Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    - rrn DA1LY 131E'-OMAHA , FR1DA NOVEMBER 2 1883.
I r - - - - - . ? -
- _ _ _ _ -
. tschvrnis Malaria.
To sy ? that malara s
is to pit it very mildly. It is .i1 that
and more. It ; cunning , dcceitlul ,
trcachcrous , sly , and undcr.lwndcd.
It does its vork in the c1ar'i , and in
such a sly way that much ofthc mis-
chiefis done bctorc it is discovered.
it saps the foundations of n health
system. It robstheblciodofliq vita -
ity , dcrnorallics : the Ivcr , confounds
the stomach , and makes the victim
'wish he wcrc hi 1di gi-vc. It is sad
to Sec peoplesit (10 fl ii. tlierniiscry ,
' content tobethe vcirns of udscliicv-
ous malaria , antI thinking that iioth-
ml ! CaflbCdOfl for1iem. The power
oI llIowN's IRON IJITTEI1S over the
inischicl ofmalara has been sonm-
ply proved that there is no reason
wily anybody who can procure a
bottle ofthis of Tonics shall
stiffer. Great istie power of malaria ,
and great are its disastrous cfThcts.
Butgrcatcr far is the beneficent influence -
fluence ofBlwWN'S ' IRoN BITTIRS.
The prepatio11 ofiron in this fhvor.
ftc family remedy caii be taken
without ruining the teeth or produc.
ing constipation and headache.
Health is Wealth
. tTMCNr. ,
- = : :
Ur. . C. Vet' Ncro stnd IIratz , Treatment ,
rraq ccii .pcctlc for ltyster1a , DlzzInes 'Convul
'ufl , FLtI , Nirvou Neuralgia , ifcadaeelenow )
ProtmUon C4URC ( 1a the ujo of .Icohn2 or tobocO ,
tYkefi2ne MoztaI 31epre&Iou. fioftening of th
iitilu , reWthi , In Inanlty anI leading to m1ry
doeay and , I.sth , I'renturo Old Ago , Harrcanew
1oa of power In either .ex , Invouotry ! Loae
peymatorrha eau.d by over oxertlone f
train , .clf.abu.o or oor.Indnfonce. Each
tiis one month's treatment. V.00 a box , r
boxol ( or $3.00. 1 ¼ n1 by mall iropald on rocelp *
To cure any eaac. With each order reoclyod by iii
foreix boxes .otnpank.l with wowlllecnl the
purchaer our written guarantee torcfundthoinonoy
If the treatmert doea not alioct a cure. Ouarantee
uedonlyby 0. P. 000DM/tN
owI. Druv tat Omaha N.h.
Tht remedy being Injected directly to the .eat
tlio dIcMe , roqutre no chttngo of diet or nauaeou , ,
enorcurlal or poiiauou. modicince tobe t&hen intern.
I fly. When iod a4 a proyentlvo hy either It I.
Impoe.MbIo to centract any prh-ate dleca'c ; hut In the
of theao rtlready unfortunately aliticted we guar.
iJ &iiteo three boxee to cure , or we will refund the
, money. relco by mall1 poatago poiti , 2 icr boo ,
three buxca for 5.
wnrrrn QUARATEE3
. .ued by l1 authorleed vnt&
: Dr.Felix Le Brim &Co
, ' .
. SOLE i'ltOPftIETOftfI.
C. 1' . Uoodnun , Drugglat , Solo Agent , for Onilia
Etb. tu&U
I Have Found It
W.4 the exciamUon of a man when he got
ci Eurek& Pile Ointment , which t. a .Implo .ini sure
cure for Piles and all bkln DLeeuee. . Fdty conti by
mall , i'oatpall.
The American Diarrhwa Cure i
fin stood the test for twenty years. 8uro cure for
aU Never Ft.ils. IM&rrliaoa , Dysentery , and Chole-
t Dcallc's ' Fcer aM Auc Toific & Cordial ,
it Is tmpoIblo to supply the rapid .alooftho etne.
roe Foyer end Ague , and 1l Malarial troubles.
riuci. OLOO.
l Fo Sale 6y a/I Di'uqqisfs1
k Cures Debility
x . OFMANLYVIOOR.Iiperinntorr.
- Jh - Ine , etc. , whc all other rcrno.
; : r tf
tlrnei the quantity , . 117 ox.
. . pree3 to any ft&Ire.s. SOIl
tt1ldrugglt. F.NOUSI ( MED.
CAT. INSTITUTE , i'roprlctore , 71 01k. Btreet , St.
1ouIaMo. -
"i Sly. sold Sir Ailticy Cooper's Vital Itestorante
or years. Every ouetomor speaks blhly of It. I
unhceltatInIyendonso It as remedy of true merit.
"a. r. ooo , , Drugglit.
. Omih& F.b.i 1813 VIR.m&e.un4ly
Nebraska Cornice
irflaMelli orks !
: Qz-moz ,
Iron Fencing !
Cre.tgn , 1lalustraIt. , Vcraenlae , 011k. antI iin
ilalungs , Window irn tcl1ar0urtIe , Ete.
. N. Y. colt. mni Au JONE3 S1 S.
WM. OALSEtt.anztrr.
' 4. X..j-"l'arts of the
human body coI.tutI , Iiibeloped 4tn&l .trngtIienod ,
etc. , L lniercsuru . ,
cii wlvrt.enrit Ioi , run lit otir
i'ir In reply to Inquiries to witi pay that there I ,
rio eiderroe of humbug atiout thl. Ontliucontrary
h tire advedbcrd are ' .vry ItIhiy endoru1. Intew.totl
cacns may get icaled circular. ihlng oil lurticu
Ian. by &ddrua4n Eile Cu. , I' . 0. bo 61
JiufTalo , , Y.-tTolctlo Eytn liauo. )
ron ALL
: lXoUSOOleaning PuVp0BO3.
.1' ' - JI > OW.3 , .tc.
--s--- -
iints , orp AiD hTEL WABZS
L ) ' ALL JflD8.
i .
' _ 11 , .
c -
- - - - - - - - - - * -
Cliampio il1iyan IlldllSiOllS1y Kilook-
ill Pco1o Oat ,
A. Cr01) Of' Fistic GInBntor
Springing Up-FpIo1 ( of the
Turf lcltlgr-MnVoIflcntH
of thu IlIhhInrIlIRts.
ow York Journal , Oct. 28.
Although there wtLB iiotliiiig of rcnl in.
torest in pugilistic circho during the
week , there are cveiiti on the t.api i which
keep the vatrol1 Of the niittily art on the
tiptoon ! expectancy. Mr. Arthur 'ijr '
qura'8 protegeVilliain 1teriIF , tlie tlR-
Sian , Who YM iinportctl for the ptfl)03C )
of kiiocking lfr. John ! . Sullivaii into a
cocked lint , but who , ao far han not had
the ploMliro of extending collrt.09i013 with
that gentleman , nppenrn to ho in great do.
manti , and it will ho his own fault if ho
does not treat thu members of the "faicy"
to an exhibitioii of hi skill. The moot.
unIt with Mr. Charles Mitchell on 1.otmg
isrand and hii failure to do nmmythhmg with
the phicky little Eimglishmnmiui ( whose
wrist , by the way , it is claimed , is per.
mnanontly injured ) has lowered him coii
sidcrnbly ill the ( , jillfoh ) of fightimig , fleii.
Among other challenges which have beau
thrown ( tOWn to him is one front ? fr.
Chnrloy Johnston , thio wohl.knowii Brook.
lyn sirnrt , who has irneted $2iO with Itichi.
ant 1. Fox , anti offers to back Mr. , Joe
Prondorgrant's , the Brooklyn giant , to
fight Mr. ShantY , for from 1OOQ to $ , .
1oo 81(10. ( l''s friends be.
hove ho caui whip any man in Amnorica ,
either with hard glove ! or bare knuckles.
On the other hand the Prussian in out
with a challenge to any man in America
to match with ghovos for $1,000 a aide ,
the men to remain in ring until one or
the other is defeated.
With reference to the many rumors in
circulation about Mr. John I , . Sullivan
having takeit to the CU again , thu dunn.
pion , writiuig to a friend , says :
"The report that I have been drinking
was started by some cowardly OflCfll of
unino ill l'ottsvillol'cnmi. , who fain would
injure mo with hula lyin imagination.
No , my friend , I nun not drinking , nor do
1 intend to. "
When the Sullivan Combination roach.
ad MclCoysport a few evenings ago , a
young follow tried to wiiu the PUO winch
ul1ivan has hung UI ) at every oxhuibitiomu
for nnyoiio to win who stands before huimut
four thruo.mimuute rounds. In half a
ininuto the youthful aspirant wne laid
sonsoless. Pete McCoy , who iii with tiuo
combination , writes that after the tour
rnds , ho will fight anybody for $1,000he
to weight 145 and his opponent to weigh
150 pounds. Mr. McCoy says hue prefers
ibrush with the I'rusninn.
Mr. James Mdllughu , a well.kuiowuu
Chicago boxer , recently arrived iii this
city , says ho i propariuig to spar any 140.
pound boxer iii Now York city for otto
hour , Marquis of Qnoensborry rules , for
a purse or a curtain percentage of the
gate receipts , liollits and endurance to
decide the contest. Mr. Miriiael Dono.
vaum , the scientific nuiddIo.woigli boxer
and Meuitor to the New York Athletic
club in Twenty third street , challenges
any man in the country of his weighutand ,
size to stand before huinu four rouuuas ,
Marquis of Quecuusberry rulonor the bare
knuckles if necessary.
The prowess of Jay.Eye.Soo is still a
tiiomo among lovers of the turf. For
501110 days past , runior hind it that his
owner , Mr. Case , lund sold hun for $60-
000. There is no truth in this state-
uncut , as Mr. Case writeru that nothing
under $100,000 would tempt him to part
with the grant trotter. ] followlng on the
heels of Jay-Eyo.SeO conies the state-
nuont. that 31. James Keenan , of Bostoui ,
has found himself the possessorof a horse
capable of trotting in 2:11 : with a running
mato. This wonder' uunmo is Frnnkund
Mr. Keenan avers that Ito is now ready
to nuatch him against either Maud S. or I
.ray.Eyo.seo for $1,000 or $2,500 , or hue
will hutch a runner withu Frank and trot
them double.
Mr. I'iorro Lorillard has agreed , it is
said , to pay $5,000 for Dwyer Brother's
Miss Woodford after her racing career is
fnuishuod. Tito Dwycrs ivill have a great
trio of cup-horses next year in ( leorgo
Kinney , Barnes and Miss Woodford.
It is whispered auuongbookmakers that
Walton , the Plunger , is saving Girotlofor
0110 or more races in November on whichu
ho will ho able to get very long odds.
\Vnltoiu is being watched very closely.
The announcement that Conuiiodoro
ICiithon luaU purchased Joliuuaon , the
pacer , us now stated to have been premuun-
turo. The Couuunotloro says hue don't
mind such a trifle as 2ii,00O cash dowui ,
the figure at whuichu the Western wonder
is lucid , but before payiui avail that sum
hue would like to see huiuiu beat Little
Browuu Jug's record for three successive
heath in luaruiess. Thu trial will prolnbly
be made at Chicago some day this week.
Mr. Holuuucs luui boon very unlucky at
tluo horse Siuow with Mr. Jionuiett'a
imported "jumper. " The horse ispalp.
ably in want of a few. lessons , and it must
huave beau particularly mortifying to his
rider , vhuo naturally thought that. with the
reputation 1w had , the big "Coumutorfoit"
ought to fly over a "wall" three feet six
inches iii height.
Alderman l'lillip Cautoy , champion
hand-ball vlayer of America , was do.
foatod a few days ago by young Mr. Do
Navaro in a imuatclu gauumo of hand-ball
III Swoemucy's Court , in East. Thirty.
fifth at. Mr. Do Navaro tised the Spaiuislu
scodi ) .
Col. Lewis Clark , l'residont of the
Louisville Jockey Club , has enilod a
meeting of the Southieruu nuidVcsturn
Association , to be lucId at thuo Jockey
Club olhlcos November 21 , for thue purpose
of considering anti atloptiuug a scale of
weights aiuul nuns , and for the prounotiotu
of breeding itiud turf interests In general.
The general impression is thuatsucht a muicet.
lug vihl coumiont together all clubs mund
result iii the geiutruul good.
1'Ir. , Duuyeii niiil Oluarhes Rowohl , thuo
Plucky little luglishi petlostrinum , arc pm.
sengors Ott board the steamship Alaska ,
and will iii all jrobabihit' arrive toilny , ,
It is said that [ lowell's mission lucre is to
iiuaugurao ( another six-days walking
match ,
Alulorunnu l'atrick Fitzgerald humus post.
ad 1,0O0 and ieauod a cluallouigo to run
any moan iii the world six days for the six
day cluumupioulshui1) ,
Wallace Itoss says that a match has
been arranged between Courtney and
huuiiiaozf to take Ilacu tIm first week iii
Novonubor , lie hiutting UI ) $1,200 against
Courtney's $1,000. Thu i1aco hits not
yet been decided upon.
The Jiuternational billiard match , be.
twotun Vignaux and Sciunafur at Paris , is
beginning to create considerable liuterost.
Schaefer is the favorite In betting.
Btok.nmakera will lay $8 againuit Sb ,
a'iil uivo tuuyouuo cager to speculate their
Rudolph recently turned UI ) Iii l'nris ,
where hue uzuexpectedly arrived from
China. lie startlas thoArmuorican billiard
world this week by minounoimug hula desire
to play anybody in America for i,0OO
francs mtt tluo Balke.lino game. Ho stir.
mihates that the match must be played in
- -
Joilnli InvlR'A Trouble.
Toaiah Davis , No. Middletown , } ywi-1ksu
I nun now uiftinr a box of your I I IZflIY'S
CA1tll011O SA.V } upon an ulcer , which ,
for the peat ten ulayuu hai givoua tao great
tntln. Thie calve i the only m-emnody I have
fuimnd ( lint has given too any cao. My ulcer
% VM cauisc4 by varicoro vein antI ) rt ) .
muolincoti Incurable by my mncIcnl doctora. I
flinl , huriwovor that 11I-NItY'S CARBOLIC
3.tlVl is alecttngn ? cure ,
Being 1(111(1 to a. Strangea' ,
chik'egc , Trlluic. ,
Ammuouig the passcngcm in a parlorcar
on the Lake Shore road the other day was
a hianulsoma womomi , whose husband
sharcul tIme scat with her , and who would
have beeuu pickeI out as a e1wot , sedate.
abscnt.mninded man , Time seat opposite waa
occupied by a llacmhuily.drcsncd young malt
with a Iady.kiihin twist to his moustache ,
aii'l ho was considerably surprived when
the Iniabauuui hmmid d him a daily apor ,
with the remark :
"have a ghnuico at the howe , I'leuity
of excitement around the country I ob.
9IiO young man was busy with thuo pa.
per for half an hour , thou thio husband
offered him a popular milagazino. This en
tertained hmiin for an hour , and hue had
scarcely closed the book when tim good
maui roaced over with :
"Ilavo a cigar. These are prime Hay-
atlas , and I know you will enjoy otto. "
Tim young nuauu accepted with thanks ,
and naturally macho his way to the smo- , whore hue put in mueari3' mumothuor
hour , buit withuout time other's company.
W'lmout lie roturnel lie was greeted with :
' 'I'orlmaps you would like to hook at tIme
latest novel ? Very entertainiuig I assure
you , "
lie road until weary , and upon boimig
olre.iocl a cigar replied that he was to
leave at the iuoxt station , and added :
"I vaumL to thuammk you again fou' your
many courtesios. "
"Olu don't uneuution it. "
"You never saw nue before ? "
"Never. "
' 'Don't know may naniel"
a 'No , "
"Thou tell me why you wore so very
courteous to an entire straner. "
"Young man , I will explhuum. En times
past , when a loafer sat and stared at my
wife as a steady job'I got up at tlto cud
of nut hour and broke hub iucck. Tiuis mundo
Inc much trouble and oxpetuse , and 1
changed mumy progrmtmnummo. 1 now carry
books and cigars to bribe thuoum. Had
you goume a hundred unites further I would
have offered you a drimik of brandy , a new
puzzle , twu more dailies and another cigar -
gar , and my wife would have lund quite a
test. "
"Sir ! I- "
"Oh , its all riglut-nhl right ! It was
cheaper titan throwing you out of the
window , and I hope you'll get up to Ilto
hotel nafely. Good day , sir-good day-
glad to huave met yoni"
And tiunt young nina with the lady-
killing moustache , amid crockery-colored
eyes , and hunir parted on au ovolu keel
picked up his grip and walked out with.
out boiiig certain s'hetluer hue linti been
mashed in a collision or pulverized under
a hand.rollor ,
Good lucalth Lu thegreatest of fortunes ;
no remedy huts so oftcuu restored this prize
to thuo aull'criumg , as hood's Saranparilla.
Try it ,
No Douhlo Dec14 in Contlumeuital
Eurotto ,
v. A. CroStit In i'ioncr I'reu.
Tiucro are double beds iii Europe , out
of liondoum. I did not see one in a lotug
sumner tour. A maui amid Ida v'ufu yero
expected to sledp in opamte beds-sthall
bedim , three feet wide. I aslccd fern double
bad in Lugano , when tIm landlord as-
auredmo that there was no suchu thing in
town and hue had "never "
, scan otto. One
availing I obaorycd saturn confusion in
time "bureau" of time hotel at Lucerne , A
controversy was LLPPar'mitl3' going on ,
Presently one of the parties to it caine
out into the vestibule. lIe was JCrhunps ,
a Vermont cattle drover-a laro , powerful -
ful man , rather uuucomtveuitional in appear.
anco. lie took oil'a big straw hunt , wiped
his sweat ) ' brow with a red silk hiandkcr-
chief , and exclaimed : "Darn it all , mis-
tar , liarrit an' me lies slept together now
rising forty year ; and you've got to hunt
III ) a bed that we ken both sloop in at the
saitto Limo , and we shall set right hero till
y' duml" At this ho walked dowut and took
a chair ly the imida of a little , slim , we-
luau , who weighed about ninety pounds ,
camel's hmair shmzuwl , Slectacies nut ! all.
How it came out I uiaver know , for tluo
vestibule was occupied thuat ovemuing by a
company of siumgers front iilaum , anti I
lost sight of "liarmit" antI liar cavalier
amid time lively strains of ' 'Van-utah Yammi
1110 , "
Ladies ithuouhI , reflect weil bcIou-n u.iuugany
hireparation that i aphicd to 140 delicate ii ur-
ace ati the khuu. ituU co.nuctIe will at first
UI hurt a boantifyl ag clrict and muot tu , aucnt.
I' timbre thiim Hkiu , lint iii a very liort theta
I ttIo IlotclIe , numul , litetIuratiomiti apear on
tluo face which eouchwivehy , .iuow thu pokon.
00.i ulru4 Imi their eomuillb1tioIm , It cmiii be
safely sail that umlortu thin : t iO-ti iri1 of the
face iuvtierouit.'ilru tlti , iumJurIoui huugroihl.
eittji , Pt72uiI' $ uimeihicatoil oiuiildolort iuuttder
Iii mint only ah.tolutcly f-u'o fromuu nil ileleterlom.
matter , hait 1k j'riui'ipiZ iuigrcthiemit Li nut
nctio curatfvc for all lhipcnseri of th kiui. It.
Iit.t , totl , the te.t of yemu's , Sold hty all
druggl.its ,
1 % . Ness' buwoutlon In Telegraphy ,
Ir , Patrick B , Deiauy has invomuted
telegraphic apIiaucea by which , hue says ,
SIX operators can scud six umtcssaes at the
same tiumia over the annie wire. Part of
tlue six can sour ! messages in OttO way-
while the rest are aeuidiui. ' ' theta in the
other dimectiomi. This will' give the wire
tlmico tinmes time capacity whtich it has with
a quadruuplux iiustrumnent. Tweuity.four
Mtmrso iumstrummuomuts caut be couunected with
Otto WFO by this system. Twolyo unessa.
gee cauu be sent siuuuultaneousiy at 'the rate
( if twenty vords a uumimuuto. Ho says that
the syatumn luluL boon wrkeuI over a wire
betwouuu Now \ork nuni Boston , Au ox.
hiibitioui will shortly be given to olectri.
e'itiauia ituiui represoutativeu , of the various
tolegraphm coinpauie. 'J'he last atezuts
were issued Oh Oct. P.
YimuuigEcn , 3tIdtlht , Aged ? lcim nuid All
: Ieut tehie suhl r ft-eta cuoly hualkeretloits will
tutu Alleu. Brain P0041 , the most i.werful
huivigi'rmumt um't'r jntrttlueotl ; . , umem restored by
ft. tlioro it , lun rolaiwa , Try it ; It muaver falls.
: h ; forAt ulruggists.
------u-- -
Tilt ) % fllfl't IInthIy Bonnu ,
" \Vhiatn lovely motnut" exclaimed
Popperumuauu thu other evening as she and I
her Itusbatid at on the front stoop ,
indeed , " said AIr. l'oppernunuu ,
"It beautifully beaums down upon us in
all its silvtn'y splendor , bathing the earth
in its umuultow efulgonco , amid illuminating
the golden legend over our door so that
all who will many read , 'Table Board t-I a
week. "
- -
XIuu' Ii. Xl. Iougku Cons' Cai'.lcuuui Couiht Props
forour children ; they-are luuuide. ka.1uig t'i thu
tt&tu aut itll cur. thrir colds , P. . eel
Lark on uncry dee ! ' .
A Urahic Fitnro of Its Rayaes--
Mazattall Pe1ll1a1cdI
Exiterlcncca auiil Obsorvatlotis of a
Californian In a I'cvcr-
Stricken l'ort ,
San Pranciu'co Chronicle.
The story told by Senor Andrado of time
zavages of the yellow fever in liermo.
aihlo , furnishied somethuiimg in the nature
of a rovelatiomi of the extent aumd virulence
of the plague in tlmo coast towns of Max.
leo. A. similar atatcunciut was made Inst
utiglit to a Chroumicle reporter by , J. A ,
ltobertson , a former resident of this cit' ,
time subject being his oxporieimccs in
Mazatlami. Retaining as nearly as possi-
lila time eXprCSSiOlmS of the narrator , blob-
orIson's ' story ruims as follows :
"Out the lithu of August a party of s'mx
of us , inchinliuug two or three caltitahista
from Dixon , Solaumo couumty , weumt. down
to Mazatlan on the Sauu .Iuamu for the pur.
J)0SO of bumyimmg a sugar plauutation. We
inul heard that. tue yellow favor had visit-
ad that port , but had no idea that we
should timid time towna deathu-hiolt , , Such
was the case , however , auth tim city actually -
tually stunk with tiuo ulnguo. had the
atcatumer umotleft we would have iummnmedi.
atoly fled limo place , but imaritmg been loft
there , we decided that tiuo beat thuiimg to
( II ) WaS to uuunko for thieintcriorns quickly
as we could. We immade our proIarations
with all the ox1tcditioit possible amid thuir.
ty.six hours after our arrival wore luend.
ilmg for the ranch ,
ruLt'IiN ( ; WIT1L nut FEVEII.
uuSre 1usd uiot tlirotught the coui-
tmtgion quickly enough , thuotmghi , and when
but a few mumilea out out time road every
one of us Wa. ; stricken with the fever.
There was no possibility of procuring
imiediciume or attendance where we wore ,
so we turned back to Maz , tlaim , pcat.riel.
den its it was , \r0 procuucd the best
quarters that. we could , but the best was
bad enough. In the uuaino rooumu with me
were two others , one of tlueni being A.
v , Rogers , an uncle of Arthur Rogers ,
of 240 Moimtgomery street , Saut Francis'
Co. When the doctor ciftled Ito said titat
Rogers was dying and that I had about
three hours to live. 'Well , doctor , ' said
II oil hucaring this , 'if tltat is the case I
shall not die with any of your medicine
ill amy stonuach , ' I then sent out for six
ounces of paregoric , made a hot tea of it ,
and theut veut in for ice water , auid soon
was in a tremncumdous perspiration , Next ,
I treated mumysolf to plenty of cream of
tartar , aumd though time black vonmit caine
out , 1 was out of danger on tim eighthi
day. The doctor's lredictiomt about
'Rogers was verified , huowevor , and ito
died. I need scarcely toll you that dur.
ing those eight days my sufFerings wore
"Tue symptoms of tue attack coat-
macneed with nut intolerable pailu at tiue
basoof the skull , which soon spread all
over the body. This lasted for two days ,
durnug which the yellot' tiumge sluowed itself -
self , discoloring the cyoballa , creeping
under the umauls and giving mnetlio appcar-
alice of luaviug been painted with a decoc-
Lion of aall'ron. Then the spleen began
to wcll uuttil it was a palpable protuberance -
ance On the third day severe chills
came on , which I broke by the treat-
incnt which 1 hmavo described. An soon
as tite perspiration became profuse thto
hiorrublo siremmess went oil' , but jut its
place came a distressiimg forni of constipation -
tion , As soon us I lund conquered this
tluu black voimmut. canto , in uriy case comt
stating mostly of putrid blood. When
tlc _ ugor had passed umy skin began to
eel ofl'tiuo'dcnudations on the thigits
boiimgs deep nato1oavo iargoeores. Tluo
peeling process went on until tvery imuclm
ofakin vmts new nutd I was as white as a
baby. Talking of black vomit , I kitow
them is a gonorat inmprcssioit that thk is
a sure sign of dissolution. This is not so ,
as may case proves. Eveit in the more
aggravated cases it is itot fatal , for thora
vau3 olto sick mueiglubor , called Stainer , ivhio
iii my presence vouttited a cuspidor full of
stulI tIua looked like coflee grounds and
trhio yet rocoverceL As soon as I was
able to be around i : looked up my compan-
Louts and found that they lund all pulled
tlmrough except A. Musslemnaut of lixon ,
who-soon went under.
"Being a lrisonor jit Mnzatlaut amtd luiw-
ing served my appronticesimip to Yellow
Jack , I nitido the most of the opportunity
by looking aroutud and gathueriumg soumme
idea of thi work of the plague. They
wlto toil you that Mazatlamu was lightly
visited tell you what is false , for the tonuu
was more titan deciummated , A day or two
before I left I wandered tui. to the canto- I
tory amid learned front the gatekeeper
that during the two nuontlus of the visita.
tion hue hind passed iii frouut 8i00 to 5000
dead , Ho was uuot exactly sure which ,
as some days they canto so thick that lie
was uuot able to kce1m the tally. Now
sottiuug tlte population of Mazatian at
15,000 souls before the plague broke out ,
: i do not tltiutk it WOUld l at all nut
extravagant estimate to say that fully
ommo.tluird of tue immhuabit.ants ( lied from the
fever , The ouilywondor is tluattltewholo
cityful was act swolit away. Whuout tIme
disease first made its appenraulco the
doctors began liagghiuug over what it really
vas , Soutme called it tommto , or heavy
fever , others said it was malarial ,
amid while thioy were dssagreeiii , death
after death soon decided what it was.
'l'luaut caine tluo question of treatment mud
umlort ) prcciou time was wasted in experi-
uuuouutiuig. The locality , t.emporaturo and
luabit of the 11001)10 all made Mumzathamt a
veritable forciimr.iiouso for the plague.
hIyimmg low by t1io water's edge , jut the
Imottest uimoist inoutthus of thmm , year and huh-
ilmg root iiu filthy struota guiltless of itumy.
like cleanliness , it is ito wotudor tlmmut Jack
Paid his visits right amud loft , muighit auuti
day itiuti swept uwerytlming before him ,
'l'hio local pamoi's mumuuouuueed that for tim
first week in Sejmtciiuber there were .180
deathis that lund boon buried iii coflins ,
'but , ' it added. 'as ' tue disease is ummost
lmrovnloiut anmong tiuc wretches whet
live , die , and utre buried iuu the dark , it
is safe to assulnue tluat. tluo roll uumu up to
1100 for tIme weak , ' Whiemt once the ( over
had headway it was not muuuouig the 1)001" )
eat classes timat it wrkd , , its way.
For painful Jacobs Oil
ought to be keptinovoryhousu ,
1'oImuum for Limo timumitarrleel ,
lirother ( larduer , Iotromt Free' i'res' .
ni understand , " began the I'resideuit ,
as the nicotiuig was oimeiued in clue fornm ,
"dat qUite a iuuiuier , of io umuenubers of dia
club nut gwiue to be uimnv'iod deorimm' do
suummuter , flat's ' all right , uuuu' ' .1 triuhi 'out
nmuchu joy , nit' shall be glad to witness do
obsequlea of each an' ebbery one , Il'it '
I wammt to say mu few words iii goiteral. In
thue lust place , amut ou guvino to umuat"y fur
love or fur a sort a b'uzuuua partuieroluil
If you nitatu'or fur love , let ummo warn you
to be aartjoii dat you donut' mistake the
somtjnient , Itlaumy a young maui who
thought his heart torn by love hums plung.
ed into matrimony to dtskivor dat hue
simply had an admiration for a $30 sot of
false tooth mmd a high Instep. If you
answer fur a sort o' biamiess partiterslmip ,
let ma warn you not to expect too imuuehm ,
Yotu won' , los'odo womanand she mvoit't
trust you. It will be a sort o' boss ti-mule
in which both parties will be cheated and
hioth couttinimer to be mad about it. You
can got along after a fashiion , an' pcopio
who sco her on omur aria at a circus won't '
know how you light at home. If you minus
marry hot coimmmout seitso have a show in
time transacksimumn. Donut' goofl'yotmr feet
because you meet a gal who can sing like
a robbin smutilo like a rose , nutd junmp oil'
a street cyar ividoimb bodeulum' do driver
to sto1m. A wife will have immtuclu to .o
lmchdo mu'uumgiut' au' cuultivatimu' diuumphcs. If
you ammm gwiime to mnarry ax yerself how
fur $10 a week will go whuen divided p
fur clothes nut' ier'islutmmua alt' house rent
mmmi' fewnl nut' iuudilouitals. Bfo' you fall
iii hove wid a gal who loks too sweet for
aumythuin' in a red lilusii sacque , figure out
how ummany mdcli duds yer ilicoummo will
afrord her , Ilefo' you aiim broke up ober
a gal who Imlays do Pinumumer. hulks French ,
laiitts Iamtdscnpes , an' reads poetry , jist
sit dowum nmt' tigger viuo alit to cok yer
meat nut' titters , patchu ycr close , daruuyer
socks , an' help yer make $1'2 buy $15
worth of things. Befo' yer let a pa's' 0'
flashmin' eyes alt' a coumutimu' diummplo cati'-
ate yer , look cretin' a little an' see if do
Owitor has got a tonmpor like a wildcat ,
Marriage alum a lottery simply bekaso lCO.
pIe take each odor uiisightt nut' numsecut. "
J .inhLtrucse ConHuis ,
lit time Yokohama Mail of Soptcuuuber
22 , 1883 , ma a tabulated official cxltibit of
the immajut features of time census of timat
couuumtry , takemi iii 188 , hut only itow
mnado public , This is the third conmnma or
Japan takotu since 1873. Time return's of
total population by each is no follows :
Years I 'opulatiout.
isrt. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,807
18713. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
' [ 'ito increase 1mm been a fraction over
13 per cent in the zuimie years front 1873
to 1882. The rotunis of 1873 gave 67-
499 umbra males than feumuales , or semite-
thimmg over 4 per ccitt in favor of tIme
males. The ceitsus of 1882 gives but
407,788 , or about 2.7 par ccuut more
tunIcs titan females , The infereutco is
that prior to 1873 the rearing of fonmale
chmildrsn was tint as imuuch encouraged as
that of immalo children , b5t that this On.
ontal custom is giviumg way to tue 'mVestermu
civilization wimichi Japan has adopted.
The diil'orcnco betweetu the present popu-
hation of Japan and that of the Uitited
Kingdom of Great Britain is a trifle in
favor of the former. Tito area of tim
United Kingdom , including Eumgiand ,
Scotland , \Vales , Ireland and the Chaut.
nol islands and isles of Maui and Wiglut ,
is 77,888,82 ! ) acres. The area of Japauu
is 102,703,860 acres , or very nearly a
third more tluamt tue United Kingdom. It
used to be 8Up1)OSCd that Japan was tlio
inostdomtsely peopled land in the world.
Tiueso oflicitml figures supply tlte refuta-
tioit of that theory. Tiieaverage deutsity
iii the United Kingdom is about 00 to
the square nuilo ; in Japan , about 228. it
was the popular belief twenty or thirty
years ago , too , that Ycddo. time capital of
Japan , was tIme most populous city in the
World. This , also , is ( 'xploded by these
oflicial returns. T1uopopulatioii of Tokio
was as follows iii time years named :
1813. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7sou1 ;
1STS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,036,771
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
There are thuirtecut otluer cities or pro-
fectureri in Japan containing eaeht more
people tlntut Tokio. These arc as follows -
lows :
Cittas l'onuiatiomu.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' , ' .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
Ishiikawa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,412S02
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
1tiroldmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,243,032
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
These are not presunuably all urban
populations , Each prefecture itas a do-
p oiident rural district ; but so also luas
l'okie. Iliogo and Osaka arc now well
known to be larger cities titan tlto capi-
tiul. Tue whuole utumber of prefectures or
census districts is fonty.two , of which
twelve have each above a uuiillion jithabi.
taitts and only four each less than half ru
uitilliout. If every census district but two
-Niigata tutU Yaiuuaiiashui-thue nmalos outnumber -
number tIme females ; in some districts as
immuchm as 6 , 7 aauud S per ccitt. The births
br 1881 exceeded tIme deatlus by S5,000 ,
or nboutt 35 per ccitt. The whole itumber
of famihios returned is 7,611,770. Phone
were , in 18S2 , over 50 years of age , 6 , .
621,612 , and 177,068 over 80 years. Tim
social classification is titus shown :
l'mnirinl family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) )
I'riumees of tIme blootlu-oyal. . . . . . . . . . 34
Kuazoku , or umobtlitv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,201
Shlzoku , or gentry. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,981,821
Couumuuioit ) ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , ,
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,700,118 ,
The Imperial live are the Etimporor , the
Entprcss , the Empress Dowager and two
youuug I'niutcos , - both of whom died
since the census rzus thkeut. A1)ponded
to the table of population is a tabulated
statoumiemut. of statistics of ngricultuu'al
productiouus , prcsuuuuably for the year
1881 , Tlmey include rice , barley , wheat ,
i-ye , millet , beaus , buckwheat , umuaizo and
sorgluuuim. The production of rice is equal
to all time rest , and comitparod with wheat
as 20.'T ' is to 1.7 ; with barley us 2(1.7 ( is to
5 , 1 , rithi barley , wheat , i-ye amid buck.
wheat as 20.7 is to 10,5. More ituillet is
raised Japaut tliait wheat. mid nearly four
tiumues as nmucli rye as wheat , Sweet potatoes -
toes , the conumnon potato and maize also
liguro , but uimidor dcnoniinatiouis either
of woighut or measure which are given
iii . ) ajiauucse , the equivalents of u'huiciu
we are uuuable to lresuult iii English. Con.
trasted wiLe soimto of the provilices of
Ohuimun the 1mopulatioui of .Japaut is mtot at
all , dense.Time single Chinese province
of Jiaumgau with utot. niuch uteri' thulin cite-
foumrtlu the area of .1aman , coimtaiumod at
tue last " " it ho
"guess"-for caimimot called
a ceuusus-mimado iii 18872 , tIme citoriuuotus
mmumber of 87,813,501 inhmabitnutta , or
over 2,000,000 macro thuamu all of Japan.
Nevertheless , that sanmo year , thmouhu a
total opulatioit for all Chuinmu was given
at 8(12,147,183 ( , tue average to tIme square
ummile was tluirty.four less thunum the average
itt time United Kiimgdoumm of ( heat Britain
iii 1881 , at the hastflnitishcouiaus. Sonic
of tim Ciiiumesu proviutcos ni-a thinly jeo. ,
pied. Ouie , larger thisit lrauico , hiss but
ten to flue situate utile , amid amuother , as
large as New York , l'cumuusylvamila , l'mfas.
sachuuisetLi antI ! iarylauid , has but. l'mfty.
0110 inhabitants to the iuuuro ummilu , which
is less thait a fourtht tIme detisity of Japan
niud about a sixth of Great Britain.
cAIlcfl oi UtILUU10.
W'nitt of coittidemico iw-coutmta for hudl of thu
butlmies failures of today , $ chrcter & floclmt ,
time u3nurmtIot.nee uot liable to fall for the suit
of comitiloimco , in Ir , Jts.ammko'd Cought and
J.ting Syrup , for thaty give away a bottle free
tO all who art' sutlhmnhutg with C'tight' , Cold ,
Astlunun , CunuumptIouu mind all afluctlnus of
tIm Throat and Luu , . Trade stmIl'lh.l 1y C.
F , Goodnisut.
- - -
Furniture ! / '
Have just received a large quantity of
I1 A 11 'F's' ! 1206 , l08 nd HhlO Farunin St
, la 0 . : &oors. - OMAHA , NED.
Ta ! . flour I , , , , . , , .
made at Salem 1ticIiardon Cot Nebra.ka un the Combinet flnjltmr Stone Syrtem. V
, ,
give EXCLUSIVh . . ttlo of . our flour , to , one tIm In a ilaco. We hayo opened it hru.Lih at 1013 CapItol amouc
Omnah. % Write for l'rlccs. Addt elthet
: f
un . Salem or Omaha , 5eb.
p. ,
0. M. LEIGHTON. r , p , CLAfllE.
( SUCCESSOIS TO ErNNA1tD 111108. 4 Co. )
Wholesale Druggists 1
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class
OMAIIA , - - - - - - - NEBRASEA.
± iftb1i2E3ci iJ.2a
(1 ( fi
iTiiii.iii : IWiIiWll ' z :
- -
- "
L1--- : 1409 and 11ll Dodge SLrooL ,
OMAHA , - - - - - - NEBRASKA.
RIOllARD & CLARKE , W. A , ( ) IAItKE ,
Proprietors. Suporinkuidertt. ' \
Omaha ron Wo'k
- - 17Th & 18TH STREETS
, ,
- . =
T 1 :
. .
- - - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
I 1 .
, -
; . ' - . , T-1---j )
, , . - ) II
t I
, .
-i-- - , - . , . - -t , QflnIIJ
' -
- - , . - _ _ _ - - , . . -1 ' ' 4 . . _ _ _ _ _ _
- r .
- _ _ _ _ - - - , rci. ( ; v.Ji ' .
- - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t.'Jj _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ -
- . : .
Steam Eogioes , Boilers
Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery !
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. _ '
4.- ,
I- . . 0
s.I 't
' * , lzcl
. : i
I : '
- . _ _ . ; .rIu . . ¶ 1 - l.l
- - -
1\T0 are prejrnrc o furnish ltlnu ttin matiiuites , and will eontrnct for
the erectiohm Of Fournug ] Mills anti Oraiui Elevators , or l'or changing
Flourii.g Mills from Stouie to tile Itoller system.
; 9'Eumpe huttelition gven to furitisliliug Power Plants for imny piur-
Ioe , auth estiuiintos made fur tajue. Gdnel'lIl initchiziery repair8 attended
to PrOhilItlY. Atlth'ess
RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb ,
. - - ,
- - - - -
. . :
- -