- - - - - . . - ' . - - . - 't ' C r . - r - - - - t - - \ t- - - _ - , - - , . . . . . - - , . - - - . - ' Tt'Ir DAILY BELIIONDAlVr113.1R ; [ , 1 / i 1 t , sTe CowCIS BLUFFS , o . . . IOWA. I . - Proprietor of Music hall and General Mnlliger ( for the Celebrated I Western Cottage . Organ Co Of Mendota Ill , s for Western Iowa t Nortllei1t Kansas and Missouri , Nebr\ska , Southern Minnesotn , alld Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Matohlcss , . . . WEBER , LINDEMAN . r 1ND HARDMAN 1 --ALSO-- i BTTIDB T T . ' -AND- ' i 1 .I . T ' . ' A ST it L , a l COTTAGE -ALL KINDS OF- 4 : . MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DE'CRiPTION , - t -SUCH AS- r AS'i 'i VIOLINS , GUITARS , ' / Y -A FUbTF LINFi OF- ' , . h - y ' Yluei Ih : _ . Boxes , Best Italian Strirdg s , Music Books and B indrs Sheet Music , Etc. , Etc. 1 Ooods4. J 1 . ' . . 7a . . ; . All Kinds of Oa Dd TO $ 1 Au Ipec111ty fi the Piano line , I would recommeni most heartily the ' Eiaxic ! , 1 A 1ne tone , finely finished , unlit-class instrument in every respect ; they are not the cheij t 1'i uiot , but within the reach of all who really desire something that will last a lifetime. TRY TIIEU. . They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS. a SHODDY PIANOS AND ORGANS , hr , , u 1 Eo largely advertised like patent medicine , And like it , good for everything and nothing in particular , I DO NOT KEEP IN STOOK. Icaunat afford to sell them , as I live too near house. But if desired , I am pr's. pared to furnish any of these cheap Pianos and Organs at eastern prices , eave freight , provided I am not held responsible. In connection with this I will state that my Organs contain G full octaves of Reeds , to one set , t and do not call a single octavo of reeds , a full sot , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealors. I sell Pianos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with small elhtra discount , Send for circulars , Address It MUELLER , No 103 oath M ails S re et o tin c E lu ffs T L d , . COUNCIL. BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , I'FItSON\I , . County Suportisor L'mdorwood tear it the city Snturdny , 1InJorVanl , of the C , R , S 1 ; , spent Sun day ht the city. S. lloldetoln , of Cincinnati , it nt the Og den 3'l tonlay , M..1. 'Prnris , of limnburg , lowawarnt Ilechtoto's y cater lay. Frnntl : Shinn , two attorney. rlf Cmsmh , ty13 tit the Pnifr yestor.lay , 1) , , L Stauett , of Chtcagu , wts a Sunday sojourner at the Padtic. A , N , Anurrda , of link bland , wt'nt hechlolo's huLol yesterday. A , 1)nurunrd ) and w ifu , of Ottumwa , were Sunday gunsts at Uochtclo's noww hotel. Ir.lillto + saudhr\Vnrrcn , of Shen ruuloah , were at the O „ den yesterday , Jolt , It , Stu.hauraucly . oI Polls , loua , nay among the Sunday guests at the Ogdot , J. 1L lientnau , of Otttunwa , has arrival hero to Lmkochargu of The Uloho job ronm soh Morris , of \ Hscouri'alloy. . bobbed hi nt0utg Lis hienth here yusLerdny , a'i jolly a ever. L.'llnkel , the ids Ur rv'obanker , mu111 , A. llnunntt , nlsu of thatplace , were at the Pachic yesterday. Mr , mul Mrs. V , ) f , Iiitfco , of Cartltagt' , to are Mont ou their wadding trip nud stop. ping at the Ogden , 'I'Iha np uoaching marri'tgo of .lorry Qainn , asnulucttir uu thin K. ' C. , to Jugs Iiognu , of Colorado , iv unnuuncnl , 4t e ktamt Chief Mitchell , of the Omaha bra departmiCnt , way In the city Saturlay , taking In the town under two guidance of Chief Tem pletnn , \nss 1)ora Stnftlt , of St. Joe , mid her friend , \luss 11ay Nutt , of lihrhtm , daughter of Col , It. C. Nutt , president of tlm Atlantic k Pad. tic railway , are fu the city visiting , and an' tltogncstsof bfrvlluraca Jivcrott ; who iran Hunt of his' Sudtlt , Mrs , \V , P. Sapp arrtre l honut yasterlay ; front cot intended deft to fdcutl9 km olio. llcr dstcr , ills. Naunie Brawn , of lIt. , Ver eon , 0. , rotur ux with liar icr a tixit hmo , .uuf her btutherceorga ; . Brown , of Dcii' car , arrivrod last might for a few days' + .ny hero. Coroner 1'md on Saturday tact an old friend here , in the form of Sflns Leech , who used to kcY i boolrs for 11r.1'aul in this city in 1H,1i 7 Mr. I.ccch ahuut that tune I .ft here , ' and event to Scranton , Pa. , wlterolra has since kept bunks for the locomotive worker there. Ilse health is gking way Ly close confrncntot fur so many yam's , and ho kitty coitcltidcd to go to California and engage in smile other bnsille9 their , \Vhte cot roitto ho steps Over ) tarn fm a few days to greet such oh frkud a. ' stilt live hero. C. Sheuliold , a railway contractor , who i tvcll known in this part of the country , and trim now make' his htonto in Albugnorquo , Nov Maaico , is sficudi11 a tow days in thr city , greeting the Old friends fromn wham hl' has been : .bent throe years , Mr. Sheufiold i ou lrfs return from the went , ho being tie ebtuf owner of the town of liingnran , lfohnro county , Arizona. Ire itas become interustod fn a dynanito drill for mining purporco , so arranged that by nsiuq dynantito cnrtridgos the drill is given great po\vor by the Qkhict and nft rcpcated aspIosion + Ito thinks 'ito , ) ray a fortune in it , and it certainly is a startling - ling invention. It trill , ba a grugt tldng , Ip doed.dJ11stc t1 of draggrng air4hgbro Ilan boiler wtnbng the mountains , the eiiginoer ea ( . gro frnn mine to niuo vita lit a cantor dane'pp in a little boo of dynamlto ondridgas carried in Lis vest pocket. Agreatxehono that. , , - - - Compare the dose std cjuudity : of ITood'a Sarsnpatilla andyouhau h'nitclusivuproof of its superior atrengtlh nud ch.'upness Try it , - _ , < . Thu City RlnantoH , ( 1 u Ilk honor thnMaYnr and City Council of ( 'eased DhttTi. : ( i1L'rr,6SIF1-I ftororith submit tlto following report of city warmuts iesucd during the month of October , 1333 , as well as the total aneunt of wnrrantn issued by order of the presynt council : ocrotrn. TOrAIY I eneral Tunds , . , 'J185.51 : : R1i,319.f2 Culco hued . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,5t2.15 , 9,762.06 , i 0 $15,011,52 Aliip roporf bills nudited.'and allowed during the .arum time cot the following accounts : 11 acr011Lfl. TOrtl. Nos cjtyhuildttgrounds huh l jm1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,1175.00 S 6,747. lo J'olice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.63 . 6,15fJ3 : Ca : + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42d.21 : i3.91 l'rinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.80 44ci.W I'ark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , City'1'ingineor'x afGcn , . . , 111):0 ) : S65.3G Fire Department. . . . . . . . 741,14 ( ,1G.15 Streets and nlley , . . , . . . , tk 0.76 8,364.01 Sidewalks. . . , . . . , . . . . . . . 78.10 ' 'l/i12.7t1 SaWeraao ; , , , r. , , . , , 4"c HJ 4 ; O9,1)9 ) ( Jtneral fund proper. . :15942 : 4,4IJAJ Cdndenmatiot and right of way. . . . . . . . . , . , . , ( iO.OO 1je > < : > 7G , fudguient innd. , . . , . , . . 1,121.1E . - . > : $ 3J J t.i'Y4 ' ; ,517 „ L' Itcspcctfully submitted , 1' ' ' , A. IlmtEIAlldilol' : , 19hblith Fpeakers sad 81nen ; Ond H. IT. liourlar S Son , ' CJp5it'um tough Drul' ' , ' a suru remedy fur Uoutecnca , , . - . _ _ _ l'hn Mrlrry RcIIH , ; aiulJS-TOLr int. A wydo it occurral at St. Joe huht Thurstbay oi utng , which ttut riot only nn intportint Hocwty uyent there , but also an 'overt which eFcitcs much inter- t et hcru , Dr. .1. 11 , St , C , Millis , a young'rnnl : who formerly resided here , and who line many friends in this city I'h1 , bride wiw Hiss Virginia 'fuller , a young lady wlfosn beauty and necon ylislnncnte have mule liar one of thr lenders in St. Jou Hucial circle arid 'a eneral I favorite. Thu roronony was , lerfarmod by ltev. Dr , ltunsho , tit nc- mrdafcu witlm the C lsco aline ritual 'lit service being , however , in thu Firei l'rettbyterinn chuh , which way crotydcd Iith two friends of the young couple. Tie attendants of the groom and bride yore Chnrhna 8.1'eaw , of Omaha , and Miss Dora yiilith , of St. .me ; Oharlo ! tnrnanl and Dlias Sa cleis , of fit. Jest 'Er. ' ( Jhunch and Mute ( lardnor , of Ht. 'noI'.1 ; + . Sapp , of Council 111uIT , an" r ; , , Mcnrd , of St , Joe , After the con amony at the church n reception was ; tvun at the reslduneo of the bride r other , whichh wati largely attendee 'tie , irut0nts were many , anti really oh' tut and all two arr'an' tcnts in over mail wore ohiburato , and p wore carrit'i tit well making the event ono of ti. . st brilliant kin tlto social history of S foe. The nowty wedded ones loft on ti ) utdninht train for Omaha/ from whlcl place thou came hero Saturday , and are nets undntg n few clays stay hero ns the guests of Mr , and Mrs , A. W , Street whore they are receiving many hearty nxpressfons of congratulation nud wall w'hshes front nut erour friondv lore , Boughs , ( 'oblr , ash t + nrt. ' lunat ymal nidly ! to fl IL nouglat SOI11' ( a , ileum Co Ig1h tiruy r. _ . , , _ --as-- N1o1A No VIA. , \ idroly Street ycrno-woodier ills ; ; t1'nlte ! I'Inre Soon , pondonco of Tin lire , Nlol.t , lotra , November -Patrick llnuifau , \1'cstou , was in town to-day ith his fannily , conning front mono in n 1 unbor wngou. Daring ltiy stay among us he got pretty tvull loaded with "prohi bitiun juice , " mul in driving arotind to get his family in the wagon , lie tried to create n lido show of his osvR by shoving his inability at horaeulauship , turning around in ( asst of JV , Butler's store on a full run , lie foil out on the gtltuud , which attracted the attention of the marshal , who at once proceeded to ar- reit hint , ' 1'heu began a rtutuiug light , aul the tnnr'shnl not , hitting a heavy .vuntgli gun alone , hu haul to liars the as- sistameo ( if several of the bo 's , in ordur to lodge hint in the coolor. On being arraigned before the mayor ho Ole. ( hod tmilty ; and vas tined X20 and costs , for being allowed to celobrate. A , .1 , Porter , the ionic wlto lost a span of conies sumo thee ago , is into a quarrel with the olliccrsabout the reward utitred. A , titan who otitrs n liberal reward in dnler to eucoura o ollicors , should stand tip like a man and pay tt when it is earned. Constable 1d. Patterson , of Lewis , Cuss county , tvas in town to dny on of- tieinl budiicss. . \ halo follow well met anti to 1t1. the latch string is always out. Siucu th. . ' recent double a'edditig hero tt is rumored that there in at an early tiny to be more of it. Justice Clark has aim vas a fresh bogtel of orange blussoi ns till Ilrt desk , Cone right along. llnro anon. Vir. : TILC NI.1V L'tST01t , Itos . 1G . Rates Uohlt'ol'H IfiM lnau- tcunlScrmon at. two 1'resby- terfiin Chin. clr Yesterdaymorning 11or. A , K. Bator , mho newly chosen pastor of the Presbyte- n at : church , enlaced upon his public duties , and preached two o1 collntt sun- 1110115 to largo and attentive congrega tious Yesterday morning ho was pnr tieularly appropriate to the now position whiclm ho enters , lie dwelt upon the rpecial call , which ho believed a mnn shiuuld receive before enterintl the ministry - try , and upon the duty of the iator to p1easo God rmthor than emu. 'w'ho ideal preacher , as he pictured himshould le a time believer , and a coisisterit liver , nudahould not preachm wheat was merely pleasing to his congregation , but duclau plainly the truth , which it seemed his duty to force upon their attomtiol , lie also spoke of some of tie duties of the church , both individually andcollactivoly , and marked out n course for both pulpit nod pews , which will roMult , if carried out , in tie furthering of the good work for which they are banded togotlter. Mr. Bates is amam'of pleasing pulpit manners , evidently a clear thinker , and impresses ono with the honesty of his convictions of truth. . ' - - / ( IONt'IN01NG , , . . . 'F The 3)roof of the pudding k not in chewing thle tiLt'rng , but In having au opportunity' to test tire article direct. Schroter d ; Becht , the ( lruggists , have s free trial butte of 1)r , Busanku's Cough and Lmig Syrup for each and every onouIlOLi afhictod with Cough , , Cold. , Asthma , Consumption tir any lamg Affection. 'rade ' supplied by 0. Y , Gemtm maw , Real i itato Tranid mra. . . . , The following deeds were filed for record - cord in the recorder's ofhico , November ,1 , , reported for the Bnn by P. J McMahon - Mahon , real estate agent : II. II. Spotman et ul. to Christine lffossman , nwd no , } and tie } raw , } :14 : , 7.1 , 48-61,00. H , \V Halliday to 11. N , ITnlliday , so } aw , } 15 , 70 , 40-$040,00 , A. Schultz to N. N , Meredith , part awd tar. } 14 , 77 , $ t-ia0.00. ) Lucy Fiance to S. 0. Alesandar , w % no k,19 , 74 , f8-$800.00. . I' , Cnsady to T S Kcuyou , part 8 Land' ] 2 , 77 , 4.1-tt0.00. J.V , Itodofar of al. to % rhnio M , Cooper , part so } so 86 , 7t , 41 , and part iio , } no , 1 , 74 , 4400.00. . , Inns Sorensen to Emma'O'Nod ' ' : , lot 4 , black 180 , Howard's add-$300.O ( ) . . .T. M. Palmer to Niels Itasntussm , lot :7 , block ' 12 , Everett's ndd-$210.00. ] tA nu15 Jonsan to ifmts'Potonon , lot 10J hle0k 8 , Evorott'a told-.OO.00. C. D , Bradley to .J. 0 , Bradley , lots 5 and 0 , block F , Maacodonha-$100.00. It. II , Woodmancy to C. D.13 dlcy , lokL5cutd6.block 7 Macedonia-t i.00. AMio M , Cooper , to Mary limbaU ; part noj sod a0 , 7G , 40 , and part nud nod 1 , 74 , .1.4-111,000.00. Total Halos , $ # ,310.00. . . . . . . - y - OAUgF OF' I'itlr w tl ; . \'ant of conldence ncaiunts frig half of the business falhiroi pf t.rllay. Sflhruter d Becht , the drugglet.aro not liable to fail for thowant , of conhdonceIn 'r ; iasankd ( Cuugh 'and' ' Lung Syru11 ; fur they give away yh bottle frno to all who ai nWtcring with Ciughls , Cold Asthma , Consumption nud all lifIocttnn4 nl the Throat and 1unga 'frndu Nuppllad'.y Q , j ? ; Goodman. Cot11)IERCIArr. cocyuir , N LYYI'M UAlnnr. Wheatw-No. 2 spring , 7Uc ; No , J , ( 'i ; to jocted , 50c ; good demand. Corn-Doalors are paying 2A ( ; roloetod Ci rn , Chicago , 40f ? 15c ; now udred , 49c ; whit" corn , GOc' the rocoipt4 of corn tire light. Oath-fn good demand at2Oc. .lfay-4 i,0 00 ) we ten ; bOJ per bale , ] t o-4Oc' light au I . ( Joru Meal 126 wt1y00 W1dr Wooa-Good supply ; pricai at yard. , i OO ( G 00 , Copl-Dcllvorcd , ltard,110) her ton ; soft , 5 GO per ton. Jluttcr-Testy and in Gilt doountl at 23uu cromnury : ioa Eggss heady solo at 11.u pot dot + m. Lard d alrbank'x , whole alhus at 11 . _ Poultry Finn ; dealers ore payirr far chicken. IOc ; live , 2 50 per doyen , ' , onions t.O rah Vegotahles-1'otatoe , roc ; , ; hagoa , : W@gloo per dom'n ; appl S , 8 r1)f , 4 04 per banTot . Nlour-Cityy flour , l CM1.10 , Brooms-1 axI'a 0' per dot , Lit 'c HTOCI , Cattlo-9 0O@a ; r J ; calves , r O0'41 TA Ilops-Markot tor hug-iqutot , rw thin pack ing hmisoa tire closet ; shlppoa are payltr , { 4 ( I Thr bdgrt , c , . Coups ; ; . w. H.raugtan } icturned ( rain Doi bfalnps Saturday evening , for a idunda ? tay hero , lie is in much bettor health , and atso has received un uncolragjng F URN ITUR E I -TIIE-- - - - CHEAP EST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture IS AT a a DEEv & STONES : They always llavo the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS , C , 3f , ] 4E1IIIION , 11CLAni. . . . , LEIGHTON & CL , ' . . , . ( SCCcISg01L3 TO Iii NN.tItu llflOS : ce' ) . whsRIe DruA sts. , + r . --lE:1.I4E1tS - - : IN- Paints , Oils ! Brushes , Class. OMAhIA , - - ' - - - - - NEBRASKA. piece of news in the forum of n tologrnut stating that tlm complete electric light 0utttt for Council Bluffs loft Boaloi tie- tobot' 91. ilir , Vaughan returns ti Des Dluinos to-tiny but says h o trill return the latter hart of time weak , and ronaite until the light is imi workinpgenter. . _ . . ola " Sfises , " ire tilled Ovt to lily set , who sat reading , thin p.t i'r , "vhs , a war 0ondog ha Ilan/11x1 ° " 1u , fnddnr ; tut vhns all xottled uuII , " "Vhns der uhukera eundugl" ' No , fatldor. ' ' Iu ) ) ' "tl tuttd of a shtco i , hh iitku tut kill.'mn nil tilt tutu brings up der price of avoid' ' 'N. . . ' , "Vhul tor cotOat crop all bnstudt" "N ( ' ; It t hay tine. " " \'itny tier 5,11110 , tit ro earthjnukes , , ilonds or cyclonesl" "Nut Ouu. Vholl , ltosl'a , It that' all right , jest Iler snub.'so begin , to morraw to nhnrk up rill ponds ' 2O Our cont. on accuu11t of tier xlmulllIroe , a'ldeh may kill off till der peoples nu\t u'Intorl"Vnll Street News , - - .lmes 1)osch , of Grin0oll , 50 years old , put two bullets ht his head bast llondnv murnurg tvitlt suicidal intent , lit way alive at last re Irerts. SIIEEIFF'3 REPORT. t ndcrdatu of May 10. t3S , Sir , halal C'ak far. nwdi'thlrllf : of Skovhevan , Nu. , w itcs a , follows : ' 1 ha o bean afnlcte h i .r oer hunts ( .0) . ) you , a ith a weaknu s of the kldnoys and Il.eq ai t have head overu pahtein the baekandldes. which worobruught 0100 tire in thin mretgJao by expoeuru during nn' stay hl Cnllfondt durlmig thu manly sttllement of thu land of gull , At lhno\my tistur troubled mu % cry mucllsadafter , trytug many different hneammt lth tint reroti hug any houeat , l was induced to try I1gnt' . Itonolyaltboulli f was much projudced ( agat cot it nail all other 0lollclncs. i purchai tI a b"ttlo at CushlnG a dung stota , here In ekowhe-.an , and " 1 funnel that time first home rchlc'u I all pain , In the be4 ; and Mlle : , hmd I hare , hr my family , thud Sea bottles In all , and halo found Its medicine of roil nhcritand of grant i'aloe , and have ; ladly nconlmendcd it to litany of nq frlende and nclghdmr5 , who unvaraally pralso It him highs terms You are at liberty tt use my name tar the beceSt of suffcrhg humanity ; " TIMELY ADVISE. 1 have been trouhlodwlth Ildn'y diceas laud gray. rlforalongtime Wllheocrp1.51115hr may limhemid back , with lnfttmmatlon of bhndler , My sufferings were tortilla. I triad soreral phy.iclan , all to no purpose-lwasdls ouragedsnd hit filth In phys- lclmn , and mahielne , when a friend from Maldenwho hvlbcerieurod by ilunt' . Runedy of gratol and rommmcndod It to no , amt from tholint hottlelaonunentrd to impravc , and throe botths fiat'o ' ontlrehy eureidtne , and I heaetlly thank my friend ftir his ttnrlyahlcetouso qunt'snemafy , for all the I' " have grnofrom taekanti I am In eveclicnt eaedltim , and I feel that a word from me may be the mrane of .wing sumo freed that may ho suferlag as 1 dbltofore taking Ilunt's ltelnoly , the hest kldnly and hirer cure , SAMUIL : L11TTiF1Ln : , No. 3487 WlwhlagtOn Suet. gray ml , 18'i. Dtston , Masi. HORSE EAILI OAn MEN. Ifaiingnnaslen to usoI. medleinu tar grnera do- lWty fumy kindly , I wits re tnnnupdt4 by a friend to use lfwt's liemcdyp Mthat , mss btbl. 11Yd With great suecves Idl over tau awptry , w'o tjaveuseed mho hnttlo With marked benefit , and find It just ay ra'prstu mttd , and a mtdldne of gerM value , cud i elwerf mIIy sdd my tctjmcny In I'hahw of Ham's Ronady : QIbI'OEEcq'ron ; ' , IVat hman South Reetoa Car St-ble'F S'mthi llnitoa , Maw' , . _ Ih'I un'nr drrwavmenl. , \ + of tbv'llunvrnllrnauus Thrrr i. nn mLtak. ' annul f thlY In.trumrnt , thurln A 'TIIJrtIT.Yr rr tf.yAa ; ' . pFrmratlna FOR1 tIlLllitntY Iptl , la' w " " Ilrlaie Ihem a. ma.lidi "cr. : la , not rvulnaul . nilnon eel lr'lrte Iwo. . A y f otiL etherhi.d lu ram 511 lie ' + .IH 'le ' , I , . , nlDfnOe a do , + , , . . . - f d ) j } . ( IA d ' , ti . . / ri : M . F r c , n Ii 1 ' , e 4 , F r. r - m ' ' 4 ly ' ' ' ; : - , : . : I b bp 1 f , Q r - a ra d' ' r Y ( D , , ; Q " e t , , f 1 ' 'rho time of the term "Sh01 Lbiu" l0 ronnoctlon with the 1 U cu flurate narua Sin i reatroad , convey. an idea of u t what required by the traveling pub. L I N E 11 -a Short Line , Qi ltk 'me and the hest of , socommoda. 1 dons-all of whlc i are fun , . . Lila ) by the greatest railway In Amerh t. C HIOAG0 , MILWAUKEE- And Ste Paul. It otme and opemta'e ercr 1iOo miles of read e Northern illinolr , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa and Dakota ; aid aI is male lines , branchoe and Oonnec lions reach all the creat buslnes centrue of the Northwct end i'ar.West , It naturally answers the dc + crlptlon of Short Line , and Rcit Recto botweto Chicago , Milwaukee , S. Paul and Minneapolie. ChlcagoMliwaukoe , I.e Cronro and Winona. Chicago , ulhraukco , Aberdeen and Hhcndala Chicago , Milwaukee , Ban Claire and Stnlwator' Chicago , MOwaukco , Wausau nud Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Deaver Dom and O.hkoeh , Chicago , MOwaukco , Waukcaha and Ocotomowoa. Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and PrMrlodu Chlaa. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and rairlhauR. Chicago , ltelolt , JanoevDlo amid MineralPaint. Chicago i1gIn , ltockloni nail Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , flock Island mud Cedar Rapids. Chicago , Council DluS. and Innaba. Cli age , Slnux City , Sioux Fall. cord Yankton Chicago , Slllwaikce , Mitchell and Chamorlan ( : hank ! eland , Dubuque , St , i'eul and Minneapolla llatcnport , Calmar , St. Paul nud MlnnespoiLi. Pullman Slcepcn and tht Finest IJlnIng Cars Inch world are con on the malniblu , utthoCH'cAco ' - MILWAUKEE tit 3T. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention is paid to passeugeis by convW 005 employes of mho company. S. d. 9EhUt1LL , A. Y. IL CAIIPENTIII , r Ocn1 Manager. Ocn'I Pass. Ageu4. ' n J. T. C6AIl6 , OEO 11.11I1AFF01tD , Ccn'I Hui , t. Aas't nrnT pass. y .S : tr . D ' / ( 9 Z Q . P la ' I ONE OP TSEEEI UYSIOIAII. IbareaenusingSwlft'eSpeclaaln eypractice for 'tullealesgUm.andlrugerdltthube.tcombinaUoe ass Wood purffierand tonic. It I. entirely tractable bibx com'1oieJ of the extracts of rOotd which grow lnttdssection of(1.orglt Ianfamiliar wlthltslris toryfromthe tlmethe formula waa o tainod from the Indiana , 'it lea curtaln and safe remedy for all kin4r of blood poison and skin humor and lu the hundred tit caerohlwhich1 have used It mind ieon it used , there has never been a failure to cure. 1 hare' , curedblood taint In till IlliCi OacIRATIOi : tutu it , cthr I had moil eigrrally failed by the most ap 'rovedunat'odot'treatmeatWith merrurysnd InSldlde of putaesiem. The.s casee.hayo becn'oured oeaneen yeses. ondhave uererhadsnyretumo , ( , lbo dieeaae In themrolvos , or to their ehtldren. F1lED A ; TOOMSIIM. D. , r'ury , lloustoo Co. , Um. I "It I. tfw tent Felling remedy ( n my store , and all cweesof xoplelbuylt Ithasbecome.houscholu relccdyW tb many of our beet dhnnr'r ' wALTR i.TJVV OR , J n , h twat . Atlanta Uo. sell Hwlh' . Kp0tide.-oaQJta .1 In ten Iay.st ri- ! J ; acid to nil clanYn Sti hi a of kA I lnts'a beet use. sic molt regulary ar a.tmnfqlend'aheralre , , JaH1AlI I3RADC11M.D , ' t- AUsntbUs. Our tratht on L'loed and Skill Dircaoea mailed ' , tea to spkllcmb. . T RJS eWIFP'IplC ! FfO UO. , , v i , . , Drawc , SAtlants,0a West mC rnice-W I , _ n' o:7 AJD ELATE no01rl fo , , 1 , / C . SPEC1IT PROP I I U ! ! Dougae ! SL , Oc.ha . , Neb. i 151NiT.tc T.T.PIt BF ' t ' " ' I Calvanizea Iron Cornices tII Dormer Wlndow , , Finale 'lln , Iron and Slate fteoting 8peeht' potoot J LaWo hkyli htPateu l ' adjusted Hatehet Ur and Dreekot Sheh , 1 w , begeneralsheutfor the abolgflrLet B Iron J enetng , Crretings , lhaluetrades , Verandas , Iron Bank ' chum , . w'ladow nnnde , Cel'ar Guard. also genera ! ent fur l'oenondr 11W atont nslde Blind. STI LOUIS PAPER 19 REHOUSE , . Graham Paper Co. , f17 ! sod : ui North Main St , St. Loup. WUOLES.tLL' DEALEP'8 IN l Ne\vH , } PAF ERS , _ t w1lAIifiU , l2 , VELOPEs , ( ARD IIO.UtD AND PRINTERS STOCK t 'Caeh paid for nags ani Papr f totbSctap iron 3ld : Motel. , I'apvt Stock Wayehousoa , 1.7 to It" North 8txth .toot 5apt2ld 9m p , ' ori - I L VEi1ra.TYla4'1 00.u aruS IYWV Anna etu. eu al. 4Tuu lyre , l eliiI $ nw'1atctuded , p4'Qlir ' VfiHIA iaectav' , ' SOtLE , u.tnsh / .Lt. ) , 1VaetliEa bilt9. . . ' UerfWG FORQ'ES , TOOLS & ioiti devil nubli iTo w'Iirei F.r.-l5& a awe..4..q a,1.g.4a , Dhowys , nvrtt , ytcxs A OIyu A W/ / , srujltttv1'siu.nuVIJ.Eetkha J ip