i t P iT , DAILY BEE - UMAF A , IATi'1ZDAY , 001 V73LIi , G , 18E5 TIIE C : r A 1iA I3EEe Pnblhhe.t every vrrning , oxecptlSunday. The only 3lomlaymorntrgdslly. IANe AT NAIL ne Vtnr.rttO.a0 Three.tonthe . . . . . , tar00 SIx Muntns. , . . . . . . 6.0)I Ono Month . . . . . . . . Tna FIRRLT AtV , rQPLle11RDRPRRrFADx RADAT. tlRNSroRuAtn , _ _ _ _ One Tear , . . . . . .r.p2.UO ThreoMonths . . . . . . . 1 a ) Six . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e/m American News Company , SolejAgeuteNewe Ieal ere In the United Stalee , , cORRMlo cbRert. " A Communkntlons rclaling to Ncuss &nilalltorlnl ' mattcn should be adressed ! to the Emtua , or. Tun ® e R. fQAltR + 1 LATRIt.6 ' AU Du + lnea + fatten and Itemlmencns'ehollhlte : addrCMed to TOR BRR I'Unt. eltlxt (3OYPAMT , O IAItAr Draft' , Checks and 1'o + toliee orlere to be Ine4o pap able to the order "f the company. a -1 TBE BEE BUBLISRING COtI PROPSI E , ROsEwATEREditor. .1Upo } ; 1Or111LEY [ is sulfuring front another - other attack of prnat'aiion it isn't a marker to law ho will feel next Tuesday IS evening. 'I'm : people of Nebraska will vote text mouth for an 1IOIICRt and able judge and cot for a popular district attorney , 'I'liero is some dilforonco after all in the two ( Micas. 1VmN : railway general mmtiagorn nro solectecl from brakuuleti , and batik presi- de1ts from oflico boyR , it will be time to recruit our supreme botch trout proseCuting Cuting attorneys. TnE Beatrrico IJJJre rw ( Republican ) hoists the name of .1 , II. Ilroady as the people's candidate for judge of the First district , Tltoro is blood en the face of the moon in Gage county , FOIITY oNB Itupnblican members elect of the next Congress love expressed views iudienthtg that the party as a whole Oppose a reopening of the tarill question at tlm next soasion. SnNATOR SII.tnoN denies being married - ried , and accuses Diss 11111 of being a a blackmailer. A bonanza kine nowadays - days who hasn't a domestic scandal concealed coaled somewhere about his person is a fit curiosity far a dime nesouln. ' GP.NEfAL SIIEItMAN has been interviewed - viewed recently in St Louis , anti cm- phatically denies may Presidential aspirations - tions , lie nays that the office ruined General Grant , nod that whatever of honor he bas gained ho is desirolta of keeping. Incidentally the Oenoral ox- Dressed time Opinion ' ' that Mr. Arthur is rho most suitable candidate whom thu Bepublicans could select for President. An1I1toNnAOIc Dluutev , who has est - . . t ctpod from' his creditors in 'l'uxas , has 4 raturled to preaching in New England ' and asks the question whether "Chris- ] tianitY is incousistmnt with evolution. " That remains tO be droved. But there r m hs a general impression that Christianity is incotsistonit with dishonesty thnuglt 'Mr- Murray seems to have failed in dfs covering this fact. I , ' 0DONNnLL , thu slayer of Carey , line t had his examination and his trial is set ( ! for tilt coining week. The prisolor do. i nice emphatically that hu killed Carey with pretneditatiotl anti declares that ho t fired y'liilo defending himself against an i ar oat aessault. Ile says : " 1Vhen I found out who Carey was I 1 ' at once told hint that I had discovered i his identity and accused him bluntly of being this informer vhio had soeurod the h011ging of six Irishunon. A passtonato quarrel followed between us , and in my auger and indignation I fiercely execratul him. Carey moved so plainly to draw his pistol that I also drew mine , 'J'hu drawings were merely ainault nooua , but 1 succeeded in firing first. Wlion Carey full , his hand , with a revolver in it , was raised against nro , and the woapomi wits flung to the flour. " Sullivan will defend O'Donnell and tl Gun. Roger Pryor , of Brooklyn , hits been engaged t ) assist on behalf of the Irish Americans. In England there i s no doubt of O'Donnell' , prompt cousin tiou. Tun Purcell case dos been settled iii Ohio in a niautur which will hardly b 0 acceptable to either the church or the victims of thu hate Ilishop'a loose Knuth t oils of doing busiuoss , It Inay be wet I to recall thu Llets that the Archbishop ) . through his brother , ltev , Edward Pur cell , its agent , received thu eavinga of tht o puoplu of his connnunioi , and otnployu d them in erecting churches std achool e and buying the land upon which they wore erected and upon which cenieteriu wee laid out , lie engaged to pay inter emit to tlicco depositors , and did not ro cuive interest , or not a sufficient interest from tdmu congrogationa whose churchu e and institutions ho purchased aito for and built for , lventmiuy tit loose way of doing buaiinoesa lied to cam tA ) au end , and it aid in the cont1)lut ; bankruptcy of the Archbishop , Tim . , court , having had tide matter in charg since the omd of u three months' hunrin r , in Juno , 1882 , have found that th ) churches cannot be sold to pay the dub cotrarted by the Archbishop , but n Ilablu for thu tunounte le. . then by t Archbishop. In the case of the clthi dual amid thu school attached to it , the a : . . .tlucidu that , excepting abort $60,0 raised by subscription , Archbishop Pit cull's assignee may recover all that wi ts . advanced to thorn , with interest. TI ' ' decision as to ceiiioferiee was divide , and it is uncertain whether that is soul , e lawBut tin civil courts have no after most careful consideration , plat . ' the burden of Archbishop Purcells dote to the poor Itoinnu Catholics of Ohio 1 ' . the church property , wheru it corfaht belongs , and have done this so as to gua the contributions of the local congreg ' lions and those from other sources. I T1ilf I'OOl 1:111X. The county wnm ssioners have resolved - solved to submit a resolution to the voters of Douglas comely at the corning election authoriritlg the sale of time property - orty now occupied as a court house , and the npplicstion of the funds derived froth + ho solo to the building of nu addition to the present county poor house , 1Vu trust that the proposition will ho defeated by a heavy majority , for several reasons. It is net itt all certain , in the first plncu , whether the coinnilesioners have the right to sell time court house property. Several able lawyers are of the opinion that the land will revert to the city the moment it ceases to be used for the purpose - pose for which it wag donated , But even if this is not time case , it would be the height of business iinprudcuce in time cents ntissieiors to cell the lets , which are steadily increasing in value , and are located et our principal business thoroughfare - oughfare , Five years hence the property Inay ho reasonably expected to double in value. In the second place we are opposed to any step towards retaiuiug the poor fnrimi in its present location , It is now almost surroundel by city additions and the land is worth at the lowest cshculatioe front $75,000 to $100,000. Instead of expend. fag nioro money in pernanmIt improve. meats at the poor harm tlic county coin- ntissionera ought to be laying their plats for its renoval to anntherlocation. Eight per cent interest on $100,000 is ? 8,000 , and for this eon ) ridded to the actual cash expeulcd each year for its inaiuteuanco every pauper could be boarded nt ate of the beat hotels is tlto city. 1Vo need a poorhouse and county inliruary , but economy and wisdoni loth dictate its eslablislimont in different quarters. In a year or two from the present time enough money can be derived front the sale of 10 outof the 100 acres now owned by the county to buy new land cuid erect a haulsouo mind conuno hous buihling at a greater distance trout town. A lOOt fare in the 11iidst of the city is almost too great a luxury for oven Omaha , The proposition ought to be defeated P1171'NIS ON TIER 1J1iNCll , The Now York 'f'latus steps promptiy to the'frnit and boldly charges that the late decision of the Now York Court of Appeals , in favor of the \Vesteri Union Company wrts securcel because Jay Gould as usual load friends on the bench. It says that "all along there have beuit indications that the court was subject to special favor , if cwt to direct influences , to bring it to a decision in favor of the conpauy , rand more than man there have beet : intimations of what the decision would be. Erna if the elecdnom is to be uuivorsidly aecupted as suttud under the law as it stands , it will not fail , in all the circumstances of the case , to lower the court in the respect of a large part of the community. " I Concisely stated the marrow of the decision - cision is that Now York's ' statute books contain no clause or section which prahi- bit.9 stoclc watering , and that stock divi- deeds , or the creation of fictftions wealth by a stroke of the pun , two not contrary to law or public policy. It is not the first time that Jay Gould huts triumphed because 10 line had friends of the bench. IIe diecovored their value when lee made his famous raid on Erie and walked away with $8,000,000 of the stockholders' money. Prdfitiug by his first experience hu has ever since used courts 811(1 lawyers and legislatures as the iustruuteits to further his schemes Te. this last instance ho has succeeded by the mist of the sane nmoais in eecurieg tat endorsement dorsement of nil time ontntgeous jobs which lute resulted iii the comeolidation of rival telegraph companies into a gignn tie monopoly. The ' 1ntc8 closes its article with the following trenchant setten.oa ; 'It is nat. worth while to go further into time arguunents of the court. If its decisiot rusts upon time law as it exists , that merely proves that the law is wholly iundequato to provide against time abuses of corporate power , 'l'lie situation is that grunt moneyed corporations go to the State capital mid use nil their power and resources to secure cure legislation that suits their purposes 101(1 to prevout that which l would inter furo with their designs. They comicern titetlmuielves in 1)Olitics eufieimttly ) to secure - cure representatives of thick' iuturests iii the legislature and to plutce upon th e bench Judges that will ho serviceable t o them , amid whom a case goes front one 0 [ those Judges to the tribtmul of final imp I purl it finds apart of the occupants ( if time bench disqunlified to sit in time case ' bocanso they lavu beu11 secured as stock holders of time corporations , amid others ready' to hold tltuniselvee bound by time s "findings" of time Jullgo heforo whom th u a case was tried. It umay be incidontnll y o remarked lucre that there is vary high I e authority for thieopinioe that the deefefom t e of ant allpelltlte court is ia'alfdatud wine I e Judges who are iuturested in the case ai t g ut the hearing of nrt nnmeuta and tdt u e part in its proceodinge while it is under to comiahleratinn , oven though they have nt ru eburu ht the thtal dacisjotl , o 07111a LdN1).S''J'11AN OURS , y Thu comment of the week mtbroah ha s 00 been duv'otud to time hoetilu amid alnrtliin' rI r reception wlmic111Cing Alfonso , of Spain as mot with of Saturday in Paris upon hi o arrival from Ournuuy , hooted at al ll , hustled by the mob at thodepot , eaeortu d id to his hotel ivilht jeers nntl groata , tlm w , crowd of excited Fremichmnen tumbled hi : d attemidantte from their horses and mad bt the ICtng's efort in stay time French cap I on tut as nmieurablo as posaiblo. And a' ly this btrcauau rite of , semi Ieabuhla htntl a o rd cepted time lmnorury colonelcy of a a Uhlan rWiutept and had boon the reeip tint of murkod attoctione front Gerntauy Emperor and l'rinco Bismarck. Profuse neologies were 11111(10 by I'residot Gravy of behalf o f France , but Spain is still ablaze over time insult to imer Icing , and a bronchi hues bead Made betweomt tits two colilttnes wh1ell will not soon heal , ] t looks very much as if France bas fallen into a trap set for it by time wily liiemarck , who has succeeded in embroiling time comltry in another difficulty at a time when her hands are inure than full with Limo Clmiucee trouble , This is a singular linme for the French to indulge in one of their periodical outbreaks of recklessmicss. Embroiled already in cevcra ; parts of time world , and saddled with a huge army so poorly trained and so badly oficered as to excite ridicule , it is c' + t wise of thorn to offend Spain , seeing that Dot Alfonso hula prosmnahly just boom looking after his relations with Gurumany , history hue a way of repeating itself , and med. tiling in Spanish affairs does not scent to bring l { raucu much luck , 'I'Ime treaty of 1700 , butweun Louis X IV. and Charles 11. involved her in the war of time Spanish succession ; the fammous "faun. ily" compact of 1761 proved futile - tile ; the first Napoleons Spanish sclams only weakened him ; Gtii ot'a "Spanish narriago" nrrangetnett andan- guyed time peace of time country ; to the influence of Line third Napoleon's ' Spanish wmfe over him is attributed mnany of his mistakes , while it was his interference witlt the Spaniarde in their choice of Prince Leopold of lloltunrollern as their king that led to time war of 1870 , Seriously ously Fr imcu is art to a condition to quarrel with Spain , and what has occurred - red should Faro been prevented by the government , In permitting it titoy have but given fresh proof of their inability to cope with time present disturbed comlitiot of affairs. It is a pity that there is no now Ganbutta to put matters straight. In Ireland the triunphammt policy of time National League iii mmitiug all Irish interests has been eemowhat interfered with duticg time week by troubles with the Oraugunteu of the North. Mr. Par- md 1 , nie mitinte ignoring this difficulty which is likely to be temporary , has been straining every effort to cement the nih- acce between the Nationalists amid time Euglisii Liberal party. The keynote for this imtove was sounded several weeks ago by Mr. Ilealy , in a speech at Newcastle , where he took occasion to moot the statement - ment so often made recently that Irish- maiwere ungrateful to the English Liberals - erals by pointing out that but far Irish votes no great liberal measures could have beeii passed into law ciuce 1812 , Except at time last election , he said , there had boeu a Liberal um.ijarity in E11gland but once. It needed the Liberal majority - ity From Ireland to carry all measures in which the Iteforui party has been litter- ested. DIr. Ilady thou wort on to say that he and his friends had opposed the present Liberal Dliuistry only ou account of its illiberal coercive measures amid because - cause it was not true to its principles. Ile , raid a tardy tribute of justice to Mr. Gladstone , wlio ho domicehbed as a coon- agenns , justice.lo'iitg , liberal , and com micicnLieus statesumnn ; to evmc had kind words for the 1Gtrquis of hartington , who was ' 'worth cull time Lords bumped together , " who hind lnaiy excellent quali- tins old is ' ' , " , m n 'straightforward Iuiht chum. " But Imo reserved his greatest praises for mfr. Chautberlmain , hinder whoso l'remniership Ito predicted there would be absolute unity between English Liberals and Irish intransigcants. 'Phis points conclusively to au alliance at the next session between Lilo Parnell- lies nod time English Radicals. It is somewhat. surprising that such ms alliance was not uad0 long ago. Time Irish mnomburs nod time Eim lisp Radicals have couunon OLjectS. They demand better dwellings for time working classes , ownership for time teumant classes in the fruits of their own immdustry , protection against time oxaetioma of feudal melopo- lists , mum oxtelieieim of tin frumliise to ltutisuholdmw , time expunditures of publi c tnonoy for time benefit of time whole people by rupresentatire contty and distric t boards , mend time equalization of electoral districts. The Ilritish industrial classes require all tlmese reforms just as much a the Irish do. 7'hu ' sane classes atamd it i time say of bath-thu plutocracy , tim o State Clumreh , time saloonkeeper alliance , and time feudal Lords. ' 1'heeo mire eu0 ni0s of progress iu Englund as well a Itrdand. It is ] sigh Iiune lint time massee 9 in bath cotitmtrics should unity to mak e war on then , Time petty quarrels of th e week iii Ulster should not stand in time : vii ) , of union amid reconciliation , 'I'lio festivities in Germany over time unvuilfug of time statue of Gornauia , which cupuneumortes Gernumt unity , Imvu boeu completed , but time oflmct o f time celebration still remnius. The ( , etandiug as it does whore tie Gerumu utr my passed fund returtmed with time ai ; ed Enmperur vhmo "saluted the lthuio for the first thou as Kaiser , lathe national bulwark agaiuat time Gall , 'I'hur e mire 715 ( touts of sbltuo , amid uador it lie Alsace nod Lorraiuu nod time Ggrnruu bn-nk of time ithiuo. Bismmarck wits no t prbaunt , far hu dislikes culiibratioms , m it tub ollicora nod clung of than rank and 1 file of time nr my stood around time our. loernr , and ivbib all classes contribntc t 1 to the exponee , file nmeumuriul iii peculiarly mtlflnry fit design 1111(1 . nsseciltiuns. With it Gurmany'e "dreamt is o'er , " amid 1 it ought to be a fitting toruuinatimu u ! the hrolvu years of brnnro and atnn u raisin ; since time bnltlo of Sudan. 7'h u hill whlieim is mm ow crowned by this state uo is over 700 feet kigh , commanding o bctutiful prospect ninttg time etorlcd vat ley. In front of the nubstrrotnre nro time sculptnrod forms ( If Father ] thfau mind time graceful nymph Atnsello in comfortn I btu proximity to uaclm other , time age d river god presenting time myniph with a watcit horm. 0c thou vnaL aubstrmctur u rests nn elabontteiy decorated base. hr him gh relief sits Kaiser 11'illmeln on a charger , surrounded by time Ger11a kings , prineua , generals aul etatesomo n , ivho w ere prceemml of Versailles when h o S Swla tleclmm'ed EaglUror On limy ht ! Count MOIthU amid err his left oI lhismurck , there being in this grwd gruel sere 120 hifu alzu jrnrtrnit fgures. Th U grouping has Leon time subject of a gaea e dent of conflicting discussion , but tine o general verdict is timid Schilling hoe sue e coeded admirably in his work , lleneati , the relief time "Watch on the illlinu" i t hmacribod , emhmlying time motive of thl whtole nunmumumt. On either side an Ii two large figures of war sill oomtco. 'rim figure of Gurmammia , sore 40 fee b t stands witlm imhlifted hands ' ay Illg I 'a crown , Site looks load at France , nn 1 supports herself with a tall sword , while two orgies Ila11k time sent from which chic Itas rleomi. This , with lion coat of email , her crown , her flowing locks and lion. headed belt , makes her moro a concession ( A ) tnihitary necessity than a thing of beauty. Itussia seams to have found drat clue line gone tan far in Burgarin. Even time Prince her own mmnpuilmce , felt obliged to resist her dcmmuds , Red her represectrt live immgivel hfa pledges tlmt for the fu- taro there shod ) bo nn utcrfercuco with time internal afrtirs of time principality , .f Ilst at present , itlmesia could ill afford a quarrel mum this quarlor , 'P1-me alliance of Austria with Germnn y is said to piedgo each to arced ceufraitY ) shou'd ' time other go to war with Itussia or Fiance. ] dl time other lesser eomitries of time Balkan l'etiuaula , Austria iota secured allies of canto ingnn'tunco ; only Bulgaria stands by Itussia , wisely rc'nrdiug time Czar as time lessor dntlgen al3 the greedy flaps. burgs as time greater. hut wlmen ltusein arrayed herCif ngaiust time lhmlgmtrimt Liberals , she forced them to ) tope for her overthrow as time first step to time hest prosperity of her own country. She now retraces her atolls , y The reported shouting of Dir. Parnell proves to be without found ltinn. Thu rumor grow nut of sauna disturbances , at which dlr. Parnell does n1)t n upcar evert to have ueeu promont. It created little excitement , for it trims not well authpnti- ciated and worts i11glrobabla uu its face. The distingniehed Irish patriot me in little danger of assassiumatiou froumi any man or body of mot , unless it be cranks of time Guitoau species , wino are a memo to promitiuont public omen wherever tlmey ox- bit. The fact that such nuisances exist everywhere gave the t'nnnr all its plausibility - bility , mid , w'hii , , tali"te' us little real ap- prehensiou , tin " urt , rontradictden of the report was : . .m el.tablu amid 3rate ful news. Ilolland and Belgian have reaclmed time wise conclusion to abolish time custom honoo line wlmieh now sumders time two kungdonts , and to establish nmtml free (1001 of trade. These small countries arc both believers in tune policy of protection , but neither of them is large euiougll by itself to afford a suficient market for great irdustrics. Each has resources which are judispousable to time other , amid their territory seema to have been meant for the hone of a single compact cation. Froui 1815 till 1830 , they were united as they had beun tlmrough a largo part of time sixteenths century , but religious dissensiot forced them apart. A roflocrein will not reunite them , nor will it carry their into now commercial relations withi their neighbors. But it will enable thou to attain iu commercial unison the inclustrinl imdepondenco of other countries which is iugrossible in nn entire separation. The presence of time Italian squadron in Tamgier hay , pending thu issue of the ultfmntuut scat time Moorislm government , is time latest step takeli to force a settle- nnemit of time It ilau stains growing out of time distureances at time timno Of time Emperors accession , tcn years ago. A large suet of money was in time Lauds of Dloorislm agents in the interior markets , aucl in mammy' cases they disappeared withm the cash time moemett the hostilities broke our , 'rime foreign nmrchautc in vain appealed - pealed to time Cnipernr , amid unauy have siuco sold their clammis to the rich Jews iii 'languor 'wlmo ' ate 1oorish subjects but mintier Italian protection. 'l'imey have boeu able to get the Itmilian squadron to help tlmunt "it iii the ivorlc of cullocting their $70.00 , mad a pretty liberal per diem for the iron chuts. The umattor will prubabiy be compromised. Time Frenclm anmemmalr , wlmero time work of transformning the Frcnclm navy is going on , are scenes of great activity. Besides time work begun in proviouJ years , which is steadily advancing , time following war vessels have been begun within the last twelve mouths : The Charles Martel and time Brunnus , iroeclads of 4,000 horsepower - power each , time former in Toulon , the bitter fu the Doriett dockyard ; eight iruuclud gunboats. front 7175 to 4001moree- povor , in mho Cherbourg , Lorieut , and ltochiefort doek yards ; a cruiser of 1,250 lmorse power , iu time Brest dock-yard ; five atation dispatch boats , in time Toulon , Lenient , and Lockport dockyards ; two , large transport shipa , in the ltochefort dock-yard ; timrce flout dispatchm boats , iii time ltouhefort and Lorient dock-yards ; three torpedo boats of 2,000 horse-power -time Faucoi , the Vmmlour , amid tie Comm. doriii the Toulon and ltocliefort dockyards - yards ; and two smaller torpedo boats in the Toulon dank-yard. Time hntred in Ietuuark towards Bis- mnrek finds its i'cut by shooting at its arch cuuniy in effigy. Time tangible , if not novel demonstration , tunny of time mum - I habitants of Copenbageu are met present indulgimmg fu at a nmch fregneuted sh oot- inggallory , where the target is a lifo size wooden figure of Prince ] Siamarck , pinc- efag otu foot out time scroll bearing time in- scrption , "Article V , " while time right hnmmd rusts on a mighty club , nil the ho- , gendery "three hafts" are represented by thmrce clay pipes. 'I'ho keeper of the oat. le is a Danish invalid , who was decor- nteed for bravery' in 1804 , on the occusinti of time storunic6 ef time DuoPP.l redoubt by time victorious Prussimma. Differoueo of religious opinions apCRrs to be an intpnrtaut factor is divorcee. In Switzerland divorces have increased to such au extent as to nliako time reputation of that country decidedly unenviable. In time Protestant half of Appunzell there were in 1881 over tjmirteon divorcee to every huudrud uuirriagcs. 1u casea where huabaud mmd wife warn both Cath- ekes , time divorces were lees thou 1 per coat , amid where both taro Protw tnnts time rate was 71 per cunt. A great many nmarringes iii tlio lower classes are avowedly - edly entered spun or time understamdiu' ; that after rs years trial the husband rind wife do mot suit each ether , they shall gtwu in a joint ttpplic.tiot for divorce eu the ground of incompatibility of tanpor. In 1881 no less that 1,171 suits of di- I ivere gractud in Switzcrland. When Prince Bismarck refused t. iii. low stron'ur repressive nmeaeurea to be trikon 1mm Aleaco-Lnrruuno against those disatteeted peraoule who , like A [ . Antoine , 1 have been eponly preaching and pmbihah ing anti Geraan aentfinenta , he shmuwed I the quiet etruegtii of assured power. had ltu dune otlmerwao--had ho gavot Goren l Dtautuufiul wider scope to deal with ill u I euenmiesoftheGermanEnmpirohuwoul Iuve Leon giving to the would be rev'olu I tinniats am jnmportutee they do not do e rorvu , at time ague throe that ho world b e I 'tractically ' eonfc simmf time weakuuas o f Ida hold on Limo Bhunuh Provinces , li s liby t + too old a atatusniorm to bu frmglttoned by m clanmrere of time Dtonsiotir Antoine de e acrihtiomm. e Urler Meutlmn. e "I have used Jtmdock ! ? food JUlcrl wit ( grunt htonofit furrindlgewtloa and ooa4iamtio ; of the buwelu , U , L , EcatOf , lluatlton d Oat TRUE BLUE , Ae a homeless , wandering ymlth of fuutteen , as a poor unknown appreatko , as aoompoetterat the case , ami editor , as an eneny to France , end In nther and ore reepen9hle loverumnntal tinier , th.et sage phlloopher , Denjamin Franklin , actor felt above his businc + e , nor f rget his hunil la origin. lie was n thorough , scald , andlntebhto American citizen , oho acldeted 1111113 Ing lame inn the srrs ice of Id + county. ' 8omu'lcicctricOilis alcotrue bltto-a fndhfnl puiIioeersant that ha , , clued umre peopto of aches , sprains , and palm titan all other compctitira romedles united , Itead what Victor Ar Lotieq editor of Setion- al itecori , Danillle , Pa. , nay's ; "I have been muteR Thomas' Ickctdo : oil in my faintly for seeerst month have u + ed it myself for catarrh and for rheumatism eceoral time , , and can say ( list for the last-named it ravoalmost inetant relief , and for catarrh has trelood too wondcrhdly. Mrs. Seigfdml , Marion , 0. , says Tlmontas' iklectrle Oil was tdurnph- ant hl her race ; alto usttl it for a secure cold and pain luaide , aid wan reliscd in a few miuutesr 7ltomae' IclectrkOil : need internally- c..tcrnnily is anuaprecudented suecese ; every batllo t uarameed or money refunded , 110NEY FOR. Ti11 : IAADIES. 1'elcrinesamid shoulder capes svlll ho in great.- or urthmin Beer. I4lbmted Inco capotes will be the loading opera bumicts tide year. Gray is to he the beadle ; , ' color in Paris bmm net + ; so elderly ladies neett not the their lair. Wlmat vest pockets are to n moan I lava are to a woemae. Slut etdfs overytidng mimic themm from a S . ' 5 bill tn shoo etthig. 1Vitle bracelets , heavily clmased , and bangles , lace pins nod dog collars of various patterns , all of eojul ailvor , arc again the height of f ashine. 'J'hcro ii nn hardship too great for women to mtdnro for time man mime love. , but elm won't , even to save his neck , wear her suitimor boat miot iii time fall , A Boston woman objected to time flavor of ice cream because it hind a "ihavimig Soap taste. " New , the spmestiun la where dill she get a taste of "shavuig sap : " The nosy fall bounot ivlll have a very email bay st inflow le the back so that observing pee. P1 ° C mm mien that the false hair eu time wearer's Mend matches her genuine looks. In time o union of "Clara Belle , " the secret of me well drouod wouuan is her knowlodga of time three uaitirs of 'M'oss-her owtl station , her own ago , amid her own good points , At time recmmt lfave icyer hall at Newport , nod of the dtshes uvere served oim white sugar pedestals , carved from hugo loaves of sugar at Ilavemoyere refinery imiBrooklya. The 1'lahhulelphia wuninn who took 1)015011 Imist to nee haw her husband would act line fo mud out. lie gave tlmo ay uthuecary a blowing - ing imp and bought a coffin on the iuttallment pliuu. } Vliito Ursnlino and witito drip d'eto , are undo bite very noautifnl evenilig dregicetrins nlcd plainly but ricldy , withm many bauhs of rhito sills gimp , or witha silver emnhroidorios and uriamincuts. New York girls are drinking goat's milk to improve their coelplexon. This is certainly remarkable , for everybody knows that butter is mint good far the conplcxatn , amid goats milk is a prodtict of "butter. " A St , l'anl paper says that a string of pearls is now the GLslriunablo drese for young ladies. Lot us 111)1)0 that to the rush and worry of husina + e thu writer overlooked a pur- tlun of the ct'stumo.--Bisumrck Tribnmie. Elaborately braided jerseys will be very much worn again this autmuu over mikirts of veh et , tweed or choviot. 79io iiowest pat- terumi hum braid work re euubto riche applique work , being wrought in close , ciaborule de- sighs. A tarty of Rnglish young ladfeswall chapo- rnnol , recently 8th umoieg at lloutreul. Ciula- da , carried Alentler switch canes of ebnnywitlr srilall gold ileaile , richly ciLtised , amid wore jockey caps of pbdu black velvet , wlmich wcru most becnmlug : red ratty loulciug. It iii cauu and cap are said to be very fashiunablo abroad , both in Euglcud and b'r.urce. 1'lain linmm collars amid cuffs are to be in vogue again , and very deep culls acid collars , like those wcru by ladies in the play kumownas the "Squire , " are preferred by many follow , crs of thiu sovcrt fashion , 'fhny look truneler amid neater invariably than any other style , but it will take sortie tinlo to ro-estaldish tlm custom of wearing tlteni after time more llehieate cold neligeu fashion of wearing lace alono. New necklaces for evening ware are of FIn- rentino mitt cnisuncu heade , sumo of wluiclm are encrusted with tiny silver stars or Ptiltlded with muck gains , which glitter like real jewels in the gash"fit. Roimum poilrle aln(1 were nevermore moro in L'ms due than at the present , worn twisted about the neck iii triple rows. 'limo rmwest strings show' delicate sheeny tints of holiutropo pink , gold amid namvro , sea green mmd sliver , mud rose and pearl iii time softest cud 111014t uxquidto tints. The added bavque , so long a feature of mod. ern drensmnakiug , is losing its popularity. Thu must ftahlliOrlalle jackut bodices ice cut hm one , very many opening over vests of sumo con- trastnig mnteual ; otherwise the gilet nary correspond - respond withu the drone fabric and be lard fu tuft lint folds or gauged , 'I'ho ba + gimo is he. qucntiy very short , with square tabs cut up to tlmq wmet hue. 1Vhon deeper , the li.'agmn us 5nmutiumc4 emit hit , , lung Vunlykes ; , thu pufpts being exceedingly sharp , aqd unt cut up to time w uiat , nsfti the above case. This style hunks best when mixed materials or bratdlug amid eiuhruidery are introduced , Time Engllsh fasluinn of croppirg time hair short all over time tread and furutiug it into lit- tie 1"(150 rings bas again reached Aumeriea , and mlmy ladles urn sactitichig their Inxurlumt tressua to the Jloloclm of the present undo , lmirimig au aftornuon drive through mm prnni nont city iii Canada , the writer lately noticctl to lees tlmmm a score of ladies , both English and Anlel lean , thus almorL 1Vith this style of coltfuro time jockey hat is ueually warn , ox. ce ptin where tme fnslmiou is followed by ndd die aged women ; is thuds case the toque , or Eaglistm walking hint , is soeu , ins nn larger or broader hat can very wall be kept secure without - out braid or puff to which it may be Gestured. These short , rippling hocks are to a great da ; 'rue churmhug un sonto loads-maostly with the round , rosy faced girls hl their lemrs , or not fur out of theum , Ilorsfnrd's Acid F'hospnato Au a Itcfrigeralt Drink in Fomen. Dr , C. ii , S , Davis , Dlcrfdet , Conn , . say's : " 1 have used it as a pleasant mend cooling drink iii fevers , amid have been vu ry nlucil pleased with it. " grtew Btindrree4 FIlliree. NEw Youc , October 5.-Bmmsinnas fail- tires for the iveek throughout the United Status and Canada 188 , an umgamst 180 lnst week. In Now York city the fail- uree were insipuifucant in nuinbur armd amount e l s i , ka 4 f t a - A trm Tt-41 ; GREAT LA4 REM J& ' CE : . . a.INr. CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , backache , headache , Toothache , $ aeoThmuntNn elilneeM , + rnlne , Itruleee , IIesrru , Mretede , 1'rae IttTf , a A51) ALL e11111 % 50011.1 1'AI5 ASP 11518. t Run l , ptrtlmeuteoplu alga 111ianv : nr Cwu'Wl ee , TDE CII.tiz1.EN A.1' uUi.tuL ( . w . _ , . , A soawueaLi 4 V Dry , oods1 C. CO. . . , Wasliington Avenue and Eiflh Street , - - - ST LOUIS MO STEELE JOHNSON & Coe Grocers AND JOBnnns iN FLOUR , SALT , SUGAR S CANNED G001'Sa ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TIIE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD FAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO Ce Fe GOODMAN Druggist s AND DEALER IN Pllts , Oils , Yarilislios and ¶ illdO ifiass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Oil It le the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound Is equal to thrco pounds of corn Stock fed withs Ground Oil Cake in the Fall and Winter , Instead of mining down , x111 Increase In weigh and be in goal marketable condition in the spring. Dairymen , as well as others , who use it can testify its tncrite. Try it and Judge for yourseicL 1'rtco 8:6,00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address o4-eod me WOODMAN LiNSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaka Boiler all Sheet Iroll / orks Is OMAHA , - . - - - - NEBRASKA. Build nil kinds of Steam Boilers. Smoke Stacks , Breeching Lard , Water and 011 Tanks , and do a gmmon platc Irou busiucss. Itepairing done in City and Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! Secondhand Hollers will be kept onhau L Having hail many years exporiencein the trade In different part , of the country IanwnaduntIcalm give eatisactiuu , having the best shop and tools in the State. Shop car. 10th aodPlercoStrects. J. M. WILSOPJ Proprietor. MAX MEYER & CO IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGAE ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC 1 N I 1 J D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Bspeciales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN P R CES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. . a GATE CITY PLANING MILLS ! MANUFACT EItu OF , Carneters' Mateas -ALSO- Sash 1 Doors1 Blinds Stairs1 Stair RailinOs1 Balusters WiuSow & Boor Francs &e First-class facilities for the Itta ufacturo of all kinds . of Moulding. . 1'laniug ad aratchinq a tgacGlty Orden Iron the country will be prompty ) sxecutud. . Address all oonimunlttAtion , to A MIiYFII , I'rnprietn.1 . ' . 9 LtNUFAOFUIIEit OF FINE Bllies Carriages g My Itrpeeltory id constantly that with a .elect stuck. Heat iwureruanshlp nuirantrud. Office and Factory S. W , CoPner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qinah - IA.NI cll . e' 7e IFdi On Long Time--Small Payments. Al Ionufaofliors Fr ! oos , A , Jr. talg Dor oic tax