Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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t . myT r T ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' \ Bit. H. WAGNER ,
\ I1. long born ftflOttYet1 * nil more p tt th1 d'
thM ny other. The ft.t field of clenco f
.tcT ncrcnMn , ud It nurneruq br.che. , arc
brouRh titftrir MhI ncftrtr tn tirftIon , and
no oa niari CM inv 1oncr grasp them rfl
Hence the Ii'etMty for th Itllng the labor. And t I
true bcynd ttI iIQUtt thftt dIcao , ftfYtIn the gen.
to urIiiary crgMIe need sca ati.Iy tuoro than any.
thing e1e , If so ouhI and ) uiow how
teat them Jiwr1y.
1)11. 11. W.ER 1 fully wre that thete rite
Znriny piyIcIrine ) , OTI(1 omo cnIb1e , ieopIe , hu iII
eondcnn him for Inakitig thIs c1a cit dIeiee a lire.
erilty ! , but hekihiy ; to know thrit tth mo4 er
aone of rcfltit'nicnt rind IntrIIIenco ri tu.rc eiillghtcn.
ed ilew Li triken of the tilibject , nd thrit the Iih cia.
Ian who tleynteehimietf , to reiio1n the nflhlctctl rind
LivIng them from iorco tIin t1ct1i , i tioli"ii
1anthropit riuid bonefator to iih ricc thrtu the aur
geon Cr 11h3tehn ho by dow riiuiltcatlon cxcrI In
any other branch of hi. Irofetcion. unit fortinate1
0l hurnaiIty , tiio dy Ic ( IriS iiliig ii hii the fC1MO ih
aflthro1lh ) thrit condennctl the stctline of folly or
rtltno , like the lcpcre Under the Jcbh law , to die
untrired torhc patu.Iawriy.
A Few Reasons
S hy you chouii try tim c1cbnte 1)r. ) If. Vngner'e
tLvttlote of cute ;
! , "lJr. ILViner Ii su iurituru1 plu. % ciuluui. "
' 0. $ . 1u'41.Mii ,
Tim ( ircMet TAvItiu Phreno1ugit.
"Few mu eeci you a ii doctor. "
Thu % 'orId'e Gretite $ 1'Iut.ii'iioinit. ,
2.iIyou nro us oniicrfuuliy lruflclcut In ) our kuiowl.
t edge ci dbieao and mcdIcthtc. "
u ' R. J. MATTlftW4.
4. "The aflhlctei thud rcady rcikf iii sour lires.
ence. " Pit. .1. Siuius.
5. 'Dr. Ii. Wazrior 14 ri rcguu1u gr1tuiti train
I I flelievue IloidLal , New 'York city ; ha IcuLt cry c.
teiislve hospital liractice , rind ii thoroughly I'oteL1 on
nil hrancheu of his beloued acicuce , csieIMiy on
chronk diseases. "
r 1)u.s. BROWXi.L& Ewito.
: & "Ir. Ii. Vaier ha4 Iuiuuortallzed hinuseif b
luLi wonuierfui i1i'icou.ry of ciceiflo rcincdie for ir
yate and cexual .IIMuaitti.-VirgIIuia City Chronicle.
7. "Duoulands of linnulds flock to eec hiin.-San
Friuichico Ciurotulele.
8. "mo 1)octor'i long cxperienco ris a cpeeludist
thOUId render htuu very euccesful.-1tocky Moun.
talii flows.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At erie fluno a discussion of tuo secret 1co was cii.
tirely avolied by the Ilt0fC810fl , and meilleal orke of
but a few years rue uouid IiurtII mention It. .
To-day the IIuyIekun Is of a different opinIon ; ho Is
aware that It Is liii duty--ih&ugreuuublu though it
inayl-to handle thIs ijuatter wIthouit. uuuid L1alnlv about. It mu Intelligent. IIrCn ouud
guardians wIi thank huu for doing so.
Thcresults atten&iIiu this destruictIo uice .cro for.
merly not niuderstood , or not properly estimated : auud
no importance hohui ttachut to a u.uhujcrt uuiulch by
its nature uloes not InvIte eIouu in' . ebttt.ttiuu , It v.a
wihItngly hgtuori
'fbo h.ubht i gcuucruh1y contractel b ) I . youuu
while at.tenihiuug i.chool ; udder coui1u ' turough
their c.amp1o , may bu reshuonsiblo for ii .r nuay ho
saquired through ucchIont. Thuo uclteuiueuiu ouuilu c'c
0' rerlenced , the laCtico % Ihl ho ro1.cated iahui and
; again , unUl atlt the habit beconues unit and coun
11ete1y cuusLuuu the victim. Mcuitat auth neruous of.
flictiouu are Usually the itinary rcsultii of self.ahuso.
Among the InjurIous effects nuuy bo rncntlouuetl iaesl.
tudo , dejection or IrruuJhIUty of temper and general
debility. The hiov siek. eecluoion , and rarely johns
I the cporb of ttr compatuhons. If Ito ho a youitug
man hewihl be little fouuiti in company Ith the other
lox anhl I troulilc4 uttIu exceeding aiid annoIng
htths Iii their preeuucc. L.oschhous dreams ,
emtsdans auth eruptiuuis on ttio face , etc. , iuru alio
promthcnt symptoms.
If the practice Is lohently pcrs1tcd In , uuloro eeriou
disturbances take Ilace. tJrcat pahiItathou of the
heart , ci epileptic conuuuWons , are experienced , and
the euffcrer umiay fall Into a complete state of idiocy be.
fore , ttnahiy , death rchIoos him.
To all thee cuiguigeil in this dangerous , practIce , I
would cay , first. of all , stop it at 011cc ; make ecry
possIble effort to do so ; but. if you fall , If your mueryou ,
system l already too much shattered , antI corise.
qnriUy , your hhI.power broken , take some nerue
: b tonic to .fd vuui In your effort. having treed yourschl
from the habit , I would further counsel you to go
through a regular course of treatment , for It iii a greet
mistake to auuiposo tlrutony one may , for 801mw time ,
b o t every souttio , give himself up to thu fascinatIng
3 butdangerou , oxcutemuemutwithout auiiterlng from Its
t euhl0000equcrmesntsorno fuituro thorn. The numlier
of youngmmueui oharo Incaptuciated to fill the duties
enjoined by wedhk is alarmnhmigly large , anti in most
d of such ca.cs uhl.s unfortunate condition of things can
be traced to the practice of elt.abuse , % hich had been
abandoned snare ago. Indeed , a few , uonthui' lactIoo
of this habit. Is euhhiciomut to induce aponnatorrhua In
later years , and I hua mu many of such eases under treat
moot at thuiu 1rccut thy.
Young Men
I . Who may 1)0 sufferIng' from the effects of youthful
follies or Iridiscrctlouis vhli do well toavail themselves
' of this , time grcatet boon ocr laid at the riltr of suf.
p fering huinauiity. 1)11. . SYtWOKIL 0 III guarriuitee to forrn
. felt OQ fOr cery ) aMO Of cemnhiuni uvoakncss Ot private
' di.ieise of any kind ajuil character hich ho under.
tuukos toaruti failsto cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are 'many at the ago of 30 to 60 hue ore
troubled with too frojllOllt macuuatlons of the Idad.
der , often fteeMiIlhlaflIed by a * .hight aiuiartlrug or burn.
thg sensation , arid a weakermitig of the iiysteyn In a
nua000r the imtIelut cannot account for. On examlil.
lug the urinary 1101)Oolt5 a roi' sedinuent uu ill often be
found , and wuictiiues ; email irtkIcs of albumen will
appear , or time color a ill ho of thin mimhikish line , again
chuanghiug to a dark arid torpid appearuolco. There arc
niany i11Cl1 inCh u ho dlt of tiil ditilcuilty , ignorant of
' : the uuse , aiilcli I the iccomuilatagu of semnirual.ncak.
11040. Dr. W. will gu.urantee a perfect Cure hi all eusca
and a healthy restoration of thu gcnito.urlnary or.
( ' gans.
Coruculiatlou free. Thorough cranulmuatlon and ad.
; vice , 5.
All comiuuunicatlotms should ho aiiilroosetl , Dr. henry
henry Wagner , I' . 0. 1S9 , Denver , Colorado.
'rho Young Man's l'ockct Comnpanioum , by Dr. II
Wagner , is worth It eIghit imu gold to young imuen
l'rlco , $ l,25. euut by immail to amiy addrcsd.
Let 1our Light Shine.
Dr. Wagner the celebrated specialist of Dcmmucr
Cob. , 343 Lartincr etreet , hjuiic'.e iii icttfrig tluoworltl
know what ho calm do , aimul Is doing for tluousaimds of
huis fehloamuieui liiii Lrcatimicnt. for lost mnamihooti Is
suite to win hini a namno that iiosterit will bless. Ten
thousand tCtifliOfliflbi from all nuer the United States
from these lie his cuireil , is ictiOf Pohtivo that luodoes
cure the worst. a ises ( f tiuoo diseases. 'limo ahlticted
I from chroiiic uiiiil eMiuI dicames of every kind o Ill
fInd him their bust friend. ICO.I { luis adcrtioineuuthiu
all our city hr.4)er , uuuil call on humui for tot' , ice , as we
know you . iii eilrroboratu mac lii sa lug he is the sot
: ferry's true friend- Rocky Mouinrairi News.
Relief to the Afflicted.
In mcduciiucs , as lii cuwmcu , thio specialists are the
r , ' - . . . < . ne whoalusays eoIl1e to USC front itimul acorispiish
'e -c.L. . 'gre.ut rosult. 'I hui meimuark is uojwialiy applinuhio to
( to Ir , 11. Vuu'iscr , of tIuli city. Ito t.ulmds itt the tel
of his , oiutl tlue cures lie lrforiiu for tli
I u ' unfortunate usoumitl , seemti wommuierful If not lrolerli
.s viewed in LIICI light of aclerutliho aIuuiremuomsts. Ito he
) cndracd by t.iuo mflJt eniiuueumt of timu mncillc.uI facility ,
Ifi 0111cc at 343 i.u-.usuir street , ullerc lie ihl .pcedi.
fly eftecta cure for tue , idTeriuig of either sex , ijo mat
, icr how couuihllcuiteil their ooruuplaiuit.-l'ouncroye
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure
4 I'creonsat a iilataiueo who wish tobe treated by fl :
SYagluer nuol not feel bvukward bemuse of inabihlt
to vtisit liiiii. It Cliuy uihl uvr to thu doctor lie will
Is send a list of quwtioii v. iii iuablc him to send
S nuodicimie , coimimsel amid ad to thousands ho hiss
never eOOli. Ito lunu I' " . iii cuery cIty , town and
etatlari Iii Cotors4o , well us aiiiir the Uuilted
hitotes. See liii ad mm hbi moIertloemnenit-Leiu.
icr Tribumie ,
Shall We Reform ?
Specific reInethJu3tor Is the theory
it1ee at lrouIt of educated amid caicrience
phyeiclau , amuil In all large couumuusunuitie they have
their NiieeialtiCii , to Oxiel iii whulcI they direct their
.tuiie'maiid irat.fro. tSr. Vagner is a aucceisful II
luotratiosi of this mnolorii school of apeclaltici. amid his
unprecoleiitwl eucixuas Iii the treatuienit of lirluate
I _ 2 at.e.isui onuderfuI as It Is liattouming.-l'rof. J ,
m dI flimimus ,
'Diose uhio titod medical rvlief for the mnomi
j , detleatc of ilhhlnd on accorn1IIhued amid suo-
( cesfuI lhlYsiCi.Ll , hO the liermion of Ir , % Vagitr , No.
313 Larimnier street , ho Is highly recomoniemided bytlie
mu lieai , at home 1.1111 oboard.-I'omneroy's
DeinocraL lilotry amid lnioraiuco nuujat. gim u way to
' . tedom anil thuo u I.e Ph ) SICIMI beliou us in letting hui
hiht mihitmie for the glory of his fellow Iturim. Prlnitur'
hmuk Is tIme trchi hue van be4t UC to guide the uear3
and sick omue to the fountaini of hicuulth if this article
should lie huiotrulnoiital as a " 1OChl Liilf'r' et up.
otihIU to guide eulferlnmg ) muinaiiityto3l3 Larinuer
mmtrwt , iciuter , Colorado , It. will amuaer thu Ilurhiose
forhich fl s..swritten. Address
I' . 0. box 23t' . , 01 mU at 3f3 Loxhuor Street
lviner , Coo.
SVIte4 th * column headed "The Nrcc.shiy fur the
ElM I'
FRAD hAnk TmnsOkri'T Eso.TflADE MARK
URn itaaDy. .II
Vr E
that follow aq a
4 soquenr'o of Sell.
't .t altuof
sd3flETAKIflO.sudLas't'tnlel'aln AFTER TAINDI
't flack , Dimnei of 'lion , l'remttite Old
.1)ftliy othuermllessvs that lead tolneanlty orCon
nptIon anui i % l'rcunaturo ( lrao.
BiuwAiui of aderttsemtnts to refund money , shuen
Iruggusta from whom the moillemno is bounglut do not
reimsmt , hut refer youi to 1J1o maimufartunreuc , mu the
roiuircmun , arc auth thut they rice schctomsm fever
onuplieil altk Ste thttritcnguiouuteo A tri&I
of one Mnigle package of Gray's ipocMlo fll convince
the most skeiticaI of 14. teal mnerih , .
On account oS counto.'oiteni , we vuvo iu.lopte'.l tJis
4 lit Wrumppce the oiuiy genuine.
tlrFumil Paiticutlare in oct t'nihtCt , hich e do.
lre to pelil free by mail to evcsy one. LirThe Spe.
cHic Moilicino I , cold liy all dnmglsta at $1 s3t l'aCk
age , or , i pekages for , or sill be , ont free by
mall tin the receipt of the money , by nildressing
T111 UItAY MEDICINIC& . , uuufalo , N.Y.
Solti in Oiuiaha by U IStl.Iman. Iv lflmn.o
: -----T.
L 4- = - -
To Consumnptvos- Many Imavo been lially
Lum gh'o their testimony Iii fnvor of the usso of
"lVjjbor'a J'ure ( Jud Jiicr VIZ arid lAme. " 1.
veliencn has irovol to b a vatuablo remnuo
dy for Consuimiption , Aethii , 1)tilitIiemhsnmmd
alt LItcOaSCN of the throat ammul I.umues. 1lnnuu'
fitetutoul onlyby A. 11. V.'Ilbor , Chenilat , Dos
ton. Soul by oh druiggsts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" - - -
. ' 4 TilE
i4rs. S A.Allen's
[ lairRestorer
PuuUc Boicfiofross. Mrs. 5.
' , A1.Li'i l.nmjtieuiy cunued thc tithe ,
at.d tiuoiuands ec thum day rejoicing
"vcr a hue lead of hair produced by
hur uneqlmaled preparamion ( or meutor.
. hog , in igruisg ; , aunt beaiiiirying thuc
I ia.r. 11cr'orlda Hair itestorer
, i'uc1Y ciconues thc icalp , removing
) nurLff and arrests tc fail ; tue
hair , 11gari ; C1JOIIgCd to its natural
cubit , rir the ainua vitality and
iuxllril2s qtstity a in yoctim.
. hair i ; h1O\V rcstorcd to its
'outlthiI color ; I have not
a hair left. I am sat-
ifiiCl ; that the prcparzttion
is not a dye , but acts on
t1it St.Ci.Ci jiilS. ( ? iy hair
cclsCs ; to t11 , which is cer-
1aiiy ] ; ln advantage to mc ,
w''iim ; w ; in changer of be-
uniing bald. ' ' This is
the tCStiiflOfly of all who
'Is ' , , Mi s. S. A. ALLEN'S
C Cio flottic , mild it. " 'I lint is the
eopr.slon of 10.10) ' ho have hod
tli.i , r , y hair mcsorcd ; to its natural
Ciii ) , , 4fld their haIti spot covered
ii ii ii ii ut , after iling one liottlc of
ilii. S. it.' . Wosm.mas llAmK
IL Toacut. it i not a
' I
* e
' ' , CD
l3' i
. .i I i. .
N8teD [ Coroic-toks1 [
till Dougiad St. . . Omaha , eb.
Ca/vanizec Iron Cornices
Dormer Windowa , Finual. Tin. Iron and Siat.e
Rooting Hpcehut.'s Ptnt Mt.afhie Hkhight , L'atent
adJult4 * hatchet Bar stud Bracket Shelving. I am
be.gcnmeral agent for the above line of good Iron
encing , ( 'rcshln. , Balustrade , , Verandas , Iron lhok
aloins , Window humid. , Cellar ( huards ; also uoral
cal fer I'ocson & 11111 abut Inside liliod.
San i'rancIeo Call.
Thu recciut ttoatlu ofJtuttgo Etjahi Stetsla
of Siskiyou County caII to % llilll All
oxcltlllg U1)1S0(1O Ill his hifo tiout is cloauly
WOVSll tlIt ( ) the hhiBtory tif thu coariL
.lfltIgo Steele was a luau of 1)ositivo ophu
illa aliti grout ; aolI.rehiatuco. L'Iiouglu Ito
Iuuror took it. upon himself to roversu tile
hluclaiolls of tile SUliruluho Court , us did
County J titigo BeAu of Butte , vIio orig.
IhlaIIy rulniurked , "If the 3uprdnlo Conut
do hunt agree with uiuo , ao uuiticlu thu worst'
for thitm Suproiutu Court , " still ho was
uhiun of great oriuil1ahity Ahll iuudopeiudoiIco
of thought ; ahiti whmoit uuor POillts Arose
ill Catoi brought biforu hint in regiurd to
which thu court of last rcior bad n
yut ost..ibhisuiod Ito proceclulut 1w did Ilot
hlesitAto to deciulo tllolim flecordilig to
his ideas of la % ' iuusl justice , niitl it may
ho said that it wn aeldimimi thmo hmighur
tribunal fit to disaprovo his jillg.
Lcd by thu faimmo of limo Seolt ri'ur dig.
gimmg. Iuilgu Stotule futilud Imiut wuty to thu
lliuimatht lilillus in thu uarly spring of
1851 , nub of limo fotmimdurs of Ytoka
IU1tI I ! p1011C43r humimmer on Oreomihormi , v1mdru
ho viu ulcctel nlcaltlsu , ( Sr ju muticu by Itis
fuhlow.mmmiimeru. I ii thu I hidlall wars of
that. rcgiut Ito took a lnoimtilmeltt Isart ,
over ruady to talk pence with time wily
SuViuges ; or coluqutor it fromtm them at the
rub's umuoutim. Froumu the first Imu wits
looked upon by titomu as it great tyro , niusi
its Imo vas alvitys jtust nuid huommorhublo ill
lila deulimmgs vitlu tht'lIl , yet firm ztm usdiumim.
nuit vliemu occasioli t'cqtltt'cd , his ittiluoumea
great. Though ho several times
raised COlilIhaluics to chastise iuuarnumtliug
I litlialls at Imis own oxoiuso , yeL no maui
accomplished umiro ni thu interest of
1)OaCO thali lie. lb was appoitutod aeiut
for thu Iludmhts of Northern Califoruuma rtt
it Limo whueui titiutpositiummu was no sutuecitro ,
whmoit roservatiomma and subsidies were iumt
kimowim , amid uti the disehargo of Imis duty
narrowly OsCapOd Inassacro moore timamu
011CC. EVCI1 after ho Imad ceased to act
ill that. capacity the indians could hot he
muado to bohievo he was not a chief ,
amuti were accustomuied to couuiu to hint fur
advice on all occasions. They looked
111)011 IIIIII as their friend and reposed jut
hum tIme fullest confidoitce ; amid yet in
huotor yenta lie nearly host his life ; 1g
sacrifice to the Indian idea that the blood
of oim white uiiamt will atone for the sums
of itliOtlier.
Itt 1852 the peOIlO of Yrekut sommt a
compauy into the ISlodoc country to chins.
tiso that tribe for tlio muuurder of cmi-
grants and to protect the incoluihug traiiis.
This coulpany Wils led by lIeu Wright , ; un
0x1)eriencod unountiuneur aimtl trapper
who hind fought Iiithiituii fou' years in cool-
PzY with such umoted trapicrs as .Jimmu
Bridgor , Joe Meek , Kit ( Jarsomm , .Jimn
Bcckwithu and Joe \Valker. After a lomug
calflaiglurrigitt invited the l'stoclocsm ' to
moot him amid muake a treaty. Iii accord.
atuco with this invitation the two Imrtios
encamped near each other on the bamiks
of Lost Rrivor , the whuite muon numbering
eighteen and their emienjies forty-ono.
Early one morning , having boon wariiod.
by a squaw that the savages meditated
treachery , Wright's party suddenly fell
Upon theft and did such quick a'id effect-
ivowork with theirgunsand revolvers that
but two of the savages escaned to carry
the news to their countrymen. This affair -
fair is known among the whites anti Iii-
diauis as the "BenVright Massacre , " and
Modocs cherished a desire to avenge time
death of their fallen braves , until thuisob.
ject wan accoinphislued more than twenty
years later mi time trechiorous murderers
of the Peace Comntimicsiomiera.
Whueii the bloody war wan raging in
1872 , the authorities \Vashiiigtoti or-
dared a suspension of hostilities amid ap.
1)OifltCd A. B. Meacliain , Jesse Apple-
gate , Samuel Chase and Judge A. M.
Rrosborouglm as comnimuissionors to ncgoti-
ate a. treaty of peace. Time appomtniemut
of the iaat gentleman was niado because
Captain Jack had sent word that lie want.
ed to treat with , Judge Itosborough ,
Judge Steel and .Johun A. Fairchulds , a
stockiuiami of that region who had great
influence with time Ihtiiaims. Under the
circumnstammces Steel volunteemud to do all
he could to aid time conumnissionurs , and
accompaluied thom to the military Imead-
quarks iii time edge of tlie lava beds , with-
ill whose mazes Caithuimi , Jack anti lila
band were securely entrenched. After
paricying and sendmmmg of nucasages to and
fro , two Modocs camume to the CbliI and
imiade arrangenuents for Jack to go to time
Point of Rocks time next day amid surren-
tier. Iudge Steel went to time appointed
place with wagons to bring in the wonmen
arid childremm , but imot an imidinmi mmuud ;
hula appearahice , aiud he roturncd to time
camp to reporthmis famlure.
Bttt few now entertained 1101)0 of a
peaceful solution of the diflicimltics.
.Fairchulds , who knew thmomn the best , wait
satisfied they vore oimly toinorizimmg aimd
immediated troachuery. 'l'imo commniasionurs
were of the auno ; Opiniolm. General
Cautby , though Ito had but little hope ,
desired to iumake one nuoruefi'ortfor pence.
A. lomug consultation wan lucid , amid Steele ,
who hind already visited Jack in his
stromighmoid , volunteered to pay omie 111010
visit to time cave , doimig thin with time full
knowledge that. lie mmmigimt not live to ro-
tulrn. lie thought if there was a butt
living whom the 1Jodoca recognized its
their lifelomug friend , imu was that Imlall ,
and lie decided to take time risk. Pimmoimig
his faithi to Steele amid knowing that
if omue vasi spared time other would be ,
a newspaper correspohmdelmt biltilbed
if. v , Atwell voiuimteeretl to uuccumimptiiy ;
As they rode away scarcely a soul in
that great camp expected to see tlmeimm
utgain jim life , and General Cuuumby hind sad
llmusgivilmgs , fedllimg thmat lie almommid lowe
refused Stetmie's offlur to go. Whoa they
reached time chasm that leads by a long ,
rocky route U1)to the cave , BogusOhmaricy ,
their Mocioc cottmpammioll , IL treacherous
and bioodtimirsty wretcim viio , ( lurilmi. time
wum. , destroyed both time whites mmd his
own coInhJuimiolis , lIhlOmltd ' ' I"
and rotle hmuoatiiy away. 'ntis was a hail
fliglm , but it was miow too late to motm'tsat ,
aimd they rode eu to a widobmilig iii time
chasm wimoro it wait customrttry to leave
their Imorses , here they Ilmot the iluter.
proter , Frank ftithlle , aIld imis loitoc
vifo , who limformeti thmenm timuit time aavutgws
were in a bad humor ; that tile immcsswugurs
who hind beoii to hmeadqiiututums had iueuird
( if certain ilmdictlitcrmts tlmutt hind bouli
foulmd in , JtICksOli County , ( ) rcgobm , tt"uuilmrst.
nine of thmoir Imulnber for time immurtler s-if
settlers , rilid hits-i bitEs ituartl timrciitsi freely
nuude of hanging time wimolo band whmen
they vere caught ; alud timat for timis reason
time Indiamma tilouglit. time imegotiations yere
imot iim good faitimnnslack ! imati ijoemm afraid
to go and Incet time Wagomma. Tlmoy also
said that time Modocs ware epmarrcliing
aumlong timCitbBelreit , .Juuck and a ( ow
otimurs being ill favor of peace , while thu
immajority , imeadusi by John Sclmouchin ,
desired to avcmmgo time ReliVrigimt hlmudit.
sacre5 of which Schoncimin was one of thin
two survivors ,
'j'Itis was far from a cheerful prospect ,
but the men coimtiimuud on uii time ChtUtltu.
Arriving ut Bogus Chancy's camp , they
found timok late colmmpamuon who luati do.
sorted thoiui ill such i cavalier fluftnlmor
was not itt hoimie , tiu duo lone squaw by
tilt ) fire gruntulmg her igImoranco of her
lOlt1'5 wimoroabouts. It wna flow dark ,
itnel timey preferred to bravo Liio
ill tlucit council obaunbor to 'tI'aimdorulbg
uilmtmtt at time mercy ofany who nuiglit fool
alIt iliward prummipting to shoot thorn , At
last. they reacited time orifice timremigii
which otttrmumco was mutatlo to the rocky
Cavurmi , tulud found a winding ttail icaulIlIg
( lOWml the roc1s imuto its very' centre , us
( till view of whelm is obtauned before time
visitor begins to clescemmd. As they
aPProacImod they Cotlid plalimb' dmscorim the
arriormm sitting ill cotmlmcil about a snioul.
iluriug lire , deliberustiimg the qilestiomi of
life or ticatli for time intruders. It was
Imot a cheerful thought that thrust. itself
IlpOli their lmu'mItds as they glanced up at
the peaceful stars nuutl thicum at that doiu of
wild beasts jiuto wimich they tItlist ileacciud
-time timoutgimt thiult thie'mr otiI % ' hope of
safety luuy iii boldly eiuterhmg as titougim
tlhmeohmsciohls of damigor , almul tlmat
this partihug glance at time starry vault
might 1)0 tIme imtitt votuchsaftal thimmi OIl
ciut im.
Fis-Imily they tIescolidod the trail Auitl
lshuummtutl tiwir feet umpoim time rocky floor of
time cumst'rit , while imot a souitd escaped
time li1ms of timeir hosts , litl not an eye
was ttmriied towards timein. 'I'iio wmurritirs
sat ut soluimiim ailuluce about time lire , wimili ,
, t few sijmi . % sui altmattetl witimout time circle.
( lrmuilly oruloriuug oumo of these aersitmuts t
timmsv a stick of VOOd upbIi time fire , so
timat ito Imlight imavo light to sertutilmizu the
comiimtcumuumcei nbotmt humus , Steele took a
seat uvithi iu'ms celumpamlioll zunid the circle
5Sf warriors. As time Ilammie leaped imp
tossuirtla time opolmilug aI.ovo amid simeil it
lurid glare 1111011 time object. jim the eavormi
it revealed a clark circle of scowling mtiid
ummaliglmniut. faces. It reqimirod mm one
(100111) ' verseui ill 1 muliusit sImysiogiiommmy to
discuin tlispensmmre ! iii timemmi all , aliti hitter
eimlmuity ammul hate iii mmmany. Silence
reigiml for a lomug tune. No olie spoke ,
but alt sat ilmulnovutbie amid tuterim , svitlm
tlmeir eyeut bcid out time rocky floor of time
Cavcrlm. , . , i
At last Steel began (1mmieUy to talk.
U& told tiutmmn how mind Ito felt to tlmiimk
his i'SIOdOth fronds would hot do as tlmcy
lutul lromumisetl ; timon whmeii tlmey seiit word
timoy suotmid come out of the lava beds , Ime
believed timelii uuimd wommt with waguims to
timeet thuommu , mmmmd now his heort was heavy
hiecauso they loud deceved. iiiimm ; timuit
Gemieral Cumtm4 imad umiado ovorytliiimg
ro.usly for tlmemr coimufort , amud hmad sent
word to time Great Cimiof \ynshtuiigtoii
tiiitt ; Captusiii , Jaek had preimmist d to commue
souL alit ] mid the war , amiti miow his heart
% vuta said because time Great Chief would
nik huimmi : " \\Timy do OU tell mmie lien"
That lie luaU been a lifelong friemid of time
Modocs , amul to proveiut iumore fighttimug ,
wimicim would surely result iii time deatlm of
evci.y Moclo hero , hue lund voltmimteorod to
"omime to time cave aiicl ask his friends s'hmy
they had failed to keep their promise.
. a sooui as Steel hiatt fmiiiahmcd , .Johum
Scitoiichtimi jumped to lila feet and rejmlied
in ai angry toimo. lie accused hmimmi of
acting with duplicity , of talking with two
tongues , of pretondmng to be a friend of
the Modocs only o help drive thom from
timeir country. His reniarks svero aim.
piutuded by nil save Jack , Scrfaee anti a
few others. Jack then spoke in favor of
peace amid was greeted with derisioii by
his turbulent followers. Bogus Chmusrley
crowned him with a squaw's cap , calling
hiimi a coward and a womnamm , wimilo the
others applauded his act amid taumuted
their chief with being afraid of time
whites. Steel again spoke amid said lie
ssaa : no chief , but would lay any propo-
sitmomi they desired to mnake before Geimer-
ut Canby. Schonchin began another cx-
oiled iumrrangne , accusing the whites of
treachery amid ruayimmg the 1SIodocs Itud
hind never imad their revenge for the Buim
Wright afhiiir. II e stormed amid raved
until Steel ordered imimmi to shut up its hmu
had Imeard cmmougli of that kiiid of talk.
Lirl : Oit hEiST ! ! .
Time speeches vere all niadu in time
Ohmnook jargon , with which all tribes
that have come witiiiim time ilifltuenco of
the lludsoii's Bay Company are famniiliar ;
but all the tiiuio tue warriors syore wuirumly
discussiimg iii their own huumguato time
questiomi of life or doatli for their visitors.
lit his ioimg iiitercoiirso witim them , Steel
itad picked ill ) onoughm of time ls1odoc ian-
glmage to roudily imlmderntaibd ovorytimilug
they said , but as he imad always been
crcfui to conceal this fact alit ! converse
with timein in jargolm , they talked freely ,
behios'iimg him ignorant of the subject of
thmeir debate. Some of them advocated
aIm iimumnodiate slamiglmtor , while others
said : ' 'No , Jot miss watt umimtil we got time
chiefs iii our power. This bWtlt 8iys ; Imo is
Ito 'tyco , ' uumd if ve kill luirn imow we vihl
never get a chuancti to kill time citiefts. " It
took great self commmmammd to sit quiet.
iy tlowii ammd iirmtoii to atmclm wortla nimt
still show ho sign of colmmpreimcmisioim , yet
it loud to be done , for thte leant sighmit of
lcmtowh.udgo would have sealed timeir doollu.
Stool glanced rmluxioushy at Atwehi , fcutrfiil
timat imo mmuiglmt got an ilmkinig of thu eitua-
tiomi and betray time fuct ; , but time ktmighmt
hf time quill stt : quietly opium ii stoumo its
stoical its time imiost ulmilSissiVe llmdiitll.
Smtislieul ; imirm colmllaimion wait iii bhissfmmi ig.
miol'almce of timoir neuirimess to the grave , lie
tmmrmied agutili to time scowillig savages
amoimiud hint.
liuriimg all timis tiimme Jolmim Schmoncimimm
hind been hulking ttiinoimt ilicussutlmtly.
\Vimetm Steci called hmium a fool aimd toid
imimmt to tihmut up , lie flow into a violoii
rage. _ _ _ _
"Are you mmot afraid to come '
itsktutl , fiercely ,
"I aiim blot afraid to go ammywhmoro , "
was time cool reply.
"Are you not afraid to sleep lIt this
cave as yotm dmtl time last tumid"
' 'No , I aiim imot afraid to sleep hmore , amid
lii ) such , , boasting coward as you caim acuiru
' 'Yomi I ivo till ' '
iimay mint limorn ilmg.
' 'It Immakess biutlittie ( huilolelmcommmy ; iwart
iH good aimd I tulli not afraid ts die. I llI
alt eli ! 1111111 , UIml if I ( ho it will lie
olily it few ycams less of life ; we must.
iihi die smoimie tilimu. 1 immit goilmg to
itleep home wlwthmur I live till mmmoriiilmg or
jmiit. '
TIme sivnca still argilel ( thu quoustiomu mf
life or death ; itmmd it vuui Ilimally decided
thittt if tinny wtimihti to imuimig tue
tyocs to time cave time Illelt'tS livout wouid
i.e spared. 'J'imis ssiiit dimimu Witil tile htoi > u
of getting C.umhy umimd the cotimumissiommers
iii thmnir 'm'itit Steele's Jirohihise to
hriimg time Cihiefit to the cavim titti colilucil
liroke tts ,
TIlE COtlCit ( I ? ' ' $ tAlut'Aui ; . "
'l'imo duiltgur wits by 110 bfletIist over , for
the llmdialms , mmow cliimmbiimg oumt of the cave
could easily , fuommi the outside , l41iOit. any
Olili witlijim , nmmd the prospect of receiving
at aimy IntillItlilt 71 bullet. froiii thom tiuk.
lmeos : without wits far frolmm pleasauit.
1)ummng lime coImfurilmIco Se1rf4cu ; hind
wJtisjcmiiigly iuvited Stucltm lii sloop ( ill
hitu mlmat , u'1iicii wits simretd ; imear us big
rick in timu cave , and when time talk
Ivan iimmisimud , bug tufter iiiiulmiiimt , Ito
geruthy kicked time owner of time mnat.
its ime hay tmpoim it , umpmartiimtiy a'31eO1)P ' alms !
asked ;
4'JLuiloI SYhat Jimdiait is timial"
tmMe , Scarfaco. "
"Ohm , it's Scarfaco , is it ? I want to sleep
oim yotmr lmuat to.uuiglmt. "
Atweil cteIessly reimuarkoti as lie thumup-
cii lila blammkmstsu dowiu , ' ' 1 guess I'll ' sleep
iuore , to , "
Omily , Jack ammcl Scarfaco oectmp'motl the
Caverim aim a residence , and wimemu time
taliors 1111(1 acattereti to their vamlotma
camimpri anuommg time rocks and caves of time
stroiilmold , , preparatimm % % 'i13 ImmuwIts to
alicia ! thu mmlglmt. I'imo imuat viu of time
kilmil usimuslI mmuade by ilueso I mudiamms , be.
ilmg woveim of time title rtmshmos tltist grow ut
rimmehm nbuimdsimmco cii time l > ortlors of the
iueiglmborimmg lake , Time Motlocs are very
skillful imi weaving thmeso long , greemu
rusimen iuito various articles of Wuauihig
nimimarol alud ilommuestic IINC , amid imuto cook
11mg mutemmails. Iii formoor years , wimeii the
I ess. usmmd arrtw were thmeir ommly weuslomis ,
almiohis for defummco were mmmmstle of tins
salmuc immaterial , ammul 'It cost tluelmm time lives
of several sarrkmrs to lumurmi timat timey
srore hot Proof agaumust a indict. 'l'hme lmIllt
wits just. large emmotmglm for two , nimd whemu
timoy immnl coimuposet ! thmeimmsulves for sitmum.
her , Scamfusce itty across time tipper cml
mmii Jack strutcimed lmimmtqolf at their feet.
Elicit's ' isluimm , omme of , lack's fum'mtimftul fol.
lt'wers , mlmoummtcl gumusrul itt time top of time
CiliSt ) , arimsed svitlm tsssm I I emiry rifles amid lull
time ctrtridgcs Imo could stow aivity upon
Imia jmurmm. 'l'imts situuttiomi was imot comm.
( ltlC'ivc to sitIlumber , yet thtcstt tssommmelus1tiL
soiiimdly umiutil titis lmreak of it day thmoy huni
imrmtdly hmoped to see.
Soum after slimy light time eallip
; trotmsud ammd time talk was resummmetl. 'l'Imts
agrccmiuemmt of time night before was ro
imeateti , usual these mnoui wore stttlretl to
ticilart flip umo otimur ruuiaomm tlmumt becuitmso
titoy Imad prommuiseti to briuug Cammby usual
time comummlmiasiommers to the cave.Vlmutm
tile ) ' mmmatlo time proummiso J olimu Scimomiclmhm's
eyes gleamsucul witlm a ferocious joy , as lie
tlmotigimt of time carmmivsl of blood thmust wotmid
give imiiuu Yeimgeauice for time BemiVrihmt
auiair , for which ito immuti buemm waitmmmg
twemity years.
A SAFE itErCiuN.
1t5 Steele amud Atwoit walked slowly
dosvmu time citmtsumm , they scamiimed sivery
mock , ctveriu ; usmmtl crevice , not atmre ovomi
thou titat tins bumliut. of sommmo mmkuikilmg
? slotluc mmmigimt mmcl. cut timoium off. Timoy
foumimd thmeim iunrses uswaittimmg thmenu , mount.
ed ammd PickLil time'ir wa' along carefumily
to a ridge on time mmiargmii of time lava beds
two imuilen fromit thin cave.Vhmemi they 1usd
slmritmotmmutodl tlmin a.itl sasv a lommg stretcim
t'f level road riimread otit before titeimu ,
tiuoy drew a deep sigh of relief.
"Vlmowi" uxciaimmuetl Atweli , as lie Isass.
cii his lmuuitl along imis brow. ' 'I'mut mn'mgimty
glad to gut out of timat hole. "
" \Vhu ) ' , " aakcd Steel , with somue aur-
prise. "Diii oti know what wnum goimmg
Cli hitnit mmightV
'l' ( ) ho sttro I tlid , I cosmld hot ummider.
Stain ! svimat tim said , but I could easily
lIce It was Iii )
"Well , if tiuey Imad usury idea you
timollglmt timat way we would mmot be here
' '
'I I know it , amid tlmat is time reasomu wit ) '
I kept so iiomstiii. it don't mimattermuow ; we
cami tmmt rtiim thu buggura. "
tmmThmoir reception in cuummip svaa a joftml
omie , and time story of thmuir poriloims mmmglmt
Proved time feimus ; of their friumuda hmmtd not
beemi ummfnmmimsied. Steele told tluonu of
time prommuise Ito lund beumi commupelled to
lmmaice to save hum life , aad solemmmmmhy warmi-
od thielmi all Imovor to place timomnseis'esu lhm
time hWOr of thiese limtliamms. As for Imium
Imo imad miow mio imope of immaking peace ,
nod did muot imutond toagain jeopardize him
life by lnakilmg it ftmrtimur otrort ; if at. uuuy
tinue mit time fimttmre time luidinis simowod is
( hll'erdnt. sisirit. It i stood ready to do all
imo could to adjumat utifiuirim , btmt immitil ito
svat comivimucud tltey lust ! ummdorgomio a ruul.
ide cliusiugo of imuimsl , imu uvoulti hover go
tmear tlmeum again , nor siinmid almyomuts else
withm hm'ms advice op coimfemmt. lit thmia opiim.
iomm lmo wits fully supported by li tilt-
ehmilds. lie tlmuii returimed to Yrokit ,
.Tudge Rosborougim weiut to Shiatuu to itoid
court , amid Appl.gutte amid Cimitiu ( lopart.
ed for Orogomm mim dissgtmst , roftisimmg to iiave
iumytimimmg furtimer to do witim time mmegotium-
tiomis ; ss'imilu J'Iochiaumi runiaincd , and Imre-
vauled tmmeii time autimorities to appoint aim-
other conmmmuissiolma
' .l'imo resuilt is usd1 kluOWiu to util 'l'iie
new coimmunisioners agreed to umuect the
Lilodocs Lit liii mmpsoiimtud spot , five macmm
to be iii eacim party , utnd all of thtoimi mm-
arnued. They svuimt as they hmutd proimmsicd ,
ommly to fiimd tcmm lmmdiuums timer ; aimd all of
thiciim armimod , vimo foil upon thmo defence-
less victulma , killed time mmoblo Canby mush
good old Pr , Thmommuas , sovemely wounded
Moclmalmm , timid failed to do time same for
Riddle amud Dyar siumply becuamso tilosu
two mmmcmi jmrovod too fleet of foot. For
Limit bloody deed femmr of timoimu , Captain
Jack , Johtim Sciiommcitiiu , Bhutcic Jimim amid
Bostomi Chancy , yorc afterwards imangud
at Fort Calumatim , alit ! time relnaulidor of
time hmostilo baiud svere oxtrapated to a
simimmill rcsorvatioim in Immdiaim Terrtory ! ,
wlmere time few ittirvivors still exist.
II. I , . V.
Mrs. N , I ! . Small thio us Ito of the ilspumt
slicriffanmii asseiior of To1isliamii , SIn , , irltes us on
My II , 159n : "That ohio hail leonm sci eroly alitictoil
durIng several turn with kidney nnii liter , hitae ,
acconnipanlod wIth siiooro 1131114 amid hiuckuichie. floe-
log trIed simani5 ocuthiwl cures , and mimodlel muve , nuid
.Ioctor'it jrcscrltioui , without receiving muiy boniiflt ,
rniii while seeklnig for a cure , klie notlcel tIme ads-er.
tiemncmit. of hunt's homely amid decliloti to try it.
Ifasing bought a bottle at Mr. Jtihiiiuni' iirug store
coninencoI imulsig it uslth cimehi hlatterlng results that
she couithnmuil Its use , anti after mmsiiig only lieu bottles
tbio hmumpruis emuitnit Iii hitrhioulthi Ii au miisriutmi that clue
wishes all ahio are rutliictiii lii like nilanmuer to know of
this most slims ilu timuil reli-ulil m medicine ; anil 51)0 )
iliost clietrtiiiiy rmisiusiionils I limit's iteimmody to all ,
runci usiwclsils tO feiuuales who tore troumhihivl s , RIm tlue
comnilulainits Iweuliar to tIm. , lse , "
llmiukr dat.r of % ay 10 , 18.13. ss u bias e raceis oil thin
following hmiforrirntloii fromim Mr. Lorenro hotibaruI , of
us Charles , treet , i'ortlsnil , Sit , . Mr Lomiuinril > 545 ;
"For bel eral years 1iast I hiss-c hiotni troubled us ithi
$05 cm luaeiuuluu smut hiftini. I ii thu elite , anti u hucis I
woimlil lie ibis , , I cruhi not reit usd1 as
it , voiuut.l Immiliossihule fdr toe to cet
I it-sm aim easy ; muimi nil ) nioitvss
amiil lalliw iimcriuasod conustanitly to mmdi am , e'teiut
that I huicuuinuiooilmicoi thut I isil us ( lisa141 ( it the
khtlneys fasts-mini to muisi , ail after hums lug ucI iloc.
Itirs' lrLriltions 151111 i13Ii ) of thin , ot cuiiii dirts
without setti rig aniy hicimidit , I a ni ) rsiaiiotI by a
Lunar nue'ghuliur ' , Mr Juries , to try limit's iiiiniciiiy , as
himself imtiil usife lied beau greatly lus-miefitul by its
1is41I4 smith mmii othucris of aoqsiruimitstmct' sj.oIc of
Its mmierlts lii thin hilhuest toni , . I olecidol to t r Ii ,
oiiui iimirrhlassl a hioth ho at NPIunl ii iiruig etor , , iiniii mis
iirorm its I hmsi a few , losus of it I iii , iii my
back uscre retisol , silil otter tai.Ing thiLo hAtttesmIy ,
cidvaclus anil lairuo had. arc curl , tulid I Cam , frilly
tiistlfy that. hhumiil's hknjuo ly is at , artIcle Of great
miutrit , a'ui s ill iho all that is chul'miiu ' I for it , au ! I
kniri sf miaMi ) ttIir 1)001)10 ) in l'ortltumid is lie has u
fOIiili ) a s-lire In hunt's lteinucily after all ulhierii failed
to do any giio 1,011)1 ) I recnmmiinenaded It to a'I us hio hisi e
i.Ilmoyor limer ili.oaio , huijiin that this itmruy Is tlni
lmwaliSof rilloshnig somiiii smitierer usiio tines not lunmow
of the nmiedts om UntiL's ltcmmiuil ) . "
. _
- - - - - - -r--- - . -
They always have the largest and best stock ,
C. IT LFlO1l'fON. Ii. OIiAIilI.
. .
( stcclsoIt8 : TO RESN.tlus 111105. &
Wholesale Drnggists
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class ,
OMAhA , - - - - - - - - NEBRASKA.
Board otTrntte.
Osviug to time iimclommmeimcy of time Thiumrathmty mughit time board of
trade did miot. hmohsl tiucir mmuommtimly mmmumit-
umg. Timuro ss.uus much l11t3'htmosim of immm-
lmrtammco to be tramuirteted , mimmsommg wimicim
is time eumtablishmtmummt. of us barb wire fuse-
tory by 0. It. Gray amid associates , of
Jutreraoii , iowa , Mr. Gray is time in.
vemutor ( if mu immehmimue for busrbimmg wire
wlmichi is commsidured far imumluerior to
uimachimue Imertutofore imivemitod. Otir citm.
Zeus nimoumid extemud proper emicommrage-
mument. to thin Imow emiterprino amid thus
soctmro a uuianumfactory winch mu timuso , no
doUbt will becomume it credit to our city
amid supply labor to a tiuotusand laborers.
A niocial aeasiolm of the board will be
hold next Momuday evoumimmg.
! sVllolt'HmtIo Traslss.
Dtmqtiette , ( tmibort Co. imavo just. received -
ceived a car load of time heat Ketutucky
cider , amid also carry a large stock of
oysters , caumdius , sugar toys auud it large
isnisimly of iiol'mdmsy goods , inn ! are fully
prepared to receive auth full orders iii
wlmoleaaiu lusts at wiiolcsalo lurices. Timeir
entire stock is mmew aimd of time boat.
qumahi ty.
Semud itt your orders at. once amid secure
us bargaimi.
Nos. 16 amid 18 Pearl street , ( ioimtmcii
Biutfim , Iowa.
couNcil ,''s ufAnKlur.
% Vhmeat-No. 2 , iim I ig , 7Cc ; No. 3 , 6hc ; ro-
j octod , 10c ; gooui ihomimimimul.
Cimrmi1)emtlors uimo iayImmg 31@32o ; rejected
con ) , Chicago , IO@Ie ; rmow mnixoii 49o ; white
corn , rc : tim receipts , sf cormm mire light ,
Outs -Iii gitilj theiimutnil itt 20c.
hilly-I ( ) O@6 00 imor toni ; flOe per bale ,
Rye-hOc ; light nmmjiiy.
Corn Ideal - 1 213 15cr 100 Ptllmils.
Wood-Good supsly ; iirlcos at yards , i OO ©
a 00 ,
Coal-Dcilvoreii , itimx.i , 11 00 l' ° toim ; soft ,
5 riOIier toni.
llumttor-l'lenmty ansi lim fair deinimmmtl at 2c ! ;
crisnmncry : io.
Eggis-hezuhy umIo at 11e vor dozen.
Lur.I-Futirbammk's : , wliohcsailmig at I Ic.
i'oumltry-Firmmm ; dealers are iaying for
cliickomms tOo ; hive , 2 0 jior miozomi.
Vogotahlos-1iitatocsi , hOe ; ommiora , , 6Oc eahi.
bumges , 80@10u 11cr tiozomm ; lIlllleii , 3 50djI 00
pr barrel
Flour-City hour , 1 60JI ( .10.
Broomius-2 00J8 00 l'or ' doz.
Livid STOCK.
Cattle-8 0061J8 rio ; calves , , OO@7 rio.
hIogs-arknt for imugs qimiot , as tim pack-
log lmouitos arc closed ; Hitilipers mire iny1mmg 1 00
® .1
IaiIway Time TableT
U 1' , it H. , MAIN TINE.
i'aciflo Expross.12o5 : I ) in tlantto l'.xprosis7:25 : a ii'
Wct.orii Exprs a 8OO ; imim EslIress. 3:20i' : In
Oranil Isianid i'ass 43) ) ) l in 0. fslrid i'ass : .11:40 : a in
l1iicoitm Eli..2ilo ; , iii l1nicnim Ex . . . . . .255 p mu
flumminmy tralius leue Oimiatm as fnlliw , : 14:00 : a mu ,
' :00 : a iii , 10:1)0 : is iii , i 1:00 : a mgi , , I ; OO in. , 2:00 : i' in
:0(1 : 1 In , 4:1)0 : ) ji mu , 5:00 : Iii , 6OO ; p in. , moio : p. in.
iluimmimly train , . lease ( .insiicii hihimif , , as foili'vs : 5:21 :
. in , 0:25 : a III , bO:2S : mu ni , ) m:25 : a ni , m:25 : p in , 2:25 :
, Ill , 3:26 : p mn , 4t : ! ) Iii , 5:25 : is in , 0:11) : lull. 10:30 : mimm
Sumidays-.Tlio IUIiliIl3 truslims Is-iso rmvuhii at 9co : ,
t I : om a iii : 2:151 : , 4 ; OO. 5imo : , 6:00 : aiiil 10. 10 Ii in.
Loaves Council Bluffs at 0:25 : and lilams ; mu , 2:25k :
1:25 : , & :25 : Mill tiO : amid moso : ii um.
LOANS 05115. i.VtVS OOtlNCiL. stueps.
( 'Ml No. 2 , .7:55 : a ni Pass. No. 0. . 7:25 e mu
, ' No. 10..ti:4 : ! ii mu " No. lb . , .1lfO : a in
'I No 4 , . , " Ni . .
, 8f.0i : in , , mti : is In
, , No. . . . . . . . . . . " Ho. 1. . , 7sti I' in
'I N" . 0..dlfi ; mm iii
( L , M. & St. I' , It. lt.-tJ. I' . IEi'OT ,
loll & Pz : . . . . . .7:50 : a in iac'lil Ec..9t.'i a mu
tlaiitlo Si..hibtm : p iii ? .iall & Er . . . . . . .7:10 : P iii
( AIIASiI , ST. 1,01110 & i'AnIFIot' , p DKI'OT ,
. . . . . . . . . : a mim Osmah : . . . . . . . .11:20 : a nm
, , . . . . . . . . .8bm : ' um ' . . . . . . . . . 5:20 : I' mum
C. , B & Q It. it.-fl , I' . higi'OT.
sfahI..7:0) : is mu . . . . . . . . . : a iii
. . . . . . . . . . . I' In . . . . . . . . . . . . : I' in
C. , It. I , & i' . It. 11.-U. I' DF.i'OT.
' : si'ross..7ti ; ) a iii . . . . . . . . . . . . : is tim
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' in Kapreas..7 : 10 p mis
0. & N , W. It. lt.-h7 , I' . IfCtOF. )
. . . . . . . . . . . . : a iii . , . . . . . . . . . : a mu
. . . . . . . . . . P lii ' . . . . . . . . . : ) 1' Ui
If. U , I' . It. it.-l1 , I' , DSI'Oi' .
Siall' . . . . . . . . . . .tJitaiim : . . . . . . . . . : a tim
' . . . . . . : Ii lii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uit-tSOUhtt l' V. DEi'OT . . .7:5 : , ) mu ins Kir . . . . . . . . . ; 45 I , ill
Li. , trr. IAlfl , SI. it ( I. It. iL-hEL'Ot' N , 1ilt SI.
Nu. 2' . . . . . . 5t5) ; mu rim No. ) ' . . . . . . . . . 4:60 : i mu
' .55. 4. . .12:4l : , , iI NO. 8' . . . . . . . . .I Ifr ; a
Sioux (11I'Y & i'AOIVICJ-IW.m'Or N. Ittim Street.
41)550 ) ( ilimiSlil. for 'utieiuthmiu tiu St. Paul IJmm
to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : &
rrls a from , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : p to
II. & St IN NEilltASlA ,
eimver Erpruss. . hiiti : .4 iii Atltmitlo . . . . . 5:1101. : . mum
i'i.iille ; , . . , . : ii in , IermverExiresi'mto a iii
K. ti , if ! ' Jbi & C. II. IL. 11-li , m
stail . . . . . . . . . . . .t2t. ; a tim Eaiir . . . . . . . . dee : a mu
sl'roM . . . . . . 1:20 : im iii . . . . . . . . . . . , : p r.i
lum.das errimihil.
- - - -
Ohmeumug msu . Closumig ci Mails ,
PMUiii. Otlul , 00)111.
Lili. jl.iml , l.flm. ) .Ifl.
0 & N.V , , 0. , It. L& i'O. II.
& Q. , St. itii . 1ioums ( Sly. 11:0) : ) ) 0:00 : & :40 : 5:15 :
(5 , M.&th.i'.l4 (3. & i. us lousa OOi ; ( s:4U :
Wmiliu.hi Ealiress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.30 5:15 :
Wataili local . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1 : ! ) 5:40 :
II Si , , St. Jots & t ii . . . . . . . fMO 'JiO ; 5:40 : 51.50
Siiaioimrl ilMhhiij . . . . . . . . . 7:50 5:10 :
IS , St. I' . 31 , & ( h. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 7:2:1 : :
( limbo iutciltc , 'is urimiid . . . , 5:00 : I u :15 :
hJmiIitl ( Paellim , lSumuvr ma : . 4:01) : ) 7:50
I I. 4 iteliubilu aim 'uIlvy. . . . . I :80 : 1 I :55 :
ii. .fi M. luIrow : . , , . 7:00 : 7:40 :
Ii & ii. for i'Iatt.innotithi , S.
flemmil , Atbuiamid almil linuolmi , 1 1 :50 : 1:40 :
OSico OIJtU Humidiis IFI.I& > l-'C rn 50 1:00 : i' . olm.
(1 , . ( 'OUTANT l'osUuast
- -
The use of the term " 8hc
S H 0 RI Ijime" hi eoflmiCdtiOfl with th.
eofllorato UMOO ofa greatroad ,
COUVC3C mum Isles. of Uot whuM
I requmired Isy time travcbimmg pub.
nc-a Ilimert 1.1mm , QuIck 'Il.e
: Imuimi tIme best lIt aceommed * .
U tionu-mull of which are fiman.
hudied by tIme gruatect railway tu itiicmlca.
And St. Paul.
It cans mimmit opernmt.'e over 4.OO miles of roadu mu
Northurru Illinois , Wiseommclmi , lhhminosota , Iowa and
Dakota ; iumd ash ha muslim hues , branmcheis and connee.
tions mooch aum the itreat busimmess centres of the
Nurt.hsssit anim lu'rir Weet , It muuturahly muimowema the
deccriptlorm of l4bmort ! .tmme , nail fleet Route between
ChIcago , Mtlwnukee , St. laui anil Minneapolis
ChiragtMilaaumkce , La Croisse amid Winoima.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aborteen anti Eilemmdalo :
ChIcago , Mmlwaumkee , FAu Claire anti hitihIwater
Chicago , Mtiwnuukoe , Waui'msu anti Merrill.
Cimlrago , Milwaukee , Heaver Dam mmd Oshkoeh.
Chicago , , Wankesha and oconcmowoo. .
Chicago , Milwnumkco Madlsomi and i'ealrlo dum Ch5e
Chicago , MLtv.aukcn , Owatonmma and Falrltiault.
taiicagi , , lOeloit , Jaimei , , Pie antI Mineral Point ,
Chileago , Elgin , ttockforil amid Dimbtmquo.
Chicag. , . Cltmmtonm , Itock isiuumd mciii Cedar lIaphis.
Chitrngo , Council IblutTi end Omnamma.
Chiicuiro , Sioux City , 8mm FaIls and Yanktomm
Chicago , Mhlsnumkeo , Mitemmell amid Chmamuberlaims.
mtoek Islamud , lubumquo ) , St. i'risul mu Mimineapothe.
lb55ciiliomt , Coboiar , St. i'mmu.d ammit lhi.mumscaioiha.
Pulimaim Sleepers nut the Finest Dhumiogura inth
world art , mmii aim time inalnlhmmcs oftbm CHICAC
amid every attentiomi is hold to passengers by court.
ous emnpious of thic eemnpamly.
Oemm'l Manager.'l l'mirsi. Agcemt. .
.1. T. Cl.AItK , OEO H. 1IEAFFORI ) ,
Cenm'l titlist. AM't Uemm'l Paso. Ag'I.
I have kmmown and watched the use of Swift's 5p.
cilIa for user hiftv years , and have never kmtowzm
a fuiilurn to cure bioo.t t'oi.on whiemm mlrMperiy t.ako.
I Uocui it Oil my servants frtiium 1550 to 1885 , a , thu also
a miummiher of nim muvighmbtrs , and Iii every case thai
dade isltlmiim mimy kmmowldgc it. eiiectstl a cure. In &ll
1mm ! life I liner miever kmlown mu that s odd
fuilly ucceumplisli hat it Is recominenukd to do.
II. L LNNAItD , i'cn , ( is
louse knowmm amil mmsuil Swift's Stiecifle for bar.
than twenty years. , and hiss-u eten moors wonderful r
cult. from. . its use thiatm fronm any remmieity In or out
the ihiirnmmaeopwlum. it is aetulmm ammd cafe atmth.Iot.
to miii sorts .uf blood 1)0180 ! , .
.1 , IICKSON SMiTif , lit. I ) . ,
Atlanta , ( he. ,
The Great Drug Houro of Chicago.
We mb hot hicitatti to nay tlunt for a year a
hisuuslii mmiore of Swift's Speclflo ( S. S. S. ) than
other ihiood t'iirllicrs cumnbimicd , anti isithi umoet
tomiioliliig resumits. ( hue gemmtlenuamm who used half a
tioziin luttlos eays It lisa itomw him moors , good imian
treatmmmeimt hmlchn cost hmlmmm lOOQ. Ammothmer shio has
mmstxi It for is Serofiilous afleetlorm reports a pcrnuwmeust
cure from Its mice.
win lie paul to amiy Cimeinuist who will flnl , or , arm.
alysitof ltObittles ) H. H. H. , onmepturticle of Ms.rcury ,
IodIde iotassluum , or any imihimeral substance ,
.TljIf3\VflFHI'EClFIC CO. ,
Drawer :1 : , Mlusnta , ( . ,
LITWrltu fur thue little book , isblcbm will be mailed
l'rloe : Snuiall .1a , , I,00 her tiuttl. Tcmrge dim
( huidiiig ilomibimi tluZilmt1t ) , i.7b is bottme , 4t1i ilrug.
gishi sell it.
To the Traveling Publict
Ioo1iL ,
1. uvia. umalergumhzmg tlmreeouglm repair. , both wiuhism and
whtbiomt anti the Iroilrletor I.mutemmds it chaD lu SItO.
ONI ) 'i'd NONE him the State , heat to Onuslia.
, _ . It. iiLAOKS'El.L ,
aug 2l-2ni l'roprhti&'i.
Nebraska Corifice
Orllamell1 'Vorks !
5fNUI'AC'Tl'lSltS ( Of'
. . . . .
Z'133.1 .Qcri:2i..cs.vv..aJ , a
Iron Fencing !
( 'ructhisgi , hlaltmstrssles , 'stands , oatw : e.uml l5e.ijk
ItallImis-s , Wlnduw and Ctliartiuu.rds , Ous
N. W. COR. NiNTh AN ! ) J0Ni8 aTm4
WM. , Manager.
- :
humaamm losiy eatamge.i , dotuleped nimti litremigihenod ,
etc. , Is omit immteructlnr atusIti5eiuucmit long ruin Lu our 4
rmr. Iii reisly to liiqulriss V.iii sey that tuere jis
no ci ih mmcc hmmrutiug about ; hI. On thu contrary
the ads-irtlsers are -very bighuly lnuhm-su.l. hmita'ruetej
persons may tet ; uslurulars gluIng nil pirtbar.
by addressing Kilo MOdIIYSI Co. , I' 0. bo 515 , IIUffIIO
, I. V vil'oamdo 'em. mat.1y