- - - - - . - - I S - Fu1 tAILY Ji.T--OMAllA , i'1JURSDAV OCTOB ! 1 , 1. l8d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r---r . _ c.- _ - - THE DALY BEE. - OIYZAHA. Thursday Moring ; ; October 4. ! flbcr III(1lCltIOtIM. For the uppcr ' ' 'PP' vitlicys , lQcal rains , With'.1fld8 rnosty eatcr1y , falling barometer , ttinnary or riin tenipera. turo. Forio lisotiri ralleyiocal raiii , Boutlierly % ylIIdq , falling btroneter , , 8tationai' or 1igltt riiw of temperature. LOOAL BREVITllh3. -.JTho 4)maha Cliulcat dety will itee this CVIU)111g at 1)r. 1)htmn.'i residence. . -8ave motmey. Scott (4 IC. Fenriumwlsml umlo dg r and tAbCCO deaJir , for Prke Ilt. -The T.uthoran church , c up amid tim roof being 1)lmt 00. -lrht : : .lnink iinil tlliiordei icm In the PolIcn coirt. yetcrilay. Vour tl1c1marizetl ; four fined. -County Clerk flamner wai bmmy yesterday repaHng tim PflC1a111Rtifl for the fortlmcorn .ing Noemnber election. -Nothing lii the m1mmmpn of vether could be finer than that enjoyed yeRtcrday but. the roads afll croBlIIgR arc anything 1itiIeaatit. . -Trinity In4inft7mlal IChoo1 will open on Saturday at 10 a. In. , in tim chapel , Tencherim and pupils are sit .reqnotod to be present. -Mr. 1enry. 1)uncan aiuil Miq Jenmde Stine vero lnazuc(1 ( On Tuesday evenini' , Oct. . 2k1 , in this city , by time 11ev. Charles W. Say. Wgo. -8a1o for .9iilo-A medium sized Molor , i3ahmann & Co. M'f'g , nearly now , at a bar. gain. Inquire at this office. -irr. Ferdinand Scbrootlor. who Imam been lying ill from norvomni proitratiomi simice the geid death of Ifn wife , . alle to be nbout again. -Although the platting hi not fully coin. ploteil , Shtiver & Itoh bayn already iold 13 crelot In IIlrnolanghIi niblition amid ] 9 in .10110 A. McSIiano'i. -U. SvanHon . ; Co. , the well knowim Mor. chant tailornhavo moved from their old Htailml , 309 S. 11th St. , to 11 1(1 ( Farnam , between 11th aiIl 12th St..i. uct3 3t - .A phtstograpli , large hIZO , of the ThorNton hoNe teant hIM becii taken , Hilowing the mimanly fornia of the boya in uniform , fifteen in all with their officerN. ' [ 'ho w.ell known dog Kono" can altom be diNcovered. -A VCT finopocimnon of the American eaglocatficcL III Merrlck county , wa among the oat hioutid tratnTnrolay evening , itj destination Iehiig wmo irnint In IllinoiN. -Sc.uon tickeb for 1883.4 at time herman Stalt ; Theatre are out , and are hiavimig a good aaio. At lrneI1t tim (101.100k for thIH poular tilaco of amnuNemoilt lii fiuier than over before. -I'ho lCnlghts Temnllar and hum I oilgo : Mnsoni of thiN city will attend the laying of iho cornerstone of the new MnNonio toni. ide at Council 1lluht to.day. -A correNpondezit vi4tos to know tlio width of timogamigoof the Union and Central l'aciIi romubm. They are both mtaiu1art1 gauge roads and oonnoquently are Four foot , eight hmiches ; wide. -There wi titmito a rumor to the effect that Wa1diigton officlaLi had arrived In the city to son what the facts were hero regartlhmig time condition of l'nui Vnmidorvooit chico1 but UjOfl invesUgatiomi It proved that their mls I aba wmu of a ilifforont miaturo. -The cammo of the State vii. Joe tJornian1 thc hack driver accused by Mum. ( ioddard of uyer. charging , camno iii ) on continuance 'ruesday. Tue facte lii the ca.so were ma evidently iii .t faior of the defendant that the idainthhi with drew the cao and ( lormnami was discharged. -Cruickshank' grand opening on Thureday evening promises to ho one ( if the must mmrngni. ficcnt mUmqdays over uceim In Omimba. Their sImlen(1Im1 now store , time finest In all t1iVmit , flild tliefr extraordinary stock of micim goods , id vo theum a TiU(1 OportUnity. -A mcmi nanied Stout , living on 1)Ivisioii itrcct , foil In : ifit yostcrdimy on llarnoy street ; Ticar the St. Charles hotel. Quito a crowd gathered and 1)r. .1. F. I. J ) . 1erzman was calloti to kiok alter the patient , anti later on 1)r. 1.olsommrimmg , the city ihysIciamm , conic. Alter a IomigpoIl of ngom'y. the imiami citmimu to ldmnsdf amni walked oil In good mmhapo. -Under the mitartling hicail of "Time Jiarba. rhin Chief , " the city was imlacardod ' 1needy by some parties unknown. Thmo hiiih , whiehi were eagerly road In the niornimig , accuse tIme Iroflt imhmoHff with soliciting the a.ssbitatmco ci the umihitla at. time time of the riot , which re. immiltod iji the death of mm 1mnrmnlo oh ! muamiMr. 4 Anzumtrong. Nobody yet has been foummi1to father thc.o 1)1114. -On the ovu of time .Towishm New Year thu enmployes of the Mesrs. Crunubauin , through * Mr. C. 1) . Sydnor , vresontoml thoni with a bandsomno clock. 'ruosday afternoon , in imp. i'rociation of thiN compliment , all the ommm imloyem of the firmim , time btoro boingclosod , were Invited imp $4) the resIdence of Mr. Oruno bawn , where mm fine impread was arranged , t3jieochiei wore made nail the beNt of good fooling irovaliod. -The ioflco juilgo Icum amimnycreti letter of In.u1ry in regard to the Blocumnli law , whichi Caine fwmm , Fairfield , rtwa , giving It high prmdso. Judge Anderson timimiks it the best kind eta law where proimlimitloim cannot peas ; because it iilace the trahhic in the imauds of me. imoualhIo parties , amid liruvelito groggeries. Time sampo law lois 1eoti workuti successfully In Swp.deii fur twenty ye.ri. This license board almould nut grmnit Ilcenbemi for loss thami iiz inoiitii , hiowoeer , iii that adumit uymoion of tim 1)mW. -'rime ( ike Chub moot Tuetiay and elctod officers for the islmitom as follows Preklont , ] 4warmI 8. Itaff ; Vice PrsiIdumit , ii. 1) . 1sta. brook ; ecrctary , C. 1. Poumol ; Trewiurur , 0. i. Jluriimelster ; 'itImbla ml 1)Irector , 1' . 8. .Smnlthm. It ; vas mitmeitleil to Iisrrasw time a4alary of the inusIc.l director t , , uuim buimilmomi dollars , Thm amesCI&t.o immembomimimlp hIt va mupom 143(1 imearly lull. 'J'ho deLlid for thmo first ommicort , t. be 1ven imbout tIme imsitldl. of Noyomnhjer , sv..ro all arrangeil aimd It wa ihcltlod t secure tim. , very be.t tidumit , Incluilimig hope hienim , oe1ly .aYen , Iora Ilenimluged , ] mnuia ? mEabehla , Jt.iimum 1.uiifso ( aiy , 11411u Cole mmmiii T.cvy , thu eormietnt. Thu cbe mu iMloptoti by the buy Of meinmrltmg &isochmt.u IImemmmb.r4 14 imwetliig with eutiru mmm. ImnbattUIt fmm * time PublIc , cmiii them VJIICta ) of 200 2ueuihers I W4NlIred. lteuolutI,134 Vbrtm jmaed , oxtommIimg , , t1musk fo courtoslus bhmown the club cmi It , August conuem I tour , to 1)r. Van mmcii of iIPper , Ifoma. B , \'miJ&iiitlno of SVest l'ont ! , 1'si May of l'jemout , Chiluf 1rmgIneor liilckemlNderft'r of the Umiloim l'aelfio railway , and others , mmmiii to the imna goiter. idly. 'l'hmo climb hover was In bettor shutiaimntl hiofuI to iimiittitIii Its ropi'tutkii ' n tie' liveliest mnuileal organization west of ( htI. . - - . - I . THE TRROH OF TXASI A llotriolls Arrcs1o 111 \OllhII1ff. \ lie lietiurus In limo Ijimime $ tni' State % 'Ithm Fonris of' ,1ui1g IiyIIPhi. 'I'hmo iticonhlllg Union Pacific traimi la.t cvemiing brought. to Omaha a mmotoriou9 character , who , if roporta are to ho be. hieved , will in a few days furnish rum 1km for our telegraph columnmis. rime lrty referred to Ia omit ) Claib Yomitig , formerly a native of Southwest. cr11 'I'exas , vhio im arrested on tIme charge of commimitting a mimurder at thu town of TiltIoii , ? 1cMu1lcim county , Texas , in 1878 , and Who WM arreateti on Castro'M raimeli , hear 'I'nblu i,1oiintnin , 4 xty.hivu muilos miortli of Rawlins , by l'mlitjor . Fiimkbono , as roprtmeoimtntivo of 'lurtle's dutoctivo agency of Chiie.ig , limo rcqIlIhI- ti(1l' ( hiavimig beuii Ia.ttmed Suimtcinbur 1fitI. The mnurler for which Young ma iiow boiimg takeim back to nimmiwer for wait that of 0110 O'Commiiull. I'oullg vmL5 in thu towim at hmicii thu erlimmo wium comn mimitted immi a Soimdimy afternoon amid vmLs pretty full. lb saw 0 CouncIl , who vmta a cripple , ruling through tim streuta on IL gray borso , which wam prceeciltig oil it iopt , . ho aimid to a comnlalIion , ' 'SCO 1110 J'I ) ) Lhiitt fohlowl" amid fired , bitting ( ) CouncIl iii thu mieck and killing hiimm , imistamitly. It was a cold blooded , unproked mmiurdor , according to thu dotuctivu's statumnunt. Thu prisoller ill also under imidietnient for another timurder , coiiiinittcd in the same state , and is accused of trimimi rob. bory , etnio robbery , cattle atoaling , amid nearly all time crimimos known to time calun. ( icr. In brief , lie was regarded as ( mile of the worst desperadoes in that mitate , and was fimmally run out of thu country. mimak. immg life way westward through I midiami tar. ritory , 1)odgo CiLylCaiisami , mmmiii Ogallala , amid Iinally wimulimig up iii time summit hills \Vyomimimmg. . There lie lecated on Swoutsvater creek , 226 mniies sveat of Ciwyemmmie , amid hue heumi there for time last live yenta , mmmiii it apears that he led the summiw sort of life as before. lie was a tenor to time coimmi. tmy , mimmil esieciah1y to limo rancimmmicmi , from whom he vite comistutmitly atcahumig cattle. It is said that iii July last lie stole $18- 500 wortim ofeattie , shiowimig that there vuts notimitig small aliomit his way of doing business. 'Vim autimorities wuro sockimig for hiimmm nil time tiime , , omid lie ymts recogmui'.od about three months ngo froum mm victtmro in time rogues gallery itt Chicago. Ihhme dutectivo WO ) wuw iii charge ci time prismier veiiL to I tawlimie aitor obtaining I ho necessary relluisitinim , amid umecumi 11mg the aemmistamicu ( ii ShmcriIl Iil1er , of Cir. liomi county , 1111(1 his deputy , sezmt omit. ly ) iiiglmt , to time ranch , hear Saud creek. 'lucy arrived at time cabin about dnyligimt , kmmochcd at time door amiul rero mit ommco admit ted , Vumummg not for a inn. mount smmspectiimg tim nature of their er- mmmd , 1 t s ns a chilly mnormming amid Cmii , asked thu visitora if they wouldn't like a little viiisky Lu , vnrumm tlmeni imp. 'i'iiey replied timat timey would , unid as lie turned to get it. for tlmemn they got. the drop ( iii imimmi mid took him without any dihimeulty. 'rime prisoner wits taken to Itawimmis amid rumm through to Cheyenne by a special train to lirOWOmit 811 % ' attempt by his coiuiruules to rescue Imimim. his cimptor says time mopie \'yomimimmg nil hioumtinyl a sigim of relief wlmcui In , was takomi ( lilt of time territory. Yoummg is a maim about 82 year of ago , of mnediummi iieigimt , florid coniplexion amid with no beard save a stiff , close cropped mnoustacimo. The ( loteetivo says lie Imas liecum very liervoume simico lie was titkcii amid could hardly be forced to cat. At times lnu cried like a child , amid. kohL wishing time trout would run nil tim track amiti Hayimig timat they voti1d imumug iiimui me soon as imo arrived at his destination. AL Dumivur a m1myaiciau hail to be called iii to atteimil , him mum ho was atnrvimmg Imimmisuif to death. 'I'imn 1him : reporter tried to interview time lirisoimer omm lmis arrival hero , but he refmieeml tO talk mit all , uxcept to say that ho Smu1l collie ( lilt all right iii time end. As tint reporter loft , Youumg grasped hiia 111111(1 with a vice like grip ami(1 ( 8aid : ' 'Good bye old imnimi amol ulmiii't you forgot it , I'll commie out nil right. " Young was taken east cmi the 0. , B. & Q. . to .Cliicngo amitl will be taken front timoro to 'I'oxtmn by thioSumiset route. I Startling DIscovery. Physltlaims are often startled by remmiarkablo licuterieq. 'rime fact that Ja KIng's Now liscovnry for Consummnptlomm amid nil timmost aimul bug dlsezmsc.i Is daily ctmmiimg pzmtlunts that time hmaoyivemi ii 14) tIle , Is mutamtllmmg thioimt Lum mutt I.o timoir momuso ( , t hut ) ' , anii exammmInu lute the mncilts of thiN voiii1ormul discovery ; mesumitlng Iii imumndmcuiu of our host citizens using it lii their iraetlce , Trial bottles free at. 0. IF. Gmdummamm's ulrumg store hteguular size $1.00. - Sluice IjIl'1z'ri' , IEAK Co. have be. Commie popular , otimeimi are tryiuig to immii tate , but look for bramid.- ui.o&w.1&8 v - - IN MIIOItttM Thmo Ilrleklnyers tlnloui I'nus Itemuolti. I louts Oh LI l'lItiuhIsmN Iont hi. At a regular mimeethmig of time Bricklayers - layers Union lmeid on October ii , 1883 , time foilowimig resolutiomma wore amiamii. mnousiy adopted : \VIIKIIAii , It line vioased the Great Architect of time tJmmivurse to romoyc frommi imir miiidst our into brotimor , Joimmi 0 Livimigetomi , ammd \ViIflmUA : $ , It its but just that a fmttimmg mucogumitlmIm of his mmmammy virtues should be lund ; timerefuiru ho it EC.(0llCd. By the Bricklayers' Union , Iuo. 1 , of Nobmutelun that t'hiiiu wt , iuns vmthm Ii mm miii 'I ' o sul mmii isiomm I ti mu ni I I time 3Iut 111411 , t U iii huh tim hess miminuim fur m'mmr irutliur who imai Iiuuii taken ( mmmiii mis. 1ebohcl , 'l'hmuit 1mm the uleatim of .loimmi 0. 1i' ii igetuimi , t his llmijImi ( Imtmmiii Is t I me ( If a lrothior vhmo euis UVU meunly to ( t lie imanil tif aid mmmiii time v 'ice m , f sy imiia. tiiy to time imeedy and ( liNtluNhCd of the craft-.aum utttj , vu mmmumiiIer u If t Ii u v1momuo imtiimo4 tumuIea'nrs were us urtu&l for liii lr41Morjty miimi trelfuLi I. , It fi jilmiul muiui CommIpullmomi rimi , W , ( ulutr ; to mis miii , ii mmi iii u'iiijo U I 'rm ' I I t tO ud mm ii 1 u I m fo tyms ii stand. lii ( I if I iii ituit i 'ii ' tti ii is ( iii ! , ms JttI'lt'cl , 'l'hmutt tt'iiduriy Cmml01U ( whim Limo f.umnily of our iluiuused Iirothmur lit thmoir huir of trial amid ItIlictIlmI , mmmiii dovotitly ummiimittmzd tlmemmm t time kuupiumg of I I iim wiuui looks vi t I Ilityium eye umi limo WilIflVii ( amid the fatimerlesmi. Je8otve(1 , 'l'hmat iii our mimiturul sorrow ( or time use of a stauimchm mid faithful iuiemuber , wo timid comiblatimum iii time lie. iief tiimt it lit yhj fur imimut whiomit mmioum'i Ji.'CSOUC't , 'I'iiat a copy of limeso rumiohmm I tmmiiii bt tramisniitled Li ihmu faummmly ( If tiw deceased M it kken of our csteemn anti re- lilleet fur tim batty emmobhiug virtues of a gou'd ' mmmii gone to his rest. Jk.'iolt'ctl , That these resolutions be souL to the newspapers of Omaha aimd to time ouliciuil organ of thu Bricklayers' and Tmtomma' I mmtorumatmommal Union for iubhica. , tiomi. tiomi.Jtctolvcd , Timat the iiall of time Brick. layers' ' lJiiioim be draped in mourning for thirty tinys. InVAmiiiu : , FnANK P.Ooum.n , J.v. . IATR , Comnmmittee. ( MUSICINTHE AIR , Suing for all IfljllhlCtiOll to ilestraill thu Board of Ethicatioll Frommi l'ny Imig SumInrhIs I n time 'ranch. ermi of 's1uisIu and Ira'lng. in time board of educ.itiomm meetimmg on mIummmday night , it was ule&mdeul , tufter long debate , to emmiploy a teutcimer of moumuic iii Limo public schools of Omieulin , at a salary of $1,000 p' mmnntiimm. Messrs. Specimt and Iiveauy mmmdc a stmut tight agaimist this , saying that time boart mud not have imi000y umiotighi to ex1)emld iii miucim extras as tide anti ( lrawuimg lesumoims , wlicmm thu iitilhic scimool buildimigs were in such a bad mutate of repair amid the rooms were no crowded. Summco Limo immeoting there hums beemm umiucim discusniomi of the actiomm taken , and the opposition to it culmiminatod iant evening IN AN ? NJL'fl'lON. tiled at six o'clock by Ceo. W. Boone amid Simncoim Ihlonmn , attorneys for time 1hmmimmti1r , who \Villiaimm Gimiser , a cornice mnanmifnctmmrcr on Niimthm streut. The in. jumiiction is brought to restrain time board ( If educatiomm frommm paying lilly salary to Lucia A. Itogermi , Kate M. Ilail , or any vorsomi or iursoiis cmigagci in teacimiimg wimo do miot imoki or i scss a certificate of qmmaiitmcntion as teumchmer. as time mw re- qliircs , utimil for tim further reason ilmimt time mooney is required to furnisim nroiior atul suitable uiccoiiimioduitiomie for tim imiiiIs of all time jitiblia selmoolmi amid to auzrAmmmv ACC0MMOIA7e : aitti provide for cimildremi of la fmul ecimool ago ticinrouis of atteimdiimg time public uuciioohum ( if flimmumima , bitt Who are umiahlo to ( it ) 130 fromim Lime fact. that no sumdm ; rpr accommuimmouiatiomis ( iXist , caused by the hick of , iuliiciumit miiOno' to provide timarefuiru. ' [ 'lie potitiomi further avers that time sub. jects of immumsic anti dmawimmg are miot iiromr ; subjects for mm comnmnoim aelmool cducatiomm au comitumimpirLted by the laws of time Sbttn ummller time cumin non micimool aystemmi. . .JudgoVakeioy nhlowcl a tcmulnr.try rcstrniumimig order , roturmmaiIo Saturday mmuritiiiu. . I t. is imrolble that. Tliuraton an(1 Ilmill vihl be the attrimemm for time defense. - flumklomm' Aimulcum Salve. Time greatest medical wumnuior of time world. SVumrranteml to sPeedily cure bras , Cuti , Vi. corn , Salt ititetuin , Fever iores , Camicers , l'iious , CimIlbialuis , Corns , 'letter , Chmuipod himiudmi , mmmiii nil skin cruimtfuims , guaranteed to cure 1mm every imuitanco , or money refwutl ( i. 25 Cmbi or box , - - _ UUItNS COUNTY. A Spiamulid ExhmlijIt. ci' ( lie I'rottuels itt Southtwemitermi Nebraska. Correspondence of Tint 13mm. I'imucni'r , Nob. , October3.-Tlmo recent fair just closed at Precept was a decided euccoss iii every departmnemit , amid esiie- ciumily imo in thongrmcultural display. Time leading cereals , corn , wheat , oabi , 170 and barley , cannot be excelled by miuly of time older SUites. Wheat , rod , white and winter , wilt equal timat of time far faimied "ited Itiver" country. both iii ( jUutiity nimd yield per acre. Time display of corn was very flue , cars large , roumimd amid vull fulled. 'Iho follow. imig % vcigimte mire : tpjemmdcd : Corn , white amid yellow , wcigimt per car,1 his. ; suimiasim (17 ( lbs. ; beat , 11 lbs. ; ommiomi , I . lbs. Time live stock display creditabio to the farmnerus in timis nection ; aummnmig the swine roru Poiruid Ohuuuui mmd Cheater \Vlmitcs. Dmmrimamnm took tue lead in cat- tie. Normnaum and Ilamnbletoniammim were coimmipicuotme antomig horses. A large hurt of timeno PrOducts wore grown cmi ground that five years ago was unbroken Imrairio. Time ( lispiny will give nut immipetums to this scotiomi of mumr State amid a guaranty of its agricultural capa. bility , and also dommmommetrates time fueL timmit time 100th P. M. is tumkimig front raumk ngrmculturally , mind that time Republican valley is ( no of thu richest iii time state. . .1.V. . 0. OCTORILt CR01' ItKvORT. Time UnLUu1 Stntcs Stmithitloal Re. . porter Thr NeIm'askui Semids Us Ills Figures , Thu Nebraska State Ihumnl of Agricuul. tore immtummds to issue at. an early day a full report , givimig acreage and other desirable sirablo iuformmmatiome as to stock , oLe. Daniel II. W9meoler , U , S. Agomitimuta somit time followimig to time 1)upartmmiunt of Agri. culture \Vmmeimimugtomi , which is a summm. mary of reports received frommm time local agents 1mm thu ditrurumit cuummmtiutm : Wheat , average yIeld per acre , 171 ; average quality ctmmmihisi-etl wIth last year , 103. itro , average y1siui pci' cure , 21) ) ' avenge quality commmp urod with imuiL year , Oats , average 1101(1 l' acre , 44u average quality cummillameul WImIm Itmit year , 100. Barley , luvorege )1t'hl er micro , 30 ; average qu.mllty c'mmmpmreul with hiat year , 90. I Iuicic s li.1u4 , iouidltl.ii , led. Crmm , , o emiuimtiorm , 11)0. ) l'ntat' ( IN , ( I n Ishi ) cuuiiltmnmm , 115. 1'.t ( ktl , ( s a oil ) oi.i I tlimmm , 9)3. ) Om cimiurds , us immulitlomi , lilt ) . Smgimmmmmi , c''miuiti.iium , 10) . i1 i , couuditiiemm , 1X ) . Cot tie , comudi LIiu , 1110. - - _ L'I..eimi , Ii. ( huy Barton Vommt toot inst mmlghmt , I i ti. 1mb 1imuldini mmmiii % m ifs , si lii ) have beem , , , kiitmq ; Iii 0.mhiurmiia for time 1ust timrctl mumoaths , sjemmt. hut day yuiturisy I ii vlsi ml IIg old Ii I untie Iii ( ) muiulma , ho cammie uiomo thick t.lwl ) , ( ' .uI ; ohio , amul loft fur tii east eu the evumImig tmiiimm. - - -Jolumi i , 4lbiim , tlmmi cummiiisurcl ml touirlmi uvimp diet so eimtiilumiiy 1mm Chieats , tii , oilier iiay , % 'as tiumm ItI 3isttriay sfiermnlmzi at. ! il ury. I liii' , Io. , imi SIFO iua log ) fliltl ( . ii lie s , Icuimi ticui I mm liii led mit tueVI meh.or im ume ummmil tiuo cirummvr' jury remuuiered a ' , erlIct iii uleath by iue.irl dIruu , , lie lied I' ii ouuiirs to be mikeui at iix ui'eic ek iii thu mnormiiig , . - Amid so the mmdgbty mmi'mupumi of time luiw , the iuima Ii otugimi for Imij tune' mu. Is Lui ho % ihiui I to i cm Irs Iii t ic ihar ui hi si muua'e mum uinumi t'aciulmug limo y'umig I l , m lion' todraw astrJgimt I io umuul , % Yr It ) Uli ii ) S 11(1141. ( RAILWAY INTELIIGErICES ab1c Line froffi ilailcy to Kctchllm , Idaho. Fort. Iouiglaq Connected by Itahi Vhthu Situ Lake City. ll.iillwzmy enterprise in the west seems to be not at all emi the wane , as will be socum by tue following itemmvu fromn thin Salt Lake Tribune of recent. date : A cAnu.E LUR. When the Wood Itivor brammch of tms Oregon Short Lute reacimsd hiniley , they rondo that Piace time iiortherim termuuiumus , amid as in umiderakod , it. Wits to monotint tue hiortiierri turmmmimmus for a certitimm period , Time peopic aiovo Ilailey imave boomi urging time buildimig of tue road at least as far up time river as Ketchiummi , auud tIm is is I m ( my IthOti L to be accoumi p1 mu bet mint by time Oregon Short Limie , or by a road of time sunmmo chmuiricter. A comnpammy wmie orguumiixel anmimo timmue uigi for thu hulir. 11(150 ( , f comustruetimig amid oper.itimmg a cable hue between IluuiIy amid Kuteinmimi. Emmgimiecrs Wore semit to muiake aimrveymu amid i.iuit ; time road , amid time stock , Pluiced at. $500,000 , hums been subscribed. Yester. day time orgamuization was perfecteul iii liamiey by the OrgitfliZ.tti'Jmm ' of ollicors as follows : ti. S. Erb , preBidont ; C. F. Limfkimms , vice prceidemmt ; .1. II. Black , eec- rotary , mind Vt' ' . S. MeCorimick , treasurer. 'mnmmmedinteiy ' after time election of officers Limo fact WM telegraphed to Major Erb , stating aino that time right of way had beemi secured . From Mr. Lightfoot , whmo us interested in thus omitorpriso , and wink is patomitco of vmmrius devices couimmected with thin system of propuisirum of cars , loarmi somimetimiog of time Ilinums of time coma- pammy Time track is to ho timreofeutgauge , and time jtmhicys carrying the cable will all be above the track , The nmachimmcry to be operated by water , time plant to be located on Wood River , about half way between halley and Ketchummm. At timat POmuit a uneastiremmiemit of time water a few ( layS ago showed 28 immclmes depth by 35 feet mi width , with a sjmeed of 05 feet ier imimmitito , Time track will extemmd froumi time d010)t at limmiloy to time l'imiladelphuia ammuelters above Kutchemum , time distaumee bu'ummg 10. uuiiiee , amid the speed of time wire boiimg sumehi as to tithe a car between time two poiimtut iii 1)110 hour. At lresemit tue road betwecim time two towims is hued with teamims hiuuumlimig coke , oar , coal , mimer- ciiandiso , etc. , amid it 's estiniutted thud. time travel over till ) road by anothmsr season - son will be at least 4 tomis a day. Work hi to begium at. once amid is to be litmeimed to as cam ly a limmisim as possible. 'i'ima FORT flotJclLA8 LIN1. Fort Douglas reservation is just two unitIes sqUale , time himgstumlr mit time fort be- imug exactly in time center. It comnunammds tim9 nmomith of Red iluitto canyoim , ammd re cemves its supiy water for nil dounemitic imumI other purjioses front 1k ut struummmm. Surveyors arc engagel in time work of rumimming lines for a railroad through time reservation to time mouth of Emigration cammyon for a broad gauge track , amid from which a narrow gauge track is to extend up Red Butte canyon to time stone qmmarrieo. This work is being done by the permission of General McCook , nuid it is probable the right of way viI1 ho granted for such a road , Provided it is for the purpose of briugimmg stomie from the quarries for use amid manufacture in title cmty , but should time promoters of such road propose to erect mmioeiminery in the canmyoum , as lots becim reported they immtond to do , they will not giut the permit to cross the reser- vation. Such works up the canyon would injure time water and make it untiL for use at time 1)051 , amid for this reason would not be pornmitted. By thu way , Fort Douglas is now mm position to boconne mm very important host. In a few days , ty time arrival of omme conipammy fromim Fort Washmakio and timreo from Fort Timormiburgh , time omitiro Sixtim immfantry regimnent m'ill be sta tioimeu there. Time iinprovcmmieute beimmg mimado at time fort gives timoun gooti quar- tore , aumui it is probable that time post will iju dOUbled within time next two yearn. heumoraiui Simerxmiumjm , Simer'ndummm ammd howard are all jut favor of unakimmg it time garrimmomm of all troops for timimi Great. Ba. sin , whiero men cami be trained ime the art of war. A traimmimmg school is to be open. ed nuoii for time iimfantry mind cavalry , and artillery will ummdoubtodiy be maldud to time gamrisoui ore bug. Fort Douglas jim to becomno a much more zmportant. ilace timaim ever , and it will at all times be warmnly cherished in tire hearts of loyal CitiT'IiC , - Thiosoaro SolI. Facts. 'rime bc.it bioocl purifier mmd systommm regi.ulmmt. or over lCed ! w'mtimimm time reach of suterimm hummmauulty , truly Iii Eoctrio ! Bitters. lnactiv Ly of time liver , Biliow.neNs Jaummdico , Comntl. hUtiOmm ) , SVeak .iCit1mmey , or ammy disease of thu urinary organs , or whoever required aim appetizer - tizer , tonic or mild stimnulaumt , will always tmmmd Electric hitters time bust. umumil oimly certain cmmre known. They act surely mmmiii quickly , every bottio gtmarummmtced to ivo emmtire satisfac tiOmi or mmioumey refumntled. hold at 50 commtmi a bottle by C . F. ( , suImmomn. , 2OOOOO , , 110 , VOlt OLUMBU ! Full maccc of Cohtimmibims Drivimmg l'zurk amid Fair Associmitiomi , October 10th , l7tim amid I8tim , 1883 , T\VO 'L'hItUSAND ) DOLLARS in Cult L'ruimiiummie for tmiaImi 01 apoud and Foot liutees , First 'u"irew ' fruit $30.00 to : ioo.oo. loumt/imr ( lie (1(1(0. l"sm Ii miIIliy 0. 0. Becimer , Secretary , or .J. E. North , I'residommt , Cuimmmmmbus , Neb , JOltS 1' . UiiIjIi.NI ) . ilI'hIt , , , ) I'uiu tItImi"4 ( II' thin Iemutim 01' 11 \eIi IL , momvn Travelhimig 'i'ims Biot was time ljrst to amumnumuct' time sad news of time death of Julimi 'I' , Uiuhimimmd , whiiito wife tvums at tim timmmu iii t 11mm city hint time pmtrtiL'tllmtra olmtaimmutl chico hiuuvo be but mmmeagru. 'Lime iimm. ciihit .Ioimrmmmmi of yestortiumy szmya 1)eumtlm huts chaimmvd , ammothmcr victim imi time iuun1)mm (11 Jiiiii ' 1' . Chulhmmmd , a furmmitmr IN oil kimuuwn citizumm of limmeohmi , wimu Iu1t I his cii ) ' a few mmm.mitiis , . sluice to immaku hujmi hi.muuu , in Oumidmn. , 'Ihie iuarticumimrmi of Mr. CIt'llaimd deatim are very Ilicagno. A t.IoumnhIui t ( , lujum wife fremmi Chamcogo , me- coived Monday mmight , , a3s : ( limO ) at .111CC , Joiiim ii dead , " Ziia. Clollmummul lilt on thu first trutimi fur Ciii. nigll , It will be memmemmil.Irei by luau ) ' III OhiC citizens hint while i'Ir , Clullaumul ut as a residemit of Linmcoinm , lie wa'm suiiurjmm with a ttmmnor omm time umeck , mmmiii that nt tin suilucituitiomi ( if fr'mt'ndns wcumt to Cimk'nguu , where it tcmiim cut omit. by Dr. ( ; umism , ii o n uturimud imonmie feeimimg amp. Ii4muit1Y umi well its ever. \Iummmy ate of time omnmmmotm third. his ( bath mummy be attn. buted to time tumor or time operatiomm. Thmo deceased was one of time oldest traveling mmmcii him time State , imavimmg beomm jim time ummmploy of ICaimmu , Simoemmin mmmiii Ce , , time wholesale clotimiurs of Chicago , amid at time timmie of his death was 0111) ' timirty.fmve ) 'euiiI of ago. Be ts'as front Marysville , Mo. , where lila ummothmer mmow nesides. In this city , imo amid his wife immndethcmr imomne with D. 0. 1 hill , amid vimen utr. huh ammd faimmiiy wemmt to Oummahma , ? utr. : tuil I1Is. Oleilamid wemmt witim timuimm , - - - - AN OMAhACOLONEl _ , . HoVemmt to Slcepiumicl Forgot. to lIe. Time foiiowimig story is taken from time Topeka Jourmiol , the identity ot time warner - nor referred to being left to be guess. ed at : At the timumo time Union Pacitic railroad WilC buiidiimg'est frommi Omnaimum timere tams a gcmitieimmamm iii time omuiploy of time freight ( hiuluumitmmmeumt 1'im ( ) % vus cuillcd''Col" I I e tras addicted to iiurioiicai sprees , bu' ' wemmt cii time saummu with forethmougimt , and altimotmgit ho ofteum host his mnimmd lie miever lost. his rcamiomm. lie would atammd iii a. state of : thmmmost uumcumisciousmmeBs , and argue with a cicarumess that would mmmtke utmost mmmcii tired. 0mm one of his sprees lie nipearctl before time boys witim lila mmiiimd imm chaos , amid stated to thcmn thud. lie would die timid. imighmt. at 1) ) o'clock. No mmotice was takemm of time state- uncut at the timmmo ; but two or three days hater time "Ccl. " turmmed UI ) sober as a grammd juryammd was aumluted wmtim : "hello , Ccl. ; I thought you ware Lottie time other uiigimt at 9 o'clockl" l'uiliumg hmimuself to- getimer , ho imimswered with aim air we aimall mower forget : ' "uVe fully immtemmdcd to die at time time immemmtionod , but uimfortummmmtely we wemd. to sleep amid forgot it. " ' [ 'his answer silenced all commmmnemmt , ani time "Col. " walked time streets of Omnalma as sau'o amid ummmimmswerablo as over. -The grand jury isvestigatimmg the alleged rape case of duo little girl , Iosephimmo 1'tton. ITUTT PL1L TORPID l3OWLLS , SOLE LIVEF al3d L"J2ALAI/ & . Frfan themio umonrcee utriio. ttuc iumrthim of lt'o dleuimeH of time Ito i , Tlic40 t1m1toumt8uuidtcat theli' 7.msn at , putlte , 1iutcI cit- netaoSumUUosS Cuter exertIon ) f.Irntli. Q of iooil , IrritnL' 0' , 'V spiritc , SUP' . , 3i . . cul siimOjZuflV .sCSe , . .i'tt1to IteartI ) . .oro tlre cu ' 'ib2'coI. orcul lJr. . - . . t)3I)4TIPXtK1.s , and dci. ciond time toic ota rcnme0yth.tt acts directly on ( ho i.it AsaLlvtirmncdiciumo'rUTT'.i 'rLLS have no cun1. Tmuolrnctlunon timci IldncyO uuumtt SLIn is also promimpt ; removing sU hmnimuritics throumglm timesetlmrco"scav. emmgors ot ttmo r.y'.utcmtu , " producing tippo. ( Ito , sound digestion , r'guliir mitools. a tuloar slctummmtia'u-Igorousbocit. 'l'IJTT'S 1'UJS cause no nausea or gmiplug nor iimturcrs with dully work and uro a pouted AITVIOT TO tLARA Sol1ev'ryo ii'iv.Uimc. Ofiice.41 MiurrtiySt.N.Y , GuaY HAiti Oft WIHSItERF ; cImanget in. mtanty ! to a CLOSeT 1tI.ACK by mu miuimgIo application - plication or timla nm. Sold by DrugLst.s , or bent by exorceus on receipt ot $ I. Olflee. 4 tlnrray Street , } ew Yorl : TIT' MA1IIJAL OF USEFUL i1EIEIPTS FREE. SPECIAL NOTICES. rSpoc1a1s will Positively not be Inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Money. 1,1oNKY , TO LOAN-Thu Onmaha Savings Uank Is I si new mreparal to make Ioans on Omaha city or ilougies county real cM.ato at current rate on Inkret. No conunision charged. cisS.tf % fONEY TO TOAN-Tho iowcit rates of thterest iiIl3emIii' Loan Aceney , 15th & flouIaiu. 234.tt jONFW TO L0A-Cahi at Law chico of P. I. . I i Thomas , room 8 , Croigliton l3lock. 'i1 oNmy : LOANEt--On Chattel mcutage , room 7 lv , Nelirnilta Natinnmil iiankltulllInr. 154-ti I TO I.OAi-J. T. hicatty oaw , 0mm chattel i _ _ _ mroperb. ItS South 14th St. sept10 hELP WA'rEu. % ATANrt-Two : Utchutri girls atthchlarney street V S Ituetaimrn.nt , 103 4' . ' \rANTEm-ltc lablo boy todeilver goods an ! take care of hore. Mut lcuao god refrences. Ai'm ly ml yOitTON'H , lil-3 moi : luJth. near Damenport. yANtED-Inmed0tc1y , I , , a tanmily of tto , a V flrst.clu , girl. None ether iico.1 muJm ly. Cor. 20th .undOak . ntimoii avenue , between lii. 1sry'u sue. and inarney zttrcet. 142.4t 11TI'tuTIi1)-Smafl Iti Ia ( scully of two to attend V I laby. C , J CANAN ii Co. 1i3.tf : . ' 7Anrnn-nr1dg cnrp&nters. , Apply tWm. V led , at Canitwid houo , until 12 ni. We.hcies. ( lay. 120.3 $ IVAhrn-To good gtrIs , one is cook Sill one V V for second work at 2. W , cor , Cas , an , ! 21st strlctu1. 1i3 41 17Abr1n-ro good women at Buckeye Sleet V S Ilsrket. Good usages. Cor , 16th mind Sismoim streets. 111.3 % A7ANrpu-oirl for houscwurt at 615 south litli vu street. 1204 % VANTuI-Oool girl for general hiouuework. V S Sirs. . Viiholes , i'ark aucitno , 5th huouo foiuum corner of Lvaueumworth , cast side. Ii04I A tIENTh vAu1 uI : , - large roOts seiiluig our I t imoumsuimolul , ueces.itles. $ end toe rircuiui a for $ srtlcuiars. 5uumu ilul , i'air. FoAl ) gy & unisoN , mei.6 1(0 1 ian ) ii ii. , C l's lii 1TA'TEh-FIrst.clas lauumiroum at City miotol. vi 112.31 % TAh1ETwo.uoeumnkersat ) in. Ilolile & ( Jo's , , S S o,1o.italloyil's Oera iiouam. 101.3 , ' TANTgIliri for geuierai imousuuuotk. S sgu , . Southt'i4 c'irmmer 15th ulul hurt. lIST Si ii. mm. iiiOVN. 17ArrEt ) ( JiI .1 8lseus motel , 1uii ( ( snout , vi mId St t'ANl'E1) ( lenmau , , an'mml , iuiierleiuerd II , dr ) I 1 & : o.'ui. , MIII ciHsi Miu5icit5u ( 'c ; % 11I I good 'a ory. ( l.IIIIIAII1IANT . LI.E. ) tOiti \'ANTEm-Twi tuen of good aIdros to sell a good , , 8ie&lly 1owltion tar time wInter , C.di n ( 41 sutu , 1' iii at U. I. 1111.31 \\'ANIEU--AglrI for guite'rmmm ) outm-vworu. lii afeam I Imy ul iso t soutim thu Street. SOOSi 'AN1Ol-IitI toe gozmusl imousuwurk , 2114 , I iougles utreeL 1114.l ' \7AN1 EhI-lildgo carps fliers. Aluili , to Win. S tsoyd , at u aulleld hue , until 12 mum. U'e.rios- $ day. hills : _ _ - - - - , ' ' IANTIu-A : fewsmnalt ciergotie aluumeIu to can. S I n..s bus miel. ' 111011 hum Kammas siud Not , . A11 3m boi ouou 4 suIt C I' . mU. to C. Ii. iumdaiI , Fumo. I (101 Ilucil mor U I' . 1)0001 1)42.4' 7AN7Ot-l'Irst cia. , . mnoulleru to sock eu heavy V V aurk , bL'rtLEt , J3uucoln i. % YANTEhl Mi emugli 0 toruc , hi a greetleal engl. V Y muter ciii iusshttml.L I end releromaus cvi. . Lu lurmaiskid Addnss "IV. II. S. " lk'uoflk'e Bul mini % TAN'lEl'uue.t girls for good inmiullius. 1k. ? S V wars. Aim , ) lmntuiediatuiy at cum,1'nient hue.'au 2i7.N. mimthpt. No. culicefee. 622 ii urANTED-s1 god coat masker. . host ol prPes S S ImiiL t'lt.tNlC J , lt.ttUI , 732.tf fAIbia : agontaler tiTu io. , u or.A new outer garutunut for tsdi. , tnsd , of u.olt , flexlle rubber , Suru j'rot ctoum ) to the under. sear , alien necessary to be worn. lktafls for $2.Cs' as fast a' , smuts c.iim shots it. 1.arms I1ro5t Addrea sltbstan.p , "I.sdIea' Uuuudexgarmeut Mauutmfaulrmrluug i.o. , No mi Nay trvut , CIulcao , I. Td ) ) Sum for Infants and Children. Cnstorlnprommiotr-s 1)irrost Ion andVircommmemi .L"latulemmcy , uoiImitmIa- ) tioum , Sour Stomach , Diarrlmcva , mmd Fe'renisiuneas. It itm8ttrem imealtit and natural sleep , witlmout snorplilne. I' CastoHa 14 so treli adapted to Children that I recommnemid Itassumuorior tonny prescrlptloum known U ) mime , " 11. A. Autemuxum , 1)1. ) 1) . , a.rouana flrbokhyn , N , Y. CENTAUR LIIMIMENT-ams ztbsoluto cliro for Ritetima- . tismu , Sprains , Bimrmis , GnhiH , ac' . The most Powerful aii 10nc- tratlug 1'nlhL-rel1e'Ing ztnd lleahIiig 1oiiiedy kh1OVfl to isian. - - - -r-- THE F3ESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES ] ) 'fiJLHliULI SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORL3 ] FOiL hAND AND MACHINE SEWING. Full as'ortmmmemmt coumstammtly on hand amid for sale by HENRY FUHRMAN , Frniont11eb. 1TANToI-Ulr1 at No. 1058 Sluonnan avenue. fl 54.tf 3IItS.J. St. COUNSSIAN. IIITUATIONII WANTED. ) - . , S mean in suie ? hardware Iuutm.e by nice ue1i ao. qumaIituui ith it. a , mmie. No prefercuice a' to lace. lion. A4lres4 "J. S. Ii , " No. 703 mmorthm letim street , Omnaims Neb. h2S5h 17ANTED.-1iy aim esmerlenecul collector. b'114 of V limyslelamis , iicry &c. Addres , 'Z. " lice chico. 101 3' yMurED-Situation , as nuro by mntddlo ruged lady. AupIy i.t S. r : . corner Dodge end 12th St. 0123' L ADIOS 011 YOUNG IfON lii city or country to take rules , iilmt COLI ilcesaumi sork at their own tuonues ; 2 to 5 a day cai1y aol quietly made ; wick sent by macil ; no anvnssing ; tue stamp lot , repiy. h'lcaso addrca Reliable Slaum'f'g. Co. , I'imilaii'a. l's. , , lraser Ti' . 47.lmot MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 1TANTED-A few day boarders at 113 8. l7tlm I S street. ite-af \ \TANTIJ -To meumi , a liouc of about 4 roomn4 , usithln 10 hlcc1us of the niostollice , for fanmily of tao. Addicas " : . N. " lice otlice. l27i $ TtNTED-Two ortheoground floor roorn , on. furnished. Addreis "C. " 4 N. icith strict. 1o04 I \7AaTEI _ iuruiished roonm for geuitmemncun unit , wife , Slust not be moore than flu bioc'is freum l'axt..rm Ilouse. l'rico muL be reuusoimutbie. Addrcs , . , , _ x _ , lice ollice. 81)0tf FOR RENT--floUumea r.nct Lots. . .TIuolu 1IENI'-Purrmitmod room , 1810 1)edgo utreot. .1. 1370 VRF.N1'etable , Tnuitmlrtu 1103 , cornier 11th rind Ilowardatrect. ll0.i Iuon1 1IONT-'tmrcluhnj roomils on the nortimusest cor. 13 im and Cajiltolaveutmo. 130 tf 12011 I1F.NT-FuumnlsImed room for gentleuumen. In. I quire at A. lIospes Art suud music ihali. 131-tf _ room , , 25th street , betveeum 1.eavcnworth anti 1ones. Inquire for i1ru. Nd- son , 125'uI I 1t IION1'Oit OALO-Crctton lhrewory and Park. Capacity of lurewiry 111 barreLs icr slay. Iteser- voir afford mnty of ice. 'ihero Is forty acres of iait1 usitlu tutu property , iut ucili rent with or without the lainu , 1lrewor. adjoins city ilmnuits. Owned lv a widow Is my. Call or correspond regarding remt slttm 'I iii : . ii. IIAII.9t1 LAND CO. , 1200 , Cieton lose , F IIENT.-A simile of roonis for gontleunan cemut . sif , 1112 S mitim street. 1)32.1) ) , OI1 mcob"r-.t Ioasant front room , furmmlhed or unfurnl.hocmo5 N. 18th ttot. 8115.41 oib RENT--Two largo rooms for germtlemnenm ouuly. . AUen , ill N. 170m street , 114-il Foil I1ENT--Wuth board. a furnished room , gas nd bath room at 1714 Dodge 01. 107.6k I , oR BONT-Two unfurnluhd rooms mit $7.00 per month , at 1014 Webster stru'ut. 'ilolt 1IIINT-l'urnlsmcl ) rooms , sIngle and lot light uuouseheehIng. iieiulner'ui block , corner mitlm and h1osrd , 035.tf momu ItENT-Nicely funuishod frsrmt room. Apply 2t1 1)odgo street. muo 4' I IIINT-Large , needy furnmnliod roonim 1Ci3 Chicago street. I Olt ltET-172O ( ftlmti Aucumue , elegant turn. isheci rooms. ( lentiumer , rutmd us ifu or gentlenim. n. ilotauiudcoid water. All conuenumecmceN Toe-Ui I 'Oit 1um1Nr-Nl1y ftmruluhv1 mootus ibOm ot. hot. fledge and mvIto1 eve. erg-u : I lOlt IIONT-l'imruimshel ruoluom. N. 0. t.ul foul nat. mounport streets. mime 01 I hiF.N'l''rhuroe umb iirnishe.1 roomuui , I eq ulru N. W. cornier 26th uinl Ilmugkms 01. 1i03.gf I iuN'r-o : , I murk atones , a line now rviilence of let , roouums , Juit c"innjletel , Furnace , htiu- oem. water ii. rooms , acid mull inuo.lur , , ceuieeuuleiaces , cenmunieil walks uurounmd irenumlues , smatlo vie. , nuts , a tim 1001mm lieu-u urn ilolgu hit. for liosruiunuuf iuinmuu lurloc conu..ruiecut to 11. 1' . Hmuo1s. J. I. . 111)11. ) ION , ilgelit , l5I. ruirumauui St. ert i'olu hlFNr-'ro : story house mu good repaIr , 0 I rollins , 120 ncr mouth. McL'AflUi' , On ) SI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P nl.T-N1coiy hmrni.imedroorni724 hiougla. , 03) ) tf T ° LOI'-FmmrmulsiuoI ri'ouums sIlO board iMet tail. fiyuils Mt b211.iuno. I , mt utSN'h' Oil Ht II-iure iuhlliilg c'r. 50 , aiil l'iorcu 51 Good building forgrucryr Ihmtclier shiOji. 531 I iuuim I 'O11 lmnNr-A cozy little fmmrululjud r oHm t , leiy only , for $ tU.O 2Ui 0 Cass Strett. 1.46 tf . FI' ' ' " ImNg'$10. ( : . tO6Sl ) uniuttu , Stores anmut roonmi ( ii remit. City r'ilieueu fir sale * ' 45) Uliluiltl ) Vac.mnut lot. Iii all i arts UI cli ) ' . liii iii lauil br salu or eeehuange. UIIJNSnLTIIY & MARTIN'S , lios.l l.tat Agoiicyl. tS corier 11th mdii fr'.sruianm. 7ui if JMii IIONT--Nicely fumru,14l10t1 ro'ucms Icr iiu , us luitur. lmuulru at east , lde itlu t. 1etuucu'uu lmmilss I lluilgt. 705-ut I 4 ht lii-h7--lk'sldt'uiues a.nl storebuilIliupi. hOD. l'iRl , I 51)1101) ) , mht'am Fjtatu Agency. Cities usit ud.lc I 4th .tro't , lets iii , ' .tmua'iu ' alit ) lkuuugi.ss 'treets. lest - , - Piwc-I' he ctiuuuuoliius 12 it.ui iioumu whit udat.lu , ito. , cmi N. st' . zorui'r Otb. . , uI ( immummig .trrets , miOuv occuuitem 10' ( Jherlus P. ilanlersim. . . Iii uuimlru up uu Ireinuisci uuutil ' 'riohitur ' I st , whum 'sess loim udU hi glaui. AUtlou , sale of lamest , gosis Tluumr'.leu , Silt. 2711 , I I 'OIL ( ( ONE-iwo mit' . . uuit ) ssaulneuut Oluuswr atatehoil , i.1I7 l"aruuuiuuu street , 570 If h'OR SALE , 1-toll S.tlO-h6il acres , ID numlls tmonm town. Oo41 11 buiPdtings , tu cli , , amlth itoh , I Iuilu 15.00 eli acre. 131.tt AMOS ISO ? I'sroati. , I I ' 11)11 Alt'Imetaul (1 rua'cry ulol li1. LI Ihilsuihil husl rue ? guhuug late JO huig I rlo , i'urst claus Ol'ir utulty , N SI F 1. liii It lfI7 I'atisu , . F ° R hAil' lucorlrg ) hioumse Yuiruuitut. , A.l'lr..s I "Li. I , " IIe allIes. 120 III S1mat gives oumr Ciufldren rosy cheek. , What curve their fevers , malies uen sleep 'TI. Castorla. Vbcn babies fret nut cry by turns , What curve their colic , kills their worms , But Castor ) a. \That quIckly cures ConstipatIon , SourStomath , Colds , IndigestIon , limit Czuitorl * . , Farewell Omen to MorphIne Syrups , Castor 011 and I'aregorlc , antIItall Itall Castorlat } Olt S % t.O-A foumuuilry aol r-schlno shop out the U. 1line. . Ceumtrallv hwateii unil guoil train. A lame chuinc , for sommuegoul mnc1vuuuic. Addros"C. S. ' hleo ohilco. 1ss.io IA1 t ii ' 'k hoI I uiueiuuili toni It ore. , Iso coumplets Ilmmuter'uu outhit. lniihulirui 1103 Lcnuciatvortiu SC 124.31 . i mtOCEUY Filth StImMy tcick of m'aplc and Cuncu grocerlee , ( uit-euusuvare annul Ilitiures , uiitue. toil lit tue lit e dlv of Crestoim. Ai , toy geuuerah store ut Neu mu-i Ic , loss. Clumuigo of buulne-.u rca. scum for selling. Call on or nuldrisi M. A. NYC , lilt-ill C'reston. iowa. . 1.utih SAl.i cecocul hound ' .tmncricnn" Sewing ,1 ' .R-Iuiuu5 uLry Cheahi. Inquire ut Ilte Oli1e. lilt-ti S 1mlm:1' : : uomt SAT.n-4loo head Cf large , fine Men. lie lme.'p , consitiumg of 220 wet h2rs , 1,700 cuu'os and 200 haunt , . The umbome shed ) , iicareui th1i spmIng froni 7 to 1)poiund for vetImurs mend the owes aver- eyed nix ltoumlmd. of trod. Correepon hence solicited. I ) 3.7) ) rAmtsmlu.I. 1100 , Oimuahuu , Neb 0It s.u.IJ-Imawuor's .Smmb.dhlsionu , ' 200 an acre. llawver's l4uhu-dtvlslon , t2Clt ) an a"re. 11atuuvr'u Sumiu diliMlolu , 2OOan acre. Iiawucr'ui Sub dhduhon , 121)0 ) tin acre. Inas mer's Sutu.iliu isbn , 2oO an acre. lie evers Sub-ditliouu , OO an acre. Inas u , 'r's Suilu dim iuloiu , 1200 atm acre. Ilawu-ur's Sub-ulivi-lon , 1200 rum acre. 1navcr's Sub-dividon , 2i'O an acre. lies u er5 Sub divisIon , 2200 aim Santa ilatsvcr's Sullulelcum ) , 2iO ) aim acre. 1bawyers Sub.ulhduion t'200 an acre. acre.AMEW , OO4tt FarnamUt. i'01t SALO-Spknthid buettmmuermt , two ilihl Itim , six _ g _ house , , . Pluto farm , oeu city 890-3 SIII1IVER Ic BELL , Foil SALF-21 acre tot , , west , $ hOO. 21 acre lots , west , * 100. 21 ado htswe.ut , $ ' 1O. 21 acre lots , usest , $ 't9. 21 acre iota , uteat , $100. 21 acre lots , westff1iO. 21 acre tot , , west , 1100 , 1101.11 AMIS' , Farnairm CIrcuS. . .U1on SALE-Setu-um clu''ant Iho'ldenees arid lots- .1 hear l'oatottke. 12ttri to 17,001) tech. 80T.tf 111CC , P. 0. IFolt SALJ-Uote flrflhlanto , IWO arm acre. Cots Brtiliante , * 100 acm CiTe. Cute llrihliuite , $100 arm acre ( Jots llrliluuunte , smou n acre. CoLe hirhihiante , * 100 an errs Cote Drillianute , $100 mum acre. Cote lirlilicuito , $100 an acre. Cole Ilnltllaumte , * 100 to , acre. Cole Itnihilauute , 10O an acre. Cute lirIltiante , 110) ecu acre. ( Joti , ilruhliaute , $100 aim acre. Cole Itrihllaxmte , $10) an acre. ( oto Brhllianto , i00 aim acre. Cot.t lurlltlante. $100 an lucre. Cute linillbutte , 1O0 tin acts. AMES , OIMI Parciam Street. Poll SALO-IVill trade for real estate , umow pimac. tori , burn as stud nelarge , souumd , kind driving horse , splendid trameler , suitable forlady or genUs- nans use. Ai1 ES' , 9011.3 Farnaum Street. 1 jiOlt SA.O-Cote Bnilliante. $ iOo an acre. Cole flrhlhimuumte , $100 an acre , C'ote mirhhilance , slot ) ant acre. Cote mmriliiante , $100 sum acre. Cote lirlitianute , * 10' ' ) lou acre. Cote hinliliaimto , 81s ) an acre , Cotu llrllllante , 111.0 aIm acre. 000.tf .53105' , Farnam Street. i-oht SILO-Lots IQeiGO , curer lack avenue , * 523. T.ots bumh6O , near I'ark Avenue , S25. tot , t4)elCO , river l'erk Avenue , $125. 003-ti AMOS' , Fumnnaun Street I 'OlL HAlO--uuo at time hantlsommmeut lots 1cm Omaha , east front , corners , in alley , 2nthu 'treet , halt block north Or , Mnruavdtuue , nieusrtlisjuilge flrlgs reulleunco , Imuuiulnu at the hi. & ii. ' 1cket omllccIStb auth Fanuisum. 71)7. tin' EDWAED KUEHL , Mkam "mv .mt ufl' lALII 's'm'OlW .INI ) ooNlnTION. Al.lSI' , 495 Truth street , Iivtscen h'anmam and lii , . ( icy. alml , altO the iuil ( if gumerdisum spIrits , obt.ab t : any uuie a gla ire "I ISa and rrnut , mirut to (5 rtuilui rihlilpis I" time lmmturu , , lt3 ) I u eel S. I' . ' . . - . tl.f.'tIw , R014 IiiutYr's fG POWDER Absolutely Pure. 1iD l'r ruvr lanes A mucuruel of pturlty , ( I Veigt It Still I' lq slIltili's , tillu vu' ic uli ' _ id thai' he ii tie , , ' I I , slut ' euiiu4 I , ' ' lu i miipvtiiior I , ithi ttu uuuilluupt iii low I ci huoiI ti iiIit , aluat l' iler 4'I I oiu hy mu rule. 10 cci li-at- iig I osd I. t , l all 'invt 'ttC 'miuk -