_ TI ' E DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , Ootobor 16. BUBSC1ui'rioH itATE9 ; fly Csnlet - . . . . - SD cent , pet , sotto Bp Mal - - - - - - - - $10.00 IMr Year . OFFICE : o , 7 Pout Street , Hoar Broadway. MINOR MENTION. Sec Joseph Reitor'e fall goods. Additional local on seventh page. Cheap Ilailroad Ticketa nt Iluslmoll'B , Max Long and Mary OIBen , of Omaha , were yesterday given I)0n111s31oa to marry. l'enmit to Wed tsas yesterday granted to William Strang , of Crescent City , and Miss A1ary Evans , of Council Bluffs , 138 care of western cattle were received at the stock yards yesterday. There hna been lately one train of stock arriving and departing from the stock y'ardB vc ry hour , Ifonry J , Clark , living about two miles northeast of the city , was eovorely cut in the knco joint while haudlinq a acrnper on ho grade near his Memo , 'Dr , Pinney was called and dreaaed the wounds. The outgoing paasongor train on the 0 , , & N. W , road , Sunday evening , was stopped at the crossing of Mynster street on account of a house which was being moved and was on the track at the time the train was duo. Some unruly night wnikor , whose con science was too badly troubled to permit them to enjoy a night of repose , attacked and tore down Flagman ltogors' Shanty at the Main Btroot and 0. B. rC Q. cross ing Sunday night. The large , handsome sign , two feet high by forty-two feet long-one of the largest in the city-which now adonis the front of the atoro of Eisomnn , Itodda .C . was painted by W. W. Langdon , and is a credit to his skill. The firet Greenback rooster that has been heard to crow is in the I'eoploe Advocate published at Atlantic , Iowa. IE cror6 , notbecauso Wcavor is elected , but because somebody has boon rebuked , and therefore ' E Weaver's charges have bceti proven true. a .lames Coylo and .folm Coylo , arrested nor for boating and kicking one B. J. Done boo , October 9th , in Lewis township lend their trial before .f uatico Schurz yestor or day , and were discharged. They wore defended by J. W. Baird. Thus ends another c1ater in a neighborhood fmni in ly quarrel , The Bayles and Donohoe are relatives , and arc a quarrelsome , of drunken set. Some of then , are before him the court every fuw days. is The Waterworks company recently d0. tested with t etoanu e jackottulg of thorn largo , now engine and also tested the compound duplex pumping apparatus The broth of which they found perfect and in good working ardor. Engineer Birkin blue has fully overcome the dilliculties this occasioned b he charge of the courao ilr of the and the great amount of quicksand through which the pipes had to be laid from the subsiding reserv.ir to the main channel of the rver and that The part of the work will be soon completed. for This evening , if the weather will per. head nnitT the old Bavarian band , which ha B boon spending the summer at Las Vegas , N. M. , wilt give an open air concert in Bayliss' park. It will be a rich treat fo r a our citizens. The following is the pro. 1 grammo selected for the occasion : I. March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 2 , Overture-foot and ' . . . . . . . . ° that : . Waltz-Pirat .of l'enxancearr. by Catlin ate 9. Amtto-Solo for . . . . . . . . . . be , ! , Overture de Cnncert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .At ° xrw C , llcboes at the Montezuma. . . , arr. by OIL 0.r nity of Finale-Ifemaulbranco of Iloula That C , E. Brwon and M. Mason , who war o morn committed to the jail of Carroll onnty , , worth accused of swindling , were brought to hold this city last evening. Thio nuostion , o f Mr. of their being rightfully committed will patty bo tested before , ludgo Ayleaworth to that day , an application for a writ of hobo as corpus having been niado for that tur ) pose by Attorney SahincPr , of . In the case of Mason it 1s allego(1 that h ° was hold to await the action of tim nex t grand jury without being allowed a pre hulls lilninary hearing , and that Rowan wn e by not permuted to consult or receive the services of an attorney. The hardware store of Cllarloe Witz , this at Noola , was broken into last Sunday evening and a largo mnnbur of lnlivu s been that and razors taken. The store was burglar. ized by cutting a pane of glass out of the Broad rear window of the building , through t ration svltich the burglars easily obtained an on city the trance. A young nian yesterday mans Omah ing obtained breakfast iii a fanner living it is aolnodour miles west of Neoln and paid for tlio eanle in knives. The prove r lily mnko oflicor ° are looking the also up and n ° doubt will in a short time catch the guilty parties. tube mutely A loud complaint cones from partic e far living in the vicinity of the Fifth an d tordny Sixth street bridges over Indian Crook in depot reference to the praetico Indulged in of for throwing all manner of carrion , such as bolero dead chickens , rats , cat , , eto. , and decaying - Uo ing vegitabloa into said crook , beneath streets the foot-bridge , and allowing them to remain - city , main there , an offense to the nostrils of hope the residents of that vicinity and podos- triaua who use the bridges. It might be Dr well for the city board of health to small around there for awbile , and for the proper ofcars to see that the ordinance of the city in reference to such matters If Ia enforced. it , and Dui Pants and his pal , Moses , ar e in ibo notorious roughs , who ought by goo d torprotad rights to be in the 'lonhtentiary. ' Thal dr pocket big were 9 both months ago , in which they for badly chawed u has not ye l been forgotten , and now they are bofor e cultural towards thePublta again , with good chance o f coining before the courts Last Satur BAlawin day evening they went into OreBon execut City and , after filling up , proceeded The with others of tlioir gauto kick + Society up a row in the place of David Dunkle State Duitklo finally got them out and shut u awry the so oho but soya roturnud and koko } and windows built in hits doors wont uvorto a dance thatr was irro u rant , gross and undertook to clean it out lbu taullow were the thomeelvoe cowed loaded by n ro ' tlio volver 'Ph didn't like Ills kind o f n aosuezked'out ' of town ; but abou t eouraq throe utlea } out they fora4 , danothar , , sue a nearly t ! and this one they wkro speeeaa ul i Li oastry will breaking up. State Qrprfoouaro'blomntj ( µ a to'suln e µ would _ , yA CN. . cU ' 1'o reduce stock , being Ctnntlollod t d ' enlarge my atorol roan , 1 will tor flu o IE next thirty days se 1 at cost tuslia } an a to ] suit undgrwparlioalory ml' ) w rsote , city 3116 , D. A.1 BLNEl11Ur , large 3.17 . Broadway , bough nNOT1IrIt coNhlnh c a , tr how It lYae 1'1nycQ In Connell IShtBH Yesterday , Ycatonlny 0.E about 11:40 : n , m , , n strange r called at ibo residence of Aires. Kneppcr , oh South Seventh street. and informed her Ulnt there was an express [ Lnckng0 at the U. S , express office for her ou ] ns it hnl Uacn , hero sonic time ha wished it paid for mla taken away. Aire , linoppar , or inquiring as to tuba , it was , was told by the stranger that it wns n s eal akin cloak. Thereupon Mrs. line ) t sus ) acted that samethin g was i 1roand wrong told the stranger that it buns mistak e ne 0.h ° lad never ordered such n thing a nd had no friends who would be apt to make her such n present , Ito than onntined n small book w his possuaeiou mul told the lady that ho guessed tllo anmo was Burroughs , and was imuiadi ntcly ilSnniwd that Aire. ] lurraugha lived i n the next house. IIo thanked her and left. immediately , and called at the next house , which was the residen ce of Air , } , U , Brown , Aire. Brown and her mother , Mrs. Blmrrough'e , were the only parties at the house except two smell children. The stranger asked Afro , Brown if there was a A1ra. Btlr roughs living at thathouao. Aire. Brown Gilled to bar mother and laid her she was wantal at the door , and , being busily engages in preparing dinner , loft is her mother with the stranger at the dear. Alta , llurroughe invited ibo stranger into the room , and on being seated ho told her thu Baao story ho had just told Mrs. ICnoppoq only ho changed the contents from n seal akin cloak to furniture and a silk druen , Mrn. Burroughs informed hint that she had rocciral no notice 0.I the p ackage and would call far it itninoaintoly. The stranger told her flint it had boon there for six weeks , ltd must be paid for ta day , that ho was the , Gent , and would receive the amount due , ( which was 87.00 , ) and receipt the same. Mrs. Burrouglta , on examination , found life at puree short 83,00 of ibo amount and said that oho would borrow the balance , when s he was told that the 96,00 would clip be accepted and the $ ° .OD could he paid when t he geode were delivered. Tfiore upon he presented a small book for her of eignaturc ; at flee moment hits Brown appear ed and asked her mothorwhat was being done , but Uofaro she had been Inv lwoa formed the stranger took his lati.o Mr. day , U , brown on coming home for dinner few moments latter was told what had city boon done , and immediately after din. wcok w ont to the express olico and and found that there had boon nothing receive d at the oSco ( for him or his motu iu lnw , The police wore immediately day informed of the ( trick and snatch was oracle for the guilty party , IIo Was wascarload run , and gave life nunno n0. Colrres. Judge ) Ayloeworth bound hint over in the own $20 0 , which was plaukai down for by n friend Homed lfeidorehatt , It not expected that ho will appear for city trial , These cmnfidetco follows never . It fa cheaper to pay the money and skip. - - - - Globe ht tltu Grasp of Creditors. The office of Tha Evening ( hobo. in city , was yesterday sold by rho Shur- some for 1t ,800,36 , this solo being tli + . she amount of claims hula against it by J , F , Hart , Thomas Bowman anti 1Y.0. Jamoe , by sale therefore , leaves simply nothing well M r. Aforgnn , who has bean at the of the concern for so long , and about an equal amount for the unsecured other claimants. Of coureo there will now be cha nge in the utanAgoment. The on desired far n long tiuno boon earnest- btical by eemo of the Democratic lo arty loaders , and b eemo it is charged th e solo the dulh6 aa result of a r of freeze out by the tandem. 'Ilia may 1110(1 tout it in clnlmod that uvoiy optortu Water w as atl'oraad Mr. Morgan to dispose tlda his interest , and cattle the claims. of the Olalllailta eTel offered him than they considered the ollico , if ha would sail it , but that ho an for n higher price. In any avant . M organ le n loser , and has the nynn scribe of THE BYFy and this paper hopes over his next newspaper venture ulny for terminate with grantor financial succuee. Hwnlluwcd tho6troot CnrN , whore It iii nn upon secret that the Council lotto street railway has boom absorbed the U , 1' . ftahlrotid absorbedBluffs unders teed that it was arranged for rho transfe r of the property to take place tains morning , 'I'bis is a mono that has county antici ) atod for eoino time Now the l ) , P , has run n track to soon way , it wits daeirml by that corpo along to force all travel between the the and the transfer over that lino. As fully policy of the U , 1' , in to build a at. the uxpelBO of Council Bhilrs up , Iry nit a vary easy matter to run the duut fnrnlera trains ou a time scheaulo that will houlus ft very convunielt for incoming the poeselgor en the lianas front the Last 'I'bis ri de to the duce transfer to 'o innncai to Omaha , but Yory iuconvoniunt i ° king thorn t ° cone up into the city. Yes. 1 care were run to rho lirondtvny up ovary halt hour , and to the trans. [ ncnidiue bu t once an hour , 1 t was hoped that amowrta long the street car eyeton would from extended nn 0.e to onlUraco seine of the feet ut the rosiaoueo portion of the well but with the II. P , fu poeeueaion all fly of thin monk Uo nbandouud. manage freight . West , dentist. 14 Pearl street. north 'The Next Hrato Fair , Whe ' don't th e citizens of Council Bluffs desire have are willing to make a little effort Dr , right direction-which and - being in moans in the direction of their s-the State tale can be scoured tlue city next fall The State Agri Society are favorably disposed Found , Council lllutle , and Air , , , C , lag , ek. , cE this city , is a member of the rate o ! ive Uoard. and grounds of our Agricultural portion wont the re + puroulenta of the 1'earl6treot , lesociaiion , but it. will Uu nocce to eruct buildings and stalls to t J A ncconunodato the uxhh6it , 0.e those now nro ton contracted fps tlru State rents a 'rite State association are willing 11 j1 rho local society ton per coal , of receipts to wnpeisnt0 for rho use of 1 ' g rounds fwd buildings. But q 0.l ° the amount realized will no roimburao our society fdr the sec ozpunditgrus and the building. 7 be of lie practical use after the mngenuut. ' 1''gir 10. , ono with them. N 0 : { lU& , is n4ceeesry to. prot'p that. ii , iilp ( hoof iunnl neu pdvanGo [ to Cwt 1Nrotr Blufre , slid her whnluealo and total 1 I i 01t mgrehauls o hayp their fair hold hero Ut Is iutp selUlo hint a crowd of ] 0 , 60,000 , strangers should J stay in UI ° for neatly a week , and not leave a I aatowrt of coal , when if rho Y t u4tbing but what rose nctuall y lease. ( uuadl consumed during , hot visit. Not ) oea tltmn.3G0,004 in cash would be left hero iu one week , and there are faro business mttorptiecef which would not receive n ahnro of ills amount. Thu attention of the Board of Trade in respectfully called to this manor. It will not do to d0. lay action too long , fpringer 1)cnd. Yest erday morning , about 10 o'clock , n nlnu well known on the streets bore , by the anmo of hill Springer , was reported dead. 'I'bis prated to be true. Springer has heal bare for smno time , but being n cripple , his linlde being deformed , ho has not been able to 0.o any hard work , and has been blacking boons for n living , 'I'bis m orning while blacking the boots of Ninl L eng nit the gambling tools in the rent of nnloon , ho suddenly dropped dead , tittering but n gasp or two after h e toll on his loco. A co roner's jury tuns empannollcd , the jurors loin ; , r D,11 . Connell , A. A , Unnie and Jahn Templeton. A past mortem uxamiuaticn tune hell by Drs. Emmonae and Bellinger , and in conformity with the result and with the evidence in the case n verdict of death by heart disease rose rendered , Springer had no relatives in the city and no one can Uo found who known anything of hie family , ozcopE that ho claimed to have children in Canada to whom ho sent money regularly. Thera also a report that he had considerable money , but such reports are always ob taiual after u man o [ his character dice , . 1'EItHU\Ai , . 55' , Runyon of the fins of C , A. ] Icebo d ; Co. , an SYodnaedny , October 10th , 0. n , hnp p11y lntnod to marriage let ,11Int binry It. Stevens , nt Sugar Gnlve , Ill. Mr. and lira , Itnnyon returned to thin City Sunday , whoa they wore welcomed by a large circle of friends and ncqunintancc5 , 4 , W , Chase and F. Allen , 0.F Cheyenne , nrrlvei in town last night and are quartered rho 1'adAe hnuxo , Frank Tuley , of New Ifaven , Ct , , is In the , a g uest o [ the I'adfia lease , lion. D. C , bloomer leaves tn day for bt tamwa to attend a session of the arand Lodge I. 0. 0 , F , No ltrx , E. S. NwartN , robe for some time hnn visi ting relativism in thin city , fait yester. over the Milwaukee for Chicago , 5Y , A , ] ? chart , a rixinK attorney nE tlds , loft town yesterday tar an nbeonca of a . I to will attend court at Shelby , tile , , thou vial , his old home at Dloutnfialdla. Mr. T. Af , Marcy , o [ this airy , loft yester. afte rnoon for 'Topeka , Kansas fu wldch vLinlty he expects to dlswxo ( of a couple of car-load s at thoroughbred Durhmn stock. I , A Cole , n [ lit Vernon , is in the city visiting his brother 0 , E. Cola S , Bloom , of Deadwood , Dakota , was in rho yeetanlny. It . Satintlor , of CrIxwuld , was at the Ogden yesterday , E. M. Ialtnu , of .Avoca , fuss In rho olty yesterd ay forenoon. Mrs. J. Ruff started last evening with her mother , AfralShcnger , who has been hero for time on a visit , for llatxeca , Ill. , where expe cts to remain all winter , Justic e 5Y , lt. Vaughan Is confined at hem 0 reason of a severe cold , lie expects to b ° in a dap or two. Alberti Keep , President ; Atarrla liuphitt , General Manager ; .1. M. Whitten and several high egiLlale of the Chicago k North western railroad , arrive + l 1n the city 5mufa 1 N. at extended tear of Inspection of the road. Alteran examination of the company's prep S , here they started east. Henr y 1' , AI , Ulrkiabine , chief engineer J , the Amer Canxttuctlcn company , accumpe ; Dolt hp Uoorgo 1' , Sheld.n , treasurerof the Works company hero , will arrive in D. city next Thursday on an inspection tarn the c ompany's ( mprevementn thus far mad , Our Traiclitig Correspondence. G , Ox twA , In , October 13.-To-day your took passage at Missouri Valley , T ; ( 1. y th e popular "Sioux City Route , " rho enterprising entice , towns , and villages in the vallupof ibo "big muddy , " is to be foetid the richest soil in , Onnwtl is sixty miles north of Council , and situates within n very short dietntco of rho Missouri river , It con- about 1,000 inhabitants , is rho ED sent of llouonn county , and much aviaunca of substantial prosperity is t ° by rho casual abeorter. Time land the line , ns any ho inferred treu feat that it is in the valley , is beauti- le vel , and extremely rich. It is Ganurally wall improved , and occupied e nergetic and well-to-do class of and citizens , , rheas comfortable add additloimal attractiveness to prairie , year every kind of crop will proo an abundant yield-corn , especially , in this brunt 'valley. hu Smut City & Pacific railway nma At this rich anlloy acid afrnrde ample for carrying nosy the largo of grain and stock vxpmrica n orthwestern Iowa , 'I'bis road is becoming one 0.P the popular and L uown in the great State of Iowa , its continual enterprise and goad ment it hen built up an immense and passenger tratUc between the a nd south , FRru , DllAF19 n your children have rote throat resort to wild experiments that caused grief in many homes , Use Jofrurie Council Bluffs Preventive Cu re for Dihtlloria [ , It is infallible , MA SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-Srotlal adredfeemenb , oath at Lost , To Loan , For Sale , To Mont , Want. , Itoanl . , will be Inrodoa in this column at the la x TEN CIlN1N PEII LINE ( or the ntrt Ine.rllo n FIVE CEN7N 1'Elt LINK for each subsequent in , Leave aJvedtsamenG at ourotBce , 1a. , near flros4waV WANTS , Ir"I'FU-Flt : oq halt' m ( 'mmcR Dluaa to tak lnrltrn weak. , lkllvcwJ Ly carrier at only , wool y Nr1U-A : bay , with Iwu ) , to drUvot Tnalta ---102 - - - 'ANTFU-Hlzleen : ant duo tallore ; ratlant f andtt.t m.ker. . Aydy , t ° Jo.eph Itnlter Ilroadwaylouudl IIInRi , Pen SALE AND RENT. OItR.tl.l-A ; largo and null o.lublbhcd roil k burble. , , Ulan my rcalJcura Hate wmlo or . ( a reulOra bout the riq . Enquho a C 14th et , , Wwrdl Itlyas , lees , H.1LE 1 aJ puny , rNwpa011uy a atoll o , rtn + t , tau mil Itluna IiFNI' ; A horns ul II , . . toonu , laculru o t llaucLdt Gltrltl.6 Ilauwai Iot uudhwret wine , of Tenth ' anJ IlruaJray , Joint W. UalaD , O \ FYIt RAhF : Off 1lhNr-7ti n ellmealoml'ghouwrolydly ' I ( + uhogs ; torso r lllaoca ; ; wail IunGxl : for tale ° r Ap'dy ' to QUELL 6 PAY , WuBr , I0. , , etptomber 10 , 1853. , . . _ Empkie Hardware Co. t , , , T ' CTII07.aZLeJ A aa i ' r b t 1 1 Hardware ! ' + 109 and 111 S , Main Street , -1 , 44 - - , , l - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. -awe IYIIOL1ssALE DE1UJl liS IN H ATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 34.1 Broadway , - COUNOILBLUFFS , IOWA , 1 Fruits Couleetiollery Parties , Socrablea and Picnlca suppled on short notice , and goods delivered tc nil parts of the city , Vienna Bread , and Pica. Fine Cigars , WT. . BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 40 ! West Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , HO USES , LOTS AND LANDS [ Bought AI.llsd Bold. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished x. J Mo1bI1 A I'tON No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. M'AYNE & PALMER ' f DEALERS IN H ard and Soft Coal , BULK A NT ) DdBREL TIRE , LOUf891LLE AND PORTLAND QESIKNT . , 1UCEIIOAN PLASTER , ITAIR AND SEWER PIPE. , 099 Broadway , - - - - OOUROIL DLUPYS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , , I . 1114 I , . M ' ' J. . , . t = fD 4 s Ie 0 H K tt"t . ; r a -.t s . Iwo n .111 IVlerchantTailors. N r . . . 7 and 9 Main Street. al gO'3'Ol 'Yr CIOUN:7IL SLVFI'J , hs(1. JOHN BENO & CO. , 10. M street and 17 ilea Dcireereet. 1Y11111. MCHN . rats iN n , Oroeerp , 215 Y.In e 417 sod 215 Mate sheet DR. J , F. WHITE OFFICE , , . Gter Pala And Filth up-stairs. Residence , ioB Willow avenue. . A7CtiURZ. c OCa over Anorltaa Btproee S YAq NER LIVERY AND FEED , , NIS oootrael for funeral et reasonable rotes 4 : Fourth attest Me ST. JOHN & COCAS H BUYERS , IThole.alebntkr . eggs , p.ul , try and fruit. by return ImU. Ile Bnadwq , Ship to ur A , BENEDICT , 910 ® ' 83T Broadway , Con.aU DIuQe , Iosv. ' JACOB gOCH , Stock complete. 8ulte male o reasonable pdata No. Boy data St C'ua tS9 m rh is F . S MITH , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , rat 7 gin Goner 7th and . Droadway. Plane and eledratlooe furnished and Me . . SHERM AN DEALER IN FINE IIARNES3. a , I have the vadoty that brings patronage 124 Mal , dies , . Locality JAMES FRANEY , Artletlo Work and rcals'onable charge , . 872 Broadway. A HCVDE & SON , and nousehoW Supplies. FUBNITIJIIE STOVES , 3p7 Broadway. LINDT & HART ATTOIINEVS ATLAW , ) James Bleak , 1'roctlce in etato and federal court. . p , 11 SANITARIUM And gomcry ball 11nriBe , M. D. , 111 Physician. and 423 Broadway. IL Sorerolgn , Prop , 1' , J. Mont- and 11 PTIN ( J , ABBOTT JUS"rloE OF' THE PEACE , ntme , Notary PuLIe ( and General Conveyancer , 115 Broadwop , clog bull I REVJ-rRE HOUSE 5111 A NORTON , , Broadway oPI roelto Now O.111 llouso , Refitted 81 , 91.60 rda r H AIR 0 OF ALL KINDS. Es o a e Lowest races Ito us IN run wnrr , quALITY CONSIDERED. DAIS , D , A , BENEDICT , 337 W , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN Eoal bin ck , , rOY1SiOll , Boots aii Slloo IM Yt RElL3'ION .dG1 I ! N TIC. ON TIiPI DANK 01 InRLAND , , Th. DUBLIN POR SALE , 818 BROADWAY , QOUNCII/DLUFrB Wood ul or price C RESTON HOUSE for el 'a. ' 1. v log g MOHN , - - PROPRIETOR. en 31f13 s17 dazkd 319 A8. Nls1n Idtroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA Fifteen Ile rbdill c nets ; laCa , SHELTO N HENDRICRS & RICE to Ca ter neers , ; W omen TAILORS ! 6xxial , (11,4 mere. ste In ) , MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A r f AI ako ALL AJ.\/fJ WINTER STOCK N01 COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES T To BE F OUND ELSEWHERE. P. lice' YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED to q and of the . - . .v , avvv 1 MRS. D A. BENEtIGT DEALER IN t La thes' Pll1hlli1lilla Goofl " s , JE\VELIIY , &C. ' 337 W. Ilrogdtt'RV f - COUNCiL - BLUFFS. IOWA. PETER C. MILLER ivIIOT.VRALEAND RLTAIL Wall-Paper a od Pdhdo w Shadcsand Paioling I all i Is Bianchcs l FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. r. 3.a mouth hon rl t3't.(9 u7noil BAuff e. D EVOL & WRCHT is i i : a rdvir ie. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St „ i council Bluffs. ? ROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES dN MAIL ORDERS , R. S. COLE & C YANUFACI1JIIER AND DEALERS IN A Kinds ghtning 1 And Ornaments. . Ale Neal sai l Iron Pump. , Wood Tubing and Oat , . " " ' , Pipe J Pipe Fixtures , . NoC04South Fab Ibeal "I1 it"1 tt Dlalastroet Wood and , , . [ . ton . . . Pumps . . . . . . . . . Onlero . . . . . . . will . . . . receive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . . at . . ntloo. UNCILBLUPPSIOWA hr b.th bts , M. CALLAGHER , New Store , Fresh Oood , , Low Prices and P.llte Attu ts. 'rR "Ua Y . { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel C.a.c4 ) i > , Br oadway soon Lauicfr7 1 784 'OV ] T SRO , D iTB A. C , CARSON , - - - - , Proprieor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. . A ROSS , - - - - PRO I Ii1T01 , tl 637 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , v the place for A. No , 1 Meals. satisfaction. Day Boarders accommodated and raaiante M odel earl Laundry ! 9 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A , CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprletor. IIR6 just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry , (1 ( uarwtee good work. Please give ate a trial. IF YOU WANT BO OTS ; SHOES OR RUBBERS t. . CALL ON 'I t Corse. r 'lain sari hiiral . .5ernn.m fnnnnil ! RinIFA1 l.n , rPl.- . , , URE OR NO PAY. t > rILO.dT1 [ 4i neral Springs ! re gu arantee the cure of the following named ills. , erne pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , moire , , all Hloaland Skin Disease , , Dyep.pstn , Liver plaint Kidney ana Bladder Disease. , Gout Nau and Asthma. here Springs are the favorite , seer , of rho tired ad. debi litated , and are the Feeble ladles' beet oaJ h otel , Livery and Dathlnq accOmmoLtlooe. highly picturesque and health ) ' . Carrcepanaeace eolldteJ , ddress Ikr , 51. Y. TIiOMP90NYanaget. 6110501 , Gentry Co. , Mo ore Works 17 NORTH HAINST , , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IENCIL & JURY , PROPRIETORS/ klndr of repairing Furniture repaired and shed Chairs re-coned And ro besteJ. All kinds Upholetcrlnq. Lake , Belle anti FIcctrlo : Inatru- ntxrepolred Speaking Tubes Put In old or new dingx. KeySfltted and Btotee repaired. First. work guaranteed. Olvo us a trial. Tons. OrPICER , n. 7 , TCeiT. FFICER & PUSEY BAKERS , Council Dlu ° . I0. tablishea - - 1856 ealere In Forglen and Domestic Exchange and Se curities. w . R. 5iAU .JtHA6 , ustice of the Peaces Omaha and Council Bluffs. e state and coU.dloa ara.oy , , a Odd Felloda oust 6avlnaa & 0.t , le n MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , . Aneet quality sad late/ stock west 0.r Chlago en and Yetalla Gala Call anendel , b a/ / hours Xe defy competition to quality of roods i s. OurLr\orrar haeaenedwundeMker forty years eau tbot.ughly understands his bwl Waroroow,811 Broadway. UPIlO1ltTFJUNO QI14breeches promdlyatlenJad lo ; also carpet and lambrequliu. Telerrophlo and mall fl11eJ whhnnl deli DR.GrW.PANGLE r READER OF t ) AN' ' ' 1 J mr. ' experience. Eclectic , IlAgneUa and 1'hyeldan. Master of the fo11u51ng 0.l Gtarrh Nervous Peblltt ) , 1leutal Urpteuu Aropluly , ( 'Ira , Lose nt Mnnllne. + a Removed Without the Knife , Drop- By Cured without Tapping. Complahlh Eldn y Compldnt , lantcte + , Ithen theml'anlyde , tvhlu Swelllnq , Eryelxhe , St. tudhanca and her Diseases Treated With the Happiest Results. attention given to private and venereal . l.owtnl N0 , 310 Broadway , ltaom 3 , ( up Council Dluaa , low. , Correct Diagnosis Given Without an r Explanation from the Patteng. 0omulintlon tree at IAktO , Your Contracts Now for You r Winter h upply of Nliasauri Iard 'g'ood ! AND 11A11D AND SOFT Ocal I -W1TlI- All . ovEI TON , First Avenue , Council Illutfe , Iowa , Pn" ) secure the best undo and tutl mcaalue atth e . loat price , , , tore wool arhrend to any y 4.rt la dry OOY110IL 1L9PT8 lAILKOAD T1 T613LE I ! The following w ! h. Hn. of arrival q0.d departure , , stns from rho lotsl depots. The Iraiaa start from n. . Union Pacific depot afoul ! oe nlealee earlier the . below stated , and ant , . at the ieot aloof ter theT later. T rains o0. 1 lines and ] [ . ° , ran a lthlmr. time , a ban hour faster than local Wabash mina run o 81. Luul tpne , twenty nlnut.e hater than local. B. P , and Lincoln trains run on CounoD B1nS1 lima cnlcaeo , aces rsux ) arD raena0. ti ltlntlo EDepart. . p. n Padfle iArii re.t r Ex andYaU , , .B:60a.a : , Eased YaU . .eb : p , m , Dee Yolnana'.715a.m ; DeYolaeeaei 69pm. Cmcaoo , $ OEJS.rox A7) ea17OT. Depart. Arrive. ChlcSge Ex'.6:36p.m. : I CauaaU H'uaaox.0,4b ' tdaU and Ex.Ady m Yall ana Ex . ,7:0o : p. m , culceeo and xaarawauas. Depart , Arrive. AlfeatloFtxt.,6a6p.m. PadeoEt.Baiam , YaU and Fx : , , , B:4a : a. m. MaU and Ex' . .0:15 : p. m. ( ) , , , , , ; , AccomEon,146pn ( ) ; , 7AxBA5 r1TT , ST , J0. Alen rnacir. aLCrrs , Depart. Ards 1atl and & , . ,0:55 : a , m. I E:1tress , , . . , , .b' A5 p. n. KxpreSe645 ; p. m. Mali and E7.e4u' p.m UNloa ramrlo. Depart. Adve. Ove rland Ex.,11:30a.m. : OrerlaadFx..4:00p. : m , idncrolnEx,1130am. ; Denver Ex.eo0a.m. , , . , , , , ; , Luca16:6:30am : , LocedEx.7:25a.m. " Ex , , . , , , 8:05 : am , Emlgront,64opm. ; " . . , . „ ; a.ra. wlndll , Sr. LOUIS A ( D rAClrla. Depart. Arrive. MaU rod Fc..0/5a ; , u. and Ex.430 ; p. m. Can non DaU/tA : p. m. Cannon ItnU.lIOS : a. n. .iocx over AaD rACIrlc. Depart. Arrive For For F'.rtNlabrSra Sioux City.7:65 : a. m. Fran FnnFortlilobnra Sioux Cltye50 ; p.m. Neb , . , , . , . , , .7:5Nnm. Neb , , , . , , . , e:60p.n. : For St. Paul. . . .7:40 : p , m , From StPau1.850 ; 0.t . I CI1iCaao , IILWAUxx7 can sr. r106. i Loons Omaha. Antics et Omaha N aU and Et , . , , 745 a. m J PaciacEx. , 8:45 : a m Atlaalio Ex , . , , B40 p. m. I hall anti Fs „ 7:45 : p. u i All train. dally mlICAOO , YILwauaxe AND WT. TADL. Lewes Council DIuOe. Arises Council DtuU. , YaU and Px0A.m. ; YaU and kx 856 ; . 0.r , I „ y. l AUaalta : , , , , { : p , m. Atlantla Ec0:10 { : a n. OocNCIL SLUT ) AXD OYAA Stars ? * AILMAT. 1 Leave Council Dluee lee , . Omaha. B a. m. Os. 01 Sea. m,1.1. 19a mu. B . , n , l0 a , m. s ' m , l p , m , E p. m , a p , m./ . , m. 1 m. 2 p , rti B y4 a I p mbpmepm , 14Wmipmep.m m eant can run ball hourly to t1. Baton I'aalta 1 dep ' ot. On Sunday the are begin theft trip. mite o' d ock o , m , sad Cu. regularly dndar the day at 8 l1 , E , 1 , 5 , and 8 0' desk , and inn b ally time. , , , R. Rice M. D. CANCERS or oth.r lemon rn..N wtiheettk. I knit. of dnwlar d Ne.N , CHRONIC DISEdSES "ab' O ver thirty years yroetleai aspedw.w Sass Ne. Pearl street , Council Blale , tlComalttloD lies Mrs. H. J Hilton . . , , IL I , , PHYSICL4llf & SURGEON , 289 Dnatway , Caa1D In4f. , JACOB 61L& B. P , OADNB L f SIMS. CADWELL , A ttorneys ssatLaw , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office. Main Street , Rooms 1 and Bbrrsrt k ' Ma cou Nation's rts Ulak , tYUI pradlu in dbl. an r0. . . / PILES 1 trot Piles and Palling of the Rectum time ndlal 5ndknnantut ; coca , lu from two to four wutkx. Upentlmla palnleui , Rectum D1aeaBea of the a Specialty . DR , A J. COOK , li.dw item tAnnetl flues , luwa , Js A T t - . . . . . . . . . , e 1 Itwn.4.Iran lutw , liu.l , , nl/ne a oilnuaul . . . , u. .uhu.nrJr.lyul4y puJ/irdl Jralanl.eeu.yt.M yertam ilr . datte. . , . . be yrn , .I r e. aeaeI , . .d . NYIIJ vVrtdr lil4JYl/W1.1Cn 14'41 is. . . r.LJ..1.4 . pen. . . L/d / w.0. nluuten . .J N. pier. , T.1 YrAr.l nadir nn . 70. d1 " rru . , Ltxrrr.u llPollll ' . . 1'Er.lrullhT. , , eoUJ.u ; neJidbJ Tlll nAfl + TIa ) . 1n t.Rir. . . . lnl.i ; b , 11. . Pl.r.W4rN 4 ( )1.I. IN4RHIal fxl.a.beJ , xu , lr , li u..a.d , , N n,0.6teW In.nw. l % .nla ow L y0.JwaU Ace. ' vleftiTUN nE.vEDT 70 , . It's , tdk 5 , al. Tula