V. , , - ' . far ti 1'IIE DAILY 13EE---C'OUNCII BLU1t1i'Sa MONDAY NtVEMi3E.f is 18s. , iE ] ) AILY BEE. OU N GIL BLUFFS. f Monday Morning , Noveulbor 5 _ at I SC1tulton nATCS : Dy Cutter - - - - - ! 0 rents pct week ny MM - - - - - - - - $10,00 per 1car OFFICS : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. Sec Joseph lloiter's fall goods' .ldditiunal locals on ecventh page , Cheap Railroad I'ickets nt B nahnoll's , Prof. Slattery has stnrted his night aehool. The city council meets in regular sea. nion this evening. There aball Saturday night for the benefit of the Germsu Lutheran church. Street work u being pushed nlon g a Ifttlo more lively , now that the mutt' ' is drying up. ( lonwood now has a $1,000 aaloan license. Council D1tifLs will get there in a year or so. Tim 1Voatcrn lmouso , on upper Broad. way , is being raised , and a brick fouuda tioi placed wider it. Thorn was a "Harvoat home" concert at the Methodist church last evening , giver by the Sunday school , Tito third of the series of Royal Area. ram parties is to be given at their hall Friday evening , November 1)th. Council Bluffs is making an effort to nocuro the State fair next year. liope she'll ' "gut tha'r.-Oakland Acorn , her. A , K. Batca , the newly chosen pastor of the Presbyturian church , er tered upon his new position yesterday. 11'ork on tire addition to the Cres ton house has conunenccd , and it will be 111ado 0110 of the best buildings min the city. Permisfel to wed war on Saturday granted to Charles E..lones , of Ilnrrison county , au(1 Martha M,1)euton , of toun oil Bluffs. The waterworks are to be tested a'hatikaniving day , at least that is expec tatiou now , If all works well it will be n cause for tharksgtving. I1. Van do ] 3ogert , foreman of the Bluff City hose , now carries a sprained w1'L5t'Jrt ' a sling , tire effect of a slippery place while attending a lire. A complaint was made before Justice Abbott Saturday , charging hIa1s Peters .fe11son with selling a mortgaged wagon. Rio will probably have a hcarmgto day. Shcriir Jones , of Harrison county , came here last piglit after two prisoners liold for safe keeping , rnr a charge of ' larceny , 'IIio District Court opens there today , City Clerk Troutman has turned over to the troaaurer , as rho receipts of his oliico during the past tK'e days , $3,772.20 , mostly coming from ho base passions for wino and women. I1Im. Bennett , wile liVe3 nesr the pack. ing house , had the police lrwlt up her lit. tie throe.year old by Saturday , who had wandered off anti was not found. until after several houra' search. Some of the coal tnen have boat inves ttating ; the sonsatiotwl stories about the big coal find near Mnnninn , and have concluded not tb invest b Iioviing that there b. too much talkY and too little coal In the affair. The old building which was on a ma we , has been 101E standing fn tire middle of Fifth avenue for over a week , obstruct. ing travel and proving ailuisacogoneral ly. Let 'or roll , or elan there may be another fire. last evening Iloy , Mr. Ilamlin , of the Cou gro ational church , gave his con6re gatton thhe benefit of smo f t11o t h n o ughts and suggestions gained by Irfm in leis nt toudanco a1men th. risoucn' Aid society lately held 'r Des Moines , Council BlufT is remnarkalily torhlnato to regard to fires. Only three alarms last mouth , and nonmi of themcrocaused by any great blazo. The city may catch its allottedamount all in a heap , though , and it is well to be prepared. The greatest need 110W isa eliable fire alarm. Time announcement is made of the marc ria.c at flalveeton , Texas on October30 of SIr , Henry T , Ball , agent of the I's ' cilo Express company at Houston , to Mass Ida Cook , rlauglltcr of Mr , and Mrs. D S , Cook , anti sister of Eghort Cook. The bride was formerly' otmo of the tcae1ie s fa : the pu111c [ gehoola.lmero , , Mr. .TahresMf(1ilealThflo , at work on 0fO'of hie'nowliolidus o1TFIfth ; ' avenue Saturday of rnoon , ellpptd and fell to thugrotuid'a , distance of twenty foot. litdiujurics are .quite serious , but tt is thought thoyaro' m altdy bruise5aud , not liable to'rosult in any pcrmdwnt'clsabil ity , no bonoglbeing , broken , as no Inter. nal , injuries are diecoyered so far. It jq reported that time tat.l sgitcll at Crescent Ctyf whore an accihnt ppeurrod aomomolithe ; ago , _ liaa , boon found loft opoon .main , and , there was a narrow cacapoGrou1 cpothor pcotdout. It is said that ( ho efiicfah have about decided that aer16 olio toot an omPloyo of the road , ] ion a key to the efitcaa which is 1betag used or mmalicloue purposes , 'The Bound Table , after openlthe scason with aa very pleasant reception at the residence of Mr , A. B. Walker , h to sold fns"first , regular mroettng to rllOrl'eR ovpuing at the roshdFneo of Arthur Cowles. 'Tho plan adopted for the win. ter is to devote' the first part of each overlml to the et d of F ug1leh litera } uro tho'latter part of and ' rho 1 p rbgralnmo t6 U miscellaneous programme , The Novombor' iseue of the Pocket 3 idtiway g uidg pf IQ ya , , popularly , kitttirp uluunggcomnlcrc'tal men as the "blue guidon is out' promptly on time , and contain an unusual number of c1iangtin throughout the State. The work lugs had the teat of fiver ye actual use by the traveling puble , ancl.ts indeed q yaluablo look for uvery one qn tlmo road , r Aluelt complaint.fe made by those who memo , .ayor from , Pmaita oq time night dummy' because loyrer Iiroatlway is so dark , l idle mudholea oas t , anti abrupt Jltl ± ak $ 111 atdowaika , the leant to a city could do would be to give enough Il h t to enable a awn to keep from breaking his cock or gettiw'swampet. Fspeclall fe it needful for timose who got too much Gllumlma Wh1 ky aboard. a fP.Borkothe delegate to tho'Yt bl ; . , C , A. SdateCoaventlonrye.aterdgy p ado"a .g rdport at theaftwiuion meoU ng of th e aueoatiatlon. Mat of the members seem S „ ll . . . Nf nnxiOl5 now to secure as soon as pos. siblo n permanent were nts for the na sociation here , to devolo his whole time and energy to the work , and time support already pledged wakes it seem advlsablo to do so. Some dofnito action in that direction will dolbtlesa 50011 bo taken , As Mr , and Mrs. S. llenslcy were riding along near Gcorgo lioolncr's residence , Saturday afternoon , the Imorso became frighloncd , and suddenly dashed into the deep ravine near the road. Thio horse was instantly killed , Mr. Iletaloy was quito seriously injured and 118(1 0110 of his hits dislocated. Mrs , llcasley for. tunatel 1 got out of the wreck with no serious hurts , , iustice Sciiury is to wreste still further today with a puzzling case which is pending before lam. .1 , IL. Will clninrs that ho lad a lot of cooper's tools stolen from hint a few months ago , and got track of them being in the possession of George Markctt , in ] toes' cooper almop , lie got out n search warrant and an ofilcer got the tools. , Now time tools are in court amid a number of motions are surround ing then and a legal tassel is to follow. The case conics up again at 10 O'clock this morning , Col. Keatloy has succeeded in gettinlg a now trial granted his client , .1 , \ , Clauaoq Whlo was convickd lately of a murder rommitted sovenal years ago , Thu ground urged far time new trial was not that one of time juror , who convictc(1 Lim drank too freely during time trial , but that time cvidemco showed that. au alibi had been proved , and 11o instruc tious were given Limo jury on this part of the evidence , Time Colonel feels qulto elated over the granting of the new trial. as ho feels it is equivalent t0 an ncluitnl , lint. blame Clark died Friday after. noon at his home on Third avenue. IIo has been a sulicrer for over tbreo yours , progressive paralysis being tire disease which fhwlly caused death. lie was tit years of ado mil was an early , settler of Nebraska , mil during tim active years of his life w'as proupincnt iii both business and political circles lie leaves besides his wife , three sons and three daughters. A brief service was conducted at time house hero Saturday by Rev , C , Ilm mlin , of the Congregational church , and the rc mains were then taken to the dormer homo in Calhoun , Neb. , and arrange month made for services there yesterday aftornoolm , A , N. Carpenter , of Galesburg , Ill. , limo landscape architect , vyho recently via. ited Conmcl B1u11's , has prepared pions for time improving and beautifying of the grounds 01 County Teonsurer Bennett'a mow homo. The plans have been io ccived , 011(1 they are ecritiinly complelo , and if followed out cannot but result in beautiful surronndin s for Mr. Bennett's spacious residence. fivers measurement is plveu exact , time elevation at diffurent > onrts , where every tree , flower bed and lawn vase is to ggo drainage , walks ter. races , in fact every detail given with the nicety of ilro plans fora building. Mr. Carpenter is time the city officials consulted in regard to pro. paring plans for the improvement of rt ark. It certainly is the s0 - siblo wag to proceed for without sop definite much work and money is liable to be wasted. Fairmount rk should be i11t roved , and in accordance with . some platwhich can be followed up Whether year , as the city can afford. Mr , Carpenter is uno man to prepare tunq plane is a1 nether question , ut the 1)lans should be pro11nr ed by soma omO. I Cornices and 1)0105 are tire cheapest ati E. Stockert & Co.'s , 300 Broadway. 1'ICKED UP BY PONCE , Some or Limo Offentlorw Who Mayo Ikea Brought to time Front. P 3IcGiness was time nanro given by ono young man whoVwas brought before Limo police court Saturday on a clmarge of laying been drunk. He had sobered up onouglm to feel heartily ashamed of htnr self , and explained that Lo was a railway conductor from time ether aide of the river and must go out on the evening run. Ile wont out to get a check cashed promising to return and pay lmis fine , but instead of doing so used Imia money to renew new the drunk , and ] mad to be brought in again and locked up. His real name is probably not McGiness , and wlmci lie sobers up again ho will probably be gin' ! enouglm that lie la(1 sense enough oven whoa druimk to choose on alias. William Martin , a colored moan , arrest. ed for disturbing time peace , Is to have a Imoarrog today , "Texas" going security for his appearance. w. D hail , a Plate drunk was given thousual dose Saturday. Jolfries , the follow arrested suture time ago on a charge of obtaining money un der false pretenseshnd a bearing atur day before Judge Aylcaworh. The ' chargowns changed to that of larceny , and ltolleaded guilty to this. line , 100 or thirty dys in jail. Ito took tire jail , "Sport" Miller was before the police court Saturday for being drunk , Deputy Marshal White testified that when he arrested - rested Miller ho did not see as he acted much different from the most of the time for time'past ' twenty years. It was also suggested that it was time drunk etarted twent md ions barred by the statute of limitation , " importwas discharged. _ . -.r. . Dr. Wort , dentist , 14 Pearl street . - _ .v. . , _ - . , LAYING OF TILE COINER STONE. A Start Made tor an African Motho dust Church here. Yesterday afternoon time ceremony of laying thu corner atomic of the now , tfri Can Mutlmodbit church took place Irpro. The site chosen is o } Sixth street , near the broom factory , and the building ; when completed , is to coat about $ Q 00 , Thcr o was quite a gathering yoatorduy at the corner etono laying. Besides the pas. tor , blow , Dr. Miller , there present Pro. riding hider Mitchell , of ( lmnla , and Elder Allou , of Omaha , who took part in he sen ices , Elder Mitelull delivering the address , There wcro a number of oolorod folk from Omaha , who came over to wnueas limo ceremony. In the atone w ere doleited the Iwmes of time pastor , time officials of tlio church , a copy of tim D1eplpllne , and cpleee of the several city papers. Cut rates to allpointa at McAllister's ticket olfico , 600 Broadway , Council B1t10e. , , A largo stock of curtalus and hinges at E.'tltockert & Co.'s , 909 Broadway. . IlAlLBOAh ) IVIU tJiS , A Series orAccillent' , nntl One Man lItlcd-Vitm'luws helms orBhorm- nndoai Novi. Sul : , . l.o.ur , November " , -The now machine shops of Limo If , & S , railroad opened up last week by a loud and pro longed whistle blowing. Shenandoah was glad to hoar it. She paid $10,000 and nineacres of land for tint wlmistlo. Whether it will pay or not remains to be seen. seen.The It. & S , Iaa been very unfortu. nato lately. Cu limo night of lute 2 i11m tilt , , a train consisting of live cars of tea was derailed ono and a half miles east of Goshen. Thocars were wrecked 811(1 time freight greatly damaged. Ott time Elaine road , eu the followingday , the same tea vaa wrecked again , and the freight almost vvlmolly damaged. Time streams east of us any ho expected to clmeer , but not inebrfatd. On time ovoilug of the 31st time lb. & S. Caution flail going cast plunged headlong into the Tarhio bottom whoa entering on Limo long trestle work which leads to theriver bridge. Time engfnccrWarden , was inatantly killed , 'imo fireman was aevorely injured. Time passoimgera were wounded gmmcrnlly but none very seriously - riously so far as I can learn. All time cars went over except the sleeper. The escape of tire passengers is wonderful. In one ear the stove tipped over , but in soma fortunate way time mimes snnothcrod time fire or all would have beom roasted alive , and we would have had a repetf tmon of time Ashtabula horror. A report is in circulation that the rails had been tampered with , that time spikes hind been pulled out and plates unbolted , Our Normal has built n now cupola and placed tlrereim a now bell , the sound of which at matins and vespers makes us feel like a college town. our Naahy , A J , West , resigns time povtollice and positively ( Icclines reap- pointment. Candidates aru numcrous- too nuaerous to mention. Time mean wino has time inside track will got there. humor says that tnon is 11. I'.1)uifield ) , N.1) , who owns time fmnekt drug store in tOWn , Spmo new reaidotcea of extra good proportions amid appearrieo are being completed. The most noteworthy are those of Ericsson on time hill and of D S , Priest on time foot Imills. The Congregational church has paimmtod the outside 811(1 paper frcscocd time inside of ita meotiug house. It urns bought a rich set of pulpit furniture and a hard. soma new carpet to cover the audience room. ltev. 11. 1' , hull , the now pastor in charge of time M. E , church , is giving good hatisfaction. Time congregation will be compelled to build soon , as the present - ent clmrclt edifice is overtaxed , JUST RECEIVED. A largo and elegant stock of limo neat. eat selections of Ovorcoating , Suiting and Pantaloon Patterns of time latest irvLts : and SiA11lS. : All orders made up in first class styles , and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and exawino oar stock and make your selections. All orders promptly filled. S311ru & TOLLEII , Nos , 7 and U Main Street. Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-Special advcrtL cmeate , ouch as Lost , Found , To Lean , For 'Salo , To neat , Wants , Board. tag , eta , w111 bo inserted to this column at the low rata pf TEN CENTS 1'ER LINE for the fret rnsartlou and FIVE CEFrS PER LINE for"each eubsequcnt In. sertton. Leave wlverfeemenh at our oluco , No. 7 I'eariSlroet , near Broadwsv WANTS , ANTID-Eseq boeymn Council Bluff , to take Tanlix. . Delivered by carricrat only twenty Conte a week. . ' ; r AATED-A boy , with pony , to delver Tae Use , N 7ANTEDny a competent wlenugraphcr cm. pluSrnent ucnln a. Transcrtpto male on typewriter. P. O. bov2 4 , Council Blufe. TrAvlNG RETURNED to the city , I am now pro- .1L parcdtorerehouadsinter a hw good track horse or fancy roedetere. Best of earn sad proper uxercI.e aid trainli guaranteed. Eor terns ad. drees C. IL trltson , Council Blufe drmvIm park. w'cd&Mon tf > I"ImAimOlN-nyouwaiting a . E of Johu . 1 ) 141IEImt7 elop'dla , night S Ommmimr , carmgtt a bar. gnhm + l.yca11ll.gatTSIemice . ofleo 1 TANTED-A competent girl , 1.y Mrs' , r J. Me h owellnU w'll ow ascuuc. , .1\77n : A tint clasp boot and shoo maker , no h others need apply , at 335 southltain street. . , .icon EOUITICIi. JACOB SIIIS. 1 : . I'.OADWELL. SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA omee , Slain Street Room , 1 and allugart & M ( + Mahmi s Block. Wuf praetlco hr Utat. amid ed..m court. _ HARD WOOv --COA - - - - Corner Maio street and Elghlh aumuc , Council muse , il Lowo.t rate. and prompt delivery. Mrs , Ht J , HRtoat M. D , I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 799 Rroadwav'Council BlUCp. PILES. treat Pilee an6Yalliliglof the Rectum for radlesl snd permanent cure , is from two to ( our week , . Operations patnlo , . Dleeaeee of She Rpctum a Specialty , DR. A J. 0008 , t.d&e Item Councl Uhmfs , owe Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter supply of Missouri hard Wood , ! AI ) ILtRD AND SOIT r -w1Th- P. OVERTON 605 First Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iowa , And irons the Wit erlirlo and full mea.ure mtthe scq lowest price , StotewOOddelleercdtoan ) part o.it ! e dq DR . G. 1N. P A NGLE nEADER OP MAN I tinecnycarexperlonce. EclecticItsieUoand Ilernmlt 1'h.ldau , Muter of aw tolmowing dls' case' : Catarrh Nenoue nubtlltv , Ifetmlal lkprc.s Ion , Apopd.ry , Int. , Lulw of Manliness. Cancers nemovod without the Knife , Drop- y cured Without Tapping. tamer Ccm ddnt Kiln.y CumuWnt J labae. , Itheu natbm , psNy.f. , Wilt. UwulUng , E sIpcla. , fit. vltu4Daaco , Woman and Her Dieeaeee Treated with the Happleat Resulte , apecid.ttentlon plseu to prilato and 1'enerell dl.xue5 , Locito.1 No , 510 proadasy , Itoom 0 , ( up. .tam ) , Councu PiuS. , IONI ; A Correct Dlnaaoele Given Without any Rxplanetton from the Patlent. d7COnrult.uou Ice it t Cf. BAIJATI Ilettders of Cult , ; I3i is may wonLer wily we hailed this mldvertisenlent ns rrhove , o 6 0 Therefore say to ycn tlmt our object tvnsto ntlract your nttelttion to the fact 1.llnt our stock of Boots1 Shoes , Slippers , OVERSHOES AND WADER ; ' , I "or fall mud winter wear , is the inrgest turd best we have Ivor lied. All bought FOR CAST [ front nllnulfactureredircet. ; All work warranted - ed not to rip. Priceq as low as tic lowest. I , T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 liroada'ny , Council 13lut1's. 101VA , Wes + . Side of Square , Clnrinda , MAYNE & PALMER 1 DFJLEr.9 IN Hard and Soft Coal , IIULK AND RAItaEi. iIMI : , t.OUISVILLt AND VOItTT.AND CIVMINT : , SiiCIiIOAN PLASTER , IIAiIL AND Si Vtflil'Il'E. No , 639 Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , I tl II i . s1. , . ! ci p e ! ciO . 1 , : „ O -1 _ E W ere an TaIlors. 7 a d 9 Main Street. = 9Y7EtI7C7PORF. d0 VAT C1I > rs $ LeU F 's9. X. JOHN W. BAIRD T1 rlrr'B oudxtay'nndMalli. . , COLLECTION AOENCY e1Arc t ' . trc JOHN BENO & CUr Pearl , 18 Main etreot and 7 street. Zvi x MORN CHEST nOUSE. r1 , IIatel , 317 and 319 Slain street DR J F WHITE OFFICE. , Csrnor Slain and Fifth imp stairs. Ruetdenco , 009 WIllow avenuo. N. SC SURZ. JUSTICE OF TILL PEACE , . . Oalce over American Express. S . S VPAGNER , will contract for twmral. L1VEY at AND reasonable PEED , rates , Q2 Fourth street. J M. Sr. JOHN & CO.CAa.H BUYERS Wholcsalobuttereggspout. . . . , . , tq and.frult ship tons. Draft by return mall. 140 Broadway. aACOB KOCH , block Complete. Suiitts made aroasoonable prices. No. 805 Main St. G F S MITH CONTRAOFOR AND BUILDEII , . . Corner 4th and Bros + iway. Plans and apecidcatione furnlshcd. 11. ' ( ' 11. SB ERMAN , I have the variety DEALER that brings IN FINE patronage. IIAnNESS. 134 Maln etreet. J AME S FRANEY , Arttaao work and MERCHANT-TAILOR. re nahle charge. . 57 2 Broadway. ' E & FUIrIlITUItE STOVES , How SON t and household Suppllee. 9o3 Broadway. LINDT & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAW , , Jam05 Block. Practice In state and federal courts. S ANITAR LUM And bath h M.e , 21 and 422' . Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont. EDVVIN J. ABBOTT , Notary I'nblloJUSTICE l PEACE . , 415 Broadway. . REV' I 'RE HOUSE sniri A NORTON , ' Broadwav opposite New Opera house. Refitted el , $1.50 per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL RINDS. Sold at the Lowest Prices IN TUE REST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D , A. BENEDICT , - - 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. K im I.JIis81j.1 tfi , c lie tm p ! ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lot and Lands in the County. Model Steam Laundry. ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. 0 N. A. e CHRISVANSQN , - - - roprietor. ] 1a just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. 0 uarautee good work , ' Please give me a trial. IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBER CALL ON 1' 9 Corner Main and First Aienue , Council. Blui1e. Ho has Thom. I POkT AITS - Colors , , Solur Camera Enlar anent for the trade at reasonable rules. Orders Dy mail promptly f Iles . C , D. LUCIOCK ; , 193 Broadway. Council Bluffs. PETER C , MILLER WnOLESALE AND ItisTAIL Wall-Paper and W IndDW Shadesand Painting . In al I Its Branc hes m I FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , No la Mouth ' , r Counoil Sluffr , . r oa wa Steam Laundry ! 794 wB1wz' SROlik..Sa40Q1l.Y. A. 0LARSON ; , - . - - - Proprietor. r' LATEST IMPROVED MAOHINERY. , : _ y. ' , mkie Hardware Co ; .1 A'rrg , sr .p LI + I , ; , l ; at , , , , , 100 and 1115 , D1aur Street , ' e . BLUFF. 1.1 9 WlIOL1iS4U.1J DEALl.llS IN HATCAP 342 and 314 Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , f , : 1 l 1 1 1 . l Parties , Soclablcs and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to ' all parts of time city , Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. WB TB BRAUN'S European Restaurant , ' 901 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND 'LANDS 18ought z nci lSo1cI. Money Loaned Abstracts Fu rn Ished V l - , . . McT1JI11 LION No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. BUCKEYE FEED GRINDER 4 I a' e t" 'f K tw ; t = 1 I L \ ( { . ) k5 , WILL SHELL AND GRIND AT TEE SAME TIME i , A complete Horse Power. The best heed Mill in existence. Costs but little more the n a common grinder. Write for circ + llars to SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , Council Bluifs , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT DEALER IN Lade' ! ' Pu1ui11lla ! Goods r NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W. Brontvay , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA SKELTON HENDRICKS & RICE TAILORS 102 MAIN STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER r STOCK NOW COMPLETE EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES i'T TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED M. CAL.LACHER. V a New store , rrrtm Goods , Low Prices and 1'ullte AUcn L nts , -r { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , 1 OILS w u rti rt"Al y. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; atr3'I1 oPErvr , BECFITELE'S European + Hotel. Time only only hotel run on time European 'flan ' in this city. New build'umg , newly furnished mid all modern improvements , and is eontnully located. PETER BECK TELE PROPRIETOR Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowan PAWNBROKEVRS SALE Olt' Vnrodoomod Goody. GREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gouts , also in ladies' and gents' solid gold and and silver watches and chaiue , and a full lfuo of act and plain gold rings , 250 men's and t10 boy's overcoats. All these articles must , bu sold. Money lent on ALL KINDS of personal lprolarty , D. GOLDSTEIN , 2i8 Middle Broadway , opposite city building , Council BIufe , e W R. VAUCHAN , Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real estate and collection agency , n Odd Fellow' . look , oycrfav1nrsBank. Jauip' i4thoutdelay'R. UNDERTAKERS. The dne.t quality and ( argeet etock west of Chicago of Wooden and Metailo Cases. Calls attended to at aU hours. We defy cumIetIUoa in quality of goods ur p etce , Our bur e.orkum hue lenud em updertaker for forty yap and thoroughly uad.n.ta' + da his hu.I. noes. Warcroomu,511Bra.lway , , UP1tOLSTEItLNO mn all It. brenubus pnmptiy atrendsd W ; also carpet to ing and lsmbroqula. . Teleprapblo aal maU aers SUei i4thoutdelay' R. Rice M. D . or rdhertamorsrelno + vdwitbatmttho CANCERS 1 kale a drawing 01 blood. CHRONIC DISEASES otum aewclalty , , t ( l r thirtycnr.pra.ilrnl expe&s ou OlCco No. a i'earl street , ( hands UIuC. , iirConemdtatlun new 71105.OYYICR , a aw nyer. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Iutife Td Established r 1856 Ikalersk + I'urelpa and Damattlc hxchaas ui