Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    - - - -
, , ----.s' ' ' -Is % , V tr h 1. I 11Hth , Ill. Iti.ri. 1
fI.I ; DAILY ' i
, , t d.
[ ' Hc1day Gocds 1
Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs , Music and Music Books , I have
laid in a
j - Fancy Goods and Small Musical lnstrumentsj
Offering you the Choice Selections of
: Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my
Made up and selected by myself ; the assortments have heretofore been all made up
, ' in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; the
! / result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments are
t made up as follows ;
100100 assortment , over 200 different articles.
50.00 . t6 150 Ili
a-\ ; 35.00 t6 125 ill "
' 25.00 fit ; 100 LL
15100 " 75 "
showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get.
I have also made up a number of $5.00 Cases of 5 and 10c. goods , and also
10.00 Cases of Cups . and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware ) especially designed for the
Holiday Trade. .
La1'eLillAofCI1ritMa8 1 Birthday ards . J
Tailet Sets Purses and Pocketbooks
J ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
JL1p2AFs ! 1 , f
Shell and Was Flowers Valor G1aos.
And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with sam-
pies on the road , one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my samples
ples and lay'out will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make your
own selection , I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with
the right man always will do.
I ,
r ,
No. 103 South Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
11' -
Continued fmm Sixth Page.
ngaitist the building , h5d fortel 'I ) r.
Cross to the wall , before thu latter shut.
Iti closing ho urged that the ILai1 shall be
lixed nt a rt lsounblo ono ,
Col. Daily nadu tlme closing Argmncut.
Ito sprat a)1tM ) Urable titilo 00 the fact
of thu prisoner having the ruvolvur in his
1)(1AACAalelh mull having ntado threnls at
varfeus limos to ttso it. IIti followed
about too saut0 liuo of argmuout in ru
viewing thu teAtuuouy aA that taken by
his Co counsel , 1\t r , Posey , alum'iug
timlicu in the various acts prccecding the
shootiug , nod prene(1ihstfou.
At the close of the nrguulent Judge
Aluswortlt fn deciding stated that the
only qucstiou for him to tieeide
whotlier it urns utunlur in the tirst
degree , hunt whuthor alto dofcttdamit
shall b0 auhiltlC(1 to bath , nod ,
if so , I11 utach. 'I'ho case , if ono
of tiuu dor , full under that part of the
law which iroeided that tire killing Host
bu ailftli , Ilolibe'atu mititi 'lrumcditated. '
Utilcss the o idelc0 was clear , er thu
propotidor8ncu wmis great , 811(1 uioo ) the
0tl'enSu s % t CrnnnlittVl under bit igatlug
cireuti1stu1ces , oho prismtilr utigltt , undo'
one deCISIUnx of thu cOtl1'L , b0 admitted to
bail , IftIto oll'unsowits coumitit teti ur
the theory of Mr. Nichol's testimony it.
ssOuhl aeeti1 wilful And pratnetlilalld , but
it comiminttted outaidu of those eireotn-
stamic's it might not bo so wilful , if 1)r.
Cross had , as Iw threatened , provokr(1
Dr. McKunu to nssault Ilia that night
for the purpeso of litving : 1011 UXCIIAO to
shout ltiut it wouhl have bran nuirder in
the first degree. It was dfllimllt to get at
the 11otive of these ate , , 'I'Ito attack
by 1)r. Alct une , as testified to by wit-
uesses , was out ill necai'danct with tow
plan stacd in Dr. CrOsy threats , 'oho
court thought that , under A1r , t'usuy'x
theory , after then threatx , 1)r. ( 'rosM1
would tint harp bcun entitled to ; uty at-
teupt to dufulit hititsulf. Under the cir-
cumshuices , as presented on this exatnin
ation , ho did not belies that till ) ' jury
would coorict of murder in too first degree -
gree , oven if they did not acquit cn the
ground of self dofelsu. Thu court , therefore -
fore , deciled that too prisoner was cu-
titled to he released on bail , amid ho fixed
the tuuuunt at $16,000.
'lieu court , Also uole uu older that tow
witnesses gtve Uteir own recognizance to
appCu bCfurO thu grand jury.
'l'huro ' reiafucd only the giving of the
required bald and steps wuro at ( nice
tlkeit to arrwge that matter so as to
secure Dr. Cross' rulunso front jail ,
Dr. Cross was released last evening ,
the bail required being fm nished by
, lobo Icellur , J , 11r. Palmer and Phil
FirHI Itovived anti then Cured.
" 1vfIH trlvlde , l for n year with torpid liver
aud iudigovttun , rut after trying e'erythieg
itnaginatdu 11x(3(1 1lurvlock llloo 1 hitters. 'Phu
Fret bathe ruvit mid nu , null thu second curet
me enUrely. .T. S. 1Villiaunson , lochester { ,
N. Y.
r - - -
Tilt' 1)ides Ilave Come'
.i..1. Bliss will tnltu pleaiuro in shouting -
ing you the real Nct York dude , with
largest , liucst aud cheapest line if Alilli-
tiery and Notions west of Chknoo ,
heal EHlltleTI'all1Hli S.
The following deeds were filed for record -
cord iii the recorder's otlice , October
3 , reported for the Bii by P , .1. Mc.
Alnhon , real estate agent ;
,1.13. McCalka to Mary EMurcor , part
so , { ' ° .1 ° 1 , 74 , 39-$5.
1Vn , . Boiler to Luvi Graybill , part not
I10. ° 8 , 7 I , 33-G0.
C. Butanschaun to Fred Voss , uk ntri
it ) , 77 , 38-$2,610 ,
E. 1. Ilinckley to Al. B , Frisbiu , lbart
lot 18 , block lf , , 1Vahutt-$1,000.
henry G , Fishier to Ilitmis lief , lot 16 ,
block Gl Underwood-G0.
.John I'iarks to Ilaus lief , part noF Hui
26 , 7s , 4'2-$100.
AI. 0 , Janos to Albert Schroder , lot
G , block 11 , lIall'x add-E200.
Sarah huniplirey to G. 1V , Ilutler , lot
13 , block 13 , Corson-$80 ,
Total sales , $6,160
- - - - - - - -
All poisonous matters is carried off
from too syutomit by Suuutrlea)1 Ncrvhln.
"Fur 4 yeas luny daughter had epilup.
tic fits , wutex .L N. Alnrslutll , of Gran-
Alo. 'S'unarifan .4VCTUffC
by , , ) cured
her. " At Druggiats.
- _
Itupunllciui 1t51Iy ,
' 'hiere will bu n lupubitcel rally at. too
court house thiK evening , at which Gun
oral Stobbitis , of Dctroit , will speak.
'I'Iiu ncoting is to commence at 7:30 :
o'clock ,
- _
To t'Olel H.
I hiuruby miunounct nlysulf to the voters
of Potta val.tanito county ax an iudepeu
dent caudidatu for county Hurvoyor.
.I,1'.JUmi (1N ,
_ COUNCIL ln.uri'x 31AIIICKI' .
11'hont-Nu. 2 spring , 711e ; No. 3(3c , ' ; rejected
jected , 81k ; good donan(1.
COii-1)unherx are Iuayhughi ; 32c rojcctod
corn , Chfcaa ) , 4O jIGc ; now ehxed , 1Ue ; white
core , , roe ; the rocelpts of corn are light.
Oats-In good duuiail titt 0c.
I lay-4 OUriti oo per toil ; ( Ae per bale ,
11370--iOc ; light supply ,
Corn I'd eat -1 25 per 100 paned , .
Wood-Good supply ; prlcu , at yauds , a 00@
C ( N ) .
Coal-1)ollvcred , hard , 1100 per tun ; soft ,
t ; ether tau.
1 hitter -Plenty an(1 in Ldr doinaad tit 2Gc ;
creannory I0a {
1ggs-iteady % sale at 15e par duien.
Imrd-hnlrbault'a , whoblsnlhig at lac ,
Poultry-Kirin ; dealurH are paying for
cldckmis hic ; live , 2 ( ,0 per doiuu ,
Vuguhablos-P0tatOOt , ( Ac ; onions , (0u ; cab.
bagex , 3OOhOc per twice ; itppfcs , 350(100
per barrel
„ Flour-City hour , 1(0@3 10 ,
hruuiri 2 ( )0@3O ) ( ) per .
Cattle-3 0O@3 ( A ; calve , , G 0007 r.o ,
( fogs-.lhrhot for bugs quiet , our the pack.
lug boiixos are chi md ; shippers are payig 100
O 4 75.
- - - - - -
'rruisnilHHlon of 1'osvor.
Thu very important pr(1blon of thu
trausutission of power ( coin pOiutH whore
it is abundant , to ) pints whore heat be
advantageously utilized has lour battled
Inventos rut here aru still cl ctricians
who believe it can ho profitably ( ) 0.
One of then a Frelcliniuu uai and u.
lire has already undertaken to tot a
1111(1 i1i practical iurabon. Ile l)1i c0d
dynamite olcetrto uinchincs on Uebitnks
of thu river 1t nmachc , which allbrds goad
water-poworfor large turbine wheels , By
Illeala of these hu transmitted to ( Irun
ohlo , a IIIHIaIICU of nine miles , sdticiuut :
to operate a factory surd light ; 100 uleetrie
lights , 'J'hu medium of transmission was
u eoppcr wire , somewhat larger that the
ordinary telegraph wire. About forty
par cent , of the power wan lost in trans.
mission , yet the result obtained is said to
uitird a Profitable meats of running a
factory mil it place whore fuel is uxceediug
ly dear , Notwilhslnndiuq il'ru swan t ts
coura , in reports that limo been made
re rareliiig ; the e11anreA for success in hrans'
liuttiii the tan'c1' which rocs to svasta in
naterfnlla ntil slvift Iln nitiu Atrt'ahiA ,
there is still good reason to till ie-c that
tuuans lvill he found to utilize the greater
part of it , Ind then , tun , there is the
wind , the prinliti power which was
used for ubilling before the ago of stein ,
It is uusl"ally and uureliahle , aud the
tuenns of storing the electricity which
may ho generated by ii 81'o still fwper-
feet ; but many believe the time will come
what usury elevated spot , the flat roofs
of all great buildings in cities , se-beaches
null many bleak , untenanted area Brill
bI covered with wiud lnills , all fmiruishting
inexpensive poavur for a thousand uses.
Sln'II power will not entirely superaede
sh'a1u , but will certainly flat nLUy now
Gelds and will very greatly relieve the
eonst8lItlygrowing drain upon the w'orld's
coal deposits ,
Iloroloiti's Aefti Phosphene
Aa n ltcfdguraut lrtuk ) iu I'clrre.
1)r. C. 11 , 8 , Davis , Aleridun , Conn „
say's ; "I hove used it as a pleasant ail
cooling drink in fevers , 1111(1 have heuu
very pleased with
- - '
( iOUld ) , \,1Xna/IUU11r , Pu01A ) .
Ihow' the ( I real Corprnhiui are Try.
Inyr to lit' hIoitt'st.
: 'ca 1'otk Ilour.
11 r , Mould has acquired riches null in-
Iluuuco li ) awlhods of business which
most toe ) lu cmisitier r Itestlomtble. hlut
stealth nod
) all. Al r , Gould
adtlllts that lie hots gut past ttumoy.iuuak
tug and it is evident that he desires to
have tine esteen of his fellow.eiti'.uns ,
IIc has a family , aud ho does out like to
bo constantly paraded bolero Ilia anus ford
daughtte's as a lnief. Naturally , therefore -
fore , vilhiu a year or two Alr , ( ni1J has
onbrneed every opportunity to poise be.
fore the public its : i self mtulo lain whose
wealth hits huou acquired by ability , on
erg > ' and honest dealing. Ito does not
trautt to appear grasping or suliiah , 't'his
uhaui ii in Hpeculahlr sailed 011 this tack
(44'1)11 aft or ho hind macho htnbsulf rich
through the Erie railroad plot. 1111 bu
gall thou 1o talk about. doVulupii1 $ the
11'est tutu open up the cotuttry to Unnti-
gndion. ito conttmitied in this way whet
he was beginning the development. of that
scheme kuusvu Ili the 1Vnhnsh system.
f le did nut cave so much to nuiko money ,
btu said , as to open up the great 1Vest to
small fiuate s who could hind , near his
m-oads there , ph casimut little limn's for
their old ago and still got their gluon to
uuarhet. 'I'hclt lu + bogmt tuaai'd ate vrith
mnu iv ho have geed ropubtliolis , Ile has
anceeedud so tv'chI to this that now we see
hie iuti11ullo with such pious ieoplo its
AIr. Alarms K..1esmi I and such eel of
1nis1tiou as .1 1)1111.1ned ) Astor , who oil ) '
a felt' weeks ago 1vmts pestiamicil to btkc a
sent iii time directory eif the 1Vcslc n
Uuiun , 'I'kea hu hiaa beet blossoming
out in a demesne way. lit semi myatu-
rions uuuuter theru have appeared in lime
culumis of time paperH which Abr. Gould
bus controlled shetchos of his honlo life.
ilis devotion O his family has been put
hravcly to thu fruit. It is by his firosidu
tltltt this great tiuut takes lis delight ,
aflelr all. lie hew becu deverihed its sit
tin : ; by the hrarthstoo with his olive
bntiiehex arauud hint. Ilis deep luvo for
his son George hits also been n siroig
card. Sire mire told rhu11 Air , Jay Gould
has 1)0011 absent front Now York mobile ,
le grows pnlu as he approaches time city
of his return , so deeply is le moved at
the prospect of sueimig lus family.
But Ulu grcntcat opportunity for this
hind was allured to Abr. Jay Gould only a
fee days ago by thou mltitllitills of the Scum-
ate Coaueittce out Labor and Educatinu
Iu appear buforv them , 'l'bu Railroad
Ring was pru8qt in attundauw. \ \ hut.
a pathutic tithe he told ) Did ever n pour
but huucst young tiiuit lime a harder tau
to get along ? Nut'or at least not
often. And then time picture which the
rich uuan Brow of his praying iii the
ivoodal Far be it front us to doubt thutt
Ar..Jay Gould wont eu his knees , is he
says hu did , whet hie wits so unhappy.
Let us hope lie did pray , turd let us hope
even more Irrdently that ho keeps up the
habit yet. Front mmhuost luny point of
view hu Hoods to be prayed for utoro now
that ho did whoa hu was young and 1)001' .
1V0 have not much doubt tlutt Air. Gould
will be able finally to C0nviie0 n large
portion of this coiunuiiity , which only
knows hint by rupntmitiun , that lie is indeed -
deed a ntisuuderstood aud much mAligued
luau. Teeple wile arO vury good themselves -
selves aru naturally inclined to ho churl.
table to others , ruin we shall out le stir-
nined if prosuntly 11Ir. Gould shall he
hold I Is ill the mil , it as it model for
nunr 1Christian soldiers to imimil5tu , It
curia mil will hit poii , if Alr. Gould will
oil coiitribtitu few thousitud dollars Li )
sonic woe church amid hut. the Dliuister un-
durshuld Umutt Limo rift is to be kept snout -
out , 'I'hmc ' secret will be kept , hut. too
pulpit of tb5t chut clr will resound soonnur
or later with time indirect proses of a
goad , guuo'OUS Han , whin Leta net his left
hound kuuw whurt his right huid : doe th.
After thmit paint is rcehed all will bu
easy , mil finally he will die iu thu odor
of sahetity. It was a great stroke for
reputation when Atr , Guild uxchninud before -
fore fir. Rlitir's couunittee : "I brought
nothiig into this world timid it is sure 1
cul ; take uotliiiig 0)L" 1Vu Dry '
hiOrimnps , that lie has htkui ma good deal
that raid not belong to hint since ho hits
heel to this world , all thu sumo.
Air , 1Villiuun Ii , Vanderbilt amid Mi' .
Cyrus'V , h'iuhd , who of late lint also beet
try'uig to attmtiu ruspecLubility , lied the
mlvumLumytu : of Ali' . Jan (1ould. Air , Vanderbilt -
derbilt wisely ulrri Yl a must midmirmiblu
wonemm , ostoens. ' 1'110
ullmitiicu gave a buesis for the Now York
Central liiug to build on whtchm Gould
did not possus * . IJo hits occLsiooaUy
talltcd of working people , and h0 distri
bated $100,0011 among his etiiploycs be-
cutsu they did not strike during the rail.
road troules of a few cars ago. Only
thu other duty ho rave $ : i,000 ta lot of
colic ro stltduits who weracting as sailors -
ors iii a hotel , Dlorcovor , lie throws
upon his s iloidid 'picturo ' gallery to Ulu
Imbliu with vex little restriction , Mr.
Vumuderbilt. accom dishes ruuch also in this
business of tut irunsiug the ) ubiic with
his worth , by tacos of kind hearted ox-
, russions f steem totvarda time world n
goielal whmuti lie talks to aru ) orter. Ilis
true feuliui rs uul seen Lu conic out now
and tleu t Imam fro huts taken a little too
nmch wineaa , for iustancu , whoa hu cc-
marked to the Chicago ropurtur , "Thu
public ha--- ! " 't'hat uN'urtimhatu sunti
Meet did ) mint iii ich harem , and he is i
struggling at mi great disad'untagu to w iu
thu ruapoet of his fuiluw.citizons.
Ali' , Fiuld's failmil Is generally ruspeet.
mid by fall iuo du who du out kuuw time
nrcuil re of 16 vin wull. 'I'Imu brothers
mire runonll regarded as behest multi the
first thud unu of llmeu is a elerbrn hits
been a great massistance to therm all. ! t
has beuu hard to believe thaat with so
ouch saucily in the family , AIr. Cyrus
1V , could be atiythitig hint a fair , frank ,
opun hauded buxnicss uutu. Ifis respec
table family connections have caused 1)0(1
1) . wink at much wlticll hu did in time
Elvated railroad swnldlu turd in other
-IS AT =
They always have the largest end beet stock.
great ncheulea iii which he huts been amil
is engaged. I he is liberal iii atlbscrihiltg
for utuutoral vViuduu's in churches , soh
hel'1hie9 Aollletiiles to chitritable orgnui m-
tiotis , anti oueu ulli'tcd to pay the doctor's
hills for GSrlleld'A son , huutesu credit
Is also given him tin vmu1miya for his aetivi
ty in grotting Ill time feud for iho Ile oral
( lnrtiold's ownory , 'l'htis it will be seen
tluti 11 r , Field is succeeding in his eforts
lu bu ros'yUcbtblo ' as unroll as Mr. Gold
nod 11 r , 1ra1lcl'llilt. ( Ioubtlosswhou he
Intsses awnJ , such linen as Atr. henry E ,
fellow will woo1 n for auollbur good anti
great ut11u bmnu. Ittit Mr. fellw's unto-
tines are easily stirred.
All this usy sound unclutrihaide , hut , it
is out so. 'I'4' a amt of avermige intulli-
guuee iumil of old fitvlmiommed hoticaty , it is
not an edifying sight to see utmt who have
gr(1wu grit ) to fulls viug out questi0miablu
sclonos ol act uiriug lortlutcs , hii , have
lover hesitatel ( at 811 lhiug which would
inlluemmco Ilia duck merkot iii their favor ,
timid Whit have often beomi convicted of
tolling vrhat they kiloto be fialsu , trying
in their old ago to gain such regard from
their followanet as 0111) those have n
right L0 dutiuuul u h0 have lived lives of
integrity mind ltouosly amid who have
tiot er o-et bcun suspected of disliuuost
praiticus. Stoll we give to these great
apuculntors aud trickuters the saute re-
sheet w0 paid to good old Peter Cooper--
thnt kind , huucst , sonetiuua mn slaketi old
geitlenami ? 11'e caunut dive it. It is
not right that we should give it.
1 mt I xihuuttiOml.
No ono nwdietue will cure overvthhlg , Inlt
It is n i hacaetelblu fact thnt'I'Aornea' I tkctric
Olt twill eoru a sIPrato , a brubu , a bite , er tut
11iu , aud is alu mitt active amid prouou0cod
tutu for nourimlghm and rboumntlaut.
- - - - - - -
'rho 1)nto L'uhi In CahI solo.
Nopa nepurter.
At ( Ito itixford farm , ncarSouoms , So-
miutiut ccuuty , min interesting case of it
y0utig dale 1)111111 11otvoring at the
mi ge of six years from the suerl ens t'uport-
ull h' G , 1' . ltixford soma two 'years ago.
' [ 'lie iunlo s1Pike front this tree , exhibited
tit the ulootiug of time Cnlifernia Shito
Ilulticulturual Society , had npparuntly
well-developed pollen , chmiraeturired by
the penetrating but agrecabluodor
iug t0 the ditto ilovter. As there was tie
female tree blooed11g there at the time ,
fruit iii this case wits out of ( lie question.
.1. B. IVolfskill , at 1Viuters , Sulntio
county , his a number of date mum trees ,
grown frotit time such in 1867 , which are
lionLtvetty' liVt ) feet high mind two feet ii
dianlalur. Only two of these trues hnvu
ever shu ii Ilosves , both being fetialos ,
hou'iug ; fet the lint tinlomit about the age
of foul tooti yours mi mid erie of those his
continued to do so every ycu , being now
loaded ss'itlt fruit , having five hinge
"roginioti" ( tiamu given to time data buueh
in Into couutr'ies ) , avuragimig about twuu-
ty potmds weight in the unripe state.
Amiothor intereatiug case of date growing
is that of G. W.1'I'asur of Elmira , 5(11511(1
county. Mr. Fraser obtained scuds of
soulu fresh dittos just received by V , . It.
Stremg of Saernnouto , From those hu
raised the ditto lahus now growing out Ida
phase , mill of which are fouualo trees. At
the age of tomi years they produced fruit ,
which , however , never riper u 1 , mis , of
COUCSC , WitH to be uxpecled , owing to the
want of fe'tilizaatiom , 'I'husoil whore
those fruit trees mire growilig is also a
rich , snudy , alluvial loans , haiku AIr.
1Volfakill's dates , they received i4' special
cm-c and huive nevur beet irrigated ,
'I'hero is no doubt that dittos can he grown
ii Ceitral rind Southern Cimlifoenum amid'
as the fi nit in its dried slate is ntuat duli
ciotla , (1rclutrdists buyout the linliid but
might d0 a very white thin „ to propagate
then fu mu uurics forcxperiuiumit by ellti-
vntorH , lu iterryessa valley ; It seems
more UOami likely Limo tree % wotlld boar' mind
riputi its h uit , Thu hlossolna conic etlt
iii April or Alay and in its own country
the plnt cotiumumicus bearing tit fruit tot
t0 ftlleuil years of migu , ' 1'huseeds can be
obtuaioud in San Frauieiaco.
MDL H. H , l1 n e ' , Jr. , of Nu , I IT I' uk , treat , l.uw
, tan , Me. , relate , thu fnlhawing hersolal narrathme ,
May I I,1699 ; ' 'Abomt itftcon mouth , sluco 1 toil u
sumcruattack oftyphald fuvur , was very lane amid
coufinod to may lied for tloton week , , old when thu
fever lutt tie' was fu a vey dubllltidcl condition ,
My hack andluinonudtohau nostreugthnail I
had no ttldllty or nppulhte. 1 tried varluu , klmids of
medicine re omuieuhcd by oiy frlund , , but found
they till out iuqruvei , may cumithition. I ova Induced
b , try II m is 1teiuiehy , , which ha , teen used silk
au(11 great succv , here hi I.uwldontl,4t It hims4 vury
ondablurelnitatiuu of Lehi , a must rehiahlanudleIno
1 pnrchaed 1)110 Lott : , , and cue tutu lily hnprorud
buultli from flue Theo I con11nemiced uahig It , and my
prigrusaconth0wdncryrapid ly' ; Iguhiwdin atrmigth
and urpurltmical Ice , pain in any tuck , my aphetlto
hicrrawd , aud after akig threu (9) ( ) botllus : ny' pain ,
ii cr0oil gone , and illy lwalth untirdy reLorud , and
Iran wind heethly rue maim 0d Ilitnt's tllulnudy to
ally w hill nut ) need a true remu.iy for ; letaity , kidney
orurlnary tiniblus , "
' Mr. I. . J. Juries , of No. l0Cti4rhea atreut , l'ortiand ,
She. , wrhlui mid Uwau cunthicing factlMay ; 11th ,
msi : " 1 liar , for auvuralyuara buun troubled whlhi
liter cnmplahut mitt hndigeane11 , and hay u aufteru(1 at
doled tcnhblu ditrusd , aud h4vu tried ninnydh/feretlt /
cure , , so-culled , that h4su becu recaiiilllendad a t
Ilnauv. 1 oauday notiteii ha one of our pans rd the tea-
tbnouy of a pcraon that had nod Iluat'd Ituuludy
udbuuncun(1uf , dhtiacs rhuihartotitleu , 1 per
eliatd a ladlly of uuu ui drag abous iii t'ortlaid ,
aid before I bad usul the Art liottlu found that I
ea , h11Pprahllg buyout iii ) etpactatlmma ; have used
in all sit bottles , fad I tiara I,4' trouble from Indl
gevnou , no dhtress or pain hack as 1 fonuurly had ;
4ud ahlcu 1 have becu deed ny , w ifs has uaod It for
khlnuytrouble and It hat eurud her , tab rani bethany
any that IIunC , ilunwdy ld 4 bieddlug to any' that arc
troubled with kiduul' or liver dlacased , or ladlgo-
thou We gladly recommend It to our frIeiiLld or t 0
anyauaercrafrontlhrrorkiduey dlaaseaald you
caul uau tlda lettur n you tatychoos tor thu brit him.
terut of euferlug Imuuwlty. "
rime use of the term " Shot
Lhio" Iii connection with the
corporate name of a grtmtroad ,
aneoysolIdea of udwhat
Ii rclulred by the trnvtling nth'
I N E 1111 a Short I.hw , quick Time
and the best of accnnmoda
9 eons all of whlch are turn.
lilrd , by the grcateat rallu ay In Amrrks.
And Ste Paul.
Ituw na and operates ornr 1,600 udleot realm
Northern Illhiols , tvm , iisin , Mll11mirsota , Iowa anti
I lakota ; and ad is twain bides , brauchev and comm on-
tiona resell all the ( treat buahieas ecnlrea of the
Nortllwustaud 1'arl'uat , It naturnllyanawers the 1
de.Crhptton of Short lhtu , amt blest Monte between
Chicago , Mlhhvo11kee , St. Paul and Mlunrapulla
ChlcaguMllwaukeu , l.n Crosse and Winona.
Cldcago , Mllwalker , Alwrdoml and 1:11eudaie
Chicago , Mlhtamikeo , Kait Claire and Stillwater'
i'dcngo ) , Milwaukee , tYaeat and Merrill.
Cu bag. , Mllaaukee , heaver Dann mutt Ohkoeh.
Chleago , Milwaukee , tVnukcsha and Oeonanwwoa.
Chicago , Mllwaukeo , Slmliaon anal I'ralrhedo Chlea.
Chicago , Mllwuuke'o , Owatonna 101(1 Fatrtbault.
L91kngn , Ilolult , Janeamills amid MlucralPoint.
( 'hicngo ' , litghl , Rockford nod Irnlruquo
Chteagn , Ciliaou , hock lolaal and Cedar Itapida
Chkngim , Council Illuas and ( hnnha
( ldungi , Hhux Cit ) , Slmtx I'alla and Yankton
( Iii ii a , Mllwankeo , Mitchell m1)lClautbcrlaln.
hook IInud , Iubaquo , St. 19su1 and Minnoa'foliL '
hat euport , Calmar , St , t'aul mutt Slinmicapulle
Pullman Slecpcra and the lintel OhdmigCare Inth
aorhdarerwonlhemimaimilinesofthin CHICp 0
n11d eery attentlon Is pall to ha&iemigera by courto
one cugduyeni of the eungtivly.
S. S. IaOItut1LL , A , V. H CAIII'ENTCII ,
Oeti t Manager. Octr'I Pass. Agont.
J,1' Cl..uu ( , OE ( IL IIUAFFOIID ,
Oei I Sui ; L Aas't Ocn'11'aas. Ag'1.
Hieift's Speciau hag been time Means of bringing
hatith aud happiness to tho0aamids who weropie-
nouueed hlcurnble of Minot and Skht Diane cc.
HAvnn l'mtU t A iionmht.n uKATmr. I
III ) IC May last 1 had spent at least lit a hundred
dollar , for treatment by canny of low bunt nlcdleal
much , without may bcuclit. Inaure(1 ercruciattugly ,
and all niy boat friunds out { avl 1110 that tow icy hard
of dimlhwoytatnppruachdng. I caught at S. S. S , like
athrneniugmmiataslnoe Alter takingtwnbottles
1 umdd feel n etiangu for the better. 1'Iw aurebegau
to disehargu heel ) ' and the ilhunmilathul to abate.
tYhcn I hail taken air hetthca every sure hail hcalud
and nay akimi began to a.sunlo a natural nppearamice.
I I eraiete(1 mill t had taknrl twuliu hottbs , large
size , and ' 1'lllslni 14 Not' A Sa'SICTOM O ) 'viii t ,
1)ISIASI : ) Itii.mlAiN INO , n11d I ( eel its arch its I over I
did. I hnvu gaimsl La cntyonu h iumds Iii tfeah , amid
Iii ) frlouh , wonder at my hnprmcd condition. I
Name recumnendol it loony , amid In uicry inatanro '
withecmpletusureeay , I bviierchut S. S. ; S sae
eared ute from a horrible death.
C IL synr.KY ,
gmmlucy , I.
i amim slur that. Hwlft's Speclau , based my life. I
ens terribly polonud with 6inlnria , and w-a3 given
lip to thin. Nxift's Spccitlc rclluvtd me Aronpfly and
entirely. I thin1 ( It hi lam greatest runmalyofths
age. C. O' SI'UNCEII ,
Soli t ( tav'Work , , home , (1 * .
Write for n copy of the little book-frcu.
S 1,000 Ro Wit rd iv'ili be paid to any ( Uwmbt
who will and , tin the analyiii of 1011 bottius S. S. S. ,
omiu particiu of Mercury , loilldu 1'olnashim , or any
miihoend suhataucu.
'run SWIFT HI'14cire Co. t
Drawer 9 , Atlanta , aa , ts
- - s
Traveling Public !
-Till- ;
' 'i
5lao01LL , Nob. , '
isnowunderg0lmigthniroughrepairs , both althlnand ,
wllhuuta11d mime i r m riulur hltunde it. shall be 11EO-
oN 1)1'0 ' NUNS ii , tow Stale , miuat to Onah4.
aug 212n , l'roprheer.
Nebraska Cornice
OrllMollt ' e
normor VCTiazdowrn ,
Iron Fencing ! .I . i
Crusunga , ilaluatralea , Veranda , , OtUcoand flank
Itaillmiga , W1nduw anal CeilarUuarda , Etc.
IYM , OA1SEi1 , Manager.
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAR. Ii. 11iA1tTWEid. , I'rual(1o11L
A 1. . ChAIIKE , 'lce I'rushkoL
E , C. WKIiS'1'Ettflreavurur.
C. I' , WEIOItER. Cahihcr ,
amuel Alotander , Oswald Olhvrr
1. h Ch.arke' , E. C.1Vctader ,
'flu 11 Pratt , Jail. 11. lleartweU ,
D. M. ItcElllinuuyl .
! irst Mortgage Loans a Specialty
Thla Cungiauy furnlahes a pcrnwnent home lnetltu
en w heru school hmond a aud other legally lured Mu. 1
copal Sucurillos to Nebraska can be negotiated do ' ,
flax. avorabiu tcrnuh Idelid made out mprovod t I
its hr. all i,1l settled ecuuthd of the atato through 9
, moneli.he seal ewrreiu1)aduuta. .iv
hit the-e.tu now iwnarrtlom , .truer or .ihirc..uI are
.utuunrn.Jla.gJteraiLjdcaily , dratu.Jantuibi is
rater , IIf4' . duilre Pruperiv , eao L. elOaiol , a.dprr.a.
, . , m , autri.IisuWWwaL , , . x.d.r.eda doelu. .
alwrn Iue ih. 11.11 , r4. Yed/wi / oils ecru TTO.et4
hotriruheSertao IeiatlI'I. .tra111agbm.
. , . . , , ' ' ' ' [ IIOLCs. " area
hootlo.saw .n ur.LJcanal , Itwr.dnoWlull ud r i
feet , . , eeah.Ilmbi . , re ulr , , etnot7 , Iiiuul , /
tit ( rail , , , ' . rho 1huetae era ,
ir ( Lt. TU1 MEMEiV Cu , , 110 w , m a At , 5 , . lulu
_ . . . . , _ - . . . . . . + niif „