l'AN ' DAILY BEE - 0117bI3A. St1rUILDAYNOVE\IBLR 10 , 1883. IIE OMAHA BEE. r' V C'abtlnbed ev ry verning , enoept Sunday. The tea1J Moehy morntog dnlty. erne at sariU as Year . . . . . . . .1t0.ooimto rontha . . . . , laoO MtzMoattu . .e. . , , 6.03IOneMonth . . . . . .1.00 to wutbr sae , rr1Llenae ttTUT WZD1 l bAT. rsaxeroe1TAto. @n.Yen . . . . / . Three uonthe . . . . .I rA ittlionthL 1.00 OneMonth. . . . . . m Amor1can Nom Cnmpnny , BotolAgcnkNea rdat .n hn the United StAIeL o0aax9romx : + ce" A Oommuntoatlona rclnting to Now. i n4FAlto l 1 anattca ehotdd to addrexeed to the 1 inroaorTUI IRSt ECe11zM LlrrtnM& roned to 1'u uaninalrA OrdAttL phatta , Check. and PoatoNro erden to ho made pay' able to the ordCT of the compsny. THE BEE PUBLISHING COG , PROPSI E. ROSEWATER , Editor. Ttuttti is one point of axcollonco about Como of the Tltnnksgiving proclnnmtiala this year-thoy are brief. These issttod by the Governors of Connecticut , Now Jorsay , Yormont , Ohio , Iowa nod Mis noun ore modals its this roeltoct 1T is alleged thtt eastern railroad men are urging neon allied with western and nouthcrn roads to use their iniuonco to nocuro tire election of Mr. Randall to the I spoakcrahip That the great corpora. Lions have an axe that ho can sharpen necomna for it. j CI1A1rlrAx DoRgrv has revised his fig. urea. Ho first claimed , with a flalrisht ! of trumpets , that Rocso wrs elected by 15,000 Ho now says Ito is satiafod that Reese will have 7,600 IIo will have to revise his latest tigurna before ho gets through and coma down to a fraction bo low 5,000. Tat : conCOiIMd donkey that edits the Rcpnbtican still persists in publishing ! also roturna on his editorial pave which I are contradicted on another page of his owl ) papor. His column of majorities for Reese credits Savage with 1471 major. ity in Douglas when his local columns give Savage a majority of 1l32. 'IIo credits Reese with ? 00 majority in Cass county when he knows that Cass county gave Savage 107 majority. That shows how much reliance can ho placed on his figures. A ItEr8ESltNTLVE of the liberal Puritan element of Massachusetts defeated Ban llutler inTuoaday's election. lion. Goo D. Robinson is a native of the Stnto and was horn at + LoxingtonJanuary 0,1854 , braduating at Harvard in 1850 , and enter. lug the legal profession. His political norvices embrace a term in each branch of the State Legislature , and in the Forty. 111th , Fortysixth and Fortysovonth Congresses grosses , Ho was re-elected to the Forty. eighth. His proverbial Yankee shrewd. noes and political experience together with his political training and honesty of purpose will make of burn a good Gov ornor. Thorn will be less of sensation t and more of standard respectability abou t iris administration than Butler's. TIIEna } s moro trouble about the keep .er of lIanscont Park. Tito City Clorl leas taken it upon himself to outer corn . 1laint : against Mr. Haas , tire kcopor , fo r alleged rudeness to a lady relative who ra Ito says was forcibly ejected from th ° Park. Mr. Haas , in defense to th m charge , states that the lady in questior i was helping herself to dowers and plant s which are his personal property. It a claims that ho politely requested her atop the depredations , but she refused t o understand hiraand hotinallyput herout Mr. Hans says ho did not know that th o lady waa a relative of the high dignitar Y that waits upon the Council or ho woul d lusvo cheerfully submitted to being despoiled spoiled of his property. Now it strike us that the Council should promptl Y lay this complaint under tire to . bro. Mr. Haas should not b ° punished or oven censured for protoctin g o leis property. The relatives of the Cit Y Clerk Imvo no bettor right to pull up hi S flowers and plants because they are in th ° Park than they would have if they wor ° on private promises. Thu idea that an Y city official should consider himself ont i tied to special privileges in Ilnluica , t I'ark is to assume that the Park is kop t up as a posoy garden at the expanse of the city for the solo use of the public so r wants. If Cho keeper of the I'urlc h been guilty of any criminal act in rofu s ing to part with his property without pa y let Mr. Jowott outer complaint in tl to lolico court ( ) ENL1tkL SQnOFIELI ) , who hiss su C . ecoded General Sheridan as cotmnand Car of the Department of the Missouri , is now 52 years old , graduated at We st sts Point in 1855 with Sllaridan , and ha s served in the army over sinco. In 180 1 ho was chief of staff to Con. Lyon , an d alter his death was nppointcdconmand or of the Missouri division of the army. I ! t 1800 ho seryod with Gen , llosecraua } u the army of the . , umborland ; in 1804Ii o command ° dtlto armyot the Ohio ugain st hood in Tennessee , and in 1805 receive l the surrender of Johnston's army to North Carolina. During Proaiao nt Johnson's administration ho was Se c , rotary of War from Juno , 1808 , to Marc h ' 1869 Ire then took cotumaud of ti i ° dopartplotlt of tire Missouri , with tl to ' title of Major General , and held it f or , no year , when lie was appointed to p ! command of the I'icifp department. Ire 1870 ho loft the Pacifo command to b ° - come Superilitonderit of the Milita ,1 , Academy at West Point. Ho was as sgnod } to the position of the Gulf its 'p .x881 where ho remained but thr vu 1 , igontha. In 18821w returned to the Pu cilia ; di jsion and now comes to Chica g ° s to again command the Missouri doPa r t uncut , while Gun. Sheridan goes to Washington , D , C. , to succeed Go In' Sherman and receive the Utle of Gonu ' Blaj , Gou. Schofield will receive the tit 1 ° .f LII u tenant-Uenoral at the same tim e , , a PUBLIC LAND .STEA1 S , The Interior Department is npparantly awakening to the fact that under its very n ese gross frauds nra being perpetrated by land sharks and matopoliela. It is ab out time that iha right , of the people , u nder the homestead and pro.omption la ws , received some attention , and that la nd robberies bo stopped. A departure from lire homestead land provisions has be en made m favor of the Pncifia railways , desert lands so called , hnvo been given aw ay to those who would reclaim them , mta timber hands allowed to pass into the ha nds of speculators , who coveted thorn and by fraud acquired large nand valuable tra cts. Those are evils demanding n re medy both prompt and effective. The public lands belong to tire people. For several years under either the tax la ws , or n heoalesA enforcement of them , th e rightful owners hnvo been merciless. 13' plundered. The claims of railroads to lauds which th ey have not earned should ho promptly rojectodand such lands restored to rho pu blic demon , There are vast tracts w hich may bu thus restored and pass in to the hands of worthy mud industrious non , Tlio Interior Department will do n good work in stopping such frauds ns are uncovered now and in ccarchimg for ot hers yet hidden from visa. . Thorn is a work for Congress also in this direction , an d rho department's o9brts should be as sisted by that body. All departures from the operations of rho homestead act should ho summarily stopped. It is reported that during the last your an ag gregate of 19,0 ° 0,7111 acres hnvo boon di sposed of and , although tine area open to cultivation aeons to renew itself , as m uch of tlioso laud classed as desert and unfit for crops is now being developed , rho fact remains that such extensive sl iding is too rapidly depleting floc main lady. The lass e Woad adjusting to pr esent conditions and then n rigid en forcemeat. lore } s n field fora needed re form which cannot longs' ho neglected w ith impunity. Tilt : trials for bribery , forgery and cotLSpiracy in St. Louis , it is hoped , will throw some light on the Broadhead. M cLean contest for n seat its Congress. Dlako it electric ; lto candles its n fraud h unt. . , OTl11at LANDS TJItB UUDS. Tim week him closed without any very m arked political changes on tine other si de of the Atlantic. Much feeling has b eon stirred up in England by the recent u nderground railway oaploaiona , which a re believed to have been committed by Foluttne. Traffic on tim underground ra ilway lees in ConsequenCe decreased v ery mntarinlly. A feeling of general u neasiness has taken possession of the tr aveling public. The impending war between France and China is n subject of speculation b oth in the French arid British capitals. The news cornea from Limit that s t reaty of peace bas boon formally signet 1 botwost Chili and Peru. ' ! 'iris is doubt- l oss the Iglesias treaty , by which Chili t akes the nitrate and guano territory , svitheut assuming any portion of rho Po ' ruviau debt of $ .OOUDU,000 , and Iglaaia a t akes charge of the government of Peru. T his leaves 1'oru stripped of tor moat v aluable lOfteCAalOlla Ailt b'1Y09 the En' lisp and French holders liar bond s a nything but n cheerful outlook. Iglesias h as given cs idancu of n disposition t o g overn wisely , and to allow rho country u pcrinp of repose and order i which rc ecover from dtu losses of this long and c ostly struggle. lie will come into pawn r with nasuruucus of popular auiport , anc 1 iE ho hoops the promises of ins prsmn cinmonto txf u tow nonthe ago , Iris Prosi ae cy will bon fortunate alts far Peru , It is idle to expect much from th e now change in Sttmlialt atfuire , Ir'ntiai es nra not changed olhliana in charncto r a nd tendency b liberal cabinets or lib amt kinb's. , ho true significance of tin u present situation in Spain lies in the np . poaranca tL ere of n young sovereign , cob 0 s eems disposes to begin tire work accom plislied by Victor Emmanuel in Italy ' and by Francis It in the Austro llntga rian msmrchy. Thu safest cud ales t stable governments its Europe to any ar ° those which svnro created in this wayb the judiciousanroctimt and recognition o f l iberal impulses and principles at tin ° hands of a constitutional ounrch . Several " ' " "people's eating-houses" nr ° shortly err be established in Berlin undo r tie Protectorate of the Crown Princes s of Germany , and with tire co operatio n of the Mayor arid ether dignitaries. I t is proposed to furnish a bowl of goa , } sour for 9 cents , and a complete and au b , dinner fr about 4 cents. Coll' and cocoa are to be the regular bovorngn hoer nosy posslbly be admitted , but spin ituous liquors will be positively oxeludu d , That the English colonies its Australi n are boua , sooner or hater , to form n confederation which shall have chir1ro of their eomunon interests , and 'articulurl of their general relations to tire niotlt or count and tire folic ut Great Britai toward foreign uritiale in fho souther seas , Las long been evident. Thu out n bur of fho colonists is not so great as nu rot uiru this , but Ctoileculi ap character , with its vigorous mi a patient eergy , its muturoa intolligel co and its solid assurance of capncit Y t ° troth out nwonderful future , mnk ° A them a factor in tire Ilritiah EulIpir c which cannot forever be deprived of ii o full value by Utu ninimtunaucu ut rolitic , ( so mralion , ! 'hero are as 'at but abet t J ODO of diem anal tinny have fain 1 } ccupied the of o only fringe the y ° At island coutinont , wldcli in spite of i ausurt spaces , has resources of uhuost in t' calculable value told variety , but i1 ! ° s have already made a degree of progru es that is nearly if not quite unrival ° a , 'rho foreign trade of thorn 5,000,000 Uf Englishmen on ilia further side of rho giobu is $500,004,000 or ono ha if that ° [ the American hntou , with i is 50,000,000 of people , and equal to th at of Spain , TurwayHaoaeu and Deuu9r k , ill Europe , with 25 000 0110 of to mlalio nl It's rotr in value than the onifro f ° r. of trade of the mother country fit t care ago , and it employs a Inoranti to iuariuo ttce as large s that which at iltat period luml already nwaa En'lun td fife Rnoon of tire f Caa , While Choir a II na tion mlkas tire foreign commerce of t11o colonies necessarily of greater im } tortanco relative to their internal undo th an is the case 1u this country , the facia above cited am extromaly significant. China and Franco seem to be really at coal yet flora hiss been o formal deer larntimt of their belligerent rolationa. T he tolebrnlthio advices from Europe np oar to uuhcnio however , that the nn touncenmtt will not Uu mch longer do. In rod ova .thin indicating that the di lornnto ? negotiations canot saliafnc tnl resolve the dllicultios. It is , of co urse , impossible to tall just ghat the outconio of tire afroR11lu will bu , but the chances are that Franco will got setae format victory , unless tire complG ! r tons compel intervention by Croat Btit sin or seine of the otlor } grant powers of Europe. That Franca has sup cause to hope for n victory at all equal to tire cost of the war is intone than nro can boy lioro. It cannot prosecute the nll'nir suc ccselully except at enormous expense , and despite its wonderful recuperation since lire Franco Germmi war , it nA in no condition far rush n drain upon its Hmmi cinl roscurcos as this war will enforce. It may be thought that rho experience of Germany demonstrates that such atrug glo , can ho mnnayca so nA to strengthen a nation bath hnlncinlly : mad morally , but vvo doubt if Franco can realize nny such beloficin results from a star with China. Tire agitation in Bohemia causal by tire friction existing bohvenn the German and Crochian populations has become general Dimly' ntsnbora of rho Roicha rntli arc dirceim their anor ics toward eocuring n partition of Bohemia , nod giv lu g to each of rho provinces thus formes autonomous gosronunelie o [ their stn. T hey hope by this meatus to restore liar. rnony ; and prevent n recurrence of the e xisting dangerous state of a0hirs. The Danish Government has drafted a bill , which will shortly ho presented to rho Folltuthingwhich has For its object u nproved methods of lute insurance for workmen. 'lire Government proposes b y this measure to found an insurance nsiou fund , and will commence by do noting tire an of 2000 000 hrocrs which is to form the nilclotis for future o perations. 'Piro pramiumA charged werltin .men acsiruib to insure in this n ational insurance company will bu almost nominal , old they ill bo rre- tu rned outnct to any persn who finds hinneolf so poor as to bo unable to con- ti nuo the necessary'periodicul ' paymeita. Sliunld this mGneuro becsno a dory rho Danish ministry believe that they will h ave accomPliefned rho solution of a great economic problem. The wanton corruption of tlw Turkish o fficials in the Damascus district has finally led to serious disturbances. The Arabs Junta rafuftca almost iii a body to pay their taxes , and in every village anti. TT urkish Placards are soon upon tins walls. T ire riots which occurred at several points 1taYU been quC11Cd by tire military , bu t they are likely to recur at any moment. The Czar has decided to arnt the Rus- eian army with repeating rifles of rho latest AmoriL au pattern , Ho has jus t ° _ OD,000 of these arms through a L ondon fins. IIMMES , Itellcollona of a Young Barholor , Babies are like Shakespoaro's plays. ' 'ho las t nro hi always tire bust , No matrimonial oxistsucois , complete with ut tire three " ] " ' ' ' o "s-1'eaca , 1'icnty and I'arA og " g one. Tire ntnn wine has no baby nri'sos moro firm t hdF the joy of living , but his eyes dml't ] uu k sD red in thanturnhog. "A baby ht the house is n well sprirlg of p leasure says 0. { Inatallll it nmyt ho admittet l that fho metaphor la luygnly chusmi. Springs a re xoldmn dry. A baby earriagn which will last n year cn n n ow bo obtained for $ IH or 2O , hunt ixchoap er in tire std t4 , add five ur ton dollar , more ' Alhl get DLLs that will IIL9t two years. a Thu nldda9hlouod cradle which gently lulled Chu infmlx'to ftloop lwx loco nearly driven uu t by the opposition of faintly doctors. If eyou d on't behave It , open your wlndnwx any mgln t and listen to fho howls. "Nothing is hutpossiblo. " says Bulwer , bu llnlsvcr savor IieWued to u xluloking brut in a p assenger car nod rcinluod his tmuor { bocaux o It o realized that Ire was a baby once himself , N o maim 11aA over succeeded In duillg that. This la n babp. It is a girl habt Ifo w AlDt'ly { ' Ito ChM iel Ilan' fell ht9 0f09V1lA ! t h orrid contortions it makuA with its face ! Sco lwwensttgoly It kicks. ] loco rant it smells , Iluw like n tlanoa it y.aide ! Yet ( n n tow short y ears same man will ho half craxad with wild snxlunso { , wnrxhlp'Ili,6' ' tire very air this born breathes devoutly kneading at her toot an f rantically begging for one word , ono pressure of the hand ; neon n lank which u 311 give hits ' impo , liuchlxlifal EDUCATIONAL Dt time forty mmnbms of tire ireahmm cbw + nt lianas txolloga , llnino , night rue girls. lrof , fort C , 111hlor , of Cnniehl Unl rcrrrity , AAk s that n student should outer steal l oss tllAll eight huutx nor study dhvctly'afG ; r meals. A country Achool teacllor near 3farshall Dllcldguu , flax Itr'rforrod cargos of tweanl t Sul battery against two buy pupils , aged 1 1 and 11 , nand their oxuuduatlna is trot for area t Tuesday. A Maine girl , who was liberally educated h Amuriea , snffmod a course of Carnwu school inyin { Gonuuny , and is nn uc0uuudlahml not elclnn , recently shingled tor tatlmr'n utlico Su 1i girl dosers os a gonad lulsband , but its al 1 1roa Illty sh0 will ronlniu nhluglo , Tho' schuolnlavter is scry introit abroad 1 n Saratoga. Uuu lady bhnahlug with dinuwnd " sent ml order t" Ivor milliner rum follows : 'Dee r MixrX1'leaso got for trio two yarda o rf IryiAh { xiat dais and shoo gut rare six paroA u globs , severer and n gtrnrturs , crtLShudmau be r rtes odor. 1' . S-1)mt't sand rho lilll for rJ don't ss'nnt - - - - to see It , ho only abuse Idle a carting sumui mid 1 n'ill pay it myself. " Inirlrrlrl , Thront + of tar nut feathers Qlecunrngo 10 r moo udsAiuunry work Ill thtl tluutlwrn Statu x nhtthtsuch ngarb feels nwrtlstuck uptbn , t is conalAWnt with Chu taw huudllty of hie cal 114E Now Orleans paper : Thera me no oleo Htt atndos about tire return of "Tire 1'rodi ui 1)anghtuns" Tlw son Ivtm can n and have : ° llnuat veal served up fur blot , but time daugld a r umnt stay away. A wanton 09 years old , living at Akrnu , 0 " chnllungod 13ub Atorsull ; Gt mm publla diamlaalu of the Bible , and sire soya if shu can't mud u iritrt sink down Into iris boots she'll proseat ldl t with a now udlch cow , ] ) arwht la right. Nature al'sva e I rovld ox far Chu uoL'osallle of ekistancu , , Gulurad buy liar been lunl with thrca urns , outs t thorn hohtg at tlw bask , au that he can in i ii illatAlltJtLlCtlldaplxtUl { lwcktlt tuwbaurvud , A colored lnasbor led iris cou rrgatlnn to ti to dtAUUntd field . its IiousGul , lox. , whore ti I1oya were pla.fug at baseball Sunday , ire t d chore the bratluuu and slxtoro knelt lu prate r' Tlwy occupied all the barns and thug effect ° ' ally stopped the garlic. A conceited young country parson walkl ag ltouto ( rum church e ltlt one ui the IAtjloa ui h Is congregation , said , In alhletou to life rustle an ' dloucer "I preaehedtinis reonriug to u cung C ° ' galluuut aloes "I thought of that , " ul r served the lady"when you called thorn h ° ' loved brethren. " In vua of the wtldouma In New Parka w o- man , armed sill a rifle , shoots ! ho saha + from a man's cigar At n diAtnnce of 16 feeA some of those data A11a will mia + her mark , and the mi nister , at the load of the rroceasion , will sol emnly road the nersco ( beginning "Ashes to n + ho ; ' At n Southrcn camp meothng tire Uov. Mr Overton sold In hie sermon : "l owyonng poor pro , n word to yea IYhou dinner ha overdo ant pair nR , and got in buggies , nod court , hat come into the church and Aurse the Lord , far this is l ids day ; but it you are detormfnod to court , put it off until llondny morning , " The last time the minttcr called on thorn ho remarked : "I didn't won yet nt prayer. moetlrut last night , Sister 1'Iwt + , " "Nn , " wa + tins rcrpau + o , "the nlght u'AS w , stormy mid the roods so muddy that J rnncluded not to g0 to the " " 1onl there " nu > oihfg , "lint the was , In terposed the minintorwlth seine sorority. "I know ; but the Jeord dldli t have to u'allo through the mad Gt got there. " J 1088 [ Ioss Timings 11'111 lie Ono Hundred Ycnrl Hence , I'hllnaclphia Evening Call 1'rophot , Ix A mEI'OT. "Train from Madagascar is late , isn't it ? " "Yes , blocked by a cyclone , wlniclr blow it n few thousa d nudes out of tire tray. The conducts' will probably b 0 discharged far not sighting that stern 0n clads and sailing above ! t , They started half au hour ago , mttl should have nmd o tbohip in tssouty minntcs. " t You do business in tire ct } } ' , don t y ell ? " "Yes , just going hmno to dinner , "Live in the suburbs Ell ? " "Yes , got a cottage in China las t month , and like it first rata. There gas A the ball , 'To , ial" lx A OnOCERY STOVE. sir ; this cauutry is going to ruin T ime Congressmen are tittle bettor that thieves. " ' 'That's so ; dealk at that last bill , taus ma rho price of globe cable letters to on p cent a ileusand words. " "And than look at tire way in whicl 1 monotfolios are foaterad. ThoillAroun d ulna World Telephone company leas boot t g ranted another slice of :1lsk Ior a sup and yet it charges a dollar a y ear for service , fifty cor.ts ; ntor C t han it ought to , " "But that is not the worst of it. Tito y le ave just ordered thocainngo of atletnc } p billion of those miserable little gold del data. Oht for rho good old times who n coo had silver dollars that weighed some tlti ; , " OS'Cmr.txa : . "I sec thntl onus and Saturn talegrapl i steel ; to down again. " "Yes , n powerful opposition lines boot , fyrnnod nn Mars , and there is no tcilin a" what may happmL" "How are railroad stocks to dayl" " 1Yc11 , the little local lines to that 0 North and South Poles and tire cross town line to Chinn aua Japan are loin well , but the truck lines to the Planet a a are u trifle louver. The Y. L. D F. G H , 1. IC. nano M. D. C. C. I , L. (1. Air line antlered sumo by the last ciathquak 0 its the naafi , but the stack is in good do nnaud again. Besides that , rho crop no ports arc good. Mercury , Saturn nn a this tune 6umcrs " have all done s1plendidl Y year. O ! THE srnrr. : : "flatiron chilly to-day. " "Yes , that non. weather clerk at th ° capital has not got his baud its yet. 1 ace by the papers that last eight h ° turned mt tire North I'olc stopcock 1 u miataku for the equatorial one vita it w ag running full fifteen minutes before th ° bloodier was discovered. Tim cons 0 qucnca is that it is Christmas do ; . Ana tine ruses in my garden are no I fit for trinmiiu ; ; my children's Chrismaa tree , arid my wife who slept on rho vex - nnaa i her hammock last night got suc li nt bad cola flint it tool ; throe doses of tit Electric Universal Disease and Deat h Annihilator to cure her. All this coma s of appointing a weather clerk far politic al reasons , instead of promoting some o 0 w ho knows rho etop cacks. Oh ! for tin ° tined 0 a tones , when everybody vv , ts llanost , - - - AT A I OLITIOAL Clue. "W'ol , hon. do things look now ? " ' 'Just tire satire as usual. More ca n - dilates thou oflicos. " " R'lto do you thilik the Democrat s will nominate for President this time ? ' "It is hard to tell , but I see there is a pretty goad chance for n dark bore 0 w ino hiss been - in training for this cans lrnirln. " "Who isle ? " "Ant old man that nobody over hear a of. " "IYllnt is his name ? " "S , J " , , Tildotl , Utilizing tlloSian. News of a curious invention comes fret 11 rho south of France. A Frslclnual , soh has nntantoa a machine for rho use c k cstcentrttoa solar rays ne a general m ° rive poorer , has sat up three of his np , S , chines in Algeria for fho Fronrh gown p m eet. IIU la 1tOSr CACrylnr , OIt US/Orllllel at fho island of Portluorollce , Hoar IIyoro a r wiloro Inc is traslnnb Indian corn nn (1 raising vvator by the action of rho Ann 8 r ays. Sir Charles Duke lilts also but hit U mrtofhis'lani ' at Cape l3runncarTuulo n , far histex ) arimonts , and he fur arse to utilize time sun in boiling thus bolos , f or b lasting , for fluntm in rho tin ra ram r ocks , its wall ° s iti tutu water fro m the winter well into the awnmar cistern S. _ IlalrlessLip. To fho 151 TOIt : \Yhon Itogoostobedlot } iilu put a pier e of salt park ou hie lip and a cult of coat onset his boa , and upon getting up t to may water tire sprouts. Ito should he this up for six weeks and if he don't a ally signs by that tine , ho aho Id gat a pnu' of pincers mid pull then [ out. 1' ut this stn your cheerful 1)alwr so that ti follow can go arid son hams girl by Cirri it. mss , 1Y , ,1 , R , nmau uw aauaa. + THEGREAT GER IR N I1 allneupsat : ; ll ' REMEDY ; Ili D FOR PAIN I I ( D I Uiu cures . 1 ! d c nf I Rill'4 UJIrt''IS'I f , I. Neuralgia , ' u tw Sciatica , Lumbago , IIEADACIIET00TIACH , Et hmn I SORE THROAT , QUnY , 9 NPRI INM , Soreness , Cuts , Brunet , ' FIt0.Y171ITt:3 , nauxlcar.nsl , And .11oua'ri.otlilyach q FIFTY CENTS A 80IT1 HnldhyallnrurIMean d Peeler. . Ulrrdluaa In II anpnnttra , The Chinos A. Vopeler ( ' h tarr.n , e , TOeaua a tx sanltar , . roe ra r Cures Rheumatism , Lnm bagoLamefaclr , Sprains and Bruises , Asthma , Catrrrh , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat , Diphtheria , Burns , Frost Bites , Tooth , Ear and Headache - ache , and all pains and aches , The Lett tnternrl rod etetukt teme0y In the .cI1. herykoolegukmnteed. Sold lymedldne dealersertrywhete. Dire dons In e : kthacusces. Price to teats tnd 11.00. FOSTER , MILOUflN h CO , , Prop's , nurrAt u , r ; v. , u , a. A. 5 .S tie D itM . rt urt Q s , U U rf , 1 n eci c a , - At an a , a. ONE OF TEE BEST jlYSICIANS. thasohcenu + IngSx1R's5pcrlacinmyproctlcolor qultealongtimaendlregard Hthohestcombinbtlon A9 n hlcal purleer and tondo It is entirely rrgcLablo hclnk wtnJosed of the oatractA of roots sshlcli grow W this section of Orargla. I am tnudllnr a Ith itahls nary imm the ttutc tire tdtunda was ubtatnLVl from rho hndlam. It tea certain and safe rcmtdv for alt kinds of hhwd poison and skin humor mid in the h undred of cases in wblLh I haw used ] t and seen it oral , there has nmcr lien a failure to cure. I has o curedhloal taint In Trio Or COATmar sill it , A/let I had most signally lolled by lire most apiIroscd methalA of treatmout ultluucrcury nod IaIIJLIe of potassium. TIna9A case + haw lent cored ns eralttcn years , and have sorer land any tetunt o ! rho disease hr ihewsrh es or In their children. FnIn.l. : TeenIER , Sr. p. , ] 'crry , llanstoc Ca. , Oa. "It is time beet seUlug remedy to my etnruand all clAtses of lrcoplcbuy It. It has hocomo a hutteholJ rcumdy utrh many afoot 'nest citizens. " WALTEll A. TAYLOR , Atlanta , On. "I rend Saitt'a S terlf0-often a gross iii ten 'lays at retell , and to ant c a9v s. Suter of AIIanGsb host j.co plc ago It rcgulary as a tonic and air crath r. JOSI.ui BRA FIELI ) , Atlanta , Ga. Ourtrcatlso en mood and Skin niseascs [ Hall ircu to applicants , mu : Sn'IFT SPECIFIC CO. , Jtrnsrer J , Atlanta Us. t Nestern CorniceVorks1 ( IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. C. SPECHT9 . PROP , 1111 Douglas St. . . Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTURER OF Galvanfzea Iron Cornices grpormet 1Ctndors , Finials , Tin , Iron end Sln aoofng Specht's patent MetAlllo Skylight , Paten ndlvatcti Hatchet Bar and Bracket Shcleln ; ; , I a ho general went for the abate line a [ goals Ire enciug , Creatings , Balustrades , Ycrondas , Iron Ban alungs , window nmfnds , Cellar Guards ; Also genera eat for Pcereonrr Iill stout Inside Blind. 3ebraska Cornice Orllamellt 'O1tS ! MANUFAC'JREItS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES marmot Wix.docvei , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALIC SRYLiGIIT , 6ron Fencing Ctt tlntro , Baln9troles , Yerandu , Oalcoand Baa t ltaillugs , Window and Lcmar0uards , Eta x. W. coll. NmTIt nxn JONES 815. War. OAiSER , Manager. John D M. De , Peabody , . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . OFFICE ROOMS , S and 6 601 FARNAM. anlre Street , /ru. DEld "t Intecurn tar I. nuuh . qu ewll to , , lhrrnlrnl dctadurW , nl ur lire. nrtml'Unlt'nnlYnrt M / E 7hrmlaunndelnk ahou t this hI.U'umwtl , lira ton t Ihnuala .loan n , lLpL : : / t Tltl01T1' n. 'nncalln FOR thnnlah thr tmrts user c , _ r4ula tl rm " , h Ath r nt idol , Ilu Wet saint sirs r VS I' nltrr'brd Ul rung all II h raC } , Oj Item PrmUnlrc 1 ' ; . t ! + 1e t 'Jae. 01" . Im , , ' ' , . ' ' r /11 tbenn , t , .ryw I + pen . ' 1 rya , . _ t is . . fit _ 1f / I/i / , l SAU AH"BRAH. A UNIQUE ENTERTAINMEN Br , Sau Ah Bmh , a converted iluddhlet from fa r assay ludls , wRl gitu cow of his uttlquu Orleut rAI cutortahuumda at fho Iltptlstthun h , MONDAY EYENINU , NOV , 1 : , AT rl O'CLOCii lie Imporoonatea ht attmuo mcry saricty of Iltel Uurmah , from Ring to the natlru of thuJmmglc , bi traluelugall their costumes mtd household good , Ito dloxa how they cat and else t , and eon mind mar rt' . lbu sings thclrsengautd tells their stories d 7Conte out cod see hhn , Better than u sisit t 0 InJL9 , ADMISSION , 25 Cent , . ClllldREN,16Ccu ) A000MTMFN ! ! Allk" . k.ramladlrell.mu"w.t sibue.aw.are Silk , aaurr.l , I. .pldmd , sigcall dr.tod , cod ao.kl. p.rtwr Ilfe' . 5.11 , . yroM lA tea nrW.l , . .d rr uaU , cud , ItbwUtaa.ckmdlrku , a.dr..d1 aauan lad u. p1. . . , ri , Ardpd Iruil , a .t 1 TI. obi , . . . I'4.kalfl.r.i , IufYUUar l + .rvoa.n.blllt . . . . , , . , b7TafMAIISTONDeLtrIL ; , are La.l. . . sew wud.r9a Wa numtnMhll vd r1.r ruab .u .U.at .coat. 54.4 M teen. . . : s.1 . PIN iii f1AIJaror 1ntMEDt Yo. , a V. mu al. . JA I . , STEELEf JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND JOBBRPS IN FLOUR1 SQITt SUGAR1 S CANNED GOOIS , ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OFj ; Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS fOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER CO RICIlARDS & CL1IRIE , W. A , CLtiRhE , Proprietors , Suiierintendent , Omaha Iron Works , U. 1' . RAILWAY , 17Th S ISTII STREETS / - - 1 mfr r r \ r n e t ta I , , r e 'I I ' a . - w. ei I . . , r.l MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN ues Boilers WATER WTILEELSS ROLLER MILLS , Mill Brain Machinery o MILL FURNISIUNGS OF ALL KINDS INCLUIING THE Celebrated ( Anchor ; : Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WATER AND GAS PIPE , BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. , . , ' ' , ' a ' 9. . + re'J J w w . . + r. { i a 3 r 3 - i t l c r 0 . z. We are prepare to furnish plans aua eatils.ltCS , nud will contract for the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or far changing Flouring Mills from Stone to the Roller system , ' Especial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any purpose - pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended ; to promptly , Address RICHARDS & CLARSL , Omaha , Neb , MAX MEYER& CO. , L111PORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC I N I n f I PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAN D , Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $6 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming an d Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES , o J 6 , . Booth's q Brand AND WHOLESALE. D , B , BEEDfER , AgoatOraaha , 1 p ASK YOUR UAOCL'R9 FOIL TIIE , OMAHA DRY HOP Y'E AS1't a ; WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL , 31C I anufaetured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Oo , w 716 Btn1T STREET , oiLUiA , NEB -