Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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I 1'li 1 DAILY BEE --OMAT1A , ThURSDAY , OCTOBER , 11 , L883.
; _
Nebraska National Bank.
OMA11 , thR.
aIa Up ( 'Mit ta . . satrnoo
Burpu8 1tnd , May:1,11s83 ' OO (
. JOflNON , Pie , ! "it , of Stet4 , John , . ) . ' ; Cc
/ p. rouzitN , Vu' P'Ident , .1 8oton.
, . ; MOIU0 of W v ioiti : & Co.
, - Jon COLI.INS , U Ii. & 3 S CotIln&
M. WOO1.VOlTl ! , CouncI1or & Atton.ey at Lie. .
8. IEII ) , of flyron RCcI & Co.
'c ' VATF4Cahrfor fllMly yt4re Ca.hier of thi
flrt Ns.Uon flatik of Om&hj.
Tht 13&tk o.ened lot butnei.aAprU 27 , 832
Inon the leidllng butne men of Omahi , gnd It ,
bU81flt1' t cinItiett'd wIth eictaI reicronee to th
beet ii1 IncreaIi.g InterostaofItrnercant(1o ( trtri
COLIXCTIONJ receive Prompt atVontlon nC
ohrge ) nst obtainable hero or 1ehero.
INTKttE4I' aItoeit on time tIe Upon favip
able term. , Mill upon aceount of &Hd banker'
FOItEIUN IXeit NUE , Uo oreirnetit ttofth' ii
County anti cIty 4rctrnttca hourht inil oItI.
LI. W.ROJOfCP , Broker ,
todca , Hont , , CommercIal Paper anti all other
I ( 'OCtirItICs In'
Roow 4 , No. I'e&rI St. , CouncIl ItIutT , Ii'
; EW Yonc , , October 9.
Monoy-Jn8y : at 2@2 Ior cent ; closed
t t 2 per coot.
w lYriiuc - ; © vor cent.
Eze)1ango ) bUl-Steady et 4.81 ; demand ,
Skck this 1orpnioii wore very fluctuating ,
yet aliuwod an ImlRirLbnt decline. Ii tim
e..iy afternoon Lieu m.irket was , .eak and on.
eettlcd but ii the Iot hour was goncrally
etrongor. Iii the last hour there wa ott Ito.
prsvezllent tif @jc , tim Letter Oregon atiel
Transcont mental. Northern 1'.ccific common
WM the 1)PCid featurt in tim last hour , being
dpresscd b. iii1o ireferred remained
comparatively firm. in the l.i.qt hail hour ,
however , common rccuvcrcI ftc of the decline
The Evening I'ost vaya : Transactions in
\Veitt Shuro 1)00(15 ) W5 unualiy largo , tiggro.
gating btweon 700,000 aittl 800,000 for the
dsy at iiice from to 1 higher than cIoing
prices last night. 'I'Iht indicates there Is a
movement to buy souietliitie as an investment
for money. Thu nienual atatement of the
\Vosterr Uttin Ya received in financiaL
circlea , showing , as it did , uinething over 9
per canton tsick its the fcouf tim extraurdin.
ary exIceiso nd rcte.t the year. 'rice ro
Irt s1towt the reedpta of the company for
ovonteen yoart , frtn July , iSfid , % vero tU-
014,658 and ( lisbUNCIIlUIltS I3tOI,278 , leaving
S eurplua of 2O,543,31.
' .ouPos.
3's , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100. }
4t'Cotiixns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit
4c3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pciflc 6'e of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Burl. , Cedu Ilaplils & Northern 77
Central l'cifi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & A1t4111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.
I' ' do do pfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Chi. , Burl. & Qutucy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.fI
\e. Pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fort \Vavno &cliu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131)
hannibal & St. .Josoph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1linoi Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
: d. , Blooiu.Vcatern. . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
iCansas & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13'
ake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 99
Lllchigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
li1souri l'ncitic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
Northern l'ocilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30k
do do phi. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northwestorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120'
- do 1tfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l14
Ohio & 2tissiaiipi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
do do fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
- , , , . , 1)ecatur &Evansv1lle. . . . . . . 13
" IB'anhl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
? ' St. aul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ido do do . . . . . . . . . .
St.Paul , ? 1iiin. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 1)8 ( )
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l3nj
( IC ) thi i1tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Union l'nciiie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
tVabash , St. L. & I'acitic. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
do do do f4. . . . . . . . . 324
Vestnni tJiiiiin ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
tAsked. Ez.dividend.
Ciiic.tGO , October 10. F'lour-t1crket quiet
and unchanged ; continon to cliotco j iring
wheat , 3fc ( ; Miutiesuta , 3qI4u ; I.ckors ,
1(5'u , fii7c ; winter wheat flour ,
Southern auti Iisouri , Ii&5c ( , .Micliigaii ,
' \ Viieat-lhgiilar wheat , market demand ac.
tivo [ nit tiietdrtI ucf geimr.cIly .les or ; t12c
for Octobei ; ' .JftJc for November 95J.1
05c for 1)eccnIIer ; titic for January ; 1 02A
for 1Iay ; No. 2 atIi1lg , 'J2c ; No. 3 equing ,
82c ; No. 2 red winter , i oo.
Corii-1)jna'td .tctivo ; market unsettled
hut gener.tliy hh her ; I7o fur cash ; 17I8o
for ( JetlbOr 47c for November ; 46c fur Io.
comber ; .IJAI7c ( for the yccr ; IOc for , Jan.
uary ; I8c for Amy.
OtIn fair cleitiauid ; market steady ; 27
J27)c ) for Ca$11 27cj27gc for October ; 28
@ 2Rcfr Nieiiibei ; 28Q28c for liceiit.
her ; ,27d42igu , firtho year ; 3Io fur May.
lLyo -l arkot 4iItlet and steady at 53c.
ju-lov-\la , kek ,1uieL anti te.cdy act 60c.
} 'lax tcedIarkut. . limIer cut 1 31.
Tiizithy Ji a rkot slightly I inliruved ; lirilno ,
I 29 ; high gi title , 1 $0IJ1 ( 32 ; cunuinon dark
cliafry act'l ' 1 2IIjl 25.
1'orkhe fir tioutanul ; market a shade
oai. It ) ( ( ) 90 for cash anti October ;
10 4@lO t' ' ( 'ii ' Ntivetubcr ; 10 25Cgl0 27 fur
liecetnlitr ; it ) .I5(2.lJ ( 50 for tito your ; 10 87 ,
@ 1000 for .January ; ii 00JJi1 O2 ( or Fount.
145111 - In fair dumatttl ritarket easier ; 7 I',2&
@ 17 for c.tli atil October ; 7 32.g7 ( 33 fur
Noveniber ; 7 30i7 : t2. Sir thu ; 7 37 ©
7 40 for , IallU.lrY 7 .I7.g7r9 ( fur l"tubru.iry.
hulk iticakS Mttrket oshien ; sIliltidCnit , 4 75 ;
Ililolt ribs , 7 1)1) ) ) ; sliirk cle.ur , 6 60 ,
Ilietter - ( iik t , cntI tlllCI)5llOlI ) ; ( air to fancy
Creamery , 20j29c ( ; good to fancy tlciry , 11
} : rii ( ittet attil ci tieItutgcuul : ; 21 c.
' 'Itiskey $ Lll.lii' atni ullellaIlgeli ; I 15.
Ctj-S'ile5t , donnind active Itlt irregular ;
dcclit.jI , , O fur October ; tiiIitced .jc Novena.
her iuiil May.
Coree Ienusitel active hut irrepu1tit ; ml.
Yatlecel ild fur I ) ct.otwr ; mtvallCel C for the
year ; , iediueed o for Nievoujeteer anti .laiitisry.
( itiQuint atiel finiti ; ucelveiteceel , e for
Octiiler ni II Ievoinbe'r.
l'eurk Ioll1iClllI ) tectivtt 10 87 ( em October ;
10 50 for November ; tO IS fur 1)ecoinbor ; 10 3(1 (
C for th year
Lr4Active antI firm ; nilvaticeil c for
October auiil February ) So hl8hcr for eifl.
her , the year tOld , January.
O null l4alui4 'Itegitlar wheat , 100,000 bu. ;
corn , 1.i,000 leut , ; teats , 55,000 bu. ; pork , 10-
750 ; laj , 17,000.
Cilneeo Market stMaiiy atut supidy good ;
choice full Cr111011 cbeiIlil , ilV@)121c ) ; choice
full tiiet.s , l2@12e ; good leant bIkinI
ChdIlar ! $ and flab4 , 8(9c ; bard skhius sc.
4/ 1IId-.Jneieieeegeuii ; greoll salt curoJ light ,
8c ; green salt cianiaguil , tic ; green wait Imavy ,
- Sc : gresu suit Ca 1 , I Ic : dry calf , lSc.
TauIoruncloingoii ; No. 1 , Ic ; N. . . ,
cake , 7e ,
14I El Z'OOI , Oct.idsr , -1IroJei1bItuffs
Steaey ,
WI'aL-Wint'r , 6i OilliO'4 2t1 sunIttg , 8s 3d
@ $ ci.
NvW 1011K ,
Nitw YOIIK , OcbIi4r0.Vi1e5tC1uI , firm ,
oiaine4 weak 4111(1 ( till III ! @Ic' Iatr Ii''atno
trong closlm'g ' ieltl& recuvuryof 1@o ; un.
TAiel reel , 0l@ft4t i"o. 8 roil , I 012@l 02 ;
No. 3 reel , 1 0346jI 03 delivered ; No. 2 red ,
1 l0'@l 11 , latcr1 llQnl 12 delivered.
Curie-Cash higher : O1ltiOfl ojeneel
I @c lower ; nilvuomeoci cloiog fittet'
uiugraded1 t'0.t'8 ; No. 2 , t&9 store
elevator ; 59j@eit ) afloat.
Oat. 40Ic higher ; fairly active , c1oing
firm ; inised western , 32j35ewleito ; , 37@4"c
Eggs- Western fresh , demand fair and muar
ket tirin.
l'ork-lnll aitti itunuttialt inei'q , ii i'S.
Lard-Firm ; ltrilio steatut , 8 0Sj8 75.
K.tNSAM dry t'ltOlfllCE.
KANSAS CITY , October 10.-\Vhcat-Steady ;
No , 2 tel fall , 82 for cah ; 84c for Noveuit.
ben : 874Si87o for li'comnbor ,
Corn to.ei1y ; ; 4 bid for ca.h ; 32'e bid
for Nuvoii't , r ; 25ii2dc bid for the year.
Oats.-1flgluer ; . ' 2C for cash.
) IAT,1 t'10111.
1LALTIIIOIC ? , 0. tIller -Oat.s--Steaely ;
WeMLeIFI ) 'a letu' , .u7 ; ieIotl , , 35,3t3c.
llyeu-- Quit I. at. I ; kei.66e.
1tttter _ ( uuil' ; s"turit itacked , l0@20c ;
ceeuliery , 2th ! ' " & '
" ' et 23532 Ic.
" 1dsky-Luiet eel. 1 lS@l l8.
( 'I iCl
ClN' ( , ( ) ctutor 10. \ 'heatMark.'t
dttll noel heavy Ok L (13g ( ( I ' 31.
Corn- 1 te gocid tlteuiuid need firut at b0c.
OatM-tniuuger ot 3c. )
1t -Qtiii't oil tireec ect 55c.
l'urk. . lit fair elieiiittd act. it 2551j11 tO.
l.ant-Quict ot. 7 50.
11111k IulI.
W'hiiky-Activo ecied firm at $1 13 ,
MlI.'AUKuR October 10.-Wheat-Market
Steady ; 1)lu ) ? ur cash cocci October ; 92ac for
uuvoenber ; 9lc for 1)ocenubor ,
Coree'cak ; No. 2 , SOc.
Oats-Quie tit 27&c.
11)0.-Quiet tetiti unchanged ; No. 2 53c.
Barley Dull uiinl loacr ; No. 2 , 60e.
NNOmtt.KtNs , October 10.-Corn-Steady
tuiel It good ducutnul ; mixed , 63c ; white , ( JSe.
Oats-Quiet ; liriecee , 81c ; choice , 39' .
Corn MoaI-lti stuady deinenul ; fresh , 2 50.
Pork-In good demand and lower at 11 87k.
bard-2tltsrket filcH ; t1erc , Sgc ; keg , 8c.
, 'hlsky-tcady ; western rectified , 1 It ®
wr. Loom i'ieOnUciu.
Sr. 1ouis , October -\Vhoat-Lowor and
f&titly active ; No. 2 red , 1 O0 a 1 0O for cash ;
SI Ou leitl for October ; 1 02 as ud for Novouii.
ber ; 1 U3 for lieceenber ; No , 3 red1 95@96c.
( Juno-higher ; 4tkI5o for cash ; 45c for
October ; I2c for ovoeeeber ; 4lgc for the
year.Oietsllninor ; 2751J27ac for cash ; 2G2t3e
for November ; 2Sc fur .Lcceiuber.
Butter -Steady ; creamery , 2730c ; dairy ,
Eggs-Lower at 17c.
1"ICLX 800(1 1 825IJ1 33.
Corn Meat-2 25.
CI.osINu ILoAIun-Wheat-Lower 1 10 for
October ; 1 ii It , November ; 1 o4 fur lie.
comber ; l.O3'ji.0(1 ( fur , heteuary.
Corn-Weak ; I:3Q143c : for November ; 41c
for the year.
OatDccli ; 27c bid for the year.
'FoLEIo , October 1O.-Wlieat-Ma'kot dull ;
No. 2 red winter , cash , I 01aJ 1. 03k.
Conea-\larkut dull aicti firm ; leigh mixed ,
52e ; No. 2 , cash and ( ) ctcber , SI c.
Oats-Market dull atid itoeninal ; cash and
October , 211.jc.
cI'icAuo. '
ChicAno , October 10.-TIm 1)rovora' Jour.
oat refiunta tii afternoon as follows :
hogs-Market uveak , and lOu lower ; pack.
illg , 4 15g14 ( SO ; i.cking and sleippiceg , 4 85 ©
Li lii ; Iihit , .1 slIts : ) 20 ; skips , 3 0O(4 ( 25.
Cattle 01,0(1 , string ; conunon , iilov ; ox-
llr , I ; 85 ; gotd to choice blIlplillg ) , 5 40tJ
ft 8. , ; common to medicine. 1 0Oaj5 10 ; centling
011(1 Iutclue&iulg steady ; inferior to fair CO8 ,
2 259 so ; nietlituen to good , 3 i0lJ3 65 ; stock-
era eltrulig at 3 10&3 90 ; feeders , 3 8Og'l 30 ;
rouge easier except on best ; 274Vyomings ,
averaging 1,300 lbs , 5 5@5 35 ; \Vyomiogn ,
Leveraging 1220 ibs , 4 85 ; 329Vyoiniee feed.
ers , averaging 1,075 Ibs , 4 10 ; 230 ¶ loxans ,
aivoraiug 1tt0 lbs 'I 00.
Sheep-Brisk ; Lest , stronger ; common , slow ;
infomior to fair , 2 253 00 1)Or cwt. ; medium
te , good , 3 25@3 75 ; choIce to extra , 4 00@4 65 ;
lanibs , P' ° head , 1 003 50 ; Texas slIcer , , 2 25
® 60.
ST. Louts , October 10.-Cattle-Active and
letrulIg ; nothing hero ; supply liberal ; exports ,
5 81)5j6 ) 20 ; heoavy aluipiteg tcers , 5 2taJ5 ( 75 ;
light tie , . , 4 rQ15 00 ; mnixetl to hutchoring 1111-
Live'S , 3 O0l ( )4J ) ; Texas , 3 SO ® ! 25 ; Indiaui ,
a ( kt@l.t .10.
Shi'ep-Finener for good grades ; fair to good ,
3 50&jl 00 ; 4 UI ) ; Texacis , 2 tO@3 50.
IC.tNH&S Ctii , October 10.-The ] ) aily mdi.
cater reports :
Cattle-Firm ; natives , 5 50@5 60 ; good to
chtolcu Texas steers , 3 5013J3 90.
.llugs-Lower and weak at 4 50c3J4 60.
SheepUnchanged. .
YL000 ANt ) GRAIN ,
CHICAGO , October 10.--1teceipte and ship.
mflelita of flour cemid grain for the 21 hours
hao boon as follows :
Receipts. ShIp'ts.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 6.000
\Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 202,000 06,000
Cern , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . :396,000 : 279,000
Oats , 1)10111015. . . . . . . . . . . . 1i12)0O ( ) 121,000
Rye , lju4iols. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 ' 1,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 97,00' ' ) 45,000
Nr.w Yocuc , October 10.-Receipts amtl ,
fflillncnt.sof ) fiouirteuid grain for the last2 1 hours
have been ais follows :
] toceipts ShIp'ts ,
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 236,000 8,000
Uorn , bushe1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 89,000
Oats bushiob , . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 20,000
KANSAS Ciry , October 10.-liccclpt.t anti
ithilitcionts of grain for thu past 24 bout's have
been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Wheat , 1usliels. . . . . . . . . . 21,000 21,000
Corit , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 13,000
CImloAno , October 10.-Receipts and 51111) .
IneIlts of live StOck for the past 24 hours have
1)0011 alt follows :
Il000i1)ttf. Shilp'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 , . , .
Siieoi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 . . . .
ICANHAB CITY , Octoborl0.-Itcceipts and
51111lflOtlt4b 1)1 lIve stock for the lMt 21 hours
have beomi tat follows :
Itoceipts. Ship'ts ,
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100
hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,300 . . . .
Shooi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500
ST. Louis , October i0-ltoccliits antI ship.
IlkOiltS of live stock for the past 24 bout-a have
been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,401) 300
Shaceji. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 1,000
Whtolesalo Prices ,
Oi'vzcx OF Tits OMAIfA , BEE ,
Wednesday Evening , October 10.
The foll'iwlng iulcos are charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission iner.
chants , with the exception of grain , which is
lwtel at the iinlces furnished by the elevators
anti other local buyers :
( lraI pi.
WuSAT-Cash No. 2 , 70c ; No. 3 , 53c ; r
_ ( I ' 12c.
ILtIILKY-Cssh No. 2 , 47c.
ltr-Cash , No. 3 42c.
CottN-No , 2 , 32c ; rejected , 2ttc.
Oass-No , 2 , 2tc.
Islvc Htock.
FAI Srictrwe-Qulet at 3 234 25.
VAT Covs.-2 , 753 3. ' .
hloas-3 7rQi4 00.
Hinno'-Firui at 3 0O3 3.5.
OALvnt-Falrquallty 4 S0S 0O'good ; butch'
crs stock , 0 00.
General I'i'ohuce.
Iccs24c.l ;
JiurrNie-Common to good , 7@IOe ; choice
Iairy , ifi17 : sweet , bihi colored gr&ss , 12 ®
13c ; cooking , Sc.
i'ortroksNow qniet and inseket well step.
ithiod at 4Scjti0o ) er liii.
OIoNM 25a SOc itul.
Ntuv : 70tS5c dopen.
lioNfCalitrnIa. : . In contb , l'er iound , 20
@ 21c ; strained , I0,12c.
CIICF.eB-Activo , \ \ o quote 9@llc.
'l'OtI.tTOctl-IIolnO grown , tOCi 00 1er
GIIArES-In baskets tool crates , To lr II ) .
( I roe ui1'rtuI Is.
LRSON.-Qltiet ; at 6 00@7 3.3 Per box ,
l'KACIIIOi-Natlvcq 9Sc1 00 ler basket ;
California at 2 25(32 ( SO.
BANANAS-Uncleangod Per bunch , 2 CO ®
S It ) . 0Oi'.3 25 per Iltl.
CAUYORNIA Giure-2 OO@2 50 Ior case ,
hour anti tillstufl'H ,
WINTER \Viuu&t-licst quality , latnt , set
Skeosu QUALITY-S 005j13 ' 10.
St'itlsoViti.&tIiest quality , Psetont , set
3 ttO@,3 60.
lIlIANSto Per cwt.
CItoI'l'En F'ESI-I'or 100 lbs. SSc.
CORN MEAL-I 00(311 ( 10 lor cwt
ScIIcKNING-GOtj700 ler cwt.
Ctit'ee ) 5iClttt3 ,
1LIIIAKr.tST itteoN-Uneicangod set 12I3c.
Ci.r..ut 8111K 1LtcoM-75c.
SIIOULIEItS-1)lIll set 858o
1)itnn ) : IIEIr-llc. :
14A111)---At ) 9lOc in tiorceis.
TAu.ow-Firn at 5 50536 25 In barrels ,
l'OItltrl' , Ilsis nitil Gtinie.
Si'iuso ChICKENS - 8111:111 , 2 0O@2 75 ;
large , tlUiOt set 3 (10 ( ; old , 3 75. PraIrie
chickens , I ® 00 des.
FIMH-l'ikn , white 11511 antI trout are quoted
at 9a1 Ic , oath tu eat fIsh , v1eemi iii the market ,
mevorages 3t3le lownr.
Menino uuva.qhod , light l4ljillGc ; hea7 ,
13@1r , ; enotliutnt unwasleeti , light , 18@2Oc ;
WllJlhOtl , choice , 32c ; fair , 80c ; tub and washed ,
28c ; burry , black and cotted wool , 2@GO tess.
Grocers List.
CANNED Goons-Oysters ( Standard ) , ur
case , 3 70@Z ) 1)0 ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per Case ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 ib , case , 3 00 ; Bartlett
Pears , tuer Case. 2 I0 ; whortlobernios , lor case ,
i 75 ; egg Ph I 2 Ii , , Per case , 2 00 ; green
gages , 9 II , , ptr ease , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 lb , er
case , I 50 ; jdtie allOs ) ) , 2 lb , iter case , 4 00 ®
ft 75 ; poache. , 2 lb , per case , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , er
case , .1 0O@4 50 ; do ( lulo ) , 8 It , , 1)or case , 2 60 ;
do lilo , 6 lb. per dozen , 2 40.
Ilicic-Loteisiatese iireitio to choice , 7c ; fair
6c l'atma , 6c.
l'isu.-No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No.
I mackerel , kits , I 15 ; ftunily mackerel , half
brls. , 6 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 05c ; No. 1
white fish , half bris. , 7 ( Hi ; No. I kits 1 05.
Sviwi'tietediinil Cutue. , 35c , bols ; 3tnnclard
di , 4 gallon kt'gs 1 W ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , I GO.
SOIIA-Ilt Lb pl > r , 3 30 Per Case ; keg er lb ,
Now l'icxi.t.i-Medluiiuu , In larrols , 6 50 ; do
in itself barrels , 3 75 ; small , in b.trrols , 7 50 ; do
In half barrels , .1 25 ; gltor1deis in barrels , 8 50 ;
tlii in half barrels , 4 75.
'J'EAS-Ulenpoweier , good , 15@SSc ; choice GO
(75c ; goeni letiperial , 40@48c ; choice , 60@IiSc ;
Young ilyson , good , 36@SOc ; choice ,
GSc(3J1 ( 00 ; .1 aisn natural loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , 60ulic ; olong , good , 35@40c ; Ooiong ,
choice , .105i55c ; Souchung , good , 35@IOc ;
choice , 3515c.
htnt'-Sisol , & inch atiel larger , l0c , inch ,
lie ; 4 inch , 11.c.
\VooInNv.ltn-Two : hoop 1ails , 1 85 ;
thren hoop jeuls 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; IPio-
noer vasl1buarils , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckets , 8 85.
IAEAI-Bitr , I 65.
SoAri-Iirk's Seven : Imperial , a 45 ; X1rk'
teatuiet , 8 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; KIrk's
white lIu.stian , 5 25 ; Kirk's etitoca , 2 1(3 ( ;
Kirk's l'rtirle Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
magnolia , tluz
1'OTASILl'cnnsylvatiia cans , 4 case , in case ,
3 35 ; 1labbts ball , 2doz. inczuto , 1 90Anchor
ball , 2 eloz. in case , 1 ISO.
1'i.'Nu1s-1oasthel ( , choice , rd Tennessee ,
14c pea' lii ; f'uecy white , l5cporlb ; raw-white
Virginia , raw lic ; roasted , lie.
Cs.rncis-i3oxes : , 40 lbs lOs , 15c ; 8s , 1&jc ;
boxes 40 Ibs , 15 Z. , 65 , lSc. (
tIATCIlR8-1'Cr caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
1 Sf3 ; square cases , 1 70.
CorvEr.s-Ordinary grades , 39c ; fair lO ®
12c ; good , 10@13c ; 1)niIlO , 12@J12c' choice
13@Jl3c ; fancy greed and yellow , 1'ifi15c ; old
govorunient .1 ilva , 20@26c ; Levering's roasted ,
l4c' Arloickle's roasted , 15c ; McLaughlin's
xxkx roasted , 1134c : Imitation Java , 16)
lLvv-Balotl , 8 0OlO 00 per ton ; lie bulk ,
6 0O(6 50 ler toll.
VINROAII-NOW ork apple 16c ; Ohio ap'
1)10. 13c.
SAcT-Dray loads , her lltl , I 80 ; Ashton , in
sacks , 8 50 ; blils dairy 60 , 3 30.
SUGARS-Pewlorctl ( , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ;
granulated , tlfr ; confccthmcra' A , 9c ; Standard -
ard extra C , 8.c ; extra C , 84c ; medium yellow -
low , 7c ! ; dark yellow , 7.Ic.
Smiecst-l'earl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Dc ; Curie
Starch , Pc ; Eicchiior (1loss , 7ki ; Corn , 8c.
S1'IcEs-I'e1per , 17c ; : dikIlice , 15e ; cloves
25c ; cassla , ir .
CIl1Esu-Fnll : cream , l2c.
Ly-Aenoniceui : 3 10 ; Grceiuwicli , S .10 ;
\Votorn , 2 75 ; 'e'rt1i Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' iyo
1 65 ; , lewell lye , 2 715.
iry Goods.
BR0\VN ConoNs-Atlautlc A 8c ; Applo'
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; hoot Fii' to ,
Buckeye LI , , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 74c ; Chitto.
mlulgi ) A , 6.c ; Croat 1"alls B , 8.c ; hoosier , 6c ;
IltiseestVidth , 8c ; betlian head A , 8c ; Indian
Standard A Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7c ;
Lavronco LL , Sic ; Mystic lIken , flc ; Poquot
A , 8c ; Utica 0 , fic ; WTachusott 11 , 7c ; do
A , 8c do B 48 , 12c.
FINS BitowN CorroNs-Allomlalo 4.4 7c ,
Alligator . 3-I , 3c Argyle ' 1.4 , 7c ; At'antic '
J.J4 , 640 ; Ihelgee tath X. 4-1 , 6.c ; Bennington
a 4-1 , ( ic ; Buckeye S 4.1 , fltc ; Indian Orchard
AA 0-8 , 8c ; Leconla 0 39c ; I.ohigh B .1.1
9e ; l'osperoll N : io , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do 1
36. 7&e ; do B 89 , 8c ; l'escwsot C .1.4 , 7c ;
Waitisutta ' 1-1. 13c , .
BLEACIIr.u CorroNs-Androscoggin I. 4.1
9c ; lllaclcsthno AA imperial 8c ; do do hial
bleached 4.4 , tIc ; Cabot 4.4 , 81c ; Fidelity ' 1-4 ,
9c ; Fruit of the Loom , 9jc ; do carnbrio 4.4 ,
124 ; do Water Twist , 10e ; Great Falls Q , tic :
Indian Ilonil ejinutni : 4.1 , 12c ; Lonslalo , lOc ;
( I cambric 37 , 12o ; New York Mills , I2o ;
l'cquot A , 1tc ) ; I'Clielel , N G TwilIs , 12c ;
l'ocahuntas ' 1.4 ttc ; l'ocatesot (3-1 , 8 ; Utica ,
lIe ; Vanuenttts 0 X N , 12o
JtucKs ( ColureiI-Albaeey B brown , Sc ; do
C , drab lie ; dl ) .X strilles and i1aids , 12 1.2c ;
do XXk brown and tiral , , stripes and plaids ,
12 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , Itic ; Ili-unswlck
brovin , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; do ox.
trie liotIVy , 20c ; Fall Jtiverbrown , extra heavy ,
11. 1.2c ; Indiuma A. brown , 13c ; Noponset A
brown , iSe ,
'rscKINGe-AnoHkeAfAo A'32lOc ; do XX
blue 32 , 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , 9 1.2c ; Claro.
Illont JIll1 15 1-2c ; Coteestoga , extra , . 17 i.2c ;
Ilauijiltuit I ) , ii 1-2c ; Lewiston ASO , Ito ; 1'ln
nehalia 4-4 , 20c ; Omnege , stqstr extra 4.4 , ? c.
J'otrl : Itiver 32 , 16 1.'Ic ; I utnam XX blue
stripe , i2c ; Shetuckot 8 , 10 l-2c ; do SB , 12c ;
Yonmnati's blue 29 ( Ic.
lJENlnS-AXllo&Oag ) , blue and brown,16 1.2o ;
i\mtclovcr 1)1) 1)100 , 35 1-2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 1-2c Concord 000 , blue and
brown , 12 1-2c ; efo Aiut , do do , 13 1.2 ; do
xx LA ) do tics , 14 1.2c ; Ilaysimker's blue send
browsi I ) 1-2c' Mystic ltlvorlDstrlpa,161.2c ;
Pearl Jtiver , ( lue and brown , 16c ; Uncasvillo ,
blue anti brown , 14 1-2e.
OArnlltlcs-Barmlard , 5c ; Beldystono lining ,
24 mdc double taco , 8.cGnrnor ; A glared , tie ;
Manhattan glove 501311 , tic ; Newport do , tic-
do glared , 5c ; l'cquot do , Sc ; Jockwocnl kid
fluish , Cc.
Consir JEANS-Amory , Androsooggln
satteon , $ c ; Clarendon 6c Coneatogga sat.
teens , 7c ; Ilallowell , Sc ; inthan Orchard , 71e ;
Narraanactt , improved , 8ic ; POpiitill sat.
teen , Jic ; Itockport , Cc.
1'UNm-Allens , C' American , flicArnldo ; ,
file ; Berwick , 4c ; c0h000 , 0 Conestoga , Sic ;
Jiankirk , Cc ; Junnell , 6i@7c ; ddystone , 62c ;
Gloucester , Sic ; Harmony , tic ; Knickerbocker ,
Sic ; Merrlmac 1) , 7c ; Itlystio , tic ; Spriwrues
Cc ; Southbnidgo , Sc ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Mail.
here , Sc ; Oriental , 81c.
GINOUAMS-Amoskoag , Ole ; Argyle , Sc ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cumborleund 7o ; highland 7c ;
Kenilwontli , tile ; l'lunktt , tile' Sussex , lie.
CormNAins-Abbervllle , 131c ; Agate , 2Cc ;
American , lie ; Artisian , 2Cc ; tlulro 1) and ' 1' ,
131c ; Clarion 1) and T , 171c ; Pecan Co.
strijies 1) and 'F , 16c Keystone , l3e ; Nan'
tuckot , 19c' Nonpareif , ICc ; Ocean I ) anti T ,
Bile ; itoyief , ISle' Sussex , I'2c ; 'I'luga Wachu.
, eett shirting chmcs , 121c ; do Neenkln I2ics
York , plain Naukin , 1210 ; do checks , stripes
vnd fancy , l2ic ; do 8 ar , 2Cc ,
SIiv.KTlNas-Aleelruacojgln 10.4 271c ; do
04 , 23 ; tie 3 4 , 32c : Continental (3 ' 12. lIe ;
Fiuit of the LOQiTI 104 ; 271c ; Now York en hIs
Is. Stc ; do 78 , 'JOe ; do 58 , 2'4c ; Pembroke
10.4 , 2t'c ; l'eqttot 10-1 , 281c : do 74 , iCc : do 45 ,
ISe : l'eppcaell t1fi 2Cc ; tIn 67 , 21e' do 7 , ise ;
Utica LM , $ Se : do tS , 22c : tin 48. i7e.
TuB STO3IACII , TIIR 1t0Wk:12 : AND TH 1.1V1.
Alit : 1t1l'tNSIllI.R P1511 I.VKILY IAN(1 TIIA't
) tONIZ TII ACIION 01' TIIKSII Al,1.11l ) Oil
Arlis 500110K. SOLD 1W ALL LflWUOISN.
To CtllbItllflltIVestntuy leavb 1eti hap
to gIVO their teitilllele in favor of the use cii
' 'll'ilbor's I'tue ( bd'Jtcr Oil and 1.itne. " hx'
iicnieeico leas imved it te ) ho a yaluallo , reuite
el' for Consumption , 4stinna , iipltthcniaatul
nil diseases of the thereat atiti 1tttw's. hilatete'
factored only ly A. IL. Wilbur , Chemist , lice
ton. Sole ! by all druggists , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. - , - ,
Tha I'ioncer nd 0013 S spor Cook Stem that hss
tootl the test. of yvars anti given entire asi4 perfect
Over 1OOOOO Now in Use I
Patent removable suet ! intercltsageablo Jot Orifloc
rendering our lnrnrr , , , lnttetreectlbIo. New Ons 'al , ,
Hureter on two Now SIAC5. New Safety IteersoI ,
For Sutitieter tee , tInte stovc , are initlponsable
For terms to agents , Prire 114 antI cataIouo ,
Aihires , IiJtli ( VAPOR STtVR CC , ,
'ept 2I.en&e&w. _ Cleve.lanil 0
I Have Found It
Wa , , the oselainattoit of a , nanwhen he got a bos
f Kuruta I'ilo Ointneet , , , tvhlch Is a sintithu ettid sure
, uro for I'Ucs send sell Elk-Itt ISb'aso& Fifty cents l ,
mall , ioetpald.
The American Diarrhwa Cure ,
lies stood the test for twenty years , Cure cure Ici
ill Nerer Fails. Dlarritara , Dyscnttery , and Choic.
) forbus.
iloallo's ' FCYCI' aIil Auo Tolli & Coria1 ,
It I ImpossIble to stlpjtly the rapid vale of the same
For Feror send Agite , and all Malarial oubIeo.
rRlCF. , l.OQ.
LABOI1ATO11Y , 10Th ST. . OMAhA , NF.B.
For Sale by all Drggsts
- -
nil ninrnvon3J A regular graduate li
U1I , UJJtl Jul00 , moilicinc. Over sixtect
lice anti 605 Wyandotte lit. . years' ractl-twolvo Is
YAN13AS CITY , MO. Chicago.
Authorized liy the state to trca.
.1rA . Chronic , Nervousand i'rivatodl.easca
itLi(1h'i ; ( , . Asthma. Ejtilejtay , llitctimatiszei ilies ,
ftIS1ftIfs , JvTapo Worm , UrInary and Skin Die
Ci. \lJy4/casc. / , Retninal WeaknesnIght losses
Sexual DcbiIltylosn ( ntixuaI power
to. Cures guarantee , ! or money refunded. Charge ,
.0W. Thousands of case. curcil. No Injurious mcdl
cine furnished even to liaticlete at a cilstateoe. Con
suitatlon free and confldctetial-cail or welts' age and
experience are important. A 1100K for both sexes-
Ul'.is'.ratod-and circulate of other things cnt acaled
fcr wo 8 cent etsOIpH. FIINE MUHNUM
MUHNUMen rl ol.v'
B1'oakfllSt 011C08.
f74a7 ! .
Wrerranhd abe.tuCly zr'
Cocoa , from which the excess o.
oil lies bone reenoved , It his , ( dree
1't1 times 1/.e slrijth of Cocoa mired
J l eltbt Htsercli , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
4i and I , thcretore ( Sr moore ecoetotnl.
( II cat. It Is dedlcloui , imurlehizig ,
t , II atrtngtlicnlng , easily dIgested , eeni
c admirably tedaplcd for Invalids eta
: v ll a. fur irtta In lanitle.
Sold by Urocera ecrywhere ,
1 , BAKER & CO Bordh8stcr , Iass
Tb Only l'erfoct substitute for Mother's
.1. Milk. Thu most ieouriahIteg'ltfor , ' thvallda and
nursing mother. . Commondeal by cli I'hyeidaM
Keeps lie all climates. BOLl by all druggists. lb cents.
ma.tu&th.201 41 'r.MNTeJALF&CO. ,
Central Wharf , Boston , Mw.
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAB. It. IIMARTWV.LL , l'tesidoot.
A. L. CLAIIKK Yioc.I'rcsddent.
N. ( I. WEHSTEfIrrreaaurer.
C. 1' . WEIJSTgIL CashIer.
amurl Alezande , , Oswald Oliver
t , 1I. Clarke , N. Ii. Webster ,
'ito. If l'ratt , Jas. 13. Ifeariwell ,
D. hI , McKiilinney4
? irst Mortgage Loan8 a Specialty
Tiels Company furnishes a ibormnent home inetitu
on heru school bonus and othcrhgally issued Mu
011111 SecuritIes to Nebraska can be eootiatecl an
InOst ' .orablo terms. Loans enado On taprorod
04 In all well aettiel oOUntIci , of tbet state thiough
ponelbi. ocal ocricevendonts. Cr
. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - t _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ S S -r _
liMlong been icknowleclgeti soil more so at thl d
thanateycither. lhe seat Coil of tueiil1 acleieec I.
suer IncreasIng , and Its titetItertitIbI lirMlcliee arc
brought tvaier , anti nearer to perfection , mel
no ciii , men rae , any longer grasp themie tell
IlIfleC the nere.lty for ellelillieg the 1bor , Anti it i
trite t'eynd sO doubt that eliqeaqe , refTc'ctletg the gelt
Itourlies , ; organs ect'.l si iftl sttttiy bore tltteti mtuv
thleeg e1e , If e would tnnkrstasel acid know lieas Ic
treat theta ) irelp.rly.
1)11. ) II , WAlNfl i fully aware that there art
many i'h sklan , , anil sonic ctttlblo ; wole , hi , ill
condeetu , him for ittakilig tIul. nles of ellat'as , a ape
eIalt' , but he Lt happy to know that s Itli titott let
, kltt , of rvfleenucit , mmiii In tnlllgruce a in .rc cilltiliteie ,
etl view Istaken of the atthjeit , atiel that the 1.10 sIc'
tati a ito , Ivotcs hilniaclf to relies log the atUhi teil attil
a , itu thetit freitie s 01aO thati dec11 , , Is lit , lea , 11)11 )
Iaiithiopl.t anti bemtetactcir te , hIt. rare tlitete the sot
genII . or iloalniat , ut ho by chose alulIeatIoIi ci. , it
ul.t. cdlter brandi of lilt lrofc'aion. And fiirttetate1 ,
or lItetItall ty. the ilav I. , Ias telttg a hen the fal.e i'it
alItlirn.hy that ( ollilettlnell tIio ' . lc'tltet ed folly ci ,
tltn' , liki , the leIera tetiiler the _ Joe ) Its , to dli
Ilic'arel , for hai ' , , all my.
A Few Reasons
Wh1 you should try ( Ito celebrated Itt , II. 5'aptcr'a
letotieodc of cure :
I , "Ijy. II , Vfl4iflt't L , a iateiaI , lilt ) , lcitte , "
U. it. l'ost.aa ,
Tue ( lrt'atc.t l.iultig l'hrcliciitigiat.
"Few van otcl ou as a iloetor. '
Its. , l , itncic ,
'flIciVotltl'ii ( Irratect l'lislegeeoitutt.
8. "You IUI i eimeiltrfuily lrtlnlrtt Lte 3 dIr keeos I
edge of dleii'o nIlLi uteIleIuec. "
Ill ) J. M rntiuss.
4. "l'be aJlIit'tcl fiteil , nml ) relief I , , our ire' .
c.utco , ' lbc. , .1. Sltta ,
SI. "Dr. II. 5Vancr it , a regular graiittseto trout
liehlevue htoapittel , New York city ; lesS litl v. C ) e
tciI , o ho4iUei ; l'ractlc'o , tttt Is tftorotigltlv Ietc1tI cit
itli braitchea ( 'I his bvl ciii , cilcueve , , rs1ieIlaIly Ott
chronIc iiiseaie. . "
1)55. IttOwiiiLc & Ewt'.e ,
6. "Or. H. S'agulcr ha , , lsittetortsiIteiI ) iinteeif La
Ith , a cittiletitil til.t'civery of e'i'eeito % retetettles for un
rate aiL .exteah eli.eeu.o&-'Irgieela City ( 'lirouldi' .
7. "Thoteaateda of lnualhl. hock to see
Frae&ciero ChronIcle.
S. "The loctor's bug erpenleitre tee a ai.eClxili.t
should reenter liltu t cry sua't''eful.-lleicky Monti.
lain Newe.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one time a dkmelon of the , eeruk tire was ate
tinny seneilileil by the irofeseltl , ioiid tttedk'aI tvotk. of
but et few ytnrs ago seotild lesally ennuitleit , IL
Today the liit3PiClftti IC Of a elitYcrelet oj.iiieitq , lea is
aware ( lint It I , liii , duty . 1heegn'eseblu tleotigh it
llta ) Itanille ttt ) ntatter a itleout gl. us eutil
alcak l1aInlv about It ; seuiel ittc.hllgent hamlets tuid
gttaritlstt , 1ul ticuik idite fir cloltig ml.
'ihu nejults atteniting tltl elestntec'tlt'e tlee acre for.
tettely not undenettitsl , or not l1roIecly ctiiictmI' tettil
let ) lntpontaiico Ileltig attached to a attbjrt a leicfe iiy
its nature clue. hot len Ito close liivestigatIoie , it 'ca.
slIlIuigly igilorciti
'the habit Ic geneirally enietracteti by this ) Oteteg
I. litie attenilitig school ; euler cOnelattioule throtigle
their cxnitiile , tette ) . lie re1oielble , feir It , or it telil ) ' bci
acijtelrnti tltrotegli toeclient. 'IRe ecitetitent title , , cx
penicutceil , tlto inactiro 'ciii be roieettl ngsii ated
uegalul , tetetil set last the Ititbit be'eiitt finn ated vtn
IlCtelY eitclatt.e thu tlttine. Mental nmil itcrvoti , at
eltctiott , are tieltilly the Initetar ) ' results tif i'vlt.tebttstm ,
Aeleiitg ( Ito iueJunitte cITcctn maY be teectitlotici , Ised
tud , . , .lejectioie or lrea , ibility of tceetlir miii geticral
iebllIty. The leuy acek. aenluslome , ectiil rarely julie ,
lie tlto jelrts of hIs coiulitliiOil4. It ho be a 3 utllig
10511 ito cc ill bci little fiulnI iii cielilany I. ith tue othee ,
aex tttiil Ii trotebled a itle cxcecitllitg cliii iullIclhlg
icujIftilneIc Iii their I teecleco. laaific lutes dreatete ,
etttl.diie anit eruptions cit the Sore , eta , are also
Iroilducout aynttituiq.
if tliit inactive ic t ktlc'uetly ierslateul be , there acnlitti ,
dictunbaticci. take ilnea ( treat ioelilUetIle of the
heart , or epileptic cuimutilsiona , ate eierlcteceil , and
the autict or teia' fall Into a e'oilllilettei atetto cit ltliooy be'
fort' , eleitcily , death relliut cc lilii.
' 10 all thioso emigageul lie tiii thuigeroni , practice , I
wuiell sty , lirat of all , stijl ) it at mete ; iiialco ucury
littueltilO effort to do so ; but If no fall , if , YlUt elt'rc ( ) teb
aiitCtel Is already too enticle .hottcrcd , toed coll.s.
liuctitly , your i , ill.Iiou er hrokeue , take , ioielc eeerveu
teimik Ii ) aid yiiu iii your effort. I layIng free , ! ) oUisrhf
from tleo habIt I 'cotilil further cinensel ote to ge ,
tlirotigte a tcgtefar course of trcatiiiciit , for It ii , a great
ntiatako to , iulitioio that aiey one icisy , for aoieio times , ,
ha t every' scuttle give leiueaclf U , to tlti fascitiictiiig
but dangerous wltliottt atigeritig frolic it.
cc ii coileulticlecc'4 at , ioilio futtiro tiiiio. 'i'lio miueiebet
of ouiig 11)011 ) whuano Iticalariatetl to till the , iutlep
eiijoitied by wedlock hi alaninliegly large , amid lie tetost
of aude cases this uietortuiiate cuietlittuit of tltliigs caii
be traced to the iiractlCem of aelficbuico , 'Icicle lout beet
mebaiidonctcl years ago. Itedeed , a tow , eionths' 9rsectico
of tltia letebit Is suiticient to letilueco aiiontitnteirrhmtc lee
later years , anti I lia u lItany of such cases outlet tneat
ineul. at thio presoitt day.
Young Mei
Who may ho sutiTerilig from the effects of yotlthfnl
follies or indiacrctioiq , sill tiO tcell toaveell tiieeiisolwo
of tItig , tleo greatest booie oce laid at the altar of atif. ,
fcriig , Ituittaiiity. lilt. SVAOSY.ti v.111 gtiarteieteo to for.
felt 5OO for cuery estsc of .eiteiieal weakitee or liricate
eliiieaqo of all ) ' kliui antI character5whelcle hiouiidcr.
takes toaiiclfaIlto cure.
Middle Aged Men.
'l'liero are iiially at tim ago of B ) ) to 611 wIn , Are
trotelilcil with too frcqtleiit. cItaCtiatiiil of 010 blail.
den , ofteue accotetiarilcil Ii ) ' a slight amicartitig or Itnie.
lug seteentlite , aitil a tc cakeniiig , if ties systemic lii a
llieiuicr the Itetletit canletit atctiiiuet for ( ) i , camtiiti
lug I Ito tininary , ) a riijiy soil Intent sill ufhae bc
foiileii , 011(1 , .iiitiotluiee , , iiiiail 1artiles eif nlliimieicie cc Ill
ccl heIr , or 11)11 ) color c Ill ho .if tutu ietllkl&lil lute , tegaiii
chaitgltig to a ilark atiii tonliiI alillearuelero. Tiicrci are
hitch ) iiieiiiy much it Iii , , hlt' of ( hI. lllliicleR3 , I"iioreiit : of
the catece , cliieti I , tlio , .ccutil atago , tf sctllIeal.seaie.
IbIS. lr. ) V. cclii giearalitco a Perfect CUIC lie all cicscs
and a healthy rcstoratltiii of thee geielto.unlltary or.
Cititiltntlotl free. Thorough oxatiltuatlotc anti au ,
vice , ti.
All coitiniuiilratloii' sliotill ho aiIuire"rtI , lIt. Ileicry
henry Vagiter , I' . 0. : : : kD , Dener , Ceuloriuli , .
The \'uullg Mace's l'ou'ket Coiitlaueiotl , by lr. II
SVagti'r , ic sortie Its 'culght Ii , gold to young mmccii ,
i'rlcci , Sent by iinhl , to any addrcie.
Let Your Light Shine ,
the eclobricteel of heuivur )
Ir. Wagner specialist
Cole , , 843 Lanlieier street , lellccves iii Iettlig ( tlietc'oniil
kmioty 'c hat lou cat , iii , , itijil Is , ioiug for tliuti'euiiuli , , of
hili feilowtiicme. I I Ii tnecatinent for hat iiiaiihioiul Is
leOne to 'cite leitit a leatitu that listenity 'clii huicsq. 'I'cn
tltousaiiul tcstltnoiiials from all oc er tile Utiiteti States
frotit those hiu hiacureil , iii Iroot loltIte tint. lieilw ,
clero tile worst c.tsoI of these discacn , . 'I lee atitictcl
frolic ehritic , amid acrital tilceases of every ldiiI sill
Ibid him their heat. frietteil. I lead htls wl ertisuietent lii
all our city lialers , aiid call oce hihtie fur au ) icc , as SC
kieu'c you sill corrobunato tni lii , aylid , Ito Ii , tiiti , , tif
ferorSi true fnleied.itoc'ky Mounraite Nests ,
Relief to the Afflicted ,
Iii iiecdlcinca , as In scicutcu , the , ipeciaiit. , arc the
ones cc ice always coitea , to the front miud w cluiltluilsh
reat rcaults. ' 1'hii remark in especially apulicaluie tote
to Hr. 11. Waglier , of tiiii , city. lice staijile at thu 101
of htis lrOfCl0tl , atiii thu eteres he lerfrliis for the
titfortiiiiato would acetic WollulurfUl if lint l1r0PCrl )
tiess eel lie tile light of scicoitlilo euwitclrcitieuits. I I it Is
emIdiureell liy the jiiust etiilneiit of the jjelIcal , faculty
IIl oilleo at ElI I.aratnir street , where hen sill apeoull
ihy euiucta cure for the suilcniuug of ulthuer sex , Ito lust'
ter how comeijillested their eiuinplaIlit.-l'otiteroy ,
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Persons at a distance who wish tobe tre&tel by Dr.
Wagmier necil not feel backward because of Itiabilit
IA , 51511 hIm. If they will we to tIm elector Ice wI
send a lIst of uueetioics sthei tialilci lOin to &eied
teceullchttec , , oouiescl and adv to thousaseds Ito hues
leciver aeon , lie heauc I Iii every city. town aled
atathote iii Colorado well as allover tue United
States. See let. ad lu his adyertieuieut-Pcn'
yer Tribune ,
Shall We Reform ?
81tilao rcmedloatur aildlseaaei , is the theory
ltrertIc at hresant of odticatud ated ezjiunianc.
Iuhyaician. send In all large cominunlUc. they liar.
their , ipeclteltlu. , to excel In which they direct Heel ,
studIes anti littCties , 1) , , Wagner lii sticceesful II'
lustratlome of tIel modem school of specialties. asni hI.
Unhirueedent.ud sueccas In the teatnicnl of irIvate
dIseases Is as wonderful aug II Is htcttcnlng.-h rot. J.
TltOsu irsona who need inodlinl relief for lieu most
dtlicatoot disuase stlilfliid an acconiepllshed and suu.
ceisueful luteyslelait lie lieu PCCCOiI of Dr. Wagner , No ,
313 Laninioratreat , whole htihilynecrniimomeiie4 byth ,
inudicoel lirofessloce at Icoinu bred eihoard.-l'oeneroy'i
Deuuucrett. lilfotry anti lgnoraiicu tuuest. gIto way to
wIsdom arid tIi wise liYsicIale ) bellote lii lettlieg his
light , , lelnc , for 11am glory of bile fellow men , I'rlielsir' ,
Ink Is the torch ho caii bust uae to guide the wuar
auul sIck one to tlee fountain of health it liii , artIcle
should be Ijiutrumeretal as a "TonehlI.iowr' et up.
Oil ft 1,111 to guIde auerltig hiuinamiity to SIB lariutet
Stretut , Peiever , , Colorado , it still aiiasur the liurpos.
for stIith IL sM wrItten , , Atidreis ,
1' . 0. box 2389 , or esti at 513 Mrlencr , Street
Demiver , Coo.
jfhto.d the cetluinit beaded "The Necessity for the
flpwcla.1i t. "
_ - .
Furniture !
Have just received a large quantity of .
: EL4t. /E I
AND .1\J1 \ OlF1tINU !
" I 1206 , 12)8 ( ) autci 1210 Fanitaln St
T 0 .A.1 ' , tOOX' $ . NEll ,
C. M LElOli'l N. 11. 'j' , CLARInC ,
( SLICCRRSltS 'To KENNAIID 111105. & Ct ) . )
Wholesale Druggists !
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class ,
OMAHA , - - - - - - - - NEBRASKA.
: E _ ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y :
, , , .
1 D Q SItVaflt. ista1'xzi. . .
Double and Sii,91o Acting Power and iland
Engine Triltuililigs , Mitiiitg Mrteliinory , Boltietg , I 11)50. ) Brass auiul Iroti Fitt.iuge
Stualu I'etcking at whculesalo and rtuiail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIUItCII
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Heating and Baking
: lre oiily attainedby weing
oAt : .
Stoves and Ranges ,
' . . . . . . . ! . , J'or'aaIcby '
- r.vv .
'i-vT.\v. , x.ew\\ MILTON ROGERS & SONS
. , OMAhA.
. .
LuMber , Lath , Shll1es ! , Pieket ,
Near Union Pacific . NED '
Depot , - - OMAHA ,
Ti. ! . Flour , I , , niaulo at Ilalemo , ltlchnrdsua , Cot , Nultraske . , Ii , the Combineil Itoller Stone System , W
gIve RXCItJSIVI' . sale ctt our hour to , cue tirice he cc place. We have opened a branch at I18 CapItol aveinu
( linabte. Write for i'rieus. Address cltlier
J'x'iji :
in Salem or Omaha , Meb.
" " ,
( Chicago , I3urlington & Quinoy Ralirond. )
; I _ . * - c . . , . - . . ' - . I
. . I- _ . .u _ w ,
_ _
_ ' : . _ . . -
I ; 9 I
; ; , , '
I 'It . I' % . \ .
' 2r pak % , \ ' '
- _ _ _ _ . .
_ , _ p------ : ' . . . . _ - _ -k'-
_ _ _
Eleank Day Coaches , Varior Cars , with 1scltn
: Ce&lrs ] ( aeasR free ) , Smoking Caret , with Its.
volvlng Chairs h'ullinan I'aiace . bleeping liars anti
the fainnuis C. ii. & Q. Dining 1.arti run daily to anti
from ChIcago ft Kansas CIty , Cbcago & Council
Illuffs , Chicago .t 1)05 MoInes ChIcago , St. . J0.
aejiIi , AtchIson ft Topeka. Oniy through tine Is , .
tweet. ChIcago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars
between Jntilutnapolis & Council Illuffs via t'eontse
Mi conntwtIon inmie in UnIon Icpots. It i.e
known as the groatThIltOUGlI CAll LINM.
I 1- T , --r wr - -A 7
. _ , . . _ _ . - . . - . . . , . , _ -
Solid Trains of Elegant Da Coaches and Pull-I
roan Palace Sleeping Cters are run daily to and'
front St l.ouIs , via hannIbal QuncCeokuk.I
Hvrllngton Cedar hapkls and Al
h'aul anti IInneapohIa : l'anlorCarswlth itscl1ntr I
Chairs to send fromEt LoWe semI i'eorise and V ,
and from lit LouIs and Ottuonwa. OmiW oT .
change of cars between St Louis and 13'
Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Lunvc. .
Ittsuzilvereallyadmlttsl to be the
I ' Finnat Equipped . Rnilroad In the World for all OIt os of TravtI.
jT .7. I'OVL'EiI , 3d Vlce.l'rses'L and ( kun'l Mansata PULIWV Sulu JA1'PIif.T. I Isa , ) ? ass. Ar'i. ( ThiC.elI.
a11 Paper and % Viilo Sliaffes.
1118 FARNAM STREET , . . orAra NEB.
I .
' - ' - '
' - , ! : :