_ 'fI1 1)ATLY BlE--OMA1IA , i\ION1)AY , ( ) CTB1ELE , - - - - - , - - - - . , \ . . , 4 4 . . KIRK WOOD1 . ' .rltis is a new itud beautiful nthlltioii to 1it ci' of Omaha1 itiiitet Ut the north )1FL of the city1 frontitig on Sliernian uvenue , nd is Uu tiot ( leslraIc ) b c 'Lion , for rtshli'itces , tlu 1ia Iwen 1ilnccl on 1ie ttiiii kel for years. BEDlOIt1) & SOUER. , Kirkood1 'Plug property is ( livide(1 ( into regular size city lots und acre lots which will be sol ( at reasonabo ] prices and on eav ternis. 13E1)FOILD & SOUER. 1S' KIRKWOOD. Froiitinri 700 feeL oii Sherman Avenue.nllhis PropertY cannot fuji to le (1esirulJIe ( anti vjI1 be rai(11y tnkeii up und unproved. No lulls tc . climb1 no ravines to cross , in getting to KIUKWOOD u1ditioii. lie. member , vlieii you buy a 1o in this a1tIition you vill not huve to pay an ainouiit equul to first price to grade your lot before building. ' Kirkwood0 Strec cars vil [ b3 run to this addition at an early day. These lob , S double iii 'alut in 1 2 mouths. Call itt our o1lic' mid see 1itt and nake electioiis 'iiirly. BEDFORD & SOUEIt. KIRK WOOD. } ikigaiit Building Sites aiitl at half the priCe of ally other lots iii the city ( yf ! equal ( lisitlilce arni location , oii the let 51 $ in the city. B1DFoRD : & OUER , : ; 14th treet , bet. Farnam and Ooug1as. SPECiAL. i' ; : . lii $1rno-Lot ; n lcoiintzc 4 Lhuitlin , gnud thre runhlt house , Larti , vIl , tc. One tlitrd cIi IalaflCO 8 ir cent. 112 $ Ot ) One hail lot hi loiitze3tl ndIiitIo1 goo : ro'ni hIUc , % % hli 1icd i.Itclicn. One4ialf vaIi lalanuc to bUtt . , . 113 tSUO LotOO16 , RtgeN n1dttoti , 1)orea ) hear IItI , . Goot 7 riiotn iIIt1c , stt&Iic , cfsterti ilLle ; % 1iie ; , etc , 5OO cs1i , tialanco to suit pul vIlthcr at er ( tnt. . jj4 3J-'fhrcu Z ( rc3 on lth. enc half mile uut 3 . of 1tascaU t roolil honic , 'tabo , titto trcc if t . I ° 1 sg1it1y locattoii. one third caIi , batauc k- ' i to MISt. 1 1W ICOO-t\vo acres facIng Cnnhlg at d Iturt , fh r ! blocks vc.t of Crebditon ClIcgc. Uo ! 5 rooi hotisu , tab1 , cII , fruit cud hrttbbcry , oto r third c'si.l , ha1aico to , itIt. I11)FItD ) souiit. : Improved ! 'roperty. C , 3CCo-12 roam honq , , cor. 1t1i n1 ( 'aillorn ! tCCt9 , C c1oct , te1L4e , clr rater , otitIic 0 7 2OO-8 room ) tnnrc on N. ] h sfrct. eiiet celar ! , cibterli , we ! ! , etc. Ueeoieo bouint. 12 2OO-1oGd ! tx rorn house on Davenport , bet d and 24tI , tn ) sCor C o4cts , Iahltr celii ! citAra , ' eli , fruit anti Iirubbery. tabe ! an otit1iousc. 15 * 3 1OU-1u11 size lot oTt McC.tnd1th place. It two ! ralr.o cottae. Ona b rooni , on t roote i'or ; lo or och ngc. 10 12.100-0004 tS ( ) au ! I halt sere lot Itii fl tooni ( ottae ; , lirick collir , nofl frIIItre4 , etc. i ; Oiu of the Ihbt three ory brb ! IIIIefs ho on 1'3rnaln street. 'F.r1iI4 vrIate. 18 3Oo-Now7 room hoiio on N. Ith street. A modoro Inproe1ncnt. Uood Iac.itlon. Checq 1D , oO-Ncw too story honse , Queen Ann bt.h AU modern tllI1rOCnclIte , ctt ) oater , lot 1UO 100 22 Two hill lot g St. Mary av.tile anit 2th , with Iioii.e. Will bo lIe4t cIi ) , 1irojcrt 'fcniot cai ) . tt ,4,7t.0-T.ot vItl tso hoiisc. Chcnp. : ; eAO-1t ! I. hdILi 1.i NeI.on's n4Uttnn it Cc : ter btreet. Utitt1oU , ebtern , trult trees , etc. 32 1hin' ! hcinqc anil lot nn 1)oIas ttrcct , ic 14th and ! Ut ! : . IerI:4 eaV. 34 New 8 roont iLotI1colIC1IIcqO. bet. 4thautt 2tI All i : : : > ro Ciadnt3 , 35 Two new i1oINc , one si Ii:1 : orIcr } S renin ' FIrt.cao ! attd tnskri : lIroScfllent. : : 'icr : : Il4v. , 1Othl2 Cokgu Strctt , Ile.lie ! : a oj-Lit , . . 14:1. 41 % jIoi : , , iow 5 roi : : hon v. W e1 Im1.ro 1. :3 2tO-I.ot Eoel.o : , Co.ent trcet , ( I rioui co tagu , largo baiuwutit ultb ! tar roon. bar : etc. iioe. 'flonicfl' : a4IItIon arl ai oout : : . claLrn. good : : ( ( : , UU cal $1,800 on leng time. bet. lOt $4200-7 room houo 00 1)enport , and lit ) : . 40 Lot 176x500 on hennan , 1ar house , barn au other lInproement1I. I/Jt ItIout : ) tnrm . : : ieuti i ooeth the money oo ak icr it. tutu size lot.4 On Pat 47 Two neY house 8:0) : ) tOo abe000. hot SOLI colt ) v. atct i. : : ) all inodet . lJOUu.C4 ' .VOUII Co improvctnent. flrt cIa8 ; hat wo ak for whole , ktro. goi bargain. t 2Ooo-Lot S2xlt.0 , cor. lit ! : and Ccnter1 hou 4 rooms , barn , oaWr , treo4. outbulidinglt. ' 110040. lid. California a .oou-I'h roouu : Vcbter. Nco ) . Triua easy. Q 1tj0-Lot 0 , block S. hhlit's : 2d a4diton. ! 0 : aftil a half story houo. Tcrus easy. 62 3,0OuJ-GoOtl 7 run : : : iouo : outSiucrinan. toiIci , otli t1stcrt. A barR.il Inuuro etncbt : , stable , , ( .3 6uuaEu ! ! I :1 uHU b room an ! iu : rx thu Ik..sU. Vei IiI'ck ieoot opera hotoc , tiUW , 5 ' cheap. i Si1ctll ) lot ott 1) ° h c , near I I th. Clue : G3 4,0o-Iaruu houc a , : ) bm.ull 4otteugc. lueu leflt , ) oa1ioi , tutu 4ie I. t I au tui i : t , near lOt Br VI.Ik ) ) - I.ot EiOt g'OI ti Count iuo , : ) . Sherutaul a' U. uuieit. ucar I u 4 ' ' 0t tujrovt tb tu : gnu. Ii ttVtf , 25 f:1ltut , " d eof-roo : : catu. br ) . ( Will : . ituil ( luIgo l2 810Two ! lot , l2tix1O. oft ) : luooao btbc ! ci ) hrkcr'N tmlj.ah ilun. 0 3 lI.O-2.ot a : : : ) a lid ! , go.4 lou.e1 : ItctkI : s utb Iloti , ( crttu'r. ) bet. 1Lh alit 05 isiS jtIu 7 roOm ) loflc1 CJutaO , lit ) : . ' 01 1 1i-Lot art : ) 0 romI tunitbo , liarba i' $ a : ) FOr tlb : : ! It geol tie:1 : : selI , c1tern , t-tt , ) 100 iS0-It and 4rooa ; 1IOUU , JzarJ , ) er. CtIu a 17th. . Unimproved Property l'0l sLl : jy liCLl'OI1DZ.tOlJIL ) t ! $1,000-Lot COl27 , Indiana anti Dhiqlon. S $70 : ) cach-'rao iota 0dx132 each , out lit ) : . Clue ant lots tbx ! ) cadu on lOt ) : . I 1 O0 a'li-7 lOto hi Yate & Itcd' suthlltim ) , i 7,2Ou-l2 Itull bIZU 14)10 , ltanscon 1 ) acc , ) Iock wet of Parb avenue. cash-To o 1014 in : Park avenue. ilargal lluslIIca $ Iota ( II Ililgu , hetwccn lit ! : and t 21 4O0Lot hi Sluiut1s tulditlo : : . on Seuvarc1 str :13 : ' 2,0O-l'uu1I lot itced'sibt alditlon , on 5th ClcagO. 40 5O00-Si , good lots 1:1 : Iawcouu 1'ace. ! I gaia. ) 54 * : ! 000- Lot iQxl 20 , on J'aram acar Ot ) , . ' clcat. : (6 $ t25-Ut.ol It In 1.oo c addition. Cah. io Four acres loWest Omaha. 6 : ) $550-Lot Iii hoacs & Sclde , : ' adulitlon , O7325- Lot 12 , lIat'uu sub'di IIo : : 51110. Al gain. Os 17-1Ot 4 , Ilock I , t.ooc' it addition. C 09 I,6th1-I"iuie lot , ItlIleks addition , Park or SI 4oU-5 ; ftt of lloh .1 , Siuln'b : addition , 1 view. so 2,2OO-Tot 4iO0ou : Cth. BusIrics prOW : ortli to ice thu ) IritC a.il. ! 04 * , ® - ' she gra ei lot on Chcago ) ; i lit ) : aiU : lit ) : . 03 & 0uGood lot , big ) : location , south 10th. 100 t.OuO-i3xi2 ) on lOth but. IIarnc and 11 ant. 103 tlMt euilt-No eatra good lot In nulilitni : . Ctit ) ) oc.to : : : . Bargains in Farms & Lan No. 10 7 jcrarrt' 3ir acre : : : : : far : : : , near C ton , boa , 10 atresooodlad : , 45 acres corn , acres 'Fi.othy ad : Clover. 13 iO00-4O acres 34 of a mile : eat of Ft. Ott : : two honc , two barnq , granary , corn crlf : , VllI4 , .1k ) bearIng fruit treeN , 800 grau uti \VuIl i.e. ) or latc. : : 14 7o0O--2kI aerei , luaU tuuttu . ' . \V. 11korn ) , Acer : : in iti' atlon , balance taijttiru , . Four , : huit.t' , t Of1C , etC. 'l'ern : eay. 51 WO0-1d1 e.crc g00) ) Lund , .1 l- tilet ) frn I ligtui : : , Coilco enuluty , Ican.aa. : s'u1 : tO ? ( liuialIa , iroicrt. CI * ,4oo210 acresailjolntig city of Wlbcr ) , Sa couuity. Afl under fenvo aunt i oil Iuijrou : 'FiutU lrpcrty ) cheat : at IOOO0. 06 20 ) .tcro-.4X1 ( tcrc , :1 : : : uulc troiVatcr Lloiutaj ( OUnty , i'nrt Iii uutt ) : atton bafa : nvaLow , a ) ) good Ia1il. 'Iil bell or o III arr. wIt ) : c.otte ! maul f r to.artnershI. , or v. Ill tract to feed 300 or 400 htt of cattle , 70 to 82-ID 000 aerc II : Iiterrkk county. ( .uod able lanJ , atuul sll ! be . :4l : fron : O to O acre. ti 7 per acre-Will buy 100 arc In Cedar ( 'a , . 06 1b. jer acro-3O ocred 2 mIles from ijionlut lea , . 07 $15. ) - ) ( : near Logan Iowa. lot tcerI ) ludrcd : : : acres In Coming Co. Nob. 105 Six thousand acres In Stanton Co. Nab. 107 IO'per acro-2OO ftcrwi timbered tat : : ! In Co.Mo three HnaIlfarm : ( : ttfliU fat : : ) , 1alan good oottonwood tltibcr , : htct ) wtlI moru I . i'or a1u or oxcliattgo l ° Y far Itvcatnetit. : Otnalia ) irOpOrty. SPECIAL. lo $2,200-Lot 210x220 , cor. lit ) : atud iteIvlew ! uuth omaha , : iar Jiasc1) ' lark , Li lek tic fourruotn use ) ) , cl4erti tabIu , cellar. Sl good contitiot : ott' ' ! nearly new. ) $ pr acru-4& ) acru4 It , Washlngtoit coun Q tuitles ottth of Ittair , ott hue of C. nt. I' , M. railroad. itattitt at uturtier of tlih l.tid trealn nutitutuig iatcr. 10) aercU ii : cultibal hu ) Licrve gr.0 , Ii , : ) acres timber luvk % s shunt : : : : clii : . tiral : ) lutitno goul friut auil'uit'o ) : : : d gru ) : . it pirtly luicel. UI the ) aiat fat : ti lit hue tQttt&ty. If jiurch 0 I.hw , o U ! hit liOhite.tcOt aijVbttH . : td rd ii cattti' . 1 : : t4XuU .ttd .usiuu oiliut t.roIcrW zio , te. ! BEDFORD &SOUR 21a S. 14th. hot.'Faruatuar&l Pugt . ' k4 ' . ¶ f / V , . . . t i. , , . . . . , .y ' : ' . " j , , t .i. . - _ _ _ _ _ _ BLESSING THE BANNER. IlllprcssiYo c1'YiOos at the Churci st , Mary MaaIll , 4tit I Itlerest lug 1tO1IgkII 1' . i'ft A meaL ititoresting arni inpre8sko ) c moiy wa3 iuorforiiied yetOrtlfty a CIitnch of St. Miiry rtla1oi , Dotigla. trco , chIch it the Our CAtholic Church , The baitner wa rniuiuficturotL in cgo , at ; the order of Rev. Fr. anti for thu lflOlflbOCl of thi. chtirch atiti for thu St. Joseph society. a boitciru insUttition fonuldeti January , 1 'I'Iio 1)flhIlIOr i5 P. inagiuticout. pieci haiuliwork ; it 1t of Bilk in two colors , front buitig of scarlet color atiti thu vero of 1)1(10 , heavily tilininctl yjj fringe (111(1 uInlrunlurctl with the i elaborate t1cigii of the suuiu. On sub arc thu luuuo iuul dtto of the SOC 1111(1 011 thu othtur tlitt picture of St. 801)11 With the blesseul Christ chill fi arms. Thu OCCMIOfl % 1tS niade thc opportu for ti grand celebrattwi. Thu SL Joiw aocioty IS8OtIllUtl at 2 1)'ClOck p. u , , f strong , aitti licadeti by thu l.iioii l'a banil marched to thu hail of the Anc Order of ilibornituis , whuro titoy joniod by tlia soeiuty , forty tco 1)1 bora , and the band of thu A. 0. 11. , of the finest , uiiiformetl aitti best band the city. ) WOCCSSfOII thou moved the Clturcli of SL W7ciiccslatia : on SC Thirteenth street , whore thu sciot St. JoInt of Mepoinuk , with fifty.o momlcrs , Yn.s takuit in charge and entire body marched to St. Mn church , thu banls playing nitil tlious of Peo1)Io looking with interest at. scone. Chits. Kohinmyor , Esq. , actu clitof InarslIaI , 11)1(1 Mr. Ileuzior as tis itiit initrshal. ulullo church vns literally packeti , inatly were ititablo to gain atlniiss Thu ceremony was coiitluckd by Va Daxaclier , S. J. , anti thu aernion ' lticliartl S. J. 1)rcacllol by 1'atlwr , ssistcd by Father ctlaud , S. 3. , Father Liunluert , , S. .1. , Deacons. ligli altar wa8 triltilnud with thu love flowers and lighicti by liunttrcilsof ta1 'Uho IIIUSLC during the Bc1'riCcS was itisited by 11w rlaeuIicrclIoir , aitti ClIill1'CIl ( if tim School l1 charge of sisters , aItti by the U. 1' . hand. At thu conclusitin of the services in clitircht , the St. losuph society esco the A. 0. 11 , society aiil ilio St. 3 society to their i'u spectivo malls , lea the iiov baunci' with thetu , aitti returi to the chiiit'cli , were dismissed. A ADSUI1PIflSE. A Daithlc Trgcy iii auiirs Colt t \VOIItiIt , liIltL ( JiIIL'igIII it I ( Ht4 It1V(1. . " geiilletitiii : w'hte : CtIIhiC III 110111 \ \ ' ye1 crday , t'nlatef ; tite irtictihirH terrillu ) trngcdy vliichz OCCurred thtci : o'clock p. iii. Satiirdny , 11tl resultc thit , iiistaiit ticath of oiio verse utitti fatal wouiiding of another. I le relates tlLRt. a few days ago a I lrui. ' ( 'Iiotuipuuiii , s'hiose Itoitto s't : Oltio , wrote to Iwr soit 810(1 daughter siliii about thii'eu nules front W'a that situ WOUld1 give thoni i surprise a' the first of the year , Site followol Ict.tor up in person , anti thought to ii tI.ie surprise 11101,0 coin1tleto. SIte reat hiur ( lcutiittiotl : au far as the train w Saturday , atiti started to ride out. tc chuhtlroi's ) home in a WagOll belongin Sciiatei' Dccli. I'ollowiiig closely after was a ( ur : who , it is i.iil , S'II VU1' ititicli ml cated , and stooti Uji ill his wagon has' the team furionoly , and yelling Iikt iioss0ssett. About a utile tittl a half the ( lonble-trcc 1)Uhled ( tilt , aitti the tlri winnie itarno WitS Shioeiiiaker , s'as jci from thu wagon ly the hues and ttt thu grIIIhI(1 i'it1t ii foarfol force , flint hi in ii i nI I i iiiiisil tie oiali I i : 01 , 'hlie ovei'touk Sen i'att on itittil they DUCIIH svaiolI , tilid. ilnuged siuro it. Ii's. 'J'iioitipsoii wits throwii out , 0110 of the hior.e' fell OIl her , killing instantly. 'J'hie body ( If the : lrivcr ( liKCOV 101 hour : ttii t half hater lying ill the r whore it. hind fahion. lie is'as not dead , bitt just before our inforniant for ( ) intlut : yostertlay inorinlig , the ( li saiti he could hot live till noon. 'rite remains of tim unfortunate ir ur were takeii to her chiiliirtiit's In She haul indeed giveit them a aad h:1'isc. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . STVI'E TAXES. Tue 1'fl'Ct of I Ito iosv kav on i In i.Ct.StiiCtIt of' 18033 , \tturney ( ; onersl Powers linus trui : toil the following ( ) piIliOIi to 'l'rcnt SLtirdo'ntit ; RenliliIIg to your request for iii torprotation of section lOFi of chapt of hiLws of 1883 , 1 have to say that tlt )0nhig ClaUse to Said act jtrovitlcs : ' ' Such repeal nhuiihl not. in itity Iniulliert any rightB heretofore acquired , or collection of any tax heretofore luvit asutosseti " lit substance , that such shini 1 ho ctihl ected I 1 , o uiio as t 1 : i iuglt t htcuul ( if the hasv itcid ttkutt 1Ltct. , ttiiit tiio now lav shtottiti ii , ) npul ) ' to tax. lii I [ alnilton county vti. Iuilo : Nub. , I9 , ill construing the language in thtt rocahitlg chuitittt of the itct. ( if which : it ; siiiilu' , : to that intutl in rojte cliutso III act. uf I 80 $ , the court ' 'i'i I at t lie ruienl tines n : : t j I I lU ly ) II : ttltct the cohluctio of iiiy ; tiic . 1trior to that tiato ; iii otiiir' Woidli , saute rCeCth1lIg5 1(00 iti ho hiatt fii COhlCCtiIi of t ixcs Pt0'l0u1HlY I s'1o uxi.1e4 itt tist , tintu ( if the paSagU 0 act. " I aIti of thu ( ) flint the iflt tattoit gIC1I iy the coitit. in flint ca thto repealing clause iii thto act tf ivihl ; ) ' to thu rue.ihiiig clausu in act of 11488 , LS hiku Iniigtingo is uust otteb , iiiitl that , tituieforu , thu ha 188:1 : dcs nut 1111111) to ttxws br icil to tuhitig elloctofsauliaw. lttatiZtierIi ) ol % lIi.i'niui' ' 1lIlo ' 1' ipod.d t.i the 11i.iei-i ) vtui'rut. JjEitEN voit'rli , Iciuf ) . , Sojtoiiiltor 'iJia lhiiil ititul last day of thu citt l)006 ) ) 4:11 : thu ( ltilartnioiIt. cf the 1ii rifle tItftI to.hiLy showed t : what foction r'ilIo shooting in tito iuriti been brought. 'l'lao weather thirnu thtti coIltest. baa lice ) ) titluxcoptii ' ' inado is 2 good. 'l'iiu highest score of a 1uoih1o : iir , witiuhu wai ina ( I4leut , VI' . N. hughes1 lUth infaiitr who wins the depariiic'nt gold iiie his score for to : lny at 1OO , : ; oo miii yards , was Oh out. of a 105. 'l'he score iiiatie l' I.ieut I htt is higher liv it ) points t the hiigiet. ) oti the deizurtineiit. tealif , ioitits higher titan Lhuo ( ll'jsiitS tif Missouri tonni Inst year , and 8 io higher than thu score imulu by Ilart of the Eiiginoer'a corps on the army 1 , haitI year , and are hdBhlor than any iii teniti Score oil record. Serguant. Barr of the 23t1 Infantry , and Captain Itog 18th infantry , who rank ns secQilti third in the contesi , made each a of tO during 0110 day of thu match , result. of the COfltOSt. throughout. is az hunt , ftnl satisfactory to ( lenoral 1k who was vrcsont during the contest , who hiM given ranch itttention to i shooting thio past three years. The lowing are the nauics of the oflicors 11)011 , nuil their score , who compose department of thu Missouri tiflo P3 fur 1883 , llcuL hhitghtos , 18th Infantry Sergeutt : hlarrohl , 23d Infatitry . ( 'att. . itugorti , 18th infoiitr3 . . . . . . . . . ( : irkrul ) Itlit , 20L1t Iitfnttir . . . . . . . . . crg0niit Major Sayiiiouir , tt.li airy. . . . Private , lolusoti , , lthi airy Si'rgeatit Otter , 2titli ittfauitr3' . . . . . . . . . . . lirst ii'rgoatit ( 'onroy , 2l tiufatitty. . . . . . Vli'st Sergontit l'hlhilpi , 2 1:1 ttifnntt3' . i.ieiit. lirown , 1st cavalry i.Ietit. l'ihlott , 4th cavalry . . . . . Corporal , futiei' , 11 th Itifantry. . Sergentit Meyer , t31l Infantry. . Private Crow , 20thi Infantry . . . . . TERRIFIC TROTTING , Tvo Fafflou Horses Brouh1 Toel for a Purse at' $5OOO. Au Immense Crowd ofPooplo W floss the Great Race in Plootwooil Park , Si. .1 itileit Bunion by Iay Jy. , See Three Slifliglit IletitH. Fi.InT\VuOi ) PAlui , Scpteniiier29.- great trot for $5,00 ( ) huotwecti the c brated trotturs , Jny-Eyc.Sco : uul St. lieu , hirts cnscl the largest colIciillrnL pcoitle to mtSiiIflbIO on the track that been seen on mill ) ' ntci I rack in A for two years. At 2'ti : p. in. tiicro scar'ohy an a'nilab1o ti1ot left to witi the race froitu tito gr.tinl shutni , quuti iiiihe stretch and cltib-hiouso groinul , wi thio field is hued with speetatni's frnii threuiuartur to the qualtur poid. least 0)000 cqui'ages of evury ilesetipl are vithiin ) the oiiclostiro , iuiiul tint Ii uxtoluul as far as One ilui.drcd anti 1 ty-Fiftht street , n. distance of tivo mi it is evident that. thoitnutulsof Peitio not hO able to get. uithiitt fit : : CZtCi)8l ? tiaiiy tiotablos are hiteselit , atnomig U \v , IT. . vailderbilt and Frank \V \ muidurbil drove into his P1i'utt0 S behind Early itost ) lifiui Aithitic , w \Vork throve Dick Sniveler anti Edi'm Betting is vol'y heavy. St. , I utliomi Iuuo the call at 1OO to O. ' ( 'Ito trac heavy in spots. 'I'hti.r wisciereu : ci that , Ja'.Eyc-Sco camituiit trot ii , the it , Jay-I'yc.Seo hia't j tnt : ippcart.l emi track. lie itlicutr.'i iii cxc1Iuiit fo \Vlieii hue finishied his cioreiso ht greeted wiLls thitiiidcr of uiIhlaUS. ) B ci's 'ih1 hitiitilo thu ii'ililiS ) iluring contest. Ilickok sih1 ( lijv ( : St. Jul liotit hioi't.'s arc how in slants ) IL track , guarded by a 1arrc forcu j)4)ICOIIIUI1. ] 'l'ltcy : ire iiavittg li Zti'IIIiUB joh ) in kcciiIg tim gi'ctt. : ci' : hack that is siuigilig uttiul scranibhing a ) the iilicdii. P1w ti'ack in leiug : scra hJy a ilozcit iinjirovised itiachuines mini is thought that by the tiimto the racu gins it 'iIl be in very fair cinidititin. weather is very virlu : , cloudy . thircatciiiitg. nuuIig other ' . Edtiti'd I lutitlan , veovlo 1)l'ueIlt :11.0 oar.Iuan ; ( cII. ( iL1it , vlio oceupic scat on tire club house htfltieui ) ; 1107Ir3 1t:13'I : , ioinl , Invltur of 11i ii . 'I'Iioi ttt. ; ; I Iii iIcC'iemi , 0 . S. ] haily , II I I. Ieriii I fuighi 1"errigan , liurdottu , Loomis , p idetit of ( luui'ter Oak pnrl ; , J Oi'tIito Case , of ItaciiicVi : , . , owiterof .Jity. F Sec ; 1b1ert : loIiIlev 1111(1 SOilVIII. ; . Ti'uiimluihi , .1 (111)1 1 I . I I rirbeck , sci lit ) ) ' j uhiior ; Ahwcaiiulur 'J'ayhor , organizer the Gentlemen's mtsitociatitII ; .JthIiI I Icy , Edward Iccarttoy , Sliepler I'iui PrAitttilIeIt ! \S'LiuttuI'Il ti'ottiug hiorsu it 'l'woiity.funir tltousatiti ticlcets zulu I sold , amid : ' crowd awaiting adi lance Cic' ' ' 3 8'3 liii' nut thu can teach. 'Vhii Will LVC 5(11110 of ( hit : extent of the cIncoiiI'st : hues I ) ettiitg met suddenly drt1t1teil : froni pi'eseiit apjieariiccs St. , i uihien start the favni'ito at $100 to GO , : ; :20 : p. ni . -'I'Ito ii orseti nyu now iii i'utIig to the ptnt. 'I'hio judges are ( I. Alloy , tim foittier owner : tf Iex A lox 'J'ayler IIII1 iaviti St. .1 ithicit chow the poie. In ronitliiig : the turn JayEyu.Sctu itt St. .Juhicu'a wheels. After get fairly IlfIdur way .Jmiy-Eye.Seo hiugni ( lritW oil St. .1 illiOll mind the uxciteit becaitio intense. Ainctst. thu hum PlC SI , , luhicIi led by ii hinatter lfflgthl. 'I'lie backs of both animals 1mw as level as a iuilhjai'tl table tutU I Yore inoviiig like a piece of iiachi'tn , 3pproachiiuig the half 311110 juist , .Jay. I Sue throw UII OVoit with his nutmugom At the hill , fifty yarils from the thi ( htlturtcr post , Jity. l'o.Suo broke , after two skips Ito iimnculiatoiy sot down to work again , artl rzq ovorlmuled t. , Juhieii , Excitum : bath 11(3W reached mu heat , 111111 lhotitior lund to 'lilt ) ' ) thu ertuii'tl for silence. ( ) ii cult thu Itonto hIletcil Jmiy-Iyc-.Seo w'mui a at St. JIII1CII'it wheel , 1)111 1 1 ickok crti hijiit it little fuuititer ciumt itito the utiuiti at the siiiiu time koupiitg St. . , Jt tilt tIll ) hai 1 track. 'J'ii 0 stiuggl o U in it tt'nIL'J I I w'uts grill iii , , J miy. lyc gaining lit. avery stritlo. 1'ilty ( rot i i ti to vi iu St. .1 ii I Ici i I cii 1 i' I , hoiigtl I I iii I. umt. fiti tet'iuug iii til Lii ike ithttlt. ( thu I ) ' feet , fioni the i'iie. I tasseil iin'iui' ti to Yi ru I i i ii i.iii i , I ui by a head. 'I'Jto iuidgo in consct of SI , , fuiliuu [ tassiuig ovoi the acoru the iteat t . . ' . itilig , gLve ; .Jity.I'yu'Sutt. 'I'iuti ( ' I ) ) ' iIulmtltcr : ] irsb uitlartu suciutids ; itulf uiuilti , 1 : O5 ; titicoqutii I : I2 ; iiijI , 2:20 : } , ¶ l'htu ulecisluit gut total aI iftuc tini i. Iettiiug ) iii IttW 1OO to ID itt tuiv St. , Iulit ti. After time first. heal I 4\IIiZ'flhty C. U StLJVU ! iIuuu cii utud an umiilu iii 2 :21 : . SRI ( IN I I ) I l.t'I. 'l'Iu : hiu'us ' cOieil 'itul nicoly. tVult lU I tII I I It ii ) lit 'I 1 5 ' ui. , , J fly Soc took thu hide ( ifl ncqouiut. ( if WIt , thin pru'uuitling heat. it , startiuig St I ieit luhi I y a iui igu Ii I I i t hintS utie : 1y Iuih a P' ' U out I'u.Hue iiiitl ' , S ' . iijitil ho got. strnthituiuel out foi qunorter lu.sb bufouu letting luau ( Jilt , ' iunciiiuig thu ( tlt1LrtLtr jot St. Luiiu 3 by two :11:0)1 : ) lcitgtli , hut sutiti after 1. imi thu post. Juy.hCyo.h'co began t.o p the gap so rapidly that lie reached Si t lieu's withers ahircast 11w itmuhf mile p 5t , 3 uiicn soozuod to ho in taliubit I IYiIb trottilig in good moriii uuuvurthi 'i'Iio flyers then uiiaulo for the lull. Jiuhiuii eeu1el to tAkO Up lush ) nioro kindly , mind tlireo furlongs I It 'tue thu ) : air WiVo t t'ohiiig on h terms , .1 ny-1ye.Sco ira , now forcitui hlaco alto St. Iuliuti's ( irivor (0(1k liii hitund hii'uP8ritor3' tti a hard hhidsht. C lug iutti thuc stritighit Jny.Byo.Scu thireu.ftiitrtis ) uI a length. TILIl EtllI WAS TuiitLlI'tU , It. shuply wouidcrtuul how nub could keep their feet. in the yelling liootitig ( if the iniuuietise crovd. ? it 1(1 dowii the straight St. . , luhieii nmd gratul cirUrt , tiuiulcr pttuishInieIit , to I his antagonist , bu Jay4yo-Soo as aproacho4 antI caoturcd ( ho host half a Ioiugth well iii hand. Tune , first ( httnrtr , $3 ; hiahf.ui 1OtI : ; tltreo.qtiartors , 143 ; mile , 2 : Stove Maxwell and uuaho were driv utillo in 2:165 : against time. After heat. bolting on the next. heat bet rtuv.Eyu.Seo nut St. Juhietu was 1C ; r favor of the foriuuer. 'l'Ito pi liavo ato)1)ed Iiitti soiling. Tit I RI ) Ii EAT , ' ( 'lie horses voro agniti suuit awn the hirsI ehiin't. 'l'Iti tune Jay.h'e leil Ii ) ' half a length ott pa.Sing thu Sc 't9to little iutrsu trotted iii capital si mituti straight outed for the quarter loading by a ioitgth. hlti hlaSSei mark fully two Iuiugths in muhitnee , llc.ldiIig ( lie lituif utile imst St. lti CflttlO itt his coullietitor 'ery raiitly ) eutteroul 1111(1 thu third (1uartur itt lyo.Seo's yluetil. Hail vuu ) ' uii the St. , Iiuhion t1ttit , leaving ha.1yo.Sc collie on atiti win the heat aint taco a tremendous ) ihhtlnttBO by three lung 'l'iiiio : First quarter , 18 secoutils ; mile , 1 : Oi ( ; tlureo.quartors , I : 'Iti ; ii 2ltP. : 1tajohicui vns trotted ii nub ago his record uf 21but ; fttiledto boat _ TEIiE ( ItA1I NOTES. 'run 4rctic o1totIItloii tif l'f. NtirIcui , hiss : wrlvod at Utittorhirg. : 4\t I 1 oiutout , 'l'axn , tun hitcotutlha'y lire truyel the l'orter rouddeitro : \1tirtttner Otter. itinnitfiucturer of yet otul lutco guttda tut New \'ork , itiado an slguttont. : \\'hioat will average over twenty ltiush thin acre lii thu I .egau : vutllny , anti Clint IttMltoIs. 1iuierir ! ' , Vllhlauii mutt the Crunvu I 'rut : ( leruinuty itero vlven a bnuitjiot : tut. Irttul Suttuirtiny , .1 itcuihiti & \'crIiUr , retail iloalors itt i ml at St. I .tius , Ititi o itiatlo iii : uei'dgtttiiauit. set' : , t,0X ( ) . 'l'it , eltate.q of tlto Qteeuu , if Sort hi at 1 Ii ) stilt ) to July her doht , tiluich aggregate fttIiihiiiI i'uulthii , Stoftlu'114 . IihIntt , , ( htJtht't' : $ iu liiii , hilhici fiLth ttg itt N tot''tirk , , : failed. I .iutlil : : tltutut : iOOtO , , atuil utuisots , : i,0tx. $ ( : thiittt1tuiM 1 $ ' ? tt ) fur it htnro 1th 1 iCgl ti ( ) ethi'r 1 7th itt : : ) eniuttittun thtueo , l tiuit. : ! , ( It ( ) Iti tioiuluuttui tilI tie iltrcd , 11ini rtuirt tliiut. : : pcrtthotii : iii iI ailag : :11:1 : i1 niti t Id : mi tottovetl I ty ti ) : : ioteh , Ii there Is ( hicrnt1itctl in gtiveiiiitteiit cludes ( hatrgo N. Ieiiuotly : , iii Syrau'ito , hint tittuiiuintinI ) ' the I Id : iulhieutu't : tif the .1 uiuhicinl thtottict for .1 itulgo of the Sit ) I tJourt. A , : : ) : isOtiger trait : oIl titi ) CliIi't : Nm tlIveter : : nuil , uutair ? I 'ii tiu : .1 ituictini : , hit'tt : ti hatiI.cir : : : nut , I fatal ly itijutiod CI 'him I Tujtt'l : States alillift of Wit"matttie :4t. : , .1 : Ii I ti. NuwIiuti : , lhnttl : , lua8 ion ctI at \itI , , Iiigitg : : : tim HtIt\'tVflt4 , uf the : : 'tII welt. 'l'vi , t1iutatiI , : : at till h'rs tutu ) , utlIut't : II : ) : t.herit I lliuuiis , suit tlue'niseuttsitl , I : io'a , htulti ut g'aiitI euuuiii : iuucethutg itt ( : Sttutlav. : , , l1ltt ) uuuttttuiuui iutatolut'oou : : f Lit : , ( ct'utuatu 1tao hictuti COItCItiillil. 'I'IIt ) : ' : ' 11:13 : fei'reil ti thu ii utah lutar I'ahia thu ttil or ni Ifeul Eagle. \ \ ' . I ; . Sill of Oliicagii , .1 i:1uiV. . Slit Ne' ( ) iIeauis , tutid .1 . ( . tuluuiu : , : if l'rti , ohm , inc ituIr tut1Iictuit. : : for Suei'v1sltig : : cliltict. I Iill'K place. 'I'ato 11nMoy ittuul t'uel Snriiiis ) , tuE \11r C. , t'eio rit'al tttitnrs. As Mzttscy trut' lug frittut tu ! gui 't : iiouuo lie : ' .u : liit I1UII StritIg4 ) , lit : iitihnish , . . ' V ] ) ryuu , Toxui , I 'erry Caiutt Imuit suuttettccil ti : Ieatli , a in ) Iuwh4 : i art ! , : yonIi4' I ti : ) ii : uuit fur kill ! ttg a fit tiuttiloil lbckeii. ibJLhI : utu ciluroI. \I rs. ( 'i iuiruu : I , of I a1 tlutitre : , ,1 ii. , vht : , i iii : : : it ) 14 ti4iJ Kill it uutiil Idi led her I iit.l tit : : : I . (1onratl , a poututinetit lutycr iii -it OH , leclureh : : I ton tie. Shto it'll ) 1 it ci ii : ii t a :111 : Iy ) tuiit.ij ! ' ) t 'I tCiVD _ _ I ii A I. I ) ahln , 'i'i'n3 , \ ihiluit , I I tttuy : SI uutuks cattle Lu Ihinvs : it1h I ii tito oxiMtotco : t:1 : it ( iou. It : thto itiglut Mu KLldedVtituiei' ti , :1 diev a knife utiiil : : : : : I lith vjertt t c v'cttJ : I ci tiiuui , . Suhituk ui ) t:1. : I ta the stilt if ( : thtiuti : I I . ' : : , sigiuco utgaitlit Vit t. S inutga : , ott : I itlIru'H : , tuutits or ' Iita i : ( I .iotatuctt uitiiI eut : : : ' , ut hi hitiiio'.ed by thu sutjrciiu : : cintt. , : I 1st , uisa1 leii : : u. : ) urIguto I ii chinrgsi of ttidtiek : uterty. : , , . _ : : _ . , I itiitV. . S bii tht , xiii ccet trie ul : I is : : itt 1 . : titbi , tiled , iii : : ) twit vuulcs : hitter lub wIll uiuttl : , Iii 1111 till atno. I Iii ivillo : ) $ l,7t'OiJU ( of tither : : ' lrttlcrtyto : : Va chjuirititus , : iiii : I oft thu crtrt. , h : tlt'o : Lu nit gulkt fur ii ' 'lUg Iktliel 'I'lt.u I ) e iartctt : : iii jt grhtul : Litre 11:13 : ruc : ni1 ices ftuti : I Jturoiti : that ii calgi of thtetii , : : ( aeIa , : : huio : Ituct : itrileteul s , ) ; tereil ott : : cuitiiit ; : of otto sleus : shil : Ii tuutlirltics : theist I. : : I iitu ; I tout : 1 ii Iuctul : scahs , tu : luuuiuhitug. 'i'hto gruut:1 : j tirv ut. I 1 ichiu , ii it ii ) , 1Tlr huuii iig iii : fktet I aI I the : ious'inlutcrs lit thu If ir isu ) hag 'I'hie I ' : llct : ( izotte , I ' : , hico tuttil Vook's I ) oIiigH , clwet I n ' 'tl : I iii tits , " t.hiu ittet Mutt : , itIuy rcsolvtl : : to tIiuoiutliitiu the sub : f hihi0rs , . _ ; , Iiiiti : \ \ ' . Ihichiititiiatu : , of I uitlhuuiuiit1lK : , s1rs. Lily I Fell , : illugltug that she hail lu : pt'iiitifsn t s gI Va lititi hior Iuuutit I lii mm I I lie wtsuiiI : gi VII her a $500 iii tutoutirto. toitleti that 51:0 : 1 : tel ntt tlutuso I ii his c struck lii vu i'1t1i mi lirtuujuti , ttitl liil : tIuttil I Iglutuil itiatehi itt 1113 face. Situ ilottloil uti ii'gmttiti , , tuitl .1 olin lust both Huh Is. isn - . , -t'ji 'I'hi New ? slo'cicmuti tiwii : of Shakos irlis ribbeti of Hcotut.IrLls , two ynars : Lgt tile llluuugitti.f of a ftsv : : ( titeull : : uttl tito lug till , I ( it. I I itshutti I Ill I was i : nn of the Ii : I I o hiil iteu I ory hstil itii ii mu liigliviyiuiutt : : titl hittitittier. 'I'Iiu shterill 'uiuitty 11.11 I cccl dt:1 : a ittor I roiim the i clii cutsiul : at St. I 'otershuitrg , utiakitug It that 11111 w.ou thu , : ttt ttl ( ( ititit.:1'i1r.tthuI : 'liii , curoutor's j iry : I : i thu I his : : Clark hiler raMu : ut tum : tufit'd , Clfllt. , uututlrre : I .Ih't Suittriiuy : : as foi Itiw3 : ' ' SS'hi Iltuul LIt ; , tu I I C , i e ti thtlec ctit ( to lieu' ttuth : : ii ii.ui : Is ' :1 si , to jsrOtI ( ; or ) : truhIJtlM ti , tiut t t ti1uuovit , tiut fm : : iVtti , I , ovli' cint it is ith her Iii thu lilist , : ituI : ( roll , ItI test tnt : ) his 'tiluut Liico iuur : hlttatli , nut : ) It : I thence , we tb ! tik susuIcIoit ; : oluiLi huts , " iiiWi JI4 111)1 yet , arrested. I urticlI Is at I , Ctdh : , I itglutni. 'I'hi : ti'trlot' of t ihtii : tld tisiti , of I ott. : , liii. , Is Vtiih umshroutIil : Iii tiiy'itcr ( livhtug Li , ittatty bitvlat : iii , It ituis hut : ' ( mitts' ' I t ; turn t thu i , : ilIC ) iii I 1ulItllJtu t'i iilvuu's , rhi's. hiluittt ; I : :1jihtui : , citlitoI : , dioul It ( lull , Out. 'ost.erdity , aged I fr , . SItu wiu lit Iuuutt ila , Icy. , In 171it4. \t \IitiilI : tlIjateii $ .13's ii liulci : ' ' I :1 ml nil , yustertl.uy In ut t : I iii , : \'isttitut , huihhhiug Iift.ssut , : : mutt iii juti : Nit tunv yet ru : ijttil I it mitty pin t of I , ' .1 : i. 'i'hi : , I hicriie ituiefer the Iut fiiit' 1 % as twt'tity.tw' a I tlbt : ty. \Veit1ir & 'l'I&ut 1,11:11 , : ietsr ; : titI bnrinticteu' a I I ig. " I Iisiit.c'Ii Nu'M thu iil I' 1 ) : iitiitios , flit.oti1 tiutit islIltiJiC east tif ItW Iitiuil : , ituti l tsitil ck. 'l'iti cr1 ti : : : l.y , a : ivr sit I ( ii 1. Slue I iaI : ii iiilseohlutueoiis catpP wit. , , fur 57Yt4t. ( , , 'I'hiu vuotel Itr1uulJ1Y luusuuros I. : /t I isti : listi d I s satuli ( thu I Cantn stat tie Ii irgigtuvi's thuiio are lm tit , hmittoslhuu : gr , : iltliougi : the Chultuwsu , tc pi us l.tlli : ut Liii llgittitess of the sutitolice pioti III II Hi 'J'itluivul Icr I ogri1 tito umIKIuIat'J ; rocu' ikts In that city. TiII l't.TIl ElI OI ) 'ISII UJIiTIY1 &hi'thi fli'ti' lth'iia : limit ) iii , , Ili Trhhues itmiti 04uuii , , of I I l'i 'nrieuI ) iorII'ui ( ' ( 'is. 'I'tirf , Field am ) Variui. 'I ( (10' (11(1 ) ' ( uti 0' . C cwtuo to iloilse schieuiio" "I liMo luoen workhngat It eyer Iuco I large oiittgh : to bend a iIn , " 'I he above remark was nldregcI to Seth tireoti , tlt veteran fish cuittirist , wit ; known to the entire world , autul hits roiiy dicultes the ettetit of hi. isborti. " \'hon I wq quite 'nuiug , " lie conttti "I would Ito on Ume h1iiuLi ( tO troeti that FOAl out osr the wster entire nfternoon watc : the ni.vetuents .1 tue fish and studyIng I hslt ) : , lii thIs way I ditioeverod many c acterlaflcuu whIch were befirO utiukitown saw , ss ecry obse or must see , tipi ilest ttvo elciuont flint arc warring against fish , I reahlioul tiM ttiiia'a sotnetilitg ) were ( leeS1 life lum tite VtreMt5 itt i1iI couutny 'titaltI coin , ) tixtituct. , To counteract this ihlsast : ettil hiocaitmo umy lifo york , auitt I am hate to say I hiavo scott lt neemimlihisinno S\\ you toicccsftl oti Limo start ? " I ' : , liii lech . U I' tAt that thutto oil artifi ttttottulits to hatch auth raiqo fish frtsui tqiuut'ti hail failed , ttuiI I a , , cotti istilcil to ituriutitut III tIlt cuittu ely itoiv titanuler. t'irk % 'uius a carefti ) au : ) tetiliutis oti , I Ii tail ) ) ' ilutceCodod , 0,11 f.tha3' I attIc to lii tuid raise fully sovuuuty tl o ier cetit uI ii i' , ii. ' ' I' Eimonitious'hu' ! , tltt iiu a huger i : orc ago titan either tim vt'gntaltio or atiltiuiul k diitui : ) tiihiteo : iii a uttittiruti cttniltltii. .a ) kuitiw It , lint we Ol3tCIu.O tito grea care in thu shurt ; out ) giuuir.l tue little full itmitli Lltoy i'ciuno iii iho to CJIitt for titoitisei 'l'lio foregtitig : voimversatluii : ccuurteil ( 'aleuiouiIt % % 'iuere the reirosoituutIie : of ) inor Ivius 11u13'Ing a isit to the State Itutteitorles , I I hues beeti hIs prh'Ilcgo It IMIFI very 1)1Mm ) ' interc.tiuig slglitti wIthin 11:1:1 twtutmty.flte years , but the 'low ) : rc od in'ro ococtbi In juIciest ntythiiug e ci Ion , tttLclniIitOl , ' ' 1lunt muiritmy l'itthi are there In titoso iw Mn , Grectu ? " "A& we namer atLoupt.ai to : uuiI Ihici vill ho iiiiiosih1o Iii say , 'i'iuo3' uxtrnul till iiittt tito imiiiiitttt tiiniiglu. Vo simil ulvuur three tuill Iiutii , out of the liotids tltis iitiI thieni st'iiiod tu be as tumatmy bt'fttio VI'O hua nearly every 'orIoty of trout faintly atid tiiatiy Itybrils , ' ' ' 'u > uu sitoiuk of hybrids , luir. Crest , . Vs , lti yiitt 1,10:1,1 , by tituut ? ' ' "l lint 0 e'iicrltiuctitei ) ftr years lit tTn the Itreed of tiio 'nrIoiit. fish ititti nut 1'uurkiti iutiii it.Ve cross tim fetuutulo stli : trout t'utii tiic iitaio Lsrustk trout , tutu ) I itrihuten it itybnlh , 'I'ltoii io ( rOSS tiuu hiy 'V itit tii. brook trout , shilchi l tos its tim I iiartt'r lrotii ( trout aim i I ( StiO.ttfl sniutututi trout , 'rhils niuukmi' . :11:8 : of tito fi : f'uslos iii tite % vorli. : I I o hits all tlio hiatuil the brook trout , Ii yes lit ltotit st.ucmuutis inkos , dot hijtis 's crtuilihitii iltiit.s ) oil NI tIMC4 iouIi : ly to a Ily , is fuir tuoro irorttuM ftiiiy , uiio.tii , i'd luu'ger tiiui : tirillitary hi tituuit iii tim $1011) tiO. 'I'Iii I : , ssiihlitiuM tul \ ( iitttllititit ) itt thu huh u'om'ld are great itimd Itro ruqihdly tc'ct't tniuuiiig tlitt tI toy tutu. ' ' 1 4 tlu 111011 of uteims vttchioI Liu ttuiittOii ; Hf 'sir. troen wiiiiu lie wa' glvitug the al OCCIOtItI , Ito cittihi utt butt fetui iit iii u' the urosouico tif : : uo Of the fov liivimstlge : , fit , , , : it ijeli nut ilfe.hsig olienie I it log great kmiuelit Lii the u''rltl. ' I tmt icuttier I u tiutgliitu a titrituig : utul : tittlt'arl : fit sitiittiiuitteil 1 : v a licitil tioigly : t imsotuit tiiitt tiE Scrttcs : ; , uuiti ( 'O'Oi'Ct I ttItit a It silky hear : ) iii : ) lu' iii littit gray I iair. I ; lu'itu the futtiiir uI ilsit culture Is a of luiuujtiu , tttit : tii I ter couuil : tint. lol uiaiiiitg NO. , , 1 f ytut iittI scott itie tiuo lust. Vi titer situ I lug , yottuug iiiitti ) Itti itulgiit I la o Liii : Iutrreitly : , ' ' sthi : hue tcraiu. ' 1 Iitv , 114 LInt ? ( lie % ' ( tiiitI tiulutk tt : hit \'iet tlimt : sick tiess vim sottitetli ! itg : f it'hidi boilult' tuttiihiig. ' ' .A tid to t It. un' , mu itil lull \'liu ter. I tiuti' ii I tiLt : 1'l : ill ii I it Lie full ti stat u'huat of liit they hziti hut tlttt tsttto : itiii stittl3' hali , : Is , multi % % ' 11'4 : ttt:1t'ict'I : : iv ! iii itinini in Ii 1(1 % t'rust fort ii , ottil vliiuuu I ciiuo , itotiio I Izuil hit' thii : lust tittiC' Iti thy Itfe Lhit I \Iy sytilfitiullis % ' ( ii'u Loi'iitio. : I ilill : , itching : : Ii toy humid , IIiuib : uttuuiii : utis' , 1 tack , \ I y ui i tLito rta : golul' . thu I I fel I it lick iii energy siuchi a I I iftoit laeurl i.qctibt' ) lot I itutil iltuter I ) ( ctireii , iiiy nile ti : , liti u I Cl' Itiul : u to tttak : ; of ii taiau lit cmli itu ; : recjut , t i 13' Ci tilt . 1 wont Lu lieu : ttiI , 'eiitaiiuotl titer thu sun ltg , atuil if titer : : t , ta'u : IL tI&C Iti \ts tft tituit , " . , I t sOcIIti iiau'tIIy iisslhie. , ! I [ mv 4)1(1 ) ctltui ( .4 , a cct'tll' ( sit tailif ) 'itutuly ' ? ' ' 0 \y I tt'iLiui' , u Ii : : ltitii I ii'Uti utill ictcl : ( CI crc kliliuuy Liitiului : uitl Ihituatuited I trigi it's diseac , % Vfl4 lot : I slotoiy cuutoti 1 tcuilti)3' ) lit uhIclu I liii I gttaL i'ntlisitmtic titut ehtio Li lt.i II to Nuttilu reueiy : : : fiti' i t t lailut , tutu ttti ltiutsy I' ' sy I itt : : ii t.t , Iit ) , iii I : I tluisttugt& the tistriiuiiuitaIiL \O'tii' : 's . : fo Cnio , vitilt I lttmli 0 Iii lit uuf the tiliot. s'alittltio ; of tttctilcitins , , , : , fl I t I , Ott : lttst'tL : I ty tl to U ititod Stntcs 's ' cull ( : tl huge , of N01.ittk , anti that. 1 ) i' . ( iIciti ; i if that. i tisti Luitlut , , Juuis s'iI Itoti ii lot : tlclt , ciiic't'auiug : its valute. ' ' . % t I : I mute 3's sit uiitt' as sveh I its 1' : t'ttioiiy ? ' ' A itaretitiy sip. I hejt Lint a etucI liitid : all thu iluIlo tiotigit , tutu iii , nut lies Lit , , , : It , t : it.iitutti. : ' ' ' . Ptie siuiestlitt iiitiu. I tttv uiiritiy ) I of 11411 have you , hoto amuil iit't , ate the tiultuil ? ' ' \v elf t tu hii ; ti ii : minis tiiicli too ( ii iiih 115 fuili.u's : tttul'4 ( if Irotk ttnutt , 2 ji I tf silttitit trtttut , 'I uI JiieCiiutl : miter om' I ftV ) Liitutt. , . ? : ttitls : of ( ; cl'iiuau ti's itit. , : u : f lfiiriilt : tiuitiittuiltt : tttitt : , 2 linitis of of outo' : uitrtiur istitiiuui tutu thtrio.qit htiink : trtstt : PiitlIlH sil golil fish , imai I 'l'iicti ' iae Viiit tI 4i ll tluc I :1 : car ) ' . % t'tt : ttttttlal intl iii' 'luulltli' uitttily , ' ctitislstit utIJISOS , tf tillI'cretut i'isfi I iicltull itg K mit ,4iliIuiitt , I.tittil l.ickei saliunti , ( tilIfi suilituoti , iiitik tt'ntt : , smiiuuiia tutu ) . : itid ityl 'I'hirso Iisl& i'aiigi Iti iii.'s fiiitit uiu'ttltuiv , I H'iittilt'tH ) , ttHl in ngi ft ' 'it : : ttt : tit : 'liuiIf jitutitlut t , uiimvett yestu's. I f to mu ) , : , , thin ) . si itus'i , ii 'iitiu : iitliI , tvhiicli ii otutitely tlIIfty : , ichulch is Iii tutty tuI 1 fsst : : coi tit , ittitity of ii iiitis. : I tutleeti tie ititi sect : mt I : f fish , ct ( ran Ito sutiiutueI tip In four LiilttgH. I utuuir tiiui : iilitg , till vater , I 'Iciuty of ft intl. I' ( tIlt ) d'ltel' ititti uluttil moss. ' ' tuxitlititititis timiiici 'I'imt ) itliliCtOti,4 hiolt tukhtti place Itt ttii liilItM if Eiuitulstultlti Iii itsutuil it itotest 'is hticli Is iteltig ti tail I fest. this tii ulect thirtiutgii : sitt tim t'ttrlt1 nil : vo trlgl : ii I' I tie i ' 'co ttlitu tiescriltel its I iiitesi ml ut ) ctuiltlttCtOhl by Seth ( rout , , ei'rtuI itly e<ilt fur ctitgriutuiiutluit : b .Illuuu icilu , thiutt. this ettuitry : htr0tItuCtM tO ) hunt % I iuuJ4e gctmltus isni ngs valtue ti , thu itii It. I : , iiiouf ttsltIVo tf tie greutut with such stt tiUlt It * itttitIy eton high \Vnriier's Safe Ciuni is knowit ti , siuutl : ii Iii NI , strttigly : et iuittrssmd itt : ! r II u'tstioi I Ijy ( lie Si ) t'a1iuitihlt : , ittitt i climil Stuthu ( rueii. Thin 2IcaIruit , 3' o , ( 'V Ill I riscit SAN FJIANVIt.a'o , Sttptoiuiiiur 2lt. arrival of the stesutnur Nuivltorn ' thu qumarsuitini ( 'unymiimLs yesterday cilit syoro ( ifl thu I ltihjI oil mm ti tooli ' vessel iii citargo. 'l'iuo umaittluli iv'l : : iloluty titateti thiut'o wulo live cises ol luau'ti I iucl iidiu Sc'co iiI it 'iv fever lilt : , ig ficet' ( i tiuhiuti t , I It UI I ly bug mit I I Ic iioi I uleatit 11)1(1 irho Iimts since ditI. ' t1tiuui'uiitt iptu tjfIii'eiu itt ( :11CC issuirti hi I vrl1 I hi hug t'iJtliiti tIll ictut I tot ivi IIm shiuu'o , 'I'hiu ciiituiin states thu d Ilovhuhspcd iufter iwuvimig U umiymlutuIJ itt lii'aL uxihtc(1 itS ti ; tue ebmirutctcu' fi se u' 1 tit iVI t en I luelt : Vliiit iuiitiul . itself lie was satislltd : the thisemo ' yelloiv fttvur , 'l'iiu secoutti ohI'ucti' , huts dieti aiiicu thu nro'ival of the ste . vle3 thu hirst to succiunb , Siucu i the Nevlormi sigutnhluil IUIIJLIICO' I miiutl st ii 1 at tolls ci' Irt 11101 nusut ariiy ux : , tile , Muuusilt'ins stove iurmnptly IA , j'U tilt ) ttteatuier mi ( ' ( ) ft . 110)1 ) , nuiti its ho vesich itt lying titit 'I struau Ii a' it Ii fit I I u , ' t.tul : ic I o u'i lid . I' , I I tu , s'hicli hiugun t In ) Ii uig this nit ci it , is iieiiovetl tiani htipeti that thmu cii Il ' itcthjtitot will suit'rouinliiig : escapu Lito lrunml disease , 1 1 iii lilliamitsl II h 110)1) ' tihit tium liresemut ttVlISilii ( If tiu Is lit unfurtultately the ututost futii'a1ii for such etijtiuliiiiat , 'I'Ile heat is gt t trade wiutils diii away iuni suis'eiii I. thuir IULIty CJltditilli. I however , it it brec'i.u is iilowiitg , miuud if it kee1ts t rig'mtl i1iitmroimtiiie is imiajjitnjiteil. titer &l be but little uneasiness felt. - CATAfflII % Sanford'3 Radical Cure t The Oreftt OtslmIo Itttllation of Witch Ifya7 , Anierkati : t'lnr , ( iinuolhti FIr , flrlgaf , ) , ( Icier Iilo'ont , Etc. , I or theimiiwdtitO relief and ierinanenI cttrenf ery torn : of t'aLtrtt , froni A simple Ik&4 Cud or fufit , . cots to the It1 of Smell , TaStN , &nil Ifeinln.Cotgi : ) , lironehltis , nd Incipient Contiuntton. 5511sf In , e minutci In fun , liii ) tNT case. Nothing Itiio ii. OrtcfutI , IrtigraitI , wholtiome. euro begunq from first ftpltcratt'ti , un ) Ii raildradlealpontancnt , ani oscar f.ttuimg. Otto bettic ) tJtdtOi CtirO one Poacatarhsi Soleent nh ) SttufotiV liihftlCT , liii In onti formln eotnpleto trettmictit , of afl ulnitnits for $1. Ail for flanfont's lisilical Cure. i'ottcr linig anti Clmcmlel Iti. liotttuii. , For the relief nit : ) Pm'CfltlOfl , C OLLlNs t INSTANT hi' is Al'l'f.W ) , . ltlieitnluttln , Neuralgla , Heist. , \1Ot.TAf , ' len , Ciuh ; , Coldt , S'cak hack , \ \il1V4f' l4tituuii'ht atm : ) liicq ) , Hhootlttg \ _ . I'altiti Nuttiinc'ai , hysterIa , l's. : ' - - _ mob ' , Vat iilMlon , tspep. , _ ; : : : ) 1.1ttr ( otiulaint ) , litillous to. _ ' : : er , MalarIa and a , liieiudc , : t. , , ' . ' COIA.lNS' i'1.AsTlk4 : ( Sn ElEc. / \ I U HA'rrlnv : CStHINNI ) iuitli ut l't'iiiiN I'la'tci ) tn , ) hugh LATS at patti , 2.c. oerr otters 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I , I' ' ; , I _ it , I z.L:1 : ; : ; : "sIIII I' T - . _ _ Dfl. tOXN'S TItle Electric Ilell will Cure the Follow- hug Diseases Without Mudicino. Paltie ia : the Itack , Illiu , heal or Llitmle , Nervous Iehulty luttiulago , ( ieternh 1)elitltty , Itlietuituatlsun , ParnhvIN , Nuuumigit , Setatlca , liseao of the Ethtisys Siiai : , IIseiu ) , , l'onitii hIm Cr , ( otut , Soituat Ixhaut. tiot : , S'iittttual ttuliotue , Attitiuua , heart iLseaso , l)3'tlepsIa ) (3uiiiLiputttti , lryslwas : ! , litligoetion , I Icritta or lititiir ) , ' , iiijiotctucy : , Catnrnh , l'tloi , Eil. los ) ' , luuitub guuu , 55,000 Would NotBuy It. lit. llttuttI iii ( ) tscl : ' , : : ur ttoctrIo Belt for Note , ) thuuu , aunt It hri dote all that your Agetit clatiutcit for tt. ttY OttO ttittliel : wit ii rtuctutuatttmi or * catie.t ) , I ii tiiII CS ) , Iui ) fi'rtto's ticct rio itcitfor ( flu : , of thu tlitrty : iohiarn halts cutrat too of the above ( lt'ea'lii Itt it tiurt t itue , uly :110 : vlstilulg to coicr % ttii tuu , , tutt ito ho 1' wnttutg ) or cutliltug at iii1' tturti 142 : ) I ktiias : St. ( ) iui.tha Neli. % % ' )1I.ltM ) LYONS I chwerftiiiy re'onumctul hiortutu's iiectrtc heft At Oh elficicrit cure fur rheutuuattsitu , L.iitg wiietl otto toe .iuat miiatzmi . Trill. , ' , A Id. l'nr silo uy l't..tu lina'e , Coteclh : tflilYs : , Iowa. ? uIAlN Ol'Fiil-- . : PtO ! l'ototflcO , I'reuzcr Itlo irl'or Safe at C ' . ( looliutas e thug Store I ItO ? SriiSin Str'it ( ) : r.ehti _ _ : ± z7Eita VAPOR 1COOK STOVE ! _ ' 1 1iIj / I ) _ _ , tv . 'flu' i'tor snil nl % 'aler Cook Stoic that haq t : iiii tic 3 ci : if tire bit gis ci , ( itt tie uid perfect eatisf act loti , Over 100,000 Now in Use NliV l'A'PEN'I' IIUI4L OVEN. I'itchit nettitdahhiJ : a , : , ) ltitcrclinireatio : Jet 0ritico rt'ttienltug : our inintii'rs llt'itrtctc. ! ) ! New One Volta Ihirtitir , : , i tIll ) NOW titiites. Now ttafety hicscrofr Cur Suittittier ( iso these VtO1'I arc Iitlspeueahihc. : : For tentt fit agt'uits , j'rI' litt nti eutt1tOgtW ) , , % , hlrtms ilUl.i'AI'Olt S'lO\'t CO. teit 21.utl&v&W. CuVeiaIlitO ! - CREAT ENCLISH REMEDY , i'htV0US fl I h'IIYHICAL & iiPFiIJlty ( JEItTAL L0St , uw MANI.Y , ' htL'um , ide. , sinai all other route- 0 .11cc fall. .t cure waripiteeI. t _ . ' 1tto a lOttIe , large bottle , four ' / tittits the itulatitttv , 5. liv ox. ' ' iroNs to titi3' totlees. . Hold liv . - ' , all tirtlgglittlt. ENmLlm3)I AIl.if. CAL lNs'IITUTI : , i'roprtetrrs , 7)8 Oll'.u Stncet , St. Iiiuf , ihi , ' - - "I 1151 (1 , , ibl Sir Atfe Coii'er't4 Vital ltc4oratui o or tare , Cur ) c'iu1otutr loakN tuintihy of it. I ittlhtl.ItIltilgly1'IhllOrMU It n mm nincdy :1 trUe motIL , ic. F' , ( loontiAx , DruggIst. Ounahu , l'ehi I I83 : ? . : ! Nestcio Conice-Ioks IRON ANI ) SLA'FL ItOOFINO. C. SPECHT , PROP. 1110 1)ouglas St. . . 0mah , Neb. l1ANUFA3Y1IJltElt OF tialvanizea Iron Cornices a4rInruttcr Vimowe : , Finuale Titu , Iroii autti Site ttuiitluug H1uechit'it liatent letaftlo Skylight , l'atctt ttdJtuet1'il ltateluet lIar tiiI lrachtt ) Studying. I ata the gcttrah agetit fur tim afivu hue of gusts. Iron Fouclitg , L'rtottiigit , h1dtiatraifot , 'craiiiias , Iron llattk ltaitttge , Wittitow lilituh ) , Cetlar Uuarts a1o general I gc.t : for l'ccnsoo & 11111 atctit hIlsidu lilttud. _ _ _ _ _ II 'I ' _ _ _ _ 'I ii . ii _ _ _ _ _ . I PIlL Olul" Perfect substitute for Motiicr'u , Oh iL. 'flu tiuust tunturisiuitig , 'tet ' fur lutahlh * tutu ) L' ilurlitIg uiiutura. ) Couutnuntdcd by it ) ) 1'htteIciau I ' get 's jut alt ehiiultt' . Sot : ! lv all druggists. 5 cetts. I 3Cflll for tier 1autllllet. ) ! ) lI'l'3JAEJ"4 CO. , I I _ itio'tu&ttt'2dt 41 c'utml Wharf , Jluetot : , iiiast. _ - 110' tutiti lOt ; t1j . , ( eli' Is , , tit 5 ipo's I i 1I ( clii u ( sir is : liii t tic Slit , lo'ienuii , , ' orsain' . 'ii'i t' I. ii itt clot , ' , ie ( ( V I iit , btr.L , tutu : lii tie , ' , , i ' ) c 'j tttiioii , . ' .1 : out t 01 10' 1' It I P Iii' IeriiouStIiJ ' IiIhlIOii ( tIC hIO4 I .b I 4 iIt I ; i lain I , ' ( ( liJl , Is . IO ( cout'iit Ilit , * tth htectulo li'te WowLY M.i'.erttMl (0 t'thtt' till lIt , a t-oits hi t ii tv I t I. for I li ( SE 5it'llIU litl 0I' I' ttlitll N Oh liw tat ttlCoriiisttlon , Sdllrv , . Cliet't Litrtu I' ' it ttt , 1(13 'okIuiuurLuii bt.VWc.aeu , il