Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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The Nebraska National Bank.
. '
Pliti Up Captt& ) . 52OOO
\ _ 8rp1nR FU.fl1 , Za' 1,18B3 ThOOO
\ D1REcrOR.
\ ft 3O11NSO , Prtshtent , o St.el , Johnt t Co
- . , A. . TOUZALI , Va 1nth1ent , o Boston.
w. V. tORsi : , ot Y. V. MOtSI & Co.
Jolix . COLttN , of 0. 1 ! . COt.LINS.
It. WOOLWOI1TU , CouflllOf & Attorney t Liw.
. S. ItEED , ot 133r0n Beod & Co.
II. % Y. VATESCahter1for tn&ny yoir Cuhlet of th.
L'Irt Natloat I3nk of Omahs.
rii Uink openet to , bu8IneApril 27 , 1S32
n1o,1 , the IeatBn bun.s men of Omhi , and ft.
. bitne , Is condiccd w1U cspocIa retcrnce to tIii
be. inI fncroMtng fntre.tofftimercntItetrons.
COLLECTIO3 rtceke prompt ittentlon and
o1arge , loweit obtalniblo hero or elsewhere.
INT1REST allowed on tIme dopoefti upon fao.
als terms nd upon iocount of banks and binkere.
FOIIEtON EXClIANQl , Ooorntuent Bondi and
, inLy an1 CIty Secrnttea botutht and sold.
Council luffs Loan and.
Tru& & Company.
I't Mortgae Loans Neotlatetf. Conunerctnl
PPF anti aft ( sooti $ eurltfee dealt In. 89 Pearl
atreet , and too FIrst aenue , Council DltitT.
I NEW Yorne , November 12.
) Nofloy-1aMy : at 12 per cent.
I Vrhie iaer-t7 per cent.
Eccliarg BWs-StatIy at 4.81 ? ; deinnnl ,
i 48U.
' ( ; ovotInoLt.Strong. .
The stuck market va remarkably lice from
. tuntor or 5leCa1 nf1uences all day , and
' , the ktst hour the general course of prices was
' 11pVard , showing a gain oVer Saturday's
fIrice for nearly all stocks. But lii the last
hour there was a reaction , which left the
geiieral market a fraction lower thut on
: iiittnlay , with excefttozial declines in Otegmi
' , & 1ranscontinental of 1 per cent , and In Ceo.
' trtd l'acifie I ! Per cent. The most important
, f.tebr in the foturu of the market now pond
it are the negotiations for the lease oF the
\Vet Shore to the Grand Trunk railway.
it i. lOliOVOd that tim negotiations hare
i'eaehed a point where the questions at tsiio
nrc of secondary importance and that the
Ican is likely to be consummated. The
plit1t 4)1 most interest to the vublic in tlioe
neotiatjoIlH are that the Grand Trunk rail.
' way ii to guarantee the \Vest Shore bonds ,
nitl ols ( ) that , with this connection to Now
. Virk , the Grand Trunk Will abandon its for
Jiler attItude of nntagonim to the trunk line
ami 1JCCInIO one of its flint supporters.
: l'e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4j'eCotipons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114'
.f 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Pacific 6's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
A.nericati Expre&s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern. . . . . St ,
. Cntral Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07.
Chieago .1 : Altoit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
do do lfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
; Clii. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 27'
Erlu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I' do Pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Fort Wayne &Choago. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
t . Hannibal & St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ls. %
do do do . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Illinois Contra ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
? lad. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Kansas & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 1021
, Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill
Mliuieapolhs & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . .
i , MissouriPacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Nortiwestern 126. ' .
d' pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147k
i\ew York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 *
Ohio & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ilo do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 .
Peoria , Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 16
Rock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
St. Paul d ; Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.
% , do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118.
U ' \ , Paul Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 100 *
' 4 St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S1
\ do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i00
\Texas Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Union PcItic , . . . . . . . . . . 00
Vabaeh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . 21
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . .
Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 80
-FAsked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CIIICAG0. November 12. - Flour - Dull
and unchanged ; CoIflIflOfl IA ) choice spring
wheat , 3@c ; i'intiesota , © 4c ; bakers ,
4@5c , patents , 6J7c ; winter wheat flour
Southern and Missouri , 4@5o , Michigau ,
\Vheat-ltegular , firm , fairly active and
1ti'her ; 05c for November ; 07c for Deccri-
ber ; 90197io for January ; 9U.j@09c for
l'ebruary ; I 05. . for May ; No. 2 00 ©
t'ac ' : No. 3 sprfn3 , 83@b'lc ; No. 2 rod winter ,
Corn-Moderately acti ye and higher ; l0 ®
z0 forcish ; SOC for November ; 4'J@40c for
:4 : siber ; 40o for the year ; 48c for , lanu.
, $ : try ; 51t51o for May.
Oats-iull hut firm ; 28.iJ28c } ( for cash ;
28.c for NovuInler ; 28e for December ; 28e
for the year ; 2Si 2k for Eaiiuary ; 82o for
. i'.fay.
I Rye-Steady at 5Cc.
¶ Barley-Quiet at ide.
I Flax Seed-Quiet at I 3d.
, Timothy-Weaker ; pduio , 1 20.1 30 ; coin.
i 3111)11 to good , I 4 ' o.
l'ork-Strong auid higher ; ticinanil active ;
I 1 00 for cash , November , December and the
etr ; 11 70Jl1 72 for January ; 11 82@1l 85
for 1ebrnary.
I4ard-inod demand , strong anl higher ;
7 55@7 60 for cash ; 7 507 t 2 for November
and December ; 7 47'7 50 for the year ; 7 57
@ 7 60 for .Tanuar7 ; 677 70 for February.
. Bulk Meats-lu fair demand ; shoulders ,
, _ _ , v l 75 ; short ribs , 6 60 ; short clear , 6 80.
I1' Butter-Quiet 80(1 unchanged , 22@23e.
] gs-Steady at 24Q)25c.
VIldsky-Stondy anti tuiclianged.
CALL BoAIIn.-Whleat-Actlvo nun firm ;
advanced c for November , Deceniber , .Jnuii.
airy and February ; c for May.
Corn-Good deiniind ; advanced o for Do.
ceinber ; declined e for the year , .Ianuary and
Oats-Good ( lemanl ; advanced c for Janu.
arv and May.
Pork-In fair ( lenmud ; declined O'c ' for No.
votuber ; Oo higher for .Jatiuary and 1'ehrtinry ,
Lard-Active and firm ; 5a higher for No.
somber , December , the year and January ;
tOo higher for Febroary.
On call sales of regular whoatwero 1,403,000
mis. , corn 185,000 bus. , oats 255,000 bus. , pork
4,300 bbl. , lard 870 tlerces.
Cheese--Market firm ; choice full create
cheddars , 1l412c ! ; choice fuI cream huts ,
12@1t&c ; good partklm cheddars and flats ,
; c.8c ; hard skims , 2@4c.
Tallow-No. 1 , tic ; 'No 2 , 0o ; cako. 7c ,
Ilides-thuehianged ; green salt cured light ,
Sc ; grecut salt tlaniagcd , Cc ; green sait heavy ,
oc ; green salt calf , lie ; dry salt , lic , dry calf ,
ST. Touis , November -.Wlioat-Marka
opened lower and advanced ; No. 2 red , I OO.
( i1 01. fur cash ; 1 02@1 02 for December ;
I 00 bid for the year ; 1 0l1 01 for .Tauu.
ury ; 3 red , 050Gc. -
Corn-Opened lower and advanced ; 'lb for
( ciuhu ; .11a0 for November ; 42@l3o for De.
C nber ; . for the year ; 42J42Ac , for
I Oats-Lower at 2Ci(26c ( for cash ; 2Cc
bid for 1)ecember ; 20c bid for the year ; 2P.'o
for January.
Butter-Finn ; dairy , 18@21c ; creatuery , 25
Fla'c Seed .1 3lCuj1 33. ' .
llay-L'Irni ; prairie , 10 00@l1 00 ; turumuthy ,
h ii 00@15 _ 00.
Cent Mea1-2 15 ,
Ct.oslyo BoAnn-Themt-Qulct at I 91 bd
for A'lnveInbor andithe year ; 1 0'2 asked for
Docenhlleri 1 0l bid for January ; 1 06 bid
for } 'ebrunry.
Corn-Slow ; ' $4c $ for November : 41c bid
for December and the year ; 42t , bid for Jan.
Oati-Firiner 20c bid for November ; 26
2tio for December ; 27o for , lanuary.
Naw tOIt.
NEW Yonic , Novmnber l2.-Vhoab-Caah , ,
higher ; i'ltiOtIS , ljo better , but closing
'eak ; tingradeul rod , OSc@1 13 ; No. 3 red
atsatitor tlc ) ; No. 3 rod , 1 0t3@t 0il No. 2
red. 1 iii is.
Corn-Cash , i1 and opttota f5c luihier
and striig ; ungraded , btI6lc ; No. 2 , uI ®
Oats-higher ; tiiked western , 852Te ;
white , $ SlTh13c.
Eggs-SVestorit fresh , flint anI in good tie.
hinDu at 2720c.
Pork-Strong ; new mess , 12 O0l2 l2.
Lard-Firm ; rfino Steam , 7 87 ( 7 I'S. '
Bntter-leinand fair auth market firm.
KANMAa qITT. Novemoer 12-Wheat--
Steady at 'Sic for cash ; 851o bid for Ie.
comber ; 83o for the year.
Corn-Steady at 88c for cash ; 37o huh
for o'.enuber ; 85e for January.
Oats laIl and nomiminci at 2JAc bid ,
ttvcnroot. ,
T.irnroo. , November 12.-Brcauistnffs-
Steady and tiriui ,
\Vheat-Winter , Sc OdOs lii ; mprhig , 8s ®
8s 6d.
Corn-Os 3d.
BALTlMoItr. .
BALTIMOII , Noventbor 12.-\Vueat-West. )
erim stead ) ' gttI firm ; No , 2 wInter red , cash ,
1 07@1 OT.
Corn-\Vestern , a shuttle batter ; mixed ,
cash , 57'58c.
Onts-lllu'her atiul unit ; western whuto , 38 ®
4db ; mIxed , 36@38c.
Rye-Quiet at 6307c.
Butter-Firm ; western packed 10 23o ;
croamnery , 2I032c.
Ecas-Firmn at 28lJ2.c. )
Whisky-Steady at 1 18@1 18. .
TOLEDO , November 12.-Wheat-Steady ;
No. 9 red , cash , 1 031. .
Corn-Steady ; No. 2 cash and ? stveuuibcr ,
Oats-Quiet ; No , 2 cash nod I.ovenuber ,
30c bId.
MIL\VAUKEICNovetnber I 2.-Wheat-Weak ;
05c for November ; Udo for December ; 07c
Corn-Firma ; No. 2 , 52c.
Oats-Quiet.o. 2 , 28c.
ltye-lult amid drooping ; No. 2 , tde.
B&Aloy-Easier ; No. 2 , SOc.
1CINciNNATr , November 12. - Wheat -
Dull at , I 0(1 ( for cash.
Cormt-uoderato ( leiniim(1 nuitl cloeu1 heavy
at 130c ,
Oats-Lower at SOc.
1'o-1)iml1 { ; easterut SOc.
\ bIky-Stoady at 1 13.
Naw ORLEANS , November 12-Corn-
Easier at 38c.
Corn Meal-Quiet tuimul steady at 2 43.
l'ork-Steady and good demamid at 11 7.5.
Lard-Firm ; tierce , S 00 ; keg , 8 62. .
B'ilk Meats-Firiut : demand irregular.
WhiskyLirm ; Western rectified ® 05 I
1 20
- - -
CHICAGO , November 12.-The Drovers' Jour.
nd reports this afternoon as follows :
11ogs-1O1c higher ; packers uumiul hTp.
liars , buyiut freely ; iuaukutug , 4,60 05 ; pack.
ing anti shipping , l 505 00 ; light , 4 20@
4 70 ; skii's , :4 : 004 00.
Cattle-Market 1luik at 1Ol5c higher ;
exports , 6 bO@7 00 ; good to choice ehuiju-
; uing , S C0@6 20 ; common to medium , 4 OO ®
5 10 ; inferior to fair co\iis , 2 10@3 00 ;
mnediiun to good , : ; 2o@l : ( 'p5 ; stockers , 2 PO ®
a 50 ; feeders , 3 C0@4 20 ; range , 1O(5J15c ( highi-
er : grass 're'ans , 3O@4 30 ; Americans , 4 00
@ 25.
Sheep-Steady and firmer ; inferior to fair ,
2 OO@2 SO pr cwt. ; mctlinn to good , 3 0Oi
3 .50 ; choice to OxtrO , 3 dO4 10 ; Texas sheep
2 003 50.
KANSAS CITY , November 12.-Thelally In.
dicator reports : '
Cattle-MarketStendy , natives , 5 OO(3j6 ( 00 ;
stocker and feeders , 3404 40 ; cows , 2 65@
8 40 ; Texas steers , S 25@3 70 ; Colorado half
breeds , 350.
Hogs-Market Firmer and lOc higher at
'I 404 70.
Sheep-Market umichianged ; good natives at
2 60@3 00.
St. Louis , Nor. 12.-Cattle-Scarce and
firm ; good grades wauitecl at full prices : experts -
ports , (3 ( oo5jt ; 40 ; 'good to choice 5 60@6 00 ;
common to fair , 4 5O@529 ; stockers and feed-
eat , in demand at 3 30B1 ( SO ; native butcher.
jog stuff , 3 004 25 ; Texans , 3 25@4 15 ; In.
diatis , 35051j4 24.
Sheep-Good grades wanted ; Conunon to
medium 2 S0L3 ? 25 ; fair to good , 3 40j3 73 ;
irimuue to extra , 3 80'l 23.
CHICAnO , November 12.-Receipts and ship.
menta of flour and grain for the past 21 hours
have beau as follows :
Receipts. Suip'ts. }
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 10.000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 87,000 38,000
Cc.rn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 102,000 513,000
Oats , ljiihioIs. . . . . . . . . . . . 1311,000 143,000
ltyo , buahtels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 4,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 36,000 36,000
NEw YORK , November 12.-ReceIpts and
blmilIulCfltaIof flour and graill for the ) 24 liouts
have been as follows :
Receipts Sluip'tsu.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 168,000 162,000
Cot-u , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 69,000 115,000
Oats , butehuels. . . . . . . . . . . . 105,000 . . . .
KANSAS CITY , November 12.-Rocoipts and
shuipnenta of grain for the past 24 hours have
bonus as follows
Receipts. Shuip'tum.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 29,000 43,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000 15,000
CIImcAao , November 12-ReceIpts and ship.
mouth of live stock for tIm past 24 hours liavo
boeuu as fohlowd :
Receipts , ShJp'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 , .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 , . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . .
KANSAS Ciry , Noveunijer 12.-Receipts and
shilpmneuta of live stock for the past 24 hours
have boon as follows ;
Receipts , Shuip'tJi.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,600 , , .
hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500 . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Br , Jouis , November 12.-Receipts and ship.
month of live stock for the lit 21 hours have
beeru a. follows ;
Receipts , Shlp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 800
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 600
Wholesale Prices ,
Monday Evening , November 12 ,
Thin following Prices are charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesalers and colnlnisslon met-
chmantum , with the exception of grain , which
quoted at thue prices furnished by the elevators
and other local buyers :
( ] ral si ,
WnEAT-Casht No. 2 , 75c ; No , 3 , Gic ,
] IAauY-Caslt No. 2. 48c.
] tyr-Cuuuh No. 3 S9e.
CoIN-No,12 , 32c.
OLTS-No , 2 , 27e.
hive Steseic ,
FAT STEIHIS-Qulot at 3 0O@3 40.
IeAT Cows-2 7@3 25.
Iloua-l O04 15.
SIiY.EI'-Firnu at 3 OOS SO ,
CALVES-Fair quahityl ( .OS OOgood ; butch.
ers' stock , 6 OO.
Flour anti Mihlstufl'e.
VINTER WI.tT-BCitt ( quality , pateut'at
3 40@3 SO.
SPaING WIILAT-BCSt quality , patont"jat
8t'O@3 ' 60 ,
Steosii QuALtrr-2 SO@3 SO.
IILAN-rise Per ewt.
CIlorrr.o'PaEn-Per 100 lbs. BSi , .
COflN MEAL-i OOl 10 ier cwt
ScaEENlNa-60@TOo Pr CW
Getieral l'rouluce.
BunEn - Fancy creamery 2O@Slc ; cold
storage creamery , 2327o ; choice hairy , 20
@ 21c ; best. country , solid liackoul , 1li2Oc ;
lest , country , pull , hS21)ci inferior gratins ,
101 Ic. llecohiut contimine large snot qunhity
poor. No doniand for anything except strictly
fancy butter.
1'kas-lieceiits fair anti ulemamni good
selling at 25c for strictly fresh.
4I't'LESChIOlCO eating , regular packing ,
$3 S0@4 00 : choIce cooking , reguhar packing ,
3 0Oii3 t'O ; extra choice , $3 t.Ojl 00 ,
Strictly fancy flll1hC5 voll packoul are In good
ilomauid , I'.Inrket advancing ,
CummicmsE-Now : York State full creams Into
Scptenil'er ' snake , lie ; Now York State full
croon , 10 hoop lots , 13c ; tb full cream , SO
hoop lots , 131o ; (10 August make , ISo ; , ho 10
hioou lot' .Auwuust make , 12o ; ( hi 50 hoop lots ,
l'21c ; \.tscohieln , full cronuut , 2 In box , l3Ie ;
'ouIng Americas ' strictly fuhl cream , 13c ;
full creauuu , 12c ; fu'il creamus 10 hoop lots ll.c ;
full cream flati , 12c : full creauus tints , 14c ;
fancy brick cheese , 100 lb cases , 13c ; 1.lmui.
burger 13e ,
l'OTAmKS-llecoiiuts large and prices
dccl imuimug. Conaigmunouts of strictly choice ,
large sized , straight Iot.toes are solilmu
from SO to 8o ; mixed ears 25 to 28a an
lighut deinuind ; poachubluws , 5to 4Ot.
Sivucr Po'r.rroas-Chotco yellow , 28C ,
ONIONII-llecoipts larger ; choke large rod
Wothmerafiold selling itt 10 to SOc. Light the-
umuanul ,
CAhunAnr.-Market for cholco stock 3 O0 ®
6 00 ior hundred , 1)euuiand good.
BmANuu-lIntld : picketl navies , 82 75@3 00 ;
hmnuid lilokosh smuoditumne , $2 OO12 25 , 110-
ceipt.s fair : demand good.
( ; AHS-rrfllrlo chickens , per doz. , $3 00 to
3 50 : quaIl SI 75 to 2 00 ; snipe , 81 50 to I 75 ;
clucks , tutflartl , lr t107. , 2 0O@2 SO ; mu'uxeul ,
51 ISO to 2 oo ; deer uenldles , 11. to 12.c ; carcass -
cass , ti to be ; antelope saddles , ii to 1c ; car.
case , S to ftc. Demand good , Wuuld ntlv'mse
liberal onuisignuutents. lie careful that your
gammue conies to market it , uulco cmdltiouu.
Fittsit OvsrElts-Soleicts , 45c ; unodiutne , 85c
POULTRY-1.iVO chickens , tier dna , 2 SO ®
3 00 ; dressed chickens , tier lb. , 12@13c :
turkeys , full dressed , per Il , . , lie , Demuiatul
for full dresseil poultry good.
Iituoss-Extra fancy bar heinous , $8 00 ;
fancy Mcsina lenions , tier box , $7 23 ; 5 box
lots , ttessiuia heinous , $1 00 ; 11) box lots do. ,
6 73 ; Malaga lemntuuts. fancy , 3 00 ; do S bo
lots , $4 50.
DA'rms-Black 4uabtan , per lb. , 8@Oc ;
citiartor crates , Ide.
Fmus-23 lb. kegs , per lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box ,
layer , per lb. , Bk' ; smndl ovals ier lb. , iSe.
CocoANu.m-Extra fine , pot 100 , 8 00.
Ctmnn-Puro : sweet cider , 10 gal keg , $1 50 ;
M. & 1' . clarIfied , 22 al keg , 6 00 ; M. .t 1' .
clarified , 32 gal keg , tS 00.
I'IGS FCh'T , mirE , Erc.-Plgs feet , 15 lb
JelLs , SI 13' pigs 40 lb qr bbl , $2 25 pigs feet ,
80 lb half Lbl , ii (10 ; tripe , 15 lb hits , i 15 ;
triu0 , .O lb qr bbl , 52 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half bid ,
$4 00 ; ngs tongues , 15 lb kits , 89 50 ; pigs
tongues , 40 lb nj bbi 50 00. Lambs' tongues ,
is lb kite , $2 Go ; 40 b qr bbl , 6 25.
MINCi MEA'r-ISlb buckets ( buckets 23c )
lOc ; 37lb buckets ( bucket 40C ) , bc. ; lOOlb
kegs , bc ; half barrels lOc stonojars' 12 incase ,
per doz , 52 25 ; tumbler. luar eloz , Si 05 ;
schooner , per dozen , . 83 10 ; tin cauts , 4
rloz. in case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 (107. in case ,
$210 ,
Bur.i .IELI.IES-Ctlrraflt , 30-lb wood pails ,
oar Ib , SIc ; strawberry , wood lInus var
11) , 81c ; raspberry , 80-lb wood lunils P' ' " hb ,
Sc ; blackberry 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 8c ;
crab apple , SO-lb wood pails per ib , 8c.
.AFt'LK Buii' : , woodcut pails , per lb.
58 00 ; 5.Ib wooden iuails , 6 iii case , per case ,
3 SO.
Pa.cir BL'T'rEit-2n.hl ) wooden hails POt lb ,
811 00 ; woodcut jualls , 6 in case , per case ,
84 25.
l'itEsan\ias-IuI ( 20-lb wootlen pnils-fl )
berry , $15 ( JO ; 8trawberry , quince , $14 00 ;
peach , 811 00 ; cherry. $14 00 ; tomatoes , $14 00 ;
pluuui , $14 00 ; assorted , 0-lb wooden buckets ,
6 in case , ior casu , 54 75 ; ' assorted , 2-lb tin
cans , 2 iloz in case , per case , S3 25.
NEBRASKA Co3mms 11osr-1-lb frames ,
cases , per lb , lSc
OnANumns-Louisiauias per bbi , $0 00 : do , ,
box , 5 0(1 (
IIANANAS-CIIOiCO , per bunch , $3 OO@4 00.
CRANmnuiIES-nncy Cape Cod , high color ,
$14 00 ; bell and bugles$12 ; OObolland ; cherry ,
$11 00. Special Prices on lnge lots.
ItAY-Balad , 8 O0@1O 00 1)Or tom : ; In bulk ,
6 00@6 50 par ton.
Grocers List.
CANNED Goon-Oystcrs ( Standard ) , per
Case , 3 70@3 00 ; strawberrIes , 2 lii , vr case
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 ltper ca-se , 2 00 ; Bartlett
pears , per cn$0 , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
2 80 ; egg IlUms , 2 lb per ease , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 ib , ker case , 2 tid ; do choice , 3 Ib , per
case , 4 50 ; vine all)10s , 2 Iti , juer Case , 4 SO ®
5 59 ,
ItorE-Sisal , inch and larger , 10c , , Inch ,
1O.c ! ; much , 11c ,
CANDI.ES-BOXCS , 40 lbs , lOs , lOc ; 8s , iSa ;
boxes 40 Ibs , 16 oz. , Cs , i5c.
MATChES-Per caddie , Sic ; round , cases ,
1 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SUGAIIS-Powderod , ide ; cut loaf , bc ;
granulated , 9c ; confectioners' A , 8c : Standard -
ard extra 0 , 8c ; extra 0 , 7c ; medium ye1-
low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7&c.
CoFuEias-OrdiIiarygrades , bO@1ic ; fair 12
® 12'.c ' ; good , 11@13c ; 1)ruIno , 12f'djI2c ; choice
131'1c ; fancygroon and yellow , 14@lSc ; old
government .fnva , 20@26c ; I .overing's ronatad ,
ilYctrbncklo's : roasted , 17c ; McLaughlin's
xxxx roasted , l7gc ; Imitation Java , 16
1tcE-1'oufHiana ! PrIme to choice , 7c ; fair
6c ; Patina , ( ; &c.
1"isn-No. 1 mackerel , ltaht bris. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , .dts , 1 15 ; fauiuily mackerel , half
brie. , 6 00 ; fautuily mackerel , kits , OSc ; No. 1
white fish , luaU brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kIts I 05.
Snui'-Standard Corn. , 35o , bole ; Ltauidard
do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 tAO.
Sou.-In lti papers , 3 30 percaso : ; kegpcr lb ,
PIcKLES-Medium , In barrels , 7 00 ; do
In half biru'ols : , 4 00 ; small , in bars ols , 8 00 ; do
In half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkins. , In barrels , 9 00 ;
do in half barrels , 5 00.
'I'F.AS-GUullOWdCr , good , 45@bSc ; choice 60
f73e ; ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 6OOSe ;
Young iiysoum , good , 8GSOc ; choice ,
6Sa1 00 ; .Japan natural leaf 83c ; , Tapaum
choice , U0(3J73c ; ohong , good , th@40c ; Oolong
choice , 40@55c ; Souchoog , good , ad40c ;
choice , 3545c ,
WooDENivAitE-Two hioci ) pall. , 1 85 ;
thxee Itoop pall. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo-
liner vastu1oai'cIs , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Weilbuckats 3 85.
SoArS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , S 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
magnolia , doz.
POTAKII-l'oiInaylvauia cans , 4 case , in case ,
3 35 ; Iiabbitte ball , 2doz , lncaso , 1 90Anchuor ;
ball , 2 doz in case , 1 50.
OANuY-Frenclm mixed , in 30 lb. pails 18c ;
American mixed , In 30 lb jalls , lfc ; Brifhiant
mixed ira 30 lb Jails ) , 1'lc ; olby mixed , In 30
lb ialIs , , iSa ; ( jOiflhCtltiId mixed , lii 30 lb
hails , 1210 ; Excelsior stick , 30 lb pails , lSc ;
double refined , 30 lb , ndls , iSo ; Crystal nuixed ,
30 Ilijualls , lSc ; 01,1 unto mixed , 30 lb pails ,
14c ; Tip ' ( )1) , truixod , 80 lb hails , JOe ; Flirt ,
mixed , 30 lb iuails , h1c ; Flirt , stick , 30 lb
pails , 11c ; ' 1ff ) 'ro1 , stick , 30 II , pails , 12o ,
VINimAiI-New orkaiplo ide ; Ohio tipple -
plo , 13g.
SALT-Dray loads , per bbh , I 80 ; Ashton , lus
sacks , 8 50 ; 1)1)1 , dairy GO , Ss , 3 30.
STAbCH-Pearl , Ic ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Corn
Starch , tic ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Corn , Sc.
St-zcs.-1'eppor , 17c ; allspice , lSc ; cloves
SSc ; cassia ,
L-Aumuorlcan 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 7ti ; 4orthu Star , 2 00 ; J.ewls' lye
4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75
Dry Goo(1s ,
BuowN Cono-Atlantmo A 8c ; Aoiulo
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; hoot FF 8e ,
Buckeyu J4b , 4-4 , Vc ; Cabot W , 74c ; Chitto.
nango A 64c ; GreatFusilum B , 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
hottest * Itlth , 8c ; Jumfilan head A , Sc ; irutlian
Standard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7c ;
l.awrwucas Ltd , Oc ; Mystic River , 7c ; Poquot
A , 8c ; Utica U , 5o ; Wachusett ii , 7o ; do
A , 8o do 1 .18 , 12c ,
FINS BluowN Conoyus-Allernlalo ' 1-4 7o ,
Alligator 3.1 , Sc' Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; Atlantic
LT , Gc' Badger tate X 4.1 , Gb ; Bennington
0 4-1 , 6c ; Buckeye S 4.1 , 6c ; Indian Orchard
.AA 9.8 , 81c ; j.acunia 0 lIJ , 8 c ; Lehigh B 4.4
lJei l'epperull N 30 , 7c ; do 0 3'2 , 74c ; do I
' . I , . . - - -
% 6 , 7c diu ii 89 , Sc rOC'i C 4.4 , 7c ;
\Vnnisuttui ' 4-I. 13c.
BLEAChED COflOSti'-.AfldrOtiCOfin Ii 4.1
9ic Illackatono A.A imperial 8c do the hal
bleached 4.4 Dc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8o ; 1'1dolity 4.4 ,
9c ; Fruit at the Loom 04c ; do rnbci 4.1 ,
1'21 tin Water Tis-ist , 1bc' Great Iaihi Q. Pa
Int an 1154(1 shrunk 4.1 , 12c ; Lonsdale , lOc
0 cambrIc 37 , l2c ; Now York Mlii , , lske
PequotA , lOc ; I'ClIWurOl , N (1 Twillu , ISle
l'ecahnntues 4. 1 , 9ci ) 'ocnsset 5.4 , 8j ; Utica ,
lie ; \'aumusutta 0 X 12o
Duesa ( Cohotoh-Albany ) B , brown , ftc ; (10
C , , lrah , . 110 ; do XX stripes aunt phaldi , 12 l.Sc ;
do XXX brown and thrush , stripes auuti plaitli ,
12 I.Sc ; Arlington fancy , 1l'c : 1iruuuislck
bmwn , 8 1.Sc ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.Sc ; 1o o.
tm hueuny , SOc ; Fall ItivorbrownotrauiOaly , ,
11 1.Sc ; Intiiuena A brown , iSa ; eopoiuot A
brown , iSa ,
TIcKINGS-s'tuuuoskong A 0 ASS , lOc : tb XX
blue 82 18 1.Sc ; Arrowauttuui , P 1-20 : Clarc {
moat 1B 15 1.Sc ; Cone4oga , oEtra , 17 l.2c ;
hamilton 1) , 11 i.Sc ; Lewiston A3O , ir ; Vn
tuohiahin 4.4 , SOc ; Oniogn , auuucr extra 4.4 , ? c. :
Pearl lilver 8'2 , 10 1-ic ; 1 utnani XX b111 , ,
triuo , 12c' Shetucket. 5 , 10 1.20 ; do 1,5 , iSe ;
Yeoman's luuo 29 , tc.
DENtts-Auuioskong , blue auth brcnvn,16 I .2c
Andover 1)D blue , 15 1-Sc : Arlington X blue
Scotch , IS i.Sc : Concoid OOu , biuuo and
brni'n , 12 1-Sc ; do A.AA , do ( in , 13 1.2 ; do
xx 1.4) (10 do , 14 1.So ; 1tmiyuuinker' blue and
lrnwn , 9 1.Sc ; Mystic IiivorlDstripo , I6i.Sc ;
l'earl hirer , luhuin auth brown , iCe ; Uncuisyillo ,
blue nuid lurown , 14 1.Sc.
OAMIIItIt's-Iiarmmani , 5tc ; Ehlystono , lining ,
24 limb double face , 8e ; ( arnor A glazed , 5c ;
Mauihattaut 1ovo hush , be ; Newport do. rc ;
do glazed , 5c ; 1 > oquot do , Sa Lockwood kid
timuishi , Go.
Coiisn , sTEANB-Amory , Androscoggin
satteout , 8c ; Clun-endon 6c ; Conostogga sat.
teens , 7jc ; lIahIuwell , Sc ; Indian Orchiu-d , 7c ;
Narragansett , improved , ,8ci Pepporill eat-
loon , Uo ; Iloekport , Ga.
l'Ititui-Alloum , American , 6c ; Arnhdo ,
6c ; Berwfchc , 4c ; Cochuon , li 'Conestoga , C'c ;
Duinkirk , Go : Dunnell , 6fjTo ; 1tlihysthuio , t'.1c ;
Gloucester , lJc ; Itnrnmuiy , 5o ; Knickerbocker ,
6c ; Merrimac 1) , 7c ; Mystic , 5.c ; Spragiuns ,
Ga ; Southuluridgo , Ge ; do Giuugliarns , Tc ; ttarl.
born , 5c ; Oriental , 8c.
GINGIIAaIS-Atuttskong , 0c ; .Axyylo , Sc ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cmnbcrlnud , 7c ; Ilighintul , 7c ;
Kenllworthm , tc ) ; PIunIctt , 'Jo ; Sussex , Sc ,
CorroNAur.'u-Abbervlllo , 1Sc ; Agate , SOc ;
Ainericuin , lIe ; Artisiurn , SOc ; Cairo 1) mud ' 1' ,
13c ; Clinton 1) unul T , 17.c ; 1)ecauu Co.
Btruleui 1) auuL T , 1Cc' Keystone , iSjc ; Naut'
tucket , iDe : Nonluareif , iSo ; Ocean LI auth ' 1' ,
13c ; lioyuil , 16c ; Sussex , 12c ; TiogaVachu. .
sett shuirting chocks , lSkc ; tin Nnuikui l2c
York , plafit Nankin , 12c ; do chocks , stripes
uiitl fancy , 12c ; do 8 oz , SOc.
SuImurrINuia-Auutlroicogglui 10.4 27c ; do
0-3 , 23c ; do 3-4 , 32c : Continental C 42 , Ito ;
Fruit of the 1otuuit 10-i ; 27c ; New York iii Its
08. 35c ; ehi 78 , SIlo ; do 5 , 2Sc ; Pembroke
10-1 , 2r ; j'tyiuuot 104 , 28c ; do t4 , ltc ) : do-tO ,
ICc : Poppoacli oo , SOc ; do 67 , 21c ; rIo T , ISc ;
Utica 96 , liSa ; do 58 , 22o ; doIS , 11c.
I'nlntn , Oils nuuti Varnishes.
Oiui-110 ° carbon , ler gallon , iSa ; 1500
headlight , Per gallon , iSo ; 175 headlight ,
Ler gallon , SOc ; 150 ° water white , ide ; liii
seed , raw , ; It gallon,55c ; linseed , boiled , iter
Rallon , SScLarti , vinter str'd , per gallon , hOc :
No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , ( ide ; castor , XXX , oar gal.
ldut , 1 , 50No. . 3 , 1 30 sweet , per gallon ' SSc ;
sperm * .B , , lOr gallon , 1 60 ; fish 'W' , B , ,
pergahlon , 6.5c ; noatefootoxtra , net ga oul , POc ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , ere , per gallon , Ode ;
sunurner , lSc ; golden machine , No. 1 , Per gut-
lou , Sic ; No. , SSc ; signal , IOt gallon ,
BOo ; turpentine , lOt gallon , SOc ; nnptha , 71
oer gallon , iSo.
PANTh IN Oia-'Whlto loath , Omaha P. P.
Ic ; white load , St. Louis , pure , 6.c ; Mutrsoiltei
greoii 1 to 11 l1 cans , 20c ; 1"ronchu imc green
seal , lSc ; French zitic , red seal , lie ; l'u'encht ,
chic , In varnish nsst , SOc : Fuench zinc. in oil
nast , ISo ; r.nv : uid burnt iuaber , 1 lb cans , jOe ;
raw and burnt Sienna , ide ; vauudyko brown
lOc ; refined lamuupblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , ide ; drop black , iSa ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultraunariuue blun , 18c ; chrome greeui
ri. sr. k D. ific ; blind and shutter green , l
I' ! . & D. , jOe ; l'aris greens 18e ; Italian red ,
lSc ; Venetian red , the ; 'ritsean red , 22c'Atiueri.
can Vorunilluon I. & P. lSc ; chrome yellow
TA. lii. , 0. & 11) . 0. , 1c ; yellow octuro , Pc ;
golden ochre , lOc , Puitont dryer , Sc ; grahuuhig
colors. lIght oak , ( lark oak , walnut , chus' 'out
and ash , iSo.
Dry l'aints.
White lead , .8e ; Freuuchi zinc , lOc ; Paris
whiting , Sc ; whiting glIders , lc ; whiting
corn'I ic ; lainpblaclc , Germantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordini.ry , ide ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; tunber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , raw , 'Ic ; Puertc'groon , genuine , 25c ;
Paris grooui , common 2Occkromegreum ; , N.Y. ,
SOc ; clu'orno green 1k , , ic ; verinililon , Eng. ,
70c ; . vermillion , Aunoricazm , . iso ; Indiati rod ,
lila ; rose 1)111k , 14c ; Vommotian rod , Cokusoss ,
2c ; Venetian red , Americaui , 1'c ; red loath ,
7c ; chrome yellow , genuihue , 20c ; chrouuue yel.
low , K. , l2cochro , rochuello Scochiro ; , French ,
2c ; ochre , American , ScVimmtor' ; mniiuerul ,
2c ; lehigh brown , 2c ; Spanish browut , 2c ;
1 rince'tt mineral , 3c.
VAIINsiIEus-iarrols per gallon : Furniture -
turo , extra , 81. 10 ; furnIture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach ,
extra , $1 .40- coach , No. I , $1 20 ; Dainar ,
extra , $1 75.tapan ; , 70o ; utsphialtutn , extra , 85c ;
shellac , $3 50liaa-d ; oilfinielu , 81 50.1
a sole , SSc to 42c ; hemlock solo 28c to 35c ;
LiC5 , o kip , SOc to 1 00 ; ruuuner ( iSo to 80c
nemn e , call , 83o to 1 20 ; houmulock upper , 23o
to SOc ; onic upper Sic ; alligator , 4 00 to uS so ;
calf kid , 3235 : ( hciscn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOc to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
hip , 1 10 15) 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rita-
sets , 5 50 to 7 50 : linluugus , 0 00 to 10 50 ; ttj.
juings , ii 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. torocco , SOc to Sue ;
pebbl9 0. 1) . 1\Iorocc , , SSc ; sImon , 2 50 to 3 00.
LIAIINESS-No. 1 stnr oak , ' ( Sc ; No 2 do ,
Ode ; No. 1 OltI , , oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , SSc ; No.
1 Milwaukee 37c : No. 2 do 3 Ic.
Dull anti wcahc : green butchers , Go ; green
salted , 77c ; dry ( hut , 1251j13c ; dry salt ,
1O'idIc ; 1zinmuigod hides , two-thirds price ,
Siiimnt' 1'ELTit-250j 00 ,
-wet , ' ,
itrerimmo unwashed , light 11@lCc ; heavy ,
13@ISc ; mnotliuma unwuuluej , , light , 18@20c ;
ivashued , choice , : :2c : ; fair , SOc ; tub and washed ,
SSo ; burry , blaflk miruul cottod wool , 2@Go 'ass.
Ijisin tier.
\Vo quote lumber , lath and shingles on Oars
at Omaha at the followingpriccsm
JOIST ANt ) SCANTLING-iG ft. and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
'l'uinsiut-16 feet and unuler , 22 00.
Txainztt ANt ) Joiwr-18 it , 22 50 ; 20 It , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 20 50 ; 24 It , 20 50 ,
FENCING-No. 1 , 4 antI 6 In , , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
SHEETING-No , 1 (2d ( couuunon boarde ) , 20 00 ;
No , 2 , 18 00.
14IiE-l'or bam-rol , I 25 ; bulk per luishuel' OSo ;
cement , bid , 2 25 ; Iowa Iulwter bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per him. tMc ; 'rarrod felt , 100 lbs , 3 50 ; straw
board , 3 50.
Heavy hardware lust ,
Iron , rates , 2 60 ; phew stool speciai cast , 7c'
crucible , Sc ; sitoclal or Gerumuan , 6c cast tool
do , . 15@SO ; ' . % 'Uf0fl spokes , sot , 2 25O 00 ; hubs
pet. aet , 1 25 ; felInes sawed thry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 7O85c ; axles each , 7So- square niutus
Ii , , 7llc ; vuuuhuerui , or lb 8flic ; rivets , per
It , , lie ; coil clunk' , per lb , ? ® 12c ; inauloable , So
irout wedges , Ge ; crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth
4e ; primi tech , 7tPJ8c ; Burdun'shorsohocs , 525
Bturden'a , unuloshoes ' 02 ! , .
IhtuuEI , Vxnti-I'n car lots , So POt 100.
NAIr.t-1lntos , 10 to 60 , 3 20.
SHOT-Shot , 1 85 ; buick shot , 2 10 ; oriental
ismwder , kegs , 6 ' 10 ; do , , half kegs , : t 48 ; do , ,
quitim tsr kegs , I 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
per lOt ) foot , ( tOe.
LEAD-liar , I 6.5.
COAir-Cuunhiorlantl blacksmith 10 00 ; ? ' ! or.
tie run lllossburg , 10 \Vhultouroast ; hump ,
TI 00 ; Vhuitchiroast mutt , Ti 00 ; Iowa lunup , 5 00 ;
Iowa suit , r , oo Itock Srtuug , 7 00 ; Auuthmra
cite , 11 OO@I1 25 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per t'nm
IuilIitiS ,
Ar.comirur.-i88 ltrnuf , 2 25 l0r wine gallon
extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 25 per
proof galloum ; triple reline' ' ! spirits , 187 proof ,
1 23 oer luTtof gallon ; ro.ullstilled whiskies ,
1 OO1 ( .0 ; flue blended , 1 o@2 50' iCetu.
tucky bourbons , 2 O0(7 00 ; Keuttuefey cud
I'ennsylvusnia yes , 2 O0Cu7 00.
IiitANJIEt3JIflLuottOd , 6 O0@I000 ; domestic
1 IO4 00 ,
- -
- - - ' - -
. - . 4 5O'ti OOj domv , 1 4C
hlt-Imported , 4 tI041d OO Now En3nti ,
2 OO1 00 ; domestl ; 1 ( J03 50.
1EACn ANt ) Afl'LE Btittnx---1 VkI4 ( X.
CuAurAaNca-Iniported 'er case 28 C
31 00 ; Aunotlcan1 psr cast' , 1. 0OU1 o.
11LU0 TOTIACCO.Climax , rOc : Bullion , SUe ;
hIorsshuoo , tOe' Star ( tOe ; Iluiduly , 43c liar.
soy's , 4Sct lihuicie , 8ci4Ue.
FINE Ctrr-Cornnoiu , 20 OOc : good , ir , ®
GOd flee I.oaf , 70o : Premium , GSa ; Dlat'iouid
Crunnu , ( u.Sc ; Sweet Sixtnoii , 'ITo.
SMOKING-O. S. , She ; Merrschauuun , SSct lint.
ham , 8 nz , , t' . 'e ; Iurimnun , 4 n , . , tuTc : Itmrhiaumu ,
-I t5c- Scat of North Carolina , S oz. , SUe ;
Seal if i'iorthi Candluta , 4 ox , STc ; Scud of
North Carolina , 2 or. , ( 'tOe ; 0 , IC. Duirhiun , 4
07. , 2C 0. IC , 1)urhuiur , 2 oz. , 30c Uticlo
Noel , , s , 25c ; Tout ruuuhJorr3' , Site.
CunEn MEATS AI ) luAliD-lInIUC 1OtCo :
brnkfast bacon , 15iSc ; sniolcoel Ithe , 1) )
(1c ( ) ; mIt skies , 85f0o ; Intel , 1Oe.
uImC 1"ItL'IT ANt ) PIotUCE-1 otatocs , ttO
i'Sc I'r 100 pounthe ; iotstooi , unseat , pot 100
I , otunhs , , 2 25@2 75 ; onIons , per 100 ) touititls ,
I ttOQS 00 ; tounatocs flttflh(1 , 2i.9c ;
turutitse , luer lii , id Cthor,1t , , c'uslthsuugo , now ,
lr 100 , $ Se@l 00 ; lito chickens , nhl , , per , huuz ,
S I 0O I 23pe-alrlo ; chickens ior uIoseit IX3 SO ;
egg4 , fresh , r'or thoz , 28(381e' ( ; butter , fair quah'
It3 creaunory , finest pr lb , V'30' crnamou-y ,
gooth , cr II ) , 2t331c ; KIdnsusS nnu Nebraska
( lair ) ' , I't hb , S321e : etitikimug , 8 ide ; chuosse ,
full cream , Per lb I110j11c ; 81)11101 l'r bid ,
( uasthrn , 84 7t40 oo ; grapes , per lb.
r6jGo ) : California Irnars , tmr box , 3 25
@ 3 55 ; i'lumns , 20 lb box , 2 OO2 SO ; Moe-
aba heinous , extra , ocr box , 7 ( )00j8 ) IX ) ; Cho.
ratio wheat tuet' ioOhb , SI : moi : ts' fitror , Coh.
turalo , , Itor 100 Ib , $2 0O2 25 ; tlouw , patent ,
$2 0O(38 00 ; flour , Knuuea.s , per 100 Ib , 82 70a'
8 00 ; ( lout , ( ruihauui , hlOt 100 Ib , $2 0OS ) ( 'tO ;
flour , rye , per 100 lb td2 'IOS 70 ; flour , Latek-
i'hiouit , ocr bid , $11 I'O@IS ( ' 0 ; corn uuieni , rer
100 hls , $1 ( ; 3ijl ; 83 ; c'ti'n , itr 100 Ilte , $1 Si ®
1 80 ; conu chop , POt 100 liii , Si SOSjl 33 ; hear
oats , per 100 fbi $1 8ScI 45 : tunt.s , Nebraska ,
mixed , par 100 hi , $1 3O1 tOonts ; , Nolrasku , ,
white , item 100 lEts , l 351 45outtu' ; , Colnm'atho ,
) , or 100 this , SI Si' a 1 35 ; barley , Jsr 100 lhe ,
l SO1 73 : inbet ehmo , P ° 100 lts , $1 8 ®
1 40 ; lraiu , , PCt tout , Si , OO1'.t 00 ; hay , loose ,
er ton , 812 ool' ' ; 00 ; hinted scoutth Iattoiii , ,
.lo OOi2 00 ; baled upland , $14 0O@17 00 ;
elnier , tout , $20 00 ; straw , per ton , $800
@ 11 00 ,
Il.kSTI0S , ) Efl.
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAS. B. lIHAlt'I'WEI.L , President.
A. L. CLAILRH , 'lce.1'resitleat.
} _ \'EflS'1'EltjI'reasuurev. .
C. \VE1IS't'HIL Ca.luler ,
arnuiet Alexander , Oswald OlIver
k , L. Clarke , F. C. Webster ,
' 50. LI I't'att , Jae fl , lI'artwoll , ,
B. hi. McEIhhInnci'.i
'irst Mortgage Loans a Spooialtv
I U ) ' fiuriutib cc a leruiianauit home tastitu.
' ' 'I I Ii b' , fi Mill , , thor lssally Isiuued .1u.
t ( I a , r ii K S CIII b miottitetl sa
I ' C I . ' ii i , t. I iii C In it 3 Oil uuiprevot
I 4 I .m , t i tidi ofthis _ sLits through
) ' - . , ' , . , ' . Cd ,
. I -
, 3 "S _ _ _
. . I
, '
r r -
. IS. : ,
p -
I lzdEJ '
: : . . Jj
. :
_ _ _
, .
S ' '
Railway Time Table ,
U. I' . It It. , MAIN LiNE.
I1 LIIAVL . % Hnivr ,
L'acldo Hsoros.12O5 : p m , ttlaitlo J'xprouts7:25 : a it
Western Es"r"s , 8:00 : pm VestoruuExpruae. 3:20p :
0. Island I'aue , , . .4:14) : j , in (1. lelaruil t'ass , 11 :40 : a in
LIncoln Ex . . . . .12' .ho p m LIncoln Hz..12:15 : p Zn
DUMMY TltutlNS-IIItIDGE DIVISION.'t'ouuuauia : : 7:10 : , 8:00,0:00 : : , 10:00 : , 11:00 : a : ni , ,
1:00 : , 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , liOO : , (1:00 : , 10:10 : , . in. On Suit.
daIs : 7:10 : , 9:00 : , 1 1:00 : a. iii ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : , 10:10 : ' .
Zn. ArrIve at truuruufcr depot 20 tuuluuutns later ; BroatP
way doitotCouunll : hutS , , so uuulututes litter.
Leao CouncIl IlluiSs , hiruaultu'ay tlclnt , 8:00 : , 9:00 ,
10:00 : , 11:00 : IL Iui. 1551 , 2:00 : , 2:00 : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : , 0:55 : ,
10:40 : i' . mui. On huumuiliys : 8:00 : , 10:00 : a. m. ; 1 :00 , 2:00 : ,
5:00 : , 8:35 : , 10:10 : l' mu , , Arrive 'I'ransler depot , lomiula'
utea later.
Lease CoumiucU lIliuffs Transfer , lejat : 8:25 : , 025 ; ,
10:25 : , 11:26 : a. In. ' 1:25 : , S:2i,85 : : , 4:25 : , 5:25 : , 0:22 : , 0:50 : ,
10:55 : ' , me , itrrlu u Onuafus 20 tiultiutu , , later.
rue No , 2. . . .7:55 : a m S'Me. No , 0 , . , 7r. a Zn
, , No , . . . . . . . . ) Zn " No. 15..Il:5Oam :
'a No. 4..8Sojiun : " No 5..i1:0arn
a , No. 8..8:50am : " No , 1 , , , . lstipm
'I 0..0:16 : a in
C. , 51 tt St. 1' . II , It.-U. 1' . DEPOT.
5511 & hz..1:50 : a at I'acfllo . . . . . . . . . . a in
A.tls.ntio Hz..3:60 : p in Mall & . . . . . . . ; p in
Dmhi..7:50am . : Omaha..11:20am :
a , 0&Opm : 'a . . . . . . . . . 5:20 : J.ul
C. , 13 & Q IL 11.-U , P. DEI'OI' .
& ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in . . . . . . . . . : p. in
KZPZcM..8:50 : p ma . . . . . . . . . . . ; pin
0. , II. 1. & 1' , B. 11.-U. P. DII POT ,
Express. . . . . . . . . 7ZaOain : . . . . . . . . . . . . :
& . . . . . . . . . . . . : Express . , . . , , . . .7'lOpin
C , & N. W. ft. 11.-U , P. ) E1'OT ,
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a ma Extirea , . , , . . . . .9:4t : a in
Kzprrr..2:50 : p ma ' . . . . . . . . : p in
' - - - : - s. a. & i' . It. 11.-U. P. DEIOI.
Stall' . , , , . , , , , , , , 6:15am : , Express , , , , . . . . ,05am ;
itapress..6.00Iu in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l
Erpreaae , .7UOam : I Erpross..0:45 : pm
0 , , 51 , l'AUL , SI. & 0. It. 11.-DEPOT N , 15111 (31
No.2' , , . . . . . . . . 7:30am : Nol' . . . . . . . . . .
No. ' , ,1OOlamn : No 8' . . , . , , , , , , 11:46am :
SIoUx CITY & I'ACIFIC-DEI'OT N. 16th Street ,
leave Onu&lua ( or % 'elentlae via St. I'auil Umu
So BlaIr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:30am :
hues from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : p in
) enver Erpress. . .8:15 : a rut Atlantic . , , , , 0:50 : p en
Padflc Ezjress.6:35 : l , Ui. fleuu'erExpreas'DdO : am
K. C. , dl' 1011 & ( J H. IL. 13.-li. It 24. DEI'OT ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : us mu tZlrins . , , . , ,6' .00 a in
: . . . . . . . . . i in Stall. , . , , , , , , C .50 pin
'Sundays excepted ,
Opening an4 ClonIng of Maui.
50055 , OraN. CLOIIL
LW , P.m. i.Zfl. p.m
0 d.N , WO.ILI.&l'C. It.
at . St. l'auil r Sioux (3ty.llO0 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 2:11 :
C. , 5t.LILI' , (3 Si. 5 : 1 , lii Ius.s 0:00 : 6:40 :
% Vsba.h EZlira'dd , , . , , , , . , , . . , . , , 32:30 : 631
Wahuil , local . . . , , . . , , . . . . . , 9:0) : 6:40 :
K. C.(3L. Jou&C. 18. . . . . . . . . 9:00 : 95)0 ) .5:40 : OP :
SIluseirl Pacitlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 6:40 :
C.(3L l.5i.&O. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 : 7:20
Utiloui l'aclilc , oteqiand , . , , . . 8:00 : 11:35 :
Uxulou l'acltlc , Doruver Es . . , 4:04) : 70.6
0. . : Itepuhllean % allt' . . . I 03o I 1:35 :
Ii. luM. } : alres. . . . . . . . . . 7Oo ; 7:10 :
II. & SI. for I'lattiiuiuoutti , (3.
IlatI , Aatulaiu1 auutlLliucoluj.h1O0 : 6:41 :
Ottoc Open Suitlays trout 1200 m. to 1:00 : p. in.
U , K. COUTMT PestuiMt *
- - ' - - - -
- _ j-
- - _
( Chicago0 burlIngton & Qulnoy Railroad. )
0 A . _ . . '
_ _ _ _ .
0 _ _
, , .a - . _
11 , '
! 'a. \
° \s'
- .4
. , - . ' .
' '
1 . . .
' -
- -
. - . _ , -
_ _ o , _ _ " - - . '
. P- . . c , js . ' , I-
- 1r I ! ! ! ! .Q4. _
EIng'tnt Iay Coz.ehs's , Parlor Cars wIth BnchIn
huE Clialtit ( uate tfle ) , Stnokbw Cnnu with Ito-
voluinr7 Chairs Pullman t'alaew(3frs'plog Cars nnl
the taienums 6' . ii. , rc Q. DOling Ctsr rim CItitly * 0 nnl ,
from Clengo Kansas (317 , li.a'ga ) , t Cowwll
l3ltutT , Ouleago , hlixi Mofm's's ( 'hkago , Re. .lo.
icitli , Atehlon , t Tnekn. Only through Bin , be.
ttvcet ) Clikutgo , Lincoln t lonvor. Throorh ears
tx'tween Zadttenuapoile .t CouncIl Iltutf slit rena ,
Alt eoun.ctlon tluuile lii Ureke , i.pne. 11 is
known astho greaITlIROiJOII CAR LINE.
Solid Trains of Eh'gant flay Loachee stud PoD
man I'Maca BleepIng Cars are via dolly to and
from St Lottie , 'yin Hannibal , Qulncy , Keviutk ,
Iltutllngton Cedar Ruiplule and Albert Liii to St
Inuml antI ( linriwitpohis : l'arlorCarswlth Re'vItnla"
( hiatre to and fnsnSt. LouIs anti l'eorhsiudtO
nflil froni St l.osils and Ottuinwa. Only ocr
chuingo of cars between St. Louis anti U : :
5tolne Iowa , LIncoln , Nebraska , sod Denv
Coloratlo. 4
Itisuntversaflyaurnitdtobothe ,
ii FInot Equipped RnUrood In iPto World for nil Cln5sos ofYravol.
'T. J. POITEII. 3d VIcem.tres'L and Oen't itantiact. PK1WIIVAI , T.OWEZ.T. lien. Pass. .tts'I.
¶ P. IL'JIIcxE1D : ,
Calvaniied IruoCoroics1iodo / Caps1finials , , Thletsenth Stteot
. Heating and Baking
lit only attiumieti by using
u Stoves and Ranges ,
ioL r 'aby :
' .
aryr. MILTON ROGERS & SONS . . '
Til. liour Is mails at Salem , 81cuuertlinn ) Car , Nebraska , Iii the Oo.olnoh P1Icr Stone System. W
give RXCLUSIVh sale of our flour to one Stun In aplace. We have ponod a branch at 1018 CapItol arenu
Omaha , Vrlte for l'rtcog. Aultlrees either
cf , X'X.
Salem or Omaha. 7.tsh
Etb1iic1 iii
. . . " - . - - - . -
.r'-.i ; . - - -
ill Siull
, , , : _ ,
J. . . . ' .lItj41L 'I'j 'I' ' j LEADING
' _
_ _ ' at'
I I L'I ' 5 , . . ' .I ; CarriageFactory
! ' 'c
Lpiill - 1409 ml Doilgo Sreo ,
: . .
OMABA , - - - - -
\Vali \ Paper auff Sliaes1. .
ci. i'.r. LEJGII'ION. IT. P. CLARKE.
Wholesale Druggists ! ( I
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class.
OMAIIA , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. ,
Groweri of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground OIl Cake.
It Is the bosh aild cheapest tonal for stock of any kInd , One pound i equal to three pounds of oor
tock fed with around Oil Cake In flue Fall and Winter , lostead of running down , will Increase In weigh
and be In good nisaketablo condItion lii tIuasprlfliC. Dairymen , as wolf ii other. , who use 11 n tS8tlfy
Its mnorItti. Try it. and judte for yourselvoa PrIce $25.O0et ton : no charge for sacks. Address
oh-cod-mo WOOD AN LINSK)3) 01 ! . COMI'ANY Omah& '
Wholesale Druggist I '
Puts , Oils , Yariilslies aM illdO Glass 1' ;
---u' ---.ia- .4 comTdaffos of .Pro- .
to.cldc , of' Ito , , , J'e-g'uviars
Jlcsr/e ( ssltt ' ! wspho-ru.345.
St paIataIld ( ura. .L"or . _
JkWIty , Loss oj'.ullrt.
' USc , J'rustraflws of' ) ' tat .
'J'uinm-s 42 Is iudispcasu.
. : aEv. A. hOBBS Writers REV. 3.L , TOWNEB.
At'tor ii. thorough trial of the JUaEi7 IU ,
duatry , eayo-
IRON TONIC , I ta o ploasuu '
6 lU atatln that I have / 'Iconaldorit
greatly bonetitod b dffDj/'znost excellent roniody fo
) ( Lao. IInIotora and Ub/ . ' , t deb1l1tatodv1ta1orcoa.
110 Sprakera will lind It
of the Itroatoat value
vhoro iv Toulo Its eaoo.
) UIiT3 , I recommend It
aim us rollablts remedial
agent , , poamsossing Un
doubte nutritive and
a roatOrutivo ptoportto , . . ;
LewnLtus , xy , , Cs , 1631 ,
3PbUD B ! TZ D. IIAWIER MEDICINE CO. Z13 U. ( L111 CT , , CT , LQl3 , . (
_ "
' a- 3 dI