wh _ _ _ ; _ _ - - - - - - - . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ; J1T ; - - - : ; , . . U ) . 1 - - - TIlE fATt BEE'--OMAlIAATUR1)AyOCTOBER _ _ t418. . 5 ' , ' ' - \f " . : KIRK W000 % 'I1his is i ne' flfl(1 ( beautiful nldit ion to the city of Onuiliaq sitUitfed tfl titu ] or11i pr of the city , froiitiiig on S1itriiinn uvenuc , ni"1 is t1 niof , (1eIralle ) IOCRL1OI1 , for resLdL'lIces , thut 1iii. lceu ) j)1a'ei ) ( on the itiar ket for years. I3EDFO1LD & SOUJR. rkwood1 . 1- Tins Pro1)erty is (1iViled ( into regular size city lots iiut acre lots cvheli will lC sold tt roasoitublo prices aud on vav teriii. - BE1)FOItD & SOUER. KIREWOOD. , . Froitinn 700 feet on Sherinait Aveiiue. 'l'his propry ciiiiiiot fail to be ( leswalie ann will be raid1y takeit up ai1 improved. No hl1s to Cliflib , no ravines to ross in getting to KIU1C'VOOD nddLion. Re. member , when you 1)113' a lot iii this addition. you will not have t' pay flu amount equal to first price to grade your lot before buildiiig. Kirkwood. , . . . . Street cars will b nut t ths athiltion at an early day. These lots - aouble in val i 2 iiioitlis. Call at our o1lic' and see pIa and ' make selptioni trIy. BEDFORD & SOUEIL KIRK WOOD. Elegaiit Building Sites aiid at half tlieprice of any other lots in the city of equal distance and loCaholl , on the best street m the city. BEDFOIU ) & OUER , 14th $ treet , bet. Farnam and Douglas. 1 Iii $1,500-Lot In Iountze' 3d good threa Tooln hOUSe , barn. well , tc. One tIirt eah , . balance S ver cent. fl2 O3-One halt lot In 1euntzo d additIon. geol a rooni liouso , vtIt i1ictI ktcheii. One.Izaf e'ash bIaiice to suit purehtcr. 113 2,8O-Lot6)1Ii , Itogcr& a1dtlim , IJorei St. , near 10th. Good 7 roon house , itah1o , cistern , grape VilleJ , etc , 5OO cath , ialanee , to stilt iur cIiater at B icr ceiut. i1 3OOO-Three acres on ltth , one half mile onth t ! 1iactl1s 5 rooni house , tahic , hue * good ightIy location. Ono.thlrd cash , balance to suit. il ! ' 115 t4,000-Two ncrc9 facing Cuining aid flurt , Iho * . blocts west of Creighton Cullege. Good 5 rein \ . . _ ' . hotno , tabl , vcll , fruit and shrubbery , aim. third cash , balance to suit. \ 1lIIFOlt1) SOUIIt. Improved .k'roperty. 0 a 3,5OO-12 room homn4e , car. 13th amid Califormila trect , closets , cellar , city water , nutIjoiis , ' ctc. 7 2.7OI-6 room house aim N. 13th ptrcet , eloCtt ! , cellar cltern , vell , etc. Ilicucoan & Soexa. 12 $2,500-GOOd six room house on JJavenport , bet. 234 aiim ! 24th , two story , a nct , pamitry , cellar , cistermi , rell , fruit Mild shrubbery , st.ablo and outbouaes. 15 3 100-'Ull slzo lot on MeCandlish pIce , sIth two fraLac cottages. ouo 5 room , cxi 3 room. For saJo or exchaime. 16 21OO-Oood two amit a half acre lot sith five roomOottaCC , brIck cellar well trulttres , etc. 17 Orio of the liet three ory brick bumimL ho aim F'.rn.un $ rect. Tcrims jmri'ate. 18 t3,2OO-N w7 room liouso o N. lSth street. All modern tmrocimmrnt3. (1 001 locatkii. Cheoji. 10 ,3oO-Ncw two story Imoimic Queen Ann style. All mnodormi Iniprovomwit $ , city ator , it iolx 100. 2 Too full lotis St. Mary's nvenua and iOth , with S hotic. Viil be flrt clad buitics property. Term east. 24 4,7O-LOtGI3'.91 , withtwo houEeq. Chtap. lo $2.X-ToOhOm&iM lii N.4.moris addItIon , 'mm Cen tcr street. uumoue , citrn , Iruit. tiecs , ttc. flmi.lnos. ' hou.e mu lot omm flotigifta stn.ct , bet. 14th and 1.tii. rurui ( 'Y. ai Nee 8 raomi liomiaommClmlco3. hct. 2lthand th. All tmproicmn.anti. 3.s TWO now bouca , one six and oilier 8 rooms. F1rstc1asi and mimodern Improvement& 'rerni i Eaiv. : s .i.7oO-LJt 100x132 , Cotle.o Street , ltom'Icl ' icutslh Iion , now r , roam bouio. Vull Iumpr. . ccl. 113 2i0U-L0t A01&0 , (100Veiit 4reet , 0 rcccccm cot tau , large Icaaencunt aultblo for rowus. barci etc. 89 V2,3O0-6 , 'oomn house , Thornell' suiditfon , Icarfl , ell , ciLrn , good LmproeIaentd , * 00 S 5 $ II0O on lon Uncc. 4t0o-7 RecTa hOUSS on lasveicport , bet. ICth aicdl7th. - 45 Lot lThrf0O On Sicuriccan , largs house , barn scil -SS. other fmprovcment. Lot. without lncjrovO. meats is worth tim money oo ac.k for It. 47 Two new homiatsi flcI two full size lots oci l'ark venuo. Uot ncl cold water , sod htl uco.leui firSt clscc4 Impr000mcntL Ilousel watch ! Oopt what we slc for ohole , Ixtra good haraimc. 43 $2,600-Lot 82IiO car. 11th and Center , ) comi 4 rooms , barn , water , trcea , outbuildlrclrim. S S 4) $ 'ZO-FiYta room hou.c , l8t. bet. CalifornIa & . Term'i es..iv. SVch'cter .N ice PrcPsTtY. to 1r.iLot 9 , tdock 14 , Hlcluns 21 aclibttop. ( Joe and halt story house Ti rmi eciy. 52 c000Gd 7 room houo onhhcrcnau. Modern IcnprovrmontM , stable , cIcIatein. It bcirgdc. , 53 * 6tJOFu11 lot , ofl 13 tOWU and one S room hocte , nsw , b hIots from the optics } co..e Very cheap. 62 $ iteo-U1lendiIot on Dod'ti , near 11th. Chea (13 ,000-Larcee house and small cttce. Exec hint lcce4tton , full slea lot , laexcpor * , near 10th. as ; 1otx-Lot 60x250. good 6 room hrno , mislern mprouicsflt-l , near bcmclne4ori Sherman cse. ' il,0u3To fUl1lot , with to g.'nI I' ' IIce' , ith and ( .ttaO. ( Will sil cceprately for rash. ) P2 $1tXTiso lots , 16at40 , s.ltn icousc stable etc. Ifarker's ut,4lsfstcm. 05 $1,000-Lot and s haP , good house , 1l.odtck ° eiib diMlon , ( oooner. ) cS Lot lth 7 roonm Icomiw , ChIcago , bat. 15th isd 14 tim. 01 1JO-Lat sod 5 room house. florbth's addi. tion , well , cistern , et.O. Elerythlng In good re ; Ir. p004-Lot SDcI room house , lztJ , ber , 1th , .icI S 11th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unimproved Property FI1t ( SALE 1W flEDFO1tDa&EOUIl. 2 1,00O-Lot 00U27 , Irccliacitc. and IIvislon. Veil each-TwolotsOilxI32 each , on 11th. Clceac , aiil lots 66x132 each cci 10th. 11 L6S ) caclc-7 hots hi Yates & ltecc1' addition. l 7,2O0-i2 hill izo 1cd. , hlaccscotn i'Iacc , one block wct of l'ark avenue. AS1Ocach-Two lob on l'ark avcrcuo. nargaicc. Buicccas lot on Iodgcc , icetic eccc I ith acid lttla. ! l1 $100-Lot Iii hiInri's additIon. oci Seward street , i3 * 3,000-Full 1t , 1lcec1'1st addition , on 25th cccl Chicago. 40 5 000-Six good lots lii ilanscom Place. liar gains. 14 1,000Lot 50x120 , aim } 'arnam , noer 20th. Ve chomp. 513 225-Oooc1 hot lit Lowc'e addition. Cacti. 5) Four acres lii WeMt Unichia. 6 ( ) $ .50-Lot In Ismcs & hIdden's addItIon. 07325-I.ot 12 , AUcci'ii sub-dIvision blxlIO. A bar. ahn. 3 1T5-Lot 4 , block I , Lowo' let additIon. Good locatIon. in l,0Od-I1rio lot'flec1chick'c additIon , Park ace. ti 300-52 feet of hilock M , Sh1imns adlitloci. i'inc view. to $ 2,200-Lot4iOOun 10th. fluclimese property wccrth twice tIc hirlee askcI. 03 3rc00-FuIl siiO graJciI lot on ChIcago , bet. 18th aiccl 14th. OS 00-Uood hut , hcIh locatIon , south 10th. 100 0.0XI-S3xh32on lath , bet. hhsrncy and how. acl. 103 7f.0 each-Two cictra good hot In , Ilcui.ooms additIon , Coocihucrh loecati4cil. Bargains in Farms & Lands NO. 10 27 pit iscro160 imco Improve.l farm , hear Crc. to. , Tocca , 10 cai-ec scoodiarcd , 45 acres corn , 2 acres Tii..othy and Clover. 13 ' 4OH- acree 3.4 of a tulle west of l't. Omaha two hioues , two barns , granary , corn crib , too oehl , .00 l > u.arleg fruIt treed , 300 grape cLimes. Will evil or uvclcacige. 14 7tXJO-200 acre , halt mIle N. Vp' . h-lhhcor. , liii macros lii cuitlysUon , Icatcicco Ima.tcira. Four room houce , stable , etc. 'lerins cscc , Si 0doieo scico good land 4 i : iclhkc4 from lIne. hiicgton , Coffee county , Kansa.c. Will uich.suje for OmMma 1)rO1cCity. I ,4cJO210 acres acljohnh.n city of Wlhbor , SaCimo county. All tinder fence aicci well lmjcrovid. Tab ) hrOPrtY iccbceahI mat $10,000. c 1'20 lr aero-400 acrec , I inches from Waterloo , icocigias ocuot ) . l'art Iii cultlsatlon , balumee meadow. maIl good lamni. WI' ! sell ccc will arrsnge ottli nettle maim for COlUrtICIelmIhi ) , or olU Quit tract to fe.I 300 or 40' ) head of mttle. 70 to 82-10 000 lersi lit ! cfriIck county. ( lothI ilh able lanJ , suit whlh he cold ( room $6 to h per acre. lmh 7 1r aoro-Wlhl buy 160 acme In Cedar Co. 06 III. per acro-40 acres 2 miIci from 1Lscnhcir lsw , . 07 $11. ier &cre-1miroved near Logan lows. 101 Seveeah hcunciract acres In ( Jimmlng Co. Neha. 105 8k thouaaiih serve lii Hbucton Co. Nob. 107 $10'per aero-2200 screci timbered land in Ray ( io.Mo three ucraallfarnia entnlit land , balannet good occttonwoocl timber , which wtU moors thact NY tar investment. For tale or ezciaaxae Onmaha property. property.PEOIAL. PEOIAL. ia 32ICYjct 2Wx'i ) , ocr. 11th sad floIlsi.w Bt. , south ( inmaha , rmeor liasnehi's I'ark , Icrick bee. . , fourroomni , wht , citeru stable , cellar. AU to good cniitii > ri anal macany neas. 10 2A icir acre 4410 acro4 In Washlngt.n countyI entIce south of hilaIr , on line of Ii. hf. P. 1. k 0. rshlro.ad. Station at corner of thIs lied Good atre'.im rurmolmig water. Ital acre. In oultivitto. , Ill ) acres grs4 , IO acres timber-oak , blokory , , .galnUt and dcc. Small house good fruit and shacmndaraco of grapes. Is partly tnc'ed , On. of the ice4 farnaa In the oountc. If purchaser wihitii , wIll sell homeciteici sdJclnlny goa' hacrd of ttiu. t : ( : al1 icud examine other property oot Islet. BEDFORD & SOUER , it3 Ii. 14th. bet. Farnsm'and Donjhia ' f 5 4 ' r . I . , , c S . . S S ) OUR CARD BASKET. Iiu Gcriiiit Givii at the Ni11ai' to i1SOS VT , ' Bara1ov. A Small Array of Oarcls Loft in The Basket This Week , The Ititevvnl ltevs'eht ( lie Suhnhiiet' 111111 I Ite 'lictev SCMIII Very ltill. Sc' Very ( lcl'lghtfthl ' ' ( orllrnht" wits given last evening flt thu Millarti 1iotc to Mr. M.V. . Baritlow by his friondii on the eve of 1103 tleiarturti to Satitit Vu. N r. Iiarkalow j 0110 of Olllalla'8 ow11 , tittel has always Itoh h high place ibm ill thu estitnatioti of our peoclo. Thu 1rty Iaiit iiight hItlthibered just unoiigh to llInlcO tt p1easaiit ( hlhhCi ) , 111111 WftS very elegahItly Sthllilicd ) v&tIi favorm for the ( ijiflirelit fig- tIres. Titero were presehit Mr.ViII MeMil. loll , Miss Uraco Oliiuubers , Mr. Moe lltrkulow : , MISS ( hbVgibt liyOhlS , Tttr. 1101) ( .iii1iC1lS , tiSS 1)&tlliu i1cCoritiiek , ? ttr. A tthflr flehhhilhgtohl , ? 1 iss Ciirriu ljtitis ; , ttr. Charles iIcCoritiick , ? 1iss Loll Ijuits : , t1r. Nate Olny , tIiss 11iza TolhI1ilins , 2fIr.'itrc 1ostcr , i'tliss Morn llalcottthe , Mr. J , 0. SlutrI ) , Miss Nolia Loltitier , Mr. 000rgo Burke , Miss Mattie Sliarji , fIr.V , , Althl'Ihh , : i\Iiacs ? IIihIhIiO Rich. ltrlson , Er. 0. 1. lknclt , Mis3 Cert 1)oahle , tIr. Newton ilurkalow , ? 1iss NelliuVitkoloy , Mr. Charles Bethel , Miss Mariit Reed , Mr. , Tnck Carrier , Miss Mary Lake , Mr.ViII Wilbthr , Miss l'liillio Morgait , Mr. atiti Mis. E. P. Peck , Mr. aitti ItrL 'IV , A. Itediek , i\Ia- jor ittid Mrs. Furny. ClllDS. Senator nntl Mrs. Matidoratoit leave fur a short trill iiext week , TIll' . and Mrs.VilI Iteclick , ahid Mr. ahid i'itrs. , JahIIeS Chambers lhltVO returned , ? tliss AhIhIa Burley ahid i\liss iraiiio Saunders returned front a tnt ) to Cob. rado 1ast week accohhhIuthIietl by Mrs. \Vclelier , of Detiver , v1to will be l'tliss Bthrbey'B guest for a few weeks. Mrs. Ed. Pratt is at Mrs. Copulttnd's. I1r. li. C. Bonsalt , Jr. , and his daugh. toy , 11Iiss 11db lluhisahl , who Ilavo passeti several wihiters ill Olnalha , left Thursday for San Antonio , whore ilr. Botisall viIl bo connected with the chief cohunhissary's office. Gehiorni Thomas Wilsoit ahid Mrs. Wilson , with the Misses Etta and MaggIe \Vilsou , have gone to San Ahitonlawlturo the General is to be Chief Conunissicry of the Department of Texas. Our Army aii. Navy ; our Police and Fire DepartlIhelits ; our Itrohhhihiehit IIIOIL ahlI WOIlIChI OIl hutd aitti sea , declare that itotlung equals St. Jacobs Oil , the coit- t1U01.01' f 1)1i11. ) DUIE'S DIIIdGILTS , The fmchiioiiahbe canes are icciclo : of light. lima- terial , with oxidized muid eimgr"vecl silver croul amid cross bars. Thu Eiiglichi biickhurii Ia also iii great tleiiiaiicl. ( ; hc'cc in tan colors with embroidered stiteliiimg are still fa.slibommalclo for streut wcsr , vhlbo the mcnc-timcgeied mmiitton with fur loud. bmw at tlitc wri4t cviii ba worm , fur vmtuter drivimig. Gloves vitli oveidilig dro.tt c ill nut he worn , Theme is a s'cry Itanilsumno frock coat , cim- tirely mcccv tluiH seaoih , that cill look cc'ell with almimost laity style of tiomimer Patteril , It 18 mflt(1O ( ldlbIe.tcremieteil vitlm either three or four basket buttoims , am1 is Ioumicl wi tia sow. log silk zmrimiy braid , laid oh flat. 'I'lmis gar- merit _ is very appropriate fur wahldmmg , auth is ciaIll to bo cvelb mniupted fur elderly gomitlomnemu , It I'm immaclo of aim Oxford imixod diagommub cloth. Overcoats this soasomi vill be worn donlibo. breasted. 'l'hierujs hot slight ilifleremace iii the lcngtlm , the chamigo , if any , being one of in. crease.rjJ10 tondeiicy toward tightmuce' in wearing aldlmarol is cut apparciat Iii tluo overcoat :113 I ii other garimients. 'Ihey are muncie to lit snugly and to follow the siumim of the fiimro i.iccwii to the upper ] iiiuit of the skirt. rIme cohlr of the fail overcoat must be of the samulo immaterial as the holy of time garment , ; vlmlie on the wimitor overcoat a velvet collar may be worn. Time l'riiico Albert coat for fall amid winter msd3 will , of course , ho still of dark inaturia , llUO ZIIII1 black beium time favorite colors. 'I'hio coat it muncIe to fit thu figure closely. The I s of time diamule immatemimmI mamici blittcucd to a I o dumb j net iiimiler Oio to1t button of time coat. C moat latitude is allowed iii thu ciolecticii , of mnaturitis for the trousers , though a dark or iighmt.u.ray mmtixtimro amid a very fine hiaclc-mumd.whmlto check are III time greatest deimmmuucl , striicccl gOods viIl ice cvorll , though imob mcci imiuch as ( curnierly. Thu cutaway coat is iuiade maimnost Precisely tue mono as bait souscmm. : 't'In fall styin In imati Is 1mb a slight o - eratIccmm of last \vtmmtorcs fnsimiciu . 'i'imo cii k hat lid immade svi tim ma bell 'shaped crunvum ammcl ii very large brim vitim only a icuomicrato roll.Vitht 0110 cinmcs of yotmimg amen a hint o hargo as to luor- tier emi the rluiiu.'ciboms is I ma great dcaimiaiici. 'l'luI'u tybo is very itJ.idghIshI1c : vhmiehi iumay ftccoiiiut for bIb dcmmuanuI. 'I'luo crmihi tir opera hat fol hOWlS always time gommermil style of tluo ciIk hunt , iiuvor , however , quite roaciming time himimit Of tue uitylo attimiuiecl by Its silk larotluer. 'J'ho Jcriy limit for treot voar is Wudril iargt , sciUu schat. is lcumown mao the Emig. Helm shovel brinu , vhmlch * Is flat nnl straIght mit tim trout tutu with me declihoil curl at the sidc. 'i'lmn Hft lust is cvorum very little , Limo ' 'Jtmilti. inure , " is hiw.crocc'rcecl , hmealh.covnt1117 , bcimmg the style , if limdeecl It can ho saiti to bravo ma uctyhtt. A few guntlomnoma seihi % voar the soft lust wluen in ovuimlug dross , hut It is cormlciomocI u 'iiail form' ' isiuil tluo crmushu 'ash ! lcrolaIiy iii. ways iuohl Its owis tan the Idrovor lieid.cuvoriimg : fgcr evening cisc. - _ A Gtol Thsluig. 01 soimctjjntjs wish I could take lucid of timit susie of T/iO1IZ(18' J.clcchric Oil for I bill you It is di graud thing , niad ] aims commcebuitlus , Iii ssy. I ng J cotihti do ma koocl work. " ltov. 1. l. Crane , Cm ry. l'si. Eclcctriu ( iii curcI this goumblorucara sit qiminsy of mumuiy years staiiihiiu . - ZrH. ICuto Olsiuse , Mrs. Kate Chiasw , forimiorhy Sprmsguo is at Carihad , Uohcrnin. She will winter in ( Jorruiauy , iirsubably At Munich , and CotitiflIlo thu at itudio.s of ilor cisiest dtughtcr , Ethel , who ijihmorita her uiothier'n beauty ahlb thIs , artiatic takcnts of Mis. Jeissu Case Hoyt , Isuraunt , who iB 0110 of tisu cleverest artists in America in her particular hue , which is aketclsin1 for pict.rial journals , 'i'hmero has boon all impression abroad that. Mm , Olikac wu somewhat pecuniarily embarrassed , 'l'ksis is nit olTor.'htmIo imilO luisi not tilt ) tIll- 1001150 Ieirtuno it. wais expected hc Wflhlll rociove froal her hubaituj's fathhor'ft cx. tate , shin htissJOOOOOwIicht ) Mrs. Faisnie Spritguu , the Governor's hlmother , gave her on her nuarringe This itutit WM hems absolutely , and was carefully invested for har by tbc Hon. lIirfthml BftrnPy , who brought MD5 Chxe and Sonatsr practhle tsgemtser } and roahly lIlado the Imlatcis , B sides tbi shi , had .onio other money , aixiohinting t ( perhaps $ tOOOO , when her frstlwr ave her $100,000 mom in Umiit.cd Statci boritis .t his death , ( slid the old Chiaa inatiston , \VasllihIgtoli , which it 00W a boarding houHu , - _ _ _ it 'l'i iimn Flieti Upon , AUIIIAN , ? tiicls.1 October 5As tist Jku SIIQW tlttIfl WhlLoll left ChsIcao yes tordisy mnorhtbng , title hero t his niternoomi , vas hiosirihig time city , it. was ti1'(1 111)5)11 by coticoiiletl pcto1s , TIhiCo wihhthlcvs ill thu siitokiiig cat' sere l'i'OkChh atiti tliteo passthhigers bind their faces badl3 cut by fragineisis of liyihhg glasI. 'l'Iio olhietjrs are in ptlrsliit , but its , arrests iuvo yet been lIlade , T1taElltL'lI NOI'l4. Arrmcngoiaicimt.s for the reunion of tim Armii of Use 'romuisessoc at ( 'lotciaiud ate COlmiIhd3ted Almleriuian ( leorgo Barr , of ihislTaht , cc'luo g1ucc'etl imcental tierAngeinomit iii time t'oumucll cluatimborlomiday isigiut , luas left for I't ' nIl. knowmi , 2ilnc'ahitelmi , muiaisufacttsr'r amid lt'der : lus knit goods , Now \ ork , has humaile mum a.sIguu. lusemst. l'referoiices TtOf ) ( ) ) . 'rime yollocs' fever CIdhlolumle at Ver.i ( 'ccii 1uas uimtlreiy esubsided , i'cimsneoia lx Out imi tile u csjd. QimArmaIstifun of tunlglul 'orimug toccns huac I 'shm rmcls'il. 4I. I. l'lmliadol 1)11115 , thai Sammci1t atm cot 'c'cm1 ridui a cc ore rmchiod aluI tiut , hail it Ic tore aumd acsitatuts ( tisirteoti hi nil ) mci ro.4eii iIIIII lselil to l.sII tr hearing. 4 fire lact ii iglut Its thmo hcavem' limier of I I ais. eiumauulu hmo"ldItal , Chicago , cliii dhamscaa'o to limo nmunnu , t cf $ TKO. ) 'I ho I Ismumat5 of time lutiepi- bid seru Inuhly senied. , J sitigo a risoid , of Plsliicho1 cluIci , 1)14 ) iusashx an ortier revoking the citIi'tulml I' t'5l't'u ' S hue grmititeti 'l'Iuurm..day Li Cimcciug I cc , ma Chuimsa- 1)15 ) ! ) . 4 ery iiaimiussl stIiiimtsn % lc , eaIhct1 yecter- hay I n : I oumtroal by t1u isicscicmmti I mig sit . iuubmi'o Olsocitiotto secretai'y nmmuh ti'ascmri'm' , mituci ciui. fmdeui tisi clerk of I cv. i'cstlui'i I'nbu 111)1(1 ) of Nmitrc lituso cmcthuoilrmch. 'lho ileflc1eimejuj zite over $10,000. 'l'iii , icrimicil icshs ilildi all kmlcvld to I 'a cult- sc'cteil cvitli tiue meceuut ire Iighmt ott i.omug 151101(1 moo to Icci lu1c'cluted , - 1100(11 Savsscpttiillut Is tiesighIed to niect the c'itlits ( If those VlI ( ) miecti it hliUdiCillO tO Isuilul t 110111 ' 'ii ' , give tlmeiii alt a1)1otit , itlIifY ) timeit 1)14)11(1 amiti oil tiii the iIillChiiIlot'y 'If their bodies. NI ) other article takes hmohd of time systessi anti imiti4 uxitctiy the spot hike I loosi's Sarsaparilla. it works hike muagic , reachi. ihig Ot'Ch' part of thiohsuimian 1)1)41) ) ) ' thii'otiglt tito blood , giving to nib r'isowed life 111141 uliurgy. $1 a bottle ; six fur $ i. The lCeoktik ItOtLiuloll. 1h0KUR October ii.--'l'hsc soldiers' , - - re- 111)1011 ) closed tO-la ) . ( ) mie thousand le01110 were oit tito grounds. 'l'iio fuaturo of the (1113' vas the xlsaimi-batt1u. I t caine ofF in good style Ciiaries l'luilhips 1usd his ann umearly lbO1Shi ( cli mId was other. \viso injureti by the promshtture tlisclmatgo of a cano , sitibu IIL-ilhgtisestmllrise salute. Ti'alii 1Vmcthi. CoLusluos , 0. , Octolo.r (1.-A section of a freiguit. train l'alu into mt caboose of aiiother traiti on the Now York division of the Panlimuidbe thiLs hslormiisig , killimig Thloihias Crahms1Inv , brakeusims , mid ill- jilring another man. Tim Scioto Valicy passehiger traiii , going - ing out , ran into a box car , ulniima..immg the eligihle , mIt. the c ew jthmupcd Oil ; S1SIlI their lives. - S Ti IE G1tit'i' NoltI'I I WEST. m1I EIIg1IN1L Vicc' ol' Its F'mil iuz'o-A NOd' F'lchtb loi' Craiupesl amid Ylt'tCt lmicigle. , laciimlott laiiy NOIIN. It ; is almost illovitablo that iii these inure distant portions Of time Uniteil St hUes railways should pheceilo I)4)1)tIhlt tiOhl. 'L'lue mimotlerit emnigrahit doen not forth iii isis w'ngom , iisitko his clearing iii the forest , and live there liii otlmors gather itromhhld liiuui lthILl CiVihi7.lLtidIl grultmaliy mappt'oaclmes liiiii. I le goes with nil the ajpliahicos of cit'ihi. 'i.ttioli. 'I'it ) ulOhL'ln story of tile 1)04)1)10 ) of the AlmicriCul wildotisess ix the tale of the foumidatiumi 11)1(1 ) ilue gtowth of cities. t is but time other day flint thu great tOIVIlS sit 1'riiiitcitpolis and St. l'iuii , 011 the tiiicr 1'hLtCrS of the 'atissis.siupi , vuro time miiost westerly points iuachied by the railway. Sb. l'sttil gior lIp 11.9 a trad. : imig lIust with the Indians. It was on the 1Iississi1ijti river , anti hiati the itcl'itmitago of stcalmslnat cohlihllUhiieatioll. Thirty years ago it had 8.000 ; thicy hitd increased tO liO,000 in 1880 , anti isro now said to lie twice thiab numuber. Omi t.lse otimor side of tue Stafo of 'IilhIC. iota ; is thu tdtV1l of Fargo , of thtieha a do- scriptioms irns lately 1)0011 pmiblishutl. It. is ) iithlatcl at a point itt. which the iietv Pa. cub railway crosses tno ltc(1 river of time north. I b is time creation of tim railway. 'Jbchi years ago time Emtdianx held the colili- try , amid the siilwsdid valley of the Red river , a tutu wheat grswiiit area wiLls a (1001) almivial suiil , YaS a hloW1'lIlg wilderness. lii 1880 the cousins showed that 2,700 pstpbo Isitil set- tIed at Fmirpo ; now time l)0It11ti ) ) ioIm is said to he 9,000. IL lmmts its tramu hues , its telephones 811(1 ( tCl0gLlihls , its oleltric lights , 1111(1 ( iii ! time 11111111 features of tue busy t(1W1513 of tue far east. All aiohmg the now hums , , at. sjits where triults IIILy : filmd convelliuhst ccii- furs , 511011 towiun will sprhmg imp. 1'bo IlolIseid are I iii i I I. sif tiuitl , % 1C0lei ( I side. vnlks iilIO thu streets , 1111(1 Limo spirit of the chiurchi ii , ' of wood covered c-itii tiii. I ii (1150 105)0 ) thu liability to lii's , which tiseso wualumi strsicfurcs in- VOlVO 15 brought hoimio to tue jico. lilo , iiitd tlmtl ) wiiodeii erections are forbiddehs , nisul tisu city develops i mite ti mu immagil ificetico of si one iti md iron. 'J'isu fa'lmmM ) which eprcail ; around these centers of huJfIIlatill ) laro uqtially hiflhlko those of the lrinses'lIl suttlors , 'Fiso farlumer's ( Ibject is Lu produce as usiscis wheat as ) ) , ahIti to solid it. as quick. iy tnt l)5b1thl0 ) to tuiarket. All this is (10)5(1 ) in thu 1111mb wlstibusalo tay , 'lisa crops are xowi , omIt , ilarvoatedi , raiitl tllriashed by muacititsery 'i'lso ( armour oi these great % imIhlt-grOWil1g Irairios of the far IVeat IS II ) msammufactllicr of food , in hi 1110CC hilOdCifl 5111150 tlmtii isis EIljiliksiI Colilpo. titer ; titisi htu imas : isis eye oils ) tbio immtirkots of Europo. It. its 11J51)iOfibiO ) ( to forecast tue COflHC. quenco of the ra1)idl ) opoullIg of thu greaL northwest to suttlutnuitt. ansi cultivation. III the 'iasb LCITItAti1l3 t-a1u1iotl by thu line which was ( ) Idellfm(1 OIl Saturslmty lire 001110 ( If tiio fllfJSt ) wheat growing districts its time Umsited Sbitos. 'Fist , country vJshois this btiu t'ilI uuurve cohhid iuohahly fucil a great mart of Erlgl1Ll(1 ) and A Hiuricra wore it fully occupied au(1 furuled. 'J'Iiii soil is frulitfthh.Vitlt scarcely hIhl cLlhtiVa. lion iuimd 110 ilIbl5tlI5 it raises twon- I ) ? hitisi , cis to thu acre , 'J'jio ( Ijifuilite lit , hsuwovtir , stmvuhu ; hIlt I t its staid I hat in ft isunthresi 4111)5 frohus seeding thai wheat is flhiehJCsl , lsisrvcatetl , tisrasheh , 1111(1 ( iib in ( ho elevator , ready to be tlina1iortod to the hmlarkut jim Chicago or chtjyhioro. 'I'iiu cviimter is ItlIttMihthl ill its severity , as is List short $ tlmlIssCh' ) in its heist , hut 511th II thu drysmess of the air in thitusu elsisateil rogiotla , far as they mare front tue 53Ch tlit tue tevuro cold is not seriously felt. 'i'owaid the Pactfio coast tiss , cli S iiiitttt C1Vthg1 ) , thu whiter is modi lied , assd the I oispusaturo issuirt o'tirii. I I. lii IICJt fsuuui , imnwovcr t t.issat. thu cilismiato oven iii the nioro cuIut4 r0itJit ilsiscouragud suttlolileilt. Thu ituti % 4lIsttir iii is tiiuic of 'OIlllsarntjVu UllUlltluuI on thu fmcrnss , but there is muchs enjoy I usoist. of time Bml 15811 I Is. ) tisul tIit dour 81 r , whitlu nIl thu 1CSOUrCU8 of civilIzation tart at liitiitt to inako the ( into jiass pleasantly. 'i'iie 1iitor its thin tune of socini iliter. cutiest ) itiil isttellccttsal cultivatuin. It is , isids'ctl , tisis iult'littful provision for t ito highest iiet'tls of imtii I1OU i lab to sidchs iiiakes ciiignltioht ) to tlmti fuir w est mere attt-.ietive tliitii it is to 501150 of our nivu eoiosje. 'l'iso opening tsii of this vast corner of the liniteti States is i'raeticnily the ad. slitiois of a now tutiti to ( listerprise. Ott time oIlier 51(10 of this' ( ' , ulLhiau ) border nt-c oo1t vator citultt-ies vhsieli the Canluhiaht Pcitie railway will iii like unusiser bring into tue voiIsI , and it is ) ) ) ) to contunipiate the oie5ij5i , up of these trcat and fruitful toLCitorles without feel- big that naisy of ( Iso lsrolslomns which 800111 to threaten society in tiss'so erotvslesl Cttllttties of the ( liii voi'lti 15111) ' Ilissi solti. t jolt or long 1ost ) ) 1' t iso ani isle rtcosn thus foutul lit wlsitt is still , iii tsntii' 5OhisCS the now Wll411 ( (11' ChiCl'lCtl whichs are crinitlieth flInt wasted hero. uticura _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ , , .a _ tt rTt'aicso lice skIll . ) 1' SCAIII nsil liliunul id i , ht' , ' ltclut um , s.ml PIichy , ' ' hcrccfulccis { , I iilcerltuut , . S , aioh ec'cutmcglc'cis I I tmciors , , S S ¶ Ihlooct l'utmtimu. . , tlc'.r , , ' . , f. _ . 'I At.'irew. ' , amil tiifcicttl . , . - c.i , lktim l'orturce , flit , ( 'usti. S e'\h ' 111cl I1ecnctleu nrc lnfd : : - : . - . hi _ _ 1t5tc' ( imtlclrms I leoclc e. ; : . ) .i uudeiit , II , , iciuc' lilood ' ' : , , _ . . _ _ - - .gerncc4 fronu tlce lulimicl cliii lerl1hmctluums , a , ci I tccss resucoc ii I In' eule ( 'lit lc'mra , Ito' great St ml L'dire , lum'.ticmttl nlhcti _ s I tclcltig mcmcl , I ichiamuimiccilcimu , tht'mure S 110 45 lus cmi iiccclp , litisbu I e ( aicci iicm i' , rcstons S lie ( ' , clcllletoml. ( ' , mtt'imra Soull , nil ccckit e Sklmi Iltictmtfshor amid 'l'ollvt lhtctcmlsltt' , Is tccllsl.eIcsItlo ? , lii I riatlmig skIm ) clleease'i nucui fcii iolmllIdchlaulet ; icr grin'c skfmi , hitark , lchuitihit amol Icalci lctmmiinrs ; ( mmtl eacra hieicccihi' can , thii etuI luitallhlilo hahussi lLsrtilers acid akliu Iceust httirs. ChiR. I Iotmghcton , I .ic. , laoi ir , 28 Stat c st reel tudmi , report i , a ( acl of bait libetmicu immiler , hclu , chuer cattuitu for I cmi , ( ltt $ . cu Idelu cccl erecl I tcu Inthute l'oul ' aiccl I hmccbs , mmucii t n cc Itch sit thou mu luluthiucts ef trvimtmmcemit had teen t lhhtil m tthcotmt % enltt , Ii tills gmcmilcmcatly cured hilic , , imcttll tme mci uiow ai fair mae amy rim liii. M r coccI Ii m i lb intt St iilhi , hIclitcerfouc si , M.asc. , cc , Itt : lhccr III tIe boy is au S cerilly alit kteui cu It Ii liercuf. tIlt , .Mmtht httiemimmi , acid lryc.lt'lau em sr slimy , , tue cc ct hourim , cmiii miot lclli cm i cnmmhct gtu u hctmcc tuti l'1 hciicu thu II cc U tried ( 'ccl laura tlcnctcj Its , 'a hldu gi isulilcitty eurcuihini , mnttt lit femu , cv maifalr cccv chulci. I I. 1. ( 'arlenter , I temiclersois , N. V. , cslrici . 'f t.tsis or I 'I ros ) , ( if to tIltI _ ) emctN' stmiiuiihiig , ii ) ( 'dm11. tdsra hluicceci Its. 'Ititi 5nt cc niculcefiul nim rtcri. . % ulmtieuIu Itull of o.stcs fell frummu hmiiii ulcill % . ltc si- citii mmcccl Ick frltmici. tlcoliCllt lie mmcust , he. ( 'cmre so iurmu to hifcim u mc Jcu'tteo of tico licawo mmmiii I lemiuler. sill's ) mcccst Ilu , mcchctcit elI lrt'iic. I Ion. lviii. 'tu3lor. I hmcIt.lu CcncdociMlIuudcr 1)151 ) dccl save : After three mcuocmtlc& mccc of CcttIcumrm lliincct ks dcci to thu o ) ears of ice ciciist suit acuiTem lug troits icrof , mtoci'u I lclumcccr ut timu face. mmcek acid snlp no iccie cc cc tnhccreut , I tami say ttcmt I aim , cured , maucil trmdIcculcc.t' icc ) radio thu miccust remicmskalto on recccrcl. Sold icy all drLmgIMts , ( imtIccmrmm , ti ) teicts ; lb-mel cecut , l , Scud , , 25 ceictir I'icneo tlutrc , ss a Cmi situ cAl. Co. : ltccctutu , llama. Stint for I tuci to ( 'tire Sklii I ) lc-aes' C TJTICUILA $ ( ) Al' . Alsuolcctelv mre. ) ulgtclc Imicillelimal , ttmdorcuecl by ctcyelctimum ) ro ( erred lu' thu uhlto. 8.sIc itcirluig iSdi simul iSS , 1 , . 0x,000 caI. , .cu bull oc eryic lore. NEBRS4SKA LAND AGENCY. out F. DAVIS & CO. , ( S1JIXF.SSOtLS tO lA\'tS ) & t4NVnltt. ) fluicurca bialeruu Ici ic i T iv5L&5 ; .5J 1 A .L-i 110Cc I'AILNAII sr , . . . OMAIIA. llcwu fir immlo 10I1,000 acres caretcilly selected latmul. Ic Easteruu Nebraska , cut tow hcrtcu cciumt cii eauy terms. I mnjrovccl faruco fur ecilo Its 1)ocmcau lint ga , , Colfax , I'lath , flu rt , Cuumluimir : , Sarpy , Vaumhuhmugtomi , Shrlck , aimmcu1ers , cud Ihutlor Coccuctlms. , Tci'aes tall lit call tarts c1 time t4tctc. Money hue ) suit lImcluroveml fmcricms. Nuctary i'imbllo Atmucaci lii Othiem. C.'rrespoimchcmmc , ' H , PHILLIPS , THu T.1AilNO ) N1SV VOIIIC Call mmd look over mmiy mmuw store amid ace 1113 udoss 000da. I5O4 FARIJAMSTPEET. 1504 RN ROll' ' ! IllSllfllC 0 AMlli 1tttItlSlNT8 : t'tIonlx Assurance Co. , of boncloi , Cacim ANeet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wcstclastcr , N V. . CapItal . . . . . . . . . . . . . , OK,000.00 'lice cIcrchianti , of Necu mark. N. J. , Cciicttmml I ,21fi)0000 ) ( itrard FIre , tlchloleimliia , Capital . . . . . . lO)00.05 ) Irenceis'e humid , Capltil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Zt0,9h&.00 OF'FICC-ltoommc : I 9 , Oiiiahuc Nitloiual ltanI 11cm II lii. Teljphiumiu , No .1S fflIIN lyl. CLARKE. , Oldest Real Estate Agent. Nota,7 Piib/candPracticw / Co- , voyancer. Clarke aehtu houses acid Lots , Iteellemuno Lots anti ltimsluuvss luuts alt oc er the cIty , ammI mall ratIclltlomm It. tcte tiumitrucc oil soul Uritmmijcrtvict farina rawer ilmami fly ntticr , o'eumt roar ill- L. Thomas & Bro. , Real Estate Dealers I TJAN llONlfl' , ItENI' JfOhJSt > f , XASINI ! rtll.11E , t1 ti CtttIUlIlON JILOCIC , - oMAhA , NIiII F. SCHEUEISMANN M. B. . , . . , ILEltIt.Alt ( ( lltLtAN Iomooathio Physician. Ht'JCu/alIST UI' SVOIII.N , C1il1lltIN & CtttUNti IlStASltt. ) flours- Jtciulclomieo , No. 141:5 : 14 10th Htrict , till ho us rum . aiud math r : t t . un. I Lou cc At. ultiet , No. 103 usitil I O B I ItIm tit , Ilnoma 7 Incus I U a. ici , to S p. iii. l . I t 'Ittc , 'hello IVormim as Ill rrmcccac ri , mitt ttoimt charger , lit tliciti of Inummu 2 dci 8 buucur. iin. ERNES [ H. HOFFMN , Physician & Surgeon 0FY1Ct-.13T1l ANl ) JAJiHON ( fiTS jLtstulu'iicti , 10th Street , tOm c r llslmmmrtcd & 1Jorp&n' Istiure , ulcer Jackson atnaL Itefursumo. , A 20 , care' &ratraP ( xhcertumte ALMA E. 1)EAI4E1L IN Fine ifflinery. 114111 (1001)5 , WAS'l5 , hANGS , ITC. Stock Eiiiro/y ( Fresf , and New lOft lcth8trvet Opp. I'oetiulhieu , JMC.JACO13. . . : Formerly Olatu J5041b5 : - UNDERTAKER. . JAMEF3MOVEY , Practical Horse Sheer Make. a apooWty of Ro&dsteu . . .dtndorfoot : ho , , S ec. Situps , Pode scte * * 11th and 12th , 01 LI hhcUvuoIlcuuaua nittLyl lhalty ! Rhlvl , Rally ! to the front 'o fecll , ) lCk , diii omTerlngl ( Nis 1)10(0 emclcro ) Oil ! shis , 510 more , \Vihtt' ) mcow cue omaku , this olTerlng ! Coccio suit the r.ttcks of P.c Ii , ! ( 'nnc , out Atccl Joitu the I icalts ) tlrlgI ci Iicrt uhlemuc mat 01)001 Iscrtl 'iuu'li Alcliv ice rel'ilhl. ' hit rile iiuucu is Iyscshc I Strike I 0cm Ucmicrsi hetPlty iiiii't htcicit lIcer Comttahit forever , rout ! (1 Ic e lcllocssnts % thu tcouiccuI 1 bId fast 1 ussr csealcns , hold ! hicimilock Ilioul Ilitters tiuct TiucyII cc Iii the tiurhit leiimiii ; ttiey'li In , .ttuti glie these ttl their cities. I ltcsrciccck lt'.l hitters tn ) c hon to the slek , hutii flttiit tmlifsllttcj.hy , chit reuciemmibe , , ciCci SOt.lu ) : % EfllOlilcnIL , ) TiIIPhIlIOSOPhlY 01' IIflADAGILE , 'II I 1 ST0t , tCh I , TI I i : ItiOFl.t A I ) ii I l Li VIus : A It I II is ; t'ONS I 15l.t Ptit t .v s.ttv l'.t No TI tAT ht\Cgi4 itiniti : tI ) ltt:1ui7tAI'TiNt : % l ) hIAtt ( ) tZt TI I 0 i.ti I 10 S I I' II I I 51 A 1.1.1 ht ) 0 It fISNi4 Wilil TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENTANI ) ttl ) CUItI , , % , ' , ' A I I I S 'lsUulCt. 5(11,1) ) liv Al. ! . 1)itU(1ltiITS. ) ( _ _ _ _ _ - - 4 - . - : - - - - - - rWILBOIt'S COMPOUND OF " ( PURE COD LIVER koii _ AND LIME. : I:1TTI : . _ _ _ _ tftlnst"ss ( 'osl.Iilvs'r OIl a tsd i tlmuto.- , I'rruils cc liii hiac leoti t4tltimlg Coul-iIver Oil % c Ill I dci I iheaptil to Icarus that lr'llbor fuss scceisiecl , frtumss dl rectliss , , of several irofes. slomilti gemttluiusems , Iii cuudulutliig th mu , iiire Liii iUst ! I .lmuiti I ii curls a misctuller : thuitt It Is l'bolamst 14) tIm taMto , misui lL etre'cbs In I , ) Ilg ) colmilciallIts mcro truly tomsthuimfiti . \ury lisaity chnso cssiis VCmti iir0muoiimmcd 15111 amut ilsui mail takeis tue clear Oil for ii icuucg tlusto lVit&ullt ) iisiitketl clicet , 1mtti heu'ss emstlrohy cured 1uy * tsl mig tiuls Iirultrmctfcmu. I in sure muiti got tim gllmsimimun. timcimifmtctiireul tinly by 4o ) I I.Vi 1.11011 , Cimommtlct , I tuccutium. Sscltl by nil clrslggiut.s. $30,000 for $2. 2 Rcgttlar Monthly Drawiliro lii take icicci Iii the ! itasocmio I tail I hiasomtlo Ilamild U tug , 1)5 ) lanslec tIle , It ) . TIursday , Octobo , ' 2511 , , 1883 A Lawfttl Lottery and Fair Drawing. . ehmnrtemed Icy ( tic lcglclatmro of ly. , amid ticleil ilechar oil legil bc' the IcIgluist ( ( lImit tim tlit Stub. Iloicti gic cmi to lbmcry Committ 1mm tIcs iumcn of 100tith ) fir tIn 5roliclt Ill ) ucceuct of mill lirlius sold. A 1L1S'IIT114)N ) IN HINUI,1 NUlllhIlt lIIAWINOS .5 srtvert : ticket holder imlomrmu siulcervIsor , cccl. auI ( lit the unimmit cur ecu ill , t lehet amcl , sic the cnrrn.pomiI Iic ictumichcur , umu ( hue tct lcl.ntt lmu time mc lurch tim blu troselee. TIcto , iracm lug , cr111 occur cci tIme last 1lcimrsIla3 of em cry mcomuttu. head Ltco mcccignlflcuui I Octobcr Scheme. I l'r17u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3oop 1 I'rliu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,010 1 i'rlzc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 ( 2 i'rlres , 2,10e ccitu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C , l'rlzeu , 1,00th vmtclt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2cJ i'rlzes , 1,00 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 lIrteus , Ill ) each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loooU too l'rIzeu , 11) ) eacIm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooe 104) I'rtzcuu , ti ) ouch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 lIllY ) I'rirei1 In rich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 I ) l'rlzui , IiOl.J ouch AhcIcroiimumdtIon l'rteee 2,700 I ) t'rticu , 255) ) tail " " 1,1400 I ) l'rlzcu , lot ) emicim " " pot 1srj7 I'rIzt. $110,400 Whole Tickets , $2. flit ! ! Ticket. , $1. 27 TIckotmi , $110. 511 Tlcilots , $100. Itccciit Iicouici % ' uur IIaik hraft ) mu 1.etter , or seal t , uclreuu. I ) ) ' 81N I I II V I I l(1 tSlt11 El ) LE'lIIll OIl mo-si' 0FFtC oIultlL : , tmmmtl ! fcmitIucr uiotlcua. Or tiers of $5 mnml , , I ucvcirul Icy cx tress , eamu ice soc I itt aim ! ellutiii , Aclchrccis all tribes to J , J. IIOCObAS , l.ocmlec 1110,1(3 , lsat.tms.tt&wlst , Sim. run _ i ; w - ' FARMER'S FRIEND. ERTEL'S -I , . HAY t , S PRESSES -T , : ear tlma cimiy oilier ; so caarrctmtel ; 00 silo , ' 1. colic. CEO. ERTEL & CO. , Quincy , Ill. N. tt.--llr , lic.lcrlck : 'lime lucIioTny Is stIll read ) to ettu ! time eliuhleicgu with 10O 00 to the cvbumier. dUll say cilmeit autil cilirro , muccl we wIth go for the 510115. Cl. F jy 11-sour wit toe XXTSXjXj VAPOR COOK STOVE S _ Tics i'kcucr end only % 'uallor COOlS Stocu that has stood tic , , test if 3 (0(5 aimul gic on entire amid hurled sitlefmtcttjmi. Over 100,000 Now in Use I N1\V PA'FENq' Ii ULf OVEN. ! 'at.nt reimmocalcie such imiterctmanecit.lo Jet OrIfice riuclerimig our bunters liutiesiruetiblu. Iiecv ( limo Valve licurimur , imu twit Now StuiCi4 New tlafty htuercolr I'or $ cmclimiumr , 1150 thui stet mire lmtiisienaablu , , Ior teOnS to uugcmmte , iurit'u list macid e.mtmslogue , /aulctsesi IIUI.ts 'AI'OlI li'l0Vi (10. , tuelit 't.nc&i'&W. ' ChcilaiucL 0 rv , I " BEWAIIE OF couN ? "T An titdli at II' tie u am C , . - : ( ixiiitieito flat ci , nucY use CVI C tii I , ! ) cltulo miilit , cucecs flypjsepcla . . - l 4 ) ) larmnl'evCruamdAglmCandsI ) : .o' Choriturs of littu Jbgetivo Urgails , - ' ' ' Sew daite lumihiart a deltelomus ; : . 14 'Az . , , . T _ to all i'Ummmuui drimmke , I cy Ii , but - v bewarcofcscrluterit'lt' Ask sour ; : ) i , grocur ordrtigglsl fur thiS renulmmO 1 ' turticlo lncouacturoh bY Ih ( . J , ' 11 f- biioiiut'i' .b bONd. . J. w , WUPrER1AUt1 , Sle ? kss.suI 10 3 , W. IIai cot , Smst.WM Seffiza 13roadwuvi. N. 7. . United States Dopoftory. First aiioffa1 Balik , -OF OMAhA- Cor. 13th and Farnam The Oldest Dank/ny EstabIs/menl , In OnIa , , SUCCF.SSOIU TO ROUNTZII llhtOTltItiS. Organl"od Ill 1858. Orgatiizod as ii National Batik in 1863. OAL'lTATs . . . . . . . $200,000 SUltt'IatIS ANI ) I'IIOFITS . $150,000 oYncsL D1RSCTOR ! , lIzacus Rotisrzm , , preelulent , Joins A. ( lnsuumros , 'tco t'rceidtnt. Auersitrs hotiir , 2d VIro l'rostclenL A. J. PorrLsiox , F. It , fltvia , Cehtcr. V. If , ) tsoowse , Assistant Cahior. Trstcsacbs a getieril tcanklii icmslnes's. lsues tIun csrttflrates iueariicg tnterst. hrccwa iirItc , on Han Frlullc\c and tmrtielpcii , eitlce In lice United StALeS. , tleo Lumnulon Ihcililin , 1iililicllrhI anti the lrInclt vitirs of tin' ( .Jlitiulcnt of i'mrct e. - _ _ C t BriUlant ! S Cole Brillialite I * 1 . l 9nI" ubDiviion , ACRE LOTS , I IIMVIEII'S ' SIIB-DIYISIOL S 2 1-2 ACRI LO IS. WALNUT HILL F LObS , 92x145. AVIES , Sole Agents. . 1A. . L. ITCII & CO. , IEIaLtIIS IN ( IENIILAL HOLUiE USIN CONSISTING OF Furniture ! Cooking an , Ioatin' itovos. S CROCKERYGLASSWAR Lamps , Dab ) Carriages , OUTLERY , ETC. , ETO. ' 4d emimu furmulslu withclvg hi liii. line at the Lowest l'rleta. A 14 F'i'CIt [ ' & Co. ) 12th St. , betweemi i'mmrnnm sitU touglmaca , Opposite Nebraska NatIonal Itamak. The Ive'ar ( r National Bank OF OMAHA , I'4E11. saId Up Capital - - - eG20,00O Surplus Fund , May 1 , 1883 . 1,0O H It. JOHNSON , PresIdent , of Steele , Johu.u & Co A. F. TOUZALIN , Vice h'rcmdemt , of ihoston. w , V. 1101t51 , of W. V. Morse & Co. JOhN ii. COLLINS , of & J. S. Collin& M. WOOLWOIVIll , Counselor and Attoruey at Law. U1ti1P , of Iiyroe tucd & Co. S SW YA'i18 , Cashakr , for mitany cars Cushier of the Ytcal NatIonal hiciuk ci thuaha This j.tarmk opened for hueiucai April 21 , 1582. director. anti stockhtoldcra are among the lead- bma.siitoa ci Otmiahia , antI liii bustamects Is comcducteu ' reference to the becit smut Iucreoaiu ha of lt mimerraittil , hatromas. rctieiu receive i'romll tteuLlou anti charges obtaiuabiu hero or elsewhere , loterud ailocsctl on time deposIt. upon fan'rbh. and ulcers aecoumata of banks and Lcank.ma. Yorelju iichamio , Oovurocameimt Uond , said Cqn ) City ihuourittus blutiI amii .ohh. r