Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1883, Image 4

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P:7 : :
THE Gigs A & DEE.
1 I : obtlehed every mrning , except Sunday , [ he
( e,1) Monday mornlog dolly ,
f RR11e tt YAU-
I tie Tear . , . , . . , , .tlaa I Three
Ito Montne , , , . , , . . 6,01 ; One Month..1. . . 1.00
( One T.IT. . . . , . . . .t1.00 Three Months..t to
BIx Months. , , . . . , . . 1.00 I Ono Itonlh. . . . . . . . . 0
Amerman ? ows Company SoleJ Agent ? ; Ncwydoal
i ere 1n the United States.
maararocDSxcR. ;
A CommunleAtlons relating t0 Nen , and Edltorlal
mtltershould be ddreted to the EDIIORerTI16
eCetxrsq LRtfl .0
All Bustnc Lttare and itemRhnccs should be
eddreestd toTns Ilex I'caueoisa ConrAxr , OMAHA ,
Dra1N , Chocke and I'oetoance orders to bo made pay
abh to the order of ttio eompany.
E , ROSEWATER , Editor ,
! roe lunar. or TnE st rnastr couar ,
JAates 1V. S/tvAOl ; ,
Douglas County.
C rot naOENTd TBE t.rett : uxn'aLgmTr ,
( Long Tenn. )
DA\TII ) lurrLI'III )
I'nwneo County ,
IAVII ) It , IA\1LL ,
Mattison County.
t , } ( Short Term. )
Franklin County ,
J. 11' . 1IEIutIT'r ,
Antolo o County.
Thnnlcegtving Pruclniii at Ion ,
"InIurthermtco of the mntom of this penile
nt the closing of each year , to engage upon a
day ect apart for that purpoao hr special fcgti
vat of pralsoto tire Giver of nil Goodtheroforo ,
I , Chester A. Arthur , Presldent of thoUnitod
Statee , do herebydo gnateTIi it day , tho2Otli
day of November next , as a day of nntlonal
tbankrgiving , for the year that is drawing to
' an end has been replete with
Ara evidence of dlvlno goodnosc , Am
provnllanco of health , the fullness of
the hnrvost , the stability of peace mud order ,
i the growth of fraternal feelin b e , the sprend e
intelligence mud teaming , tim continued on.
joyrnent of civil amid rollglnue liberty-nil
these nod countless other blassiugs al's Cause
for reverent rejoicing. 1 do , therefore , mean.
mend that on the day above appointed
Clio i eoplorest from their accustomed labors ,
i and ineoting tin theirsworal daces of worship ,
express their devout Rratitudo to Clod that Ho
Jias dealt 1)ouiitlluliy with this uatlun and
pray that Ills grace and favor abide with it
forever. Cits TEnA. AnTllllln ,
1're + ldcnt.
By F1nn. : T. EItELiXOtrYSEN ,
i . Secretary of State.
Two disgruntled l ) ettifoggcrs represent
trio opposition of the Douglas county bar
to .Judgo Savage.
i' ' NtaTHEIL Frank Walters or Pat Hawes
can deliver the workfngtnol's vote in
Omaha for lit. B. Itecso.
Mn.'REESU'8 judicial record-but on
second thoughts Mr. Rceso hoe none except -
copt as a poor railroad lawyer and a
prosecuting attorney.
bin. Cotny's noiglibore in Gage county
will bury him older such a mountain of
votes noxtTuesdaY that ho will hardly
know ho was running.
Tni paving iiid proposition must not
t be forgotten. Every veto tor the bonds
nneansa vote for the rapid prosecution of
public improvcmonts when spring opens.
. , JAMES W. SAVAOI : will emerge trf
nmphantly froth a canpaigu in t'1tich
slander line boon the only argument of
life enemies and personal abuse the chief
IN an editorial published in the Omaha
.M' t'8 in September , 1878 , the present
editor of the Republlean savagely do-
flounced Judge ltobertsen as the murderer -
or of Frank Welch. Mr. Cmwford's
friends think ho has a walkaway it his
q'nn workingmen of Omaha are not
fools. They have sense enough to un
dorstund that the men ivlto inspired thu
so-called Omaha riots nro working with
I ' all their might for M. B , ltooso , They
are not so blind as not to see that the
very attorneys who argued for the railroads -
roads before the grand jury are conduct-
, fug the Reese in
} campaign Douglas cout-
! L tyand attempting to stir up workingmen
against Judge Savage , The Thuratons
and Croenes' and Haves' and Walters
will probably find out that Omaha work-
1 , ingrnomi can remember at least a year
Tun rumor that Mr , fIacDonagh is to
take the place of Mr. Amnon et Tnn Dar
' ' has some logic for its suppott.-Rcpubll
I can.
No one kilOWS better than the .RcpuG
Mean who the successor of Mr. Annin i
to ho on THE BEE and no one knows bet
r ter.than the editor of the Rcpubffcru m
that that successor is Clot to bo Mr. Mac
Doagh , Wo suppose the intention o f
' the above paragraph was to woaket Mr.
MacDonagh's lively affidavit regardin 13
D1. B. Reese as a bilk by intimating tha t
it was purchased by the promise of eat
ploymeit o1 this paper. If this was th e
object of the Iicpubttcal its shot was a
i blank cartridge.
i PILIMAnlrq for the D angles Couint y
Anti-Monopoly convention , which win I
t ho hold in this city on Saturday , ha I
r boon called for tomorrow ( Friday ) after .
The late so called Faunora' and Work .
fngmet's convention was a fraud dm I
which the farmers of Douglas count y
took no part. Only one farmer wa
present. 'J'ho convention was run in th 0
nitoreat of a pack of shysters and bilk a
who wore trading on their supposed in
lluenco with time laboring classes.
It is to to give the honest Anl Mete
pollsfa of Douglas county an opportunit .
. to Voice their sentiments and to keep u1
I their organtzalion that the Anti Mo
nopoly convention has been called. N 0
candidates Tvihl be bled amid no asacas .
1 in enta t will be made on anYbodY boY0 d
I tire amounts necessary to print tickets
I u to be hoped that mho primaries win 1
Lew , d1 att m ded. 'Phis is not to o a
Backed convention , because trio pru naie a
x111 be ope11 and free.
f s 1
4 t.
to .a / .
/m li
(7E2 ? . SIf'R.IfAN'3 RWTIREAtENT.
The tetiremont of General Sherman
from the command of tire army , which
oveut took place yesterday , will long no.
main memorable in the military annala
of time country. By it the second of Limo
great figures of the war Toluitarily
leaves the stage of action and gives way
to the third and last , The history of
every war is more or loss the history of
the achievements of a foss' great coin.
maudes. Long after the details of time
gigantic struggles of twenty years ago
fade into misty recollection , the names
of Grant and Sherman and Sheridan will
ho remembered as thin moving spirits in
time co flict. Of the three , General Slier.
man , or "Unclo Billy , " as isle soldiers
preferred to call liim , was doubtless ,
personally the most popular , Bluff ,
hearty , direct and penetrating in style ,
with a strong individuality end great
force of character , he rondo many and
strong friendships in all ranks amid
conditions , Iris unassumimmg nlan-
hors , Limo absence of anything
like artificiality and life common sense
and direct manner of putting thungsj in
his conversation and speeches were the
chief charms of Gonernl SJtorman'a per
sonality whiclm added to his popularity.
IIo was time ranking officer of time entire
army withn none of tlmo disagreeable pccul-
iaritieswhicli so often attend high rank
and act as a barrier between the cirilian
and the military ,
Oenoral Slierman's retirement is noteworthy -
worthy on aiothor account , Ho was the
first ofliccr to be promnoted to the rank
of general of the army , The office was
created for Gonural Oraut in 1865 as aim
honorary rank. It was transferred to
General Sherman in 1800 in recognition
of his great services to the country , and
has expired with his tenure of olhice.
For fourteen years he has filled it with
credit to himself and to the satisfaction
of the people of the country , and lee lays
it aside to make room for another coin.
minder scarcely less ( listinguisbed ,
.Sivxr Di.izca sorDrER.s.
Time wholesale disbarring of pension
agents inWnahungLon by the Secretary of
the Interior will meat with general ap-
proval. Time crowd of pension shysters
which infests thin national capital have
been perpetrating enormous frauds upon
private citizens as well as upon the goy
ormmont. Mr. Teller has been on an investigating -
vestigating tour and has unearthed several -
oral of their peculiar devices witlm thmo
naves of a score or so of attorneys who
have been preying upon soldiers' widows.
The result is that time names of the
swindlers have been stricken from the
roll of practising attorneys ,
A very comnoi form pf cheating has
boon time "collection delivery" trick.
Having teamed the address of a soldier's
widow or daughter , a swindling pension
agent sends to her a circular saying that
she is entitled to a pension. llo sends
also a blank form for her signature , ers-
powering Inimn to prosecute her claim for
a pension before the department , After
further corrospondemico , intended to raise
time would bopensioner's lopes , time swindler -
dler sends liar a largo sealed envelope by
oxprossmnrkod "Collect on delivery , tea
dollars , " Overjoyed at tine thought of
receiving a 1 > .on51on , and believing the
important looking document to be the
pension certificate , the victim pays the
money and gets the package , only to
find in it the words : "Receivedour foes ,
i 10 , [ Signed ] Thioveshorald & Co , "
nether forni of the name swindle is to
ask for remittances of small sums from
time applicant at mnoderato intervals apart
and got a considerable amount out of ignorant -
norant people as long as they can be deluded -
luded into sending money in return for
flno promises.
The gang of pension sharks at Wash.
iugton have cost time government mfllfous
of dollars. Thousamdsof frauduleitpmn-
8f019 have uo doubt boon procured
through their efforts , People make application -
plication for pensiomms ems the assurance
of a , outs that they nro entitled to thou , ,
Whfle they know no claim to a Ieiision
cam be maintained by them , they accept
the plausible agent's statonemit of their
rights because they have seen equally
worthless cases successful , It is notorious -
rious that the lack of publicity of Line
pension lists makes fraud far easier than
it would be if time moos of all pensioners
ware freely advertised ,
DauiNa time present campaign the m'ail-
road organs have booms filled with "advice
to Anti-Monopolists. The producers of
this State who last year rolled up 17,000
votes for Anti-Monopoly candidates have
bean tinged to cone once moro trithin the
Republican ranks and to trust to the
pledges of the railroad managers that time
Republican party is at lust a thorough
convert to Anti Monopely prmimciplul.
Sono of time nest notorious editorial cap.
pore of time bmss eollared brigade have
oven ventured , with railroad approval , to
print occasional Anti Monopoly articles
in their columns as proof of their change
of heart and in the hope of sucurimig
enough votes from the producers of this
State toseeuru time election of the railroad
candidates ,
Tlme Anti bionopolists of Fobrasim will
s not be doctivod by this protetded friend.
ship , Timoy will not forgot that timemen
who now address then as "friends , "
- last year denounced them as "cranks
and idiots. " They know emouglm
. to know that all propositions of AntiMonopoly -
Monopoly from a party which is
) under tine control of the railroads nro
iiothtiug m ore titan flaunting lies , They
110011110 direction to see teat every railroad -
road attorney in time State is supporting
time candidacy of Mm B , ltoeso , and that
every iailroad organ is working tooth amid
meshl for his election , rlYhuro are time niun
who have enado railroad Republicaniarmi
a stench in the nostrils of ovary lmunost
voter in Nebraska ? Are Choy found sup.
porting James W. Savags ? On wh ichs
side are Church Ifowe , and Marquctto ,
and Gore , and Yost , and Laird , and
Thurston working ? For Judge Savage ?
Not ono of thorn , Every railroad striker ,
every packer of primaries and conven-
tiois , every attorney who holds his posi-
thou by reason of his ability to do dirty
political work , is shoulder to shoulder in
time contest for the success of the Republican
lican ticket.
In time face of these facts time Anti
Monopolists of Nebraska will refuse to
bo deceived by falseprotonsionnof friendship -
ship and bogus pledges of reform -
form , They have placed in nbmimi-
anon a candidate whonn they
can honestly and consistently support on
Limo broad grounds of character and ability -
ty , amid whose election will mean at once
the clovatiou of our Supreme Iiencli
from the mire of partisan politics , amid a
lesson to time railroad attorneys who con.
trol the Republican party , that the pee
pro hold in their hauls , through time hal
lot , an instrument of punishment for
politicians who fail to redeem their
pledges , and who ( late to control political
parties against the interests and in do-
Banco of the wishes of the 1)001)10. )
JW'IsrtR ,
Tut : Bun urges upon every voter In
Outahn time necessity of an early registrar
thorn. A failure to register will compel
every voter whose nnmo is not upon the
lists to swear in his vote at time 1)0118 ,
Title is always inconvenient , and ought
to be avoided , if possible. The now
registration law passed by the last legislature
laturo requires time registrars to make out
now lists , giving the name and residence
of voters , Ommthis account time old lists
are worthless , There can be no transfer
of hundreds of names from old to not. ,
as has been the custom of registration in
Omaha for m any years past. Every
voter who wishes to exorcise time franchise -
chise at the coining election must pemo
nally present himself before the registrar
of lifa voting precinct ,
In response to many personal requests ,
Till : Bsn has published time location' of. .
the registrars , so that its readers will not
be compelled to consult the land-bills
which are being circulated to giro the
mine information ,
Tnn Utah Connnissioners , in their report -
port to the Secretary of the Interior ,
claimn thattho enforcement of time present
law met within success at time into election
in excluding polygamists from the polls ,
They are of the gpiniomi that the discrimination -
nation between Mormons who practice
polygamy and those who do not will have
great weight , particularly with young
mmmoi who are ambitious , and therefore
not desirous of political ostracism , They
renew their recommendation of a , y ear
ago , that Congroas shall declare all future
marriages in the Territory void , unless
contracted aid evidenced in a legal man.
nor , to be designated. If Congress shall
fail to adopt suppressive measures at its
next session , time Coinnissiei will recom
mend time adoption of such consLltutional
amendments as may be necessary to ac-
conplisls the desired end , They claim
that ainco tune passage of time Edmnunds
act polygamous marriages lave decreased ,
though time coitr ary has boon assorted :
In a word , they advocate its retention ,
supplemented by a public marriage act of
safilcient stringency.
GENEtAL Mvrns was interviewed in
few York ou Tuesday by a J'iomccr
J'rem ; correspondent , IIo dummies all time
charges umdc against him by Vormilyo as
false in tote , amid characterizes the latter
as a liar and a coward. IIo says that in
his relations with Mrs. Vorniilye he has
never overstepped time bounds of propriety -
ty , and that time husband never charged
that lie did until she had begun mum action
for divorce.
To TIIANStrr more business this any
five judges iu time State , to have fewer
appeals takomi front his district , and to be
twice elected judge in a Republican district -
trict , is record enough for any candidate ,
And this is the solid basis upon which
Judge Swage's candidancy rests.
EVEnv voter shotdd see to it that his
) tame is on time regb tmtionliat , The law
requires a nuw list this year and a par.
sonal appearance before the registrar is
necessary iii order to ensure time right to
TIE Amiti-Monopolists of Douglas
county will refuse time tiaroring "words
of advice" front time Jniot Pacific organ.
Oil and water will not ink. ovoms in a
political souse ,
Croat Endeavors to Fintl a Jury on
ills Murder Case ,
Before.Judge 11'akeloy , in time district
court , tine trial of Edward Slmatto , for
time murder of Martin Knight , is waiting
time inspanelling of a jury. Shorii Dlil
let caumot summon a jury , lee having
been objected to as an iutorested party ,
because lw is to reeei vu a reward for the
capture of time prisommer , and so Acting
Coroner O'ltaurko Is endeavoring to
gather twelve coon together who lavu no
opinion in time matter amid are notop-
posed to capital punishment , no easy
timimig to do , .t special venire was issued
Wednesday mmd another ono yesterday ,
This murder w ae committed at Janes
Boem o's boarding ! souse , near 1Vitluseil's
brickyards , on time night of July 5th last ,
and was time result of a quarrel over some
trivial matter , About 8 mim the mmiorning
Shatto entered Kniht'a room amid beat
hun over the head with a climb and thou
ran out of time house. 1Vlmon minight
staggered to shut time dour , Simatto slmot
lmin ) in the stomach . Time mutilator
escaped but was afturwandecaptured near
St , Paul , Minn , , by ShmOritr 11liller , who
played detective adm irably ,
Important Letters to the Voters of
The Bar Almnost So11dvftr ( Williams ,
OpteiM Correspondence of Time Bar. .
FREMeNT , Oct , 29-Tiro Republican
candidate for Judge in this district was
hero last week and sent Col , Marshall ,
( who is unfortunately running on time
same ticket for District attoriloy ) , out
into time Western part of the district to
repair seine of the badly broken fences
and Imammer Iladca out of some of
time local engineers of time political mar
Col , Marshall is a fine gentleman , and
vere he not cruelly loaded down with
this railroad iron from Columbus , who
will sell out his best friend on earth to
"got th ere , " he would ho elected witlmout
doubt Marshall knows , however , what
to expect from this wily politician , wh o
used every underground wire to beat him
last spring when time friends of Marshall
were urging lmis claimns to time Governor
for nppontmnent 11Iarshall will got a
good vote hero at Homo , but Dodge
county will down Post hard. Post's
wispy-washy attitude in the Con bgression-
al camPaibm last fall has in ] ' urod liini serf-
ously ,
Thu Anti Monopoly combination is a
strong one , ns Williams aid Patterson are
both very popular with the bar hero amid
with all else who take an interest in this
part of the political programme , A strong
majority of time lawyers are in favor of
ousting the present ring of which Geo.
M. Post is time most dan Brous member ,
One of time lealin rtel lublicami lar eis
and manof time Ro p ublican oliticans
are su ) ortin the oositioi this ear to
ex ress their dissatisfaction witlm time
abameful manner in wlmich the olitics of
the district is mixed uI ) with time Jjudicial
business in this and other county seats ,
RmrunLICAN LA1vylir.
Correspondence of TIIE Bar.
DAVIn CITY , Nab , , October 80,1883-
A couple of lawyers who never hind acase
hi court in their lives have raisedin their
consummate boobyism and jaekasstical
idiocy , the weighty question as to Judge
Wilkens' ability as compared with the
distinguished abilities of the invincible
and infallible railroad sharp.
Judge Williams is in every sense of tine
word time peer of A.M. Post. Just where
the last umontioned gentleman acquired
his highly lauded character as a Judge , is
not definitely known. Ho has only been
on the bench a few months , and none of
his decisions have yet been passed on by
the Supreme Court. The fact of time
matter is that these qualification squawl-
ers are dealing in the thinnest kind of
wind , The loudest brayers are time cheek.
by-jowl johbers whose personal and pecuniary -
cuniary interests are linked with those of
Post and the royal Post family ,
The people of this county are almost
unaninnous for their home candidate.
Onl four omit of time seventeen members
of too Ro publican Central Committee can
be induced b atdtlmnder to een
edorso to rr ular Re ublican no inees
oir the judicial ticket.
As a last and desperate resort , the
soured and mgddoned supporters of an
otlicb-crazed want-to ba judge are swear-
fug vengeance on the local ticket hero in
Butler county , but it w3n't work.
Wlmeim time people are aroused as they
are on this vital quostiou as to whether
time voters or a political ring shall choose
their ofhicors. Time people will sustain
their sovereignty ,
Can time voters of time Fourth judiciary
district aflord to place this corporation
tool on the bench by their suflr'ages.
Time political a0fliations of Post in this
county arc enough to damn any moan in
the eyes of an lmemiest and observing
public. Ono of his main supporters is
that servile corporation capper , Arthur
J. Evans , tirlmo , in connection with E.
C Carnes , killed the three-cent passenger -
gor bill in time Sonata of 1881. The next
most anxious man for time elaction of A.
111. Post is a notorious character by the
mmuo of R.1fh Sibbett , wlio says "Post
must be elected " This man Sibbott has
an illegal claim of $3,0u pending in time
District court , taken up of appeal from
Limo commissioner's court. Sibbott opposed -
posed , abused and threatened Post until
the gentleman from Columbus spout a
day of feasting with him , when SibboQ
went forth as a warrior bold to battle for
his "benefactor , " whom ho suddenly discovered -
covered it unprofitable to cuss ,
If tlmore cot be any devise of slander ,
any malicious or false report trumped up
a inst the candidates Patterson or Wih
bans , it will be done. Trio ' teed to
watch carofull for anYthin 'des ) emte ,
A secret p lot ma bein ldared time
Poet rimp to slaughtter man wlio
stands iii their way. anf ; uaNuEn ,
O'Iay itul Tllfium ] ' .
O'Neil Tribune.
Times , O'Day is well kimow11 in this
caumty as a straightforward , honest and
ca able lav or id ammo who , if honored
b pa seat on the becim will reflect
credit oii the constitimenc whto elected
hinm. Ever vote cast for O'Du and
against Titrnn is a vote against tlmU iant
cor suckiim' theglife. .
) orations which are ' the
blood of time nation amid vote in
favor of time judiciary being independent -
pendent of any party organizatiomi ,
] IROAl1Y vs , COldlY.
FTcslm Itopubllcan Testhnony.
Norms Aummmtir , Neb „ October 23.-
Tlme falaohoods pablisliod by irresponsi
ble papas about Mr. Broatly'a profes-
siomal timid private character cal have no
elfoct in Neualui , county but to increase
leis mr ajority' . 11'o who have seen leis
character made iu these respects know it
to be abmvo ru ) roach ; amid such nmli
cious brazen ant untruthful attacks designed -
signed to drift time issue into a personal
ono must Inavo a tendency to give Mr.
Droady the votes of all lmonest umipur
chuablo voters who knot. Imiui ) ve11 ,
John L , Carson , W. H. Crandall ,
It , S , lfamaford , Jolnm Frerichs ,
0 , F , Stewart , Gooigu Fablinger ,
A. H. Gilmore ,
Those mute nmmes of time very representative
tativo Ro ) ublicmma of Nomalma county ,
four of tlmunt live in Auburn mind are
eountyseat remmiovers , but moots of souse
wino cannot be blinded by n trick of pa-
IitIcal hacks , Mr. Cibnoro lmas been
county treasurer ; Ifibliiiger is the pres.
oat Gurinmm representative mu the Lu is-
laturo ; Frerichs is an ex-representative ;
Crandall is a leading citizen of Auburn ;
hlanaford is an old farmer whom orery
bat res recta and has cotbdeuo in Mr.
Carson amid Dr , Stewart need no intro-
- - - - -
duction to the poopto of Nebraska , Do
not be docieved 1) Colb 's subsidized
' ) apors , Ono thousand Rep ublicans will
indorse Broad' at the lls iii NemahA
county ,
A Contrntlfctlon.
To the Editor of Pita liar ,
The following , amommgat time specials of
time 80th in The Onmalia Republican , is so
preposterous and 1)mzingly false as to
demand at least n contradiction :
The people's mass Democratic Anti-
Mono of unt' convention ] veld to-do
storm noun
was a resultin in time
ination of a ve weaktickets Time Broad
element was snowed under nnnd time con
veitiom adjourned withmout ondoraing
him , The Broady forged letter , pub.
lishud in The Brown illo Republican on
Saturday , is raising havoc with Broady
in Neinaha county , Outside of Brown.
villa and Peru he wall not carry a single
precinct in time county ,
Timis is palmed as aim incidental item of
news , but is , in reality , the stab of a
sneak at lIon..1. If , Broady , mid utterly
devoid of tratlm. The convention alluded
to was not stormy , but exceedingly liar-
nionieusandwhiloasaRopublicam , l think
the ticket there nominated was a weak
one , time truth is it is a strong one , with
perlmaps ono or two exceptions , Brondy
was not snowed under ; far from it , for a
resolution endorsing him could have been
, passed unaniunously , and would have
been , Ind it beet thou ht best
to ( nave done it. A ver In ge
number of old-time Ro ublicans are Mr ,
Broad 's main friends and su orters
and itywas deemed best to not take ai
chances of incurrhm g disafiectioi in
amongst then , Mr. B. is well enough in
this county as he is , beyond question , all
over tine district , withoutfurther immdorso-
anent by conventions. That "forr9ery" is
simply a miserable little lie-a pieta of
tire aauo material that time drowning des.
potato Colby crowd are rising to suppress
time Broady cyclone that is sweeping ] udi-
cfal district the first.
Now , speaking of "indorsements"and
snowed under , and so on , we would
enquire of Mr , Clmurcln Hove , probably
tine author of tire above dispatch , how it
was that tire Republican convention last
Saturday did not indorse Mr. Colbyl I
calm toll you , Mr. Editor. Simply because -
cause Mr. Broady had mote friends
in that convention than liad Mr ,
Colby , and they dared not
to try it , and Howe , who had been very
desirous for such a resolution , was coin-
pelled to be content with time throe al-
loRed cheersr Proposed and rendered i n
an agonized howl in a corner of time hall ,
where Howe had by special effort packed
a small Colby crowd. It was not deemed
prudent to offer resolution. to indorse
Colby , or most aura it would have boon
As to the number of precincts Mr.
Broady will carry in this county , he will
carry time whole thirteen-remember the
wnrds of time dispatch and ours-Broady
will carry all of them mid win tire county
by 800 majority. Aueumn.
Tile removal of buildings from St. Ilelena to
Hartfngton ] mss commenced ,
The German ladies of T incoln lmavo organ.
ized a benevoloutassociation.
Davis & Itost ovmct , to be pork packing in
Ord next month. Time necessary buildings are
going imp.
A now Congregational church is to be built
in Lincoln. It is ] toped to get the foundation
in this fall.
Walter Staley , a Lincoln boy of 9 years ,
hind his skull crushed by time kick of a horse
last Sunday evening.
Tire Plattsmouth Herald says candidly : "If
thorn ismmpaperthatcanmake more blunders
iii its makeup than tlmis it is entitled to time
floor. "
The Sioux City amid Pacific is adding four
stalls to its round house at Norfolk , and there
is talk that time companywill put a repair shop
The monthly payroll of time Union Pacific
railway company nt Nortlm Platte is nearly
W0,000. 'liat payroll is the life of North
A flock of 17,000 sheep is being driven front
Now Mexico to winter near Tremont. Tlmree
thousand tons of hay have been put np for
them to nibble at.
Time deputy sheriff of Adams county has
idanted iii the perm two young men , aged r0
spectively 17 and 19 years , sentenced three
years for horse stealing , Young in years , but
old in crime.
Fremont Herald : The itowspaper accounts
of time Blair Bridge opening mire almost all
verbatim co ies of each other. Jviulontly :
somne genius furnished the brains for the cn
tire force. The iren may be mightlerthan time
sword , but it cant begin with the scissors.
Undertho management of Mr. It , D Steps ,
of David ( 'ity , a grand shootln8 tournament ,
open to time world , and offering $2,500 in
Tmrses , will be held at Seward , Nab. , Novem-
bur 7. S aid 9. Crack opportmdtles will bo
ofrered at 3,0001ive pwoons , 5,000 glass balls
and 5,000 clay pigeons ,
The South Auburn postm aster amid life assistant -
sistant distinguished tliomsoh es as pugilists.
A gentleman objected ! to time way In which
they conducted time 1)ast0ffCe , and as a natural
result of the quarrel. trio assistant postmaster
struck the grumbler for calling htnm a liar.
'limo avsistant lit Kato him quite lively and time
postmaster finished time job witlm a drag out.
The Plattsmnuth Ilerald says the people of
time precincts mljoinlngthe timber skirting time
Platte and Missouri rivems Ima o concluded to
hunt down aid clear stmt time wolves which lu-
fost the jungle skirting time streams of the
comity. Those woles Imave been a source of
annoyance to the farmers all Elie past summ er
iu destroying Plgs , lambs mmd uwnltmy ,
Noruman Casicr was on trial at Wilber for
bigamy , liis second mariago being with the
WidovDarday , of Primed. Caslers legal
in fo united whim her husband In swoaringthat
they Intl never been legally married , and so
Caster was acquitted , It Is generallyboPovad
that Casler's wife crucified lion conscience to
save the fatlmer of lion cldldrou tromn eondonm
nation a a felon , andupoa the premise to return -
turn to hut ,
Tine Crete Standard Is bnforniod of a sad
rise in Brush Creek , ton role west of 1Vllbur.
Mr. Blghtmanthad a family o eigimt cklldron ,
tangInq from l0 years down to a. Saturday
nlglmt time doctor was called in , ono child had
Leon buried , one died while Imo was tlmere , two
more died before Tuesday , unakimiq five of the
family in four doys , Three of tine children
the doctor was called In in time to save ( noun
that dreadful scoumxo , dipldhenia
RpE r amgRk
a1) , ) ,
l 11
- a"
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , S hiatica ,
Lumbago , eackadie. Headache , Tool ache ,
9ui eTIivuI 1. N" rillua.:1p1 : nlu. , Mimi Ieee ,
Ilur" . . Neu..m , Eru.t llltr. ,
AID ILL OTIIIII aenILT t'muis Aan Allmra.
Umre.n.I. ml 4.u1u.1a
u. . . TiiE . . . ti rilaflLEalA. ylaadtlwrt CA.r,0.l ,
Dry Goods/ !
' 9
Washington Avenue anti Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO
Wholesale Grocers 0
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco ,
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Steam Packing at wholesale and rolail , HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURUH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
} Shillg1e , PcKe1 ! t
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Tr > I ] TIHOLD 9
t t t
Sic'lights ka Thirteenth Street Neb
Manufactured bY the Omaha Dry HoP Yeast Co , - -
trt4yi ,
i .
s r
Carriaae , BugesRoadVagnus ! \ f
isl0 and 1320 Harney Street and' 103 S , 18th Street , . - 11f
nstrate8 CnMtocuo bun ls hed tree tmnn nnnltcatisn 3A NEB
A l
f 1
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from 6
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Pro ess , Nebraska Wyoming and
Lclq ' O ar
On Long Time--Small PaYments. i
. A1 lloso Jr \
isro nnnnR qn c
A. : ri
Buios Curios lli r1ll
ttyBepoeltory h eonetaatiy SAted with a , eloctatocic. lint Workmanship guaranteed ,
Office and factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenuer Qmama. .