Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1883, Image 5

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. : * TRAD fAR ThflAT F.G1RAD MAflX
- , LtII IPlIDy. An
? , ' J ' . unfflIng eurn for
p 'Jy p. - 8tnhii1Vek. .
. :
i ir
that follow ,
4 I PeIueIwe ( 'I ' $ clf.
) .
) i flsck , tflnine'i of VI4on , l'ruuntiiru II
vIIy that Icid tolnMofty orUon.
f rnptfon * nI a rriiitnre Une.
? .r BrwAk of ithetftiictit to rfutu1 money , when
drtigtt from n horn Ibti rnedfcnio Ii bought ito not
re'in1 , but icter you to thu , , , , ifctnror , , ntnl the
reqiifremcnt ire oeh thrt they ore oeltou , , , f rr ,
complied n Ith. St'e thor ritten trtI.titeo A tria !
of ttle , ttntlc ick of ( ray' Swcflu 1lI ooininee
the mot IeiitfcaI ( tta..AI tncrit.
On neeount nt einintu..uIter , o 'nuo .dOttO1 the
ilTi Wraijer the u'.entkiu. ,
ttr\ii anl1 lo ou' iemiphlet , whteh we do.
Ire to ecitti tree by iii&U to eery 0110. erTlie So.
ciflo McIlcitIe I. poI Jay 041 drugglotH it 1 r pOck.
O4e , or clx I\IckazcM fr , or will Ito ent tree by
luau on the rct tft ot thu tnimoy , by oli1rciLl
' . . TII } ORAY 1IUfCINICJ. ( , nuttolo , h. 's.
It In ( ) itmha be U UffImM1. IV
& ! tfl ! = = r
, ,
: ANTf-IoNOI'oiY r1CKFT.
; In aU countics where there Iuwo boon
. . . . no local Aiti.IoiiopoIy C.111idaLO3 UOlfl-
. . inate&l the underaignod will furnish ro
bponsiblo Iartius AnU.Monoirnly SLate
tickoto suflioiciit for tim county , frco of
' cost. ApIiCaOtiOflO should Em iiiado a
: ; : on as Possiblo.
: Anti.Monopoly 1)flPC8 plO(8O 001)3' .
. . .1. Bujutows , Filly , Nob. ,
z ( jh'n. Anti-Monop. SL.tO Coinmittoo.
, VucalloicH Filleil.
of Tue flee.
: , - . Corceponence
' , LLco ! , I ctober 19.-Tho
nopoly State cointnittoo nominated D. it.
DanieL of Madeon , and Amo3 Dean , of
, Franklin to fill the vacancies ontho Anti-
iAc-:4 : fllOflOIO17 ticket.
Brondy the Supreme Court.
. . WASHINGTON , D. C. , October 19.-The
Brownvillo railroad caeo was tried in the
; - Supreme court RanlBoy , of Ciii-
: : s' . . cinnati , all old 1)artlier ) of Stnntey Mat-
, . thoi , represented the railroad and J. H.
' - , Broady , of Brownville , represented the
' . : , , other ido.
; ; . ; : . . _ _ _ _ _ _
i * : . TIn , N.wo'i Ii IItv1ot.
( , ' Corroopotulonc8 of TII BiE.
; WAYNE , Nob. ; October 17.-The Ito-
, publican juthcial coiivontion for thu
, Sovcnti 'dfstrict convened hero to-day
. and \Vm. M. itoberteon , of Madison
. ; coti ty , was nominated on the tenth ballot -
lot as the Etepublican nominee for district
judge. The conttst between Crawforl ,
of Ournitig , the Dencratio and Anti.
, , . 1ionOOIy nominee , YItIi it.IlertS4)i1 ) , viII
4 1)0 clso , with ciiiicos ! deckludly in favor
of the former.
VouId fIat e Liten Set Upon.
had not 1JurttcA ! : lo.xi fillers been a rome.
dy of uiiqiwsU.iiib1. titerfi thiy wouhl have
boon oct tluwii iipiii by hi public aa
of incdteiiivo hvo boon svbftn thehr wurthiIe-
. nns w.tu discovered. flurIock JJlood Littess
. have rocoivotl tiihsniIeI prtdeoM froiti t1i.
cick. thu8 cstabfiohing their merit byund dis.
. , SaI)0II Lfeia- Chicago.
r , ChicAno , Otober 19.-Last spring the
: : State Leisltnro 1)issed a law fixing the
: price of indooii licenses at $ ( ) O. The
. city cunci ( sought to avoid its operation
by iassing an ordinance a few days before
the law wont into efFect fixing the itieo
/ for the cnui&n year at $103 The citi-
, zons' Ieagnu have since buca figlitii&g the
) legalityof these licenses in court , but
4 . snot with dilatory tactics on the other
. olde. FiiialIy , to' bury the niatter , action
in quo warr.nto was bniuht against a
prominent alootskeopor , and his counsel
' V . - ' .
presented varhius ruasona. all to the of-
feet that it wasnot a IrPOr method of
proceeduro. Jud&o Anthony will render
his decision on th donturrer to-morrotv.
The opinion is all written ccept the
formal rulin. Iii it ho combat. and de-
N flies the v.hidity of the 1)0111th relied ifl
' , by the deiuurriiit counsel , and the ci.n-
clusioii is reached frorti a perusil of lhio
. docuniont that ho will rule the iiiuthoil of
. procedure is a proper alto. This will
bring thoquestion to an isuo. The final
- . decision will affect , OOO and 4,000
$5100115 , involving ovr $1. 500OCO.
, .
Iunilig ! tiIIHterS ! Thieves !
'l'he above sro tirn aii.1ied to th. unrolls.
bin ant ! ilkltiei , Dr. I/won' tectric I .il
. ' for cliphitheri s , cit , rrh , aihti , rlieumnilinn ,
. afll alt 1i ed It4 , OOtl fU 114 13 Il t 4 thihsig
/ of tloeoition hut n hilo.ooait anti litniet rome-
. . dy. Ii i'm hmoim.m..tly smt up , humietIy Lold , and
; : does what id chsimuod for ii.
- The 1Ilitix tym.nniiters. '
- HAL FAX , Octoher 19.-Since tIme arrest
: s . . of llulimies and Br.tckott , auspcctud of
' connection with aim infernal dynamite
S conspiracy , time m.ii British war shiipzm in
S the port are mn're carefully guardmd from
I any secret opuratioiimm tlmst iimihit be
directed on themn. At night , particularly ,
extra pr000utious are taken. Ho ts with
S strong foren of imin are beimmg jilaced
around and about time mmllip3 Vice Ad.
S niiral Comnmnerehl imia4o an ilmepec
L tion of u4pmcimui articles fouui4 on the
. .
. .5. prisunurs amid stated they were cx mctly
suited for the intentions such as time mmmcii
are suspected of.
; : - TrIn Wr.ckt.mI hy Cyclone.
. GALVKHTON , Oetmber ! 19. - A Tyler
. S special smmm' : Parties here ( rommi time somtu
' of the wreck emi time east hue narrow
P rIIpI.e , guago railroad last imight , a few miles emist
of Sulmhmimr S1.riugs , state ( JilO lady mmd
two children were severely iimjured.
: There msero a number of mitliur lJassuImgure
aloard , seyer.iI of whommi 'core quite b.imlly
hurt. Thu ms.covery of the lady is doubt-
ful. Time train wrecked % TCM a freight ,
moving at. cighiteomm tithes an hcur when
mitruck by a cycloime ; blowim over andS
almost comnhlut4mIy demolished.
r , , rrotab3y no form of dleeue Ii $0 generally dli.
-S tributed among our whole populotlon ii Scrolula.
S hnoetevcr7lndtvltttnlIsthmsbte,1tpomion c000i.
log his vein , . The terrible eufferinge endured b7
tho. afflicted with crotulotre soree cannot tie
2n&rItood by othcr , lent the intenaLt of their
iintitnde when they Ond s remeij ttot cures
them. utonlihee a wefi person. We rotor by per-
i , , inbioloim to Miss
' oed s 5.rab C. Whlmtler ,
J'S a wtio ws cwed t.y
p \ arsaparilla
. , theseerityof whicheonfloed her to the house tot
h1 twoeari. Sig mouth , previous to teking lIooda
S _ 1 ftaruparllto elie could fbi get about her room whim.
J Outerutciics. lie , friend eapm 1d1.I imot Udnkht
_ , 3oeiIbue forher ho live many monthi lime WAS tOiL -
iL-- ducedios intro Ikileton. hltr cure is bardJ less
than n mlracle. ' More wonderluj cure. tln Cmli
lmae ticen effei led by thlo medicine. rhero Ii no
40u1it thmat In noovs 8anapamhiI we hive thu mc'sI
mtnarlzaVle methlcinoflui tms crer been produced ,
anti a positive cute for Scrotula ho its numerous
jonas. ) Icc $ UOMx tot $ .cO. 1'reed only by
C. I. L t'th I CO. , Lowell , P'ss. 8b2 by Druggisu ,
Irn : 11tIIUF4'L WirIIttL
The ULIlci3I Rcport of blent , Qr1ill-
lou , Cofflfflanr of 'ho '
rco1c(1 ( ( Protiis ,
The Ignorance arni Ineffiolonoy of
the On.ptain Patal to
olllo Intoosting Pension Piuro2
Prom the Animal Report of
iho Oorniussionor ,
Time Qu al lip , t ii , . , flo a Olr'rkslmlp In
tIme State 1)epartnicut.
oiq NoTIS.
QtAIIEIUATlOS3 } Oii Thifi r.Tfi ni'tnr.
WASilUOTON , October 19.Iii reply to
inquiry tromn the civil service ciiimiimissiou
mis to what qualilicatluimo should be possest-
ed for service iii time State Duparumiun ,
time Secretary of State doelares thtmit it is
II , CtlSSftT3' that must clerks in department
of state should limivo at least sufliiunt
knowledge of one or moro foreign Inn.
guages to read original documuemits ; nover-
tlmtmlcas it is hot mmboltituly hieceseiry that
every clerk should have this qualification ,
as ability in other directions immay Immure
thmnii compensate for its lack , But it is
always necessary that twenty emuployces
of this departumomit mmhoultl have a fair
knowledge of &renchi and Gtmrimman , Span.
ish or Indinim.
The report of Liuntemiaimt Garlington ,
coinmualidor of the rccuiit Arctic ux1modt-
tion for relief of time Grecley party , is a
complete vimidication of Garhingtumi so far
as any disobodiummee of orders is comm.
corned. Gomiot-al Hazeii , in a letter
trausnutteil thu report to time Secretary
of Var , says the stiiturce made ott
Garlington iii this connection are entirely
The report is very long and goes fully
into shi details of time voyao and wreck
of the Proteus and tIme rutreut of her our-
vivoro iii simmil boats to the North Gruomi-
land settlumnent of Lipermmavik. The
imrincipal 3)1)111th ) of the iiarrativo Imavu
been covered by previous accoumits fi-oiii
various sources , but the commmmomits and
explanations of Lmeut , Garhimigtomi arenow
amid interesting. Some addittummal liar-
ticulars with regard to the mnanagemnomit
of time Protous are also giveim and tend to
show that. Captaimi r'iko was not aB skillful -
ful a navigator no had been supposed.
Among such particuhmirs are tIim facts that
on the 6th of .1 ely OmiPtaimi i'ike rami past
the harbor of God Haven imi entire igimor.
alice of its proxlimmmty , althiommgh the
weather was clcr. That on Juyd5thi ,
lie mu his still , aground imoar tiio mouth
of Disco Ford , mmi c'umseqmzence 0 neglect-
big t. ' take soundings , and tlnit on thin
I'Jthi lie Went elitirely out. of his course
amid ran iii towards O.Ilxm V&ilker , at the
bottotmi of iuIvihlu Day , supjmosimmg it to
be Cipu York , whmlu time latter iii reality
lay 150 immiles to the westward.
Licut. Gurlingtomm , however , does not
charge Calit. l'iku with any neglect or
badjumlgmmiummtimiciiimiection with time "nip' '
by which the Proteus was crushed. Thiitt
ho seems to regard mis an accident pure
and aimmmplu. witimout coimtributury negligence -
genco Ott time hart of anyone. LIe comi-
lirmns , however , the state&mmenta hrt mnamlo
by Cinmtmiiammder Wildes , of the Ynmitic ,
with regard. to the helmavior of Cmmjmtaiii
Pike's crow at the first alarm of dainer.
He says they entirely abaudomied their
post and ran to save their own property
in the forecastle. and as soon as
the stores began to go over time
mmhmip'a side they commemiced - to
appropriate everything timoy wanted ,
breaking opemi amid ritlimmg boxes and bags
of private clothing and stL-aling their
contents. Cept. Pike said in reply to
Lieut. Garliiigtomi'mi protests that lie was
Powerless to prevelit this plundering of
his ship aimd that the imiemi of his crew
were the worst lot of oemumidrmjls Ito ever
saw. In uxplaimatioii of his course. . in
starting southward after the wreck of the
Proteus , instead of waitimmgfor tIm Yaimtic
Liemit Gmirlingtoii says that he cliii not
heliemo the Ymiimtic could get to Littlctmmi ,
isiammd through such ice as tlmt-y had en
countered , and mmecommd thathie expected to
Omid at Cape Yrk the Swedf.sli otcaimmur
Sophia auth to avail hmimimsnlf of her assist-
alIce lil carry imig out as far mis ) ssillu ,
mmotwithmstaimdtmmg the disaster , time pimimm
for Lout. Creeky's reimtf. With regard
to the mimuchi dieused ' 'sujmplummmnmmtaiy
orders" Liemit. Gm himigton says : ' 'I'hiu
wmly immstrtmctimns J ever recm'ived are the
origimimil immoti uctimins pmmhuimmlmed at the
fimmmu. An ummoigimud writtemi hailer Was
timicioed imi time emireitmime with immy imistruc.
tiomma. Timis lalier was simmiply mimi autliemi-
ticatod cmmpy the miiemimmmraiiduimm lire.
pirud by aim olikur in the signal chico. I
was imifi-mmmeci this mimeimi"rammtlumn was to
h4vu bumm furnished the Secretary of time
Navy to furmmt time Imasis of lmistrmmctiomis to
be givumm the cmimmmiaimdur , of the vessel
ordered to accomnpamly tue Proteus. "
1'lt ] 'NH1tiN JmErowr.
The report of the Cmnnimmiasioner of
Pt-iimmmmis f'mr the fiscal year emmiled .Iuntm
lo , 1883 , iihiOwB there were 303,1158 pemi.
siommera on time roll at the end of time fiecal
year. Duriimg the year time zimommes of 711
whose Pemhsimmn hind licen accepted ; mrmm-
viously were restort-ti to the roll , making
18,1)fi8 ) imersmmmms mnlded dimriiig Limo year , aim
excess of 10,615 over time IIrecm (111mg year.
'l'him mmvormgu animual value of each jienainli
is $ J OG mimimi timmi mmzgrmicate nimmiuihhy of all
is $32,245,192 , ami increase of
$2t14 ) 090. Thu nmmmimlmmt Iaid for baflk
jitmiaLomms is $ tooc4,00p. ;
Atttntiumm is called to the fidelity and
ability with which time unpmectdommted
disburoonments of time bmmreamt Imas becim
mmmmdu by imgutitii fOr lavmmimmmta of pemisiumma ,
lilt averm.g.I of l,357,8'J7 hmavimmg b.'emi
disbursed frmmm each of thu eighmteemm
at. an aimmiu.mI expviimw of $ i0,008 , imimil
without. time loss of a dollar to time Gay.
erimmuent or Cnhithmimmjmit of delay frommi
beimefleimirici. Of time special examiimn.
; iomi oyimtcmn , tIme cohrimimiasioner speaks
mu cmmnmmeimtlatmry tnns ammd says
ho will be dissipriimitet1 if limo oavirit to
thin gos'eriimnembt efrected by tlmis dyiion
will not be ouliieitmimt to defray the cnst
of Its mmmairmtcmimimmce , Ito teem , zma thimmk
it incimmnhent uln the government to heat
at any further t-ximamiso in emimleavmiring hi
sett he Iimli47l puimsiomh clmiimmma , vlmemm time
result of tlimi s1jeciul cornimmissimmn sent ut
to Iudiau territmmry are conimidoreti.
At time request of time Presiilent Inca ) .
hors of tim civil service c"mmunissiomm
called at time whmittm lm'miiso ' this altariotmrs
and lmad a hong I tik whim hihtim. 'fimo oh.
ject of tim cammfurenco is immit liflOWhm imiiil
limo CmflImirsiommersmiro ruticmmnt mma to wjiif ;
trimimopireil , Aim Asomicimit , d Primes rp'mi fair
asked flmmrnnmi , 13 , Eat'ri , tiresimlimmit 'if
tie comnrnieoiuri , what was the oliject of
time conference and what occurred ,
-.5. 5r1\TT1s ; rATr'r )1T
for lila tim stab tvmrtt ) laid occurred. lie
said time colunmiBiioncrmm , linti called itt the
request of the President cmi that time
iimterviow a hang omit' .
tahiti ( , IIIIiP .1USTICC l'Ol.flhilimH
visitcil time Uimmted Stnte. Stmpreimmo court
to.da3 , entering time court ioomti iii tIme
wmth the justices at 12 o'clock.
mithadhmig heckle the Clmluf , Justice amid
participatmimg imi ( Ito ( orimial smmlutmmtitmmm
with which tIme assembled court. every
day greets the bar. lie then took imis
seat mit Chief J ustkeVaite's right Immumil 1mm
iihmCo of .1 uatmco 1mliIler , who occulmietl
time chair of Justice Field , 1mm time hatter's
absence. 'l'hiti court ruommi Was crowded
with spectators. After Ihmtemmimmg for mm
flume to time mirgiimili'imt. 1mm time cmthO migiiimmot
time Louisville Neihvilho railrontl coma-
lny , time Lord Chief .J usticu took formal
leave of time court mmd was shown thmrtmtmgh
the capitol. ' [ 'his is aai(1 U ) be t mu that.
tinmu that ammy other perammim timaim a J miattee
of time court lots occupied a seat cmi the
Supreme Court bench.
This ovemmimig Lord Coleridge attended
ml dimnior givumt in lila imommor by Clout
J ust'mcoVimito , Amnomtg tinise Inescmmt
voro the Attormmey General , nil .1 notices
of the United States Smmpremmmo Court ,
whim time exceptiomi of Justice Ficiti , amid
the .Jtmstices of time District Court. 'l'ime
dimmaur was followed by areception , which
vLms largely mittemitled , ammmommg titose lmres.
cut boimig Secretaries [ 'ehler amid Lmncoimi ,
Postmmmstcr ( lummuriti (1 ( resimiun , tIme , 11r t -
bk nmimiister mid Civil Service Comnmmiis
siufler Eaton. Pm-eskiemmt Arthur was cx-
jmectcd but did notminommil.
St'eJLtl'ING NOi'l' .
WAS1II10TON , October 1 9.-Mile , nil
ages , Rica won , Corsair secozmd , Elector
third ; timmie , 1:48. :
Timrqo fourtims of a mile , nil ages , \Vamm-
doiimmg wumi , (4tn. ( Fallen secomid , I'ulunimm
third ; timime , 1:17j. :
Potonmac stakes , mile amid fmvo furlongs ,
Drake Carter won , George Kimimmey see-
end , larry B. thud ; timmmc , 2:53. :
. ? , Iile imeats , all ages , hartford won ,
Araum second ; others drawn ; beat timmie ,
1:44& : .
Steopio chase , over regular course ,
ltmiimger won , Abrahmitma secomid ; liuluiso
svemmt wroimg amid was ruled out of the
(1IIEAT RACES AT cmmzcaoo.
Cmiicaao , October 19.-Driving park
inanagemnent. suhmmiulice an extrmi day for
iicxt Tuesday , with time usual attmmmctiomms.
'i'Iio first uvcimt vill be a free for nil trot ,
liursu $1000 , imi which Phmmihlas , Monroe
Cimief , Vmlaomi amul FmmniiyVitheralommn
will take part. Followimmg thmia will be
an attommmpt by .Tay Eye iee , for a lUmse
of $1000 , to teat the best trottimmg record
of 2:10k : by Mood S. Jmiy Eye Sdo ivihi
be imi time best possible condition and lila
uwmmur is Particularly almxiuuzt to
imave himmi reduce the record before time
seasoti closes. lb is believed with
a good day amid track lie will be able to
do it , as Imis prusummt record is nit half
mm. second albwer lmaii that of Mmiud S
'Fitu ( lily's sport will commeludo with an at-
tummipt on time hart of the great jacr ,
.Joimmmston. record 2:10 : , to ihImit the three
heats , 2I1 : , 2:1l : , 2 121 , iiiade by Coin-
imiodore 1.mttsmnm's Little J3riwmm Jug ,
which stamid its tue let three heats mi
recmird. 'limo sale of J.iimmmston to Coma.
muodore iu'tsomi has iMmimi errommmiously
ammnoummced. 'Imo ] cummipietion of time r.mIms.
mLCtimmi tlejiemmds cii time success Or failure
of this tmaI.
CiliCAeO iiaita BALL. CLUD.
CaIcAno , October L9.-ffho Aniorican
Sjmorts will aimimoummeo to-morrow tlmat time
Chicago B iii club hits decided to emmgatu
for time imuxt reasomi an auxiliary temimn of
temi or twelve yoummg liayems , , fromit seimmi-
professional amid atmitutmr ranks ; put titemmm
on a salary and keep thmomn in trmiimming ,
under time direction and supervision of
Captain Ammsom , with a view of develop-
lug base bmill talent to suppiy places tim
Otmleri4CmlCiCS , amid with a view of mmmcreas-
ing.tlme supply of available mmmcii in the
couiitry. Time 0hermltin ) mif the rule by
which each club can reserve olevemi mmmcii.
is to imiako good uimonmphoycd lilitycia
PIIXLAnELI'IIz.t , Pa. , Oitohor 19.-Class
2:35 : , Liihiu Dale wmni , Miummie Kierimaim
mmecmimd , Tom lifickley third. Sister fourth ,
itmithauid fiftim ; timni' 2:31j : , 2:32 : , 2:32 : ,
2:32.4 : , 2:32j : , 2:33.1 : , 232t ,
Ci7iss 2:22 : , Bay .Jiuui won ,
Estulla ecummd , Eddie C third , Lady
Lii.ilitfoi't fimuilim ; timmum 2:32k : , 2:29 : , 2:27 : ,
2:27 : , 2:27j : , 2:28 : , 2:2H. :
The Etc ctimmi In Lii11tmmmm 'lerrltory.
WASImINaTrN. October 10.TIme C"in-
mnissinmer of imdiamm , Afldrs Into receivemi mm
report ( rota luidinum i\gomit 'i'mift , at Union
Ageumey , lim'himui Terrimory. giviumg Limo re-
oumltmu of time electimum recoumtly huh1 imi
Creek Natimuim to fill time pnsitiimn of chief
'rime mmgemit reports thin vote arid , , mis fil
lows : .f. liT , J'eriymmuiii 041 , Sauumuici
Cimicote 608 , raptirhmeelmee 4l2. Time vote
was caiuvamim'd by a coimmmimmtteo cimmuilmosed
of time mulhmerummt.i of time three caimdidmmt"s
Time agent says the returns fromm eortaimm
IAVfl5 ) were thrown out hecimmeo of irregu-
harities but add time result would not be
imffecbd timereby.
Ym'hioy Jmmt.k * t. thu G.ltIrmm Gate.
SAI VmtAcIMeo , Oct obor 19.'I'hmo Pacific -
cific mmmii atm-amour , Granada , which ar.
rived frmmum Panmmmna to.tbmy hrotmttlmt omic
case of yellow fever , Clirmatian Mmmniczs , a
umativo of Switzerlamid , 'I'iio captaiui oao
it is impossible to ummdermitmimd , iuimw time
case devehiuj'd , as time oteaummer diii immit
sLut , itt amiy Mtmxwam ) ports except mit Ma-
, .atimuim , where sIte only took aim time humus ,
which were fumigated. 'l'lme ship Ii o
te'emIteeim pitaaiumgers iii time cahimm , amid
59 3teur.Ige Thu vu 801 S qumiurmitiumed
IMtT !
and 11ALARIA.
I'romn ' these enurcus ario thruemomIrCus of
the limmoasos of time Imumiman mace , ' .L'ticso
eymptommmlnthcntotholrcxiatenco : Loss 01
Appetite , Bowola coetive , t5lck , ( sad-
emctiv fls11eui aflcr.tItmwvrramon to
eserllaii of botly .r mmd , Erimctatmon
of l'ood , ZrrltabIhity or temper , Low
spirits , A tcrhIig orImRvIn neglected
sonic duty , blzzl ueu , ZZuttcrJng itt limo
flcat-t Dota before tilt' syeiImIgIaIycol- .
orcil brute , CONMTlI'ATJD , awl do-
nmnd time use of a romedytimmit acts d Irecth
on the liver. As aLivurmodlohemo TUfT
5,11,1s imavo no o.iual. TImoir action om , time
ICiJumi y'4 mind Skin Is also prompt ; reunovImm
all * rnpuuhtloa through thieso tiimCo '
erigers ut limo uy.tem , " producing mrppo.
titu , sound dlmtestlnn , regulmtr , , toohsa clear
fikin andavhgorouimliodr. TUfT' $ PILIM
cmmmmio no imausozi oc gmlplng not Intcroio
wimhi dshiy work cml are a perfect
1 overywhre.2n. Ohli'.44 M'ireivhm..NY.
Ethumthir to a Urossy It.acK ; tiy a sIuilo , mm.
pltcmttioim of limb IIYLI. bolt ! by ) JruglsImt ,
orucmitbyoxprosimnrmrrcolptot $1.
Ottlen. 44 ) lurrny Rtrs"t , New York.
QA'Pr D1Ar flq'p
.tSSISTAICr. : ; m'.r.nai' .
Jon'o' , October 19.-The ] hdtish
COmmoul at Chins xeport.s one tlmommsammd
Porsomlo 01) time immaitminmid killed atid
wottmmded by the earthquake. 4sistaiucu
is ur.eimt , The Laid Mayor commiomits to
tramismuit coumtribut'mumts fat , time relief of
time suirerera.
Ari'Alle ; i lii LtLtSCAII ,
P.titio , October 111.-A battle is report.
ed in Madagisear imetween time Ilovmis and
Smikumiavas , Admudral G.miibcr was pri'1ar.
iimg to resume olh'utmsmvu on timti emiast ,
wimero the llovas recaptured ouvetuil
lIaCes 't'hu iimghlslt nmtvmml miimthimiijtjtj ,
arc ( lcscr'mbcdns veryhostmlo to time Fremmchu.
Mni : mu'iosloN. :
Lostio ; , October 19.-At time mimimim' cx
1isioit , hut Yorksimimo there 'yore twenty.
three mmmcii iii time 1mit at the flume. It is
1H111OVCI nil verishie&t. 'i'hireo ' bathes have
been recovered.
LATEuIW'imomi time oxpimisiomi occurred
five mmmcii rushed to time bmttin if timt
shaft. mmtiml were rescued , timoigim badly 1mm-
jtired. Time imiumm rcmmiaimiiimg 1mm tIme pit.
immuimibermuig taemmt ) ' , were lost , A seach ,
force as orgitumized , bitt tlio falling oil
time roof of time imit retards vi'ork. 'Put'
ex1ilosiout is attributed to a hihast timot.
T\VO lil.tIti. :
I4oos , october i9.-lmm tii&i fiigimt. of
t % ( ) iitmimdretl ivorkummoii fromm : time 1limd of
time Severan 'Vnmmei , two were killed.
PAma , October 19.-Twelve brigands ,
iiiiiliCate(1 imi fotirteemi mmiurdors iii time
jm5t six years in Ammmorosi District , yei'ou
800tCumCC(1 to deatim. Several others vero
convicted in comumimlicity , ammd comidemummed
to hard labor fr life.
ALCXANmuIIA , October lO.-'l'imo village
in 'which cholera has broken oimt escaped
opideumiic. 'l'Imo rulippearitmlce omf time disease -
ease 10 attributed to imitiltratiomi immto the
cammi ruihmiiing timroughi time village of
water fi-ommi cemeteries 1mm which tIme
chmvlera Viltiilia vuro immterred.
Ariii'.Ns , October 19.-TIme govermunont
oeiit two almijis to the GrecimmmmArchmipelago
with supplies for the iuuti'orers by time
eartimqtmnko ; 120 bodies wet-c recovered
hear Chiemummoin Anatolir. Time earth
hear Atlatosa litturally swallowed up
houses and eopie.
OAI'ErowN , October 19-The miners
on a strike mit Kiimiberiy became riotous
amid. did munch dammmage to liroiperty.
Special comiatmibles fmi'cd mipoii time imiob ,
kiilimig two.
Tim' , 'I'oimuhs Gimliowi , .
Nnw Yonw , October 19.-Edward
Hovey. thio slmiyer of his ,
trs F'mummmy Vermumilge , was imaumgtnl itt flue
T,4mmmbs lirisii this lmmorniumg. Nutwitlm.
stmimmding the PlmYSicimLtms treatmuemit aumel
time uliorts mf hi spiritual adviser , time
ummurderer spenth restless nigimt. Two
doqiuty siiemiirmm kept CimlstlIlmt vigil.
Elorey looked more dead thmaim alive
wham lie arose to dress imimmiself. 'Wimen
hireaikfast was hmrommghit hun ho dragged
his chair toward the table impomm whimch iimo
mmieai was placed and seated him self iim
time chair with a imeavy aigim. lie Imes-
itmited , drew back fromit time table , amid
saul itt would eat zmotliiimg. FmtthmerDmmraim-
quiet , Rev. MeGulbert amid tim deputy
wmirdemi liuiahly preveilect on Hovey to
au ) coirue. , Soon after ariaimmg ho was
given a dose of chuminil. lie vamited
whisky. It was agreed that imo should
hmimvo umormie atimimuhant befom'o being
led out tim tium gmilhows. I1ivey hlmtl to be
i.imppuim'cd fm-omit time cell to thmo gallows.
I-lu liresented aim awful licttmro of despair
tuid woe. Time niommmeumt Ime was placed
under it , his legs voro tied , time black
c.ih ) drawn down , the noose adjusted mmd
quicker thami it takes to tell it , the rope
was cut and fl'ivcy imaimgcd.
Time teigmeHs . , f ' .Vouimon.
Ciiioitao , October 19.-TAte ciothic
day of the Vnuimun'e Comiiress openei
withi an executtvo seasiomm , at which the
f"lluwing ollicermi weroelected for time cmi-
suing year : Preailuimt , Julia Vard howe ,
l.imodo Islamid ; Vice-Presidents , one for
each State ; Secretary , Ella C. Oimapmnaii ,
New York ; 'l'rcaaurer , Iluimrictta L. P.
Vilcott , Mmissaclmuqutts. At thu after
noon oessioii , Ttrs. .Jtulia llolmmmes
Smmiith , of Illinois , read a 1aPt'r
on "Mourning Garb. " It took
groumm(1s it siioiuld be dispemiatid witim mis
umiwhmolosi ummuc mimemitaily avid pimysicaily
aumd this opimmiomi was gemmeraihv coimmeidmid
Mrs. Dr. Mary E. Bmwg , of New York ,
reaol mmmi iuturestimmg jmajier on "historic
Art. " Iii thu ( iveulimig ? mIrd. Atigimatmi
( liimmher ) Bistol , , oil New .Jureey , rimmul a
munch ' ' 'Li-
Ihciuglittiml immtehligo'imt Iimilir aim -
I ) ' q. ud Caitil. : " 'I'lmu la.t , mper Was by
-bun \'muti IIwe on of Stmf-
lingo fur Woumicu. "
'J'hmn Cozioluc' ors' Cmmiviiuul ion Close.
ICaiijts Czrr , October 19.-Time mmiii-
Wit ) coimiluctoimmi this zmftermloolu elected
grmtumd oflicure as follows : Cimief Con-
oiuctmr , , (1. S. V1meat'imi ,'mta , N. V. ;
Assistaimt , Saimmmmel II. Detrmcs , Tiirait. ;
Secretary nmmd 'l'remmsmiror , W. P. Dmmmiiuhit ,
Ceilar ltii1mid i , luwzi ; temmmor Conductor ,
.Jmmmmems L&muglmiimm , Kumimmiim City ; .1 uum'i r
Cmioimzcttir , , B II. llulkmiiti'mi , ( J.mteabmmm'g.
Ihliimoimm ; St'iitimiels ' , I , . J 'hmmrt'mim , of 13t.
Louis amid J. 1) . Hauniit4nm , of Cmtmmaola ;
muommmliers iii the executive fmirthmremm ycimno
Jolt11 N. ltmbiimeimm , Milwieukee ; mnmemmmlit r
mif time immonralice comimimmitted , (1 , A. iil-
icr , of Ehmnmita New York. 'lime following
whim midojited "That we will use nil imoum
unable ummeasms to tiiecouimtenmauuco inmtoxi.
eating liquors nimmmunmg mimemmmb i-mi of time or.
micra while in Limo dicimarm.tu of our traimm
iuiiinmomm , nmmd while hIm time trmmuiomietioim of
ally duties relative to timu order. "
Olcimimiiuiimi I'it'io $ ImmihIIfli ,
Luavmtisvomtrit Octi mimer 111-Time
, , - fed-
ermil grand jimmy yesterday foummd a true
lull iigmmimmat 0 l. Payime. bettur kmmowii
as Okimilmimmummi I'omymmu , for comhmmpirmiy to
viriluite time lmiwa of time United States.
I'aymmo says 1w desires a mmpetiily tmisl , mmcl
, i.ijlares there ma imo case agniumot liimmt ,
Evemytlmhmmg jim time way of ImrmmhiaI1It'momi for
enmteIing time Ismdiamm territory mind mmmmmrpim-
immg to Oklmiimiimmma imad buemi imtirmmiuled mum
mmhILmiy ways , mmd that lie invariably imofi-
fled time IJmuteml Statca Attorney , mimmtl
asked hinmm to initerteru mf lie promliosed to
wiuemm tlmuy reacimemi time state hue , amid
imot wait until arrivitug at Oklaimoiima ,
Itnmuit her itommd 'J'iirmmimgh Iowa ,
Sv. Louis , October -Several iiromn
imienif gemutluni' ii of Iowa , in time luiterest'
( ml a projected rajiroad ton run trout St ,
JiIUIO timrmmugii Ctnumtrai Iowa , Smutimwest. '
cmli ? iliiimiesota , tlmuimcu to mioumme lio'int on
timu Nirtlierum l'jcigo rimool in lbmkimtms , lund'
a coumsultatiomu wutim leamlmog immua'mimosa mmmcmi
omf this citylookiumg to a Imiati f ir a sumrvtmy
of time route , Furtlmer conference will
ho held.
'ill , , RI ii ImlH Ni nice ,
fT , Louis. October 19.- lime railroad
IihIIumiIgumht daunt to nmigimt. tlmey mium hmiumgor
came what nciii iii i lie strik em o tak tm , I limit
I timey are ziomv iiidu1icmidemit of thuimi , that
iVT ) ) ( iQl
Limo iiiemt ( hey waumt. . A tOw strikers lOwe
goumo back to work but 90 11cr cent ci
thmoun are out yet.
Sr. .iosai'mt , Mo. , October l9.-i
sighs of a nmtrikenmnnnmswiteiuunemi here ,
limmiot Up.
mtoNTmma.i..LOctober1t-1ttuuiior ) is cur
remit timmit mum extonok o dry [ omltls hirimi i
iii timmniuninl troumimie.
Nnts Yommi. : , October 19.-Tho Mox-
knit guvoii'iuuuiemit Is negotiating Imero for
a toum mmmhillomm loan.
'Eluti 1'mi.gc.lsus. ,'rov , i'.i , October lfl.-.Timr
Evmmiugt'lical eminfom cmi e resolved to aim.
imrhmimate $7t)0 ) ) for time mmmrposo oil
reetiimg climilitils auth mnissioui immmmises jut
imipan mmttd to aoiid an athohitmommat umm'moaiomi.
1mr3' to .lmi1itimiiimdnuinttiS svitzerhimid. ,
TIIiI'U It t'mI No ) L1 : ; .
lhoton t-mvq lmiieoum iii thm iiisco for timn
imo t umieimtlmmg m'f time Cmimmdmucttmra , flOtlmorlmHiii
'I'lme o'it ) ' ( if \\'t'imtim , \I , ' , P. , was ( lOstrilytlIl
by the \ , etluiostlav. A fun' brick stores were
time tomly him Illmmug sated.
Time Secretary tf State ut I llhuinis iua
i1ceimeiI time lumeor ratlomu of thu Clmic.mgii
Itmiitoumi cmumIm ; cmti1tml stock' , I)0Oth ( ) .
Margaret Ihmtrrioomm ( colorsd ) , tlmo uuitartlescra
of little L.imiim I.oaii mmt Cmtliitmimui , I II. , vmms
lumiumEeti there yestormimmy in thu hirosemmco Sr
miomimly 4,000 poison. .
Stermms au Lake i.mulm nimd time ( lull oaf Vhui-
mint caumsomi great 11154 of life imumil mihmtIiihmmg.
Shty vessels were , itramitlc'l. 'limo bodies of
mtiXteOtm iersmis immivo licoma recovered.
Jaimmoms Stanley , colired , uangel , yestcr.
day mit Coiuuuimtmams , 'l'oxa.i , fur timu mummurilor of
ltbort , Striolcinimo , wimite , agemi 19 , 1mm No.
t'oiimbcr , 1SS2. St.mmmmloy lou a fail writteum comm.
Time Senate emib-eoniaulttmae , oum etincatlomi nmimd
himbir imoarmi several whimmossini on time edmmcittiomm
amid comimiltlumm tif wurkmuugmmm'omm In immssnehmu.
potts. Time coimiimilttoo conmelmolod Its hmabor In
liostomm ,
Esteumdool lnquilry goes to simon' timat thuiro
trIll be imo mitt-Ike at Kmmuusas City amumomig rmuhl.
naomi atm'Itciuumiuimm. 'l'im)3' , lmnvo mimi oirgauiiz.itiomm
timoro aamd available ummomi for stick trork arc too
'rime IllInois Cuutrai , "iVnlaslm , C. & E. I , ,
Peoria , 1)ecmitmmr & ivimuasvlhie , imimd tima 'l'crc
Ilittite & Evieumsvhllo nnii. , c.mmmprislmmg ilumo.
hmmttimutod In Cairo mmmmml iviuusvillo lumnhmmoio ,
imuive decimleti to co.tiper.mte wIth Utile remain Iii
mmmalumtommmmumco of time iuts'l.
Timreo cnmnmtrrfclters , Timmiana ami Oliver
lholmmmimmmou nmmtl Jmmuimea I lothloti nil , illmi.M
Sjurmmgtmo , who were oimaoiowcd ( toni Lomul , .
villa to MobIle by giavcrgaumommttietuctlveum , were
mmihtod ! 1mm the smubimihs of time towmm by tietue-
tm'cl mmd licilco mmml caiitiroii , toeclimor with a
large muusurtuimemt of ttols aummi ; iimmto.
T'ti colored BaptIsts lim couivcmmtloii atVy. .
aiitiuitto , i'num. , ruimrocmmtlmi a miumumabor of
\'ostmuu Stmmtoui amid Tern tumutes , mmmlolmtnl mesa-
lmmtioimm iirtetimmg mm'mdmmst time , Into dociskimu or
tim sumluronmie cimmit out civil rights. 'I'imoy
charge dma nlsliiiiihim'lllty of time deehiloim imhmoum
tlutni opimbilcaum Pmrty.
'Limo nctlimii of Limo Northtirim Pad tic in dii.
commthtmmm'immg tlaa special e'iuitraCt sysinmum eatmeos
, , ommto hmimrti fooling emi time otimer iiiti mu time
, mvorhxmmml Pull1 , limit simi pur ate imuImofuml tiiiit.
Viihmird vii1 stick to imia imlilmis. 'i'hm mmmmumagou a
tmf time Cimihfitruilmi himmet sy If Viiinrol woum't
ctmumtmumo imiummcif to time iaioi mtgmceummtummt imo trill
imavo to Iigimt.
'limo first tlmroaigim trolgiut train aim time iran-
eam Ci ty , Sj duigtiuhl & oimmmmlmls u'mul , wimleim
loft Itimumsas City yestormimmy , cmum4stctl of 8r ,
cars of iimo4 , fi mit him-mi , 10 of gralum , 2 of
avimhmkt' , mmmiii 1 mif feithltrorum ; total ti3 emits , nil
fromim local ciimmsigumors. 'I'lmo trimlim tt'mem Iii tart ,
seethimimim , mmd tenci gully ( lecuurateti. Five cans
mif mmiommt truro miemittumoti ( iii Now ( ) riommmms , for
Mmibmio , 1 iii forthIizmum for Chilmuifatoum , H. 0. ,
aimmi time rena imummier for filummmmmimls. 1 humi mini , , .
mmmcii ammtmclimmmtn great liemuotits Irma this imomv
LLvohmuo of soumthmurmm trmuio.
Time lemidimig in'uliiimory hmnmso ( of time
mvcst tvill disiimty carefully selected styles
, , f immipom'tCl 1reimcim boiummotmi immid hints cii
Satmmrohiuy amuxt. Omummilimi Indies are cor-
dimmihy immvitud to attommd.
.1 , .1 , Ilr.IHM ,
828 Broadway , Council Blullu , lmwn.
TluoEx-OmmialmaJmurumallnt In Clilmigo.
TIme Chicago News of recent data pub.
holmes time following concorzmimmg film- .
.Julius Featner , a former roil-known
Ommmaiua business imian :
"here , time vast week , ho has been cim-
joyiuig Imimmmaelf. Ills first aider wits for
two Eximert bicycles sit a 'Vmmbasii aveimio
est'ihiiishmiiicmmt , lb told witim great glee
ii . w Imo was time cimniimpioim rider rut time
Northwest , iiiitl Imow lie lmropmoe(1 to immi-
Pt OVO iii thin future. 'l'hmemm lie woimt
ha ) , T , it. Schmihl , a west side immakor
, , f mmmmmsicai immmmtnmimmmomitma , amid by lm'ms
air of immmlmortiimiee , active tongue , nimd
miiuisieil , ability , caused time immusicinim to
timimmlc hmiumi iti be a minim of imillucmmco.
Selmmill mrmmposec1 to mmmake isis muew ue
mjtmmiiiitaumcu Ii gift of a baumj ci 'at ' iimg $100
imummi Festmmer , to mmhmow lila nppm'ec'mimtimimm of
Iml imliw fiii'umoimm , weimt tmm a juwely eatmib
I malmimutimut ' if I ime city niud cirdom ud a $30 ( )
wmmtaihm with time immlmmmougrlumi : J. 13. 5. en-
giavod aim it. A ( riemmd of thmii young mmmlmm :
heard of 1mm order amid couiimtermumanmdeol it ,
mind aiut ( ) tlol , Selmahl niamut time umiommtal
cuumditiuzm of imis now imcollmmmiimtmliico.
"Ott ' [ 'imuradity Ftimmtmmer Prmnlusel ) to
iuiu'o iii time . lIe
every gUrumey city. secured -
cured tame imuid maui up mm bill omf mmeai-Iy $11) )
lmimmmsolf , whemi the lJrolmrietor , rccuiviimg
Ito P5Y' took hum zither miimd watch 411(1
lick ! timeun immmtil remleunmi ml. In his ride
mibout time city time yoummmg outlitor saw time
crowd of Imnliaums that limos bemi , iumcnmpi'd
at. Limmcolum immirk. One Of time limiekum lie
recoim.pmized. lie took imimo to hum aroma as
if lie had beemi ii lmmt momiativo. moeog-
imizid iii itumimu fet eiglm Jmmimd. Feotma r
I ; , ld time bimeic that he wouid emmtirlmi , im
immi amid lila commmlmaimioflms. lie rettirumiti
to time city , iii , od a baud for $50 , mid ume
gimfiattol for time t ontmil cii the armumory for
oimm imigimf for $150. hut whumm
or security wits soijeitaid imu coumbi give
0011(1. 11 mm ttummf to a mmmuis'icmml imomusu ,
boummiit ml $150 11,111) , OiL cm-edit , amid taking
it to ) ii fijumimi , mimokuti tim be mill 'Wtil imimif
jiricu mu it. lie wimmited thu mmmomiey ta cmi.
tertaiuh time I immilmiums. 'I'bmo friend refused.
' 'As time i'aimm drizzled ye stermlmiy minimum.
11mg Fcstxmm.nv walked tip micici dmavmi Clmmrk
notrcet , 11 is j' murimmihiatie cimanmictommst , lea
had imot becum unit durimig tutu vlchtsitimdt'mt
of time jimist few mmmiuitims. ! lleoitimmg 1mb aim !
acqunimitmuico , a gemutluimunit wimo imas talcemi
a fmmthmci'ly jut. remit 111 iiimmmhio cmski,1 , whore
lie iirmipo.ctl dimmimig , and auggtmtemh timmmt ime
wmmmild imivitu Imimimself to at'cohmmpumy time
fmieimd , As time two stood tiiihcing , time
young mmmmtim exhibited a letter front l'reai-
dent Arthur , Ycatumer had ) roposel to
build climircim in Omumilimt by suinscriptionm ,
amid Imad ajipliotl to , time I'rusmient for aid ,
'wlmiuh was refused , time latter ciaiumiimmg
that lie liar ! thuausmuids ; of joist usuuvhi Iipihi.
catloims every year , aial timmit of course
it ; wuuid ho iuimimossiblu for imiui to cium- , ,
lily , Fustimer's fmmthmur yesterday omit time
'still's valise mmd clotimiimg to friends mi time
city , "
eJ'a'o good Cigar Mmmkors irnuted.
l'miiaiii' IC r.NCK , .lmt. ,
Seward , Nebraska.
Simico l4Ielivr , IEAE,0O. lint o be.
00 mIt ) I ° P" immr , otlmei's iii e I ryiimg to iimmi.
ta it , but look Sir biund-
The piscop1 Gonyontion Mtcrii ! Iht.
Apca1s to the Doily ,
The Oliangos itiitl Modifications
Proposed and the Opinion
of Moinbors ,
time Afl'cut lug 1iimo'sveil or t 1mm' '
able illahup ( ircomu
Putt m.auni'ii ma , October lth.-Fiftcontiu
tiny of time st'ssiommm ' oaf time 'l'luirty.tliirtl
Ooumvuumtitmui oaf time Prtcstnumt , ) )
'imtmreh. 'l'lmo I Icamse Ieiiitles etuucmmrmci ,
ui time ueioitmtii'ut midopted by time lilsimolo.
mrot'k1iumg for a joint coumamnitten aim cuami
gt'imtitiI ) , to uscertxmimi fuct.a nmmd tiuvute
muiemmams to Protect ummiigrammtmu. 'l'imo juliO
ctumiuumitteo of mmecolatmmuca of t lie gift
to ilisimojiVimuppio , of hinuaesota , of mm
lot miemir time ceimtro of Fmtrrhimamult , oil
wldcim to ) ciect a liommac ; nmloimted , Time
veumurablo hhump Orceum , of Ahissiso'upmi ,
mitititessuit time tiolmiuues , I he wisimeti t , ,
tilti tiiuuii farewell , no iii the lrovideiice
of Got ! lie WoUld imuver nttoumd anoatheu
couivumitioii , lie wits time sole survivor of
the commvcumtiomm riiiela moot in this c'mt3
sixty years ago , timuum imimmo Dielmops , now
seviali timmies that manumiber ,
After a mmimort disemissiomi time house tvet
into counmimittee of time whole on time mu-
of time joint coimmumaitten on PrYer-
book. The proposeit .tummomidiimuntmu to ) the
first , of time eight versiclos in miectloii 11 ol
time fotmrth resolutioii relates to time order
for ovomiihag laraer , viz : " 0 , Lord , smive
maur rulers. " 'I lie aunendimment by 11ev.
1)r. Brooks ( Maso. ) tt'as ' 'lileiuuu time iim- ,
tioiii , " auth time aaumemuhumaommt of l1mIr. Stark
( Conn. ) wits ' 'Tue peojmlo of time s3nited
States. "
Dr. liuiitimmgto ma , front the committee ,
said with regard to time womoL ' 'I'm-cal-
deiit , " about whn'h objection tm'ns mund. , ,
lie could commcoive it. was fm-emma mmmetajihiysi.
cmii comishlurmotioma. lie lrtp0500I ) a OUt )
stittute to the words " 0 Lord , bless aamtl
preserve time United. States. " Stark
withdrew liii niiucmidumaemmt. The aimiemid.
iiieiit of Dr. Brooks wits rojected. 11ev.
iT. .1. Ymmimlx , ( Arkammoas ) saul hmo
5Ok [ ( ) as ( lime who limit ! felt tim wroimg in
our prmmyer book of desigmmntimmg iii otmoli
way a Overmtorduriumu time civil war.
Time trouble with clemgymmieii was emi timia
Poiiit. lie felt immmpolled to raimmo his
warliimig yoke auth ask the hiotmoc to comm.
eider troll before ciiangiimg tim word
I 'i'tiiurs.Vilnmer ( Imrylmmumd ) cinimmied
if wmts imot a aectimmimiti , but ii loliticmmi
qtiestioml ; timero Could not be objection to
"these United States. "
11ev. Dr. Goodwiim ( l'a ) oaid they Imavo
ualt ommmly lmrmi3'er for time Presidumit of time
Jmmited SOttes bid. time cliuri.'ii is culled
t lie l'rotcsfltmit E1iisco,1uii , , church iii time
United States. Several mmmmmemmdmmmcmmtma lie.
immg rejected , flue mmuuieumdmmicmmt of Dr.
llnuitimmgtomm Whit agreed o.
Dr. Fuultoum ( Mo. ) olfiureti an ammiemul-
macmit tO ) strike out this vorsicic : "Fur
it. is Thmomu alone timuit mummmk'est wara to
cease iui all ( ho wonid , " mmd atmbtitimtu
tIme foiios'inut : ' 'Beemiuse theme is mmumme
utimer timmit tightest for us but ommly Thom ,
0. Lord ' iJr. Fuitomi's aiuicmmdmumemmt mmumd
ItlmUrS trore rojectud.
Rev. Dr. Iluitturmuimnil nmvcd to tm-ammo-
luube smuliruiges amid mumswcr , " 0 Lord , blean
amid liresurvo tlmoso Uumited Status , mmd
mmmurctfuiiy hear mis wlmeim wo cmiii upon
thee , " inn ! " 0 Laid , save thy lieiiie amid
bless timbre immiicritaumco. " Agreed to.
Clause P tvim titumi agreed to. Section
Q aims timen tiikemm Up liii follows : Substi.
Lute for first clause of collects , ' 'Fur aid
mwn'mmmst perils , " time words "Llgimtt'mm our
oiarkimeas , we beseech thee , 0 Loud , " mind
imisert time fohlowimmg iii time rubrics
iummmnoxliatoly after time said coh.
bets , ' 'itt a ilaCO where it
uuiay be convommient here followeth
time cmmtimemn , save oii the Lord's day , tue
immiimiater many hero cud time evening
prayer , at'itim otmit prayer or prayers takeim
. 'mmv of liii. book as un simali tluimmk tic. "
Rev. D. ilemmshmaw ( It. I. ) immoved toammmend
Iy , retaimmiumg time collect ' 'for aid agaimmat
micrO , ' ' meal addimig aftorit time numbrie. 0mm
this time commimiiittce rose and time deputies
t.omik ii ieee-os.
A. trip tlwii , time bay was givoim the
deputies this ultorimoom.
rita iiouma op imrniom'tm.
11ev. Bislmoil ) ( imeummtm ( Miss. ) was ox-
cumeed frommi fmirthmur attcmmdmtmmce. lie took
mm farewell oaf time house in mm few words of
ifrmctiiiimmtu cmitummstml. Time recomimimmomidmi.
film flint time secimmcl Sunday muter Epimh.
.mmuy pry be o,1l'eretl , for time schmamis mind
mailleges wims ed. ' [ 'lie Bmmuimiipmi of
Nebramikis , Northern Texas , aunt Ninth.
I rim New .Jersey were apumimmtcd 0mm thu
jiuiiif. commmmmmitfa'e ciii time spiritual cmmae of
'mnigi'mlIits. 'lI'hmo house ciamucuirneol with
liii ics m-nlmmtive 1(1 time Ficimeli
( di'iuuit ( ver-
slant of time comummnon 'l'lmu cotmm-
umittue of comfcrommcti upiuiuitel maim time
I poised nmmmtimd ama ii to o1 article I'm fm ii oif
time e.imstim , tmtiumm , ruiimtiimg to time croiit'uiu
'If dioceses of mimimisiommimmy jumiaitlmctiommme.
l'hio immiamso timemi wtimmt iiito cuiuimmmm'ittee of
tIme wiuodu emu tire lirAyer book amid soomi
dmcrcaftor imdjourumcd.
liummgiar'mo itmilti ,
Dm'.TIIOIT , Octoitii' , 1 ° J-Buriars raided
time village oaf Eattilim' , ( Iratmot coiimmty ,
Inst mmight , blew ompiamm tIme salt's caf E. 'l.
lrako aimd liT. W. Tucker , secured $1,300
tomoty , timumi Kbmin Pitcher's horse mind
buggy , iii wlmituli timoay muumniu their escape.
l"meii ( iris.
Nitty Yomuc , Octodair 10.-Time bims'uneas
failures iii tue Uumitutl Sr.ttos timid Cumumadmi
Sir time hitat week are 243 , mmmi increase of
fill over time imruvious 'tvcuk
Sa ford's ' Radical iure.
hived Colic , tYatery Lfluwlmsrgee tie" ( lit , Nee and
Kd , tmmmmmg l'Jcmu4 mu tim , . hicad , lurvu hlea4
a , tie i'd hay C imtad" , 1010)0,1 ,
I imoliit ImmU'i1i illiuidgeil , mum , iibrtumu clemmnmsed aimd
healed , brcsttm iwt'etuml , sumili , toot. amid lmearlui
retoriih , wl 1av&giiciiock o.i.
Oiiimglmil. liiiiitilthP. , Uromuilnug. Iito , time Ttmrat ,
l'alms Iii time elect , Fy.pemoIl , Vaettmmg 0t tltreuigth
a' il lii , ) , , ie * of i4Iuoi' , etc , o'ureul ,
I lilt' imittlu tin mi al Cure , ( lime Out Catairimal Hoh'
remit uicl memo lit aimtorti'i lidmuti r in . i'caeu.
of mdi tlrumrg1it fur Ii. Ask f'r I4asromto' IIAUICAL
I cii r. , a ill ( II tiiui ot tvhtcm ) mm izul , Ama. i'Iimu ,
( ui. I'lr , ilumelgialil , Clover ill ucitici , , mute. i'orrsi
1,5170 asuCumesiVA"0. . ikuitoim ,
- N.r I tie rhlum .mmmd ( , i uimtIum ,
COLLINSs tlmo Itfl'iN'r Em' IC AIt'LiED ,
of htlmvumnstimui , Neuralgia , Heist-
\fOLTA trim , ( laugh. , (1duls , tVosk hack ,
1Iw/d lititmnacli smith Ii'iwele , SliOiiltig
/ l'Iuui. Numimlamiess , I lysterha , i. .
mimic Vmtha. i'mml iiittltiIi I ) iitip.
' : ' slum , Ilrer I ! immmhul.iIuIt , immiti. us Fo.
vor , Msiarla iuil ejihiiuumm'c'n ' uss
COI.LINmI h'l.Aii'hmmms : is , ELE0l.
, 'L CTRlk" 'in i C UA'm'EmiY i OtiflINithu
with , I I'.irutms ' $ ) auth Isugb
LAt5 at pain. ' 2.o. .cmvtihmvre ,
, .
Iahlgnsst rasc f
Aothms , ott w ho ito
Suffenigtmlmcat beyond
Endimtiic'o from '
O'atsrrh , coulgi , , , or cOth ,
Eu costly ,
Canuhhuihi , and
liecommn'nI , the
umaiiLmteai.o of an emOeni 50(1
Ceitalma romedy-'Tlmoma. , Eoioctrlo'
inicone eamperuor to inythinR of a
l.iko i.imtiire . , iuuit
tam oh )
Ate In
Ntotl of relic t oumdeam , s'att. a
3 , dil.r or a hilt dollar , gRe Iii.
Trial ; tuo )
hiopault will tlry
'iuU that omit * tateiuieumts arc not onfy reflect ( nit
\ry itlotlOratO.
p CItLUATID mu ii
t t dim.
II ii ii 0 I ; hkwtettcr'e
. Slonach hitter , , is
. tueyomiul all ciumnuuari.
Soul the lest. rulamedy
, S ( hot can be takcii.As
, -rr. ' " IiwauIi ( If rtutorluug
i ' : : : the etr.'umgtla aumul vi.
w tOlcmwrgyofjuerauons
, ; ' C umlat , or. tillikIriE un-
Ia , ,1 ihol ( ho thoblllththng
- effect , mat mamam foliO-
( ( OhOrS , tmm etsumilarit
t'elo ot4IbIi hat ugorant
I , comufessediy Un-
STOMACH ( "Ituelki ) .
t'ur silo by all
larumgghimtim munmi Deal.
or , goaoraiiy.
1o ) ( ) nn ituol , II- % uo ymimu iuIh.'rlng
frouum mu Ctatiglm , Cold , Astimnin , lhronemmitie , or
muiy of time u'aahauo iatulmimaummirv tniutalemm timnt .o
, aftpui oumil ha C'mui"aaulm jimmuu ? if sti. Use " ) VjZ-
bn"a l'urc rod-live , fill end LOae , " mm oslo rmumd
u'ture reummoily. Tiilim Ia umu , .ttmuck iireimarathan
limit Ia megmmiutrly rcscri1aed by time mnnilicuJ
faculty. Msimumfmw'timaemt oumly 1)7 A. 13.Vit. . .
muon , Ohmaummhst , Boston. Sold by all hnmgudsta.
Investigate for You reolvos. .
I'oatummator.Uommoral ticeeham hating ptmbhlshod a
whlmfml suuil uuiahichotm , taielmund In reirul to time cimat.
actoruf The lAuuuIlmamma State Lottery Company , th.
tolkuslng ( actiame lveum to the miuhimo to hurove his
4tittcaVlit , ( list 'a a mute enraged In a fraudulent bus-
lucia , to lxi take anal aimatruo :
Aumiiilumt , , af jirizi e 1.01(1 by The Louhelanu State Lot-
( cry Coimamany fruumn Jaiitunr 1 , 1870 , to urcnt date :
i'aIil ( ii l4otmtlarmu Express to , , Now Orlemamme ,
T. ii. tVeicott , Manager . . . . . . . . . . .8hiiO,5OO
raId to tomiIataus Natluamuil flimk ,
.me. Ii. Ogie'diy , Preelulent . . . . . . . . . 463,000
Paul ti itmtto Notional Umammk , S ii.
RemeiIy , , i'reshitent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,100
t'muli to Sew OriesnsNntlnnal hank ,
dk tbmulhwi , , l'ruslct'nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,530
Palul ta Ummlomm 'umttonmd Imamits ,
H. Cimarharuum C.imlahor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,450
i'aiuh to Citizen. ' Ihuuk ,
a. 1. . Carriere , Pets ilint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,000
( 'aid to aermimamuho Nat'tumma ) itanlo ,
JmmlmCtssiii'l. I'rehloiat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000
( ' 01(1 ti IIflermda Nathmah hank ,
Chsua i'nltr. y. CashIer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000
Paid to (2nmmal Ilank , m.i. : ToRy , Cashier , . . 13if.Q
h'aIil to5tmmttml Natiaiai flank.
Joe. Lumtcmmol , Caslmluir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,200
Total 1aid nui above..82,2.33,680
( 'aid mmi eunme of uimder 81,000 at the
uariimie omhicce of time Calaamaum3'
thmroamghout tlmoUumhcdStuitco. . . . . . . . . 2,627,410
Tatal Id for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , ,
Far thu mmiii ial tIme steve ta.ts wo rotor the taubhho
toUmia iatllcmra iii ( lie ithovo.uammiud corla.arSUoime . , amiut
tnr our legal ity 0.11(1 Stftumiln $ ( to the Mayor and Otimcens
it time CRy .f No' Oricaume. to time State autimoritlciot
Louleiana , amui den to the U. S. Oiflchtli of LuuUIsIans.
We clalnm to lie lugal. hommest and correct in all our
trauimmacttimms , , no omuch so is any bmuuihmmeeui in the enun.
try. Ouretammiiimg iumcoracudcd by ohm wlmn will Invei.
Ligate , auth our tock liss for year. lcen n..h4 at ' us
Board of firokore , anti owned by many of our bosh
m000wn amid reopocted cItizens.
M. A. DAUPhIN , President.
OAPITAL PIUZE $76,000. TIoltets Only
to , Lhlaros In I'roporllon.
Louisiana State Lottery Coulpany
'I We II. ! merebi , certify that toe supervtse time am-
'agrelmto for alt the jlomthlu , amml , S'eumf.Annuat
Drawjmj , 'tf the tonmfsama ( St.'zis . ! .ntteru Coii.any ,
itmt ( tmjueruom , , , mtmnmue and comtroi the Dramcunaa
' , tMi'tUOmi , aim , ! that the , , sme are cmnmdmcted math
loumesty/ufomss , . , ; , md III jjiuooi/ath tova'J mdl vat.
( emi runeS we authorize ths company O use this reP
' ( ilcats , /ao.iuuuteJ Qf our sC.jnaturea attached ,
fl ( is a.lmuirtiaenmeamfa . "
CoiewiasuOSZU ,
Inourporatol In 1863 for 25 years by ( he logislmmturs
for udmmitiomai and cmarhtumblo } m.urpomme-s'ltb a cap.
4i mit Ii 000,000-t. ) which a ressOCo fund of over
nboo ® h05 , lmmce boon addemi.
fly an uvcrwhmehnilim Iopular yote , Its franchii.
vIm. imaitimi a imart of ( tie vrent state constItution
idoptoim floecumubor 2d , A. U. 1870.
lAs tomtg 1.otttrp ever ootemi oem amid endorsed by
thipeo3iti 00711 / state ,
It never Scales or ! 'osfosme , .
Its grand mmiiigio mmuimmber drawings take
imaco imiomitimly.
PUNK. iiih Ormamiml fawiug , Clam. I , at New Or-
loins , TURIJDAY , NOV , 13th , lI3-iS2d Monthly
UAi'i'h'AL h'htlF.E , V6,000.
tions , in ) l'Itim ( to l'roptirttomi.
I.uwi' or rai.i5.
I OAPITATi ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
1 mm mm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ioeoo
2 i'IIIZEII Of lut000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12000
6 do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
mo do 1000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
20 do 600. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
uOO do 200 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 it
300 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000
500 do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
000 do 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
spreoxims isios pRizes.
a Approximation prhremu of 7ti0. . . . . . . . . . . 0,760
a do do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,500
0 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . ,2f0
m67 Prizes , amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
Appllcattomm for rates to clubs ehould tie mad. only
at tlo miflicu of ttmo Couiqmaim ) iii New Orleaze.
Per further inmfornnatiiamm wrhto clearly ghirug full
address. tialce 1' . 0. imonoy Orders j.a able and
isidross ltegtt.eromi totters to
Now Orleans , IA.
I'o4a1 Notes auth or tiruery letteous 1w Maih or Er.
hivose ( all scums of $3 and UhWrtIi by Exhiress at our
expense ) to
or Li. A. DAUI'IIIN New Orleans , is.
eel Seventh St. , Washington , P. 0.
B. Frank Moore
127 La Salle Street. C/iicaqo ,
Manager of Chioao 05100 , To whom-i apily for
tpforuiatiou auth tickets. 1(124 Ilozmthly
Urawiiui ,
Tuesday , Nov. 13.
FU'et CapItal h'11ze. Illi.uane. 'ickta OS. 8s1
VIitb. at hi imacim. 8e tufl schouio aboy.