Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    rr _ _ I - - - _ wk1E ; DAILY BEE-OMAiLTIIURSDAYMiVErffBEk 5 , iud : ; . _
The Nebraska National Bank.
hid tp CaV1ta . . S21sOOOO
EnTp11I Fund1 May 1,1B83 Jh.000
J. R. JOr1SO } , PrcIent , of Steele , ,7ohnti 1 Co
A. 1. TOUZALtN , 'fC'4 I.'tldtnt , f 13oton.
4 w. V. MORSC , of V V MOItSE & Co.
3OIIN S. COLLtSS , of c. fi. COLt1s.
.1. M. WOOLWOIITII , Counc1Ioi & Attorney &t Law.
L S. UEED , of IIYTOU Reed & Co.
If , V. YATISCahIcrfor many ycir Cahfer f the
Ftrt Nnton&I ! fluk of Omaha.
Tile Bank opened for bustncsAprtI 21 , IES2
T1I } DIfttc1op. AN ! ) STOCKHOLtCRS are
arnotig the leading buInce men of Omaha , and It.
buInes. Is eOfldUCtCI Ith cpocIa1 reference to the
bret and IncrcaIng Intcre.teotltirncrcantflc patrons.
COLtL'CTIONS receive prompt attention and
charges Iowct obtatn&blo hero or eIohere.
1NTERESTaIIow.j on time depctte upon taroT.
able tormi ftnd upon account. of btuik. and bankers.
FOItEIGN EXCI1ANO } , Government BondS and
County and Ctty Socuntlee bought and .old.
Counoil E1uff Loan and.
Trust Company.
I'Irct Mortgao I.oan Nrgotiatel. Commercial
Paper aIItI all ( lOOtI SecUritieS dealt Iii. 3 1'crI
treit , nnil t6 First ftefltlC , Council fluffs.
NEw YOUK , November 7.
1oiiov-Jasy at ; 2@3 per cent , closing at
! & per cqiit.
rrIiio Pa'ior-GV per cent.
flxchanga Bt1s-i'Irzii at 4.81 ; demand ,
4 S4.
tioveinmer.tsJirogtiar. .
Stocks-The market wa heavy ,
fi though at first tim of1cct of the electIon ic
voro undoubtedly to Induce oino buying
flfl(1 to advance ) rtCe. 'fheru was no ( lemon.
stratton. on the part of the bulls and bear
cliques , and thu market ) ia only drifted.
There is still very little dealings In the market
on either ido by the speculating public , out.
bide ofVnll street , though there is a ionstant
volume of 1nvettnent , buying ami withdrawal
of dividends , flfll paying stocks from thin
street , over 0.11(1 above what comoM In from that
vlass of holders. This , hovover , has but little
effocton the ftuctuation.of thu market.
S's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001 '
4'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114'
48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Facific 6' . of ! 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern SO
Central l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6(1 (
Chlcago&Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12ti
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S.
do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Fort Wayne & Chlimgo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Hannibal & St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.
F do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . + 88.
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
lad. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12O.
Kansas& Toxa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12I
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 99L
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
do do do ffd. . . . . . . . 40
Missouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northwcstrn 124
do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 %
Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 00
Peoria , Decatur ! Evanavillo. . . . . . . . 14
-J I.ock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
F - St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . esp
- p do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 111k
I- St. Faul , Mimi. .k Manitoba. . . . . . . . 1OG
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
do do phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Texas PadRe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Vabaah , St. L. & Piflc. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
do do do pM. . . . . . . . . 32
Wtorn Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 78 ?
tAsked. 4
, crnAoo.
N. . ClcwAao , November 7. - Flour - Flr
; and wehianged ; common to choice spring
"a.wheat . 35e ; Minnesoii , 34c ; baker. ,
4@flc , patents , 6f7c ; winter wheat flour
Southern and Mi.souii , 45c , Michigan ,
Vheat-Market aotivo and in'egular ; e -
eitd and idgher 97c for November ; OOc
for December ; 1 O0 for January ; 1 01
for February ; 1 07 for May : No. 2 apring ,
tI8'e ; No. 3 apring , 83j84c ; No. 2 red win.
tor. I O1l 01k.
Corn-Market actiim , uiieettled and higher ;
49(4O&c for cash and November ; 40
@ 49c for December ; 49@40c for the year ;
48c for January ; 515lo for May.
Oats-Fairly active , ma shade higher and
firma ; 28c for cash ; 28c for Noumii1icr ; 9flAc
for December ; 28c fortho year ; 20 ! . for Janim.
arv ; 2c for May.
Ilye-Flrmn at 57c.
Barloy-Finmi nimil ldgher at 62c.
Flax Soed-Quiet at 1 30.
Timothiy-\Teaker : fair to high gradc , 1 27
@ 1 29 ; common 1 21.
l'ork-Iit good demand , unsettled aiid gnu.
. emily higher ; 11 O0C511 10 for caeili ; 11 ( J
11 10 for November ; 11 12@11 15 for 1)ocein.
ber ; 11 O3l1 10 ortho ycar1 77(11 ( SOfor
January ; 11 OO11 02 ! , for February.
Lard-Active , irregular and higher ; 7 52
67 ? T for cash , November and December ;
7 5O(7 ( t12 ! for the year ; 7 627 G5 for Jan.
umary : 7 727 7' for February.
Bulk Meats-En fair demneod ; ihmou1dcrs ,
4 75 ; short ribs , Ii 7 : ; short clear , C 85.
Butter-Quiet utuuti uuuichangod ; fair to fancy
cranmory , 21@29c ; good to fancy dairy , 14.
Eggs-Weaker at 24c.
] lideis-lfnchanged ; green a1t cured light ,
8c ; green ealt damaged , 6c green aalt heavy ,
On ; green ealt calf , lic ; dry salt , lie , dry carl ,
Tallow-No. 1 , 67c ; No 2 , 6c ; cake. 7c.
Chmoese-hoico full cream cheddar. , 11 ©
. . 12ccholcefullcroam ; hats , l2@t2c ; good part
p.- ' . chLeddar and fiAt.4 , 76ij8c ; hard skims ,
CALa BoAuml.-\Vheat-Actlvo advanced c
for January , and declined c for Fohruary.
Corn-In fa1r demand and lower ; declined
; 1 C for Novemberand December , and c for the
year , January and May.
Ot-In fair demand ; advanced Lc for No.
ember and ge for tim year ; tiochiiietl c for
Pork-Active and fini. ; 7c higher for No.
vomnbor ; advanced c for December awl the
year.LardIn active demand ; advanced 2'c ' for
the year.
KMA8 OirrNovemnoer 7.-Whoat-.1tigker ;
81o bid , 85c aeked for cash ; 8Ojc for 1)ocemn.
her ; 84c fur the year.
Corn-higher ; 38c ( or bid , 39c asked for
cash ; .l@j38c for Noremnbcr ; 351 ° for the
Oats'-ti1et ( ; 23jc.
LIvERPooL , November 7.-Breadstuffs-
Yhcat-Wintor , Ss 6d0g Id ; slicing , Ss@8s
Cormi-Ss 3d.
K . IIALTIMOnE , November 7.-Wheat-Western
higher numdnctIve , ; No. 2 wInter reti , cabim nod
Novemiiber. 1 O7j1 ( 08
Corn-Vestern , higher , choirug dull ; mixed ,
cash , 57.,58e.
( Oat.-hteady with more demnamh ; woterui
white , 36(3Tc ( ; uiilxoil1 33@31c.
ltyo-Quiet at 05Q1,7c.
Butter-Steady ; we.itcrn packed , iOc20c ;
creamery 2Oj2& .
Era-Iighmar apti 6rm at 2t)3Oc. )
\Vhisky-Qulet and tsWady at 1 1S1 18 .
Naw Yonic , November 7.-Whioat-Ca1i
1a,1 . o and option. 1@lufc higher ; no radc
. . 3 red , ,1 06 1 08 ; . 2
t ,
Corn-Cash , 12o and opt1on , t1c
higher closing firm with a reaction of A@o ;
ungratlcd , h8@6lc ; No. 2 , 0O02.c.
Oat.i-c higher and fairly actisa ; miced
western , l.6j2Tc ; white , 3.13c.
1'ggs Wcstetui fresh , higher and firm at
27(5.2 ( ,
l1ork.-Quhet and tmuugcr ; new mcs , ii 87
Lard-Strong ; jnhuuo steam , 7 758 00
Butter-Firmer at 1O@32c.
- -
M1tVAUa , ovoinhmor 7.-Wheat-high.
cc ; 0S for 1'ovemnber ; U0c for 1)oceniber ;
I 00 for .lanuary.
Corn-Scarce antI wanted ; o. 2 , o3c.
( ) at.q-Firnmer ; No. 2 , 28c.
Jlyo--h(1nhmerNo. ( ; 2 , 'tc.
Barlcy-trouigcr ; Io. 2 , 00I0lc.
TOLtO. )
Toumo , November 7-\Vheat-Quiet utul
tiruno. ; 2 roth , cash , 1 0i0u1 O7.
Corn-Opened ca..der and afterwards ad.
vance(1 : high uuiied , 5co. ; . 2 cihm and
November , 5 Ic.
Oabi-1)emnand light ; No. 2 coahi auth No.
vember , 31 c ,
CnelsATI , November 1. - Wheat -
Scarce 011(1 fruit at 1 O7t t ) for ca.hi.
( 'urn-Strong at OOQ.
\Vhisky-Firm at 1 13.
Nw OntANs , November 7.-Corn-
Easier anti scarce ; mixed , Ole ; ychlowii1662c.
Oats-Quiet and weak at 3c.
Corn Mouth-Dull and lower at 2 45.
l'ork-lllghor at 11 50.
Lard-Steady ; theme , 8 OO keg , 8 62 ! .
Itolk Ieats-hut fair demand.
Whisky-Steady ; Western mectilied 1 OS ®
B ? . LOUIS raODucr.
Sr. Louis , November -'iVhoat-hhlghor
mnul active ; No. 2 rod , 1 Ol'i1 O2 for cash ;
1 for November ; 1 Ol@10l for Do.
comber ; 1 O2 for tim year ; 1 0O for January ;
No. 3 red O5106c. .
Corn-ilighor nutmi actke ; 444 , ° - o for
cash ; 4515mcfor November ; l3.c for Do.
comber and year 42.43c for .lnunnry. .
for cash 26'c for
Oats-higher , 2C4@27c ;
November ; 27@2Mc for December ; 26c
for thin year ; 28c for .Taiiuary.
flyc53c. .
Butter-Steady ; creamery , 2S53Oc ; ( hairy ,
18(25c. (
Eggs-Steady at ltl@20c.
Flax Seed-i 34@1 34.
Corn Moal-2 152 20.
CLosua ] lOAltfl-Wheat-Activo and low
Cr for cash ; 1 OO for November and the year :
1 O3 for December ; 1 O&g for January ; 1 O7
Corr-Du1l , weak and lower ; 45c for No.
cmnbor : 43c for December ; 43c for the year.
Oats-1)ihl and lower ; 26c for the year.
rxoiu rItoDtrnE.
PEORTA , Noomber 7.-Corn-Firm ; 1:1gb
mixed , 4fIc ; No. 2 mixed , 48.c.
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 whIte 3Oc.
Whisky-Firma ; 81 17.
ChICAGO , November 7.-The Drovers' Jour.
nal reports this afternoon as follows :
hogs-Good strong , and common (1(111 ;
packing , 4 00cJ4 40 ; packing and ahiippiuig ,
O0@5 00 ; light , 4 304 70 ; skitu. , 3 OO ®
Cnttlo-Stronger , but owing to light ewpply
closed weak ; exports , 6 OO@6 60 ; good to
choice shippimw steers , 5 40@6 00 ; common
to medium , 3 OO@5 15 ; inferior to fair cows ,
2 OO@2 75 ; mnedium to good. 3 OO@3 65 ;
stockers , 2 OO@3 60 ; feedori. , 3 70@4 20 ; range
cattle. stronger ; 265 Wyomnings , 1,320 lbs. ,
5 5O34 ; Wyoming. , 1,200 lbs. , 4 65 ; 463 Tox-
an. , 900 1b. , 3 00 ; ilOToxas cows , 820 lbs. ,
3 15.
15.SheepWeak , but fairly aetve and steady ;
Inferior to fair 1 75@2 75 v' ewt. ; medium
to good , 3 0O3 25 ; choice to extra. 8 SO ®
4 4O ; lambs , per head , 75c@3 00 ; Tcxa sheep ,
2 OO@3O.
K.LN5AS Cirr , November 0.-The Daily In.
dicator reports :
Cattle-Stronger ; good grades , a shade
highir , others unchnned.
Hogs-Market active , firm and higher ;
sales at 4 ® 4 60.
Sbeep-Quiet and unchaned , ; natives , 200
, . .
, ' 8 ? . LOIIS LIVE erocg.
Sr. Louis November .
, 7.-Cattle-ShIp.
pinE grades firm and wanted ; c&nunon , plenty
and Iuh1 ; exports , 6 OO6 40 good to choice ,
S 40@6 00 ; common to fair , 4 O5 25 ;
native butchers' stuff , 3 O0@4 25 Indians ,
3 5O@J45.
Sheep-Active and finn for giod ; common ,
dull ; fair to good , 3 25 ; prime to fancy , 3 75 ;
Texans , 2 5O@3 50.
Onmcano , November 7.-Receipts and ship.
mont. 3f flour and grain for the past 24 hours
have been as follows :
Receipts. . Ship'ts.
Flour , bbls..t1O00 20,060
\Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 100,060 21,000
Ccrn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 268,000 128,060
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 169,000 107,000
Rye , buslielq. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 25,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . S,0OO 44,060
Naw YoRK , November T.-ltocolpta and
sliipment.sof flour and grain for the 1)ast 24 hiouis
have boon as follows :
Receipt. Ship'tll.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 142,000 220,1)00 )
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9,000 25,060
Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 09,000 18,0OO
Kiusas CITY November 7.-ReceIpts and
shipumient. of grail : foe. the jiast 21 hours hiavo
boom : as follows
lleccbpt.s. Shlp'ts.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 11,009 . 25,000
Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8,000
Luvi arocuc.
CHICAGO , November 7.-Rocoipta and ship.
nulmits of live bthekfor thu past 21 hours have
been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 3io00 . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,800 . . . .
311001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 . . . .
Sr. Louts , Novemnber7.-Recelpts and ship.
montu. of live stock for the past 21 hours liavo
boon as follows :
fleceipta , ShIp'ts.
Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 400
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ese . . . .
.Kaqaa Czwv , November 7.-Receipts and
ahuipmztezita of live stock for the Past 24 hours
have boou as follows :
Receipts. SliIp't. .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600
hog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
NEw Yong , November 7.-'rho export
movement in . .ometic goods for the week was
2,093 Packaffes ; since the 1st of January
142,077 packageshgalnst 137,707 lmckage. the
eamuie time last year , and 135,603 packages In
1881. 'Iho market had a fair reilmest for ummis.
cehlammeon , aseortizionts that iii the aggrevato
have taken a good quantity of stuff. 'l'here
has beer : no general attntIou extended , al.
though mmmii's wear and woolens have boom :
looked alter wit ) : some interest.
IVlmolcoalo l'rlccs ,
Oyrzc or Pus OMAHA BEE.
\'ednesday lvening , November 7.
The followhmmg prices iou charged retallArs
by jobbers , wholesalers antI commission timer-
chants , with the exception of rrhim , whirl : Ic
quoted at the irices furumhmhied by the elevators
and other local buyers ;
WIn4u-Cashm No. 2 , 7ik ; JSo. 3 , 6c.
] IAILEY-Cash : No. 2. 48c.
] tYE-Caaili No. 3 39c.
COILN-No.12 , 32c.
OATh-No. 2. 27.c.
Iilvo Slnclc.
FAT STEERB-Qulet at : i OOS3 40.
Far Cows-2 7r3 25 ,
] loos-4 O0@4 15.
SIIEEL'-Finu at 3 OO@3 SO.
C.tLvr.-Fatr quality .1 5O5 OOfgood butch-
era' stock , 6 00.
Flour nutl MIIlstuff. .
\ Vitr.nVIIEAT.Bost quality , 1)atontat
SEcoND QoAtlrT-l OOt3 4 1.
SrntoV1u..trhlost : (1ualILy , iiatcnt , At
SECOND QrAuvr-2 iOL3 50.
1hnA-S5c Per cwt.
Ctiorrr.i FEEI-h'er 100 lb. . SSc.
Con. Ma-1 0O1 10 Per cwt
ScnEffNIo-rO5j7o per cw
Groceri. List.
CANr.n GOODS-OysterS ( Struidaid ) , per
caPe , 3 1O@3 strawberries , 2 Ib , Or eao ,
2 10 ; raspbemiles , 2 It , , per ca.o , 2 00 ; Bartlett
pam , tier case , 2 40 : vhortheborrios , er cao ,
2 80 ; egg lmlum4 , 2 Ui per case , 2 00 ; grren
gagel , 2 lb , tier case 2 od io choIce , 8 Ib , 11Cr
case , 4 t,01 111110 01111105 , 2 Ib , ir case , 4 SO ®
5 50.
Born-Sisal , inch and larger , 1O.c , Inc. ! : ,
1Oc ; inch , 11.c.
C.tiltF.S-BOxC. , 40 Ihis , 1O , 1r ; Sr , iSo ;
boxes 40 lb. , 16 ox. , Os , iSo. caddie , 35c ; round , c.tso. ,
1 Ni ; square case. , 1 70.
SeaAns-h'ovdorod , jOe ; cut loaf1 bc ;
granulated , 0.In ; confectioners' A , 81'c : btaud.
111(1 extra C , Sc : extra C , 7c ; muodiumi : ye1.
low , 7c : dark yellow , 7c.
CorrEr.s-Orihlmlnrygrado. , b0@11 c ; fair 12
@ 12cl good , 11@13c ; lirimno , 1212 o ; choice
$ ® ; fancy green and yellow , 14hiSc ; oid
government .Iavn , 2O@26c ; Levering's roa.tcm1 ,
I4c : Arbuckho's roasted , 17 c ; imtcIaighlIn'
xxxx roasted , 17cc ; itnIt4tiou Java , 16
® 18c.
1tic-Louutsiauua prime to choice , 7c ; fair
6c l'atnmn , 0c.
} zsu-No. 1 mackerel , half brIs. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , .dt.s 1 15 ; fondly mackerel , half
brie. , 6 00 ; famniy mackerel kit. . , 0c ; No. 1
white fight , half brl , . , 7 00 ; o. 1 kIt. 1 05.
Srmvp-Standartl Corn. , Silo , bids ; ! 3t.nuulard
(10 , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60.
oD.-In lb Pallors , 3 30 1rCflio ; kegpcr lb ,
PIcKLES-Medium , in barrels , 7 00 ; mb
in half barrels , 4 00 ; sinaI ) in barrel , , 8 00 ; do
in luaU barrels , 4 711 ; gherklns in barrel , , ii 00 ;
(10 In half barrels , 5 00.
TEAS-Guumpowder , good , 45@5So ; choice 60
l75c ; good imuuperlal , 40@43c ; choice , 6O@CmSe ;
\oing Ifysomi , good , 36SOo ; choice ,
Grc.i 00 ; .laPan natural leaf 35c ; .Tapan ,
choice , 6001J75c ; oloIig , good , 3i40c ; Ooloiig ,
choice , 4O55c ; Souchong , good , 3540c ;
choice , 3545c.
Woonr.NwAnE-Two hoop pail. , 1 85 ;
three hoop jualls 2 10. Tubs , No.1 , 9 00 ; Plo-
fleer va.shiboartis , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wellbucketa1 85.
SoArs-Kirk's Savon Tmparlal , 3 45 ; Kirk' .
satinet , 3 60 ; KIrk's L.iulard , 3 75 ; Kirk' .
white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk' , Outoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairlo Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 41k ; KIrk's
niagnohia , dox.
1 orAsiI-Pomm.y1van1a cans , 4 case , in case ,
3 35 ; BabblLt , ball , 2doz. incase , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
CAnY-Frenc1m mixed , in 30 lb. PaIl.i ISo ;
American mixed. in 30 lb iiail , ito ; Brilliant
mixed ii : 30 lb hail. , 140 ; Nobby mixed , in $0
lb pall , l3c : Competition mixed , in 30 lb
Pails. 1c ; Excelsior stick , 30 lb pails , i3c ;
double refined , 30 lb pail. , 13c ; Crystal nuixed ,
30 lb pails , iSo ; Old rime mixed , 30 lb pails ,
lIe ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 lb pails , l3c ; Flirt ,
mixed , 30 lb pails , 11 c ; Flirt , stick , 30 lb
pails , 11c ; Tip Top , stick , SO lb pails 12c.
ViNimAn-New ork apple ilic ; dhio apple -
plo , 13c.
SALr-Dray load , , per bbh , 1 80 ; Ashton , Ii ,
sacks , 3 50 ; hUh. dairy 60 , 5. , 3 30.
BrAnch-Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , tIc ; Corn
Starch , O ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Corn , Sc.
SrlcEs-l'epper , 17c ; allspice , iSo ; clov
25c ; cassia , ISo.
LYE-American 3 40 ; GreenwIch , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; ortl : Star , 2 00 ; LewIs' lye
4 65 ; Jewoll lye , 2 75
General I'roduce.
BTrEfl - Fancy creamery , 29@lc ; cold
storage creamery , 2527c ; choice dairy , 20
® 24c ; beat country , solid packed , 16@20c ;
beat country , roll , 20f6J22c ; inferior grado.
1O@14c. I'o change in price , , but demand
for country buttons falling off owing to larger
receipts and the ooor ( lU&lit received.
Eons-Receipts fair ; selling at 25c for
strictly fresh.
Arraim-Choico eating , regular packing ,
83 5O4 Ott ; choice cooking2 regular packing ,
$3 00c3 50 ; extra choice , $3 SO4 00.
Strictly fancy apples well luicked tue in good
demand. Market advancing.
Cuaxs-New York Sta4o full cream , 14e
11 hoop iota , 13c ; full cream chodder. , new ,
13c ; full cream choddera old , Oc ; full creamn,2
in hoop , 14c ; Young Americas , b4c ; cream ,
erysWma c ; fine Swiss cheese , 19c ; Edaxn.
each , 8115.
POTAvoES-ltooeipts Large and prices
unchanged. Conaigmunenta of strictly choice ,
large sized , straight 1otatoos are sollin
from 34 tolOc ; mixed cars 30 to 32o an
light demand ; peacltblovs , 40c.
Swiecr Poraromam-Cho4co yellow , 2@3c.
ONIONS-Ucceipt. larger ; choice large red
Wothernfiekl selling at flOe.
OASUAOE-Markot for choice stock $5 0061J
(3 ( 00 per hundred. Demand good.
BEAai-Hauid picked navies , $2 73 00 ;
hand picked nmedium. $2 O02 25. ito.
COiJtS fair : demand good.
GAME-I'ritirje chicken , , per doz. , 2 50@
300 ; qnidl , 8250.duckn ; , 1 SO250 ; geese ,
FItEIr OYKTEnS-Selects , SOc ; mediums , 35c.
l'ouarmv-Livo chicken. , per tloz , 2 SO ®
3 00 ; dressed chiickons , tier lb. , 12@13c ;
turkey , full dressed. lor lb. , ito.
LEroNs-Extra fancy bar lemons , 88 00 ;
fancy Messina lemons , per box , $7 25 ; 5 box
lots , 1fessima Icumong , $7 00 ; 10 box lots (10. ,
Sc 75. These are strickly choice Mosina
CALn'omtNrA ] bAnTLm PEamni-In rood do.
mnautl at $4 004 50 per box. California
Thmchieas Buorro , Clargoami , etc. pears , per box ,
$3 O0@3 50.
1'EAC11tChOiCe Michigan ver basket , SOc
@ 1 00. ltcccipts fair ; demand for choice
stocic goOd
Dxrin-Blaclc ArabIan , per lb. , SUc ;
quarter crates , iSo.
umus-25 lb. kegs , per lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box ,
layer , ior lb. , 181c.
CocoANum-1xtra fine per 100 , 8 00.
CAr.wousrA PLUMS-il : good demand ;
2 25@J2 50 tier ox.
Cmxn-l'uro sweet cider , 16ah hog , $4 50 ;
NI. & 1' . clarified , 16 gal keg , $ .i 00 ; M. & 1' .
clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00.
I'ioa Fi"r : , 1'ztic , ETC.-l'igs feet , 15 lb
kits , $1 15 p'g ' l ( ) lb bbl , 82 25 pigs feet ,
80 lb half ibl , SI 00 ; tripe , 15 II , Icita , Si 15 ;
tripe , .10 lb qr 1)1)1 , 82 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half bbl ,
$4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , $2 50 ; pigs
tolugnelm , 40 lb y bbl $0 00. Lmnubs' tommues ,
15 lb kits , $2 C.i ; 40 lb qr bbl , $6 25.
1IiNcn MEAT-I8lb buckets ( buckets 25c )
hOc ; 3Tlb bmuckebi ( hiticket 40c ) , iSo. ; lOOlb
kegs , lOc ; half barrels , bc.
AssolTEIJELLY-2.lh , stommejara. 12 In case ,
l)0r doz , 82 25 ; tumiubler. per Jox , i .
schooner , her ( bEen , $3 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 1
doz. In case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin comma , 2 doa In case ,
2 10.
BOLE .TELLIFM-Currant , wood pails ,
per lb , 8c ; strawberry , 30.Ib wood mails per
Ib , 8 c ; raspberry , wool pall. per Ib ,
8c ; blackberry wood pails ier Ib , 8c ;
crab app1e , ao-ih wood pall. lr lb , 8 c.
Artnig BurrEn-35.lh wooden iails , tier lb ,
88 00 ; wooden pails , 6 in case , per case ,
Px.tcit IbVTrEmi-25.lhl wooden pails per Ib ,
811 00 ; wooden malls , 0 ii : case , per case ,
1'IIK'mxnvics-In ( woodeti palls-Ji.sp. )
berry , $15 00 ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ;
peachi,814 0Ocherry ; , 814 0Otomxiat.oosl4 ; 00 ;
imlilmim , $11 00 ; assorted , noilemm buclcets ,
a in case , per case , $1 75 ; ascortod , tin
cam : , , 2 dos in case , per case , 83 25.
NEulmnsHEA Comu hoNEy-i-lb frantic. ,
cases , imer II : , ISo.
OlmArwn-Loiiislanag : imer bbl , $0 00 ; do , ,
box. 8500
JiAAAS-Choice : , lerburicht ) , $3 OO1 00.
ClmAuitIcntrs-Fomcy : : Cape Coil , high color ,
814 00 ; bell and bugles ; 812 50 ; boll initl cherry ,
$10 75. HumId Plices ( JO large lots.
hAy-Baled , 8 0O6j1O 00 her to ; : ; in bulk ,
6 OO6 tie vr toni.
Iry Goblin.
] inown CorroNs-Atlautmo A , 8c ; Apple
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; lloot.FF 8c ,
Buckeye L1 , 4.4 , 7c Cabot W , 7.jc ; clitte.
nanigoA 64c ; ( iroatl'ahlsE ' 8c ; Jlmisior,6 c ;
hIonest\iYliltht , Sc ; Indian Ilenl A , Sc ; Indian
Standard A Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. v. , 7c ;
lavronco Ijj , Ote ; Mystic JIvor { , The ; I'equot
A 8c ; Utica ( ) , t4c ; Wachusett ii , 7o ; do
A ' 8c tb B 48 , 12c.
'FINE ilnowN Corromi-Ahlemulale 4.4 7o ,
Alligator 3-h , 3c Argyle 4.4 , 7c At ! antic
lhj , 6c Ihdger tath X .1.4 , 6c ; IennIngt.on
C i. , tQc ; Buckeye S 4.1 , 6c ; Indian Orchard
- - - - - - - -
- - -
AA 0.8 , 8c ; Lacenha 0 39 , 8CI Lehlh B 4.4
D ct Fepperoil N $0 , 7c ; (10 0 32 , 71c ; do it
3) ) ; , 7c ; (10 11 39. 8c ; 1ocaseot C 4.4 , 7c ;
\Vamnntta 4.4 , 13.
IltrActian CoTro9-Androscoggtn Ii 4t
9c ; Blackateno AA Imupcrinl 8c ; ( to tb hail
bloachnod 4. I Pc ; Cabot 4.1 , 8c ; } hlehity 4.4 ,
Okc ; FruIt ci thin Loom 9ct do cambric 4.4 ,
14 tie Water Twist , hbc. Great Falls Q , So
111(11)01 ) head shrunk 4.1 , f2c ; Luisdalo , lO&
0 cambric 37 h2c ; Now York Mills , l2o
I'CPint A , itic ! L'CIlhlCrOl , N (1 ' 1w1114 , l2c ;
Pocalmutas .1. . ! , Oc : i'oeaaet 5.4 , S ; Utica ,
lie : \Vnmniutt.a U X N , 12c
1)tctn ( Colored-Albauy ) i brown , Sc : the
C , drab , I Ic ; thi XX atripos ntIpiai(14 , 12 l.2c
do XX lnrtnvn and throb , ctt-lpot anti plninis ,
12 l.2o ; Arhitigton : fancy , lOc : lirunwsick
biown , S 1.2c ; CharIot fmnicy , 12 1.c ; ( In CX.
tm hieavr ' , 20c ; 1"ishI lUverbrown , otraheacy ,
it 1.20 ; 'Indiana A brown , iSo ; Ncpouct A
brnwit , ISo ,
TtC1as-Amo4koag AC A32IOc ; do XX
blue 32 , 18 1.2c ; Arrowanmus , 9 1-2c : ( 'hare.
imiotit 1111 15 1-201 Comiestoga , extra , 17 1.2c ;
hamIlton : 1) , 111.2u ; Lowistom : AflO , lSc ; m'tii
nehiaha 4.4 , 20c ; Otnena , stupor extra 4.4 , 2. .
Pc.r1 Iliver 82 , 1(1 ( 1-Ic ; Putnam XX blue
stripe , 12c ' Shetucket 5 , 10 1.2c1 do SS , 12c ;
Ynoutiati' , 'blno 29 , tc. )
1)ExlMn-Ainoskoag. tdtio nuid brown,1G 1.2c ;
Anmlovcr 1)D Iduo , 15 1.2c : 4thhti5tbti X blue
Scotch , IS 1.2c : Concord 000 , blue auimi
hirmn'u , 12 1.2c tin .Aii.A , do tIn , 1 $ 1.2 ; (10
XX to mb do , It 1.2c ; Iim:3xuiaker's blue and
brown 9 1.2c ; Mystic Itivor Dl ) atrIto , 10 1.2c ;
Pearl Itiver , bhno anti brown , bOo ; Uncaaille ,
bino aiim ! brown , 14 1.2c.
CAtnnlcs-Barumard , Sc ; Etldystono lining ,
2-1 inch : double taco , 81ciarner ; A glaxoth , t'c ;
Manhattan glove finish , hc. Newport do. Sc :
(10 glazetl , 5c ; Pot1uot do , c ; Lockwood kid
finish , Go.
Coinsar , TEANn-Alnory Androacoggtn
sattoon , 8c : Clarentlon t2C1 ! Concatogga sat.
toeu : . , 7.jc ; liahlowoll , Sc ; imuhiatu Orchnnu'tl , 7c ;
Narragansett , unproved , t8c ; l'opperull sat.
teen , lc ) ; htnc'kport , ( be.
PIuNm-Ahlenii , 6c Anicrican , 6cArtuldo ; ,
6c ; Iberwick , 4'c ; Coclmono 0 Conostogi : , tibet
IJankirk , ( be ; Dunnoll , Ob@1Tc ; iidtbyat.onio , Bc ;
Gloucester , 6c ilninnony , 5 e ; Knickerbocker ,
( ic ; Menimac 1) , Tn ; Mystic , 5c ; Spragues ,
( bet Southbrhhgo , ( be ; (10 cbliighzuia , 7c ; Marl.
born , 5'c ; Oriental ,
U1altAmn-Amoskeag , 9 c ; Argyle , Sc ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cumbcrland 7c ; llighlauui , 7 c ;
Kenilwe.ithi , 9e ; Plunkstt , tc ) ; Sussex , Sc.'thbcrvillo , 13c ; iato , 20c ;
American , lie ; .Artln.ian , 20c ; Cain ) I ) anl 1' ,
1c ; Clarion 1) and T , 17c ; Pecan Co.
stiipcit 1) and T , bGo Keystone , I3jc ; Nan'
tucket 19c Nonpareif , iGc ; Ocean : LI 111111
1.9 c ; ioyac , 16c ; Sukmex , 12c ; 'I'Ioga Wachu.
sott shiirting cimok , , 12&c ; do Nnnkn % 12 cs
York , hlLtIti Nankin , 12c ; tb clinches , stripes
unit ! fmumey , 12c ; tlo,8 oz , 20c.
SllEicrIus-AmirosctlggItt 10.1 27c ; ( ho
94 , 23c ( ho 3 4 , 32cm Continental 0 42. lie ;
Fiuit oi the Loom 10-4 ; 27cNow York ma 11.
98. 3r ti 78 , 30c ; do 55 , 22.c ; Pembroke
10-1 , 25c ; Feouot 10-4 , 28c : do t4 , lOc ; ilu 49 ,
h6c ; PopioaoIl 96 , 211c do 67 , 2k ; do 7 , iSc
Utica 'JO , SGc ; do 58 , 2o ; do 48 , 17g.
Paints , Oils nd VnrnhmICca.
Outs-hO0 carbon , per gallon , I3c ; 150 °
headhlaht , per gallon , iSo ; 175 ° headlight ,
pe gallon , 20c ; 150 ° water white hOc ; lii :
sooth , raw , ; pr galhmSSc ; linseed , boleI , per
gallon , SSo Lard , winter str'd , ice gallon , bOo :
No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , ' X 11cr ptl.
Ion , 1 50 ; No. 3 , 1 30 sweet , per ga\lon \ src :
'IV.B. , Per gallon , 1 60 ; fish , \V. II. ,
pergallon , Gtic neatafoot extra , per gallon , OOc ;
No. 1 , 75c ; huitiricating , zero , per gallon , 3Oc ;
summoner , h5c ; colden machum , No. 1 , 11cr gal.
Ion , 3Sc ; No. , 2So ; P''h signal , pftrgahlomi ,
SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , SOc ; napthia , 74 ° ,
iicr gallon , 150.
CUnEDMEAT5 amLAnn-itams 16'@JlGc '
breakfast bacon : , 1fS@l5c ; smoked sl1cbes , ii
(1Go ; mit sides , 8iJb9c ( ; lard , 1Oc.
( lmnn Fnuir .trml'IionucE-1 otatoos , SO ®
75c pr 100 poumuls ; potatoes , sweet , hiCi 100
ptmnln , 2 25(5J2 ( 75 ; onions , per 100 lKuinds ,
$1. SO@2.00 ; tomatoes , iior pound , 2.3c ;
turnulis , l' lii , Ic ; Colorado cabbage , mew ,
icr 100 , SSel 00 ; hive chicken. , old , per doz ,
$4 OO@b4 25prairio ; chickens per doz$3 ( X3 ) 5O
egg. , fresh : , per doz , 28@lc ; butter , fair quid.
ity creamery , finest per lb , 35fj3U . creamery ,
good , per Ib , 28@34c ; Kansas and Nebraska
dairy , ver lii , 2324c ; cooking , 8tJ10c ; chesse ,
full cream , per lb. 16@lTc ; apples per bbl ,
eastern , $4 756 00 ; grapes , per lb.
56c California pears , box , 3 25
3 &i ; phuns , 20 lb box , 2 OO2 50 ; Mc.-
gina lemon , , extra , per box , $7 O0@8 00 ; Cob.
redo wheat , per lOOlb , 81 301 38 ; flour , Col.
orado , per 100 lb , $2 00Q12 25 ; flour , patent
82 90@3 00 ; flour , Kansas , per 100 Ib , 2 70 (
3 00 ; flour , Graham , nor 100.Ib , $200@2 50 ;
flour , rye , b)0r 100 lb $2 5O@2 70 ; floui ; btick-
wheat , per bbl , $11 1l012 50 ; corn meal , per
100 lbs , $1 65@1.85 ; corn , per 100 lb. , 81 27 ®
1 30 ; corn chop , per bOOlba , S1.30I 33 ; now
oat , , per 100 lbs Si 351 45 ; oats , Nebraska ,
mixed , per 100 1i , $1 301 40oat. , Nolirnaka ,
white , per 100 lb. , $1 351 45 ; oats , Colorado ,
per 100 lb. , 81 251 35 ; barley , per 100 lb. ,
$1 b0@1 75 ; mixed chop , ier 100 bbs , 51 23 ®
1 40 ; brami , lOC ton , SIT OO@19 00 ; hay , loose ,
P ° ' . ton $12 OO16 00 ; baled second bottom ,
810 60c12 00 ; baled upland , $14 0O17 00 ;
clover , per ton , $20 00 ; straw , per ton : , 88 00
@ 1900.
' 1arta of tine
human bo.iy enlarged , developed and strcngtlicnetl ,
etc. , Is an InterestlnE sulvortisemnenit bug mu In our
rnper. In reply to Imiquirle , no sill say that there Isle
, lo evidence of humbug about this. Oum the contrary
the advertisers arc very highly onidorsed. Interesteti
Ilersoims Inlay gel sealed circulars ghlxg : all particu
tars by muttlrcsslmiy Erie Muillcal Co. , 1' , ill
l2ufTao ! , N. y.-l'rololo EvenIng flisOc.
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAIl. 13. 111AltTYET.L , i'rcsldcnt.
A. 1. . CLARKE , Vtco.Prosltlcnt.
K C' . vff1usTElt,1rrcasurcr.
C. P. VEUSTE1L Cashier ,
amuci Alexander. Oswald Oilier
. L. Clarke , ) : . V. Webster ,
'so.IL Pratt , ia , , . II. Jfcartwehl ,
D. 1. ! . McEllIlnney.I
first Mortgage Loans a Speoialtv
This Company fmunlehies a permanent home Instltu.
a where school 13oils and other kgally Issued Mu.
al Securities to Nebraska can be negotIated see
o ( t.vorablo terms. Loan. made on raproved
In all sell settled countIes oftho etato through
Ihile ocal correwovilsnts ,
OOLD MEDAL : , PARIS , .1B78 ,
. BIOakfll8t 00C03.
Warranted ab.ofutcly pur °
Cocoa , ( ruin which ( he excuse o.
Oil has beeui removed. It has lhrea
thie * the strengtA of Cocoa iiiiied
; , with Starch , , Arrowroot or Sursr ,
ammitl Is therefore fir moore ccononI. ,
cal , It ii ikhlelous , nourIshing ,
, atrengthicniiug , easily digested , end
admIrably UlflhIttd ( or InvalIds a
will a. fur 9ra0115 tO health.
Sold hg Orocers everjivheri.
BAKER & CO. ' Borchc1cr I1s
LII I ) . . , , .5. . , on. ib.I1.r , flDn. . , u.m , , I ( . ? .ibr t.ue , r
, , , k , . , ar.d , I.IoI,4 , .b.slIv Irhi , , . . ) . .z.I aiat.l. Ii
petori hr. , ' . .iti ( OI tIe , cb I. . , c.tIiIiij ) a4
s.sil c..d. lliv.I , , 4IIur. . ) ( wi&t. ) byd.eai
. , sam , , , . .l lb. , C1a , TLi , U aLIV . , . I Tb. amA
p1. . eflu..1lug Xvrvo. . . Iht.lhIiy. l' 4. . .
Ii . ( ni ! 'i"u24 1) 'III i ( A 1)51 ) I , ? , 1IJu4 , , ,
ho5eI. ' . . vu. . . . , ' , l.I .1 tII , t till uS per.
race guiIuo.I , $ b.l I , .3 eIlr. IlCalabI , ead
. . , . . . . , , , , , , ( . , , . . , . .
.r t.ll. C lIlI.i 1 pl.pb.r ) f
Y0V ' 74. ' , . , . . , . . . . _ e. . . . . . . qf . . . V..S
fib ) UP.TflPDflhJ J regular graduate In
uLI , 11L,1JJLs1WU1l , medicIne. Oicr Iteeo
OOMII6asWvandotte5t. 3e&rs' practloo-Iwelve Jr
KANSAS 11TY , 710. Chmlcago
1i : Authorized by the atato to tic.
dtbh f ChronIc , Nerrous and i'rlvate dhsrase. ,
, gpllcpay , l'llec ,
. . 4Asthma , Urhisry and htkn ( Dli
, eammeshemnhimnJ ) Wcakiea.nbhmtIosse. : (
.a Sesual 1)ebilltylocs nf.cxual power ,
ito. Cult. guaranteed or nuonsy rofunded. Chargoi
low. Thouialgfi of rases cured. No injurIous nisdl.
olnes furnIshed cccii to hiatleit at a dIatanice. Con.
.ult.atlon tree and cemifideritlal-call or wrltr age and
axporlennu are hisportant. A HOOK for both acre-
111ajslrated-and circular. of other thlnga seal acaled
ci leo cent at.nrps. uhtlE UU8EUf Al
mcd od.w
- - - - - - - - - -
ltaIen been actnoatctp'mb anti mote so at thnl misy
thiftti ally other. The vr..t flelt of iincmhlcal vlcnco I.
eter Incrcsm'liig , Its ImunICrCuq teanelmea are
lromngbt hearer anutl nearer tO lwrfccttoni , nntl
no one lush C5t1 ftlIi mincer tlwin al
hirnec than necessity for dii Iihliig ths labor , tiiiI It he
trite lcvotid all loubt that , lt.ratr , affectIng thin gen.
to.urlnary organs liCol pt'celal stiil more thisti ally.
hung clac , If iu iioultt miihnrtnu1 atid knOW how
teat them PrllIwrh % .
1)1) ) . . it. v.ttNfIt ; : Is tmnhl' eunice that there are
lfl.llV phmyslriani. , titl oiiiO , t'ii.lbhe jlt.lIIC , iiho it Ill
eonilciiui hihmil for tinaklim this cha'.q , f tilca. .
elalty , bIt hels hnapy to kinii that i1th most lwr.
1111i of rcflnnenieflt auth hmitehhlgcmcmn : a mitsr o rnhlghmtn.
eth 'm bmw Is tAleii of the puhjc.t , Still that the hhlYlC
Ian nba , levote. , hlni'elf to re1lciIg , the tfllctnl and
55 % lug thriii from ii oman thmti theath , , is no Irss a ; 'lI.
Iatmthmt'plst auth benefactor to hmh race thaim the stir.
geoni or 1'0 slelati itho by elo'o aIphioatlohi es.ceh. In
atiy oilier tirsiucli of liii ) rofcstonm. , ' .titL tomttiliatchv
( U inunanlty , the tisy I. mIas tiltig u helm thmo tale Phi.
rothiro.hy : I hat eontlnntmeI tine ' . Icthinu of fohly or
erhimie , Illo the lepcr . tlilcr , the , Jcsi Iht laiv , to die
uliesreti forbes isnscbaay.
A Few Reasons
S'h3. 3011 should try the eclcbratet ir. It. Vagucr'e
flinhioI , of eurru
1. "Dr. II. bvagmncr I. a miattirab ithyielsn. "
0. i. I'owtsa ,
The Orctet th Ing l'hrrmiohoglst.
"l'cir elm excel 3 Ott 55 0 doctor. "
3) ) . . .t. SiMs , ,
The Vorht' , Oreatcat l'h'slngnomntat ,
. 'I'o1l are i iiii4erfmmhhy PrOtlClCiituii I our kimoal
edge of tiIeMu null awillelimec. "
Ii. . .1. Msnttewi' .
4 , "Tine aflhlctch timiti reatly relict Iii VOli
dire. " lht. .1 , Simm , .
a. "Dr. 11. Vagiier Is a regular grnttliato 1mm
flchicimo hto'pitnh , xciv York citi ; has iat very e.
teiirdio hospital IleitetleC , mat is thoroughihy I4tc % on
all hnochmes ( t his ttthoi cit edomice , es'eclalIy on
chronic mllwnses. '
Des. IIROWNScT. & Etrixo.
. "Pr. hi. S'agncr hiss IniimnortohhreI intintit 1l
hi. % voiilemtul mhlseovery ( f jit'Iflo meiia'tlles for pm
vato amid , u'iai ,1i..nes.-Virgliiia City Citronlelu.
7. "Thmouqaimihi of Imunilids flock to see hlui.-San
Francisco Chronicle.
S. "rlo : Ioetor , long e'hlcrirm1co 55 5 ieeiahlst
houhiI remitter iiiiui I cry aueceasfui.-Itocky Motim : .
talti Nuns.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At onetime a dlsenasioni of the secret tlco va. en.
tlrciy at ellI by he mfcr.iimi , itliI iiitshIemtl womks of
but a tuwycars ago sotilti hnartllv mentloim It.
'l'o.tiney th Ih3sIdanl I , tf a , IftTcreiit oiliiitlli ; ho Ic
Micro that It I his duty.-.U.agmecabio though It
11:53' be--to handle ( lii. imiattem is it.hout. gloi Cs iith
, peitk PhahlilY it1ont It. atid Intelligent lnemmts muid
guanlbuis i , ill thauk hdmn for (1011mg 5(1.
Time re.iilts nttunitlig , this , Ictruetiso vice were for.
ninny 3,01. iitihcrst.ool , ( m mint t'rolerhi etluiatnh anmil
no imimportatnee beliig attadmed to a mihiject which , y
It. ti ttiro does mint. imisilo (1(150 , Iiii caUgatlon , It. was
nIllitighy Ign rni
Thu habit Is generally contrntcted lv the youn
ii hihto attentllog school ; titcr ecmnpanionc throng
their exaniplo , ilnay ho resioiisLtio for It , or it may be
acquired thrtiligii acitheiit. 'limO ueItciiwnt ( unco CX'
I'mieliC'I , time PractIce i iii to reiwatcd nirnihii ; amid
a-niini , untlh at hait time hrnbit hecomiw , Shut niiI coin.
PICIC1Y cimalaics the tictlnm. Mental anal nervous at
Illctioii are t(5til113' time lIrinniar ) ' resulte of 13C1f.iiiltn"U.
Aimiouig the Iiijurloim clIent. , untay ho niemitiomnetl latsi.
tuilo , dejection or immascihlllty of tcmiwr cliii gctieral
debIlity. The hot seeks HOCtUSIOlI , aliti rarely joIli ,
Iii time sport. of hif cllmnpnliiomis. if ho ho a young
mnuni ho trIll be little founil Im comupanly with thu other
Hex and Is trouble , ! nlth excenilimig atimi nilimoylmmg
iiahtuiiics. Iii tiwir IreMlic ( Litaelilotnii dreams ,
cnilasioimc and cmiptiun : , elm tine face , etc. , are aio
IrmmiIivimt , iliI1tlimi5.
It the howttcO ) I i lolcutly icn.IstI In , nioma scrIoiii
distumbances take hmino. ( umeat paipitatloim of the
heart , or el1leptlo eomutaioiis , are expcriciicod , and
the sufferer iiia' tail into a conulIctc state of idIocy be.
fore , limiatly , mteatii reilove hum.
To all those cimgntgci In this ilangorouc , practice , I
would say , first of ahi , stop It itt ohm ; nnmaku every
PossIble effort to mb so ; but If you fail , if your imorvorm ,
system is already too munch shattered , amid cease-
quently , 3our whii.power brokeim , take anile imervo
toimlc to aiI 3(111 Iii your effort. . Ilailiig treat yourself
fromim time habit , Iwouid further conimisol you to go
thmou'hm a regular course of tmeatmoimt , for It Is a great
mniataio to suppose that ammy one many , for sonic time ,
imo t every so little gIve inliumsoif till 10 ( liii rasclimaUim
mit dangerous excttcmiicimt without atmffemlmmg trout it.
evil coimacqueliecs at sonic future thin. Thu imunmuer
of young mine , , who are Ilcapaclated to Cii time duties
enjoinnu imy wedlock I , aiarnilimgly large , and in mmuoat
( If such case. this unfortimimate cotmditlomi of thhngi calm
be traced to the il&CtiCO of sclf.mtbtmio , whIch had boon
abammdoimedycare axo. Imulceth , ii few month , ' practice
of timI. habit Is suhilciemit to Iniluco , pemmnatommhua a
later yuarsmiud I have matsimy of audi eases under treat
montat the prescmmt day.i
Young Men
Who may be euemtng frnui theolToct'mof ' yomdhfu %
follies or Indiscretion , wlli do mmli to avail themseircu
of this , tine greatest boon ever laid at the altar of ant.
fembmg humumity. Dim , Wxuximie will guarantee to for.
felt OOO for every cisc of seminal wuakniess or private
dIsease of any kImd antI characteriwinlch bounder.
takes to imd falhc to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are many at the ago of SO to O she arc
troubled with too frequent evacuations of time bind.
ncr , often 0000mianied by a slight smarting or burn.
Ing sensatIon , aimil a weakening of the syatemim Iii a
lanhmner time imatiemit canhmot &oeount for. ( lii exanmuiri.
1mg the urinary tiopoiltc a ropy slxiimmicnt will ofteim be
found , arid , , ( lmiietliliCS smminll li&mticiel of mtlhumimnou will
appear , or the cdr , , will be of thin tuliklmh , him , again
chmaiiglimg to a miark and torpid nploaralmco. There arc
filthy fliCiI bull iiii ( ) di of thmiimdillicimlty , Ignorant of
thu camnsc , which I. the secoimil stage of geniliial n oak.
( less. Dr. % V. is ill gmnamnmmtcu a lerfuct clime lii all cisec
nmnil a hicaithmy rcstoratlomm of time genlt.o.umiiiary or.
( Youmsuhtatioum free. Thorough cxaumilumatiomm amih ad.
ilco , $ ii.
All coinuumuiicattomns shmuiml lo a1iircssei1 , Dr. henry
hitriry Waguamir , 1' . 0. 21)0. ) heuser , Colorado ,
Time Youuug alni's , L'ocket Clmullaiiloml , by Hr. hi
% Vitguier , Is s mirth its it eIght In gull ho ) oumimg Imicim.
l'rhce 1,25. Scuit by uuaU to aumy address.
Let Your Light Shine ,
Dr. Warluer tue celelirateti specialist of Deumvcr ,
Coi' , . , M3 Lrirlmmmer street , 1eiiui us 1mm ictdng time worlI
hOin ) what hmu maim iii , nail 19 mhcilug for timutiemlidic of
liii fellowuieu , , . tile treatmimemit. liar lost uuiaumhooi Ig
, lmri , to will hiluum a uiaiiu , that jetcrItv trill hlusc. , 'J'cu ,
thlliniOlllI teiitiuuioiuiai from nil om or this fulled States
froumi those Imo lint cuiremi , Is oosith o tint Iio.loes
cure tim ntrt cases of tiesm , , ilMeases. 'i'hie all llctnl
froinm chirunilo nimi seniah diseasoc iii every kInd will
him their bct fricuid. htca.I hsi mul : rthsjmaent lii
all our city hmhl.OrlI , amid call emu iiuim : for uuiiicw , us we
know you icihl oareolmorute , um , iii sts lug hi I. thu auf
furcr' , true frIeumd.-1iuckioummraiml 1ess.i
Relief to the Afflicted.
Jim medIcines , as ii , science , the specialIsts are the
00(5 ' 5110 always coinwi to thu trout alol accomnpilsh
great results. Tide remark tm especially ulmpilcaibo tote
to Dr. If. % Vagner , of Liii , city. . Ito Stalmlc ( at thmu top
of hi. lrOfesstOlm , amid thu climes he llorflrmns for time
uumfortuimato souiui .eemn wonderful If hot Properly
vluneil hum tholighmtof scieumtiilo acqulromuieumtic. hie Is
endorsed iy thu most eimmlumcumt of time unemilcal faculty ,
III , allies mit 843 Laraunir atreat , where ho wIll mipeedI.
fly effect a cure for the , uffering of either sex , no nest.
let how coimiihlcatud their couipiisizmt-l'ouseroy ,
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Persons at a i1l.tanco who wIch lobe treated imy Dr.
Wagner umeerl not feel hnsokward because of lumms1i1it
to visit hmiom. If tiiuy sIll w to the doctor ho will
scuuil a list of questioum. w ruisble himn to eimd
iuiedlchni , counsel and to timousnuid , he ha.
never seen. lie has i' iuu enemy city , towuu auud
ataUoum lam Colorado sehi as ailover the Puiltud
lft4tels. 5CC his sd 1)115 ) , Id1 , rtlseimueuit.-Den.
vor TrIbune.
Shall We Reform ?
Specific romniemhIefor nihmitceases Is the thmeor ) '
irclk at lresmmt of omliucatomi auml eaperleriro
imysiclalm , , null iii nil large comimmuimitici ( hwy imave
theIr bileclaitieS , to excel lum which they direct timtir
ImtillIi8 muid iracticu. Dr. t'mmgimer is a siuicasfmmi , Ii.
lustratiomm of timla iimoicrum school of amid hIs
miimprsaieiitel sniOcnIl'i ' Iii the treatuaimt of
'llseases Is as a oimdtrtul as It Is hiatterIn'-1 wf , J ,
'II , .
'I Jarmm , who umetsi imnlsIinI relief for the uminat
mielicuto (11 ml iseasew ii Ill find anm a000mmulihmiiI amid silo.
restful lhllCisIl in thu Jerou ci Pr , SVarumer , No.
813 l..arlmmmersrcet ( , isbn Is hiighiyrcoommiuuaumdod bythme
uumoIlcal 'rofusslomu ' at 11(11w anil uhmesrml.-l'onmcroy'i
hlcmuiimcat , Higotryanmi IglmfmrMmremuiu guy way to
' 5 Islommi nummi time is tao lb siclarm imehlot vs Iii lettiiig hils
lIght imImiu for the glory of Imi fmiluw linen : . 1'rlmtr' ,
Imik ha timu torch imu ommu bust tm'u b giuitimi I be a ears'
aUth skk oumu to the fm'uimtaim ; mit health If 11:1. : nrIcl ( (
ehsmiiiil ho histrummneimtal a , a ' " (01101 I 1,14 ; hI1' aet up.
( flu & lull to guide suUerlum hnuuumammity to 813 Larimmier
.trmiet , Peumver , Cmomamlo ! , It isihl aimseer thu iiurh'oe
for ImicIm it w&i writleun. Atidra.
flu , B2NIts WAGNEIt ,
I' . 0. box 2Z& , er call mit 1J Lnrliuar Strert
lkmmvcr , Co.o.
nrIUcd'ecluuu.m hieadcd "The NecessIty for lbs
n1tii , ' °
Furniture !
Have just received a large quantity pf
new a
' I ' 1 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnain St
T .4'
III. I3N-IIcxaD : ,
Calvaoiied IroDCorDices1 iDdo CapsIFioialsB
Skvlimrht4to Tlmtrfeenthm Street
A. : II.
Bues ! Carriaffei aiid Su1hill aolls
M3LRqository I. oonctantly filled wIth a mctectetock. Mcii Wokmnn.bip guaranteed.
Office and Faciory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaaa1
Heating and Baking
. , , Is only using
- I. a Stoves and Ranges ,
- . L . . ITll IllE CIIlE OVER : DOO8S .
. - . Foi'4by
Tale flour Is made at Salem , Itfclmardson Cor , Nebraska. Ii. the Ce.oinetl Itolloc Stone Syetcm. W
give MXCI.USIVh aie of our ffour to oumo firm In a plaoo. We hate 5suumed ma branch at 118 Capitol avenu
Omab. Writu for 1'rIce. Address uttimor
Salem or Omsua. Mob.
Etib1ib.ec1 iii
I SiMsou ,
' , . LL . '
Fr , Factory
1L- . 1409 nnd 1411 Dodge Street1
1- _
OMAHA , - - - - - -
\VaII \ Paper anViuo \ Sliaftes.
0. sr. LEI(1hJ'ION. II. T. CLAItKE.
. ( succlssois TO K1NNAiU ) hUbS , & CO. )
Wholesale Droggistsl
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class.
OMA.1IA , - - - - - - -
Grower of Live Stock and Others. .
Our Ground Oil Cake. ,
II Ii the test amd cheapest food for stock of any kind. 0mm. pound I. equal to tlme pounds of earn'
took led with Oround OIl tiake In the frail nd WInter , Initead of running down. will Increase to 'weigh , f.
and ho Io goest marketable pondition In the .mrIng. lairymon . , as well as other. , who . use It n t.iUfy
It. . merIts , Try It and Judge for yQn3rae1ves..1'rIce $2.OO ler ton ; no charge for sacks. Address
IcD Li 1 : p r
- ASIC YOUR 0h1OCItS yol ; TIlE
Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Uop Yeast Oo .
2718 hiUlt'V ' HTJIEIIT , OMAhA , NEIl .
Wholesale Druggist !
Pthllts , Oils , Yarilislies allil illao Glass
. . . . ; OMAHA , NEBRASKA. . .