- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - , - . I -a- . S j'1-T IAILY I1i1OMAT-IA 13. FRIDA V OOTOEEI , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IJIE DALY BEE. - - - . - - - . - _ . - - = - : = : : OMAHL Friday MorningOotobor , 5 LOOAL BREVITIES. -1itor ritu , -SftYe mon. Sn4 tn 1. Fem.who1ea1 dg.r nd tobacco Ioikr , fur vrIc I1t. -'Tbo overInu tratn from th. wt night ir li1f nn hour 1tdoIye1 by freight * nI tOd tra1n. -T-o 1n.1Ln , , who IflTh ( the grsn4 tour thia oaon it,1i tlia \ VIltI'ot anivcd In Om&I.a ye4orday , and tootztho C. , St. 1' . zud 0. road for Iw.no. -The bolt rAiiwy c1ierno I 4tIrIt1g , 1I ttbiu'bAn imerty. Anic. ' miilo a palO LIIIM morning of $1tOO wnrt.i ! uf 1ot. In mm iunch. -The lJuIon p&Igc.i wilt 'iay n iiIcie.I nine on Slbttrta % ) nftrnooii ( or the bonclit of Ceotgo ] iakcr , the change c.'tclier of the U. P's. -Another g1ooty day Preentol itself to cAtizon9 M they nwoko yesterdAy ii.ornliig . and tiont ovcrybody tlawi : towii In a mood curre 1)ollartlg to thecoor ! of the kic. -The caO of ] Itif , OCCUMOl Of .tea1Ing 3O and trying to fire a houe , sva up In the city O,1Tt yesterday altornoon. --Onohundrcd and tliirty.idx Omaha people have gone to St. Lonia via \Vabalt to son the Veiled Proplict. -Tho county hM .vertie1 for blib for thogradlng of ThIrteenth trect , south ( toni thocity limits one mile. -Another new addition hiui been made to mahn tobo known aq Kotcr additian , be. log the olil Sutphen tract , Jw.t out1i of Val. iiitliiI1tfacing on rcrcer avenue. -And iio the mighty weapon of the law , the muh Kought for injirnctlon , I to he wielded to reitraln , the dear.cboo1sna'ain ( toni teaching the yoiig ile.I how todrawai.t.ralght line and warble an even note. -Tim 2'ii Wiu.Vn -On and after this : tlato.the Cozzoin. will charge $2.OOportiy nod will give the best acoommo.Iation9 for that pr1coti he in , tZ. 1' . 1tulKin & Co. octlni&c6t. -In the District court yo8tcrday , In the cagoof tirn"iVilcox and Gibbs owiiig Machine Company v. . howell and ( flhjsoii , a vonlict va renIerodof $1,233.l7 iigaIiit howell nod , reloMIm' Giboii. -The 1xcter ( Nob. ) EnterprlRo nayH : "We reatly regret to announce that Itoy. Father Toaiiiiotto , i11 love in a few day. , to take charge of the cathedral at Ondt. , Ho will be succeeded by ltuv. Father ] lIgliA1i , who i $ atd to he a very p indar vontleuian. " -A peculiarly disagreeable oh chap , wlic I iumounccd himself a a toinbNtouo peddler1 p was hauled ni. to the iollco court yest.orda3 in a vile condition. lie wa dtcoveretl to b I a pauper from iIarrNon county , Iowa ; nnt hi 3 was dIpatclied to the Place ho had come froii I in a hurry. Omaha boor evidently dlii no L .ngreo with him. -HavIng juMi. received largo qnantLioi ( o f furniture In now and handnoino desigin. , wi u take pleMuro in Inviting the public , and cii . peclally theMe who contemplating furnhiihing P to call and look through our tock. To thou wI8hIng to purchaun wo are preprod to makl Li . lower prices thati have ever before beau offered C11A13. SIUVEItICK , 1200 , l2OSnndl2lO Farnar Li u.troot. -In the Diutrict court yeuterday the cane d J. M. Parker vs. N. A. Kuhn hi on trial bi ) fore Judge Neville. ThIu involvoi the title .0 about 2,500 aercu of laud , worth nearly 1OO I. .4OO , which bi caimod ] by Kuhn , through li t father Dr. J. M. Xubn , who bought it ii it .ahoHff's sale in 18.3) . Thu land lIcui aroun ii : FoTt Omaha and beyond Florence anti wai 0 bdllevo , at the the timoof the uale , the lirPeI . . ty of the 01(1 TrIbune Co. -John ' 1' . ClIcliand , the conunerdal tuuri It who tiled i.e uuddetily In Chicago , the otlic It .day , wwi burled Wednday afternoon at. lu uryi . ville , ida. , lilii vIfo having gone 'in. lie vr i fOUfltI dead In liliu lieu at the iViIii1Mr holUl Ia nnd the coroner'u jury rendered a verdict ) f death by heart diuewe. lie had left ordunu I .0 be waked at iilx o'clock In the morning. -The Glee Club met Mr. David l1Iiikele , : 4f MInnoapo1hiWcdncday and rol&oarned wit ii urn three now idocoi which are to be give U i.ometlma during the soauon , In conjunctto Ua With Mr. ] 3lakoloy'as ownclmrui. in Mlnnonpc , . 118. Of theuo , one hi a vocal ialLz by Fran LZ .Abt , and the other 'The Twilight , " compose d byDudloy Duck awl dedicated to Mr. lilak. . . Zey. Mr. iflakeoy will ho remembered t.s tli 0 gentleman who took Huch IaiIiu intralning Ui 0 korui for the Thoinaii concert bore bist ma uier. : -An nice time was had Wednouday evoi ng at the reidciim of lion. Gee. W. I'aricai No. 2022 St. Mary'ii avenue. Theme vrco tripped tlio light fantautic , to the charmiii atzainu of lrvino'is orclioutra , up to 11 o'cloc . when an elegant lunch wam uproad by Mr. . . . C I. .w. Parker and her ilaughtor Carrie , who ce. N tin } de&arvo much credit for their energ a.ncl uocemu in ) lO1Usiflg all present. All di parted ihortly after midnight foaling mathufle . , that they can alwayai have a iilcndId time v It uzy reui4nce of iIoi. . (1.V. . Parker. -.Tudge Atidenioii wai. muuquoteti by u LN yeuterd&y. lie inout not be uiitlonutoocl ii L , lilacing a vrohlbitory law above high Ilcenu ii in theUquor queiittnn , bucauue be maya Ii I ) would rather Ii.vo ( roe whuukey given out 0 I tLo atrcet.i thait see prohibition go Into effect as bo thlnkai Ilout much worse. The oiihiiI. : : tif a insu wlto 1IM hd a unudi dealing wit Ii thu reaultm of inteluperunce , maiiiIeutid I Ii cHe3 IThIOrO tfr3 court , M the udgo ha , , I lii ort1i something. THF OIltMANIEHT. TOI1ibiIglitVi1OiiuiilOi * amid nit I : t&IIIXIIOI1L at. Tui iiiq hull. Everytlmimmg is beiii1 iriared for a ) . 1)02 celt'bratiomi by the ( ivrmunius of tl in city of the 11th of OeLher , thu l'i.cczitei I nial of thu 1a.ziclimiofOurimmaiie in A I On next Saturday there will be a I. light IrOCOSaiMe at 7 p. jmm. Thu urn e . i(8z ( will star frommi Turacrlmall up 'l'umi ii trcit to Farnaui , thou up to Eighmttwz&t & ii' trect , hack tim Fifteenth mtrtot , thi& I I . ov.cx. to Douglas mtroot , Doughu. down 4. NlntlL street , tuna dwiir to l'arnaujm , timi' t' 'I'emitli streut and back to Tunior linE Fei.t nuerslini of thu Iuiocasiomm iii ( JufI2I4 &hnmidL. IitOG8AuIti Z'I 'nIH mt.ti.r. Orr.tieutra - - 'Vkat hi the Ocrmnaim } 'athci . jwechby time fest l'.e.ldent , .Jauol , 11suc . I abkuu ny the 'j.'ur , er Snelety. $ un by Uiu Iwnumercluir. ( Jieliestra 'Sc.&r iI.usgletl 'P .echIiyMr. F. &hniiku. lahlenu. &mag by the Convordla Buddy , Orthcj.tra. ( Jraud ball. POLICE PROTECTION. be Couucil Orrs a Ncv llusc for the Forco. A . Wrangle Over the Estimates and Ourning Street Sidb- walks. A im Order flu' I'avhig till timi , Alley A an aljohlrnod mneoting of the city c ouncil last ovoningall the mnoinborzweru Li rcuctit. A petimoii ( was recojycil froimi lion. ( l eo. W. 1)oniio , nsking for a rcductini o f the nusessuiiuimt of certain property j11 C apital itdditiOfl. itefurrud. Thu clmnirmimnu of the hoard of public w orks sent in thu estimates of the city e ngineer for work doimo tmiidur varioum c ontracts during the mouth of Septum. h er , and after a good deal of clisctmuaiuti n il the estliuiateavero approved. Time clmnirmiman of tIni board of p ublic works tratismnitteci a list po o f blu1 received for paving the a lloys iii alloy ( histricts froth No. I to 2 8 inclusive , excupt district 2. lii this im matter nile district scuds in a majority f or sandutomie , one for mimacadam and e ight for granite. The board was In. s tructoci (0 mniiko COntrCt.1 In accordance v it1i the request. of petitioners , nmtd w liero no majority had declared III favor wo f any material , the matter was reformed t o the committee on streets amid grades A ntnnber of huh were referred with. o ut rending. The contract and bond between I' . G. .Jim onkinsomt t ; Co. for cnrbing amid uLtur. im ig Fifteenth stxcet , b.tweoii 1 aIrmmalli a nd Douglas , vern npprvel. Time contract amid bond tar curbing amid g tittering Farmiam street ( rout Sixteenth t . Eighitcentlt street eiia oos.sidercd and a ction ott tIme smiio postpon . ? ilr. ? sleGnckimi otlcr.d resolution that t he npproachies to time new bridge emi ' [ 'wcnty.eighith timid DodgO be fihlcd and mm mdc imtssahilo. : Ado1id. Mr. ICiLtIfIumalmn otlerud it resohmtion iii r egard to time gradimig cii Pierce street , w hichi vas lost. Mr. linseahl offerea a resolution flint L imo sidewalk emi Cunming Mrcot froiui Six. t eenthi to time iiiihitnry bridge be eatab. li shed of a iiiiifufimi wraith of eight ( cot , the outer odgq to be a "aiiist time stone curlnng auth time 12 feet , 1 > etwerni the imimuer line of s aid sidewalk anti the lot hue uuin' be g rass amid trees in front of remsideumec p ropeu'ty , aunt Of proper sidewalk mate. v ial in front of inuiiuutes property. The words ' 'amid trees" were struck o ut , amid the resdutiouI thicum adopted. 1'1r.Voodworth oll'cietl a t hat the city eulgimluer lie authlirized to employ a force to "hush' ' lonhlns , iar. h am and 'l'eumthm streets , aunt try to wash oil'soummo of thu dirt. Adopted. iv : roultim ; QUAILTnILS. Time crnnmnitteo on loiieo mnatlo a report on time question of luilding new quarters f or time deputy mmnirshmal nuid police force , and submitted two estimates of time coat of such a building as is required , one be. $338 and one $430. Tim proposed L building yi1l be 14x24 feet iii size and contain two rooms. The report wiLl adopted. AS unotion to adjourn was lost. An ordinance appropriating mooney t ( ) pay for work tiouic under certain con - tracts , as per ostimumates of time city OR . giumoer was immtroducod anti passed. A Starthlumg 1)hscovery. l'hiyulcin nrc often utartleti by rounarkabh uihscuvcrjei. Time fimet that Dr. Kluig's Nei 1)uucovery for touiuumummptiun amid all threat ant hung tliueaeu buulaily ciuuimig liatleutti that the have gi you mm i' to i lIe , ii htLirtl lug them to you . ire their seuuo of duty , ituiul etiinitio Into timi ifleritli ( If thin wuuiderful discovery ; rtnnltint hituuniredu of our best citizomus uiul mug It Ii their practice. Trial hottIe fico at C. F . ( loodmimun's drug store ltegtiliir mire S1.OO. - - - - - - - - - - Siimco 1411'I'ITI' , 1n.K & Co. have ho COiiiO popular , others nru trying to imni tate , but. look for brand.- uii.c&w.i&3 w - - umAInl.tmN XN i.ivn HTtiK. ( i hove for nab in iths County , Iowa about .10 half breech short horn cowafou ; . years old ; they are nil with calf by an I t I Hereford hull , have also about 80 1J B month's old stuersand hmeifora , half slier t horn and halt Hereford. Address . F. It. Mvinu , Room No. V , Ashmhammd Block , m&ult Chicago , Ill , KNEIDES CRIME. A o1icr rrcst for M1ee llae Ouco of time Caiics Debra the Grain I Jury , Coumetablo l'ngo , o Saratoga precinct humUs brought to this city and lodged ii ; jiLt1 , e. muller frism Ft. Oimiuihui , uimiuuie I Vuui. B , Knuido , vhio was comunnitteci Ii y Justice Purcell of that om I II eouumiula'mnt of an aimnuit with iumtuimt ti u outrage Mrs. Oliristeuni Morris , who live a near time fort. " circumstances as related to time of . ficraru that the assault wan conmnnUet 1 Oil August 8th , ( If last year , uimmil thu t lCnoudt , was apprehmeusdeul mimiul court mmliii tialtiL , amid being comivictuil was ecutomicet I to be tituliunuratily dibdiuuiig.'d , to furfum I 11113 J1i ioid Lii be uIuIJIrIltullCd aigh t Iiiomithm. 'through thu iiilluuuiee of liii Li hither utuuti roIresuiituititumus us to lCiicithti'i 4 pm uvuilus ) dliuumzLctur ' giO4 , time iitiltlier'ui 14011 tuIIvu Liii CouiimiiUttjd uiuutt lie wiui released , ) uliryiii VUN hut iittiIied with thmi 4 .imid ftIhim ed the up CR50 , ilutemmnimmud t i hi nig i t hula , u ii civil CiJUVt , timid ii a tlii I JIli 1 t lie ciii ii phil mmt s mum itiadu ' 'lit befu ri uI14tIu l'iiiIh iiit1 it 'Yileriiuit umuuti , ritli ilie ri'iIlL us slatted. s\ltiiiI Wiut jii tlati city yvstert1a to mijit'e.it. ' hef.iuu time Onimni JuI' ) ' , limit ilutijithuot duit iii 110(1 ItIliteit hici' iut : , l n tititu iii t'i 'uiliuueii ' iu I him LiIi ty jj atutthIiig limo ucuuiui of tlit. ( lfllfld .hiiiy. 4 1'I louIulo I'ns'lups iir lii. , I aiu'uieth.u , , I ill lfeuihI , , iiiu ; , ISiuiihiim'm , , Attniobd i' the . lacatuty of 801110 hIlt I. Jolt cuing ian the v. itaclon ii of 1607 Fan sine treut , thu hitmihuilmig ( oviaicrhy tcujitutI i Jtedick & itediek , a Iiv.s reporter Jooke 18 yestuiclaiy iuiail foutul that itimics i tmtI etatato agvjit y lund taken I n ull tilted imp time t.wt , rtomns there su li etlulY. Au arch less been AlmhStittmtei lifo r time lartitmoui. uumaking a loumg room v hmichi hurts hucoim expeius'ivcly paicrei niud 1 , nuimtei ( amid cnrietcd , nmmi ftmrimisiied with b rass chinuidehiers. Time ttsto ( iisplayc(1 Im na unade an extroiuiel , ' nttractmvo nuilt ImC4 C4 ) Sy lutisiimcsi place of this , uimd.mubtedly t he fimiest f'r , real estate work iii the veat 'limo firumi , ( leo. C. and Oco. W. Ames , w ill umot stop here , latmt. imitemid soon s kylight time rear flmil that nim OH atiditmuom c oumtaiiming a firc.prool vault for limit aim u tract booki ; , of which they vIhl have a v ery complete set , dating from time orug. jii ma ! iatentui , eight. limeum heiuig CiflhlO'Wi ) i n this worlc. liohtutni this addition will huh e a untidy carrlimgo aimed. 'l'iio umfimees h ave also been furnishied withi mmew riuid r ich fiusutitumrc full miiuiiiber of cmnbeilnuhm. rmn Cumt8 are yettobOilhiICl. These nrc H,1l F'iinls. 'The ' beut liii il iiuirllkr amid uyutemmm repilat. o r over l ulaced s I thil ii the reach of mutt cr1 ii eli umumiauilty , truly I' . Ilectu-Io hItters. I iiuctlv t y of the liver , itillotuuuiesu lauiiuuhice , Cimustl in ith > \Veak ihl murvu , or niiy iii uf tin Ii ri runty uirganu , hr whoever rc,1ImirU. , , In , ill i it. tI 'icr , tommie or uuiild utim uitiltuit , II I iii Wutyl. tl uii ElecLrl flitter. . thu best itini only uert.thi tlel el ite kiiinvii , 'J'laey : ict. mutely mouii uluickl3 e very liottlo giuarutiitceii IA , ( % ' cuitirtu initiumue thtn ini or u iinmuoy refuuiuuicd. Soul iii. tt ) coiiti , ii tn itt.lo by Ci 1. ( bunltiitui. TIlE INTER-STATE. No Olllaa Corporatloil Orallzcd ) V1th ! txtv Thousali Dollars Cita1. Cita1.'l I" ( ) rflhllltlhtlg % Valer 'uVuirics unit Oilier Interniti I mimprincimmenlu. . Time articles of incorporation of a new a nd inmportant. comumpany wolo filed yes. te rdmuy at the office of limo County Clerk la y M. T. Barlow , F. B. Johimisoum , J. 11. D immnoust , T. 3. ltgerum ( mmd A. B. Smith , th ie iumcorporators. Time umanmo of time cof- p oratiomi is to be ' 'Time Imiter.Stato liii. iu ro'omneiit Counrnmmy , " mmii the principal ll nco ( If traumsuictimig business will be O mumalia , the nature of the busimmeus boumi'e th e comitruietumig for coumatructimig , comimplet. 11 mg iditI ( operating ptiluhic works 101(1 works o f iimtermiutl iniprovcmncmmt of every char. a eter mutt ! deacriptiomi , aimd euiicciutlI b uilding unmd li.uiimitiiiuiumg \v.trm'.lt WCmtKS mm ii other coummty mimiti city enterprises mu th is amid other status , amid cuigagimug 1mm ucii other voi'ks if imilermiuui imumlIruve. m ouit as the board of directors determine U jOfl. ) 'J'lie authorized caiuitai stock Li $60 , 0 001 iii shmutres of $10 eutclm , to be paid iii u s required. 'I'Iiis stock immay ho immersased b y a vote of two.tliiidu liresumut at aui mu uctitimig. 'l'hue corporatioui dates fruuii t ime 2t1 of Octobi r , 188 : ; to time main day i ii 1083. A board of move , , directors , ti b e elected annually in Jaiiuary , is to c omititict the busimmesu , the present board a crvilig uumtil next .Juimuary 'Flue ollicors a rc proaitluimt , vico.prcsidcmmt , secretary a mid treasurer for ommo yea. Forty tlwus. a mid is thu highest anuoturut of indebted. ' Itusmia Salve 14 thu uammIvenul remedy fez . h ums , iicltl , eutu , brtmbet amid hash wuuumidus. l1kbO tilt. j. M. Foishuay , wiu is cutabluuhming mtgcnciei 4 i n the west. ( or hluirpor's Bazar patterns , wa , . Iii two yesturiiy amid limit hultu buuinesu hen in time huttfl(1B of time voiiular finn of O'llono . h uuo. & Downoy. Mr. Fohiay is a voterai m ( in time road , amid mmuakoi frlemmda wimorovor iii S g(1Oi3. g(1Oi3.Mr. Mr. Thomas Swift loft fur Chicago la.sl L ovomihig. Ito was acconmiiammied by hilu cluttighm . t er , l'iliu.i ' Maggie , nuid goes to vluit relative 4 who resida mIDair tim great western uiiotritpoiiu , They will stop oum their way to uttay a fov day u \Va.iiilngton , Iowa. .1. A. .lcaoii , ropresomiting Gumumiicrt uimammmufacturers of cigars , l'liiladoltiliia , ant the I. . B. Simmithu rubber comupummy , of Setatu . koi , N. , 1 $ iii Uio city , it guucut Of the l'axtoua , Jack Shmtimartl , one of thin bo4t hoyti afloat , huts Jimut nittunmieti froni a tour through Cub . rule , anti I hardly recognizable mimnong t1 3 boym. boym.Mr. Mr. ELI. Mentor has returned ( rota St ' I.iuiiu , vhteru. , Ito wont to see time proceusiou v I tIzo "Vollod l'rululuot.s. " lie reports tb a weather down there as raimmhmg beyond dtscrip . thou. 0. 0 : lIiuimol wommt east luut umight. J. Ii. IlcShauo anti wife left last cvenin f.r s trip to the Buckeye state. Jack Galilgan hmaas gone to Cimmclunaitl or i bustimeiis. It. 'r. Studmuess , thu represommtattvo uif Saml , Meyer * ' & Co. , Chicago , bi 10 the city , Jusi I back from Built Lake. MIa Fauimiy Iilgby , of lioponstown , N. Y. , arrived In tiio \Votlneaulay , amiti will spomu , I the winter with S. 0. Simmithm. Mrs. J. I. ' . I ilgby returned to Omaha yostor - ( lay after a four immouuthms Iblt to liar olil imommi di i tt ( ileiimi' Fidhti , N. 'V. Mr. amid Mrs. Lawrence MeMaltoum lef t Wodtieiitltiy fur Chicago , whore Mr. McMaimou ii will trobnhiy gim imilo .tuuhumosau. ] , uttmntamm Denial ) , time Imeati of time laikoti is Bureau of 'rime Ciuicatgo Imiter.Ocoan , Is at tim I , l'iii.ttiii , mmci hats a geoti word to say fur tliut t iautul like mmmcml travelemi , that come hmonu ( hen. Comisemitmus , formerly book keeper to , r .Fohiii 1' , Lelunuati , but icr tue iut few month Is lm.ivlitg bovmi iii Now Ycik , has returned aim , I uieeeptLd it iihttiimi wIth J. I. Fruehauf , IL. S. 1lcF.idiieii anti wIfe , who have boom m vIlthuig iii C.ibiuruila ( or the past thrun I imutittits , mh'iit the \Vodiiestlay In vhsltlnj ttiil Imlouids lii ( humus ulmu % cauuo ( ruin thei r tuwmi , Omulic , OhIo , amid left for the east em :1 : the evcuuiuig tralim. tlr. ij : , , \'iittlisttir svemmt oa.stycatortlay ti huh mitiehil , iir , .1 , ill ti lPrIsuuit at. thu % vciithiuiI . l it liii. 4)tuiigut. 'laughter , Tiltiry , to Lioutommamu l.tuk , itt thu euaghmeer coups , muon' eu duty ii b \ViIiott'ii 1'iuit. lIlt.Vubmt&'r liar , boon it t I liuiutai ) mouiu tiunn umm duty etmumutectumil u i tIm iii , luuhtIulm in the internuil Iiuvemtuo Ipairt . Mr. 1 , (3. ltiniiai , who for twemmtyyeanuu P' I , h i.ni Itetan tI ; f.tithmuzl niel olhicie.it chikf don - uf ltiuitraj ; \ ihtoum , left y.'torthiiy lii comm I m hLIIIY wttim laid ufu8tuglattar ( or San Aimloumlo P ' t'uiiuii , to which 'iLttii'it ' ' tiutiorasi'its&i & hiva t bUcil ortiemud. liuuimug liii ( our o'&m's ruildoamet ) Oimm ilm : tlt , I liiusth hunt , mautI , , ut lmt.ut of vsru : I PCI utimiath luIemmi i'u , ti itii gi e.ttly regmot hat'u ilepar . u Sure , null (1,1 low litumi t ) 1114 iitar lmiimtti W Ithi hit I hitSI iii it t Imwi for IsIs Iueih iii unit ! ii.ippl mucus. ( buy liairttmu , touut , uuiit 't'tItueuihaiy iilhit. h Ileim , I. 1' . hteggomu , 13L'u'rutary of State , ii I I ii thtt t Iuor ) itiuti UiII ) ( iOOtIiUitli luih"m\'udutuaday ( em t I.rlLiti1i , .tlImu.wlmentu , t.hiti latter eutors Shunt . l tuck mchiool , h THE DOCTORS' ' DICTUM. h Rit ofVolllon \ tO lny an Practice Modicillo. S omo Sonaiblo Words on the Subject. l xraei frnmn 14 , Von "Ifthmmfeltle'i4 Iiectmro hiruforo thin Oummaliul. . illeulleal College. Tim I3m regrets that it hmn.s imot time s pace to immhhisii in full limo iecttmro of Dr. A . S. V. ? ilniuiifiuld , dllvered inforu time O immuthma Medical college out 'l'mesdny ovuu 11 mg , htmL tue extracts mmmdc will be found it irticuuiarly iilterezltllig. TIme sPeuiker maid iii time cuumruo ol his'l r emumutiks : 9J10 irofemsiomi , of mnedi- i itio furies mio excehutioul to tlmus o rder tif 11mm' nimiverso , in , aptly limit la tim o of uthil ' 'I't'umm t y saio ) : mim umum usecu t tmr et lint. uuuimltnmmimmr iii ihhis.Ve have ur burmiiimg quluatiomu of s'hmichm 1 umia ui i.'lmIi'nm ; ( lie vuu'k , of the State Tuledmeal oemeties ; time t1ttjtj of time State to Imro e u'iit tiiiuickt.ry , amid also its o'ligntmons ! to t dtucato i.hmysicuusmms ; time night of woumiemi te t o study amiti practice iimedicmuie ; ( , imm' e tiiicai havim amid our reluitmoims IA ) thmemmi u uiti mmmummy : miiore. 'I'iuore is a h1bm'U 'In time history of mmmcd i culme , wimicim very atmikimigly proves tluu' 'l ilh'eremmco Imutwecum Wvstrim people 1511(1 tI itoimu of time Emut of the Atlantic-nay. I yen East of tim Ahieghuemiies. I refer to tii he edumeatioum of womnemi as prndtmtmuumturs iif f ametlicimie F'roumm this fammit objoetiummi f rommm Eumglauid , as voiced In time British M.odical 554OCiu5tiomm , 11fty mmci. iiuibmtimmay r ot limo jicrformmiuince of ( luties wiumeb cmi. . . ti I htimg wrstcitiumg. much eximnumstuomi of amim mimmd amid body-iiuuiy tiioy not , will they im ot so chsaimgo that. limie orgamm'mzatioui , t.lmuit 4 um114i11V0 nature of woummutlm , so at to ren- ul er liar chiutd to those higher feolimmgs of l eve amid symnpithmy , wimicli im.iw . umiusile uit u umr huotimeuu au hun P lmYs so llCS8dl ; ' ' to an it ifltOlUtO ostr.scismum as imr.tcticeul by time t hamssneiuuusotts State Medical 8ocmuty utmi e xcuse for siuichi action is givemi iii this p assage : ' it is admitted on alt imajids , that. a. g reat mnum : % ' iuimperfectly etlimc.stctl amid iii- c umilpetemit woimuuiul mire lmracticimmg iumetticintu i n timis couummumtmnity , 1511(1 shall we iiuitrivu ) o ur society by admmmittimag uiuauiy of these il ut : ( ) it ? " It is trmmo , the new variation to the ohti Ln uimo , ' "l'hmus sutys time Lord , " set to the n ututla of Susan Cooledgo : ' 'Coti bins u mmutdo nio a. rnmmian reid I nun comstcmst to uh h o just. whmutt lie mumcaiit , " 8151mg by time gen. ti lcumiemi qimuted , woimld shut mit nIl argu i miciut , it mutt huuqiiiy tiuero were those , w ho hiLtV ( , time aruoguuuico to assert , that wt ime ) ' hmavimmg an o1immiomi atogetlmer ? oppo. s ito to this , are also , or at least they timimik tum hey are , iimmerprtaters of the livmumg God , um iid this teachits thom in thus imiutnuico t hat the fiteta of nature , of iiriumsitivo mann tui ui nd his life amid the modern work of wo t unIs imicommteatahly imrovo liar superior v itality , her greater lhmYHie.'l endurance , a uth in mjuuto of a. degredation reachmumg o ver timosmuamids of years , her fiumer aumtl n obler instincts 01 the ummind. And newt i t ; is claiimied , that the most onnobhiumg , tim h ighest calling of man , Divine l'hysic , "will render her dead to those higlmcr feelings of hove and sym. pusthiy. " 'I'hmo inure tyro in biology m mmust 1iow that nature has heun far mono lavish with her gifta to the fomuiahe sub of creatiomu ; she Imuts outlawed her wmth all those qualities 'which sccimroa to her time iilco of excohlonco in creative Even prior to her advent time ems- viroumnicuit amid its influences betoken a greater care bestowed upon the favorite , Lireator for dovclopment is allotted t o her , amid bier food is of a choicer kind and umsoro abtmmidammtly suIplucl , therefore already at hue gates of life mime denioii z utrates thuo beneficial dfl'ects of thicam clLtises. 'l'hmus , however loathsommio this thought ummay be to thio 'iiverugo music nuiumd , irresiuttrtbie facts seemmi to prove the i iccessity of the mmmore perfect combiuma. tiomma of circuizmmstaumces , tsll in time thittic- tioms of superior qualities , for the juroduc- tiomi of female ollprimig ; amid since these commtlitiomus canmiot. ) O said to ox'mst in time uiusjority of cases , tue begitimmmto conclus- lOuis are drawmu that unusko births Iroloul- ) tbcrato mind secoumdly , that mimIcs hmuive imot Limo vitality time feummaltu enjoys by reason of lair superior deveiupmnommtal ads'auut- ages. Further , it is a fact patent to every observant Phmyaiciaui thunt. the resiatanco to disease iii fenmuiles is by fur greater than it is in their brothers. "iVhemice , timoim , hue infalihility of Limo ' 'Dizit Dci , " thuist by reason of timeir organizatmomm , tiucy u tro hot to be compared wills imuomi as to their fltnoss to practice time hcalimmg arti "May not the porforumuanco of duties whmich entail loimg watching so ciiutumgo that finer organization , thirst serial- tivo mmrstuntm of womnamul" Nowhere in the life history of wounamu , of those women who have beomi amid have ftmnmmishmed. tue brain aumU uumanrow of an1 tiomis ( olimursaro of mme account ) , can data he fouuid which would cron apprJxinmrsto- 1Y justify mmcii predictiomma Loolc down time vista of ye us , umutil in time mimists of time first centuries of time Cluristiami era , Oli see tue femnuule mmmavimmg about imi time doumicatic roluttiomis aunt duties in time for. sts of O.urniamuy . , your anti mmmy nmmcoator. tro you umzit surprised at time sinuilarity of time Imicturu Imrtuoumted to your eyes to ommu " whmich hiss oftemm ommougim mmiot thuemmm , wheim tmskimmg iii time parorammun of an Indian vii. lasge ? Time susmume Lord of ercatinim timemi , mum imow , dcmmiommatrntimmg time inferior physical oimdumrinice of time icimmals by pimttmmmg it to sucit tests us carrying wood and wittur , tmhhimmg the emil amid iim fact. (10mg and emm durimmg ovorytimimmgb Simmihl you go further buick and comitemumphato thai scommes trulmmslir. a 1mm lImo imomne of time Alalual'here to time dinah work of rcarium and protect. 11mg hot oil8pning , protoctmmmg it migutimmut emmtummmies , commulmareil with wlmomum colic uiuiti q Limo thmrumslm are html pigmaics ; time gigiimmtio O bcutimtam of her sylvan Modc , or heir lagim- m mmsli fortiesi prove fit nutagommists to time _ phmysiemil umtroumgtii ismid ommdimraumeo of li oumr primeval mnothmvr. .Ammd its time uiges s l h uusro roiled cmi Upon thio son of tmmmme we d i bid wounr.mm tmoim the battle lieltIti of 11cr. m mmamm mid Varims , battle ax iii ohio luamil amid sootimimug draught jim tIme other , urg. i lmg mmmii to victory or mmuiuuiatering to his " weummids , smell ! in this latter half of thus i uiiioteuiithi cemutury she , tiil true to her I i mmstincts , lmro'os time herciumu amid time it umigul of emery out time battle fields of Bull i lium numul Olmattaumooga. u 'I'Iio citaracterms. ( 'me sign in tim hm'tstory. of misaim limes over buemu vroross ; from his uumtlmro- pout kimmehump lii lila imreseumt cmymi. sed rclntiouis lie isas , ovcr e volved bettor , greater timimmgs , 1 flhi(1 lL'0115W1 U'ld fits snoIscr ( ll11'aI8f _ 1 Site hiss Hot omuly ko1mt apace with himmm , nmt lists givomm time imumpotus to ovorythumng g Ooti iii hmiimm amid commuiimg frommi bums smmmtmi O.luty it is ebalunoit ' 1tluat. uthia maybe rout Iered tiund to these highmer fculmmmgs of eve aunt symmmpathmy , which uiow mmmuke our I iouiies so Iusppy , 80 blessed , " by preiam'- iui g to ( to to ; ) erfedtiorm dmat sue hmis linac. tm ced inst'iumctively , since maim was w oimumdcd amid babies took sick.Vonmui umm tist imuss'o a , tt0' of resiutauico trimly ummw ender tmi tiiutt. situ still , after ages of su ch experience , case ho mkctm of as hm avimmg ' 'thiiit flume ergustumzatmomi , that semi. si tivo mmattiro. " ( ) ? itihlOsC , timomi , timat ti me noblest , uncut exalted of cailiimgs , Limo h ractico ( if iimed'icuiio , udmituid do that. for h er wm'ucim ) time degratioum of tioimsaimds ) of hy cuirs lois mmut accoimmi.hisime.l . . iS .iiikiuig too imi uch of our credulity.Vimen , there- fs , re , time secretary ( if tim Nebraskut State M edical society was ordered to cast time v ote of time society fur limo first fcumrnie iul mysucuan who npphietl for adomittance , imu it ammo voice was raised iii objection ! imuN ay , an oMtimuusias ic mmmcnmler , forsecmimg ti me lult'asumre zsmmd time profit of mumarchimumg to Wilid hmo outermost rinm of Olin tIm elil .i.f iumeuliciuie iii siicim good comnpnumy , m oved the renmissiems of all dues , wiuiclu ti rivilege % 'utl ! hmrormiImthY tiuiti very visci > ' , I thuitml ( , ( lOJihlL'l.Vouiioii % waimt html ammo p rivilege , ( ititlal ( IIpirttmiiities. ' [ 'lie I'e. l' ramuka State iTethical sociuly nut ! this lim- 'tt ittltiim , hmuivo by their aetitimi adummitteti 'l ie justice umf time doiuuammd , aimd as iommg as I nimi a Immenmler ( if u'mtimcr I shall gtmard I h meir rights witim a neal cqtiutied ( mumly by , i , y love ( or mmmy profession. The cu utti nimd teacimcr who cannot lrc'uitlmu , Fr eely amid s1eak truth hiecommuimig digimity 'im icl umuodesty imu time lreseumce of wommmuum , Ii hm ii phmysiciutmi tin a studcmmt of mnedi. cu b uur mmeithmur , is umot ommly not fit to en. te r limo chaiimber of sickmmess , html lmis im moiith is mint denim oimoughm to titter one w ord iii iCltalf f nmcdicai service. hap. ii lly I have umot. seems ammo suds poisoum tr ued slmrimmg froumu time soul of otmr prairie st ate ; to the commlrary , we take good care o f time plaumt , yet young me years , rehh k imowiiig wimat Nebraska cams do imi the h irectirii of growth. - - - - - - - AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The 1)l'iIIiiLblt ) , fasciuatin ° ' thus ofCom plexiOhi for wllicfl IIUIiCS strive are chiefly ai'ti- licitil , sind all ivlio will talmo the trouble may secure theisi. rrJlesO rosealo , Jicvitc1ilng hUes follow the use oflingait's Migiiolia : Balm-a ( lelicato , Iii : i'iiiless aiitl always reliable 81'IICIC. Sold by all druggists. MbglIOhia 11 a ! in coit- ceals evciy Jlelli ) iSIL , l'CIIIOVCS TUI 1ediiess { Sallowiiess , , , Ei'uptions , all evidences of ( ) xcitelllcIlt aill every imper- i'ectfon. Its effects are iminediato : tiitl So natural tiiatiio Iiiiiiiait beiiig CiU detect its applica- host. SPEOTAL NOTICES. : Spoctais will FsetttvoIy not be lniorted u n'ess paid in auvance. HELP WAIIThP. . . - cia.ljurber at .luc ( liriiy'u hat. ' \TANTID.-Firtt boiiihouu , dOO i. 16th lit. msa.si % 7AlTED-A dIb wNiter at Mutropolitaui ifutel. 5 ! 15313 % 7ANTED-Cooic anti chamber maid , wugeuti.OO V V 005 north lOut St. 757.105 WTANtED-A good , competent girl to do ) iotm4e' V V work. Appmy southeaut corner St. Mary's ace. a nd 22ti , Ltcct. 147-61 - . - good gIrl for geuieral homework. \ \rANTF.n-A Aliply to 1915 Farnitain af yr 13 m In. 146 Dl . ' TANTEI-A good Cernian girl for general house. I work. Intitlite uoutlaeatt corner 20th nitil liar. h ey streets. 145.65 1 TANTiD-Tto Mt.chcn gitli zittliollarney , tract S S ltestauuaiit. 103 4 W TANTl1)-IuiiincIatuiY , In a fatally of two , it lir..t.citu.t gun. Yutio other itceti apt iy. Con. 2a 0th anti Oak Kfli)1i aicutue , between t3t. Mary's avo. a titi flarziey trcet. i42.lt 1 7'ANThD-Srua1lmIriInfamily ci tao to attend , , ) .aby. C. .1. CANAN CO. 3S3 tf - - ' S forueroud o h t i.V. . cur , Cast arC list s trett& 11345 - ' t7'ANTKD-Tao good women at Buckeye Meat S Market. Good iiai. tier. 16th and Ilacoti s treets. um13 ' UTANTEU-Olri for oouuosr1c at 615 south 18th V S street. 120-4 1TANTE-aood girl for oneral homework. V V Mrs. ° . V.Shoies , l'ark aciiuu , 8th 1touue Item c orner of Leavenworth , cait sub. 119.41 A ( ] NTh WANTED - Large iroftt. wiling our L 1 houmehoht mmeceslties. Send for clrcul.trmi for p articulars. Name timis .atr , PIIAII.EV .tm WCSON. . 1st-s 1GS 1-taut. In hi. , Chtvgv , ill. % PTANTEI-Uirm for general housework , 514 V V 1)ougiau street. Dl4.f ' 1TANTED-A feweneurt energetlcuahesmento can. V V vat. among businesu macmm tim Kausat , and Not , . Ai iilitvbotweeti land S im. In. tot. It. Kondail , Euro. i can hotel , hear U. 1' . ] ) eot 942.4 1 7'ANTED-An engimiotoruti b a practical engi. S V ratter and macbluish , ( .t.oiJ reference. cmi bc fu rnibtud Addrcmi "Vi. 11. H. ' lieu attire , 86 mliii ' VTANTEDOood girls for good families. flu , ' V V wage. . Amim.iy tmmunedmatcly at euplivoicimi b ureau 211 N. lUsh St. No. olilnu fee. & 2C-tf % 7'ANTED-S1x gHKl coat mamcr. Best of prhe.'t S V hauL FRANK .1. 1LAMGI. 732-If 7ANTEfl-Lady agents for the "Qitecim l'r.'tsci V V Qr. . / . now uniter gannemit fir ladies. mnatc ot oft , ( loaflie tubber , Sure protectiomi to the under w ear , ahcri necse.uary to ii. ' won , . Itetall , for t2.u " Isit su amt , can show It , lArgo iOits. Attires. w ith scant' , "Lim.ilt , , ljunmlurgan..uutt Slmtnufacturluii wC C o. , No Li Mau' street. ( 'tmlam. , I 7t4i.Sin ( Ia % \TANTEI-4JIr1 at No. macs tilioramari avemuue. a S s.m.if slits. .r , su. CIUNSSIAN ) , t3lTI7Arlt4n wAwrIu ) - 'I ' ? ANTe-.sam : alt , , as c.lloctor hi anme ahab a1c or retail Imou.e. 1'Lvii ytars cc1 tirleite , ell ttetualteii , Ii , ci'y ' , 1334 f dlv rctercimce. Ad 1412 FrmiItlIl mdl6 . .5 \rAh"rtI-tittualloim as be k-oilier or .stc % ttiatm Iii t ) U hardw. . ru ImauNo i.y ito well ao ualetril with I' ti . miii' . 3.u 1refcn-mmco a. do logs. oti. . % 4.treu "J. 8. ii. " N. , tu tmorth istim .trM t , nili , Neb. 12S.9l r AIIES Ott VI1USI ) MFN lit city or country I.e l _ 4 take mdcc. lIiiit almit iltooaimt work at thmr otti , uuies ; $2 to f.S a day ea.lI , uml quietly inmate ; amel. eit by mitati ito taimiusslnij : ta' st.mtam. lit reify. lcao attlIrtmn lhethulls Slam , fg. Co. , i'lmlhaiu , la , raaur 'iI' , 475.uyioi I Toll RENT--Houses and Lots. Foss BENT-To one or two gemmtlvtiieu , a nlo1y j . . luruilsized r.tum in dctrtIo locatlomm. .ittl'ou. I. , . . ! ' lieu elite. 11041 01t IIr.NrTo a small latmiily , alt Up.ititlr resi- tIeumci' , I , TOt'mns ' ii it' It , trimS amid riot stairs , ch , cistern , etc. Iteumi liiw , ( ? idl at isms cas. Ift. 14U 5 Oit IIENT-Futuiliicd rooni. ml ( tea 13 14th St. 152.101 1I.I.4. m'ilN } . Foit IEN1'-'uriifuhed . } roommi , 1816 ms.dge utrsct. . 'olt 1tENT-tai.Ic. Inquire 1103 , curlier hum _ and mloward street. 14)-It tOit IiENT-Furliie.i , rooms out liii , tmorthacsh cot. 13 h anmtCajitulmsziimo. hIt ) If Olh ltI'T--I'uttml.hitl roam f' t'ntloniemi. lit' quire at A. hiospe'sArt azitiMuslc hull. 131.11 FOIL isINr : _ 3-'liorotins , 10th street , behwumi Lczivciwortlt timid Jomaci. Imtqulro for Mrs. ti. il. 121-45 Infants and Children Without Morphlin or Neircotina. What gIves our Children rosy cheek. . , What cures their fevers , mnnkci thent sleep ; 'TIn ( 'niutorla. When liable. fret , and cry by turn. , ' , Yhat cures their colic , kilt. their worms , hut What qimlckly cimreq Constipation , Sour Stounaci2 , Colds , lnttlgcatlon mtut Uniutotili. Fnrewehl then to Morphine i3yrtmps. Castor OIL and l'aregorlc , nut hail ( in..torl. _ w- Centaur Llnlmont.-Annb- s elute euro for lthonmratism , S prains , Burns , Galls , &o. , and rut In uttuitanoons Pain-rollover. - . - I THE BESTTHFIEAD FOR SEWING MACHINE Sil LSIXCORD SPOOL COTTON is ItNTIHELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS T BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR hAND AID MACJuNE SEWING. Full aumurtimsemut oonutantly on liauid asmd for sale by HENIY PIJHRMAN , Premont1 Neb. I .4 , R11NT Out sALu-crcutozi : Brewery and lark. Capacity ci Ittewtry 2. ' ; bairels men itay. Iter. t oir nhIortI4 h1c1mta of ice. 1iiero Is forty acres uif l oid with the property , lint wIll rent nitli or tvlttmout tn he itiil. lireti ci atijilni. city Ilialtu. Owricil liv a n idow haly. Call or corrtiiuiiiim1 regardIng rent. tith 'I iii : .i. ii. uLmtSml i ) co. , 13-i.95 Crcatou fimwa. I stilts of roous br gentluuminhi anti 11110 , lmm2 S. mmlii street. 032-SI nell mtmN'r-ti. : , boaarit front room , furnlhed or i uaftmrnihed , 0i N. 18th street. 503.45 ? Omt mtu'T-S'itt , boar ! , a furnitheti room , as and bath recta at 171 Doug. , St. 107.61 Fold IIENT-Twn uufurmulihd rooms at 7.flO per niozmttm , at 1914Veteter strect. D36-tf Fold mtmNT-Furiiishciu : rooms , single an 1 for light imiititokeejiluig. ileenier's block , corner 8th and I lonarti. 035.tf Fomt ILINTNicely furnished front rooni. Apply 2200 Dodge street. Dd-l' I RENT-iargs , uietmly furnished room 11313 Chicago street. s3:3.S1 I OII. ItENT-I70 Capitim vcuiuo , elegant darn- blied rectuM. Gentlenian anti a ide or gemitlenieli. l lotandcold water. All conentence.s , 709-01 I 0lt mtni'r-xluy furnished rooms 18th St. hot. Dodge and Capitol ave. 978-415 T lOmt 1IEST-Funmtuhed rooms. N. E. 23d and Da- .J _ eullort streets. 81003 I tIi 1111NT-Throo unfurniehud room , . Inquire . 1 N. V. corner 24th atmti Dougmaust. 963-St ' - I'O L11T-NIceIy ftirnusbtid rooms 171 Douglas. . 1. 931.11 r i-to LRT-Furntshod rooms wIth boatd 180ti Ca1F I _ tcrnla St. Slo-lino- JiOR II11NT Ohs SALE-Store building car. 6th and I m'ierca , St. Good building forgroceryor fluttehor ! ! 2r _ 531.luiio J Om1 ISF.NT-Acosyilttle furnlhod room , to lady only , for3ti.oo , ludO Casts m.treut. 846-tf J -I ° u3' ' ° iIENT-110. toOper month. titorus and room , to rent. City reIdemico for sabo $500 U pwarul. Vmmaxmt Iota lea ! ! part..of city. Farmlands f or sale or e.change.LOUNSI1UISY LOUNSI1UISY & 3TA1IT3N0 , h eal Ethto AgemmcyS. w. cor 10th amid Faruuain. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 78611 I lOmt RENT--Nicely furtilulmed roouns for the wIttIer. i L' Inquire at ea.t side 18th lit. betweu 1)ouglas & ) ) odgtu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 703.11 Felt hSENT-iteiddcnctus and utorobuUdurmgum. lIED. FOil ! ) & soummt , Real Estate Agency. 0133cc e.t ast silo 11th stre.t. betacen } 'arnuxl and I.uglas .t root , . . 758.1 - I 'Oit ISEST-Timo cornuuoUoui 1Z room house witim stable , cOt. , oum N. SV. corner loll. and Cummilug ut reott. now oecllIie.i by Clmarku 1. . Matador-tin. Jim. u nite umuuuium murcuuuiscu tmndi October 1st , tihen osseo lo t , wtil be gIven. Auction .ialu . of house bold good. T hursday. SoIl. 27th. 072-tI 1 _ _ i,01I. IIENT-Two floor , , ant basemnomt. Elevator 1 attached. 1507 Farnam street. . 270-If FOR SALE. 1 'OmtOAlE ' CIIEAL'-Ooodu almouI.nuw. firussolt .1 Carpets , Parlor rultMirror , Chamber Sets , SC toac. , 1)iolmcmi , mud all kInds of imouseitobul goods. C all at Once miud .ecuro bargaicu at No. lOuD Javemm. i ort mulreet. 151.0k T ; 'o1t HALlS-b ) acres , 10 mItes from town. Good I _ buIldings , well cultivated. ( ) rmiv t5.00 an aer. . 135-hf AMI'.IJ. 1507 Farnarn. J Ol5 FAIE-ltetsuI Grocery doing a splendid bust. Jo mues- ( tatter goluug limto jobbing Irate. Flrst-ciaas o pmiortuutlty. 1313 If 1107 Farnain. ross sALE-nontIng Ifouso FurnIture. Attire. . I "C. I ) . ' lIeu 0141cc. 123-05 I ' I.E-A foundry amid r aclilne , tioji ou the U , I' . line. Centrally located and gael trade. A raU re ctuancu for seine good muclmaiulcs. Address"ti. 8. " U ett oflico. 133.16 G Fold 13 11.11-My .toek of salle and fanc.t groceules , (2ueuuu.wero anti ilxtures , silas- li d lii the live city of u. rout.in .tite mzmy general -'t ore at NotInmyl Is , Iowa. Clmane of Imuittuouts tea- 0 (1 ( for uelliimg Call on or atldress 7.1. A. NYE , 110.141 Creston , loss. _ _ _ F Ott SALE -A stoond imietudtinorlcan" 13ow1gm Ibnltiumo very cimeisi. Inquire at lice elIte. ida-It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' mIEEI' riih SAli-4100 lured C f large , Site hen. I .me . HitCh , coum'.lt1nmgol 2 Oil itciliur , , 1,7,5) owes nd lilt ) luimis. The at.ott , smcel. ) uhe.rctj this s1rlig , ' fr om 7 to lijiotlliiIi for t itim ru aunt thu cc es at or. mti rtl la iotumids of anal. tjorrai1imm bruce i.uildt4al. ii 3-71 liAiISiiALl. & 1ti , Oniaim. , Net , IIALF-llaaaor' . Htdm-dll.lon , 2oo tin acts lEa" vet' . Sub-dutl.lorm. f20 aim ano. . Ilaser , Sub illeluloti , * 200 aim acre , liawier' . Situ illetsion , 1251 sum ane. llawicr'i. Mumt.ult muiomm , i000 aim acre. flu Siih.mllultliizm , $ 'Om mimi metro , mm wvrr's Sub mlii Islotu , $ 2u0 amm at me. 1 luasor' . 81mb-tilt I , lmm. $2me an a cc. 1lwiet's Sub-itO Idiot , . o mum ecro. liutaict's Sumb , tIiItimm , iu2ti aim au-ru. himaver's Suil-mililtln , d2iil ) tim airo. lfuaua , r's Suab-ulIt l.lot , , d20' ) aim sure. sure.AMES' , 038 11 1'.trtmmmmt St. ou1t ° ALi : clngamit ile-idorietus meal lob. iran It.otoliloc. t2f.o ) lu 57UlCi na-ti. 807-If ircm8 , op. . I' . 0. ; ; SAI.F.-ote lirillltimie , 1100 hIm lOtS , Cole IlrilIl.untc , l00 an acre. Otis ltrilIlumtc , $ ltd ) aim s n. Cots liritliutumie , ii 0 . .mm micra ( 'ate lirmliiaiiin. IO0 aim sea 17.40 linitltinte , $141 Ill Mere , Cole linililumite , 3100 aIm acne. C'tu lirlllimtrute , dliii ) ama a'rv , ( tile ilrltllante , iiOO Mi seW ( lute mlrltPantu , SW aim mmcii , . Cot. ' ilnmllla' tO , $500 an sore , Cute lirlIlante , Slot mmmi acre. Come ltrilll.tute , $101) an acme. Cole liraIIi.ittt , 4100 alt sere. Cots ltnllliante , iidD ) a' ' , acre. 033-ti Funimmi. ' r.i'ut , OIL SAl.11-Itolulltfllttmite. ( lee sum acre. Cote firilliatate , $100 arm acre , C..lo Ilnlillaute , 1100 mmmi sore. tote liralt unto , ( itO an au-re. st Cole ltrllltanle , hUll miii acre. th (7.10 liruiliueitiu , jIlt. ) an Menu , w ( ole lmnttllalute , * 1(0 an micro. I 900-If A51113' , Fsrnaui direct. la VAPOR COOK STOVE The I'Inneor and only Vapor Cook Stoo that ha. tnoiI the test of hCfltiu IOU given entito and penI. ratlufaction. Over 100,000 Now in Use I NEW PATENT hULL OVEN , Latent removable anti hit , relucungeahtc Jet Ortflco rouiiiering .imc . bumnuacnit tiitesunmctitlo. , New ( uuio Valve Iitmrmmnr on two Now Stove , . Now thttety Iteservoir For Stmuunuer lieu tune stoves are iiilliiotmsablo. rot loOmis to egemite , Price II .t mini catuihuigiui. ' , .tillrcai lIlJLb VA1'Olh SToVE CC , , mitt 21.tmu&c&W. ClevIand 0 -'ohs SALE-Will trade for ream estate , new pIta.- 'I ton , hanui as au. ! nct-trge , sound , kInd tidying l inac , t.plemmdld truneler , sumitabte for liudy cur gentle. t itan's ue. Ailta 900-3 l'aruuatn Street. 1 O15 SAlE-Lotu ttOxlOO , near rank avenue , $525. l.iit 50160 , near l'arlc Avu. . . , $525. i.otii 54)l00 ) ulcer l'ark 1'.ssu. 0525. 903-tI AMIV'iirmianl ' Strsct. iomt suu - Six room haute 15th 51.82.700. L Sla roan , huuubc new , 100 feet from l'ark aye. 82.100. Sly room house 24th St. south ofCrehgliton College , 8 m.snin. m.snin.7CS.tf 3iES , 5515 Farnanu riot : SALm-Two lertabla butlers , Iflionso vowiirtm . t AlIt ) at I Ii. FITZIATflICK , 063-ti Its South 15th Street. I 5AL1----Lob.13)oneckeii's additil50tut' 1Mb. , Doncckenu'ui alditton , SliS to 8-400. l.ots , 1)oumeclcn's ailillttomm , $150 to $400. lun s , 3)ouucc cmi's aitulltliuui , i5O to $410. l.iit.i , Uoimtcl.txi' adlitili , 8110 to i00. 004-tI AMES' , Farnues street , 1 13AL11-Tao lotsdoslrablclocatlon and cheap. Each $275 , on good terinti. Inquire at thu ' : 33411 F Ott SALE-A house antI let at a maccalico. J. 1. Marble. 217 N. 16th St. 623-tI ; -out LEAtE-l'our choice lots on2otii St. , longtime - time , 217 N , 16th ut. J. L. Marble. 823-ti - - - rioms SAL1S.-26l4 F'arnam street 77 fret frontage , U 125 deptim , lisa roomed hotuo4.000. Olmanot 'Olt SALE-Good business thanees at 217 N. 16a street. , J. L. MARBLE. t139.tf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iout SALE-At abagaiums small ilouierflauinaana. _ L and Co's Ore proof mmafu. InquIre at this omoo. I 'IO1L SALE-S i-oem house , full lot , barn , $1,200 douttu , bmulanrernoumthuly payment , , $2,100. 5 room house tail barn , Hariucy street , $2,000. Ill acres Land , Improved , good house and barn , 8 2S00. 3 room hou , , lot -t0'cIlO , Ilarney street , 82,230. S roulit houtu-- , boo lots , , tabP. , south , $1,200. . .Ptrtf AMES' , Faruani Street - r'tott siLc-ymne farni close to the city. [ ' 548-ti _ _ l'ECK. Opposite P , 0. FOR SALF.-A first cltei second h&nd top buggy. Call at 1319 Ilarnoy street. 070 I ems IJAIE-ltm'euiilenco atal luulineM , property mu all parts of Omnaha , anti F'srm Lands iii all art. o f the State , HEDFOJU ) & SOUE11 , 703-ti 215 8. 11th St. bet. Parnam anti Douglas. 1 _ 35011 SALE Ott EXChANGE-lull lot rind three 1 _ dweuilngs cornet of 11th anti l'aclfio streets. N ine lot. ima south Omaha. Also 160 acme of land. n ear Santonm , Ncbrasl.a , and buildimig and stock of c lothing No. 804 Tenth street Vill exchange for NU eluraska farm lands. Further partlcular at Gao. U . Pctarsous Clothing Store , SOS 'raumth street. 4641-eod.LI - ijiolt SALE-Ohm newspapers ui large said small a icantittos at this otuico If 3ISOELLANEOUM. ' il'-thu0 "U. ' Clarlonet. 1-'indur a-ill be reward- _ _ 4 ed by returning thu saute to timliollico. 144-SI 'AlLEN tJletunday , Sept. 20th , a anita ! cow. red. with ahite legtand star In I rehnadaboiit .cvea y ears old. Owncr calm have the sstuo by paying d amage and costs. JOhN T. l'AJLt4EN , 134-St lew' hat and Lake Street. QTILAYEC out STOLEN-lied heifer about 8 years. 1S Joid , whIte star In foreheal anti emtul of tail while. S an 1eru' Store , cor. Saunders and Cumluug street. 132-45 ' -1 1t ItE\VAItD-Wilibo 1uamd for Ouc recovery of a Li , black aallse , containing yariuu maniusaipt a nd letters addressed to itey. migar Jacobs. Ito uj uestlons asked. it. 0. ( JUTiIIIIE , 118-115 oIly Marshal. TOutl1 Foil HALE-Consieting of confectionery , Fruit. anmd Fancy Notions. Ai.o flied for ito.- t autant. Good cellar and well. iluulding 20z02 , one c ling. Doing a good buneua. ! Cause of sale , waste t o gu out of business. Address 763 mro 0. ii. COREY , Oakland , Nob. F'tOidSuivoy. unalie or luau. of real natal. irii . 1-f out of time cii' , aplily to l'ECK8 13$7.tf Agency , Opposite i' . 0. EDWARD KUEHL , l i4tJihTElt 'iF PAIiIYIflERY AND CONDITION. k C.lT. 4118 T-uith iitreet , twttsotur , Fuamam and flay. n ay. will , oitm ) thai alit ul gu.etullan mimlnits , obtain lr i ay otto a gla-icu if lbs pa-it mal prjyrit , and ux rtaltm Cim'luttomiiu Ir the future. L' iand 8uee 'I - i-I. . ii r I. p l'j .atil'iln'i j OT4 w I , pup ROYAL _ 4 tJ ; AKIP' POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttil'i lvder mover Satles. A nm'irvvl of hunt , , rcu-gI.im smut it Iaii'.i.iittt-ji-s , P'ti01 cam. ti.lcaI ilmm.s , e untilius. y htiiIs , at it hot l , oii Ii u--.muipe I m 'I .i * hit the mmuui'ltute if lute I , mis , short titj4iit , miimu-.t 10 utter. Soil emily iitome. . itoyal list.- g I punter Co. , trm1I hIred Acm' Yumk - - - - - -