Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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I . 8 Ii'JLYJt--OMAIIA _ ) , MONDAV OCTOBER 1. ii. ,
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I : Monday Morning , October L
: . 't'eathcr tflhIiCftlOtM.
/ Ior tim tiiver tiiMippi ul
'atIeys fair weathur during the tlay , fol-
1offd ondiy iiight by increhig cinul-
ifles ftfll 1OCL rniti ; wtrtIIcrca.t. to south
WiIlIR , lower KI'OlIICtCr.
: _
-ScrICe.i were tcii by the Spirittia1i4
yetcrt1ay at ? tMOflC ; ILitli , Mn' . Corz b. V.
JUchmoiul , the great trance ipcakcr , 1cctiirng
t ntho evening.
j ---A large number of thnahi people ictattel
yeM.erday , for St. . Lnui.1 to co the Veiled
i'rophet ! .
-HolIday erlCCM of the congregatIon of
1.iraol , svlll cotnineliCo tilq1 ) MInhy ) p. in.
:11ev. : II. nft l1l
-Tue Omh Iligli School bao t11 vluh
-went to I'RlllliUfl ) Saturday t. llY the Pnpll.
ljoii ' ' 1tCMIUtC ) , ' ztntt In idx Innlngi heat them
-Save money. cnd to 1. Ieaunw1o1eMIa ,
j dgar zuid t4)i.UCI ) ilealer , for Irlco ) 1lt.
1 -A tovo IA. ) 1)0011 up lii the lnlies' (
wlUiig i ootn At the tlairnt.
-lion. IrlII1)y , 01 'rlUOIInnift , Th grinliutte
I of Oxford , lM CXlCCtel tO lecture here thiM
oek on the I riMli 11008t11)n. I lo tdki : from
the T.Ibera tomb.
-\So learn from the Omaha : : of tli
arrIago of tlmm Fannie NcNmiimght.orm to Mr.
. harry Blair of Omaha. Mies McNmmuviitoim
WM A Fremnontgbrl well known and teMICCted.
tr. Blair Iv to he comigrmmtnietcml on lamviiig
140C11r0d so charming a hriibo.-Fremont I leralmi.
- - -
: 11tmcIlen's 4railvn Smtivc. ! _
The grontetmt medical wonder of the world. I
'Vn.rrammthd to speedily cure IlurliR , CmmUi , U ! .
cern , Salt Bliomimu , Fever Sorc Cnncern 1'Iletm ,
CImilblninR , Corn. Tottur , dlmnppod imanilam ,
mmd all skimi or1mptomm , guarammt.eed to euro lii
every lnstaimeo , or mooney rofiiiidml. 2 ! commt4
cr box.
A. If. Aylcvmmrtlm tool lo ( loft for Cmellfor-
iili on Saturday iMt. :
zrr. and Mrmi. .J. If. McMmmrtry , of Lbncobim ,
tmd Mimom Tote Ic\timrtry , mtnimimnd in OmAha
, yet.ert1ay on their way to Louivi1be , ICy.
Mr. McMurtry gowm a tar ami Chmiago.
: Mis t ilachmnol Gohlmnlth left. yeMterday noon
: fem atwo nmommthi' viilt with re1tivemm lii 1)cim.
I vor.
; 4 J1r. II. 1hrumben , who unit hiceri In Omaha
Ioi imoimmo time now , and lout nndoalargo mimmimi.
. bcr of frbeimdmm iii the gate city , has nccoptwl mmml
ap1tontmmmcmmt ! in ; caidder in Thin ! 'eoplo'H 1amibc ! ,
; ; 'mvhilch Imaim jiit lrnelm opened by ! mlr. Tolt. mtr.
Toft is furtummmto iii mmccimrlmig tito .mcrvcnm . of
! 1Ir. IlauboilK , hmo sybIl certainly irovo n great
1 ujuisition aiim ! ft vabuabbo mmmamm for tim iol.
Young Emm , Mlmhthbo Aged Men ann All
lmierr who HotTer frotim mar1y iimdhcretlormn will
flirt ! Allcmm'i Ili-obri 1'omti the roost i > werfimI in-
vigornmrt. over introduced ; , rmco rwmt.oreml by it
there is rio robapso. Try it ; it mmever mallmm. SI ;
for 55.-At tlniggimta.
. -
A Double AsmmmIversmry.
Mr. N. N. EdwArdim , a well known res-
idont. of thi8 city k a happy mnammhia wife
having recently ircsontcd him witha fume
buy , the third .xdditioii to Iris family , amid
. all of the little fmIk being healthy and
beautiful children.
A special feature of time latest event ,
which occurred on tine 19th mist. , lit tim
: fact that it WitH alto ) the date ( If the fifth
'wedding ammnriversary of time father and
mother. Mr. Edwards heft yesterday
oil inmportammt 1)UBIIICSII which sill tithe
himmi to Leas'emiwortli , Intl. , amid expects
to ho absent. nimout three weeks. lie will
110 doubt be mtmm heartily commgnttulated by
his friends there mum by those in Omnrthin.
LII'lITT , I4nAK t\UO. are Mamiufntchmr.
ors /cuuiw ( AtlIfornia Jiuci : ( ilovc8 ,
; amid clahu to mnmniku the bct Vorcd ( in tine
United Stnte , 1111(1 ; re mum nifriud to ay
p10. Every pair is branded 1iiii , JAK :
& Co. mII.c&w
TIl1 GEIt.IN 'UI1V1'Elt.
Triple I'er1ulinilLmlccI tinist Night , Iii
Tinnier lirtll.
Time Gornmmami theater was filled in
every part of the building Sunday eveu
ing , by large an appreciative nudicnmco ,
drawn together ) to witness three of
the inmost amnuinmg pieces ever prdmreel
. on time Gernnmami ntago. Tine Iinmt phiLy
1)resenltcI % vas cmititit.aI"Enmghishi , " and was
tIroromminIy aide.Hldittimng from lc'ginmninng
to end. 1Ir Molchiin'a Jorsonationi ) of
, all Enmglislt lord viiii rtdmmrirabbo , and
evoked btmrbts of genitnimie applause arm alt
idois. ' 1'hio reportAr , who Imami traveled
. in England , mind , of courimu , been emi
termmib of intinnncy ivitin inmost of the Emmg.
lisli lordM , CAR testify to the faithmfulmneBs
of ? ihr. Molchmin's dlinmcation of the bemni
ideal Emiglishi lord. Mr. lhmumreis
liuttlu a very chmarnnmbmg Adele ' 1'ruuhnor. , a
'ounig widow , amid Mrs. PuIs.Ahrl an
. Imfary , the servant nimitirl , orfommmietl bier
. rart very attractively. Miss Tiniensemi m
the role of Rosa and Mr. Pul an John1
, were b.thr excellent amid duryo commi.
Thu second piece was a short nummnical
melange which was very well received.
In the third amid last iiimtr , untitled "fm.
Short Expenenico in an OlImco , " 1lIr. .1oI.
chnii in tire character of a nmmcrchanit amid
Mr. Baureis as clerk wore IIIUC1I apilniud.
ed amid they certainly deserved nil the
applause they received. Mrs. 1aurtma ! as
Lienchiemi acted very clmarmninigly anti
looked as pretty as a pictnru. Mr. l'onn.
nor as itcizilmold showed up woU anal Mr.
Pals as Sohwuppo , a traveler , was excel.
lomit. The ronmaimning roles were alt well
' At the conclusion of tine ' ! 'lnespinn Part
of time programme the audience tripped
. tine light fammtastio with great gusto. On
tine whole tine amitortainumenit was a granid
. success and does great credit to Ommialma's
German theater.
Wldoitwako IrugIntn.
t C. } . ( soodmna * s 1waya alive in iris hiusi.
I aimd spares no LtthIia to secure tIne be4 of
I every article In his lime. lie liter secured the
xe2iey fur the celebrated Jr. Kingn New
PlbcoYery for Cozzummaptjon , T1n emily ocr.
Ii tmdni cern known for Commsunnption , Coughs.
, Colds , ] fuarsenesnAnthnimu Jimmy FoyerIiromi.
chitis , or iUiyaffcctloii of ttrost sniti lungs.
, i &ld on a ixltivo TrIal bott1e
'm ' uiieo. 1Ieguiarm47ehml
m . -
1. Tue ( JthtLemnnJ.
Ninth and Jlarmwy troets. Accomnmno.
4 , tion fintciasn iii crony Particular. Tire
only firat vJan house inn time city that has
; 2OOrooms.
jnttelf P. IItThISEY & CO.
. . - ' . .
- - - - - - - -
The ' 1ors of iirhc Wopiii Proph1"
1hiOllSIy Disdnssed.
tni I inlet 0141 11mg Senmmnimnl Iny . .lcV. . .1.
I ii rs In.
'I'hno crVicCs at the Second Prenbyterian
church yesterday nmnormlinig were inviting ,
as mistiat. 'limo soil ) immediately before
the sormnon was suing very beautifully ,
and the last hymn was very imupretonivo.
Rev. W. J. Ihntrnnhma chose for hits text
.lerummiiah ii:18 : : ' 'J'or may peojmbu mayo
commmmmnitteti two oviiN they mayo forsaken
nnmo , time fountitini .f livinmg water , and
brewed thummi out cisterns , brokemi cisterns ,
that can hold no tvater. '
'l'liu Prophet Jeremiah 11AM liecim caibomi
the ' ' \Veepimmg I'rophnut. " lb iuwnulenl
his own sum as truly as 1w did the snnmn
of tine nationi. Amid on accommmnt of him
fidelity to time Supronno Ittiber inc becanmie
IL CalmtiVo at bonnie nimid a ciqitivo mibroad.
Hut Inc was niliud \Veeninig I'rophut.
csIcciaily because lie bewailed tIne sum of
thin lePlO.
It. scouts it light timing to nmmani to wander -
der away front ( iod ; mint to go far mnvay ,
hint only a pleasimnit disbtnnco. lint it in
truly nm light timing to wanner away fimii
lmnimn and finally forsake hum amid all Ini niti.
mmnonitmon inn ; for them Inc I 1 refrmtm mm , minti
time mmnurcien of ann onmmmninotonnt. ( .od will
cease. Tine ineolibe wlnoma God was lead-
immg by his PrlhiOt ) ,1rumniiain vero nnmt it
foreigmi people , Lucy wore a people which
tiOti lout chosen as his own. It readn
' 'lily veoie have comnmnnirttud two evils. "
tn fstlicr felt timid. sine was indebted to
iburdccimi , no shotnltl tine Christian feel
his initlobtcdnncnns to time 1xwerwhticin gave
to hnini tine hope of eternal life. Anal mis
nine totvcd Iris poonbu front dcmntrinctnonn , so
511001(1 the Chnristiomn nnmanmifcnt tine sanniu
loyalty toward their bemncftctor.
wiil look at tlnint subject , first , mnegativeI' .
'Vine forsaking ( if Owl. I t is mnegativu iii
its nnatuie.
( hl says of Ininmisoli , "I inn the forun.
tniii of living water , " annil thin wunld mnn
elude two thniniga , timid. whnicln wren mmniccami-
imrm. , anal thin ! . vhnieln ciint give tine omnly
solace to lImo srnnl.
Fromnn tire f.inmnitiimnn ss'o see the water
conmrm'i og i ttn tinny thnronigli itbe.tsinnt ; valleys
ruin frni tfnnl I i ci dn , n mmdc pleasanit annd
fruitful becammno of time uxistemnee of tine
mover-failing stmetnnn. Amid minmnonig tine
mmatnonma of tine earth we see tine crpettmitl
nmtreamrt fronnn tine fonnmntmninr of ( led's love
rodtmcimng civilization anal tnmrhigintcni.
It. iii hot. all at ommcu tinat. moan forsakes
that wimicin Inc hits mini inomnme bomnd of mit-
tacinmiunit for. . 'hincro ' is at flint a fergut.
ftnlnmess of tine kinalnenmscs of tinu lnst. )
They were at ( tile timnmo so dcu1niy immi-
lmressed lll0I1 the mnminol , amid there were
also intcmntiomns iii tine incart to mnnannifcst a
spirit of tinannkfulmmcas , hint. tine last
slnadowmn of fiwso kimndmnosscs mine fmtdinng
freon tire mnnomnory ; mmd mifter these lcinnd.
messes mayo vannisineti front olnr mmnimnds , we
forot We lout buemi travolinng in tine path
wlnnch God man jmneparctl for those wino
moo his true followers. 'I'lmopowor winicln
once bound us now is scarcely noticeable.
\yo tlneni conmmImImlimi runt nmnurmmmur in refer.
omico to God's imro , idcmnco amid care. We
lnmtve not thmepromr respects for Ills samic-
tmnary mind neglect his worahiim. Amid
we nrc nit last. ma tlno dark cimatomi of hiolnt.
try , away fronni the foundatiomi of Info ,
where tine sounds of our worship echo inn
aoiemnmnn mnnockory.Vo are ininiators. The
nnmmnnd tlnoni stops to meditate , an(1 commm-
Itares tine prescmnt with tine pant , to 110(1
( hisconitcmnt commnpared with Inmippimness , aind
tine mnminnd is filled vritin rinirprmso amid dis-
manly. Anal thu mnimnd tinimiksVhnat is
ImappinnessVimat are the forces winicir
inrspino tine soul with zeal to increase that
imnspirntionn ?
' [ 'inc talonnt of tine unnbclicvirng wend
inns onideavonnid to annawer this query ,
hunt tot tire airy bumbles vmnnnish fnnmmn tine
sigint , sn ) tinoo minnswers wotnid vamnisin from
tine nninol of mmmi wino inn sentrehn for hap.
Iminness attcmmnpted to grasp their sweet mi-
'Fine yoimnng mann thnimnks Inc bras fommmnd
tine fonmnrtnhn of inmipninness wlnenr inn relies
inpomi tine rcsinlta of his inndonmiitzrblo cmi-
ergy , imut inc hits mover found it there.
1 lnrppiinemn mnnust 1)13 connistumnt s'ith time
lnigincnnt attaimnnmnumnts of nmnmnn. : It nnmimnrt mmci
ho nimsiurbemi inn tire least by tine tnivimnl
trials ( If this terrestrial sininoro , hmtppi-
cuss mmci attaimned by wmmrsinippimng picas.
Inre , tinoingin imo doni tine garmnnennts of
beauty arid perputinity. Tine nunnnnirmitionr
of tine vorld wnli not met jnrodnmco fInal.
innippimncsn which tine imnnmnontmtl soul is
lommfinng for. I to vhno hints foumnd thu key
whircln unnbocks tine thair to inmq.pinmosn . , Inns
formnmd , , iiemi immnbockiing tine door , utcrnnity ,
amid over tine passage vmn ) ' in writtomi ,
' "l'lninii art welconneu to tIne prcscmnco of
tine lCiing. "
itead tine potimnis ( if ninny lamngunge
written by thmoso wino lnmtvu inn hope of a
inuavcmnly immincritammce , nnncl you will timid
mini nnmnsatiabbe Ion iginig for Mciii dining
n'inicir an boymmnd , anal which eannmnui be
attained.u nnnust muSe a lrimppimness
which 'vill xml. ho disturbed by tieatln1 .i
inalmlminness which inn tunic is Innmt inn its
gurmnn. Pain , mnicknmess or dentin are mmcl.
evils , tine ) ' are tine nnennms by 'inic1n moron
15 Conmipellel to uniter heaven , but. simm is
ann evil , anal it In tins that has caused tine
fmtimntinmg inemint to exciainmn , Oh , tinat I inrtd
hint a drop fronmn tine fornnntainn of true map.
pinne.But .
But winonn mnuint does forsake God Inc is
tiisgnncnnn anti trmnnnnplinn under foot tire
Savion- wino Iran ofFered hrnnnn nniorcy , An a
nmnumonabiu gemnoral tlnrevr hnimmnscif imfono
Iris rctrcatinng arnmny amid said , ' 'If you
yield to tine ennenmny you nmnunt do ii by
passing over nmiy body , " tine minor wino
ttnrmia inns hack to tine bbessinnga amid cnn.
treaties of 0(1(1 nmnd paseini. ' over tine
body of Jesus , tire captain OF our salvmt.
. Inn the , meconnd iaco tinero was a 1noni.
tnvo evil. 'i'incy vere howling out for
tlmennnsuivcs brokoni cinternms which could
hold Inc water. Amnd tinis yp very
inanpy itlustrationi , because of tine exist.
cmncu of large recdltmtcles for writer tnmnder
tire cnticn. Yet. while thneso cistur.s
rero cut inn tine aolid rock
there wasa possibility of there being run
nmmqwrfcctnoni inn tine stonno to cause tine
work to 1)0 inn 'ninn.
it In asthnnisirinng tinntl. noun are over
tniiig to Iimnd a aubstituto for ( led , and
thus cmnd tincir work by failure.'tn
may boilovo timat God is overytlniug anal
, that ovcrytlninng in Ciod , but nt is a ( rae.
turetl nick , mind it in useless to attunnnlnt to
cause it to be thu r000inimnbio of lyjmn [
water. Tine most wino mmmcmi nt sacred smut
profane history wino have attenmipted to
find a source of tune inlezthune , otinur tirami
Clod , have failed-they have ( milled to
warn otinorn trine nmnigint be tunmnintcd an
tine ) ' wore to Beam-cm for tlnmmt , wini ir by
the investij.nttion , l'aced ' tine objuct of
their search inn tIne dark.
Thom , ifwu know where true hnalpf mess
imnay be found , should we not thnnmnk tine
ozigimnator of that charmmn of the soul , amid ,
if we have it met , sinould we met cast our
idols away nni1 accept tine tcacininn'sofamn
] termnaI 1)oity.
The Bi llrn ilOilse of Lcightoii &
They Establish IhmiHlmIeoi urn ann Ex.
tCIO4IVO I'Inimm.
Among time reccmnt imnpmnrtant bmnsimmess
ventures nmnado in Onmalm& mnonnu prommnises
to be macro aucceamninnl or nmnoro to tine ad.
vanlago Of this city tinirn tinmnt imnaugmnrated
by tine lirmmn of boigintomi Cinirkcwir so
Place if business in tine mew brick block
On Ilinrmnoy street , botweomn Eievemitin arid
'i'weifthi. '
l'inis iuildimng is 83 by 182 feeL inn size ,
foHr stories inigin nmnt tvitir a bascnnenrt. as
comnmnnmcnl 14)115 arid wui I Venntilatcd as amy
( If tine nipper stories. A Ilan relontor
wemnt timrormglr tire winolo hnOUimI ) arid
fommmnd ii stocked ( mimi Imottommi to top
tn'itIn mis lime a stock ( If imainnts , oils , glass ,
drugs , etc. , as ever was put iii mtmny store
vcst of tine Missouri. Ann elevator con
mmucti tire five depirrtmnnemntmm of time
Inniirlimng , a big force of nnnunr is at umrk
taddimg goods to till ( Iriurn , annd tire
nigint. is as innsy a omno as omne could nvisln
tO 5CC. A spiemndi.Iy ci1uiIped iabora-
tory is located omn tire tlnim'd. floor , amid
nnamnmmcd by export. cinemnmists timid assist-
anita mmmd ( rout tine eii.gunt : milieus onn tine
first floor to tine tommmnost ! story , ortler
ruignna everywhere amnd thiinnwn nnmovu as by
clock work.
'l'lno mrow firmmi inroinosca to denim cxciii-
aively WInOlL'Sltle lmusimness inn tine linionnnemn-
tiomned amid judginng fromni what. was seeni
tiney will step at once unto popular fmivor.
Tiney also conntrol a large whnIicnmbo ( stru
mit Limed nn , nina mm ii dor tine Ii r-nmi nan inc of
Luigintonn m Co. , wino smnccccd Leiglntonn &
ltrowmn amid nismn 1unnmmmnrd llros. of tubs
Mr. Leighton is regarded as ommo of
tine lest. iinmnggista un tire coumitry amid
will bravo tine nnmamnagcnnmenmt of tine bimsi-
nncss more. 1ilr. Clarke s'iii miol. take ann
active hurt inn tine bnmsinncss but will be
mcllrescnnted by his sun , flurry 'r. Clarke ,
furmmnuriy inn tine inntcrnnul rovennue service.
Arramngennmcmnts inrive lmunn nnmmule for mm
large wmnrelrotmse onn tine nmnihxomrd trac.t
mrmnd oven-y fmicilty will ho emnnn1oyett to
; % tine timule pronumnt attunntionn amid sat-
msfmmtnomi inn every reiqaict.
Fimmanmcimtlly , tine credit of tine fnrmnn is lint-
limniited , mend whIr tire wide micmltmannntannee
minnti relmn.ationn ) for stun'iimmg inmsinnt sa worth
mutt imntcgrity enjoyed by tire imnttrvidual
mnnunnnbers of tine nnow house cannmnot. hint.
build nnjt IL large buinnuss inn thnisunndotiner
westum nr states.
O1tlI1tS ¶ 10 ' 1'11L AItMY.
lilemntenamni a mimnl Capt alnnH Semi. I lore
amnd Tincro AcerIlng to He-
( inn lrenmnennts.
Leave of mnbsemnco for omno nmnonth is
gnanrted Major E. V. Sunrimner , Fifth cay-
alry , Fort Niobrara , Nob.
The eomnnantlimmg oliicor Fort Omaima ,
Noli. , will aennd , under sinita'ble guard ,
Private Carl Ilerdonmnortenm , a deserter
fronn commnpany A , Sovenith infantry , to
tine station of his commnjmammy at Fort. Lana-
mmdc , "nVyo. , for trial. Cu conuplotion of
this duty tine guard will return to its proper -
per station.
I'anagraph 3 , Orders No. tJfl , dated Fort
Bridger , Wyo. , August 21 , 1883 , direct.
ing 1"irnrl.LieutcnnamitT. II. Capn'onn , Nimntfn
infanntry , A. A. Q. 1hI. , to Proceed fromnn
tinal host. to ( irammgerVyo. . , nmnti retnnmn
onn lnnblic busimmess connmnectcd with tine
connstnuctionn of that post , is apinroverl.
'J'ine telegrapinic innstrinetiomns fronnr these
lncalbuarters , of .Jmmiy 10 , 1883 , dircctinng
tire conmnmmnandinng ofiiccr Fort 1)ougian ,
Utirin , to senrd ann oflicer of mm counmnnnnnd
to 1ort. 'I'hionmnlnurgin , Utan , for ditty as
A. A. Q. M. anal A. C. S. , are hieneby
'I'ire services of Captztimn Frank heath ,
orrlmmannce depact uncut , beimmg nno iommgor
required un cemnnnoetiomn with deparimmmcmnt
rifle comntcst , inc will return to iris proper
stationn , ClmeyenmnnoVyo. .
Cmiptmtimn Emmnil Adamni , Fifth cavalry , 1st
] jienntemnannt Jamnnes l'nIdU. ' Stcmnnbel , Ninth
imnfanntry , aul ElWimn P. Anidrus , Fifth
cavalry , amid 2d Lienntomnnmnt hlonnner "IV.
\Vireulcr , Fifth Cavalry , are Inuroby detailed -
tailed irs mnncnnbers of the Ccnionmil Court
Mmintiril comnvonneci at Fort MclCinnmnoy ,
' \Vyo. , by lmanirgrmimir .1 , aimecimil orders Ni ) .
77 , current series fronni tinese ineadqtnar.
Tlno connnmnnnmding oflicer F'ont Lanamie ,
W' ) . , will sonnd Cor1ornl II. Fnitacim ,
comnniamny 11 , Suvumitir nnnfmuntry. to report
to tine connmnnanidinig olilco Fort Fred.
Stceio , Wyn. , for duty n. 3d Class lies-
Pitai Steward amid to relieve I lospitmil
Steward 'I'inonnmnm , Ibatterton , U. S. A. ,
wino , emi ieimlg relieved , will report to tine
1tcdicmil 1)ircctor of tIne Dopartnnment for
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
TlIonnslLmnilH Hay 140.
? dr. T. "IV. Atllnns , Ilirard , ] 'Cnmmn. , wrItes m
' ' 1 rIoter incidtato to reconnnnmmonmml ymurn Llec
trio to imny customer's , they give emrtim u
satlfactIoi , annnl are rapid sellers. " Electric
13ittei' mire tine lmnret ) nnmd bet mnmemilviiio
k nnowmn mend i III IxIsitivdl ) ' s.-tnm Itlnnoy ammd
Liter vommni.lairmta. l'mnm'ify tire bhoml mont ! rog-
mmlato tine bowels. No fanmmlly cnmn mrflwrd to liti
witlamint thonmn. 'l'ln ) ' tijIl sat'o Inunndn'eds of
dollars 1mm nioctor's biIl crony year. 5olml at
rAn 'cnnts a bottle y (3
"l'lctmnrei SummoN , " 1o. (
Aim inntennustimng gninup lnirotogrrpin is cmi
exinihitirmn at onnu of tine picture stores
of tins city , tine subjects of winicir mayo
mnmntnny lady ndmnnirors wino will be glad to
learir tIre story of it. ' [ 'wo. of tire boys
are vell known clerks inn tine IT. P.
fruigint ofilce , tine tinird is tine junior
pznrtmrer . . ( it dry goods f'nrmnn. 'Fine boys
were m-ecrcntimng at Niagara Fails last
imUmninier nnnd while gmnzinng mit tine mmmii
winmrl of tratern below tine great cabin-act ,
decided to be inothed. 'l'inrec is sonnmo.
timnnea cnnnsiderud a crowd , but fur a pie.
tune sovemi was mnecessary to intake in
spuctabbu fromntnspieco to a background of
whirlpool aniti rooks. The lanndiortl of
tine motel wan appealed to mund ire goner.
ously detailed fenir of mis fairest biscuit
pushers to equalize tine sexes inn tire
group. Tine PicLtnro reinreacints the Imanty
nnttnnng cmi Platfurnnn over tine edge of
Whirlpool rapids , with huge boulders inn
fromnt to hide their feet. 'i'ino ' girl with
gugbeni III tine cornier tries to punnotrato
tire nmnrsta iii the distamnco to avoid tine
fascinating wimnks of thu dry goods mmmann ,
wInnie a girl , ivuil bannged , hmqns over a good
( Imnamter imectitnmt of tine somber freigiit
clerk , On tine left hnanal cornier tine third
nestles lovmmijly between two girls , and
wrtlr eyes closed minnti Opemn mnnouthn nwmnl.
lows tine orstacy of tire mnnomnient. 'l'he
boys will take their ott-mn girls the next
tunic they go to Nimngmint.
oitiii PLACES.
Tllc Conuty Co1llissioncrs lliYi Ilic
SOcOll aild Fifth V/ards. /
SnrIonmmn lmmnimorinnil 'FnlunMatlomns mu
I4atnnn-tlmiy's iIcetItig.
SATIJRIPAY , September 29 , 1883.
Board met. ptmrsnmant to aijIurmnncnlt.
l'rcsumnt , Commnnniissjonncra Coritas , Knnigiit
amid O'lCeofIe.
Minnut of prccedinmg meeting were
read and aPProved.
Tine following resoitntiotnn wore ndpotcd ;
JL'CROlVCl , Tinat time coninity surveyor
bo and Inoreby is innstnuncted to piace all
cinaingos tnp to date l1 ° mm record knnown
aim sectionmni llannfl of botnnndary hinnes amid
areas ( If subdivisiomna , towni lots anal ad-
ditionts to Omniaha city.
Renotvcd , Tinat tine coumnty clerk ho
and is hereby immstrlnetCl to rchmco lot 5 ,
1)lCk 3 ! ) , fronni 1,1OO to $1,000 , amnd lot
8 , iii block 311 , frornn 8OO to $700 , omn ac-
conmnt of error un assessmmnemit.
Inn accordance witin cecticmn 1 , chapter
xxii , of tine laws of 1883 , nlIrovcd Feb.
rumnry i8 , A. 1) . . 1883 , cmntitled "ant act
to etnipower amid require county comnmnmms-
miionena to divide imrecinncts unto two or
mmioro 1101111mg or voting districts mn certanmn
cones , for gemnurai election , urposes , amid
to connfonmnn to ordinnamnecs of cntncs of tire
first class inn relation tirereto ; " amid ,
vlnercas , said ordimmannccs have boom
PassOl by tine said city ( If tine first class ,
tinerefom-o , be it. ordered tinat time follow-
log votinig districts , to.wit :
' [ 'Inst tire SecomnulVard of tire city of
Onmahra be amid tire same is lreroby divided
into two eiectiomn districts as follows , viz :
All that pmtnt of said vard lying amid
bcimng south of tine inpper amnd mmmmunn limo
ot tine Unnomm l'acilie niiltvny , amid all that
iyimmg amid hoimng emist of Fiftccnnth street ,
to be kmnown as amid to connstituto election
District No. I , of tinat ward.
Amid all tinat hart of said ward lying
and beimng nmortir of 5:11(1 : U1)IC and mnimtnmr
lime of tine Umiiomn Pacific , mund lying amid
bcitng west of Fiftccnntin street , to be
kmrownn as amid to connatitunto election dns.
inlet No. 2 , of 510(1 ward.
¶ l'lrt tine 1"iftir vard of tine city of
Onimainmu be amid is hereby divided unto
election districts as follows , viz :
All that part of said vard lying amid
imeinng south of Burt street to be kmnownn
mis murd to constitute t.loction ( listlict : No.
1 , of sail wari.
And timat all that part of said ward
lyiing turd being not-tin of said Burt street
to ho knnowmn mis mmml to constitute clecinoni
District. No. 2 , of said ward.
Are cstaliislmel for tine coumnty of Doug.
Ian and state of Nebraska.
Tire following acconmnts nero allowed
frommi tire Gennerni fimmnd :
\Whiiimnmn Dowlimmg , work , , mm road..S 48 00
! mlrs. ICleuscin , taking cirti of innfamnt. . 3 00
I'oter ( mtsIdy1 vurk on road . . . . . . . . . 12 00
Coo. inbci'Cenzmo , Jr. , grading , etc. . . . . . 81 00
\Vnm. l'etnrmm , work am , road. . . . . . . . . . . 37 00
U. P. Itotlman , work on noad. . . . . . . . . 15 00
E. ii. Crowell , baiiitr feat. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 00
henry Grei , work amnd material for
court room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00
B. & M. It. IL , ticket for poor. . . . . . . . 45
JM. ( ) 'lioylo , bailitr fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00
.Ioojmin Eger , witness fees. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00
l'it t'otver.m , witnes lees. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00
Ilogga & lUll , taxes illegally paid. . . . . 31 80
Dixoy 'IVick , . , workonn road. . . . . . . . . . 10 50
1)oumglas County Agricultural Society
coumnty advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 00
.1. T. I'ilnnt , grauilmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t6 01
.1. MeVittie , erocermes for moor latin. lOa SO
14. Itrashn , goods for cunmuty. . . . . . . . . . 2 00
F' . 0. li'estmner , tales juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . lt 00
llcinnrod & Doernaiamnn , groceries. . . . . . 8 00
floAn iLYNI ) .
, Tacob Wagner , work 9nt road. . . . . . . . . 12 00
.1. } . L.OWC , , grmuhinmg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50
\'Inzm. l'vamms , work ann road. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00
nmnumuon : mIJNI ) .
C. A. llmmihmard ) , urn mucc't ( If contract. . 600 00
\Vnn. Von 1)oinrenn , lummnber for county 28 41
I icinmiel 'i'ox , inmnnnher for cmmunmty. . . . . . 20 81 ,
l'otor 1111cr , work cnn bridges.'O 50
0. Ii. Brown , grmuiinmg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00
Adjounrmmcd to October 3d , 1883.
.Jonr1iAusmnmtCounty : Clonic.
It II iginly StnccemittnI Fiii"n-iiiimiirncnnl
Oh Smil nnn'nlmuy Fvenimng , IAat.
'Fine Norwegian Simngimmg society gave
clue of tlnuir piemisamni sociable ontertainn.
nnnomuts onn Smutinnlay evcuminng last , inn tiruir
hail , onn 1"ourteenmlin street. Qrnito a large
mnmmrnber If our mnuost promnimnontNorsveginnn
mund Swedish citizenne were 1)rescmit , annul
all tinoso little difierenucesof olimnjnni ) wnichn ]
somne tinimes exist betweeni the Norwegiamns
mumn(1 Sweden vcre emntirohy forgottemn
s'imile joimnim g lit tire festive dmrmmcn or do-
hightimng their aumicuniar organs un listomn-
imng to the dunleut stnainnnm ut Irvine's vull-
knncwmn amnd Ilopuimur orcireatra.
l'rof. .Jacicsmnmn has a 8llcnidil choir ,
wlnicin , inhudurhula able nnamnago.
moot , is nnow ninlo to do great
timings in the mmuusical lime. ' .l'rnkenn as a
whole time cmntertmnimnnomnt mmnnuy safoiy be
prommoumneed a gnmtmntl success. lineal
ci-cdnt is due to t Inn Inigiuly efliciunnt. conni.
imnittee comnsiatmnmg ( If inIt'ssrs. .1. Jmikobsonn ,
.1 . I iofstmnd , l. ) 1111(1 1'Viig , for
tire able nonillionmr tvhricin tine ) ' 1)Orfonmmmu(1
tinuir ( htmtiea , iulr , ( I. Olsumi wits also a
vmmlmnmilmie aid , amid ( lid mm vnunt of time
lImISilmesS inn ii creditably wmty.
'I'lnis society is doimmg oxcollenit work inn
tine late City by eunmnemntimng our Nor
svegmann citizenis tQgutlrer hr the bonmthn of
fnuemrdsinmp , amid Ironmnotimmg feelings of
good trill amid brotlmeniy love winicin cant-
mmci ( mmml to bin ImroiunctLvu of good to mill
concernncd. limnammcialiy tire society is
won'kbmng onn a soUmnU basis , rind ttiil in tire
future be omno ( mf the niost lrOslcrOUs ) iii-
ntrtmmtnomns iii Nebnrtsiia.
Hurt ! Ebtalo Tramnsfi'n.
Tine fohiowiing deeds vene filed for
record inn tire coumnty clerk's chico Sop'
temnibor 2Btin , reported for 'l'nuz Ilun by
Annuon' real estate agenrey :
.Joinin 'I' . Ioroy mmii wife to Krntaninma
i1r.itOmChlwnli , nv d , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 mumid
U , hmiovk 80 , towmn of Millard , $2ti5.
If , P. It. It. Co to JOliit F , Moroy , a
w ' ml , lits ( 1 , 2 , 31 , 5 , annd 6 , block $0 ,
'Il'nhlani1 ' , $90 ,
IIemnm-y It. Matiniu and wife to Denim.
nnnnnn F , Mclcmmnluy , ii o ( I , lot 5 block 458 ,
amnd lot 20 block 433 , ( iramndvicw , $100.
Joirni P. hell rund rjfo to Eva Fitchnett ,
'V (1 , lot 0 , bik , 3 , otum1).dLy. J I. Itoti'
icka , add to Omnmaima , 1225.
Juno , 1. Redick amid wife to F. J , lire.
Shame , t. it lots 1 , 2 amid 3 , block , 8 , iii
sub dlv of Jnno. 1. Itediek'in add. to Oiuimt-
Its , $3,750.
Pierce 0. Ilimnnebamngh amid vifo to EIiz'
abotin K. Van Court , w' 4 part of IOtB fi
amid 7 , Bartlett's iuhl , , amid correspomid.
limIt to lot 15 , inn ilinniebaugir's Place , $1-
000 ,
Rufus iS. Parker amid wife to Framik
Sasstromnm , n. d in lot 5 , block ii , inn
lived's 1st arId IL ) Omnmntina , 81,000 ,
George I' . Dennis amid wife to Jan. Ic.
l'ett ) ' , % 5 ? 1 iota I ) annul 10 , block "Q , "
Lowe's 1st add , , 820th.
Jacob S. Sirull's moms to Iijorgamn Nio'-
soni , (100(1 , ot 1-1 , block 6 , Slnull's 2mmtl
add. , $ .t2 , .
Clmas. U. 111)11501 annul vifo to Sarah .1.
Tromni , ts fi , lot 213 , block I , Armnmstrnmng's
tt(1i , to Oimmaiimi , $1,000.
Q U1ClhiYQUlNU1I II ) .
A lice llmmm'mlM Omit a floartlimig Ilonmito
KItt'Imciu ( , mn Thnirlccnntln Street.
A t half-past eight last evenninig am aliinmn
of fire wont impfromn box twelve , aid it
scenmned inardly Imnhnnuto bmforo'No. 8
hose cart nmnI tire hooks mad connie down
from timeir headquarters to the scenic of
actiomi , a boarding mouse , occupied by
Mrs. lira 13. ( labbor , cmi Tinirteenth
street , between Iouglas amid Dodge , just
sonntln of Mayor Chuso's rcsmrlemice.
'l'imc fire ima(1 cmutmgint iii tine flue of tine
kiteinemn cininnmnney inn some LmmmacCOUmItflllO
tm ) ' aiiul crail'lcl till into time roof lie-
ttvecmn time stlmdIning , 80 tinmut it wits very
diflicult. to lnanmdbe. It loenmied up for a
few mommicnits , bunt after cuttnmng mmnto tine
roof a hittio the boys mad it ummder numb-
jectionn. ' [ 'boy made womndcrful tinmio mu
gettimmir tlnero , amid tine ) ' accomnlllisincd a
great deal by savimng tim old buildimng.
It iutammds cmntiro , but tire mmnsrdo walls arc
berried amid everything rumnied lq , ' the
'flue ftnrmmituro was mmmovod unite tine
street , btnt taken back after the the , and
tine fammmily stayed iii limo house. It is
time prolnenty of Mrs. A. Vn'yninamn amid wits
partly immured.
_ -
I'or ' P1110 COII1p1OX1OII8.
Positive reliefaud iitiiiiiinii-
t'y froini COllnlileXiOllfll blent.-
ishies hay ho 101111(1 ( ill 1agui's :
! iIlhgIlOlilt 11111111. A deIhto
niid harmless article. Sold
by ( lrIlggiStS everywhere.
II ; illIpRi'tS 1110 flioSt bril-
hirtut iiiitl life-like huts , alid
the closest scrqtiiiy caiiiiot
(1C100t its use. All unsightly
Discoloratfoits , Eruptions ,
lilng Marks ulller ( the eyes ,
SaIIow'ness , 1e(1lIeSS ( , ROlIgh-
HeSS , 1111(1 ( the hush. oflittigue
tiittl excitenicnt. are at onc' '
dispelleti by the Mugnoli.1
it is file oiio incomparable
Cosiiietic. . .
- . .
. . . .
- ' - - - -
LsrapeclaIs will Postttvely' not be lnertod
unless paid in advance.
V eso.1 :
% y.tNTnI-FIrt.c ass ironer at Family l.aumulry ,
huh and VAmter. 013 20 !
\ T.kicrED-m irt cias , niam , mit m'ammm'Iy t.ammnlry ,
nih no.1 Vebster mmtrcct.
'ITAN1'EDA flrstclnsa barbir at m'axton mmotmo
S S barber thp.
\ ATANTED- got1 carpenters for trImunir ; at
1 . CalM it. bttwen 10 amid 17 St. I' . J. ( Jiiii.
noN. . 9-201
\ \ ' ) for geilerai houoworkt2514
iiommgiis street. 04141
1yANTEIJ-A gom. ! Gcrnnan girl for general liotmie
v work. 1Ilimmire at OvS , outim 20th street.
940 it JUI.lUn T1IaITSCKfl.
1i7ANTID-A fewsomart criergetlosalennomnto can-
I S va's among hunsolebq mile , , hr Kamwa amid Nob.
A1ilv bctmeemn 2 atom a n. " to C. It. hemdali , Euro.
Icazm hotel , near U. P. 1)epot u)42.4 )
\ , then tc control sale of our
V gOods. Silencild 1mm e4mmient for mmmai c'ii'al. '
Otmoimico , ' , ( . 1rullb. mmuimmsuslmy iarge.
cilAs' . F. ( VLN , li-um * , 4m metropommaim iIotI.
840.20 !
.t ' 7ANrEIl'ants nmmaler at
I , 'J2n-1t J. VApolts.
17ANTEI-At flimec , A gout tinner to tal.o charge
i 1 of , hOjt. Eb ? & 1tAYMONI , , Jnradhaw Zeb.
. 88-29f
7ANrED-l1r,4 cia's tmmommllcr. to smork on heavy
I S Cork. SEA'lON & LEA , iincoln Nb.
' TA "Il-I--Comimietemmt moalu tcaclmer for Liglmmi
S I brmuiclie iii ( .ernmlamn Aimiericat. . School , Ad-
iiee , , Uitiuig tmrisms , nualiilentimjq amni referejices.
cli.ti. I : . 11tJIIMESi alt , 1201 F'arnanii Str.
1 1 ( ) ilrst cia , . , ijroimim niia'ccrs meamiteil at Onnalia
flruoni Worics , mliii and P.m iflc. 890-201
" \TAN1 EnImmiiedlateny , , a .econd girl. Mime be
S strong amid itat. anti a good sattrei. , angus
* 3 ( .0 mer auuk. Ai1ily at c0r. m't'rmumeat. Eairi-
den , street , , mear ( Iracu. $ M.29 !
% 'ANm all Aim emigirmo toruri 5. , a nractmcni emmgl.
I S ricer anil mmiaciiinlit. ( .1)0,1 ) refereii'e , , CIII bo
tmmriullmeit Addres "W. mm. s. ' lieu omllee. S.0 mmmi
% % TAN'rEL'Cool girls fur genii families. lmu.t
S S azi . . Aimi.iy mInmImiemmiatem- eniipImn much t
lurcain , 217 N. 15th 14. No. 010cc fee. U2 tf
% rANTlD-sIx : god coat mlmalmera.lie.t of mrI'e
I 1 mcmii. J-'ItANI { J. 1L&im nE ,
' 17Az'rrED- agents fur lbs 'Qmmeen iritcct.
V 7 or. ' . A new tmmmdor gurrmemt , for nones. mamlo of
soft , Itoxiblo ruimbor. $ , mn , imrotectiomn to the uniter-
mIrar , vIan smcevsoary to lie aurnn. muetiu for i2.O0
as fMt as 3.tmntCani tliow it. lArge jiroilts. Addrcsm
m1t ) , Star.1 ? , , ' 'l.aIic. , ' Ummnimtorgarmnment Sianiufactmnrtng ,
( jo. , 1i0 13 fa btreet , Ciiiceo , I. 702-3nim
\lTANTEI-Oini mt No. 1O6 tihermnamn avenue.
1 5 284-tI imt8J. ii , COUNSMM. .
FOIl. BRNT--flouaomm amid Lots.
, . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ - . . . - - . - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - - - - - - .
- - - - - - - -
JHt I(1N m- Nicely fnnrmnlmiietl roolmn , iStin St. bet ,
Ilodgu aid Capitol imte. il78-5
I jle.u.annt front : roommn with nice
closet 1712 t'mutifurnmlmm. 07321
C ' 4 % ( ) Nmoriy mien heating amid cook stoves for sale.
Iniquire 2417 ilaremiporl SL uI71.l
Oit iti'Ni'-New cIa clung iImtm4ti 5 roomims ens 17th
I ntiee ( beta evmn t'i.irl anal ( irac. luquiroat 1414
Nrttm 17th. 0D2
"om mtnNT-Fnnniished monte. N. E. 234 mmd la.
I teimiort struits. 131061
' A liaise cear 1)epot .ini Motileal Col.
'I legs. nnimnuro of Mrs t'arsons , cornier 12th ainil
Marry $ ts. C64-l
tomuiuncrllireo mmmd urnl.hesI reoumi. inqmmlre
1 N. W. oorner 20th suit ilugLs St. 003-it
1-nomu mtEN-r. (1mm lark steam. , a tine new residence
1' c4 ten rooums , just eunnipicted. I'urmmaco , bath-
room. aster in room. , nd ant mnmo.ienn oumnrentesices , ,
eetiienetl asH. . arounmd premotses , atalils etc. , aiso a
tom. . room iiou.o dim lkatgo Si , for boarmimnmn house
i'ur1oes con'.cnnent to U. I' . 51101) . . .1. 1Mliii -
' 1-u ) : , , , ' .gtiut , 1511. larlualu itt , 9723'
A Nice ftmrnlsietl ) room to rent , suitable for mcxii
tt . snot all. or tan gi-mitierumani twa blocks freon the
1)0101 ) , 1007 outim itIn 141 , 031.1'
I ut gINr : - Fmo furnhilmed rooniw suitable for vim
or two gefltkmumaim , Irkmm reasoumabivUlotodge
T'tomi ittNT-lioua 4 coons cnn soutin 101mm street.
1 iniqutru at 1312 ii. noUn street.
rile Lrl'-NIcvly furrnilimod roonts 1734 iougtas.
_ J. _ 931-LI
'Ohi IIENT-New cottage cit ( I roonu. witim closets.
ani.lali nimodern cencnkimco. No. 2408 Caai 14i
9113-11 I , . ( Y3IALI.EV.
? Olt JLNm'A : suIte of coons for genthwiau and
lithstrcvt. 035-41
uinfit iiEN1'flouu 4 ruonu arid kitchen. limOutv
L 722 $ , 16th street. 019-20 *
I.'Oht IIENT Tao or three rooms , 1124 N. 17th
_ J _ street
. - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
_ _ _
Infants and Chirdren
1thont Morpidno or Nnroottn .
: What gives our Clmlldrcn rosy cheeks ,
' What citron their Severs , niakcs thormm sleep ;
. 'TI. Caatoria.
When BabIa fret , and cry by tin ran ,
What cures their colic , kills their worn's
. limit Cnu.tos-is. .
What quIckly cures Conetipation ,
Soux- Stomach , Colds , Indigestion :
limit Castorla. ,
Farewell Omen to Morplulmmo Syrups ,
( Jastor Oil and Pa-egoric , amiflail
flail Cnstorigi.
Centaur Llnlmoflt.-Anab-
solute oin'o for Rheumatism ,
Sprains , Burns , Galls , ito. , antI nn
ixustiuitanoous Pain-xoflevor.
. - . , - -I
_ _ _
"I roR.AL14
house-Cleaning Purposos.
, I'A1T , MARUL1 , OIL. CLOTHS , flAfli
WXSDO'm , .tC.
TIN , 81LSS , COP1'Elt JIN1) 8T11T4 WABES
A tctIm of early lmnprndenco , causlnr screen. debti-
Itsliremature decay. etc. , havnng tried In Sam eve
known emeut luft dieo'eereml a simple moans of sci -
SIre. , muLch lie wIll send liiEE to lila fel iow..simtlcrers.
.Addreas. J. 11. ILECVLS. 43 Chathani IL. Xuw Yotk
The Product of American Industry !
Full assorthient constantly on Hand amid for sale by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Prmont , Web. j.
RuNT--Ftmrnulchcml rooms , siagno an-i for lIght I
I I imomeekeeIng. iieemcr'a block , cornier 8th amid
howard. 897-29 !
I .4 lOit ll'N'r-A { : niems'heure , acil , cbtcrmm and cellar.
llanmilitoni hear irene street , mmcxc i-ed u-ar mmmc.
itent SiU. mequime on ImncimuleeS. 7i9-2 *
r o'nrnmahiemt ruomime alUm bo.trd lu4 Coil-
formula St. 1m20-Inuuo.
I-lent 4 utnrrort SATfl-Store bumbling cor. 6th and
m'ierce St. ( iood bmnUdiuig forgrocer or Butcher
SliOli. S31.lnio'
_ _ _ _ - -
-iou ItE'T-Laro neal ) furnuiimed front room
I main Chiengost. 833J1
pIa iunNr- : . cozy little firmilhed room , to buily
only , fur aeo , 20cC Cass stncet. 816-ti
I 01t ltiNT-eunrmijIled rooms , N. 0. 23mi and ha-
teniulort * , treets. 810209
FR ItENT1720 Capitol Avenue , emeganit furn
lohemm roonne. Genitienmman and elfe or gemmtlenncnm.
hot amid Cild umater. All connvenmlenmces. 799-20'
' -'ott itENl'-A Imandsonno suit of rooms ; with or
without board. Also slnhe room , 10i5 Dodge
street. 79S.203
, ott IIENT-NIco formmlshed room , with or a Ithumut
board. Aip1y 2209 IJodgo etreet 803-201
JJOUSaSTO itENT-1ml. totOpcrmonmtii , Stores
and room , to rent. City reslilenee for aio $ .i ®
mmmwand _ Vacamut lots immali nartnot city. } armnlanids
for alu or exelnanuge.LOUNSIIUIW
Real Estate AEe1ICYS. w. carrier 15th amid Farnmanu.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 786 (1
Felt RENT-Nicely furnmislucd roonsus for time a lmmter.
lmmqulre at east side I8tnu St tucteeen Ioungla. &
Iludgo. 703-tI
- -
; 'omt ItENT-'Iuo ) commmnnodloums 12 roommi house aith
stable , etc. , cii N. W cornmcr2Otim nnud Caroling
streets , now OCcilliled by Cimarlee rnl' . Sianuleroon. 1mm.
miulro umimmi ercmnnises unmtil October 1st , whom poseo-
10mm umill lie given. Auction tale of houte flail goods
Tmnnmrm.mlay , Sept. 27th. 672-tI
Foil IIENi'-'fhreo mmclv storecor. 10th ammO Jones
etremuts Enquire a Mrs. 'I' . Hemnnmeiy , S. S. con.
111th amid Jackmmonn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 055-tI
I OI1 ltENT-XjowijrjcIc store ci feet doej , on
howard strect , beta-urn 15th antI 16th streets.
Imuqunro at Humlnman'm. dry goods btore. 631-ti
1 romt ltiTh'l'-Two 1loor anti hennenut Elevator
Attached. 1O7 Fnrnmanmm , treeL 270-ti
I "Olt lt1-NT-----Itm-sldence , auud mtorobmiuldlmugnu. BED-
Fomtin & SOUSa , Iteal Estate Agcucy. 051cc
east side 14th street , between Farnmann amnmi Douglas
.mtrcetmc 7924
Foil OALE.
I-I h18t EEII'INU (10008 FOit S ti.ii'artics
ulno mire golnug east deu.lrmu to disimose of tnie
house lnoil goods. hid udlnug a Sea mug iuunehnln e , Ii Ill
hue iill cheaim mnmilulre ( or. iAcnmIort aunt l'hnr-
tcenitim St. 98r-20
"tit ) SALE Euli liii Callformmla St a itlu Ian-go liii-
_ I lurOveimnents , I,500. ' 1'AUL.SEN & Co.
058-2 1500 } 'arnmahnu ,
J 'OiL $ Ai.i-'l'Wite roomnm home conner lot , lttlm
suit California , l11l8 t3,500. I'tULSflN & CO.
5c0 Fnrnammn , 019-2
_ ,
T-ioit SALiS-L.ot , 65s110 13th near California uitii
_ _ U daeilummg t2,70U. 1'AULSEN & CO. , IfiOD Far-
nmanu. 960-3
1 tiL.n-- : Lot : t6mi2 : California mnear 13th alUm
2 inoucs2,7oo. . 1AULSEN &CO. 1509 Fnrmmannm.
F Oil SAIdI-llomnse neil lot nmuarLale'ns add. $ iooo ,
062-2 mAuLsIN : &CO. l5O'JFarnnammu.
I h'AtE-Iiawcr' , , Smnt-tllvlslon , , 2o0 nun acme ,
I Iaa er'm imnlu-dn 1,1cm , 4200 mum nero.
ilmuis mer's Sumli nib islomi , $200 ann acre.
lIaauers Sub dIvision , e2mO ann aces.
howler's Smnb.tlItslonn , r-.Smo nnm acre.
1Rms-t'er' SuuI-iiilemn , ? ( ) ( ) urn acm.
Iluaver's Sub dlbdon , 8te : an acre.
mraa-c-js Sunlu-tiiilon , 13200 nun acre.
iiaaer's Emil , dIislomu , $200 ann a-rtm.
Iiaa er's Sum dim islimmi , 6200 aim acre.
Ilaim , crs Humim-ditielumin , i'200 ann acre.
Jtaauer'm , Smnb.diIlmunm , 621.11 ann acre.
. -
034-ti mnurnaunn St.
, omt IIALI3-$1mleIndid inmvestmnnemmt , two limO lots , six
inonnsc- _
Flue fnmrmmm , near city.
809 : m llItlVEii & lliLL ,
F ° n 8.l.E-WllL tradufor rual estate. rica pluac-
tomm , harm. se amid rio , large , boumid , kinul drl trig
lions n1lenmdld Liatoler , suitable fur lady or gentle-
mnuatns unse. -
1109-3 h-'armmnummm Street.
I 'mot : : ( loti , suet , 100 ,
2 acre lots , west , iS ® .
2 acme l.mtsacst , ilOO.
2 ncr , , lots , aesti'm5 ,
I acre lots , west , 66(5) ( ,
2 acre lots , aetVS0O.
2 acruliuts , Cust , 610) .
001-tI AMES , I'arnannm Street ,
I 'Oii SALF-Scten eleganut Ilosidemnees mmmiii lot-s
near 1ostattk-e , 2,5OIJ to jT,000 cat-tm.
807.tI 1ECE , tup. . 1' . 0.
1 0ht SAiE-Coto inrIllIannIe , 6r00 ann acre.
Cote ImrtimLmmte , itcO an , na-re.
Cote ilrllliamnte , * 10) an , acre.
Cots llrliirammte , ilro aim acre.
Cute llrlliiammte , * 100 an acre ,
(3.mtc Brtlllanmtc , $100 arm niece.
Cote iirllliammte , 1100 ann acre.
Cute lirlhilamnte , true an , acre.
Cots lmrilibumte , p100 aim acre.
CoW BrUilante , 6100 ann acre.
Cots Liriiilamnte , * 100 an acre.
Ccde Inrililamnte , 610) ann acre.
Cone iJrllilammtc , $10' ' ) ann acre.
( otc imrllliammtu , 6100 au acre.
Cute lJrluilanmte' , $100 an acre.
AM ms' : ,
1(33-ti ( t'mummuann Street.
T'omt SALE-A liars Chanmclioumo and lam-ge
I lot on 10th strvef'900 , About 1 untie south of
iarnannm strict. Will lini aortin 'omr coiL mnnorunueat
'ear aScii street car lice Is catenided. InquIre 812
ioumtfi lOtbstret-L
t7bli ) SALI-12oco : Tubc Rose Iiuds. Mr's. Eumily
_ U S. Am-mull. 121(1 ( North 18th street. h6S-2nf
F0' SALE--Cotuhirmlliamte. 1100am acre.
Cote Drililante , * 1151 an acre.
Cute mmr-Illtant , , * lUOan acre.
Cotu tinh1m.mde , * 100 an acre.
Cote lirllLlaatoj , $160 an acrs
Cots , Ilribusmnte' , mOO an aces.
Cotu lirliltiouto , liO an acre.
600-ti AMES , Famimamo Street.
° LOT 10l1 SAI,1-Corner lot 60x140 ,
lnotmio 7 rec'mnns , acdset u1tlmbluc gre.'s Shade
I tm-c-cs lii abunndanuce. i'rlco 62,1,0i , nould lil.o to sell
at onuec. Admlrea , 'EM , " lIeu ofIlee. $17-tI
_ _ _ _
oiti : . established
A LE--Aprei.pcrnu'imlalcyaitln
nuilk route. Admlre-ai"1ialr"tlmls omlice.S53-l9
( SA1.l'-A fine lot 66n15 onoutln lltmm street ,
11(111 Doreal arid llaflna , aith Food house ,
uvell and chitern , nlcmnty of shade and fruit ire-es. in.
quuiro on rremmulsee. 830-29
ntOCEltY Foil s.ln.n-My stock of sa.lo and
fancy groceries , (2uecIm'mmvaro anul lixtures , situated -
ted Inn tIne lls cite of Cmcstomm. Also mniy general
store at Nevlnsile , iowa. Change of bmnslnuess rearn
sonm for selihug. Call cnn or address
11. A. NYE ,
821.U Crestonm tomes.
1 0ht SA1,1-Lots 5Oct60 , near I'ark arennue , 6525.
Lots iOxlOO , near Park Avenue , $5.
Lots SOxitlO , nucer l'ark A'.enhne , $525.
- 003-ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AMES' , I'arnmamnu Street.
; cikOnto ef tIme hanni.onmucst lote inn Onnaha ,
Foil front , cornmers on alley , 2flth street. half
block mnorth 5r Mary's avenue. rican- tine Jnmdgc Brigg
result-mice. Ini'inmlre at tine 13. & 31. Ticket olilce , 13th
and Farnuaunn. 797-nm'
SALMSm'c room Imounme nm 18th St. 62.7(10. (
Font roommm Imounso mew , 100 feet from Park arc.
Six room lnoue 2itlm St. south ofCrclghtonn College ,
- -
$1sueTh8tf .ilF.S , 15-6 Farnnarn.
' 'iiitsALE-1c ; ; uormblc boilers. Iii miowcr.
Apply at 0. i'll'ZPATIlmCic ,
603-tI 218 Sotmtln 15th Street.
1 Oht SALm3-m.orsDomuccincnnu , asiditlont50 to $400.
1ots , toneekenms amlitItion , $150 to $100.
Lot , , llonectenm's addition , 6mtnO to $100.
lans , 1ommccm.enne } addition. $150 to 9400. , _ ,
1tg , 1)cmntcl.enms ) adlt1in , Silo to uoo.
001-tf AMES' , Farnanms street.
) - ' % t '
Each 5275 , cnn good tcrmnu. lnuqmmlro at thms C
0111cc. S3ttf
' -A Imonnoc ainmi lot at a sacreitce. J. I.
I : m Marble , 2n7N. 1601 St. 823-ti
; eli Ll-ASE-Eounr elnonce motmi on 0tim St. , long
timmme , 217 N , 11th et. J L Marble _ (125-tI (
21011 SALI-28n4 larnuammi street 77 feet fronntage ,
ntis depth , five rionmiod hounnml.000. 614-nnot
SALE-Good luuntmmcai chanuce , at 217 N. 16th
street. j _ n. SlAilliLE.
na ) tf
Foil SATlAc alma galnm , a nmnmaii , - usler , iIaimmuunmn
amid Cos tire iroof safe. mnmq-.lru at tints
I jiOit su.u5 roounm liousi' , limit lot , barnm , $1,200
doa mm , lal-amuc-o nmnmmnntlmly i nymuiemits , 62 , IUO.
A room hoiuou mind barn , tlrmt-y street , $2,000
113 acres Janil , lnnuluroveti , good hnousu arid barn ,
: i room mouse , lot 40xl20 , Iiarncy trcct , $2,210.
8 roonmm lnuunae , Lao lots , stmtble. scuitim , $1,2U0.
002-tf A51t..s , Farmnamnm Street
olt $ ALE-F'lnmu farina close to the city.
848-tf I'ECK , Opposite I' . 0.
I ° ' SALE-A tn-st c1as soc-one ) hemS lop buggy.
Call at 1319 llarmney strict. 3071 ?
'toIu SAIE-iiesiuicnco amer buslnmess Irnumerty in
all pants of Oumuaha , arid Farm Lanmdo Inn mull parts
of the State. 13E1)FOitI ) & SOtJElt ,
793-tI 2j S. 04th St. bet. Fnarnnaumm and Douglas.
I tOIISALS cit ISXCIIANJE-tcli ( lot amid threc
clwelllmmgs cornier of litIm aim , ) Pacific streets.
Nlmmu lots inn sountli Onmnlna. Also 100 acreof land
near Santon , Nelrasl.a , amid buililinug amid stock of
cloUding No. 804 'l'enmtln street. Will oxclnanmgu for
Nelrashnm forum mmdi , . Furtimer Particunlars nut Oco.
II. I'oterumon'm , Clothing Store , SO-i Teuth street.
4 Oil SALIS-Olmm rewsuxupors inn large arid small
icnmntitca ! at this e1co. ( I
its .Juln CIluaIit ) : ( , Chicago , tIme nmost cow-
-6 erfuml mnuagnnutle healer , locates all p ahn ammO (115-
ease , Cures all ttnosoglvcmm urn by uthcr hulueIclaTu.
Connsmnltatlonm free. 8 , % V. canner 15th amid Capitol mmcc ,
lbaunmt it- 806-20 *
SI-o mill roit SALECnunmeistlmig of comnfectionm cry ,
FruIts mind lamne Notions. Also fixed for lies.
Lanmranmt , Uousl cellar nummmi a cli. llumldlnig 20x62 , one
story. 1)olnng a good bunelnuess. Comae of sale , uuannt
to ic" omit of buusmnme. Adutrees
7(14 mis 0. E. CO1IIWOaklanmmlNe-l , . -
tOaHurvnes , mumps or Plains of re-al estate tnj
oumt of tine cli ) , api1y to lECWS
037-ti Aneonney , Opposite I' . 0.
ALIST 40.5 Tenth street , between Farniamu and lit , .
coy , a-Ill , wlttm the old of guardIan spirits , obtab far
any onus a glaico of the past and pru2t , and o
certain cnmlltlonms hr the tuture. L'aa Imanmd 5Iae
cii.ts t4 'ylpr ' li. , C. . , stoo
4Kl$0 'V
Absolutely Pure.
Tht-s powder never ysrts. A insryei e4 purity ,
strenugins and whoiesnmmiea , Mere ccmmnormalca1 chin
tine ordinary kind , , amid cannot hoc'l inn 000uis.tltioa
with thu nnmuitiudu vi low tint , shari wtiglnt , alnaao.t
lulmos1lnat-s pumd'r , SoiJ .ly in cais. Uo-al ui.
lug 1 osmier ( ai , hnull Street ew umk