- - - - - - . - 1 2 TBB DAiLY BEE'--OMAElA , SATU.DAYq NOVEMBER 10 , 1883. onrLIfo Worth a Dollar ? Iip s Perhaps that seems a ligh ; price for ; t , considering how poor your blood i , atiti how your whole system is JrOStrfltcddebilitatcdafld enfeebled. People have been heard to say , under such circumstances , that they wouki not give the toss of a copper for the . choice between life and death. But when it comes to actually drawing near the gravea man naturally draws t back , and says he does not want to . ( liC. Life is very precious , and even to a broken.down man it is worth saving. - ' , 4. One 4ollar vi11 buy a bottle of Iirown's Ira , : flhfIc-s. Fliat one dot. ar may start you on the road from misery to rccovciy. A man must take avery mean view of himselfwho 5 not willing to invest that much in making one serious efiort to rescue himself from deadly debility , and to step into the enjoyment of solid I health. llrvwt's Iron flillt'ts vital. izes the blood , tones the nerves , and rebuilds the system. Its work is well known. Invest that dollar in a bottle. S : i Have Found It WM the exol&mMon ! of a man when he go a box o Eureka I'llo Ototment , which Li a .rnpie and lure o.tro for illee and &U Skin Dseaee. fty centi by taU1 postpaid. 71w American Diarrhwa Cure i TIM stood the teet for twenty yoars. uo cure for ill. Necr FM ! . . Dlorrhaea , D-sontary , an1 Chole. Uorbue. Boall's ' Fcer all kue Paulo & Coria1. lb ie imposaiblo to iupplytho rapI1 eale of tha SURE CUR WA1tItArED r Vat Fever and Ague , aod all Matart1 troubles. ) riucE , 81.00. . W.J.WHITEHOUSE TABoa.tTonY , IOU ! ST. , OMAhA. NF.D. Foi' Sale by all Druqqi.sts ? - , Health is Wealth Dr. 11. 0. Wcst Nerve aul ( Brain Treatment , rtiaren occi specific for Uyeteria , DtutneeCoirnii' lfofl , FILM , Norvoue Neuralgia , Ileadacito , ervoue Prostration caued bx the uo of alcohol or tobacco , Wakofuinees Mental Deproeslon , BoKening of th i3raln , roau1ttn in insanity and Ioadin to misery , decay arul death , Premature Old Age , Ibrrcnnou 11)33 of power In either .ox , Involuntary Loae flpermithrrhaa causoti by over exertions i brato , cIf.abuee or over.Induieuco. Each talti. one menthe treatment. $1.00 a box , .n , ) oxo5 for $5.00. $ eot by maU prcpaid on recclI price WE OUAUANTEE SIX hOlES To once any case. With each order received by ns for six boise aocompnIod with 85.0 , wowillecud the purchaser our written guarantco torefuudthemonoy it the trotmeot does not afiect a cure. Guarantee. I .uadoolyby 0. F. GOOIThIA lno WI Druo lot Oxuaba Nob. DR , FELIKLEBRUN'S G PItVBNTIVi AND OU1IL 'OR EITHER SEX. Thie remedy being Injected directly to the cst the diocese , requires no chanyo of diet r nau.eoue , mercurial or polAonoue medicines to bo taken intern. aUy. When ieoiJ u a proycntlvo by either sex , II Is iniposeible to contract any private disease ; but in the Lee of those already unfortunately attlictod we guar. iSO mice three boxea to cure , or wo will refund the money. Price by mall , postage paLl , 2 po : box , or tbeo boxes for . ; W1UTFEN OUAItAXTEE3 lined by all autho1zcdagont , . Dr.Felix Le Brun &Co 8OL.E PROEIETOflS. C. F. Ooodn , Druggist , oIo Agent , for Omaha Esh. en&o wiy , C I r I _ _ _ _ . _ _ . i'4 4. ; . J ? E ' ; - , . ( . ) . \ . . I : " . 'Sl. , _ _ . .L . r _ I : . . . . . . _ _ , I . " , S % , . . . U _ _ _ - ! . - ' A ; . , , _ . . . . . . . . . . , I . . _ _ , .l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1t4 - . : , . 1 LL _ : _ _ NETTER AND CHEAPERTIIAN SOAP I ! e 701t ALL 4Bouie.Oloaning 1UrpOSe31 1T WILL CLEAN IMXZ NAUBLE , OT CLtY1'J [ , i4TI TJJIh5 , cro : xz ; KLTQ11E T5IS WiPOW1I .tc , ITWILX OLIH Tflfl4t8SCOPPER AND T1ELWAEEI o 4 LID - , I- - - . - _ : tieklng u Ilk I'ost. " - " I(1 t1i fireman his 1acc "SuN-oce , ( , reethig , And wipIi the irnot from hI face ; ' "Sflp1)oc Ot1 houltt meet a trisin on the same trnci , Ami It onzklng a Lwo.mlnuto iaco ; And 5t1)p000 that you hadn't enough time to stoP , intI them S.M flO , ido track to wt1 on , And you ma tlutt the s1ioie thing wa in for A lloJ ) . Then , hat tin you thtnk to be done ' ' 1)ntio" cried the oilnccr. sm1lIn disdain , "That's the eaeicct trick n the bizi : rdjILet 500(1 yOu bac1 to uncmipio the train , tel I'd just let the .leenetl engine wlilzzi Of euro , It , scould wind up m earthly career , For I tou1dn't help 1eIn iostt But 1d aiwayc be known a tIso bravo ongi. neer , ' , VIw tiled , lilce a man , at his Intti" ) The engine 51)0(1 ( fl like a ctar with a tail , AtitI the Iirenat. eluvetIed In coal ; lint ho owned that ho't much rather get into I jail , 'rhati Into that kind of a hole. And the grim engineer gave the throttle a jerk , 1'ithed the lover a little ahead , And seemed at content abide dangerous work. Au ii lie Vero tucked uii in bed. " 140k nut ! " ecroatned tlio fireman , "there is her light ! " Atiti over tb tender lie went ; "I'll iincoul1o the traisi ! ( .o ahead ! lt'8 all right ! .Tnst show Inc the way that you meant' " But the bravo engineer , omneliow , reached the car firt , Jerked the Pin Omit anil then let it droi , . 'lime engine , roloawd , made au elegant buret , And then an ingIoriou stop. eo.ij " 1 " said the fireman "t thought , , thought yon would stay And muako good your generoua boast. Vou call you WoUld make the world point wiLls dismay To the way you lied die.1 at youR post ! " "Shut up"growlcd the engineer , "don't make ama sick ! oIno day you will fInd that I rill ; But how do you think a manic's going to etIck To a fQt , when the Post won't stand stilil" -Drake's [ Magazine. HONEY FOR TILE LADIES. Slurred yokes and ( till wnit..s are again in vogue. Cloth bonnet' , are much % roni with cloth costtiino.s. Jark royal blue Is this seamn a er fah' lonablo color. Costumes of velveteen , tailor made , will ho Vor1m on thostroet this winter , Felt cor.hiiroy boimnoti are a pretty novelty for nmourning and traveling wear. Plaited camel's hair bonnets W Ill hia wopm with clotit anti cheviot eostt1rne ; SVnlsteoats or pla.trons , l.alu ! or plaltednp. year oh almost all new corsages , 1or time short coats , the Molten and \Vcst of lng1and cloths are very 1)opular. In London title nutunmn fashion decrees 1adio' hale shall not be cropped. Jmbroitlery cut out and aplled ; on woolen and silken atuils will be much vorn , Scotch cherlots and Irish frIezes wIll ho the favorite materIals for winter jackets. Large bails and spots are the newest designs fo Oriental and Sponlelt laces. Velvet spots nrc Introduced hmto Spanish laces intended for dresses and bonnets. Chovlotscome In etripos , chtcckn amid large IAoeks , In nil the combinations of colors. Mrs. Laugtry Is to play wider the umnage. mimomot , of thin i'rohiuans iii San Francisco. The bahl.lieadod mann of ow Yosk are flocking to a shop whelO there are four girl harbors , Mr. Irving's plays for next sseek at the'Star 'rhoator , Now York , are "Loub X1"and"Tlmo Icrclmnimt of Venice , " Bodices made of a material mmmcli thicker titan the skirt vIlI again be very fashionable for full.dreas occasions. Long cloae.fmttlng cloaks , trimmed lth five. Inch bands of fur , are being IUntIO by the tall. ore for the comIng lntor. Bands of velvet worn around the thr nt are ornamneisted with a diamond crescent , a locket or some bit of jewelry In front. TIio Galfic cock lii metals of all co1or-giIt , stool , bronze , or sIlver-and also on feathers , hi a 'ery fashionable ornament. Mr. Irving remains three weeks longer In Now York , thou comes to PhIladelphia for a fortnight , and then goes to ] 3otou. MO.COW.grO0fl , Iteiaslnn.gray , Ozer.brown , ; and Cosack.bluo , which Is almost gray , are the preform-ed colors for Muscovite velvet. flusslan.Fschett anti elephant.gray , Czar. 1)I'OVfl , royal Vroucle.bluo , Moscow.grcon anti violetpurplo arc very fashionable colors. Ono of the handsomest silk fabrics of title season is black satIn do Lyon brocaded with line cut jet beads , wovoti Into the fabric. The soasoii Is eioio us whoa yotu mnoii will give their attention to ralsitig beards for the wInter. Young ladles , try not to laugls. Of ' 15,000 ltersois arrested lastyoar in Perle , 0,000 vero wonioti. The jiroportlon of vomoii annually arrested In London Li ranch larger. A Chicago belle was refereed to a % havIng "shell 111cc oars. " Investigation disclosed that they wore shohl.Iiko-eaddlo rock oymters shell liko. liko.A A dIsh or vase of freehi wntcr ehouhi be kept In every room wltertm tlioro i a fire , especially an open fire. Time water absorbs the gas arising from the coal and other Impurities In the alt' . A slightly darnim cloth rubbed over a dusty carpet brightens It wonderfully and gathers all tb (1(1St , This be an excellent way to cleanse the floor of nit Invalid's rootit , where iioiso and dust are objectIonable. Mine. Trobelli , Mr. Abbey's contralto , who inado such an onorznotestfeces In New sorlc , Is to lies thool6t at the first' concert of thto Tlrnokln 1'ImhlhtaraeouI. Stteioty undom' 1Ir. fliosmia. ' directIon , ] eotlmovea's ' ' Erol a" symphony nod MacKenzie's Scotch rhajicody entitled "linens , " are time i'rlnelpal orchestral nuinberj. A shoe bag Is a very handy article for a bed room , A tn4afui one can be mantle of somun lirotty chintz. Cut a piece a half yard wIde and two'thlrds of a yard long , bind It wIth scarlet bralti , . and lint on a smaller piece for thus pockets , stitching It In thron divisions , the smaiiot In tIme centre for ollpors. 'rise moot convenient tlaco for thmi article Is to imall it on time Inside ( I ! the c1oet door , 'ibo boudoIr of a Francis lady Is titus do scrlborl : "It'wwe entirely covered with 1ook ltmg.glaeeos , on whelm svoru lainted tufts of lIlac , nieti rose.e. 'l'lto floor and the broad di. vnhm svore covemeil wIth s'ilk lltthhl , itmatle es piesely at Lyons , which itnittitod grass dotted hero tend there with flowers. 'Ihto room lighted from the roof , and blue aitti white gauze , draped Int'gtmlnrly , formed a traits. itarelit coiling , through which Imonetrateti a light hike that of the utoon on a misty suimi. suerThe The crazy quilt mania Is tiovastatitig the Northern cities. The yonug latHes ask for Imat. linings , scarfs titi oven the lInIngs of splice coat3. If high.buttouod vests should go out of style the muon woulil have to buy stow scarfs. Itiauy of thorn have meow no silk In their hints. 'I'iio crapa tlnt gathered are throwim In cue alleged careless way lute a quIlt that becomes after t Is einbroltlere&i , a sofa cover. ¶ l'hr r.sanla fo very vrovtiheut and absorbing , It ccbor1t the best gxtda of thto young izieti , } 'or tall , slender women , no wrap for cold wcatheeruso can ho founti more comfortable or becoming thence the long Vrenehinanthe , cut to exceodlie1y graceful curves in the back , and t hnlffitthsg in front. Th medIum Priced wraps in this style are tuatle of black ottoman silk , and trImmed with full leathery frInge axed ruchtes of chenIlle. 'rice smioso expensive gitrmnoicta are made of largo.patt.erned bro cateo , the desigims imin of ralseti tiowOrs lie .volvet ui chenille. Heavy quilted satin 1Iti lags are cicero leopuhar title season titan theocee of fur on aecaunt of the annoyance caused ) S' the sheddIng of hairs vhere Fur is employed. 'uhiern nrc some very curiou havs In Saony egardIiig servants , girls inure especially , The mijstresa Is obliged by law to allow the sers'cuit one round of butter tutU one of cutteti leer month , or the otpdvahont Ice money. if Lieu girl ( uuLsiee ee owp boddieg ( she secures oce , and a half cents ier eejglt for so doIng ieveeet.y coats a inonhi Es allowed for litee wwtheiug rued she zocleves fit-sm ier erect upon all .urchasee bile mnakew. She Is requlseth tt give one , uontle' etotlca before ben lug her 0 ' The Law a' ' i' ta eae - - keep a 1)00k for recommendations , in whIch sepon her leaving her telaco , her tols. tress is compelled to state thto entice and the girl's chireracter. The now fashion of hair dressing which ro' moves thee classical knot from almost the nape of the neck and deposits it. on the crown of the head , is not received with very gonereil Irivor. There is a stlffns. and barenesenboutit which Is hardly hlkelyto be becoming to many young faces , anti proltably some relief and shadow for the face will be arranged arid adopted , In the shape of citrIc heltln,1 the care , that will soften the hardness anti coldness of this style of oiiTure. To the ladies af mature ago , on the contrary , the now fashion Is excellently vell stilted , n it gives them a style , aced , as .Tnne Carlyle enyel'"nn air , " whelcie is the sub. ttltuto for thee ltst freshness of youth , Mis Ifeleme Close lens begun a suit In ( lii. cage against Mrs. M. .1 , ( Ireshnen , vheo nilvor. Lisos her heetelnns as that of a "scalisurgeon. " The ldaintiiT alleges that chic was In posses. iott if a head ( 'f ' haIr rare in color , length and thickness ; that while having it treated in Mrt. Groslinen's ollico It was so entangled that the defonInttt , was tenable to straighten It out ; thiat while tretcndIng to disentangle It chic hind cut half ofit. away with shears ; that after. wanl she Pated It witht a preparation svhilche turned thee scalp black , anti that vlaintlit has since bcete senablo to thlsentanglo the remain. eler , and toni been compelled to cut. it cli close to tleo head. Miss Close lays her ilaumagees at $ : ; ,00o. Current Poetry. Ills M'PETiTn. She felthe'd claim leer as hh own , For svomnnn'e wit is quick to see ' [ 'ito growth of seeds by Cupiti sown , Just after tea. Siio blushes red when slow she hionre The low.tomeod vorda Ito just lens saul , And trembling on the verge of tears , She hitches rod. And startled at the look she bears , For , ore lee finished her soft bend 1)roops and to his shoulder nears , 110 hastes tosay , 'midetheosts of fears , "I love--i love that gingerbread Your dainty little hand itrepares ! " Site blushes red. - - - WOltIS FOR WORIlEILS. There will be a labor comegrees in Canada in Jcceenhicr. A lUihtlitig heagno Isbeleegformned atGeiclph , Canada. At Dallas bricklayers receive O a day. The general rate in Toxasle $ . IIno trades union representatives have been elected to the Ohio Legislature. The chiiefs of the several State bureaus of labor statistics will meet Iii St. 1.oteis at an early tiny. The Ladies' ShiooAsiembly , Knights of La. burnurnbers 1,300 ; another of buttonhiuloopo. raters 800. \v. II. Forstee' , ex.Secrotary of the Fcdcr' ntlou.of Labor , hues romnoved from Cincinnati to l'hlladolpliia. , Time NatIonal Taihsrs'Associatlon leave elect. eti Itobert Crow , I'reeidcnt , and Clmas. 3parks , Secretary. In i'tlllwntekoo ' many machinIsts and iron ivorkors are idle. 'Workshtole are overcrowded , \ogea are low. ' ] 'hee sate.sage.eomakers of Cinelenentl had to work sixteen and eighteen hours a day for froire $5 to $8 e week. The labor melons iii St. Lottie leave ea.open. ed their haadquartersi at 1)30 ) J3roadway , and have established a reading room and a ly- Cohen. Thto International Cigarenakers' Union lens Imeerea.seti tht veddy iItte to twenty comets , cite death benefit to $40 , and thee sickness benefit to 55 a week. Philadolphtla emilils anti factories are fullof svorlc , mind , toenoof them art , loaded with or- dare twelve memonthes ahead of tune. Snrnll houses are iii doenenul , The Legislative committee of thee United States Federated Trades leave issued net ad- threes to vatncmt workers to organIze for pro. tection , and to associate theeniselves wIth the labor unions. Tim St. Louis leareieet tankers recently out on a , .ttlko secured thee advance denmandod , There are 17i harness mnakersin tltntclty , anti a strong unIon is being formed , but they have to coctipete vIthi lerison labor. C ci tyeeburg. Vote wore the blue and I the gray On that historIc fold , And all throughout thee dreadful fray We felt our muscles steeled 1orslcod ; whIch iteen may novorkeeow Nor eago of history over show. My father , air , nlthi comet to dare rleroughaut thee day am ! nirlet Stood on 01(1 LIttle Iheund Top theme And watched the changeful fight , Aced , wlthc a hoarse , Inspiring cry , held upthe stan , aced bars on high. At ; last then flag svont dowee , need then- . ' Ale , you came guess the re.st- . .1 : 1105 01' saw hIs face agaiee- My fathier'ts loyal breast Is strowee with these sweet flowers , I scot , That seem to hove tithe sacred spot. Thee semeoke of lerttthes cleared awn ) ' Anti all its hatreds too , Auth as I clasp your fenced to.day , 0 man svieo % VrO , thee blue , Ott yoeeder hull I ccciii to see : i fattier smiling clown oei Inc. -ChIcago Daily News. SINGUIA4tII1TIES. A beautiful e'hito itoer svithtpimek.coloretl eyes , was killed icear Marimeette , Niche , , a few days acm An old lady emitted Rross'meof lLiltuielicht , , lines thee grayest of gray leak that is now turn. lug to its original colter. ¶ Lito Iioatlte gartletes at ICnsheeeeis , iasterte Asia , seems to be one of thee womedete of thee vorld , They cover ace oxieneese of secetee' about nine mIles In cltcucuferceece , amed.oie a subsoil of glasses amid aquatic helants tile ) ' grass' xmeelons cecil cucumeebers and a crop is raised of great valise , :1cc : Elizabeth , N. J. Samineol ? elttrgan awhile ago head hits aria aenputatetibut , afterward comic. plainod of a semesatloem lie thto shoulder nell the aemmientateti himt-ehi wa.s still etc anti thee liamed craerieod need achIng. lie caused thu area to be tlu up , wleen It was fouced that It wets bent at the tilbow ccciii the heated paetly closed , Thee arm anti heated were strahghtececil neil. amid hurled again. Smeeco then Ice says thee eeme leloeocaeet sensatIon hen-s thisaepeaeeth. One of thee natural curIosities of 1I&nando coemeety , llorlda , is ate lmteitteno live oak , situ. ated iconr Ihroukvillo , svhiicht , sovote feet fromme thee ground ecleasceros tlelrty.flve need ono.hinhf feet lie circenaferuecco ; from this leoight to thee top it has beet two large hhmmebs , thee limbs spreading met and at thee top measure eighty yards access. Ote oeeo sIde of this elmegeehar scork of ieaturc i i a smeecdl orifice fromie which Is. sues a ctnetluuai streaen , of cold air , ebonIte' collie subterrcueeaie cotenectiome that it , temea tecteti by vhent Is goIng ott alsovo the surface of thee grunted. No matter wheoter thee seind blows east , srest , utertle or soeethe , leot or cold , there l is constant blow of colti air froece title mecysterlous cavity. . - - - 1EL4IGIOUS , Icllnmoeaieohls Is airy witle leer I'lyeeioectlt chetmrciiwhilelt , gives over tUOOO a year Lu be. meuvolteict objects. . A enoet heteresting discovery has beete semado ire Zollerfold l'russla. In the library attaeieeti to tdo Ciecu-cli of SaInt ialvator , a large meenu- uscrhpt 1015 beete fotemed rehatlmeg to Zetnrtiti Luther , it ciemitains snore than 7O heagosand consists enahtely of a dalr kept in thee years 1521 .U by lr , Coeeratl tordatus , me friemed of Luther , schto eras a frequent guest at lci leouse , amid kept me meelnute recorti of Leethcor'e etoimigs anti saylmege. 'rite dairy , which Is said to bear iutrltesie cyldemece of Its truthftehteoss , Is soon ( .4 , be hlhel'lIsiiOl , In auditIon , the litoeetescrliet cocetains two ler''faees ' by Dr. Martin Luther tetee Ime Latimi ( in Luther's owee leared ) , the other lie Curmnsie riced so' , oral treatises by eIehanothon ( written ' ' \Ieiaiethon" , ) ( Iindict 1L .Tohen' , Clench has beeoc a free. turu of Washclngton. it Is a lIttle eeeoetar covoecti etlilica testing flat on thee geoteced 'with wintlosre iiIu a house. and tenth title rati leati Au tilt' of cumiurvatIve re.spaetability , It ) s just actoss Lafayette iequeeeo fruits the Vheio house. anti all thee old veuddeat Lpiscopahhnce feeueIIle4 uttu4 it' svoreelcli. 'rice vowhue"e "u levIs r , t i tic ' a'kt , but lMheI - - - - - foe' years lie ad' . anon. Before the war l'resl. ' , dents svorchelppod titers , and es 'osv was always set apart. for the ExecutIve. IAncohme , ( Irant , Tohenson , hayes ameth ( arflehi , cotget } theIr own churches , beet Arthur scCnt to St. .lohee's when lee because h'reslIotit. , It Irmeenedlatehy h'ecamo fnsieionalle. Time Immeltie Is torn omit , a bay witetlow is letmt to , new tloors take theo iieecoof the old , and gorgeous frescoing co' . etc thee interior. Thmo Oilier Fellow's. Tine stein heath retired t.heronghe the golden gates 'ro lila bmi lit thee giltieth vest Auth the motile was tiltIng heir sliver horem , \s leon the girl that I iose,1 , host sa.q slowl ) ' swlmegiteg around svithm me In thee \vnltz's Iiaseionat.O svhlrh ; Ated mmey heart kept. tune to the fairy treati Of my girl , my leenutiful girl , TIer , stars shown out on thee thik' , ielght Like the I'm renter leer mlhk'whmite throat , And leer voice yas tender , anti sweet , and how , And leer hands-beet how could I note 1.5 cry charming turn of ftermu or face , \'heen One most bess-illerlmg , , curl } ehl over leer fnlrbrow , anti hdssetl time white hltL Of my girl , the very best girl ? Shto breathed her love on may tentier soul Like a sigee fromn thee lanti of thmo blest , Anti I hooked in leer eye's wRit nrlghet.theat was mine ; And tleen-ahall , I tell you thee rest ? \ % 0 returned to thee eooni , and thee miesic swelled out , An(1 ageilu sIte essayed theo cisati sc'hlrh ! But nnutieer nenmi had leer-thee , toee.of.a.gun ! Ohm ! my girl , m ) beautiful girl ! And lee kept leer. MUSICAL AD DiIAMATIC. "hazel Kirko" has boon a imbenomonal sucCess - Cess financially title scn&en. LCV3' , the cornetIst , lens jolteed Mestayer's TourIsts , In l'lttsburg. Frank Farrell vihi go to Australia next auen moe for thee Frtehensansaeed thee Madlsoee Square 'fleeatre. Haverly receives 8100 a week from tIm manager - ager of llaserhy'e Minetcole No. 3 , for thee use of his name. James Ilicietor Is extending his iniiuenco ho- yomed Vienna memeti London , and announces a Beethoven amid Wagner concert eeext week at Matecheester. 'l'ho very latest "Uncle Toni" Company to collapse km the Atetheony and Ellis. The blood hounds Were to be sold to satisfy a judgmnent 'of Manager 1)Icksoee , of Imedianapolis. Edgar : l. Davenport svheo plays thee leadimeg jievetmihe vart with 1\i. ii. Curtis en ' 'Ssnn'l of I'oscee , " is the eldest eon of the late E.L. Day. cnport , time great tragedIan. Theo two greatest tlramathc singers , Frau iiatcreea anti herr Scnria , leave been engaged by hoer Neumann for a series of "Nibe. hmmnr , " performaners lie Scandinavia , xeext. serfieg. Ni : . Irving has lerought with himn to Amer. tca a gentleman .vheo is said to PtCbOSS a fine tenor voice , med svheo swill slug in thee comeeedies itt svhicle ItOhee are Imetrotlmtcod. lie is ieaitl , acortlIng to comnneon report , a snlaty of $100 a week. Strauss hens already secured thee libretto of a new work , "Thee Yocemeg 1)uko. " this time a genuine comic opera , sehichi will be prothtmed at time Vienna Ittiporial ( ) Lora. lies latest operetta , ' 'A Night ire Venice , " is drawing crannied houses in Viomimea and Berlin , Miss Louise Dillome lens created a gemenine feeror in thee South as Esmeralda. It is said site is thee I'est OXleonent of thee leart that hens yet beemi seen. Among thee other macembers of the commepeumy are Ben Maginhoy , .Tosoieh Vheeohock meted \Vahcotts. Thee Madison Square mateageret contemplate sendimeg thee comnpatty to Lotedon next sutesener , "Kono" Is thee title of an operetta icy Donee Piatt anti 13. 0. lOelme , whiche will probably be prothmmeed this vintor. Corrupt Wra.heington leohltic'ans , IndIan cleiofs , ce.Morenon older and a colored cook are among theo chearncters in thee lelay. Mr. Klein is voll knowee in Western musical circles as platelet and composer. At the ago of 11 lee received a coeeiplimnentnry hot. ter from Liszt. The Leipzig Signalo states that Director I'ollitei , of Jfaeeebemm'g , has mnado Itubierstein an offer of $125,000 for a five rnoeetks' toter ime Ameecrica , durimeg which one hundred concerts arc tolee , given. As llubemeste'mn Is not only thee greatest hiviceg planiet , but tleo e'reatcst comieposer , tide oiler vill heartily seem oxtrav- tegatet , and it is to bsm heopod that lee rili ccc- celet It. Far Apart. Beneath thee quaint old bridge you hear The svaves make imeslo as they pass ; And wintllng to thee elm tree near. You see the Pathway therough thee grass Wheero we wore wont to swalk , alas ! Thee river wanders as of old Beneath the eheado of willow trees , The sunlit vaters gleamee like gold , Anti ripple to thee getethim breeze ; Etet I am far froom thece or timoso ! ' Thee sky betide over , broad anti biter , And ime tim soft amid mnehlosw ligheti Yon trend tlee lane our footsteps knew In former timmees , vheome skies were breghet Do tieese days bring stech sweet dehighet ? iietl still that lane vithe grass is gReece , vltle fragrant Iltswors thee leaeehcs5 are fair ; In golden gloss aced sliver sheen The bee' , still heaeuets thee balmy air ; Beet yet you fall to find ieee thieve. A"aImm , leorchenieco , I may not see liee reesleimmg rows of willow trees ( \\'heIchi lent es leafy camiohey \'leen swu strolled umedoreeccethe at ease ) ; For I acme far froeee thceme aced these. Ocer joys foreaka uc4. Soome tiers sprlmeg l'ass by anti for tim etneemeser cecil ; Sonic the thea birds loose leecert to e.ileg , \'ieon fading leaves imi acetemmeece fall ; Amid winter is theecm.tl of all. PEPPERMINT DROL'S. A boo can oehy ; sting once. If you sveeet ox. creise imeemetlon theic , fact. to a mnnme just cefter ho hens boeme stung. Clevolanti Is said to be thee richest town of Itte sIze eme thee continent. Most of etc success. fiel cltizomme are belIeved to leave started tmm life as sloopieeg.ear leerters. Cow. B.egole's theanksglvim'g proelammoatiomi Is thee host one we heave reatlof thee kind , It we. ielmeds ice eel the poetry leoleniar seitle Nebras. ha sweekly nosvspaeers acid imevarlably labeled origheenl , If there is notheleegin thee l'rositlemet's anmeceni Ieeossnge abtetet thee sume , thee weatheer or thee seemeory , we swill know thent Mike Sheerltlame's early arriveit let Washington Vtth altogether mime. eeccesmary. "i'tlaucl" scant's to know If It Is inunodest to siheak of nighet.caet4. "ISO cerkeimely ccemeeeot see anytheimeg lmtmetedeet about It , beet at tue sameee tim's it is hotter to avolti slang ccitt freenklymney "hot toddy , " It is anientueceti tient IKeely's itmotor swill riece cc traime of cams frueee Pleiiadehpleha to Non' York on a ltbtet of svater. Tieis gives rise to thu sees- htlcltetl theist this leartictelar traice must itavo car- mIoti is lot of l'oiemesylvameiee 1)oeeeocrats up to New York to vote. A Piei1cuiehphetc mace In a sleeping car , vent theroughe me terrible accitomit lie wleicie tlee shade' lag car rolled titesvee ccci oceebaukmnetet , v1tieotmt sweeking , It was noticed , iwwovar , tkat as thee ear strieck then bottoeme lee enurmeeretl , "lkee't , Jane , don't ; I'll got up anti start th1e fire , " "Site touches Cmi ) ' cheek need j quiver-I tremeeblo slthe uquIelto mIn ; shee sighs -hIke ace overeleargeti river. My lelood rushes etc tierourhe lee ) ' veins ; she smesilos , aced ime mcmii. tIger ftmsieioem , As a sleo.tigor fotetUos leer ccvii , 1 clasp leer svlth feeroteoss ateti ieasslomm , tenet kiss leer sythe shudder aced gronee , " Froeee t.leis torrId verse. vheich Is 4ust meow beIng wIdely ftuuteti by thee it would nueonr tiemet ' . , ustmn hi. Ametheomey lead booze fitollmeg around \S'iihiam 'reenimmeele bleoreeman. IItM.tN Daoon.-Oei thee icurity atid vi. taut ) ' of thee blood depried the vigor and health of the isleolo systemic , 1)esoetso of various kieeds is often ommly the sign that nature is trying to remmiove thee disturbing cause , A roinudy tutU. gives life nied vigor to thee blood , uendicettue scrofulti tenet oIlier impurities front it , as hood's Scersainerilla undoubtedly ciois , iceust lee the enahms of e'uvosmtiie mtaie ) ' rinceasos tleat1 would occur vithout its uto. Sotd hi s Ileasiqunreers of lime Green M'nmnalmi ( JJoys. ht'iILINQTON , VT.-Mr , L. S. Drew , time popular landlord of thee American Hotel , certifies to time wonderful curative qtiahities of thee world renowned St. .1cm. cobs Oel , A serviceable lnat'imohtier may be tceaiho for thee heahh cheantleller by crocheting a small lea ) ' of pink anti wielto crochet cotton , anti fittIng ime It cm goblet Irene wheicle thee heacedie hues heen broken. Two tassels slumleh depend from thee bottom and a l'rettil ) twisted cord fasten it to thee chandelier. - - Jlorcfoe'd' , , AcId L'hosphmcsle , Valuable In Indigestion , Dee. D.tNInL T. Nt.so , Cleicago , eays : "Ifind it a pleasant and valuable remedy mie indigestion , , , particularly in overworked end. l'retty scleooh.bags muny lee mamle out of a JiOCtS Of of dark merlemo. 'J'iee underside Iccay he of morlno or Sterno otheer imeaterial ozn broltiered scithe the enomeogacun of tleo owner OCC thee outsIde ma floss silk amid lined with silesla ptettmng ate Inside pocket ten both sides. Instructive Itontlimig , Semne tel tteo testtmncecelahe fromem thiffee'otet ioo- 1)10 relative to T/onuis' Eckcte'ic 'fl ! , and thee relief it hues ueveme thorn vheme distressed by headache , carachee , anti toothenchen are as hector. esting roadieeg as , you will fimeth , ThIs beiemg a standarti cemeihlcimee Is sold everywhere by drug. giets. - If a lathy has a bookraekor table ¼ leo svislees to varniele , first IeUt on a coat of linseed oil nmetl , theemm ai > il3' thee shellac , Thee oil simeks imeto thee pores of thee swood , tend shows thee grain. Piece , leowever , will eeot absorb it. Music Evcrywhmcre , That wonderful musIcal imestroemnent , thee Omc.swrr.t Is aivortiqed in thel issue. It is time ideal leoctec Instrument. You can dance to It ; you can slag to it ; a caere child can play it ; it Itectelcateet a love of enusic imi old and young , anti tieveiteps neid cuht1vntc. the oar. 1'heo mietisk is leerfectiy accurate , and thee wont eierftmi Onr.NNEvr. will telay any tune. At lee peice , 3r,0 , it is within thee reach of nil. N : . Mueimeo ic thee name of a new Belgiame violinitt , wiet ) ivill mccabe his first appearance lee America at thee concert of thee Now York Symn. pieomcy Society , lb wihl bo lecarti in Mondles. sohen's concerto , aced Bache's in'eltede anti fugue in G mInor. Evldcmmco ot tim Best 1ifll , liicliard T. ilobinsten b' a druggist living in itacimeic , Vis. here is vheat hen says , "Afihict- eel ivitle iarynRitis I was tenable to articulate a word distinctly for fully two mouths. A hib. eral npphlcatioee of 2'1Odi(8' J.clret'k Oil corn piotehy cured ma. Ama vleatetl to recoin iceonti it , Maplcson's need Abbey's I cehian Opera Coin. panes s'ihl appear in l3leihetlelieheia duriceg thee caine weak in .Taeeeeary : thee one in thee Acadeoeey and thee other ut thee Chestmeut.steeet Olera heoteso. lion' lenmey could I be withe eitheee' , etc. etc.An An Umedoecisleti flossing. About thirty years agc. a ieromninent iheysi. cinre by theeemneneof Dr. WillIam hail descov- croci , or produced after lommg experimemetal re senich , a ieeemedy for diseases of the thereat , cheest anti lungs , which was of such wocecierfimi efilcacy theat it soon ga'tmeeti a vide reputatinee 1mm this countm'v. Thee namno of thee moedicimmo is Dfl , VIM , 11'AT,14'S BALSAM FO1 TILE LUNGS , aced inns' be safely relied upon as a speedy aced 1)ositevc cure for cougles , colds , suer tieroat , ete , Sold by nil druggists. Flowers ieeay be kept very fresh over night if they are excluded eeetirely ( coin thee air. To do times , wet tieoeee thec.roughcly , put in a damp box anti cover with wet raw.cotton or wet nosv-paper , theemm place eta a coot SPOt. A bottle of SLiflW'Uafl .N'e'ieic on. abbe one to doly natimena , nervousness anti general debility. - "Iy wife head fits for 35 years , " says Henry Clark , of FairfIeld , Michi " 5flLb'itai ( .A''l'L'iflC cured her. " You , pruggists keeps it. Some of tlee newest over dresses are so long as to reach time bottom ref the dress skirt , both fromet and bAck. Thee drapery at each side is usually caught up very high with btecides , or loops of ribbon run through a.shide. Coughs , Ilonrseness , Sere Throat etc. , quickly removed by BecosvN's BICoNCIIC.mL Ticocimeis. A simple and effectual remedy , suporlor to aU other articles for the samne pow. P ° Sciltl unip jet toweq , A w'omaee without a baby is like a meman in a ball room wltleout a crush heat. Ho many be faultlessly attired , pleasant to contemplate and agreeable to talk to. lie seems to ho all thiere , and yet you are vaguely conscious that thmere Is somethcimeg lacking. A SPECIFIO FOR 4 Epilepsy , - EVER FAILS.Spasms , Convul- x $ Falii7og . Rvr Sickness , St. Vitus Dance , .4lcohof. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofula , Kings I I .Evil , Ugly Blood _ DlscascB , DLI3PeP. sic Nervousness , ( CJOINIQjuIEIR1OiR ) ' , jiaacie , Nervous Weakness , Brain Worry , 1J1ooI Biliousness , CostItczess , Nervous Prostration , KdniJ Tt07t11C8 and Inwjutarltle'z. 1.5O. thmtmplo Teeilioieimtls. "Samaritan Nervine is tiolim" oroinlers. 1Cr. J. 0. MeLemolme , Alexander City , Ala. "I feel It cay tiuty to recommend It. ' , Dr. ] ) .F. Laughlin , Cl1de , Lansas , "It cured where lehysiclaces failed. 11ev. J. A. Edle , Beaver , Pa. ' ( iorycspnet1encD freely iuussver d.'E I er testimonials and circulari send stamp. The (1 ( , . S.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo , SuitS by all Drugietets. (17k ! frte5 . TIlE Admiration op rim' WORLD. Mrs. S. A.Allen's WORLD' S IlairRestorer - is PERFECTZO1/ Pubic Benefactress , Mrs. 5 , - A. Aci.os lensjutIyeemeditds tide , - oaf dou'.atcda , ace chic day rejoicing ever a fine Icc-ed of hair by her tinequied lrpaction ( or mb ; . in ; , insiaOeae'eng , acctlbeiutifying ilcu hiar. iicrVorld' hair Restorer qUiki ) ' cheansos thc scalp , veneering 1)oredrutT , sad arrestS thee ( all ; the hair , if erayie c1ameed to its icatural color , tisiag It sh tame vitality and luzudoces qaauthy am in youth. , ' COMPLIMENTARY , " My hair is flOW restored to its ) 'OUthfLII color ; I have not a gray hair left. 1 am sat- isuied that the preparation is hInt a dye , but acts on the secretions. My hair ceases to fall , which is certainly - tainly nit acI'antage to me , vIrn 'as in danger of becoming - coming bald , " TLmis is the testimony of all 'ho cisc Mrs. S. A. AL.LEN'S \VOItLD'S i-lAIR RESTORER , leCnoBoLUo cUtl ft. " Tiectiatbe c5esaeuee uf tO4fl neO hc.ee ie.id tie , ? OY lair rc.osrccl tombs ieatual 5it civil their bahj spot covcred ghi , tieer , aftcr uwcg Estee beetle of . Siiti. . t. A \V s fIt It I C. lcsmmc'tadye. . - - - - . CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! " Have just received a large quantity of new Ii , AND AM OFFEflING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PASENR LEEAITOR CHASI SHIVERICK1 " 1200 , ios med 1210 Farnam St T"II" . .oors,1 OMAHA , NEB. I. rt d DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF _ _ _ SAFES VAULTSLOCKS&e. , , , . :1. : QQ'zLz-13.LLm txoot. rnieb. . Double and Single Acfinq Power and Hand PUMPS3 STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimen'ings , Mimeing Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass amid Iron Fittings Steam Packiemg at wholesale and retail , EALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHURCil , AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Parnam St , , Omaha Neb. . - J. A. WAKEFIELD , W1IOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEIL IN LuMlier , Lath , Sliiug1e , Pickets , SAII , BOORS , BLINDS , 1OiJLBING , LIME , CEIENT , PLASTER , &U. STATE AGENT FOB. MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , WEB pUBLCSALE ! Eight Imported Percheron Yearlings AND MATURED STALLIONS , -AT THE- Pacific Farm , Seward , Nebraska ' -ON- 0 Wednesday , November 14 , 1883 , at 4 O'Clock P. M. This choice lot consists of Four WELL-TRIED AND SUCCESSFUL BREEDERS flow ofFered for sale , only because of my intention Iereafer to import and sell on a more extensive scale. TI e yearlings will all make extraordinary - dinary good amid extra heavy stallions. AGIIIcOLE , foaled 1872 , imported VurcIN foaled 1874 , imported 1874 , lien a dam-k iron grey. He 1882 ; jet hi ck color , very heavy has -veity bone , clean limbs , and is a bone. and fine style and action. grand stoclc.cvetter , Weighs 1800 Weighs 1850 pounds. pounds. BnBzot , foaled 1879 , imported Iss I ; beautiful browii color ; very MONT3IORENCY. foaled 1878 , fin- chunky and deep in every propor- ported l88 ! ; beautiful dark ronim tion ; has beeii crossed on some color. He is very blocky , with magbrol1aho mai'es , with best succiss , nilicent back and rare proportions. which can he seen at the farm. \Veigims 1850 pounds. Weiihs 1,475. Threes of the YearlIngs are Bhacks , and are all of the Highest Class Aside from this sale I would invite my correspondents from the \Vest to conic , for an interview would be mutually beneficial. TEIUIS-$5OOcnsh , redin approved itote at eighteen months , bear- BIg eight per cent. interest. . , - - A.1 : Etccrllr , Send for CaUmlogUo' 1' recent Importations . to 332 Palisade Avenue , Jersey Qity , N. J. ( UuathfuartcrsuutitMarceI . , 18a4. ) l'ermanent address Z1teineetsber date ascii piare. Seward Nobra s Ito. -vivi : ' H MAUFACFU1IEfl OF OF STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Carriages , BugiesRoa , aolls AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1810 and ieee hlamoy Street andO3 8. 13th Street , . --'O9A NEB U trated Catalogue furnished frau uponopplicatlats p - A.1 : E [ . MANUFACTUICEII OF FINE Biiio Crros ! iii Sr ! ' 'Oll8 , hi1yRepoaltory to constantly filled with a e.ehectstock. Scot Workmanship guaranteed. fr Office and Foclory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qinal a : rPIA5JxrQz ; TE On Long Time--Small Payments. At OllhiOtui'OJ' [ ricts , A1 llos Jr Rh PODUZ tith'.E