TrE DA1f.Y BI.I..U\fA7IA , . UG7PI412 , 5 , 188.3. L Illlschicvous Malaria To say that malaria is ruischiei is to put it very , mildly. It is nil and more. It is cunning , decei treacherous , sly , and underllanl It does its work m the Clark , am such a sly vray that much of the i chief is clone before it is discove It saps the foundations of a lien 8ystcm. It robs thcblood of its v the liver confou it ) ' , demoralizes , the stomach , and mnkes the vii wish lie were in his grave. It is to see people sit dawn in their mis content to be the victims of abseil oils malaria , and thinking that nt in can be done for them. The po 0 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS over Tniscbiefs of malaria has been so. . Ply Proved that there is no rca why anybody who can procur bottle o tliis Prince of Tonics s stiffer. Great is the power of alma and great arc its disastrous effc But greater far is the beneficent fluence of 13uoWN'S IRON BiTTr The pre ) aration ofiron in thisfa , ice family remedy 'can be to without ruining the teeth or prof log constipation and headache. , Health is Wealt ; - I o8AU1 tI I . C.W fS l 1 TR EATM C NT ! - Dr. N C. SVcat'e Nerve and ) ! raln Treitm guarantetd af echo ion 1lyatcrla , Dlrxlness , Cc alone , Fits , Ncrenue Noumlgla , IeiuI eho , No r'roetraten cmtsed bx the use of * 1 Iol or tot Wakofulnoee Mental Dopreseloa , 8nftct ing of Drain , raeulting In Inean ty maul IcaUng to m decay and death , 1'rc nature Old Ago , linrror t # I of ; wwcr In either sox , Involuntary imsae H.orInatorrhma cautlrl by ever oxertlone pl brainee1f ebusenrovcr Indulgence , Ioclr tabs one month's treatment. $ LOO a box , 1 loxes for 15.00. Pant by mall prepaid on nod prloe WE OUAIAN"FEE SIX BOXES To curetny cao. Wli , each onlor received for elx baxoe aoamtanlei w Ith BS.oo , Nowillecn ourwrltnguarantee tnrcfundthen f the treatment dooe not aauct a cure. Oaare ' ualonly by U. F , OOOUMAN mte wt Brnv Ist Omaha ) DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S 11ND I'AIWENTIVE AND CURE. FOR EITHER SE This remedy being Injected directly to the ec the dleeaao , roIulroe no chino of diet or eau mercurial or po eenoue tnallclnos to iotakon It iffy. When Lrad a a provenlivo by dfwr cot Imposotbio to contract any Irkato.teoaso ; but cote of thoeo already nnfortunatoly alilicted wo anteo three boxoe to cure , or we will refun money , t'rlco Lp hall , paptage Paid , 12 ; or I three boxes for $ a. ; WftlrrEN O UAitANTEES eeued by alt autlorirel agcule. Dr.FelixLeBrun' ' & HOLE I'ItOPIUET014S. Non , Holetgeutfor I , GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Cures PIIYAICAL ratvnus & UE Or UTAL LOSS of MANLY VW01tSpent .4)J h lima , eta , when all other , , , dice tall. A curt wnrc k . eI.6o a hotllc , large hottl , $5. I "d-- ' tlntea the quantity - - I roea to any aUrosA. S alldntggletx. ENUI.1S14 CAL INSTITUTE , i'roprlctor , 718 Olho Stro LoaleMo. - "ihalosold SirAatioyCooper'a Vital Itest or ycare Every cuetomcr speaks highly of unhoedtatingiyoadoraoItaearcmalyof true "C. F. oooDMAn. Drug , Omaha FOIL 1 1853 viR m&o c III bbIl } YJ . 4'rr ; e rain , ) ) , gti tywlt Cornice-Yoi IRON AND SLATIS itOOFINO. C. SPECHTf PRI 1111 Douglas St. , OauhA , 2 MANUFA(1I'URER OF Calvanfzea Iron Cornice LlrIormcr Wmaoae , Flnuie Tin , Iron ai Iloolhig Hpcchl's iatont Metahlo 8kyllIlit , adju.tod hatchet Ilar and Ilrsekot HheIlt g , be general agent for the above hue of good rnlrgCrgstings , Ilahatralet , Verandas , In stilt geWlndowlhndsCollar Ou rdralao , I I "t ] 'arson tit 11111 agent Inelde Bllnd. .D . Y Yl O r I II BETTER AND CHEAPERTHAN S FOR ALL . IIouse Oloaning Purpos iT WILL CLEAN PAINT , ) IAIUILE , OIL CLOTIIS , ' 1'119 ! , CItOCI EItY , KITCHEN UT1 W1N1)OIYS , ere , IT WILL POLISH TIN , nIIASsC0rI'lat ANI ) bTEEL 1 of.LLL I1NDS , MICROSCOPE TELESCOPES , FIELD CLA' ' MACIC LANTERN BAROMETERS L TH IOME DRAWING INSTRLIMI IHILCIIPN16At All CHCYIIAL Al s..4 r . U.1 r1.wr , pU..f..r I. . ( QL' N I : VOSOptkani PHIL ADEt . - . - THE GAVEL , The Dcnlocralie Cali idatcs for SN Wha all What They Are , Pen Pictures of Samuel J,1 dal , , John G , Carlisle , and Sunset Cox , Personal Gossip About Ti Their Careers , and Thoul Houle Life , 8nrocthlugAbout ( trgc Cott Hprhtgr , third , and Other Inrk horses , IVnehingtti pondence of Thu Cloy Loader. The Speakership will be the first 155110 before the miuxt Congress , lh letter 1 prtpnsu rather to toll lrI ( candidates arc than to discuss thu pocta of their election. First , , hero SA'IUEL.1. IIANUALL , tell ( has been the Spcakerof the last ( Donrocratie Cottgreset , anti Witt ' cltnnco ill thu coming contest , ittuldall is a big niai all over , Ito I big hotly , n lug lend niid a. big b lb u etatuls full nix foot in 1(113 stock 511(1 iris great frt uw is wu11 Padded , muscular Iloali. Ilia fnco is bl sumintlt and classic , and bu has a pa the brilhtest black eyes that over r its the uldox of asoul , leis foroltet high aria broad , nua his hair is as 1 not ccnl and very thick , Mr. Bahdall is just fifty-Iwo yOftrl lie Was born at Philadelphia its thu year of Andrew Jacksot a reign as , idea ; was educated at the con schools , nod started lifu its a nturcl His political career began as a nlo1 of tlu J'hilndulphia city council. Tl' he went to the State lugistaturu , thoeco to Congress , wlrero ho has at for the Pasteighteen yenta , and w Pifl 11101)ilia Wdl said tune until he nr rutires. Mr. Itahdall is a high 111511. 111511.Mr Randall dressea plainly a11(1 plainly. Ile usually wcara n black bl cloth slit while in attumidnlcu oil gross , nud eportaa silk lint. For a I her of eara ltfterho first came to 1 1 fnb glop ko boarded at the hotola , no was nut until about ton yoara ago th bought tlu miiodcst little brick hour Capitol 11111 , which Ito will oc tlue winter , as ho has ovary winter that tiulu. It wall Itoru that lie during his forutor Spoakurahips , and ho entertained hia fraotids by a eoni recoptione overt' wintor. Mr , land n roat li01no lvur and a great wife 1 that ho luvca toe It a his awn wife that with good rensou , for aixtoun i ago ho was a hard drinker , and it wa Wile reformlt(1 him and helped to , tint what Ito is , , lira. Itandall is a q gentle lady of dwncstic tastea , a d1 1'rcebytorian , nua a great ndutirt hur husband. ] tnndall'a study is aittiug roone , 1111(1 liar sowing non uacd to Shand bcsido lira working Sane ltandrtll does ouch of his wit 1101110 , rand ho is oho of thu gre workos ill Congress. If you visit on busitlCss you lofty porhn ps find hi his shirt aleuvea with n vile of 1)001 faro 111111 , reiardin g away. ' roohi p h0 dtd nt lieu tl Speker's works1Iu p , but ( hia all his work ii a box likul dee in the baseuont o Capitol , where no 000 could bother anti wjuro ho was Its snfo from ruption as in his Own little roc honie. JOHN 11. (1ARLICLE , of liuntucky ; , is Itandnll's nest for blu opponent. Carlisle is uuich likt dal , in aPPoaranco. Ito his thu aa11n muscular form , the same massive nod the entire classic features , the oncu fn thu faces of the two nt01i that ltandall's was cut out with n tor's ehiael , a hilu Carlisle's want evil hncked 01111 by one of nlrttrro'a Stu. 50118. Carlisle's fnco iS rougher a'i ' jaw heavier than ] t.'uulnll'a. His mar are alto roughur , turd ho lacks the ant alnilu 1111(1 wthnthg iwnys of tans competitor. lie dresses , itko hand plaimi black broadcloth , aril , like 1' . an invutnrate worker. l10 ism grey. 011 atntistics , 1111(1 lie is ne wvo11 pose the tariff its any mnn nt Congress , rooms arc lined withs vol , nos of ti 1111(1 WitCh ho is not at the Capin twill find 111111 in then , and nhuOst I hard at work. Ills hobby is ttri revenue , but he IS rather considore free traau candidate , and thu eonsur Democrats who do net wish to n witli such 5 dangerous matter as tin will be againtit 111111 , 11'itli thu Pro tial campaign ntarlnj : thumpi in the fn Democrats 1vi11 Iiusttato to nOlniun 0110 who is likely to cause thou ti in regard to this question. Carlisle is 6o1'OIl yearn younger Ibndan , though to sty Innul ho older. IIu was educated nr the 10' ' cominnon schools , and was'ridmittod bar when lm was tweutythroo ye ago. Ire still carries his prnctic hits , I undoratnnd , a collfortablu i Iron it , Carlisle boa also served Legiahthuroof his native State , I itU has boon three times its long in Co nit ho. Like llandall , iw was rtlso dl 0(1 when ho drat canto to I\'aahi slid , like liluidnll , his Wtfe tins tht of his reform , Mrs. Carlisle is n muguiieott w Slio is a tall , hull developed blotdl situ conies of nna of time best fanii Iiutitucky. She is very popular in ington nud her receptions nro Crowdoel. After Carlisle and Bnndnltconte $ UYSET COS. Cox is ratlmora chtoute candidate guts the disease whunuvor the Dun got the tutjonity , but the uloetiiu ( 0110 oleo always cures him , mid he away as happy is ever. Cox ii yours older than Randall nna years older tluut Carlisle , ] le is n rnai , and was hone Hi / uneevillo , Ito etlited and practiced law. Lt 1' ' moved to Columbus slid took cha 7'lio Ohio Stntenuuui. IIc repro the Columbus district in Congress } cats , tuna thou left Ohio for NevI I city , Bore ho made friends wit rwoea , and Was sent to Cougresi Now York ill 1868 , tinee years of had settled in dent city , lie has sentud time aahie district over atncO 3 t8 said that John lcully iota sontut 130IIth the comtituedsuccosss. 11 this may be , Cox is a ratan of niucl I ity , lie is brighter and tIuickul Italldall or Carlisler but lacks tlh qualities of either , ills sarcastic line made hint litany meatus , 1111(1 the vrineu of repartee fn Celgrosa Cox tl nn untortaininJ talker , ana hie ulemunt wlion making inn aftul a speech. Ile likes society and cud i , troll , lie has inuolt lituraty abilil lint written a number of very intone books. Sato Cox is always full of busi 1Phel you 1300 hint tin the hotels talking earnestly and ho never has i moat to spare. Ile is systcanattc n hie work and nccohlphslaes n Ircat ; lie is nnw nearly sixty , but ills with are black (111(1 thorn are as many hairs ill his head its there are gray t lie is as active in Iiloviug nbout at thirtyycar old loan ill Wahingtou , is , in fact , such a busy , jolly little fl that you never think of 111111 as gro old rued his win frame will , rpbabl at together until it roes to pieces all like the old 111511'S slln' , Salta Cox radical free trader , rind ho is now u wel as afree trade canhidato. If he good n Delnonrat as old Andrew Jac he could nut succeed on such n pint this year. The upitiiml hinds good lie (1005 tint expect t ( succeed II niorely a eltndidntU us order that lie sell his Iulltteucu ill securnIg g , od c Illatlsliips for Samuel S. Cox , Co So much for the tlaiw i + ladiug cI dates. Now for the dark horses. ' 1 are a Bulnbur of these. CONItESalltN el'ILINIER , , of Illinois , is violently in favor oI Owl ) election. 2llr. Springer is n ml ceisitlerablo force , much of which ( ) % o3 to lila line physique , luau lave heard it 551(1 by good judge Con gresanan Springer would he a gri 1111111 if lie voroolin pc uiut ill tile II 1111(1 tncrel pose : fir. S , thinks furelitl , lie S ie often nod ho I e peaks troll. Ills ( lelivu is , in superior to his ideas , nu 1 tlo gall tlmlk macro of 11111 tl nn do his ft niehiborH Mr. Springer is an lei moil by birth. Ibis parouts move Illinois when he was yet a yeah , at 1872 , Wllun Grecloy was ruunimq Prusidout , lie wit n mentbur of the Buis Legislature. lie lies been in gress for time last eight years , aid 1 classed among the lending Democra that body. lie is very proud of his whim Is at nccouiplished woulan in ht social and literary way. Springer is for tariff reforne , atd stnuds on 501110 time saute basis as Sitmuel Cox , th perhaps not so radically so. tiyIl f % (16 MOILItISON , of Illinois , is also a Passiblo dark h Lie is a far different luau free Sprit lie is of much ability , but be is the of uwdcstyJtnd if you have hoard thilig of his candidacy I can warrant it did hot collie front hint. 11fr.11lor is a hill , wull bailt mint , of fiftyt years of age. lie has a dark complo dark hair , tuid full whiskers of blaci gray. Ibis eyes are bright and friet atd ho cur tell a good story and nothing butter that a chat with news apor met of a winter ovonit the lobbies of the hotels. The nothilig snobbish about Morrison. eau talk with n street sweeper , and , he does so Ito will umko t e etoet aver or feel as nucli at liomo as if ho wort of 1118 fellow Comigressntet. Ile is 'ro4Rllar ' in his own district in Small llhttuis il Limo neggroes of his die are espuuia fond of lea , though will not vote for dial. lie was for times a member of the Illinois 11 nud was. for one turns its Speidcer. has boon in Congress twelve years1 lava always had namiy' friends aid I iu0uetce. 1'ItANE 11UED , of Ohio , 1155 Leon 9OIIlOtilllea niciiti its n candidate for Speaker , bttt th thud is n very bright young uiat at lore mnuy friends and well wishers as n menbor of the Cobden club a minted free trader , he will hardly much force in time couriug contest. Fruhk will be one of thu free lenders of the next house. Ho well known ill Ohio that 1 need no 11mCh a1)nut hint. lie is a young not et forty years , I should judge , black hair and bright black eyes. yoe Toledo conies from and the that town say that ho holds his Cat voters there by 6 givi6 a new bell t Clmrch during ovary campaign. Ilurd can nnako a good speech , an ( social qualities nro unlimited. Cell rossniau Blackburn , of Iionti has withdrawn liia 111010 frets the test , and big Mr. Dorshoinier baa out in favor of . Cox. (1xonOE coNvlnsIs : would make a good Speaker , but ht 1110 he is in favor of San Randall. drill might throw his strumigtli to lc ease of his own defeat being inuni Li dint case Ceuvcrso would find h purieeco as Speaker in thu Ohio I collie in good play. Converse will b of time ablest Democrats in dote next gross. IIu is a safe elan for any po' ' and ho never n ikes a mistake. II bard worker , it deep tlrinkor , and a ) arlianiontarian , lie is 0110 of the lawyers iii Ohio , and his tractico nl lie luulius is very arbe , has serve years in the Ohio Legislature , and lCOli in Congress for thu peat four. ( lounge Converse is now fiftysix old and his health is perfect. lie i rotund forms , of mediuun height , an bright , black ayes , which light t otherwise grave face. Mr. Cenve in good circunmatnees , though I 11ever beard him spoken of as wet lie lives , during his Congressio a sinus , at time Arlington hotel , am votes htmsolf strictly to business. CA liortord'M Aci111'hosph/tlu / As a lefrlgerant Brink I0 Facers. Dr , C. 11 , S. Davis , Munition , f says , "I breve used it as a ploasau cooling drink in fevers , and have very imiuch Pleased with nt. I sYhleky 111111 Talent. ) Hlfting. . "Take that bottle and go out nu a mu 51)1110 whisky , " said Col , Jinljiii to a saeLuyed womai whose utieforte was 1o b0 the wife of a convivial f ate , "fitvu 100 a 0liO t ) buy it with. ' "Glue yin mi1n1oy1 11'hy , tiny I foul can gut uliisky if Ito lute 11touu r to gut whisky without money is s takes talent , I thought you had I' lulont , 't'aking UP the bottle with a sig ) , patient , loug sulruring WOritlut Well ) In a short Limo she returned. A i p I 1y she had 1)0011 successful , for situ f te bottle bufuru hiun nud said p in I ruproacltful tonea ; t " ' 1'hirel take it , nu(1 drink t0 t hearts coutalt. s "Now thnt's what I call smart , m lmt'o got real goulns , or yell en ) have ; ot whisky without hlolley , ' . placing tlao bottle to his mouth , h t niXut to ( Itwncli his tltin t , limit It ) covered thu bottle was empty , r 'N'h } ' , what does this Meant" /cR usauts that enybod ' can i whisky witch the whisky is it the 1 I but it takes real talent to drink t o when there is ) tuuu ill the bottle , s away , I l iow you have gut talon ' " ' 1'113 Iwauly truly blunt whose rod and IC Nature's ova sweet raid euualug hal Is l'ozzoii's lwndor laq + arte a rklinew. a Iilaklar the skin as soft 1w down. VIONC CHOK'S FUNERA i e is Bnricd Accortcg to the Sh Chtucse Rites , Five Thousand Persons at Grave. Colored 14tpers Seiu'r0d Along Streets to idghtot Ille Cnfln-T 1'0110.l'rovelt tile Cert'lllotll of Gee lling emi the I'inn Ineut. l'hllawleIphla free , October 1. IVong Clink , the Cltinamntl who ill the Altllshnnso ott 'Thursday last buried yesterdny to 111achpOla cent Teith street and IVftshilrgton a t according to the rites of the Cltutest ligiolt , Fully (1,000 ( perslas fdlowet funeral cork , a to the grave , and vv strove to gain eutrtutcu to the cen ) to witucss the ceren1my. 'llto Lw pulie0uleu ( rain the Seventeenth under the charge of Lioutahnut Qui Were powerless , to keep the crowd 1 11f en nud boys besieged the gates , yelled nua gl unned aul hooted. V ruflmns ewarued user tin' iron pal trampled over ( , graves and lauckcd tohnbstoues in tine hial rush to got time deaf Chinanlan'a last resting p Everybodyshonno(1 to lugard the day holiday and the occasion at oppurti to give vein to ribald jest and vulgar ticistn. IVomon , 501)10 of theta children in arms , pnahed their through time surgittte n + ii of 111011 , r few so far forger i nr c' A Es to s out right and lot I a sataufy their nu curiosity. ill conformity with n Chinese attp tiou tin corpse of Wong Clink was prepared for burial ill eith r life lumo or that of his relatives. death it w.'s taken free the AIh1BI to time uhd0rttkitajg establisluuelt r It. Williams ! I iO Itace Street , and ti : to the undertaker's shop on Pearl St Early yesterday nrorntug Chu proliui ceremony w : a begun b Wong Panl Moy Dooeng , relatives of the duce A Piaui Wabut eolliu was procured , in the bottour of it wore deposited Chinese coins. On top of tine coins I bits of paper were strewn ; the norm pay the passage of time dead emu's through nano places of torment , the palier to recite his v'irtnes nun' ' ploro for a speedy return of his spit earth. CUi1IOOS CEREMONIES. Time body , after boitig washed in water , had the quite unwound and clothed in n now white blouse and pp loess , and placed in the coflih. otter soles of time samidnls worn by 1 Cark ill life were stripped oil ; in I that he would have nothing of the t about liim in ltta Celestial journey , the sandals were placed on thededn feet. The the eyes were covered pieces of manila paper punctured nfue holes , amid astrili of red cloths Bred the body front cliimi to foot. tapers , made of lie inner bark of a indigeons to Clmina , were lighted burned while this was being domie , a dirge chanted. 'l'imo colon lid was then screwed d the body placed in the hearse mid d to the lamnlry of lying Fey , on P street , above Race. Arriving there rious coulplictttion arose. Wong was a menbor of the Chinese secre duty known as ' 'Gee Ding , " amid oI the iteculiar usages of the order is after death , a cmrao of fire , cynnbol eternity , is built around the corpse incouSO i burned IV11on time h halted three of the Chinanuu fat that thrcoflih sltoald ho taker from hoarse and Placed on the pavonen this purpose , but a Sear ant of Pol the Sixth District positively forbad ) ceremony taking plrteo , as the crow growing larger and noisier every met limo docieion was mcokly accepted , preparations wore begwl for the fu procession. TILE QUEER MOUILNEiLS. An open baoucho drove up t laundry door , and intoit hopped a list faced Itlongoliat with two turbans e head , the inner one of rod and the of white , lie carried a triangular ner mounted on a long pole. 'Tito bt was inscribed with a lubber of cl , ters , the intorprotatioh of s'hiichr known only to time Inoulbers of the i order. In front of time eau wittt tit atbula : baiter two more Chintuuen ryurjg slunro wltito flags bordered black , seated tllOntselves. The toe their heads bound u it in white an bandages. One of tleeu carried n sword , with a gold plated handle wore a short linen duster ever his Ll The other wore a straw lint well 1)at the fiend , aid had his blouse gird with n strip of white cotton , like a ii cr's smock. TILE FUNERAL PROCESSION. Amiother barouehe drove up and ii jtunped two undersized Cltinatncn , carrying a long polo , on which was pod alternate strips of white and linen Fourteen hacks took the r the party , and time chief mourner to seat beside the driver on top o hearse. Ile was a curious looking this chief mourner , nud hia duty more curious. On his head ho w white turban. Beneath time white t' ' vas a piece of red flannel , twisted u a straight horn. It shuck out sti and rigid over the mourner's brol made hint look Itkc a tlatdaccd un lie wore a illicit dttater buttoned b and hia panlydooils , rolled up a lower Zuni , displayed a pair of bri red stockings. Lt his baud the nn carried a bundlu of 5111511 bits of 1 punctured with 111110 holes , tire sat those in time botto t of the collie ititervala of n few sucolds these p Were threwt over time mourner's and left shoulders , and as each Wins wafted over the heads of the there was a yell and a rush to sec. The dietrrbutmn of tlto little pie pnpera was for time mar pose of light the coliiit so that tim horses could time hearse. Otherwise , aeeorliil ; popular belief ill the Flowery lilt ' , time body would become like load' ' it ru eitud the place of burial , With it great rnultitudo et time walks iutd in tine street thin cu sorted up ltaee to Fifteenth Streo thence to the Churoh of the Epihe Fiftecut11 and Cliestuut Streets , Iter , Dr , Syle waS Baiting to lm rice , . When the church was re however , the crowd had bocotmtu at and disorderly that the elergynal tivel refused to have tie eolliu h into the elmurcli-n decision , b } , tit that seemed to pleitso time motlrnera ly , for they hind consumed to in service road because , as one of tlh prossel it , "Dlott want tlo miiako I tiara Ple1to nmad. " TIIE sCENI : IT TIIr. UEMETEILY 'Vito prtCeasion , after ( caviar church , welt down Fifteenth to down fine to Broad , thence to Fe nntl down Federal to thoTonthstret trnuro to the cemetery. A line of p mull with drawn clubs stood tryit press the crowd back as the h stnppctl. The mournertviih limo ttit Inn banner got alit of the baroucht bade his way with rent elifliculty t llearso , lie was followed by the C 111011 w itlm the little sqttnro flags nn atlotller Celestial who 1to1p1pet , tIp , toriously trots sonowltero , carry ] basket of provisions. AtOy Done , 11 tnl , Ling Leo rind Sang See , uuurners , Caine after the ntai withi ILaskot. Titny threw opcit the h doors atul drew the coffin out , pladii on the bier. As they did so the aloe with the triangular banner beat wr hia strange flag to nud fro nt the The square flags were jut tilt anti down , amid the mourner who beet sitting el time hcnrso scattered few pieces of ptqor he had left oil tt the eolliu. 'Ph0 four pall bearers gra thu liter rind hegnn miwviIlg forward. they did so , the tritngular bannur waved with n frantic fervor that tie cited to dislocate the bearer's n iilunblill b in low nouotoue n Chi lra'cr , time four men carrying the c halted slowly though the gateway. crowd broke and pressed close after. stalwart policeoicim placed thou' slmoti against time double gates eel pualted all their might , 1Voluet caught ' it rout'Llnil crush slirieketl , men swore , Llnil trampled miller foot cried pitifully. until half a dHzon more otlices lest assistalee was it p0sstblu to close j ates , turd thet the crowd began cl and clan tug up oil the 810110 coping ing over the railing. AT TIL' ORAVE , The ceremony at the grave was amil simple. Dr. S lo made a few and preached marks a sermon in Chinese language , The colon was erect into tie grave , nine clods of c wore thrown ml top of it , and then bamidsful of rico Tito hard faced B diggers filled up time 1010 rapidly , when their task was finished time sq flags were planted at time head and fo time grave. Time basket of provisions placed oil time rude nioundamid time al der 1)r a strange lintel was buried net mg to time rites and corcuiontes u forefathers. how to Secure Health. It Is strange any cue will suffer frnn rangontcnt sCOv1141)S brought on by im pure blood STI1 LINGIA , or BLOOD AND LI SY1tU1' will restore health to the phi orgahizatton. It is a strengthening s rleasaut to take , and the hest Blood Pm , over discovered , curing Scrofula , Sy .I . disorderaWeakness of tire Kidneys , E1 elas , Malaria , Nervous disorders , Deb Bilious cnmplalnts and ] ) teases of the 17 Liver , Iiidnoyt , Stomach. Skin , etc , A NEW Bit' OP ItOGtTERY , The infest Swindle , in .Vhieh a CI Youth is Aidcd by a Pretty Girl. Ilaltimora Sun An ingenious switldle , mmd 0110 w has beet worked to great success , been practiced on unsuspecting tr people ; druggsts , and others in I 111010 this week. The latest three t actions took place about dusk on TI day evening , amid tire victims rem witliimi a short distance of each of About the tihnc mentioned a well-drt young man , attended by an ennal looking young lady , drove up in a buggy in front of a wcll kuown drug in North Baltiomoro. lie did not iii but called loudly for the priotor of the store , who went ou see w'liat was wanted. Then the go young man , in a hurried and brent way , oxplaimied that ho was the son well-known coal dealer with whoa druggist was on very tntinrato tt The lady in the carriage was his wife and they were on the way to HIS enter mcut , tvlten he hadti suddenly discos lie was without a cent of money. Vi the druggist kindly loan ] rim $10 , was ill too great a hurry to go all tune back 11oumo for some. Of course the store luau would. The boldness o1 request aid time appearance of the y man were snfliciemt , and the dru went into time store , took $10 fror drawer , returned to the carriage landed the young mint the money. After n few hurried thanks the vc was drivel rapidly oaf. It stoppc front of a grocery store not more ti block a away. Time young mat through the saao programme and of ed tlmo nnouoy asked for. Then eogplo drove to asetlrer drug store thu houndry nntl by time scum opera except , " tumt lie represented self as the son of a promrucnt want firer timid the young lady as his sister usual $10 was obtained Other 1 wore similitrly victimized , one Balti street merchant lasing $26 , and thought that the couple left Balti with several hundred dollars obi from the confiding storekeepers. - - Tlre glory of n maim is his strongth. I are weakened down tltrougit excessive t or by early hmdiscretlott , Allays Brdn will pemume tly restore all InAt vigor atretrgthcn nil the mitttsclOs of ] lrnta and $ I ; d for 4i.-All drupvists - - - - - - - 11'anted to 110 It Pitoher , I1i011egton IlotLcyc. "IVho is this getlemnat that papa a daisyt" , " 110 ball player , any dear. " "But papa said h0 lad a 'pimp mial curve , ' anti that they couldu lminl.n uses , my dear. " ' . "But , mamuun ) , Ito stood tip strl n11ti I dieht't see any oto try t mini , " "Papa moaut time ball , m y dear , " " 1'cs , nnnnunrt , but 1 didn't set ball , "Anti neither could lute batten clear , " "But what utnkes everyone talk hint aid cull him a'dnisyI" ' " ] lecauso lee's time new pitcher Cimicngt , whore limo ntanagor o club lies jest secured at $8,000 I soil. " "But is Ito so very anmart , miranunl "Only as a pitcher. " "hut can't lie really write hit Haul. , nienilaf "So they a q' , lily dear. " ' "Aml yet they give liiim $3,000 ! "y5 dear. " "IVhou i grow u1) cui t 1 be a pi ' ' ounnlal' 'Perhaps , Illy eau' , limit whyl" "Could 1 gut $11,0001" " 1'ecinpL" " 4111(1 hot have to leant to re . writul" iLtgostura llilletw arc the lust I for retooling Indigostios alit all dlwoas iaathig frets the .ligosthv orgmw , lie counterfeits Ask your grocer or drug the genuine article , uiantfacturoti by a U.11 , Slegurt k Suns , Has the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes th&Lowest PriceE' , FURNITUEEV Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers And Everything pertaining to the Furniture - ture and Upholstery Trade. P.rssENGER ELEVATOR CHASI SHIVERICKI 120(3 ( , 1208 and 1210 Farnaul St To .All Floors. - OMAHA , NEIL , l WILL Ri . / u.rq t t. .n . cc # i ) tANUFACTURER OF OF STRICTLY FIIIST CLASS Carriages Buieg 9 , AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1318 and 13:0 itarney Street andi4o3 S. 13th Street , --'OMAHA , NEB U trated Cataiocue furnlaheul free noon 7noliaatlur On Long Time--Small Payments. , E1llllfC1lffO11S PIIO8. Ar llose Jr 1510 1)011011 CTRE . ® ® ® ] C'9 ' ASK YOUR OROChlt9 FOR TILE OMAHA DRY HOP YEASTI WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL , T , Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co. _ COIINEIC 16TH AND DAVENPORT STREETS , OMAl1A , NEH. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath a okets 9 , f ! + , S SBDOORS , BLINDS , bIULDINGS LIbIE CEMENT PbAST1R ; &C 1 STATE GENT FOIL MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB SALEM FLOUR. ) Toils Flour ie made at Salem , Rchardaon ! Car , Nebraka , ra the Combined Roller Stone System. W give EXCLUSIVA sale of our flour to one arm do a plaoo. We have opened a branch at 1018 Capitol aT Omaha Write for I'rlcca. Address either V .3 t N'PXJ cfia R > ; PPY. Salem or Omaha , Ifeb. m r .i7 ® i rte. ® 9 DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an Lock ' BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTSLOCKS , , &e. 1.020 1iLrzaiLmm tX C't. Omaha. i mP _ ; ITIII ] D 7 t MANUFACTURER OF t IoflCo1fliCs [ iodo CapFioi 1 aIs Q Skylights Ao Thirteenth Street Neb HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF OFe e Sliae& & EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARNAM STREET , OMAHA NI1B1 l K HO" ( Chictlgo , Burlington dr , Quincy Railroad , ) ' r. , . , . .w- ear..n c 0 \ . D. Jd .au , . afrJ ar Nff Q . \ . , rwi 1)/n 0.0 SLiTi1A * , T 'T ev - r - i - Conic EAST AND WEST , COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. Elc ant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Roclln . Soild Trains of Elegant Dal Coaches arid Pull In C aIN ( seats free ) , Hmoking Cars , with He. man I'nlaee SI i)1Itg tars ore run dally to and votvlag b Chain ) I'ultmau 1'aaco ! Bieeptng Cars and from St Louis , ila Runnibal , Quincy , Keokuk , thefaulousO.b&QIIuingCararundaaytoand lfarlingtonCedar ltapldsand Mberti.ea to St rron Chicago t Kansas City , Chicago & Council . Tsui and I + IloneapoUs ; l'ariorcerswith Itoclinla laufrsChicago t Ues Moines Chicago , St. Jo. Cbalnt to and ( rein tie l.otds and ! 'tnrlaandto uqh , Atchison &To { + eka , Only tbrough line bw and from St Louts and Otttunwa. . Only one , tween Chicago , IJneoln t Dcnvor. T7uoug1t ears changu of airs between St. Louis twtwn Indianapolis t Council Blurts vial eons. Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denrer , All connections toads in Union Ie' ta. It is Colornlo , i known ust + egreatTlifOUWCA1tLiNB. it tsunlvereallyadmlmiwltobethe Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clasoes of Travel. J l orr' a , ad Vinod _ _ _ res . . t and . , ( . ! eo'i )1aatr , PRRt'l3vet a , LOWF.LT. , - Qec . . , P4't - . . . .F , ohics , . . a. . I.