Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1883, Image 5

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" rb I ; ' I 1 I 14S- _
Th DaiiocratCapjuc the Piota1
( at by fioi 5OOO tot
t- 1OOO1 (
. -1
L v' The Bopubiloans' Hopeful
, or a Ohatgo for the
The RoturnsVtyMoagro on the
the iogis1aturo and
Amendments ,
Disappointments and Surprises
Oomo fem Points Whore
Least Epooted
The Oount Ilnoomplotod in the
Pivotal County of
Iowt ltit1itlns Itt t'Iut in ttio
ICtUIIIUIl ) % ItlIkM by Icc.
4IIItC(1 Mtjiu Ity.
. NILNINa lI4P1'CI1tS.
: .s CINCINNATI , October 1O.-Tho Coin.
Rorciu1 Gizotto , in thu 1as odion thi8
morning , aya : The iwpresswi prevails
thftt lloiidley is elected Governor by from
5,000 to 8.000 majority. Full returns nmy
give a different rmlIt , bti tim outlook iii
not. favorihto. Thu Legislature is in
doubt , but it is claimed by both shies.
The secoud aniuiidiiieut vote is largo , but
it will Probably bo defeated by the Cm-
cinnati vote.
The counting of returns is confusing.
In this county , owing to very late work ,
the morning nowbpapors have barely a
uggcstion of a detailed vote. Everybody -
body is worn ( 'Ut and progress
ia slow. The best estimate on Hamilton -
ilton oounty froiii additional returns
received this morning , give Hoadly a
majority of from 1,500 to 2COO , wmth the
Ioislativo and the county ticket emthcr
divided or the Democrats defeated.
This ms based on returns from
73 out of 103 precincts , and
may be modified the other way by subsequent -
quont returns. As near as can be estimated -
mated the nmjority against the necond
.rnundmont will exceed 40,000.
CoruMuus , 0. , Oitobor 10.-No additional -
tional returns of consequence have been
received here this morning except private -
vate ( lispatellos and scattering telegrams.
On what has been received , however ,
tim De.iioerats cl.tiiii IIMIluy'i3 ( election
by 9,0R ( ) , ; uid the legislature. They claim
that I Inailley is running ahead of his
ticket in Oitiiiiiti , , , ; , : uid will have 4,000
majority in ' 1w county. Thu iltipulilican
-cOliitnittte think UoadIey'i niajority will
be three or four thousand ;
that lie ivill be elocted. Guver-
nor Foiter tliiiiks Hoadley's chances
boat , tUt dues nut ahiiiiloii lupe of either
Governor or LoisIaturo. The latest
froiii ( Jlevelitul : iiuticites that Huadly
will have a rniii ill Iujority in the county
with the Lial ituro four Democrats and
two Reiiiblittia , At the headquarters
the 1tpuhlicins arc still hoping for a
change. 1'hu Ddmuerats cltiin the Leg-
islattire by five , mid the Republicans by
vnav CLOSL
CoLuMnu8 , 0. , October 10 , 4 a. nt.-
We have received returit , from 705 wnrdt.
and Precilicts vhiiehi give a net RoJuhhi-
can gain of 4,890. At this rate of increase -
crease based IIlIi ) ( the number of voting
places iii the State the 1tupiilhican gain
in the State will be about 12,000 , which
would elect Iloadloy , figuring the total
vote received which the probable total
'oto in tim tiito and it increases the ito-
' publican gaitis It is iniposihlo to determine -
mine who is elected to.iiight but the
chances nj.ilIar ( to favor Iloadloy. IUJFE4.
CIcINN.tTI , Oct.ibar 10.-llalateach of
the Coriiinei cial-tJizotto : says that Fora-
ker will liivu a aiiiall majority and the
Repuhlicai&s have the Legislature by a
close v..te. lie gives praise to the Our-
niaii Ite1nibhi'i'is ' for their faithfulness.
Vaii VOIt gives l"oraker 100 majority.
In Ilighilaitd count ) ' Foraker is running
coiisiderally ihieu1 of the ticket.
CINC1NAT1 , October 10 , 2:60 : a. iii.-
Thirty.fivti l.reciiIotS of JLuiiilton , county
sluw :1,018 : Ituiiubhicali gail ! in this coini-
ty. At this rate the ltepubhic.ui
gain in thu ciiunty will ho I0,82&or within -
in forty-iuinti votes of over.couiing Sucre-
try of State Nuwnui's , : 1)emocrutio lou-
, J jority last full. Edgar Johnson , Judge
iloadly'ui law partner CluijiliB the State for
iloadly by 10,000 innjority Johnson
says tinu Dtuiuiuerutts have also carried the
Legislature. A iiuthur account says , ' ' 1 t
is wholly uiipossttulo to obtain the result
of the county tichet in liaiiiilton county.
Itoport.3 8(1 far have beoui inly of the head
of the ticket At 2:80 : twenty-three pro-
cincta ShIWeI a nut Republican gain for
, Foraker of 2,40 t At this rate Forakor
would ahIno3t if not quito carry hamilton
county , aimil the Itepishhican county and
Legislative ticket will certainly be elect-
od. Great gains for the itejiublicaus are
noted in iiuarly all the German wards.
Thu gain in one ward amounts to over
r,00 'otus. Time beet calculators find
rhmenusolvus at auui by reason of the erratic
tesults iii hilliiroiit Parts of the city and
State. No oustiuiatu caim ho mmmdc of the
various cunididates for couiity oflices , cx.
capt on the hiasia of an estimate of the
.streiith of time reform loinocratic ticket.
These voters all voted for hloadloy and
the Suite ticket.
8U111'lmIsiNO TO flOTli 1'ITI.
OLEvaLANz,00tobcr I -itettirns come
in Elowly. 10 , 'chumck this Inornhlig ,
with tvo syarild to hear fiiimi , , inuhieatioim ,
are that Ihonulley carries this county by a
aniahl majority. Ittist , , lti'piillkiti Lieu.
tenant c ) vuiuuir by iii Hill I it ) ( ) ( ) ; \V Ii i to.
' beck , lL'iuulmhieaii , ( .muuiity 'i'rvnauruur b
1,01)0 ) tO I 601) ) l'ruhihhy ) IIIi Joiuiocrui
iiiiit 4)11(1 ) I It ) I 4LI ) 10,01 5411 III t r elect out amid
four loiiiuu's atuut I um. , ItehlIltulioull ltoim
resemutuutivus , 'l'huo reinuinuler of the hL'lIl
ocruitic t icku't. is eobuuhily ekwlvd , i.xcu'pt
perhaps , Couumity Auditor , ( oiiipletu re
turns mnuiy vhuutiitu t liii souuiumvlmnt. 'l'hu ,
result is ii inirlurido to both puirtbea.
COLUMIIVH , Otobur 10.-Clerks hiav
been counting all night situ forenoon. 1 ,
several canes thu tiglirds ut tirt iul"rt.'d
iii sonic ilustailcus are 1uIw ) eiiitrauuiettql
Newsunvr Ihkes all I otlu.r Cemiters of
i uiforiuiatini , , ire t hr. imigeti ithi iii i s
crii da ii'ait mug fur I hi returius
cuuuuii.t . yet le 3.dvuut.nrilus auth u itl&.ls
ditreruuig Iuihlutine mire relortct1.Vu are
mimuchi mnixcI.
$0 Ii V
CLnvntA1 , , October 10.-When tim. .
110115 Chst.d ( hint uiiglit ltuiuuutdiuuunum guI't
iii ) nearly every want nail time leIlnerIIs ,
clainwd everything in the city and towiu.
shuij , , hut as the evening irgressed tin.
Itopubhirans became lucre hopuruul uiii.h
the Doinoem aLa began to be tl.ili , fuul of
( ho result. Eumouuhu is known to shio
that the Democrats io.t and guuinud
whore least expected. It is proluulil. .
.Jiat the Democrats elect utmost , leihiui. .
all , the county ticket , but the legislative
ticket is lu doubt.
The Doumocrata coulcetlo a loss iii Cuiva-
hoga county of 1,500 tuuidor last fail's
vote ,
run LAIIuS' Evr.s wamun oI'emni
to nuumolu of t he uurts uuiid ruuet icci ' 1 thu
warI politiciuui , Rhll their m ecitals of
their uXpuriuqucos are highly uumumnshug.
One good % vuumuuiu , % vai mnuXresuubly ,
shocked. She saul : ' 'It is rfeet1y iv.uu-
.lurful . how dreadful nut ! uumtruttifuul then
are. " As tar as leuuruued no iilhignities
were ( miTered time ladies itt the imolls uuuty
where ,
II ) Wt.
COUNCIL 13LUFF3 , October 10.-There
are 28 towiushuups iii I'ottuuwattuunie cutuhi- ,
my. Of theac iCitox gives a maj.rity . of
41i fur the Itopiihlican State ticket , 13o1.
kiuuip 80 , Cuuuttur :100 : , Carsuui 101 , Lewis
:3 : , atitl the Detuuncratie majorities are
Nuola 10 , Miumdon 75 uimul Layton4O lii
Council Ilhui a the First ward , othieiai ,
gives the Duimmocrats on tue State ticket
34 nuijurity ; Socuitd , wurd , estimated , 18 ( )
Il.qpublican : Third ward 40 , Fourthu ward
76. 'Flue ilepublican State ticket will
have 100 to 400 umluljority.
DEn MoINi : , October 10.Cow. . Slier-
mail's majority over Kinime in time city of
Des Moitue is 1,203 , The Re1ubhicumi
majority iii the couuuty will be over 2,000.
Das MoINas , October10 , 3 a. tui.-Tlmu
Republican State comtmmitteo mumakes its
titumrcs as follows : 30,000 , Coy , Sherman ,
Plurality ; 25,000 Judge it. ed ; 17 and
probuubl ) 23 of the 29 now Senators , giv.
'lug the Itopublicauis 37 amid Probably 40
of the Senators. Of the house 42 Ho-
pubhicuin miucunbers are certainly elected
and 30 Denuocrats or fusion. Of the 38
mneuuubers Uiirepoted 18 will be Itepubhi-
DES MoINES , October 10th , 4 a. in.-
Returns received upto thiB hour increases
rather titan decreases the estiiuiae of the
Republican State Comnnuittoo sent at 3
. , 'clock , showing forty.acven Ropublicauu
members of the ilcuse elected , thirty
Demnocrata , amid twenty-three unreported ,
of which the itopubhicaus claiiii twelve tea
a certainty. Gov. Carpenter is elected to
the IJOUBO in Webster , and Senator laiF
rabee and Cimirman Donnan are both
elected to the Senate.
DES MOINES October .
, 10.-Tluoitepub-
hicami State conuuumittee has furnished the
follu.wiuig statcizuont to tim public :
"Itoonis of the Itupubhicami Central
Coumuuitteo , Des .1oinis . , October 10 , 3
a. mn.-Tho ruturius tip to muuiditight mdi-
catu the clectiuui of the Itepublicami State
ticket by 30,000 plur.ihity , with the exception -
ception of Iteetl for Supreumuo .J uudge. vhuo
will fall frouuu 3,000 to 5.000 huhiiul. , Ito-
turns ala. ) shuuw time ulertimj of 17 and
probably 23 out of the 2' ' ) Senators. Time
Republicans will have 37 and prba1uIy
40 out f the tiC ) Sunatois. The Rc1nib-
liuans have ohs. , certainly elected 42 out
the 100 Itopruacuitatives and the Demo-
crata 30. Of the 28 uiioinbers
still relorted or iii doubt ,
the ilepubhicatus will lirobuibly elect 18 ,
niakiuig time 1tujnmbhican strength iii the
lower house 00 to 40 opposition. After
a ituost hotly coiiteated fight the Itepubti-
cans feel sonic degree of disappointment
their majority is not larger , while the
Democrats are correspondingly disap-
1minted that. it is so large. Thu returns
are all in and nothing further of a deli-
lute uuattmre will be known to.nighit _ No
definite iuufornuation hia been reoeived
from the Sixth Congressional District.
- -
Secretary IieIIu.gIm uiyuemk'u Letter to
Congressuilaut IiuuuiertI' .
CJIICAOO , October 10.-At a maccLing ,
lucid lucre , of the Irish citizcima , two weuka
ago , a request was made of Joliui F' . 1' in-
nurty , the reprerouitative in Congress
froni the Second I hhiuuois Ijstrict , to lnce !
before the Stat.3 Dejuartiuuent \'aslutng- -
toum , tim fact that. O'Douiumuil , the stayer
of informer Carey , was mu Aummericnui citiZen -
Zen , uutd , ins such , untitled to a prouer
defense by the ( Jolted Stitcs : at. his forth-
comuuimug trial. Itepres3ntativu Fitimuerty
at uncut eouuluuiLmiuc.utcl ; with Secretary
Freluumghmmmysuii , amid received the follow
iiig in reily :
\VAHIIIXOT0N , D. C. , October 3.
lion. .1 cliii F. Finuierty :
Suii-I mit iii receipt of your letter of
the 27th nIt. , encloaimmg time rosolumtioii
adopted at a meeting of Chicago citizeuiu
in reference to the npproachuiimg trial of
l'atrick O'Donnell in Etmgland , said to ho
a citizen of time United States. A CSJ ) '
of your letter with its enclosure will be
coinuutuiticated to our muiiuuistur in London ,
vhi. . will be instructed toaseertaiii wimuthu.
or O'D.nneil is a citizen of the United
Statoa mid if uo , to do what is neccsary
to secure his proper dofenso. It is uuot
doublet ! thuuut the accused will receive -
ceive a fair trial according
to the usual forum of law
which , in Eimglaud , are substantially those
in force in this eouiitry , tutu that nmuy
prour niul to thmat , utiul which is iii their
pouvcr to furnish will be given by time
representatives of tlmo United States iii
Luumdoa. Such aid would be ivoui , as a
matter of course , without speculie inatruc-
tiouis from this dopartnmouit to any Amen.
CIfl citizen accumsed of crime in any for-
cign country whore this Govoratument is
represented. I ani , sir , your ohedient ,
FunrmeIuK ' 1' ' F1tEL1NIilUYi4tN.
Fa.rt liqisaic. ' .
SA ! FluNcisco , October 10-A shock
of an earthquake was felt hero at I o'clock
this IuIOiltiItg. 'I'hmo uumuat auvero in soy-
ursl years. 't'her.t . wcuu three siigtitrlmocka
early iii thticvening.
'Flits fitrout Oar ( J.iimeistloii ,
Ciiie.uao , October 10.-At's
sessiomu of thu Auuiunican Street itaulany
I Ahauciatmohu , a ( hiacumiusioul occurred liposm
. time fuuumihulity of lmeatiumg cats , hut thu
. geimerat ojuiuuioit imruvmuiitut thit no plus
lout yet beemi simown vIiucim was funimblu.
: 'l'Io , Sertitary read a paper on ismethods for
) proiuethiumg cars amid inclined to thu luehitif
timid time embto imystomn was time best yet
kiusWii. it was time ojiliuoii that thu
imnuemit syatent of c.diectimm fares with
I time 1)011 ummehi ammil conductors could umol
I b improved upon.
Thu lliinb1icaiis MaIiitiii thii' Ui'i
Oil 1O\V \ hYAbll1 25OOU.
While the Deniocrats Pocket Ohio
by 12,000 , MaJority.
The Former rpakes to Oold Watol'
Wliilo the Latter aliugs
to Lager.
The Detailed Returns from Iowa
and the Member $ Elect of
the Legislature.
Tini lemum.u'ratM S.&mui. Uo..L Vor.
l'g ilusJt.Ity ot' t hmt tIili
kt'gI.Iutt tire.
CuciNNTI , Ot.ber 1fl.-Iiclmartl
Sumuitim , l'imo Couiuiuiuurtial : ( i.tiuttu , do !
hut. vuLtch Limo reusnhms 1.ust muight , but to.
uhimy , muter looking .i time held , said Ito
( luLl must regard Foraker defeated. At
PruVm elections time umuuws of Duimmocratie
atmeteas iii the election of ( ivermiors , iiunl
teeul ) lioraided Iy time Deumonuutmc , lireas
time mourning after time olectioum amid coim-
uded by Reliubhicaii , ruin ! yet later no-
turns wholly cliuusiged the aspect of af-
fairs. ( Eu regards time lirecitlets nut yet.
heard frommu its likely to britug Itupublicaim
gaitis. LI4 tO time uttises for time imnuucticiul
{ ) defeat , 1'.Ir. Simmitlm says Forum-
kur lost votes front both Iartieum Oil no.
count of time teuumperamuco issue. lie
thought nisi time woul.growurs mummul wine-
grou era . ! , poeul hitmu.
CLa\I'.IAD , Oetmher'l'im . ( ,
rm suit o time eieetiomm iii the county is ctiil
ummdct'mmmito. The olhicimul coummt umay be i
qmuired to ( loCido sumimo cases. 'I'imo Ito-
iuumbhicamms urobuubly elect . .mm . judge , amni
luenhmmups three of time six ltopreuuitatives.
Toaamuo , Oeioiumtt 10-2:30 p. mum.-
Tweiity-nino precincts tim lALeuSt coumity
show us Democratic gaimu of 581. Thu
Demnocratic mumajority iii titti cotmmmty will
range frommi 1,700 to 2,000. lloadioy's
estitimated majority is 1,700. TIm Demmm-
( , cratic judicial tiekut is probably elected
by about 2,000. Time legislative ticket
is about 1.500 , amid time Senatorial front
3,000 to 5,000. Prolmihitiou is defeated
by ptobably 5,000. Tue first amnemid-
mnemtt is invisible.
OascvnANn , Octibcr .
10.-Nearly corn-
pleto unolliciuul iclmorts of this ( Cuyaimoga )
cImmimty give fondly 42 nuajurity. Rose
( ltupubhicamm ) , for Lieutuumutt-G : ovonmlor ,
whose home is in Cleveland , carries the
enunty by the remmuirkabie mnutjnrity of
2,700. There us apparemmtly a ummajority
migaimust time secomid utmmmutudssicmmt in time
co.mnty. On time legislative ticket Wil-
iiatmms , Dtumnocrat , amm'I Ely , Iteiuubhicamm ,
for Seumators. nun Iloeruiug , Elmurbaughi
amid Rocime , lcmmmocrals , amid haley mont
Burnett , ltUlUbliCiLllS , for relresoImta- )
lives , sceimi to ho uIeckd by summuthi imlajuri-
tmes. Thu reunaiumimmg purtiumm of the
coummuty ticket is Dtummtocruutic , time auditor
muutl treimaumner ltepsmbl icini.
Thin LATESr.
OINcuNATz , October 10. 12 o'clock p.s.
-Nt ) commmpilation ( if Limo relumrns of I iuumm-
iltoii county is yet mmmdc mm. Some iimc.
ducts were not coummted out by the
.Judgcs until to-night.
Conuattmus , mntliiight , October 10.-
Rotmmnums from 80 coummties ( limb of time 8t
imi the State , cstiimiated , give time State to
the Democrats by 12,000 mnijority usumul
the Legislature from 20 to 25 Democratic
oil joint ballot. The secommd mmunendinumml
will conmo close to being adopted. TImis
estimmiato is based on ilmummilton county
being Demmiocratic.
All but three counties rporLcd un
oflicially aitowimmg a imet llepuiihicami gain
( if 0,248. The three remnaitmilmg counties
wmll uiot chammge time relult mummmtcriumhly.
Floadiey's majority iii time State will be
about 12,000. The Legislature is douht-
fiil but the chammcca are imm favor of time
Democrats. No one imas figured on the
amnuumduriommt to-clay and no moliablu immfor
mmmation iS available. No returns received
froumi Hmumnihiomm county in regard to it.
I 0 W.
ChicAGo , October 10.-i r. zur.-'J'imci :
Jounuial'a Des Moimmos spociuui says : ¶ I'lme
Democratic State Central Committee to.
day claimmi that. Simorinaim's plurality for
Governory will not exceed 5,000. Tlmoy
also claiumi the election of Cook (1)emmm ( , )
for Congress iii time Sixth District by
ahcitmt 1,000.
'i'hic Chmumirman of time Iowa State Coui.
veimtioii telegraphs to time asncintud iross
fromn Ioa Moimmea this morning as follows :
' 'Itoturna commmo ism slow. Large lummio.
cr.utie gains , in time immterior. 'J'lme State is
doubtful. Time Itepublicamis wilt not
hmawo to exceed five thousand iuhumrality uuuid
time Democrats amid Greomilaclcers will
have mm majority iii time lower ilouso. Pro.
hibition iii entirely clefcated. Cook is
elected itt the ( liii Jistnict by I ,000 usun.
3 unity.
lAvINioutv : , October -lavemmjmort
city gmvea a dummiocratic ummajom-ity omm the
state ticket of 1,651. 'I'Iie coumity of
Scott will give a ulemmmocratic majority of
2,700 for Govenumor amid 2,900 for Sum-cute I
.1 udgu. ' 1ime ropumbhicatia elect. time county
BURLINITON , October 10.-Returns
from all taut two townships iii Des
Itiirmea cotmmmty , and timoy catiumiated ru
last year1 give time etatui tickut I , (121 (
iusmmocratmc ummajuunity. ' [ 'ho untlu o culumuty
ticket us elected I ) large uuiajunitucs , ox
c&ult auditor , wimicim is very close betweeim
Ceiulu , ltcpiibhieauu , amid (1 ( ueiicimc , Icuiumo.
ci'at. ( luelicimo is l1riahily ) elected by i
atumali muimijunity ,
lEs MOINES , October 10-Itetunuom received
coivod by 'Vhue tuutu Itogisiur u to mmoomm
juicreaso time Ito1)ublicamm ) majorities imi tin
icislnturo. ituports uiml sumuihmmitnicms UI
five o'clock this uuuorzmimig sliunved eighteen
of time nismetecu now Senators elected zinc
Itupubhican , aimd definite rottmruia give flu
I tCjuUiiieuult iliUmilliCts tif timohmouso eiectcd
and 29 fleniocrats , Of time 20 ummro.
iiorttI time Itupublicans will lumohiahil )
elect 13. 'I'liu imaumse stamids U I itu1.uib
iicamis to 40 Iiuimmocrats. Of thu I I othuuu
mmcv ! Suiiatoniz thieru mviii probably lie au
lejuhmlictius ; amid fivu Dtumnocizmls. 'I'huz
Jtuj.umiihissumm . nmmijonity u11 joint. ballot sii
be t'tweesm 45 muumd 50. hater retmunum
i , iticucte the eicu'i.nm of Stiles , I tejitub
haiti , to ( Jotigresii by a amsizull mimajority
I cC. . y , I tejium ci i ms m i , for Suuimt. 'r 1mm \It
Suimikmt is rujlurLel defeLmtLl.
Governor Simeu-uumuumm will have 30,000 o
moore over Kimmimo , and irolahly 10,000 Lu
irooo , over all , .Jumd1e Itoud has noun' '
the a mtmii 'I'imo Logmalaturo us Itcpumhilh
u cami ( iii , joint ballot by ut least 40 , 'I'imu
I futmu ma close htmL time Rupumbhicamis wil
} uuuvo zit least 8 or 10 ums4.iriLy. Tim Un
Sixth Congressional clmstnict iutuhiciitioim
are fuv.mmlto to Stiles , Reptililiexmmm. Pmo.
imili tn'im iS l1ml)1tlY asuuiu't'4l.
C , mimhitete retunmus elect tajir'ilkins
it..tsil , uciut item ! mmcc I Sm \'mtrrelt mouth
. ' I ad isu 'it c.'un t i es fur Somimut . 's , by 18
, , , 1tttuiblICut , fur Semis.
t 'r iii , relent cd to tiuia mimorim-
.ng . , ma t'lcctetl. . itut litmus fttmtm
I ' . .1 k u. omit ty gives $ imenimimmt , 1 , i16 sstnj or.
ml ) tuV 1mimmte. 'l'imtm city of l.em ilOttmL'a
gutus Shucm'muuuuiu I ,28 ( mum.ujunhly ever
iCi mute. Spesicor , lteptitiicummi iiitmiliii'o
t..r huresututaIit U imu the I bust' , of
I 'out tsimek , imn tvit rciortetl elected t imis
f.rumusomm , is protubly : defemututi. les
\toities county $ hus 1004 uumujnity for
Simerunmuit over hitmmto. 'I'Ime two ttuptl' .
licuti miieiutbusra for the I Ititts iii
\'arren anti IahjSt fl e.'tiiilies . '
are repom ted defeated. Sinuimmiutmu
toimiicmm , of the ltejubhic.tim State coin-
tiulttcu is elected for Semiriton jut iltmchtamm-
tuil diatrkt , btmt by a stun ! ! nmutj..rit- . . .
Cii.tss . eli . itct1itmbhicami , for Seiuumt4.r . mu t hue
Dullas umitsi ( 'ismtbrie district limes over 1,2(10 (
ttumjoni ( y. -.Tc . Dougim , Itu1.iii . 'tiraim , f. . ii
Simstor itt Clark amid Dernttmr , lutem 825
itt tjie ity. Cass cotututy (325 ( uiumtjmnity : f..r
Sboiimtmmii over hitiitu , and 130.1 It1ti1hi. ,
C tit ttiitOlit for tue rest of I lie state
tueket. tcimitu , ltepttbhicait , for time he. ! ;
Islature , mitt1 tilt time couittty ticket ma
elected. O'lnitutm ! county 110 $ lttputl'liea
tmuujotity ,11 tt limuuo.Vaptill. . . gave 0t )
( .mm . Stiles , ituputblmeati , fotComii.sresa , i.itt . ,
200 for Itmumtu. it ciocted time lcumiocrat-
IC t ( .uimty . mmmiii I .ogisimtt ive ticket.
Cot'clL lm.uri-s ! , Octtlnr , tOCumo -
PlUto returns ft-comm 20 utut of 28 tiormi-
ships of Pottuuwattamimio cotmitty guve Simon-
tmmntm over J.iiumme 800 , amid Room ! , ivur
i la'es 200 mnajonity _ 'l'lto lte1ittblicuutus
icct Stuimator , two IteproseiiLumtmvos and
time ciutimo cuemit ) ' ticket cxept Otie c mit-
( think' for Supervisor. 'I'wo ( owimsimtps
to imear front will mint chuuntgo these hg-
Idc itSilAi.LTVN , Octoler 10-Nearly
complete mcttmruls give Shmeruimamu tSi' ) . over
limimmu amid ltil fltjO uver tlmmytus. Suttomi
nmmd llruiwim , lmtii ltupublieauums mire elict-
ccl to time Legislature.
Dr. MoINms : , October 10.-b i- . t - -
1'hio Icummocrats miow gemienuihly comtcelu
that Simeriimsmt is elected , but mit his uuium.
jurity mit 8,000. Tummy also comucede S to
8 Ituitiblmcait ) uimajority itt time l.ot sir
Iloumse of tue Logialmittmro , amid 15 ltetnmh-
licaim mnuijomity ill time Senate. A iepiu-
semitmutive of the Associated Press called
mtt. the Domumocnuttic hmeadquantors this eve-
mming to get their elttullatO and stmtteiitemitui.
i.Ir. Kimimmo refused to make nmuy rtute- :
mmmemits , but Mr. Sells , time Secretary , fur-
' 'itetturns frimmi thu
nmusiued time folloIriult ? :
interir imidicutte large Dcmmioenatie gmuimnm.
'lime result timi time State ticket is ( loumtmtftmi.
'Flie itepubhicami PiUrtitF wmll imut uxceeti
5,000. ' [ 'lie Lower house is iii doubt.
[ 'rolilbitiomi iii rertaimtly defeateti , "
viii : LEaIslim'l. nit iuvit. .
Dim MOINES , October 10-11 m' . s.-
The Rnpuhhican Cemitrimi Comnmmmittco imas
funmtishcd to the Associated Press the ( ci-
lowing tables on time Legisiuctive amid State
' ' cmliii the clue-
ticket : 'I'iue itupubiiezums -
thom of the foilositig Summators-Cahlwell :
of iahlas coutmity , PuieDonougli of Chiric ,
Stmtt'mmi of 1'.lmusimuhi : , Gillette of Itoomme ,
Euustmiuamm of iluirdimi , Donmmami of Bucimammummi ,
\Viuumley of Butler , Claims of Cerro Gonhi , ,
Chmtmbb of ICossuth , Chmaimmbers of Cedar ,
i' ; mIca \Vayiie , Stephmnius of lumion , 1)tmmi-
can of iiumisu , Sweelmo ) of 1'tutciuuhi , McCoy -
Coy .if ' , luthuaskutVilLius of ] tluuliu.umm amid
\Vutrrcmi , Czursmu of l'ottawitttamuuie , or ii
tutuil of 17. Of the St4itu Scuuumtura 2(1 of
time 81 mire 1tepimihieutmmn.
' 1 hiti Iteptibticami ( ) cmmtmal commiummittee also
ciuitiut thu electiomi of time following 1ic
pmuhilictmus : Ilumli of Clark , llammmiltotm o (
'I'uylor , ilutlur of Page , Sturcy of 'cdair ,
1'.tlmiler \Vashimmgtomm , Iymmmm of Lutmmsa ,
\Vat-&I aimd NicCullougim of Jmtsiier , 'I'mmttlo
itmlVatroua , of Polic , Pattee of Dalimut ,
McCall of Sturoy , Mowury of 'rmimmta ,
t Browii o ' Mmcnslmall , .IcDude . of Sic ,
11usd of Oreommo , Uuuiplmrey of Wright ,
\Vatsoum of Wortlm , Detmstnore of Curie
: Gordo , Cmtrpemmter \Vebsttmr , Vammder-
pu.l of Mitchell , McNuuy of Cahhuoumu ,
I l'itttl uj ( Shelby , Wolf of Cedar , Curtis
of i'uymnoutlm , Kuimmi ofCass , holbrook of
Delaware , llazlott of Blackimawk , Icorr
of Orumidy , Weaver of Hardium , .Jumies of
Ilmummmilton , hinowne of Butler , Slienimmaim of
Sioux , ICeumnedy of Ida , itamni of Len ,
Bogga of Lucas , Davis of Pottawatbmnmic ,
Chaytomi of Pottatsumttammiio , Ovonimoltger
of Atmduboum , Fordyco of .Jellcnaomm , Rice
of Fayette , Fihlmmmoro of Cherokee ammil
Clay , Harrison of Palo Alto , Lyon of
Outline , Coy of Itiuggohci , Scimoo of
O'Brien , Iiemmsoui of Frnmmlclimm , Snmythme of
Lymmn , Nugemit of Lynmi , Miltem of Bum-
clmammmmi , Cahicimis of . .JomtesVilber of
Floyd , Pickum of Jt1aimumska , ( mcdl of
Brewer , amid Comiverac of Ilowarik
Thme Dumumocrats elect Susmators in Jack-
soil , Claytoum , illumnion , Lynti uLmml Appmm-
noose , suvemm iii itll. 'l'ime iemnocrnts elect
Itoiircacmitatives as follows : One iii
, lleumry , one iii Moumtgonmery , ommo ium Lee ,
( imie ill Vaimilutreum , two in Vapoi1 , .imio
1mm lecatumr , cue iii Union , one iiiVil. .
liuuimle , Ohio iii i'lndiaouu , 0110 jim \Vimrnomm ,
two iii Iiibmmqmue , uimo itt l'ditlus , one iii
I.lvis , ( JOe \Vumyiie , two iii Climmtoui ,
title irm i'ultiacatimmo ' , ommo in Appamiooae , ( limo
in .1anioim , oiut.i 10 Iowa , (1110 imm I'usru-
simiuk , one iii llarnrsoui , 011(1 lU Ohiehcmu
suw , two iii Des 1liimmes , two iii .Julmn-
semi , one in Caytomi , two iii Scott , omue
iii Jackseimi , one iii Crawfoud , one imm
icokuk , nu imm IIouiumma , omm ( . ill Itlommrmie ,
oimo imm i'rummmontoiLy iii umhl.
'Jill0 fohlowimug Seuiumtois mire iii doubt :
farrabeo of Fayette , Kcucgio of hiontomi ,
Barrett of O'Brien , Oliver of IiI.immoiimi ,
Ileinusehmoimnen of 11oimtgoimmury-livo iim
uuil. 'I'hmo foilowimmg nuirunuimtiititmca , zure
mmm dotmbt : Palmer \Ynodhury , Itunumes
of Aliauumakue , .Incksoim \Vinmmoaimiok ,
Livingatomue of Bonito , Bassett of hemm. !
tout-live iii all. Sunumutary of time hegiui.
huuttum'u : Sumintora-Itepubumcummus :37 : , Deumi.
ocruits 8 , Ii ill uiommiit. house of Itoimne.
uueuutritivcs-ltupublicamms fi I , Fusioumista
10 , 5 in doiiiit.
Tills r.ATISHT.
Diu : 'ufomNns , October il.-t:1 : $ t. as.
--UI , to titis hour the ltuimmibhicamm Stumte
Coimumumitttme 011(1 State Itegistor have coimm-
pluto nmmd full ruttimums fnnm timimty CiUIm.
tics , amid uiufiuite , moturns ( rout twomity.
. tftiVCIm couiumticuu , ammul jiartial returuma froze
the other fomLy-Lwo counties. 'I'beiu :
HiIIW tlmmt : Simurimmuum zmutjl the Iteiubhicamm
State ticket tihl have a muuuujonmty over
; ICimmumu smmtl the 1)emumocratiu ticket of
20,000 to 28,000 usual a mmmuljnl-ity of I 2,00C
I to 14,000 uuver all , , Judge Rued duets mmoi
null over .1 ,50 ( ) buimiuid time rust of thic
: ltepmihiiicati Stumto ticket. 'I'lmo result iii
time Sixth Coiigmczvuioimal ( hjatnict is still
jut tlziiihit , limit Cunk , ( Fuusioiiist ) lot hmnimiuum
. lily elected by 200 to 800 silajority.
1iii.l III Iuui'u ' iii ii I'iommuhti 1mm.
Ij.tCnou4is , ( ) Lobiim JO , - Pz-usi.leuml
a j itibhis of die board of tnuolim says tin
. proauitiuin of tue Vusturn IJmmiomm tWo
grmmuim c.mmipamiy to imuy $1 0,000 a year ftui
- quotatiolis lisa inuerm irufonnially contuid
uure(1 html will Immmrdly ho acceptc.l. ft
r ! , hiimmueapoilus a busiimass mush uttaimila real )
) tAm l'Y l,000 for time exclusive usu of tin
V utsmotatbtm8 ill timiut city muioutu. I I. I :
- Icarmiud the tebegnmjsii columlialmy is wiilimg
Li Lu imuitmdlo tue qitotzmtiomius , dividing this
I mnunnimu witim the bomrd and dchivunht
U tiuo qmiotationa Lu oumiy thomso whmoimi thu
it hioamil desire to iimu'u thioiui.
- . - - -
. -
oll3Lor Ediiinns DotorrnIiic to Rcsiii
the Prosciioy ! of the Scato in
Favor of Aiithoiiy ,
A Court Martial Ordered to Try
Liout , Col , Morrow in
Arizona ,
A l4etietmiemmt i ! athiIt it ilecimig , of
Clilcutgo-.l"mmmural ot' Gessem-al
$ t.tTtti EimMLiIs' s.c- .
\'ASiiilTttX , October 10-Senator
Hilmumittumis iota been itt time oil3' ao'crai
( hut)5. lie iuiyui imioust PRtti'Ol3' aiImco lila
arrival ho does not immteinl to rct4uin time
, of Presitlomit 1)1-ti ( cliii ore cml time
semmuate. lie intends to resigit isusnedi-
mutely ott tue urguiitiastiotm of the Sommuttu
mmimd Senator Aiitinimy yiti he elected in
his lilutee.
-tumr.t I. ottumNumuAi : : , ( IiANP.
The \Vnr lcieu tutietut. a : (1 its burcaums
will lo , closed toitoruow tint. of respect
to Ilium mnctmuory of Surgcomm ( temmum-al Crutmie.
t'ito following imuivo been selected v1t
hiumirommi : Secretary Liimcthn , , t1smtmu-aL
Rodgers , I Ltti. it. . uburt. 0. Scheumek , Gotma.
itmmcfeuly , ltOChmL'stUt , ltmmeksir , lrntn ,
Bait-ti Ilc'umot Ilumutcihluhahmiud \
, ' , , hluhahmiudVnigimt
mumiul Perry , Ooinuuioulre Fiilutmrauum , Ir _
.1 . i1. ltrwmi , , U. S. N. , ltoss , Its ) ' am !
Charles 1mmutishi.
linus hmecti uthlltitutud ) to macct at Fort
I I imacinmeut , A niaoitt : , Octohier it ) , fsr tnimil
of t1ietmt. Ciii. A. i I 1onrow , Sixteotitim
cavalry , funmmmonlv on limo stall of Ccii.
Simenmmiuumm , emi tuiamges : sif drummkemmmmess amid
commihtict ummbeeomsmiimg aim otilcur amid gemm-
tlutmiit , prefcrrel by hug. Ccii. Crook ,
coumiummtmmdumg t in 1)cpuirtmmmuimt of Anaemia.
TOY. ttUittAt ( It' mNsiNIEits. : :
Adtuuiral ttinlgers mumul Chief Eimgimmeer
loniumg called upomm time l'nesidemtt timium
aftci'ituomm. It is umidorustooti that time
hustLer st ill 1o mimade dud of time bureau of
steam eugilmeurmi of tim mia' ) ' dupartmiiemmt ,
vice Shuckretired. .
TIlE Ii : nusu cotit'tLoMtsm.
Secretary Folger to-duty decided to no
eopt time termims of time ( unmuproimsiso otforod
ill ? i'L C. hletmmmg , of Chicago , iii sottie-
inomit of time juiuigouttomit : ugaiit'st lloaimmg _
lucid hmy time goVenmttmmemlt . 'l'iiu atumonut
imivolved was $00,000. 't'imo amimoumit
oIflretl in coutmproummiuse is $2,700 , a dilIer-
Cilco of $77,800. Imi mmceeutmuug the ohrer
time secretary acted in mute .tJancu with
time rceommmmuiunulatiuimi of , Jcwutt. of
go , who is-as utmucist Umuiteul States attor-
fli3 ill timim case , ammd tvnmietim ihmymmior ,
solicitor of the trcutslurv.
ORIIIIIMAb 1t1C0Itl ) .
soiNmits : : cotiNEttmD. :
CutIcAuo , ( ) ctolnum' 10. tm secret service
nhhiciumi here reports tIme .mirest , itt tirammd
1"tm-kmu , , Dakota , of thmr.i' . , uncut suposcd to
Iumt'o beumu emlgoged in rnutitlg amid circe-
latimug tipitliutmum Lou dollar silver eurtihi-
citIes. 'I'imo clmase uumuoie by time secret
survice mmmcmi snuts a mroi.ingcd omme. it was
leumtmued that ViLIUliS parties osm time hue of
time Nurthucrim [ 'utcihie maiiroul : humid becum
hteeed , mutt ! fohiowiu i Ime chute time federal
detectives vuro led to mituspuct it mmuuitu
imaummed IItcOo'umul , ut timumimur explorer ,
'vimo minute his Imtuumitjuututuma : at 1. ) msiutlm ,
s1inmmcsotn. 'I'iureo (0 fotmr of tue bills
were hmeard of itt Grand F'ortcs , D.tkotut ,
wimere time ) ' humid hmenmi puiisid by Sitiuomm-
keeper Cimutries Ohunuimburs , sviio immud ru-
coimtly imisuveti t ( , Dulutim amid started it
grocery. Jim ( ho grocery all time itrum-
, plierutilmi for cmmrryimmg on coumiterfeitiiig
Ivits discovered , uitat zuluso four coppel
plates for primmtitmg 5 amid $10 bills oh
the bank tif ? , lommtreuui. The littLer pimutos
wore hue oules , ntmd inortiseul itm Mmcii a
muunimumer thmmit cheek imuimuibenmi amid bamuk
ollicial's sigmuuttmrtus could be
cimutisged at amsy titmnm. Upoim
uumaking timis timm(1 f.IcOovcrmm'su .
panther , Clmammmiiurs , w'uts inimumedmuttely
jailed itt 1)uitmtim amid it mumuom imaimmed Vnl-
tuna wimo was held mmmmdcr unmapicion was
taken to St. l'auml. Time propenty suized
wits turned over to time district attorney
at St. l'ztul. 1)otuctives state tlmut : Clmauum-
bors is a line peumnimun mmmiii vucu foruuo.uiiy
u1n1)isyed ) iii time Camuelinu l'acihie railroad -
road chico , Walters is a native of Quo-
bee , where hum mmmothmur is kimowum to be
respect ubly coimimected , lmiui brother iuuiviiug
buold imighu uumtmtmicipal aimd govenmitumemitiut
jositioimu. ,
CINeINNATI , October 10.-A light. last
mmigimt in Cummmmmiltmgmsvillu , hietweeuu mu mnrLy
( if tiuirty imegroes uuumul mmii cqunul umuiiiibor
( if mimitus , iii which Htmiu $ WJtO timt
weapoiss first used , bruuugiit thu olicc to
the grommmmd. Several umsLoi aunts were
oxchuutmged. ( ) llicur leiummiy svzma simot in
tue timighm. harry \Vintors , a umegm a , stats
Bimot. twice iii the buick and is mmot. expected
to hive , 'l'wo otluoumi wore ahigImtiy
womummdcd. 'limo umogrocs weno imuntitig for
a mmmau who had mutimumitoul one of their
umimimubur at time i > ohls vIuuim they wume
attacked by a party of whmitosVmii. .
1"mmmmk syiss killed last imight 1mm it sualumoim
ahiray imm Covimigtoui , ICy. , by Joe \ViI-
hianma , wimo ustirremudemutl Imimumsuif , cimuitnimig
to immuvu acted iii sulf.defeumiw.
Two ( IFIICEhtS KILl. audi ormimu.
ST. Lucia , Octohiur 10.-Advicea ( note
Fayettovuilu , Ark , , nays Ummited States
1)eputy Mursiiairi Perry ammd Wtnmtimom-
fond , wimllo gmsumrslimmg soimme hmidlaum uris
omuurus , h1omiduiy imigiut , quarreled over ii
I gamruo of cards , drew revolvers nmmd killed
each utiier , ( lime linimig timree and time otimuu
ssuvemm shots ,
Tills IIUZZA1I1U3 ARE 01ST ,
LiNCAKIlSht , l'zi , , October 10.-At tiiu
u Lunicutater jmrismu this evuuiiiug tsvu , watch.
111011 Wore ( iii ditty. Ike Iuzaaml ! , , one o
the notonjosus lirothiers of that umaummo , gui
out. of his cell timid locked time watciimuiuu
I Socuniimg flue ccii kuys imo muheusuti
elovuim coimipammiomni , limo worst emismuimmuuhi
in the jail. After hieIhuig ) tisommisolves Lu
: food tiuey loft. it ) ' the ( tout dour , takimmt
. time keys with tlmummm , pmuviously inter
I m-uuptiuig tolcplmomio cotli msm ii iticuttioum sri It
, time city , ' ! 'hio fugitives wuro sturvimig semi
I Leumccs of five to uiiueteuiu yemmnum.
- -
'ri , Itiniuliem' 1i'Iuste.
- ClmwAuo , October 10-A unootitig sit
ithiotit sixty of the ' 1uishmur fnmsmiiy svihl in
hoIst hero to-day to ( utmi orgammizum
tiomm vu niuctimru juiaui ti tiecturu comituol
of aim lisim estate valued at isovumal
mimjhiios. 11 ugh i"iosimur " cassuu to thin
I . couimutmy lii 1 fiIiO 1115(1 located hi itisiuuie Is ?
amid. fibs biotimur J.uisiei hivitig in lmm
glammd beqitnutitud hilts estate to I lughm ,
bitt. thmti tihl Wilts liidduii uummd wits f.utiie
I after a iepso of 100 30.115. 'l'hio ' ciutimim it
' tnmuiui that the hmrumort ) ' fell imuto o
I tilouuiuer ut no way mutated to luimiol
3 'l'Imo ( lescuimduhits HOW umummmber 1,000.
ilogims I'unutztl Notes.
CnIoAoo , October 10.-A tulugramu
relents thu appuaramice mit various itmterio
ltoimmtls of wimat is judged to ho vouutenei
-fl- _ _ e . - -
postal imotos. l'tattmmator I'uthsmior , of this
city , sny.i minim iimmvo immuule thicir appear-
a'mco ' hero amid ho was imiclimmed to ( his.
C ccitt time
Alllln1 Mcotiii of Iho Baiikor' ' Association -
ciation at Lotilsyillo.
ltmmpotnnt cuiesm lousi Cosisltt.rcd-
Pohtits I'm-omit C.'Inlmtrniler Kutox's
Aihti uess.
Lot'isvi . . Ott.bor . '
m.i.a , 10.-The lusmilcora'
association mimot this iilonmmimmg , about 100
tuetumbera being mu-onetmt. I'rcahh.ttt ( leo.
S. Coo , of New \ omk , called time eomwemt-
tiomm to tinier. lie ultitUttimCod lrsyor by
11ev , Cimiunlea Om-mtlk , of Christ chum-eu ,
i.uttjsiiitj A ftor Presmdcmtt. Coo
CutmiO forward to noun ! his ustmunmmst athiress ,
buimm received witim ussphzumse by Limo convent -
vent m.'ts . , 'l'htu cxecmmtkve cotmmmtmittee was
limit i'euly : to report. Secretary Marstami
read the tremusimnor's m-elmort as foil.iws . :
llahamuco ott imnmmd fm-situ last. 'ear , $5t)14 ) ;
received , $ I 6,145 , 18 ; dmabtmracsmmcmsits ,
$ lti,00IhI ) ' ; Lnmlmtmteo on imiummul , SIi,317. 80.
L'lmu report. of time mumuiltimig committee stiss
reiul mutmd mul..pted . . , lohmmm .1 immux ,
Coniptrohier of tue 'l'reaammr ) ' , was tiuemm
imttttiilmietl itmiul syus recoivc'ul with ever ) '
iuutrk of reumisuet. amud aiplusuise. Alter
graceful returetuces to lontticky amid
t.tittimivilio , 1'tr , immox tuok up time ques-
t'ten of the ditferctmt systommma of bsstkitmg ,
commmjanimmg time iint.iimimumt mtystcmn wit it time
(11(1 State banks before time war. 'J'hmo ox-
vonicmice of twoitty years aimow tliutt. time
iuntiommmsl B3stemul is time 1)051. yet ( leviaeh ,
hmavimmg woit to its support. its fernier op-
Pommemmts. 1 mu un iof s.f . this , 1miox gave it
large list of miew miatiommal butmuks omnmt
iietl last year , 5111110 of Lucia itt localities
svlmero time ( loimmuImmul wits aimmuost tttiipllid.
'l'lme uteritgo isatto of these bnmikmt is nime-
4ltmmtit0m of ( hue capital stock. 'l'ime micces-
Bar ) ' Mirpimma of revommumo simoumid imavu mmmi
outit. ' [ 'liii Secretary of Limo 'l'nsmucs-
miry iuutl Iioen forced ( ta cmiii iii
ouirstmimmhitmg bommds _ This d'mstitrbitmg
of bummuls Congress mmmumst immisko
provisimms ( on bomids ott syimiehi to base time
syuitommm. iutr iCimox rumtt largely imito
statistical stittommmemmts of hiommda huh by
time G.vermutttuiut withu time tiimmo wimuim time
smuime svotmi(1 mmattmnmuily be cahleuk lie did
hot Indiuvo time Natiotmal systcmmt would
cemtso to exist its loimg as there was a bommd
otm which to base it. Closimig his tsper
fuir. Kimox , rccouintcd tim iouumt mnuule by
Framico iii nit ! of time cilui'ieus , imm time rovot
hiitiomm aimd time imietluods niolmtett Li ) ' Limeium
after thoU. 3. Guvernmmmommt , to mmmuot. amol
hitltmihutto those clnimmma , elosimig thuemum with
11 graceful tribute to George Waalmiutgten ,
nuder wi9it ; time ( but. St'ftS incurred mummul
whto mifti rwiurtls cossipleted uurrnimgemmlotum
for its putymmiemit. 'l'hien followed time iutih-
lie dult ) of three great mmustmummum with time
average immteroat borne atmd showed timutt
Oil flit au bomids us safe syatemmi of bmunkimig
mmiigiit ho I , use(1 ammul attguzestod that U. S.
bamukors mmmigimt safely use tiuoumt for that
lItmrilose. lie did not 15U1)htfllO it imrmhiuu-
ble Commgrcsa would cuium.iulor mmdi Itiolu-
sitkims yet , bitt. it. tsuts us atthiject wimuclu
immigimt Hillel ) ' cimuhlcmige : time careful ntttmti-
tiim , of ti i jut uussouuumtm. .mm. .
.hni. hi. Ilmiwley , of Connjctictmt was
imitroduced timid clcimvruul a short mtlIrO35
I. , time c.mevemmtitmim iii wisi.h Ito refem-u-cd to
time ulumy ( of Commgress to legintuitu ott time
ssuitject ( hjutetmsseL , iY the e'imvemitiomm ' , itissi
hsruiyod timemum to eitmefmihiy do their work me
mis to lroluenhy lmres.sIl . tiutiuui Li , limo law
In uiciim' . pourer amid I' a I it. to proIcr cciii.
aitiem'atiomm of i ito stumi , ' .
'P1L1t4Ct ) t'I.V I1tl4il.
her UiiIem-liliuihu , , 0lv. Varmi1ng
oI I hat I1i r104 ltlmm'ut I , .
S.tN FmIANlmMC , ( ) , Cul. , October 10-
'rime edthiqtummku hunt mmight wims timu imeavi-
eat exiituuieiuccd luotu simmee the gm-mutt ouiu
( if 18'IB. ( Bmuikhimugmi gm. .aiied . , miutituihie
most'muigus ci'uiekui I mutmut mummummy uierom ruuus
imumif ummmircsseI ( room the iuouutsos mmml
hotels. 'I'hme reeoilvcti'.im ' . of its ieimmg
witimits omie ulay of the aummmivorssry of time
oartimt1mtaku , f 1808 uoueuuued to iiucreuuso
their fearms amid uiuutmuy 1ei.iiIo . walked tue
streets mill mmigiut iii t.ruluremmce . to ne-on-
tonimug time im.mises. . Euurthmiltluukes are no-
ported to iiutvo oceimrred ( hiring tue zmiglmt
and uumormiimmm' at uu'er.mI piutcis ai.sumg . time
coast. SYcuttimur .mpiunaive. .
' .fIie Mml1vrcm. , . 1mm ( .mivemitIozm.
Nuw Yuan , Oct.iiu'r 10.-'I'hio we-
nmuitm'it tutthi's ago cuu , vumititmi comiti iuuud iii
HcstIsiomm to-dIm ) ' . Mis. Ehizumntutlm Chase
1rcsit1d. , 'I lie Secietumry's report act. fem tim
the 5Stmit ( , f those ailvuic.u hug mummhlrugu.
'I'lmo yorr hail iiuimm . , uuo ( mf ummummamuuti tie-
tivity. . . ) ! Will 0 read ( zotis Oregon
amid % 'uushumuugtoiu 'l'criitomy , ltliciiigmmmi ,
I osma amid .1 . s i i ' i'istii , g t v i i mg :1cc. : , tm m u I a ut
Limo 1rgu cuts of time euumiU. 1.lms. . Sluwu
gave I mistexiemi i 5 mc m mm ti so ciii I ct. She
lid iiivt'tl t imiuy we m e tum.i . mmii I s' utrq us mu ig ii
fo thiihl mit New hlnugiuioiu , Statemm hmmhuuiid ,
liihmL'tUOtm syomumetm , ' , m'd , for sehioul trustee
and elected th t U i m uns il s ii tutu.
I'i : , I I 'ian ' I't.oVeii. .
1'ivrsiim.umu , Octob m- 10.A. . ( lneumiburg
( Pu ) special 5713 s Six oisiiiirusi of Jolmmm
Slattti'cm , of Liguitiur were ouis.umt.ul . this
timnrhtiimg iiy eumLilig steeds in thu woods
mm oar thmutt , i , iuie. 'l'it ' is immii thtcm liuuut beeui
vbiitimig mm uIigihhil.m' . amid whmsiti imiuc no-
ttirmiul ( fiamiel tiiui ( ithhiliItii i'imug uroumid
I time rot iii um i it , rut i I I ) sI . 'mmmi , 1 ed icumi aid
I was astmnmmtmmel , , amuil tufter mviii king witim
tue chulidruimi fur t3vstiml , ln.ura . [ our of
thmemmi wuro jri , mi i , mu I mt.el out 1 , f iimummgur.
- -
' 1'imo C ermuman A iuie , letmi I tIc.uit'tmmmmlmui coo
itintloim ctoluh , , yesttrdu at I 'bituuduijitu hum sul Iii
U itrlmui Picuila him iii , l'rk , j\luunmt 12,00t
I rs1Ii uSer , , m uI"H'I ' lit. 81iciitts , , , suer , , , ii ohs
ly ( . 'drcy ' ( Ieoihuter iii Iiighiiu , Jr , ( L ICc ! '
tier I ii C , 'rmuuus , I I , i , I liutunummuimi . of CI imilui.
iuatl , iii ( I armies , I I . 'iV. i'ois ma iuk'r ' , Iii Jmug.
lisim , Ciialrmuiutmm I I .muioh , of the I ) cmuuoerimtk
1. Statu ( imrmmumI Itco , I , u 1 ugh I.m ) Cmiii h'eimumtm
i Wad mumuudui.i ti , in , ireseuit. 'l'ime h'ark wets bill
I Jl.m.itly . hihimmuuttuateil itt uslgiit ,
l'robabty luo form ot tit'isio m Cenemity .50-
Iuibufr0 zuuuolug our wiuoto i.putntJoum s Iteruuith.
. &iIflOi CCr ) ' tiidlviduul tli lament ioI'oui
intl his ctuus. ituS terriLlu smittcutng enilturcit br
mtuouo afltkie4 wUti iotumiumu rores ciuiai , Is
uunderstoo4 bi dicer , . , lusi hue tulentty or their
graUtcmio svtuea tlury hiui4 a reuumedy thai cuirets
ttiemu , itonhilu a a vctt moum. \5 refer bj .er-
I , misc-iou , I , ,
c nmmiiit C. S'Iutmttem ,
S 01 ' , % 'LIraur , X , ii. ,
'I , tuo wuu curo.I by
9 arsapai'iiIa
thQseverItyQt wIutctcoufliue4 lucr to hue tuou.s tur
Isoycaus. aix mimouiti.i VrevIoul to tuuiituug hood'S
Iian.apartfls u.s could mmot wi uIotut lien rooni witi.
S octrutclces , 51cr tcluwi y.m 'c dlii 1,01 tIitiu % II
Zt1ibIts for muer to live nusy iuuonhti , 5 Sill va1 mu-
ducuti Lo a intro t.ietoum. himnuru is lordly tesi
liuium S intricto. " Store wouudcrful cures tush this
luSYc teen cUestu.5 b this mic.ucmnn. 'itueru 15 flO
doubt Stunt iii lieu-Vs Sar.irurlm1a we Rotc thu mutest
a uuiesUtuio that has aver 14(5 , iru-lUed ,
and a 1oi1Uva cuts br Serofulum to Its numerous
- l'imcu , stem , ts Icir t.w i'ucp.urett only miy
t ( .LLHOODJu VQ.Luwott"IM. SOiitbybrUXhllStl.
- - -
. I
As a bom.ta.s , wn5erlna youmth of tourtscn , si s.
toor snoon 1I'PTdnUro , q acompoattorat the cue , ,
an e.tttor , as as envoy to rrncc , amlin otbersr1
or. rspnlbIa oernmenimI clumtle. , thml o
.hlloutuuhicr , flenjamin I'rnthln , neyor , h1 a'o hi.
litiqIiu , , tunu f.irtt hi. htmnmlls origmn. Ito was
thorough , ptaI,1 , anItrtme bloc Ametlen clmicoo , whs ¼
itcutecil ) uuI Ing fame in lhi seke of liii eounty.
Ttuom. ' tU-leetmie Oil ii LluO true teIiie-a tiiIhnh
public uervnI tht lui. cared m.ce Veole ci ashes ,
j.raino , ant than all other compstlttvs nemms ,
united. Itmad whit
'ictor A. Letter , editor cit ! itIon.
at 10-toni , De5tk' , I' . . , asys : " 1
ha'o been miitng Themes F4.ctrlo
5)11 hi toy family for , sverit msnth. ,
Its , . uu.s4 It myself for and
tar ruetminatlsun ) MvetaI tiuuusi , mu
( 'an S07 Ihat for the last-summed It
gate almost Instant tellef , and for
eatarrhl ha. held ins wondevftmtiy"
SIr. . 5rltrte.t , Markn , 0. , maya
Tiuomnss' cl.ottlo OU wso trlutmptm-
at Sum her isis ; iho itcI It fet a
.eior colil and lilt , Inikic , Mud
5) . ! tell nod In a few mnlmtmtu'o.
Thomas' mid.tr1o Oil used Intmnualty or I at.zsallj'
t , Inmq5 , recestouuteJ soc..o ; eery i'otIie $
Dr tflOflC7 tefuuuld.
O0IuhiAl'Hli 01" A 0LttN.tItV.
h'\ittr i1cmt Smuffiicusttnl by ummm Overicait
of Oats.
M1NN1iAVOLiS , October 10.-TIme Tm-i-
lmumme'ti ' , Iitiicitd ( Mimmu. ) s1ociusl says : A
fatal nccitloimt occurred last mmlghmt at thcs
fisimmi ( If Mr , Northmrulrn , oigimt similes east
of ? looriiumsd , iii wimich four mcmi were
killed otmtrighut nut ! tout imloro imrmrrowhy
uscumhmuti with their lives , Fourteen macit
were mmiemimborn of a timresimiimg crew svhio
hind tmeumm timveshmimmg for Nortimrumhr tim day
Previotut amid were shmosimug iii time lower
story of time granary , in ( lie umjmor ) athry
of which tvero stored 1,400 buutshmeis Of
oats. Duriimg the night , wimile miii were
asleep , time floor auddemily gave way anti
coiuiptetuly buried eight who were sleep-
iumg mit time timid of time buihdimmg wimoro this
floor first save way. Time six tumon who were
aiiuetiimg ill time other end of time rooni
were ptrtiahiy : crowded through time side
( If time house , which gave way to time atmd-
(1011 umnusauro of the grain , and made their
eacaile wmthioumt ersiUs difficulty. ALor
giving time ahmmnmmi , they set to svork to ye-
niovo eight of their coummrades who were
buried bemiontlu time oats , but when tha
ummfortuunnto mmiomi svcre fhumnhly m-caelmoti
finmr of time muunmbor svero death fnitii imuf-
foeatiomm , and somno of time others so nearly -
ly so that it was a matter of ( lotmbt for
sos-crust hmottrma wiucthmer they would miot.
die froun time ohtuctn.
\Vcstcrn Uimhn 1)ircetors.
'Nmtw Yomuc , October 10-Tiio follow-
lag Board of Directors smf time Western
Ummioim teicgraph was elected tu.duty : Nor-
, itm Circuim , Timoummas P. Eckort , .Jhmn T ,
l'crry. Jnhmt Van howe1 Atmgmisteis
Scimehi , riturnisummu Duricee , .ray Could ,
ittisatuhl Siuge , B , Com-unili , Sithmmoy Dillon ,
CyruisV , F'iold , Juhmit IYcmudor TmI. P. ,
Henry \7caver , l'erry it Pyle , Hobart
Lemmox icummimotty , Hugh J. , Towott J.
1'iertpnmmt. 1'T.imgaim ' , Frederick L. Ames ,
.1 , tIny , \Vilhiamii D. Bisimni , 0. P. Ilumit-
iiugttiii. ( IeI , B. Itoburts. , lratmicVork ,
Sammmtmei Sloan , Erl.htmusVymmmnmm ; , , lohmmi J
Auttti , Oeiirgo .1. OotuldClmitumicy 1)mipree ,
. .IntsmezuV. . Oluiu.hiimimig , Ciunistutiimcr liald-
still. Pitt. chtmiime.s . are , Juhmmm Umuy ifs
iiluuce of E. l Vorcester , util Framik
\Vuirk imm vhimce SOISiflOlltt ,
'i'hm. , New OmInous city citmuidl i.uis . auproumni-
atl , 1O.5O4Ki , his tint til thu world's iuidumstnlil
utuul uuth.mi . CUIllAummulIll eXIMStiOuI. )
_ p
\c. \ ' ZoHcaZ17
( \1 Jand ! ilCcZZIt ) '
( ) ) i ' ' , 1 Zo i/ic
( ) ' 2'REfJEDIS. " . -
T f
t ) tFl ii IS It 1St I I S unuors , I IumuuutiIatIuuc Eruiptiucus
1IAiuiuItt ; .rturc. , Herofuls , Salt ithuuu
luituintulu I luuuuuru , uturii Liv tim Citirturuu Ituiumotc.
( : iuttu-um luos 'Stout , thu hew ¼ tIrIflcre1ca1uee ,
ttio tles uS iuoi 5.crspmraiioui of iuiuiuirltic5 uuud V0fl
Otis ricinetit , alum tiuu tluL'cumIse.
Cutlctmrui ttiegrat $ IcI'u ' euro , Iuu"tautly ntIty ucon.
leg utud tuitieuuinatio , , , clears Uuo ututu , arid iScalptieala
Uicurs anit Sores , suit rutcrc. tiut , ham
Cuiticiira K ¼ u. , liii exquTcltc akS itt'ziiI1hr aiuc
'Tot ci Iteumulshtu , rromaro.I frutiu ( .utleurts , I. . hails-
i ¼ ciiLtl.I5 . 50 lr.ctIuui : SkSui Ztucaso ) , htitv Itimmors ,
bktn tlluttuututucs , t4uiuburn , situ ihugiu ) , ( .1u0111)ei , Sr
( Juuuuuy Skhtu.
th.mttcunuiluuuiuumloui arc absotuutciy utirti , anti t1. .
only re.uh imitsel Iui. ( tier. nud iSkiru Ilcauttliurs , free
tromum urIureImry , areciule , icaut LIIJt' , or uIIuy oilier mumuer-
uci or V. g.tuLuhU )
it tciumui ; itmittu ilits uuutiro o justice t4 ,
adcserljiticuiu of hue cure .u ucrIoflulcdI 03' ttiu ( JUISuIUItS
itc.iyeIut tuitenuatty , auth Cuttcumr.mamid Cuticura Stoop
externally. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iczenua of thu hsil1u of tiuu iia'tlt ' Miii OS thu
end , of tic ilutuinn , . , very illIlIcuilt. to traub
alit uusuzulIy ootiIileroI l.icuirahlu ; , iunuIt i.atchC5
of totter otiul ueuli rheuun it. , ttue ears , IOse zal 01.105
of thu fuct :
ticaiVIuiuoh , sItS , lussi of tuuIr wttiuouui uunmlier ;
licuuils t , ills , taiutlrutf auuul . .euuly ou-
Uouu. ciujiuel.tmmy if childu ci. auit , hun , is , uuaxuJ at
wlulclu uduicu bhi ilu Ii ud bet uu a , uuauu of sai , ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iteluluur Iumrnlug tsruuI bcatiiorttuiu,4 : tiu.t buimtel eves
melt. flruuui ordliuuiry reua.hit , , , , iuottil iuid heaRd an
t ) iuiiglc _ _ _ - . - . - - - - . - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iuuoriuuis , To rosy oiuI , oilier frIghtful forin of , L1j
dId. MOM , .cruufuIuu tIICOI-s , , mm o . . . , utlul .iiscturgiug
Wotiuuuli , cutulu triut all euf wuiIi ) tuuty.i buerm peechtly ,
perrnoitly , stat . .cuhionlamly ctireul by the Luthcira.
ht lucille , tt Iieuu tiyoicliu.i , luctulItuls , and xii other
reiutet1ti titled , so 5urovWu ti , iu.i iuimuiihcreuf owen )
tu.SlutiLui in our p.susesalo.u . , wh1h we will thou , . .
f.utly . . , uil to a'i ' udtlruu , .
Stol'S i very , .Iuen , . Stirs : coutciura , to umumtus.
liesoliciut , $ i $ oup , 20 cents , I'umtua IJiuua Aem
CiitiuhU.LCo , ltosvox , Iteks
Teuud for "IluwtoQuru Ski : . hiooates , " Ce ,
B TY rur hhluElu. Cilalulucut and Occas
Skill , lIhuck hlCUAid , i'luuIIutUe un
Hkhihilemmtiluttsu.e Otutictiro $ oau.
$30,000 for $2.
; Itogular Nonthly Drawingslutako
II tius Ma.ontc , Ilutti Nasutib , reuuuiIe hIuth4-
: itut , hi Lunisthllu , hy
Tliui'sday , October 25th , 1883
A Lawful Lettery amid Fair Drawings ,
rhutrteruul iy Ito leghiluituroof miy , , coud twIce ilesho-
od legal ly thu luighe.t court I , , the Stttu' hien4
ghsuii to hiwury Couimtt , Iii ttuu , uuuu at hOQtOO ) for thu.
5roicIt p.tynient of all orizes SoIL
giylerv : ticket Iuluier iulsos.u oupcrvlsor , ouII oall
( let LImo , uuiuibvr emu iuls tIcket and see thu cxurrtspomutt.
lug iuuuiibr iou ( ho tih : pIsces ! hut thu whel In lii
mrcMcuuee. 'hhesu drasluugs sIll oucur on lbs loss
'ihiur'udoy uS u ry mouth. Iteuut the muuammtIieuuuut
October Schommie.
I l'rlec'.S
I l'rlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us. , . . . . . . . . . . .
1 l'rite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i'ilius , * ! , t4'U ' .geli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a l'riz.e , J.IQUeteji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a,000
4(1 ( i'ritei' , 51(1 eels , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iou , irttu , 110 tcli.0,0(5)
too I'tlees 5) CM-lu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1(5,000 (
11)41 irizs , 20 cod , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0(10
it (0 ( I 'rises , m ( muicli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loco
I ) i'i thu . , 50. . ) cccli AhlIrUxtuUoum Prmoci 2,7ujS -
U l'riu. , fOi rvh a' a
I ) l'rias IOU coal , " a'
Isii ; h'itre.u , * m1o,40U
Whols 'rickets52. . rio.1r Ticlcota , $1.
tiT 'Iloicots , $50. 65 Tlecotiu ) , 11Q0. -
liciuult uia'uiuy Uilkuuk Draft a letter , or by
ux1rca. 1)ONI SEMI ) IIY htKGlSI'RIIEI ) Lrl'l'bk.
SIlt l 4aul' , nVItlcoIumt : , : , umtSl , further iottoi , 0 : .
iturs uS tb situ tIhiwairci by uxnrtiBs , (140 1w uuut ( ii our . , AcJ1rto oil truiei. Ic ) J. .5. lMiIiIlJuIIa
LoulasUisKy ml ' .
ost-t'-thaw 0s vlsi
, - . - - - , . * 1 f. , _ _ , , _