Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1883, Image 1

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4III11EEI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAIIA , NEB. TUESDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 16 1883. NO. 103.
-V' .
The Snproic Conil ilcoldes thc Act of
18 ? lllleollsIitnhiongj all
Void ,
The Power of Congress Under the
13th and 14th AmdndmontB
Sharply Defined ,
Eight Members of the Court Sub
soribo to the Opinion , Judge
Harlan Dissents.
A Variety of Other Wn11ington ! News.
W'AsIIINvroN , October 14-A decision
was rendered by the Suproino Court of
the United Sthtos to-day in five civil
' rights cacs , based on the first and sec.
C end sections of tim civil rights act of
March 1st. They arc respectively proso-
- under the act for no admitting
cortaiii colored lCO1IS to cpial accoin-
mcdationa and privileges in inns or ito.
tels , in railroad cant and theaters. Thu
court hold thatCongross had no constitu-
.ional authority to lasB the sections in
$ , , rjstioit under either the 13th or 14th
at .tidinont. to the constitution. The
deeisior however , i hold to apply only
tq its v .iidity in States and not in Ter-
riitrie or tLo District of Columbia ,
where the logislat vo IOWOr of Congruss
ii ; uhilmitod a far as the statutca are
concerned. The tro sections of the law
.bovEi referred to are declared unconsti-
tion'tl and , oid. Justice Bradley ron-
. ieed the opinion , Justice Harlan dis.
run DxccsIoN I DETAIL
The most important decision rendered
by the Supreme Court of the United
-Satos to-day wm that in fIve cases cotit-
i'nonJy known a civil rights cases , which
wore submitcd to the court on printed
arguments about a year ago. The titles
of these cases and States from which they
came are as follows : No. 1 , United
States against Murray Stanley , from
United States Circuit Court , district of
- Kansas ; No. 2 , Uxiitod States against
arioliael Ryan , from thu United States
Circuit Court , district of Califorxiia ; No.
3 , United States against Samuel Nichols ,
from the United States Circuit Court ,
western district of Missouri ; No. 26 ,
. United Staks against Samuel D. Single.
ton , froni the United States Circuit
Court , for the southern district of
New York , and No. 28 , Richard
. ' . A. Robinson and wife against the Mom-
C plus & Charleston railroad company froni
the United Sttcs Circuit Court for the
C District of Tonnesooc. These caacs wore
dl based on the first and second sections
of the civil rights act of 1875 and were
A respectively prosecutions under that act
I I fornot admitting certain colored persons
I to eiiual accommodations and privileges
p ifl inns or i1tala , in railroad cars and in
theaters. The defense set up in every
case was a1legd unconstitutionality of
the law. , The first and second sections
61..tho act , which were the parLs directly
. in controvorey , are as follows :
SEc. 1. That all persons within the jun.-
" diction of the UiUtCI State3 shall bo entitled
" 5 to full and equal enjoyment , accommodations ,
Y , , advantages , facilitloi and privileges of inns ,
Is. . public conveyances on land and water , theaters -
\ters and other places of pubito amusement ,
mbjoct emily I ; . ) conflUonm and reqiilzstions cs
taithished by law and apthcable alike to every
race and color regaxdloss of any previous con-
tiltion of servitude.
Sic. 2. l'rovldcs that any orson wh. yb-
latos the first section shall be liable to forfeit
? .5OO for each offence , to be recovered In civil
action , and also to a penalty of from $500 to
$1ooo fine or imprisonment from thirty days
to a year , to be cimforced in criminal vrosacu-
tion. Exclusive jurisdiction is given to the
District and Circuit Courts of the United
States in cases arising under the law.
The right and privileges claimed by
. and doitiod to colored persons in those
cases were full and equal accominoda-
tions in hotels , in ladies' cars on railway
trains and in dress circles in theatres.
Thu court , in a long and carefully prepared -
pared opinion byJustico Bradley , holds
First-That Congress had no constitu-
t ionnl authority to pass these sectioiia
under aither the thirteenth or fourteenth
ainoiidimionts to the constitution.
Second-That the fourteeith aniond-
meat is prohibitory upon States
only , and that the legislation
: authorhed to be adopted by Congreas for
enforcing that amendment is not direct
legislation on matters respecting whih
states are prohibited from making or tii-
forcing certain laws or doing certain acts ,
but is a correction of legislation feces-
sony or proper for counteracting and redressing -
dressing Uui effects of such law or acts ;
that in prohibiting states for oxamnple to
deprive any pursuit of liberty or property
without duo process of law , and giving
' Congress power to enforce the prohibi-
r9t caJU ; hon , it was not intended to give Congrese
4- - power to provide due process of law for
the protection of life , liberty and
property ( which would embrace almost
all subjects of legislation ) , but to pro.
ido m.dos of redress for counteracting
the operation and effect of state laws ob.
noxious to the prohibition.
Third-Thattho thirteenth amendment
gio8 110 OW5t to Congress to pass the
sections referred to , because that amend.
mont relates only to slavery and involuntary -
tary servitude , whichi it. abolishes and
gives Congress power to pass laws for its
onforotnont ; that this power only extends
to the subject matter of the amendment
itsslf , namno1y , slavery and involuntary
servitude and the necessary incidents
and consequences of this condition ; that
it iiis : nothing to do with the difrerent
races or colors , but only roicre to slavery ,
the legal cijuahity of dilhbront races and
classes of citizens being provided for in
the fourteenth amendment , which pro.
hibits States from doing anything to interfere -
terfore with such equality ; that it is no
infringe tiont of time thirteenth amend-
mneiit to refuse to any person equal no-
coniniodatiomis and privileges in an imiti or
place of public ciitcrhiiiimnomit , however
J it may be violative of his legal
, rigiita that it mniposos upon
L lijimi no badge of slavery
or involuntary servitude which
imply some sort of aubjuction of one per.
soil to another and incapacity ineilent
titereta , such as inability to 1101(1 property -
ty , to make contracts , be ptirties in court ,
etc. , and that if the original civil ni'hts
act which abolished these incapacities
might ho BUpOIiCd by the thirteenth
amendment , it does nut therefore follow
that the act of 1875 can be supported
by it.
Fcmurth-That this dechinit drooLs emily
the validity of the law iii States and not
ii ) Territories or tim District of Columbia ,
where the legislative P0iV01' of Congres.i
is umilimnited atiti it does not undertake to
decide what Congress might or might mitit
(10 under the ocr to regulate comnimmorco
wait foreign nations and amnomiget the
aiveral States , tlio law not being
Jr.twn with any such view ; that
t is the opinion of time court that
lie first and second acts of Congress
March 1st 1875 , entitled "Au act to
piotoct nil citizens in their civil ami
legal rights" are umicomistitutlomuti amid
vJid amid ut1gmnunt should be rendered
tilOi1 tue indictmneiits nccordimuly.
At the conclusion of the readinq of
Judge Bradley's opinion , which occupied
more than an hour , Justice harlan said ,
under ordinary circumstsmmccs and in an
ordinary case lie should hesitate to
set up his individual opinion iii
opposition to this eight colleagues , but in
view of what lie thought the 1)e0Pie ) of
this country wished to accomplish , what
they tried to accomplish and what they
bohiuved they lied accomplished by menus
of this legislation , ho must express his
dissent front the opinion of time court.
110 hind not time since tim hearing of
that opinion , to rovaro a statement of
the grounds of his dissent , but ho sliouki
prepare and file one as soon mum possible ,
and in the meantime desired to put upon
record this expression of his individual
s1iEitMA's Ama.
General Sherman Ima selected Colonel
Tourtohotto and Colonel Bacon as mcmii-
hers of his stair to romnain with hut in
Si ; Louis after being relieved from corn-
mand of the armmiy and until lie is placed
on the retired list. General Poe , of his
statlwill resume his duties in the emigimiour
corps and General Tidbahl , another aid.
do-camp , has boon assigned to the coin-
mnand of the artillery school at Fortress
Monroe. General Sherman loaves Washington -
ington to-night for. Cleveland to attend
the reunion of the society of the Army
of the Tennessee
how the Chinese Act is Rendered
SAN FimAweisco October .
, 15.-Suspic-
ions have for sometime past existed that
many Ohinamnon have beemi permitted to
land from Chinese steamers , who , under
tIme restnictiomi net , are not entitled to
that privilege. The loop hub was ( hiS-
covered to exist under article second of
the treaty , which poriiiita any Chimianman ,
other than laborers , to come to the Ummi-
ted States if provided with a certificate
issued by time Chinese Government idea-
tifyimig hmini as engaged in other pursuits
than that of laborers. Time steamer Rio
Janerio , which arrived Saturday , brouihit
182 Chinamnen , for San Francisco , 77 of
whom hold trader's certificates issued by
the officials of the Chinese government.
Notwithstanding tim strongest external
evidence of their being ignorant laborers ,
they were , with the exception of six ,
permitted to land. The steamer Coptic ,
which arrived lust week , brought 114
Chinese , 54 of whom hold similar certifi.
cotes issued by officLils of the Chinese
customs. Fully 00 per cent of both lots
belonged to the common class of work-
men. When--.tho circumstattos were
called to the attention of the custom
house officials the reply was they had no
power to go bck of the Chinese govern-
mont's certificate.
Tim Railroad Commission flimsiness.
CEmAGo , October 15.-Oflicials of the
Pennsylvania company deny that the resumption -
sumption of payment commissions by
that company mimeans high comnmnissiomi
rates so as to eventually precipitate a
war amid cause stoppage of payment of
commissions ontiroly. They claitmi they
have no such purpose , but intend to pay
about the samno rates as competitors in
order to secure their proportion of bimsi.
fleas , and that they intend to stay in the
commnissiomm field indefinitly , believing it
necessary in order to secure their share
of business.
Strhklimg , w.tc1mmmien.
SD. Louis , October 14.-The switch.
melt on all the roads cemmtoring in St.
Louis amid East St. Louis cimtorcd on a
goiieral strike. for Shorter hours amid
higher wages at noon to-day. They do-
mmmd ten hours as a day's work , extra
1)aY for Sunday , amid thirty cents per
hour for all time over ton hours , besides
$65 per mouth of twenty.oix workimmg
days. The strikers number about 600 in
St. Louis and East St. Louis. 'l'lio
strike will probably cause a blockade of
freight iii East St. Louis.
Time Jenvor & 1110 Grammae.
.Nnw YORK , October 15.-Time diroc-
tom of the Denver & Rio Grande accept.
od the resignation of Yico-l'rcsidunt
Myor amid elected August Euglor in Ms
placo. Thu syndicate to take the new
1)onver securities is composed of lCuhmm ,
Loob & Co. , Lovejoy , WoerislmoefTur ,
Camnmack , Cammsatt , Hahlgarten , Scott and
Itutter. 'rime stockholders in Deiiver
have until October 23d to subscribe to
subscribe to the new issue of stock and
A Dozen Fire Enters In Meeting.
Pn"rsmmumta , October 15.-The International -
national Socialistic Workmon'sassociation
resumed session this morning. Only
fifteen delegates were preseimt. Letters
of encouragement and congratulation
were road from Mexico , ( ierinany , Itus-
sia amid Paris. Time Nihihiets congratulate
the society on its past success and gave
lmeartfolt. sympathy for the inturo. Let.
tens wore also read from Milwaukee , Now
York , Chicago , Baltimore , St. Louis , St.
Joseph , Omaha , SalmosvihieammdCahiforimia ;
emidorsel a immure hiarnionious syatermm of
organiastion tlmami iiithcrtA ) had been had ,
so as to secure more effective work.
California urged the society to its utmost
to formmm an organizatioim over time country
and jiroimaro for tue conming conflict , amid
lmavimmg uvorythiiimg iii readimmosa , strike mit
one tiuimo mill over time world , Omaha do-
moimmided that all present systommi of gov-
ermmnmcmmt be abohisimed amid time general
co.oporativo system ho established
throughout time world.
Killed By a Jrunk.
GEJiLOToW. : , Ky. , Octnbor 15-
News is received flint Ambrose Wilson ,
city immarshal of SadieviilQ , this county ,
was eliot and killed iy Janios Croigitton
Saturday night. Wilson had found
Creighton drunk , and was trying to put
him oim a horse and sozid hint hmommme , whomm ;
Cieigimtoxi became ammgry and fired three
Variety of hells Collcori1io the
Collhill Trial of O'Bolllloll '
ill Lolloll.
A Vigorous Appeal for Amerioan
Protection from the Irish
of Chicago.
Preparations for a Skull-Cracking
Row Between Nationalists
and Orangmon.
The Black Flags Mnssimmg to lh-ive
Out tlmo Freimob Ltmvaders.
TilE SliltYflIt OP CAREY.
AN AiinAL omm AM ) iiiCt. rimoracrmo.
CmuIeAeo , October 15.-A nmeoting of
three timousrimid Irish-Amnericimna to-miight
) ( ami oxtemmdod lroaummblu and rose-
ititiomia to time efFect that as O'Domumohl ,
the slayer of Carey , is a citizen amid ox-
soldier of time United States , now o trial
for lifoimi the courts of Great Britain ;
as time cniummo charged against hihmi has 1)01.
itical commiphoxmoim , owing to the uumimappy
relations between England and I roland ,
giving ground for reasommable belief that
lie is liable not. to secure justice , owing
to miatiommal l)88iOii and racial prejudice ,
it is therefore the duty of time govern-
macmit of the United States to exorcise its
poor to secure lmimmi a fair trial
amid the president is called upon to give
special instrtmctiomis to the Aniericami he.
gatiomm in Loiilomi to jealously watch time
casoand afford him all the aid amid pro
tuction to which lie is entitled its a cit-
bzen and soldier of time tTmiited States.
The Secretary of State is requested to
seek , through time Amnerican legation ,
courteous amid complimentary relaxation
of bar and other rules whLth mmiay at
present demmy United States coumisel time
right to appear and plead iii the case in
connection witii time omniuieuit gentlemnomi
of time Emiglishi bar already retained for
time defense.
LosnoN , October 15.-Witmiessea for
thu O'Donnell trial now at Cape Towmm
leave imumiediately for England. Thu
trial opens Thursday I t is titoughmt the
government will not seriously oppose post-
poimenment , ,
o'moNmmLL's : TIIIAL.
LeNnox , October 15.-Time recorder
of time central crimimmal court , charging
the grand jury in regard to time case of
O'Donnell , said time prosecution claimed
that the prisoner comumnitted deliberate
nmtmrdur of time worst kind , because hits
victimmi was a uman whmoalded law amid wiio
was under the protection of tlmo crown
amid was killed out of revenuo. ll
pointed out the conflict in time evidence
in regard to O'Donmmell's explanation to
Mm-s. Carey after he had shot her hue.
ban& The recorder said it would be the
sworn duty of the jury to return a true
bill fir murder against O'Donnell. The
motion to postpone the trial will be
heardncxt Wednesday. .
Nzw Yonw , October , 15.-General
Roger A. Prior sends the following cable
to l'atrick Ford , editor of The Irish
World : "Rumor that I have advised
against further subscriptions for O'Don.
mmdl's defense is utterly ummtruo. Friends
of the prisoner must be on their guard
against malicious roports. Money is
nmucim miceded to defray expenses of wit-
flosses from distant parts and for other
miecessary outlays. We are fighting to
postpone the trimmi till the middle of Ns-
vemnber. "
A i'iiOSi'ECT OF ) 1(0w.
DUULIN , October 15.-Micimael Davitt ,
T. M. Ilealy and T. B. Sullivan will
attciid a league nmeetmiig at itoalea comm.
ty , Gaiway , to-morrow. Large nunmbora
of Oramigomnemi are cimrouto to ltosiea
fromu all dircctiomm-j to hold a imiceting
there at the same time. Time Govern.
meat imac decided to Imormnit both meet.
inga to be held , but hue scmmt a force of
cavalry , imifamitry and police to preserve
NANTIs : , October 11.-A fire Sunday
destroyed the Magazine do Louvre imi the
center of the town , where the munitions
for the government marine are imianufac.
tured nrml stored. Thai loss omm time build-
bug is half a million francs and on the
contents a far greater aunt.
PAmmm , October 15.-Time report cornea
fromn Tonquin that time black flags are
massing at Bacnimmh. A fight in expected
muon time French reinforcemmmenta arrive.
SYnA , October 15-A strong shock of
earthquake , lasting eight to ten seconds ,
was felt on time island of Cities yesterday ,
Several houses wore destroyed. Seams
persona wore imijusod. A aimock was also
felt at Syra and Smyriui , Much darimage
and loan ofhifo at 4livohi ,
l'arsiouvzi , October 15.-A fierce gale
on the coast to-day Two of her majesty's
training brigs were drivemi into collision
and subsequently went ashore near this
port , where they remain in a dangerous
position. Aesiatamice was sent thenm.
L0IINJ : LEAVES YOl ( 110515 ,
OVrAWA , October 15.-Govermor.Gen.
oral and I'riiices. Louise left by time Canada -
ada Atlammtic railroad to-day. 'J'hey ivore
escorted from Itideau hail by the Princesi
J.ommise Dragoons. 'limo guard of honor
of time ( ioveriior-Geimerals' foot guards ,
wore drawn UI ) at time depot. A large
crowd witnessed time departure. The
Mar1uis and l'rinceas bade good bye to
immany of those present , Time royal salute
was fired a the traimm immoved away.
LONnON , October lr-'rhme Post's St.
l'etoiaburg correspoimdent status that
owing i.e the imlireasion promlumcecl by thu
statwmionts made by corresjtommdeiitn of
foroigmm mmewspapcrs , of alleged ( hiscoveries
of conspiracies iii time Ittissian army ,
which are otilcially demmied , time govern.
went lisa resolved iii time future that it
will persecute the , muthiors of sinmiinr state.
immomits if timey are domiciled jim ltucaia.
During service itt a Jewish synagogue
at ? .iowarmka , in time govormmrnommt of I'a.
( tolia , Saturday , a false alarm of fire was
rAised Iii time woumioui's gallery , ivhmich
caused a paimmo. 'l'ite 1)ootdo rtmShCl for
time door , where timero was a terrible
crumeli. Forty i.omen ere killed auth
timirty others injured.
Tim a i-oaT or cii lutuiOUiifl.
Cechery , Freneim mimiuleter of posts zmnl
telegraphs 1mm gomme to Ciuerbourg to ma-
lttire iuito time feasibility of making that
Imort a stoppiumg 1)10CC for etcaimmora ) lyimmg
between llavro muiti Now York.
Till : vIiiNm'.sfl n TONQUIN.
It is reported thmo Chinese admmiirahivmtim
femur traumaports heft I'alc 11cm for Lumm
ittuum , mmommr fltotmqtmiui frontmor , to omubark
ummost of time Chimmuso troops there , Time
admmmiral wil returntoCnuton shortly.
Time Closing lny of time Contest at
Fort. Ienvomiwortlm.
Special Dispatch to Tmmn Ban ,
IjEAvEEwoftTn , lCa.s , October 12.-
There was no material change of position
of time tlepnrtumommt , tenimis iii thts , time first
day of time cornpetitiomm. Following is tlmo
Score amid position of time Doparttnont of
tue 1'latte ( coma.
Score. Emmuk.
Stay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Wommgraff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Clmniihin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7t 12
) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
hiobimmiwn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 4t12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .it ) 11
1)iilery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ai ;
Tordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Stovemm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
Platte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,887
Texan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1)akota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,
- - - -
OmlicAco , October 11k-Track Iiavy.
Openhimg event for gentlemen's roadsters
to road wagons , owners to drive , unfit-
ished. Friday , when Joimn Breuncok's
Gray Eagle won two heats ; best time
2:42k. : To-day Harry Byrne's Shepard
Boy , turf record 2:23k : , won the moe in
straight Imeath ; best timmie 2:48. :
Class 2:40 : , May Bird won iii straight
imeats , St. Donmmis second , G. W. howe
timirci , Rosedalo fourth ; time 2:32 : , 2:85 : ,
2:32. :
Ilamihicap hurdle race , seven furlongs ,
heats , Katie Creel womi , Carter flarrisomi
took second heat , Bell Boy and Mits
Mouhsey fell ; time 1:52 : , 1:5O : , , 1:50. :
Class 2:26. : Poatponedafterthrco heats
trotted ; Prince took time firatheatin 2:82 : ;
Index womi second amid third ; timime 2:27k : ,
2:28. : .
Class 2:30pacingpostponed : after three
heats ; .Tordami son first two its 2:30 : amid
2:37 : ; Billy M. won third in 2:24k. :
Owing to time imeavy condition of the
track tim immauiagemnont deemed it land-
visable to attempt fmut time. Accordingly -
ingly at the chose of the racing tomorrow -
row the remainder of tim programme
will be postponed till next week when
two days sport will be given , on one of
which Jay Eye See will attempt to lower
his record of 2:1O : , and on 'timd other
Johnson , the pacer , will be aontto beal
hisrecord of2:1O. : .
PUILAOuLPUrA , October 111.-The first
duty of the Plilladelplmla fall meeting at
Point Breeze park. Three minute class ,
Maude won in straigimt heats , Jlospoda-
i-a second , Pilot Boy third , Knox fourth ;
timno 2:41k : , 2:41. : , 2:41. :
2:30 : class , Mnflower womm , Alice Blackwood -
wood second , Molhie Mack third Frank
Patcimenfourtim ; time 2:30j : , 2:30. : , 2:31j : ,
2:31.j- :
The luumeti t1rsthcrs.
KANSAS Cmrv , October 1Ii.-'l'lmo six-
teemith aminual convommtion of time railway
conductors of time United States amid
Canada opens here to-mmmorrow. A large
numnbcr of comiductora Imavo arrived. It
is expected between 800 and 400 wiil at-
tend. On Saturday mmmi exctmrsiomm will ho
immado to Leavenworth city amid fort aimd
on Suimday mnormming a large umumaber will
leave by special traiui for mm till ) timroughi
Colorado , going first to 1)cimvor and re-
turimimmg via time southermm route to SL
Louis , about time last of time mouth.
Time Newburgim Centennial.
NnsvulvnuI , N. Y. , October 15.-TIme
order of time cemmtenmiial procession 'flmura-
day has beeui coImmIletcd , 'Time display
will be 'cry irumposium. The President ,
Govenumor and other imivited guests will
review time procession. Salutes will be
fired at sunrise ammd a broadside of 1110
guuie fromn the fleet at mmiime o'clock wimen
time general landing will be nmade , 'I'Ime
signal gun fromim time lIagainJ ) for umtartimmg
time procession will be fired at 11 o'clock.
At 2 o'clock a broadside will be fired ,
followed by a ( hiaplay of day fireworks' ,
after which time exercises a1 Waalmimmgtozm'a
headquarters will take piace.
A1'ammlo Amnong Pausengers.
BosToN , October 1 5-Time steamer
Julia , a small boat cimartered to comivoy
passengers for I'rovidonce , via time Stan-
lngton line , attempted to enter time Star-
ningtoui harbor Sunday meriting and ran
ashore , kmmockimmg a hole in Imer bottommi
and causing a Ianio among time large
mmumnber of passengers. Maum donned
life preservers amid prepared to jumimp
overboard. Order % sftE restored , amid , by
email boats armd a revenue cutter , time pus-
songurs were landed at Stommington. No
one injured. Time boat Isbadlydamnagod.
A l'anic Iii a Solmool.
WATEIIIIUJLY , Conn. , October 15-'l'hmo
alarumi of lire at time Eiimm street school
was sounded duriimg the scasiomi. Six
imundred chmiidremm rusimed headlong dowum
the stairs in a panic. Many were kmiockoml
clown and tramplel oum. ( limo girl hind
her collar boric irokemm , another hur eye
badly cut , a third remmdured lumsensible
ammd severe inturmmal injuries. Mummy
others were bruised. 'lime fire caught imm
time waste paper recta uuummr time furnace
amid was eusilyaubluud ( ,
'I'hmn I'ohuiIlIlly 0l " ( 's'Ul.
SAN FIIANCISC0 , October 111-TIme
losmibility of a 1iimopenim war is being
closely calculated at , time jmreseumt mstomnemmt
by Enghisim ship owimurs. Orders intro
been lately received hero by several cap.
tainu ( of vessels that if wimomtt clmartera
timoy have been negotiatimmg for are not
closed torouimso to proceed further except
at ummuch higher rates , time calculation ho.
ing based tium a sharp advance jim freiglmts
iim time uvemmt of war.
- - - -
Tlio Latest lloinarka1o ULleranocs a
VaflderIIt , Bircetc to His
Brelhron Oil \11Rh1 \ SLi'oat.
The Old Man's ' Bile Drawn Out
as His Diluted Pile Di--
ininiehos ,
Stocks on the Downward Road ,
anti Liable to Remain
The Pool Swindle numil Its Effect
Time Itapid Rise Iii l'nehlIe
Mull Shares.
SPecial 1)l.patcim to Tmua Baa.
Niw : 'omtw , Octtther I5.-Biggiolo iii
"lii amid ofVahl " jut
Out \ Street , titu Suit ,
says :
"It is a aiumgulnr thiimg , " said , aitci'
readimmg \Taumdcrbilt imiterview , a iveil
kmmown broker , usually very reserved iii
lila language , "that Idr.nmumdorbilt. . can
ilever speak ott muumy subject of imbue imi-
torest ; iie always barks. 'Time ptmbiic be
dauiiimed ' ' " ' 'smienk timieves '
, 'amiti01et" , ,
'liars , ' sucim amid siumiliar are time termite of
his elegant vocabulary. Verily , this is
pushing imorso aimarpora amid ntnble-boy's
language a little too far. lie aayaamnomig
other imamidsomno timimigs , that tlmero is
sommmethuimg iii the very aprnaramuce of tue
Dears which mmmakos thiemim look like ammonic
thieves. ' Now into are our rolmrosemmtn.
tivo Bears ? W. It. TraverseJ. It. Koomie ,
A. Cammnack , ( I. II. Woerislmoirer , Ben
Carver and a few more muon of that class ,
viio arc every omme of timoimi cmi
AN A1101415 ANt ) A dmuiSTF.mFmELm : ( )
when comnimred to Willimummi IL"
Wall street circles are fimli of this kind
of comnmmmom'mt , both up nmul doivmi town ,
amid will probably reummaiti so for soimme
days to come. With tim exception of
Mr. tussoll Sao , timere is mmot atm intelli.
gout milan to be found to approve Mr.
Vamidorbilt's utterances. Timeir effimet
UlOii time masses of leOPlO throughout
time length ammd breadth of this country
aiid of Etmropo will ho jumet time reverse of
what Mr. Saga anticipates. Time lonat
time people will do is to laugh at timomu.
Fancy a maim like Mr. Vammdorbilt taut-
lug about gentlemanly immetimicts amid the
rapacity and gruediumess of mon. It
Booms as if , when money bo omnen time
question , men lose gontlonumniy iiistiumcta ,
amid stoop it is As if people throughout
the length amid. breadth of this country
and Europe did not know anything about
Mr . Vanderbilt's worship of money or
lila unscrupulous railroad and sto lc opo-
rations. But the imeint which must up.
to any attentive readorpf that curious interview -
torviow is thits : Mr.W. H. Vandprbihti
says that hits son , far from losing anything
in stock speculations , Jim increased time
$2,000,000 loft Imium by Imis gramidlatlmer to
$8,000,000. "ho is one of time breed. "
"lIe cami buy all the boarsup. " "Cut hmimmm
loose amomig the bears and he will take
care of imimnself. " Now for nearly two
years time mnarket. Imas been going steadily
down. The shrinkage inVnll street val.
ues during timat timmie is estiumimitel at
something like $1,000,000,000. It is
during timat period tlmnt time young Mr.
Vanderbilt imas bocommmo prommmimmemmt as a
stock speculator. All time muteck lie wan
known to be imiteroated iii have gomie
down fromn 80 to 50 per commt. Thmeruforo
the qucstiui which naturally suggests
itself is : how could hue imave made aumy
money omm time bull side of tim immarket iii
smmcim circumstamiccs ?
iv is IvmnmuNT :
timat his father's , mtatenmemmt is not correct.
Either time young gontleimmumui immum lost a
great deal of thoncy if ito was operatimmg
Oh time bull side , or if ho mimado $6,000 , .
000 or any other rmummouumt , lie diii so omm
time bull side ; that mum to nay , lie was work-
iumg Imamid anl gloves witim timoso wlmonm lila
father calls "nimeaic thieves , " There uro
simrowtl old \\'ali street immeim , however ,
who 1nmt \'ory peculiar intorprimlatboim cmi
time subject of tuba immterview. ¶ l'hmoy say
that time whole timing is mm immure nmmmmmouvro
to cover a rotmeat ; that time yoummg Mr.
Vandorhilt ( lid ummqucntioumably ioao a
great deal of moommoy , amid that \Vin. 11.
paid it , because time loss was mmmdc to protect -
toct his bitterest. A promnhmmommt operator ,
who does imot seem to care about time per.
umemial attacks of Imir , Vauidorbilt upon time
bears , said ycaterminy : 'TJme Vmmmmtlerbiit
lvnusty and estate are 0mm , and Vi. K.
- V.aumdorbiit was macrely a bait thmrowmm out
to induce P001)lO to buy stacks by npjmar-
omitly bulling time mimutukot. By title
mmicaima Imo was to help time old mmiamm to neil
out his stacks to time largo amid wealthy
following of time yoummg mmd dasiming speculator -
ulator , but lie failed-thu attempt wan
too vast , and people were too distromsed
by this imaraiyais of trade. Titus , time
Vanderbilts accumnuiated mmmore stocks imi
stead of reducimmg tlmolr holdimigs. Now
William 11.
vAKY..M 01' ? TilS MASK
and says timat lie goes Into Wall Street
again to buy stocks , lie hiss not retired ,
lie is loaded , and V. ' . K. Vanderbilt. is
time victorious sacrifice for time old mmmcmi's
losses , "
There is only omme Ilousaumt feature iii
all time public comxmmmmeumtn upomm this op1.
node and that is that mmot a word is said
agaiuiat time yoummg gemmtleunemm , all the
good wishes are with iiimmm , amid If time iii-
termiew settles time fmithmor , it does imo bum
aayway hurt time semi , who is apokomm of
everywhere as a bravo , ( iasumimmgtimorougim.
bred. 'I'Jiero is miomumu comumfort , imm findimmg
timmit , after alt \'nll Street in mmot alomme
guilty of Limo ummecnumpulomma iumimumorality of
thu ways of (1011mg busimmemis. , Just en the
hulls amul bears are accused of summdiumg
false tolograumma ammd mujonts stmnmu sjmecum.
latent iii imurne racimig are ICJW charged
rAmIm'suimNo win ! vmis w'umums
amid usemmdimmg time miamimes of imorson ammul wium.
muons whicim have not in rcaiity won the
race , 'J'his process points out a umew
Species of rascality which is nil our owmm
ammd probably could mmot occur in city
otimer coummtry , 'J'lmo trick has hoemm fay.
oil more tiummm ommce in time racing semen
which in just about to limmisim , and several
large bookmakers have bug since refused
- - - - - -i--
- - -
to ay hots at their ostahihisimmuemith lit towmu
% hmuio time races nero in progress. Every
( mime i'lmo hma.s thio hue iiitorost of racimmg
cit huemut immimet. tieploro time swindle of last
Sattunflay auth time \Yentorim Ummioui p01)1mb
ought to leave ito etomme tuumttmrumed to this-
cover time perpetrators of this fratmml amid
1mm-mug timeimi to SPOClY jumetico. Time book.
mmimikora amid Pool sellers pay imigim rates for
their dispatches amid a large nummoummmt. of
lImo telegrapim conmiviuikis receipts are (10-
cured fromn thmommu. Besides , an betting is
illegal , these people are tumble to resort -
sort to the mmmccii. for redress wimiclm a
mmmercimuummt or stock irokor , in cmmtitled to.
or' ruin wmiKs : : F1VCIUATZONS
of time uumarhcet , little need be saul hero.
Time umiarctmt ) is oh time ilown track , and
imniat commtimuie on time saute route with oc-
cmusiomial reactiours out time hiatt of time
bears , Wimemmever mu rally occurs loumg
stocks Coumme out by time roam , lmmmimiedi.
mutely after time lmmmblieatioim of time Vaunter.
bits iumtorview omm Saturday , time mmunrket
buenummo stroimgormnmt 5,000 shares of Lake
Simoro were thrown out iii ommo Itimiup , ammd
1mm-eke hiricen ilown agaiui , 'I'Imo sale was
traced to l1r. Smut Barton , whmicim mmioans
Vnmmdorbiht. ngaimm. Seams attontioum line
recently beemi attnmiotctl to Pacific IIa'ul , ,
wimicim un-i cur minced frommi 81 to 88 imm time
teotim of a fahlimig imuarket. Imiquiries
nlotmt. Limo stock intro elicited time fohlowimmg
facts : The commmpaimy imitapaiti oFith % float-
lug debt , auth is muon' steadily tmmkiuig ium
time 1)011(15 ) issued imy time l'ammauna railroad
comummaumy immitter its contract. Time fleet
of flvemuouv vessels built lum time last. three
years is emmtirel' paid for , amid tim cent
pammy has over ' 60,000 iii bank dopoit8
tim New York amid Lommdoui. Time busimmess
wmtim China has steadily iumcreasetl , amid
time bmms'ummess with Cammatla is time largest
iii the of time ' ' .
history coiulpamiy. 'l'lmia 1mm.
crease has bcomm so great that time mmmii-
agemmiomit hmuumu lmeemi obilged to altl mummotimer
nmontimly steamer to time Now York amid
Aspimmwnll line tmm carry time increased
froughmt. Time directors are now iii favor
of deiumrimmga divideumd mmoxt April.
A Uao Frospcat for a B1ooy Row
Icar Bra1ord , Pa.
Two Tlmommsand Arimmeil lIImmors 1'lttcd
4 gahmmsl. Ouso Jlmummdretl 1)ctoc-
Bnt um'oitii , Pa , , October 14.-There
were ito mmciv devulopmumemitn 1mm time mnimmers'
strike to-day. 'I'rommblo is expected to bo.
glum at seven o'clock to.mmmorrow immornimig ,
when 600 mmmimmera iii the emimploy of time
Rochester A' ; l'ittsburg railroad will at-
teuiilt to resume work , Time strikers ,
who nra heavily arimied , are emicammiped
near time mimics. 'limo railroad authorities
anticipate a bloody thus , nii(1 will use
every precaution to lrotect their mon.
Said aim official : "Time miiiea will be
opomiod at all hazards to-morrow
amid we expect tim strikers wili
resort to violence , but we are
are jreparod. for them in ovomyway. Our
mines are guarded by 100 of Pinkerton's
detectives , all armed with ' \Vmehoetor
repeating rifles and 38-calibre revolvers.
If time rioters attempt to imiterforo or use
force , to prevent ubr mon from workin
timers will certainly be bloodaiied.
have delivered to Foley , wlmo commnmmds
Pinkerton's force , twelve ropoatiimg rifles ,
tivelv revolvers anti 9,300 roummds of am-
mnumiition. Time entire force will be hereby
by 1 o'clock Momida mmionzmimmg ummid remain
oum dimLy until time difficulty is settloci. "
It is reported hero to-night that every
precaution 1mm beomm made to open by
force time mimics at Jeymmoidnvilio. Over
2,000 armed strikers are omicamnpod at
those mimics. 'J'he owumers lucre eimumgcd
special imohicounemi aumd say they will ro-
aumime work if it becommmcs necessary to
kill oil' time - ommtiro . force of strikers.
A Train itmurm Six 1'dIl-us al Femsi-fiul
Speed fly a ! Laui Crazed ViI Ii Lmmf mm.
i'mrrsmumtim , , Octabur 15-Wlmiie .Ieimmm
hey timid .Jiia , i'.Ialoumoy , two switchmmneim ,
vcro m'epmi'inimmg time tlammmmmgo to a freight
car attaelmel to a train stammdium at lerry
ntiitiomm Oh Limo l'oummmeylvaimia railroal yea-
terday , mmii ouugiumeer started thu traiui , miot
hoiumg aWait ) of their presommco ummdur thu
citE. Bley wauu crusimo(1 ( ammd mmmaumglcd be.
youmd recogumitioum amid died imiimtammtiy.
Mnloumey was crtmlmcd tmgaimmnt time Louder
amid his ncahi was ahmumost torn frouuu
him head ammd omue armmi amid leg were bro-
koum , Time train wits iumickly stopped amid
Mumlomisy was carried to ; tume emigiumu amid
laid mupomi time floor. 'lime tnuiimm muon timomi
atmirted for liloy's reunuimus and were car-
ryiumg timeun towards time emmgilmo when timey
wore horror strickoum to ace Maloney
crazed with haiti suddeuiiy jump and throw
time timrottle valve ivido opomm , Time omigimie
started with fearful rapidity down
time grade. Wimemm Latrobe was reached ,
nb , mmmilos Irommi time itceumo of time accidomit ,
1aioumoy closed Lime valve cud fell umicomm-
micioumi to time floor of time cab. Ho was
picked amid tmmkoum to the hospital ,
where he is at present witim
very slight Imopos of recovery.
heavy kafIure In time Clothing Liumo ,
NEW YOIIK , October 15.-TIme Commm-
mnercial agommcy report timat Ilyamna lire. . ,
a large firm , of Now York aumd Suit Frau.
cisco , jIm Limo wlmobesalo cloUiiimg trade ,
suspended with liabIlities at $250,000.
'l'imere are rummmom'n , as yet ummcomifirmnod , of
still larger failures iii time aammme hue ,
Aumotimor 'I'hfof Oziptuured.
NEW Yomiuc , Octahor 15.-Times. Tay-
be , arrested on time cimargo of absconding
from Cimkmigo vitim time fuumdmm of time
Bricklayers' Union , of which lie was
secretary , has brout turned over to time
Chicago atutimonitius.
I'tmtnrmt _ Iuuii'Iumgtmmeumu
CzIwAuo , October 1fi-lii time case of
time 1oek Stitcim Fuumce comnpmtmmy agaimmst
time Washmbunmi & Moemi Manmifacturimig
comumpaumy , Limbs macruling , .1 udgo Oardmmer
graumtod mmmi injuuuictioui olmjoimmiuig' ' time hit.
tee corporatiomi frorum imifr'immgiumg cmi any
lmatouit.s of time piaImttill , imoldirmg timeuim
ummder $60,000 bommcis ) omtdiu1g the reatmlt
of their litigumtioim.
It Fmmlliuu'o Iii CJmeo'e ,
CiIn'Auo Octeimor 15.-Time Journal's
lilgium ( hll. almecini nuyui Charles , icii.
hiammmn , owumur of cheese factories at Duim-
doe amid Barnimmgtoui , lii. , amid imitereattmd
him Limo Elgium hulk comapaumy has failed.
Liabilities , $20,00Q ,
The Coilditioll an Prospacts of the bau
Uralli Oor1an Pool.
Traffic Rapidly Increasing While
the Rates Remain at the
WarStanclard ,
A Railroad to Yohiowstommo Park
WASIuINIuT0N , Octobbr 15.-Time report
of Comnimmissiommet- Railroads Armstrong
was trammsmiiittcd to time Secretary of time
Interior to-day. lie imotes a nmnrked immi-
jrovomimemit imm time mimotimod of nccoumumtiumg
amid reportimmg to lila office by sovora'1
roads , l'nrtictmlar attemmtieum is called to
time decisiomi of Commtrohler Lawrommco in
relation to witimhmolding paymneimt of traims-
Portatioum , for time govermimiment by Limo
roads wiimeit Imave mint imeemi subsidized
with bommds. He reports that. time properties -
ties of several railroads commiimg wltimimi
time juri.dictmomm of time luremiU are well
nimnumtaimmed cud tunA while time trafhic on
timesoroads in steadily iuicreas'mng involtmmmie
time rates cimarged are gradually ( locreas.
iuig. Time report regards time siiikimig
ftmumd as a fitlinro on accoimmit of the lack
of sumitabie imivestumiemmt. Time comnniissiommer
roeommmuuemids time mqpoint miemit of a coin-
mimieaiommor to iuvcstm.ato amid report to
Coimgr s all qturstious roiattng to time
establishment oi traumeportation ' rates
over ormupoum railroads withmiut time United
States so. far as they relate to iumtei-Ststo
commerce. The commissioner reports
the nmmmimm line frommi Omaha to tgdemi all '
laid with stool rails , grades and
curvatures being reduced , anti a
large ammioumit of ballast has beau
haiti. The Kanias division , mmmciii line
680 mmmiios front Kuumsaa City t ) Denver ,
1mm 4110 miles of steel rail. The busimmoss
of time commiamty Is imicroaaimmg auth its
financial affairs are in oed couidition.
Time 85 ImorcomiL not oarmmmmiguu of the sub-
umidized portiomi of time road for time yea r
omidcd December 31st , 1883 , anioumimt
to $2,032,812. Tramisportatiomi services
rcimdercd by time coumipany to the Govern-
nioumt ammiounted to $1,130,709 , all of
wfidm was withheld and title with the I
balance , $6t'OtM , foummid to be dime the
Knimsas divisiomi on sottlommient of five
per cent. mmut earnings for umauno period ,
aggregates ' $120,545 , leavimig mu balance
dime time United States of $825,000 , of
wimicim paymmieimt was demanded April
21sE 1883 TIme mmiatter of time claimmi by
tue coumipammy for it reduction of $282,230
cxpeumded for comumtruction and equipment
froumi LImo gross oariiings of the road 1mm t
been referred to time attorney enorah , . .
with a request timuit proceedings be maLi- -
itited with a view of obtaimming jmmdgmnent
for whatever amimoimnt many be found duo
time govormmmoumt amid to ascertain , judi.
chilly , the proper construction of soc- j
tiomi 1 of time act of 1878. With
respect to 'time ' Northern Pacific railroad ,
lie reports it has been completed whim . ( I
remaricabio vigor amid success. The on-
'tire ' line , ho says , has boon inspected and
fcouid to be very thor3ughly constructed , '
On the Southern Pacific railroad lie rc-
ports time 'myimole length of tim roai.1 from . . ,
San Francisco tc ? .fiw Orleans generally ' . . V .
well built , but in places will require im-
proveimment. Time Commimiaeionor closes
time report with a rocomnmomdation that
the government autimorizo time construeV
tioim of a .railroad through time Yellow-
atomic Park. '
It. Louts Gamiimg Troubles.
Sr. Louis , October 15.-Got' . Critton-
den amid wife arrived hero this mormiimig
frommi Loxingtoii , Ky. lie only stayed
hero a aimort time , leaving a 9 o'clock for
, lefferon City. lie was questioned by a
reporter ozi time gambling rimig develop-
mmiemits , hauL declined to say whirut lie in-
temmded to do or vouchsafe any explana.
tioum. He said , however , lie would go before -
fore time present grand jury voluntarily
as a witimosa , amid hmfsd so umotlfied time Cir. '
cult Attormmoy.
Sr. LoummmOctoberlhi.-Circuit Atttor.
mmoy Harris immado application at noon today -
day for nut immjummctiomm agaiuist Messrs.
Moore & Dilloui , editors of time l'oat-
Dispatch , to rostraiui thenm froimi lubhishm-
iuig , usimmg or deatroyimmg time nhmort.hmantl
mmoten of witnesses , testirnommy before Limo
last grand jumy , alleged to ho in their
ponsesulion , ' .L'hie court refused to grant
time umjumictilm out time constitutiommal
ground that it 1mm ito right to imiterfero
with the lilerty of time press. Time Post.
Dispatch pubhiahicum timia evening Lime testi-
iuioliy of ox-Police Commniasiommor Ioimm ,
11. Mnx..ui arid Alex Kimmkead Mnxomi V
awero that Governor Crittemiden inti-
ummnteil tAm hmiun that it WitS either lila tie-
sire , or lie ouimt to let up on tiio gam.
imlois , SiIICIJ it. would redoumid to the
gratificatiomm of ox.Lieut. 01mm. P. John. . V
aomm , wimo hind procmmrcd time passage of
time lair making ganmbiiumg a felommy , an&
wimoimi lie regarded as cmi enemy. 1Io
further swore timat Governor CrIttomu1omi ,
had doummanded blank signatures front , V V
some of lila mmppomntooa a9 police commi.
A Quiet Coimibrence ,
l'iliLAii'.Li'JIXA , October 15.-The ace-
amid bioummilal commferenco of the church
workers amumong Lime deaf was resumed to- V
day. Time proceedings were conducted
mum time umigmi laiiuiago. The conference
was cahiett to order by Rev. Frauds J.
Otaro , 11ev. Austin W Maur , of Clove. V
laud , ordained priest yesterday , made a
short prn7er in time sign language , Rev.
Henry \ \ . Sylo , ordaiumed to time priesthood -
hood yesterday , nubmuittoti a paper our
"l'reaclming Adapted to Deaf Mutes. "
results of JIoo.ri Barapartii
upon all lmurnoni anti low condlUons of tim. blood
leave ft mumo mc.i imLOOi ) MEDiCIEf. Such has
been thosmicce. . of ttmi timjicho/ J at horne V
11u4 umeami uTeri famIlrf S. ) / Jim VI.oIo
aeignboou.oo.i . , tmayo bcen4l I taking it tamae
mao I.umo tigmie , it rrnz.Iira. . ilmanie.
anti cnrlchee the biood , I I cure , dyspep.
slabiitougnias , mmOaiuf ' Jderangemnent. ct
iLetonmlicmcausc.jby/ IIIiIUIO blOOd era
a debittated coniim. / . I' lion of the nervous
sysienm ocomsioned I ' I tiy excexilto macnut
or rmiy1cai care / /hborordkialpaueim. ii
criWlcate.Scrof I 'e3 ulanud all foul humors.
anti rcstous / / minti renovates ( Ia who1
) stemi , , .j , / /pccullar pslni hi lined's
Sarararil. I ) ' I Ia Is that Ii createS an ep.
pcthi , Anti f f buIlJa up toil simengumiens Un ,
sy.temn , and mrov. lnvaiunbi iii ft protection front
ULmOI' s that QrIgjnali , in dotage. cit the scaacn. V
ci ( UUIALO tOni Ui iUe ,
ie.m' . ( I. I. flood Co.u flentienv'n-lt afforl.
, , . ' .
iiwnuIm peaswuioIeconmnmen4 iiuo.i'.Sacsapnruma
? i r lit'&mtm. lull IXCIl ; uii Unit [ or . .omime nas I
10(0 Iiuci bmlgvd to taken loam of some kind 1mm ulme
$ i'rIIW , , 101.1 IIa'C imever rouut anlhtug Ccii IdLmy
sVUCI 5 your Ssmutarllia. it tones umu may sjstcum JVV
m'ItUie.tflX ' I'moodsiiarpen. mysppeun' .nii .st'nu'
Ionakeni'.oyer. ICsiectfiit1i uur # , Ji Tmmomn' .
sow LowOI , Iuua.iiegister of ihetti , ImiJmesez Oo.
s2ii I'J iirugtt. . i rice $1 bc4tJe.ur ml ;
U.s. iIvvh ) . . ( .0. , .5 tbevam. , mos cmi. smns , , , ,
_ V