Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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. 2 'F1I BEE--oMAHA , , MONDA NOVEMBER 1883.
_ _
- -
' Kidney ' & Liver
: nM' ES ,
And Iiidigolinn Cures.
Agtie , Fever ,
And DhIiou9 Specifics
Drain & Nerve
Oreat ! Health
Inhort , take nfl ; t1I tIicc. rtn
the ) Ct tUthtkl of lt thobct inoUcne Iii the
World ru1 , youwlfl flnt that iioruirriit : ho the
bcstiiratho qualities aud powers of 11 cottcvntra
(0,1 In them , end tit ) thcy will ciir tIcn tIziy or aU
of tIieo , in1y or comIIncd fail. A thorouh Irhi
wili glvo 1)OsItL % 0 proof this.
: Health iE Wealth
Dr. 1. C. SVet'N Ncrve nul Urittu IrLMmcnt ,
rir ooil epocitlo for 11yVerIa Iu1neVOflVuI !
< uiun , FlU , f4ervuu Nctira1ia , liraibohe , JcruU
Pro.trAtlon ctijod bx Uio use of ncuhn1 or
SYikotu1nos. Mental Ucprosion. 8oftcnin of Liit
lirMo , rcgultttig In Intanhy and IesdIn ; to rniier
decay ni1 death , Prmturo Olil Age , Itarr0000Re
Loss of power In either , ox , Involuntary LOSVJ
1Jpcrmatorrhiv caud by ovcr oxortlons I
brAin , lf.abue , or ovcr.Iridnlgcnoo. Each
t3In 000 ! flOflth'N treatment. fl.OO a ho ; , r
boio for e5.oo. $ cnt by tniI prcpnd oo recelpi
To cure ey cage. With each ord r roecivod by w
br etx boxes ecoompanloil with 5.OO. wewiiIend tin
purchner our written eranttoreIuntIthomonO3
UUtOttCetflUfltCiOC8flOtAOCt ft cure. tJuITAfltOO
ueon1yby C. F. aoon
&owh Drur lit Omhi NSF.
: , a a
) Th15 romoly being Injected dtroctly to the scat
the disesce , requires no change of diet or ususoona
&ncrcurtI or posenous medicines t bo ta1eii bt.crn.
'fly. When 'ieoi. ! as s provcnttve by elthcr sex , it Ii
ImpoSsible to contract soy Irivato disease ; but In these
so ef thee already unfortunately r&Cilctod we goaT.
nteo three boxes to cure1 or we will refund the
c100cy. 1'rlce by psiI , 82 per Ica , 0 ,
throc boxes for 5.
.iuoil by 4fl authorized agents.
.1 Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co
C. V. Cdodznan , utugi8t , B1o Acnt , ( Or Omaha
Neb. . n1&dcly
I Have Found It
w& , the oxcsnatlon of & tsn when ho tot s beef
of Eureia L'Iio Ointment. which Is a elm1o an4 stirs
core for riles nd sfl 8Un Dlsc&io. 1Uty coot. b3
oiil , pcetpsld.
The American Dan'hwa Cw'o a
USA stOOd the teib for twenty years. fore cure to ,
in Uoyor FIhUL DLIrTbI4st , IiaflbtZ , sod Chef.
Icalie'g FeTcr all Aiue Tolito Cora1 ,
: ii 13 itbIe to supply the rapid .ai of the is me.
" VorFcyorndAiue.indifl Ltslsrial troubles.
. I
LMOItATOflY. 1Tfl ST. , OIXMTA , fl.
, . Pcr Sale 6y'qII'Druqqists'
a' _ _
_ _
fi-I '
liuwan txId ) tnLtrj.e4. ueve4opc t.nd etrtittheuei
tic. , laii tnt&rttn , ailvertuemcott Ioi run In out
apr In rry to Inqulritw wu will .ety that tiutro I
I20 itt 1iCfl5 s.f JtU&UtIU ChOut this. On the eoutrar
the r.drertIcra ore vtry ! illiiy cudor + ed. 1eturt'st.t
( , oThous ruay zet ua1tii c1rmtsrs pijnc all tnrtku
jars d uddre.t4xi Jrio : LIo4ksl Co. 1' . U. ho , . f4
. EUUojy-OnktJyentvit1aoa : ,
j ;
Uouso.Oloaning Purposo.
ft YMNZ Lt8flL , oir. c-.ovis , HATI
4TW1i , cfltwEttY. : JUTCIUN UTiL
I WIN1)OWt , 4.
t , zWILI , OLlSH
t : :
- - - - - -
Rsii1ts of ExpcrimOlll iu 1h
Locr Part f 1iforni1
A. Talk % 9th lit. Coni1uotor-Itcnt
( if ito 13rce(1It1 111(1 iIstl y nitI
I ( ;
San Fracf.'co Cal ) , Oetolcr ! nuI ,
Near 4flatOiIfl ill IllS S't.tte i 1octod
thu olily otric1t farm iii ( ho Inifed
Sintes. 'l'hm enterprise i indor the
ditectioti of 1)r. Skotchicy , rhu H4 1111 CII
titusiast III ostrich growiiig , and who
brings to this venture nn OXpOrImICO of
eight year3 in Africa , under eoiitlitiozie
less fiivor3be , lie titinica , than exist here.
4B 011 hidustry ostrich fnrtniiig is oiiiy
BktettII ycara old , 1111(1 ( Ir. Skntcitcy ) esfi
IIIatCS that. there iti now jnveatd in
the ittIRIIICsC thu IItIInI of at least 10 , .
000,000. Ho disposet of a good many
Poiltilar failticiCa regarding tim Itribito of
the IIt.IlCh ) , 1)rcfaIIIg it tvit1i the atale.
IflCflt. . that. thu liICIlflgerO 4totrich" is not
all oRtriclI at all , but an ctnu , the eiiti
urn Africait ostrich 113 RQOI1 011 thu Ana
1ttitii farnt beitig tot mitCh of a curiosity to
the Hhnwman ai the cinu is to tim miia1
boy. To begitI With , 1)r. Skutchicy af.
firian that the ostrinli 410CM riot , leave it
tggt ; in the sand to he hatched by thu
RHO , hut incubates thoni pvccsely n. doet
aiiy other bird , both the male and fu-
male Hitting. The idea that the ostriches
wheii chaaed otick tuck heads iii the
ItatIti , thinking that this hides tiuin ,
iii : I'IuNoLrrl : A1.f. 110811 ,
according ( o 1is expctienco in hunting
thorn OIl hio tieserts of Africa , ( ino ) imp.
itlar idea , which is not a fallacy , is thu
Irowc of the ostrich as a licker. They
are an ill-tempered bird , always on the
lonhoutto kick soum nile ; and if the kick
has the iiitutidccl cifoct , is pretty sure to
ho fatal. The 1)10W ) ilIflinlull forward , and
is accurate. On the farm the 1)11dB nrc
nOt nLowed to incubate. Artificial mcii
batora , ItHUIU Oil the ramu princio ] a
those in uidinnry use in poiiltry.raising ,
are employed. o fnr no ostioheB liavu
ICICII llntChICI nUt at the farm , hut this
Dr. Sket.chley attributes to noii-fertiliza-
thin of the eggs , owing to the weakened
COflditiofl of the birds from their long
trip hero , aiid their as yet imperfect nc-
clhflaif.atioII. ( ElliS he believes will be
remedied ill timu , as the csrichio8 breed
until they are Itast eighty-the average
duration of' life hieing a hundred years.
TIitre are twonty-one lirds on the Ana.
hicitu farm , and Dr. Sketchily says , "since
April 12th ( ho birds hotwo laid 270 eggs.
One bird has haiti forty-sorcit. They lay
eggs every other day. Ago does iiot effect -
fect them. 3 have itocii a pair of birds
which voro eighty-two years old and they
worn jtiit as valuable for breeding atid
feather raising as ever.Vcro they decrepit -
cropit ? Y'u could iiot toll the diflerenco
ill any way between them and very much
younger birds. I have known birds thir.
ty years old , a pair , valued at 1 , CO ) .
01.1 can eco the chances hero. If the
birds are iii propercondition I expect Uut
we uliall have 600 chickens in a year.
is in raising thu eliickoiis. 'J'hoy catch
cold. Utit when they arc over a mouth
old they are all right. ( httrichoa have no
disease that I know of , and 1 have had
eight years experience with thorn. When
a chiickon is oin nIox2ths old the value of
its feathers is about $10 ; when it is four-
tCoIl months old the yahoo is between
$20 and. $ l0 , and when the bird is be.
twoen three anti ono-Imif and four years
old the value iii about $250 u"
I i' ? . 1luotratu tlio possibilities of this in.
dustryTiu states that in Africa ho be'aii
sviUt three pairs mid in ciahit years us
hock numbnrcd thousands. This flock
was dispersed by thd.Boor war , and after
an iiiteival the IrcsonL enterprise was un.
dortaken. One of the most Bin"ular fea.
turos about the llrfl is the location of tito
oatticiioa stoniaei ] , Ho carries it on his
back between ida shiodidora , and tim food
c..i1 be soon winding around inside of his
IICCk to gotto this put of the way recop-
( ache. Aliuiough there is a great deal of
chaflui against the corrals in case of
fiight , thioplunIago , foe whichi nlono the
birds am of vulno , does notecoin to sufThr
much. All of the flock appear to be in
fine feather. The plumage is soft , silky ,
clean aiid glossy as it grows , and i all
ready f ritarket ; , Speaking of thin
ltiLATIVJ. .tLVL OV TILE D1111h4.
Br. Skotehiloy said that while one
might yiolcl loom foathora or irovo a bet.
ter brcodot , ho are aged them. Thu
value in dotcrmined mainly by breeding
qualitiea. Thu ostrich is considered a
chicken tiiitil 1w is twelve mouths old , a
1 feathiorbird eiiiy until about three and
a half years old , and at four years it
should brood , 'l'ho most vuluablo breed
ilig birds are called "gunranteo birds , "
from the discovery that thuir ogs will
hatch. Thohardiness of the ostrich is
tihiqw n by tim fact that the 21 birds on
tim farm wore brought a distance of i3 , .
.ooc ! miles , and not ' 0119 MM lost. Sinho
rnvin oatho farm ono was kioko to
death , by iu iiilraetabho nialu , but with
thus CXCO1ltiOII 110 accIdent has happened
to thutlock- '
t : f - I
I ; , OHIftJlfllt'js'dTrIjI '
jfot4iati lbisI , Nd. tiddfeton , ' _
z tuh aow chaR il beef ynkir lIlltY'H
CAltlOl1IC IAIXE upon an ulcer , which ,
for the 1)Wit ton ilsys , has given mu great
This wave s thy ely ronedy ) I ha.i
th1zu tIUtt iiw gVOII It10 iitiy VMO. t1y ulcer
. ys1'ciuseil by 1.arlcosoolns anti Was pm.
ncunood liicurads by n& iue\Ical \ docthra. 1
find , howuvci thutt iIENIY'S ( . . & 1flOLlC
fiAl4'l Is ot1octlna cure.
'tIU1)Ufl' $ fatr1inonitil Suniatit isizi.
Thiitt is a remarkable story that comes
frolit ViuipiuVis ; , , about thu ; voinan
. with , tvo children , ho tleaertocl Iturhus.
I band , arrayctl herself in itinlo attire ,
courted flild married a young girl in an
; it1jiiit tOWII nUll lived with her fet
I flltfltlI4 ] in perfect peace 111111 coutontruoffi
I and with the confidoncoand rCslCet of all
the neiglthors. There was a soa.iterpoiitiahi
- flavor about tint yarn When it was firal
rOferrod to iii print a few days ago that
nado IIIOst IiOWsIahet' readQra glin : o at ii
with a yink antI a complacent smile al
thu folly of editors whiowuuldtrytopalni
I suci a story otT fur ihic truth. ] Jut latci
dovoloimients show that thu liisiit , matri.
moult actually tt.tsts , mil that Psur
haS boeti followed by thu diHappoarai1o
of the parties , the ittoicism and "hothier
gu-ativuneis" of thin bereaved hiusbain
lIlid father , and tIIO wonder of thu whtoh
impossible to tiecotint for this sin
p gular spclah vagary upoi an1 reapecthbli
cioii1ifio thiooiy , \Thiuhior ( it implies ai
abuo'inal ) bytsluhogiea ovolutiou on tin
Part of the dcsortiug vj1o and mother , oi
only ai ; hSt4flhLShling degree of innocence
or nlliIQr ncolio greenness , Ott the part
of thio iew bzid , it is , of course , not ii
'I ' the power of the caaual'observor to doter
mine. The oiio striking thiii about tin
story Is itsciyidwit ( mUI. .noUiorIntr
9 catin factor s Ltapossibho outcome , libya
tohogicaliy , socially , morally , and Wits
_ _ , i
may ho iLs pssib1o bearing on the law
and practice of the divorce court. Thu
bride who weltlcd thu wife anti mother
in 111010 attir is satisfied with results or
shin would iiot have run away with her
strange partlier. Shin will not sue for
divorce. The deserted hiusbniid do facto
simply says , referring to the nbnornml
husband do jure , "let her go. " Thu law
itself cati do nothing. As for thu neigh.
hors , they are soparalyzod with lcrplcxiL3
as to ho incapable of intelligent thought.
on thu ubjcct. % ltogethier the men pro.
sent such a hrtlyrintil of opecnlatioi that
the iniiid is fairly lost in otideavoritig to
unravel it. Perhaps nil attempt.s at .t
MOltitiOlt had bettor bo gi en up.
- _
Tlt , ginry of a inati i'i his strength. I f you
nra wcnki'ncil iloii throiwhi uco.oln , tiii1y
or 13' early iflli'CfltI)1i , , 't lions Broin 1 ooI
vIhI penizaitetitly rostiro nil 1t Igor , and
strcngthoit oil the muscles f Brain and Ihaly.
i ; Il for . - AlI diui'visti
. .
- - - - - - - -
41 cut , iii , i i t.i i cii
Hhio inik ami tainting , and 4yl ,
41Hl iosMillY fCIICW how t flfrt.
Bitt Saints of the J'itclcti , she 05f0t for
A grliiko , . t. ) iroit a Mitirt.
- - -
The h'rchythrien Church ? oi thi iia 1)00,000
cotnirninicatits ; South , , 23,000.
It ; is said that atbotaisijil Mortoon coti-
% erts svihi lc.iro Chattanooga next month for
utah. 'flioy are from different ; ) arts of thu
Stiit.ii. ,
hartford , ( 'oiin. , i ti olcbrato tartIit
lithcr's birthday on Novclflbct 10 by a gratitl
inoinrrlnl mootitig tt hitainer fiall.
'rho Clas1n of Now York , of the fleForinad
lntch church , hao nrooeI toalcdl niItIiMtcrs
to preach iipoii the life mid work ofIart1ii
Luther , on 3uiidtiy , Nov. 11.
Mr. . .T.iiiiVannnuiker has resign"tl tito
jtrciil.iicy of the Young Men's CiirLtian as
stteiittitiit of I 'huladel , itla , 'hiicii Ito its ,
liulti for thirteen year. liring that.
tItan Ito lia4 contributed to its finids about
' ' America oh-
'I'hio 1finncnot society of -
sersed the itisthi annivorary of the i o' . oca-
tioti of tim ethict of Nantes , which occurreti
Oct. . 22.
'l'hio 11ev. lr. .Tcssti A. Spence has htooti op.
nuititerl i thin h'roti'jt.tnt Jjdseopai I tItso , of
JJishtojt t' ) bi cu.tcniian of tim staudaa'I ' Iliblo.
Tim 11ev. 1)z1) . Vttlkcr , of Cavalry
c'litiichi , v1tn vas nlctctl at I'hihlatlulphtia ,
I'rLeitatit Etiscopal Ihishopuf North Dakota ,
vhhI proceed at once ( iii his now dutlot.
J'ou 210 in ths Fifth . \vcnuo l'rosbytor-
inn C11111C11 ( Dr. hftihi's ) w.ui sold in porjxfltiity
rtt the 1ihiaii. : al srrui. After a spiritoti
bhhuiig it. vzii lcnockcI down to AIr. .1. 8.
Schult. ' . for 1,9.)0.
'rho Recrotary',4 report of the Congregathutial
( otiticil , tltnw lb itct gout of 2t2 ; ehitircitci tiur-
fOr the past tlirco yours , and of aU7'J In morn-
heishii ) . Tito addition to citirciio by i'ro '
fcssion : tvcr.tged I 2ttOO annually.
Lady itosolrry on the ova of thin ] ) .iy of
4ttiIOflltiflt ) ( the solemn .lowkhi foatt itay ) ,
itetita donation of $ l0 ( ) to lr. Ccliii to be dig.
trtiUtoti among thu lowish noor ef Sait
lraticigeo. 1.ady Ilosohorry also worshiped
iii thin temple there In the faith in whicli she
vaM brought up.
Messrs. Moody and Saukoy are expected to
arrive in London carly this ntonthi , and will at
onca conhinotico a sly mouths' mission in tim
mot.ropolhi. 'I'hio first of tim series of their
services will ho hold at tim l'riory grounl ,
] ellngton , where a largo tcIm.mrary huiiltling
capabto Of accoitunotlating five thionsani
eons , ii being orotcd.
Jtslyour tlnatgist for Jlol.1111g5 Jhiioiia
Salvo. Keep it in the liousu in cao of neci-
doiiti. Price 25c.
Sankoy says ho v1Il hare only Christian
singers in his choirs. 'l'ltIs is a mayo in Ute
right lIrectlun. . $ nio choirs yell and howl
llkoZanzibar savages.
Thu l'onancola Conunorcial puts up tlti
prayoar : " $ end us a freeze , 0 Lord , for tim
devil , and the doctors have coiistilcd ; ugniost
'is. lnglish girl who jtiicdtiio Snivatlois
4rn1y 4olo the inonoy which site pall for her
J.'oopln IIrO getting so susjiicious now that
It. would not ito surprising any Sunday tosco
the deacon usitig titi , loIi.jnincli with the
contribution boa.-lloston ( , oznincrclal ihul.
A correspondent says Giiiteaii'i ghost still
haunts thio corridors of \Va.shlngton jail.
1'obably they hanged thu wrong crank.
Twonty.tivo preachers were present at 1.hio
hiatiging tf a man in Il mole the other dat.
The old l'uritan iioion that ministers should
not have any utiii has about. passed away.
Messrs. Ortiwett anti } 'otor. iiliaa of tlio
Ibtittist church in FIaresillo , 'i'oxazi , disputed
uvor a hhiblical question until they both lost
their temper , and titan they fought with their
fist' ; until other inumbers of their church scpa.
rateit them.
' A certain country clergyman used to tell a
good story of his olng to a now parish , and
asking a iisiiioiter what lila ocupatton was.
"I tim tlio vlIipgn rnt.catchter. " the teen ro.
pIled , "andwhat urn youh" U'ho clergynlan
auisworod thou ho was the ' , lilago ilareolt ,
whereupon the rat-catcher goal enough to
nlscrso that hiti supposed we must all got a
hh'Ing sornobow.-I1 Mall Gazette.
l.'arscn Blackberry-ow , don , I frudiler
Siiiioii , 'ou know do gutl sayi iiobbor gits
to hobboi ; unless wo forgubs our enemies.
$ mnmoii ( vry idck-Yos ) , tiat's a fmsok , ittt I
can't forgib dis horn Sam Jolinsing. l'nrsori
( awfuilysolemn-1)on ) ) cr knows thar yet
g"ciue. $ imon ( to Sam , who Is very veal-
tont-Woll ) , tiun , 8am , I. forgubsyor-but
rocolleck , If I huppeii to gIL obor dis , tb do
gmtga stand. gosd.-Tho .Tudgo.
BTtOI % po plo tire very much shocked ho.
causolfon Butler introdmccs , biblical quota.
tiinstnte his stumisioocbes. , Tout l'alno and
Titoodora Parker am tito theolc1eal nutliori.
tIcs in Jio4on , and IC ( los ; Itqther woulil
ht4iII ! wail at. home ho must drop Moses and
Matthew for St. Theodore and ht. 'rout ,
A lady says her hiusbamid tIh1 alt ona barbed
' ' 1' ° f ncc all the' nfts'rnion tO BOO A baseball
. ; piikh and never snore a muscle , but rlien lie
tooa to church ho can't sIt on a cushioned PW
frfiutesn : minutes without wrIggling all over
the eat amid chamiglug his position forty tluios.
Agostura hitters , time world renowned
slpetlzor and ipvlgorator , ittiparts a delicious
tiVo to all drinks amiti cure.s dysitopsia ,
diarrhea. favor amid l4UO Try it , but beware
of counterfeits. .4elc yti gmccr or your
dniggi.t for the geitulimo iupstura , iitantifa .
tured byDr. .1. IiSlercrt & S'omis.
- - -
A \Vlscnnslnitaihtorin , i'i ropottetl to kayo
knocked the hdrns off of a ticer , It uviilont. . .
ly tlldit't knock the lionis out ttf thu reporter.
Raw oysters itru meotuiiteiided as a mar.
vollous curu for a cold. 'iii , hat 'rhat'ts tim
I reason why piemi who pie lpJjIt out until alter
L iiildmdght arqso foutlof them , tiion-Uurllimg. (
; ton llawkoye.
It rests with the coal iiien anti ice itmon to
decide for us as to wbntlmor vo are to have a
tight , isilti whiter , or a Itioso , warm otto. Bttt
WI ) ban't have iiimd It isn't eeimsist.ont teL
L fnmt Up limo Prim ( II coal stat of ice ttt the salon
. time.
'rho Goorgian's mouth vaters while Ito talks
I of 'possum , Imethged 1,1 tIth br'ovn gray ) ' and
I sweet POtas witl sugar on tboni , out loin'
. tei-s toll us thu 'ios4uiIt dog wli tower eat a
'itos4mini or the 1)011011 of one , A thorgia tiIl.
I tot , who attoiidetl a imunt and time subsoclut.nt
I feast , zcniai-ksi "It. thio first 'posautmi We
over ate , but If our legs imulti out it l1l not ho
. the host one. "
'rho human body smelghis about a vouud in
I tim watea , and a small itice of b'iamtl or a box
I will koeji a person afloat by merely laelng a
, huger upon it. I I women could use almavimigs
for iltoes aisti eorsct hIpIimg t youiti be alineit ,
I 11111111541b10 for Utein to drowim , viifio tisomi vlmo
. cammuot swim could CICaflO iloath by simply
1 carrying a few old wooden iliI boioi in their
, coattail jickots ,
A youne coming down Swotlo street
. 0PP0ItO thp Pubbo square thu othmot afternoon
I stohipotI uvon a tinted. ( sU leaf.
This leaf was damp. The young milan tirel one
log out Lu s painful , agonizlzmg manner , end
The Preacher's Quiet Habits.
Sedentary ind studious mcii some-
tunes become prostrated before thie ,
k'now it. Those who spend much
tniic in close mcnt.'tl work mid neg.
lcct to take enough exercise ofteil
find tlie'ir stonmchis unable to do thc
work of ( higestion. Tile hivcr b2.
comes torpid. 'rIlt. bowels act ir-
regularly. The brain refuses to
serve as it once (11(1. Their preaching
becomes a flihlure , and there is a state
of encral nthcry. So many minis-
ter3 have been r ( rcd to health by
the use of Brown's Iron Bitters that
the clergy generally nrc speaking to
th&ir friends of this inechicitie as the
' /cry bet tonic and restorer they
knoof. It restores thin niicIwater ,
1)100(1 to its jroter coiid'iton by toii-
ing it 111) vmth the vilrcst anti most
iflVigOritiiig ; Prc1):1rti1I : of iron ( lint
science 1its ever mulc. : It is 3lcas-
ant to take , and hct immediately
vith the lmpIict rciilts , iiot only
Ott the ; , arsoiis , but oit other fo1k
: ; ' vehl.
itoftro ho coax It bacrto : it lTOPCT jmltioii
time tither leg became , loinormhizii : nut ! started
oil emi itmi ( ) iYli rO9IOimlhhlity , omit ! be sat down
on that beautiful loaf vIth a great deal of ma-
pliatieness unit surprising sutldomnlo4. ho
tlmliikg ho hnows whmy it Is called a "fall" leaf.
[ Ntrchston hlerali ,
Tlmtmsamits , of birtl4 or dyinm iii t.niiisiamma on
accoutit of lack of ratcr 'I ho tilti whisk
te1)O titiwit there iii , not mmilss tlm aqua at oh
nitti as long as time , timip1y of spirits imohils out
thioy ihil mimtmiage to keel ) theirs imp.
. \ vrhmna 1100110 ( hiVe held coiiversotirii with
a numb , aimti , In1 Ii eg I lito a , li1mtito , the iiiilo
Icioiml t'i iod : "Von cintiit sIng Intl I as rehl
J. , ' " 'lhmat may hi ) true , " reithieti thu prima
lOflila " ' , kick J . " Over-
( , "but , 'ttt cintmot ni cait. -
COT.O by the trtith of timi ; argument tim 1111110
lapsed mt , a imarroivimig itlIomico.--Ciiicng"
'rime glItist of a New Vorlc tirimininer that
time wnt.clminen hiao seuli fooling around iii
, ( nno of tim , ) IiIWlm hIVIt ttre5 ought to know
CIIOII'1 , to call in httitimt'i hours if It wishes
( ( I eii any goods. . .
: ir I hind to ) aySl00 for a bottle of St.
.Jacobs Oil , says Goii'l ( I. 0. Kuillimi , i'd
have it.
Galti ammd Sliver.
In a pamphlet just issued Mr. Charles
: r. Frmtnke , of Louisville , discusses
thu silver i1ucstion in a
vci.y interesting mininner. lie reviews
time sources anI extent tf the products of
the precious metals , and sots forth facts
ill this connection more or loss familiar tote
to this reading pUlhiC. I Ic combats time
aBsilluptumn tliitt tiLl world is becoming ,
or is likely to become , overstocked with
gold onci silver by citing the enormous
consumption of these iiietaLs in the arts ,
by abrasion in coimi , and by the accidents
of hifo. Soetbeer is quoted as osstiinat-
ing the consumption of gold in thu arts
and innimufactures at t,000,000 and of
silver $17C0O,1100 per anuni. Other
writera ostinmato time coimsuniption of gold
at $1)St)00,000 ) mid of silver and at $20 , .
000,000. 'limo losses , abrasion , waste mmd
burials amount to some 3o,0oooo0
inure , or a grand total of l25,000.00O.
Tim Westiiiinister Review and time Jour-
tat des Economists are quoted as estinmat-
log thu initial product of gold in 187 mtt
$97,000,000 and of silver at $02,000,000 ,
or a total ( If itl metals of .i59,000,000.
This would leave an increase of only
$34,000,000 per anumu iii the world , a
sum iminch below the demands of xpand.
img ; commerce and grqwihg population.
It is ( rout these figures that the great
economist , $ octbeeroi'tiitudea that gold
is appreciating and ,4h it its iureliasing
power has greatly iucre4scd in thin 'ast
few years.
Mr Frauko assorts liah thu market rein-
tion botwcon gold and silversinco , the year
1079 , duringneariy two centuries , up t
thin era of dinonotization of silver in 1873
iii thu United States , did not vary in
London or any otiier morlzot mnoro than
about 3percont. , oaceiit in tim period of
1711 to 1700 , when the average variatiomi
reached 5 10r cent. 'Thin rihativo price
of the two metals ( pin 1741 to 1873
varied from 14.74 to ozie , to,15.98837 to
0110 , time latter being time present legal
standard in thin Uiiited States. Since
1873 silver 1mm greatly deprecated in the
markets of thu wurid , vhmicht is largely
owing to the course of thio United States
amid the wide awake advocacy of mono-
mot.ahism Mr. li'ranko states succinctly
thin tfTcpta of silver demonetization and
points out who the chief sutThrerswould
bo. "The more you reduce tIm voluino
of tim money of tIm worM , us by domono.
tizing ailveraud the iaiter based thereon ,
the more you increase time purchasing
vower of thin remaining money , gold amid
and the notes based thereon , and other
timings being equal and amid unchniied ,
proporttonately depress prices of itidus-
trial and coimimorcial valuesaiid coininodi.
tics , reducoreiits , irotit and wages , titus
impoverishing invcsturs and bankrupting
debtors. "
The countries which use gold only as a
itamidard of yahoo am Great Britain , Toii-
mark , Sweden , Norway , Portugal , Turkey -
key , Canada , Brazil , Argentinoltepubhic ,
l5ersia , Cape of ( ldod Jiopu anti the
Australian colonies , Ith an ngregato
population of 138,600,000. These wiicli
USO silver only as a standard of value am
Russia , Austria , Mexico , Central Amer.
ira , Ecuador , Peru , Chila , Iim'itislt tndia ,
Siamn , Iturmimli , Dutch colonies of Java ,
Madurn , Egypt , Tnnirs and Triml1 , with
an Rggrcmito Population of 77,000QO0
Thmoso tisimig both oid ; umd silver and
imaving the double standird two Prance ,
Ibelgiuni , Switzuland , Italy , Greece ,
ICcuinanin , Ilohlamid , $ pain , tTnited States ,
Columbia , \rOiiUZtlUlA Chill ! , Uruguay ,
Paraguay , flohiviaCuba and Algiorawltlm
till aggregate population of 181,100,000 ,
'J.ho population who usa gold alone as a
standard , and thom ivii use i1rer alone
las a standard , and those who use both ,
are thins divnlud :
4 Population. i'cr cent.
( io1tI , . , , . . . . . . . . . . ,13HliOiX ) ( ) 18
Silver..712,000,000 fl
Golti and $ Wrcr. . . . . . .ltiiioo,000 it )
'l'ut3ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
The above taltie eIilbrmicO3 forty.livo
Cot itrios csf the coiiiiimt1cial world niid
about all that areof nuy conscqueiico iii
considering tlmis quesUon. 'I'lio whole
amiiouiit of munnoy In tiso by them is front
time most recemit mmii reliable data cstimnat-
od as follows :
( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ,
iillicm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tl3t,2iIW1 (
l'el'r ' iiiomioy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
flank mioto circulation. . . . . . . . . 3,1)58,190,004 ]
'J'hio public debt ot the States named
is $2l,197,80,000. Time miumtivo for do.
tiloiietizimmg silver is , therefore , vast amid
uimivorsal miimion" the crdditor class , amid
will not bo easily ovorcoint , by facts and
argumnemits , however couclusivo they inity
be as to the oquitie8 involved.
llormtlhrtl's AiI ; ; ! Plmnsiillftto ,
ExcohIontResnlta : ,
Dr. , J. : r.TZLUS , Eliot , 3to. says :
' 1lloraforil'a Acid PhOsifitato gives moat
oxclleut results , " . S
. _ _ _ _ _ _ S . - . - - . - 5---
I1aton bcn mwlcnowlc5reI anl mote so at thl , lsy
than iiy other. The vast flclt of medical science Is
iser InerrasIn , amd fiji mitmmcrl1 hrscc , ) , are
Itrouclit hearer sal acarer to lcrftlon , Snil
fiO nmm itian COO BflV longer gT5S' ) thorn al
hence the nrcrity for , ) ItIiin limo 1abr. Ami It Ii
tub lieyot.i all dramlit that Si-ca'c' , afTectlnr the gcn.
to.urlary , organs neal spcIaI sttt.I ) mom 1)15mm ) any.
Imina eie , If t 0 would tmnderstatl anti kmiO how
reat thelii P.roi'rb' .
lilt. 11. VAUN18t I , fully aware that there are
mtum % p1ysIins , ntt.I some settb1O people , shi will
codeuni liltu for inAlJng timl &la's of dmeaa'ei a spa.
dali ) , hUt lIdS hamy to knew that tit1i iost , icr
5'111R of n fincilIcut 51,4 ImmteilIcnco a in ire enliqlttctm.
cii % low Is ut the subj'rt , and tiutti the larMe
tat , ialo , , IIVfltCi liliuelf to rcIlcrin the afthletci situ
sivitig thcm from voro titan ulratit , Is unless a
Ittfltiiropit iiu1 luenefactor to hii race thati the stir
goon or litsicIati % s Ito by deco aou1icatI11 ex'cII hi
any other tutticim of his 3urOfrasiOil. fuel ftrtttititt'l ,
or tuitrnanlty , the 1av Is iIaamuitighcn the fal's l'i S
tmntimroiiiv that eomuietnncl thu stLtim of folly ci
crhc , , , like the lepers tinier the JoaiIm law , to die
umacaret forimas InsscdattaV.
A Few Reasons
SVhy you liotmli try time cwiclrated Dr. 11. Wagner' .
nietliouls of enrol
1. ' 'Dr. ' ii. Vagticr i a natural 1h351c15l. "
0. } 4 i'owumn ,
The ( irrateit. 1.ltlug I'hrctiologist.
"I'uty can oceI ori as a
itI. .1. Stimits ,
'rho worlrg ( ircatoat i'itysionotnit.
3. " ' are wniulerftmily irofldcmmt 1n3uur kmiosl
edge of dlc.iiu and mnelicinai. '
lIre. .1. MATTmtmivs.
4. "TOo afliktcI fmt1 ready relief In your tires
( mIce , " hit. . . . Stxits.
a. "Pr. 11. Water , l a regular irralusto tram
Ilollcviio llo.pitnl , New York c1ty has lou very o'c.
tCtlI.iVO 110Iu1131 pntctice , situ Is tltorougilly 1oted on
nil lr.IllClicq of lii , beloved science , especially on
chroimlo diseases. "
Ijas. itoowsaLl. & Ewiso.
0. ' 'Pr. ii , % 'agncr has imnort.siizcui : himself Ii
his wonderful I1i'Co.lr3' lit ppecifli rcmnedln for ir
late atiui .soxti ,"VIrgtuit City Chronklc.
g. "flIUlIJItItIlI of itivaihl liOcl ( to see lulm.-Saa
t'ralmeiwo Chronicle.
8. "Tho Iiuctu's long eNitericnco Its a sPecialIst
slioulul ruicr , , Itlimi s cry bUcctssfui.-itOciy , 3toum , .
taut Nuns.
Plain Facts Plainly Spokeii.
At one titus a , Ilccusson ! of the secret vice was en.
tirely aroileI by the rofcloi , , ailul medical noriss ol
bImS ml few years no sould hartily mention IL
'mo-day tim i'1u ' , icht , Is of a , iftTcrent ominiomm ; ho i
asaro that. It Is itI , duty-.diuamreeablo though It
many lie--to liatmulio tiii matter tuitliotmt glocs and
1icak Ilaltily a1it it ntiul iimtciilgent Ircnt , amid
guarumLu , , tsiil thank lifiti for tiolngsn.
'ilia results attciuiIrr , , tiil , ieitnicmlvo SICO scera for.
burly mid. tmnuleritu.oul , or hot IroierlY estimateI : and
no IlitiuirtCe , tnIiigattaelucul to asubject ahich by
fq ( nattiro tiue hot. Itisitu cioso Inyestlgatioi. , it. scan
tiitiiigfy lttoretl
The laiit , Is generally contracted by the younu
while attcmuiIig , , , .clmI ; older coiniatil Ils through
their caalnhie , lIl.y be rcslonsiblo for It , or It , tiay be
nc.itmircd tlurottim aechicrit. The caciteincutonco cx
pcricnced , the ItraCtico will ho repeated again arni
again , until at last time habit becomes firm anti
PletOlY ctuuiavot thu lctim. Mental anti nervous of
tiictlons are usually the lurinlary rmults of seif.ahnmso.
Among the iiiJtirlotms eliects may be mentioned laid.
tub , ( lojectioli or lrrasdhuilty of temper and general
debility. Tue boy sccIs seclusion , and rarely joins
1mm the sports of hfs cohtpanlomis. If ho ho a young
loam , ho svlii ho little found In company a lth the other
tuox and Li troubled with exceeding and annoying
luashfimhrcai , , , iii their rrcs'nce. Lasehious droamis ,
CltllIIiOflR amid cniptlons on the face , etc.are also
vroniimammt , synptoult.
If the PtlCOl5 lo1ctmtlypcrsisted inmoro serious
disturbauccu , take ihaco. ( ireat I.alpitation of the
heart , or epileptic convijislomi , , ttru caicrienced , and
the sutTrer may fail into a complete state of Id ! icy be.
fore , Ililaily , , imth rchiovc him.
14) all those CiiftgCti in this dangerous , practice , I
ssouhl say , tlrt III all , StOp it. at nine ; inalto every
pos..iiiIo effort to do so ; but If you fail , If your nervous
hi , uteiil Ii already too munch shattered , and Consul.
( ttmciltiy , your sdll-ioncr broke ! , , take some nerve
tonic to aid 3011 Iii your effort. IIa lug freed yourself
frolim the habit , I would further counsel you to go
through , a regular course of treatment , for it is a great
ttilstalso to suppose that any one may , for somne time ,
ho t every Si ) little , giso hlmnoclf imp to this fautcinatinc
lilt dangerous oxcitemmiemit n Ithout , uffrritig from its
C ; II conscqlmenccs at some future tIme. The nuniber
of youmig 111mm svhuaro inrapac1ited to liii the dutIes
cmJoined by wedlock Is alarsnhgiy large , anul Iii most
of such eases tlmI tmifortminato coimditlom , of thIngs can
be traced (4) the practIce of seif.abuse , sshich had been
abaiiulomtcdyears ago. Indeed , a few months' practice
of this habitIstililcicnt to Intttmco , .perznatorrhaa m
t2ter 3 OStS , and I liars tnaiy of such cases under treat
itint at thu Preselit day. , .iil
Young Mei
% hO flti ) ho smitfering from the cifoctut of yotmtitut )
foiliout or luidlscretloims will uhu well to avail themselves
cut this , the greatest boon oser laid at the altar of gut.
fcrlng humanity. flit. WAGNER wIll guarantee to for.
felt $500 for every ease of ucminai weakness or nrivate
diceasu of any kInd arid charactcrwhlch , ho under.
takes to and fails to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are mnamiy at the ago of 20 to 50 who are
troubled with too frequent evacuations of tim tllad.
der , often 000)mpanled by a slight. smarting or bmrn.
log sonuatton , , rmtI a eakentng of the system In s
nedmner the latlent cannot aecoumit for , On oxaruin.
Iegtlto urinary deposits a ropy sothimnont will often be
foummul , anti ,00lctIulessmaliluartlclcs of albumen still
appear , or tile eolo tt lii ho of thin mlikkh hue , agaIn
changing . to a , lark ammdtorpld appearance. There are
Iitamm % meny iUn svlmo dIe of this dIfficulty , l-norant of
tin , usmmse , SI hilcim is the second atago of scisJnai. cak.
11055. flr.S. . still gusratmteo a cimro In all cases
and ms healthy restoration of the gcnlto.urlimary or
Consultation frco. Thorough examination and ad.
All oommunlcatlon , shoald be addressed , lit. henry
ilcairy Wagner , i' . 0. 2.'SP. Denver , CQlOrado.
Titus Votimig .iiais Pocket CompanIon , by hr. 11
Wir , Is worth tt sclght In gold to young men.
Pripo , $1,2i. bumt by muahl , to any address.
'Let Your Light Shine.
Pr. waier the rclobrated specialist of h3emver ,
0010. , 1143 Larfmner street , believes In letttng thoworid
tumow.nliatimocaiiIo , andisdoing for thousands of
his felluwnwn. ills treatment for lost manhood Is
euro be win him is imame that nter1t sUl bless. rca
tiioumnd teetimnozilais from all oser the UnIted States
from those he liascimreul , Is turoof posithe that Imadorm
Cure the worst cases at Chess diseases. The afflicted
from chromium slid utesimal diseases of every llnul will
find hlni theIr test friend. head hiut auivertloemeritln
all our city mnrorn4 clioui1thn fet * dvlro , as we
kltuwyoU still corrOboato UI lit raying lie Ltho out
Serere true friend.-htochy Mouarain Zies it $
Relief to the Afflicted.
Iii medIcines , o. , Irs stucnce , the opeciahists are the
00041 wliotdwsys cameo to time front and 0mIh
gru&t rtiltut. TliLi remark Is imipeclally eppilcablo tote
to lr , 11. Wagner , of this city. lie stands at the top
of hli professIon , .nu44hecnrei ho-performs for the
unfortuuate.woul4 y'4J woriderCul ifjiqt properly
tlotted In UoUglttofsrmcntlfio aouiulremouta. ho I.
endorsed by the must eminent of the medical faculty ,
111,1 olilco itt 343 LILIalnir .troct , where ho sslil siredi.
Ily effecta clint for the suCoring of either sex , no rnat
ter how conuldicated theIr compiaIimL-t'omcroys
Chronic Complaints Require
Time far a Cure
Person ! at ma dltaneo stho wish tobo treated by Dr
ivagnur need not futi 1.achwart because of InabilIty
to tiolt 11101. it they still w to the doctor Imo still
octal is list of ( It1'tIeliut w mmabiea him to send
nlodicirmes , counsel emil to thousammd. lie , lisa
toscr seem , . its hta * I' I every city , bean and
statlomt In C.lora4c well as all over thu United
Stattut. Sooliiv4 Lhi.J autscrtl.emcnt-Deu.
5cr Tribuime ,
Shall We Reform ?
S1wdCo reinoulicus for all ( ItSOASes Is the theory
itt Ir'cimt of odticted anul experience
fuhi 5iiri5t5R , aimul lii all large conmmunltle. they base
their pedah1ie , , to ei.ocl In stslcI ) , they direct thel ,
sullies and ) rCtiCe. flr. Wimgiier Is a , ueo.stuh II
Ittstratloii of this usoden , school of , iiociahtles. azmd his
IltilirOcOuielIted success lim the treatment of lurlvmtl
diseases l.s as stondtrfui as It Is tlatterlng.-t rot. .1
Siotnis ,
'IiIoM ) st 1mG need tuodlatl relief for the roost
dcilcatu oSdLsutout nIiltlzmf aim accomplished and otie
coasfimi 1u1itlcbn In thu ncron of Pr. Wagner , No.
ala Irlmnct btTeet , St Ito is highly reconmmnended by the
inettleal l1rftb5I01I at. twine sad aboard.-l'omroy's
Imigotrytint ignoranoamust she wayte
S liuhoin mmii the stfso Ih1ybchmm bcilevei Iii letting his
light ahino for the glory ef hits fellow men. Printer's
limk I. the torch ho can best use to guide the wcar
Iu sick one to limo founisin of healil , If this arUcl ,
4tuutil1 ho inatrummicotol a , a "TORI1IlLi.ilV set UI.
oil a bill to guIde sulterlng humanity to S 13 Laiimei
ott.ret , IXlicr , CoiorautoIt still oimsscr the purpost
for stltlcli It Wa. sr1tten , Atidrees
1' , 0. box lhS3 , or call atfll3 torimcr Street '
. Denver , Co'lO.
t.ritcpui tbocoiumn beaded "The Noceseliy for tise
bp&U . '
Furniture ! /
Have just received a large quantity of
. .
A .1 1O0 , 1208 auth 1210 Farnam St
T j
0 J OMAhA. WEll.
1'roprietor. Stl1)Cl'Z1lCII(1thl t.
Offiaha o1 Work9
U. P. R.i.II\VAY , - - - 17Th & 18Th s'I'REE'rs
Steam Engloes , Boilers
Mill and Drain Elevator Machinery !
Celebrated 1Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth.
I _
_ _
_ _
\k' (
I- - _ _ 1 %
Wc are reparo to ftlrnish jlamm : tia eotisii..teS , tiud will contract for
the erection of Flonring Milhi anil th'ani Elevators , or for changing
Finuring Mills from Stone to thu Roller system.
'Espeoit1 ; attelitiOhl given to furnishilig Power PIaut for any. purPOSe -
POSe , and ustiinate ziiado for aiiie. Oencial muchuiery repairs attenilci
to promptly. Address
II. .
Bu6s ! Carraos ! all Sui1ii ¶ OII3 ,
lily Itepo.ltory Ii oonstanily Sited wjth a select Mtook. lieu Worbnsauhlp guaraat.
Ol/Ice and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Ornata
: ; <
and Bottled Beer
. . . . .
4 ! 5. .5. 'l'hiia Excellent IJeer speaks fcc iteolt.
' . . _ ½
i t1Ij8rn n ii rWflO1IDEI1S ( FJtOM ANY PART OP TH ]
. . , S'l'.VI'E Ol TilE ENTIRE WEST ,
4 ;
T'T ! Promptly Shipped.
f -ILT
. oIo Agent for Omahaaiidt1ic _ West. / ci
Avttntio' . , i )
Cot. 0th Street and Capitol
--5-- 5--- - I .
: ErXI gr 4. ' , 4
Booth's 'Oval' Brani '
AD . ii
S S j , iIEEMER , Agent