work by wlmiclm he is
known throughout time world-the work
of practically helping his sufleriug broths.
ren wherever they were to bo found. His
journeys to Palestine began in 1827 , and
they only ended in 1875 , when he was
past 00 years of age. Ho visited the Sul.
tan in 1840 , time Czar in 1819 , amid Cardi.
sal Antonelh , to try and rescue time boy
alartarn , ! u 1858. No journey has been
too long or too difficult and no work too
tedious tor him , if help could be gained
for those who sorely needed it. Nor has
his help bean confined to those of his own
races and religion. We toll , tins morning -
ing mine curious stories of time aid le has
given to persons who had no claim upon
him except time claim of distress and we
quote time letter which le wrote to this
1 in 1760 and which hind so much
effect jn atimuiating public spmpathy for
time unfortunate Christians of time Leba-
non. The clerical and other speakers in
time meeting at Ramsgato yortarday had
good reason to speak of ids universal bey
Time Monteflores are , as their name ! m
lilies , Italimi Jowa , though there is a
difficulty in deciding whenand where they
are settled about Limo little town on the
eastern slopes of time Apetninea which
beam that name. In diflerant couutrios
the Jews have had different modes of
choonimig surnames ; in England they are
mostly called by Old Testament names ,
possibly somewhat altered-Levi , Lewis
bralmaeI Moslr in ( , ermanY and in
some other countries Choy take time names
of towns and call thmnsoh os Erlangor ,
Broataucr , Oppenheim. A fortunate
chance gave to the ancestors of th' v onor-
able philanthropist time nano of the little
town near time Adriatic ; but they are first
heard of an settled at Leg , omm , whore time
Jews numnbor no lass than 7,000 at the
present tiro. Time grandfather of Sir
Moses Vita Moatefioro settled in
England 130 years ago , as a merchant
tiatdiD' with Italy. Oue of his many semis
married ltaclmel Mocmitta , one of time fani-
ly of Spanish Jews whoso name is still so
well known in Lohdou ; and time first
child of this marringo was Moses , porn at
Leghorn in 1781 , ei time 24th of October ,
corresponding in that year to time 8th of
the Hebrew montlm Closyan , which falls
Bomowhdt later in time present year. It
is well knuwn that time Jewish trading
community is headed by a kind of close
aristocracy of great linancora , who are
closely connected with one anothior b-y
nmarria"o ; and of tlmis aristocracy , if , such
it limago be called time Mentors are
leadin mnenmbnre Sir 1lfosea is half
Monte Toro and half Mocatta ; ho married
Miss Judith Colton , whose sister married
time founder of the English house of
Rothschild. Tlheso four names are , with
emu or two more , couxtenaire with the
inner circle of English Jews. Many o (
those who bear ono or other of time name
have gene much more deoplyinto finance
ther m Sir Meson , cord have consequently
left themselves neither the heart mine tim o
time to do time good that he has done.
Ito loft the stock exchange early ami d
entered into other and less exciting kind s
of business. Ho helped to found the
Alliance Insurance olhco , time Imperial
Continental Gas association , and tin e
Provincia ! Bank of Irelad , But en
though Ito did not cease lose comieetio n
with business , lee was never absorbed
iii it.
it.We have already said tfmat his passion
no devotion to his race led Lim to visit
Palestine in 1827 , and we give in anotho r
column , fromn Mrs. Momtctioro'a diary ,
mum accouut of the difficulties through h
whiclm they had to pass-diflicultics more
like thorn which would now attend °
journey to BokharaorYunnau than thos e
which we aaaociate with a trip to Jorusa
loam. But what distinguishes time wor k
of Sir 11losoe Afontefioro ( rota that of any
other lhilamthro iat is time success with i
which lie him pleaded the cause of th e
Jews in time i uartes to which , unde r
ordinary cirmumnatances , their cry could
not have reaihud , ] fl 1840 ho extracted
from the sultan a firma ) , which has bee n
of ran' service , Juany times over , in time
cause of to Jews of the Turkish empire ,
Re jot somothiu more than civil s och
en ( coin the Emperor Nicholas , and it i
18t"2 , in a aecondisit to Itusslr ho win I
Cures Rhoumattsm , Lum
bagoLamo3aclr , Spminsand
Bruises , Asthma , Catarrh ,
Coughs , Colds , Sow Throat ,
Diphtheria , Bums , Frost
Bites , Tooth , Ear , and goad.
ache , and all pains and aches.
The beet Intemtl end extemet remedy In the
world , Ireryl ! ttleriu"etced. Sold by medldee
deeltnertrywhere. DirectlonelndgLltanwe u.
rrtce se cede end ) r.oo ,
FOSTEf , MILDURN 4 CO , , Prop'rs ,
LUi 17ALO , N. Y. , U. L A.
deeply gratified to notice tlho im prove-
meat imi the lot of hla Ilussiait brotliron ,
lie penetrated even to Morocco in 1808 ,
mid in 1807 to Bucharest , wlmorotlhe.lown
arc perhaps ntore hinted than in any other
city in Europe , Neither danger , nor
distance , nor eliecouragomett has over
prevontcd him front going on hia errands
of charity.
Sir Moses Montefioro has noei many
changes in European society , but ) moue
granter than that which hia ° passed , since
the Ibogiuning of this century , over the
condition of time Jews. Iu Europe and
time backward re"ions of Eastern Europe
they arc still , inl acd , miserably pooraud
are as liable as ever to outbreaks of lay
trod oh the part of mho Ohristinmi peas.
antry and of those wimp wish to turn that
hatred into accouut Civilized Germany
evet is inclined to "boycott" them ; but
time very fact is a proof that they have in
the la t half coitury prospered so very
ntuclm more thami their rival ° tlmat thojeal-
ous hostility of tire latter moat front tune
to time break out. Tlmodilurence is that
what is now nbnorntal and exceptional was
expressed by law fifty years ago. Jemv- ,
isle disabilities , snot extending merely to
time right of sitting in parliament , but to
half the rights of citizenship , existed
droll in England , whichh boasts of being
! u the forefrmit of enlightenment , until
Sir Moses Mottteftore had himself hail
ample time to axporiouce them. Now ,
not only hare the Jews got rid of all
their disabilities , but their power in Europe -
rope is very great and far reaching ,
Much of the continental press is in their
hands. They control tlio bourses. National -
ional financial operations are regarded by
them a ° to a great extent their ownaflair.
Their well-known qualities of patience ,
insight , cud mutual fidelity , amid their
habit of thinking nothing beneath time
notlee of a neat of business , have given
thorn success , \Vhat the future of tine
race may be mm. maim would raslmly pro
ptmesy ; but if their progress is as rapid as
it loan bemi during SirMoses Montofiore's
lifetime , they will in time next century be
an important factor indeed ,
Butler claims that ho isn't dead yet , and It
must ho admitted that there's a power of
vitality fn the old luau , who has as many lives
as a cat.
One Matthews vvont _ to time molls at Ilazlc-
burst , Dliss. , with a oistol in Iris hand , and
was carried away with twenty buckshot in hia
Ohio Democrats are pretty well satisfied
their next Presidential ticket will ho headed
by either Samuel J. Tildmi , Ilea B. Payne ,
A. G. Thurman , or George Ifoadly , with Til-
den a prime fa onto.
The I'hiladolphia Telegraph ( flap. ) suggests :
" By the way , wouldn't this be a good time to
'unload' Ilattonl Time administration sadl
neoda to got rid of some of its superfluous
last. "
Sam Randall has not been doing as much
boastimng as Carlisle and Cexbuthisopponents
will find that liis time has not been voing to
wasto. The Pennsylvanian is shrewd tireless
and oxperieucod in the arts of effective can
vassimg ,
Mayor Mannhig , of Bulfaio charges that
grave frauds wore comumittetj in the late
mayoralty election in that city , both against
Imintselfantithe liopublican candidate. The
latter , Mr. Jewott , seeuma not to feel the
grievance so strongly as Mr. 3Iannins does.
The Baltimore American ( Rep , ) thinks it is
not to 1)0 greatly regretted that the Itepubli-
cans are In a minority in time State Senate
though only lacking two of a majority. Hmj
they coutrol of the Senate , whit o the Cover.
nor and House are against thoum , they would
ho responsible for loglalation without ally real
Iwwcr ,
The Ilochester Post Exprese ( ilep. ) any
nouneed'ruesday ovodhng that that was the
"ticket" would ho
last time that a political
"hoisted" at thehead of its editorial columns.
"Not "it says , 'that our politics are changed ,
or to Lo changed , but simply because time prat'
tire of keeping a party ticket standing in a
retvspmtpar line nothing to commend It , and
much about it to condemn. "
-Mahono's organ , The Itkhnmond Widg ,
says ; "The ilotubome Democracy will do ter.
ribly defeated next year , and Danvltrwill ) be
the chici cause of defeat. l' a tisaery hero may
blind tnany of our Food citizens to the
gated atrocity him the whole J.mvtlio matter ;
but people in other States will see it in nil Its
abhorrent aspects and shnddor as they sea.
The sits of the Bourbons mmd Fundors will
surely find them and their accomn-
pllces , and brio , duo retribution upon thorn.
Already righteous vengeance has begun Its
work , "
The Springfield ( Mesa , ) ltopublican ( Ind ,
Rep. ) , In enunmerat ng pusslble candidates fur
the scat in Congress made vacnnt by Governor
ltobinson's election , says : "One of the most
available men la Charles IL Ladd , of this city
the present State Auditor , Mr , Ladd has hats
time experience of training fu time legal proles.
slon and an active career in the loading insurance -
ance agency of the city for ninny years ; lie ha a
served eeveral terms in the house and the San
ate of Massachusetts , and boon elected by the
peolmild of the 8tato now for the fifth time as
Auditor , or Limo sixths , counting the term fem
which he was appotn ad by Governor Talbot ,
'Ilia ' legislaUv's exporioncoluw been very great ,
as ho was a member of the house with utler
before the war a member of the Senate i n
1669 , and again member and leader of the
house is the retrenchment year of 1879 ,
ilelleves and cured
Netiralgla ,
Sciatica , Lumbago ,
- . . uACUACUI ;
g01NyYhli , . . . reUi
$ orrness , Cords , liruiseh
1rltrjYT111Tn 1 ,
Itltlt\N , NC.tLD'l ,
.1ud allother bo4llyahd
and pains
,1' , ' t3oWbl atlDtnaBleh.nt
, , . Uinctluua lu 11
' Thd Charkt A. Yogdar ( f
trw. , aevwc&R.ix )
' . . , -o- I.hiaore. Xr.l : I
Wholesale Gro ers N i
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
Proprietors. Superintendent ,
Iron Works ,
. P. RAILWAY , - - - 17TH & 18TH ST1IEETS
Y r - t
. y f F 'Mrt
L t _ p -
? N = i r 1 : : elte Qr " # t
-4i _ , Aw .w ' R Itllp 1
.1 lu + tt-bJ4 ! l P ) : , , " , t + ' ; 4Y.ve1 , J { t. 5
Steam Engines , Boilers
MIII Grain Machinery s
Celebrated ! Anchor = Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
. N 4 $ - . .ZV M d
a .
A .r ati V6b
We are prepare to furnish plaits ana eatJih.tCS , and will contract for
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills from Stone to the Roller system.
"Espeeial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any purpose -
pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended
to promptly , Addre '
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $6
to $120'per 1000. .
Combination , Grapes , Pro ' ess Nebraska , Wyoming and
PIA1 Tc d . . L VY'.C71.L - -
On Long Time--Small . Payment's.
Pces. As I
. i
u1v Douu11,77t1t
, _ 4 r ur AI I .E
1LtHUJ'ACllnlli3i OF FINK
Blles ! Carflaffas aud Sll ¶ aous
i.kytltepoettory Is a tietanUy OJiod with a seloctstnok. Iket workanui mdp guar&oterL
Of.Pu a and Factory S W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmal o