:7 'F ' 8 - 1TR DAILY BEEOMAHA , F1DAY NOVEMBM 2 , 1883. - - flE DAILY BEE. _ i OMAHA , is Eriday Moovombor 2. : ' For thu U1)PCt TiLIPI)1 ttiid Missouri vn1Ioy , fair weather , 8outhcry ] to vetorIy winds , 8tAtionnry or idowly rising toniporatuic , lower Ijarornotor in tlppcr Mississippi and Miuouri viI1oya and 'iiest portion of tim upper lake ro gicn. Ant1.1onopoIy Convention. A ddegato convention of tlio Anti. Nonopolit5 of Douglaa county will bo bold on Saturday , November 3 , 1883 , at ; 1 30 p. rn. , at tie city hail , Omaha , to norninato ft county ticket. Primary dcc. tions Will bo hold on Friday , 1ovombcr 2d , in the country precinct , botwccn the _ _ _ hours of 6 and 7 p. rn. , and in the city irocinct between 4:30 : p. in. and 6:30 : p. in. Every country precinct is entitled to four delegates , and every city proinct yitl be rcpre8entcd by ix delegates. The places of voting in the county Pt0 ducts will be as follows : StrntogaSarntoga School House ; Florence once , Florunco School House ; Union , Jr. viiigt.ofl BCILOOI house ; lti1lard , Julius - Schroeder's ; Elkhorn , Elkhorn school house ; Chicago , s heel house at Elkhorn Station ; Valloysdiool house at Waterloo and at Valley ; Douglas , henry ilusor's. The places of voting in the city vilI be a3 follows : First Ward-St. , Tamca hotel , Tenth street. Second Ward-Kessler's hall , Thir. tcenth street. \Vnrd-California House , corner Douglas and Eleventh. Forth \Vard-Polico court room. Fifth 'sVard-WTm. \Vliitchouse'a drug' store. . Sixth Ward-A. H. Sander's store , corner Curning and Saunders. The .Antl.Monopoly Conunittee. . , LOUALBREVITIES1 -The pictures of [ artinot , exhibited arounl town , nrc of the ( lreaIuy.eyeiItliatllauntrno : ll kinil. Slio Is the actrcs. wIth Boucicault. -tr. Dion Boncicault Is expected to arrive In tIil : ; city this rorxilng from San I : Fraticisco. The seat. for Saturdny evening were taken three rows back by I o'clock yc. I terday morning. . --Tflechlld of Mr. and Mrs. N. 1. ' . Curtis , V1IiCII * 110(1 yo&tenlay , wIll ho taketi to Liii. coIn for burial to.day. . ) -Ncws as been received hero that Morris Ottrnan , formerly a saloonkcpcr of this city l.a. gwis insane at helena , Montana , and Lison sent to ths asylum atVarin SrIng. . Jr0 loft Omaha for Jielena vith liii wife about two mouths ago. -A number of German Heliolara of the 1)IibliO schools are expected to leave to.day to I COiflIflOnCO attendance at the now German ; 4 sclrnol which o1)cns Ofl lfarney street. They are the children of the Iottor clas.cs , who can afford to pay tli tuition cliargol at the new 'gymnasiuin , " and being studIoi. no.1 bright 1.u1iils are likely to ho a IOSM to the rooms I which they leave. . -One of our public school teachers , who h considered as remarkably successful In the in. : btrltctlon of very young echolarshas a peculiar ! vay of admoiaihIng them which is simple lInt always effective. " % Viiy , SVlJHej" showill ox. r claim , "what shall I do with such a niughty i boy ? I really don't know what to do with a . : little boy who acts as bsdly as you do. I be. . hove I shnll kayo to take you up stairs , Wil. lie , and show you the paralleloRraml" Upon whiob the naughty little boy will always cry out , "I-I don't want to-to sos the parallelo. i gra.nt' and become instantly submissive at : -the thought of this vague terror. k -"They arc maca.darn.izing the sitrcetl" : inqtrod a stranger of a ] lic reporter on the corner of Fifteenth and ] ? arnnln ycitorday , aho watched the crowd of laborers putting down the bao for the asphalt 1)svcnIont , I replied the itcwsiapcr man titihesi. tatingly , to see what might follow. " An' I tiiayiio workmen thoyro all imported from i l'oinpdll , they say" IYO4I said the rePorter. "An' tills is Iavatlioy'rolayin' .lown" "I ho. ileso .o , " replied the obliging pencil Iusllor UId dodged into a street ear to 111(10 hIs d Jihishes , - - . - - d V , Excited Thousant1s. All over the lanil are going litto ecstasy over J4 Dr. ] Cliig's New Discovery for Coiisiunption. t Their inlookcd for rocoery by the timely 1. 1 use of 'this great life Sining remedy , causes them to 1O nearly wild in It. . raIo. it is i UarantootI to o8Itively cure Severe Coughs , t Colds , Aatluna , ilayyever , Ilronciitisloarso. ) hess , Loss of Voice , or flU ) ' affection of the s hroat and Luiws. 1 - Real Estate Traiiafors. ti The following deeds were filed for , ( record in the county cThrk's office Oo- tober 81st , reported for Trn Bs by Ames' real estate agency : henry Ehrenpfort and wife to IT. lCratscliiuann , w d it of l t 3 , Itedtl old's ubdiv1 8200. . : Frou H. Davis and wife to Hans Peter Jeason , w d o 25 feet of 1t 17 , iCountzo's 2nd add , 8225. . 4t Blessing to all Illankisni. in these times when our Newspapers sire , Ilooded with Iatnt inediclite advertisements S Li gratifying to know whst t.o l1'OC1irO that 4 wIll ocratinly euro you. If you are Ililious , 4lood out of order , Liver inactive , or generally ; debilitated , there is nothing in the world that , will cure you o 1uickly si Electric Bitters. They are ii blessing i.e all snankljid , anil Cliii ho bad for only fifty cent , a bottle of 0. 1. ( ood. 1 man's. I : A 'IgorouI'otItIoncr. 'rib the Editor of Tisi Jhiu , 4 h I IOuuA , Oct. 31-It high time that at. teution of the city rnaalial should be dl. I rocted to the condition o Nineteenth street , between Chicago and Davenport. Thocustont which prevails in aosiu parts . of thii city of discharging thio contents of open kitchen drains into and across pub. lie streets ought. in my estimation , to be j strongly condemned and suminarIy dealt with. TO $ sewer in question has allbrdcd ! 11 luxurious lodginqs for three or four 'a grant pigs , duting th entire isuinsner , . 1 until it has become so wide asid deep as I to efibctually bar the jU8flO of anyordi. tt.J nary rehlcla. A Sur'iiuu. ' . _ , - - ; j . 'VATiP.-1islinediately , three gals'azi. 4 pedozR ! : cornicu makers. at John Epen. ! otor's , 307 Broadway , Council flufFs , Iowa II' ' t 4 ( I p ATTEMPTED ABDUCTION. Thrce 1efl Try to Lure a I1arric omall From lloe On the Ploft that Her Husband is Dying. Otbcr lcslicrnte Acts ; Deserving or liCad or hemp. 'i'hcro has scarcely a day paascl of late without some horrible deed of blood being reported by telegraph , in which a woman was invariably the victim and the inurdordeliberato and cold.blooded. The cases of Attn Athitisosi and era Burns have hardly ceased to thrill the public pulse when they are followed by fresh ones and the devilish work of the fiends seems to be on the increase all the Limo. On Monday night last a curious occurS ronce was reported from North : Omaha , which has thus far not boon published , but which scorns to have boon a bold attempt to abduct a married woman , for what purpose is unknown. MRS. ( F.I.I.t MTA.tW. is the who of Mr. Fred Staack , a prom. mont and volL known German saloon keeper on 15th street between DougIM and Dodo. Mr. Stanch is an invalid and has Ieon lying very 1.w ever since February last. Ho occupied a room , of late , just back of his bar room , and was preparing to move into it with lila family , onsistiiig of his wife and little daughter. Fliny had previoumsly resided in a large wo story house on 17th street just siortht ) f the creek , and a few days ago , , family by the name of Elhingwood inov ( l into ono part of thu hioiso , whore the Stsncks had been living alono. On Mon. lay night Mr. Stanek slept down town as isual and his wife and child remained at hio house. irnur rim'irntr ' on r..trnn , loinoone knocked attho front door of the residence and , as it appears , expected to flud the lady unprotected , hut was met t the door by Mr. Ellingwood , who in riuircd vhiat was wanted. The reply was that they had come for Mrs. Staack as her husband was dying and wished her Lo accompany thesis dowsi to his place at once. They also iaid there was a back in ivaitirw and that Mrs. S. should make mate. The wife hind retired for the night but was sunnnoned and dreasing herself juickly prepared to snake the trip. it .truck her before she loft the house that this was A CUIIOUI4 1ItOCInIINO ) and that she would take her daughter , who isabout eight years of ago , with her. The two wont out of the ho.iso together and saw the hack standing ofF at some little distance , probably a half a block. Aithiey approached it they saw two men , one of whipni asked in a chigrinod tone if she hadn't confidence enough in them to coimie alone. Shie then noticed that both doors of the hack wore opoil , which aroused her suadicions and she refused to accompany the men. At the same time lie hoard A TiIxim. IAJLTY going hastily off down the sidewalk in the direction of town , and thinking that seine conspiracy was being carried out she returned. to the house and the hack hLastLly rolled away. Acoompaniod. by Mr. Ellingwood , Mrs. Staack then came down town on foot. She was torribl7 frightened at the news of her husband si ihinoss , and perplexed t the curious action of the alleged messengers. Arriving at tim alloy Dfl which the house abuts she peered bhrougii the bliuids first , expecting Lo soc a body only but she saw her bus. band , apparently all right , and was soon Lnstdo , whore she found that ho was as well as common and had not sent for her at all. What thu object of thc three mysterious and , to her , unknown persons was , it is impossible to say , but her pro- mnoiiitioii of harm undoubtedly was all that saved her from trouble. The man whio inquired fem her at the door is do. scribed as being about il ) years of age olily , and were a cap and very hong coat. In time excitement of the occasion Mrs. Staachc did not take notice of thio hack- innit's imumber , but it is believed that the whole party can bo idonti. lied , and if eo they vilL ho put through a severe course of law. ( jTjtin : ourn.tuEs. For some imiiits vast an unknown maim who dresses like a gentleman has beomi lurking about a private residence on Ninth street near Farnam. On the lirat occasion when he was noticed lie caine up into the yard and when seem : and a8ko ( . what. lie wanted excused himself on the plea of having mistaken the ymca. lie was afterwards aeon about time gate and omiWednosday night had ilie nudacity to ; o in the back yard mmd secrete himself untlithie lady of the house went out to close up the gate and was frightened nearly to death wliomi lie run out at her and followed her to tim very door of the house , which was closed in lila face just in thno to keep him out. There wore others in the house , but it all took Iiaco too quickly to call thorn. The next time this detestable and cow. ardly scahlawag appears he vi1l got a dose of cold load , and ho hind bettor look out , as it is believed his identity can be guessed at. If such follows got their deserts there viil ho a case for time coro. nor before long , or a sudden and in. formal contest between their miocks timid a good , stout PieCe of 1101111) . llaimgimig is too good for such villains. - - - ilc<iimigk ltu'i.ia ' Salvo beit famiiRliT the world , omit ! excellent br stable use. 2cti ilod. IIAIINACL1-ll0liI0 Victor Barnacle , Octo. her alet , aged 3 yeari aimti hIx muntltsyouug. oet s'n of Jasimes hLand Eiiza Barnacle. Fuimeral will take place Friday , Novcnther 2d , from the family resiticnce , 2lth and Cain. Cross streets , Friends of the family invited. [ Chicago iiapws illoMe copy. CUltTitJh-.Ciougim W. Curtice , Novessiber 1st , son of Mr. and Mrs. U. 1' . Cuitice , .f the firm of J. W. Pro.cott & Co. The rei.nius rlIi be taken to TAiicohn to. day for burial , - l'ubII.h ilpeakor. ml Slners find II. if. Iougla. & Imon. ( slIcuul OQUgI , Drum I. NUTO rcIicdy icr . iio.rcsseu. - A Quiet YelhImIg. The Council liluirs reporter of Tim DES : auziouncos the marriage there , yes. terday afternoon , of Charles II. Croigh. tori amid Miss ICatlo McHugh , both of Omaha. 'rho knot was tied by a Juticu of the Peace. 'i'lm'is will be sensational ziows to imiany People hU this cit' , whore Jmtii are vu1l known and prummzmently connected , Time - brdogroom is the son of John I ) . Croigh. ton , and the brldo is the dauqhmtor of ox Conductor McHugh , of Limo U. 1' . Both being children of prominent peo. jib here , it is mm trifle rornamitic that they should take to the classlo rdgions of S1)OO11 Lake $ M get. married. however , tim many friends of time young couple will jolt : with Timi : ilna in w'ishIlmm thlDmn a and proporsus voyage on time sea of life , "GATES AJAR. " The Micicous Frallks Z0f lila Small Bay Last iht , 1 % ThrillIng hallow E'cn Story Comm. ecruing a Youmig Girl. A reporter of this sheet who had mmoth ing elsie in lartiduiar to do asked three hundred ? immd ninoty.two of our busuimess men ycsthrday if timeir gates imp towim and beexm "jerked" Wednesday night by Limo miscimiovous spirits who are always abroad on Hallowo'cn , amid time answer came in almost ovary case , "Yes ; and if I catch the young rascals- " But the young rascals are never caugimt. Some wary householders whmo happommod to roniom- bar that it was time privileged night for frolic , took in their gates. One of thorn said : "I never thought Imow heavy a gate was before until I mmndrtook to unhummge mine last imight and carry them into the wr4odshled , ' .Vimy , they mnuat make 'ommm thicker , put isiore wood in 'en : timan they did when I was a boy , because gates iicvc.r seemed Imeavy to me then , I menu when I was out with time crowd on ilol- lowo'csm. Ohm ! it immnkos a difference on which side of time gate omic isil" A party of young folks in time north part of thiocity had gathered at a friend's house to ummtertako some of the odd practices of time evening , which have come ever to Us froimi time old country , such as roasting smuts , spinning plates , apples iii a tub , looking in a mirror , etc. After much merriment imad beei created by these diversions , time company fell to story toiling and relating anecdotes and personal recollections of other hailow o'ells. Fimmaily time lady of time imouse said timat she knew of a very sad and interest. lug case. " \Yo were all assembled at a doctor's I house one ludlow e'omi , ' ' sue said , "to try various tricks such as you have 1)0011 alnusummg yourselves with to- miighmt , and it was finally agreed to go out into time garden and peer around in time darkness after waiicimmg backward accrtain disthmmco. So wo all Ilocked out immto the night air , timouglitless and careless , and went thrommghi the Porforlimailce. 1Vion we caine back into the room each had seen something or other that they took as an cimmen , amid seine pretemidod they had seen time faces of those whoma they wore to marry. One very lovely girl camno in bohmimmd thmo otimcrs , her face biancimed with i fear , amid she drew me aside into s another roonm , but it was sonme time be i fore I could persuade her to toll me what sumo had seems. Fimmaily simo told rnotrcm. bhingly and earnestly that there had ap. peared in the ground before her an open grave , with a spade stickingin it. I could not but believe her , and I feared the con- sequences. She died within that year of quick consumption. " This story was actually related , and I conmin front a well known and respected lady , its truth camumotbo doubted. - rItsoNAL. Mrs. . P. GrIswold and Mrs. A. .T. Marks , front Chicago , arc In the city , guests of Mr. F. Stephens , on a few weeks visit , lv. : n. Putnamim , A. C. Cass , and 1" . A. Pyle , ( If Lincoln , are at the Millard. Dean Mlilspaugh returned Wednesday front the general conference of thoEpiscopal church Iii l'lm'miadelphia. Mrs. Joy Morton , of Chicago , meompanled by her baby daughter , is visiting at time resi- ilonce or her father , .Tudge Lake , In this city , Itobert \Vlndhicimn and vifo and mIs Liiiio Thmommirson , of l'lattsmimoimtii ; .T. 0. 1 Bhiickmiian , of Fremont ; B , M. Williams I and , Mn. . Cl. M. ] 'iint , of Blair ; Mrs. % v. Ilarriimgtoim , of Tcknmnali ; .T. S.I I \Voibachi , of liaMlugs ; W. E. Beach , North Platte ; W. 1 , . - .Aistyno , of Liii. colis , amid 0. A. Monroe and wlfo , of Koar- nay , are Nebraska 1)C01)10 at time l'a'ctoim. Miss i\nry Snowdon , of Tophiss , Mo. , a sister of our well known c1t1soii , I'fr. A. 11. Simow.lcsi , arrivoti him the city yesterday and i Is at time l'axton. N , Ii. Sobroo , Sait Lake City , is mit the l'lIXtmm. Jack ioian , time iiniiar U. P. engIneer , iia returned frumu ii mnoimtii's trip in tl.ieoast. The following wore amioim , the arriva is at Lhm Paxtomi yesterday : It. A. omm1o , ] lostomm ; \ ? . E. Beach , Nortim Platte ; 0. L. Colmmaim , Viicnimsimi ; .r. i. Iolaplaiu , lCaiisa City ; Cr , it. Mattko , Mrs. IL 1\Iattlco , Cnriwnll , , Canada ; \V. S. AlIriigO , htocimoter , , N. Y , ; 11. M. 'faft , Boston ; Miss Mary P , Snow- tien , Joihiii , llo. ; If. C. Fish , 1104tiiIVm. ; . lwohliug , St. ramil ; .T , IC. Bole , Clovolaivi ; , Ttmlius liosonthal , Chicago ; Joimn F. Coad , Cimoycmmno ; Jusoph J.'owell ; Now York ; 0. A , Munroo and vifo , lCuarmsoy ; Frank J. itimo , Jr , , New York ; 1sf. II , Sobroo , Salt Lake ; i : , hi. Miii , Aurora , Ill.V. ; . A. Bamiard , Now York ; James A. i'onimoy , Idaho ; J , II. Braiiley , New York ; It , K. Wrlglmt , Iowa ; \y. w. ircnick amid wife , MIcs Lizzie ifon. rick , Minneapolis ; Vi' , K Jemikliis , Dudley Wolf , Now York ; Mrs. W. llarringtoms , To. kama , Net , . ; Mrs. ( . lit. 1'lint , Blair ; Mrs. Lilhie Thompson , i'iattsmnommthm ; 'W. B.Vood , Chicago ; J , 0. illackuman , Fremnommt ; B , M. Wliisey , Blair ; 0. Wheeler , Chicago ; ( leo , H. Staimloy , Itockforti , Ill. ; 0. T. Woodlnmry , Chicago ; II. Morriinamm , New York ; J. S. Mc. Coril , city ; J. S. Wolbach , I1astIimg. , Nob. ; A , hi. Cramer , hiastinsV' ; . Van Alsityime , Lincoln ; H. 13. La itime , Now York ; Kate Iloimier Clayt.oim , New York ; .1 , \Vylander , hCearnoy ; Coo. J , McOraw , Chicago ; L. ' 1' . Jotuisou , it. hltzsiiimnmozm , St. Paul ; N. A. hlsumibock , Norfolk ; Wmn. M McClure arid wife , Stihlwater , Minui. . Ihiiior , Da. . .Ii City ; P. lEciory , Cheyenne ; 0 , Fitmnogan , Chicago ; F , A. JoIirlos , Chicago ; C. S. Web. ster , St. Louis ; .1 , A. McLaughlIn , Craig ; 11. 14. Haven , SL IommIs ; Itobert Iiikster , wife mmd ilauistor , Kalamazoo ; J , J. White , Ciii. cage ; 13. Ii , ( lauder , Now York ; T , S. I3Iin , . Boll , Chicago ; ] . 'V. lizomm , St. l'aui , Mmmi , ; IL B , ] Ioardsley , Watorvilie , Now York ; F , 1' . [ rolasmil , iCaimsas City ; Leo Felsommthal , Chicago ; J. B. Van horn , New Orleans ; 0. A , ipomicor , iliiwaukeo ; [ . Nowga , , Now \ork ; V.V , halley , ilostoim ; hi , Itiogolumsu , Des liuIno ; J , 0. Stout , Kansas City ; J , i ) , ltcarus , liimoboygami ; 0. Ci. Steinmimams , Now York ; I. N. Hioer ; , Hiawatha ; Julia Imfuss. dumu , l'ermnsylvauia ; J. T. Clark , Milwaukee ; F. W' . Ware , Valporaido ; A. J , Barking , Ma. nun , Iowa. AN AMBITIOUS ITALIAN. 1lio Arcsses the Rnlrs of Nalions all Inhabitants of the Globe , On a iiscovcryhmm Govcrmmisiental lint- mommy siimd ma Now Balloon , Mayor Chmaso yesterday received a circular hotter from Italy aigmietl , Fran- ceeco Mastrodomomuco , ( Lord , itCh1) usi ) , addressed to time Mayor of Omaha , Nord- America , Kansas , and which is so hiigimly abstmrd amid so evidcimtiy time efFusion of a iiowly-dovoloped crammk that it deserves Pubhicatiomi. It is a sample of the style of communications with wimichi time Mayor's box at time postoflice is filled a great part of the time. The letter an- flounces time discovery of time secret ot a slew balloon , "TO TIll mmui.amm.m o } N.tTiON $ , EXPLOItERS 01' ma EAIiTII , , tNI ) mni.tmmir.ts 01' Till' aLonr , I anmiouce to you Limat i imave discovered time secret of navigatiimg the air 1mm a balloon - loon agains time wind , I have not yet put in practice my great discovery because time means are still wanting ; but long study and repeated oxperlinonta have assured me of a sue- ceasful result and that in a short time mcmi will be able to navigate round time woold Iii a balloon. Now this hem" in muammy respects a do. heat0 subject as time peace and I ranquillity of the woold mnigit : be endangered by time riroonaut carrying arnis amid bombs across the comifinos of evemi time most powerful sthtea amid so exciting general tmmmeasiiies , it may be readily imagined that , desirous s I am that Immy invemmtiomi be beneficial to the woold and not hurtful , I cannot livuige my segret till I learn the views mmmd intentions of time different govorne. muemith and so avoid all un necessary atms- meptibility amid time possible effusion of blood and treasuroto time alter destruction Df all peace and security. If then my invention lie troughtworthy Df your approbation , I await a reply be- rore publiahmimig my segret. F mm.twnsco MAsraonomENIco. aitc1nuovo dl ConzaProrincla di Salerno ( mtaly. ) ' Having another scheme for the benefit f time "nations of the earth , " our Italian Lunatic with socialictic tendencies saves postage , and encloses with the letter a printed sheet headed glowingly , "Eco- riomical Discovery , by means of which a saving of 200,000,000,000 francs a year nay be effected by mankind. " He proba. bly imagines that all time rulers of the marth will immediately convene in one mighty assomblyfor thmepurposo of adojt- ing his suggcstioiishiaving first made him Lium required concession or land grant. Ve copy the circular in full as aim indica- Lion of whore socialism is leading us. It is as bad as Herr Most's pamnphlets. TO TIlE INII.umIT.tNTS OF TII ILUT11I Time conmnmercial system as now carried in is the cause of all time nmisery nimd suf- ering which afihict mankind-thmo root of ill time evil is time fact that there arc now nillions of inca employed. in inuustrious pursuits which are worse than useless , producing mme public wealth ; and who , if time project by me proposed amid imagined wore .ffected , would be producers of wealth and factors of prosperity. The workman is badly remunerated for his labor , and with difficulty can support lumnself. and family , amid : motwithstanding thiatwl , soc the price of labor daily re- uccd by an over increasing competition , we ov ry day witneLs many failures of im- commercial amid industrial estab- lishnients , and thousands of workmen ro- luced to starvationcausing wretchedness nd desolation in whole societies. Now , In the world there are , at time lowest momputatloim , 00 per cemit more shops amid magazines , and consequently 00 cent more hands occupied and capital employ- Luau are necessary for the commercial nd trading wants of society. Alt which mmiigiit be economized by the idoption of time simple means I am now about to propose. I don't mean by this , that the shops and warehouses now in ox- stence sumoutil be forciblysmmppressed ; no , [ intend to respect the rights amid libcr- tics of all , but as things are at prosoimt onstituted there must and over will be iii imnhimonse supcrabuimdanco of menus to btain an end , mmd consequently inummense waste of energy and force. One immeamma alone exists to remedy this mvii and produce universal prosperity and Well-being and that is to foummd a Colony iii cacim province or district in which a mumuher of workmen , artisans , professors rnd artists of every kind may live united , nid choose from aniong themselves a gov- Drmmiii body , to direct tlioircommon labors and distribute amid dispose of the products of their common toil and talent. All cosmumiercial operations to be strictly di. rooted to time gomioral. good and advantage of all , by the intorchaimge of time various products of each Colommy , which naturally will vary according to time difference of clinmate aimd natural productiomma of each country , In such a way we should mio longer see famishing umeit amid women of all ages reduced to such a state of umisery that time moat extended charity is uimablo effectually to relieve or remedy. The porsomme appointed totimodirectiomi of each Colony may be chosen b' time Govern. snout or elected from their own body. ro out my plan nil that is noccs- sary is t.o purchas an extensive tract of latid and t1io necessary immiplernomits of labour-The requisite capital immay be furnished by time themselves who desire to form part of the Colony and will be amply scourci by time product of time ummited , labour of all , The products of time labour amid skill of eacim , to be brought to oirn commimoim store amid timers sold out to time public at prices to bo fixed by the directors of the Colony , amid without fraud or deceit of any kind ; all lUrcimMes amid sales to be effected by mucans ohm pajorcurronC ( to be establish. ad exclusively by time Colommy. Each year a balance sheet vili be struck , the muagazimmos cleared out , nmmd everytimlsig sold mmd the net proce9ds equally divided amnong all , after paying all taxes due to Limo Goverimmiioimt so that time individuals cosmiposimig time Oolony shall be free frmnm all imposts or taxes of every kiimd. As time products of somno colonies will naturally exceed what is required for timeir own constlmmiltioimf time excess of one shall ho oxchaiigod with other cob. miles ; and for timat purpose iii BOlimo Con- ti-al point of each State a general deposmt shall be ostnblisimed whore each colommy vil1 hiavo its roprosommtativo , to effect time micCossary barter of the excess a oime witim time excess of time others , accortlmmmg to the requiromnoimts of each. In such a way , ill time central deposit viI ho foummd thu lrOdUctions of every regloim of time earth , lhhmo lacillty with wlmlclm this alimiplo but . iimgonious Plasm can be carried mmmto etk'ct will be readily perceived and appreciated by all practical imiomi , and imioro O8JOCiiilly by tIm Engiialm , who its a mmatiosm ar. justly , or at least tifl now , have boom : _ justly regam-icd as a poopie eminently practical ammd little swayed by merely theoretical or sentinmontal roasonhmigs. The various governments of the earth have certainly mme eas ) task to perfurimm as timiimgs hOW stand ; with tim constant and over imicreasimig weight. of taxation , do. ficits ammd crowds of eniploycs to provide for. for.Lot Lot them then consider maturely time project I now lay before them , to put an CnI to time evils tlmat afflict humanity , amid adopt. a change wimicim. jim time brief space of a generation would transform society. To carry into effect the plasm by nio iniag. immed it will be mmecessnry that time various constituted authorities conic to a coiiimnom ummdorstanding aimmong themselves , mnoro especially withi regard to time disbandimig of the nunierous armed men smow mmdii- tamed in idleness by time useless industry of no niany timotmsaimds , Thits mmiay be effected - fectod iii time following niannor , By as- tablishimig a commtral poimit wimero each State or lCimigdomn nmny semmd a commtimmgommt of troops accotdiimg to tue poptmiatiomm of each respectively. 1mm suclm a way at least three fourths of the prosemmt armed force may be dispeimsed " " thmat withi-"Union makes strengtii"-so a few troops from eacim state would form a numerous and powerful army capable , whmon well mmd wisely directed of nmnimi- taming order and ummivorsal pence in time world-To this central poimmt it would be well to send from each state a stair of po. lice agents selected with c.tro front time subjects or citizens of cacim : and to avoid nmty possible rivalry or national suscopti. bulLy , a branch commtre should ke estab- hished in sonic coimvommient point of each of time live great divisions of time world.- In such a way time vast workshops of destruction may be closed , mmd time muon atrous engines of s1auimterbrokomi up amid time few solliers rcmmiaimming to guard time peace will lead a quiet amid pacific life. Thmemi may weoxclaim--Nomoro wan No mimoro soldierel No more destruction ! Long lire universal Peaao amid happiness toaill Once established time Colonies on time systemu by sue proposed , to what amid should states nmintaimm their cnormnomms armnhinents ? Whatever nmay be thought of immy project whether it be accepted or rejected , I at least claimn to ask one fa- your of those states timat possess foreign colonies , timat is , that in case they accept my project they make me some concession - sion or grant of mmmd necessary for the carrying out of my project. By adopting - ing time plan by nme proposed niankiimd may efFect a saving of at least two hundred - drod mmiilliards of francs a year ; one-third of which would fail to time portimn of Europe - rope in proportimmi to time population of each state. Of time humanitarian aspect of time question I forimear to speak ; as the adoptini of mny plan imimplies universal peaceand harmony , what imumbers of mm- happy beings would be saved froimi time hands of time executioner and becomut. honest amid virtues citizens and good and loving members of tlmoir families ! Those state wlmich for so long a time have enjoyed - joyed advantages front their colonial possessions - sessions , profiting by their wealth and resources , might I timijik have time generosity - osity to immake smie a grant of land which would ho the mmieamms of drawing closer the bonde of brotherhood between all imations. For this end I have appealed to time Govornnmcnt and have ave also published a letter in the ( ( Pmmugolo ) of Naples of time 28 July 1883 in which I urged my claim on the governsmment.-I have also written for the same purpose to time President - ident of the Chaniber of Deputies that he might inform H. M's Government ; and in fine I have written to several Minis- tom and Ambassadors of foreign states in ilonie begging them to communicate Immy views to their respective govermnonts- Btmt having' considered that in making such private appeals immuch waste of Limo immust inevitably ensue , I have at length detormimmod to make known to time pub. lie at large my views , in time firm conviction - tion that those in power , Governments , Presidents , Mayors , Tride Societies , and Administrators in general will at length seriously turn timeir attention to time irn- portanco of my project and lend a help. mmmg hand. to its actuation , so that this world which is not a prey to misery and desolation may soomi become an Eartaly Paradise and posterity may bless and re- vote our mneniory-In hopes of receiving a favourable answer. riOY4 wp. , ' ' R'i'YAE1IW AKlM0 POWDER Absolutely Pure 'rhis powder never vAries. A marvel of purity , strength and wholcomenoss. More economical than the ordiii.ry kind , , and cannot ho sold In competition wlththomuititudsi otluw test. short weight , alum or phosphite powders. HOIC only in cans. Royal flak. liw i'owiIr O8 w..mm st.t New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. MpeoIaia will Positively not be Inserted unless Datit In advance , 'to LOAi-Money. . ' ONilY TO WAN-The lowed rate. of Interest jyl. fleinl' Loan Ageiicy , 15th & Dougiss , 534.tt i I ONE TO LOAN-Call at Law otlice of P. L. lvi. 'thoiiI. room 8 , Crclghthn umoek. ' 1IIONY LOANIW-OnChittel mortglge , room 7 .LyI _ flebrask flhttonaI nan IC JiutIdlnmc. 184. It ii ( ONEY Tm ) LOAt.-J. T. Beatty oaRs on chattel : iL prosntv. 215 I4outh 14th St. sept16 - KELPWAWI'i1J. _ ' , - V iron , 1' , 0. IiiiuIru at L512 ini ejort , St. - ' ' TANTEI-A oo&i buy at the Fur stwo. 1 - ' TANTEl1-t 111611 YflO5 51,75 aiiI per day. , V Apply 11. MaiiiwclIer lit ) , St. near isriaiii. . sii-m : ecr , VimnhIt Onuka nith .4 good dwoliliig 110t140 a2itCO4Il1etO hmIIIlnmrs sail machinery for iaisizig m1urmkc 15.OiUJ. l'AUm , . si : & Cu , iZ''J ) Furnaui St. room 6. T4tNr1i : ) - uuud butciiur , one that taii iiuko lie. Iogis sat1aeU , wilt pny ; 'a'zo to ortIi limit ! . Address WILL , lIIttYZt'm , morill iRtitI Ncb. 5&d If I'TNTIii-1\vo remiatme him to tnlu orders , also , a good coilotr. I' . F. COiLii.it ilaiufa't. , urur 57 liarker block coricr l'arnan , anti hilt. 515 2i 1TANTIlI-Tso Scat class wagon ilrhers , must 1 1 toitio imeli tj.tintiemiil.t. gom.i marcs wIli itu I paid to goad mcii. JOB. OtIINtAU Ciackcr Cu. Infants and Children Without Morphlno or Narcotino. What gkes nimr Children rosy cimerks , Wimatcures their fevers , makes them sloop ; i 'Tl ( , , .torIn. . Thori flahles trot , and cry by turns , Whatcures theircolic , kIlls theIr worms hut Costorla , 'That qimlckly cures Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion : 11,11 Cmstorla. , Farewell then to Morphine Synips , Castor Oil and l'aregorle , anti hail ( iastnrl. Centaur Linimont.-&b. sointo euro for Rheumatism , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. , cmi sin inatsintanoons Patn..rdliover , A SOON TO MEN - - - - - - - - MI 1h4'CM tOrn IsIt-rts , , . , , , , .a i.r .1St , Sti . , Im , 5C.tvtj , 1 , ph.liI drsm.d , sci asbI. S. p'ti.tm life' . duties pro1ett , , can 's e.niIaI , .4 metmt asttr ur..d , Iioftth tnelI.t , , Ert4oreI MI&tt. , , an I tPi T5 W.fIeaI 'r.M , . . , . Ti , i. : . , .rIr.tm , ? rrTnft Tlqaltmtv. l'lp.ltl .56. . I , 6b.iI , 'ap.teI Pt ? 1Ii MA1CSTSIS ImIllV6. 5 , , . . . , , . . . . . . hopti. en .1 tin r.irsti.n , ram , sad per. r..e $ I.pt. , .ItI , . , e1.i'y , , I.I.I.L. 5553 , sr t-t , , . . 5 , i57IeIIr 5.t , . 'Auvrs" it'.Srtiy bth fl i. " 1St' . 1. . II.p. . . . " 1 , , i. mil.r ; : o . tc'r I , , urtf , ' , , , 4J tnr . - * rt.t. , , .t tl , , I , , e,1 , , , , ii I r ti , . Iteusroily , ' otycit. . ; - Gu1EE TIio' I m , i. , mirst ! , ' , l.nnt tIIt4 lntriiiit. , tliI , . , mn. c tIlIfli4 PtIeaIS , , , ( / ' ' ivy l5I ni.atInt , . ! ! .109' tipiIi t Ii , . , i iii' , e.ti , , I. S Im I. , iO.I tIt ' , , S i.i , I u liii , IInr4 III , . .lmii pmIimL : 1..l , : iY , Irt1t.iI I , , all liii I 01 tO Ii * it I. , mu. , ) ! r. , . , , , . I. , , , crtiIc . . , t.l' t . . . , . , , , , , , , , , , , .i . . im ri. V1trt , fl.q fr , ' I. ro % mlthout mod A. P OSITIVE Icitie. l'atcntc&lOc. tobor 10 , 16. One box lm'o. h wllicnroanycaoln four daysoric , . . No. 2 vIil cure the aimost obatlusto case nomatterof how long standtn. Allan's Soluble Mcdicakd b'ougies No nauseous doses of cubebe , copabis , or oil of pan. 513.1 wood , that era certain to produce dyspepsia by detrnying the coatingiol the stomach. Price $1 50. Sold by all dmti.ts , or mailed on receipt of iir1cc. For further particulars send for circular. P.O. Box iLh3. J. C. ALLAN CO , CURE 83 Ji.1 Street. New Ynik. flthi = tv1 iii i _ [ THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES J 'UIILiJMLiiLI ' SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! PItONOIJNOED BY EXPEItTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AND MACHINE SEWTNG. Full assortment corstnntly on ilntmd and for sale by HENRY FUHRMAN , Fremont , Neb. 1'TANTED- milan to thop omit trees out of & 0 I i ofgrounionCuniIumSt. , , inshlocity lImIt1 nEMIS , Agent 11th and Douglas St. 7&tf -S XTANTED-lnmncdmatcly. at thu Mclropomttaii S hotel , a flrst.ciass second cook. None other need apply. 584.11 - \ TtNTED-0irl for general housework , LII ) south S ? Cth street. 'I' , W. iliAD. 550.2 ; \T.tNTEU-A small girl to heipwamm tilltrs at the Enmnict hiuo. 577-50 . - \7AN.rEu-A good girl forgeicrallmouso , work In sniali fanilly. Aiii)1) at 420 N. 18th St. 577-21 -1 7'mNTliD-At once , live excriciccd , ro1IcItor V iailles or geitticitiemi to travel out deal with busiiicss inca. Address W. 0. flitANN , care flee. 571-2 ! ' , tSTEu-Iiumnedbtcmy , a gcod girl at . WI. TI corner 11th and Davenport. . 1T- ° ° ° t coat makers Immediately at y Mortenson's tailor slto1 , next to i'axtori hiotem. Lie. ' T4tNTED-litilttcdiateli good machiti 1st at Nov ci. , V ty Iron Work , , 115 , ii ? and 119 14th St.521ti - \ TANTEn-Two first clasI Jewelers , none hut V compctcnthands mired appiy. Inquire at El- IIOLM & ERICKSON. 507-1 1TANTmD-1.1y acnts to sell the best selling V 1 line of Ladies and Children's goods ever other. ed. Sales made in every house as fast as agents con show the goodS. Agent. are making $100 a month. Address , 'A itIm stamp , b. U. 31. Co. , 9 South May St. , Chicago. lii. 305.lm 1TANTED-1mmaIlateiy , six gooti tailors by 11. I 7 MeyerS , Tckanrnh , Nob. Stcaty work the en tireyear 450-mt 'i7ANTED-OIrl in a. faintly of tiv , . Inquire at vi , c. J.OANAN & to. sio.tt -Ui ANTED-Gooti girls br good mannuI , . . iest V V wages. Apply immediately at , employnient bureau 2i7 N. 10th St. No. office fee. 622.tt 'TANTED-SLx good coat makcrs Best of prices Yr paid. FRANKJ. ItAMUE , 732-ti SITUATIONS WAED. ) - $ V V vato manmllic' . . inquire at No. oem SEason St. ijetween 9th and moth St. 503-li . . ' TAN'11)-Smtuat1on ) as coile ii , a ; rirato famil V tmua zcrman girl slio apeakc mimgllemm. . \ , ices. I' . II. lice oflice. 500.21 TANTED-Situatiom , iy a flrst class nian cook vy either city or country. Aldrc , , N. F. KId's , Hotel , Council flluf1 is. 570-li ) , S1TtIATION.-Hy tirug clerk , sInglc \jANTn5) experience , Gerniai. At IireeCflt eni mlOSCt In 1)csliolnes , Iowa. Address 31. Duerseleim , 1. 0. hex 245 , r : Des Moines , Iowa. 533.5' MISCELLANEOUS WATh. NTFiApartnertitmmslmiammcopitauwlmi , , ersttialiyattettl , to sales to astociato hlitisclf with olie of the oldeet mamiufactiiriitg houbeS Of Ommia- ha , lixceilve trade aim staple good , . Atlircsm 1' . 0 , 1)o , IsSelty. 501-ti TANTEi-T ° rent barim room forono horse and % I.300m near corner 18th and } 'arIam. Ommiti Union Tea Co. 576-ti \TNTEl-F ° a custonier , U. cottage mitii I , near busince center. 510 3 SilitiVEil .t BELT , . . ' TANTII-A partlier wIth small capital in first. V class buslnes. tddres 'darnpsoii" lice oflici , 53951 roll RENT--liousos and Lots. tiT-Vurydeakahlofurni8iwrnflcar : ' ' ( ' , , iitl lilace , " ( thU or 2 gemits. i'ECK , oppu. smtt , I' . LI. 501-21 JIENT-Two ftmrttlsheti front room , with bay FOR anti hoard 603 N 17th 5. 517-35 itENl'-IIotise IlYsi roolmis oh cs1Itoi 11111 t0. Full p , DAVIS t CO. , 1505 i'arimanm St. 600-s 7'Omt it : rs mpmliio slat bm-ciig , count In lteiick's 1 block , l'y i'auiscn i Co. 150' ) Earmisimi St. , room ttrec , 506.2 F-OR nEmr-Tc a mmiarm antI idle without children , 4 chautberst-oncnienttor house keum.lnc , front anti a-earcntmaimce , hard amitl soft irster Oi9N. 17th St. 672-41 Fort ItENT.-A furnlshcd roonm suitable for gen. tleniaim , at lOuD } 'arnain lit , 655-21 fA1Oit IIENT-ilariter shop , good location , E U. .12 TITIJS,701 8. Iitbt4t. OuabaNeL , ata.ii : Foil ILENT-Two nicely furnished roomns-.iiigle orma suit , smIth ur wIthout hoard , inquIre at mail Dodgoatrcet , 583 25. 'ilOit iuiNv-'umiehd trout _ J. _ strest. 670-ti 70lt RENT -l'urtilshcd rooms 105 itorti , 15th St. ' 674-01 ltmNT-Furiilshal : roommm atid Itoarti modern Itnprociueiit. , 1Sl21)odio St. 570.65 71011 ltiicI'--Furnishe.l : roomas at 1010 Uavciiport I 675-21 ItENT-A loiio , of 3 rooms lids ecu 2itli anti Poll on CalifornIa St. 5ll.O l'cr montIL. Jiiquire CII N. 21 St. i' , .1 , ( itY.lii)0N 673.tf 'eli llliNT-Ts'o uufurmmishei front roon'ms wIth I closet. 17 itcr nostli. , lied north iTtim street anti Clark. IILNF--'l\so tiirnislteti room , at * 30O anti T : SIC icr mnt'iitm. ) Each room marge emiougmi for tao occupants. IOu IVebster street. 562.tf T'tOit imEh'I'-liousu ) f fire rooms , at 7i2 10th .11 street , betacuil Jones ama ! b'.ameimwortm. ) 550-fl lhiiNT-'l'wo iieaiy funtisitemi front rooms , FoIl closet , .uitahlo for tao gcttlumen , , No. ins Loaemnmoith street , betseen 11th amid 16th , north tdc. 551-3' ) 1UiNT--llou'o at S. ii. corner 10th and Psi. pmI streets. 552-I' 'f4'tOlt ltmiNT-Firot-eiau oomn smi board. 1513 .1 lIotartI Street. 553-If iil IIENT-liounmi , 022 southwest corner heart ! _ U out 15th. 652'45 F on RENT-A likely furnished nicovernoni , south exlostmro. Aho parlor , wiLls or without iorirtl. 'lhreo blocks front opera house. Addrcs "C. Ii. WI. " mmcc otilce. LOm-tf Joml lIiiNT-Furnihci , roomni anti hoard by the (10)or week at 117 N. I sib st , the iiousn former. oeeupici by Mr&Pay whohas been bought out by llrs.llottrchler. 5ml-iOf . .o1t 1tEN'F-Tvo furnished rooms wit ) . or ivithout board , S.V. . cor. 10th and i'arnani. 533-If FOR RENT-A eiegantfurnishcdrooin simitablo fee ta-c gentlemen. InquIre 2109 'Dodge St. 519 If Lo1t IIENT-A few fimrnisheti rooms shnglo and for .5. . light house keepingtempornrily SLi.Cimit in ileeni. er 8 block corner eight ammo Itowarit. 522-tf on RENT-Pheasant rooms , furnlsheti or not , as dc.'d , four blocks fronm opera houe. Apmtiy 1503arnani. 474-ti F fthiNT-A rurimisited dwelling corner howard and 14th. ltcimI$70. per month. 0. W. Iloman. 412-ti o LET-Furnished rosin , with board 1808 Call. T fornia St. 474-1mb. 1710i1 1IENT-New store In Toit'si block on Saun. _ j _ dera street. Good location for grocery store , butcher shop etc. Inquire at Peoples flank , Dodge St. 201.tf tiolt ItENT-Furctihcd rooms on the northwest .1. . cur. 13Ii and Capltoiavcnuo. 130-ti rton RENT-Itesidenoes and atorobuiiding6. lIED. .1. FORD & SOUEI1 , Reid Estate Agency. Office east slits 14th street , between Farnam and Douglas streets. 792-i ron LEASE-Four choice lots on 20th St. , beg .L time , 217 N , 16th St. .L L. Marble. 025-ti Fog SALE , -Uolt SALE-flhlliarti Tabbe-J. 31. BrunswIck - .j _ flalke Co's make , ' carom , , tandar,1 , izo , with cues- Cost f3cO , will sell for 8125 casib. DIg Bargain. Box 59 , } 'airfleli , N.h. 500-2k -Uoht SALE-Lease arnl furniture of a lonrdin .1. houo. Aldrcss , 'IL" Bee otBce. 564-3' TJ'OR SALE-A cottagohaut bet west side of street .1. . $1.700. Inquire at No. 822 south 18th St 515-11 -1-Joit SALE-Seyca splendid hots ileimbaughm .3. . 1)11cc. handsome cottage on Ceorgia Aenuo. Two story residence on Park Avcmtue tots , north Omahaoim monthly 1ayment. To exchange for city property : Fine lana in Iowa anti one near MUlard. t120.000 to loan oim real estate a000rlt3. soi-m SIihtlVEut&IIELL. ij"on SALE-Lots 15 and 10 b'ock 3 llanscomn .1. . r'lco on Park ave. , only 050. each. 517-ti McCAGUE , opposite P. 0. , - vc1h establIshed Brick business with JOltSAlE-A inacliiner3'and gruutmls. ( 614-ti McCAOTJE , odposltu 1' . 0. HALii-'lwo lots N.V. . corner ol 25th alit ! Foil St. Jniimlro , of FAholmn and Erickson. 487-ti SAIE-Cormcr hot in Shhin's , additien. FClI amo.ti SIcCAGUE , ( pptMSitO 1' . 0. 'Foil SATE-Ncw cottaio Iii good location , 3.OO0. 512-ti MciJAUUE , omiposito P. Ii. JOIt SALii-35 beau horse , , wagons , buggies und liarnese amid stables for rent at ! litiig raut stable , Coming St. 0. flhiitWIN , 312ti p1011 SALE-Ilouso 8 roommis , one-half bet , facing ' Jefferson square , 54.100. house 5 room , , near 17th and Casa $2,550 , 5610 down , balance 825 I er moonlit. Lot 30x18t1 , cloie to toa'im. $1,550. Bargains. 107-ti LOUNSIIUIIY & MARTIN. SAhE-A miuniber of mortgages , flrstchais so. Poll citrity. McCAOUE , 01,1)OSitO I' . 0. 510-ti it SAL1i-Two liorteblo boilers , 10 horse power Apply at I U. FflLt'ATIIIUK , 668-ti 218 South l5thmBtrcet. ; oim SALE-l1oue anti corner lot one Street cars at 51.700 , 513ti 3icCAOUEoptosRe P.O. TJoht SALE-Oood busbies , . chance. at 217 N. 16th .J _ street. J. L. 3IMIBLE 539-ti F 01 ! . SALE-At ahargain , a small Sioslor , flahmann anti Co'e fIre proof safe. Inquire at this otflce. _ , I-J'olt ' HALE-A Ilrst ciassi second hand top buggy , .5. Call at 1819 liarnOy street. . Oltt 1TANTEU-To buy Omaha Real Estate for Invos. 1 V tors Call on McCAUUE , opposite I' . 0. -U'olt HALIi-Kestdencm , and business propermy iii I all parts of Omaha , and Farm Lands hi all parts of the State. BEDFORD & 193-ti 213 S. 14th St. bet. Yarnazo and Douglas. ij'omt SALE-Olu newspapers iii large an email .1. quantitIes at this oilco. ii . -TJ.'olt S.fi1-Tlmr000r four reibdemico lots ( corners ) i Iii best location in city. 511-ti McCtGUih , opposite I' . 0. -T-o1t SALE Cit IIXCIIANOI-Fuli lot anti thee. .1' dwellIng , corner of 11th and l'acifto streets. Nine lots iii pooth Omnahit. Also 100 acres of land near Sauton , Nebraska , and buildIng ant stock of clothing No , 804 Tsnth street. Will exchange for Nebraska farm lands. Further particulars at Coo , 11. Potorsous Clothing Store , 804 Tenth street. 466-anti-tI MISCELLANEOUS , fl"ihhiltE will ho a select SIiirmtusl Circle held at J _ 1613 tililesgostruct , every Saturtia ) evening at S o e-ieek. Tao tlst-clas , iielitmms will be liresemit. ,4tisuission fOcents. 401-St -Iioli hlINT-Cottago , mearlai aol Clark streets , _ U tiC iler month. 'F. J. Fitzmorrls , 619 II. m7tliSt , . .l/rlu4 / _ B. ii , DAIOLEII , formerly on 13th St. ha , .1.51 now openrtl a boardimig house at 817 Iodge St. - mhrre she lisa several good rooms t' remit. 62u-21 takemm to a-Inter at tlto } 'air ( Iround , . fJOltSES MOUNT & tIIIIFFIN , 477.7 0111cc. 213 S. l4tlm street , EDWARD KUEHL , MOiSTER OF PALStYBTEILY AND C0NDlT1Of. MAST SO3Tenth.treatbctwcen Eamaum and 1j. . flex , will , aith the aid of guardian epirits , obtaho for rnno ott , a glrace of lb past and prseot. imim on certain comitiitlon , ii , the future , hoots auth eiioc mmutde to order , l'emicct .atlsisctlon guarmmmitee4. -Jo ,