- - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - 7W - , - - . - . , - - - - - - - - - . - - , . - , - - - - - - - - - - - . . , . , _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - I4 I . S * * ' I $ & ; ; ; S I V ) I I . . - t * ' . 4 - THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE. . I - } 1IWFEENTHTEAP , _ _ OMAIIA , NEB. FRhIAV NRNING . , OCTOBER 5 , 1883. NO. 94. . T ? - - - - - - - "THE , . MERICAN OHURCH' ' Det&ilctl & Procced.iflsof the cera Coiiyciito ! ol the Protesthilt Bpiscop1 Church1 A Movement stai ; to Wipe Out the 1t 1)honated ) Title of the Denomiuatioii , The 14IbCVRIOL 1iptIst Gather In 1)Iegitte Costv'aiti nt tIM -Other Clitat'ch tcttIig. t PJI1LAuiL1'1IIA , October 4.-The gull. Ventlili of thu Pro' ' estalit E1)iSCo1)fl1 ) ) church of thu lliittcd SL.itu rcasuiitb1ud t1ll3 lllOl'lliIlg. iluw. Dr. MOtgflhl Dix , of t Now York , Vrcutlte(1 Pfl1)C ) lelativo to thuS ClUctiohl ( If Itev. Dr. [ 1. 0. l'otter t.s as1Btlllt Bishop of Now York , and nskcd that ai iarIy thi3' be fixed for lila conid. C1'lltlOll. Itufurred to thui coniiiiittuu Oil 4 EpiBcopaL consecration. 'l'lio IUullloriLlI , . _ - 4 JZIatiV to the thviiott of the dioetso of North Carollita , WaB referred to the corn- inittuo oil dLocc8os. 'l'lLo report of thu jollt coilililittee on elections wits niado tilt ) eider of thu diiy for Wcdiicsdty at 12 o'clock. The president tlieii aillioUliCed the saiiding colnrnittces. The following western cicrgyiiien were iouiicd oil the staiidiiig coinhiiitteos : On the state of t1113 church-Rev. Knowles , of illinois ; ltuv. Verdoii , of Fondulae , Wig. ; Rev. Riuggohi , of Iowa ; Rev. Eulethy , of 1all3as ; 1ur. Thomas , of Miiittcson ; Rev. Milispaugh , of No. brasIi ; , utid Ituv. Shrimpton , of Quincy , Illinohi. Oii consecration of bishops-Rev. Dr. Vilebert , of lilinois. On oeutluIk-ltov. ! D. Lockolls. t Tilt ) l'i'ositloiii altIlollilcud tile VfltOUS 5t.1ldiilI. coininittee. 'l'lio iiithnberslnp of the various conjinitteus ralnes from 4U to 12 imi mmiIjnrm. Thu clmairmiiun of time various COLItIIItttCCS mIre as follows : Omi time state of the church , 11ev. Dr. Van. doucmi , of Central New York , elirtiritiati. There wore 49 itmomnbeis of this Collilitit. Leo , amnomig whomit are ltuv. Canon ICmiovles , of illinois ; ] .tev. itiuggold of lena ; Rev. shrammipion , of Quiuey , Ill. On the goiteral theological scmniilary , Rev. Dr. karrmiigton , New .Jorsoy , chair. luau ; on doiiietie mimid forcigmi inmsswns , Ituv. Dr. Suliemmek , of Lomig Island , chiirmnaii ; on iotmnissioii of how dioeses , Rev. Dr. llammchel , of Vij.jiij , elnurimian ; on consecration of Bibimups. itoy. Dr. Scott , of Florida , ehairnmaii ; on muziendniciits to tIme consti- tutioii , ltov. Dr. } Iale , of Long [ airnd ! , chairimman ; on comiventirms , ltev. Dr. \Vatsoim , of North Carolina , cliairnian ; oil unlinislied busincs , Rev. ] ) r. Mart , 9 11iSSiSSilli , cliuiriimaii ; among thu iioinbers Ituv. Van Aiitweru , of Iowa ; ( on elections , Rev. 1)r. Lockey , of liii. \ j I ibis , clmairmiiaii ; on prayer books , Rev. , , Dr. Payne , of Albany , cluiirnian ; on education , Rev. Dr. Coit , ci New Hamup. shire , chaitnian ; on memorials to deceased - ceased izienibors , Rev. Dr. Ahereromnblc , of New Jersey , clisirimian. ltcv. G co. White , of Tennessee , offered a resolution , which was adopted , pro. viduig for a meeting of the Eouso , of Bishops with the House of Deputics. - - . , .l Lloyd % V.Volls , txeasuror of the convomi- , ; ioii , initdo a report. Time committee on 1octioiiary has been carefully coimsidering Tkt ? chitngos lit time lessons it would recoinritend. ' 11t lectioiiai'y reported by theimi is substantially the saute as that UlOjted by time comivoiitioii in 1880.1hllc iiiost imuiportant change recoimintended is iii time old Loitamnoiit lessotis for Easter day.A . A conmmnittee wan appoimited to 1ns'lto the Lord Bishop of Rochester to a seat by the president. Biliop ' [ 'itorold is also ill the clianeci. A rooIutiou was adopted eLeimdiiig Bishol ) 'I'horoid an invitation to attend tim .i 3e3SiOiiS of the Iloude amid OCCUIy V. hCIL itt the right of the prci. dent The secretary read time following cable- grain from time Church Congress iii sossiomi at reading , Eiigland : "The Archbishop of Canterbury and president of the Church Congress assembled - bled at Reading , pond brtthur1y gruetimig to the general convocation of the Amen. call church , fr which Congress has prayed this morning. ( Signed ) "Loitl ) 13181101' 0 ? Oxi'oiw. The 1)nCsidelmt and presiding bishop were requested to return a cordial greet. ing to the church. Itov. S. 0. Hall ofFered a resolution , I that time wends "Protestant Episcopal" be dropjed front the book of Common Prayer. Rev. Dr. Thrali moved that time words 'l'rotestant Episcopal" be omitted from , Iio commstitutiomi of time church aitti roquatul its reference to the commmmitteo iimnndmnontd to tue coiistitutiomi. 'I'hu mo- tic1 WaS adopted. Rev. Dr. Timrail inov- . - , i to onmit the WOVlt3 ' 'Protestant Episco. - - Taf froimm the camiuno. Referred to the .onimitteo o canolis. A meeting of the conhimiittee tin canons having been announced - nounced , Malcomb Hay , of l'ittsburg , said lie was sorry there was necessity for meeting of that coimnittee , as it vould kmly load t tiresome debate. Thu con volition had important work before thenm / mimid very brief time imi which to trans. I act it. Thu roport.of time Secrotaryof tue coin- inittee cmi the revision of time Book of Conimon Prayer was made the order of he day for 'Iuesday nexL. Adjourned until to.inorrow. Tue house of Bishops met this morning in thu parish building of the church of time Holy Trinity , itt. Rev. iBisimop Lee , of Delaware , in the chair. The now bishm. oils consoCratC(1 since the Inst general coiivoitioii were introduced and took their cats. Five bishops thus received f were time nmiesioiiary bisimopm of New Moico , MlfltaflaVasliington Territory , time bishop of I'ittsburg , and the assistamit bishop of Mississippi. Lord bishop of Rochester addressed time house. Vamloims tammding comnimmittees wore then appoimmted , consisting of five bisho1)s to each commiimmit- tT/ Thu house thou adjourned till to. jthorrow. r' ' Tim 1'ieu . BLt1)tiSll. + I1NEA1oID , October .1.-Tlme twenty. fifth goiters1 conferemice of time Free l3ap. fists of time United States conyemlel hero this mormiimig. The attendance was laigor timmin usual , all delegates being lreseilt. 'Ihio meeting was called to order by Itev. J. S. Stewart. Rev. J. M , Bailey , P. B. , of Maine , wits chosen chairman pro toimm. A commumiication front time former clerk of time 3hlmrnsaeimusetts and Ithmodu 1himid 8SOrflItfls t1tiflg tililt the ytiiniy , l 13 La ' Illu , . . IHuort l asking that delegates mi. . ocietio bo admnttted to tiio COflloiiCO , vas read I and referred to mi special connmiittee , which subsequently reported tllmnilmlotmsly that. time associatinims mtbvu named be ad- imiitted. The comtmiittee on atlmnissiomi of the Nebraska associati'mi reported timmnni- hi1ii5l Iii favor of adimmission. Thin report Was adopted. ilmimisoin Smith , of ? itielii. gall , was chosen immoderator. At time aftenimoon seSSioli the coire- spommdnmg delegates were introduced. Dr. 1.iahl read a commimmnni icat ion froimi tim a general llaptist3 of Keiitucky , asking that mloli'gat.s imo app itmted to their comi- feruii , Tim , mflIeis itIimmumatntl I4'nst vice nmmlel miter , I'v. S. B. Bates , of Ohio ; second niotleratoi , ltov. C. F' . Pitmimey , 'if Maiiiu ; lir.t misiistaiit clerk , Ihw. B 14. Gernislm , of ithmodu lilaimil. Rev. lltmmsomn 1)timnm delivered the colmf'reIicu sl'ilmm'n ) . The 1almIgtlte1t I Clmnreh. ALLiNTovN , Pa. , October 4.-Time general conference of time Evangelical churcii began asessiomi of t'mftcuii days with fourteen ( leiegntes preseitt , tWo ( ) lUIhI frommi Switzeriam1 , two f omn Gerumiumy amid live from Canada. 'l'imo oeiiiiig address was inado by Bishop Esher , of Ciiica'o. Coinmnitteei on worship were then appointed. This afternoon ad. dresses were miado by Bizliop Dubs , of Cleveland , and Bowimman , of thus city , time latter delivering an address of ve1- conic. Organization was then affected. Forelgim MissloliN. DETmtorr , October 4.-Time third day's proceedings of the Aimmunicui board of foreign mnissions were largely taken up with reports from comnmnittecs in thto va- noes fields occupied by time board. The veiierable president , Mark Ilopkimis , after urgent entreaty , commseimtod to keep the othico another year. lie has served twoitty-shc years. E. Vi. Blatcimforti , of Ciiicmigo , Wt5 elected vice prositlemit in lace \Viiiimumi E. Dodge , recently tie- censid. All other existing olhicers of tue board were re-elected. Colnmbus , 0. , va'm chosumi as time f imrjxt mneetiim. 't'11i3 ovemlimmg an imnmnmmsu mmieetimig wa atltlrtsied iy l'rosident I Inpkins , II nit p. Carter , IIavtiian minister to time United States , 'umd nt1nr. Arch hishop 'coh ii mm' 'I'rl i I o 1oimtc CuIoAoo , October -Pritath and prmmmminont laymen of tln. Itoinan Catholic chimircit imresemmteti Archibisitiip Feciman with a jiirse of $8,000. Time archbishop leaves Sunday for Itoimia amid it is cx- Pected ho viil beabsenttillMay next. TIlE YORK TItAGEIY , F'imi Imor Iettibi oftime Fatn I'igIit Jie- t weeTi time Aiimi&il roiig itimil Gil- 1mm9rtH. The Limicohm Journal j.5 the &oilow- ing iarticuhars ( if 'l'uesday's tragedy in York county , Nebr.skn Two weeks ago lait Momiday Walter Gilnioro W8.'l mimarnied to Mr. Armstrong's daughitor , contrary to her father's wishes. 0mm tue next Monday after the weddiimg it is alleged that Armstrong lired two pistol shots at his son-in-law as lie and his wife wore near his ( Arm. strong's ) house. Yesterday Armnstromig and his two sons , H.O. amid Eugene , were arrested by Sheriff Hamilton and brdugitt beforu Judge Gifihim , who bound them over on their own recognizance to apmear for exanminution Oil Thursday , October 4 They were returnimmg hiommmo , and when at the place mentioned met Elms Chihmnore and his son John in one buggy , amid \\'alter and his wife in an- lthmel. As time Old. moan Cihmoro mid Johtii were passing Arnistromig's lurgy they locked wheels , and time fatal cmi- filet comnmmicnced. Time Armimstroimgs clailmi timilt .Joimn Oiimnore fired a shot atV. . II. Anmnstromig as time luggies collided , ad lie then jumiipeI into timmi Gil- imlore buggy to prevent hiS shoot- jug again , when mthl three foil to time grouimd , mImere time struggle was continued , Ii. C. Arimmtvong gottimmg out of his buggy anti. participatimmg , inure shots being fired by the Gilumores , till time old imiami Arnistrong sunk under his woummds. Time Gilmimorwi state that they gave time Armstroimgs fully half the road , but they 1muiicd over mmd locked wheels with them , when 'iVihliani Armstrong sprang into Elms muid John's buggy and commnoticed time fight in witicim .John's pistol was liarnmlessiy discharged - charged , and all three fell to the groiiimd , Johii and Armstrong on one aide amid Elias , time old maim , oui timtm other , H. C. jumpimig out timid joihmimig iii tim mmmcl oo. Joint was underneath iii time atrtmggloumimd told IV. H. if ho didn't hut imimmi up lie would shoot Imiimi. Several shots were fired , two of wimicim took effect iii time old himami Armnstrong's body. one giIig cieni- through front left to right , midway , p0mm- etratiimg time lower lobo if time liver , mmimd severing an artery behind time atommmacim The other bullet struck time right. side , broke thmo lower rib , amid lodged iii time body. Time Gihmmmoroa immummediatuly drove to town amid seumt. mimyaiciamms to time scemmo of time simooting. Mr. Animmntrmim was carried to the residence of Mr. L. D , Siisomm , near by. Prim. Simidder and Porter iimmiediately repab ed timitimor , but gave imo hope for time woumoled immimim. Time daugh- tur , Mm's. Wahter Gihmimimrois micarhycnizetl by time bloody affray. She vas taken IA , the Cemitmih house , Mrs. Armnstmommg ammI ( time yomimiger mnenmlers ) of time fnmimiiy wen mt Exeter , and diii imot arrive until sonme three or fotmr imours after time tlemmtii of time immisbatmd mmml fmmthmer , 1mm t1m afternoon thu old flmamt Gihummoro imimd Valtcr were mtniusteml ammml hmold for oxaum. immation. 'I'hio commmmer'i imiquest hmemri time testiimmoimy of trs. ) Shidder , Ptirtem and Sedgwick oim I ho jmnist. imiortommi exaimu- inatlcmmm , mmml amljoimrmiel ummtil to.rmiornw moniming. A Io immi is cast o 'or time whmolo comnmmiuimity , as liothm faimmihius comm. minded with time t&agcdy wcre time earliest settlers jim time coimuty mid jmrommmiimuimt in county milfairmi. Tlmim Itommimluim at Ici'olculc. Kv.OKUK , Iowa , October ' 1.-TIre rain drove time ao1diemm in time remmiimmi home frommi cammip to time opera imouso mimol other Imuhilie bumidings , bmmt did not 1nimimmim time ardor. A camp mmmcotimmg s'as held in the U. S. court roomu iii time inonmmiimg , numd time boys sammg ' 'Time oltr Aruiy Beau , " immiti othmei mUmmmy SOim5. Iii limo aftemnisin all vIto could obtamim entrance asommmhhed iii time opoma house , where Con , \V , V. Belkimap pmesided. . Speecimes vere znado by Major F' . MeArthmur , of Moinpiiis , Mo. ; Colonel S. S. Curtis of lcoukmmk , Communal D. B. JIiliUm of Keo. kuk , Caphilu W. 0. hiurgoa of Fairfield , General B. N , I'omtiss , Cenemal David Moore , ( leimeral ,1. W. Noble mmd W. L. AlexnlIler , Adjntmt Geimeral of Iowa , A pleasimig lmmcidemmt of the luiy was time hmreseimiatioli by thmo Adjtmtaut General of time battle ilagsof tim Third Iowa cavalry , time Second himva inf.tmmtry , time Four. teemithm Iowa limfantry , time Sevommteemith Iowa immfnntry , and thu Nimioteeimtit amid Twemitietlm Iora immfammtmy. 'l'hmo mmiiiitary review nimmi lrocessiomi was postpommed till Friday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - CItIMLN.ij itICOItI ) . A VIEI MUltllIiE1t mIUSO. Pmrismmuitn , Octohmur . . . . . iSle. Steomm vmts imamiged timis mimomiming in time yard of limo cutimity jail. 'i'lmo eectmtiomm was cmtidtictetl quietly mmml vitnet'd by tvo immmmmdremt At eleven o'clock time criimiimmal left iiis cell for time icmIltd , attommileti h)3 a niest amid the shierill ho walked erect nmmd mt'cemided time acimflhl with it tirmmi step.Vlmemi asked if lie imad iumytlmimmg to say imo replied , " .co. " 1mm time fitll his imeck was brokemm. lit eight mmiititmtes he vns hroimotiimceml dead , 'l'imo cm imimo for wlmicii ito iitmii as comu- mmutteI oil time evenimmg of , luimo 9 , l8SL lie aemmt his little bty ommt of time house Oh SUilit ) protcimso auth whtemm time little fi'l. Iowroturmmeil ho fmmuiid imis mmmotimi'rlyiimgmom time hour with imer skull ciushied 1mm mimmd a bloody axe emi time flour busido imer. his fatimer himiti Ilowim , but was amrostetl time samime nimimt.Viieit time trial canme up it vtts clearly simmnvim timat iiu hiittl coin- immitted tim dccii. AN milton cqtirrmw. lion SI'muNos , Ark. , October 4.-TIme jury of time Circuit Cmnmrt here , iii time ease of Frank Flyimmi , immdictod for killing Cimuirley iSintimews , editor of 'I'imu liotimot , ii imomvslahmor , to-day romidured a verdict of imot guilty. ( ) t'TION rmttuns. ChicAGo , October 4.-Time postoflice oflicials Imero caused time nrmest this after- naomi of Frammk La. Lonimmg for his ) ) ( complicity iii time alleged frauds of 1i'iommm. iim. & ? dorrinmn. Lorimmg 1)retemmtlel to be simtmld ) ' ml clerk for F'lemmiimmg S iSlurninimi , hut it is mimidorstood time imiermti autiiori. ties clitimit to be able to show imis active immterest iii the utlitirs of that miow nmtori- 005 1mm. SHOT Thtfl 'ivitosu iii.tit. Sr. I'ua , October 4.-Time Globe special fromu iSIemmomnoimiVis. . , says : Last. evemilmig Christ Beglut veimt hmtimmt- i ig a bear thmmmt iimitl beemi sccmi near his faimmi a few immiles fromii here.Vimiist on time vatchi lie timoughit Imo saw time bear mind idiot it. Beiumg afraid to go furtimer lie retmmnimed imonto amid said tlmat lie had shot. time bear ammil that they would go omit for it jim time miionimimmg. J'hmia Imbruing whilst prepaniimg to start imis brother \\'mi- , hiitlmtmm Imired imman caimme in mmmakimig iii. quiries almimut imiimm. Suspiciomma beimig aroused they hastily repaired to the place ztiid fommndViliiaimi'a dead body lie , beimmg takumi for time bear , hiatt Irnomm shot by 1mm brotimom. Time pirties are iirmimilmemit Gerimman farniers and old rosi- deimts of time couumty. MoNTmuAL 11ttUI)8. iS1oNrlmY.AL , October 4.-There was imiucii excitcmncimt aimiong fimmaimciuri to.day it leaking OUt tlimtt Thomas Craig , president - dent and general inamimiger of the sus- Pehided Exciiaimgo bank , mmmdc himself advances to a iarge amount. The definite - nito sum is not. positively knowim outside of official circles , but. it is estimated at $200,000. Oraigasserts Imis liabilities are covered by security , but the money was appropriated to his owmi use without the kmiowlcdge of timedireetors. TIlE EXrOSITION RUINS. ExIIILItom4 Searching iii ( mm ImmIrms- . Tim , , Caiiio Iii. time FiLM ) Still Ii Mymitery. IiTT,5iIuitil , Octolmer ' 1.-At the acemme of yesterday mmmunimimmg's conflagration large crowds asscnmbhjml to.day. Swarms s'emo at woik aimmomig time ruimis. There vcro also a nuimmber if woimmemi , small eximibitors , who had lost there little all in the fire , wimo still ke1mt up tlmo search imm a despair- big way , hmomnig to save miometiming fromim timugeimerai ruins. The omigimm of the fire is still uimkmiowmm. 'i'Jmo expositiomi imummi- rigors Imold finialy to time bchim'f flint it was time work of immceimdiaries , aimd not caused by time oxjilosiomi of hmimzine. Time latest l'ieory : ' i5 that it. sot emi fire for time urposu of robbery. Time aggregate loss is $1,000,000 ; immauranco not oimc-fifthm of this arnoummt. Time exposition society are erecting a high femico around time grounds. Next Saturday oveuming they will give a grumd : pyrotechmmic ilisimlay. OAPITAIj NOTES. A iIsrILLiiit comtm4mmmisn \V&SI1INCITON , October 4.-Counsel for ( ] oodricim Busim , of Bostoum , a distiller , rmgaiimst wimom suit is peumtiirmg Oil aecoimmit of violations of the iimtenimai revemmue laws for forfeiture ( if his distihiery imimd m'ecov- cry of : oooo of imimpimid taxes , iiido nit oIler of coumjmrommmisu tmi.lny to thu Commm. mnissiommer of Iimtenmmal itevemmite oim heimmmlf mif imis chiommt. 'l'lme iifler is to fii fuit imim miistiliery ami4 } Jii time ( hmvormmmiicmi 1 , O1JO. Coimiimiisiioimcr Evans i efuscil 'lie oiler ; mmmd bias direeted time ( iilitmiCt at. t'mrmmcy t ( ; vmocoeml with thmo case itgaIImst ilusim aimd press mt to trial mmnmmmudiateiy , if P (15 B jul ItISAl ) AIIBIIIIAL FIIiJl : : ( htOSImY , coumimmiaumtliimg time foreei iim time Amimtiu station , telegrupimem time Secretary of time Navy askiimg to be iOiiUVt(1 of duty amid 1m1tced : on time niutired list. 'I' , if' it rummy ,1 , I I m mi ( J mm is m in , ii mm mid. CzxuINtATI , ( ) utohjor 4. - I imritatioims to time lit tei3iitim annual reumminil of I ho society I f Limo t rummy mf time 0mm ii mh,3ri am md , ( ) ut 'bun ' 21 mind 25 , will lU sent miiL ti-immirriw , hj' rime local cxecimnvu crmiimmittcC , Gmnmurtits M lmeridaim , I t' isuurmmi m , I m 1)ti , I I mm rnist'ii , I tti'iOldB , I I atim , ICmmmm hat I , ( ' r.mimger , N igI : cy , Colmim ri m , iSteOxak , I ym ti iii , ilmimdemsoim ; imiid atimems imuivti vrittmm tile ) ' will at Liii md , 'lime mum i m imtt : omuitini m , by ( ieiiur.il South I ) . Atkitmi , wilt ho ut' . imvored time ovoiuimmg of time 24tim in M usie huh. Piijvjsjujim will iO mmdc for I ,000 persoimmi. i"oI alit Ii'ii mm it 'i'mtov. i' . V. , October 4.-1im t 11(1 ( s'i. immmteer nilgi ume imo use uI I or tim ii ) : ( to. Ii imy , a fimummma mm d mi iJiul a J i hm tuul cigar iii time Imuty , igmuitimi the hmi muting , All 'iiiiJHteuls' ummmfiinmmm were bimrmmeml. F'icd \v. tilin tt , mm % ' ( il mm mm I cur fimummm.mmi . fraum 't I I'aimy , fuIl , frommi a holder amid wai kihied. Ii . 0. 'Pthmom had his head ii1iijt " : by a fmthlimmg ladder. I'mnsyn-ai' , Imliss ; , . October 4fuihmum A . Dicker's IIaPr mit Lee hitmrimed last. nihit , 1il5 } itiOiO ( ; immamirmuico , 000 , _ _ _ _ : THE QIDWORLU. The Publiolly Uiycn to Qrcvy's ' A1oy CcusMcrc Iiisufficicut In Kaiaor Wilhelm Telegraphs the Hooting was for Him Par More Than for Alfoiiso. Tlmo I ) milillim 1 mm flnmimems St ill ' % 'aimder. hmt U1iimi tlti Fimint It Secklmig mi I'Iaee oI Smtfoly. GFx : liltAli 1 O1tltGN Ni''S. Aormmnit ImANm luiAUl.Tn1l. ) LoNuoN , October .tA revmtrd of omme imtmmmdmcd iunmmmds is oiflmmed for time arrest mif Geo.'mitlt3mm , secretary of time Isommdomi utmiti lttverplimto b umli , wimo it was dma. covered yesterday hind abscomideil. it is stited this immonimmmmg timat time bank hoses frommm flO,000 tim 100,000 bVardumm's ( iufmlicatimmms ; bitt time smmrplua is suflieiemmt to cover mmli losses.'nrdemt ' wits also Immmumnger of time bank. 'Fimu iiirectors stutu that the defalcatmomm of Secretary aimd ISimimimigorVmmnlemi anmommmmt to $150,000. it is miimmiommimced t imuit time bumk : , miotwitlmstammdimmg time tie- falcatioim , will mty : time tmstmal divmdommd , ( mmmv . 'S A1'OIOiY. It is roimorted from Madrid tlmmtt time Spanish gorerimimieimt is dissatisfied timt Time Paris .Jotmrmmusl Official macrely pub- hisimed time fact. that. President. Grovy aolegized to iiimg Alfonso for time jim- suiting rcceptiomi ho imiot wIth in time streets of Paris , and has now resolved to ask for time imublicatiomm of tim full text. It is utlso repmrtud timat Sagastim lies 1most. pommeti immakimmg mumy cimammges in the Spmumisim Iimmistry ummtil nil matters pending be- tweeim Spaiii mimmil foreign xmat'moSms have hmeumm settled. Time foreign povora have forvamded to Kimim. Alfoimso tlm'eir comm. mratulatlIms tijiOli tmo tmimtiitmsiastio recep- tiomt olIjretl imimmi upon his roturmi to SIittliit1. rumtrmmnmt AMaNIS mcEsmA1tr. : Time Kijmg umimd Qmmeemi hind a receptiomi at l'mluidrmd nttemmd- to-day , 1,800 persons ed , iimeludimmg Seimators , Deputies amid several Frcmmeimmmmeim. At time , cabimmet coummeil1.1fomm.o presidimmg , time question of dipiommmmttie action iii regard to the demmmoimstnitimlms in Paris , vuru diii. cussed , hut timm gruemtcst reservi. \rits immaimifested. & to time dii. ciajoil rcaciictl. Time Correspoimdommcimi , states the govcrmmmmmemit telegrniimcd time SimithmisIt ISlimmister at Paris that time Freimch apology is imisufllciemmt and if Frammco lmem susts imm imor refusal to make a satisfactory ducimuatiomm , Muuoz will be required to leave I'am'us. Time stove dealer , reccumtly ttrrostm1 at Cairo , is imow beimmg tried by court mar- tial. KINU wILLmAM TO ALFONIJO. Time Bemlimi Mossecito oitung states timat time Emmmperor telegraphed Alfonso , saying : "I symmmpathiize with you for the immsultmm offered you in Paris. I know , however , that they vero xtimnedat me far more than at you. " It is rumored in Paris that Gen. Hal Thiebaudiim , Minister of War'hmns re- signed. INViSIOATINO 5'11 } i'AULtOB. General Timibaudirt was pcsint thmo imtcctifig of time French cabiiThtb.day. Time ( overnimiunt has ordered timat. oflicial investgatioim bo.imiado into time immcidcrmts mtttemmdant upon time visit of Alfommso to Paris , witim a view of duscoveriimg time miutimora of time disturbances on timat occa. siomm. W'.NlEItEii5 11m'ON rim c } AmTmf. It ms imuw stated that .boseimim Smmmithi , , JoseihI llaimbmim mimid iSlicimaul I's'mimagii : , immformmmens mit tim Phmoimix path imiurder tijaus , wimo were imot. perimmittemi to immil at. iSlelbomirimo , will go to Jndin , when , lammmcs Carey hind decided to go before lmo was dissuaded therefrom by his wifo. It is reported Carey was ofrered a clerkship in time new hmarracks at lCurrlcchmo. $ INOI'iO rims WJIOSO TUNS. Iii Liimmcrick a ballad singer mmmcd Llynes , has been anntoimced to immipnisoum. nmuumt for oimo mouth for mmimmgiimg time liramses of O'Dommmmohl , tue slayer of Carey , amid calling upon all Irisimmncim to act so against other informers , as O'Donnell did to Carey. TIlS OIiHiIlY r.Xi'IIDITION , Time whale steamner Palirhi , wimicim hmami arrived at Dundee frommm Davis' straits , reports that the natives at Saunter'n islaimd stated that timoy saw five jmorsoima at Etahm , iii Simmith aommmmd , mmortim of Bob. bum's bay , early in time year , who be- loimged to a large expedition furtimor to time imortim , which was believed to be that of Liout. Grcuiuy. 0mm of time imativea met on time islaimd was a very iimteihigoimt maim amid puke aimmmuu Emmglisim. lie stated that imis himoth. oils m'aw live mmiomm imviimg at Etimim ( or Etmtlm ) , ( p. fislmimig stittiomi soutim of Littietium Isiammd , on tiuti mmist , aide of himiithm'mi sourml 'I'imoy were all iii good imomltim. 'Fimu icador wits a tall , roImmmt mumaim. 'J'imu cajmtmimmm of time I'.ihimmyr.m lmeiuevcii thuit time iiuirtv Was seimt out by lk'uhuumammt Cmetmhtiy to ummeur. timu mmtemmimmur I'rumtuus , wimmeim wnii timoim arm time way to Smmmith's soimmmd. Tim El it rmmi.t m. . Cmuumlsrl.tNA , October -TIme Smipneummo 'l'rmhummmmh of .Nonm ny hits ummipuacimed time whui mm ) iii mitmy of time ci ni i mtuy. 'I r trmahm btgumm tii-dsy : itim time case iif time Pnmmmmu Miumistur. Eutcim mmmimmister is to be tried suparituiy. AumirmA , , LAW , 1405 lioN , Octimluir 4 . - 0 a'i umg ti ) thu rim- , aim tjI uwjkhl ihimemi duirs jim Fiwt lcmi- I om'm mm oshov mid i , ti m em' d hit nets of St mmml imerum I ilmiM lit , I I hut p uI iaw imims boem m 1mmticimmi mimuti therein. Ahilti % 'AJ , ( my AN JNiOmMEit 'i'im ii si cmi umuumr hi iii I m mm rut' , wim icim arm ! vmd at. IminiumlIes yemstm.'mday fmommm t'ew ( 'mmlii uhimna wi tim mm mails , hmimd on b aith .1 umuui di Smm u i Ii , ommo of ti m u i i m Ii inmimors in t he I'lmtm- ii m x I 'ark p mm ii id or tmiit Is. j Jiio ' 41Tm , a , ui . u'immmm'.jiiu iIu.ul'i , , LIITJ.h ImmUK , I ) tiiuui , 4. --I mm .1 mmmiii hits' ' , Jimst.moo "l " ilium , i1 ilium Uumitvd it.mti Sn I 110mm , ( I Ci ni t , mu i I tm i mg mis Ciroum m t. .1 huge tvmtii , I ildblt , (3mthlwtil , , of thu Umimfid Sutmis ( ituiiJt f''r ' tim , , \\'estommm Ii.tm irt of A mlomm msmis , at i etik uk , I m e.u'd t ii mm dome of \\'miliamum I h ' ' ( It iii. . htuiilur of ) iommulii minim , d by thu Sttitu of , rkummsuum imi 18i' ! ) t , thu Little Ituck l"umm t Smmmjthm uiimil Little Itunik 6 Slithis2ihtum iamlriuuuhtm , 'emsua t I muo cohmmpilmmiemi. 'I'lmm , ' mm estii iii % siIs w hiul imer thu State or time iamImoel COlmmJiUuJiii'4 were resuioimsibuo fur those i -fl-- { _ _ _ - boimd , , whmicim nmnoummted to $780,000 , amid Were used iii coimatnuctimig time roahB , (1mm demurrer , .itulgo iScCrnry ! imad mreiuitisIy decided timt time railmunds were respoimsi. bie , but , Immstico tilIer , in a wiittuim opiuiiomm , to.tlay ilecides timat. tue bmlmls ate imot. a lien oim time reads , wimicim are moit respoimsililo for them. Time total nimmoutit. of bonds isamieti to all railroads immider t iu act. is ii,5O0,00O , aud commiprise imearly imaif time State bommuis. - TiIIi VlNiNG TICllP. Time Rut i.ltImuuoly 'VIt'liet 1 imtlon.ed 1)3 1 It lommiicmmmia ) or time l"OhIII Ii lip.t riot. $ Peciti Diuateim to 'l'imR IIIs. : Cou.t'ummuM ' , Net , . , ( ) ctolien 4-Time Iemmiticruttie coiivcmmtinn for time Futmrtim , i tmdic'mai district Imuts just imemiminated .1 , \Villuumms : , of Dtvitl City , Ion listi'ict Judge , ammil , luimmt Puittemsoim. of Central City , for 1)istnict Attormiey. 'I'imeso win. ties had previtmsiy hiceim mmommmimmnteui by time Anti.iSlomioliuuiist.s. S1'OLti'LNG NFl'S. JEitoMu i'AIIK itAemiml. .1 EmioMa 1'Aiti , Octoimor .t.Track guaud. I'mmrso race , mmmile and a fimrlnmmg Stmatimsiiey woim , Arammni muectmmmd , Bnmu third ; timmme 1 rt . Ilumitor atkes , three year old fillies , immile mmd three timmartena , was a va1k-a. wmty for ? lissVoomiford , Carmmii lout miii Belie ran a demiti heat for secoimd Piito titimo 3l8. : lIaiidiCi1) mnveopsttkes , imtiio aid ter , 1)clia womm , Pu7trre sceoimd , Bhmu Grass hello timiril ; tbmme 2t0. Pimi-so race , selmiimg alluwmmuces , mmmihu , I hartford won , I hmiildnum seeommd , Col. Slirague tlmird ; timmmo I :48. : limmmmdicnp imurdlu race , imtilo amid timrce funioumgs , over six imurdles , Forager woum , .1 imum iSleGnivomi thmiiuI ; timno 8l6. : Lom'zsvumrn , Octtmbor .1..ltmtccs imost. cmi accommuit of mimi. miAmirromu ) itAIiS. IlAitrrommib , Octobur . . ' ' mmvemmtim aimmmtmal trotting mmieutimmg of time I l'rse- ' breetiumw' A bsmeint , ion closi'il.Vemmtinur oId. For l'mtm.iitic stokes , Coy. Stammfuid's Ihuumita , by Eiiietiuuimeer , jogged over time course aloimo. Sime wits mipetaleil time last ( lmmmmter ; , mimak i mig i t i mi : ; 1 socommds , I iuimevell stakes for simthlimmmma that. have hover beaten 2:10 : , I 1. \Voodmmut'mi Chmallemmge. uy Dictator , romm imm mitrmtigimt imiits , , J. O'ltuumke's i.muiel O'lturku , , by Dr. Symmmtx , scemumid , Stamiformi's lCmmox , by Grim. Inox , timiNi ; t immuo 2 : l3 , 2 :1 : ( , 2:80. : Everett hiotmac stakes , for fouls of 1880 , was won by , T. O'ltomko'sVost hinef- lie ) . , dustnmmcimmg 'I' . l'ilmihies' Lassie iii time first heat ; tiummu , 2:44j : Ammimual imursery stakes , for three-year- olds , womi by 0. Backummamm's bay unit. by lSleasemmger Dumoc , iii tin ) straight hmeitta , Stammford's 01cm , Imy Sir \Vnlkitt , secwmd ; timmmo , 2:4 : ( , 2:18 : } . ALIIANY itAemU. Ai.IIANY , October4.-lslaimd Punk races , large attendance. lii time 2:22 : class II. IL 'SVinshiip won lit straiglmt. Imeats , .1 imdgo Davis aeeoiitl , Cormielia third ; timmue , 1:25 : , 2:26. : 2:24k. : Free for cli , Director von , Pimylias second , FanimyVitimersioon ( emily other starter ) timird ; time , 2:23 : , 2:22 : , 2:28 : , 2:10. : Jay Eye See , iii his atteimipt to beat his record , trotted a mile iii 2:1. : . . , . - TEEG1tAL'U.NTk. 'l'hmo report thimt the i'ojiui LS iimmIbuioietl is % vllohly mmimfoimmmulutl. JOB. l'oiiartl & Co. , iroim merchants , Now Ca.tlo , Ozmt. , fulled. ] , iitbIlitmes 4O1)OO0. ) ll imlommo & lluLeummmmmm'N flu , imn mmmiii , ut Camnul , I ii. , bmmrmieul , 1)5Ii , i'iOO , ( ) ; I musumrmutueu , iEi,3Oo. ieshrui. q'50 & Tihotli , East I miulia mimiti \Veiit Imidhi mmmememaimts ! , Luinduim , fslloul. LIim- lifitfeM i,25O)0 ( ) ( ) . 'J'hie Oweumot Spmi ogu hiuimmu , mm uuimum lumen imotol at Elumiirzm , New York. wme.u luuirnol yesterday. Loss , $ , OO ) ; iumuummreul. Cuiptahum 1aiker , of l'hmhlmmdoi dmi u , ivas ume. ( jmijttOtt 0mm tlmim cimargm of w ieckimmg liii muehuocmumer , Mary 1) . ierchm , 'I'lmu Bztltimmmorui 1)nnmocratlo Tul &yiuralty comm. vcmmtimnm U mmammi immouisl y 1101mm I minted ] ormIiummmmi C. 1mitmobe Iom time fommrtim tlmmmo. l'reuideimt Artlmur heft Fall Bivtr1 , iSTumst , yestertitmy uriiurmulmijc for New Yrk , vms Nmw- hurt & SVickford , Jumuctiomi , whim Iuommolitcd health. A iumblic mmmunUmig imas bocim cimlfeui mit Nommi. chmatol fur mmext Satunulmmy , to uiommmimmmul of time authorities time oxpimisuon from 3wltzerhmummd of the Sitlvumtiumm Anmmmy. Irifteomm Jmimmmuircd wesvom * mit. Asimtomm.IJmmtier. 'l'yume , who rmiturmmd to work , have ruimowtai time atrika. 'l'bimy aver timmut thu mnwitsrus have mmot fmmlfi ilod the agreormmemmt. Time ulanmago liy fire iii time Neil Idock , Oi. wego , Is sroooo , dRhhtud aimmoug vummiummum toil. ammiJu , Nine Iircmumcmm wore immJmmred , three quite mutiveroly , but mmot fatally. Kxectmtiomms were Issued mmiIuust time , , tock of .Tamrmeu A. Scott , ii Clmieimgo Imatter , to time ox. tunmt of B5 000 , himB riuuets amo stumtol to ho loo00 , llutiJIlItiCJ4 $20,000. 4 % . , mummpposed to io tl'f nmnmy vunumm , mmppomretl : 1mm great mm tummmlicms throughout time cotmiuty mudjuiccmmt to 1ockport { , 'I'oxmuu , eatluig grass mmmiii greumm stuffs clean. Vui.-hlmmttunm , us iumhmmer , wits killed imy a Jro. mumaturo oxpIuuulomm of Vimirami iuowder atVolib City , iSle , , cuuterdimy ammd 'I emim lulartlim mmcd Mr. Auuios wore futtimify lumjmmred. 'nub Amumleromm mm Swede gin who imau. boomi in \ mmienimai lmmco .i mu imo mmil I mm ! ul immmmoumimohiN two wuk , dimmajupazireti mumysterioimsty iSlondmmy zulglmt mmmiii imas mmut beomm huuanl of u'i mice. I 'uclc & Son's sash , minor amid iuhlusmi factsry , Uhkosim , burmuod with eomutuimtiu , I , ts , 5O.)0i ( ( ) iuuuuiummmico , lOO ® . ' [ ' lire Ii auiiuustai tim iuxv tm igimm&mt.ett fnemmm time tmictimni ci us pulley , 'lime luostuitilO t Oskaioosa , 1.uwai , wmu bmmrg. lumiIhCui hut muight 'lime suft , wu huhowmm ouaxm iuiiit uoo ; , ii $ tII amid . $ 1 ro im euilmm ammu I regis. t.emuul huitteis tumkeum , 'flinumu hiumuos vero almo I , Tue etumumimuitten on railways of tue Now l'uirk Cluuuummuit j uif C. muummuuircu have beemm or- item t i I t.u , I luu 'I ' t wliit : amuesmd mmmummt to time ci hug laws are mmcci ssary to chmeck the gruwimug cill of uut.ek wturimug. 'lime lxucu utive cummimimil ttO ( uuf thu j miryimmuid itepuilulleumim StatAi ( mutrui commmmimitteo has I uuimi uimui tiui I tiuti mmamuiu of Fmumumk 1 I . Stuucli ott lot Att.'uuicy.tJsmomitI ium iu1ve of , t'ickuiLt i1mtth. ( IWI , I leclimmial Ahsuu thu mu' mmme of Cul. .1 amnus C. N dli kemi m mm lituu ut 1 ) m , 'SV asimi mig 1.0mm 4imu I di. s ho tIe1mijti thmo uiogoimmimtluumm for tVim1.uu Couuujutroiior. \VhstIuu II reuimu'u , uero exuimelmluug witim tiio k I i m i trmck , , I mu I. 'v luienmum , time huh icrs be. I mug tium v , m mu to a huuilt ot 'JO feet. ummmut two Ii re. muds 'mm tel u , the i itumulems cmi tmmuui mmmiii iiroktm , 4 kiumuuIui , \ I e I ) ummaj ii i umu hi I luti ii' time ful. 'liii , uthia liru'uou m cuuuo , dow ii is I tim time yu tick. mugo hut w.is mmo1. sum I uuisly Im mu it 'i'iu.u trmm.eui uI U . I ' ( , , ( _ % ' cii ucatioumal limit i Im mv&u timiustimi ti I 4 ni. , ) aimmums I ) . I 'omt.er of 'I'euimmrssu i , , IA ) suut.ueu ( I time late ( I oimaii , Jmai maui , i'iuu , uuxecutjm u , tiouuuui1.tu cummists ui Vmmi. ASILmI , "You. iSI. htumtuu , A. ii. 11. Stimart , II it. .Jtekummi amid .1 mIlmius 1) . l'ortur. ' 1 imu iiumumno , cumuummiittue IsVuim , Al , ivam1.s , I I mmmii I 1.'uim 11 atm , 'I'lmumoulru I iymmmamu , 45. . .1. I ) a ti tel mmd .1 iluigui , . I I . SYtuitu. 4t liftOm SimuuuI.sy timu m.himuuauli commmprmsumiy tutu I I am i ) mttWsui S I'a t.omi ito' ' I 'i omutreal vhli . to miii ti .duui , OIl the umsiurmm stmumdanul - - -J - - - thn , timnt umt thmo cvommty-lmftlm immeridian. 11. jq eluecteul betomo tIm el'o of limo nmommtm ) of tctsuber ) , alt time rumliroad. , tim tii Umulteti States slll aduqut mmmru lullium timmmu' , ii imich greatly Mum. iuiilisB time ihItt"tcmivolt'tweemm tim viii mu. see tiuiu , time ulihlememuce luetweemi etch of tiu four ect1omu fr.mim o t'amm to neesmm beIng ammo imummr for euteim sectitum , or bolL LEGALIZE U ROBBERY. A Few Pacts About that llccisioii which was PllhhiiIshc ( lie c\vsflpe1s \ Gr1iiitoiis1y , The I I iP.tomy ( ) I'I hits 'i'elegiapli ' Comistull. ilmit hum utliul II , \Vmttert'&t Smuiel , Neiimrk Smuecltl to Cimmelummiati Cemummmmereiai. ( mmztuttu' . Prior to time 10th iii .aimuary , 1881 , tlmuro were iii oxistemmco . , tlmrou canlrnrmt. t'mnmms iii thus Stitto oumgnged iii the ttuie- graph lutmaimmess : 'L'imo Vusturim Ummiomi 'i'd- gnmulm Comupaimy , thu Athiiuitj nimd Pacific 't'tiegnutph Cuunuitmmy , ammml time tmmiumicamm Umminit 'I'olegraulm Commipammy. It is vull kimowmi timuit time tmmiericami Ummion 'I'eio- gnmmdm Commipammy 'a'm started by Jay tiotmid for time uiiiiiuose of rimimimimig aim op. Positimm to time \'esttii'mi Ummiuuii 'I'e'o.iniiimhi Cnummmammy. I I was built at mm cost tuf about $5,000,000 , which wits rupmesemited by a immortgiiged iimtlolmtetiimess timmit vmms ml first lieu on its promomty , amid l0O00OOt ) 01 stock was issued to time pramma svhto fumnmmishmed time 5O00- 000 of mmmommey. 'l'his stock was , timiuruforo , wholly what is called "watur , " no imummmey immiving beumm 1uid in for iL 0mm time us- tmtbhisuitmieiit of time Amnoricamm Ummiout 'i'uhu- gr.muim cummiputmiy mi brisk war of rates cumaucil lnitweuum it. mtiiul tim \Vestunmi LTimiomm 'i'olegmimimlm commipammy , which resulted 1mm a di.pmuciuttmout of time vmuimmu of time \Vesterim ijimiu iii at ock i mm time immark of. .t h , uti t. ti mi timmmo 151 \mammdem.imi I t , Imo Wits mi hinge tuivimur of that stock sold otml , aumd .1 umy ( iou Iii , w ho imiut mill aloumg bcuum timiut1y huuyimmg thu stock , lie. eammie pssessetl of a coumtrolhiimg imm ti mueimeo iii time Coummputlmy. 'l'hmuut miii arnitmigeimieimt was emmtemu't immto by vimichm time timmee comulmammica weie immurged jut , , tilme , utimil timemu vuno uhiniell to * 111) ' Gutmld amid his associates , as time owmm is ( if t im o 't mmmiii uaumm Ui m ion 'l'eh'gr.m 1mii Coin- ju1ii3' , $16,000,000 , for 1umolwmty which commfessudly cost. about $5,000,000. lmi ( ii ( letto imiakum thimmigs emiuni thiuro were aitso imusueti muhminit. il5(1U0)0 , ( , ) ( ) to time stiuckhmoidens of time \Vestenmm Umiomm Tub- gruumli Coummmiumy for imuutimiumg , uvimiclm wits to ho divided ammmommg titummm ostemisibty to relmrcseumt 11mm u uuecrutiomis of einumiimgs : to time ciiiimtitl stock of tim coumipary. A large utmmiommmmt. of stock was also issued for time Atimtmitie amid Pacific mitock which wits imtuitl by time \Veaturmm ijimituit 'I'elogr.iplm Cuumiputily , amid timutt , too , was divided nimmommg time stockholders - holders of time \Vestormt Union 'i'ciegrumpim commmpammy. This traimsaction was attacked by Mr. hatch amid by Mr. Wihliammms iii two suite , which yore brought to lire. 'omit time coimauimmimation of time comitract of the ititit of January amid to oujoimm time issue of stock. Both suits verc brougimt imm time Superior court of tIme city of Now York , and uimoum a mmmotiomm for aim iimjune. tiummi irm time case of ISIr.Vihhimumms , which was argued before Judge Sedgwick , thimtt Jtmdgo held that tim coumteimmimiatud issue ( if $16,000,000 of capitmil stock , to rep- resomit pmtst acerotiomma to eamlmiumgs , wmms unhawfuh ; that it. could imoL be clormo by time directors. This was appealed to time gomiemah termmm of time samumo cotmrt. Sooum afterward a mimumtlimum ivuis immuide iii time I hitch case , be- for .1 mmdgu Spiur , mmd liii foikmwod .Jmmmlge Sedg a ick , mmmmd hold that t ime imroiuosod eommtmact iiii L time $1i,000,00 ( ( ) stock wits illegal , amid aim imijimimotioum wimmu iuuumuued iii timid case milieu , which as 111am ) mmlmiutimtlei to time geimumni termmi. Timeum time case cammmo to be tried before .J imdge 'I'muimx , whiemm .1 imdgo 'l'mumax revomsed t liii ( iucisiolms of his utsiuuieiatea , ammd timid. time commteummlmhuuted commtmact. wits legal. 'I'imhs jimdgimmeumt , of course vacated tue iimjmumctiommmu ; wimicim imuid beemm imuatmed ium time case , : tmmd allowed time coiitraet to be cmtrriel iimto etroet. 0mm appeiti to time geumumal tormmm of thmo Suiurhmr Court , however , it. was umiutmmi- uumommsiy imold timid. .1 udge I'mmmax wits iii error - ror , ammd thmumt time otimer .Judges of time Court-.limdges Sedgwick mumd Spear- wore correct lim dociariimg time triimmsaction to be illegal. Fiouui timat deciimuoum time \Vumutermm Ummioim apmeuihed to time Court ( if Appeals. Time Court of Aimimemils ndvuiumccd time cause mm time ciuiuimdar , without giving any nuuuuoum timorefor , amid ordemed it. to be argued on time 10th of Jumme , at Saratoga. It. wmmw timemi so argued. 'I'ime disiatteimes ( ruin Ahhmarmy iimfonmmi time imiii'me timid. time decision of time goumer. al tcrmmm ( if time Superior Court. iii reversed , amid timmd. time ducusiomi of .Judgo 'I'ruax iii atlirimmed , all time Imtmiimta beiumg ulucide(1 jim favor of Limo corperatiomm ; t.imat time decision ill not joiumed iii by .Judgu Itugor itmid 1)ammfortIm because timoy are stockimoldura iii time tolegramim commmpaumy. All time fmtcts of time coummmohidmutiomm ( if time timmuc commipaumies , with time immertiase of time caluitmtl atoclc , are recited imm time 1imimmiuuim nemmdurcd by .Jumlgo 1uiri , mmmmmcim iim detail. 'l'hme stockholder's nmitiImcatiomm of time iii. rectors' aetiomm is reviewed , 'l'lmo jiiaimi- tiff became owmmor Of stock imi .Jammtmiiry , 1881 , ammiL this suit was coumi- immummeed imm I"ehmrtmutry , chmmmrgiimg aim ummlawful cuummmbiumrttiomm ammd commahlir- ney , imumit tlmumt time viii mmii fixed aim thom A mmmuiicmimm Uimiom : immid time A tinimtie imumd l'acific iymts oxtravagaimt. mmd frammdmmiemmt. Before tlmo smut time stock immi heemi this'itieui , mumd time liiiiimmtilf objectel to time huI'mmmcmmt ) of time stock divideimd of $ lfi- 01)0,000 ) , as it viohatinim of law mumI broneim ( if trust. emi time luuurt of time ilirectomut , for wimicim timumy WUit ) jiemmiomiumily liable for t hmo stock so uhistrjimmmted. tJmmder time act. uf I i371 , , oven if there iii imo prrmsiomm fur immcrensu of stock imi its cimmirtur , a corpo _ EjithOim is muilowuil to ihmereumume its capital stock mmfter mmulvemtisiumg ecitalim mmotice mumid obtaimmimig time wmitteim coumsent of tune. fimumrtimui of thu ammmouumt. of stoekimohtheru' , 'i'hmumt act iii held to funmumuhm numpho author. mty ; rtmm. time Western Uimiomm iimcroaso of cumimmtai stock. - - I fomutily Again J'rouurai'd. SANI1USIY , 0. , October 4.-Judge Jioiully. 'tluummocmatiu caumulidate for tuver. imor of ( ) hmmo , muidrossud a crowded Imouso hove last iimghmt , 'l'o.dmmy lie VmLS pm- tratomi nimmi douidcml to give up time 'l'oiedo immcutimmg , euivimig for Cimmcimmiiati via 'l'oiedo timmum ovoumimmg , Ihoiammitmeimbroimemm dowim. iSI ecu diMtmcs5 amid siukimemui attributed to ( ymuluelu3ma umimil cimmommio tliuivriioen is oc- casiuined by imimumior jut the stoummmeim. Jiootl'mi Suimuunjmamiiia is time i'uummedy. YELLOW JACK'S ' HARVEST. The how ii llbs auco of loath Pro cmts the Northoru Coast of Mexico , The Fleeing Inhabitants of Seaside - side Oltios Overtaken in tile Oouutry. 'I'hmo hi'.eutso Hlim'utthimlg to I lie I umto. ' mthr 'l'owiiuu-lt'sttli of it Victimit itt Saui " ' * , , SAF FIIANCISCO , October t.-Lettcrg are aii'ivimig frimumi Gumayiimas amid other Poimits of 2ilexico almouv mint hmabf time truth iuts liecim told of time ravages of ) 'uhLow fever iii timoan ummfortummrnte cities , A letter received to.thay fioum George Treat , a troll kumimwii Pioneer Cmiliformmiuum , bettor kimowim no time ( uwimer ( if time Imimmiunis macmm horse Timmul. Stevemis , thmited iSlmu7atiamm , sn's : ( i1fl artier to give sonic idea of tims vuolummco of tIme scourge iii tubs city , ou of itim lihucEut comiiiitmm' mmtmimmbenimmg 81 mmmomn- tier , 17 tlietl immchimdmmig time primima domimm 1 > unuuitn , jut less timmtim three weeks.Vitimin two weeks mmmore only live of time original troops vero living. Time immedical muon wore all sick. Two of them died. Tim yictiimis irene buried imastily amid uumcof. t'mmmed. ¶ I'imrec imotmns is time tismial interval hutweeim uicathi amid bumiiai. For time has week deaths imuive not a.'onmtgel mmmor , thmaum 20 a day. 'rime disease is , however , iuwuelmiimg time immtonior towmms hike wildfire. ' .Fhme cumummts iito all ehmsed , aiii time jimdges immivo ftei lmo3'oumd time jurisdietiomm mf yol. low jack. 'l'iio npneitd of time disease is bumijuvemi to ho largely due to time igimo- m.ahmcu of huimyaiciaims of time cimanuictem' of time lever. l"rueimmnmm J.mimmmsoum , cue of time ( Iwo ye1- how fever patiemmts nlioard time atcammier Nuwbumnum , died to.duiy. A qtiutnutmithmo otilcer took umll to time vessel ii mmmet4thio cusiut ; tilled with cimuircoal. 'Pita body will lie lilitcetI iii it , her. mmmutieaily sealed , : timd buried in mill uumfreqimemited part ut time coumitry. I'ime seeoimd tulhictir is also worse. It is tioulutfimi if lie lives. ' [ 'lie otimor three Pultitimits utie doing vull. No mmow cases Immivo developed ott board time atenimier , mimmil miii muiguma mf time disease oim iauul. If time weather commtimitmes Coli , 1(3 mit pres- emit , all daimger of time disciumo reachummg this city will be practically emided. GIJAVAMAS , Mex. , October 3.-Only timrco dcatiis iii time last two days. 'I'uventy.six anenulhiortud fromis Ilormnusaihlo , amid all utlomig time road are victimmus over- faked by fever , ummabuo to procoel fur. timer. News frommm Zaqumi river reports timt spread of time fever mummong time Immdiamms. A letter received mmmmnoummcos Limo deatit of aeveim of time puirty whmo left here iii August - gust to stirvoy time ' .l'ocoiovaimiim railroad. 'I'imeir miutimies are mint mzivomm , Time Olmicuigi ) 1tato'm\'r Ended CnumNNATI , October 'L-Time muecomi rneetimm of rercsemmtativemu of the OiiicagG amid Ohmmo river pool lutes was hold with closed doors at time Grammd Hotel ycater- day afterzooum. Time relmort of time coin- imiittoe tml4lmoiumte(1 was commaidered in aec tioims amid mtdojmted , Passemmgor rates are to be rommtorud utt immidimigimt to-mmight. The geiiemai freight ageimts mire to immeut iii Ohi- cage next Fridity amid time general paz- ntingo uigemmta time imauimoplacu t3mtturday t , . coumploto details of thu agrctd ibatua of. . thmuimew pool. A general mmmeet.immg will be imoid iii Limtmusvihlo Mommday next to ratify time whole liusimmtisii. L. D. 1tichmuirdsoui wits auponmtud iuol comlmimmussiommor with imcutdqmummntemu' itt Cimicago. Thu executio coimmimmittee yiil be comimpommod of time gomi- omnt illuimmuigons of all roads imiteremated with .1. T. iSimihloit , buimmker of Immdiuummmpoiis , as l'nuuuidummt. 'I'imimm eimds time recemit reimmark- able passenger mate war. 'J'imo mmew pool mncmmmburshmip 1mm mis foiiows : ¶ .L'imo Illinois Ccmmtmni , Chicago & Cmtiro , Cimicimgo' Eastonim hhhimmois , W'abasim t Citire , Paim- imummmdle , Lommisvihiu , New Albaimy & Ohmicmmgo , Cimmciimmmmiti , hlaimmiltoim & D.iytou mimmd time Indiaimapoiis , t. Louie& Chicago itmtilroads. INIJIANAI'Oi.iui , October 4.-Time railroad - road war omm paasehmgor rates 'to Chicago will mmd itt. immitlimigimt to.nigimt. A coum- lromlmiso him bemmut effected by which time how air himme divisiomi of time Louisville , New Abbaimy t Cimiemugo raihmotd will be admmmitted to time Uimiomm imassengor depot ammd time privileges of time Uniomm tracks of this . ' city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'F'rIhco 4uulemi. SAN FnANc'mnno , October & -Oimo of . time mmmoat iummportaimt eimterprusemi ever ustuiblusumed oim time l'mmcific coust wits iii- corlamratcd to-duty under time imamimo of time r - i'acific Steammi Agnicuitmmnuml lSlammufutctur. ing couuipitimy , cai ituml five inilloims. Aummomig time directors are Lolammd Stamiford , iSluses llopkiimmu , irvimmg iSI. Scott , 0ev. I'erkins mumd umtimens. Despenitte oflbrta comitimmuo to be made to mmmmnmgglu imlmiummmm imto timis hmort. Iifty. mmix cases of uijmmmmimm wemo seized to-duty by order of time United States Diuitmict Attor. hey , mmilt'getl to imuive lcemm fnmmuduhmmmtly 'mimported time last. trip of time steanmer Ocummumic , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ t Hemiuttor Simuirumum Iummleii Hetmig lImiriIemI SAN FIIANCISCO , October 4.-Semmator Simaroi to.iiuiy comommiemiced suit in thu U , S. circuit court. agmsimmst Aggiu Hill , ( tcciimrimmg time muileged commiract of mmmmurriago butwuemi hziimmsuhf uiid imer , chimimmmed by lUisum . 11111 to be iii Imer 1mossossioii , is raudulomit tloctmiumeumt amid tiuuit no such c'uimtritct. was e'or aigmmcd by lmimmm or hi'umijso of immarm iumgu giveum. II e musks t lie commit. I ti colmmluci iSlismi ii ill to immt1tmcG time alleged cumimimact , and retaium mossus 14e14514)lm ) of ittimitt fmumimduiuimey of thmtmtiouu. mmmemmt mnuiy ho lrieIi. ) lie dummies over imaviimg liceim mimamnied simme.o ui beemmimie a wmuluwur , amid mutates ulmumt. tutu object. of iSlisum lull poriutmatimmg time niJtu'od mmmutrniage commtnuict ma to lit ) ' eiaiimm cmi his estate jut cr'imt. of imium du'uttim. _ - - - Time ( ] Iiiss Blowemmu , Pirisnumum , October -'l'imo 1 Natiommal imssoeiatL mm of W'immdow ( iami ihAwem $ a , ss'imo are ii3i5' eumgagoil iii ii strike mmgaimmst. a iemluctiiim of wages , hmavtm fnmmimd a commm. imiumatiomi .m'ltim $1,000,000 capmtnh , for the iimmrvusu 3 1 emu'elimmg time mu mimufuctimme of glass iim Ojilioeitiuim to timtiut late cia. iihoyers. A uam'ty of 11 Wimil0W glass blowers loft foi Belgitiumm to.dmy to vomk. 'l'imty , ssrtiai timat timoy cmiii mmmmdm us I mmmci : ii m I my timeiu as hero. , Hta I cii but , Smutisa YILI ) , IS , October -'I'1ti ( iioeii SS'oiiuumm comimpammy , moctmmtly tailed , ' - . shows liabilities $0800O ; asotmi , l0Ci0O. 41