fIII : 1)AIT 1311bODAY [ J ; ' 1'.1BlIt 1 , 1833. Palace Music Hal si. . Io' COUNCIL BLUFFS , Proprietor of Musia flail and General Manager for the Celebrated Western Cottage . Organ Ct , Soathoru Minnoiota , Of MondotaIllfor Western Iowa Dakota , No thorn efitorY Maus t an Dealer laud Missouri in the Iatohlcso Nobralca e WEBER , t H : . I' i , LINDEMA * : ' * AND HARDMS I t # " -ALSO- . PTTPDBTT . -AND- . . , . . ASTP1i .r COTTAGE ORGANS ' -ALL KINDS OF- N MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTF -SUCH AS- 9 GUITARS , -A FULL LINE OF- Music Boxes , Best Italian Strings , Music Books and. Bin Sheet Music Etch Etc. Fine Goods , All Kinds of Games and Ti . Ai a specialty in the Piano line , I would recommend most heartily the u-ar dmaiJL Iiaiac not 1111' t' , ' .L I'adt in respect they are first-class instrument every ; finished , - A fine tone , finely lifetime , TRY TU ALI desire something that will last a within the reacll of n1a who really for SEVEN YEARS. I t TheY uro fully warranted . J SHODDY PIANOS AND ORGANS , advertised like patent medicine , and like it , good for everything and nothing in particull w NOT largely KEEP IN STOCK , Icannot afford to sell them , av I live too near home. But if desired , I at eastern prices , save freight , provided I am furnish . oi'i tlleseeheap ; Pianos and Organs to pared any. of Reeds , to contain G full octaves that Organs responsible. In connection with this I will state my dl(1lllo not call a single octavo of reeds a full set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers , ( , also for cash with small extra c Quarterly Payments ; ! and ' 1I Monthy ; sellPinnos and O r ano on Send for circulars , ' Address MUELLER e , o. 103 South Main Street Council Bluffs , a t COUNCIL BLUFFS ) AlDlT1ONA1. LOCAL N1:1 1'I'itsONAT ; ; . .T , ,1. Shea , Neo1A'a attarnoy , wa + rnclfie ycstenlny , Judge looflourrownnd "rife were city yesterday. . Mr. A , ) hiller , of Sandwich , 111. i + I % Is't ' bt ids brotheofn4aw , Dr. lllco , city. , loin 1S' , llnlnl has roLunted frou' Into Nebraska atul Is so ontlntsiaatlu le scdptlous of Cedar county ns to crow citrate that ho thhiks of Ioceting there. A. S , Churchill , of Atlantic , wa + Pncilio yesterday , II. A , Paluter , of 1'Innchnrd , spout nt the 1'acific. A , It Cramer , who is yearning far live honors , was vlsiblo nbeut the Pic today , U. C Choyney , of the Sloua cite started oil alrnhtlast evening ttnvnrd 8 Icokfog up business , Spotlit itut 1'vrulf , of ( I cmrutni , the faille yostcnlay. lfngh Oliver has roturtcd fret : uad brought back enough of n showing nru to corroborate his statuniont that struck it rich. dfr , 0.1'ruohthrg , of Now lurk , h ; up hie ro + ldoucu hero , aind connected with llanlin's tailuriuq o t.ahllshwnont cutter , Charles Adolph and his bride , nee 1 have returned from their weddjn' 1 art gladly tvelcmaed to what it is ho ; Provo a happy rosfdonco of many guar their Council Bluffs friends. Frank D. Wade and W. W , Dow prosenth1q the "tourist. , " sroro her day , dayv. \v. S. Pickett , Chicago weIl kuu cultural truplmnont mat , Sundayod in Sid , W. Smith , of Cedar Rapid Stinday at rho Ogden , Rev. Father 1c\fouauny'oft ' hat for St. Lois on a.hort trip. 1'hilVmclnm , of 1' Uokuk , Iuwn , 1 in tam ) city rut one of the weniburs u tian'x grand jury the past week. Omaha :111(1 nun ncrunintnucor ; in : Bluffs , anti will ho romelnborod n + n in imv of ld. Croightou , Onehn'x roll w'ho (110(1 ovural years ago , in camp. ' [ r. itlox Burke , our well knuwn to , ho called upou'1'itr. ilia whllo ill the C , F Maxwell , of Worcester , Maxs , the Ogden yesterday. C. 11 , Cuunhnghatn , of Ionver ) , rcn Ogden yesterday , F. Allen and svifo , of Sinus F'ad's ' , the Ogden yesterday. Seu the freshu stock of Curtnin and Carpoh at llnrkucss , A largo two story frmno dwellin near the Union Pacific transfer t last night about 8 p , nn , , ; old th 50011 CantnauicatCd to thu m frame building oil the next bar loss than three ganrters of an in hotisea were burned down to thu 'L'llo fire dupartnomit tur'lied c reached the grounds too Into either of the houses. The built longed to the Union Pacific rnih' were used as lodging houses for Lhotol--ono of the at the depot - - OCCUpjed by the wttito old the colored enployes , Ucal ESIZtIO Trurslbrs , The following deeds were file ( oorl ju Qtu rucordcr'a ollicu , Su 211 , reported far the Bnn by P. Mallon , real estate agcntt Alexander 711cFndduu to C. S son , ants U old 7 , block 41 , lola .1. J. Brokaw to 11.V. . Edw , sw. } set 11 , 75 , 40-,850,00. C. It. 1 , & 1' . It. R. Co , t0 .1. gin , cl nw , } 80 and no. } nw. } 31 , $1,380,00. C It. 1. & . P , R It , Co , to .1 , gju , w4 s"v } f10 , 77 , 11-$751.00. ; Snnnel C. Farmer of al. to fn her , lots 15 nil 10 , block 11 , St' ' second add.-$175,00 , Matilda Flatcller to R F , C. 1 12 , block 4 , Itylisa' ' firstndd.-Q D , J. Stith to L , D [ . Ayl sw'j ilO.j 101(1 I1W } 8O , } ; 11 ; , 7i ( , part scc. 4 , 7i , 41-$1,000.00. .f. \VOodhmlao to John It. Jr. , part 1i0. } no.j 1i ( , 77 , .i8-$2ii . A. S. Bolding to John lt. 0'b part nd , } no 111 , 77,118-lii0,0 ( IL 0. Rico to ( ieorgo W , C 1 acA ne , } :11 : ; , 7 ( ; , 11--$1,000.00. Total sales , $8,9nr.00. The Testluunry of a l'hynl Janoa Beocher , ) f. 1) . , of Siguar for several years I have boa says ( bitgh llalaaut , called 1)0. , "VM. 11ALS,1)1 FOR 'r111S I4UNCS , a case throughout any , rac ! nest every ukutl hall a ntlro success , 1 have ant oil hundreds of bottles over slnco tl1 I vi nay army practice ( of Hospital No , 7 , Loukvillo , Ky. - - - - - COIMEH.UIdil I COUNCIL ULUrI'N MAlIgItT. \Vhoat-No. 2 sprieg , 7Ca ; No. jectod , 50c ; goad duuaaud. Curt-Dealers are paying 31@32c cony , Chicagu'l0@155 ; now nlzud ll corn , 5oe ; the receipts of corn sire , Onik--In gtsid demand at 20e. Ilay-1 0i. 00 per Lou ; hoc per 1Oc light snpp1y' , Ityo1Oc ; Corn Mual--l 25 Per 100 Pounds. lVod--Ouod supply ; prlcex at yr P 000 , Cwd--Delivored , han1 , II 00 per L Td ) per Gm. flitter-I'lcnty and in fair dcna creanery 30c. F'ggs--'Itady sale ut the per duct Iunl Fuirt ak's , svholoxullag at 1'nultry'--Fh'ui ; dealers nru p chfclconn IGe ; live , 200 Pcr dose , , 'egetuhloitPutatnos , b0c ; onlmi bagaN , : { ) t'a 10u her dozen ; npplut , barrel. per NFlcar-City dour , 1 COJ,3.10 , l Ilrournn2 004 :100 : per doz , ; ; . I.IvkKlovli4 fattlu3 ! ( )0g,3 ro ; calves , G OOQJ Ijogs-3lurkutfor hogNgtlfotlo Iitg lmusu + are Clawed ; him Itlsirp nru ! l 't 7r' . - - - - - - - - - - 1(141 ITI'It3 ; , Thu D1iasouri'alloy publi d c0niahls 1,000 voluuleM , value t , 5Q0 , 'I'Iiu college for Ihu bljnd opens the fall term with 80 p t 1I1gentatlulidallcu ever rclister Thu call is niadu in Itloutgoul for a special election , to the proposltlon t0 build a " U0 llouao , Thu Homo Building naaociati Moines has filed its articlua of tion With thu secretary of Sbil stuck , $1,000,000 , , tr4 Thu statement is wade on go ity that. liookuk nteu llsvolost $50 , Chnwgtiopertttons this ymnr , ] iu Keokuk is nut alone , 'l'imo Osceola ro ° d is now confide Lcen , and thu first train rolled jut iIUVI' depot hnst'I'uesdny uulitl the of assmabltd citizens , 7'huonly cities inIowa hnvhtg frc dolisery nos. are l eokuk , la'c Ccdnr Itnpjds , ltlbuqut' , Otiuaisra Dlajncs and Council } ! , ( all's , Siuti. applying for a free delivery. Sioul City huts decided on w.ster at nu estimated cost 4f ; 100,000 n reservoir. McKees mrt 'pipe ' vi used and the ( laski l Iloll' uu w furnish the diluted Dissouri Quid.w Thu now court house at Ida ( it supposed to bit lire proof. It ii strtictod of brick , stone anti iron , slnto roof , nud rho lathing is iron it is hoped to lutve the building it by Nov , 1. A lftcou year old boy in Dcs 1 mnpttud the coulmits of a ehotgu the altinlns of n twel'o year old clue 'I'lio youthful uuutitore' w'ns urged father to shoot , 'I'Iw ' assault grew an old fanlil } ' feud laid will now unto in an 011(11054 and ox.1pensive in Alexander lilnckio , into front Sc Joseph l1. Itill n recent t'osidolt of phis , and 0 , I ) , Brown , thu well. railroad contractor base funned pnuy in Sioux City , svhicll will a uljll there for the nalndaeturo of and Cunt'itU bagging from flax. stra hoop. At a wedding in Ottumwa the night , the groom got ho gloriously tihtt ho bootee oblivious to al binary things. At n Into hot friends loltletl milli on a shutter n nod hint to his lodgings , v1ti bride rout uned whtero situ had pro tiwelL The acasott's work of ( ho Cede canning establislunont is ni nut ' cuts of corn told 10,000 cuts of tot 'I'hu Tinton clowning factory had in to put up G00,000 can. of tomato scasoll , but on account of frost tb only b0 able to put up n small per that number. A despor to attmmipt way tin Saturday to blusv ul ) the Dos court house nuts pal. Sotue tic opened taw exhaust vnlvo of the nud built up , t lunge ijro. Thu wiwu discovered was at svhitu he the brief around were too but toNe No clue to time dynamiter , Dirs..1 , A , Orr , of ilarrison a shipped a cur load of hogs to Chic 9'uosdny. Mrs. Orr has , ever sir Intsbaud's death , taken oxclusivu of a ftu'oi mubrnciug 1,000 acres ne all of the stock , turd is as troll on stock amid the facilities for ruin large farm as the best of funlurl ' but far exceeds is a young w'onuUI , minty of our fnruters iii mmnagem ( It is iutprudomit to bit without cubs Oil , for pain is everywhere. II ) ANI , I',11tMINC. IInn Iakottr"fluent-Ceouvrl2 _ O,1)Il,1eru ) ) htu'nt. FAluh ) , D1' , , Supt , 17.-Nib years ago Fargo , which is 275 nn of St.l'nnlutd has a populntieli o. was a hero hluulet , and Iota inns $5u00 could ho bought for a song , opcuiug of thu grant 1)alrynmplu faru proved iho wundu'ful fort the llcd River valley , iii which ti js situated , rand tam uucreanu jn tunes at otcu counnemicud , and 1 up hteauily ever since. Althol largest of the towns along the roe a true sleciuloil of what n score ( will b0 111 a year or two. 1 t is 1 heat typo of n Boar R'estorn toi jtspopulationlmay of late years every t vchro utonth ° . Strout lthout j's ' thoroughlfares , gas au are in its Houses , nud aJingo elect tow'er , 200 feet high lord of 25,001 Pt Wcr , tiu'osva its bright bcauu after nightfall. There arc nuuq boarding houses , seven churchC nuwSpapor'n , two public halls , a Court house , a high and suvci schools , baokv , busiticas Foust ss'holusale nud retail , by the scc grounds tumid a driving purl ( . Df twelve miles to the nestwnrd , as here babe of the Northwest with aoulx within j' a grassyliulituu , but , already boasta a stcautgrtiu Clcv1 "varehousua , two hotels , a hdl : , a sovural stores , cold omit of the est. little schoolhouses in the Throe miles further a twin bade is already atruggliug So outdo , mater. It is hereabouts that one can nusut in all its glory what is called fnrming. 7'ho ' nutrked peculi whetlt grwill in Dakota is tl , scale mipuu svluch it is freynently t ed. Aa recently as 1875 it was i upon hitit ( , army authlority thud thu lieu ] River the count liii ° suaccItiblo of cultivation , 6' ( ( [ rota that atruaut of taw dtunes t I Noiw fair land , but much that luau , nud from thence to the blur Missouri there was little or mio area except the narrow valleys of streatna ; nl short , so said th , . observers , "with the oxceptiwm the country is practically wt d ' 1'hja alvuejIng ) staienmut gait s publicity amid caused much luositu respect to aldurtakiag the culti thu Dakota prairies , Bat two g ( who were at that tines direc1o. iajlrond cnlupmly , resolved t0 n matter. 'T'hey iirstpurcliaaetl7t Platted it with wheat , amid thr t ' proved so 'auccoasful that furl clutans have now givml them a t ago of 75,00 ( am'ea. Nearly i yearly laid out iu wheat , wh , this uounomit being howl r nulrket , Fanning operation b gigantic it scale seeul ululoat )0 to perauus who tire fa milinr a the ntothels of the aldorand tit ( „ Shtlen. Lt tint agiug the iu huirs of - fnru the i.ust riguroua system j orb 'I'Itu ' plan adopted uu rho 1 k ryutplo farm just in thinned 10 nctrl ' all njulilnr ones , is to 1 land mt , trusts of 11,000 acres aubdividu each tract into tilrcl 2000 acres , Over each tract n at y deist is placed , with n bookkoop , . quarto's building and a store 5upplit $ , 1' uclt ( ulna in tinder t of n forcinmr , turd hi provhhed ) n own soL of hujidings comprising 1e lwunus for the } tamda , stables , nuchinu and bincksinitli shot ty which ou the throe farina tee ) n with thu tract Nupoliutomiduht's rt tultphonu , 'I'eols , nntchiinory tut of ovm'y description , iuclndmg 1 are bought direct from nlnhufa ee ) uucorN in largu quantities tl II' holed auoug the furuts on the n Ill of the forenumi. Thu result of t dale manner of farthing and of 1 r Nupplws is that wheat is r FURNITUREI -TLIti- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture -I9 AT- DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEIt ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. delivered to the ntjirond at n cost vim little from 1i5 Ceuta is bushel , ' 1'h profit tin n buslwl of whrat , l was runs uesor loss that 40 coats , nun snjd to lit yield per acre was average twenty lntshele , 'I'nking the lowest I'm Its n basis of calculation , the proll 1883 on the largest section of the viz. : 27,000 acres , wore 8210t000. Holder it is called 'bounurn far On the 20,000 acre tract at Cassolto omen are outplayed in hnrvostiug an in ; 250 pairs of horses or threshiimlz bi are tined , 200gaugplows,115solf reapers and twenty steam throe tire smoke frou the funuols of latter dotting time hodzou mu all I tiuess. I It Iles hoots drnmu ttated that kinds of forest trues will grow and I nndur cultivation on iho t n'niriea and plains , and arlmricultt just now engaging thu atteutiou of ' era in tlto Northwest. 'l'0 cues old aljnudnto trco pluntingjn Dako boull the aiut of the Northern 1 i managoutcnt far years , nun the otl'eetually to accomplish this purp has organized such a dopnrtuscmit. i , turd ntado a liberal appropriation to time oI ) cltsos of time work for a Lori Iivo 'eats , At 'I'o vur City booms ) Itlntl'l 100,000 cuitttlll 9 + ; at 'I'a 200,000 , tutu at over 001) places nlor liuo between Fargo cold llisularck have boon flnuled to act as ' breaks , Shmdd these ollhrts nucce which thuru is little doubt , it Caine a Itlarkod cltangu in tlto r1 of the country , which uuw is altogether safrr front Limo visitati I draught. _ - - - - - - - - - - AsmUu from its superior quality' ata ! nut's fund over fury otllor substitute for or's milk , llollin's Food has a great nu the mwu with which it ix pruparod , ll' utmi of high roputu svnnnly indorse i thu boat druggists urorywInuru will fart A Oenur'oul + f'ulher. Dutrnlt Free I'l l'tl + , I ) A Brush farm fathom' called hula at thu library tin oilier day , nilll anul ; 'Ilrtrry , you are uuw' 17 years of 1 ' \'us father. ' I , "I have given you unauly front I p tine , but you have bad no stip 1 ttlluwtuice. Begiuuiug with next s u shall allow you $ ( f per weuk. " t " 'I.'hnt will be aplmudld ! Von tutu f the beat fnthut's ju DoLeot" ' $ (1 ( par "s'uuk , mmd as y It nosv old aaougln to pay board 1 ) t cham'go you $5 ter weak ; Volt can toad thu dollar couniug I u ( leI aroe I is each Saturday. " 13 I A YOUNG MAN'S CASEL it Mit.S. H. llounsc , Jr. , of Nu. 117 ! 'ark tint d shah. Me , relates taw fntloutu g personal ua tr tag' M,1999 ; "Abnnt III un mmath + share t vctrruattacklit13'phuld firer , wa , wry In u roulhacd to iii ) brit for clown nct-lcN , std u ii rotor tell fie trns hi n eery duldlltnted c ( It My hack andluklascemciltohata iii strungt' hail nn dtalty I Irledtnriuae I p uacdtchw rccronuneudud lay lily triunds , bit h they db ! Rot laprnro my enndltlaa , l wn + r t. try hoot's Remedy , alllch has Item , m I , saehgreat sua'es + ulnl.uwttolthat Itha 0 catblilu rupuUnttnu of hebll n must rcllablml tt t Pttrcbased tine botllu , nud cal date cry I d ticaitti Intuit the tine I cnu"nenced uslug It , i , progress radlnu ed wry raptdl ) ' ; 1 gah10d In r Raul orlwrleucc.i . ICs + pale In any back , oiy t Il hlercit sl , ail after uddg three (9) ( ) hottlcN t IU were all gtne , and toy health entirely reds ! anti most huartlly rucofncud , Ilonl's lImm I sly' who way tcud a true rrwuily turlebllltl ; ra or nrlnnry troubles. " - - of ali A GOOD MECHANIC. t r Mr. L .1. doir , RI 5n. 10 CharleN street , I id writer ns thrro condnclug facts. 1 t lit Isa9 ; "I Imra for hevcral years hecn , truul tit lleer cofgdslnt nud ludlgcsttonand bare s at tines turrtblu dislrutN , aa.l . have tried n1aiy its cures , so tmtlcd , that hate Lcen rccommt 10 lhuos , I one day nntlccd In unoof our pale lnu thncuyIf n parson that had used Ilout' do cad mmconoerod of dleuascs shnllar to mho ill .hasu.l a hultlu of 0110 or drag attires In and beforu I had used the Ilrst bottle Ion or d waN Irtlprnviug Luyod , toy uslectallons ; I n In all sic bottles , and 1 Kato no trotbluf t I gesth ti , no distress or ; min bnclt as I , turn de and alncc 1 have loon curwl any a Ifu has u the klduuy tronbla and It has cured tier. w'u 01 say that 11nnCn Itmnudy h a hlos.lug to an itt , trouhledwIU , kidney or liver ; dlsuasu. , u Ile llou tVu gladly rutaffamml It to our frh ho uuysullunrstrain liter orkI.huy . , msusa , on , c m use the „ Icttar al you utay chouau for 111 II'o lerost nt xulTurln c huuuullly' . " or. 7Gl-"Jar PTu7Ei FdON.Ii - re hrmutnhtsly'rnlarged , dutoltipotiaud stre ateIsaudlnture.lingatlvenlscRlentlong is . In reply to tugtdrlui au u 111 say UI at paper. tin u t ienru , tiunl.iig uLoot this. Out lit for the advorttsersare vvnyy highly ludnrse.l . , 'ureonN ' nay gad seatud circulars glvhg sit I , NO h a.ldrrsai . ° glrttMedical : iyuI'0.boxbl file sl v rr"iati Even. ith - -lnruu I Icd Pos TIvE thou. l + . bbcr 1U lut No. I sIII Curt any essuht tour days ! .I&n 2 alll cure Uw into t ul.slhalu . case no mat Ely. long stsnlhig. 1t'Allan's : ' Soluble hfcdicatof/ lit ro ; JIIUWaU $ doseN cl cuili la , , . , , or fin del soo.l . , that aru cethtln to p"duco dy ail dr + trtela 'thccodIiigsalthostaaa , h , I 8otd by all druglets , , hr utdlod on rucelp of l'erlurlber Iuirlle4Iar.studlurclrcuhtr , nit1'.O , Ilex Ichu. ltd- J. C. ALLAN COL , C l N9 Juhc tp"t : , Nuw 1 up K. fUI' - l ( ST , LOOIS PAPER WAREH 'lg ' es , Graham ! Paper est'f 2IT and 219 North Mate St. , fit , L' h'il 11'I1U1d $ .tL1i DEALltW 1W NCt114 11 ok , ItNVELOI'1.9CAnh IlO.utDA or tl'i PRINTERS' ST ( ton 010 tircuvh paid for ! tads and I"apo bto.'k anti Metal ! . an Paper Stock Warehouse , , 121 to I2 fl 1 fly t.tcuL $01 The u.eof limo term "Shot ihto" In connectlnn wIth the S H 0 Rulul coqorato nsmo eta greattoul , nmsoysnnlilea01 u + tshsU required 6y lima trnvding pu1r tic-n Uhert Uiie , Quick Time I I N E snit limo best of accummod. a lions-all of ahtch are huo- khd , by the greatest rstluay hl America. C HICAQO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns slul operske suertoo mUea of rosdl n Northern lllluots , "t9sronsln , kflunosota , lows. and Dakota ; and a + ! is ntaln IInM , hrmlchoa a ° d connec ! tees roach all the ulteat huslfess centre. of the Northwest and FarlVe.t , it naturally aussore the descrlptfon of Slaort l.tno , and Hest Itonto letwoen Chlcagp , Mllawuke. , St. Paul and Mlnneawlia ; Ctlatgo , Ilitwaukeo , La GYosso and Wtnona. Chleago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen std Fltenddo Chicago Mllwaukuo , Lau Claire and Stlllaatcr Chlongo , MUasulto. , Wauutu nud Merrill. Chicago , ytuwaukeo , Iloaror Dafr suit Oshko.lm Chimgo , Mllwsukoe , waukoshn and Oconomowoc. Chlcago , Mlhraukoo , MMIISOI , end i'rnlrlodu Chien Chkago , Mllwaukco , Owatonna and ratrihault. Cdcsga , Ue1011 , Jane.rplo and Mineral l'olnt. Chiengo , litm , lu , lkckford anti Dnhuquo. ChlrsRu , Clinton , ] lock lelad nud Cedar Rapids. Chtcmgu , Coutcll Ulnas and Omaha , Chlatgu , Nlauc City , Slut c Fella and Ymakton. Lluengu , Mllwatkeo , MItchell nudCltsuherlnhi. nook label , Duhuquu , Nt. Paul and Jllnnea' ott. 1)nvmlpurt , Cahuar St. Paul and Mluucapulla , Cars loth. I'ulhnan Sleepers situ thou Finest Ulmmig t + erld nru run cu the nnlnllut's attito CHICAC ( & PAUL RAIL.WA MILWAUIEE&ST othry tout + suagcro , y court , one tnnplotu of the colnpwly. 8. d. Ml2ltltll.1. , A V. 11. CAitPINTEII : , ' . . Oaa'I Mauago. llcn'1 Pisa. Agent. J , T. Ci..tltli , 0i:0 : IL iIUAFFO/ID / , ' ( but Null t. Asst ( ien I Pass. Ag'1. t Swlft'x Speclllo tIM heeu the amsa of brluging . Iieliltll nud happlaes + t. thnu + nud + who were pro. , awash larcurablo of lllootl nud Ski , Dlsenscs. HEAR THE WITNESSES. SAVII : ) FROM A lionuu i.n DLATIi. 11p to Mt ) last I hail .pmltatluw1Osulnedred , dcllart for lrentmcnt i' runny of the twat mudleul awn , wit limit any benottt. I suaerel evcrnclathagly , that thu Icy unfit best blends ndvlveel Ilan till slit of dantlansh toy , + tnppruacltbIg. I caught at 8. S. 14. Ilke adrnu'Idugutauatnttnnv. Altertaklugtsvohotlloe I ead.l . Iccl it etutngu Inr the hitter , 'l'ute sareshegan . . abate. freely and taw Ithcunutlt.ut to to dkeiargu healed had IVtwn I haul taken sA Louieevery sore nud nl''skln bcgma to assunm n uaturnl npIeamuec ' largu uutll I had taken ttrltobottles , I prrelsted slrr , nru TIllltU 1S ? OT A SYMI"rlM of Tlll : 11181ASI : : ItlMAIN rll , std I feel n + sell aN I titer , patnuH in Oewh , sad htcatyouu did. I hate gnluisl cuudltton. I 1rlcRds Hander at ny fugmaud hnturceouuneudeslit ray utany , and in utcry fostaucu with eaupleteneurs + , I beeuethat ( ( S. S. : s has .nl' . , a hurribhc dealll. 0 11. SMILEY , ( , ulucy , I. I tun sac tint Sw'ift's Slxdau saved nay life. I wnNtsrrlhlypulstnled'lilt Mnlnrln , and Has given ' relieved no prom illy aid up to tile , Sailt's Specillc renwsw of the cullrely , l tllhik It Is the greatest . C. lA SensCiii. ngc. 5i11 , 't GnstVorks , Itoum , Ga. WrIte for acopy of the lltlle book-frco. Reward will bu pald to say Chemist S 1,000 . . S. ammo a III Ilnd , of the smlydt tit 100 hottlcs S. 13. , one parlichu of Mercury , lalldu l'otasstuin , or any mhwnd substaucu , TIIL SWIIT Sl'ICIFIC CO. Drawer S , Atlanta , Ga. , NTiCE I I Traveling Public ! -Tnl- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I -AT- Oa9fooola , No'b ' , both ahfn and uowmIergtiinglhrroighrclmlr us „ . be SEC. shall I Intends it the roprhetur althautnud t I OND TO ? ONE In tbu State , nett to Omaha. E. It , ULAPItWELL , I 21.2m 1'ropriutor. t aug - - - u Y Nebraska Cornice -ANI- I , d I I 1 orks ! I ; It MANUFACTIIIIEitS OF ' : GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES ' ' ormor' TL3dovvss : , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , I' TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , - PATLNT Ii TALIC SKYLIGHT , iron Fencing ! ! r rIs Crostlugs , Hahtslra.les , Ycraudal , O111cc and hank Italllug. , Wlwhow and Collar ( luanls , Etc. rl N. W. COIL , NIN'rll AND JONES STS. to 0 SVSL GAISEII , Manager. a NEBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST CU. w ' A'LD. 0. IIAH1'INUS , IW Capital , - - $250,000. 'S n- JAS , U. IJFr11LTSYi:1d. : . , I'reeldent II ) ' A. I. , m.AItK1,1'lco 1're.ldcut. o , 1 : , o. w EIiS1'CItfl'reawrcr. : e. C. 1' . WL119't'EIL OOSlncr ' , D1lIEty1'OILS : ! loxander. Ostddmller I 1 amide , L , Clarke , 1 ; O. ly'eb.tuq 1. Pratt , rixcll , 11 9w 5IcE1Ihlimucy.rixcll 1) . M. . first Mortgage Loans a Spooialty ' lurnlnhew a llerruunent home Instltu Tads ' , yr otters Coruimny' at'Iieat lineds nut other legally l. + qud Mu. ' deal Hocurltluti Iii Nebraska can be nvgutlktetl do runt ssurable terms. Loan + n > ralooidmprovod hshr.allsell .etllodcounllt of theaUttothrough mirrroaooudmts. ) nr ; u , PousIUt iUDUFRENE & MENDELSSONN , AROHITEOTS ou lb : Ir'1IEMOVED TO OSIAIIA NATIONAL DAIiI . LDINU.