- . - - ' - : : - - - - - - I I J I 2 TIlE DAILY B1E'OMATiA TIIURSDAI , OCTOBER 18 , 1883. _ _ _ _ You Cannot' Thty It lii the t18 , Bitr-roomi. . What an absurd idea it is to send a &ck man , with an ailing stomach. a torpid liver , and impoverished blood , to a bar-rooni to swallow some stmulating stuff , and call it medicine ! An enormous amount of mischief is.constantly done by mcii who tlmtis trifle with themselves. Instead of - imealing their diseases , they make . them worse. Instead of gaining strength they only acquire the disgraceful - graceful habit of tippling. * It is a point worth noting in connection - nection with JJrovn'.i ' Iroi Ililters , that ths valuable medicine is not 501(1 in bar-rooms , and viI1 not be. . It is not a drink. It is a rcmCly. It is t made to tickle the palate of old tcrs. It is madc to heal dis- ease. It is not nmale to protmiote the vood.fellovsliip ofa lot of bIbUlOUS ellows standing around a bar and asking each other , " \Vhat vill you ake ? " It is a true tonic ; an iron , medichie containing the only preparation - ration of iron which can safely and beneficially be taken into the systeir T1I1VUILOSOPJIY OF III1ADACUI1. TITESTOMACI ! . TII IIOWET.H AN ! ) I111 L1V3fl .AIU 1iISPONSIBT.i FI ) 1WEIW ltS ( ThAT lUCKS T111 hEAl ) . 1tEOUJATF , TON i Ah 1) lIAR. MONIZE TIi ACrION o TIIEi3 LL'1 : Oil. ( IANS WITh TAIU1ANT'S LTZE APERIENT , AND YOU CUIii'h1IICtN'i'b&lNT ' Ar 115 SOURCE. SOb ! ) BY ALL nituociimi. : 'I Have Found It W , . the oxcimUon of znn when ho got box of Eureka P110 Ointmunt. which I , Bhnpio niI lure oure for hlice anI ( ill SkIII DIseaoe. ) lily cents by . mti&I1 , po.tpaI& The American Dicxrrhwa Curei ilu etood the ted for twenty yoir Bore euro for iI lovpr Fatie. Dhirrheca , byeontary , and Cholo. Morbux. ' Bcallc's ' Fcr an Aac Tollie & CordiaL It Ii Impoesiblo to uuppty the rapid .iIo of the aame. , SUni CUR WARRANTED ' or e'er sod Ague , intl ftU MalartaI troubicu. . rRICE. 11.00. WIJ.WHITEHOUSE LABORATORY , 1TH ST. , ( JMAIIA , NEI. _ cop Sale by all Druggists' Health is Wealth L , Dr. N. C. % Vext'e Nerve and Brln Trctmont , rsru eo4epcciflo for Ilyetoria , DIzzIneeuConvu etonu , FLUJ , NOrVOUA Nouraiglo , 1Iodaeho , Noryoiu V Proetration couxod b the uxo of ekohoi or tobecoo Wikcfuineii Montd Doprosolon ' SoftonIn of the t ' I1ratri , reeuittng In IiuouIty nd 'leading to misery decoy and .loth , Pouuturo Old Ago , Brrounoee Losa of power In either eox , Involuntary LoMo ' Spcrmnthrrhwa cusut1 by over oxortlone ) f ; I brstn , eolI4bueo or ovor.induigcnco Each tIns on , month'e treatment. 61.00 box , , r boxea for * 4.00. $ ont by mxli prepaid on reocipi I ' * ' - WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES C Tooureany coec. With each order received byu t'r itx boasu eooomp&nlod with QO.0O , wowiliucod the , urcacer our written guarantco torefundthomonoy If the treatment dooc not ulfoct t curs. Ourantoe ( ! i ut.I , only by 0. F. 000DmAN m&s wi DTllP let Omohi. Neb S DR , FELIX LE DRUM'S - ; -a .rn : PIIiVNTWB AND CUILL . .5 'OR EITHER SEX. : Thia remedy being Injected directly to the ecat r4 the disease , roqUtros no chingo of diet or cisuseous , siercuriai or poisonous medicine. to be tkees intern. a.lly. When icoth as proventho by either eax , it is S Impoexiblo to contract &ny IrIoto thscoo ; but in the se wi those hruady unfortunatoiy &fluloted we guar. Lute. three boxo to cure , or we will refund the money. I'rIco by mall , ioetao rn1d , $2 per box , or threobozes for. for.WRIT'rEN WRIT'rEN GUARANTEES . . ssu.d 1y sil &uthorlzcd sgeate. . S Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co . SOLE PILOt'ItIETOItS. S Neb Sole Agout , for m ; I : 'i ' : _ MHOOD RSTOREL Aictim ofeerly Improdeno. . csuslpgoeryoosdebll. l t7mhtu1u ec47ctc. . haxing trie1 In vain eie flown rem.uy , II diaoovrel r. cimple moan. of lel wrr wSeIch bo wilt .end i1tKit to iii. leiIow..utjerers. ACCXCSI. J. U. 2UYES. 3CtL&tb&1A it. . New York. a _ . UETTEflDCHEAPERTKSOAP : : ; house-Cleaning Purposo. . ITWILLCLEAN PAINT , 1AUBLE , OIL CLOThS , IJATH S TUBS , CIIOCIURY , IZITCJLEZ ( UT1N8U.8 , : ' . WINDOWS , La. r IT WILL POLISH TINULASSCON'EIL&2D STEEL WAILE8 O'ALLKIND8 , S : J ! 000IDENTAL JOTTINGS Wyoming. The Sporty Electric Company ro ntgotiat log to enit'ply IftrAlnIo. A Mormon sniesintiary ) mi commenced a ivoI ntupng the sinners of Cheyenne. In Cheyenne a petition Is being circi1atod agin the re.nppolnttncnt ( if Chief Justice Setier. PA.lIV . 1I3RC1 IS expotin4ing the manly nrt 1.0 TerritorIal ugHIsU and taking in their tiolitsrs , The ott1cra In upper Sweotwtitor county are CIflTIUriflg fur a , llvisle > n C > 1 the sanie anl z separate - arato county allowed them. 'Jlio cnnthitt which will supplY Cheyenne with water , vilI furnish 2 TAO,00 ) ( ) gallons Jeer clay , anti cost e3l,87i. It s nearly three sIilcs % In length. TWo sOhlJiefl4 of COTflIafly ) ENintht Infantry , were out hutiting the ether day ; occo uf thrnn stumbled , ( hIschargiIsg his glen , th6 cont.cnbs of svhiicis Instantly killed his coin 'l'lio cropi this sea'on Irs the 'I'Ilguo Itivor Country leave beeti uriprocodontly heavy-thu yield of anti being about sixty hitisheel to tim acre , and s'hoat forty luhioI. 'I ho farmers In that ijoctioti are coneequontly , iitch , eicoiCr , ngctJ , anti will next year incrozi.Mo the tetinbcr of cultlvateti acres. 1hto iriricii . \Vynning , J3tOfTiCeS ( hiavo salaries attached to them i's ' follows : ( Icayenno hstrlIastor $2GOO , nnii clerk heiro 2,62O ; Lar niio , , City ; ittriasthr 82roo , zoo ! clerk Inro 81,200 ; ltnwhinn t.stieetor 1OT. , : hvaeint.ou ICOL glvcii ( ireori 1tIvor7t.O . ntiel I'orts lot. toruinti , Laratiiio , Fred iit.ecfo anil McJCltirioy tuo cadi. The Chinamon at tim Almy coal nilnos amen on a strike , nod thierols a frigi.l lrospect ) of a ucarcity of cical Iii thus market fo ma low days. It seems that thio ( hihiclehty In this inetanco Is not a iteattor of wages , hut thorn is 501120 kind Of a cotitentloti between tim white miners and then Cleinamoti In regard to their toolsoachi ac etisitig thu other of takicig citiel using tools 7eot their owti. Dakota , Ahortloen , voted $20,000 in boruls recently for city ieiiprovoinetit.s. Fifty thousand bushels of wheat Is shipped weekly from Whiontlanti. There am eighty students In attendaicco at thu iuivorsity in Vorenihlion. 'i'leo total valuathen of Grand Forks county is .so8isi : ; : , agautet 8ii7t,1ll ) last year. Erick Erickson lost his life In a voll at Blunt last week. lie was ovcmconae by theo deadly gases. ] ) iphithiorla of a eeovoro turin Is mnIng rmrthwontern Union county and several deaths hiavo occurred. The lnhlhIo schools of 1eion , have been ro lOt1O1i , tim school h .oartl having quamniitinod thio scarlet ( over district. Forty thlOUflaflI acres of laud voro entered at. the Aberdeen land ceilico aim day last wechc , all located In iilneureds county. A rich Piece of quartz was ( mind while ox. cavatiiig for a collar in lilstnarck then othior ( hay , and the town Is intensely excited. Six contractors wlthe their forces ama grading on the , Tainos Valley hieco betweocs Ortlway .nnel Sand Lake , in Brown county. The Northern l'achuio brauchi of the .Tasnes. town Northern , running from Conliigton to Svkn.tn.a distance of thirteen mllonhas , boon completed , 'ibm setthor art the Fort. Randall inlhltar reservation iii Cliarlos Mix county , will pet tion Congress to hiavo that portIon of thin me- servo thrown opuic to settlement. 'l'ho corner stone of the North Dakota Uni. versity was laid vitli Iniposimig ceremonies at Grunti Forks on Ortobor 2nd , thio Itasomiio fraternity mislog their rlto In thin prforsnaiico. 'rho ere from the loadwood.Terra mine , In the iflack lulls , only runs $3.40 P ° ton , noel yet time company has. and Is , paying big dlvi. tlondjoii such a 1mmv yield. ,7mIt hi hues occurred iii tim work of thu lrr1torIul agricultural college building at 'llrookiiigs on account of lack of.eimids , caused by thin emmetmnent that the 32OOO bonds up. 1)roiriatod ) should siot be sold less thou par. Is Colorado. Mrs. Tabor's lawyers In the Uvorco suit have sued her for 85,000 foes. Au artificial ice company Is being fonned in lonvorwlth a caLtal of 5OOOO. "Jifik"l'rnnoroy as Prehleflt of thee Atlan. tic.l'acifio 'rimmirhel company , has sued Thu Denver ltopiibhican for 16UOOO fnr , libel. Thmo Fort Cohiimm ArtesinitVoil company , which in boring for water at Loveland , struck a heavy body Of jotrohoumn thicothor daynt a ilnpth of 75 foot , and tim citizens are rejoiceti thereat 'rlzreo mflemi IiCkiUg dsmp on thee Bismarck mnino host mouth made 81,900. TIm lessees In thu mine are doing as well ns usual , and are taking out gout1 vay. Thin Leadvihlo Democrat hens. boon sold at auction to the lrolrltrs ) of The Chronicle of that place for Sflf mOO and it will vrobably ho mantle a mnoreming othitIou to thea latter Jour. mini. 1'.Iositammn. Artesian vohls are rocolim great attention lit Montana. A fleW SCIIolhtOiIHO ( , to cost iiroo : , , i to leo built at Missouha. A simocimnon of the ibex was shot in Madison county a ( ow days ago. Over leech a million lolsluls ) of WoOl has boon shuiliod ) front Billings during tim vresomst season. 'run orthiemn l'aciuio Townulto company sold 1OOOO worth of lots ha Misemula last nionthi. .100 Cobehl of the Shuonkin , lens this year raised 11,320 fmshols of oats on 100 acres of ground , Seine enterprising citizens of IIilos nra j nmnpimig tIm military re.orvatieu , whelehi ad. Julius that town. Miles City hens an institution known as the California Lying club. All the citizens are con. sitlored eligible for membership. Livingston vnmits ii S50,000 lintel , and ox. lett5 tld l'rcshlent Vihharut will favor thee scheme with huij intluence and ducids. Time idaccr imuiuming season is tlrawing to a close , amid Abhor gulch mimics are beghmnuimug their Prenaruutlons for a winter's vork In thu ( IUUtZ mninoes , Ceestor county has 78,000 head of cattle , veil. iioul at2O vor heath , aggregating In value t2 , ' 150,000. 'rico asecessummunt. of 1882 wa&only 25 000 heeadvnlueri atl5OOOO. The grachimug on thea llolomm and Jefferson county bramichmof thee Northern l'neiiic lee rapid. ly ulvamicLmw toward comeuplotloem , with good ierosi > ec that this vart of the work swill be vcll out of tim way by the cmiii of October. 'l'hma eeniHratiomm departneont of theo Northierme l'uchiio railroad baum roeoemtly emegagoul lii time collection of epecimetoos of mnlmmomal.boaring ore fromem dometauuui immineue. A ) of thin col hOctlIei iihI ho placed on emalelbition at l.otele villa , another Jot .ihl be ont to lioston aced thee renmainulur vlacerl in thea oilleu of thin cmiii gmatit agemmt. Articles of Incorporation have iioee filed b3 several vemneImmomet capitalists of ! i1issoul for the jen v ° ' ° of bolitlimug thin hitter hoot Tal lay Jtallway. 'l'hma new roadvil ) beuinatelis sotelu and extend south through hitter Itoot such loshlel will go to Smilniomi City , I. 'r. 'Ihiem capital stock is 8100 000. Steps are beime takeem 14) suetere a right o ! way through thu val lay , after which work will ha coeeumeionccti. Tomes of tehei'maimlt who barn rocouutlr boom delivered in lichememo by thmo Northern I'aciliu for the extension westofVceterue union iiiueue , which are to be triplicated , Au soon as time multiplied through hines moo In iclaco all hei telegraph busimiemee of Montana , Idaho , \S'nsh Immgtoii lerritory aimil Origon wlii bee toumer ( erred to thu siurthierri parallel. lldnema is to to enado a repenting oflico , with a fuco of ( run iuitecu to eighteen operators. Wimmo uneskimig Is now the order of the day hr Nupa county , ltivcrsitleettlecnout contains 8,00G Inimbi tamutue and is 14 irulles long , I'rOICrtY valuatiomie In Napes county hiac bosu Increased 2l4Ol8O , , thus year. I'lacer nelemeru realize Irma * S to 810 a day in San liomnardipo county iii cuany l.cahI' ties. ties.In In Shasta coumity , thelrd cluues merchandising 1104xi5e , Induding retailing .1 lIquors , I. 13 ie querter. l'ruzuluont and wealthy dtizous of au Vranm4sco are discussing the feasibility of a World's fair there in 1877. About 20,000 acres of lnlgntech hand In Tim. hare county heM hicen divimloel Imito small tracts for a colony to be called Prayer. A Sacramento man lens started a boating rrocory , and , by thee aid of a stcamnleoatprourm' 1509 tO sumnidy the residents along thee Sacrn- monte river. Time Vallajo Chronicle says : "A narrow gmeage road leac been projected to run from ticlowater in Nnpa , through that coummity into lake.Vithmimm thee last ten days term miles of thmo real heave been graded. " Uahe. Silver Mountain mine , lUg Cottonwood , Is penmhimmg iluwmm therca tomes of ore cr clay , sheich sells a ( rein $10 to &JO Per tore. Thmo now 1) . & Ii. ( . depot. at Salt Lake City is rlmldthiy smearing counphetiorm , and will preelaimly lee occupied withulu the seoxt week. Sevcntyi'mvo imisuranco commmiuanics nra role. resorutech tlmrommghi ogomecies iii Salt Lak , aced yet thee city is ronearkably free from losses by fire. Nebraska butter Is butting 1t.ahm butter omit of mmearkct. . 'l'leis ulomm't. sitoak well for the Lorth's ienoielo whir , cumitmol tIme butter buhrmess 1mm thmo 1rmg.lomrm. Time receipts of bullion and ore in Salt Lake City for time week omiding October 10th , imm chumsivo , % vere as follows : Ibulilon , .lii'i,74O P3 ; ore , fi,7al ; bothe , lifl,746 115. Thea week Preitms thee receipts wore $15fl,086 2. At a directors cnectimmg of the Crescent Mlmi Imug Co. , a uhivilcuh of fiso cents a mehmaro was declared , aggrcgatlmmg 830,000 , imayethle the last of thmi month. ' 1 lube is them fourthm dlvi- clench , thin total ammemmnting $ ltOOOO. lmmring Septemmmber thin coenpammy sold ore to the value of 31OOO. Itoleorts at. a ioo.kecpcrs , mnootlng , showed LImo huesieeece to be turofitabla. The average icr ) dumCt. lor hive Is about ecevonty pocentis , wheiche sells in this mmearket at whmoletcale at fif. teen comets. 'l'leo reports extomiemi emily to aheoimt COO hlve , wheichi be a very serial ! leer cent of time aggregate icc the Territory. limriumg tleo seasoem $25,000,000 lerick hmvo been used ice hmmilhhimmg ire Salt Lalco City. The total ireedmectiomi by tim yards aggregates alunit : ii,00o,000 , loavhmeg 8,000,000 to carry over to mioxt spring , whmichm is Incur thrice larger thean thin amnoummit carried over last seitetor. ¶ limo Price of brick hea ranged froen 7 ta $23 ior 1,000 , thu latter for extra flume jeressod. New i'.Ioxlco. . A Unlace depot is to ho cnnstrmmctctl at Al bmer1tmcnjimo HO. bneak thmioves are mnnkingmnatters entertain. log for residents of Aibmuummorqmme. Time Sari Miguel coliego at Samita le has now cighety boarders , wiehie thin day metudotits uncoIl time mummmeebcr to almeet cede hundred. Thmo G. A. H. of the dopmurtmmmomit of New .lexicn . lens doubled it.s mncmnbership within time inst tleirtydays. Tleero are now about twelve posts itt the tlopartmmmont. A scorn Of yellow fever rofimgeue from Somm. ra are located at Las Vegas. They say the luaU has riot been toirl about tlee horrors of the plague , antI theat inure lueniule are dying thean in reported. Of thee number umf refugees now iii Las Vegas , very few , If any , wfil return to Sonora. Pliny hmnve hind a sufficiency of it. Miscellaneous. Astoria , Oregon , is now lighted by gas. Dmmrimmg the last PP days there were 22 burl- 11085 failures itt Oregomi. Joaqumin Mihlor's umiothor , aged GO , vns mar. nod at Edgemmo City , Oregon , to a bluslmlimg youth of 23. Time Central Pacific railroad vih1 pay into thee ounmity treasury of Elko , Nov. , on account of taxes for 1883 thin stimmi of $5fi,140. 1mmVemsiioo coummty , Nov. , thee Central Pa- cHic road.bod iS assessed at $16,000 per imelie , itt Iummuboldt , at lOOO ( ) and in EumrekmL at $14,000. Thee expense of mnaimitalceing the ciestoms service mit thin l'ugot Sound colicctlomi district is about $1G50 iecr lfltethi that of the revenue mnaritmo moachies aboutS2,000. 'l'hmo Mount Diablo coal mimmos are ioohin thee effects of tie comimpetitloem with Oreromi an Washington Territory. Time Pittaburg imeine , at SomervIlle , hmmis discontimmued work , and Its muacleimmemy ii ; to be taken out. of time under. ground workings. ASplentlltl , Itemmmetly for Lung Dis- cases. Dr. fluid. Newton , late President of time Eclectic Colleu of the City of New York and foruzmoriy of Cenclnmmnti , Ohio , used iir. .Vn. IIAr.r.'mr Ii.tr.M.ut very extommsively 1mm heir imac. tice , as mmmaceyof his patieemts , 111mw livIng , amid restored to health ly then mire of thus imivnluabho medicine , cams aimuply testify. lie always raid that so good a rommecly ouglet not to'bo coneulil. ered merely as a liatomit medicieto , but that it ommghet to be vrescribod freely by ovary phmyri. cinmi muc a ecovaroign remedy in all cases of Lucmg diseases. It is a mm cmmro for Corirumnptiomm , amid has ito oiual [ or mill pectoral coenplaints. - _ - Time ( overnmcnt'n Old Guns , Vsshlmigtomc National Republican. A vast number of old muzz1o.loadimir emmimall anus , which accumulated during amid after thin Into var , have been sold. They were imurchased by Grand itrmeiy jOsth , mmiihitary compamimes and private iiithtvidutil a1l , over the United States. ( Jun lot of over 80,000 Emifleld memuskuts were sohi to an english fIrmat $1.25 ouch. Tim firemi liar been tryimig to speculeito with them over s'iimco. 'l'lio lot ] mn boomu oll'ored ter several South Amimorican repub. lies , but they yet rommirmimi unsold. rite BUily of old lhiut4ock immush-ots in poe. session of the Covorminmomit ice very liimiit- ed , but , mitramiqu to say , those primmiuval lulecos are still III timmmand. Ammy nunibor ofthcexmi can lie mmlii iii Africa , whore they are poluhir cmi accoumit of the presence of hint there iii nbtmmidaiicu amid the entire absomico of orcussion Cap factories. The miummibor of old arnie eu hand iii tue Coy. ormimement arsemial will aggregate 100,000 of all kimide. They are being sold at uCncle rammgimig from 25cemits to $1 ouch. Pimp lattor.pricod. IIOCCS are coicipleto and the formnormithcr iiicomimploto or bndy rusted. Over two.thirds of the ( irnmid Army of time ltelubhio josta iii this country have been supphiol ( rein tim collection of Bol. gimumi tutu Austrimimu imiuskuCe. tesud during thin first part of Lice war. 'I'Jiesu posts amid litmimiorous miuhitAry cotnpauiea hmavo cilso boeii C(1U1111)Cd with old wuietbelts , llntes , bayonet scabbards and cap boxes. Thu above eqciipmnoitt complete , with gmmmm , is sold at $1..1O. W'hie mmuw time anion guns S cost the United States froimi $14 to $15 : each. lIuIulrcla of cavalry sabres , which "unshed iii ' ' time sunlight' cit mmiauy a imiemmiorablo hold , are solti at $1 apiece , I the belts amid hIatus costing 25 cents ad. . ilitional. . Sportimig dealers are rapidly lniyiiig tlJ ) all thin ol eimiocsth.boro imiusk. tmts , for wheichi thin3' pay $1. Iii many . itistamicea they are emit to Emmutlamni or . France amid converted ilitd broehiload. ' ore , f Thmo ltosssgrcclioie of Lazmrm-ums . Was a imsimaculous operation. No omme thinks of raisimmg thmo demol thorn themes , theougim meommium I desperately close to death's door have hecim comimpletoly restored by JlurdQek lths.s ( Jljflcri to gonuimmo nun lastimiw hmealtle. l'cach Pits. . thee llcgo ) Situ , : Time sixty.aevoii sacks of hoaehi pita alupjced to Saci Francisco by tIme Aiicon caine froimi thin Riverside cammmury ; and vero comialgimeel to a candy factory to be I comivented into ahmiiuiid candy. l'oach pita coiitaimi so mnaicy very poisonous acids , that it is probable the candy factory is rumi by a syndicate of ucidertakers. _ u - - &ininrtan ( &criclne , the great nerve I , conqueror , is imivaluabho iii nervous pros- tratioii. 'ray God bless you , " said Roy , W.L. Martin , of Mochitmnfcatowxm , Md. "Sri. timarilan .Nrpino cured amy fits. " $1.50 at Druggists. CRAY 8PECIFIC MEDICINES' TRADE MARE TummuGasAT ° TRAD MARK urmi Itermuot. An J ; 1r i. ' ! ' nessSperm&torr. S ' that foliow eus P. pefluenoc of Self. . . 4 : - ' . S . . .fRE TMIlfl.saiIAetuIo,1'afn AFTER TAKIPIC. h flack , DImness of ' , 'ielon , l'remrture old Age , .aThny other , llsciie that ieus4 to Insanity or Con , 3mptlon and s i'rcmfttUre Grave. BuWARmI of a.Ivertlscmnnts to refund money , when druggmsts from whom time medicine Is bought cia nsf refund , lint refer 3oui to tics insnufacttmreru , and the requirements are ench that. they are seldoun , if ever inniplle.i with. 8cc theirwtlUrrmutmmP'isUiteO A tzl of one single ickao of Ora''sf3pecMlu will convince the most skeluicam of its .t'ni mcutm. On eccomimmt c cntents.Jekerr , we bare adopted the ulIsVrappcr ; the only genuine. tTFu1i m.artlcuiars In our pniimhet , hlch eo do. sire to send frumo Icy mnail to evy one. jirrhe Spo. cilia lInlicino is , o3.l by all druggletsu at i er pack. ago. or six icacksgos for tc , or will 1o sermt free by mail ore the receipt of time momisy , by auldrowmng TIIR elItAY MEIIICINIICO. , jiumfalo , h , . 'lV. Ii in Omaha by Ci ( mtn.lnan. jy lcim&eo o IimtDI I9 WI 10 SMOlL CIGA1L. FTTEf , A l'ractlco NeW Cozmumnomm timiong thee Most Pashmlonaldc Clinics. Any society rnami can testify that cigarS otto smoking is becomnimig aharmnimmgly common amnomg the ladies of his sucquain. tamico. it is the customnary thiitig now in the faahiiommbhe circles for the hru.liee to smoke cigarettes , ' 'just for fun , " if a stranger is about , thomr sammgfroid air shiowitig thatthmey are adopts at thin Irac- tico. Time ladies smoke iii the morning in their boudoire amid while calling emi each other , Someme of thorn are skilful in rollimg cgarettcs , amid carry exquisitely ( Icaignod amid chimed cigarette casts , hinidercu , etc. A good cnummy well-known actreses are addicted to cgrtrotte smoking eecciahly ; those of foreign birth. Nearly all thin opera-bouffe artiste smoke cigar- ettos. Time mmmnes of aeveral Isroimsilment actresses could iso given who are habitual cigaroUo sniokers , but as Lucy domiy the practice in 1)ubhic , it. would probably be unfair to put them to trouble by a public mention of the fatt. It is miotorious that it. is ctistomnary fortho mono fashion. able inillimmors to servo their customnors with liquors , and so it its also cuatomnary for them to supplement the dish with a cigarette. No bug since the young wife of quite a promninemit society man was semit home in a carringo froimi a fashilommablo mmmd. late's very iii , but the family lehmysiciami discovered it was the effects of the "first smoko. " "itocomitly at several ladies' lunch par. ties at Delmnomiico'a , cigarettes have boon called for amid smoked clandestinely in the waiter's absence. Tiio custom of course line been insporteci , and is ono of the results of foreign travel. It is coin- moms for ladies-especially in time doiiii- monde-in sunny Spain amid thin Oriental countries to ammioko cigarettes. The dear creatures claim that time fumes of time tobacco are good for their tenths , They also admit that the cigarette is a nerve tomic , amid often causes thin desire of an old simioker for it. At first time ladies obtained their cigarettes at thiedrugstores , alleging they wore purchasing them for their hiusbamids or brothmors5 but now they boldly go to Park & Tilford's or Acker , Merrall % ; Comidit's and order them with the grocorico. They generally buy time lighter brands , but many of thom smoke the Pcriques. A large uptown dealer says that there is its much smoking among time ladies as among the boys. The ladies avoid soiling their fingers by tusing cigarette-holders , which , if thiny kayo not one , they ins- jiroviso out of hair-pins. Thu ladies are 1l-m ch more graceful smimokers than lice hints , and , holding the cigarette daintily between tue lijse , never wet the paper , which is time proper way to smoke a cigarette. Soimmu mmmii like to son a lady smoking , but they probably would netlike like to see their wives indulging iii a cigarette. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ You Cams Depend ems It. "For severe toothmche acid Neuralgia of the lmei.ul I imseil 2'honmas' Eciccivic Oif. Thu i cortaimily time best timing I ever knew for rehiol of PalmS of ammy klmmd. ' [ 'lie house is imovcrwitlm. lOst It. " Mrs. A. Iii. Framik , 177 W. Tuppom St. , Buffalo , N. Y. A Curlceus Liemun Tree. Sacranmeimlo Bee , October 0. Mrs William H. Ciiamorlain , who livec on L street between Nimioteenth and Twentieth , has a curiosity iii thin simapu ot a beau tree , given to iu'r by Itmulf Turner and brought by him from time Sandwich Islands. It has blossoms which resemble tuberoses and prodtmco 1ods , au mcii and a half in width by eight imiclies in lengths , The beaus , whoa ripe , are of a cherry cior and very hard. They are mnucii worms by thin natives of the islands , wits have them moumited in gold to wear am necklaces. A Yeliiuig limtby Is euomuiethiimig to be avoided. Babies with colds , babIes with crosle , babies with scalds , burmis , bites , nehicue , eulirusimms , or Palmis mue botemed to be. conic noisy tommammtie of time household. Dr. 2'/wina' J.clectric ( iii well cure all these cocci. pialmits. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Time i3lackfeeb Immdiismms are reprerontol as wilhimeg to cede time easterms jortioti of their mo servo 1cm c1omitamma to time (3ovcmnnmemmt ( , conch. tlomied , emm tlcmche Smsmn providing timemum with cmittlo amid farmniimg Imielomunts anti assisting tlioimi to remake a living for their ucoplo. Time lloresforil jthssiasiao and Cook Book mailed free nit apphicatiomi to time Ruimiford Chemical Woiks , Providence , ii. I. Timemo were about 200J100 sheep driven tote amid through elimmmtaumn this season. Time bulk of timoimi s'cro ( mmmi tregomm , rued svomu tlrivomi miortim lemto time liritirli iossessioris. Alcueuit 50,000 of thmummi , however , cacime fromem Itoti Bluff , Cal. Cal.MA In A SPECIFIO FOB S Epilepsy , - ' .VER PAli. . ' . Sjsunrs , Connil- - . - . . . - " - . - - - - - elomis , 2"alitng : IIvI : $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofula , .itIngs I I I .A't'tl , Ugly Blood _ Diseases , Dysps. sEa , Nervousness , ; : Xci-tmu , lI'athueu , 11mm Worry , 1flo Jilhtoiieunesr , Costiveness , Nervous l'rostmntlou , Eidnii 0,4(1 jrrrymilarlfks. $1.50. t4ns'pl , , TCNmlmoumlnls. ; "Samaritan Nerrinolu mining womiders. " Jim. J. 0. ? , leLenmoin. Alexander City , Ala. "I feel it may duty to rcconienvnd it. " 1)r. I ) . F. Laughlin. Ci1de , Kansas. "ltcuredwbero physicians fuiled , 11ev. J. A , Edie , heaver , Pa. * 1 florrespeaieleuce freely unswercd.t ) irtestienonialsidclrcUiar $ seemS stamp. lb. fir S.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Josoph. Mo , Kohl byahlliuirristl. ) ( $7 $ , dIvcnYv57 Iuccum-ot .irra.'e.er , , c ° : : . t : c\L' \ tht.Itmstnurnenttiec , rOR . thtuurI : , tIe u'eru . , S j tieItui , ( Item C , , * cO. ctIuu Iu riot romIu , III , , Rh Eitctrh , I. S s1. ciNL I . . U , ir1uk , am. 0 s mi.e mnroruu&teo , , . .mIIrr.s. , ce 3.ctr cm Lm1t Cu. , itO SSuiicInto' t e 4 Real ' , Estate BARGAINS -IN- City ; Suhurban and Farm Property. We have a Fine Tract near Center of Oit Which is a Bargain. SPECIAL. 111 1t0O-Lot in Kountz&s 3d addition , good three room house , barn , seli , tc. Ouo.tiulrd caste , balance S icr cetet. 112 SOO-Onc.imalfiot In Xountzo'3d addition , good . S room imoute , with shed kfl.chcmm. One-half cash , balance to stilt purchaser. 113 $2SOO-totOOxiOO , itogers' addItion , Dorcas St. , near 10th. Good 7 room house , stable , clstermm , grape vimmes , etc. 500 cash , balance to suit rur- chaser at S 5cor cemet. 114 13,000-Three acres on 13th , onohalt mile smith S of llmmscaii'r 5 room house , stable , Ilno trees , good eCghtly iocatlomm. Ouo.thlrd cash , balance to suit. 115 1OOO-Two acres facIng Coming ard Burt , flea I biocks rest of Crelgimton College. Good 5 m o.enm house , stabic , well , fruit and shrubbery , ono third cash , balance to stilt. BEDFORD & SOUER. S 110 $2.mto-Ftmit lot with S room house on I5tim St. , betucen Centemnmmd Dorcas. Good cellar , bare , , coal hommsc , cistern , sidewalks , rlmrubbcry , etc. Great llaraIn , i17 ibOO-imcautlftml lot s1tls 4 room house , good cellar , large closets , ito. SIghtly location. 118 r3,300-Lot97x132 , ielth7 moomu cottage onSher. mumaue avcnue.betweeme Stmcrmnamm and Clark streets. Good prooerty. 120 2,3 0-Two beautIful lots In McCormick's addi. tiomm , otm Portions street. 110 83StO-ltcoso 1'Iaco , l'ark avenue , full lot mmciv two-etory lmouso , 7 rooms , good cellar amid coal sheds. city ivatcr , trees amd all imnproeoenemmts. S I3argaln. 121 $ i,2OCaslu-Lot SOulS emi 11th St , In Konmmteo'cu 4tim audition. House 4 large roons , lot bcautl- fimily located amid Is really wortlm much snore. Reason for sellimeg , nmust have mnommey. 122 51,250-Each three beautIful ots In Reese t'laco , l'ark avenue on easy tenor. 124 $ I,8UO-Jlalf lot ole Saumuders street. Good house 4 rooms , good closets , lnty , stable , well , ci , . tern , porch fromt and roar l'rlro $ lSuO , tuo- thirds cash. Til , Is a bargain. Must ho sold by time 2tIm or will be withdrawn fronirale. Improved I'roperty. No 0 $3,500-12 room house , car. 13th and California streets , 0 closets , cellar , cIty water , outhousca , etc. * 2,700-6 room house on N. 13th street , clorots , cellar , cIstern , well. etc. l3eoxomm & Sorsea. $31000-Good six room houao on Davenport , bet. tad and 24th , two story o oscts , pantry , cellar , cistern , woO , ult and emrubbcry ) , stable and Outhmouser , S ealoo-rull slzo lot on McCandhish place , with two frames cottager , one 5 room , no 3 room. For sale or exchange. Is 12,100-Good two and a half acre lot with five room cottage , brIck cellar well fruit trees , etc. IT One of the best three ory brick business ho S on Farnam street. Terms private. e3,2oo-Nsw 7 room house on N. 18th street. All S modern improvements. Good locatIon. Cheap. I g 15,300-New two story house Queen Ann style. All modern Improvements , city water , lot 1Ox ( ) S Two lull lots St. Mary's avenue amid 20th , wIth S houses , Wifi be first class business property. c Terms easy. ' S4,750-Lot 60100 , with two houses. Cheap , : o msoo-r houses In Nelson a addition , on Cen- . tsr street. Outumousos , cIstern , fruit trees , otc. Business house and hot arm Douglas street , bet. 14th and 15th. Terms easy. 4 New 8 room housoonchicago. bet. 24thand 25th. All lmprovomnormts. 35 Two nrw houses , one sIx and other 8 rooms. I First.class and modern Improvements. Terms Easy. L ae s' 70G.-Lot 100x132 , College Street , Redicic's suhdivlslon , new 5 room house. Well Improved. . $2,500-Lot SOxiSO. Convent street , 0 room cot tags , large basement suitable for rooms , boric eta. C 2SO0-0 ? oem house Thomnell's additmon barn , well , cisknm , good Icnprosotnonts , 5OO cash , 11,800 on long time. 81,200-7 room house on Davenport , bet. 10th and 17th. cc. mt llbx5cXh on Sherman , large house , barn an I other Improvements. Lo without improve- u meats Is worth the money we ask for it. 47 now houses and two full sIze lots on l'ark I aycnuo. 1101 and cold waters and all modormu fIrst class Improvumnonts. houses would cost what we ask for whuolo. Extra goo.i bargaimm. 8 $2,600-tot 82x150 car. 17th amid Contur , hour. 4 roomne , isani , water , trees , outtiulidings. 49 $2,600-Fh'o roomim house , 18t bet. CalifornIa & Woteter. Nice proIvrty. Terms easy. S 50 iSoO-Lot 9. block 8 , Shlnu' , , 2d addition. One anti a hail story house. T.rnms easy. 52 8looc-ueaI 7 room house omeSherman. Modern hinproseimiecits , mutable , well , cistern. A bargain , .53 0uOO-'ulh lot , one S room amid ommo 5 rnoen house , now , S blocks from the opera leou.e. Vury cheap. 53 Ii ' .500-SplendId lot on Dali e , near 15th. Cheum S 153 15,000-Loom hmouro arid somalI cottage. Euce lent location , full size lot , flavenm'ort. umsar lot ) , . 85 .i,000-Lot 00x200 , rood 0 room house , modern mprovcniemts. , near burimmeas , on Shurmnan aye. ; 2 81,500-Two lots , 120x140 , selth house stable ott. Ilarl or'ru sub..uivlslon. 03 11,000-Lot and a half , good house , Redlek's sub. division , ( corner. ) 95 Lot with 7 room house , Chicago , bet. 13th and 14th. 01 1,500-Lot amid 5 room house , liorbach's addi. tlon , well , cistern , etc. Everything In good ro- pair. 02 50-Lotjsad 4room house , hard , bee' . 10th and 17th Unimproved Property FOR SALE ii'y BEDFORD1&SOUER. 2 11,000-LOt 00x127 , Indiana and DIvision. 8 1100 each-Two lots 60x132 each , on 11th. Cheap , and 2 lots 63x132 each on 10th. 11 8200 each-7 lots In Yatc & Read's addition. 23 17,200-12 full size lots , Ifanscomn Place , one block west of Park ftvenuo. Isso each-Two Iota on l'ark avenue. Bargains. Huslncss ists Oti Dodge , betiueen 11th and i2th. 81 $400-Lot in Shinim's ursidition , on Seward street. 33 13,000-'uhi lot , iteod'slst additIon , on 25th and Chicago. 40 $5,000-SIx good lots in ilanecorn Place. lIar gains. 54 13,000Lot 50x120. on Foresaw , near.2Qth. Ye cheap. to Fouiracres InWest Omaha. 60 5550-Lot 1mm isnacs & Selden'r addition. 69 Si,000-Fino lot , Reddick's addition , l'ark aye. 84 $400-52 feet of block M , Shlnn's addition. Fine iew. SO S2,200-Lot44xOOun 16th. BusIness property worth twice time Icrlco askeuL 04 23,500-Full size graded lot on Chicago , bet. 13th and 14th. 98 FiOO-000d lot , high location , south lath. 100 8OOO-33xIS2 cmi 10th , bet. llarnoy and 110w. ant. 103 $750 each-Two extra good lot In IIansoms addition. Coodhliih locatloic. Bargains in Farms & Lands NO. 10 227 percoro-ISO acre Improved farm , near Cres. ton , Iowa , 10arcswoodiand , 45 acres corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. IS 14,1)00-40 ) acres 3-4 of a mile west of Ft. Omnaha two hon-cue , two barns , granary , corn crib , two wells , . .0O bearing fruit trees , 300 grape vines. wcii soil or exchange. 14 $7,000-200 acres , half mnilo N. W. Eikhiomn , 140 acres in cueltivation , balance pasturo. Four room house , stable. ete. Terms easy. 51 1080-ifO acres good land , 4 1.Z mIles from lint. hington , CotTer county , Ransas. Wili exchange fo Omaha property. 61 11,400-240 acresadjolning cIty of Wllber , Sailmue county. All under fence and well 1mprovd. This Iroperty Is cheap at $10,000. 60 820 ier acro-400 acres , 3 mauler from Waterloo , Douglas county. I'art In ccmitlvatlon balance meadow , all good land. WIl sell or will arrange 1th cattle man for co-partnership , or will con tract to feed 800 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 acres In Morrlck county. aood till chic land , amid will bo sold from $ d to $9 per acre. 89 57 per acre-Will buy 100 acres In Cedar Co. 90 $15. per acro-320 acres 2 miles from Uummnburg Iswa. 97 $15. pcracro-lmnprovod near Logan Iowa. 101 Several tiundreul acres in Coming Co. Nob. 105 SIx thousand acres lie Stanton Co. Nob. 107 $ lOpor acro-2200 acres timbered land In hay Co.to thiroosmahlfarins ontnlaiand , bolanrel good cottommwood timber , whIch will morn than pay far invostmncat. For sale or exchange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 108 $2,200-Lot 211tx220 , cor. 17th and Behlviow St. , south Omaha , near Ilascall's t'ark , brick house , fourroonve , well , cistern , stable , ccUar. AU 1mm good couiultiomi and mmoarly mmew. l0 25 Per aOro-4a ) acres in Waiimingten county , 6 miles south of Blair , on line of C. t. I' . St. & 0. raIlroad. Station at corner of thIs land Good stream runnIng water. lot ) acres lie cuitleatloem , 80 acres grass , 180 acres tiomhstr-oalc , hickory walnut armdelmu. Small houmo , good fruit and abumedancu , if grapes. Is partly fenced , One of the bct farmns 1mm time coumity. If purchaser wishes , wlhi sell homestead adJi'inin good herd of cattle. JCa1l amid examine ottmor property not Im1. jBEDFORD & SOUER , 21i1 S. l4thb.iLarniam and laurias a KIRK WOOD1 LOtS Iii tillS fuliIitiOll are selling rapidly , niiV'prk'es ' will be advanced Ill a few (111178. ( 'j'llosu Wilt ) Illive S1)kl1 for lots hhluSt 11111110 payiiion be- Ioi e usrice h Clilihig' il. as piesent irco . ivihl not be gmioraiite1 after this sveelc. 'l'Iiesti un , without ii dou1 tliei most dcsrabio lots in Omaha , aiid vil1 ciurtailily 4IlUll0 Ill PlCO lCfert ) Spricig All who have secim tileso lots ciro well jlCflStmd ) and JFOI1OUIICO ) titani CI1CAI ) , BEDFORD & SOUER , Real Estate Agency , IfXEI 5 14th Street , bet. Farnarn and Douglas. THE THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. llasiongbecn acknowledged and more so at this day than snyothuor. The vast field of mnedicah science is ever Increasing , ammul Its m-ummeroua bmamclmo are brought nearer and clearer to pcefoctlon , 111(1 no one memo can army longer grasj them cii hence the necessity for uheldlng the labor. And it Is trims beyomnl mill tlocmbt that disease , affecting the germ. Ito-urInary omgarmu need sliecial study chore thmamm any. thing else , If we would ummdcrrt.ammd and know how txert them properly. 1)11. ) II. VAONllt Is fully aware that theme mire many phyelcian , and sofia ctmIiulo neople , who will oonlenmm , imiiui for unakimug this chats ol .ilscascs a spe- daIly , but hei happy to know that svRlm uusort i'er son , of refimmenuent and immtelilgemmro a mere enlighten. ed slew istaken of the enmbject , and that the i'iel.ic. inn whco , icvctei hhnrcif to rehlesimig the acUlcteui tint sac lag timemo froum worse than cleat ) , , Is no loss a phi. lanthrohulot and lcnefactor , to lila race thami time , ur- gcomi Or physician who by close aptuhicatlomi excels In ami ) other brmmmiclm of hl hcrofession. And fertumumately or hutnatmity , the clay is dawnltig when the faiso Ichi. amithropiiy that commdemmummcil thmo victims of folly or crimmie , like the lepers ummuier the JewIstm law , to die mmcmrcd for has iasscth away. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Few Reasons Why you should try the celebrated Dr. II , Wagner's muethmodr of curd 1. "Br , hi. Wagner is ma natural phystcLum. " 0. 8. l'owLitn , Time Grcatet lAcing i'imrcnologlst , "Few can excel you mis a doctor.flit flit , J. StMMa , The World's Greatest i'iuvsiogcmomlsL a. "I'oum are ionuierfully lcroflCiemmtnYoUr kemoal- edge of disease arid niethiclnes. " Ig. .7. ? ulavrmmciws. 4 , "TIme afflicted fimud ready relief in sour pros. riles. " . Da. .1. Sums. 5. "Dr. if , Wagmuer Is a regular grailmusto from 1Ielluo hospital , Now York city ; liar had very ox. temualvo hospital practice , and Is thoroughly posted on all bramuctue , of. his bcioied euciomuce , especially on clmrommlc dlsesacs , " liar. ilnowseut. & Ewmre. 6. "Pr. 11. Wagner hum immortalized hulnmself by bl wonderful uhiscovery of spociflo remnedics for lirt. 'ate amid sexual dise.tses.-Virglimla City Chronicle. ' 7. "Thocmsaumuls of huvaUds clock to see llm.-San Francisco Chronicle. 8. "lIme Doctor's long experience as a specialist should remider him very succeicsful-ltock-y Moun. lain News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. I . , tt one time a discussion of the secret vice was en- tlrelymwoldod by the profession , and medIcal worksof but a fcwyenrs ago would harmile mcntiomm IL To.day the physician is of a , tflhcrcut , opinIon ; ho Is tiwaro that It Is his duty-disagreeable though it zany be--to hamitlio this matter without gloves arid speak plaInly about it ; mind Itutelligent vrcrmtc arid guanhlanu. ivull thank him for doing so. I'Iio results attendIng this destructIve vice were for. nierly not ummderstood , or mint iroperly estltmuated amid tin Itoport.ance bciieg atLachect to a subject ii lilcim by Its nature does not Invite close bvestlpathomm , it was willimegly Igmmored. ' 11,0 habit Is generally contracted by the young while attendimig school ; older conipaimlons tiurougt.e their example , may be respommsiblo for it , or it may ho acquired through accident. Time oxclteunent once cx- porleemced time IimctIce wIll be repeated agaIn anti 4 againuntll atlast the habIt becomncs firma aimd corn- pletely enslavcs the victIm. Mental amid rmcrotms at- ilictlomis are usually time IrInry results of eelf.abuse. Among the InjurIous eiTects racy ho mentIoned lassitude - tude , dejectioem or Irruseibllity of temper amid general debility , The boy seeks seclusion ' arid rarely joimme In the sports of imis companions. 'If ho be a young mutate he will be little foummd In cotnnany with the other sex , and Is troubled with oxceciuing and ammnoying bashfulness Iii their lcresemmce. Liuclslous dreams , emissions amid eruptions on the face , etc. , are also prondncnt symuptoms. If the practIce I , vIolently icersisted In , more serious disturbances take place. Great paipltatIomi of the brart , or epileptic convulsions , are cxperlcnced , and the stutTerer tnay fail into a complete state of Idiocy before - fore , tirmally , death rclicve him. 'fo all those engaged ire thIs dangerous , practice , I would say , tirst. of nil ' sto' , It at once ; make every possible effort to do so'bimt ; ft you fail , if your mmervous system Is already too much eulmattered , arid cerise- I quemmtly , your sviil.power broken , take seine miervo tommie to aid you irm your effort. having freed yourself froentho Imabit , I would further couimeci you to go through a regular course of treatment , for It Is a great mistake to suppose that any one moray , for muonlo time , 1,0 t every so little , give himself Ui , t this fascinating but dangerous excitcineimt. without sufferimmg from lt ehlconvequciiecs atsoummo future time. The reuniber of yoummg men who are lncaIaciated to fill the duties enjoined by wedlock is alarimiimmgly large , arid 1mm most of such cases this unfortunate condition of thIngs can be traced to the practIce of beif-abuse , which had been abandoned years ago. imideod , a few mnontimr' practice of tlmi habit Is sulliclent to induce spcrtnatorrhssai mu inter years , and I have many of such cases wider treat niontat tIme lireserut day. , ,5 Young Mei S'ho may ho suffering from the cEects of youthful follIes or Indiscretions ic ill do well to avail themselves of this , the greatest boon over laid at. the sitar of auf. ferlng himmnanlty. Bet. Vciusmra will guarantee to for. felt 4500 for every case of seminal weakness or IsrIvabo disease of any khmd and character5ih1th hounder. takes to axed fails to cure. Middle Aged Men , There are many at the ego of 30 to 60 who are troubiedivitim too frequent. evacuatIons of the bind. der , often accompanied by a alight smarting or burn. log sensatIon , rued a weahcenimig of the systcnm In a nuanemer time Imatieimt cannot account for. On examin. tail the urinary deposits a ropy sediment wIll often be found , mired eomnetirnes8mnall particles of albumnerm iiU appear , or the color will ho of thlte miiklslm litre , again charegiumg to a tiark armdtorpld appearance. There are nmatey mommy timerm who die of tiuI diiiicuity , ignoraimt of the cause , telmlch Is time secoted stage of ecemirial-woak. fleas. BrV. . will guamamitee a perfect cure lie all cases and a healthy restoration of the getilto.uxlnary or' gnus. ConsultatIon free. Thorough examination arid ad. vice , $5. All communications should lie addressed , Dr. henry Henry Wagumor , P. 0. 2Fi0 , 1)emmser , Colorado. The Yoummg Maui' , . l'dcket Coni canIce , , by Dr. II SVcigner , Is worth its iseight Iii gold to young taco. Price , 11,25. Sent by mall to any addres. Let Your Light Shine. Dr. Wagner the celebrate. ) specialist of Denver , Cole. , 343 t.arfrirer street , lielieyor hi Icttng ( time world know what ho can do , mmd Is doing for thousands of his feilownien. Ills treatnuerit for lost nianhmood is sure to Ium hIm a minnie cleat tsouterltv will bless. Ten thousand tostiimiomeIa1 frormi all over time UnIted States from tiioee lie home cured , Ii , proof positive that hetiuies ctmre tli worst cases of tiieco diseases. 'the aiiiictd frocn cliromile null sexual dIseases of tarry kiimd ssiil timid hriam their beet friemmd. ltea.il hi. . ciuiverticemetiru , S all our city Ilalcersaimi call ore hmlm for advice , as wo kmmowyou iviui corroborate us in saylcig he Is time suf forer's true friend.-Uoeky Moumirain Nows. Relief to the Afflicted. In medincs , as in ecciereco , the specialists are the ones whoaiways comnes to time front arid acconumlirhi great results. This remark is especially applicable to to 1Cr. II. Wagner , of tide cIty , lie stands at time top of iiislleofcsslOim , and the cures ire nerforruss for the umnfortsrnato would , eenm cormdorful if not IrOlcerl viewed In theiigimtof scientific acculrermiecte. , lie ernlorsei by time mumost emrminermt of tees mneuiical factuity. Ills oiiicc at 313 Lamatruir street , where he will siceedi- Ily etfect a cure for time suffering of eIther sex , rio mnat5- Icr how complicated their eotnpiohrit.-Poeneroym , Democrat , Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure , Persons at a distance who wish tobo treated h Dr. Wagner need mmot feel backward because of imma1Iiity to lsit himn. If they islil w to the doctor he sill semutl a list of questions seli nabies him to send medicitier , coutesel med to thousands tie linus never seen , lie has i in oscry city , town minim ! station iii Colorad ; tech ) as ailover the UnIted States. See uk's ad a his advortiaumnen-Ij. ver Tribune. Shall We Reform ? Specific remedIes for ailuliseases Li the theor practice at present of t'dtmcated and ezpermnmce' ? physlelarms and Ire oil large coniniunitier they hav their speclahtIe. . to excel lie whIch they dIrect their studies mind miractice. lJr. Wcigtmer is a successful ii. lurtrathon of thla mno'Iene school ofapectaitlur. and his unpreeedensis4 success in Rio treatteieumt of diseases Lswou rtul ems it 1 * ttatterlug-l trivate . J. Slinuui. lli so vr.on. she need medIcal relief for the most delicate of disease. wiilfind an eccomielllaiied aiim suc- . Larlummer tim ths ierson of ICr , Vagner , No , s.3 street , who Is hiighiyrecommende.j bythe medical professIon at home sad aboarti.-l'omeroy' . Detnocmt. Iligotryamed ignorancemust glee way to wirdom amid time wire 'hysiciem beli s in hatting hi. Ught shine for the glory of lila fellow amen. l'rlnter' . Ink Ic the torch he can best use to gnmlcie the weary Mmmi sick one to time fountain of health If this article should ho Instrumental as ci "TOiteliLl' liT" Set up. oncihill to guide suffering humanity toSIS Larimer street , Peeiycr , Colorado , ii will ansser the purlEe4 for which it was written , Address Dit. HEIIItY WAGNER , P. 0. box 2382 , or caU at 543 Larinmer Street , Denver , Cole. tJEd Its. oolunazm Leaded "lb. Necessity for lbs iaiI .