- - ; - - - - - - - _ -ii _ TILEJAILY BEEOMAfEA , WEDNESDAY , NOVME1T . i THEDAILY BEE. Wcdiiosaay Morning , Nov. 14. Thn Weather. For the upper Missisipil and Missouri - valleys , co'der ' , ckaring , fair weather , iiorthwcst. winds , higlior barometer , tot. lowoti in thu Missouri valley by 8lowIy rising temperature and falling barorn. otcr. . LOOAL BREVITIES. 4'flJHtL . - ] . ollut inctal bMo C3,00 Novelty Vork , 14th trcet. 2113.U -Two little "coons" are OCCflyIflg ) cell. In the city jell for hnugIitcrIng Chancy } icck' fgoons vfi ) sII.ighot. . -Se'eral farmers who vero foolkb enoogh. to attMInp tO until hay Into tt.o . city ycterdny s ere rowartlctl by tins log their wagoii upot. 10(1 IUY blown away to Urn wind. -1ernber of the 1oiiiig ? den'M ChrItlnn noefation NbottliI boar In mind tIftt ) this Ig the rock of prayer for young men. ScrIces vIlI lo held sit the romns every ovonlug at 7 oclock. -Tue fohlowh.g . ilutinhito goods , direct tin. icro received at the eutoin house ? ovoinber 13Lhi , 1883 : McNaiiiara & ] ) inican , OiiO cask Scotch. whhky ; one cask .Tanudca ruin ; one cask lililt whisky. Cohlcc tiong $111.8. -The senior menther of a irozntiieiit South ] lftoentIi troet 1ha , not being satisfied with 000 hrt1ier wilileavo next Sunday for the ] ast to Lalco another. This itcin insy ho of astarthitig nature except to the aforesaid liar. t3' rlio viII ho greatly surprised to learn that anyone 1)CiiIhOS himself In tim city kiiow of the afinir. The newly married couple will ic. turn Immediately after the wodtliiig to Omaha. -'lio , dangerous nnmscinent of i.liootlng ,4lngsthoth tIM become altogether too preva. lout among tim boys of Oinihn , an. ! t.lio pollee to arrest niiy one caught itt It. s. cml conii.lnlntii have alroaIy bceii.sworn out at the pohico court , and .IuIlgo Benoko ire INsos to punish the lioyii brought Ibeforo him i1uito severely. -At a .pocal ! meeting of the bonnl of odti. cation last evening the vote on the question of expending 880ooo for additional school siteN anti buildings was canvassed. There were ' , OT6 votes I , , favor of the propositlo. . . iiiul 23 against It. It was decided that the fall tern. . of the schools shall c1os on Friday , ] ) eceniber 21st. it moved and carried that nil can. . didates for the vo.Ition Of princIpal should ho i required to hold a PrilicipaPs.certificate. . . The board of exaii.lncrij . vas Instructed to sit for the exniittiiation of teacher. . . on Friday atici Saturday following Tliaiiksglving. . -Thioro l talk of some fornilug a western base ball league , to be composeil of nines froiii 'St. Luulg , Sedahla , Knnsas City , St. JosolhI , Fort Atkinson , Omaha , Itock Island , : ! i3urllngt.on , ics MoInes , Keokuk , Quliicy and . : other towns. . . -The St. Paul Pioneer Prois iiubhislica the following : "Jfunkhotiscr , of the Union Pa , ciflo club of Omahahiad the best batting aver. ngo In the gaines i.layed by his club during . tho1)at eOasOfl , and Salisbury the host field. lug average. McKolvoy has the beet general I : - flyerAg5.1 -Justico tenbrg Is kept constantly at I work at the mill of justice , anti one grist Is . scarcely ground before another Is turned Into i 5' . the hopper. Yesterday morning a case of a ensatIonal nature vai ; dfposed of. A young , WOZflflhi of 19 yearn lied a young man arrested , and brought before his honor , charging him .1 . wlthz being the fattier of liar , unborx babe. , Tim young loan aelciiowlcdged the fiict , and ! the matter was settled by fits iiiylng to liar , whom lie had wronged , is sufficient sum of Juonoy , which hie recognized as full compon. ] L . ftatlon for her virtue. . . e . -Oii ; ; : ; : ! 'y tor G'Wt1ItlcTha.1g ' ) . ornn. , . , lilahit zigal. ugtistVongkua1y , chartng - LIin wit ) . usIng obscene anti tttviutis tar. . r guago in the presence of a feinalo. 'the foul. 1 . . mouthed August was brought bofi Justice L Stoiiborj , and a jury trial vas had. The tes. timony which was adduced was of a very un. .avory nature , anti elicIted the feet that the unities vero near iielghbors and rci'klod just outside the city liinht4 , on Thirteenth street , t & and \SoiugrosIcy wins in the habit of SIng. lug oiigs of the uiiost uhisgiusting and obscene s nature in the hearing of the plaintiff. The S jury decided that ho should PY a tine of & and cosb , which was by far too little , as ho should have gotten at least six mouths In a Newer. - A Startling LHscovory. 1'Ji5lauig are ofteii startloit by remarkable Illscoverjog. 'rho tact that Dr. iCing's Now 1)Iscovery for Cotisutuption and all throat antI lung diseases Is tinily curing patients that they ° i hiavogivoit ui to die , Is startling them to real. ho their souse of duty , nuni cxauiulno litto the I ] I iiunlts of this wonderful discovery ; resulting in hiuuitlrcds of our best citizens using It in their hiractico. 'l'rial bottles free at 0. F. ( ioodtiiaii' drug store Regular size 81.00. - - . . . Aisuiaoinontn. . . La evening M. B. McAuloy appear. t :0(1 : itt the opera house in E. A. Locko's Antorican comody.drama , "A Me5songer from Jarvis Scctisin , ' imporaonatfng the part of ' 1UncIo Dan'l , " which Iia made t Juim famous. "Uziolo Dan'l" i a boldly . kotchod characor of simple goodnesa and faith in huznan.naturo , but of greAt Iirowdnes and cool. managoinozit when ' buino calla upon his IntoIlect and en. erg ) ' . Mr. MoAuley plays the pare fi with great force nd ofreoL His dlaloct is ' broad , tile manner countrified without rudeness , and natural ; his affectation Loarty , iymjuathetic with all sorrow . and d1tress , and indignation at all snoannc and corruptnt. Ills conduct n . when ho taI suite the 'ands of tIm gang C ilio threaten him , wutakog of heroism , 1LIt at the aino time i perfectly siInpo o and honeat. There was butt a snicU audlorwo to greet Mr. : Mc/tuloy siud. . . it was certainly a . not what ho deserved , as ho ii an artist , , f real merit and is sup.oztoui by a good Ii ' Company. * To.iuighst Mr. NeAuloy Ujfl5 in the 3 . "Jersoynuni , " in which cliaractor lie is o equally as good a in "Uncle Dan'l. " k 4 . , . BUokRon'H * XuIoa Salvo. ci ' The grcategt wedfcal wonder of the woi.d. ti ' Warranted to speedily cure Jiurnu , Cuts UI. . rJ Bolt iflasuon , Fever &res Cuoor. Lilos , CWlblafns Corni Totter , dbappod hands , ' zd all skin cruptuns , guarantooti to cure In , , -vo-y Instance , or money refundcd. 25 cent E t rbox. - - I -s ' Mr. Lcwissolm , a prominent Now Yorker , : sbo Is heavily Irstsreeted , In wostera mines , " / Z'used through Omaha to.day en route to &u ! . . Pranc1ic1 accompanied by a party of ( death. They oocupId is ii'ecIal 1'ulIziau. - S THE CITY COUNCIL. The llell1ar Mcdlln of That Body Last IIiht all the ilsual Busthoss Bispoc of. The 1'iuIuig fault Vote waq Can- vdsscuI itati ( lie Itesuilt 1)eclnveul In Pavoi of the ltntnhs. The city council tiolil a regular moct big last evening , at which all tlo members - bors niissorod to roll call except Mosrs. Dunliani , Loodor and Kaufmnnii. The journal was road and approved. The first business of tim evening was tlio canvass of the vote cast at the recent olction for paving bonds. Messrn.V. . J. liroatcli and Lou hilt were appointed tollorn , and proceeded to determine THE V0T1. For. Agst. First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ h'ocond want , First ilistrict. . . . . . 212 7 jccouuul rnrd , Secon 1 dit.uict , . . . 2.5 2 Third ward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fourtliwarti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Pitt ) . ward , 1"irst tli.trlct. . . . . . . . 193 8 YifLh ward Second district. . . . . . 27I 7 8ixthi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isi TOt8l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 42 Tue result was duly declared in favor of the bonds. I'ITITIXH ANt ) COMMUNILT1ON ( $ . From the mayor : Approving thin ap- ProPriatioll ordinance. Filed. Front D. B. iloucic : Suggesting tim imlirovoincist of the pest iiousoin antici- 1ation of a visit frouii the anmll pox this winter. Referred wRit power to act. Fi oin Johis I.7ittt iomnnding $200 by tIto grading of Farnain street , in Boggi S hilt's addition , which raised the street several foot above the lot. From W. .1. ilroatclt and others : Stating that the party to whom waa lot. the contract. for pnvhsg district I No. 2i with Colorado sandstone had refused to sign the sauna ai.d requesting - questing that. the contract be given Ws.i. isfnck & ; Co. for Sioux Falls graiuito. Roforrod. From Joislcinnon & Archibald : Dccliii- hug to accept. contracts for certain alloy paving districts where tim excavation was grontor in amount titan they oxpoct. ed , and asking 80 cents per cubic foot. for the rotnoval of all earth above tim rndo of said alloys. Itoforrod. Front the owners of property abutting alt the alloy in llOCk No. 138 , that in the rear of the Paxton hotel : Asking that the council no modify its action toward the grading and paving of that alloy ante to leave undisturbed tlio area way i constructed for the use of the I Paxton , and was most important to ito wolf.ve and success , iii which thio city is so much intarested. Tim area.way was constriuctod long ago under ordinancea I permitting such work , and was in fact. I used by tim Grand Central hotel. Thin petitioners offered to waive all objections o the payinoust of n11 assesiineiits for paving tim said alley. A lent and sharp discussion ensued Lipon the right and justice of granting Llio petition. Mr. Hascall iiiovod that In all alloys vhoro area-ways liavo been coiistriiotod ii or light , ventilation or entrances to oLsolnonts of Jiouso CQiisttUctod up to ho alloy lluio , the ordinance shall it be trictly enforced whore it would work a Ordship Ofl the owners , provided that H he property ownora in that block waive ortain r1ghta to niid alloy. The motion Fi om 1110 AliPrilisors of Dainaoa by eason of the cXtUfl'iQli \n1rfiitia aye- LUo iuialcing their report. tii oti , which 1' referred. yea cc From property owiicrs in bloclc 118 , o king for changes of rado of tIm alloy . Ii thatdistrict. _ and i'itt'iiig damages. Ito. erred. From Liout. . Guy howard , calling atp ontion to thu dangerous condition of the idewallc cii the South side of Chicago troot , between Pwoiit.y.firatand 'l'wouty. k ocond. itoforred to the 3ixth ward lelegation. From Mr. Dow , asking that the grade iii ax be remitted on cort.aiui property on ) avonport. streoth. Referred. The contract. and bond , between Jenkvi 05011 iS Archibald and the cit. ) ' , for curbvi tug and guttering on Sixteenth street , Y lear Pierce , wore aIrovcd. ti From Boggs & hull : Submitting iinu ] vi f a proposed addition of 70 acres in ni rortli half of northwest quarter , section , township 15 , range 13. itoforred. IIESOLUTION8. By Murphy : To continue tim brick bi ewer cat on Fnriiant street as far as uinds will allow. Adoptsd. By iloluiui : Tlmt from Docinber 1st bi lie auistauit at the council meetings , .1. itabol , shidl receive $75 per month , di doptod. By Leedor : To grade the alloy be. P1 Woon California und Cass , and Four. oontli and Fifteenth. Adopted. ti : ii Anderson : To Put iii two wooden q. ' 10108 one oii the awutli side and one on ho north side of Calthyoll , across Saui. , % era street. Adopted. ti . &OMM1TTEn IIEPOItT % . On streets and grades ; Approving the nal eatimato for grading on Nineteenth al treot , between' IF arnam and Dodge , by at louzon & Ilamell. Hoveral other estimates on curbing , r&dg and guttering were approved. ii were adopted. . On same : Griuttliug Frank King per. 1183i0n to P' ° alloy in block 11)6 ) wIth kslorado sandstone. Adopted. On same : That acceptance of terms of rdinanoo 578 by tim Omaha helL rail. ray be approved. Adopted. On jRslico : Declining to confirm the liii PPoifltnlCIIt of Z. 31 : . Ellis to succeed cli f'in. V. Armour us Police , mi they be. u Iwo Mr , Armour to be ono of the best Ulcers on the force. Adopted , I Oii tire : itocominonditig tlio allowauco 225 to Alonra B. Frary for lila horse . dIed. by a colhission with No. 3 hioso srt. Adopted. 111 On Sidewalks and . cii bridges ; Not to al. IW 'Win. Gontlonuni the use of three or lur foot of his sldowatc on Sixteenth root. for the display of goods. Adopted On same : To veplaoo sidewalks on lovouth and howard streets a soon as uiblo Adopted. On same ; recomtnontling extension of ' ) X culvert on Twenty-fourth street clear ross Davenport. Adopted. . OIIDINANOE.a iii An ordinauco chatighig the grade of fr - - - Coming street between Twenty.second and Saunders street wai passed. An ordinance ordering tim oxtonion of Farnarn street from Twcnty.ninth street to the city limits was vassed. Au ordinance appropriating 191 for grnuling done on St. Mary's arouno be. twoon ovada street. and the eiuit end of Labaglu's grounds sva passed , as well a 0110 levying the tit'i for tim same. A special meeting of the city council will bo hold on Thursday next n a board of equalization. .AtIjtitiICtl to iiicot. oti Thursday oven. ing at 7 o'clock. TIiic arc 8oiI. lacts. - 'flue beat 1,1. , itl iiiiririer and regii1at Os Ci iluccil 'i itfilis thio racii of iiinanlt truly Is IicctrIc hitters. Jnactlv y of tim liver , lifliuuisitess .Jaiin.hico , Con.ti. iatioii , "iVeak iCliliucyit , or any (1loaso of the urinary orgails , or whiooser requires an ape tizer , tonic or iiilld stimulant , will always find Electric hitters the 1c.st and only certaiti cure known. They act surely nii.I . quickly , o.very bottle guturiuiked to ivo cnbiro satisfac. t.1on or money refuiitleil. iohl at bO cents a liottlo by 0. ii' . Gootinian. AN INTERESTING SUIT. 'rue Union l'neilic Conipany Bring Stilt AgaIngsl Alexander Black flu. $1 I ( I br Car Swituilsiug anti SIis(1. Au interesting cisc was tried before slustico Stcnborg yesterday afternoon , in which the Union Pacific railroad coin- pany was the plahiutill ; and Aloxaiidor Black the dofendatit. Mr. Black had made a contract. With the Barber i'tspiialt. company to furnish thuni 100 car loads of sand upon track , on Seventh street , for O cents per squaroyard. The saud was taken from the beds along the river bank , and Mr. Black also contracted with tlio U. P. company to take his cars ( rein the sand pit and place them upon the track on Seventh street. for tim sum of $2 a car. After 20 carloads had beeti ilolivorcd there was some delay ii , the work , and tim U. P. company at once iresontcd a bill to Mr. Black to the uuouiit of 116 , being $3 per car for uwitchitug and $1 ier carload for the ; and. Mr. Black refused to pay the bill uid the comauy stopped hauling his ars , iutid , by this procoodin , Mr. Black was utiablo to liii his contract with the Barber Asphalt. company. Tim railroad company thou brought wit. to recover $116 from Mr. Black , ivhuilo tIm defendant files a counter claim ror damages by the iinfulfjl1iiieii of tIm oiitract by the company , to tIm amount f $200 iii addition to the $116 for which Ito was stied , claiming $6 profit on each .utrload of san(1 delivered. Mr. .1. S. Sliarpsluire appeared as coiin- id for plaiiitifl and Mr. l'atriclc O'Hawes rur dcfeiiaant. A jury was called for nid tim case was hotly coiiteuutcd on both tides , occupying the entire nftoriioon. Elsa jlniiltiff aclrnowledged that they had tgrocI to haul the cars for $2 per car , suit Mr. Black likowis acknowledged 1iat he owed them $2 car for haul. Zig , but claimed damages for non-fulfIll. uoiit of contract. . In a few minutes after the case went to ho jury that body returned a verdict ah. i owing the plaintifF the suns of i58 , or $2 ) or car as per contract. , but refused to I how ally compensation for the sand I rhicli Plaintiff claimed was their propor- y , anti disregarding Mr. Black's claimer or daniagos entirely. - - - Ilorsfortj's Aelti Phosphate. Valuable In Indigestion. Dii. DANIIL P. NErsoN , Chicago , says : ' :1 : hind it. a pleasant and valuable remedy I ri iiidigostion , particularly in overworked t " ion. a THE PBIZERING. ynhs atiul Slado to Fight , ProJnbly % VItIii.i1 Olie I.funtlrotl Mhlc p ol Oninhis , . - Another vrizo fight is aniiouiicod. lila time Ryan and Shade are to bo the intestiuit.a. The proposed fight. grow si it of an oiler of It. K. Fox , of Now t ork , to back Ryan in a mill with tIm [ nor ! . Fox has posted 5OO , and pro. ses that tim light shall be for $2,600 a do , at. catch weights , with bare g : inicklcs , anti for the clinnipiouisluip of inorica. The present Iiitciition is to we the battle ground within a hundred ci ilos of New Orleans or Omaha. The j rite will be some time in February or ' [ arch. . . Slado will be backed by Sulhi. It and Al. Smith. Sullivan , in a PriC ito letter written to a friend in Now o orlc , says that ltynn is nothing better inn a big blowbard , utisul that Ito ( Sulli. S in ) is ready to Vh1ij ) Iiiiii with gloves iyu'here. . at twenty-four hours' itotice. ci - J Titus LI. 0. Ii. I. A inootiiig of the Union Catholic Li. rary Association was caltcd for last ghit at. their rooms in Orciglikoii block , Lit. the iiicloinoncy of the wo.sthior pro mtcd many Irons attending who would ) ilbtlCBS have boon present hind the tons. c iraturo boon more to their liking. 'rho meeting was called to order by rc 10 president , but as there was no zoruin it Was atljouriiod until next. rc ouInesdny evening , November 21 , lion it is hoped that all ititorestod par. Iii cii yihl bopresont. PC The reports of the several officers wore . . ropared for last evening's meeting , and , e 'ery oncQuraing. 'They will be read .a ; the next flicotilig of the ascociation , which tILIlI ) also will be coiisidareul tim C IviaabilitV of holding a Now Year's ro. , jitloii. ho question in regard to blishing a debating society will also be scussod. - - H Iowa Thiliwcs. Last iiight Andrew Sharp was arrested Sc this city , and Gus Loring s.as arrested Platt.ainoutlt , both being charged with 1 wiiig robbed three rooni.inatog of sonic thing. The parties all rosidoin Coun. I Bluffs , are nfl tailors , and several of cia hare been occupying the salnoroolu gethor. Oii Sunday afternoon , during e absence of the restof thu party , I.or. g and Sharp docainpod withtwo valises , Sc which they carried off two suits of thues and two overcoats. One of the orcoats yas disposed of in the Blufi's , d the rest of the plunder was brought A thits city , whore , after several ineffoc. al attempts had boon made to sell it , was finally lUt. Ills as security for a ' iok'sboard at the Scantijijavinu hotel by bar Ian ) . Thu police hero Wore notified , Cli ii last iiiIit they run In Sliaxp and tel. honed to Piattsinouth , whore Loring on is arrested. 'l'Iio two thtcve arc now 1110 jail , , avaiting.thie arrival of an officer li1l,1tee55 the ziv r. oil - - - B BA HMOSOMAJ. A No Faith , Whose AostIe Is Pro- ta ClillnerMozooillap , Ho is Iiilcrvlowcl liy a lice Itolire. so n I ati s'e. - The distinguilshed East Indinia , Protab Cliniulor Mozooinciar , of Calcutta , arrived - rived hi thio city thii morning ( roan Clii. cage , mid at. iiooii lie departed for San Fraticisco Oil the Uiiioii l'aeiflc express traiii. While lie was at the i.'nton Pa. ciric depota Iini reporter had the ideas. Uris of au introduction to hiiiii , tuini mot. with a very cordial reception. The raven black hair , thio piercing jot eyes , and rich brnwii complexion of the gentleman at once Prnounco luau a nn t.ivo of India. Pleasing in his address , easy in his inamicrs and speech , lie makes a favorable impression , and readily eon- rays the idca that ho is a gontloimuni of education and rofitiemotit. Although lila dress is iii conformity with the mod. orli European style , his nationality is strongly IroclaiinoI 111 his personnel. Ills liaii' is combed straight back from tim forehead , amid his board , which s of rather thiiii growth , is worn full and neatly trimmed. Ho is of middle stature , and has a light , elastic step. Like all East itidiatis of the higher class lie is well versed in the lore of his own country and has added greatly to his education by a study of English books and travels through the European countries. As a linguist. he tins imiade great progress , speaking fluently near- 13 ? all of the modern and dead Ian. guages. 110 15 .12 years of ago , . and his sojourn in this country , which him itow extended to six weeks , was for the pur. 14050 of learning the inanmiora and customs of America , and visiting the itistitutions for tim purpDso of onhglit.omung his co PlO. lie has askedno assistancebut.sincc his arrival his friends have insistoci upon defraying his expenses. To the reporter he expressed himself as being amazed beyond nleasuro t the country and its resources. In Now York andBoston his visit liadbcon exceedingly gratifying , and ho hoped before thin ter- mniiiatioui of his journey to be possessed 1 of much valuable information. While lie evinced a desire not to thrust himself on the newspapers ho conversed freely , anl courteously gave all the information that was desired. Mr. Mozoomdar , whiilo not , strictly i spenkiiig , a roforiiier , comes as a repro- scittativo of a comparatively 110W religious rcforniatioii iii India , known as Brahimo Somaj , or the "Church of God. " The denomination is an exceedingly interest- lug theistic liioveinoi.t among the natural races of India , the more interesting be' cause it is independent as a movement of Christianity. it ; was organized in 1830 by Ham Mohiun Roy , who died in Eng. maid three years later. The movement existed iii a somewhat doubtful state , hovering between life and death for a number of years , until 1860 , wheit it undo its greatest convert in the persoii f I'rotab Cliunder Son , who is now thin Leader and prophet. of tIm new ispensa. ( Lion. ; Chunder Son and his followers lufFer from the older branch of Braluno 3omnaj in a very decided lcaiiiug toward lie faith of Jesus Christ. When Joseph Yook was in India ho proclaimed that Jhundor Sen was almost aChiristian , and ecentlyho introduced Mr. Mozoomdar 0 Dr. Duryea.'s congregation in Boston. U The ] 3rahimo roliiois is an eclectic sys. ow , and its motto is to seek the good of ii historic faiths , rejecting all survivals f polytheism , superstitious customs , and Iolatry. It maintains that there is but. nq Supreme Being , but admits of the oliof that Jesus Christ is a being who il&it 10 called ( livino in the exceeding ossession of the divine spirit. The idea His miraculous conception and super. atural birth Is regarded in a like manner I the many similar revelations belonging ) the old religion. The Vedas , the an- omit. Bible , is still iobked upon as the Lcrcd Scriptures , the theory of Its crea- on and inspiration being regarded in a ko manner as that advanced by Heber ewton concerning our Bible. Mr. Mozoomdar believes that tue mis- onarics in India have done a work much reator tlsaiiis ahowit in the actual num- or of converts of Christianity. Ho beeves - eves that the organiv.atioii of tue Brah- 10 Soinnj is indirectly duo to the mliii. 1100 of tue work of the nsissionaiiea and 1o literature taken with tlitsm to India. 'ho ' order of worship in the Brnhmo onuui is precisely the muse as that of the hristian churchwith the siiigiiig , prayst as and sermon. U Mr. Mozoomdarproachcd inChiieaoon i unday morning at the Ohiurchi of the iesiaii , amid in the evening at Plymouth iurch. Ho sails from San Francisco for , apanon the 29th inst. , and froni there - ) Calcut.ta , having then made a tour of i 10 world. - Nebraska CroD Report. Onion or run STATu Sr.virrloAL ) , ji 1tivoitrnic ron rim U S. 5 _ PLArxHMourIrNob. , Nov. 3 , 1883.-To rrospondonts and newspapers , as well I all jOOflS interested in a statistical ports from Nobrnaka-Wo : flhd froni portim received the following as a sum- ary and result of all reports made to do oflico Uj ) to this date. ( I proumo re nts may come hereafter from some Rip Van Winkles , " but they will be too tefor sorvico. ) itri'onr. ) rn yield per acre. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 41 bus. Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lrct. ) tAtoea , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jr ct. ) tatoes , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lrct. guy , average tense antI wild. . . . . . . . 2 touts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prct. rghiuun , rielti ver nero..I 19 gaul . lie rapes , yield said quality. . . . . . . . . . s8 1)rct. ) l'103 , yield aiidquallty . . . . . . . . . . 1)7 ) liret. - tars. yield anti quality. . . . . . . . . . . . ti2 liret. inditiori of . . . . . . . . . . . . . vrc. ring wheat threshed at date. . . . . . 82 yr ct. ' [ ] rade of i.iriug wheat , No. 2. First frost , Oct. 8th. oru ready for niarut , Dec. 1st. Very Truly , &c. , DANIEL II WIIE1Lil : 0. and Statistical Agt. for Ncbrasla. _ - - ItetIbitOAl ) NEWS. . Road to ho Built In 1 % yonhliag. _ Lor several years considorabho talking Jat beozi doiio about a railroad north froni eyoliuo into thogroat cattle rogionand _ Into the coal lands near Fort Fetter. 1)oi iii. Four years ago Cheyenne voted . ) O,000 to the Union Pacific road or ny % icr company that would Put a road L - through , but nothing hiss been done until last week , when the Initial slop was taken by prominent capitalists of Cheyenne. Articles of incorporationwero filed at the secretary of the territory's oflico for the Black hub anti Montana railroad corn. pany , with a capital of $10,000,000 , cli. vidctiintolOO,000ahiarcstlio incorporators boingF. Warren , A. II. Swami , M. E. Post , \v. C. Irvine , and C. B. Alithozay. According - cording to the articles , the umpany have time privilege of oi'athmsg a railroad iii \Vyomnimig , Lankna , DakoLi , and other Statca aiid Territories , with the accom puullying telegraph amid telephone urivi- logos as needed. They will run front Cheyenne to some point. on the North Platte river , striking oh thiomico in one direction to time Black hills and in aiiotiicr to soamio eligible point. iii i'uloii- taima. Tue trustees for the first. year are F' . B.Varrcai , A. H. Swan , r. i. l'Ost. , it. S. Van Tassell , W. C. Irvine , J. W. Colllims , anti 0. B. Anthony.Vork is to be coiiimiiemiceci at. an early ilay , and will be completed as fast as ) ) CSSibhC. OrES. The Missouri Pacific railroad announces that the central , or flOut meridian time vil1 ho adopted oil all the lines of that Company beginning the 18th instant. Thu railroads in Chicago have beau no. tificci that. the Union Pacific would , emi amid after Nov. 10 , check 1O ( lOtlmitlS of baggage free to all poiiit.s reached by l'iiion amid Central Pacific roads oil the I Pacific coast. withi each through ticket. . Heretofore tue Umikii Pacific allowed ltiO pounds of bairgago free to Ogden , and the Ccnt.ral Pacific only lOOpounds from 0g. ibeii to California points. Heal Estate Transfers , The following deeds wore filed for mcord in the county clerk's ouilco No. ember 12th , reported for Tnn BEE by &mos' real estate agency : r Thios. .1. Fitzmnorris and vife to Lymasi Richardson , v d , ii Ii ft. of o 190 ft of lot 3 blk 5 , Eoinitzo Ruth's addition , 1oo. Coo. 11. Boggs ct al to 0. E. Wurtole , V ci , lot. 1 , Kensington , $450. Jennic L. Jacksomi and husband to E. - D. Van Court. , w d , w of lot. 2 blk23 , i Dmaha , $4500. Jeff W.Bedford et al to Jos. H. Campbell - d bell , iv d , lot 4 blk 4 , lCirkwood add , - 300. Saaii'l E. ilogors and wife to ir. Van r Deusen , v d , lot8 bik 2 , S. B. Roger's idd , $ ti00. - Augustus Kountzo et. al to L. D. I3ur- - iiet.t , v U , hot I ) blF 3 , Plaiiiview , $275. - Ezra Millard and wife to 0. Story , w 1 , a 115 ft of lot i5 , Millard & Onid. e i tyoll's add , $1200. Fannie C. ircoltiro amid liusbamid to J. c ' rraIia , w d , , ri A of lot 5 blk 28 Oniahia , l07 ii0. Clias. C. Homasol and vifc to P. Pen- icr , v d , part lot 1 blk 8 , Armstrong's Lat acid , $800. . - Married. IICHA1tDSON-STEPJLAN-By the for. Ii. . S. Blayutoy ut the residence of tlio l lrido'a parcusts , October 21 , 188 ? , Mr. Coo. t lllchiardson and iIiss Einnia Stepliaii , both of Omaha , Nebraska. IOTTiIEIMEt-BAS\yIT-o11 ! November I ; , 18S3 , at the residence of the lrid&s parents , their daughter , Isabella Baswitz 1 aiatl i'hi. ( iotthehner , of Omaha , Nebraska , iOY4i Pg : . .I . ' 1 i I i I I 4Kl $ ' r I POWDER Absolutely Pure. , TliI vowdcr never varies. A mars ci of purity , rciigth aii.I nliolesoaneuatn. . More econonilcal than 10 ordInary kind , , anti cannot be toiti Inconipetitlon itit the multitude of low test , .hou weight. alan , or - tophato ltostlern. 80 ! , ! only lu cans. itoa1 3.iak. ; rI'owdcr Co. . 100 IVali StrootNow'ork i PEOIAL NO1IOES t SBpeclaLls will Positively not be Inserted j floss isald in aavanco. lie I eel To LOAN-Money. - rONEY TO LOAN lii stints of IOO , or ilicre on I loni ; time ut 0 Iter ceflt per aiiiuus , ly it. C. ttcron & Co. , 1101 Farnain St. 7L4'1so iroNEr LOANED-On chattel security. 0. E' . 1 MAYNE & CO , lOt ) Fartiniti St. O3.1rno . ONEY 'ro WAN-The lowesi rates of littered V I.IcrnI. Lo&n Agency. 16th & Dougiu. sai.tt r KONEY TO LOAN-Call &t Law olUco 0 ? D. L. ' ri Thomas , room 8 , CreIgi&toa Block. IONEY LOANED-On Chittel mortgage , room 7 rL Nebruks NstIonsl Bankflufldlzsg. 184. tI IONEY TO LOAN-J. T. Heitty osno on ohftttel an I r.L property , 213 South 14th St. 'i41 - ' ffLP WANT3W. TANTED-oo4 girl st American lion , . , 920 I Iougag ) stieS. 7dC.1 tc TANTEL-Oiri for general houscwork , at maic V Iotigl&s Street. 74.tt , 7ANTED-Ciri tot general housework , st 1020 - V 1)uuisg street. 741-ti p TAN'FED-An ciergello inn. , with .iiiali caitai , - S mechanic Itreterred. Csl ! st Board ol ' 1 ratio l 10011. II. L. ifAltitiS. no-14 - TATE1)-A eoiiIl.etent girl for geiteral houe. l S work , nimo D.svcitjtorL tlood sages , Tis.tt : I (7ANTEL-'I\iogiuls at Pacific house , 10th antI l 1' tnveiiport. C 7.tNTln-A : iit c1&s barberat the 1'atoii 11oci S barber 51101. . 70i.S' - ( ITANTEL-S.lemaaa for ench couuy in the U , , I , , ib aii4 uxpensus. Uoo.l * eoltl ly eataplo. F ) ti , tauti1i. LA IIELLE MVO CO , , Cbirago , 111. Od-ICicod , - ( TAN'I'Ei-Agiri ) to cook , wah anti Iron. Must V be good cook. S. E. corner of 20th noeL Suji Iforhis .treeto. Ti3 lSf ° ' .7'Ax'rEn-oirm br geiwrsl houosori. . Apjily ] ' S IItlnuW & U01013005 itoro , cur. 13th Mud kson. 730-11 lT.NTE.D-A good , faithful man , accustouced to V carlo.c . br ai.d drirint lean. . One aeqit&Intgd I ) i Ute city anti IRing in the nuihloxitoo4 of agiss and th and 2Stn atrosts. Inquire at Oem. Iron Yokg. 7C tt Li Ah'TED-lIeuso kuoper for light work In tan , V ily of two. Iiiquiro . of J&idtor C&u 85. School. I 71 151 - -a - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'I - \iX\V IiXV 1'JIA JJJLLL / - " . ; ' $ for Infants and Children. (1Actnv1nirn1mmot41)itzrstlohi anti overcomes kIatuleney , UOIISLIJuI. Itoh , Sour Stoanacli , Diarrhioa , and i'cvcrisiiiicts , it fissures health and natural sloop , without zmtoi'jltiiic. - . 'I Cnstra uS that ( ) well tulsptedto Children I reconaunemiti Itassuporlor to any prescription lnown to me , " 11 , A. % iupucn , ru. I ) , , is. 8J Portland % xc. , hJiokIyn , N , Y. - - - CEI1TAUR LINIMENT-au absolute cure foe ilhitsunin. tistim , Sprains , Burims , Galls , &c. The iiiost l'owerflil niul icnui. trathig l'ain-rclicvliig flhtl lienhimig Reniedy lciinw'i to man. U- iiaiiii ; a4 THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINESJ1 iuiuiaiiii SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTOft 118 ENTII1ELY The Product of American Industry PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE PHE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR 11AND AND MAChINE SEWING. Full assortment constantly on Ilaiid and for sale by HENRY FUHRMAN' , Preniont. Neb. 'TANTED-Agcuits , ladles or gcntleaitn for all liv statidaril orks.fauitlIy hubs etc. ( Jail or atl- ross J. J. Kelley Occidental hotel Omaha Nob. , ANTCD-A thorouaily ) competent girl for goal. oral houwork. German preferred. Inquire itt o. 22o Douglsotrcct. : tIitS. w. A. CLtlth , 710-ti tyANTkI-000d luau to choli out trees out of 50 I acres of grouiiti ouiCuuuuiii St. , liusitlecity limits' IIF.1lts. .tgcitt itch antI Douglas St. 67B.tf LTAED-Lad agents to sell the bet selling V line of Ladies and CiiIItIren' good ; over offer- i. Salee made in every home as fast as agents coat iowtlo goods. geiits are makingloi ) a month. cltlrcs , vit1i stamp , I. . U. M. Co. , 9 South tie ) ' Nil. , itlcao , Ill. 805.Iin TA'TED-Ciri In a fatuity of tws. Itiquiro at U eLJ.CANAN&CO. 810.11 iXTN'lED'-uOOiI : girls br good kz.itIiies. Best 1 1 w3gcs. M11Y IniniedtteIy at cmployntcnt uroau 217 N. loch St. No. 0111cc fcc. 62.tf I3ITUATIONS WANTED. ' .ANTlU-liy a citloreil ins , , of teatl3' habitsa 1 1 ltuatIon as a jatultor of a railroad chico or iureb , orporter lit a lirst.cass ! store. Can glue the nt iii rcferonccs. Address 'O. 31. " 70 S. 17th St. 745'lll W ANTED-Sjt'jatloi , In a i hiilcsalo or retail store. Iteferences ghon. hail cxpurieiiec in book. coping. Atidreic. "A , 1t. ' Bee 0111cc. 717.151 t7AN't'ED-fly ayouiig man troiz : . thio East , line 1 5 heniflail and accoutant , a posltioii In a banking r iriurai.eo . otliec. Tctinioj1 given. Address v. o.o . day only , this oli1e. ' ' 754-ill i7ANTED-I3y a young m2i 22 years old , a clerk. ' 1 cliii , lii an Otlico , bank er wijolesalo house. Good fcrenee. Salary no object. . Addioss ' 'C. A. 0. ' , itiahia l'.O. 751.141 L7AN1FD-SituatIon as housekeeper. Inquire s. V ! r coriicr 12th aitil Dodge. 725.141 % TAN'fEC-Situatlon as salesman by a geittloinsi. V of good address. Address No. 1. L'eo oflio. 715.131 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TtNTED-Accommodatiouis for saisahl foully to l keep hioiio. Would hike lart of house with a ulot faintly. If nt thil. , annul ! house In desirahihe ho. etion. Would not object to going enc Iiaif to three. iartcrs of a utile wci.t from 1l'h trcet. Ad.1re , , ring ternw , "A. M. 11. " Bee oillce. 751131 , TA7TED-floard and furnished room lxi a private 5' famIly , for gentheman and rIfo. State terms. dcrca 31. B. K" flee oiflee , 737.j3' TANTED-A partner uith at least 3OOO to go into a good haying lousiness. Amerchant pro. rablo For particulars , nddres JOHN F. 11OO'- ii , SprlngfleldSarpyCo. , Neb. XTANTED-GIrI. Etiqulie at 1808 Davenport St. .11 16 TANTED-Toexchangc , iieirablo city rcsden for tarn , In eastern Nebraska. Apjily to J. W. ) UNSIJUIIY , lteahctato agent , 15th and Farnatn. 062.tf ron n--n an Lots. . 'olt htET-NIcelv furailohe,1 front root , , , lied ruoli , and closet , 512 N , 14th street. 743'141 ioa RENT-A large and nicely furui.hed , front room , 11103 Eariiliain troct. 742.10 roit IIEN'I'-l.argo unfiarniehied front nitti side room , 11115 Firiiai. . , strcet. 743-hf "oit IIINT-North list second ' , story. Lorcizon' 1101 % ' btiiiillitg , 11th and Iftiw-arti Suite of two lit rooms will , atiantie , situ one eltiglo room at. . riiioheii. Bath , hot ruini co'.diuuter , doets , etc. ry desirable. 1isferui'es. C.tll at soon , 28 , Otitaha tioitai flank Building. 740'15' 'o1i htET-N1ceiyfrlhcd , parlor. Also alcove room , , itl bay window , south frontage , , lti i room "en suite , " uitlior aithuut boon ! . N. 5V , r. 18th aittl Faritain streets. 75S.t 'oli IIENT-1Lou.1at810 S. 21km StrdeL lth six rootts , , cellar nuti kitchen , 2o a ittanti , , 767-ill loll ItENT-Nicely turniihed coons , 2004 Farnain street , 7i5'15 O1t iil'T-i1otige of I , ilr routes anti htltcheit. Inquire ci A. 51urjhiy , 410southa lltliitrcet , . so.1o toil 1tENT-hIoii , five rooms. with all conven. leucco , will be ' , acant about 17th. Apply 1207 ciSc , treat , toll 1tF'T-A large , liatidilonie rooas , altit gag , fire atal board. to two gentlemen , 333 5 , 15th t Hartley street. 73i15i 'oil IIENT-Nicely furnished front room No , 1010 Davenport street. 726 11t 08 IIENT-Cood hiotiso and l.arn on uiorthi 10th street , .ultable for jiarty uilng is number of - ins. . htitluiro of 11. Koutz , 1st NatIonal hank , 21.22 oht IIEN1-Furii.11e4 retoin will. . eoard , gag aiiu 1,5th room , No i71.8 Ilodgestreet. 785.17p O1i liF.Nr-To rooms , ens furnished arid one uifuruilshod , , 1617 Citleago street , 782.11 ell nur-rs'o Uiiturnihted and two furnish .i.I roumg 1511 Cummn St. corner 18th , 702.inJ ell RENT-A furitishiod house IoU of roomers siad fi boarders , iii central location , and furniture for theap. AdJres " 3 , 3 , " lIeu 0111cc. 513.il ell itiNT-TIirco new cottage , , a rooing , well and cuter , , , full lou , etc. , cacti t0 jer month. jf U. lLiIOMAS. ! on htE7'T-Furnh1ied room , , . anti board modern Iuiprovemneiita , 2812 Dodge St. Oil IIF.N'i'-Cottageg ncar2id and Ciak street , * 10 i'rmonth. T. J , Fhiemnorris , 612S. , ItluI. OIL JIENT-Booms iii Nebragla Natbinul Batik iluildium' . 310 $ deslrsblo 0111cc , lii the city. pU.i witi. hydraulic e1eytor anti heated by Ill. .4)jiI3' at Dank. 520.tf 011 hit7Two ftzrntthed rootag at jij anti ] eio rer mouth. Each roons hre OftouIt _ for two ij.aots 1814 lVebter trdet. t02.tf oil IIENT-fleaant rooms , furotisiteti or gaotu deIred , tour blocis from opera house. Ap Fanian , . . 'lb-ti on htL'NT-A PiruIshed dws1inm corner iIowar.i antI 14th. Ltout7o. month. U II' , luzttan , , i12.tf t-Yumisbcd recta. with bearS IboS eif. locals 81. T4.imo. to I What gicos our Chlltlrdii Posy cheaks , I What cures their fcvcrs , makes thorn stcp I 'Ths Cisf nil. , . Wlrn hinbies trot and cry by turns , Wlutt vines their colic , kills thou worms , limit Castnrin. What qaitchehy cities Constipation , Sutil' Stomach , Colds , InwgcaUon . , lint Castorin. rorowon mi t Morphine Byrups , Caster Oil anti Faregorlo , SutiHall Hall Cast nib1 ! ! r OR IIENT-Furalihod front room , 1724 D tihot street. fi7O.if F IIENT-New store in Tuft's idock on Seumi. ders street. Good hocatlomi for grocery Store , butcher shop etc. buipilro at i'oopies 1111k , ivdge St. 201.tt FOR IISNT-Furnjshcd rooms on tlmo notl.wet cor. 139 , tuitlCapitolavesiuc. l0)-tf I' O ItENT-itesideneos Cnti store buiIdInis. EIU I FORD & SOBER , heal Etate Agency. Olilco cast side 14th 8trcot , between Faruam nail Douglas atrect. . 7024 F LlASE.-Four choice bIg on 20th St.7iig time , 217 N , 113th St. J. 1. . Marble. 526-tI ron SALE. I I , Oil sALF-.t : cleat , stook of imardwarenja hargalmi , No. lii norih lOhli street , ticot to Croun'u's block. 75O.1Di F Oil SALE , T1IADh Oil LEASE-Four story brick -I itoh , ' , 50 room , , all furnished , doing a good buincs It , city of 45CuO people. Addresg "C. If. _ Jackson , " this Olilco. 51-141 ; oit SAh.l1-Thi1rty.thr feet front on 10th street near Hariaey , $1OC0. PAULSEN & CU- , 703-11 1509 Farnan , St. RAIlS CIIANCr.-wo ciferforsale at a bargain. I two thousand acres of bud iii a body.'ill make a flue Stock ranch. Six amileg frozit County Scat of hiuoiio cowmty. Terms easy. 0. F. DAVIS & CO. , 717-ti } 'arnatli trcoil. WIvIli give cc1uho sale at and near Omah\i 1 a very PoPular brand of flour , easily soul , iargt miiargain , to a resronsihlo deaher there , viio u iii jul51. it , FhtANgL1 MILLS CO. - , 313 Clark Street. Chico. go , Ill 714 St-cod OIt SALE-Good business and stock goods for .U sale iii llourlshingNeb , IL 11. town ; willcxcbange. for Onialta real estate. Lots north Omaha on inonthly payments. 718-14 ShiltiVElt & BELt. , . .T:7ohl : , SALE-Two ten acre tract : easy tcrm. - .L' Two houses and cornet- lot 19th St. ! Pwo lots , east front macar l'ark. Cottage on Georgia aso. Two story house on Park aye. 626-14 SIhItIVER & BELLJSth St. opp. P. O F Oil SALE-F'uii lot on 17th , near Leavoitworti Street. east front. with thieo new houses , 5i1.000 702-j4 PAULSEN & Co. , iij Fitrm Trtoht SALE-hoe acres of first cias farm Lam tiire 1. miTes from Columbus , PiattoCouirity. Pr cc .li. an acre. ALVIN SAUNLEIIS . CO , oppolto the ' , l'a,4omt. . 606.15 t'oR S.tLh4-west 5 feet of hot h7 Millard anti I Caidweil' addltlomm , title a very deIrabio lot as Its full length Is Sherman on avenue and is a corner lot. l'&lce i.O00. ALVIN SAUNDERS &CO.oppo. sitothe Paxton. C97.lj ' ° ' NALE-'Fuienty acre , I joining west Omaha , i'isl.jargo . house , tiuhitilar arid machinery con , . Pieto forpacking purposes. 70I-14 i'A1J1.'EN & CO. , 0500 Farimamn St. JOltSALELot 5 biockX. bhilnn'sallI'iom , , l'aic , , eioo : ; In monthly lalments of 510. AL'iN SAUN1)llcs & CU , , opposite tijo l'axton. Cii-15 Foil SALE-Two fumijiots tltlinewhsoumhJasesin , , 1)15cc , ft great bargain. ( : . E. Mane A Co. 114J' ) Farmiamim. 707-if I SALC-Fre,1 , itifici , cows , at mlhItar 1iridt , 21t1t amid Cuming streets. dTO-hii hJltl'ALS-ierch3itt'iaIJoriin. , t.iiiins.jf tallislcd , sitU payhmig. 000ti reasoims for selling. Adilres. " 0. CL" lice ofhice. Foil 8ALE-Faiig In eastern Nebi-ska. J. W , nato. LOUNSBURy , itcai Estate Agent. 11th anti Far- eli-if JOR SALE-Vacant half 1st. , hear city. .klsosev. cml improved hair 1ot at a bargain. .7. IV' . LOUNShIUJtY. 15th amid Farnan , . 602-if Felt SAr.E-Lt 15 ammtl 18 b'occ ! 8 lianscoan iac on Park arc. , only 05o. each , - _ - McCAGUE , Ohioito 1' . 0 , ] olt8ALEA well cstablbhed Brick businc,5 uiitii mnaeiiincryaod grountig. 5i4-tf MeCAGUE1)O5ltO I' . 0. -Toa _ : ; SALEEight3acme , otis-hail tulle Irtimmi .1. KenSington addition , highly iniproved , t 1. ChIcago 437.tf St. Inquire of Edhohm antI Ezickaou. Felt SALE-Cornerlot In Shlmims'g &ddltiot , . . 'a SiO'tf MCCAOUE , opposite P. it. uloli SALE.Nw 612.tf cottage . in good location , * ci.ooi. _ MCCAUUE , OhipoSite P. 0. ihi l3AL-A flossclass peoonit mmmi tsp bdj , ! Call at 1510 : _ lIsmey Mreet . Il.'oit SALE-IteaIdng and business - I. all psrtg of Ornbs , and Farni Lands in propers-u all , if the Stats. BEDFORD & psrti 793-tI 215 5. 14th 81. ' bet. h'&ruam and Douglas. FOR SALE-A . number of mortgage , , flmtclsssec 616.11 MVCAOUE , oiposito 1' . 0. 5O1i SA1.5- . , portable boilers , ic horse pojj L Apply at D. L Street core at 1I.7ai. 61341 MCOAOUEQ1i1.oito I' . 0. lt0htMtl.h4hiet bargains his the city. l'iiTFjet ' L on i'ierco atfreet , between 20th antI 21st , siti , ticU Lretfcja55 large houac , I.r , oi USi ) ' 1cm , , . 760-14 IIAULSEN act ) , , intO Ferimamn $ trect , 1:7'011 : 8ALli-.qoo. - business chances at 217 Lstreet. N.1&m , J , L. MA1hBLB. - ' . - - - ' r'oR NAl.i3.A ' ; abargalo , a eniali Oiosler , L and Co's See proof safe. Inquire at tUg 001cr. _ _ _ -z ! ! \TA7 1 i.h1-Ia buy Onutha hietti I.state for limes. V tore. Call on McCAO CE . , opposite 1' , 0. 510-is QUftatlilee at thu ctt.cc. * 1 ' , : toI1 SALE-Thrasor four resideamee lot , ( corner , ) - Ii , beet . locauou in city , 611.11 IIcCAGUII , oppomito P. 0. WAitDKUE AGISTER OF , PAL1Y8iitny AND CONDITION. LIST , 603 Tenths Street , betwocu Yruasu amid . , y , 'sill. with , Lb. MiS o guasd1 sphit liii. , obtab 13 Otte iaoo of lb pul and for pragoot , ssd 7t&tfl on Conditions In the future. I3 o sod ihso , SIc 'gder , 1efoct s&tth tion guaraat