Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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J B1flThTUV1iflER15 , 1B33 7'
city , Suburban and Farm Property.
% 4 have a Pine Tract near Oentor of Oity Which is a
: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. .
' 2.1r4-Full tot with & rootn houo on 1tth St. ,
between Center and 1)orczt. Ooot cctlar , ban , ,
toai houo , cjstern , , dcwa1ka , Bhrubbcry , etc.
Great Bargain.
.O-IksutIttdlot ( , ith 4 room house , gooa
cellar , largo coet , etc. tilghtly location.
usOOLot 97xl ? , itlt 7 room cottage onSher.
man vcnuebetwcen Shennan and Clark BtreCt.
oed property.
120 $2,500-Two beauUful lots In McCorrnlck'a adil.
tion , on Faniam atreet.
119 3SCO-Reeso l'lace , I'ark avenue , full lot. now
two.atory house , 7 rooma , good cellar and coat
P)1et15. ) city watcr , trees and all improrementa.
121 $ l,2coc8h-LOt SCxl3S on 11th St , in Xounte'a
4th additIon. I1ouo 4 laro rOOI1I , lot beatitt.
fully located and Ia really worth much more.
lknaon for silliig , , must have money.
122 l,2O-Eaclt three beautiful ota In iteeso liace ,
Park avenue on easy tcrni&
121 1OO-lIalf lot on Sauudcrsstrect. Good houo
4 rooms , good clowt , pantry , tblc , cll , ct.
torn , porch front and rear. t'rlco l,3OO , two
thIrd , , Tlil is a bargain. tu4 lu .old by
the Otb or clll be Uthdrawn from bale.
Improved Property.
S,5OO-12 room bouee , cot. 13th and CalIfornia
atreeta , C C1000t8 , cellar , city water , outimousctm ,
t2,700-O room house on N. 12th street , closote ,
cellar , clatern , well , .tc. fliweoita & Soeaa.
* sooo-aood sl , room houec on Davenport , bet.
&t and 24th , two story closets , pantry , cellar ,
ctstru , woU , nit and shrubbery , table and
outhouse .
b Q3iOO-Full , ize lot on Mccandlleh place , with
two frame cottagee , One 5 r000i , ona 3 rOow.
For ealo or o.cnange.
2,1OO-Oood two and a half acre lot with flre
roon cottage , brIck cellar , well , fruit tree. , etc.
17 One of the beet threa ory brl k business ho
on Farnamn etrect. Terma prlato.
$3OO-Now7 room house on N. 18th etroct. All
modern Improvetncnta. Good location. Cheap.
A,300-New two atory house Queen Ann 8t3lo.
/ modern lmnproecnenta. city water , lot lXuc
2 'l'wo full Iota St. ary'e avenue and Oth , with l
't bouca. Will be first clasa buatjmca property.
Terma easy.
54,7C.O-Lot 6O9O , wit ) , two houses. Cheap.
C , fOO-Twohouse In Nctaons addition , on Cen
eec 8trcet. Outcoosos , cistern , fruIt trees , etc.
Bustheas honoc nmitl lot on Douglas street , bet.
141.13 and ittli. Terms easy.
4 Naw room lmouseonChloago. bct.24thapU 21th.
Afl Improvemnoote.
g5 Two new hoise , one ai , and orher S rooms.
That-class and modern tmproyemunta. Tenus
" . ? A 2,7OG-Lot 100x132 , College Street , fledick's
. \ aubdIvlIon , now 11 coons house. VeIl Improved.
8 P2tOO-Lot tOxltQ , Convent mtreet , 0 risomn cot.
.t tige , large basement mmuitablo for rooms. barmi
st 014' .
S2,3OOroom house , Thornell' addition , barn ,
wuU , cLtcm , good Improvements , 5OO caih ,
l,8oO on long time.
$4tloO-7 room house on Davenport , bet. ith
Lad 17th.
6 Lot 175x500 on Shennan , large houo , barn muul
. other improrementa. Lot without Improve.
mneuts is worth the money we a8k for It.
ii Twoneshousc. and two full alec lots onl'ark
avenue. hot and cold water , and a I mnIern
fleet caes ! improenlent& Ilousea would coet
what we abk for whole. Extra good bargain.
49 2.OOO-Lot 6txtbO , cor. 17th and Center , house
4 rooms , ham , rater , trees , outbulidines.
9 2OOO-Fivo room house , ltta bet. California &
Webster. Nice property. Ternis easy.
tQl,5oO-L.ot 9 , block 5 , ffhlnn'a 2d addition. One
and a half .tory honse. Terms easy.
2 3OOO-.QOO4 7 coons house onSherman. ? ! odern
Improvemnenta , stable , well , cistern. A bargain ,
1.3 OO-l'ull lot , one S room and one & room
house , new , Cm blocks from thu opera house. Very
62 tSC.Oo-SpiondId lot on Dodge , near 1th. Chea
C3 3QOO-Largo house and email cottage. Exce
location full .1w lot Daenport near 19th.
85 3,6c-4ot 60x260 , good 6 room house , modern
mIrovenserlta. near tiii8Inoson Sherman ao.
P2 $ lfOO-Two lots , 126x140 , with house ebibio etc.
BJ.xkcr'a , ub.didsion.
p3 t1OO-Lot and a half , good house , Itedick' . .ub.
division , ( peeper. )
p Lot with 7 room house , Chicago , bet. 13th and
01 1&UO-Lot and 6 roomn house. Iforhach' , add ! .
tton , well , cistern , etc. Eerytblng In good ra
1Q2 $ ? 3.o-Lot and 4 room house , hard , her. 10th and
Unimproved Property
2 91,000-tot 6O127 , Indiana and Dhlelon.
S $700 each-Two iots6xi32 each , on 11th. Cheap ,
and 2 lots 6dx132 each on 10th.
11 00 each-i Iota in Yatee & Reed' . addition.
23 7OO-12 full Izo lot , , ilanacons 1'Iaeo , one
block west of Park avenue.
o50 each-Two lot. on I'ark avenue. Bargains.
Busincas lots on Dodge , between 11th apI 12th.
SttO0Lot I , , ShInni addition. oii Seward atreot.
33 3QO0-FuU lot , lleod'.l.taddltiou , on Z5thand
4 $ 000-Six good Iota In Ilanecom Place. Bar
14 $3Om)0-Lot 50x120 , on Faiam , ucar2otb. Vu
9 Four acres ImiWest Omaha.
00 trito-Lot in Ieaca & $ eilcn'e addition.
r9 lCOO-FIno lot iteddtck't addition , rack are.
84 4OO-52 feet of block .x , 8sinna addition. Fine
86 $2,200-Lot 44x600n ICth. Etisincea property
worth taico tIme lirico asked.
94 t3OO-FnlI .lzo graded lot on Chicago , bot.
11th amid 14th.
93 $ dOO-000il lot , high location , .outh 10th.
100 $3cU3-13x192 on 10th , bet. Barney aad 770w.
103 7b0 each-Two extra good lot In 11aneom.
addition. Coodhih location.
Bargains in Farms & Lands
10 $21 per aCro-I0 acre Improved farm , near Crea.
ton , Iowa , lOacreawoodland , 45 acrea corn , 25
acres Timothy and Clover.
Is $4,000-40 acres 34 of a mlio writ of Ft. Omaha
two house , , two barmie , granary , corn crib , two
ovclls , . .00 bearing fruit trees , 300 grape Inca
vill bull or exchange.
14 7,000-200 acres , half mile N. 1W. khorn , 140
acreslu cultivatIon , balance pasture. Four room
house , stable , etc. Terms easy.
51 * 960-lCD acres good land , 4 1. miles from fur.
lingtomi , Coffee county , Kminsaa. Will exchange
for Ommmlma property.
61 S,400-240 acrosadjoining city of WIlber , Saline
coumity. Alt tinder fence and ell Improved.
Timla property Is cheap at i0,000.
65 020 tier acre-400 acres , 3 miles from Waterloo ,
Opuglas county. Part in cultivatIon , balance
meadow , all good land. Wi1 sell or iIlt anamigo
tvith cattle irman for co.partncrlmip. or wIll con
tract to fermi 300 r 400 head of cattle.
70 to 82-10 000 acres in Merrick county. Coed UI !
able land , amid will ho acId from 5 to ) Pr
sJ 7 per acro-Wiil by 150 acres In Cedar Co.
05 415. l)0 acro-30 acres ' 2 inllc from hamburg
97 515. pcracre-Improvcd near Logan Iowa.
104 Several hundred acres in Cuming Co. Nob.
105 Six thousand acres In Stanton Co. Neb.
107 Slolmer acro-2200 acres limbered land in flay
Co.Mo. three imiaiifarnt , ontnis land , balance
good cottonwood timber , which il2 more than
pay far investment , For ado or exchange
Omaha property.
10 2,2O0-Lot 219x210 , ocr. 17th and flelivcw ! St. ,
imouth Omaha , near iIaseall'mm Park , trick house ,
fourroonsa , well , cistern atablo , cellar. All in
good conultion anducarfy 1,0w. ,
oO adS per acro-400 acres iii lVaahilncton county , C
miles south of BlaIr , on line of C. hI. 1. J. & 0.
raliroad. Station at corner of this lautt Good
trcamu runnhtig ratcr. 100 acres In cultivation ,
80 acres grass , ito acres timber-oak , hickory
walnut and olin. Small toiio , good fruit alit1
abumidanco of grapes. Is Partly fenced. Oiio of
time host farina iii time county. If ptcrcbiasor
oslslies , wIll sell bomeitead gdJcInIn good
herd of cattle.
'Cahl and examine other property not istad.
, ' 21 H. 14th. bet. arnamand Bouglas
Lot ; in this addition are selling rapidly , and prices will be again
i1vauced'iii a few days. These are wIthout a doubt the n1Ot dcsirithle
lots n Omaha , and will certainly double Ill lCO before sprilig. A 11 v1io
. bavel seen tlieni are well pleased aiid p1onothl1ce them c1iep.
.4 , 4. , ,
/ Real Estate Agency ,
wEI :
; i . 114th Street bet. Farnam and Douglas ,
_ _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f -
* --277:1JL ?
how many people humli over work , anti how few
uiiderqtntt that it Ii a weakaijel of the ) .hlney' . that
inlneethi humtiiig over or lsmeness In the back
A iTedIcIio tImt w Ill cure ii .esees itf time kidneys s Iii
almost always cure lame hack , mumi llmmrtioek liioptl
bitters as a remedy for lame t'aek.
SICklAbAiIt }
latticed tmsualy bya inetikitic that .tll strengthen
the mtpetIte , aid iligestion , kcjm the user etie smith
the bimthi ien. Burdock Blood hllttcti are agema , .
anteed cure fosiek headatho ,
This is one , 't thu very comomnomicit c'omitatnts % ,
Thousands of ieoi'le grunt ) , mmtdo not kimow hmst ails
them , Theymereneitherlcknor well , set they stifler
all time tune. To such iwoita si cstrongly recommend
iilttIOCk % Blood lUttero , cue or two bottles of tihmich
" lii beget a good appetite , round sleep , and rid fbi ,
gcmierat debihityatmilerer of his imenotmoimesi anti dc's.
lomimhemlt sfftto C I moimid. There Is e'ertaitmiy nothmlng
lBmItc etiaI to hhmInlOOk lliood Ihitters for this trouble.
Burdock BlootI ihltteretili not cure commsmmmption ,
but by keeping thmo hlood strong anti free from Imim.
lmnmities tlmcl tIIl stasc oft cotisumnptim. .t lwroim
tmsing timt imwdiciii , imiraimohmilo iium log regmsrtt to time
commotion iaa e of health , mmecd mievcr die i Ith ntmiaimliip.
flop. hohtt by nil iruggist. . rosriat , MILIIU1IN
& CO. , I'rop'm. liuiTaloN , V.
Tilnir Emp1oyrs Oiiii ! They Arc
1ktll Mdilcy Ellaligli ,
And itofliso to Accetto to Their Dc.
iioand for lisercaso ol' Wages.
The ef.atomcn t1la tim joUtIhoylnois
t.tilors of the City CilflO iniiko over ton
dollarea week by tc hours' work , which
aslortloit conies from the tailore them.
selves , appears to hfleot with cohitrattic.
tion from their employers. Mr. Ed.
\Vi11iants , gonta' furnisher , hailed a
scribe a ho was hurrying up Farnam
street yesierday and requested liiiii to
IllitkO some correctiojis.
mI waiit you to saY , " said Mr. Wi1
lianie , that oir tailors are itot by any
flicalls underpaid. Tailors who work
steadily can make fro n
T\VEh'tY.t'1Vhl TO TIII11TY iOLtAhl.q
a week , but of course the slower ones
and iooror 01105 rio not isiako as much.
\Ve by thu ieco anti tailors in Omaha -
ha are paid bettor in that way than two.
thirds of the tailors of the coulitry. The
strike which has occurred in iIr. Lind.
quest's store and. in iiiy Own is the result
IUtCY of spite work. The mcii hiiuw
that were rushed with work just at
this season , and thought it an opporttilio
noiiioiit to demand higlior isnces. The
10011 struck only at Lindquoat's and hem ,
so the atateniomit that other parties have
acceded to the dontnd : for a imew scale of
Brices is also false , because no other firms
have beeti troubled. Their prices remain -
main thmo santo. "
1'What him becit isaid and rhiat is do-
inandedi" inquired the roportor.
"vu 1r.tvE PAIl )
according to a scale of prices varying no- .
cording to the work doito , material used ,
nicety desired , ctc. We pay by the
pi'3c0. On good overcoats , for instance ,
Uiiiors are given front thirteen to fifteen
do1lnrs.Vhmat they demand is an advance -
vance equivalent to four or five dollars
oil each suit. "
"They arc still outV'
ttyes , change 'mviii ho imiado.
They can comno back at their old prices ,
or we will get hOW 11)011. 'lYe are imtill
doing work. "
Time reporter went into Liiicljuest's
ostabhishiluent , afterwards and thin wan
corroborated thmoro. Their mmmcii vero
still out on the ' 'nirike , " anti if they diii
not roturit soon , now mmmcmi wore to ho
procured. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, , ,
,1iii All Iiicmlcc Up' "
Tirk i time usual cc1aiimation of one afihicteil
w'jtli ihotimnatismn , oi lummune't. 1lhmmimiatIc
ieojtlo ate immdceU ommtitled to our simmcemob.yhn.
patimy nUt ! ct'iummiserat'moim. Speedy relief is
offered them iii 1)r. T/onumtt' , i.e&cfric Oil. It
i,3 thttm tvorii clicimly of nil ucimes amid jailt. .
Real Estate Transfermo.
The following deeds wore filed for
record iii time county clerk's office November -
vembor 8th , reported for TilE BEE by
MIsOS' real estate agency :
Lucinda l'ioimell lo D. F. Brown , w ci
'V of g of lot 1 , block 78 , Omaha ,
$ t'jo.
J0tr. wT. Bedford et iii. to Chins. W.
Towsicy , w ci l ts 1 and i , block I , and
lot. 8 , block 4 , Kirkwood add. , $900.
Ilciiry Ehronipfort and wife to 113' .
lcrotsclnnan , v d n of hot 1 , ] tcdfieid's
SUbdiV. , $200.
JeIl W. Bedford et iii. to Tennio A.
r4ntsois , v d lots 7 antI 8 , block 2 , Kirk-
wood add. , $1i75.
( iCO. 11. Boggs ot iii iOJOSeihIVoston -
pal , w d , lots I 0 aiitl .1 ( , Kensington ,
: ; ; 82 ; , .
II. C. Slalder and wife to II. McDou-
aid , w ( I , lot .1 , block 10 , Kount'.o's 4th
add. , $1.
Elizabeth .Jo11155t011 to .101111 Trimbie ,
\v a , part of Ito .j of sw .j see 3 , tp 15 , r
10 $2.
, _ _ _ - _ -
Sain.toga Nct'H ,
Notwithstahmthlig the tlireatenizigimaturo
of the weather $ unday evening a good
audience gath'erotl to Jiton to the cpncert
of thu Union Sunday hdliooi , which vrov-
cci quite ilhtormJFiLiIlg , 801110 of tue recitations -
tions being unusually lncritorious The
address by Gonezal howard was earnest ,
eloquent and intorcstiiignnd was histeiied
to with close ittOlltinlI.
The clectioi passed oil' quietly , fhio
caucus iioiniimiuiis being elected in evomy
I. I. 1'ntrjcl has returned front hock
Creek and Vicinity.
11ev. Willard Scott , Of the St. Mary's '
Avenue Congregational chilidhi , irihl tot.
dress the ( Jniolm hunday chiool Suziday
afterImuoli at 8 o'clock ,
A Colilpalmy from , Juliinta will play
' "i'eii Nights in a liar Ibsoni , " at. Lyceniii
hail nimilenday ovoniilg next , NOVOIfllor
13 , 1 88:1 : , for the benefit of this church ,
'rime folloss'iimg is the cast :
I 'Smummjho Switchiol , " Framik hlibbarti ;
' 'b'hIuoll Shade , ' ' .J. (1 ( , lcniglit ; ' ' .Joo
Itirgaii , " P. I I. GIcoil ; ' 'Frank Shade , "
\ r111'hitinan ; "harry ( hoe , , , " E. 'iS' ' .
, Johuison ' 'hiEr " ' '
; , lteiinaino , 1'iio. Ioycu ;
\Villio I lanimond , " Johiii lnight ; '
Shade , " Mrs. Harry ; "Mrs. Morgmmn , "
Miss Young ; "MaryMorgau , " Miss Lucy
1nighmt ; 'S11'Iohiitnblo Cartrighit , " 1"Iies
'Plio object is a good one and it is to be
hoped that there will be a good audience
in attendance. Adiiiiesion 25 cents ,
The Lyceunh Ifleet to.morrow night for
time election of oflicorn , CUCKOO ,
Publish Speakeri and Smngermm timid Ii. II. Bougiamu &
Sun. ' Capalcumn Couii Piops mm .uw rvmocsiy for
A Variety of IorLallt Natters Cou-
sicrc an B1sasc of.
I'OiItICfll VarrItes for ( Ito I'iilie'o -
I'avliig anit ( Ircitling Estlimmatesi.
At ( ho athlourned regular meeting oh
the city council inst o'eimlng , nil time 1110111.
bum were present OXCOISt Mt. iunhani ,
'l'ho journal was read nimd nsproved.
Front thio lunyor : Approving the or-
duimaimce changing 1110 grade of 'l'Iiirtccnth
street at Cuntor street ; also levying a
special tax ott property abutting OlITCllth ,
street , between hickory niul Cmastehlat' ;
ailso appropriatmg $2,025.59 for grading
Tolithi street ; also npopriating $18,000
bonds. Filed ,
Front thio mayor : Appointing to
the regiliar Pohico force , E. M. lh1is , ice
Sy. V. Armour , torni expired , amid t1cx.
antler lilack , vice 'IV. ' Krogh , resigned.
Faoin lit. 11ev , Robert 11. Clariceon :
Inviting time mayor ahiti cfltillCil to attend
the commsecration of time now 'rrilIit3'
cathedral , November 15th. Accepted.
Frolli tile city treasurer : In regard to
taxes paid under protest , Filed.
Front the city marshal : Report of
liquor dealers and druggists licol15ed for
November. Filed.
Front the city physician : ? ttortality
report for October ( a1roidy published ) .
George Church was confirmed as ape-
cml volicemnait at hloiny llornberger'a
F'rommi the city waterworks company :
Notifying Limo council timat cortaimm by.
drants ordered are ready for use , lie-
From A. 13. Frary : Claiming $225
damages for lila horse injured by cohiisiom
with No 3 hose cart olt the 7th inst.
From \\'imi Klerstend and others :
Aakimtg that time plank boL across DM011.
hurt street at. Twenty-fourth street be
exteiided. Referred ,
A. large number of bills were referred
without reading.
From Ferdinand Stroitz : Ohl'orin to
sell a part. of time so.callotl.tmmllngaaInu"
lot to the city fur use as a public street.
Fioni Doitald Ttrcl'Imorsoll aitci otimers :
Asking for the colmstrlletiolm of a Sewer
through North Fifteenth struet , hietwecu
California Illid Webster. 1tcfrrcd.
From Hull.'iT F. Uechol aimd others :
Asking for tim extension of time main
newer ill time vicinity of Farmmnin and
'I.'wolitietit street. Referred.
Frommi Aliomt & Heitnel : Aslung that the
apace ill front of their place on Timirteentim
street be not curbed and guttered until
the street is paved , WhlClt they agree to
pay oxpemises. Filed.
'I'lmo bill of .l , 1' ! . Thornton , for services
ill time case of The heirs of hierford vs.
The City of Omaha , $200 , was referred.
Front time cit1 attorney : Approvimmg
time bill for certain costs mcmlii judgmneimt in
the case of the Omaha National bank vs.
time City at Omaha for $7,9 ltLfiO. lie-
Time resignation of Walter Krogh , po-
hlComnahl , wan accepted.
Time paving contract between \Viiliami
Mack & C. and time city of Omaha sras
Tile request of Eugene O'Neill , for
drainage iilmlrpVCmhlOllts on Coining street ,
wits referred.
The estihhmatell and ncccptminco1 of the
work iii curbing , gutterhmg 811(1 gr.ieliiig
oIl several streets tvoro referred.
By Ilascall : Authorizing time mayor to
wnploy a lncssengor boy at $3 er t'oclc.
113' Itetlfleld : That tito city treasurer
procure 300 alloy paving boid at co3t
not to exceed $42.50. Adopted.
By Luoder and Dummimmirn : Apropriat-
lug $ l0 t .1)auiol S. Mitchell for ser'icen
as cimief elmgin000 ilm abseImec of Chief
Butler. Adopted.
By Woodworth : To pUt in a wood
culvert at vast side of 'l'woifthi street
across Califorimia. Adopted.
By Ptcl uckin : Appointiiig Inspector
O'lCcofe in chamto of the Eleventh street
sewer work. Adopted.
By McOuckilm : To apoillt a COflllflit
tee of nix to inspect all public colmtracts
done by time city this year. 'J'nbled.
Several sidowmik resoiutiomms were
By Iletifloid : lix regard to icaviiig
iiimtouciied the scales now located on
certain streets ordered to be curbed , guttered -
tered or paved. 'I'mtlsleil.
By KaufnhanlI anti Leeder : To puir-
ohmnne $ pmim for the imow hose cart.
A do1)tcd :
The appropriatioim ordinance for ox-
11011805 incurred iii time ImlolILh of October
was Iaescd.
- -
1imhI br lime Siioj'c ,
Let sic all huh . , iit itf this scot. of mt'mckmosa
ieuil , desonduncy , : iiii got eu a rocic foumida.
thin of good htroilg health. ilurdoel : Jibed
hitters , mire time timimig to 11,111 , fur. 'i'hmoy 'ore
( mmmli of thu must mermosoimni health restommitivos
over nmmmnufzmetured ,
-On tIomuiay ovoimlmmg ott 7'JO ; o'clock mm
iilt'mosaiit event lviii take itlaco at 'rriimlty
Cmmtheilrmml. 'i'liIs sulli ho time muarriugo of iIr.
Tilmmm Kilkemmimy amid tIfss m1tgvlo : Hall , two
of our popular yuiiiig IcOPlO umimi , immiso a host
( If uriemmils lii thu city. No hiviUmUoima will be
soot omit , but all their frionels are immvltoil to
be hirenent mit time cereimiommy ,
-It will 1)11 meneimiberuti ; that cm tow minys
tigo 8,000 cIgars veme stoloit ( moim , a Tommth
htruot miyilor. Yosterdtmy tue boxes , bO each ,
were fuumtl , lii n , Juinhier yard jimmil : immothem' box
oil 1lovemmt ttroet ,
- -
'I1otsto cIehlIsMvmlnts , 1'JImc4.
iCcmijmtiflc Aimmerica , , ,
. A. NitiljlO , 1110X1)OlhiiiVO ) Iliuthloti of clear-
Jug the ipu is as follows : , Jiist before
rotimilig at night 110111 into titupipoonough
liiiuul jiutasim lyn of : i'istreimgthi ' to I'III
the ' 'trap , " ims it is called or bout
tioim of time 1)11)0 ) just below time outlet.
.bout a pint will stifice for ii wioshistajid ,
( it a quart for a hatiitiib or kitchen sink ,
lie smite that. no watorruiis into it till IleNt
DLrilmg the Iligilt time lye will coiivort
all of Limo ofihi lIl the pijme into soft soap ,
aimd the first current of ti'imter ill the iior.
1111mg will remove it cntiroli , and leave uhmo
himPe as clean gui 110W. 'limo writer line
iiaverhad occ.'csion , iii over thirty years
oxporieiico tO make liasro thall two appli.
catloims of it in any cue case.
relnarkablo example of the value of
tiie ) was that of a large drain
PIPO WhIch carried off tue waste of nh
Vzt41fl11V0 COUIItl7 houee , neiuPhhlatiel. .
_ _ _ 1 _ _ _ t - - -
phirc , ala ! rait tinder a beautiful lawn in
Its froaL A gallon of the lye romoveI
all obstruction in a single nlghtandaavod
thin necessity of digging tip thio pipe (01(1
thet'mguring the groonfnvxtrl of time lawn , as
( ho PItlinber intcnded , ttiitil aUvmstl of
this Process.
The ao.called lotnShI lye sold i.m . sinaI !
liii calis ill time shmos is hInt rocohnlnolm(1cml
for this ptirose ; It. is quito commonly
unistmrmuted , and is called cauieth soda ,
uhmicli unakos a hard sonis. 'rite lye shmoulti
be kept. in heavy liws bottles or (10101.
johns , covoredi with wicker ork , anti
plainlt labeled ; always under lock when
tint in actual use , It does imot. act. 111)011
llhfltttlS , anti sii ( lObs 1101 corrode the PiPes
as ( in strong souls ,
ThEN PeNt ) NOW.
illi's , I'oisermuasm 1t4gmIleN iler him.
IamnU Itlm Coumiummt'Iiioiis.
lkmst.tmi hierahi.
' ' ; I ) clear , " sai(1 mtrs. l'opporinnn to
hot luIslalul 000 0VOhlI1 , ' ' 1 vsoa iookiimg
over a 1)1111(110 of old letters , cud
I found tlm'ms 0111) which 3'Otm Irtotli to lue
before we 1voho immarrknl , when you were
3'olhUg ahal aeumtinmentnl ,
' 'S\'lmat tines it sayt' '
"P11 mend it , ' '
' 'Sweet imlol of my lonely heart ; If thou
wilt place thy iuumtl , iii nmiimo amid StI ) ' ,
clear love , I 'II ho thy bride , we'll ' fly away
to noiiio far realm-we'll fly to 51111113'
Italy , and 'noatim softeeruleamm skies we'll
bask numd sing and dream of naught. bmmt
iove. Iticim itutti cozy pauttings by (11(1
Ihmasters aimall ncltmrn time vni1a of time castle
i'll give thee. Thy bath shall be of milk ,
A box at time 011cm shall bo at thy corn-
unaumd , ahidl royalty shall be thy ( lauly vlsi-
( or , Sweet etInmhls of ntmeic simall Itmhl
thee at OVolmtiIO , amid warbling biftis shall
vako thee front thy lllorning slumber.
Dust , Ilmomh accept ? Say yes , muid Ily with
ale ,
"Amid I flow , " said Mrs. l'opporrnan ,
"But if 1 bad been as fly as I ala now , I
wommldum't have flown. "
"Why not , ( lear ? "
41\Vimy utoth hImt'o you done as 3'otI
promised ill that lottort'Imen wo wore
nmarriod , did we 'thy to stmnIm ) ' Italy and
bask 'mmcath soft , , corulenhm skies , ' or
did yo go to Iloboken nitti spemmd two
veoks fishing for eels omt time edge of tIme
wharf ? "
" \YoIl "
, yes.
' 'AumA how about the pictures ? You
know very svoll that every rich ammel costly
Iaimmting jIm thu hotisois a dm201110 front
time tcmm store. "
" ' °
( m 'Thy bath shah ho of musilk. , lo I
batiio jim uiiilk , ' or isim't it like pmmiling
teeth every lmlornilmg to get emits out. of
3'Otl to bmiy 11111k for time bmmbyi"
"Kinder. "
C' 'Iloyalty nlmrohl Tm thy dui3 : vititor. '
Time only dali3' visitors I imave are tIme
book agents ; thld cluint 1mccldiei , , "
" 1'aiim't lily fault.
'I 'Sveet ntraiims of imnisie shah ltull 11100
at eventide. ' 'I'lmo only chance I have to
lIstehi to street strains of Intmsie is wileum
3'Ott and .1 go out. walkilmg at Imigilt and foi-
low a imtoiikoy mumtl lmammd orgami around.
"Oh , 1 111mm 80 8leey"
"I don't care if you are. Wimere ztte
time warbling binis you iroumisecl ama ? 1
hoar Nra. Magimmnis' crowing roosters
lloxt door every morning. Perlmnps they
are what Olh amount. "
Sm'55'011 , nOVUP
' 'tImut 1 wlll Ilhind. I vmmn to lmxtve it box
at time opera. Whore is it ? Time oniy
tihm)0 I go to time opera is when you get mc
hilt loatera' tickets to a dimmmu 1icmseuiml. "
' 'JIS too bad. "
"It is really too 1)acl , And timeit you
said we',1 tilk : and dream of mmaugimt but ,
love. Since I imirorried you we've talked
amid dreanmpt ofnaulght 1)tIt runt , "
St ratmugo tLm1cIleO ,
, t % umemilbur of limo Texan lou' coiminmitted
suicitlo because hilmi client berated iminm for
losimmg his case.
George Atkinsoi of 5011 Frallcinco sInk.
cci 1mM life on lila horse , and Iosiim ,
inmimuedinteiy paid the forfeit vitim a piBtol
shut ,
,1. Lange of St. Paul while tiding on a
railroad ( , first cut 1mm wrLta with a
razor and thou jumped. timrougim a car
A 1nimnms imuller drowned huuimsoif in his
mill ioimd because a dam lie hind just iumilt
fniicd to cuhlct vator enough to turn the
Ioss ( ] allion , of Cov'milgtou , hid. ,
11mg lost his health through a wound received -
ceived hi mm struggle with mc tranip , omided
hits life with a pistol ball.
Ella 11111 of Seymour , 001111. , got lIar
dross vet , and 1mev IutCiIhLotIiur would not
lot her 1)I1LolmlhmCl'bCst ) dress. The girl took
her father's gun , pmlt time lmltlzzhe over her
heart , touched tIme trigger with her toe
aimd fell dead.
Itching3and Burning I
, . . .
--cmw1p.-t - ' - - -
Itching and Burning !
( ZEiA or Halt ltImommm mm hIm Its ngtmlrlmmg , iLcitlig
F , anti iinI , , mtg , Iimtsid iy m cud el by a m mtrmn itatli
seltim CmmtIcmra Httmtit ; niid a slimgim , ehtplicatiom of Cliti.
ctirm , , liii , great Hklmm Cmrc. , This repeated ialiy ! , lUm
I wt , or I line chase , of Cmmtlqra , ilesoim emit , thmti ii en
illoud i'tmriilrr , Iflimrulio ammi Apcrlcimt , to keci , the
iloid , ) ( , , thu itc'rlIratiom , pure atui mmiii rritatlig ,
tlmmm iowl , Ilpeim , time liver amiti Ititimmeys mmci h cm , mm lii
slicetlily elmifi 1eemuma , 'fetter Itimgsonmi , i'sorlasi9 ,
Liiivii , irumritmi4 , Scald limati , lamm , ! rimS , nut every
vl'Ocle if if chimig , iicelt'v ari'J I'immmliy Ii mimilor , of time
Heali' muil Hkiim , e imcmi die host lull aIds , , , uiitI nil
kmmosm remitllos tail.
Ifc/iiiy liwnors ,
iiakcrs Ilarber's llrmmccr' aimil S'aelcrmm-onman'i , helm.
ltehiimg , i'IiCM 51,11 , I Iclicato I felting I JuummIr4 , hiecullar
to ) totlm sece , 1 % lmieii arc particularly iil.tremsiiig at
liisscaeomm , , mire Instantly reileoti ammd siiectIiiy neil
hterItmemutiy enrol by thu nhou treatmmmcmmf , smw Is
I lie tliw , , who , I hmo Itmires arm , opcm , auth time Persi ira.
I hum abtmmmdamt , , I , , cleanse time hijctol of immiptiritics , miimd
the clii , of ttirturlig , arid miisilgurlmg , hmummmur.
Thousands of Letters
( mm oimr l000esslorm repeat lii 51cr ) ' : f ha mm hictmm a
torrlhiu sufferer tot years mrltn Illoutl aimil Skims hlm. ,
mmmore ; imai U lice : , imliligeti to sim mimi ImUI1IIO jIac is by
rtmIoomm of Immy milvtigiirlig humors ; immm ii had iftm , i'Cbt '
jholeIaoe lint o shout imimimdi eti of dollars smimmi gut cmi ,
real nile ? imnt II I ilicil I Imu Ctmticiirms ilemnomllu , , m imlim
iitiu cmmrei , iic , , mmimi , helt July , nod blood as imuro
ne a iimilii' .
Culicuru Roniodies
Ar ( liii grcmttst fmmdltimmcs , ito earth.
J , sv Amsns. Nonne , 0 ,
'lime half heci mit. Ixwimtoll moo to theIr uirutiit .ow'
Cr. . ( i A. WILI.11tfl14 , l'romimlemmec.
' 1iv , cure iii emery oou.
it , IV. himLigw , II , I ) . , I'riimkiitm , N. if.
iIy tIcmmi Ilmow Imus I eulft'ril froimm haiL hlimeum
until cim roil by theimi , , Ihics. A , It hiIuw' , ' , Mal.iom ,
Cured mmmc , if Hcrofmioims , JIumior , of tbirmmi , , iraro
d ijratlomm. .1. i : Iiiemm Amlibux , (1. 1 1. , Nun Orb aij.
Scratcllo/ Blood.
I e.rtlfy that I tmiiiy' miech timemmm ahioimt lx mtil ,
U mull I n mos oimtlro ly mm cli , limit before I ioimmmiicsmretl iii.
hlt : ( mhcmmi , immy ( siO , lmrcamt emil littk , a ore aimmiust a
hiiIIi cal , , a lit ! I ofUrm , me rmiti'loil , time lmioo.h Item , , imm V
l.oiiy. I momm , miiw 4 _ nl lrtIy neil , nimil I iiirmh our Umiti.
dim iiemmmeiiiu are the liet for akiim dISUSICI lust ever
floe htrommgiat iefoju I ho pumflio.
1' . II. lOX , Catido , Imdlau 7cr ,
TrTca ; thmtIcur i ° ; 1
httelvemi , th ; hoop , 25 eta. 1vneitiimeu AtuCmmr.M
sell , C , , . , histo : , Slabs ,
Scud for " 110w to Cimre Skhtm ll.easoa"
- C-- ; . - - - -
usa I1IU.IIDT. ltn
tmnfaillng OlrO
- Seminal VeaTh
: -
thiM , follow as a
' , e'Mtienco of &lf.
: ' . . ' , . A : - ° k , .
-'arORE TAKIQwul.as2i'leh'amn AFTER TUINfl.
a . Back , llmnmioe5 of Vision , l'rcniaturo Oh ! Age ,
nany other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con.
flPtIOn * iid l'rcmnaturo ( irate.
hawAIi. of a.iiertIencnti Ic refund money , when
driiggmsts Freon thiotmi the medicine fq bought etc not
refum , , hut refer yen , In Uir , mnanutactnrvrs , and the
requirements Ire emmob that tiey arc , . 'hfoin , if tier
1oimmp1iet with , deO tlit'lrsrltten gmaintitco A lila1
of emma Ii,1c , Itsekemlo ( m1 flrn'e Siwcide will 001fl 11100
the most. skeptieh of Its tool merits ,
On aee'nnmt ( mt pemnteZeitcc , , we bare adopted the
lnwWrapltc' ; the only genuine.
j4TFuIi lrtlctmlam Its otmy i'mphlet , which we us.
Sire to Semi , ! lrc'o by snaIl to every one , ti1ho Spe.
ePIc ? .tedlchme me sold hy all dnmggists it $1 per Itack.
ago , or .i package , ( or 6 , or tOll be sent free by
mall ems time ricrilt of time Illonel' , by adtlreasmnt
TIi1 allAY smulelNIlco. , ijumfalo , N. Y.
Omaha by (1 lit e-lnmn. Iv l9mn.tec..e
Invontgnto for Yourgoivon.
Postmastor.Oc'mmcrst Oroehain hmasimig lnll'llshett a
willful ni1 mnaiicimsu faiselmol ii iegapl to the char.
stctcrnf This Lommislamma Stats Lottery Cotniany , the
fnllovIig facta am given to tlmn tmubllo to : ? omo hIs
ttefliemt' , that we are cimgag.t it'Ut1uItmI bus
Immesi , to lie false ammhtmvtrtme.
Aiuommtmt of ItrlCos l'&td Ii ) h1-e TMtmis'anI ' Btto Lot.
tery Coimmpaey fit , faimuarm l 1579 , to present datol
l'aItl to SomtmcrnY.sImrcM LiNcw0rloiums ,
T. 31 , Weoeott , ? tlMagOr . . . . . . . . . . . .11,250,500
l'all to 1.oiisiatia Natloimni hank ,
Jo , . ii , , Proslicmt. . . . . . . . . . . 463VOC
Pall to State NatIonal Bank , S. If ,
Keimimotly , I'rellont. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,100
Paul to New ( 'ricanaNatloimal Rank ,
A Itahhvitm I'rrelcemmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02,1St
Cxlii to Union Nallomial lIamk ,
fh.Charlsron C.mslmier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,451
L'aiil to Cititcima' lhaimk ,
Ii. I. . Umirriero i'reident. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000
Paid to ( krmnatml itatlolial Batik ,
.Iulcs Cesarml l'rcsident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000
Paul to hilber-nia kationah ) Jammk ,
Cimis. l'aifrey. Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000
i'alil toCammalhbsnk , Ed. Tour , Cashier , , . , 13,150
L'aiil to Mutual Natloimil Rammic.
Jo , . Siltebeh , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200
Total Paul as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , ,
Paid in suimma of tmnder $1,000 at the
tmsrloua offices of thu Company
theoughout thoL'miltetlStstei. . . . . . . , , .
Par limo truth of time above tact. we refer the ubli
totho olhlcers of time abovoimanmeil oorporatloos ADO
tot nut legality mutd standing to the IRs ) orandOflcere ?
of thm City .1 New Orleans , di ) the State autimoriUceol
LouIsiana , and also to time U. S. Othiclal. of Louisiana.
We claim to be legal. honest slid coreect In iii oui
tratmetlnn , , , as mmmcli so as any bustimees in the coun.
try. Ourstanihiimg I. cormcetlett by all who wiB ( me. .
tlgate. antI our stock has for year. been sohit it U ,
Board of Brokers , anti owned by many of our best
known aimd respected dtlecns.
11. . DAUPhIN. President.
tV'OAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tiokotu Only
lb. 2tmaroe In rroportion.
Louisilla State Lottery COllipally
I , U'k do ? , , reby certify Shat we tipttvb * the or'
ralmyeniemU ( or nil ( Sc' _ ifc'nthiU amt Secni.Amnuah
Draiobmra of time LomiWcmmn , , SCaie bmfc'rt Cotnpatmp ,
edit mlj'eleon , , ianage cimd control tAr Drarnngm
titeumselwg , nimct that ( he ctmimo imr5 comSmctemi With
homeity/tmrncae. ( amid ( ii , umodfaiim toward all pat
anit Ira ammthorizs the comiipany to us , , ( Ms coo
tOic'imte , icthfae.itiisitea ( of our amigimatimres atac.hsit
11 ICC
Yncorporateml In 1865 for 25 years by the herfelaturi
or educatlotmal mmmiii charitable PUIP0500-nith a ml'
hal of II 000,000-ti , which mm reserve fund of OVO
0650,000 has slmmco loemm thiod ,
fly an oscmwlclmmmlmmg Imolmular vote fta franchfe
wan made ma Part of the pritseimt .tato consUtutlos
0.dt'PtOd Iocenmber lii , A. la. 1879.
Till' ontp Lottery over voted on anti endorsed b
( hope-opts of army stats.
it , I000r Scalea or Poatpommea.
It-s grand aimigie number drawings take
place mnomithmly.
TIINII. 11th Grand Drawing , Class L , at Now 0 , .
cans , TUESDAY , 1jOV. 15th , 1883-102d Monthly
f.00,000 TICKETS cit FIVE DOLLARS IIACU. .trao
tlon ; in Fifths in ProportIon.
LIST U ? ramiv.s ,
1 OM'ITAI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
I do do
1 itt , do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
2 l'ilI'/E11 OF 94000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C0
S ut , 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000
20 do (00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
000 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
moo do 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
500 tb 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
9 AitproxlmnaUorm prireS of 0700. . . . . . . . . . . 0,750
9 do dci Oct ) . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500
0 do 40 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,264
I07 Frize , amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
Application for rates to clubs shoulml be made only
atiho oiflco of time Company in Thor Orleans.
For further InformatIon utiLe clearly giving lull
a.hilrese. Idaho I' . 0. Money Orders paysblo aol
addecti RegIstered Letters to
New Orieamms , La.
Postal Noths and ordinary letters byililail or lOx.
lmroes ( all sumnii of 95 amid upwards by Eajirests at our
expeneo ) to
or hf. A. DAUI'IIIN New Orlean. , La.
sa Sovetmth St. , Waehmhmgton , 1) ,
B.1 Frank
. oore.
127 La Salle Street. Clilcaflo ,
Sannger Of Chicago 0(11cc. ( To whom apply foJ
imalormuatloam and tickets. 102t1 Monthly
DrawIng ,
Tuesday , Nov. 13.
First Capital I'rizo , 515,000. TIckets 95. fIeld
} 'Iitbs at $1 each , tee toil scheme abe a
itt mmcc idytnr-lborlm , ntmnmber ( Ito sf.ilai , Itro- .
I oritt of n mm utmiuml , , , , olosirlali.1lmis 'immil'
hi imil.Simfui , ismmd 14u rh yloti Ieimt fur ( hi , I' ' 4' iilii
Liar mmmmncmr. ChIli. comics iitIClt.
I 5-'eyeu , , C'oigentloi , loflemmiatiommo. . . . .
2. IVurimVimimm , loser. Vorm , , ttifc' , , .25
: m I : rI mm mc Cal le , or leethming 'it Iimtmiiml 'I .
.5 llarrhurm , of ( imlidremi or At ! umlf . . . . . .25
Sm. hsI'invb' , ( lrlplmiq iiiilitims t'lie , , .
. 41 , 4 Imil , . cmi .Iurlmi , . t o , . , , , , , . 25
.5 I imglts. CcItt , Iiroxlhm ( " . . . . . . . . . . . .
is. 5niraittlti , ' ! eollmnelm , , I nt'emcfio..21' .
9. I IoadcIies , IJcIc iletafucm , ' ' . VrIflt ) .2(0
I us , I . , , , , Imllifomma htommnelm , , , . , , . . ,
a t , Hi1mirr.'d , , or l'ahr.mI I'.rhiid.
I 2 , ' .1 lsl.o , tot ) I'rnfisn Jeriode..i ,21'
I : e , 0 : . , , , m , . 4oImgiJ , JfltJiomic , JJrmiliminmt. . . . . . 2 to
I 5 , bOsh lIImrimm , , , ) : ryoIpolsi , Jrim410ms : ; , .25
I IS , JlhrimumIl. , ' , , . lilioimmtmiii , $ i'mitlmO..2(0
I II. I i''r , imS Asu , ' Chill , teyct , Agnes .59
I 7 I'l leis , 111111,1 or I lectimmg. . . . . . . . . . .
. 9. I 'mm u mm rmJm. ( iCimi , , or cimm thud Jmmfhuc'iitt , nO
131) , .thimtiiI , it ; ( ' ( , imaii , vitjiirml CiUgIie , . . ( Ii )
2 I , Ormml , , , 114.blllty , i'byleal % Ve..icmmeastiIl
117 , itldtmov I5ioni. , . , . , , , . . . , . , , , . , , . . . , , . , , too
2'4 , 5.'rvmie , ilcijijit'.I .11(5
: tl ) . Urmiry $ 1''nlmuii' . % jttlmmg limo . ljoml . 159
:1 2 , Iil.u , . & ( , ol I hmu I to , , it , 'aipltmmf iim , I .00)
t.iild by mir&mggi.ts , , Ir aeJit by I Imo Ca , , . or slim.
elm Viii , tn. ' ut cimargo om , roccijit ot trhco.
m.cmtl , ( or Hr. I Is , iilmr , , . Ilio nit Ill en.'etre.
liii tmmgosI , miJC ( , hlhum.irsmird , I nluliI5mi , , Pit liii.
Aimd r.ati , I I mm III 1111 I ' yl I Imtieijmm , , I IlIl Si ed.
felt , , , Co. , I ( ill Fuhtimi Street. . 's.w ' , irJo.
araham Paper Co. ,
217 ammO 210 North Slalim ilL , St. Louts.
1100K , 1 l A R1 5t C' ( WRITING
NEIV1I , .1 4 ri' , i WItAPIINO
trCs.5)i ) I'n.U for Image and l'almo StookScrap Iroc
limit MetaL , .
'i'art's of ban
Imuimmami body ritlargeil , mleselopid ammd stremmgttmecod ,
to , , harm iuterestmom , aclvortmaemnemmi lommg rum , In our
Pitr. In reply to timquirie. we aNI say that there I ,
lie vtidimco of linumbug about fbi. . Otmttmecont.rsry
tile advertisers more very highly endorsed. Inteevetej
(99Ofm ( may get coaled circular , gluing all parUcu
mrS tyaddrruinr Erie Meditiltjo. , 5' , ( bbox 61
Buffalo , N , 5'-lL'victtQ Utcla
- - _ _ i _ - - - - . : : - ' - - ± : : -
Ifaslong been acknoakdgecl and more so at this day
than aimy other. The vast 601,1 of int'dlcsd sclcnoe Si
ever InciciMng , mid Iii Imumerotmq brnhei ass
brought nearer and nearer to perfection , and
nIl 0110 man eami ZiV lOnger 5T59) them al
llencethie neesqoity tortisiiling thelabor. Anditie
true beyond all mutt that disease , affectIng the gen.
touritiary organs neril special ttmdy mote than any.
hlng rIse , II wolvoulti ummderst.and and know how
meat them mmrom'eriv ,
1)11. Ii. WARNER is fimihy aware that there are
mans' ph3slclsns , an ! some erneiblo people , who will
conifemu him lot maklmmg thia ci.tss ci uhiseasos a
cialty , but hols happy to know that with most pci'
son , of refimenmcnt amid intelligence emits enlighten.
ed ' . low Is taken of the sul.jcct , and that the pimto
at , who devotes himself to relieving the afflIcted awl
Al log them from trorac than dtim , Is no loan is phi.
atmthimopiet and benefactor to hmii raoo than the sus
gee , , or ith-iclaii ti ho by clo npmdicatlon expels In
any uthcr , hiramsim of hL.i imrofesslom. And fortimnately
orhimimmammity , the ilay f.sdawningwhen thofal.o
anthroplmy that cninleimincd the victims of folly or
trfmme , like the lepers utimiki' ( ho , Jcwlsh law , to dIe
uncarcil lorhas j'acd away.
A Few Reasons
'by on Omotmlt try the celebrated Dr. 11. IVagace's
mmmetho.le of elmer :
1. "Dr. 11. Wngmicr ii is natural physlclan. '
0. 8. Fowaan ,
The Greatest. liming 1'imreuologlt ,
'rcw can excel 3 CU as a doctor. "
lIe. J. Siotts ,
The Worhil' , Greatest l'hilsfognontlst.
. "Yell are wmtlerfulhy roCclemit In your knox I
edge of disease Ammil mmmedhcimmes. "
Ba. .7 , Mrnimxws.
4. "limo afflicted iThd ecaily relief in your pris.
emmec. ' XIs. J. ilmilmia.
5. "Pr. If.Vngmmcr is a regular graduate from
liolievmmo lioupital , NOW 'York thy ; has had very ax-
tc'nrlo tmo'ptt.cti practice , armil I , thoroughly Posted on
all branches ef his btIod ectcmmrs , ospoclally cs
chronic dIsease , , "
1)a. BsownatL & Ewnw.
0. "Pr. 11. Vsguer him , lnmmorodixcd himself by
his womitierful uiisoot'mry of eppelflo remedies for gel-
yato aml ses.imai discascs.-Vlrglmmla City ( 'bronlde. °
7. "Thousanil , of invalIds flock to see blmn.-San
FrancIsco Chrommicli' .
8. "Time Doctor'S long c.'rpericneo as a spceiailtt
hnuitt render him ucry succoesfuL"-htocky Mo-
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one time a diecussioi , of the secret olec was so.
tirely muoldeil by the' profession , and medical works ef
but mm few years ago tmouhl hardly mncmmtlomm It.
Today the ithyslinmt is of mm ditTcrimtolmimionl , ) me In
casTe timat It lu las uhuty-llsagrcetsblo though I'
may be-fe htmmullo 0mm mmmsttcr witimout gloves antS
P ° ° " 14 ltinfmmlY ahiout. II and Immteliigcmmt. Pent8 s.1
gtmanlL-mmi , to ill tlitumk lJmu for doing no.
Time results attetmtlhimg this ulu-structivo sice were to-
nmerly moo. umiderstooti , or 1101. Properly cstitmmateml ; mind
no Immiporrncmco tteimigattcochcti to to subject. which by
Its nature tines 1101 lutith cloo LmmvestlgaUon , It was
'I Ililmigly Itmiored.
'l7mo Imahilt Ii generally contracted by the young
ahmiid mmttcntllmig , wheel : umliler companmona thrommgmo
their eLmmimmltle , umar is , rc'itonsitIo for It , or it may to
mmciulreI , througlu necltivimh. 'The cxcltemmemmtommce cx'
itCritimCCl , ( ho Practice will be rcpCAtCd agaIn and
amamimi , tmmmtii at is4 the baltit bc'cemmmes firm , uml coma'
tletely emmIrt't. time tictimu. Mcmmt.'ml tm.imt nervous oh
Ilietloim , nrc tmtiniiy tIme llrlmnttry reetmlts of elt.nbuic.
Amtmnmmg time immjuritnm , eifects may Ito mmmeimUoimeil lasv-
ttitic' , tiejeetloml or IrrnscllUlty of teml'cr antI general
, lehllity , 'fli hot' seol ccInolomm , and rarely joins
lim (1w sports of hmfi Conmpittmloimt' ' . If tmo ito a young
mmmtlim imo ill U. little fommmti , 1mm company .mith time othmot
scs ammd is trouiTo1 with eceehimmg amid aimmmoybmg
iia.hjmmttmes iim timeir ltrcscmmco. Lascioious tircammls ,
emmmliiommq nimtl cnIttiomiii ; on the face , utc.are also
lromimimmrmmt A ) lmmlmttmms.
It the ltracticw Ii vlolcnUy persisted In , moro serious
disturtcmmmec' , take Ithace. Orast ialimhtation of the
heart , or CltiiCl4ic rommvnhslon , , are c'.pcmieneoih , amid
thm , mumierer mmuty fall immto mm cimmmmpleto state of Idiocy before -
fore , lilmaily , , teathi relies en hime.
Tiiitil thioMeemigagel 1mm thtl dangerous , practiceI
noultlsay , first itt all , Stoi' It at ommee ; make emery
possible etlort to tie so ; bitt If you tail , if your mmervicn
systeim ) li already too much shattered , and commac.
( ltICmmtl ) ' , your nU.1'ower broken , take some imcrmnm
tommIe to aiI you in lotle effort. lla lng freed YOUr
frommi tIme lmtiblt , I mt ouki Jurtlmer coummsel to go
through a regular ctnmrac of treatmmmemmt , for it ( a a great
mimisinko to , imiipo'.o that rmmiy omme tony , for some time ,
ho t every sollOle gIve himself up to thIs fascInating
imut tlaumgcrntms excitemmietit. without sufferIng frommi its
em II cotmsemmuetmeen at somimo tuturo timme , Time mmummmtwr
of 3 OulIfi Immeil It lie mire ilitn1OtdiitOtl to fiR tlme uIuCH
emijoirmed by wcilnck I , nlaruimmgly large , and in nmoso
of such caei timii umifortummaic commthltittmm of thmhimgs can
Ito traceil to time lmrmcUco of retfabust' , wlmlch hod bti
abammiloneil year. ago. lii.leed , few mommtima praetmoo
of timi habit Ii smulhiciccit to iumlueo spenmmatorrluna a
later year. , ammil I have mmtamiy of tch cases under treat
macmit at the vrememmt day. .td
Young Mei
Wlmo may Ito suflcrlmmg from the effects of youthfuI
follies or immdIccrttiori will do well to avail thomselrri
( If this , time greatest boon ever laid at time altar of su ! '
temlmiglmummmitmmity. Ba. 1V.tu'.u willguarammtco tofom.
( cit $500 for Os cry cast , of mimimimm 's vakmmc or lirImta
disease of army klrmd amid cham-acter5siilch lieundez.
takes to ammO fails to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There tro mammy at time ago of 110 to 60 who ace
troublc'i'xltim too frequoimt omacuatlomme of time Itlad.
tIorojlcm , lWAmOiitlmtUmitd by asligimt smartIng or burst.
lug semmtstinmm , amid a sicakerming of tIme system in a
mmitinimcr time lttotlemmt cannot mlccoummt for. On oxamath.
hug time urimmmiry ilepoilt , a rop' scdlmmment mirn oftem , bti
fouimml , ammil , tommetimmtes , somalI Itartleled of aibuinerm will
aploar , or limo color nIU ho of thin immllkich lmue , again
cimammgiimg t.t ) a tiark amid torplil mtImpearnnce , There are
immammy mmmecmy macmm Sm ho mu , . of this difilculty , Igmmorammt of
the cau'c , whlrh is time icconmh stage of aemnlnaI npe3 ,
rims. Dr. IV. 1il gmmtmrmumfoe a Perfect ctmxm Iii all cmm4.a
mumd a healthy rostoratlumi of the gcmmilo.urina.ry om'
free. Thorough exaimminatlon anti advice -
vice , $0.
All conmmntmmcatien , ! , shmouiml be addressed , Dr. hiemiry'
licmmry Wagner , I' . 0. ¶ .ISO , Deliver , Colorado.
Time \'imutig ilam I'mackot Conipmumlomm , by Dr. II
Wagner , Is trirtm ) Its weight Lu gold to young muon.
I'rlpe $1,21. Sent by mall to any adtixcsj , ,
Let Your Light Shine.
Dr. IVagimer the cclelratcd specialIst of Deuret.
Cole. , 543 Jemrfmner btrmt , believes him lettiig timeworla
ktnv ; WImmi.t hum calm do , muid Is doing for thmoimsamids of
his felluwimmen , Illi treatment for loot mamilmood Is
Uru to tmlmm Iiimn a mmammmi , tint tosterity omill 1lo. Tee ,
lmmuscmmd , temitlmimoimiaiti trtmn mCI em cr the Uiiltml Statei
rolmm timoou hmo ima cured , is jtroof POCitIVO that htodcs- ,
lmrmi time worst cas of Ilmeso diseases. Thu afflicted
from chmrommic ammO muuaI diseaeiu of every kInd will
fInd htimn tlmelr heit friemmil. lteail 1mb advem-tlttetmitutin
all omit city I'altcrs , aimI call omm hIm for ad'.Icc , as we
knowyomm tifil corroborate us in sayimmg ho is ( ho taX ;
fcrr's lemma triemmtL-Eoclmy llma.tmmraln News.1
Relief to the Afflicted.
In rncdkinra , asin science , time specialists ar the
ommes Ii lmo aIta , conies to Ohio front and accommapu.a
great results. This rcmnsk is especially applicable hate
to Ir. II. 1t'ugmcr , , of title city. lie stands at time top
of imhIIOfe.iom , , ammd tIme cure , he Iterlormns for the
uofcrli mute wouid scemmm woimderfui II imot Irolwriy
viewol I , , tlmohigimtotsclentiiha macquirements , lie Is
cmdorwd , by timu immost emmmlrmcmt of time medIcal faculty.
lila ofiico at 313 Lararnir street , where ho will ipef.
ily eifoctmt cure for time emmifecingof elthersox , mm mat-
let imow complicated their camplaint.-lomeroys
Democrat ,
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Persons at a , Ilsthrmco who wish tobo treated by Dr.
Wagmicr need mmot feel itaci.wmmrd because of ImmslilIty
to visit ) mfni. It they will w to time doctor h will
stud a list oh qmmeatlons w nable hinm to send '
mmmodicimmen , cotmimsel arid to timousand ho has I
manor seen , lie hmmt l 1cm every city , tOtli nd
atcotlomm lii Colorado well cam all em er the Uzm'.tod
iltatus. ilco hIs ad Ibis , ndertLsememmt.-1hn'
ser Thbumic.
Shall We Reform ?
Speciflo remedies for all diseases is the theory
practIce at itru.mmt of educated ammO eaperlenre _
phyalelaims , mmimd im , all large conimnummlCes ( Imey he
their specialties , to excel lim which timey direct thz
.tudles mmmiii tractI , Pr , Wagimer Is a suoceamful U.
lmotr-.mtiomm of timl mimoilermi selmoel of specialibam. amid hii
smmiirucedemmted 5tmcetnC Iii the treatmcmmt of 1'rlvato
tiletiscj is as wonderful as II is tlstterlmig.-1 rut. J.
5immmms ,
rimoe lerso , who mmcel medical relief for the meet
dclIe.of of disoaaei w-lIlflimd ax , aceommmpllohied ammO sue-
cesaful ) In time iteraoim of hr. Wagner , No.
813 Iarlimmi-r street , to In' I.e highly recomnoentiod by the
medical irolu'oiomm met. hommmo iid &board.-Pomneroy'a
Deimmoermot. Iiigotry amid ignoranoo nmust gloc w ay to
alstlomn mumtl the wise thyaic1ai , bellemcs La lettimmg his
light simimme for ( he glory of his fellow men. l'rlotm's
ink is time torch 5mi caim beat use to guile the weary
, .mmd sick ommo to tIme toutmtain of health 11 thIs actk.
should be instrumental as a "TOIICULIOIir' set up.
on a hill to guide suffertmmg ) mumnanity to 313 LarIr
mitttt. Denver , Coiorsdo , it will anawe the purgoes I'
for which it was written , Address
p. o. to 2559 , or osU at 343 Ls.rlmer Street
tbeoelumn beaded "The ,
j ! .
_ _