_ - - - - - - - - - - ' , . - - - - _ _ _ - . - - ' - - - _ - - - 8 r'n DAILY BEEOMAllA , THURSDAr OOTO13iR Th , 1883. - - TILE DAILY BEE oMALA. Thursday Morning , October 18 The Woathcr. For the iPor MiSS1SS11)1L ) valley , part1 clowly weather 811(1 loCal raiTl8 , Affiltil er1 goiiertlly shiftitig to westeily winds rinig barometer , stitionttry or 811g11 fall of tcinperMuro. For the Muioitr valley , fair wenthor , winds inotIy wcst erly , rising baromotcrtntkiiary or Iowa temperature. LOOALBREVITIES. -Save money. SenI to K FeAronwho1c8aI cigar and tobacco dealer , for price IIs. -A C.ThCU Of Urn Frt W nrtl JepubIIcnw t C3110I fr TlaiirtIny , tonlght , nt ' ' hail , O'ClOCk , n tetz' -Safo for StIo-A niellum lzcd MoRlcr1 3lahmann i Co. M'f'g ; iiearly now , at a bar gain. Inquire nt thIs office. -Fon S.tr.r.-TliIrLyfivo bead horse , Wa goflI , biiggic 1111(1 Iiarnc , nud tab1c for reni at ImIgrant tabIe , Cuming St. ( leo. 1)orwln o11.ewdt - TboV. . C. T. U. vlI1 Ikohi their regula weekly moetin Thiirstlny afLernooti at O'clock at the Y. M. C , A. rooni. All mom berM xro rcqtiested t.o be prceont. -Tho Academy of MusIc lut. nIght wa Jnt as crovtIed a t.Iio iiiglit before , to boa "t41(1oon' ( Plcnk.Vo jOa1C Of tub ; be cIil'o the fact that two or three tIieatre cai be ko1.t open hero all the time R1IflYM Omilu : to ho a metropolitan iilnco. -Tue ] ) ri ; pubIIhod la.t wltitcr a ftorci o $ abbath evciilng 1octurc by Ilov. .1. W. liar tha , doilvorod before the young 1)ePlo ) of th iodgo treot church. W'o umlomtind : the the 8ubjcct for thhi winter vIl1 ho the ltcfo intIon. ThiIi i timely anti liitereUng , an will undoubtedly attract whlo attention. W' vihI 1)rcot our rcat1er vItb a NyItOftS ) theRe lecturce sui they are ( lolivoro(1. . -In the imhico court yo4cr1ay Pet ILCUlONOfl wall arre8ted : fr breaking a wh now in Frail MaohIer'd Ilaco ) , and M.lton forlntoicaton. That sva all. -Tho g tronchw lately opened nra full vator and tht work , a well a tiLe gutterle anti grading anti paving and curbing going o throughout the city , Ii greatly doiaycl by th miii. -d Shatto , Indicted for the iitur1er Martin lCiilght , July 5th , wair arraigned i thio ] ) istrlct Court yoHtcrtlay and PIoale not guilty. Mcir. Bennett anti Ihaidwi were nsignod as councI. -In the 1)Istrlct Court ycetertlay , hi fore Judge \Vakohoy , the ciuo of Tliornai v iflttera 8uit in ojcctment , wa9 tried bofor a Jurynud a verdict returned for the defem itnt. The plaintiff diii not put In an apica : c nuco at all.'obstem and Gaylord appeiirc for Thoina1 and lion. . .1 , llumnhmu f hitter. Jolni Ilorlatiti , the portly auth good looldi ht.ock man of Stanton county , li in the city. b' Dr. Darrow Iii able to be nboutagain aRi two wookii IlhiieH. , 1 : . -The electric light hiu. boonflnitinnt ) Jul Boll'a Tenth atroot drug ritoro. Tuhn l4up t . . the tlmesi aiwayn , -Cold weather mahcen the oynter Lr ' ljooin. Thit bmanthi of leading Baltimore pac ' eri4nrorolroaented In thin market an uu but from the lint published in another colum by tim ncnt , D. fl. l3eomor , it would soc Booth's "Oval Brand" that nearly znonoi lizon the city tradn , since from It , It npjiea . that over fifty leading gmcomien rentauratit iiiaiketn and hotoin use tFfe bread exclu,1t4 In thin comiection it n ntatetl a a fact , widi t any ono can vorlfy by looking , that ten oa ( lilt of every ( lOZCfl arriving daily in oxprc for thhi city and the West are oJiooi Ot'it Bran' ! . -Sioux City .Toumnal : A schteino is on Fr 4 toorganice abano ball league coiinIstliq oft 9 cIties of Minnoapr.Iii , St. Paul , Siotx Cii Ottuinwa , Keokuic , Dubw1tio , Iavenpo Omaha , Winona and La Cronro. The cli wouhit ho organized an stock couipanIeH w a 'aj > ItaI IltoCk of 2OOO each , and % VOtIItl hold tinder the strIctot nibs. S -The fireman's annual ball - , at Crouiu ball : iiigbit was a imaird ntlnir. It wan tendetbynhout 155 CoUlibes , niiil tdo mu was fumirisbiad by Irvine's iirchiobtma. lvc : thliig IWiSCd ofT In the finest style imagiiiali -A senioiir accident happened iIoiii night at tIm ninindhoonu of the Omaha & 1'.ub road. A inacbinei.t toinliorariby pbuycl to till the iilaco of an cmpbuyo vhio t iick1 fell intu the It Cud bruko one uf his I lit two places. -The COIIVOIIUiii ( yesteribay necupbod hotini in iniibutIiig its labors end % vIiId , I , 1IOCII very ledfows hut for the occanloiurl b little episodes which occumrrd. -The IlitoftiDU In now who vIll tim ut , convention noiniiiato. -It was noortei yo4crrbay that the dc uii the arrIval of the U. 1. ' . lonver train , . 2 , whIch cacao in four hours bate , wan cau by an engine and snyomal cam being cilia at North Beau. " 4tCCIIOIiJ will happen titobest reguhatoti f&mlhIoa. " -Tire heavy rain and vlud stoiaii of T lay night wan succeeded by a day gloc oonhead and beastly underfoot , Last iii It cleaned oft beautifully , the moon caine . bright ru day and the sir vii decldc fronty. fronty.A -A tree on Cuining htroot , between I teonthi and Twentieth , the roots of which 110011 laId bare p'eparatory to roino'ai , clown yesterday morning aurd ntnlkluig o . house tore down thu cb&hzmey & , knocked hIgirtniri roil anti 1itit a large hub In the , . -3r. 'UUIi' , the chialninnii of the coo tion yesterday in a brick and danoryod a 01 tbinuks far his ncrvlce.i , lie 1usd H juJgweit , decision and lioryc cumbicod , wtli a little inure experience couhui ha ic1most any boiy of tiron. -There wan a lively little squabble nea * 1 , Theatre Comique ou 12th street , near night last night , Iii which one of the oil I struck ouur ibm head with a bottle. . f3jico LnvIyLIAK c Co. have - . CQIUO IJUPUIIU' , oticia are trying to tate , but look for brand- v Two good C'igarTiozi w.iiitoti. - l , Yiii&ui' Ju. , , ' iuwnrd , cbrk ; - - M1I4J4jEW * OPENING. : . 'rim leadizig rnflhinory lwuno of 2. west will display carefully svloctetl nt I ' of nupontod French bornoLn and 1mb .3atwdy nat Ozimulmzi 1ade arc , dbtlly itis4t4 to attcxuL - , . . . ST. .l. flLls , 1 3B Broadway ( 'outicil Iiluffn , 18u 1L ' : ul1 THE CAMPAIGN OPENS. The First GotlIlioilInlhe City Hall A Lively Ovoi'turo and Wall Around By the Whole Company1 The Performance Last 'Througi Ton Long Hours Bush Baumor Murphy , Ijams , , Reclfiold , Ohadwiok , Carlton - ton and Lanyon. The L'oat uiro l"IIlcil Afler it harm Struggle. Long before 1 o'clock . in. yestorda : quito a crowd of men collected on tk sidewalk in froutof the city hail and it the corridors of that building , the occa 51011 whichi called out the crowd being ti convention of "vrkmiigriieii and farm 003 , " ft it denignatid in Limo call in stied twine days ago. Q ulto a cluster of muon worn gatherem iii the mayor's oblico whore lImo coinmnitto dispensed tickets of athimmssion to tb counciL ronirm. A good dual of feo1bm wit nmnnifeatcil on account of tIme arbitrar ; cotirno of time comntimittco in remain credomitiala to delegates who claimed tim right to represent warda and precincb The men stationed at , tim entrance of tim hail had a good deal of trouble to kec the crowd back , amid mit about a qtmartc Lt two a number of imiomi forced their or trance iOtA ) the hall , timid this huimig tim police headquarters , tbio marshal at enc ntcppod in to proeimt violence. ( ) M ISO TO ommuiii. The convention wa called to order mi 2:15 : by J. It. Lewis , cimairmimnim of Lu Workingmoii and Farnior'n County Cot tail CommiimUteo , v1mo read time call imiread published iii Tmim Bm'.m : . Time imomnimmation of cbmairmnaii being i order , several nammica wore mnemitiomiod an considerable confusion arose , one of tim delegates insisting tinit a number of dub elected moprosontativas were unfairly ocr cludod from the Inch. The chmnirnm ruled him out of order , and Mesari lCnigimt and Burthmtto being ai 1)OilttCd toliorn , the comivcntiomm pr coodod to vote for a cimairmimaim , Lb three candidates being James Younf Dick Garrett and Joint human. TIme result warm mum follows : Young 31 IIiimcm 34 , Garrett 11. Mr. Young was declared duly clecto and Ida election made unamibnous aim tIme entlcimmamm wan escorted to thu cimni Iliml mimtroduccd by Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis nomiminmitod ( leo. W. Da for secretary , who was oloctcd by accim imumtion. eREInNTIAI.8. ) Time ) . . proceeded to appoint commq ) J redontia1a , which was a _ being chose frozm each organization ropronozitoc D. Bmmrnotto , hugh Murphy , T , .1. Smiti Wnm. Tracy , M. 'mV. Hart4aim , Jnnii Knight , John Peterson , Patrick Murph C. I ? . Fanning , 0 no. Ohmnistophorsom John Gormnan , P. L. Sherman , Mal Wimita , Jerry Boilmi , , Jaa. Iiothwoll , Ge Albon , .Jamca L. ] ilncbc , ( heo. Barton , \v. Fleming , It. U. Tiormaim , Ben. We tordalmi , James Brennan , A recess of fifteen minutes was tim takel } I ending the rojiort of time con nmtttiPo. ( AItTEfl T1me , , mitteo on credentials was a BUflL r amid a quarter instead of ii teen and had a lively Limuie in ti committee room. On their return tlmo'mr chairman mum time following report , which wan ndopt amid time comimuittee discharged. Commaidorablo confusion now arose hi time niotion wan fiumally carried. Time chairimman ordered that time del gates whose credentials voro in doubt am so reported by the committee , be taki up'by organhuttiomma and acted upon oi by one. On motion all the delegates wont or aide time rail amid came iii ono by one their umammies vero called. It wan uimoved that the two dohogat I excluded from tIme halt by a clerical err ho muimnitted , Carried. rnILMA4mN.r ; omta.tiizArzo. It was moved that time teummporary c myauiizat'ton be muncie ponmmiammeimt. . 1r. Lewis buing called to the clma I Mr. Young mmmdci soiumu very sensible m I unarkb , itt which ho stated that if lie w chosen to time clutmr ho dklim't proposu have the convention turned into a no I bio. lie didn't ' know aumy uumnmm Ii a would use his discretioumary iomvora r Limo bent of his judgment. If any o caine aim a capper for any party1 thin w r but. a farce , but ii tbmo workiugmuen wc hero to mmrnko imommeat noimminatiomma would do hum boat to aid timomn. V 'I'lmo tomimporary organisation Yas inn I. penmnammomit. ii On ummotion tim crodeimtiais referred ii the convention Voro takoim up and ad U Upoum. Thu flrst was time centificato of Limo t I. Ion Pacific freight depot working muon Mn , Black c.ntouidod that this dole yt Lion caine as fire brands amid had crea ft disturbance from the outset. it Mr. Burdotto thought that for Limo ar I of harmony Lime dekation slmouid be uuilttod , I. Time chaininaum stated that Ito hind a d timis delegation outer time hail by to ii and it would be a disgrace to athuit thu to time convention. a a A speaker for time delegation cimmimi that tim executive coummuittee had em I , cmnod ambitrary pwr in disbarring . delogrmtiomm. lAm A vote takoim and the cimairnunim at cmdcd time dobegatloim admitted , id A diyjaion was called for , but as be CoumvoimtiOfl could not agree rum ' to limeans of tiecidimug the vote , the elm lo pudererl time disputed delegation ii. comae in anyway. Timin coiled forth a Imorfoct storm i rn after m great deal of confusion and mme Mr. hugh Murplu1 aupea1euL front doemnbon of time chair as being a usum e tioum of Imowor , I. ' ! 'imo roll being called omm time quostb ' 'Shall time dociaboim of time chair be m taiuuedi" resulted : Ayes 80 , noes 42. Time decialoim of limo chair imoimmg ruj ed , time disputed dolegatioim was debar front manLIcipstirmg 1mm time ctmvoumtion. It wan mmmved to exclude all imot ci elected delegates ( remit time ball bel iuroceedimi' to business , Tijo ciummr suggested timet tIme bale of time (1131)Utdid credentials bouliapontud iii iumoved amid carried to proc r - with time uiomninat'mouma , O1JNATINu . muuItltIrv. A ummotion tO proceed ritbm noumimmat : for slmes-iIIyas carried. P. F , Murpimy , Pat Lyncim and Da Miller were nominated. Time latti named being received wmth hi'msson. Thu Faicommor was also nominated. Tim president appointed Messrs We tordahmi , Buruucutto amid Brown as toiler It was flflhiOIuuiCOl that there wci amxty.ommo votes 1mm Limo convention1 timmrt one votes imonug necessary Li ) nominate. It was moved to vote by dobegatmom immstemi of by ballot , but. tito iumotfoim wi defeated. George Ahloim was appointed nasmatam aecrotary. 'l'luo first. ballot for slierill' resulted follows : \Iuurihiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faiconer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.yimcim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'mlilbor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There being un election it . was fliOV ( to proceed to a now ballot. Carried. 0mm motion Limo two mcmi rccoivrng LI smallest number of votes wore droppo leaving time race botwoomm Messrs Murpi mmtmd Falcommor. Time second ballot resmmltod : Murphy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F'alcommer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Murphy was declared nomninatci amid , orm nmotiuui , time imomninatioum was mum ilimaiiflUtiS. Mr. Murphy , being called for , tiuank time coiuyctiti ° ii briefly for lila nomninatic amid promised all ito could for the into eat of labor and to perform Limo duties i thmo office , if elected , to the best of hm ability. A recess was thou takoum to 7 : o'clock. r.vaia snssIoN. TIuo comivamutbaum was again caibod order at 8 o'clock , arid , after srnmmo lilt coiulusioum over time question of oxciudim all who were not delegates , hmo umomudim atiorms yore mmmdc iomt uumm.sUImaIt as foiiowa : , Johum hush , , luliua Trel acimku amid Frank , Tolmimaou , Time first ballat resulted as follows : .101111 1110dm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F'ramk , , Jrbnmrmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jimilus Trcltncliko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Itimsim , having time majority of r muimo votes cast , was declared time nomnimi of Limo conventiomi , and on motion ti nouuminaton wits mnuido Ulmmtmmimflolmn. it. was mmmovetl timat a committee of t be np1ioiittod to wait emi Mr. Rush am escort before tim convuuumtiomi , am Mcssrs O'Keelro amid Gormnan vero a poiflteJ as such comnnmittc. Time conuruuitteo soon rcturmmodwithm N Itusim , who was received with loud clmeom lie proceed to thamik time coimvommtion f time imonor it imad conferred upon hum am said that his imriumciples lund always be time saimic as those for which this ' boi was comitendimig and if ito adimorreul them lmo would never brimug disgrace mmiii lila father's minnie. lb alluded to t faummumma stniko of March last and t : ieacealulo domnomistratiomi made to obtim Limo rights of time workmngmumen and was iii hoanifuit sympathy with the can always. Tlmammkmmig timemmi agumimi , Tm itusim witlmdrew , tlmroo chmoors being givi for him as ito loft the imali , COVTY ( : L1mmIC. Nonmiumntiouma for county clerk being order there was a great clamor and mvii time confusion hind aimbaided amid the no iimatioius hind boon declared closed , following mmnummes wore fouumid to be beft Uie convention : J. r. L. C. Jowolt , Tm Barton , Johmm Baumner , Jacob How James Anderson , F. J. McShnno , A. Morris and Wmn. F. Hems. The first ballot resulted : Jowoti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lewis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ihummar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hiouck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TmIcSimmmno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murnin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aumtl.nmion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There bcirmgao election all Limo can dates wore dropped except those havi time three Imigimust votes , time second bal resulting as follows : , Tewctt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liammmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilouck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MoShano. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It was moved and carried that on third ballot only time two imighmest caum dates be voted for and time result t tiuro mva8 aim oloctioit by the follow vote : Ilaumom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jowott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Baumor was declared nominaL CLERK OF TI ! ? iumsnuwyr couaT. IL was mnorod to muomimmato candido for clerk of time District Court. Mr. Wumi. If. IjamumaVumm. . F. [ ml mmd Al Sorensen mmoro umomninnioti. result of this ballot wits : SoreI&iin & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iamnii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HoilmH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'i.iorelmommro ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . icatteriimir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Ijaums mvas doinrod time nonmimic' ' time comtveimtiomm. cotn.rv coMstIssioNmmt. Time nomuimmations for thmo office commty coimmmniasiommor vero D. L. Guckim , .J. B , htodliold , I'atniek F I F. W. Conl'mss , Cyrus Mortoim amid I McCarroll. A ballot was taken , but before the I suIt was announced the objection immado that sixty.thmroo votes had L I cast and that there were umot aixty.tl delegates vroaent A call of time roll I demumandeci , I It , war mmmoved .antl carried that delegate announce 1mm immune an ito . his laiiot. Time result of time first ballot was : . Gurkimm 12. liodilold 19 , Morton 14 , I 1 7 , Conlias 8 , McCarroll : i , abatturing All thu camulidates being dropped 0 cept time three imigimest , time second bm . resulted an follows : liociflolul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it fc'uckiu. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U ? uluirton , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tcstteniag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Time timird imallot resulted : I htedf'mid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U . Jtorl.n. . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It appearing timat 513 votes had I 0 cast and only fi4 votes recorded , a . ballot was ordered. delegate who lund boon obatropo all time om'omtiimg grow very mmoisy at 0 tiumio and it was voted to "line" imimu f , time mmii. 'I'imu mmcxl ballot resulted iii the mm 0 imatioum of itodtleid by time following ml ibecIfmeld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uiortumm. . . . . . . . . . Mr. Itodliolci . . appeared and oxpre I. ida gratWmcation at time honor commfo anti. promninod good service. II OUNTV J0t101. I. lieu. A. M. Ohadwck , time pvc County Judge , was imoimmimmated by a t. muatiomi for ro.elcctlon. ci CIUKVY $ U1'IttIN'tE.NVENr. . Tmt , ii. Oarltod was umoumumated by 3 ciammmation for coummty supenimiteuudum imublie solmuols. , t , noirE TII.tNKII , f. Mes.sni. . Clradw'ick mmd Canton a respoimded to calls frumum time cozmvem iii bnmef spec'eimea. oJvmTY eoummilcrm. is Dr.V. . II. I.aumy was umoinmmatod coroner by aechanmation. CENTItAL COMM1VrF.I. Time convention then proceeded t select a county central commnittoo , an that being done an ncljournmnommt we taken. . . - - - - - - " 1 Urelta Ilimicovery. Turd In uinily iirbmgimtg joy to the homes c thousands by saving mummy of their ulcar unmc ( toni an early grave. Trudy in Dr. ICing Now I ) Isccmery for Carmummiitlon CoiiJ.i Cohui , Antlmtna , Jiromuciiiti hay 1 ever , J" of IPuice , , 'ficklimig I mm thu 'lImmoat , l'al mm i mu Siul uiu1 Chest , or any uiicamo of tlm Throat an Immngn , a 1oitlvo come. ( hmnraumtceul. Tnir Bottlc free nt C. F. Goodummaum's Drug Stun harmto size 81.00 - THE ODD FELLOWS. cssiu of tile 1Iran llc3lllplildllt an Urall Lodgeill This City. FlcctIon of Grauni OIIlcerH mmliii Otime , hiuiHImucmmn 'cMtcrdny. Time grammdmnpmont , 1. 0. 0. F held mm session at Odd Fellows imali , I this city , yesterday , represouttativos difleront ledges in time State bo'mimg pro ant ut large umumbers. Time commmuttc oIm credentials amid other comnnmittecs ru ported. A nunmber of members wore ni coived. in time usual form. Time election of officers timemi camumo up r a regular order , .J. 0. Cimaso mmd Ma reyer being tmppointeul tellers , For Lii chico of Graumd Patriarch , time foliotcium wits tlme first ballot : L. Cl. Joimmms , of Nt 7 , Seward , 16 ; 0. Itasgorsimek , No. I'iattammmoutim , 11 ; M. Scimmmellbaekoi Plattamnoutim , 3. 0mm LImo second ballo Johns received 18 , amid 1asgorshok 13 , h whmichm Mr. Johns received time ofiice. The other olilcern elected were : C ltaagorslmuk , 1'lattammmoutim , Orammul Summit \Vardoum ; J. 0. C1mae , Fairmnoimt , Grarm High l'rieat ; D. K Chime , Limmcoln , Gramm Scribe ; Sammm McOlny , Lincoln , Gain Treasurer ; P. B. hall , Asiulaimd , Gramm Jummior Warden. Time Grammd Lodge tiiemiwoumt iumtosoca session. Tuesday , Beacon lodge ha a very cmmjoymmble muucoting , nearly all tii nmemborB of time Grand Etucanupumomit bi mug prcsemmt. This afternoomi at 3 o'cloe the Grand lodge coummmneuiccd its sossic wimicim lasts several days. The route of Limo procession to-cia is : from tiio hull on Dodge street , wc to ifitim ; south to Fanmamn ; east to Oti umorthm to Dodge ; wo3l to hfitim ; soutim Douglas ; cast to fttlm ; couumtonmmmarcht I 16th ; north to Masoimic hail. After the procession , probably about I . 1mm , , time dimmuter mviii be served. I - Never Give Lip. If you are suffering mItlm how amid dopmcssu spirits , ions of appetite , gomioral debility , di ordered blood , mveak constitution , imeaulacbio , aimy diseano of a bilious nature , by nil muon Bitters. Yi Procure xc bottle of iiectnic m tie sciquised to uu'a time rapid huuprovomo I that mmlii follow ; 30mm mviii be ium.spired witim mmc . lIfe ; stremuglim mtuiii activity will rotturum ; i I amid mrmiscry mviii cease , amid Iiuumcefortlm you iv rejoice 1mm time hi time uraise of Electric Bittem I . Sold at fifty ccnt a bottle by C. F Gun man , - - . IhI.D1BUNOTIOUS SIEIDS. ) Sororni Hitherto Unrecorded Eqimli , , I Timoro has been a series of rummawa and accidents of Into , all mono or - serious , whicim have hitimorl.o boon urn ; corded on account of the pressure of oth I One of those was on Farnani strc between lOtim anti 11th , when a ba playing ont tIm tutreot frightened the boa tiful team of grays driven to Krug's ci a . livery wagon. They etarted mmii street a run , and their powerful of l'oi i secimmeul likely to produce 0 general stiuuipcdo. Before tim timey reached Eleventh street jol ? Brandt , Jr. , sort of time proprietor 3 Turner Hall , sprang in front of thrnn a L. eizcd thorn by time bits. Ho hold out a pulled hard on time reins to stop thenm l Is without avail. They lifted him clear Imis feet amut the spectators expected evc I moment to muco lminm killud bmmt Ito hop . tight gni ) mmmd eventually held time to down and got control of tliommm until I driver cau1mt mmp ummict took theta ' 9 r.harqu. 1j it wtvm ouw of time piuchiest acte aeon 7 mm bug time and yotumg Jirammdt no dot 10 naveul a comm.9idorumbIo loss of property ) f zmot of life. lie will makohmis mark s day. noLimer ease was that iii wimicim Imf I horse aumtl buggy of a Temmtim street iii : mf narrowiy escaped being demolished i- 1 time cara 0mm tIme Tenth street crossing I time simop tracks. 'I'he ifaguman was r.and atoppod a tmaimm which mvouid oth . have run into and wrecked I a. wimelo outfit. The horse dash ma over on Leavenworth and Ebueim iii limo anlmai heaped over two iii foiucc.i , draggimmg time buggy my lmim and was immunity captui a back yard , neither imiummsehf nor :1 : velmiclo being a particle injured. 2 4 flagman danorvoti all tim credit. Tuesday evOiiin Mr. } L 'V. Smith i C- driving niommg 15th street with a her r ci atmd buggy and whemi near the umorth . cormmor of time intersection of time streets , ho ran into a ditcim where a t tor mviii about to be put. In t.ryin get out time buggy was wrecked and l home ran away , not boin reeaptu 1 until this mnorniu'g. 2 Yesterday morning Petorson'shorsoi milk mvagomt full immto time sawer out 2 : n amid Ibmrnoy streets but escaped ab 27 nooit'.yitIt no serious damage. mu - - my fetal Estate Traimsrcrs. la Time following deeds wore filed record iii time county clerk's ofilcu tobor 10th , reported for Tius Dint ii. Amnos' real estate agency : a : Gem ) . IT. Bogga aumd Low \V. liii 29 Augimat Doll , w , ci. , see. tP , t. it 27 h1-8b,85O. cci August lCotmmmtzo amid wife to Fr ed llumniort , , my. ( I , , lot 1 , block U , Koummt 4tim aild-$187,10 , George W. mnbroso to Jmummen Smv'iimm , q. 0. Si - of imu. sea. IO , t , 16 , mm 8o uk- Jmiummcs El. Swimum mmmiii wife to B. Backus amid S. II. Taylor , my. ci. , ammo mme sco. JO , t. 10 , r. 1)-$2.100 ) , mc. ammuuol 11. 'l'ayler amid mvifo tim B. of liachan , my ii , uiudiv of a of mme : iu , tjm 10 : r C ) , 1tiOtI. B. M , ilackna to Samuel ] I , Timylom Li 1 ummdim' of s of umu .j see W , tp 1 I LI , $1,200. on Mar ) ' A. Elliott ot al to Siimmoum Be 50mm. my ci , lot J , bik 4 Simuil's multi , Slmum ilI of Doulas Coummty to I or Grosnmmmaum , simeriti a deed , lot 7 , 1 bach's First add , 2,47t1.50 , TWO DAMAGE SUITS. Th City Ca1le 'Upon for $10,000 , for False Illlprisallmdllt , Auuul Limo Folti'ok Zrcpmuhmm for tIme Ramume , tititiiint. for Slaimdcr. 'l'ho bitter fight wagcul by time city authorities egaimmat time catabhlsimmumomil of a syatoirm of mumorcimnuita' police , mis ummider- taken by Suporiumtendoumt Foiker , is still fnemulm in time mnimmds of our readers , amid nil mviii romumcmnber Limo sumccessiro arrests and imnprisonmcimt of several uumeunbers of time force. Among otimers mvlio timus suffered from time pcreocutioum was Mr. Oco. C. Burr , who out olin occasion was arrested by Oflicor Matzit and ktujt , 1mm jail over mmigimt , mmitlmoum.'hm lie offered to give bonds for imir release. Burr slept out time floor in a cell witit Limo rest of tlic prisoners immmtl ulumlumg time umigimt. tin rats wimicim infest tIme place amid are am large as rabbits crept over ii'mmn from tinn to time , amid gave imhmi a simock fromr wimicim ito line mmever recovered. lie now luroposos to bring smm'mt against 0111cc : Matza amid hum boumdsmmmen amid time cit3 of Ommmahma for $1O.000 dammmagos for fals imumpnisommmnent. N. J. Burimimam bias beer emmmployed as coummsoi for Burr , riul : rOKIcOIC ZAL'AlIJ A yoummg maim ivimo is charged with imavmng boon rather too amnorous iii lilt conduct toward ladies at a South Ounaimo boor imall , Sunday night , is out hula ear and threatens to sue The Pokroic apadu for 810,000 damages for liboi. 'Flint paper charged imimmi by name with imavimmp tried to force his way into a led chamber occupied by thmrceyoung ladies. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. The 1TG Rcsillc of Prauk Col Fotzcr on ¶ ct Boilgias Street. A UmmaimmeNg BuIlding iii tlo Norm Style Opposite time Mu- Iard.JIoel. Omaha is buildimig up very solidly. Whatever is comustrueted here umowadaym is permaimont and handsome , witim am eye to time future growthm of time city. Oum hat of residences receives an addition to day witim Limo conmnienccnicimt of a imem frame house out time northmwest corner oi Douglas and Tweumty-fifth streets , OpPO site Paxton square , for lion. Frank Col potzer. Time cost of timis , as estimated b Dufrene and Mendeissoimn , time architects1 will not be short of sixteen timousand do ! larc. It is in time Queen Annie style. The imouso frommts on Twenty-fifth streo and on time corner a pretty tower runs to the level of the roof. A broad vorandi surrommndmu time first floor and gives placi for much decorative work in wood. Thu chimnumios are all exposed and tninimec elaborately with terra cotta panels , amu the steeply sloping roofs and end windows dews in the gable are covered with fanc I shingles. This hommse will be very large anti tim . interior is dmvidod into large , Imandeomu rooms. The main hall , 12 feet broad , i approached by a voatibue. On thmo let of the hall is a sitting room with th ; octagonal tower iii the corner ; on Liii right is a drawing-room , 17c37 , with four feet bay window in front. Th house is everywhere full of cony rocosso amid attractive corners and all manner a I ornanuentatiomi. Back of time sitting-rooui is the dimming-rooni with a commservator south. Out the west side of the dimming room is atm inmnmonso fire place , built in ni alcove , time recess allowing seats on cad aide , and time other end of time roommi I I taken U ) with a sideboard built into tim . . mvrmli , very solidly and elegantly carved f Time kitchen , separated fromum time diii . imig roman by time butler's pantry , is I roosmy place , ammd off frommi timis is a iarg m pauitry. On time north side of limo imous I j private eumtrance into time rear hall m and a fimat.ftoor toilette roouum. Time fur mince by wimicim time imommse is heated. i i placed in time at.nblo. Time basement i t thus left free for otimor uses. Porimap f time immost beautiful feature of the hoes m ill tine stairway , wimieii circles frouum hail way to attic , with landinga anti seats o iumtervals , lit by st.aummea glass wimidowu I time woodwork being delicately carvot , hum time second story are aeveum bed.roomnu f a sewing room , linen closet amid bath t rooumu , Time attich is fmuisimed iii hard wooc - witlm panelled ceiling , ammul will be used 13 billiard room. A romni. uui.OUK. i ; Opposite timoMillard is aumewbnickbloc Im of three stories whm'mcim 1mm attracted co : ii aitlerabie attention on mtccouimt of sever novel features in its froimt elovatioum. 0 a miot yet dilute flumisimed , but some of th liamms in regard to its use mviii intone .5 our readers. Time Ea.at store belongs 0 Mr. Baum Smith , of Now York , nimd wi it be routed by him. Time two stones to ti ci West are built to correspond by Mv , I - 0. Campbell. 0 They are aonietimimm on the Arcam e plait , aim oiueum recess being left boimiud ti ci frommt pillars , whore the floor will be tile This recess takes up four or five feet d time first story front , and at time roar a h built broad almow mviusdows witim time c it trance door at one side. All time windoi of time upper stories are topped with faim luammes of stained glass. It is Mr. Canmlmbeil's immtommtiomm to no time store furtimest west amid muse time cc ton ommo lmiimusoif for a rostaurammt , Oumol r imas umuver 1usd atmeim mm restauramtt as i - popmmiatiamt deuumaimds amid it is expect my that timis will fill time bill. 'l'imo first lie will be time pmmbuio dimming roommm. Aim en lbigimt of stairs "oca to time second sto La mvlmeru is time la1ica cliumiumg roommm , toilet r . roommms for botim ladies and gemitbomnemi am I three rosumms to let as iivimmg apartummoni ' Iii time timird story are term bed roomm hiothm the diimimm roommms commtaimt lurivmu buotims , 'I'Imo kmtclmumm mviii be mmmi entire t : . , sepimmatu two.story lmnick buiidimmg , rim nimig back to the utile ) ' , A circular stai ivity also loads frommi time first floor dimii I i mmii to tlimtt Ul.stalris. 'rime wimole is yti a commvenioumtly pinimmmmoti , mm'iil be careful ( umnmuismcd ) reid nicely ciocorateti anti I : doubt mviii soomm bccoumt mm favorite nesol i . .vammyOmtberH. w r irst l4ieiitoumnmmt Albert Austin , F'oc teozitim immfauitry , mmd Second Licuteimumi U. lomvis 1) . Greemmu , Sovoumtlm iimfaumtry , a i Alfred hlasbm'ouck , Jr. , Fourteenth i I. . ( antu-y , are imeroby detailed us mnouumbi oftimo , gehemumi coimvt.uiartizmt comyezmeii - . _ _ _ - for Infants and Children. - - Cnstnria hroammttc' Dht1 on What glren our Children roruy cin'okn , . ' .That cumrus tielr feveN , umuamiN iberut sheen i nnci iii'couuiemm Fimmitmiemmey , euuistipil. 'rin Cantorin. tion , Sommr Stommmachm , Diarnimoin , itud % 'Iin mulen fret nn cmv bytummnn , Foverisimuess. IL insurea iiealth and wimateuces tiucireolle , IllUs thr'Ir worms , smatural 8lccp , without imiorirhumme. Utmt ( uvutortui. \Slunt qumlctriy cures ConstIpation , - Sour t3tonuadi , Coins , Indigestion I , Ca.ctoria In so mmcli ndaptM to Children that shut Castorla. I recommend tins sujnrnlor to any prt'scription Parowelt then to Morphine Symups , , . " . . . . . . known to Inc. I. A. .ARcIIF.uc , lit. P. , Castor Oil and Paregoric , and 8.2.Portlantl Ave. , Iirbdkbyn , N. Y. unit Castorint CENTAUR LINIMENT-an absohiuto ciLro for Rlmoiiimma- t1mm , Sprains , I3imrims , Galls , &c. Time sumost l'owcrl'Lil arni Fonc- tratlimg l'aiui-rehlovhimg amid Uenllmmg itenmedy knowit to man. BESTTHREAD FOR SEWI1'C ' MACHINE . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. Full asruortment constantly on Hand and for sale by HENRY FUHRMAN. Fremont. Neb. Fort Fred. SteoleWyo. , by paragraph 0 , sjeia1 eiders No. 88 , current series fzomn timese headquarters , 'Pime following men enlisted at Forts Douglas , Utah , ammd D. A. Russell , Wyo. , arc assigned as follows : Fredriek .7. Browum , to conupany H , Sixth infantry. Joimmi O'Brien , to time Sixth infantry. He will be smut to time station of Imis reg- irncuit 011 time first favor.mbie opportunity. Jut comumpliance with instructions front lmeadquartcrs nmiiitary division of time Missouri , dated Novommiber 23 , 1882 , time commanding oflicer of Fort itobinson , Nub. , will detail an officer of his corn- nmand to inspect and report upon time quaumtity and quality and uumammner of delivery - livery of certain beef cattle and annuity goods to be delivered to time Indians at the Pine Ridge agency , Dakota. \'Ilmen notitied by time agent that Ito is prepared to issue to time Indians at the agency named time goods to which they are eimtitlod , lie will proceed thereto and comply with time instructions herein ; and on completion of the issue will rejoin lirs station , lie following correspondence is pub. hishod for time immformation and guidance olmil ccncm rood : HEAUQUAnTEIIs OF THE AItMY , WAsmLIoToN , Oct 4 , ' 83. Referring to the communication from Captaium G. B. Russell , fith Infantry , Su. porvisor of Target Practicomuiking whether - or the General of the Army had decided timat "this target year" shall be consider- ad as commencing April 12 , 1883-for- warded by omidorsernentof September 15 , 1883fronmm , your Headquarters ; I iixvo time imomior to inform you that it has been decided - cidod that the "target practice season" means that part of the year mm which tar. gotpractice is pursued , but time "tarvol year" is the saute us before time issue of General Orders No. 25 , current series , front this oflice , viz : front S.ptemmmber 30 to September 80 , Bucceedrng. - - - Jhucklemm's Arnica Salvo. Time greatest imiodical wonder of the world. \Vammaxitetl to .ujcedUy . cure Burns , Cuts , 131. corn Salt iClmeum , 1'over Sores , Cancers Piles , Clmifblmminn , Curtis , 'l'otter , Chapped mammdn nun all skin eruptions , guaranteed to cure fur every Irmstanco , or money refunded. 25 contu or box. - - - WOMAN'S RIGHTS. Wimat , 11aM Beemm Accommupilshccl Dur Ingtimo "interesting Period. " OmucAGo , October 17-The Eleventh aummmual congress of time umssociatiozmfor tlm advammecuumemit of mvomcn began hero UI 1:30 : thus afternoon , a large number e distingumsimed wouumen from all parts o time country being in attendance. Juil : : Ward Howe , President , inado time open . ilmg address , amid referred with some fool I iumg to time first session of time associtiou held jIm this city , and time fact that mnaui I of timose concerned in tue initial orgalmis ation lund passed away , She declared m I t'reat deal imad beoum accomplished for ant L by time wonmeum of time country during tim I miiterveniimg period , but declared timat tin reforms were to comae after time preseum leaders had quitted time apimere of action I M time world was slow umm according Li I wrnmamm what was lien rigimts. L ; pOY4 r . j 'I . .tr ; AK1MG POWDER ; Absolutely Pure. LI Tiuti punudmr uuomer minion. A mnsOSci of purtti Iitturiugimi sail Iio1csoiuwa.s. Stoic eusumomnlcal u.s thu ordlasry kinds , anti cannot be sold iii culuipctiitr 5 ItiitiomutuItItud. ot low tusm , shott iiIiit , iiiuii t i.luudPIaks r'uskis. , boll onb in cans. ttoa Jisi t u' , I c uIrr Co 1i4 Ya1i tntot 1mw York. SPEOIAL NOTIOES. .tuzpeclaia will Postttvoly not be Ineortoct unless Daid In aUvance , IILI' WAliTliu ) . n in Utah. Mdres P. 0. Box 1214 CouncIl IJiults , Joiva. TANTED-A first. class hsrbcr at goatees , Nob. by Ed. Oain. I pa3 $01 per week. 506.2ff' . \ % TANTED-LadY agent3 to sell the bet soiling line of t.ade ! ant CI.iidron'n . goods ever offer- ed. Ssie made In every house as fast as agruits can liow the goods. Agents are making 10O a month. Address , vLth stamp , i. U. ill. tio. , U South May St. , Chicago , lii. SOt-urn . \ NTANTED-A , good tinner at once , must be cool. I netontand trustworthy. AddrossM. l. Maluin , Stelia hcb. 252.17 XTAN'rEi-luirniedmatcmy , a good tinnor by itock- V V veil auud Sons , alarm Net , . 270.18 TXTANTF.D-Lady agents for the ' ( ucen l'retect. 1' or. . A new under garment for laulten , made of soft , Soxible rubber. Sure llrotectlon to the under. wear , when necessary to be worn. Bot.alI for 2.OO as fast as agent , , can show me. Large profits. Address wlthstamp , "Ladles' Uundergarrnent Mftnufactunlng Co. . No S May troet. Chicauro ; I. 700.Srn U1BCELLANEOU WAhITS. : : : . _ . . NTU.A NEWSPAPEm.-m desire to pur- fl chase a mmepuilican now.paper in sonic thrtvlng county aest In eaterui or Central Nebraska. Address - dress , , tattng tenug and furl p.rtmculars In regard to patronage , outfit , competitIon. etc.JAMES JAMES DOOR , 506.20' Mankat.u , Mum. FOR ; l ix gdmIlch dSIFYOI2SCOWR.Qnd everything In llrst.clas running order. Good reasonsfor selimeg. MARHLWS AGENCY. 550.22 217 N 15th neet. i'ionI SAI.it-Iloase on lessed rouind. Cheap U ground lease. MAIcIILE S AGENCY , 35m.22 217 N. 10th street , Form SA1RA two itory .torc , etorc building and tabie , cheap ground leace , rear l'o.ut . oUlco on lath at. Slarbie agency 217 N. 15th t. 345.22 OIL IIALE-liskery doing a good lullrmems. cause of sie want to go out of bulsiness. Apply 11. MANNWEILtut. 11th and Farumam. 33415' ' &umth u.c nAiF-ConsistIuig of confoctmonory , Fruits and Fancy Notton. Alio fixed for Ito. . taurant. Good collar amid well. Building 20x62 , one story. Doing is good business. Cause of sae'want ! to go out of buemuess. Address 7O3.lni' 0. E. comuir , Oakland. Neb. F Oil IIENT oiL SALE-Store bunting car. 0th and I'Lcree St. Good bulidluug forgroceryor Butcher , llOp. 531.Imo' Foli JIENT-limidonoc , sri , ! storobutidlnge. lIED. FOltD & SOUKIt , Real ntato Agency. Oe cast ido 14th etroet , between } 'arnam and Douglas streets. 792.5 ljmoli kIENT-'J'wo floors and basemeuL Elevator .1 attached. 1O7 Farnam street. 270-U Jon SALu-as head horse , , wagons , buggies and liarnessami stables for reel at Ewiram4& stable , Culinhuig St. 0. JJEltVlN , a12.20 r ro CLOSE OUT-Wcsteriu ltouo , cor. ittlm and .1. Jackson streets. CHAS. DOUU1IEIITY , 278.1St _ oiiSAIXlloimso 8 room , , onodmalt lot , acleg Jetfersrum s.uaru 4,2OO. IIouo S rooms , rican mlth and Casa. 2,6OQ , 6O dowiu , baiammcu Siit i or month. Lot SOxiSO , close to towum , mtoo. Bargain , . 2dT.tL LOUNSIJUIIY & MARTIN. Tlmolu bALM-A good clsellirig houue of II rooE. anti .1. slimmer kmtelueum No. 1815 Burt street , sale wjll take jtiaco oh prewIse October 20th 1253 , 5 o'clock p. iii. 218.171 } mOliSALu CIWAI'-Ftaoarey Hounds. Inquire at 0 1. Sfuldooxi' , ) mack.,1th 51101) , 13th and Leavenworth , treets. 533.U ; 'olt SALE-Tworortabme bomionmu lOhonic uower ; Apply at p n. FI121'ATIIIClc , _ _ _ 8.tf 218 South 15th Street. 1momt &ALR--A homee * and lot at a macroS J1 .I _ ' Marble , 217 N. 16th St. 023.U F 01k LEASE-Foimr choice lots on2otli 1t. , long 1 time , 217 N , 16th St. .1 , L. idarbl. . 025.11 . .U'oR SALE-Uood bmmahie chances at 217 N. 16th .j street. J. L.'MA.RBLE. 830-tf omm SALE.-Ai abargale. a email tio.Jot.U&hniann .5. , .n Co. Ste proof eafe. Inquire at thin ottice. iomi HALE-A Sent class nd t by. .J Call at 18mg llanuiey street. F ° a SALE-Ikeeldenon anti business property mum Iii part. of Omaha , and Farm Land , In all part. of the State. IIEVI'OltU SOUKR , TD3.tf 213 5. 11th t. bet. Farnazu and Douglas. Imoum SALE Out EXCIIANQE..FuIl lot axmd three deillnge corner ci 11th and Pacifla , treota. Nina lots Iii euuuttm Onuaha. Also 15) acres of land near S.uuton , Ncbrasta , and buUtiLn aiid .tock of ClGthtuq No. 504 Tenth .troct. Will exchange for Nebraska farm Itiuthu. Further particulars at OeO , 11. l'stesun Clothing Stem , 504 Teutlu street. . 466.ood.U moiu n-new.pa , &n mazgo an umill .8. qeantitle. st thu owe , . U MISCELLANEOUS. \ 1) Ul'1'iUtISuonessfumly treatttctat1-ttrri ; I i.Ur. HmnIUm' infaliltilo ai'.llaumcc. . Ccii at Siotro. l.uiltan mIotci tmumtliOct. ttOUm. 050 101 OST-Tues.tay Ott. Ott. . flrmmsselm carpets COIm' _ d taImmIn iii arIIs. Tlmoftuuder,1li retelmo 810. re. 1dec11 hy retuniluug time salute to title otthui. no 'mi : ruIts-lum.es A. .t . rcvann , I'asii. _ L tomiablo lressuiaklmtg , 10m9 Pouglas street. lmcum inrdressc. a specialty. sue EDWARD KUEHL , UAUISTEIt OF PAUIYtITEIIY AND CONDITION AUSI' 803 Tenth trect , between Famiun and tile ney , with the aid of guardian .plrlt , obtat f an one S g1suce of 1ii i'4 and present , and o Cstt4nerndittomu In the future. 5a $ iaad % uJ , to icdrr , 1cm aa gatWictioti gmrsclc I -I - - - - .