Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1883, Image 1

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\ L ' . ' THE OMAHA DAILY : BEE . . .
/1\ . . . . . '
. traiht Tell lillullOllS Lac off ilic
, Bobt ¶ illi Slacks of Lucre i
the Trcasury1
Thirty Million Aoros of the Pub
. : ho Domain Disposed of Dur-
lug the Fiscal Year.
1 Countless Praud8 Praotioed Un-
' 4 . dor the Timber , Desert and
. Pro-omption Laws ,
TILe AnntuI Report of Commissioner
IilcFarland - Miscellaneous
: Washington News.
. WAsnINc.oN , November 1.-Reduction
' - o ( the pub'ic debt during October , $10 , .
: 804,708 ; decrease of debt simico Juno 80 ,
1883$39,584,470 ; cash in treasury , $304 , .
\ 47,5O1 ; gohi certificates , 883,328,1)40 ) ;
! ilvercertificate , $90,579,141 ; certificates
of deposit , 812,020.000 ; refunding cortili-
cates , $32i,85O ; legal tenders , $346,681-
016 ; fractional currency , $0.990,303.
Tot1 debt 'without interest , $540,258 , .
200. Total dcbt , $1,866,052OUS ; Total
interest , $9,801,243.
Cash in the treasury , $364,347,571 ;
debt less cash in the treasury , $1,511-
506.737 ; decrease during October , $10 , .
io4 708. Decrease since June 30 , 1883 ,
' . $10584,470 ; current liabilities , interest
duo and unpaid , $2,698,375 ; debt on
I which interest has ceased , $4,348,745 ;
. iiiterost thereon , $288,857 ; gold and au.
: ; , ver certificates , $182,908,81 ; United
. States noles held for redemption of cur-
tiflcatcs$12,620,000 ' ; cash balance avail.
, 161,483 443 ; total , $364,347,501 ; available -
. able ases , cash in the treasury , $364 , .
k 3475O1.
j' ' , The Cminissionor of the general land
office , Hon. N. 0. McFarland , in his an-
. ; ntmal report , states that the disposals of
public lands during the year , embraced
10,030,769 acres , and the Indiami lands
:99,235 : acres , an increase over 1882 of
. about 5 oooo o acres , and over 1881 of
about 000,000 acres. The receipts
4 from all sources in connection with the
. disposal of public lands were $11,088 , .
. 479 , and from sales of Indian
: , anda , $625,404 ; total , $11,713 , .
; 883. The public Lands were disposed of
as follows : Public sales , 273,069 acres ;
, 1)rivato entries , 2,179,955 acres ; pro-
I ' . emption entries , 2,285,710 acres ; mineral
. entries , 31,520 , homestead entries , 8-
x . 171,914 ; timber culiuro entries , 8,110-
t3O ; entries with military bounty land
- rarrantfi , 45,414 ; entries with land claim
i / scrip , 1,058 ; total number of entries and
. 'I filings posted during the year , 251,085 ,
' ; - aggregating 30,000,000 acres. The in-
creasein t1o number of claims recorded
. . in 1883 was 55,548 ever the year 1882.
p 4 - . . T.he Commissioner states he isaatifiod
ro.eniption filings are made or procured
to be made to a great extent for speculative -
, tivo purposes. Ho renews his recom-
f inundation that the pre.omption law be
I L repealed. The report recommends an
t . - , t amendment to the homestead laws requiring -
. ) quiring the purled not less than six
\ months after settlement of claimhas boon
' placed on record before the final proof
shall be admitted , irrespective of the alleged -
leged time of residence prior to entry.
The Commissioner states the commutation -
tion feature of the homestead law is open
to the same abusas na the pre.oniption
laws. Ho argues thatthohomestcad laws
should ho amended so as to recuiro proof
of actual residence and improvement for
a period of not less than two years before
, the Ii momtcd entry may be commutated
by cash payments. The report further
recommends the total repeal of the tim-
her culture law on account of its inherent
defects. Time same object , the Comnmis.
sionor finds , in the operation of the des.
ert land act and ho finds entries have
been largely made for speculative pur.
poses with no intention of reclamation.
The practical operation of the law has
been to enable land to be purchased in
large quantities , thus resulting more in
the encouragement of monopoly than
- encouragement of reclamation. Time xc-
port also says the timber and stone land
act is flagrantly violated. "Infornmation
. is in my possession , " the Commissioner
says , "that much of the most valuable
timber lands remaining in osscssion of
the Government on the Pacific coast is
being takoix up by home and foroin
capitalists through the mediuni of entries
nmado by persons hired for that pUrJ)080.
I have found it necessary to suspend all
entries in this elms. "
The Commissioner is of opinion that
. - the timber lands should be reorvod by
law from ordinary disposal and sold only
- after appraisement and upon settled bids.
Ho recommends Congress make some
legislation in relation to private land
claims in New Mexico , Colorado amid
Arizona , and recommends a commission
be app3inted to examine and settle these
claims with proper appeal for review
upon error of law.
The comiatructiomi of 1,210 miles of land
grant railway was reported duriiv' the
year , making a total of 17,449 miTes of
road reported as constructed under all
, grants to June 30 , 1883. The question
of declaring the forfoitura of these grants
I ' 'where railroads hmvm'o not boon constructed -
ed in the proscribed time is doomed an
appropriate one for legislation. The
Commissioner recommends the passage
of an act making false and fraud.
. ulent returns of public surveys pun-
isliablo by fine and imnprisomuncnt.
. Much progress has been made in time
. work of protecting public lands and pub-
, . lc ! timber , Tliopractico of fencing pub-
.c lmc lands iscondemned , and the recoin.
inundation rentmwcd that an act be passed
; . imposing penalties for this offense , and
. , . , for preventing legal settlement and entry
, by force and intiixiidation. The Comnmis.
' ,10r , smoner lcs that his salary be fixed at
. $ ji,000 , and for a moderate increase of
.1 the salaries of time principal ollicera and
t ' clerks in his department , 'l'lmo character
I and responsibility of the 016cc , together
with the fact that its bimsuixess has in.
creased 82 per cent since 1881 , appears
to the Commissioner to justify the to-
I ' of West \rijiija editors called
. upon time President this afternoon ,
who received them moat cordially.
1vESTZG.tT1fl coRx.
. . .
The Secretary of tim Navy lisa detail.
ed ensign Joint A lkrnartlau , to lro.
cued to Corca for the purpose of making
a report on the geological amid other sci-
entitle features of that Island.
The Socratary of State received from
the geographical society of France a very
handsome gold. medal , intended as a tea.
timonial to Lieut. Frederick A.Schwatka ,
U. S. A. , in recognition of his services
in the successful expedition to King
\Villlam's laud in 1878 and 1880.
TiIi FIVE I'1I CIT : C..SE3.
Ex.Somiator Thurman and , Judge Shell.
abargor opened argument in the
Supromno Court of the Ijnited States for
the States of illinois and Iowa , petition.
era in what are known a ; the 5 per cent
cases , inaintalixing it is the duty of time
commissioner of time land office , where
required to do so , to state the accounts
between the United States and the States
of Iowa and illinois ; that the duty of
the coimunissionor to render such statement -
mont is purely ministerial and immandatory
in its character , leaving no room for time
exercise of judgumont or discrotiomm , atiti
that the petitmonimig StAes are entirely
without remedy unless it be afforded by
time iimtorpositieii of the Supreme Court
in granting a writ of immandanmus. Coin.
nmissionor McFarland , in reply to the
allegations of time petitioners , admits Ito
him refused to furnish the required state.
mnemmts of accouimt , amid says Ito has dommo
80 for the following reasons :
First-That neither tIme acts of 1818
and 1815 , admitting time States of illinois
and Iowa to the union , nor time acts of
1855 and 1857 , mentioned in time petition ,
atitliorizo these States to claim a 1)ercent-
ago upon such public lammds , witlmimm their
boundaries , as has been disposed of by
time United States to liohderp of bounty
laud warrants.
Second-That if the meaning of these
acts were t1terwise , still time conteinpo.
raucous consrrmmction thereof by time gait-
oral land office and time States of iowa
and Illinois in numerous and important
transactions , has estabhisimed time meshing -
ing first above suggested ; that iii 1858
the State of Iowa made a forumi demand
upon the Secretary of the Interior as an
otilcial SUperiOr then to the commissioner
of the federal land office to be allowed
the percentage now claimed and the
same was refused with reasons , whereupon -
upon the State practically acquiesced in
such ruling until time date of the presemit
dumand , :5 : years thereafter , confining its
efforts in the mneantinio to uphications to
Congress for a change in time statute
above mentioned. "
The argument will bn coimtinued to-
morrow. The principle involved in this
litigation affects time proceeds of more
thaim 63,000,000 acres of public lands in
19 states.
Hon. Benjamin P. Butterwortli to-day
formally assumed time duties of Commis-
simmer of Patents.
ChIcAGo , Noveniber 1.-Cuss. Scitra-
dor , 12 years old , was murdered timis
morning by Henry Peterson , a Swodinh
laborer , who is supposed to bo a mad-
man. The deed was committed ma va-
ciut1ot on thmutskirts of the cit" , time
murderer using a club with 'which he
dashed out the boy's brains. The mnur-
doror was arrested ,
L1Ncoz , flI. , November 1.-The coro-
nor's jury in time Zora Burns case agreed
upon a verdict at 1:45 : timis afternoon , do-
daring that the girl's death was occa-
sioned. by knife wounds inflicted by persons -
sons unknown. As Carpenter is still
under arrest on a warrant , the prohimi-
nary examination will be the next step
taken ,
WICHITA , ICans. , November 1.-Nellie
C. Bailey , the young woman charged with
the murder of Clement Botlmonily , in Indian -
dian Territory on the 7th lust. , was imold
to-day by United States Commissioner
Slmernian for appearance at the next term
of the United States Circuit Court at
Wichita. Nellie C. Bailey is 21. years
old , a handsome brunette , well educated
and moved iim the best society of New
York City amid New .Jorsey. She met
Botimenily , a rich Englimmimnmamm amid immomn-
her of time British associatiouatSt. Louis ,
and arranged with him to go t
Texas to start a sheep ramicim. Before
they started alma got a deed for his lands
ill lCmmnsas valued at $20,000 and wimilo
passing through time territory cii route to
Texas sue shot Bothemly through time
head , took possession of his trunk coim-
taimming dianmonda and jewelry worth
$7,000 , together it1t his outfit consist-
ing-of sheep and stock worth $100,000.
Sue kurimed his body at Skoicton ramiclm
and started south , but was arrested nine
miles fromn where the murder was corn-
mitted. Time case was worked up by
United States Marshal Hoilistor nnd As.
sistant United States Attormmey Charles
53.tAItON'S NIomirMAmmg.
SAN FJmANCISC ( , , November 1.-Miss
.Aggio Hill , claiming to be Mrs. Sharon ,
brought suit imm the Superior court against
Senator Sharon for divorce , division of
community , property amid ailirnony , time
claims based on wilful desertiomm and ro-
jmeated acts pf adultery. Sue sa's , when
alma immarried imimn Imo was deeply mu debt.
Thu property was ommiy worth $5,000,000.
Under joint management as man amid
wife the property is mmow worth $15,000 ,
000. Sue asks timat an account be taken
of nil business transactions since time immar-
riago , that half time common property
may be determined and divided.
INiIANAI'OI.Is , hid. , Novommiber 1-
tJmmltod States Marshal H , S. Foster with
a posse of detectives wont to Pike coumi-
ty , this State , lust night iii Pursuit of a
gang of coumitorfeiters , SUIpOSCd to be
located iii that lmrtiomm of the state.
They succeeded in arrestimmg mmmc of time
gang this mnornimig at Steinvillo , a small
village in Pike county , about 25 znilos
from Evansville , after a dcserato figimt.
The following ame time vartmes captured :
Three brothers named Columbus , Jesse
amid Josepim Jlancimens , Hemmry ( irossrnnn ,
] lomim-y Icinderresloy \'ooda , P1mm )
Taylor , Bertie Sutimers amid Andy if mtrt-
They were all brought to this city to-
nigid. in charge of time marshal
amid deputies. Juring the fight Joe
Ifimmicheima was shot through time right
hung , Jesse Ilaimcimens iii the hand amid
Jiart througim his hat , The gang have
beeim operating tim time soutimormi part of
the State , with headquarters iii Knobs ,
iii time vicinity of Now Albany. 'I'Imo
spurious colims mnammufucturod are half.
dollars amid dollars iii silver , amid $2.50
and $5 gold pieces. Time business of
mmmanufncturing epurious coins has becit
eommtluctod omm a largo scale , their opera-
tioims oxtommaimig immtoamljoiniug States.
Time Miserable Comulitinim 01 hho
, , NortImern l'acUto Simtmt Iy
its Manager.
Sr. 1'Aux , November 1.-Uermmmamt
Ilatipt , general umammager of time Nortimern
I'ncific railway , 1mm tendered his resignation -
tion , which 1mm been accepted , to take
efiect November 1 amid time following circular -
cular has boomm issued :
a MAAOEht'S trricn , Noveni-
her 1.-Ilerumami Ilaupt , gommeral mmmamma-
got , having severed his commmmection with
time N. P. railway coimipammy. time nuder-
aigimed , iii additiomm to Imis ditties as vice-
president , viil for the present assuumme
time duties of gemmeral mmmamrnger.
( signed ) P. F. O.txig. :
( Jenorai Manager ilaupt , iii aim interview -
view with time associated press reporter ,
said , timts ovommimmg , his resigumation was
omitirely dime to the policy of radical xc-
tronchrnent , adopted by the Nortimorim
Pacific , wimicm ) prncticnii3' tied his imand
ammd proveuted prpor ruimmmilmg of time
rohul. At a mimeetiimg of time stockholders
it had becim decided to cut ofi'all possibie
expense , amid hmo Imad received imistructiomma
to cut dowmm time frco 1mast wimat was act-
willy necessary. Numubors of time diroc.
tars comuplaimmed timmm4 time otpommdittmres
were to mmmcii in excess of time receipts.
Mr. linupt explaimiol this by statimmg the
road was turmmed over to timooperatimmg do-
partmnent by time commatructiomm dcparttuiemmt
iii 11. very imicompleto condition ; iii fact ,
as fast as parallel rails vore laid. So bad
was time condition of the road that
thmrouglm trauma could not bii run over it
with any degree of safety or speed. The
road was nmmsorabiy bahiasted , cuts were
narrow , mme stations nor water-tanks wore
built , ito aide tracks put in-ui fact ,
notiming was (10110 to put tIme road iii con-
ditioim. This had to be domio , mmd the
cost of it had to be met by time operating
department , supposably out of the sur-
hILtS earmmimmga wlmmchm did not exist , iimstead
of by the constructiomm ( lepartmmiemit. This
course made tim expenses very Imeawy.
Aimothme ? reason was that PracticallY
all time work of time year had
to be dommo imi Jimmie , July and
AUgUst. After August it is diflicult to
get mimemi to work on tim road , as time
harvest fields PY ° mmmuch better ammd
after time harvest wet weather begins and
it is iinjOsSiblO to do any work until time
ground dries iii time spring. Gait. Ilaupt
further said time policy of rotreimchmmmmemmt
was being carried to an oxtemmt thiatwould
be detrimmmemital to the iittest of tiiq road.
Time bed wouldbecommio verybad by beimig
neglected , especially consideriimg its pros-
eat comiditiorm , amid as to the discharge of
460 mcmi inthe , repair shops at Braimmerd ,
time resultwould be that the yards atthiat
point would be crowded with disabled
engines and dismantled freight cars ,
which would greatly impair the efficiency
of time road. Of course this would reduce -
duce temporarily time expense of time road
to a large extent , but instead of being a
sarinm there would be an actual loss and
next spring when the mmecessary repairs
had to be made the expense 'would bo
more thart lmoayy eiiouiito , csuntorbzj-
anco the saving now. ' ( 'en. 11atmp also
stated that imis oflico force Imad beomm cut
down to a poimmt which precluded efficient
work. These were the reasons in brief
which actuated lmim in tendering his
resignation ,
\TicoPrcsident Oakm was interviewed
as to time aimccessor of Gun. Haupt and
said that there would be imo successor , at
any rate not at presommt. While immtimat-
ing that timero might be sonic changes as
to other oflicors of time road , Mr. Oakcs
said tlmeao would be imoimo at present.
Schooner Wrecked.
CLEVELAND , 0. , November 1.-TIme
scimoonor Sopimia Mimmcim , fromim Marqmmotte
to Ciovolaimd , witim 1,150 tomis of ere ,
wont ashore here at 4 o'clock thus mmmormm-
ing during a storm. Sue was being
towed into port amid wimen imear time river
the rudder broke , amid time tugs were
forced tocut loose. The tugPoterSmitii
carried a lifo crow to her , but aim accouxmt
of time heavy sea abandoned it. Both crews
are aim time drifting vessel. Two mon of
the life crow , remnaimmimig aim time vatcim ,
togotimcr with thu voiumitcers , were rca-
'rime River Coal IUimc.
Pirraumunu , Novezmmberl.-Thmorivorcoai
mimmors Immive called a commvontiomm for next
Tuesday , for time purpose of suspending
all mimmors working under time : i cent
rate , aimd to prowido mneamms for time support -
port of titoso who mmmay be forced to atammd
iii defense of river prices.
Biuslumess Failures.
CimzcAno , November L-Franv. ( un-
dole commfcsscd judgumient to-day aggregating -
gating $22,000. Warren J. Durhmammm ,
vimo entered judgment aim time 29th of
October against Ouiver , Pmmo , Iloyne &
Co. , stationermi amid book binders , filed a
creditors' Ijill against Lime firma ,
alleging time transfer to .1cm Norris was
contrary to time immtorest of time creditors
in goierai and iii favor of cortaimm pro-
furred creditors. Aim injunction was
granted restraining time firm Emma disposing -
posing of time assets , confessing judgment
or preferring creditors.
Which Disposes ot' time "Iuunocer.t
Party" 1'Iozu.
DsNvsu , Novommmbor 1.-Mm unusually
importmimmt case was decided by .Judgo
McOrary , of time United States Circuit
Court , 'I'Imo Ummited States
brought suit to caucoi 01 pateumts to lands
held by the Colorado Coal ammd Iron corn-
p any and others in Los Animnas county.
ho Patemits were obtaimmed tiurougim time
pre-omuptioum law hietween 1870 and 187.1 ,
and issued from time Pueblo laud ollico ,
It was afterwards found that time patents
were irreguiarly obtained , and that time
pateimtees were fictitious pemsohms. 'I'csti.
mommy was introduced to show that the
registaur amid receiver of time laud chico
wore Parties to time fraud , Time defense
claimed that time deeds were now.ood ,
graumtimig they wore fraudulently obtained ,
because ziow iii time imauds of iminocommt
parties. Time .1 udge hold adversely , amid
rendered a decision iii favor of time corn.
plaiumamit , which comicels time title to 2,560
acres of valuable land ,
1)iihIi ( ,
OJmeAao , November 1.-A Dayton ,
Ohio , special says time immiasing fit , Louis
girl , Mary Cimurchill , 1mm been dcfimiitoy )
ocated in this city.
The Farewells 8ll Oonra1n1ahiolis In-
cUent to the Cliallac 01 COil- !
General Sherman Retires to4Hon-
era Worthily Won in Pea o
and War ,
Interesting Excerpts from His
Last Annual Report on the
Work oftlioAriny. . .
Ceumeral Crook's Ciiimmpnlgn nnV time
Settlemnemit , at' the iutiinn
Slicriduimi's Fnrov cli.
Cumie.nmo , Novemmiber 1.-Time folloviumg
has just been issued :
DivisioN or rmun Mis.souiii ,
Cumme.tuo , November 1 , 1883.
I hereby rohinqimisim comnummand of time
tlivis'momm of time Missouri in order to its-
stmmo time mmmv duties asaigumod mae by time
Presidommt iii gcumemiil orders No. 71 ,
dated "headquarters of time Army , October -
bor 13 , 18&i. " 1mm parting with tim
officers amid soidiers whmom I have ) mnd time
Imommor to eommmmnaimd for time past fourtoomm
years , 1 desire to express mmmy tlmanks for
time commfideumco mmd support given by
themmi to may admuimiistratiomm of timis dlvi.
siomm.Vlmemt 1 mssumned communand Of it ,
imostilo Immdinmis covered time country wcst
of time Missouri river , fromit time boundary
line of our vossessions aim time imortim to
time Conciio river in Texas. But few net-
tleinommts existed , amid time of
railroads across time coummtry had emil ) ' just
begumm. Simico timon time Indiamma have
beemi so far subdued flint iii the
territory wimicim wits formmmoriy o cmm.
Pied by timenm alone , cities , to\vmms
mmmmd cattle iimtercsts have grcwmi up ,
amid railroads lmave beemi built. 1mm those
great changes time troops of tim di'isiomm
have becim active amid inmportaumt ageumta.
During these late years it hiss boeui my
especial gratification timat 1 hmavo mme diii-
agreonmouits vith immy subordimmates mmd
that from dapartmnemmt comimummander to private -
vato soldider faitimful service baa beemi
reimd rcd to tito Govcrummemmt , With
assuraimce that I almahi always romnemboc
time hmardsumils suhiered , time battles fought ,
time r'stmlts achieved mmd time gallant cOimm-
rades who lost tholr lives in savage warfare -
fare , I rosigmm a comhmammd that has beomi
to mmmc a pleasure as well as a duty.
( Sigimed ) P. H. SmIEmthmIt ,
. Lioutemmant-Gemioral ,
C11OFIELfl'S OltUEli ,
CmmIuAuo , November 1-In conpliaueo
with general orders .No. 71 , headquarters
of time arimiy , dated October 13 , 1883 , I
hereby assume command of the depart.
meimt of the Missouri. Captaimt Vim. L
Wherry , Sixtieth infantry , and First
LieutOnamtt Charles B. cimofiold , Second
cavalry,1aro announced s
. ( Sign&l ) - . JM.
Major GeiuiraI , tJ. S. A
W.ksmmmNaro , . C , , Novemnborl.-Tho
formal transfer of coimimand of time army
from General Sherman to Liout. General
Simoridan , took place at noon to-day at
time headquarters of the armmmy imm time war
department building. General Sheridamm
spent the forenoon In immaking hmimaolf
acquainted with time business of time office.
Gemieral Shernimum mmd members of his
stall rendered hmimn every assistance.
Shortly before 12 o'clock time two highest
officers of the army called on time Secro-
thry of rnr , Ooneral Simermnmmn , to take
ofiicial leave , and General Sheridan to
report for duty. Time transfer was ac-
comphusumed quietly amid without ammy core
mummy whatever , beyond time ussuaimce of
time foiiowimmg general order , notifying
time army of time cimamigo of conmmimamidora :
IIEAIQUAitTEmmS Or rimu 4uiIv ,
\V.tsiliNumoN , D. C. , Noveummber 1.
General Order No. 77J :
By amid with time consemmt of time Presi.
dent , as contained in gemionmi orders No ,
71 , of October 13 , 1883 , time ummdensigmied
roiimmquisimcs comnmmmand of time arummy of time
United States. 1mm thus sevorimmmr rein-
tiomma whmich have imitimorto exuatcdbetwcemm
imiumi amid time United States mmrmmmy , lie
thanks mill ohhlcens amid mmmcmi for timoirlidel-
ity to time hugh trust immiposed out timeimi
during his ohliehil life , amid will , iii his to-
tiromnont , watcim with solicitude their
progress upward iii time mmobio profcsuion
to which timoy imavo dedicated their
lives ,
( Signed ) , ' .Y. T. SIIImmIAN ,
( 'omieral
Ofliciai :
it. C , Diwm , Adjutant Cieumemnl.
simsumhmmAN's OiiiEJL
\\rAsImmNITON , Nov. 1.
( lemmoral Order No. 78. ]
In obediemmco to time orders of time President -
idont , promulgated jim gommeral ordeN No.
71 , October lath , 1883 , from these head.
quarters , time undersigned hereby assumes
command of time arnmy of time United
States. The foilowimmg zianied oflicors
comp so time personal stall of time Lieu.
touiarmt General : Major Michael V. Slier.
idaum , Assistamit Adjutant General , Mmii.
tary Secretary ; Capt. Win. ( I. Voikman ,
Fifth cavalry , ; Capt. Jna.
F , Gogory , Corps of Engineers , Aide-
( Signed ) P. H. SuummumoAN ,
Liout. oeumoral.
Official :
H. C. Dnui , Adjutant General ,
Timeso orders were time last amid first
official acts respectively of time otmt.going
amid incounimig cornummmmumders. General
Shmeridamm received couigratuiatiomms from
proimmimmont geimtlemmioim all over time country.
W.tHiImNoro , November 1-The last
amimmual report of Gommorni Shmorimman is iii
time imanda of time Secretary of War. Time
army is coumsusts of 2,143 oflicora nod
28,835 mmmen , time figures beimmg aimmiost
identical with that of last rcar , General
Simoriuman coumsiders Crook a i'tpncime cant-
paigim a success and commsidona if Crook
was ; ) erumnttud to immammago time Apaches
in imis owmi way all wars will
cease iii Arizouma and time coium
pilcatod [ nthiamm (1uwmtiomm disappear.
'I'hmo subject of zmmilitnry cdueatiomm is
trmatcd at soimmo lemmgth amid time opiuiioum
expressed that time military acadomumy at
West i'oint amid time scimools at. Fort
Monroe aimd Leavenworth are amnoimg time
best. immillinry schools iii tim world. Time
Imuhians ate regarded as smmbst.ammtiaily
ohlmuiiuiatotl frommi the vroblemmm of the aruimy ,
Intl1. while time arnmy amid imumnigration comm.
tribtmtcd largely to timis result , time commm-
Pletioum of time hut of time four great traima.
commtiuemmtal litmus of railway settles forever
time Immthiami questiomm , time army (1ueatiohm ,
amid luau ) ' otimers which hare hitherto
troubied limo cotmntry. The general
regards time buiidimmg of those roads
time immost. 'mnmportammt event umimido imi
tmimmea of peace , amid bohioves they account
fuhiy for time peace , good enter amid pros.
1)CrItY of time cotmmmtry. The rocomimmumomuhi.
Uoim of last year ma remmewed , that time
strongest hoimmth ho omihargod and minor
tihacos abandoimod , "Time soldier , " says
Gommeral Shmormmmmua , ' 'imitmat ho treated as a
fellow man. Let imimmi live iii coummfort ,
amid Ito will resi.ommd to time tail of dimly
even to doatim.'iieut a soldier is ciii-
imloyed its a carpommtor , ummechanie or laborer -
or , it is emily fair timat lmo should be paid
for smmcim labor. "
Because of time ti-muisfor of time coin-
mmmaum(1 to Geimerni Simorkhum , ito recummi-
mmmommdatiomms for time future are immado
other titaum renewing stick as wore
mimado in fornmor reports. The opiumiomm
ma expressed , however , timat it
ti'mil be found wise to lrot'iile it commilmmomm
organizatiomi for all anus of time service ,
amid timat Commgross should provide for time
transfer of regiments frommi roummoto to
iiqimmo sectiomma uiftor a fair ioriol of sor- 1mm this commmmoctioum particular at-
teumtiomi is called to time case of time Twoim-
ty.iirst Immfammtry , which immua been nit time
l'acific coast fourteen years. Time Gomm-
ormil lmopos Commgress wihi not withhold
mmmetiis : of trammsimortatiomm in this case , us.
pocially how wlmomm time treasury is roaii-
mug tinder surplus ruvemmue , caused mmmpart
by the coimduct of the very mmmcmi who ap.
imeal to timemim , for he believes the armimy
1mm protected , ilufomnled aimd emmcouraged
time bu'midiimg of its traims-comitinimmital raii-
ways amid time settlomimouit of time great
\Yest , which nrc time. chief causes of time
grout ProsimeritY that now blesses our
onNmt.u. mmlmuii'mi mr.m'oItT.
Adjutaimt General Drtmumm has submitted
his aummitmal report. lie says time state
mmmiiitia lisa steadily iniproved in discip-
hue , soldierly bearimig amid knowledge.
lie recommmmuemids rctiroummemmt on fail pay of
mmmcmi viio have faithfully served thirty-
five years , mmd aim nmmmemmdmmmemit to time statute -
ute autiiorizimmg time l'resideumt to drop
frommi time rolls of time army , for desertiomm ,
aimy officer absemit frommm ditty three mnontims
without leave , so as to iimclude officers omm
tite retired list witimimi the immeammimmg of
the law. Time last roccoimmeumdatiemm 1mm a
boarimmg out time Nickensoum case. Iii order
to reduce time numimber of desertiomma it is
propcscd that time torumi of sorvicobo fixed
at three years immstemmd of fmvo. It is stmg-
gusted that increased pY for re-enlist-
immeimt be made to depend on inimedimite
ro-emmlistnmemmt iii time samime regimmmoimt , and
timat tIme nimum re.enhustmmmg be granted a
fnrlouit of one , two ore three momitims ,
according to time numimbor of terms served.
A bi-niontimiy suppioummont of clotimimig
accounts is recomnmmiemided. A statement
is made in this comimmection that time gor-
orumommt lost $70,000 last year iii clotim-
ing overdrawn by deserters. Time maUi-
tary prison at Fort Leavenworth is inca-
tioned as a successful institution , under
oxceilont mamiamemomtt , and it is recommm-
ipcud&I fore prozmmotion with immcreased
pay. Notwltimsaiiding ( the grodt of-
orts to fill the army to time an-
timorizod strongtim , it still lacks
2,149 mcmi oftimo full quota.
The Stock Simow at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY , November 1-Time first
annual fat stock show of Kansas City ,
opened at Itiverviow park to-day. Entries -
tries wore immado fronm a dozen or inure
States and front Canada. A procosiom
of time aniimmahs on exhibition occurs to-
morrow. Time show comitimmuos uimtil the
8th immat. , and a public sale daily , bogimm-
lung to-morrow.
Time weatimor to-day was perfect amid
time attommdaumce large for thm opening day.
Stock mimout were presommt frommm miii parts of
time couumtry interested iii time commmig sale
of 500 imead of iummportod and blooded
cattle , 300 Polled Amigus amid Galloway
amid 200 Simortlmorums , Ilorefords aumdotimor
broods. These are not imiciudod in time entries -
tries cmi exlmibition , wlmicim nummmber over
200 head of cattle , besides hmogm , sheep
amid poultry. 'I'hmo day was spout iii
vei1imiuig amid mmmcnsumrimmg amid time show
begmmus in earnest to-uumorrow. A number
of iiOWSuhtIOt rOlrOaOumtatiVCS are here
fromim abroad. Time prospects arc imigimly
favorable for a successful fair and smile.
Senator W'iisiitoim I'iolilbit iou.
Cmi mu.taoSeptcumibor 1-Semmator Jaummes
F \Vilsomm , of lotwa , nnd imus wife are iii
the city. Mo said lie hind imot come to
Cimicago to attoimmi tim Jlommimopimm canal
mcetimmg , but mmmigimt do so to-duty if his
busummoss utirains would allow. Coimccrn-
ing time action of time miowly-eiected Legislature -
islaturo in Iowa , Senator Wilssmm said :
"Time Legislature will carry out time ; ilat.
format aim wimicim our victory was won. I
have no doubt Unit it will obey time will
of a mmmajority of time pcopio and enact a
proimibitory law. It is imot imoccasary to
put ammotlior conaUtiutiommal amendment
before time imeoie , aM time Legislature can
enact proimibitioum itself. "
A Better Outlook.
LASALLE , Iii. October 1.-Time
nmiumona' strike , which him boon in operae
tioum four months , mmow seonms in a fair
way of sottlemmmomit. Yesterday the Him-
nois Valley Coal company put a party of
mcmi at work whom they had h'roughmt
from Chicago. Time mmewcomors were
placed umidor time protoctiomm of time shmerihl
amid deputies. Omme result of their appearance -
pearanco was a sottlomneuit be-
twcoim time Ogicaby coummpammy
amid their macmm by which time latter to-
turimod to work , receiving 02 cents per
Lou for timird vein coal , 'rime mmmcii also
offer to rosumimo work for time Unioum Coal
Commipaimy at l7 ; per Lou for socommtl veimi ,
Irovmded time umacimimmo mmmcii wore this-
chum-god iii a body. This proposal time
couiiimammy deelimmod to entertain , amid aim
early conupromumuse usumow looked for.
It. CorIiiml Velcoimo.
O'rrAw.t , October 81-Time ( uoveriior
Goimoral amid Mmmrchmioimess of Laumdsdowime
amid suite attended time Phmilimmtrmnommio so.
ciety's first coumcort of time seimsoum last
umigimt mimid were hmeartily cimoered. A
prettily arraumged somig ofVeicomno"
was followed by cimeoms ,
'limo Nat loummil Tolegmmipli 141m10 ,
Nnw Yoit , Noveuumber 1.-Time optioui
roceumtiy given time I'rQduco Excmaumge ) tc
imurcimusu time National 'I'tmlegrapim coma
paumy expired yesterday. S. A. Sawyer ,
ehmairrnuiii of time subscription coumuuiittou ,
atats although time optiomm expired tim
1 'urclmmise cami probably be mimado. Time
menu of aubsermptmomt has imot boeum ilochi.
eth upon. Time ailotunemit is 8600)00 ( )
to thto tow ' 1 ark Prodtmco Excimango , mmd
$100,000 to the Chicago Board of 'rratlo.
Nothing yiil bo ihommo tmmmtii the Chicago
Board of l'm-atle is.hmoard from.
Ililleil by limo Omits mit. Freimmut.
Sieclal llsakh t , , Turn hag.
FI1EMoNr , Nd ) , , Novomimber l.-liommt
Jensen , a citizen of Freummommt , was run
over amid killed by a freight traimm at temm
o'clock a. iii , , while crosshmig time U. 1' .
track. Ho was hmorribiy mmmut'miatoth.
i'lMi.XCO I1ACIiS ,
BALTIMORE Novommmbor 1.-For twoammd
thtreo.iear.ohiIs , three-quarters of a mmii ho
Olmi Liii ivonVar Eagle secommtl , 1'armme1
third ; tiimmo , 1:18. :
.I"hilo " amiti omme furloimg , Emmmpross won ,
Farewell secommil ; thimme , 1ti9. :
Seven furlongs , ] hmrcii tcoum , Pearl
Thmrn socoimd , War Eagle third ; timmio ,
1:80. :
Omme-hmaif utile , Charlie Gorhinmn won ,
, Inko White sccommti , Sammi Cuzmmmmmhngs
timird ; tinie , 58.
miUh(1ITON ( mmmi.tcmr miAcami.
BmuummroN lln.teui , Novommiber 1.-Three
quarters tf a mmmiii , , liiautlemm's Choidomi
1'lover won , Polonium socommd , Puritami
timird ; tiimmo , lil8A.
Omme utile , ] hrummawick voim , Iiyami sec.
amid , Ciarommce timirti ; time , 1:4(1.1. : (
Three-quarters of a mnilo , for three-
year.oids , Litton wait , Orange hilossommi
aocommth. Ciwanmel third ; timmie , 1:18 : ,
Mile anti Dami Dab-
omie-quarter , womi , -
cock secommtl , Littio Buttercup third ;
tiimmo1 2:181. :
Mule maid oumo-qimarter , over six hurdles ,
Rochester vomm , Major Wheeler socoumd ;
Daily third ; tinmo , 2olj. :
imaiTiNa rim RF.COItD8.
Pitoviuimiei , : , Novemmiber 1-Ono tiiotm-
saint people saw mill time previous double
toant records beaten at Narragansett
Park to-day. The track was in imrngmmihi.
cent commditinim. Time contesting hmonsea
vero 11. \Viimsumip amid Ilirammi Primico
( time hatter was time ummate of Yellow Dock
whemm alma mmmatle Imer ro'ord cmi this traclc
mm year ago ) amid Frank maid .Joimn Nay.
Before tIme hones were called , Frank amid
.lolmim Nay sold for $40 to $50 or
thou evemm. After time first imomit bettimi
vmts two to ( lime omm 11 11.Vimisimip an
Ilirmun I'rimice. Time latter immtir was not
Imemided or forced dunimig time race and
showed the fastest dotmbie teaumi hmeatum on
record , Summmmmmary :
hi. B. hlllmi , smith iliramn l'rinco..1 1 1
Framilcauiti , ) olmum Nay..2 2 2
Timmie , 2:10 : , . ' :1O : , i:1l' : ' .
OimmAuo , Novoimiber 1-There is cvi-
demmtly aim errcr iii time race itommi frommm
Providence in regard to beating time
double toammm record timime of Yellow Dock ,
2:11 : , time best on record for a trotter go-
immg with a rummmmimm immato till to-day , whmomm
H , \Vimmeimip , with time sauna mumming
mate , ummado it iii 2:101 : Thu i very
ditYeremmt front a doimblo team of trotters ,
time beat record at that way of going be-
tag iii time noighborlmood of 2:16k ,
Time Bavanimaim Fire.
SAVANNAh , November 1-lImo
losses fromnWedumcsdsy's hire oxcomd $1-
000,000 ; insurance ' not U'er onti-third
of time loss. Time charred renma'mns of five
bodies iii additionto three already recov-
crcd , were removed from time debris of
time burned warehouse Time body
of a cglorod womnan was also foummd among
time rubus on Sacimemmm street. Seven be-
dies were imognoos The remains of a
white mami was recognized as Jaummes Cash ,
coumimectod with a large drayage fimni.
Time bodies wore burimeti almoat boyommd
recogimitioim amid principally by
articles foummd Upomi timemn , timoy
were identified. 'I'imo reimmimma wore
placed iii boxes amid rommmovod to time
nmorgumo to await time action of time coro-
imer and burial by their fnieimdn. It is
believed other hiodies are still buried
ammion time failomi ivails amid time f'mrouimeim
are atmil searehmimmg.
Thu liirimt district was visited by timou-
smiths to.duty. Time uulTerons made imomne-
hess amid. destitute by time fire mire beimmg
cared for by time city. A relief fmnmd
ammmoumumtimmg to $4,000 imas already beeui
raised. Time Secretary ( f War immis
tlmrowui , > emi time United States barracks
for their muse. The ruins are still smmmoi-
doting , but thieve is no danger of a fresh
Time Touuiperaumee Union.
Dirruorr Novouumber 1.-At '
, - to-day's
sessiomm of time National ' \Vomuan's Curia-
tian Tcmmmperammco Union , the aimunmal ru-
ports of tIme correspondnmg secretary arid
treasurer trere mmuhnmittcd. Botimimmdieato
prosperity. Time Union Signal , time organ
of thus body , reported 12,000 subscribers ,
Time ladies of time convemmtiomm dccidedby a
risiumg vote to sot apart Limo soc'nmd ' Tucs-
day in January umext as a day of special
lraYer im ) mime cimurcimes for their vork.
Amii.mmg thl"40 jrosent is fey , Dr.
Meui iik , of Delaware , Oimio , time vuuIa'lt-
blu ux.presideimt of time Ohio \\'iiiluyami
cohiego Cimattaumoogn , Teummesset , has
sent aim iimvitatiomm to time comiveimtion to
nmoettimere iii 1881.
A , umnall mate war hiss developed between thmo
Cairo Short Limmo amid the Cairo & St. Louis
imarrow rouge railroad , tim funnier roai msolliimg
tickets frouum St. Louis to Cairo at 81.25.
Jim accordance with time Presuuuoumt' orders
( ; cumoral Augur 1mm relinquimiied time couummiiamatl
of time dopartmrmoumt of 'I'exmmn. smith Is succeeded
by ( uuumoruml McKermzlo. 'lime latter 1mw. aim.
umommuced his aldos.ule-canmp to ho First Lieu
tuumauats J , 11. 1)urst , aumul Alo. 11oger , bethel
tlmo Fourth cavalry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Garrett Huyek , bookkeeper for J. V. Far-
well & Co. , C1uicimgu , while attemidimug to time
target last mmiglmt tiuniumg rifle practice by mmmommm-
hors of tIme First regimumouit , State militia , waum
muhiot timid kIlled accidommtumliy , limiting gunom iii
( remit of thmo target its cue of time muumrkiumiicmm
Five wonmoum mmarrowly escaped inmnumlng in a
paper immiii at I'aekmtrd's Fails N. H. 'l'mvo
wore brolly humnmmt'ti nboumt time amid au-rims.
Loss 835,000 , imiatmu-aiteti $14,00.
Time mumumiuiclpuml olectloims imohi timu-oughout
a u-oat linitsium yesterday simuw large Comusorva-
tivo guluis.
it ; is uuunv thought that Mary Clmurclmlll , time
lost uiauglmter of Ce ) . CimunclilfI , of St Louis ,
hiss not been 1mm haton , Ohmic , at all , aid hula
sister there , Mrs. Startle , ulemmies nil hue .vledgo
of It , $ lmo states that 1mm her oj4umioum Mary's
letter to her uumtlmor was ulietmiteui mmd she is hum
time hmnunla of kidummiucrs ,
1' ( > stOlliCO ItoIlied ,
IJAt'EmhimII.L , Mass , , Novoumiber 1-Time
. postolilce was entered by thieves last
umigimt , time safe blown oiomm , mmd ? 500 am
cash amid about $7,000 iii stamps taken.
Chilla Prcarcs to ovc Oil 'Tonu1n
ant ! Bnc Ilic French at Bery
Point , .
The Press of Europe Roaoh the
Conclusion that War is
Inevitable , " .
Great Preparations at the Pronoh
Arsenals and Navy Yards for
the Ooining Struggle ,
The Gait-atm ized Iris ) , of Iaondomuulorm-y
Again Iispla3Their Misera.
tile Meauniess ,
mitiiruNo 'to tvm : .
LONOON , Nnvrnnbor 1-The DailyTol-
egrnpii si ya it is cmmab1o' to state that the
Chmimmeso on bassy view Wedumesday'ui vote
iii time Freumch Cuiuii , or3 expressing coim-
l'mdemmce iii time Mimmistry , as time first stop
towards war ; timid if M Ferry asks for a
grant of iimdmioy to dispatch reinforce-
umouita to Toumqtmium , China wmhl cortaummly
cuitor Tomiqmmimm fortiiwitlm.
Paris newspapers doubt the rehimikilit
of M. Trigon's dispatch thmat Geimcrnl
Miloti. succeeds General Ihommot as coma-
immnimder of troops iii Tommquimm. lie will
act iii coimcort witim Admimirni Courbet amid
Comimmuissioner Ilarmoumd , It is rumimored ,
however , thmat time latter will soomi return
to France ,
Great activity provaiua in time arsenals
at Touioii. Fresh tramisports have been
ordered IMit 1mm readimmoss for misc. In case
of war with Chiimma time fifteemikim army
Corps vili probably be selected for service -
vice A correspoimdcmmt at Paris says : M.
Ohmahlemmmel Lacour , resigns because lie
publicly imithmmatod Ida belief that a fox-
cigmi power , nanmely Emmglnud , huts been.
lmrgiimg Chumma to reaistFrance. M. Pan
Bert will take time immimmustry of immatructiout
iii place of N. Ferry.
it is reported that time Black Flags cc-
cUy [ Sontag amid the Chinese possess
llacmiiumii. If , therefore , time French itt-
tack time latter place , war with Chmimma
will be imrnritabhe.
Ptmtms , November 1.-Time Voltaire be-
iieves time immimmister of foreign affiuins trill
SOOii resigim Oim time grotimid of ill hmenitim.
Primmmo Minister Ferry trill take cimargo
Of time foreign portfolio in timat event.
Mediation between Framico amid Cimina ia
agaimi suggested. Neither is disposed t
( InNUINP. oiLANni hATE ,
LoxmmNnuitmtv , November 1.-A largo
mmumnber of Oraxmgemneum teak possession of
amid ecctmlied time city ball to-day to prevent -
vent limo Lord MayorofDubliH , for whom
time hall hind beozi engaged , from deliver-
big a iecturo upon time fraimciiiso. The
corporation rescinded a resolution to rent
tIme hail for a lecture by the Lord Mayor
or Dublin , Time Nationalists ontcrtaiuctt
htm atdinxmor.t-night. I'ohi9omnon lined
tli'o streets through witich The L rd .
Mayor passed. A troop of lancers at- "
rived to assist in preserving the peace.
The seizure of time city hall creates intense -
tense excitement. Some Orazmgemen stationed -
tioned themselves impoim time roof of the
building amid tvaved their regahias. Soy-
oral of thenm , witim the spomigo rods of
camimmoums , have gone inside the building ,
and declare timenmselves doterumined to
hold the city hall.
Upon time arrival of tIme Lord Mayor of
Dublinimo was dniveum to time hotel. Tbe
escort carried groeut banners and time
hiaimds' in time procession played Irish
imational airs. The Lord Mayor arrived
at time hotel safely. Durirmg tim passage
of time processiomi a man and boy tvere
shmot , Serious rioting is expected. Time
Orangemnomm have iiinmmted Limo union jncic
aim time roof of the city hail.
In time eveuming , while time processiomi
escortimmg time Lord Mayor of Dublin to
his imotei trims passuuig time City Hail , time
Orauigemimen fired impomi it mind threw slates
froimi time windows amid reef. A nina was
woummdcd amid is dying. his deposition
imas been takemm. Time Nationalist proces-
mdoum dispersed after time Lord Mayor cii-
toned time hotel , but. ami angry crowd uiftor-
wards congregated around time City hail
amid stemmed time windows. Time police
cimarged time mob amid cleared time streets.
'I'lmo immihitary was called out. Lancers
are parading time mnain streets. There is
immtenso anxiety in all circles. The
Ornmmgomnemm later vacated time City hail
amid withmtlrow front time vicinity. Tins
Mayor of Lomidoumderry issued a procla-
nmatiomm appealimig to time poopio to refraimi
fromim violence amid retaliation.
Tilt. Lrvmu'ooL COTTON iALUiUi.
LoxuoN , Novonmber 1.-Timo Timnos attributes -
tributes time failure of Morris Itangorth
Liverpool cotton broker , ta his grossly-
reckless speculation in England aria
Ammiorica , and on time ContinoIit. It saya
lie aimed to commtroi time cotton exchange
of the world , and hind time help of wealthy
houses Iii London , Now York and Ham-
burg. Time etroet of time failure in Livur-
1)001 ) will be lorni. Time London money
mumarket wns imot afFected by thorn. Probably -
bly there will be mimi increased deinarmil
for cotton.
BunarN , November 1.-Samiithry pro-
cnutiomms have boemm taken at all German
ports , owing to the brenkimig out of cimol-
era at. Pokin.
VIENNA , Novemmiber 1.-A desperate
fight occurred at Kacani , Horzogovinma ,
betwoemi time Austrian goudarumea amid
robbers. Several robbers were killed.
high IiIeoiio tim St. Lo
Sr. Louis , November 1.-TIme total
roveuiue derived froumi drammm-sumop , wino
amid boor license from time 1st of optom-
bet to January 1 , under limo imew imihi
hicemiso law , aimmomimits to $251,128 , mmn increase -
crease of $138,097.
- -
Fatal 1"ires.
CINCINNATI , November 1.-Mrs , Mary
Welsh , aged 05 , amid her gmnndsomi , 01mm.
Skeilimmuum , aged 7 , were suffocated last
iii"imt during a fito in their at Cumnmimma-
villa , iii the northwestern part of this
Mui'mLETOWN , 0. , Noveimiber 1k-Two
chmihdrcmm of John Ermmest , aged S amid II ,
suffocated by smimoku this lulomning , Time
llmmics of time dwelling were distinguisimeti.
tvdim little loss.