Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    - - : iI _ i1'kii DAiLY BEEOsERTJItJRSDAY , OCTOBER 18 , 1883. 3
The Nebraska National Bank
Cr O3SAtL. ? iitlj.
? Md Up Capital . . $2fl 000
nrp1u8 Fund1 Ma'i1883 : nooo
p. JOhNSON , PreInt , of Steele , JObflS ( Yl Co
s.l _ F. . TOU7.ATdN , Itldent , of Hston.
' _ y. y. tonsr. , of Y v. ) tO1SI Co.
COt1.INL , ci U. & J S Co1lIn.
M iYOOLWORTII , CounIlo & Attorney &t L&w
S. flEID , of flyron Iked & Co.
w. YATI $ , Cahicr , for m&ny ers C&shlor of the
FIrM NUori flonk of Omaha ,
¶ 11115 flhtfll ( openet for busfnoeeAprlt 27 , 1892
imon the IeiuIIn butiie men of Omh& , nd Ite
. butncse It conducted with cpocta1 reference to the
best and Incrca.Iig fntcresteofItnicrcantI1o petrone.
COLLECTIONS recehe prompt ttontLon and
chrc lowest obtatnablo hare or cIeohoro.
flTEIlEsT attowet on time itepostt upon favor.
able tonn Mlii UpOfl accnunte of banke Mid brnkera.
YOI1EIUN } XC1IAN(1I , ( lovcrtiineiit 13ondi and
County anti Ctty Secuntle bought and iohl.
J. w. Rodefer , Broker ,
Stoke , flonil , , Comtncrcbl 1'AperMRt all other
C ( itritlc tIrit tn
1oon 4 , No. 28 l'carI St. , Cotiticil BIUfft , IP.3
Nrw Yotu October 17.
Monoy-QUtCd ( at 3 ccit , closed at 2
1)CV COUt.
Prima 1'ater-Ce7 per coat.
Exchange lIfts-Weaker at 4.81.1 ; dcinaiid ,
C ovornniont-Lowor.
The stock market wag moro active and the
general tiedlino In 1)ricc was greater than oti
osious ( lay for many mont1i. The goti.
cral not decline for the forenoon wa.q from to
3.j Per coat , the latter on Oregon antI Trans.
contfnontal. The total sales of stock to
12:30 : wa. 42OOO shares , probably the largest
total for any half tiny lathe history of the Ex.
chaugo. The recovery from the lowest prices
of the forenoon , which began just about 12
o'clock nml wn. continued until 2 o'clock. in
this two hours the roost iInfort.1nt advances
svero on Oregon ititl Transcontinental , 2 , pr
cent , to 38i. In the last hourtho market was
weak arni there was a conttnuol lecliiio until
within about five minutes of three , when there
a suitideit upward turn ol 2 per cent in
Jersey Central , which causotl a fractional ad.
vance In other stockn. 'Ilie eleelliuc In the
earlier part of the hour was to 2 pcr cent on
a1 stocks , with 3 per cent on Orvgon railway
ruiti Navigation to 101 , with a fiuual recovery
to 102 at the close. The break was 1uo solely
to the manipulations of the bear party ,
who by their constant hatnunering have tinder.
mined the confidence nail shakoit out large
amounts of long stocks. The bears to-tiny
covered over 100,000 shares of different stocks.
The report j4 current that srnne of the
wealthiest owners of stock are interested in
thia nioveinent to punish the shorts and also
the intlinato relations of Goweit and Vander.
Lilt have induced the latter to lend a Itoh ping
hand. The annouuieernent that 100,000 pounds
ill gold would be shipped from London to Now
York by the steamship Folda was much corn-
Thefltel ( upon in financial circieg , It is be.
lieretl to be the precursor of a larger move-
bent later. Stocks are now scarce and dcliv-
erio.e poor. Mans' active stocks coimnand a
vreininm for use.
The Evening l'ost says : The continuance
and iw nituido of the decline in stocks would
onti it to be called a "panic , " except that it
w devoid of the excitement attendant on a
I Ic. There is a general movement to sell
nd all efforts on the part of the largest capitalists -
talists anti backers anti Pro1flotO of the van-
outs stocks to cheek tliedccline seem to have
been abandoned. The principal element
which now restrains the decline of prices is
the fear of the bears ; they are over-selling in
the market. The fact that tovoral of the
' 4ock. are loaning at an extraordinary hiFli
t1 ium for delivery wi sales from ,
'a ) - on1o possibility to this fear , and it is
argued hint in the case of the Northern
l'ncitic P' erred , which loaned at I ver coat
per day premium , thiore will be a better
* , utlPIY of ttock for loan after the books close
Saturday , anti tIui encourages the selling of
stocks. Coal shares are sti 1 the principal
point of attack after Northern I'acific. The
most selling is of the Lackawanna , wltilo Jon.
t4ey CeUtral and Delaware have been firm
through the ilay and show no declines for the
day. At the close Jersey Central atlyanced
suddenly 2 p' ccitt. At the regular board
meeting of the Northern Pacific the action of
the finance committee accepting the offer of
the ell syndicate for 18OO0OOO of the pro-
hoed issue of $20,000,000 second mortgage
bomils is-as ratiuieI and confirmed.
A reporter of The Commercial called on
several financiers to ascertain the cause of time
break , what they thought of the situation nail
what would be the upshot of the trouble. It
was regartieti a-s a storm In clear weather and
to have beomi causnd by the apathy of buyers
and brokers selling LecauHo their customers
had miot mmmdc good their margks The sell.
lug of stocks during the lresent excitement Is
regarded a.s a mistake , and some of the ohilctt
dealers expressed faith In the market it.helf ,
tdthioughi thmeydhl not pretend to predict whoa
the pres'ent decline would stop. It was said
there verA always plenty to attack thio market
whenever It showed any sigmis of weakness ,
but none of those spoken with seemed to no-
garth the break of to.chay as IidieatIri' , ammy-
thing like it panic.
t' _ _ _ . _ : CoUeoN $ .
. - 100
4accoupon5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12l
40..1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
HTCCXB AN ! ) llOUflS.
.Arnenlcnn ! 1xpress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
BurL , Ceular KapIds & Northern 75 l'iteitic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6l ,
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Clii. , Burl. Qulocy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
do pful , askctl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Fort Wayne & Chtoago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
hannibal & St Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . .
IhlInu Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
md , liloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 119
I iCauia & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . .
I 2lIchhgan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Missouri l'achtio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Northern i'aclfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
do do iuftl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Nortlovesterli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
NeyVorkCeUtral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Ohio & MI5iSSIPI'I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
( IL ) do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)0 )
Peoria , Decatur & 1vanimvhllo. . . . . . . 13
Rock Jhind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
St. Pui & MIlwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ilij do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 115
t. Paul in. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 1051
# ( . Paul thuaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
( u1o PO1. . . . : : : : : : : : : :
\A , St.L.&Vaclflo. . . . . . . . . . . .
do tb tb Pfd. . . . . . . . ,
Western tjnlon Telegraph. . . . . . . . . .
j-Aked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CuIe.tGo , October j7-FIourMttrk0t quiet
Mud tmnchiangoil ; common to choice eprng
wheat , 3@k ; MIimnosot , 3j)4c ) tinkers ,
4@5o , Iman , 097c ; ; 1ntor wliotut flour
Southern and MIssouri , 4ft'c , Michilgati ,
Whoat-liegular uhieat In fair ulomanil :
inisettleti nini lower : 91o for October ; t)2o )
for November ; tle ) for 1)ccomnher 05jI
t15\o \ forlanuary ; I 02i for May : 2spnluug ,
tfhjc : No. 3 sinIuig , 81c ; No. 2 rod winter ,
( Wc@t 00.
Corn-Quiet aunt a hiado ra.elor : t7o for
cash rind October ; 47gu for ouoiuuber
4fllc for 1)cconiber : 4tUfio ( for the yuan
I4c funlanunry - ® $ for May.
tjat.q-Quitet tul 'teatiy ' 27e for cash ;
2o for october ; 2S.lfiii2io fr November ;
iktc for 1)ceemnbcr ; 2c for the year ; 32u fet
1to-Market quiet anti firma at 55@ri5c.
1tanler-\larkot steady withi good utemnauni ;
01 Ci2c.
Flat Seed-1)idl at 1 J3.
1'ork-'air deimuol ; opCliel weak auth
lower , but closeti finuui at outside Jnices : 10 85
@ 10 40 for cash ; 10 35j)10 87 for October :
1025@10 27J November nut1 loceuuben ; 10 15
@ 10 17. for the year : 10 75jI10 77. for , Jauuui.
any ; tO 90 for 1'ebruary.
Larch-Fair deuumamid auth firmer ; 7 I@
7 .I7. for cash amid October ; 7 25J7 27. for No.
vomIter ; 7 20&7 22 for Ieccmnbcr ; 7 17. @
7 20 for the year ; 27J7 30 for .lanuary ;
7 37Q7 40 for February.
hulk \1ent.s-Fair deuumanul ; shoulders , 4 50 ;
short ribs , (1 ( 55 ; short clear , 0 70.
hitter-Quiet mind uunchmauigoil ; fair to fancy
creamery , 2029c ; good to fancy 11@25c.
E'gs-Qtuiet atid umichanged at 21@21c.
w huisky-Stoathy auuti unchiamigod.
CA.LheatIomnand active ; declined
c for October , November , klccomber anti
Jntiuaryulecliuued ; 4e for May.
Corn-Steady iuuuul nuwhiauiged.
Oats -Quuiet ; declhutoti c for October antI
the year.
l'ork-4'tctivo anti flint : advanced 2c for
October and February ; 7o higher for No.
vemnber miii 1)ecemuiber _
Lard-Fair ( lemand ; Sc higher for Octtilrnr _
Tuuutothy-Lower ; itnimue , 1 27j1 28 ; choice ,
1 801 32 ; thank seed , I 21@l 20.
Out call sales-Ifeguhur wheat , 140,000 bum. ;
corn , 325,000 bum. ; oats , 25,000 bum. ; pork , 8- ,
000 : lard , 1,250.
Chmeese--iarkot easy and steady ; choice ftuhl
cream chiodulars , 11141J12c ; choice full crnun
thittq , 1212c ; gona part skim cliouldiurs
miii flats , 7@8c ; hard skimits , 2@4c.
Ilitles-Uroon salt cured light , Sc ; green
salt heavy , 8c ; green salt daniaged , Oc ; green
salt calf , 11c dry salt , lie , tIny calf , ISc.
'ruittt'-No. 1 , 7@7c ; I\o. 2 , 0.c ; cake ,
MILvAugi * : , October 1 7.-Wheat-Stronger
at 91.o fo. October ; t)4c ) fur November ; 95c
for December.
Corn-No. 2 , 48c.
Oats-Scarce timid fiummu ; No. 2 white , 31c
Ityc-Ihigher ; No. 2 , SIc.
Barluy.--irmner aunt higher ; No. 2 , 03e.
CINciNATr , October 17.-Wheat-Firma
iso. 2 rcl winter , 1 01(71J1 ( 03 for cash.
Corn-Steady ; at Sic.
Oats-Stroiuger at 30'31c.
Rye-Stronger tit 57@S8c-
] larhey-1)tuIl toni tiuuehianved.
l'ork--Quuiet at 11 25@11 50.
Lard-Dull at 7 30 nskel.
hulk Meat-QuLet.
ToLEno , October 17.-'iVhieat-lull amid
lower ; No. 2 red winter , cash , 1 011Q11 01.
Corn-Easier unit1 dull ; No. 2 , for ca.shi and
October , 53c asked.
Oats-Didl ; No. 2 , cash amid October , 30c.
Si' . Louis , October 17.-Flour-Sc lower.
\Vltont-Bettor amid slow , except for IJecema.
ber ; No. 2 rod , 1 00SJ1 ( 02 for caali ; 1 01 for
October ; 1. 01 for Novemuberl 03 for Dccciii-
ber ; No. 3 roil 95i@95o
Corn-A shade hotter and slow at 4G@-lUc (
for cash ; 4&c for October ; 4 Ic for November ;
41c for thicyear.
Oats-Firmer amid slow ; 27g0280 for cash ;
27A2T for October amitl Novommiber ; 28c for
lhntter-Firmmi ; dairy , 1824c ; creamery ,
2S(21lc. (
1ggs-IIighier at 19.20c.
Flax Seed 1 a : .
Corn Mcal-2 25.
Cr.osirn B0AIU-Wheat-Lowor ; 1 00
bid for October ; 1 O1 for November ; 1 03 for
December ; 1 01j1 04 for January.
Corn-Firm at 4c ( ; for October ; 44&c for
November ; 4ijc for the year.
Oats-Steady and nothing done.
NEw Onaiaas , October 17.-Corn-Firm ;
mixed , 63 ; white anti yellow 65C.
Oats-Quiet and firm at 3839c.
Corn Mcal-Markotbnre.
Fork-Steady and in fair demand at 11 75.
Lard-Lower ; tierce , 8 00 ; keg , 8 75
Whisky-Steady and unchmauigod.
Livxmmrooa , October 17.-Breadstusffs ,
Wheat-Winter , Ss 6d9s ; spring , 8s@Ss
Corn-Se 2d.
gNsAs clTr.
ICANSAB Ciii' . October 17.-Wheat-Active ;
No. 2 red fall , 83c for cash ; 8Ic for Novemn-
ben ; I6gc lilil for December.
Oats-higher at 23c for cash.
NKw YoRK , October
finn ; ojitiomis openeti steady , declined
rallied .c , closing weak ; ungraded red , 90c@
I 121 ; No. 4 iei , Olc ; No. 3 red 1 02. ; No.
2 rode 1 10'I 11 Iii elevator , 1 111 12 afloat
anti delivered ; 1 09 iii storo.
Corn-Cash gc amid options closing
weak ; umigrauleti , 51@J58c ; No. 2 , 58A@58C
Oati-'e weak mutixed
- @ lower1 closing ;
western , 81@ 30c ; white , :1743e. :
\ fresh demnauid fair anti
Eggs-\Vestcnui , market -
ket Iirmn at 26c.
Poric-lEasier ; mmow macse , 11 37.
Lard-1Ii'her ; vrluno steam , 7 7S7 77.
Butter-Dull and weak.
BALTImI0RE , October 17.-Wheat-West.-
urn dull arid nominal ; No. 2 winter red , cash
11d October , 100'1 ' 07. -
Conmi-\Vestcrnm , dull amid nomniuial ; mixed ,
cash and October , 58.r,8.1c.
Oats-Dull ammil nouriluially steady ; western
37(39c ( ; mIxed , 35@30c.
Rye-Quiet ; fain to pnimne , 02@GSc.
) Imittcr-F'inumi for choice ; westenut packed ,
1012c ; croamuiery , 20@28c.
Egs-(1uiet at 22@23c.
Whisky-Steady at 1 18@j1. 18j.
riomtiA rmtomeclr.
PICORIA , October 17.-Corn-1asy ; high
mixed , 47f18a ; No. 2 mIxed , 47@-l7c.
Oats-Iasler ; No. 2 wldto , 30@30c
Whisky-Finn at $1 15.
CnlcAno , October 17.-The Drovers' Jour-
mint reports thIs afternoon as follows :
hogs-Market Imioro active anti steady ;
packing .1 i0@4 55 ; packIng and shIpping ,
4 00 ; hhlit , 4 40@4 95 ; skhlus , 3 00Ihl 00.
Cattle-Best strong ; ceurrmmumon dull ; exports ,
( I 257 00 ; good to choice shiIupiuig , S b0@6 10 ;
commutumi to mitodhtuuum , 4 00S 10 ; luiforiun to
fair cows rand mixed , 2 35(3 ( 00 ; medIum to
gmsd 3 2S(3 ( 75 ; stockers , 3 10(3 75 ; feeders ,
:1 : 80d54 o ; raumgo , 100 lower with heavy suim.
mily ; 3I8'1'oxau , 980 lbs. , 8 75 ; 811 Texans ,
Jlt ) lbs , -I 00 : Anucnlcans , 4 00@I 75.
Sheep-Market ilull except on host ; Inferior
to good , 2 00@2 75 v' cwt , mnediumimm to good ,
8 003 50 ; choice to extra , 8 75-1 50 lambs ,
yen head , 1 00I 25 ; Texas sheep , 2 00J 50.
1CA8AS CITY , October 17-The ] ) alhy mull-
eaton reports :
Cattle-Lower antI weak ; heavy Texas
steers , -I5(3 ( 80 ; do cows , 3 15 ; native feed
ens. 3 70.
lfogs-Market luster anti weak ; choice
light -I ro ; huuhlc sales , -I 85tI 40 ,
ShieopQuiet amid unchiaumged ; native aunt.
tomas , 2 65@'J 35 ; lamimbs , 2 3' ; her head.
ST. Louis , October 17.-Cattle-Market
active fur gooti , tutu for cuuummuioui ; exports ,
S 8Uti ; 25 ; gusitI tim choice. S 40k5 $0 ; coin-
"loll to lairI t.0Ca5 00 ; 'l'cxitns , 3 50-1 ( 10 ;
lumdlans , 3 & 0@H 25.
Sheep-Market quiet anti finncomnmuun to
mmmedlum , 2 rtoQ3 ; 00 ; faIr to guoil , 3 25@8 75 ;
irimno. 3 903 I 15 ; lambs , f 75@H 50 ; Texans ,
2 S0i ( 70.
CincAno , October 17-hieceliut.s anti ship-
nments of flour anti graiui for the ltMt 24 hours
have boeui as follows :
hiet'ditLc Suip'ts. )
1' latin , idde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ox 1iooo
\'heat , bmmshmol . . . . . . . . . . 197,000 i'JOOO
( .rmm , lummehels. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 85,0X )
Oats , lnmahiehs. . . . . . . . . . . . 1113,0XJ ( t'SOX ' )
flyo , hnmshieiq. . . . . . . . . . . . . 211X)0 8,0w )
haney , buishmel' , . . . . . . . . . . 107XO ( ' ,000
1A'MAS CITY Oetebr 17.-hteceipts amid
shilpmmtouit-e of gralum ( tin the liast 2 I huoumrs lunvo
bemm as follows :
Ilecelpt.s. Shiiii'ts ,
\Vhieat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 30,000 4,700
Conmm bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -
Ntv YORK , October 17.-hiecoipts anti
m.fmIpnontsof : Ilommr amid gralum for the hst 2 1 htnmm.
have been n.e follou-s :
Iheceipte Stuhlu't8.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 275,000 5,500
Corn , buisliols. . . . . . . . . . . . -112,0X ) 157,500
Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,800 25,000
1lVR stocK.
CmucAno , Octobor'l 7.-lleccijtts cml ship-
iuoumtu , of live stock for LImo vtt 24 hours have
been as followsm
Iiecelpt.s. Shilp'ts.
hlog' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'.IOtXh
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i1ooo
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
Sr. Lours , October l7.-lieccipt.uu cmiii huiit.
ummemtL of live stock for the past 24 hours hin mm
been as folhutwem
Iic'ceipt.s. Shlp'tiu.
Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,900 200
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 . . . .
KANSAS City , Octoberl7.-llocolpt.s uumitl
shuipnemittu : of live stock for the past 24 hours
have boon n.'s follows :
Receipts. Shmip't.s.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1,700 , , . .
hltigim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,800 . , . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 . . . .
1)ltY C 001)8.
Nitt : Yomuu , October 17.-The featuure of
the mmmarket to-tilt ) ' % nq the auction sale of
bliuumknL-u auth laiu robes \Vtlmnerthlmmg ,
Iltiguot & Co. , by order of 4UlCmm , l1ammo & Co. ,
Ilostoui uuttl Now \uurk , mtmmd lilviuuuis , liogem's
& Lamuo , New Xurk amid l'ldladelphla. [ 'lie
offeniumgs coumipnlsoti 2,521 itackages of whmito
and colretl Imlamikets 2lfk iackngos umi gray
iuulxetl mmmiii hmorse blauikettu , 1.188 packmmge of
linumnel and blaumkoting , amid 50 huh roboi. [ ' 110
sale was very well attemuloti by ropre.cmmt.atlves
of nil mmmarket.s , but mmmamiv lurouiiiuieumt lomyers
cnumtommtetl thiomnselvos with vntchihumi time italo
auth mutarkimug catalogues. TIm sale opoumod
roll , but the vhto1e Pried realized vero very
h ( ) , muiti umusatisfiuctory , auth uill mmiark a loss
to ecry manufacturer represoumtoul. Iletwecum
thio ageumts' pnice amid those realized there is a
ditreroumee of 80 to10 cutuit.Vhiito blammk-
etc ulitI better than gray mmmixturea amid horse
Whiolc ale l'rices.
OFFIcK OF Tim OIAm : Br. ;
\etluicstity Evemmimmg , October 17.
The followimig prices arc chmargotl retailers
by Jobbers , vhiolesalers anti commission mimer-
chants , with the exception of grain , which is
quototl at the prices ftmrnishuotl by the elevators
amid other local buyers :
WIIEAT-CMIL No. 2 , The ; No. 3 , CSc.
] IAIILRY-Ca'mhi No. 2 , 48c.
JIVE-Cash , No. 3 89c.
Con-No. 2 , 88c ; i-ejected , 20e.
OATS-No. 2 , 27c.
Live Stock.
FAT STKv.Rs-Quuiet at 3 50@1 25.
FAT Covrs-3 003 85.
lfoas-4 O0@I 25.
SIm1Er-Finin : at 3 00@3 50.
Flour amid Milistuffe.
WINTEmuV1tEArBest quality , patentat
a 40@3 50.
SEcoNu QUALITY-S 00310. .
Si'itiso Wuir-Bost quality , patent , at
3 50@3 CO.
SEcONm ) QuALm-2 30G3 &O.
i3RA-55C jier cwt.
CumorrEn 1"EED-Per 100 lbs. 85c.
CORN MEAL-i 0O@1 10 ier cwt
ScaEKNuo-007Oo per ew
Mom-lao nnwashuotl , ] ighmt 14@lGc ; heavy ,
13@lSc ; modinun unwnsiied , light , 18@20c ;
washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 80c ; tub and waitliod ,
28c ; hurry , black amid cottod wool , 2@Gc 'oss.
Grocers List.
CANNED Coons-Oysters ( Standard ) , per
case , 3 70@3 O ; strawberries , 2 lii , ier case ,
2 30 ; raiilberrieit , 2 Itt , per ensue , 3 00 ; Bartlett
pears , tier case , 2 40 ; wimortlebernles , ier case ,
r2 75 ; egg itlumi , 2 lb Per CO , 2 00 ; green
gages , 2 It , , uer case , 2 fJ ; do choice , 3 ib , icr
ca.qe , 4 150 ; iumme ahples , 2 11) , per case , 4 0O ®
5 75 ; lenchieit , 2 Ii' , per case , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , iuor
case , -1 0O@4 50 ; do ( pie ) , 3 lii , per case , 2 00 ;
do itie , C Ib , ier duzemm , 2 40.
] fIcE-Louisiamma urirno to choice , Tc ; fair
Gc ; l'atma , ( ; ! ic-
1"isim-No. 1 mackerel , half brie. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , kits , 1 15 ; fzunlly mumackerol , half
bruit. , 6 00 ; fatally nmackorel , kits , ftSc ; No , 1
whu'itc fish , bill brie. , 7 00 ; No , 1 kits 1 05.
Syiiu--StammtlardComn. ; , 85c , bole ; itaunlanu1
mm , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60.
fSolA-In lb pape3 30 ver case ; kegper lii ,
L'IcKLES-MetUuim , In harrehs , 0 50 ; tIn
Itt half barrels , 3 75 ; entaIl , lii barrels , 7 50 ; do
iii half barrels , 4 25 ; gheridns In barrels , 8 50 ;
do jim half barrels 75.
TnAK-Gmmumhuowuler , good , 45@SSc ; choice 00
@ 75c ; good Iiuipimniul10@43c ; chatico , 60@CSc ;
Young ilysomm , good , 36@SOc ; choice ,
( iSc@l. 00 ; Juipaum natural loaf 35c ; .Japan ,
choice , 60@713c ; olomig , good , 340c ; Ooioumg ,
choice , 40@SSc ; Souchong , good , 3540c ;
chide ; 35lSc.
Jtom'E-Slsal immchi amid larger , 1Oc , Inch ,
lie' Inch , 11e.
\'OoaENtYAItR-Two hoop pails , 1 85 ;
three hoop pails 2 10. Tuls , No. 1 , 9 00 ; 1'lo-
imoer washloarts , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wehlbuckets , 3 85 ,
LEAI-Bar , I (35. (
SOAI'S-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; KIrk's
white Ituieslan , 5 25 ; KIrk's ommtoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's l'ralrio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
mnmt.gnohia , tloz _
l'oTASIL-l'cnnsylvanla cans , 4 case , in case ,
3 35 ; Babbltts , ball , 2 thox. In case , 1. UOAumchior
ball , 2 dox. in case , 1 50.
OANInKS-lioxes , ' 10 lbs lOs , 15cc ; 8s , 152c ;
hoxe 40 ibs , 10 uz. , Cs , 15c.
51ATCIIY.'t-1'er caddie , 85c ; round , cases ,
1 55 ; sqiutro cases , 1 70.
Coisv.isOrdlnarygrades , 3(9c ( ; fair 1O ©
12c ; good , 1013c ; vrlumio , 12@12c choice
13l3c ; fancy grcemm amid yellow , 14lr ; nIt !
goveruummemmt , Javu , 20m2Cc ; Levering's roasteul ,
14c' Arhmclrle's roatmtetl , i5e ; MclaugiuIIn's
xxkx roasted , lie ; Immuitatlon Java , 16@i
1E&te. &
C0AL-Cuinborlanul hilacksunithi 10 00 : Mon.
rite i-mimi Blossburg , 12 \Vhitefjm-oaet ; huuumui , ,
4 rtO ; Vhaitobreamit mint , .1 50 ; Iowa mini , , -I t0 ;
Iowa mutt , 4 so ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthira'
cite , 10 75@11 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per tuum
OitKfty-1reuicIi maixeil , i a : ; o lb. imni is , IHo ;
American mnixeil. Iii 30 lb juailit , 1c ; Jinhllinuit
amixod lut 89 lii Itails , I Ic ; Nohiby mumixed , Iii 84)
ill hails , 1Ic : ; ( iomuietlLIori : utixod , iii 30 hI ,
Pails. l2e ; Excelsior stick , 80 lii 1111115 , 13o ;
miouhilo refined , 80 lii pails , 13c ; Crystal unlxeul
80 lii alls , ISe ; Old riummo mumixed , 30 hIm maib4
lie ; ' 1l , 'l'iiu , mumixed , 30 lb iails , 18c ; Flirt ,
mmulxeii , 30 Il , imalis , i1c : Flirt , stick , 84) lii
jialls , II e ; 'f11) 'l'oll , btick , 30 Ihi 1)11115 ) , 12c ,
ihtyBahetI , 8 0O@10 00 Ir tomu ; in btmlk ,
( I 00OM 50 imer t.oum.
VINWAU-Nuw york apple 1Cc ; OhIo imp-
1)10 , 13c.
SAI.T-DraY loathe , per bbh , 1 80 ; Amihiton , Iii
sacks , 3 ! i0 ; hblti ilairy 60 , rn , 3 30.
SUGAII.S-L'OWllCreii , IOAC ; cut loaf , 10c ;
granuhateth , te ) ; comufoctiutuiers' A , 9c ; Stand.
arel extra C , 8c ; extra 0 , 8cj mnodlumut yellow -
low , 7c ; ( htXk yellow , 7Ic.
Sracui-I'enrl , 4e ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corn
StarLh , tic ; Excelsior ( hess 7Ae ; Corum , Sc.
SI-IcEt3-Pcitpor , 17c ; allspice , 1&c ; cloves
2.e ; casslit , ir.
Lyu-Amaedeaui 3 40 ; ( ireouiwichu , 3 40 ;
Vest.erum , 2 , 'r t'rth Star , 2 00 ; LewIs' 1yo
4 (3.'l ; Icwehl lye , 2 75
OAixts-Fuilrquahity 50 ® 00 ; good butch'
ens' stock , (3 00.
Geumcruul I'a'ouhuice.
BUTTER - 1'aricy creamnery , ? d@31c ; cold
storage c'reamnery , 2"27c ; chotco dairy , 20
( d24c ? : itcet commuitry , u'iuhiml itnekod , l'i@20c ( ;
host eqiumumtry toll , 2O2c ; Inferior grades ,
10(1tc. o chmnmmgo jut ltrice Mmmcc Inst
Iseumo. Pammcy vnammor3- : , dairy amid strictly
chmoiee country roll Iii good deummand.I
Eonsliect'ilttfi Bghut ; gouxi ulemammd. Comm.
shguimmmcuits smulil oim arrival at 2re to.uiay.
CIIKKSE-Now York State fumil ereamui , 1k- ;
S hmou , , 1tts 13e ; Sill ercauum elucuhmiors , new ,
18.Ic ; fumll etoalmi ehuethihers multi , ( Pc ; full creatmu , 2
iu'.chi hoop , lie ; \oumuug lie ; cm-cain ,
cry qkluuuq , .10 ; flue Styles dmeeso , lOm ; 1.lammm.
each , $1 25.
VorA1witl'otatmtes are mb-dimming fact. nimul
will tntbaluly sell at. 30C w Ithilut twmi vonks.
Ni , ehuamugum sluice last li-ttutu. Choice , tvelh
cuuhlol stutt'k sehhluug at 8 Lii 85c
W'T 1'oT.roKiChoit'o yellow , t.c8c.
ONIoNsHecellite have ii'ttit 'ermY iughit. nut !
, h'mmmamud giituui. 40imJ'to for choice led'eth. .
erstiu'luf-u or silver skiumi , uudomus ,
C.mumutor -\'ery light receipts , ? mtarket for
ChiOIt'O stuck 5 0t ) @ 6 ( 'p0 Pen hummmmulrotl. io.
mummutmil giiul ,
1tR.N'-hIamid itiekeul mmnvies , $2 751J8 00 ;
haiti ! 1ilckil mocutluimus , $ i O)2 ) 25. lie.
uciit.s very hli'lit ; uiemmmammtl good.
PraIrie t-lui&'kemus , Iter doz , $2 006Jf
2 50.'emv little ticiutammil ,
Viisit : ) u itTIIi4 8ulects , t'Se ; 1)lammmouul ,
500 : Selcets , 15t' ; $ tamtdanmiIh (
l'ot-m.i-ny Chicklums , sinlmug , lion mIni : , 2 Mfj5
3 00 ; mild chickens , her uhtuz , $3 504ij4 00 ; dresseul
vhdckcus , iuer lii. , 1Xm18e.
1imoNit---ltra famicy bar Imnons , $8 ( Xl ;
famtcy MesIuma leiumtui : , ie box , $7 25 ; 5 box
lots , m I ititithuun lemumomis , $7 ( Xl ; 1 (1 ( hue lots tin. ,
$ ki 75. These loiuliums anti unit Miuhagivu or other
Chul'flh ) amid litmor gm-titles ottered iii thuo uumarket ,
hut anti strickly notice m1ossIumut imummommut ,
Omuummue-I.tnuisiamuirs icr hibi , $11 00 ; tb , ,
lox , t7 (10 ,
lLt.N.tM-Chutdeo , , her lumichu , 3 O0@4 00.
( Iuuuumt I mitFaumey ( 'alto Otuti , high color ,
$15 00 ; bell mmml bugles : 1ti 50 ; [ toll amiut cherry
811 50. ( 'ramihuerrltte muLnuiciuig , ' , o boll amid
bumgltms hut mumarket yet.
AI'i'u.itt Cimoko eatiuug , reguuhitr pack-log ,
3 O0i'3 50 ; chuico coolduug , n'gumlnr tncklmmg ,
$2 tiO3 00 ; extra chituico , 8 StJ-1 ) ( Xl.
Strictly famicy uthiiiIt tell iuackotl 1n ) Iii gtiotl
, iounmtmmd.lnrket ntivamuvlmig ,
1'KACIEit'hituieti ( Michiigiumm iter iaiikot , 8Oi
@ 1 00. leCi3iit.4 [ [ fair ; uleumuutuid for chttieo
stutck gootl.
Mi-i-I : louts , lSc ; lurenklast huacomm , 12c ;
clear duo lmrmctumt ( ehiort ) , hto ; clt'ar side hmacomu
( lutug ) , Sic ; dry salt shIn ( shutirt ) , $ t lit ) ' 'iuult.
shl ( huuumg ) , 7c ; slmttiulderut1 suuiokeih , ( e ; coruucil
lof Icr t-mso , : ; ( ) o ; dried htouf , l2c ; ltumug
bologmma , 1 1 c : mucus itork per iubl , tl 0 50.
L.utut-3.hh , tin halls , tc ) ; 5-lb do. , 1)'c ) ; 10.
Il , do. 1)c ) ; 20si0 ) ; , 9e : SOs , tc ) ; tierceut ,
lle : Iut. I cake tallnu' , fl@7e.
Ci i uKmt-l'murtm uuueot cider , It ; gal keg , $ I tiO ;
M , & P. clarIfied , 10 gal keg , $ . 00 ; 2i1. & 1' ,
clarified. 8 gal keg , 8 00.
l'u:14 : } 'EI'T , l'uimi'i , ETt'-l'ige feet , 15 lb
kit' , $1 15' pigs .10 lb 'hr ' hid , $2 25 : tIgt ; feet ,
8(1 ( ii , half liltI , I 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , il 15 ;
triiuu310 II , , r huh , $2 2.'i ; tripe , SO It , half bid ,
tt4 00 ; iigs tumuugumes , 15 Ii , kits , $ h 50 ; [ ulgit
tomiguies , 4(1 ( lb , lr bitt $1' , (10.
s1iNt'u : I'd m-m : . -lSiL , buckets ( liuicktiu 25c )
10c ; 871b buckets ( liumekot 'tOo ) , be. ; lOOlli
kegs , lOc ; half barrels , lOc.
4sommTKuluI.m-2-l1 , umtouuumjars' 12 lii case ,
iter do ; $2 25 ; t.umuuihmler , lieu' cmx , l. 95 ;
sclroitumer , lor thiZei % , $3 10 ; 1hl ) tium cammut , 'I
mitt , . iii case , $110 ; 2-lu tium caums , 2 tloz in case ,
2 10.
lttq.K ,1 Kt.I.mEMCurramit , 80.lh wood jialls ,
itemII , , Sc ; strawberry , 80.ib vooti pails iter
i1 , S.c ; m-am iiorry , VtOii halls I 'or ' It , ,
8.c ; lilackborry 30-lb wuiotl pails Ib , 8e ;
ci-thm : imiutilo , : ; o-il i-tel tails iiem ii , , 8e.
_ t m't'm.i : 11 urrmt35.1 : I , vttitIeuu aIlut , her ll ,
$8 00 5-lI , t'OoleuI C In .
; - ( itailut , cn.e , 11cr case ,
8 50.
Pc.cmm lltyirmut-25.lli : wootlout italic iter Ib ,
$11 ( RI ; tvootleui itiils : , (1 ( Iii case , imer case ,
$1 25.
1'mtmsKut'mcu-I1L : ( 20-lb roodomt hmnils-1i..It- )
berry , : l5 (10 ( ; strawberry , tituluico , $1-i 00 ;
peaclu , $1-I 00 ; cherry. l1 00 ; tuumnatitos , 1-t 00 ;
hihimmmm , $14 ( X ) ; n.ssoreil , wttidcut bimekots ,
( ; 1mm co : , per case , $1 711 ; assorted , 2-lb tium
camus , 2 tluz in ease , tier case , 3 25 ,
NImum.tMKt : Couuu ] 1oKv-1.Ib Irmumios , 21-lb
cases , ) , lScDry
Dry Goods.
BluowN Coi'ros-Atiammtmo A 8c ; Apple
toim XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; iioot 1fF c ,
Buckeye Ll , 4-1 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7c ; Cidtto-
umammgo A Ojc' Great Fails E 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
llommcstldtfi , 8c ; Indian [ toad A , 8e ; Indlamm
Stantlard A Sc ; Indian Orcharth , tI. w. , 7c ;
Lawrence Ii1j , flc ; Mystic IhIver , 7c ; Pequot
A , 8c ; Utica C , 5c ; Wachusott 13 , 7c ; do
A 8c do B 48 , 121c.
FiNK Bmtow Co-rrONs-Allonilalo 4.4 7c ,
Alligator 3-4 , & ' Argyle 4-4 , 7.c ; Atlantic
LL , 6.'o- Badger tat X 4-4 , 6c ; Bennington
0 4-4 , tic ; Buckeye S 4-4 , 0c ; Intliamu Orchard
AA 9-8 , 8e ; Lacouula 0 39 , 8c ; Lehigh B 4.-I
9c ; Popporoll N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7&c ; do
30 , 7jc ; do B $9 , 8c ; Pocasset 0 4.4 , 7c ;
Wamnsutta 4.4 , 1 $ .
BLEAcmuEn CorroNs-Androecoggln L 44
Ole ; Biacicetono .A.A imperial 8c ; ( Ii , thu hial
bTeachuod 4.4 , Oc ; Cabot ' 1.4 , 8'c ; Fidelity 4-4 ,
9c ; Fruit of thin Loom , 9c ; dii caumibria 4.4 ,
l2 ; do Water Twist , 1Oc ; Great Falls Q , 90 :
Indiami Head mihurumuk 4-4 , 12c ; Lonedale , iOc
0 cambric 37 , 12c ; Now York Mliiut , 12e.
l'equot A , bc ; [ 'cpperel , N G Twilhs , 12c ;
Pocahouttait 4--I , 'Jc : l'ocnsutot 5-4 , 8. ; Utica ,
lie ; Wamneutta 0 X X , 12c
DUCKS ( Colored-Ahhmamiy B , brown , 8c ; tin
C , dm1 , lie ; cia XX stripes amid plaIds , 12 1.2c ;
do XLN.k brown amid drab , stripes amid plalils ,
12 l.2e ; Arhingtomi fancy , lOc ; liruuituwick
hmrowum , 8 1.2c ; Chariot homey , 12 1.2c ; do ox-
tnt heavy , 20c ; Fall Jtiverbrnwum , extra heavy ,
11 1.2c ; luitilana A brown , l3c ; , Noomuset A
browuu , ISo ,
TmcKlNaH-Amnosko-tg AC A32lflc ; do XX
blue 32 18 1-2c ; Arrowauui , 9 1.2c ; Claro.
miiutuit ] 13 15 i.2c ; Comiesitoga , extra , 17 1.2c ;
hamilton ) , ii 1-2c ; Lewlston A3O , ISo ; It'mm
mmoluthma1.1 , 20c ; Omega , utumper extra -1.-i , 2
l'oaml Ilivor $2 , IC 1.-Ic ; l'utmmumn XX hilumo
strijie , 12c ; Siictumclcot 5 , 10 1.2c ; do 38 , 12c ;
Yeomnami'im blue 29 , 'Jo.
JENiIH-Amnokeag , blue and browuu,16 1.2c ;
Amutiun'er DI ) hiluuu , 15 1-2c ; .Arlluigt.omi X lhtuo
Scotch , 18 1.2c ; Cimicorti 000 , blumo uuuti
brnwmi , 12 I.2c ; do AAA , ulti do , 13 1-2 ; do
XX to ( in tIn , 1-1 1-2c ; Ilumyumakor'mu blue amid
brown 9 1.2c Mystic llIvcrIistnipo , iOl.2c ;
l'oarl Itiven , fltio : uutl browum , 1Cc ; Umicasvlilo ,
Imitie ahII hrowum , 1-I 1.2e.
CAumumuctu-Iiarnard , SAc ; ] t1dyetoume lining ,
21 Inch uboublo face , 8cGarmmor ; A glazcl ( , lic ;
Ilnmuhtattuum glove linlelu , bc ; Newpimrt. , It , , SIc'
do glazed , tme ; i'otiumot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid
fluid , , Cc.
Coitsrr JKM3-Amory , Amidroscoggluu
satteuimi , 8c ; Ciareumdon 0c ; Conestigga cut-
teens , 7e ; liahiowohi , $ c ; Iumihian Orchard , 7e ;
Narragansett , unproved , 8e ; l'epponill sat-
teem , , tJc ; ltockpuirt , Ce.
PIII8TS-Alheuls , Cc'Amnorucnn , file ; Arnldo ,
file ; Bonvick , 4e ; Cocliono , 0 'Couiestoga , file ;
Janklrk , Cc ; Dumumneil , ( il7c ; i ltIysbiuio , ( ic ;
Gloucester , Ulc I lurmony , 11 c ; ICniekorbockur ,
file ; Mernlunao 1) , 7c ; Myctic , SIc ; 8iragmuos ,
Go ; Souutlui.rldge , tic ; do Gluighiamuus , 7c ; mtarl-
boris , 5c ; Oriental , Ble ,
( IINllA1tH-Amuioskeag , fJc ; Aryle , 8c ;
Atlamutlc , So ; Cuuuulcrhaud 7o ; highland , 71c ;
ICcmullwortiu , DIe ; I'Iuuuktt , Ole ; Sussex , So.
CorroNAnia-AhilJcrvlhio , l3le ; Agate , 20c ;
AmerIcan , lie ; .Itrthtlaum , 20c ; Cairo U anti ' 1' ,
] 3c ; Clarion I ) anti T , 17c ; Docan Co.
stripes I ) and 'I' , ICc' ICeytitoumo , J8c ; Nantucket
tuckot , 19c Nonpareil , 1Cc ; Ocean 1) uimiml 'I' ,
13&c ; Royal , lOb ; Sussex , 12c ; 'i'loga Wncluuu-
&iett shmlrtlng chiockim , 121c ; do Nnumkht 121cc
York , 1ihitiui Naumkin , 121c ; do chocks , stripes
vail fammcy , 121c ; tin S oz , 20o.
SIIKK'nIuH-Auimtrosco giui 10.4 271c ; mb
91 1 , 23e ; do 3i , 32cm Citmitiuueuutal C 42. 1 1 c ;
Fm-tilt. of the Looumt 1O'I ; 27c ; Now York mum his
ff8. ar ; dru 78 , $ Oc ; di , Mi , 221e ; l'ouiibrmke
10-4 , 25c ; ' 10-4 , 281e ; ito 7-I , lOc ; di , .It ) ,
1k ( ; l'oitinwuil 'JO , 29o ; mlii (17 ( , 2lc ; rim , 7 , 18c ;
Utica 90 , 3Cc ; tb 58 , 221e ; do 48 , ITo. .
l'alnts , Oils amid Variuislics.
Oiamt-1I0 carbouu , P ° " gallon , l3c ; i5O
huoamlhlghit , pt gailnum , JOe ; 175 ° huewhiight ,
tier gutliouu , 20c ; ire vtter t-hu1t.e , lffc ; liii
seoul , raw ; P' galitiuu,55c ; hinsommil , huiiittii , her
gallumi , Situ Lard , whiter imtr'tl , per gallium , SUe :
No. 1 , TOcNo ; , 2 CUe ; castor , XXX iter gal
Ion , 110 ; o , 3 , j 20 ; cwect , Jior alouu 145c'
sistrmn WJI. , 11cr gallon , 1 ( tO ; fuchiS , 13. ,
porgallutmi ( iSe' noatimfeotextra , 11cr fudiouu , flOe ;
No , 1 , 7de ; htunicating ( , zero , im'r galioum , soc ;
suuuuuuner , 1r ; golmieuu mumaehuiuuo , No. 1 , hr gal'
lomi , 3r No. 2 , 2r ; sporun , signal , 11cr gallium ,
84kV ; turpentine , [ icr gallon , SUe ; naptlni , 710 ,
P ° gallon , ISo.
I'AmstS IN Omn-WiuItc load , Omaha P. 1' ,
Ge ; white heath , Ht. 1oiiis pure , Cjc ; Marseilles
groouu 1 to 5 Iii cans , 2 0 ; Fm-ouch xino groomi
seal , 12e ; Freumchi zinc , icil soul , lIe ; lreiichu
zinc , In vuirudshi nest , 20c : Fuonchi zinc , Iii oil
nest , 1r.c ; raw imuuth buiruit umber , I lii cans , lOc ;
raw anti hurmit Slenmua , be ; auuiiyko brown
I3c ; reiumemi lamaplihack , 12 ; csiachi black , ama !
ivory black , ICe ; drop black , ICc ; I'ruutsluui
blue , 8Oc ; ultramnam-lumu lihito , ISc ; chIroxuio groout
ii , Id , & U. ICc ; idloul anti umhuuitt.en gm-ecu , Li
I1. & 1) , , Itle ; i'm-Is green5 iSo' Inullamu reul ,
Ir , ; Vuiotiaiu red , Do ; Tuscan rod' , 22c ; Auuienl.
caut Vermuullhiomu I. & I' . ISo ; chrommie yellow
14 , M , , 0 , & 1) , 0 , , 1c ; yellow ochre , tic ;
gthiomt ochmro , ICc , Patent tiryor , 8c gralmuing
ettltirs. light oak , dark tak , wahmutit , clu' . , uutmt
utnti ashi , iSo.
1)ry I'almmtee.
\'hulte loath , $ c ; 1"rcnclm the tOo ; ParIs
whuutimug 21c ; t'huittumu giluiers , 19c : vtmitIumg
( 'omit I lie ; Iammmpblack , Uormumatutouvmi , I to ;
bummittulack , oruhitmary , IDe : i'rtmsian lultue , Mc ;
tmltramuuami lie , I Sc ; vaumilyko , hrnvim , $ e ; unutber ,
huumrmit , , 4 o ; uuuitier , rutty 4c ; slumunim , luumruit , 'Ic ;
slommna , riwu'Ic ; 1'ars grecum , gouiuuIumoj 25c ;
Paris green , coimmmumoum12c ) ; chmnuno gm-rout , N.\ . ,
c ; dim-mn greoum , l2c ; cnuumihIiiium , Emmg , ,
TOe ; -ermuuIhhiuuui , , iiutonicami , lSc ; I uuuhlaum rtI ,
hOc ; no Itituk , lie ; Vemiotiamt roth , Cttkiuutis ,
2c ; Vmmetlamu roil , 4iiiOtiCAI % , 1' rti letuti ,
Tic ; chirunumo yohlnuv , gcnmmiimtt , t.'O' ; eirttmmmn yel.
hmut' , 1 , , l2e' ochrn , rutchiello $ t' ; ochiro , Fu-emiehu ,
2'c ; nehru , Am'meric.-mui , c : \vluitor's iimiuierah ,
2c ; lehigh hu-ots'um , 21c ; Slunuieht browum , 21e ;
1 ritico's muiluienuil , 8c.
Vtmcmsuigs-iliurrels Pr gallon m Fmmrimt.
tnt-c , extra , $1 10 ; ftmrrdtutre , No. 1 , $1 : etiach ,
ctmui , 110' conch , No. 1 , l 20 ; Damumar ,
extra , $1 75 : , , 7'lc ( ; fltlitmtitlmium , extra , 85e ;
hmehIn , $3 50 ; hiarti tull I'uidshi , 1 50.
heal her ,
( . a tmie $ So t ) 420 ; hiemmuloek solo2Sc to 8Sc ;
Item , , I , ldp , $ ( ) o to I (10 ; m-umnumer (15-a ( to SOc ;
mmcmli I , cxiii , SSo to 1 20 ; litumniock multitor , 2Jo
to 2Cc ; oak umptor , 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 tti S ItO ;
calf kid , 82@85 : ( , ntmlstmum kid , 2 5(1 ( tm 2 75 ; oak
kiii , SUe t.o I twP ; oak t'uuhl , 1 20 to 1 80 ; Vrtimchm
kiiu , 1 10 tim 1 I'S ; Fremmehi call , 1 25 to 2 (10 ; m-um.
cet.s , A Ml [ 4) 7 50 ; ilumimugs , C 00 hi It ) 50 ; tutI-
itiumgi , 9 ( Xl to 10 ItO ; B. lj. bttpco. , , 3kb to $ So ;
poluble 0. 1) , tuurocco , $ Sc ; ciiumttui , 2 50 to 8 (10.
1lA1tESit-Nt ) . 1 star tuak12c ; Ni , 2 mm
890' No. ohm oak , 8Sc : No. 2 tin , $ 'c ; No.
I miIlwututkoo 37cm Nut , 2 tin 3k.
1)umhl aumil u'enk' greitum 1mumtclientu , Cc ;
salted , 7i.7ei ; ( In ) ' fhiuit , l'2Thl8c ( ; dry stilt ,
10t1 ( Ic ; uhiummagoil hitles , tu'o'thdt-tis itrico.
Still RI' PIITh-25ct00.
lituuut tier.
\Vo qumitte luutnber lath aunt shitmghostmmu oars
at Omaha at tiit , fohitmwlumg Prico. :
, htiiit Al ) SCANTLINO-ifi ft. mutt ummubor
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 ( tO ,
'I'mmuiusmutt-lti : foot amat umnilor , 22 (10. (
'l'iiuinut : ANt ) , lomwr-l8 ft. , 23 ( ' 0 ; 2 ( ) ft , 23 ( tO ;
22 ft , 20 50 ; 21 It , 20 ( ' 0.
FiCINmNt ) , 1 , 4 auth ( I 1mm , , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
SmIIETmNa-o : , 1 (2tl ( ctumnmmuon boards ) , 20 00 ;
No , 2 , 18 (10 ( ,
IIMR-I'ttr barrel " bumhlc buishmel'
- , I 21" ; yen 8rtc ;
commmemit , huh , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster bljl , 2 ItO ; hittir
Per htmi. t4)c ; Tutrreti felt , 100 ibs , 8 ( > 0 ; straw
boarti , 3 ( tO ,
horses nmmd Mules ,
Extra draft huorutoq , 17S(22ti ( ; comummmum draft
horses , IXXSjlSO ( : extra farium huirtunut 1i061J1'J5 ;
cmuiumumtmm tim gtuoii fanmut limirstus , 'Jo ® 1X ( ) ; extra
I lug-s , COQ)7tu ) ; eutumumnitmm phumu , 20jl 10.
MULEue-xtra , 125bt4) ) ; goodu iOOSJl-I0 ;
fair , 75100 ; coumimmiomu , 6O@75.
heavy itarutware iaitst.
1iomm , rates , 2 00 ; iuhimw stool special cast , Vc'
crucible , Sc ; itlioclal or ( ; ci-mmmiumm , Cc : cast ttutd
do , 156132(1 ( ; waiiut iqutikes , set , 2 25ti8 00 ; hiumbit
Per , iot , 1 25 ; felInes , mttuwotl dry , 1tO ; tomiguies ,
each , 71101J85c ; ales , onclu , 7'c ; tiqumaro mints per
II , , 7@ilc ; waslierit , pet' ib SfiJiiSc ; rivets , 11cr
11 , lie ; cull chuulum , cr II , , ( @ 12c ; muimillcabie , 1o
Iron vuMlges , tc ; ; cruiwlars , Cc ; huutrrunv teeth
-Ic ; mipr'uuig tool , 7Sc ; Ilurtbom'im : litirsuhtoes , 5 25
Burden's mumumloahinotu , C 25.
liAlmmtmIViit1mi : car hits , So imer 100.
NAmtii-lbutes , 10 ti , 60 , 8 ' 20.
ShoT-Shot , 1 85 ; hiucic ithitut , 2 10 : .rlommtmi :
powder , kegs , C 'Ill ; tIn. , half kegs , 8 .18 ; tIn. ,
quarter kegs , I 88 ; blastIng , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
P ° ' 100 feet , 50g.
Isiqutors ,
Atcomion-188 proof , 2 25 irnr wiumo gallon ;
extra California iqtinittu , 188 htr(1f , 1 25 mter
lire0f gallium ; triple refuted iqiinltie , 187 jurotml ,
1 23 her pamf , gallon ; ro.tllsthlled whiskies ,
1 00@l ( mU ; flute blended , 1 ( tO@2 SO ; ICoum.
tumcky bitumrbuimms , 2 OOiJ7 ( 00 ; ICemitumcky auth
Poumitsylviutla u-yes , 2 00@)7 ) 00.
BItAnIis-1mnl > ortod , UOO11600 ; domnetitlo ]
1 40@4 00.
GIMK-hmiported , 4 ti00 00 ; domestIc , I ' 10
@ 300.
llummtu-Imnportcd , 4 50@6 00 ; New England ,
2 00f5J4 00 ; domestIc , 1 5O@3 50 ,
1'scfI Nt Ai'rLE ] 1mttNny-1 71S4 00.
CumAmuI'AGNIOI-Imnported irnr case , 28 OO@
34 00 ; Aunoicamiper case , 12 OO@l0 00.
l'auo ToBAccoClimax , SIlo' liulhion , SOc ;
horseshoe , 48c Star ( tOo ; fluudy , 45e ; her'
soy's , 48c : Blacic , 3Sf4Oo.
1"ii : Ctrr-Comnmncmmu , 20@30c ; genii , 45@
( 'tOe ; Jlose Leaf , 70c ; l'remumlummn , ( iSo ; Dlnmmuommd
Crown , Mc ; Sweet Sixteoum ' 'ITe.
SmOKINU-O. : H , , 2Oc ; M'uskovy , 25c ; Durham -
ham , 8 oz , , ( tOe ; Dtmrhuun , 4 oz. ti2c ; Dtmrhaumm ,
2 oz. , bSc' Seal ( if North Ciu-ofintu , S oz. , ' 1-Ic ;
Seal of ortht Carolluma oz. 4Cc ; Soul of
North Caroliuma , 2 ox. , 4c ; 0. Ic. Dumrhiumm , 4
ox. , 28c ; 0. IC. 1)mmnitmtmr , 2 oz. , 3Oc' ; Uncle
Ned , i's , 2Ic ; Tom uimmul Jerry , 23o.
CAam YOILNIA 1'ut-In : good demmmand ;
2 25@2 50 lion box ,
CAr.IvomIsIA IIAiITIKT PIAmts-In : ontl mb.
tumid at $4 00@-1 110 er box. Lahlformilmi
1)ttchicss Buerro , Clargoau , etc. jienre , icr box ,
3 CO@3 50.
Cumtia , ? tl ETH A-I ) LAIII-1 mmiii lt@1oc ( ; ;
breakfast ijacomu , 1Sj4b 5.c ; immutokof cities , 19
4I3c ; i-alt iliett , 81ti9c ; lard , ibjc. !
( I 1uui'n' _ I ' maCflI I 'itzttoett
muuu tu ) 1101 maCfl- , 80SJ (
OOo ; motatotms , street , iicu Ib , 2@2c ; omuittius ,
lc100 his , $1 l'tOdjl ( 75 ; ttiuumatoetm , Or ii ) , 8c ;
tmiruili is , J icr ii i , I c : Coluraulti cal lingo , nov ,
imcr 10(1 ( , 85ctl 00 ; ilvo cluickomis , miXi , per mItz ,
: . ' ; ( ) O@5 ( 0 ; sjiu-Ing chuickumuis lien iii , , , $8 25S )
'I 00 ; itridu In ciuickouis P ° mlii- , , : i 5oj-i (8) ( ;
eggs , fresh , per dos , : f2ile : ; butter ,
croamuiery , l'umuumst iter Iii , 856j3fl ; crenmuiery ,
giiial , iier lb , : ii ( SJ32c ; lCnuusasm nun ! Nohtratulcum
daIry , iter lii , 23 ( j2 Ic : ciuuuuuulouu , ( ; @boe ; ciucutno ,
fuill croauuu , i icr I Ii , 1 5l no ; iii mules ; tor bid ,
easmtcnui,84 7Sfi 00 ; apples , how ( Siliforuilti ,
I ° ' . hiic , , 82 tO ; gruqies , Cahluurnitu , her
bix , $1 7ScU2 25 ; CahifruiIa , lietirs , hutun huix ,
3 25@,3 55 ; imliumuis , 2(1 ( II , box , 2 ( X(1j2 ) ( 50 ; I'd cc-
shun lcuuuunis , cx t rut , her httx , t7 O4JIJH 00 ; C' iii , .
ratli , wheat , 11cr ioo II , , 1 : fs@110 ; flour , Ciil-
mratlo , her 104) II , , 2 ( JO@2 25 ; Iitimmr , hitttttult
t2 ( lO:3 : 00 ; lhinir , ] Cnumsait , jiur 100 lii , .9 70 ( 4
8 (10 ; flour , ( irahiamum , jiem' I ( K ) Il , 82 0OI12 ( .0 ;
flour , rye , icr 100 11 , , b2 ( tOtjI2 70 ; flour , hack-
shunt , her huh 9 0OJi0 ( 00 ; ennui mumoiI , per
104) ) hIts , 1 fl5cj1. 85 ; cam-mm , per 100 his , 81 27@
l $0 ; ennui chant , , iior 100 hIts , 1 804iJl : it : ow
iittn , tier lOt ) lbs 8i 8rj1iIS ( ; omits , Nebrashctu ,
unixomi , liar 100 1 ! , , $1 30@l 40 ; tiattu , Ncltranka ,
white , lien 10(1 ( his , $1 851 'Ifloatm ; , Ciihirnili , ,
[ ton 100 hIts , 81 25@l 85 ; barley jim 100 ihis
i ,10@1 ItS ; uui'uxotl cloth , , iior 106 hits , 4l
I ItO ; brauu , per tomi , 815 (10I ( 0 ( tO ; hay , lutono ,
I icr titmu , 81 0 0O4ih 8 00 ; lmaleil cectmiil ) titttttuui ,
tl ( ) ( )0fl2 (10 ; baled miplamiul , 81-I OO17 (10 ;
clover , i'or tutu , 20 00 ; straw , iuer ton , $7 00
@ 1000.
617 Sf. C'har/os St. , Sf , Louis , Mo.
ltFJULAI [ ( IIIAftIJA'I8of two meillesh ctIloot
A lie. hecum euii.aiuc1 longer Iui the tri-atunoumt of
C1IItNIU , NI'.ItVOUfI , SKIN AN ! ) 11t4fl8) IIeoammts
Ituati other tsIm-I luu lit. Lotus , as city ; tapers show
tuiti all uhf reliduuitt , know , Coueuitatloui free tin )
Iuuvitoil , Vhieuu It Is Iuicouuvoutkuuit to Isit the city SO ,
treatmtent , niethichuies can be eu , , [ Ii ) ' itiall or oxjiruu.
everywiuero. L'uurablucacus guiarauitcetlwhiuru ; doubt
exists It is framkhy stated. Call or sritu.
Nervotus I'roimtrathoru Metit&I and ' .
, Ilubihity , & I'hmy.lcat
Vuimkiutms , Ileretunial cmiii ctfier idlottiou , . of 'Ilirtiat ,
, . - - - bjilOOtI imjuuritles ttIhihiioiIIuisoI ! ,
uu , AfTctiomuim , Ohi Hitrute until Ulcers , lmIhlttlhh ,
ujicuitim Li , piarrTa 'itieuuunruiisuu , , l'ijvtiTijt at at.
k-titlomi tocast-ut from o tirwIrkod feral , , . SUltUlJAI. (
UASIJi rtceT'o special umttcuitloui. fliscatmit , ailSg
frouim IsiWriuitticu , Itm-ettii , Iuttuluicc , ,
itaarrywhtiuuitiysitit ,
why , catmsos , cstuise'uuuIcos ; amid cure. Mattel for 260 ;
i.mitaucu or utimuaps , teit ; 20-dattily
* us ji. . . .t front $ wil.rtIoa , , .iti , , er ottrsu , , . CrC
, .i , uow .iuItd. pb1l.ttv .IrmIa.i &t,4 aaibt. ii
I.flt.ri nrc' . Julie. 5roItI7 , cat , (5 ( 1tt.iCi3 aim p.rmI
I,11i5 .1Km , witht , Wm.b we4t.a , . by d.ckrl
S.iku.t , . 1,4 it. . r , . . 151 M.Sir-l . , , . ' Tb. ot
pli tiiftCtiDg Ni aul. ipuuuuuy I'm , , -1-ui Ii. N1 , .t Ii. ,
I , ah4t , .ut.-r..u4bj lII ! ) Mu1N-luirc 1101.1's. " 5,10
he'tk. . ri , . s.uiri at t iii , , , sW.1it 10 ( till ii.4 ptr.
rRi SlilubOud , .iwttI. eIt.y ! , uu.Iaa&u , ums'4
I t C.-ost&tti 'ii uasklie tti.
5A8Ii.'ZoN ILIMEII O. . 45 V' fiSt SI , , W TN ) '
Furniture !
Have just received a large quantity of'
: R ,
To .4.11 F1oo . 120(1 ( - , 1208 OMAhA ama ! 1210 , NEIl. Fnrumamn St
'r ( Heating and Baking
Is omuly nttaimietlbyusitig
L : Stov ; es and Ranges ,
ii OMAhA-
rwlIOLlSAU- ) ItlTA1t. DlAt.Rlt IN
LliMher , Latli , Sliill1es , Poket ! ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale Druggist !
Paillts , Oils , Yarilislies alid iudo Glass
tb1iaecL ill
n-- , , - : ' I f I
-P g
# LI iiuu
d. IJililhiflUli ,
4 . :1 : TIlE LEADING
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
: , Carriage Factory
Th RWJ1ff"L _ _ _ _ _ - It hme\
! ! 14Olld , 1411 Do go Street ,
: IJ
, - - - - - - .
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Emmgiumo Tr'nmmmmuiumgs , Mimmiuig Machuimmcry , floltimig , hose , Brana anti Iron Fittings
Stoani Packing at wholesale amid roinil. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , ChURCh
Corner 10th Farnain St. , Omaha Nob.
( Chicago , Ilurllngton & . Qulnoy taIIroad. )
Eht-gnnt Iay Coaches , Parlor Care , wit-li Itcelin Solid Trains of Ilegant Day Coaches and PuD
Iutg Chairs ( .oAts free ) , ttunokium ; ' Cars , wIth lIst' man Palace Sleeping Curs are run daIly to amid
volving Clunlrs I'umilmmum I'alaco SleepIng Cars amid ( nomum lIt Louis , via hannibal , Quincy , Keokuk ,
thu. tnuumoutm C , Ii. & Q IHnfng Care run daIly to anti hluti-hlngtomi , Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St.
( noun ChIcago & Knne City , ChIcago Council I'aul mmii IthhuiumeapOIis : PartorCarewith 1eciInt
Illuiffs , Chicago .t I ) it Moiumns Chicago , St. J0. Chairs to anti train St. I.ouis and l'conla anuizi
setu. Atchison & Topeka. Only thFOtilh line be- anti from St Lotus anti Ottunmwa. Only occ
twt'cui Chicago , Lincolum & Denver , Thurough cars change of cars between St. Louis anu I.c :
between Indianapolis & Council Bluffs via I'eoria , Idoiuues Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , anti 1lenvC (
Alt couiututctiouis mad , , in Union Iepotau. It Is Coiorailo ,
knowim cue the great.TIUOUUII CAIt UNI. II is uaIvcrsa11yadmltd to be the.
Fhnnst Equipped Rnllroad In the World for all Olussos of Travel.
IT. J vovrgi Bd VIoe.L'nuts't and ( bit'1 ) ! anuuwtr. P1IWRVAT. LflWEf.T5. then. Pse , Itii't , Cblciw * .
\Vall \ PaDer aII NillO Shades.
Growerr of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake.
It Is the ltut amuul cheapest food for .tock of aumy kind , Omit imouuid is equal to tlireo pounds of corn
( tick fed wIth arituud Oil Cuki , I , , thu Fall anti Winter , luietenit of runumluig dawuu , wIll hicroaso in wofh
amid hiu lu good Ui&rkutablo couidltlom in this spnimig. Utlr3uue , , , as well mu utirv ) , it'liO Usu it can testiLy
its tutinitut. . Try It auiti Judzu for yuursoivuc.trIcu $2f.OO i'er ton : uio charge for .acks. Addruo
o'uoiI.intu W00IIIAN UNSF.13) OIL COiIt'ANY , OiUiJ1.
- - - - - - - = _ * _ . ; - - _ _ _
CC ,
IC - ,
a.p. .
d ,