Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1883, Image 3

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    _ . _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - _ - . , _
- - - - - - - - - ---w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - : : : : * r- ; ; : r - t--- - - ' " - - - - , . ' . -
I - - _ - - - , _ _ _ - - - - : L'Jti IA1Y BEUMd , FitIDAP , OJflER 2 , t. _ _ _ _
The Aebrash' Mational Cank
, " . atd tTp Ca1ta1 - - - .oooo
\ liurplus Fund , Map 1 , 1883 iooe
\ ft. JOiso ) : } : , r'teh1en , ot Steele , .lohngon & ( i'
A. . ToUzAJtlco ! 1'rcidnt of Boeton.
Y , V. tons ; of W. V. Morse & Co.
JOIfN S. COLL1Z'S , of & J. S. Collin , .
3. f. WOOtWORTI1 Couwielo , and Attorney at Lw
Ii. S. RE0 , of Byron Reed & Co.
IT. V. YATES , , : 3OF8 CMblCr of the
flret N&t1nz1 Bank of Oanahi.
¶ Tlile B.nk opened for butneu ArfI 2 ? , ISS2.
t 1 ho dItoctof5 ant etockhofJ xo among the Ieftd.
tn busInot of Omaiia , ant It buIncs I conducted
. , % Sfth cpecLt reference the best and Increceing In
tcrct4 of Its 1nerntflo patrone.
ColIectIon recotvo Prompt Attention fl1 chrgu
Iowet obtaInable heN or elsewhere.
1ntetot Miowed on tfme deposite upon fvot&bI
terrn.s ftnd upon eccounta of banks and b&nkere.
Foretu chinge , Oovernmenfl nd &nd Countv
and City SecuritIes boueht and old
Council E1uff Loan and.
l. Titt Company.
. . I'ir'4t MrtRe fians Notlated. Cnnunerclal
I'.sfer anti all ( oo4 Securities dolt I ? ) . 3 , ' ) l'08r1
etreet , alit ! &O6 l'irst ftentte , Council I3lutT.
, . NEW YOlH , uvembor 1.
Moiioy-Ety t 2t3 per cent , closing at
per cent.
Prime 1'pcr-67 per cent.
alf 9 lxchango BlUe-Dull at 4,814 ; demand ,
( ovotnment.-Lower.
St , ck POCI11atfon shows a decided move.
nient in ntthor directIon Tim bulb
ntnl bears conm to bo awaiting the movement
or each other , and as there has been no pool.
tivo tleiituinstratiou , there have bccio no sig.
nific.mot cliangos. Prices re a fraction lower
thaim at the clOSe last smiglib. ortiiern Pacific
mold up to 29 , ! for ctmnrnon anti fl-Ui for irc.
fevred , nit the announcement that the gov.
ernuicist had ortlcrcd the transportation of
time Oregon ammd Britbh Columbia snails over
the Nortern l'acilic Ihirs. Thb , it is statel ,
vouId add over 'OOOOO to the receipts of the
The Evening 1iot say $ : "Four times a
munch stock is befog withdrawn from the
otreot mt comes into it from invc3toro , atid the
actual sUfjl 5)1 ( lividend paying sto1 in the
street is being otcaihily dimninishieti. This fact
will mimalc itohf npmarcnb whenever there is
another attemmpt , to cover an outstanding short
interest. "
3' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OO
4'8 COUI)005. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144
4's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121i' '
Iacific 6's of 't5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13O
AmerIcan E' preos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
BurL , Ccdr Rapids & Northern 81
Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Ch. , Burl. & Qulncy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do pid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Fort Wayne & Chiimgo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 %
Hannibal & St. Jeeph. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do do pith. . . . . . . . . . . 1-88
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129.
eIntl. . , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 120J
Kansas & Tcxa.i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Lake Shore Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 98
' / Nichigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NilItloanEdis & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
. do do do rfd. . . . . . . . 42 %
Mssourm Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J4
Lortloeom l'aeific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
do do M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f33
Notthvestcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
: New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
do do pd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-00
L Poosia. Decatur & Evanavillo. . . . . . . . 14
-4 rk Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
r' s. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
' \ ' do (10 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 116'
St. l'muil , Mba. & Mathtoba. . . . . . . . 10T
\ St. I'aul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . J5
Texas Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
st. L. l'aciflo. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . .
Wtmstorn Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . .
CHICAGO. , November 1. - flour - Quiet
nut unchanged : common to ciiolco cping
wheat. 3c3c ; ; Minnesota , 3@4c ; bakers ,
45c , patents 0j7c ; winter wheat flour
&uthern and HBSOUI1 , 4@5c , Michigan ,
SViaoat-lomnnd active and strong ; opened
weak nisti Iover. and choseti firm at outside
voIces ; 'J3c for November ; 95@03Ic for Do.
comber ; t)09fjo ) for January ; 1 03 for May ;
? u. 2 spring , 'J3@O3Ac ; No. 3 spring , 8Ie ;
No. 2 rod winter , 'J91 01.
Coin-Firmer and in Improved doinanl aml
higher ; i7@4u1o for cash anti Novenober ;
49c for December ; 4G40c for the year ;
4tAC ; for .Tanuary ; 4Sc for May.
Oats-Quiet ; cahm easIcr others unchanged ;
2T'c ' for cash ; 27c for Iovornbcr ; 28c ! for
] ) occmber ; 27o for the year ; 28@2c for
Jnnunry ; 31@31c for May.
Itye-QLliot at 55c.
Barley-Quiet at 60c.
Flax Seed-Steady at 1 37 % .
Timothy-Weak and a shnae Iowci ; prime ,
1 30 ; high grade to choice , 1 311 33 ; corn mon
tO gJOd , but dark , 1 23t 28.
l'ork-Actlye firm amul holmor ; 10 25Jl0 30
for cash : 10 22L10 25 for November ; 10 32&
@ 1035 for December ; 1022@J025 for the
'year ; 11 1211 15 for January ; 11 251l 27
br February.
I Lard-Moderately active and higher ; 7 22& &
( T 25 for cash1 7 207 22 November ; 7 22
( lh' 25 for December ; 7 177 20 for the year ;
7 : ; 0f7 ; 32 for January ; 7 407 42 for Fob.
mary' .
Itulle Meiots-In fair demand ; shoulders ,
4 75 ; short ribs , 6 65 ; short dear , 6 70.
Butter-Qufeb and unchtammgei ; fair to fancy
creamery. 21@20c ; good to fancy dairy , 14.
} gs-1n fair demand at 2-f@25c.
\Yhtsky-1orez at 1 15.
C.tLr.1oAnn-Wbt-Ja geol dsmsnd ; ad.
vammced o for Novembet and for 1)ecemnber ;
declined : ic for Januaryand o for May.
G.m-In fair demand ; advanced o for
Zovcmber , December nd the year , and c for
Oatsm-In fair demand ; advanced jo for
.Tasmiuary , 140 lOt May.
I'ork-flemamul active ; Sc higher for No.
'emnber and lecesnber ; advanced 2o for the
year and February.
Lartl-1n qoo(1 dasnaud ; advanced 2c for
Iovember , the yeas January and February.
On Oalh-Sles oi regular wheat , 1,400,000
bu ; corn , 305,000 boo ; oats , 130,000 bu ; pork ,
13,000 barrels ; lard , 0,750 tferces.
Cheeee--Markot steady ; choice full o.un
cheddars , 1l(12c ; cholcel full cream tints ,
12412c ; good part .ldm choddarms and flats ,
7l8o until skims , 2@4c.
hides-Unchanged ; green ialt cured light ,
Re ; green salt hosy , 8c ; green salt damnagod ,
6.een ; saI caf , 110 ; dry salt , lie , dry calf ,
' Tallow-No. 1 , 71c ; No 2 , 6c ; cake , 8c.
.a ( ( , MII.WAUKEIC.
- Mlr.wAuieoN , November 1.-Wheat-Mar.
ket quiet ; 92e ( to. November ; 95c for ] ) e.
ecoinber ; tHe for January.
Corn-Scarce 311(1 firm ; No , 2 , Sllc.
1tarley-uIet ; No. 2 , fl0c.
ToLmno ' Noomnbem' 1.-Wheat-Quiet and
Sieady ; N'o. 2 red cash , 1 02@1 O5.
Corn-Dull and lower ; mixed , 5c ; o. 2 ,
'asIi , 50e. .
Oat.-1)uhl and moorabtal ; No. 2 cash ammd
Noyernter , 29c.
CINOINATI. ! November 1.-Wheat-Mar.
ket stronger ; No , 2 , rod winter , I clj1 05 for
Corn-Weaker at 49o
Osts-Steasly st 8O.
1ye-Steady and unrhnged at t.SjSSe.
l'ork-\Veak at 11 OOQ)11 ) 2.
1.artl-Firmncr tot 7 201T 25.
Bulk Meats-Quiet amut unchanged.
WhIsky-Actlvonnd firm at 1 13.
flEW 0fltIANS.
NEW OntlA , November 1.-Corn-En.
shot ; tmi1xd , Ole ; yellow , 62c.
Oats-i'irinor at 3S@39.
l'ork-lllghcr at Il SO.
Corn Meal-Scarce atirl fit-mis at 2 I'IO2 75.
Lard-Stondy tierce , S 00 ; keg , 8 62.
Ililk Meots-in fair ( lemanti.
'sVhmisky-Stoady and unehaugeti.
tsr. 1.0913 ruOPUCIC.
Sr. LOula Novoammbor 1.--Wlioat-3lnrkot
lower amiti ? airly active : No. 2 roil , 'J9c(7t (
1 O0 for cash ; ft9.'c October and Navembor ;
1 O1 forlocommmbor No. 3 mcdl , 0l@t'5'c. '
Corn-Lower anti elo 42SJ 43o for casio ;
I2c for November ; 411c for 1)ocemnber. )
Oats-Lower aimmi slow ; 2fiItI2G'o for casio ;
20 ° c for for November ; 2Tc , for December.
] larhoy-tOc.
Ilutter-Firm ; dairy , 1S2 Ic ; creamery , 25
@ 29c.
Edgs-1lotter ; 19c.
} 'larsoed-l 33.
lTay-l'rairio , 9 50tt ; 00 ; thmmootimy , 11 OO ©
Corn Moal-2 20.
Cm.osio IIOAII-WhOtot-I.Ower and weak :
1 00 himl for November ; 1 02 for Decent.
her ; 1 01 for January.
Corn-Firmer : .13o bid for November ; 4Ujc
for ] ) eecmmtber , the year and January.
Oats-Dull at 20o for November nod year.
raonlA i'nonucr.
PmoonIA , November 1.-Corn-Finn and
Inativo ; high mixed , 47@18c ; No. 2 mIxed ,
Oath-Active anti firma ; No. 2 white 3Oj
Whmishy-Firno ; $1 15.
LIvnnrooL , Novonmbcr 1.-Breadstufls-
Wheat-Winter , Ss O&l@Os ; spring , 8sSs
Corn-Sc 2d.
ICANSAM CITV Novomnoor 1.-Wheat--STar.
kot ntmomiger : o. 2 red fall , 83c for casio ; 83
( d83c for December ; 88c bid for the year ; SGc
for .1 arnmary.
Corn-Quiet : 37c asked for casio ; SSe for
November ammo ! the year ; 33c bid for , lztn.
Oats-Firmer at 23c for cash.
Nicw YonK , Novoumbor -Wheat-Cashm ,
steady aimmi umichmunged , options opened tl2c
lower , advanced ( j1jc , closing firm : ungraded
rod. 98c@1 12 ; No. 4 rotI , tltTat12c ) ; No. 3 red ,
1 01@1 02 : No , 2 rod , 1 091 12 % .
Corn-Casio ® c higher , optiins opened ,
@e lower. alvanceIl @ 1c , closimig strong ;
ungraded , b3Sj5Gc ; No. 2 , 5V@STic. (
Oats-Fairly active nnd hmiglnr , ; mixed wes.
tern , 32Gi2Sc ; white , 37@42c.
1g\rcstermm fresh , firm and in good do.
Pork-Duhluow ; incas , 11 506ll fi2.
Lard-Firm ; prime steam , 7 70.
llutter-Demnammd fair amid nmarket firm at
BALTIMORE , November 1.-Wheat-Wes.
tern , fairly ncti'.e and firm : No. 2 whiter rod ,
cash : umd November ; 1 01@1 05.
Corzm-\\Testerim , dish and firm ; mixed ,
casio and November , S5@SUe.
Oats-Dmill and eay ; western white , 31@
Rye-Quiet ammo ! steady.
l3utter-Firmn : choice western packed , lO ®
20c ; creamery , 20@28c. .
Eggs-Scarce anti firm at 27@22c.
Whisky-Steady at 1 18tj1 18. .
CHICAGO , November 1.-TIme Drovers' Jour.
nal reportatlois afternoon as follows :
1rOS-strOmmger ; good heavy bc higher.
packizog , 4 l0@4 40 ; packing and m.htipimmg ,
4 50@5 00 ; light , 4 35@4 90 ; skips , 00j4 00.
Cattle-Brisk on good , dull on common ;
exports , 6 257 00 ; good to choice shipping ,
5 40G ( 10 ; common to medium , 4 0O5 30 ;
inferior tO fair cows , 2 O0@3 00 ; mnedhun to
good , 3 103 65 ; stockers , 3 O0L3 65 ; feed.
ems 3 7St4 20 ; range cattle , steady ; 417 Col.
orados , 1,280 lbs. , 5 05 ; 453 Wyoming , 1,300
Ibis. 5 05 ; 337 grmiss Texans , 890 lbs. , 3 75.
Sheep-Active amid steady ; inferior to fair ,
2 OOQ3 00 ier cwt. ; mnedhun to good , 3 GO ®
3 50 ; chooce to extra. 4 0O@4 60 ; lambs ,
per head , 1 OO@3 25 ; Texas sheep , 2 25@3 50.
ST. Louis , November 1.-Cattle-Best
grades wanted arid firm ; low qualities less
active but taken imi the absence of others ; ox-
jmort4 Ci OOfi 40 ; good to choice shipping ,
5 ro@o 00 ; medium to fair , 4 7S@-5 25 ; coIn.
mori , 4 OO@4 SO ; 'l'exaus , 3 254 10 ; Indians ,
3 5O@4 25.
Sheep-thood gmadei firm and wanted ; corn-
mon slow ; fair to good mnuttons , 3 403 75 ;
PriIie , 3 8O4 00 ; Texans , 2 5O@3 50.
KANSAS Czxr , November 1.-The DahIy1In.
dicator reports :
Cattle-Steady for good gramles ; lower for
lIO5-1irI1iOr at 4 254 35.
Sheep-Steady ; natives , :3 : 35.
rLOUU Mil ) GRAiN.
CHICAGO , Novemimbor 1.-Ilocoipta and ship.
nienti of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
have boon as follows :
ROCeiItS. ShIp'ts.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 10,000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 88,000 39,000 , buahiolis. . . . . . . . . . . . 119,000 291,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 183,000 125,000
Rye , busheLs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 11,000
Barley , busheLs. . . . . . . . . . 65,000 43,000
NEw YORK , November 1.-Receipts amid
h1pmnontoi flour amid grain for the ) ast 24 hours
have boon mum follows :
JlecoIts Ship'ta.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 112,000 , 69,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 105,500 40,000
Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 41,000 110,000
KANSAS Cir November 1.-ReceIpts and
almipruents of grain for the past 24 hours have
boon as follows :
Receipts. Shiip'ts ,
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 17,000 211,000
Corn bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 7,000
ChICAGo , November I.Itecoipte and ship.
mouta of hive stock fur the past 24 hours have
boon moe follows ;
Receipts. ShIp't8.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 , . . .
KA'5AS Cir , November 1.-Itecelpta mind
shipments of live stock for the 4 buurs
have been as follows :
1t6001919. 13h1p'ts ,
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,900
hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,800
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 ,
ST. Louis , November 1.-itecelpte and ship-
rnent8 of live stock for the past 24 hound baye
boon as follows :
Itecaipt , . Shlp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isoo 400
I3lieep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 900
lVboiemsalo Pricee.
( JuuicE or Tnt : OMAHA BEll.
Thursday Evening , November 1.
Time following prices are chiargodrotaihars
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission moor.
chants , with the exco1)tlon of graumi , which Is
quoted at the p1css furnishoti by the elevators
and other local buyum-s :
G rat mm.
WmneT-Cashi No. 2 , TSc ; No. 3 , GSc.
] No. 2ISo. .
] tYE-Cashi No. 3 3Jc.
CORN-No. 2 , 32c.
OATh-No. 2 , 25c.
IjiYO Stock.
FAT ArExrno-Quiet at 3 SO125.
FAT Cows-S OO3 15.
Jloos-1 OOI 35.
Smnocr-Fina at 3 00.3 50.
CALvius-Fair quality 4 5O5 O0fgood butch.
arms' stock , 6 00.
Phftmr tint ! Millstufl .
WIWFER Wiis.&i-Bemt quality , patcntat
- - - - - - -
- -
SEcONI ) QUALITT-3 0O3 40.
SPIIINGVitr..at13cst quality , 1Mmit , at
3 hO@3 60.
Sr.coNn QVALrrT-2 80Q3 ; SO.
BRAS-53c ir cwt.
Citorrr.n FKEI-Pcr 100 lbs.
Coax MEAL-i OO1 10 icr cwt
ScRERNINQ-GO70o Per ew
Slorimmn ummsvnsimed , light 14tfic : heavy ,
13l5c ; tmiemliumn timiwmmshmed , light , l8 i2Oc ;
washed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub mimmil wooshood ,
28c ; barry , bhzs'.k amid cottod woof , 20J0O
Grocers List.
CANan 0 oo-Oystcra ( Stamidard ) , or
case , 3 7O53 90 ; strMvbOrrIos , 2 Ii , , pr case ,
2 lO raspberries , 2 1 ! , , 1 ° ° case , 2 80 ; Bartlett
Pearm P'- ' ° case , 2 40 ; whortloberrlc.q , lxr case ,
2 75 ; egg imlums , 2 Tb , per case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 11 , , Isor case , 2 'JO ; do choice , 3 II , , per
case , 4 50 ; ld110 apiolco , 2 Ui , per case , 4 805j
5 50.
bra-Sisal , inch nail larger , 10c ,
10c ; 4 Imichm , ilic.
C.tNnr.mca-Thxe.s , 40 ibs , lOs , iSo ; 8s , lSc ;
boxes 40 Ibs , IC , , iz. , ti , iSo.
MATCIIKS-l'cr caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
1 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SUUAI1S-l'owdorod , lOc ; cut loaf , be ;
granulated , 9o ; confectioners' A , Oc ; Stanol-
arti extra C , Sic ; extra C , Sc ; mnedluon yellow -
low , 7c ; ( lark yellOW , lie.
C0PFEF.o-Orthinary grades , iO@l1c ; fair 12
@ 12c ; goool , 11@13c ; union , i2412tc ; choice
13@14c ; faneygroomi anol yellow , 1415c ; old
government .Tmwa , 20@20c ; JeeiImmg's roasted ,
1-1c : Arbuckle's roasted , 17e ; Mchaughmlin's
xxxx roasted , 17.c ; imnitatiomo Java , 16
® 181c.
ItICE-Loimisiamma pno to choice , Ic ; fair
6c l'atmna , 6c.
lismt-Nm 1 mackerel , half brIe. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , .dts , 1 15 ; foummlhy mimackorel , lmnlf
brIe. , 6 00 ; family immackerol , kits , OSc ; No. 1
white fish , half brhs. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits 1 05.
Svnur-Standard Coin. , 35o , bob ; tano1arl
do , 4 gallon kegs 1 83 ; Stmumdard do , 4 gahiomi
kozs , 1 110.
ou.i-Imi lb papers , 3 30 P0rc050 ; kegmer Ib ,
Pictts-MedInrn , in barrels , 7 00 ; do
in hmahf barrels , .1 00 ; small , in barrels , S 00 ; do
1mm half barrels , 4 75 ; giiorkInshmi barrels , II 00 ;
do imo half barrels , 5 00.
TEAS-001lpowdOr , ooml , 45@SSc ; ciadee 60
(475c ; good Imperial , 4O@43c : choice , 6O@GSc ;
youmig ilyson , good , 36SOc ; choice ,
65c1 00 ; Japan natural loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , 6O@The ; olong , good , 354Oi : ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@SSc ; Soucimong , good , 35@40c ;
choice , 35@-15c.
WOOIEVAliR-Two hoop paiho , 1 85 ;
three 11001) pails 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; PIe
miror wmoIthoaris , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckots 3 85.
SOACS-Idrk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satimmot , 3 ( lO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; KIrk's
white Itussian , S 23 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 lii ;
Kirk'g Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirle's
magnolia , doz.
Poms-1.'onuoylvnnia catis , 1 case , lii case ,
3 35 ; Babbltts ball , 2 .loz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
C.Nnv-Fromichi iidxeml , itt 30 lb. pails , ISo ;
/m.mnoricau noised. in 30 lb pail , lEe ; Ihilhiamit
mixed in 30 lb imails , 1 Ic ; Nobby umixed , in 30
lb paiI , 13c : C0111lOtitiOIi ) mmmixod , in 30 lb
Pious , 12.c ; Excelsior stick , 30 lb pails , 13c ;
( louble refimmod , 30 lb pails , 13c ; Crystal muixod ,
30 lii lails , lSc ; Old 'rimno ' mixed , 30 lb pails ,
14c ; Tip nIol ) , mmmixed , 80 lb lemils , 13c ; Flirt ,
mixed , 80 lb pails , Ilc ; Flirt , stick , 30 lb
lalls ) , 11c ; 'rm Top , stick , 30 lb pails , 12c.
VINr.aAu-I ow 1 ork apple iSo ; Ohio aim-
plo , 13c
SALr-Dray loads , tier bbl , 1 80 ; Ashton , iii
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , Os , 3 80.
STAnca-Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Cmii
Starch , tic ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Corn , 8c.
Sricms-1'cmper , lie ; allspice , lSc ; cloves
25c ; ca.ssia , 15c.
Lyn-Amorkan 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 7.3 ; i\orth Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' iyo
4 65 ; Jowell lye , 2 75
cmmeral Proiluce ,
BUTTER - Fancy creamery 29c.31c ; cold
storage creamery , 25@27c ; h0i0 dairy , 20
@ 2-Ic ; best country , sohimi packed , lfi@20c ;
best country , roll , 2OJ22c ; inferior grades
1O14c. No chano 1mm prices , but denimuid
for country butter is falling off owing to larger
receipts aIid the poor quality rocoivad.
Ecas-Itecoipte fair , butprices still hold up.
All eggs have brought to-day 25c :
ChEESE-New York State full cream , llc ;
5 hoop lots , l3&c ; fimll cream cliedders , now ,
131c ; full cream chodders old , Oc ; full croanm , 2
hi hoop , 14c ; Young Americas , l4c ; cream ,
cry skimims tIc ; fine Swiss cheese , lJc ! ; Edam.
each , 81 25.
I'OTATOES-IleCeipt.M large and prices
unchanged. Consignmnents of strictly choice ,
large sized , straight potatoes are sellin
from 3-I to 38c ; mixed cars 20 to 32c an
light demand ; peacimblows , .lOc.
SvERr P0TAT0Is-Choico yellow , 2C3c.
ONI0NS-ltoceijmts larger ; choice limo-ge rod
Wothersfield sellmng at Soc.
CAIuS.tGE-Market for choice stock $5 GO ®
6 00 per hundred. Deumanti good.
BEANH-Ifand picked navies , $2 7@3 00 ;
hand 1mlekod nmeciiums 2 0O2 25. lIe.
COijt.5 fair ( lalnand ooJ.
( lAomE-i'mairio chmekomm , Cr doz. , $2 SO ®
3 00 ; quail , $2 SO ; ( lucks , 1 & 0@2 50 ; geese ,
2 0O@2 50.
Paa.oit OYSTEIIM-Sclect.i , SOc ; mediums , 35c ,
thu.umiy-15c ,
1'OCI.TRY-LiVe ehmickmi , per thor. , 2 SO ®
3 00 ; ( Irassed chickens , per lb. , 12@13c ;
turkeys , full dressed. perlb. , 14c.
LROI0S.s-Etma fancy bar lemnoims , 88 00 ;
fancy Mesiioma lernomis , imer box , $7 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messimma lemmu > ns , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. ,
$6 711. Thmebo are strickly choice Messimma
On.Nnis-Louisiamiag : r ° [ mlii , $9 09 : do. ,
box. 5 1)0 )
.IIANANAM-CliOlCO , jeer bumichm , $3 OO(5j-1 ( 00.
( iIlANmoemmmuY.s-Jahmcy Cape Cool , high color ,
81-I 00 ; bell ttitl himmglemm ; $12 50 ; bell amid cherry ,
11 00 , Special Pmiees oil lamyn lots.
A iimmt-Clooico eating , regular packing ,
3 SO-I 00 ; ehoico cookimig , reguhimr lmncidmig ,
st : OO@3 50 ; extra cimoicu , $3 5O@I 00.
Strictly fancy amplos ivell imacleed are imi good
dornamid. Market ndvanciimg.
PKACHIIH-C'huico Michigan per basket , SOc
@ 1. 00. lleceipts fair ; ( lemmummnl for choice
stock good ,
IATemm-Blnclc : Avabinm : , per lb. , 8@Oe ;
( barter crates , We.
Fiae-25 lb. kegs , per II , . , l2c ; 10 lb. box ,
layer , hior lb. , 1Hc ,
Cocotwm-Lxtra fine per 100 , 8 00.
OAr.wommuIA PLUMS-ui good demand ;
2 252 SO per box.
maiul at 84 0O@4 50 per box. California
Duchess Buerme , Clargean , etc. pears , per box ,
$3 OO3 50.
Cimnni-l'ure sweet cider , 16 gal keg , 84 50 ;
N. & 1' . clarified , 16 gal keg , 5 00 ; 51. & 1' .
clarified. 32 gal keg , l8 00.
1'JGM Ii'xii' , iui's , ETC.-PIgs feet , 15 lb
kits , 1 15 pigi 40 lb rjr 1,1,1 , .2 25 jugs feet ,
80 lb half LbIi 00 ; trpe , 15 lb 1ts , $1 15 ;
trlie , 40 lb qr bhil , $2 2. , ; trIpe , 80 lb half bbl ,
8-1 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , 2 50 ; iIgs
tongues , 40 lb qr bbl O 00. Lambs' thntrues ,
is lb kits , 82 Go ; 40 lb qr bid , $6 25.
Miucr. ltEAT-181h buckets ( Iuclets 25e )
hoc ; 37lb buckets ( bucket 4O ) , We. ; 10011 ,
kegs , bc ; hod ! barrels , bc.
Aemsoarit ; stone Jars ; 12 imi case ,
pea. ohos , 82 25 ; tumnblor , pei doz , 1 05 ;
schooner , per dozen , 3 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4
olox. in ca.e , 81 40 ; tin cans , 2 dox ut case ,
$9 10.
BULK JELI.IE-Curmaimt , 30-Il , wood Pftfl' ,
Ir II , , 8c ; strawberry , wood lulls per
Ib , 83c ; rN4pberry. $0-lb wood pails per Tb ,
8c hdmickierry wood Idle per Ib , 8c ;
crijl apple ' 3O.lh iva J)114 lr Tb , 8c ,
Ai't'.e l'lrjvrp.n-35.lIm woodoom imalls , per Tb ,
8 00 ; 5.jb wooden 1 > alhs , 6 In case , jr case ,
PEACII lbmrrrxmi-25.hh wooden pails per Tb ,
811 00 ; ) wooIen pails , 6 In case , 11cr COSO ,
84 25.
I'imitximvms-Iu ( 90.TIi wooden pails-Il.sp. )
berry , 815 00 ; strawlorry , quince , $1.1 0(1 ;
peacm,8l4 0Ocberry. ; 814 OOtematoosI4 ; 00 ;
imhmmmmm , 814 00 ; assorted , wooden buckets ,
6 In ( 'MB , P0 cast , , .I 75 ; assorted , 2-lb thom
cans , 2 dos in case , per case , $3 25.
NERmOASKA Coomis 1losy-1-lb frames , 21-lb
casci , per Tb , ISo.
CoAe-Curnbcrland blackanmithm 10 00 ; Mtr-
ml ; run Bloombimrg , 12 \Vhiteiroast ; Iumn' ,
4 50 ; Whitebreast nut , 4 50 ; Iowa lump , 4 50 ;
Iowa nut , 4 50 ; Ilock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
cite. 10 7t'Il 00 ; Cannot City , 7 00 , Pr tone
bEAT-Baled , S O0@1O 00 P ° ° ton ; in bulk ,
6 OO0 so per tool.
Dry 0(00dB ,
Bmoowu CorroNmo-Atiantlo A Sac ; AliBIs
toot XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; iloot FF 8c ,
Buckeye JiJi , 4-1 , 7cm ( Jabot 'iv , 74c ; Cimitto.
naugoA 61c ; GreatFalisE 8c ; 1Joosior,6c ;
honest Width , Sc ; Indian Ifoad A , Sc ; Indian
- - -
Sf.amulard A So ; Immdian Orchard , ii , Se. , 7'c ;
LMYrOI1CC Li , , 11c ; Mystic bUyer , 7c ; I'oquot
A , 8c ; Utica C , 5c ; Wachusott 13 , 7c ; do
A8o do B 48 , I2c.
FINn Bnowt CorroNm--.Alloniah , .1--i 7e ,
) ililgsotor 3-f , Sc ; Argyle .l.i , ? .c Atlantic
Till , t'mjc : Badger State 4.4 C4c ; llemimmimgtemm
0 .1.4 , tc ; : lbtmckeyo S 4.1 , GAc : lmmdlanOrclmanl
AA 0.8 , Sic ; T.neonlim 1) 39 , 8c : Lohigh B 4.-I ,
9.cj Poppenoll S 30 , 7c ; oh , 0 82 , 74e : do 1
3d , 7c ; thi B 39 , 8c ; l'ocn.ssot 0 4.-I , 7c ;
Wnmnstmtta 4.4 , 13.
llnr.AclIEIl C0TT0NS-Andro coggln Ii 4.1
9c ; 1llacktommo AA limoperial 8'u ; io mb ball
bleached 4.1 Oo : Calit1.4 , 8c ; Fidelity 4.1 ,
Oc ; ImuIt n tIme J.nmmi , 9jc do camulrie 4.-i ,
121 : do Water Twist , 1Oc : Great Falls Q , Pc :
Imniian nhrmiimk 4-4 , 12c ; 1,011Mlale , Ilk.
0 cammmhmrlo 37 , 12c ; Now York Stills , 12c'
lkqmmot A , lOc ; l'csperel , N 0 TwIhls , 1c ;
1'ocahmonta 4.4 , ttc : l'ocn.seet s-i , s ; Utica ,
ho ; Wammmsmmttn I. ) X X l2c
DUCKS ( Colored-Alimamiy ) B brown , Sc ; do
0 , ( Irlil , lie ; (10 XX striiiom and plrds , 12 I-2c
(1i XXk hrowo anil drab , stripes amid
12 1.2c ; Arllmmgton fammey , 1c ) : BmummwIck
brown , S 1.2c ; Chariot fmutcy , 12 1.2c ; do ci.
tin hoary , 20c ; Fall hiiverbrown , etma heavy ,
ii i.2c ; Immdiaua A brown , 13c ; NepoImsot A
brown , iSo ,
TmcKirns-Amnoskcng AC A82 , ilk ; do XX
blome 32 18 i.2c ; Arrownimna , II 1.2c ; Clan , .
mm101mt 1hi 15 I.2c ; Commeistoga , extra , 17 l-2c ;
liammiiltami 1) 11 l.2c ; LewL4toit ASO , iSo : l'd'1i1
nelmaha 4.4 , O ; Ommiega , simper extra 4.4 , ? . ;
l'oarl Itiver 32 , 1) ) ' , 1.-Ic ; T'utnmun XX bhomo
stripe , 12c Slootncket 5 , 10 1.2c ; mb SS , 12c ;
Yeozmmmui's blime 20 , Pc.
1)Rslmta-Amomoskeag , Imlomo and brown,1G1.2c ;
Amulovor 1)D blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlimmgton X blue
Scotch , 18 1.2o : Commcord 000 , butte ammd
lmroiv-u , 12 1.20 ; do AAA , tie ihii , 13 1.2 ; do
xx IA ) 110 mb , 14 l.2c ; Ilnyommaker's blue ammil
brown I ) 1-2c : Mystic lUverDlstripo , IOl.2c ;
Peiu-l himer , 1)1110 nmmd brown , ilk ; Uimcasrille ,
blue amid bmoivim , 14 1.2c.
OAmmmmmuCs-Barmmnnl , 5c ; Eddystono lining ,
21 immclm tiomublo face , 8c ; ( Imirnor A glazed , r'c ;
Ittmuihumttamm hove , fiomislm , 5o' Newport ( ho.tic ) :
(10 glazed , 5o ; l'equot do , tic ; Lockwoou kit
f'moiislm , Ge.
Coimamn' .IF.ANS-Amory , Androscogglmm
sattoomi , 8c : Ciaremulomi 8c : Commostogga sat.
toomms , lie ; lfallowolh , Sc ; Indian Orchu-d , 7c ;
Nmirragzuisett , immiproved , 8c ; l'epporill sat.
teems , Uc ; Eockpoo-t , Oc.
I'nmsrs-AlIons , 6c Ainencan , ale ; Amnido ,
6c ; Berwick , Ic ; Cocliooo , G 'Cmmiostoga , l'4c ;
Iauldrk , Go ; Dimmonell , 6@7c ; ihlystommo , ;
Gloimeester , 6c ; I Imormoony , 5-Ic ; Knickerbocker ,
6e ; Merrimminc B , 7c ; Mystic , 5c ; Spmagimes ,
Bc ; Sommthbmidgo , Sc ; do Ginglinnis , Ic ; Marl.
bore , 5'c % ; Orieomtnl , 8c ,
GmNnlrtoomo-Arnoekemtg. 9c ; Argyle , Sc ;
Atlammtic , Sc ; Cummmbcm-lmmmd , 7tc ; Ilighmhaomd , 7-Ic ;
Kcnilwortlm , Pie ; liummktt , 9.\c \ ; Sussex , Sc.
CoTroNAnr.s-Abbcrvillo , iSle ; Agate , 21k ;
Amnem-ican , lie ; Artisiami , 20c ; Oaimo 1) zimitl ' 1' ,
I3c ; Clarion 1) nmmd ' 1' , 17.Ic ; Docami Co.
stripes D anmi T , 10c Keystone , lSjc ; Nan
tucket , 1Tc ) ; Noimparoll , Ilk ; Ocoami 1) timid 1' ,
13e ; Iloymol , JGc : Sussex , 12c ; 'I'iigaVaclmn. .
seth mshmirting checks , 12c ; do Nmumimin 14cs
York , idaimo Nankin , 121c ; do checks , stripes
mmmiii fancy , 12c ; mb S oz , 2Oc.
Smmmcmo'tNtia-Ami(1roscgtmi 10.4 27c ; (10
9.4 , 23c ; do 3-I , 32c : Commtinommta 012. . lIe ;
Fmuitof tIme Loommi 10--I ; 27cNeav ; Yorkin ITs
OS. 35c ; dim 78 , 80e ; do ss , 22ic ; 1'emibroko
10.4 , 25c ; Pejuot 10-4 , 28c : do 7-1 , lOc ; do.Itl ,
lOc ; l'cppenell 00 , 20c do 07 , Ole ; do 1 , iSo ;
Utica 913 , SOc ; do 58 , 2Ic ; do 18 , ITo.
l'almits , OilS ISSItI Varnishes.
Oir.s-l1O carlmn , par galloim , 13c ; 1SO
headlight , ier gallium , lSc ; 115 headlight ,
lCP gallomi , 20c ; 1fi0 vater white , lItme ; 11mm
800(1 ( , raw , ; pr gallomiSSc ; linseed , boiled , jor
gahlosm , SScbard , winter str'd , er galloom , $ Oc :
No. 1 , 7OoNo. ; 2 , Ok ; cimstor , XXX tr gal-
Ion , 1 40 ; o. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , lO1 gnllomm , SSc ;
erin \V1I. , per gallon , 1 ( JO ; fishV. . IL ,
norgailon , OSe ; noatsfootcxtra , nor gallon , POe ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , imor gallon , Soc ;
summoner , ific ; goldomi umneloimme , No. 1 , icr gal.
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 25e ; spen , msigimal , gallium ,
8bc ; turpomitimio , amer gallon , 50c ; mmapthm , 71 ,
1)Cr gallon , iSo.
i'AINTS IN Omn-Whito load , Omaba P. P.
Ge ; white load , St. Louis lmre , 6jc ; Marseilles
groeIi 1 to 5 lb cans , 26c ; Fremichi zinc groemi
seal _ , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; i'reoichi
zlmiC , in varnish aast , 21k : Fienchi zinc. km oil
must , iSo ; raw and burnt timber , 1 lb cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , ilk ; vandyke brown
13e ; refined lanipblack , 12c ; coach black , 0d
Ivory black , ilic ; drop black , Ilk ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine biuo,18c ; chromno green
L. M. & A , iCe ; leltud and shutter grac'5 L
M. & D. , We ; Paris green , iSo ; InIIan rod ,
iSo ; Venetian rod Go ; ! 1\mscan rod , 22o ; Asnerl.
can Vermilhmoom f. & P. iSo ; chrome yellow
L. 1r. , 0. & 1) . 0. , 1fc ; yellow oclire , 9o ;
geldon ochre , bOo , patent dryer , Sc ; gmaining
colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , chtnut
mind ash , iSo.
Dry Paints.
White head , So ; French zinc , iOc ; Pails
whiting , 2ic ; whiting glIders , 1e : whiting
comn'l lic ; Imunpblack , Germantown , 14c ;
lamnpblack , ordinary , Ilk ; l'russlan blue , Silo ;
ultramarine , iSo ; vmumdyke , brown , Sc ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4e ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , raw , 'Ic ; Paris green , genuine 23c ;
l'ax-is green , comnnion 20c ; chromium grecIm , kY. ,
20c ; cumromne groan , lf. , 12c ; vormnlihian , Emmg. ,
70c ; vormilhion , American , 18c ; Indian rod ,
lOc ; rose 1)10k , lIe ; Venetian red , Ckimsoss ,
2c ; Venetian mod , Ammierican , lJc rod head ,
7c ; chrommrn yellow , genuine , 20c ; ciromno yol.
low , K. , 12cochre , rocliehlc ScochroFreomchm ; ,
2c ; ocln-e , American , 2oVinter's ; nolnoral ,
2c ; lehigh lrowlm , 2c ; Simamiisb bm-owim ( 2c ;
I zimice's mnimiernl , Sc.
V.MINmsmmss-Barrels1 per gallon : Furnl.
tare , extra , 81 10 ; ftiriiitmmro , No , I , 81' conch ,
extra , 81 40 : coachm , No. 1 , 81. 20 ; Dammmar ,
extra , 81 75Jnlmami ; , 70cnsplmltummmcxtra ; , SSc ;
shellac , $3 SO ; hard oil finish , $1 50.
Lent lie i' .
a ole , SSa to 12c ; hiemmmioclc mmole28c to 85c ;
flelim kIjm , SOc to 1 00 ; rmmner ( ISo to 8Cc ;
HeIR 4. calf , 85c to I 20 ; homnlock tipper , 23c
to 20c ; oak upper 2k ; allIgator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 323ti : ( irciSolt ldd , 2 50 ta 2 715 ; oak
kip , SOc to 1 00 : oak calf , I 20 to 1 30 ; French
Trip , 1 10 to 1 53 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rue-
sets , 5 50 to 7 50 ; himmirmgs , 0 00 to 10 50 ; tap.
dngs , 9 00 ti 10 50 ; B. 4. Morocco , SOc to 3l ;
ieblilo 0. D. Morocco , Silo ; simmmm , 2 tO to 3 00.
IIARNRSPI-No 1 stiir oak , .12c ; No 2 ( Id , ,
39e No. I Ohis , oak ' 88c ; No. 2 do , Silo ; No ,
1 1)filwaukeo ) Sic : N'o. 2 do 3h
Dooll and weak ; grenmi butcimarms , tIc ; green
salted , 7@7c ; dry Blot , 1'2@lSc ; dry suit ,
iOSiilc ( ; ilnxmmagod hides , two-thirds price ,
SirnEl' Pen.TH-25cl 00 ,
Luni tier.
We quote lumber lath asul shlnglcs'on oars
at Omaha at the folowlng PriCei
JoIsT Aft ) SCAUTLflQ-16 ft. and under
2200 ; 18 fl , 23 50.
Tim'mnnus-lG feet and wider , 22 00.
Tzstw'mt ANI ) JoImfl'---18 ( I , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 fI , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50.
FENCING-No. 1 , 4 and 6 in , , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
Riizimmnrn-No. 1(2d ( common boards ) , 2000 ;
No , 2 , 1800.
J4iiIE1C1 barrel , 1 25bulk ; P ° bushel' SSc ;
cement , bbh , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster tiLl , 2 50 ; haIr
Tier ho. ilOc ; Tarred felt , 100 fbn , 3 50 ; straw
board , 350.
Heavy Hardware List ,
Iron , rates , 2 00 ; 1)10W stOOl eIxciaI cast , 7c
crtmdumlo , Sc ; special ox German , 6c cost tool
do , iil20 ; wagon spokes , miet , 2 25141 00 ; hubs
per set , 1 .lli ; folloes sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
oaolm , 7085c ; s.des cacTi , 75c ; loarO flUId I' ' °
11 , , VSIJiIc ; washers , or Ib , 8i8c rivets ,
Tb , lie ; coil chide. per Ib , 612c ; malleable , Sc
Iron wedges , 1k ; crnwbu.rms , Go ; harrow teeth
4c ; spring tech , 7Sc ; Burden's hmormsuhoumm , fl 25
Burmlon' muleshmocs ' 6 25 ,
] IAIIBKI ) WIIIE-J'n car lots , Sc Ir 100 ,
NAmnis-Ibitem , 10 to 60 , 3 20.
Sitor-Shot , I 85 ; buck hmut , 2 10 ; orIental
pOwder , kegs , 0 40 ; thu. , half kegs , S 48 ;
quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , S 35 ; ruse ,
P ° " 100 feet , SlOe ,
LEAD-liar , 1 (15. (
Liquors ,
Awomror-lS8 pr'f , 2 25 or wino gallon
extra Ciohiforrola siiirltm , IRS proof. 1 25 imr
1)0)01 gallon ; triple refined tlJiZlt l , 187 jroof ,
1 23 IC1' lrool guhlomi ; mo-distilled whiskies ,
1 Ootjl SO ; fine blended , 1 SlO2 SO' Ken.
tucky bourbons , 2 0O(1Zj7 ( 00 ; ICeutu&y and
I'onnsylvammiis rycs , 2 OO7 00.
Bmu.unmns-1rnxrted , 6 O0l000 ; domestic
( ilNd-Imporiod , 4 5OO 00 ; domestIc , I 40
livns-Imnported , 4 SlOG 00 ; ownghana : ,
2'i14 ) , 00 ; domuestic , I SlO3 SO ,
l'EA71t AI AI'Pf.E IlltAmy-1 74 00.
ClfAMyJsGNaS-IImiportMd Pr case , 28 OO ®
at 00 ; Ammuitie.ui , or C.iso , 12 OOdjIO ( 00 ,
1'ato TORACC'CSChinmnx , ltuhliomm , tOo ;
hIt'rseslmoe ' , iSo tiit' , bOo ; llimddy , .ISe ; liar.
Rev's , 4So :
: Fin CUT-Cs'toamon , ? OSOc : gon1IS ®
noc1 Usso Leaf , 7o ) ; 1'oomthzm , (15c ; Jlammioomd
Croini , b5c ; Sweet Sixteen , Iic.
Smonmci-O. S. , ' 'Ot ; ilmiskovy , 2cc : Dmmr.
boani , 8 mis. , t'Oc ; Iimrhmamn , 4 ox , , 52c ; lhmrhamn ,
2 ssr. . , ti5c : Seal of North Carmlhia , S ox. , .1 Ic ;
Seal of North Corolimma. , 4 ox.1c ; ical of
North Carohimum , 2 or. , ic ; 0. k. lYtmrhmn , 4
Us. , 28o ; 0. K. bhmrhamr , 2 ox. , 31k ; Uncle
Ned , i's , 21e ; Tomim amid Jerry , 23c.
- -
Cror.n1nATe .5.NI1 ltutm-Marns I(1l@tic- (
breakfast lacm , ltr@lSIc ; om'mkod sales , tj )
® IOo ; lalt elmies , ( ) ; lard , IOe.
( I mmsox Fmtvmr rmmtimoe'-l : otatoes. 59 (
its : 0O poimuils ; Bm'tntuo.i , sweet , 100
potommile , 2 25Sl2 75 ; ( nmimls , PtI' lOt ) lmmmntIe ,
l t'O@2 00 ; tomnatoni , 'Cr pmmui , 2@3c ;
turnips , i'r Tb , Ic : ( ohoratlo cabbage , now ,
, ser 11)0 ) , ht't'51 1 (10 ; his-c chmickemmq , osltl , per tier ,
.4 110Q:4 : 25pm ; sine citlekemme cr do$3 00(335(1 ;
eggs , fresh , Per dor. 28111j31c ; lmmmtter , faIr ummnl-
it ) ' ( TedLimmory , fimmost ler Ib , 85@811 : croammmory ,
gsa1 , er Its , 2S@Ic ; Kammin ammo ! Nohmrask4s
dairy , or Tb , 23W2 Ic : eookhig , 81310c ; chooses ,
fulh erroilmi , i'r lb , l115j117c ; mmsphos tier bimI ,
ea.4tCrmi , $4 TSSlifli 00 ; grapes , ler ll
5611k : CalIfornia l'oars ' , Per boi 3 25.
.3 tsl ; l'lnmns , 2) ) II ) bu , 2 00(32 ( S4S ltos-
slim henmone , extra , ler isox , 57 0SdJS ) 00 ; Cobs.
anti rhieat , per tOOlb , Si 305111 88 ; humor , Coh.
oriulo. lr lOt ) Ii , , $2 00132 25 ; flour , Pat011t.
$2 POSI 00 ; ilour , ICamisas , pr 100 Tb , $2 7055
3 00 ; flour , ( rnlmammm , 1or 1Xl ( lb , $2 00(32 50 ;
flour , rye , per 1X ( ) lb 2 t'O512 70 ; flour , buck-
whmoat , l'Ot libI 81 % 1105512 IsO ; tasrim imien ] , uer
104) lbs , $1 I15Sll 85 ; 0,1mm , per 100 lime , $1. 2ifOj
1 80 ; cormm chop , per 100 lI , 51 80551 : ts ; mmnw
musts , per 100 lbs 35551 45 ; omits , etsrasko : ,
imilied , ler IPO if0 , i ® i 40izmt.eeirmskzs ; ,
wlmito , or 100 hIi4 , SI 351 45 ; oats , Cisli-ado ,
ser 100 Ibs , $1 251 l5 larly , per 100 him ,
l t.Jcjill ( 75 : mm1xctI dm011 , PCi100 lbs , t 8855
I .10 : ismam , , tomm , 817 l)05jl9 ) 00 ; Tony , lowe ,
l'eotomm , $12 OOhl 00 ; habit smecommil Lwsttmmm ,
hO ( )0S'l2 ) 00 ; haled imidand , SI I 005i 1.7 00 :
eIsner , 15Cr tomm , 2O ( hO ; htr.ow , pr loom , $800
Railway Time Table.
. IT. I' . It It. , MAIN LIMB.
uuvx. ARRIVe.
[ 'aciflo Eilsrces.lO1 I ) mu tlantIc Bslrosj:5 : air
lYosterim Rsl'nss Saxi om VtMtetlmCiprss.3eOp : in
0. Island I'ase . . . , CO0 : p am ( I. Isuiumsf l'ass , 1 I :40 : mm no
Lincoln B.c..12:30 : f in 1ocoIt % : . . . . . . . . . p in
Ieai i'oooosl a : 7:10 : , See : , 15:00 : , I 0:00 : , 1 t :00 : a : lot. ,
I : to , i-oo , : loo. : I ou , 0:00 : , (1:00 ( : , 10:10) : . mu. tim Sun-
ota em 7:10 : , 0:00 : , I lao a , it , ; 2:00 : , 4:41) : ) , (0:00 : , 10:10 : p.
mn Arrls o at transtr depot 2Q mnliumtme I.otir ;
is AV depit , ( 'sumim-li llIutT , 8l mudomutes Istor.
lrai a Council 0112114 , Itriomslnay s1i'it , 8:00 : , lOfl : ,
iCO0 : , 11:1)0 a. no. ; 1:0(5. : ( co. 5:001:00 : : , 5:00 : , 0:33 : ,
10 : 43 p. mm. (1mm Simlatmm a : $ : v0 , 10:00 : a. ma. ; I :00 : , R.OO ,
5ro : , m1 : : , lomo : am. Ar-li o 1'rsmislor stelOt , II ) mmmlii-
sites looter.
l.eavt , L'omueil , fluffe 'Tni'sfer ile1et : S:3 : , 0:23 : ,
10:25 : , 1 1:23 : a. mom. ; 1:23. : :23 : , 3flS : , 1:25 : , 5C5 : , 0:25 : , 0:30 : ,
10:33 : p. mm , . Arrhe Oimioloa O miiinmmti-e later.
r.nAvs 050somA. umsvms coUxciL mim.uvo's.
Lans No. 2. . .7:35 : a mu Pass. No. 0. . . 7:25am :
, , No. 10..45 P mom " No. 15. . .11:50 : a in
8 No. . . . . . . . . : , mn " No 0 , , . .naai m mu
.5 No. 8..S:5omsnm : " No , 1. . . 7:35 : ' m
. , Ns.O..6:16am :
0. , n. & st. i' . ii. u.-u. p. DEPOT.
° .bootl & Ei..7:60 : a on i'itclile Os..Og5 : a in
ttlanllo Ex . . . . , 3:30 : p ma halt & . . . . . . . : p mc
looMis..7:30 : 5 in Oniaha..11:20 : a 'a
SI . .t.Oprim " . . . . . . . . . 0:20p0m :
C. , B & Q It. 11.-li , 1' . DEI'OT.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mmm Express..0:45 : am
Express..8tO : mom ' . . . . . . . . . . : p in
C. , Ii. I. & P. Ii , 11.-U. P. DEPOT.
Express..7:50 : a am . . . . . . . . . . . . : a on
Mall..5 p am Express---------7:10 : poe
C. & N. W. 11. li.-U. P. DEPOT.
tiall'.1:50 : a iii Express..0:45 . : am
' . . . . . . . . . : p mom ' . . . . . . . . . . .
" . , - ,
- S. C. & P. It. It.-U. 1' . DF.1'OT.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a on Express..0:45 : am
Kxpres . . . . . . . . .0:00 : P iii ' . . . . . . . . . . . : pin
Ifissoulu PACWIC-U. P. DEPOT
xpxess . . .7:00 : a no i . . . . . . . . . . . p ma
0. , ST. PAUL , M. & 0. B. 11.-DEPOT N. 1OTU ST
No.2' . . . . . . . . . . 7:3OamINo.1 . . . . . . . . . . 5:50pm :
No. 4' . . , . 1Oop : in I No. ' . . . . . . . . . . : 5 ma
te.ave Omaha for Valentine via St. Fact Line
to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
13. & 1 ! . IN NEBRASKA.
) ener nxprcss. . .8:15 : a mu Atlantlo. . . . . . S:30p : m
Pmictfic Mxpreu'6:56 : I ) in. flenyerEmpresaOO : a in
K. C. , mrr. oii & C. II. U. K-B. & 11. DEPOT.
0511..8:25am : Express---------eooam
ExpreSS..7:20pm : & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bummtlay. excepted.
Opening and Closing of SlaMs ,
RouTe. Om'L'S. CtOSX.
Lum , p.m. * p.m.
C &'C.Il ,
& Q. , St. I'oeul & tiloims City , 11:00 : 6:00 : 5:40 : 3:15 :
C. , M.&S.1'.S Ci. & 1' . tom loan tJOOi ; 5:40 :
Vnh.mlm Exioreos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2:3O. : 3:15 :
Walmaodm local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P : ) 5:40 :
N. C. , St. Joe & e. it. . . . . . . . . DQo 0:00 : 55:40 : 0:30 :
MLssommrt Pueftic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 : 5:44) :
C. , St. 1' , 31 , & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:24) :
Uimloom Poocilic , no erlammol . . . . . . SOo : ) 11 : Ni
Union 1'acIft , Iemer i : 4:00 : 7:30 :
0. t' Ilepimbliceom Valley I :30 : 11:35 :
H , do 3i flxIortns. . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 7:10 :
Ii. & M. for I'lattM11111mttj , , ii.
Bend , Aslmfanol emil I.Immt-oImi.11O0 : 1 5:10 :
Otflco open Sun.iays from 12:00 : mc. to 1:00 : p. no.
(3. 11. COUTANT Poetmuaafr'
i . = EXCAGC SO.&LE CO,1
r. : J STiES WMIJ5 A'tl.E , dm0. 5 lIes. VQ.
c&9 .1 roi , lotsois , ll-nI hiLt 1mclmilet _
noDib. PAS1MEfl'U 6OALE,5
'Thu 'Jm ) I Its I lot cdiv" , ' ! or. . to ri ii , . at ,
, - ' 0000TmIltI msmrli3. ltot.rsd Stilt Id m.moor rami.
d FORGES , TOOLS , &o.
neat imomun SAmmy. 11111 I.mummT slimmis , smo
4011.AwIlsuiU JIiorTooIi.I0
5.rwr , Is' . mm , . , . . , d Ibflf dOIflU4d Jsmo ,
. Illowers.smIvil4 , Vies' . ' .s COlour ArtleleC
- .eTwoirsTm'mIIU.s. aimumxiL ammmTama.
Ii. A. EELT.EY,31. B. C. A WIT.SON , M.D.
lteefdenco , IkIi1uiico ,
000 15. 15th Street 2417 lisveimportSt.
Phyaioian and. Suoona.
Boyd's Opera Tiotise , OmRlln , Nob'
Lile Inuralice I
ILankers , (1ipllallmts , Merchants , amiti l'rtcsafomial
onus of Domain , lmmvesstigate the
OF 1)58 ) MOINES , IOVA. ,
'rho 1'tins mmmd Isurliosci of thIs Assoclabomm will toe
lhuwmm you by JA1) . A. HI'EIIIIY ,
Generel Aceot for . ' { eb.
omcopathio Phyioian.
tl'BCIsf.IBT or
hlvimrs-M Eteldemice , No. 1443 H , 10th Htreet , Oil
10 a. am. , and afUr 3 p. mu. hours-At olilce , No. 103
anti 105 H. 13th 85. , Etoomom 7 , trees 10 ss ma. , to S p. cm.
ZiIL-Tlio Tape SYoremo will f. ruzeused , wIthout
damigo , In timios ( of from 2 to 3 lmouis.
Employment Agent.
MI kinds ot Inols ; supplIed Icoiltl ; , Railroad ,
Bower and Umading help
217 N 15th Street , . . , OiIAIIA , 311i1i.
; ; ; : - . Anheuserl3usch
Keg and Bottled Beer
t4 ; ? ' i-1 Thms EECCIIOItI Boor eioeaka ( cc itself.
9W - _
5 ! ' ° ? - ' .
I I Promptly Shipped.
f c : tix cr-LL , XL32'tE. ,
ISolo Agoth for Omuahaandltho
Coy. 0th Street nnd Caol Avomitie'
: EE : { , it
Booth's 'Oval' Brand
. -p- B. DEEMER , AgcntOmmrnha.
Caroenters' Mateials
Boors , B1ill , tiiirs , Stall' llat1iiis , Ba1nst r , ' 1ino & Boor Franics , &c
First-class fadlltlcs for tim , , motsomufacturo of all Idmmds of 3louldlmige. 1'limnfmmg miud Matching a lopockollyl
Orders tromn the country is Ill ho loitomimlotly cxccutol. . .
Address all coommmummlnotlons to A MOYER. i-op. .m
( Chicago , urhington & Qulnoy Railroad. )
Elenant Iay Coaehe , Parlor Cars. with 1tEcl1n . SolId Trains of Elegant Day Coaclmes and Pull-
mr Curium ( heats free ) , Snmoklng Cans. with Ito. man I'Mnce Sleeping Cars are run daily to ammO
rolving Clmalrmm Puilinarm Palace SleepIng Cars and from St Lomth , via hannibal , Quincy , Keokuk ,
Lime fammmou C. it. & Q. Dining Cars run daily to amid Hs'rllngton Cedar Eaplds and Albert Lea to St
Irom Chicago & Kamisna City , Culeago & Coummctl . l'aul and Minneapolis ; 1arIorCarswtth Iteo1In1tts
BlulTe , Chicago & 1)ee MoineS. Chicago , St. J0. Chairs to end from 13 ; . LouIs and l'eorla andtSfa
sephi , Atchison & Topeka. Only through line be- awl trout St Louts anti Ottumwa. Only crC
tweemm Chicago , Uncon 0 Dcomver. Through cars change ot cars between St. Louis mine 11 : :
between IndianaPOlIs & CouncIl illufle yla Peoria. Moines Iowa , Lincolmi , Nebraska , and . DenvI'
All connectIons mail. , In Union Iepota. it Is Colorado.
known as the atT1rnouau CAR L1N. It Is swlversallyadmitisd to be limo -
Ftnnat Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clnssos of TravOl.
t J , 1'Ol'EER. 3d Vlce.I'rea'Iamid Goal Manatier. P1IILCEVAL LowErr. . Ien. Fees. . .tg't. Qilca.
Wholesale Druggist 1
Puts , Oils , Yarslios aii ' 'illdo ifiass
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground OH Cake
It Is Limo beet and docapost fond for stock of ammy liPid. One pound Is equal to three POunds of oem-u
tack fool with ( Irounil Oil Cooke lii the 1'all mmd Wimitar , Immetemid of rimmimming dosim , wIll Increase fri wolh
amid too In gosel mimarkotablo condItIon 1mm the erring. 1)alrymnen ) , as well as otimmir , , who use It ran tct1fy
Its . merit-s. . 'ri-I' It imid Judmu for yommrsulooe.-1'rLce . 2.5.o0 ver ton ; no charge for cacti , . Address V.OODMAN LINIIEBI ) OIL CO3h1'JoNY Omnaha
; r Heating and Baking
; 4 , 1 Is GIll ) ' nttnodby.using
Stoves and Eangei ,
Potaalo b7
: EN icrnt
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y
. ] Q3o1s.xx1iLm : trcet. ' mLsb.L.
\Vall \ PaperVillhlO \ Sliaftes.
' . - . A
- - - -