- - - - - _ - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - --V . - 1 Tk11I DAILY BEE-OM S.dA , 1\TEDNESDAY , . ? w\TEMB1ill 14 , 18o3. 3 Tile Neoraska7iafona/ . CFO1fA1TitU. laid Up Cattal . . 0 $2tS0,000 I'- _ urp1nu runa , May 1VL$83 : fli.000 " \ rnutcrorsi \ 1. JOIINSON1 rrcsttent , ot Steele , 3ohnt Co A. E. TOUZAL ! , Sb. , ? retdent of P.oaton. v. V. MOflS } , of W. V. tOItSE Co. JoIf S. CO.UNS1 ( of 0. It. COttI. j- If , YOOLWOItTII , ConndUot & Attorney r.t ttiw. , . . REED , of ll3ron Itced Co. - It , W. YATES , CahIcr1 for fln ) ra C&shkr of the Fliet Natlornil flank of Ornha. ' This flaftk opncd for btitncsAprII ! 7 , 1$2 k : TIl } rnflicxon : AND STOCICItOLDF.t18 Irnong the tetIIn bustnrn mcn of Omh , Led 1 U Ine Is coiductod with espccM refercnco to tlo . . btt iut ncrcaslng I.tcrcst5otit9mcroo1ttIo , patcnS . . COLLECTIONS receko roniIit ettcntlou t.n1 ebMes lowest obtAInable hco or clsewhcre. . INTEREST IIow1 on time de1iot ( tiron fvot. abit. term nI UJon ICC(1UIItB of bnk etni bnkuL FOREtUN ENCIIANI Oovcrnincnt Hoods nd Coutit fttid City Securitka bought end oItI. : ; : Couiioi1 1uffLoan an ; . , Trt Company. . ' Ikt Motgago Loatus NctLLteit. , C.flflCtCtAt % . 1'.pr aiil nil ( k.Oit SocurItIc ilenit n. 39 I'caiI trtct , and OO 1'ret nvcnue , Coutiefl lIIuIT. FINIHCE AND COM11IEROE. . 4 4 , , Ntv Yoiu , i\ovoinber 11. . Money-Easy it 1 ® Lcr cent ; c1tsctt otrered at 2 1cr cent. . I. rrltno Paor-7 per cent. . . ' Exchang6 Bills-Steady at. 4.82 ; demAnd1 it. 4S1L. ! l ( ovonmor.t.iStrong. . I'ho ViIIartj stocks nd'ancell on the decston 1 Judge Iiigrahani , ilonyl ng the application lf ) rr. Plaid for a vrit of mandamtts to corn. Pet the Nortlicin racilic railroad coinpally to ll3olltlco it 1.uokt. . Official notice has boon iq sued for a booting of stocldiolder on Novein ber 20 , to voti on the prOl)080d issno of OOOOOOO of second iortgago bonds. Not. vithtantilng oiiio ntteinpt to break IlIiCo , the market boon stronger today than yes terday , and tim net resulf of tho4ay's bud. ness wa an advance of to 1per celit. COUrONS , 3 e . . . . . . . _ . . .fl..I. . 100 ' 1 , . . . . . . . . . 114 4 I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 122 Facific0'of' . . . . . . . . 130 STOCKS AND 1ONDS. American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 Burl. , Cedar ltnpidi & Northern. . . . . Central 1acLlic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13J1 (10 do pit1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Citi , , Bu1. & Quiucy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . do pM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort Wayne &Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Hannibal & St. J0301)1l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . fSS Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132. . md. , ) Jloojn. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 123 . Kansas & Texne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 ? Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 1O2 Micligan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnoanolls & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 2I- do do do phI. . . . . . . . 43 . MISsouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Pncific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northwestorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 4 do ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 ? Ohio & ilississip1)i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 do do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Peoria Decatur ! Evansville. . . . . . . . 16 ! , I Rock island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 St. Patti & Milwnukco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 / do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118 St. l'anl ifiiin. & iratiithba. . . . . . . . 106 3 Sf ; . Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37g do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . ioo - Toxa Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waba.h , St. L. & Pcitic. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 34 Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . SO , jAzked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. - t. cIIICMo. ClIrCAGO , November -Flour-Quiet ' ! and unchanged ; common to choice spring : i wheat , 85c ; Minnesota , 3@4c baker , 4@5c , pathat , 6@7O1 winter h0t flour Southern and Missouri , 4@t1c , Michigan , . . 4i45&c. . Vheat-Rcgular , active , weak and lower , but grew steadier toward tim close ; O6@9Oc , . for November ; 9iQO7c for December ; OS@ . . , , 9c for Januar OPt , for February ; 1 031 © 1 O5 for May ; I'o. 2 sI'ing , 93tdc ) ; o. 3 spring , 82@83c ; No. 2 rod winter , 1 O1ij 1 03. Corn-Active anti lower , influenced by lib. oral receipts ; 4Odt4Oo for cash ; 49o for No vember ; 48@49c for December ; 48e. : for tim . year ; 47l4c for January ; 31@J51gc for ; . May. Oats-Dull anli nominally uncliange'd ; 28c [ or cash and Noveniber ; 28@28o for Dc. comber ; 28c for the year ; 2Uc for January ; ; 32cE32c for May. flye-Jull at 0c. . flarloy-Dull at ti1c. , Fia Seed-Quiet at 1 36. Timothy-WTeakor and 1c2c lower ; iriine , . . 1 2S@1 29 ; common to good , but dark , I 3 - . 1.i. ; l'orlc-Unsettled and goiicraiy lower ; 10 93 . , ( i1l 00 for cash ; 10 92@jlO U for November , , . 1ocoinbcr and thoycar ; 11 62U 65 for Jau ; , uary ; 11 771l SO for 1"obrnary. . . Lard-ood deinanti timiottiod and irreg. ' iilar 7 57.37 GO for cash ; 7 521@7 for No. : vcinfjcr ; 7 5O7 32 , for December ; 7 47. , © 7 30 for the year ; 7 607 ( J2 for .Jiuiuary ; 7 7Oj7 72 for February. hulk Mcath-Jn fair demand ; shoulders , 4 73 ; short ribs , 6 30 ; short clear , 6 80. 1lutter-Quio 011(1 unchanged , 2223C. Eggs-Steady at 2l@25c. Whisky-Steady and uiicliaiigcd. Ctr lio.tiii-\Vheat-Stroiig and higher ; advanced c for November , .Tanuary and February - ruary , c for December , go For May. Corn-Good demand ; advanced .c foro. . P veinber , December and .ranuary. Oats-Fair demand ; advanced c for No. * vomber. December , the year iintl January , J.c 1 : for May. Pork-In fair demand ; declined 2c for the : veer ; advanced 2c for .Jaiuary ; Uc higher for 2olrttary. Lard-hi fair demand and advanced 2c for November and the year. ( raIninSLoveNovoinber12-WIieat , 8O8 , . 000 bus. ; corn , 1,131 000 bus. ; oats , 199,000 Ius. ; rye , 1,053,000 ius ; barley , 154,000 bus. S CothI of all klndg , 10,620,000 bus. ; seine time iat year 4,982,000 bui. . On calf sales of regular wheat wore 900,000 bus. , corn 600,000 bus. , oats 115,000 bus. , tork I : ; : ) bbls. , lard :1,500 tlcroos. l Tallow-No. 1 , c ; No 2 , GIc ; cake , 7c. Choose-Only focal trade , Iliarket steady aud unchanged ; choice full cream chedtlars , 1J12c ; choice full cream ilats , 12@12c ; goad part skim ClIOdd&X1J and ftat , 78c ; Il&d klins 2@4e. Itidea-thichangod ; green salt aired light , c ; green salt damaged , Ge ; green salt heavy , . ' . k ; gaeen salt calf , lie ; dry salt , lie , dry calf , . lOc. NEW TOlC , Nrw YoRK , November 13.-\Vheat-Casli , irni ; 011t.1002 opened @o higher ; later wee I : oaicr atid declined @lc , closing steadier i with a recovery of ; ungraded red , ti1c ( I I 17 ; No. 4 rod , 93c ; No , l rod 1 OO6j1 OGf ; I No. 9 red. I 11@1 1i ( } . Corn-Caidi , U ° III tier ; options oi.encd . jbetter ! , fell back I r Ic. closing tealier , ' vli a recoery of @c ; wigrailed , Sj60e ; 2 , GOG2I c. Oats-t@o lower ; IfliXOl we4ern , 33a7 ; % vItltAi , 3&1iJc. 1-Westerti fresh , stronger at 28(30e. ( 1 , l'ork-Stror.ger . ; 116W IfleSs , 12 OOJ12 23 , f Lard-Stronger ; iiiicno Iltonin , 7 tS. ) Butter-Firm and iii good demand at 10 ; Q33c. . ) ANMAH CITY , 1CANBA CuT , Noeniner 13.-Wheat- i Steady at Sic for cash ; 83c for ] ) cccrnbcr ; . 3o ] bid , S3c askel for the year. Corn-\Voaker ; 2SO bid fui cud' ; 3c bi.I for ovewber. ° Oate + .Struligcr at 2323Lc. : rI0UtA rr.onucr , Vent * , Novcnbijr 13.-Corn-Finn ; high nixeii , 4tc ; o. 2 Inixed 49c. Oat.-.Stcady ; No. 2 witto , 3O.8Oc. ' \'hlky-Firin at $1 Th. ST. LOVIS rnoItcg. Sr. roUI , November 1 3.Vheat1.wer a nd nctivo No. 2 red , 1 001 OO ' for ceehi ; 1 OO for ovoiieber ; 1 O for ) ccoutbcr ; $ 1 O0 blil for the yo.r ; I OIg for JanuaryNo. ; a ret ! , tI4 tI0e. Coru-bower and sliiw ; 4 U for cashi .J3 , ( ? I l1 for Decetiehici ; 12c for the year ; 42o f or .lnifltary. It-1.ower , 2Ii@2Ie ( for cab ; 2iic26 f or December ; for tli' year ; 2Tu fur , Jui. ; rnr. ] , yo33.c. . 1Jarley-r.C. liutter-Steady ; creamery , 23Oc ; tiairy , 1 S(2.'e. ( Igg-hligher ut. 2O2lc , liax SeI-1 81&1 3I. I I ny-i nchiaiirret. Corir loa1-2 1@ 2 20. Cioia llo.tmi-Wlioat-lhighicr at I 01. b ut fur 'lovelnhcr : 1 O2 for 11eceinlrr , I 01 b 11 for tliu year ; 1 Ol for .lanuary. Corn -I I igherI : I c bid for Nuvcmtcr ; l3c l ) eceniberand _ the year. ( ) .it-2 otlitng (101)0. ) LIVEIII'OOt. T.tvanroot , November 13.-llroadstuff s- F irm , Wlioat-\Viiitcr , Sc 6t19 Id ; spring , Ss@l S c Gd. Coru-3s 3d. UALrinona. BALTiMotm , November 1 3.\\Thcat.Wost. c rit OlH3iiOd firm niul closed Caqier but dull ; cN o. 2 winter jed , ca.hi 1 071 OS. Corit-Vs'estern , (1(111 ( ; ml xcd , November , fl Oe edccd. Oat-Stron ; western white , 3SclOc ; mi mixed , 3c8So. ( ; Bye-Quiet at G3G7e. flutter-Firm ; western iached 1O23c ; c roaniery 2432e. ] ggs-lirln at 28@29c. \Vliisky-Steady at 1 1Sc1 1S. TOLEDO. Toar.no , November 13.-\Vhieat-Quiet and s teady ; No. 2 rod , ctaii 1 03ft Ofi } . Corn-Outot mid stead ) ' ; high mixed , 3 lc ; N o. 2 cash and ' % ove1llber , t3c. Oats-Quiet and firm ; No , 2 cash mid No. v emijer , 3lc. M1LWAUKE , November ] 3.-\Vhat-1 Ugh. C r ; 93c for November ; tl7c for December ; Ctl c for , Tanuary. Corii-Ea.ier ; No. 2 , 32c. Oat.-Easier ; No. 2 , 281c. 1tyo.-1.over ; No. 2 , 33c. Barley-Stronger ; No. 2 , GOb. C1NCiNATr , OINc1ATr , November 13. - Wheat - F irm at 1 O. Corn-Vlirn at 50c. Oats-Firiii at 3Oc for cash , . Pork-ullat 11 i0@l1 73. Lard -Demand active at 7 1O7 30 , Bulk nicatsUnchanged. . Whisky-Steady at 1 13. ] ye-Slow at 5'J.@jGOc , NEW OItiLs. Nnw OntLNs , November 13.-Corn- E akr at 3Sc. Oats-In good 1cmnamu1 and firmimer ; choice , 3 0c. 0c.Corn Corn Meal-Quiet amid stcaly at 2 45. i'ork--Stcady cml goot tleinaul at 11 Lard-Virmn ; tierce , S 00 ; keg , S G2. . Bilk [ cat-Firn ) : demand irrogtdnr. \Vhimlry-Firiu ; Western rectified 0O5 1 1 20 ritYF ; STOCK. C1I1iAOO. CmncAGo , November 13.-TIme Drovers' Jour. n al report' this afternoon na fo1luvs : lIogi-Fairly active end opened ! itSjlOc h igher ; latet advance Iost cIocI quid ; rough p acking , 4 20@.fGO ; lacbdng nid shipping , 4 7O6J3 00 ; light , 4 30@J4 70 ; skips , 3 3OJ 4 20. Cattlo-larkct fairly in isic ; 'aliies ruled s trong ; natives , unchanged , Texans lOc higher ; e xports , 6 80@fl GO ; good to choice slop- p ing steers , S 3Oc2M 25 ; cmnmpn to mnedinum , 4 2531J3 10 ; butcher , steady ; bulb and mixed , 2 OO5Ll 23 ; cows 2 50@3 75 ; stockers , firm , 2 OOd3 63 ; fembers , in good demand , 3 605J 4 40. Bunch of 303 Ncbraaka Texans o1d a t 3 SO ; 1860 gras.s 'I'exaiie averaging 810 to 1020 1)Otifl(15 , 501(1 3 236j)4 ) 20. Shicop-Goud , lOc hikther , poor to fair 2 50 @ 3 30 cwt. ; iredinin to good , 3 GOc4 00 ; c lioico to extra , 4 1O@4 35. ! tNSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS Cxrr , November 13.-The Daily In. t hicator reports : Cattle-Market aetivofIrm and unchanged ; s tockor iiitl feeders , : io@ I 10 ; cows , 2 65f3J 3 10 ; Texas steers , 3 25@j3 70 ; Colorado half broods , 330. I Togs-Market opened steady , closed lower with sales at 4 23@4 G2. . Sheep-Market steady ; for gooti natives , 3 40. T. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. Sr. Louis , Nov. 13.-Cattle-Supply and d emand light ; exporte , 6 0O@6 50 ; good to c hoice shipping , Li .1O@6 00 ; common to fair , 4 5O52 ; stockers and feeders , 3 5O4 25 ; native butchering stuff , 3 OO@425 ; Texans , 3 25@4 10 ; Indians , 3 lO@'l 25. Sheep-Slow ; comumomi to medium 2 5O © 3 23 ; fair to good , 3 40@3 73 ; prime to extra , 3 0@4 25. C TltitI"VIC. VL0UU AND GRAIW. OnicAco , November 13.-ReceIpts and ship. monte of flour and grain for the leet 24 hours h ave been as follows : ltccolpta. Siilp'ts. F lour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 13,000 \ Vheat , liusliel . . . . . . . . . . 135,000 17,000 CGrn , buhe1n. . . . . . . . . . . . 226,000 ] 74,000 Oats , luiehiols. . . . . . . . . . . . 176,000 . 180,000 B ye , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2oooo B arley , buho1s. . . . . . . . . . 80,000 07,000 ICANSAS Cirr , Novcmhor 13.-1loceipta and s ifipumonts of grain for tim Pa8t 21 hours have b een as follows Receipts. Sliip'te. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 15,000 24,000 C orn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . i'JoOo 12,000 Nzw YORK , November 13.-Receipts and sh tilpmnoutsof flour and graiii for the leet 24 hours h ave been as follows ; ] tecelpts Sliip'ta. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 70,000 151 000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . ioa : si ooo Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 49,000 . . . . LIVE STOOL CitloAGo , November 13.-Receipts snd ship. merits of live stock for the peet 24 hours leave b eon as follows : Booelpta ; . Shlp'ts , Hog8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000 Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,100 S heep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 Sr. Louis , November 13.-Receipts afl(1 ship. merits of live stocic for the pruit 24 hours have b eon as follows ; 110001111 $ . Shilp'ts. c.gtho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see iso 5 1IOOJI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( j30 KA'mLS Ciry , November 13.-ReceIpts and I hilmflOiltSi of live stock for hio psst 24 hours isyc boon as follows ; Receipts. ShIp'ts. Cattle. . . . , . . . . . .I 600 I Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , uooo S imeep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30o , . . JIIY 0001)5. Nnw YORK , November 13.-The I2earkot i s dull anti featureless. lxports of domestic cottoull for the least ivook. 2,298 iaekagae s ince time let of January , 1 11,377 jaaclc.ges ; against I 4O1UT pakagos ( ho corro.iponding time l ast year. the haigoet ijuomitity for the anmnc i criist of zi irevluus year. . - - O3IAUA MPsItICliTH. \Vlmolesmslo l'riccp , Orricii os TIlE OUAIIA BEr. Tuesday Evening , Nm.omnber 13. The following firices are charged retatlors b y jobbers , wholesabirs and commission zner c hants , with the exoeption of irnlu , which q uot4d at the Ji1C05 furnished by the e1ovato : a nd other local buyers : : Grain , \VIIK&T-CMII Na. 2 , We ; No. 3 , ElSe. llAImuT-Ceehi No , 2 'ISo. iLyz-Cash No. 3 39c. Coiei-No.2 , 32c. t OLn-No. 2. 27e. 1.Io Stock. FAT STEEnS-Qulot at 3 O03 40 , FAT COWi-2 7t'3 2. hoes-I O0@4 13. Sittcgp-Fiiin at 3 O03 Sb. CALYK-Fair quality 1 W@S 00 ; good butch O re' stock , 0 00. Flour nuil iIlhtfltiiffmI. \ VnranVIIEAr'Iloet uaiiLy , iatontat 3 4O3SO. Sacon QUALITT-8 OO3 10. St-no WIIKAT-liost quality , vatout'tat 3 30@3 60. SECOSI ) QU.tt.ITT-2 3Oj3 SO. 1iit-b3c l'Cr cwt , Oitoi'ritm FI:1)-l'Cr : : 100 lbs. SSc. CohN MCAtr-1 O0t 10 l cwt ScnmeINo-6O@700 : l GCLICS'aI 1'imliite. Btrrrr.n - Famicy creamery 2O.3lc : cull s torage creamery , 250j)27c ; clicico ( hairy , 20 @ 2 Ic ; best coillitry , solid lackOl , I0oj2Oe ; l b country , n'hI , lSfi20 ; inferior gral. , 1 06j11.lc. lhccCiIlts eiintluuo hugo amid mmelIty l , r i\o demiiantl for anything except. sttlctly f ame ) ' butter , 1tu : : ( 3lnrkot ailvanclug ; sales to.day at 2 0c ; mimarhut vill prohaldy hold at thu 9ric. Ai'mrii : - Finicy .1 ( ( IlatlIahts , S I AO' S 00 ; ( aimey Itim 1hmvi , A3 60 I 00 ; fancy , Iutiit : , 3 OO@3 00 ; flume ) ' \Viliowebmirg , $3 253 70. I ) emammd guicil , Omir.rnr.-New York State full cream , late S eitemnl'er muake , 14e ; ow Voik Stat full c reani I 0 hoop lots , 13 c ; ( It ) full cream , , , 5(1 ( ch oop lots , 13.te ; do Augmst ; imiako , 13c ; do 10 1 10(111 1Ct 4u'ut mnahu , 1'2e ; dii 50 lup lute , l 2jeVecuiihmm ; , full cream , 2 In box , 13kc ; Young 4mncrecas strictly full cream , 18e ; f ull cream , l2c ; nih cieaiii io hoop lots , 11 e ; f ull emeamim flats , 14e ; full ercaimi hats , 11e ; f ancy brick cheese , 100 hI eae , 13c ; Line. b urger 13.1,0 ; genuine ulil Sriee , itIc , 1'ot&rois- large atIIl Prices d eclining , Consigmunents of strictly choIce , l arge size,1 , , straight lmtat"o are sollimig f rent 30 tO ac ; miked ears 25 to 28o 1111(1 iglut ( lemamul ; l)0iClIbhI\5 , 23 tO 40c. Sivtmv : 1'oT.To-Clioico yellow , 26J3c. ONloxa-Iteccipte Imnyor ; chiohc largo red , Vothior3Iiell rolling at 10 to SOc. No domaimd. O.tilnAuE-Markct for choice stock $5 O05iJ (1 ( 00 per humuhmod. Demand good. Ilnts-lIamid liekcd navies , 2 73c33 00 ; It amni lucked lnertiliiiis1 2 OO2 25. lIe. c olds fnir ; ( lolilanhi oOt. , ci (1imu-Prntr1o chiiekcis ; , per ( lnz. 3 00 to : i 30 ; mimmail 31 i5 to 2 00 ; snIpe , $1 1o 10 1 73 ; d ucks , Mailanl , her doz , 2 ( ) OSJ2 50 ; muIxod , $ 1 so tO 2 00 ; ileer saihuics 11 to 12.c ; carS c ars , I ) to lOc ; antelope saldIes , I I to 1.c ; car. c as , 8 to Pc. 1)onmud good.'otilil advise li beral ounsigiumionts. Ba careful that your g anmo collies to noukot in imico conditmien. FRESI ( Ovaricue-SoIr i , tOe ; stamidards , 4 0c mediums , 30c. l'ourriy-Llvo chmicicons , (1nz , 2 tIOCJ fu ll dressed chickens , per lb. , 11f13c ; tur. k 3ys1 per lb. , 1Ii1Ce , ; ducks , 14fl5 ; goose , - fancy bar lemons , S 00 ; fa ncy Messina heinous , per box , 87 23 ; 5 box lo ts , 1'lossimia lemomee , $7 00 ; 10 box lute do. , : o 75 ; Malage leinomis , fancy , 5 00 ; do S box lo ts , 4 50. D.Tir-llack Arabian , tier lb. , Sf9c ; q uarter crates , lOc. FIC.S-25 lb. kegs , vcr lb. , 12c ; JO lb. box , la yer , per Ill. , lOc ; small ova1 i'o' ' lb. , lSc. CocoANili-Extra hue , per 100 , 8 00. CmnEn-1liro svoot cider , 22 gal keg , 6 00 ; N I. k 1' . cliullheti , 22 g1 leg : , U 00 ; Lit. & 1' . c larified , 32 gal kcg , i8 00. 1IC)4 ) Fii'r , .I'nim'u , ET0-Pigs feet , 15 lb k ite , $1 13 ; pigs 40 lb qr bbl , 2 23' ) igs feet , St O lb half bbl , 84 00 ; tripe , 15 lb lits , Si. 15 ; t ripe , 40 lb bid , S 223 , tripe , SO lie half 111)1 ) , $ 4 00 ; pigs tOhiglies , 15 lb kits , $2 50 ; iiige t ongues , 40 lb qr Ithi .90 00. 1.anmbs' tonpues , 1 5 lb hits , .2 flu ; tO lb jr bbl , t ; 23. ? ilmxcm : imlu.tT-AtllorOH ) , I Sib buckets ( buclet.s 2.5c ) JOe ; STlb buckets ( bumclet lOc ) , l Oc. ; 10011 hogs , lOc ; half baiTele lOc. ASOiuTlL.Tlt.-2.lt ) stonojnus ; 12 in case , j rr 007. , S2 23 ; tumbler. per du. , i1 95 ; s chooner , PCt ( huron , $3 10 ; 1.11) tin cans , 4 it o ? . in case , ; i 40 ; 2.lb tin onus , 2 doz in case , $ 2 10. ltt'l.K , TELT.CKS-Currnnt , 30-lb wood jtails , p er lii , Sc ; strawberry , 30-lb % otl i'iils : per i b , 8c ! ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pails POF th , S ic ; llackberry 30-lb wood pails lor Ib , 8c ; c rab apple , 30.11 , voo1 jahls iucr II , 8c. AI'iLE DUTTER-35-lb wooden pails , per II , s 00 ; 5.lb wooden pails , 6 in case , i'er case , $ 350. -j. 1'EACI.BUTTEI-20-lb wooden iails 11 , $ 11 00 ; 0-lb wooden 1)ailC , 0 In case , per case , s -I 25. l'iusmuuvEs-Iu : ( 20-lb wooden paiis-L.s. ) b erry , , $11 ; 0Ostrawberry ; , quince , & 1.1 00 ; p each , Sil 00 ; cherry. 814 00 ; tomatoes , 14 00 ; i , lurn , $11 00 ; assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , ( 1 in case , per case , $1 75 ; escorted , 2.11 tin c ans , 2 doz in case , cr case , .93 25. NcnhuAsmA Collie U0NEY-1.lb frames , 2 l.lb c ases , per II , iSo. ORANGKS-Loulsianas POt bbl , $9 00 : do. , b ox , $5 00 1lN.As-Clioico , pee' bunch , 3 OO@4 00. CiiANnuiuIEH-Fnncy Cape Coil , high color1 $ 14 00 ; bell and bugles ; $12 00 ; boll and cherry , $ 11. 00. Specini iicos on largo lots. iLty-Balod , 8 OOdJ1O 00 per toil ; in bulk , 0 OO@G 30 per ton. Grocers List. Oran G eons-Oysters ( Standard ) , per c ase , 3 7O@3 (10 ( ; strawberries , 2 Ib , 1)r case , 2 10 ; rasi > bcrrios , 2 II , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett ' p ears , ver Case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , leer C&40 , 2 80 ; egg plums , 2 ib , per case , 2 90 ; green gv ages , 2 11 , ver case , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 II , per v ase , 1 50 ; 1)1110 apples , 2 II , per case , 4 80@ 80@e 1oi'r.-Sisal ! . inch and laiger , lOc ) , I nth , 1 Ojc ; inch , 1i.e. } CANILEa-1lXes , 40 hue , lOg , lSc ; Se , We ; b oxee 40 lljs , 10 07. . , Ce , iSo. MATcIIr.e-Yer caldio , 3.5c ; round , cases , 1 55 ; square cases , 1 70. Suoasts-I'owdered , lOc ; cut loaf , lOc ; g ranulated , 9.c ; confectioners' A , 82c : Stand. a rd extra 0 , Sc ; extra C , 7c ; medium ycl l ow , 74c ; iliuik yellow , 7c. Corsxr.s-Orilinarygradee , lOdJ11c ; faIr1 ' @ 12c ; good , lI@13c ; prime , 12GJ12c ; cholco 1 3@)1lc ) ; uruucygreoii anti yellow , 14@1&c ; oh ] g ( i'eiDhiierit .lriva , 20@200 ; Levering's iun.td , 1 4r'c ; Arbucklo's roasted , l7c ; McLaughlin's xxxx roasted , 17cc ; imitation Java , 1G RicE-Louisiana liimno to choice , 7o ; fair G c ; Patina , 6jc. ! Fisit-No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No. 1 ruiackerel , .sith 1 15 ; fatally mackerel , half b its. , 0 00 ; faiiIy mackerel kite , 95c ; No. I white fish , half brie. , 7 00 ; ' 7o. 1 kIts 1 05. Syimui'-Staitlard Coii. , , 35c , bole ; ltiiudard t b , 4 gallon kegs 1 8 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 1,0. Sou-In 11 , lapers , 3 30 vercaso ; kegper II , Pxoer.zs-Medlum , In barrels , 7 00 ; de i n half barrels , .1 00 ; tonsIl , In barrels , 8 00 ; tic I I n half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkins. lu barrels , 9 OO ; do in half barrels , S ( Mi. Twe-Gunpowdor , good , 45@35c ; choice & ( 7Se ; good Imperial , 4043c ; choice , 6O@d'i5e1 Young Ilysoim , good , 30ijSOc ; choice1 G ScfJl 00 ; .Ialeaii natural loaf , SSo ; Jaian c hoice , Go@7So ; oIoug , good , 3340e ; Oolong1 p c hoice , 4OQlSSc ; Soucheomig , good , S54Oc c hoIce , $345c. Woonr.riwAus-Two hoop pai1s , 1 8S t hree hoop taiia 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo' . user washiboarbs , i 85 ; Double Crown 2 O0 1 \Vhllbnckets 3 5. , . SOAi'S-Klrk' b'avon Imperial , 3 45 ; KIrk't s atinot , 3 60 ; KIrk's standard , 3 75 ; Xirk'e : white Itusslan , 5 25 ; Kfrk' outoca , 2 1S ; Kirk's rralrio Quecti , (100 ( cakes , ) be ; EIrk'e I m9lllohia , doz. I OTASII-t'eliiuiylvanla cans , 4 case , In case 3 85 ; 1Jabbltt ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; Anehioc r p ball , 2 doz. iii case , 1 riO. OsNpy-Freiich itilxod , dii 80 lb. laIls , lSc ; Ainoricait nixed. , hi 30 lb jaahhts , If 0 ; Bi'illiatiil . mixed , lie 30 lb pails , l4c Nobny mixed , in 8 ( I l b halls 13c COiiiIetItlOii mixed , in 3(1 ( II. I j 'alIs. 1o ; Eccelsior stick , 30 lb pails , 13e ; double relined , so lb ) itIl , ISo ; Crystal umIxed 30 Ibjtaiht , ISo ; Old fitiu mixed , 80 lii pails1 14c ; 'Lip 'rtit , niixcd , so 11 , odIs , 13c ; Flirt , , m nlxol , , 30 lb italic , 11c ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ii I pails , 11c ; 'ff1e 'fop , stick , 30 lb iiaile , 12c. VixixeAll-Now Yorkapplo IGe ; OIil rip i ito , ISo. SALT-1)ray loads , per 1)1)1 , 1 80 ; AMblon , It I s acks , 3 so ; leble dairy 60. Ss , 3 30. flT.titcit-l'earl , 'lc ; Silver ( hose , tic ; Con I Sterthi , tIc ; lxcelator filo.si , 7c ; Curia , Sc. Kicns-1'oj'per ' , lie ; allspice , 1Se cloves 23e ; cassla , lao. Lys-American 3 40 ; ( JiaiiwIcJe , 3 40 Ve4tem , 2 75 ; I'sortle Star , 2 00 ; J.ewts' lye El ; Josiell lye , 2 75 1)ry Goods. BRowN Corrova-Atlantia A , 8c ; Apple' ! on XX , To ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boot FF 8c , Buckeye Lii , 4 4 ic ; Cabot W , 74o ; chitte. fl ange A Sic : ( lroatFrihlE 8c ; Hoosier , t4c ; 1 1cumeest'tIdth , Sc ; Indian ilnad A , Sc ; ladirin S tauciliurd A Sc ; Indian Orvhiarth , ol. w. , 7c ; 1 .wnnicn Lia : , Gc ; Mystlo Ilivor , c ; Poquot A , 8e ; utica tj 5cVadhusott ; is , 7c ; tl A 8o do148l2bC. Fii : : 1lnow CorroS-Ahlonds1o 4.4 , oc , A lligator 3.4 , Zk' 4ryVI0 4.1 , 7c ; Atlantic 1 .1k , Gt fladgem 1tate \ . 4.4 , 6c ; lienningtomu C 4.-I 6c ; Buckeye S 4.4,0c ; JnthianOrcimnrtl A ,1 11.8 , Sbc ; 1aconia 0 398c ; l.ehi5hu E 4.4 ti le ; 1'pj'ereh1 N 30 , ic ; do 0 32 , 74c : do I $ 3 , 7c ; do l 89 , 8c ; l'ocassot 0 4.4 , 7c ; \ Vamumtta , 13c. liLrtcIlru Cors-Ani1roeu'gtIn I , 4.4 ( ) v ; hllackstmuo , .A lintietial 8c ; III do imi b leached I.-i Pc ; Cabot 1.1 , 8c ; I Itlolity 4. I , t ) c ; Fruit ( ) the Loom , OcI oh ) crinli , , Ic 4.4 , L : doVntor ' [ 'vIsl , lobe : ( Iro.ut Falls Q , Oc l"I l iuliriui hlcath shrunk .1.1 , 12c ; I .otusilaie , hOc "I ctiuii'i'l 87 , 12c ; New York Mills , 12k0 "Il l 'eulunut. A , lOc ; 1'eiiptel , i\ ( I ' 1 wlll , 12c I ' . I'ocasset 5.1 8 Utica Il 'tlvAhlrflitM ' 1.1 , Pe , ; , l \Vnnu'utta ; (1 . , 12o 1)rcia ( Colored-Albiny ) l , brown , Sc ; tin C , tirsi' I Ic ; do XX stripes anti jilautle , 12 1 .2c ; (1 0 , Xbrnwii niuuh tiriilt , stripes auuil plaids , 1 2 1.2e ; 4rlingtou , fancy , iDe ; Ilruunsick 1 towi , S 1.2c ; Uliarlut 1uicy , , 12 1.2c ; tb c. t ea heavy ' , 2o ) ; Yell hlvcrbrt'wu ( , ntra heavy , i i 1.2c ; 'Iimdinuiii ' . . brown , iSe ; ' , opoiuect A b rown , iSo , 1'l'KINGS-ArnOSkOaS A 0 A32 , lOc ; do XX b lue 32 iS l.2c ; Arrovarnma , I ) l.2c ; Clato , . m ont 111 15 1.2c ; Cemostoga , o'itra , ii 't.2c ; I tiunilteumiel el ) , It 1.2c ; JOWistOii A.i0 , be ; Wim n ehiaha 4. I , 20c Omnrgn , suuitcr , oties .1. I , t.9. ; P earl lilvor 32 , 10 1.4c ; 1 utiuriun XX Li s trilte , 12c' Shetucket 3 , 10 1.2c ; do 83 , 12c Yotiiiini's iAiio 20 , ile. 1)sisis-Ammuslro.uq , blue cml brownll ( 1.2c ; Autlver DI ) lliio , , uI 1.2c : 4rlIngtnn x blue S cotch , IS 1.2c ; Coimeord ODu , l'ltio auth b rown , 12 I.2c ; do .i\AA , tin tin , ii : 1-2 thu ( X to do do , II I.2e ; I Isyinaker's hhuio ' and I imwiu 9 1.2c ; ? ltystlo lilver l )1) stripe , 111 1.2c ] 'oail Itivcr , blue auth bmweu , ilk. ; Uuic5vilio , ; i dno cmiii leeown , 14 l.2c. U.tuiuucs-llarnarti , SAc ; Edilystono hiuulueg 2 4 inch double face , 8&ciirulor ; A glazed , tile ; ttuuuuhiattan love finish , hc ; Novittrt tIn. tic ; ( I , ) glazed , Sic ; l'equot do , Sc ; l.oclcuvoou kiti ti uilshi , Ge. Comoor : , TE.SNS-Amnory , atteon , 8c : Chirondon ( lc ; Conostogga sat. l ocus , 7jc ; Ifidhewoli , Sc ; liutlian Otchard , 7.lc ; N arragauisett , imninovod , 8c ; l'opperlll sat. t een , Plc ; llnckpturt , flu. PCINTS-Allouis , 6 : ; American , elcArnhlo , ; fl c ; Beuwick , 4c ; CtIchiuooLG Comneetoga 6c. 1 ) auldrlc , Ge ; Dunnoll , ti@ic ; Jiltlystoiuo , flc ; ( I lmcoster , , file' Ilarmoimy , SIc ; Knickerbocker , ti c ; ulerrimac b , 7clystIc ; , Sbc ; Spraguos , S c ; Southhridge , do ; do Glngbanes , Vc ; Marl. b 3ro , 5c ; Oriental , 8c , GuoutAus-Auioskoag , 9c ; Argyle , Sc ; A tlnnti , Sc ; Cumubtelnuiti 7c ; Ihiglibuni , 7c ; K onllworth , Ole ; PIunktt , 'Jc ; Sussex , Sc. CorroAur.s-Abbervillo , 13c ! ; Agate , 20c ; A mnoiioan , lie ; Artlslan , 20c ; t'alro D and 9' , 1 8c ; Clarion 1) and 9' , 17c ; locauu Co. Rt riles D amid T , l6c Keystone , 131c ; Nnn t uekot 19c Nonpareif , We ; Ocean I ) and ' 1' , im 3c ; oyrJ , lGe ; Sussex , 1'Jc' 'l'ioga , Wachiuu. m utt slOtting chocks , 12c ; do Nmumkln i2cs Y ork , luhalil Nrunkin , 12c ; do checks , stuipes v nd fancy , i2c ; ( ho 8 oz , 20c. SI1KT1as-Androctgglit 10..t 271c ; do 9 -1 , 23c do 34 , 32c : ( . .ontinentat C 42. lie ; F ruit oi the Loumee 10-I ; 27c ; Now York en O S. SSc ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 221c ; Piemubroko 1 0.1 , 215c ; l'equiot 10.4 , 2Sc ; do (4 , 1'Jc ' ; do 19 , 1 ; c ; l'oppoaell 90 , 29ctlo : 07 , 21c : tie 7 , iSo ; U tica 00 , SGc ; do OS , 221c ; do .18 , lVc. Paints , Oils amid Varuulelies. OiI.ull00 carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 ° h eadlight . , 11cr gallon , itic ; 175 ° headlight , It em. gallon , 20c ; 150 ° water white , IPe ; liii s coil , raw , ; pr galluntiSc ; linseed , boilud , ier g allen , t'Sc.ard , winter sti'cl , per gallon , SUe : N o. 1 , 70eNo. ; 2 , flOe ; castor , XXX , tier gal' i on , 1 00 : No. 3 , 1 30 sweet , per gallon 85e ; S licliuiV.B. . , 11cr gnhon , 1 60 ; lieuV. . B. , p ergaUnu , 65e ncatufnotoxtra , umor gaflon , OOc ; N o , 1 , 76c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; s unniner , iSo ; golden inacliiiuo , No , 1 , Inc gal. l ou , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; lirm , signal , per gallon , S Oc ; turpautitue , per gallon , SOc ; uripthia , 74 ° , P C gallon , ISo. 1'AINTS IN Oer.-WThlto lead , Omaha P. P. G e ; wliitte load , St. Lottie , pure , 6c ; Marseilles g reen 1 to S lb cans , 20o ; Freuucli zinc greece s eal , 12c ; French xine , red cal , lie ; iirenc1u a liCe , iii varnish nsst , 20c ; French sine. ii oil n ast , 15e ; raw utuuil burnt umber , 1 II caims , bc ; r aw and beirut Siemnia , bc ; vantlyko brown 1 3c ; rofiecod launpblack , 12c ; coach black , and i very blaclc , bOo ; drop black , ific ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultreunarino blue , ISc ; chrome greet : L. sr. & D. 1Cc ; blind and simuitter green , L N : . & I ) . , fOe ; I'aiis green , lSc ; Indian red , i Sa ; Venetian rod tIc ; Luscan red , 22c ; Amen. c an Vormnillmon I. k P. , We ; chironie s'ohlow L. M. , 0. & 1) , 0. , 18c ; yellow oehr tic ; g oldeiuocliro , Ilk' , Patent drycr , So ; graining c olors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , clu'.t.nut ri nd asic , iSo , Dry Patntg. White load , Sc ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 21c ; whiting gilders , 1c ; whitimig corn' ! Ihc ; laireplulack , Germantown , ide ; l amphlack , ordititoy , lOc ; l'russlnn blue , ElSe ; ultramnarino , We ; vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , dc ; umber. raw , Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; s ienna , raw , Ic ; l'aris green , genuine , 25c ; l 'aris green , common 20ecliromnogreoii ; , N.Y. , 20c ; chronic greed iL , 12c ; vercuhlhiomu , Bag. , 70e ; 'erinillfon , Amenicami , We ; Iuedian red , be ; rose iltcic , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokusose , 2c ; Venetian roil , Amncnleruu , lc ; rod loath , 7Je ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol. l ow , K. , 12c ocliro , roeholle So ; ochiro French , 2.c ; ochre , American , 2c ; % Vinter's mineral , 2c , ; lehigh be'owri , 2c ; Spanish brown , 2o ; 1 rimice's mineral , 3c. VAIu'imsules-Bnrrols iier gallon : Fund. tune , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. i , $1 ; coach , extra , Si 40' coach , No. 1 , 1 20 ; Samnar , e xtra , $1 75 ; Japrul , 7Oc ; neplialtium. extra , BOc ; s hellac , $3 50 ; hard oil fimikh , $1 S0j Leal leer. ole , OSo to 12c ; hemlock solo 2c to 33c ; 1)01 ) * , II hip , SOc to 1 00 ; runner USc to SOc ; nern ci calf , SSo th 1 20 ; heuuuloclc UqOr , 22c to 26c ; oak tipper1 21e ; nlligatmr , 4 00 to El SO ; ; calf kid , 32fjidi : ( .icisoii kit ! , 2 WI to 2 711 ; oalc : I cli. , SOc to 1 00 ; onlc calf , 1. 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , i 10 to 1 35 ; Freud , calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rusS t iebi , 5 SO Li ) 7 30 ; limiirge , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top. pings , 9 00 to 10 30 ; B. ii. Mtirocco , 300 to 85e ; h obble 0. D. Morocco , SSc ; sinion 2 50 to 3 00. iIAmui'krs-No , 1 star oak , 4ic ; No 2 tin , &lc ; No. 1 OhIo oak , , SSc ; No. 2 do , SSc ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c : Iuo. 2 do 3k , luncH. 1)iill and s'oalc ; green butelmonui , Ge ; greoui I s alted , 77c ; dry lliiit , 12@13c ; dry salt , 1O@llc ; lamteaged likice , two-thirds Puce , TALLOW-CC , 5H11E1 PEL'rH-2Se@l 00 , Luin tier , % VIIOLEHALS. We quote lumber lath auud shingles on Dart at Omaha at the folbowing inices ; Joisr AND Sc.trTLINo-1G ft. amiti undom . 2200iSft,2350. ; 9'rumnEuIt-lG feet Afl(1 under , 22 00. TrimueKir AN ! ) , JOIIIT-18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22ft,20Ti02Ift2050. ; 1iENcDQ-No. 1 , 4 and El In. , 21 00 ; No. l 2200 , SuIrmrnINa-No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00 , Liii-1'er barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel' .9Elc ; ceiteent , bbl , 2 23 ; Iowa lelwtor bbl , 2 30 ; lash PO [ ilL GOc ; 'l'urred felt , 100 Ibs , B 50 ; strivis r board , 3110. heavy llardwnro List. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; ilow steel special cast , 7c . crucible , Sc ; 51)0Cm ! or Get-anna , So cast I do , 1520'wugou ; spokes , set , 2 25f3 00 ; hiulet I Po set , I 23 ; felines sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70SSo ; rrIes each , Vile ; square mints pee r II , 7@tlc ; washers , or lb , 818c ; rivets , item r II , lie ; thu chair itor II , tiQl2c ; malleable , Sc I Iron wedges , Ge ; cnowliars Ge ; harrow tooth do ; sitnimig (4101 , 7f8c ; Ilurdon's Iioreiohuoes1 5 1 Burden's rauleshiecs ' 0 2 ! , , BAlnmtEIa Wrr-J'e car lots , tic vr 100 , Nsus.-ltates , 10 to GO , 3 20 , b'IioT-Shuot , 1 85 ; buck eliot , 2 10 onienta powder , kegs , 0 .10 ; thu. , half kegs , 1 48 ; do. , nIuatr kegs , I 88 ; bleetlmig ; kegs , S 311 ; fuse : Pr 100 feet , 1100. 1.EAI-hlitr , 1 65. COAli-Cuneherlamul hlncksniitli 10 00 ; ? iltr us numa lilossbrrrg , 10 \Vhiteireast ; lump 11 00 ; Whitobrorest nut , Ii 00 ; iowa Jump , S 00 ; Jowa alit El 00 ; flodc I4primig , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 11 o @ii 211 ; Canon City , 7 00 , leer tmi Liquors. Ar.oomror-188 Itrottf , 2 25 l'cr wiree griller I Oztra California sitinitit , 158 irof , 1 25 1 ° r proof gallon ; triple refimitsi spirits , 187 proof , 1 23 ler , Ita'oof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies , I OO@1 110 ; flue blended , 1 11o2 110' Ken . tucloy bourbons , 2 0O7 00 ; Kenrtuci7 am I Pennsylvania rycs , 2 O7 00. 1lrAuPE-rnj1Oned , U OOQI1O 00 ; domnestlo 140l0O. ,1 i--- ata-Imp.rtsd , 4 L1O O 00 ; domestic , 1 40 c 3OO. hiusts-Importoth , 4 5OO 00 ; Nevngland , 2 Oo)51j I 00 ; thoinestic , 1 3O@3 SO. I'rAcu AI ) 4t'PLS flnAslw-1 734 00. CllAstrAaas-Imnpenkd Per ease 28 00j 3 1 00 ; Aneolcan , I'er case , 12 0O11JiO bo. Tobaccos. Pt.vn ToruACcoClinear , SOc' Bimhlton , flOe ; l fturs.heo , flOe' Star 500 ; Ihuddy , ISo ; lien. s oy's , 18c ; flInch , ssdlioc. Plr. Cur-Comnuoue , 2OjIOc : gonul , G Oc : lheo I.eaf , 70e : l'rcmutumme , ( l.lc ; llamomul ) C mwn , ti5c ; Sweet Sixteen , 'lie. SIIoRINU-O. H. , \leeevhiaumun ; , 2e ; 1)uw. lu nimu , 8 os. , th ; 1)unlrnuie , 1 us , ( lie ; linleanc , 2 tIz. , 55cm Seal North Cnrofhea , 8 or. , Nic : S eal of North Carolina , 4 us. _ Sic ; Seal of N orth Carolhtma , 2 or. , flUe ; 0. h. 1)uenhituui , 4 (5 ( , . , 2c ; 0. K. flmiehmur. 2 or. , $ Oc ; Umeele N ed , J's , 23c : 'l'oimi aum1 .lerry , 23e. 1)INVELL MitlthCIP. Cvnr.uuMr..t'rs . tnn-lrntuus 1Ct1fl. ' ; tu eoakft ( menu , l50ilfie : siuuukeu ( stiles , ll ( . iltlc ; salt skies , 8jtle ; lrird , l0e. (1IILEN ( Fluljir .sm I'iomurcr- : I otat4es , 3051) ) i t'll htC 100 pomulutle ; lntntnce , sweet , PCI 100 i snmnile , 2 2s5J)2 ) 73 : tuimitties , vcr 100 $ 1 t1)512 00 ; toierntooe , , 'r hioulull , 28e , t uirni1ue , iter II , he : t.olrado , caithirugo , meow , i : er 100 , 1s"eSJt " ) 00 ; urn chickens , ohul , thor , . I 0(1501 23prahrio ; c1iIckeie per tltiz$8 ( ) O5,8 SO ; e ggs , fresh , iter titer , 285J31c ; Iuttor , , fair iitial. 1 L3' crusemlory , Ilmeoct l' ' II' , 8311J30 : eroruueeery , g oed , per Ii , , 2S5J'Ic : ; ; KnimeM amid Noitraska d airy , per II , 230121e : cooking , 8@lc ( ) ; chacaso , I tthi croriume , h' ' ° ' lb , lflSihie ; utppIue icr luith , e : estenue , 8 I 7306 00 ; grapes , itur II , . ti jtic Caihtoramiuc Items , 11CC box 8 25 51 )8 ) EL , ; ithuemme , 20 lb box , 2 ( lO@2 i"tS ; tioiu. 5 111(1 leueenies , otra , or bitE $7 OOG8 00 ; CoIn. r adu , vioat ) Iter 1X ) Il , , l 1lSr)1 ( ) 8 $ ; hiomur , CttI. tu radi' , I'cr iOO lIe , 2 OJ2 23 ; hour , 1tati1t 8 2 l)05f8 ) 00 ; floor , Kriietaq , Itor 100 Ii , ' 2 Tt)5r ) ) 3 00 ; glenn , Unadiamum , l" lOt ) lb , $2 ( ) ( )52 SO ; h our , rye , icr lIX ) lb S2 3O2 70 ; tiomir , itueck- w heat , Itor bid , $1 I l0@l2 30 ; coruu maccal , mter , l Ot ) lbe , $1 t"S@l " 85 ; cold , tuei 100 lbs. Si 2,4l 1 30 ; coree clint' , iten 10(1 ( Ilts , $1 30@i 33 ; ceow o ats , ucr 100 lit , St 335(1 .15 ; ourits , Nuitraska , e nl'sotl , Iter 11)0 ) lb , t 3051)1 ) 40 ; oats , Nohiraska , w hite , per 100 hue , l 83(031 .15 ; oats , Clturrulo , , ur 100 lI , , $1 23l 85 ; bailey , er 100 Ibe , : : . i 3051J1 73 ; eiiixetl chicuit , iter 100 1h , $1 8 © 1. 10 ; bract , ier , tome , $11 ( x1htJ 00 ; hay , loose , P er tout1 $19 O0'J1l' , 00 ; lualoil seemed lettoeme , , , 5 10 OO12 00 ; 'teahoul emplaced , 1 I 00517 00 : c lover , leer ton , $20 00 ; straw , per tome , $8 00 @ 900. N BBRAK LON AND 1IASTIfOS , N81J. C apital , - - $250,000. JAS. It. lIF.ARTVl't.t , Pretttictet. A. L. CLAIIKI , Vk'c.I'rcliemit. K. C. ViIiSTElifmrcMurcr , C. P. VElldi'l'KlL Cashier. DIIECTOILS : s muti Alexander , Oswautl Outer A. 1. . Clanl.o , I'i. C. citcr , i to.It. I'rstt , Jriq. p. Ilcautu cli , D. t. ilCEIItlifliey4 irst Mortgage Loans a Specialty I I , I iii I I ii ' I .iel e u em 1 ci tltu , II I ' 'I , : i I i 'I it lri'I' ' 155(1011 Ie. l , I X , : , cue icu teotiatil ste , , 'i. 'di , . tui'is 0111301 mnpvol ( 'C I t .te I 'i I liii ; oftt3 itte ti'uiii ? . . 'l ) .l IW s' . . 1 _ _ _ . , S' ' - ? - . : _ _ . . . _ , . . . ' . P'tce. : : . . _ _ _ _ . Ii I Railway Time Table. LOCAL TIIAINS-luIUIOD ) IHVISIONj U. I' . It It. , STAIN LlNi. LIIAVS. Pachllo lxprese12e5 : p meu % tiantIo Eepres,7:25 a ii Wetter , , g51..51 8:00 : prim lltsto : mIliprcte , 5:20 : ; , ii 0. liaud lass . . .450 p ma U. Islucil I'ees. 11:10 : aix Lincoln Es..12:30 : lj ma Lincoln Ex..12:55 : pa DUMMY TJtelNS-IUuI)0I1 IIVlSlON. ) I.eau'eotunhs , I 7:10 : , 8:00,11:00 : : , 10:00 : , 11:00 : a : lie. 1:00 : , 2oo , 8 : ' 0 , 4 : O. 5:00 : , (1.00 ( , 10:10 : I , . iii. ( ) ui Hun t lae : 7:10 : , ii ( Q 11:00 : a , cii ; ! :0O : , 4:0) : , 0:00 : , 10:10 : ' ti i , . itrrhu ix tiL Os sfcr dcp.it 20 mutliitttrtt liter ; Ilroad t.ny do1itri , Coiimct'Il 1jliIT , , ) O , iiIiate , , litter. l.eriu o CouivIl , lOtalts , lmnaultu sy aleliot , 5.00 , 11:00 : 10:00 : , 11:00 : a. mmi. : 1:00 : , 2:10 , 11:00. : 1:00 : , 5:00 : , 6:35 : 10:10 : I' ' . in. ( In Hitlays , : 8:00 : , 10:0(1 : a. mac. ; I :00 : , 8:03 : 5:00 : , 0:85 : , 10:40 : i' . ; te. , Arrlsu 'l'amisfer depot , 10 itln , utc later. 1oauo Couticli PlaiTs Transfer dt1ot : S:5 : , 05 ; 10t5 : ! , 11:20 : mc. iae. 1Z , 2a'JYA : : , 4eA : , ruse , 6:25,0:03 : : 10:51 : p. lam. Arrle ri ( Jienha 20 iiiiaute'i , 1st er. essys utuims. IIAV * cousomi. scene. PMI No. 2 , , , .7:56 : ft in I'a.ss. No. 0 , . . 7:25 a ii I , No. ) . . . . . . . . I , tO " No. 15,11210 a ii 11 'I No. 4..033a to " No C , . . .r1:53 : e , , No. 8..8:50am . : " No. 1. . . 7215 p ii " Ns. . . . . . . . .15&mti C. , U. & St. 1' . 11. 11.-U. P DICI'OT , Vall& Es..7Soszn I'MIfloEz..45cc ( tiantloEx..6:50pm : & . . . . . . . . . . WAIIA1W , UT. LOUIS & i'ACIFIC-V P.'I3EPO1 Omalea..7:60cm Omahe , . . . , . , , : ; I' . . . . . . . . . .Etoptn : " . . . . . . . . . 6:20p1 : n C. , 11 & Q It. 0.-U. P. IEt'OT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : Kiprosit. . . . . . . . . Itipresa. . . . . . . . ,3bOpm : ' . . . . . . . . . . . : Ii. , IL , I & I' . B , IL-Il. I' . DEPOT. KapreM . . . . . . .7:50 5 in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at U . . . . . . . . . . . . : p mu Express..7:10 : ' r 0 C. & N. W. It. 11.-U. fr bEl'OT , & & . . . . . . . . . . . . . : c as Eaprca . . . . . .9:45 : s Iteprere..8:03pm : 1&l1 . . . . . . . . , . lUpr - - S. 0. & 1' . 11. IL-U. P. IEI'&l. & . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . , , . . . , tm Kxpr , , . , . . . . , 0:00 : ja ire ' . . . . . . . . . . : p c tma &XISSOUI ( ! I'ACIFItI-U. I' . DEPOT Express , . .7oo : c tie Express..0:45 : p c a ST. PAUL , 55. di 0. 11. IL-1)Y.10f N , ItT ! ! S No. 2 , , , , . , , . , . 7:30 e mu No , 1. . . . . . . . . . rtOp : r to. d , , . 1:031' : tee No 3' . . , . , , . . , .11:45Cc : sioux ci'ry i I'ACIFIO-flEl'Ol' N. 15th Street ' , .ecya Otai&Ia& for % 'aletatio vic 155. Paul Uno to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irrlvotrora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p I 0 13. & 11. IN NEliltItSitA , , ) enyar ExpresS. . .8:15 : a it , Atlametto , . . . , , CSOp : r U I'ci.Jfio Ezltrese'.aaS I' tu. PctivorEaicess'9:40 : Cl Un K. 0. , r JOE & 0. U. It. It-il. & s , vi'or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Express . . . . , , d'.ct EapCSJ. . . . . . . . . 7:10 i' in . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ' a 'flurcilCI. excepted , , Opening ana Closing of Malh ) , sours. ores , ewe. . 5.15. v.rie. cia. p.o U &NWO.,1t.1.&lC.ll. , & . l'anl 4 tflou City 11:00 : DOO : 5:40 : 8:1 : IS CL , 5I.LS.l' . $ C. ! r P. In lowe , 1tuO : 6:10 : % Ylia.li ICIlIrese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:80 : 8:1 : 15 YliseIc local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:03 : 6:10 : K IL , St. J0t3 .ic 0. . . . . . . . . . . : 0COj : 5:10 : 6:1 : 10 Sileseurl lacIIlo. . . . . . . . . . , , , , uSe ) 6:43 : L'bLI'l.&O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:001 : 7e : Union Priclito , ovcrland . , , . . , 8:00 : 11S5 Cubit l'ieclflo , lieneer cx , , , 4:00 : 7:1 : 10 0. 1 : iL1tab1leaai YsJtey , . , 1:30 : 11:35 : B.&M. Esliress. . . , 7:00 : 7:40 : ji. Lx l , ( or 1'lsttsuioiata ) , U. lIemid , itshuind azulLlatuola,31:00 , : I 10 OSico open Hundsy. ttoue 12:00 : in to 1:00 : p. in. C. K COUTANT Postmut- * URLINGTON NLOUTE ( Chiongo , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad. ) . . 0 - ' - . , _ . , r . wilir. ' - ' ; 1 . - " * 1 0 eas. , _ ' , - _ _ _ . t Mu. - -a . % - \ ' : : : . : . " , , , p a \ . . ' 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ , . -p ' ' - - is . : z : .sx kca St. . 'at . , Jfr/ ' ' 5 , - . & 3 _ _ C . _ * 4z , 4. z ± N : : ' _ J .Ai : L.tj. . / : - , _ GOING EAST AND WEST. f COINC NORTH ArID SOUTH. F.legtumct 1)Ay Coaches , Pnhor Cars , with fleclime ilolId Trains of 1legant flay Coaches and PieU l ag ( 'lurilr cats Ireel , Smacking Cars , wltle lie' mine I'Mrice Sleeping Cars eec nan daily to and ruInIng Cltatra l'uilmnn l'alaca SiCelcing Cars unit tromie Sn IMIIq ( , Ia Itcmnnlhal , Qulncv , 1eokeuk , , , t he fuurcues Ii. , ' : Q llnlng Cars run airily to rtnt , j Uitrllngton , Cedar itaplils Anti Aliert I.e's to St rrone Ciik'ago , ICainas Oily , Clalcag , ) , t ( 'ounell I l'aual rinti itilnneapolle ; 1'nrlorCersvltli lU'cllnle. luluris , Clilesgo , lIeS ) lotiue , Cleicrugo , lit. , Io.jClmlrs to nied from St I.ouiI rind l'eorlaandt. I ' (1dm , Atcltleoie .t' Topeka. Only tiirnagh llneu ho' I anti from St Locale nnt , Ottumuva Only or' I l wcelt Chicago , i.imt'Ote : , A leever , 'I'hrnueple cars I change of cars between St. Louis nail I ) I stuceme hiuillammpolls , .t Council illutIg via 'eonIa , I Mlnc Iowa , Lincoln , cbraska , anti DcavC' Alt coitneetlone iuenlo lie Iltdome Ieiutcl. it Is Coloninlo. kiiowre as the great'rlIltUlJlll CAR UNll , it i untrersally adrnltd to be the Fhnoat Equipped RDIIroad In the World for all Cinosos of Travol. , 2. J. l'Ol'J'ER. . 3tl VlcoI'res't arid ( leni Monager , PIil1CIIVAI. I.OWtf.T then , . 1'as. A't. ChlCMot. . - . . - .5 , lip. ITIIcxE1D : : , MANUrACTUItEIS OP aIvaDid IioCoroics1 Niudo Capsfioias ! SkvhirctsT&e Ticirteentie Street Neb ' - PRPECTIO1' & 64m'- IN .IIr Heating and BakIng 'd ' I.1 , Is only attaimmed by using H A R T E R 0 A E Stoves and Ranges , ITII WIRE AUlE OVEB hOURS rotc' 'oby 'ir MILTON RORS & SONS OMAHA. SALEM FLOUR. TuIs Flour is made at Salem , lUchancison Con , N'eitrrskn , II , the Cot.dnctl itoiler Steno System. W g ivo I1XCT.USlVIt sale of our hour to oao firm In a piece.Vu lowe joaiad a Smiecli at 1019 Capitol aVCUU O nialia.'nlto for 1r1cce. Addrc eIther . lL1x : c Ialnne or Osrihri , iii F I Sit n , flJf j TUE LEADING . Factory - : . : ! . , ' : ' : i and HiT Dodge strce ; 140,9 OMAHA NEBRASKA. . , - - - - - - HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF \Vall \ Paper auVliO \ ! Sliaftes. ES4STERII PRICES DUPLIC4TEDJ 1118 FARNAM STREET , . . OMAHA NEB. 0. iI , LEIGHTON. ii. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , ( STJCCESSOItS TO 1tflNNAIII ) 111101) . & CO. ) Wholesale Druggistsl' -DEALERS IN- Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class OMAITA , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. SPEOIAJJ NOTICE TO Grower of' Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO. , . Our Ground Oil Cake. I. the best sod cheapct food for etocic of any linti. One pound 1. equal to three pound. of corn tuck ted wIth Oroand Oil Cake In the Fall and Wider , luetead of runaelrig down , will Increase in weIgh I id be Ire good tnarkct.able condition In tee ) eprIiet. DaIrymen , as wol ) as others , who use It can testify It. merits. 'Icy It cnd Judge for youreelvcs , . Pr co $25.00 $ r tome ; no charge for sack. . Addres. ol.ood.me WOODMAN UNHEJII ) OIL COMPANY Omnah * CI F. GOODMAN , w holesale Druggist.1 AND DEALER IN Paluts Oils , Varnishes aM ¶ iudo Glass. 0M411A , NEBRASKA. S 4 romiiliattos of 1'ro. Co.rfutu or 1a , i'eeisvtas Jhzrl. vxird rtwsJthurv4 4,5 (1 1.ah.tabfe Joriu. 1"or JkbEU' : ! . Loss of .JIIJJO LiCe , J'j tpa4iti , of ifgj , Powetj (4 irs 4inLl.pca.ox. We. 1UIV.AILOIDfl3 Written ' D.EV.3.LTOWNEU After u. thorougk 1oaa' PURIFIES ' ' 1oaa'"I 'IRON TONIO , I taico , snyc- : In etatinir that I haven "I cotder it iroat bUS LOOD to benoiltod romoy US ? . . . .inlstora and _ _ _ _ / the debilitated vital forces. 110 Spoakorre will find It of U3o 'Teateat V a I U 0 whore a Tonjo Is necome. sau-y. I recommend It nit ma relIable remedial agent , possessing Un doubtoci nutritive and ; atorat1ve properties. NUUPW4 , Xy , ckr. , 11113 , 1iZIZ4UD T T DR. flAU'E. ) iEDWIKZ CO. . 1 L v.11 C1'T , LOI3. -.5. , -5 ' - 'I ,